Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1873, p. 4

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= as nons onltise ciVilllatlon of Eeg. ln bave aiteu been bitterly rosent- cd or un.paringly' ridiciileti, yet dis. mlssing ailthe nonsense about Smih. field and the hatr, IV in certain tuaI, atuosg the. lowest and ,ost Ignorant clase0 elltie popitiqp",4î swae-asd net asu ve57 long e t-Ã"somary for, mnen,, aop-proisely W se 1 tlir 'w*ves, but to trit nsfeg thenf fora Morley con. slderatlonto thlis.keeping ,cf other mrn. as low aidi-as ignoranteas tisoxuselveO.ý Tihe praclice datoti very probably frolin tile remotest,Saxon limes, wben pan.- Iitimnt for oeory offence, save Ireasoni and coliug, coutil. biscommuteti by a fine ; andi altisough in msodiern limnes thé4 parties musI have -beau aware that tl ie 01 cisale wa iliegal, or, ratbey, il nuiility ln lhe .yei cf tise iaw, lise pas. lugofer ie lO5O wag accepteilunlise llght of a guarantýe tisaIlite- isaîbant wotuld taite ne piooeeling.for atiultery ageaingit]lis;wifm dltise peramour te w hohe andoti her. Juiltishe faint. est pisetom cof Ibis saYage usuago May' b. Iraced th ie case cf Robert Barle,i e eoe~fifty4breyeurs cf age, ws has been convieWd beforo M r. Baron Cleisby cf elding-and A.bettinF his wife, Mary Anu Barle, a1 woman o f oty-lwo in tise commission cf the crime cf big- amy Inoetembr, lastyOar,Mm riage with onu John Farrow, at tise Regigtnaros.offiée lnNorwick; andthie prisoner was proseul ou tie occolî, and actnally gave away hiii wif e. --Far. row aImait hnnsmdiately afterwarîls ah- ocnded. Mes. Borie being apprehoui.- ed on a charge cf -iigamly, got lillorateti on bail, and ]tison, witls griot alacrity, nais eway tb joie sil w"s copectureti, ber.secoudý-t,îiough Pspurious-ùuiusboui], Farrow.- There remnalued, tiseu, loft in tise larcs, tise wrctcliei, spirilicss,good. fcn.nutling boeor, Rebert Earle, wlîo bas been sentenced to two moutlus' irn- pnîsonment wills hard lober. Tise ex. quisite scrapnlosilycf Mrs., Borle, i-n prefrring bigamsyte conuubinage ex. cites as mach a7miration as tise abject - anti crayon meauness of Robent Earle excites contempt; but, wisat, May wu * asic, moveti Farrow incontiuontiy to ttaisscond ?" H as fhe. Ico, got another wife besicles bis "bogue" heipsate ? anti bas tisere been bigamy ail round ? DsCRA148 sor CumzIta sILc D Tise jutiges wiso preside aven tise As. sisses Ilt recently in dlffrent ports of Irelanil for tise trial cf criminels, re- port tisaI Ireiaud just' now compare] favor4ble witis conntries asaally dlaitu- W o asmodels cf order and tiumpbs cf 1i w. Tiplperary bears an III naine, andi yel attise Assisses only ive -or six bis were sent to tise.,Grankd Jury, anti, witlî ouan exeption, tise7 wore unimîicrtant, antl i ho nct an ogrorian cisaroceîr. AI Lois, wiern savon yuans ogo tise 1ilbon * coluspiracY was sisewing itsîîlf eves'y. wliere len-jnuri]er nsnother ontrage's, the"ast isnow litealy notling 1te(I lu tIsa Ciminal Court, anti by tise offi. cial relurtis l appearedth tua oniy two -- ofilinces bail occurnei silice. tîte iost Aiss.Af Meoththie Grand Jury was war.mi1y congratuloteti -by tiie Loîti Citief Justice on elesilte cf tllit coui 1>. as slsown by lise reporta suent in, andt by a Caleuuiar wishs oîiy five cases. Tisler ehoti been but few tisruotening * notices, anud his Lorislsip concurreil withi tise ccuuty officurs lu tise oliuiioîsv tisaIltte Pence Presenvotion Act fiai beau roaîly. bonetlojal. At Armnaghi tisons were only twc pinnernles- Wody fer trial andtltise official, report.- weetMnt satisfootory. In Kinm's Couuity-ole cf tisa mogt dsturlilt wlien tîe Peoce Presonvation Act was passei-tlse Lord> Cîief Jusice futnu teleîCutinar liglisIan;] notling worllsy of notice, except au ttenipl le bribe o Counly Burvor anti sixcanses cf ilîneat. eninglelters. At Tralep in tise Co:snty Wex ortl, anti et Cayeu, tise ntge lisit Wo congratulate tise Court on tise great diminution of cases, particularly Ilînse liaving a senlous dn agranian cisaroctî.r. 1ITise oniy exceptions 10 tîsiw mrkiet] fredom from crme, were found ln jMayo anti ue's Connty, wisere, il appsau drn is eitsoislis Inreama, aifseuth sns wsicli cen i 'Il. Tis exibit goes tb lsow ftintI til enorinouo emigration of Irisls:tion wisieis Is takitsg place eveny wmc.k frein Irish ports le net td u tiste prevolence of vioiençe ant içnu», for neyer, îerhiîg, was thse country 14e quietan th ie Peole no peacefuIIy iuclinuti as new. A SinOunusJET. -A curions ceinCi- dSauce iatelylisppoest Liegan. A for- - igu mencient corne te tisaI town ho -look up soina doebters, auid, Meeting euev wos loekiag for hlm, os ho tîsou,,lit it - ,- leanu frens lise loaly mule net tb cherus malice, Wisen ycur blod Se- gins 10 bol,IiintaofItse partieuhan tei cf Luxlig tou, Ky., tisIa ilis coekick laintedS lis inca iine lanitis ieOstur's nain, andt isn kiaidiy Sanie] lise wli- ow tolthe funorai. Tise perîcual C:fiects of Sausmîsc Si - clais', ile publisisencf lise Ne-w Yom, -Tribune, are toebusoi] oh uetiosi. lei is batkupt. .- -- A Daubury goutiemnuof sixty years wnlbssshiA letters witis o ieoi].ptnciî, suditison eancfully eppluos a biottor lic- fore doisg tisemusp. Ho soys uolîuîuy, - uloîs lie bas use] iamst, eauutuunde. stan] lisw haudylise blotten-s oro. A Ocongla bridis ladesenibsîlinloe oftihe local papens s o oking like fo very lily cradîsti in lise golden ýglimnem cf somne eveuiug iake-a farta fiocl, snowy, yet sun flushsed, cncwuiug tise - ippliug cf scme soit souibieru sea,' Pi y Margail, lis, lobe- Iseaul cf tisa Spaussit ministry, isas a namne wiii6 i tisas expleineti :-Y Is a Spanioib wori] uneanlu "and" ; pt y Margall meamîs Pl and Largaii. Ths showstisaI tise surnanse cf bis fatiser was Pi, andS llal o f Ùis moîhsen Margail. - If suds a sys. tera vvled aemcng as, and àaMr. Blaek married ao iss White, Iheir cou wotsid b.calleti Blak anS NVislîm. AUoýld tCicope Faolit, Maie., Wh~oJsuffin~g wmtiwetesi anoundth ie heant, lbas laIt911sseon.aide for five.yCans; and Unéplsy4icaus tiink îthalechange -her pÃ"sition waonit causse instant duels. $ tisat an Aberden selsool. n4d ' rte pfstry jhen a boy aUdhe réntaionin hstlme ex. teatgoor an e&'éa cf country îhree M * 9 fu e Wde, and a mie [Pedigrees will be required for ai Blood Horses.] Stallion....u................... $4 $3 $2 More aud Foal ..... ........ 4 82 3.yeor old entire Colt,.......4 82 le 6 - illy . ...4 82 2.year old entirè' Clt»..... 4 a8 1.yeor old entire Colt... 4- 2 Fiily. 4. a5 Horse Colt of 1878..... 4 8, Fily . . . . 8 2 UAIsDLE oOZA.D MRSES. ....................;.....4 mare antiFoal ................ 4 8, 8-ycar olti entÃŽre Colti ..... 4 ié o 4 8 Fiily.44 s 1.ymar li enlise Colt ......4 8 66 66 Fiily........4 8 Herse Coit cf 1878 . . .....4 3 Fil1y' 66. -é......... 4 8 p~ of Carniage Herses, isI prisse givea by tise Presideul sud Vico.preiieut ...i 20 10- Single Horselin sesi, lit =0 _ megien . by Mn-.Wilson, ntario el................. 10 6 Saddlo Heorse, lprisse given by XMn. T. Hisston, Tseas ...i10 6 0175<RAOPRtjPOSttS. Mare u Fn....... 8-ycar cîalme t . 4 2-year nid entisei Colt ...... 4 Fi..... ......4 .6 FuIl ........... ... 4 losés Colt nf 1878,........... 4 FWi 66 .......... 4 Pain Ocenal PurpeaHerses, lut prisse given, by Mr. Ihobt. llOon ...u..................1 DItAUGItT HOUSES. Stallion.......................4 Mare -and Fiol................ 4 8-yon oh] catira Colt...... 4 Fi7 .............. 4 2.ycon clii onlire Colt;..... 4 66 ilày ............. 4 l.yeor cli] ontine Colt .......4 66 Filly .............. 4 iitrse Colt cf 18783........... 4 Fily 64 ......... 4 'Pair Dranghit Honses, lit prisse gisexi hy Messrs. Moses Smihsaoui]1. Brown......10 Bout lcîîvy IJsauglist .taiiots cf-an>' oge, a swecpstalia,giv- on by Mn. Davis, isnewer, cf Toronto ...... .............10 Special prisse given by Mr. Jas. Powell, Globe liotel, Brook. -liu,fon colluisied by is bors. Bobbie Bumne.. .......... 10 Clase II.-liati1o. TUJOROUGH-BRED. eitIstuiAbr. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 S .4 4 641 641 JBull ......... .............. $4 $8 $2 J2-yvar ufldJUIlInO.............4. 8 2 jYt.uunug Bull ................ 4 8 2 Busll Cisîf...-.................. 4 3 2 IlMdcli Cowv, riviu,,, madk or ïu ca .......cii ............. ...... 4 il 2 2-yeasncii il r..... .....4 3 2 2- old.... r................ 4 i2 Yearling H6ilier.............. 4 8 2 lIifer Caif .................. 4 3 2 MileS Ccw, Canauliail Ire ..4 3 2 8-year cii Co%,, <lu 4 8 2 2-year olul JIeiier, îie 4 8 2 Yvarliittg Ileifer, (10 ...4 'J 2 DiEVON. Dun ............... 4 3 2 2-yearnll Bull................ 4 il Yeuîn-lit, usgBll................ 4 83 Biii Cîtif....... ............ 4 312 MilelisCcw, giving suilki or in ealf.........................4 8 2 B.yoar cl-ICuiw................ 4 8 2 2 year old Ivu-u ...s'........... 4 8 12 Yeartlinsg hiler.............. 4 3 2 fIt;ýifer Caif................... 4 8 2 GRIADE. Mfileis Cow, giving iniik or in cou ,................. ...... 4 3.yean uAit Cuîw................ 4 2-yeasr oh]l lIu.ufer.............. 4 Yearling Heilier ...... ......*...4 -Heifuin Couf................... 4 AylItlLRE.' Bul.......................4 2.yeîîr ciIIuIlDII................,4 Yearlinîg Ilutii.............4 lisll Cull...... .... ..... 4 * Mlcls Cow, giviig isalit or iss cauf.......................... 4 il.yuar nl Ccw................ 4 2.yu'umr <3.li liter..............4 Yiiii-lisig Ihuiles............... 4 leifen Citi ................ ... 4 liediun ulr, lui iulle hlul, nii oh leasî 4 Iuisuler, of stty biut.......................... 4 Dest Ihisiinuitiàiofcfissralves. (5 FAT IJATTL5t. 152 82 82 8 2 32 Fat 0E on SIeer.............. 4 8 2 Fat Cow or Il-lier ........... 4 8 2 LEICESTERO. Bslm ............................83 2 1 iseamrliuig huis ................ B 2 1 liatîsLamb ....................... U 1 Fwoliwe ..........,.... . .... , ....'JS' 1 Fano Slîe;îrliugEwes .. ....8 21 Two E an Lisiba) ..............U 2 1 - COTsWOLD). Roan...........................38 2 i sesîniisg Rouis ................83 2 1 RitmtLasmL, .....,..................83 2 1 Two Ewes ..................... 8 2 1 Two Wisenling Ewss...... 8- 2 i 'rwc Ewe Laimbu ............. 8 2 I Cotswohi-Catialiuss bn-,eul- Sll(,slrIiiig iiusi............8 Twc Ew-.....................8J 2 i Two Slseanlin.g Ewos ......... 2 1 ircUvTIIOW;. Ilnou .................. ......... f3211i Sit-îsitriig hiafu................. 8 2 1 lite Lîsni... ........... .. 32 I Twî Ewe .................... Il 2 1 Tien Slsu-arlisîii-rv!s .......S 2 1 'riv Emvo Lnis.; .............83 2 1 FAT 51iEitO-Al~ a Ri-.n. Twc Fal Wi-tlsers ...........8132 i. Taco Fat Eweg ............... 3 2 1 Cc-o 5IV.-' whre. serALt, niEnED, itWEcTLIÇ, - ItuRI'tlui-îc a;c. ChtJAl.siSEX. Bosir.............$2 $1 Soie............ -Bit'Pg i 8....... Suiv Iig c 871......f L.ARGOE eWItic, ANY TIIc'nsîmiN ms. Bofr............ ..............8 32 1 Sow............ ,....... ......... i 2 i licas' ig cf 1873.............. 2 2 1 Sew I'ig of 1873.i.........iV 2 1 FAT siCtys. Fâtnl ...g....................83 2 C!ass V.- Grain and Saeds. a IlsiscisFou Wlîest .......$4 $38$2 101 lnieisesof Sprirmg Wlseat, Huu. F. N. Gibb's prisse 12 8 5 8 bushsais S pring WIcot ......4 3 2 8 hushels Bsnley (2 nnw) ...4 8 2 8 busoliaBsnly (0l now ......4 3 2 iW busblia.Psaun, large .......4 8 2 8 buliseis Peasa, snaili.......4- 8 2 8 busheisOatu;, blacet........4 3 2 8 bîssîsel isI, whiiteo.......4 3 2 50 ciars sitnunmg Cornu ( row) ... 2 1 50 easi stnang Corn (42 ncw ,... 21 2 Iuîîlîeiu Tliruolisy Seeti ....21 ,2 busîseis Clover Seeti. ....2 i 2 Iuhels AImseCiover......2 1 10 Ibs Swediî Turssip Seeti... 2 1 Busiselsa ofFiai $et].....o,,2 1 5 Ibo Csînnot Seuil............ 2 1 S lb. -Marigold Wurtssel Seti., 2 Il.bulsoef Bani ............2 - 1imassbel Tares.................2 2 buahieis Bye, spriug . 2...... 2 bushela B>', fai .......... 2 1- Bartul ,tF lïu., ............ g 2 Ola.ss .VII.-.Dairy Produci Boit 10 ILs Butter, George ]Rob- so0n s prize cf.............. $11> *2nd .......................... 4 Bri]».......................... 3 «Iih.................... 21 5tis.. ........ .......... 11 Best 25 Ii lbs Copa, houle made, a sweepstake, givon by N. W. Brown ................. 1 2nd........ ..... .41 Srd ......... ......8 4th...........21 5tis........:................. 1 Best Faqtony Ciseeso, fnot Issu tis....lb .............4 2nd .................. 8 .. 8rd........................ ..21 Bestitkample'Stilton Ciseesoi... 2î 2ud,.........................i Best Firkin cf ntles tison 40 Ibs butter in shippingog nter 4 ,2nd .. .......... ............ 31 Bri]......................... 21 CI ss VIII -Poultry. Pair Black Spanisis. ......$1j 44 raisoms, ligis............i1 .dort...;........... 11 Gaine Fowi. ..........i tînloma...............i "Dorkiug, whiteo....... ...i1 Ilcolored .......... ..i Iiambung ............ ... 11 "Pelonil ................. ..ij Cocisin Cîiua ............. 11 Pua Fewl. .. ..............i1 Any other voniety .......i Turkeys, coînrt....... 1 white.............. 1 Wiiti Turkoys .............i Geese, large hreeti.......i dGeese,-sunal 'breed . 1 44"Ducks ................ ...1i doCouary ]iiriis............i1 piens, best collection ...... Quinto Fowl........... .......i l3est lot cf Pouitry in ona peu owncil by exiibitor, distinîct frosxs alilothe' entries.... 2 100 100 1001 00 00, 000 "00 011 100 011 100 50C 500 500e 50e 50C 50e bOc 59C bOc 501e 510e 'C1ass X.-Farm implements. Reoptîr, any ki ...]....$86 $4 $2 Mowing Macîina .......... .. 6 4 2 Tisresiting Machine ......... 6 4 2 Wssggon, .(hwo herse teaun)... 4 3 2 66ltwo homeo, spring mark- cil... ..... ............... 4 8 2 Twe -Horse- Carniage...... 4 8 2 Onie IHerse L'haoton ............ 4 8 2 66 I .%itls top ...4 3 2 66 . lwithouthop ... 4 8 2 Two Herse Sîigis........... 4 8 2 One Ilonso Siciglis........... 4 3 2 trou Plengis... ............... 4 8 2 Plougisauy ochier kind .... 4 8 2 Doubîle mould-bcanî l Pîuglis... 4 8 2 Turnip Drilli.................. 4 8 2 Set cf Harrows, wood...... 4 8 2 Il srnn............ 4 8 2 Two 1Herse Ctiitivator...... 4 8 2 Mlwo lioruue Relier ........... 4 8 2 (uga I'lo ..... ...........4 8 2 GslîjxsDrill,.................. 4 3 2 Strîuw Custter, ti or upowe-r. 4 3 2 Corishelier... ...............83 2 I Omselionse Citivitor ..... i.. . 2 1 Straw Cit-s', workied y liaui 8 2 1 hernse llîkP.................. 8 2 1 Pua flarvc-ster................i8l'2 i Fssruiig ýMiii;................83 2 1 Set nfi lraiinut TeIols ..... 2 .i Cules' Mili ani Pru-sq .......3 2 1 Ciseoe I' re-ss .................. 2 i WîsîugMachine............ 2 1 Tisruip Suicer ............... 2 1 Cisurîs ................ ......... 2 1 Grain Crusîser.................29-1 Half boe hlay forks .....2 1 Flf dozen norsure forlts... 2 i I-lu iozen Steeul ioot......2 1 bul luizîl sc>tles... ........ 2 1 Sîuusnîssr Whe -........1.570 j Verini Gale......... .i50 1 speiei-l of r isigFle.3.010 2 Spt-cillien isubris ule~s witls cutkis.......... ...........0 1 spee;i liera os suces withlist cuiilàs................... ..1.50 1i lp.iptjif,îî nfPanu in akLrs BL-st selioujofniMisleabies. a ......ta.............. 0,4 CLiei X-IJoiticulttura1 De- 12 table Appliue, suier, naur- 1, Co. iksg Apjiu, senusmnuir, liuouuuu-u......... ...... ...... 1 50e 12 lssblv l'îîi-u ait, naurîl ... 1 50c- 12 cooking Apple_ý, mli, 1s14u1te0d, 1 51c 12 tableiî Applles, witit«r, narneu i f50e 12 cîukiiig Aîpples, Il i6 1 50e 12 vaitiesu ni Aîiles, nase], 6 of' eclu................. .........1 S9c Bu-at huislav cf Aiiuleq, grwtis cf exAliiiito, iustifirut fruin tuuu iîluivc lv A. Farewell... 5 8 2 12 tabulei iasi-ii.i, ,naine-il i .1 5,)u' 12 table l'i-us, witbr, i-.uue.l, I50c 12 IîlusiLs, îl.-eert..............751e0 Bcst collectionci Pintes .... 75 cS0e 1'2 I't.îlt-s ..................75e 50c 12 Qi)iiuaes ..................... 75e 50e 12 Crub A1iples, largu-........75e Sic 12 Ci-abApile4ic.snaîi.......75e 50e 12 Toinîstue................... 75e S0c l"i1 Ti',suato's ... ....... ........ 75e 50e 12 roule, iuetu . .............. 75e 50e 2 lu.lurs Grapis, white, giowa uiler ghis....... ......75e S50e 2clusters Grrupe,biacek,groavu under glst............... 75e 50e 2 clusters Grapes, aisitpe, gmowa in open air ...............75e50oc 2 elustens Grapes, blaet, grown ia open air ................ 75e SOe XVoter Melon. ..............75e SOc Missk FieJoui1, gre-Anen lil...75e 50c insk IMelon,Pecarlel flesiu...75e 50e Citronu............75e 59' fl licaîli;ssi:llfowe............. 75 e 50c 3i lIeuos Ciîblisige, suinînei.....75e50c 3 iîuvnîL- <ibiuuge, wiuiten .... 75e 5ie :lu-ails lsil ............75e 50e 2 'ilu... ~............. .... 75e 50ce 2 l'îs~k..................75c50)e -1'2 tatte Cars_ î'.. ..........75.5e t 12 talle Tuinuips .............75e 5ic 3 Pcizn(il' c iitiI-ruit ... 75)c 50e Catusi-Frluit ..... ............75e 50e Spoecitacuuof Fruit presu-ýrecul in ugcM1 i .......... ........... .75e 50e Specilieun if Frini pruerreul Nvitlsutsgor ........ ...75 5e jTeiv................. ............ 75e 50c Jaîr tfi Isekels ..................... 75eoSt0e 6 Cu usir.................... 751e 50c 12 I'arsîiip- .................... 75e 50c 6 licols Ce-h-ny.............. .... 75ecS5io Peck white' Osiou...........ne 50e Pî-ck Itel Onticir.-.... -........75e S0c i'iciiîg ,,Otîiolq................ 75e 50e l'<tatc Ouions ...........7.5e SOc 5 ia ofI ope ..................75c 50e liuieliory............... ...... 75e S0c BL'estcoliccii ocf gnidi e -c bues, a swc1-1iStukeý, liti -iv MnI. W. Il. H1iggirsu, Wliithy C)ronicle, ntIse vtgtîlsobtainin.-lise lînize 10 become -hie pro. lit 1............... ..6.10 Catsîsî................. .. ..... 75e SOce Malfle Moilisse-i......... ...... 75e 50c Baslpbî'm-ry Vinégan ............75c SNe GnalieNtWiite ..................75e 50e Aiiy otîsen s'oîely cf Witse... 75a ec 0Glass %I- Domestie Manu- 10 yardls FulCilt, honte- maude, spun nti avvo hy lissul....................81.10 10 yiards Ful. Clotus, faclory. - maule................... 1.50 10, yardis Sotinel, home matie, -i puis ani wnvo îy isu ...150 10 yar-ds Satinet, factory maie 1.510 10 yannuls Flsîc, home smaue s psîiu d avove by isaui, til aveol ................ 1.50 10 yardlFPltine], Isomeomatie,ý bybnCotton wîrp,..- 1,60 là1 -yards Plançsl. -fAitorv C las.- Ladies' Del ment. Chi' rs. ...... ... Gntleman's Plein Shirt, baud matie.......;.. ,dc machine matieý.' La"y'8 l3onet .........1 Pliee ,work Qlî...J Lo« ,cabin Quil......Z Frientisiip QuilI,..... Tssft Quilt ...... ..... .. Kolîbei covon ........1 Crolcstwork - auoe pana . ;... 131 uî...........W.A Fancy, Nelhiag ......1 Lady à Dresa, lit pria. a pieture aiven by A. Bar- rat,Pisolognphen,.....i Beat collection cf Liy'i Uuderclothiug.si sweep- ilte given by F. Mumu, E sqà, Greeuwood . . Boit dsplay cof Latiy's work, oxhibihed by tise satme person, distinct frons ail otiser entnies, e awee'pstake, given by Collins & Bre., a. dock Buît place of Flot Berlin, wool forOttoman Cover, o sweepstnke given by J. H. Samo, a Chromo Pictune ............ .... F ancy Enitting ....... Crotelîet Wort .... .. Tatting ..&t.......1 Applique Verk ......1 Embrcitiery on Musal ...1 id ou Lace .. di in Silk .. su inWcnited.1 di ou Cotton...1 Raisei 3Berlin Wool wort.1 Fiat 6" .4 i" Genmnan naisei wonk .. Guipure Wort ........1 Chuiule Wcrt ........1 Mexiéau neetile orc.. Ornamenlal do. ..1 Specimen cf Broidiag .. id Quilting ...1 64 Beati wrt . 66 Lace ivort . Wartu'd Siippens ....... Sofa Piliow .............1 Foilet Set ... ............1 Cotton Tiily ........... Woolen Tidiy ........... ilraiîed 'lidy............1 Wtrked Camp chair .. Callp stool. .... Ottamaui...... Wiix'rîsit,.... ... Wax Fioweîs............1 Wanx les.... . Wiax Lillies.. ... Pitper Flcwuns ......1 inir Flowens............-1 Fetîsen ,rFliirns .......- Zipîsyr Fiowers .........-1 Faîiîey basket ............-1 Wall basket..............1 Grecian Lamp ...... Lamp Mat ............... Fancy table mat ....... Iancy lualler work ...1 Ristie work ...............1 Cne surIt...............1 Caiiaglian Striw FHat .... Pfarmi-r'aWreatiî.......J Hair Jewvellery............ 1 Wo'rk boIn................ 1 l3eçt euilectionof Factory made lIots,a sweepstake4 2 00 1 50 50 1 ou 'l00ý 1 50 i SQo. 1 50 1 50 1 50 85 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 i Ê0 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 501 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 100 1 100 1 510 1 50 1 50 1 110 1 610 i 590 i 110 I 510 1 510 In0o 75 751 t 100 1 50 I 50 I 50 I 100 1 50 1 50 1 50 4 001 part- 100 1 50 1 00 1 00 75 100' 1 00 1 001 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 001 1 00 1 001 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 ouk 1 001 1 001 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 75 751 75 751 75 751 75 1 001 1 011 1 001 1 001 1 10 1 011 1 10 1 10 1 001 30 50 5() 75 1 001 1 10 1 001 50 1 010 1 0(t 1 10 Class XIII-Fine Arts. 011 Painting, laniscapa ....$82 0 1 $ .6 animais ..... ...... 209 1 66 auy sujeet......2 001 WVater enioncti, lanlacape,..2 00 1 66 animales......2110 1 66 a7 subjecl ...2 001 Vvet Painting... ....... 1 10 1 Pelicil, figure' suîjecîs ....1 50 1 Pteiii lrawiug, any sabjtet ... 1 50 1 Crayon tirowbng, animais.... 1 50 1 al ny snject ... 1 510 1 Cclorei] Crayon, any subjech ... 1 .,50 1 anmas....1 501 Pearl Pinting ................1 501 lalOrnameti Puenmansisip .i1100 1 MNal)............... ..... .....150 Collection of Ambrotypeisud P'ICntî'uzraîihe ................i 50i Phoreriapiuie Portrait, fiuisised in Ol ........................ 8 11112 l'ortIcI Painsting................ 1 511 2 lass XiV-Leather &-Leath- E r Wrrk. Pais 'Men's Fine Boots, sewei].$2 $1 64 Rip peggei]. 2 1 4 ip .....2 1 66 Cewlisile ..... 2.1 Beet assostmeut cf Beet anti Sitocuikens' work .....2 1 Set cf Fors Harnosi ....... 2 1 Cîîrriisge ....... 8 2 i Saltl.....". 2 1 Sisie Sadl.....................38 2 1 Paîin leavy Herse Collons ...8 2 1 Travelling Trunk ............. 1.50 1 Suie Solo, Lentisen............. 1.510 1 Sisie Upper Leatiser, Ccwlside. 1,110 1 Caif Leahser .................. 1.5011 Sie Ilanse Leatiser...... .5001 Glass XV-X,'iscell-tneouL%. Pliano ...................... ...#4 100 $2 Calîjuet Work ................. 8 100 2' Sculptuire iu Marbie......il3110 2 illîba H0nu'y its CosI......i1501 lIces'W~as. .....................1 501 1011)s 1-ioney, strouneti....1 501 lîlibu Mapla Sugan ........... 1 50 1 Twn baves cf Breail.....150 1 Collection of Coufectioneny,.. 1 50 1 Bouquet of Flowens, hable ...1 50 1 66 santi....1 50 1 Letter Pneus Priutiug ...... 1 0 1 Collection cf Ruige Tools ....1 50 1 Two Axes..................... 1 50 1 P'anel Door .................. 1 50 1 winîlow sacîs ................i1 50 1 Wineiew ]liuul................ 1 10 1 Graining in WVood...........1 110 1 Bec bise..................... 1 110 'rouons' Wnnk ................ 1 50 1 Uplolsre"i Xrk............ 1 50 1 Specisen cf Tinasitl's work. 1 501 Bel ucolleetion Coopor's work. 1 50 1 Bush Sewung Maeiie.lshprisse given by Mn. A. 0. Nilion. S 8 2 Flonral Deign.............»... 1 11(5 lMUSIC.-Tliere will hoe a Bon] of Mumie engage] turing lise Exhsibition-, by 111.e commiltea isaving lise orrong- isieuhi cf tisaItieéprtmneu lu Change. D AT LINE TO RIOCHESTER. TUF NIEW LIRE 5TEAXII 'NýO-RSIEMAN'f, Leavez Cobourg every mnorssng ai 7.80, and Port Hoesah 9 o'clece, ' rton Eceistrcon- siectlng tiera srlth Nsw-e*ork Ceiststiýasud Bria ttalwaya for uni'pointaeoasut, West, anS Souths. REÈTURN IN G Leaveo Charlotte, (Port-ofet ieetr), SailY aI g P.'ni , oxcisst Satnrday,-when sho e ",V« nt 2p. m. forBrghton.- - D)erIiers Ia Stock, &. aill idSdithe ceoispst andiSatoxpeitlcas route to N.w York, Boton, Albansy, &c.- 8 -LAILGE STOCK (>F NEW -SPRI NG' GýO:ODSý' IS NOW COMPLETE I Coustisting of a splendid ussortînt or Cksjths of ail kinids fou Gentlemsen's wear, aud a complet. stock cf GIENTS' FIJRNJSHJNG GOODSe THfl NEWEST OT$T' A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW SP1IING IIATS.& CAPS. CHEAP FOR CAS4, A. PRING LE. Wlîhitby, Mlarch 19 lb, 1873: 12 I.MPORTANT NEWS! BOOTS 'AND $HOES! The uîîder signed lias a large stock ol Ladies, Gents', anvd Childreti's Fine and 1,o'arse Boots & Shoe.- L[T Boots and Shoés made to order. à:- Oversl-oes 'iîcd wasrm and comfortable. India Rubbers, 'iF Repairiuîg neatly done. Cali at the old Stand. %lay 22, 1872. Bcai & Shte Stoire, Brocit strtel, WItitby. JOH]aN S TO0N'S SELF-RAKING REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exinibition, Toronto, ini 1870 We ofier to our custirmers for the coming H-arvc8§t. two dis- timîct Machines, which in style and construction. enibrace thé lîîtest anîd most useful iitprovements of the day. J0IINSTO'N's SI NGLE SEL0F-IAÂKI NG REAPEIL THE " RING 0F REAPFRS." Tlhe universal success of this Machine, L:oth in closely contest- eil trimal einb the bandîs i the lairattSa ini us i-, sayiig hai, as sSelf i iai- ing. litloîit'i aine. il hls mort e gotipoii.lm andl leil eterts.. nid hasismet m'ait i cctss 'id les>;iitiluire, than herelofore ofleted tn tuie public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER Ile were awarded the Fitnst Prize and1 [ip]orna, fit the Prcvin cisii Exiii ini, hliliin Toroibto. 1670.ii c- petitimtnm'a us ail (lie le.diîgieig ianuiltettred in the Province; andi with our recit itîiýrovemenz. w'aurulîesiai. itiîgl v ethiletnge iiîveghig.ilion snd coiiiieon wth competitîg IMaclines. we nr. satitfied that sorti inîvestigation will coîîviiîteeery tiiîprcjîicluced niil d. ihiet %' aller thefiîesi - Mower bth le Fariner fur 1872, built ini the Dc.niniouî. t87ISerit Ion descriptive catalogues. B.OWN & PATTERSON. THlE ONTARIO LOAN & SAVINGS COI, Incerporated Febrnary, 1873, Pursuant te tise Act of Parliameut, gtis Vic- - toria, Cisapter go, and Ameudmeula. -o - - - Permanent Fixed Capital - , - - $250,000,1 Shares, $50 Each, Payable eltiser at once, or isy Monîisîy Instaiments. - 0c DI1R E C T 0ORS. WILLIAMI. McGILL, EsQ., M. D., PRîESDiN, W. F. COWAN, EsQ., VICsc-PRESsDxxcTI T. N. GIBBS, EsQ., M. P., - W. H. GIBBS3, EsQ., M. P., A. S. WHITING, Esq., F. W. GLEN, E5IQ., FRANCIS RAB, EsQ., M. D., W. H. THOMAS, EsQ. J. S. LARICE, EsQ. SsCUmtsTAa-TuzAsutEsn - - T. M. MeMiLtLAN, Esq, SeLscrea - LYMAN ENGLISH, EsQ. BANsessas - - ONTÂRIO BANK. HIs comPany is pro areS Wo advauee mcney apon Town or Country Rual T Estate, lu sains of f200 andI upavards, for from bave W îweoty years pay. ahi. la meuthly, quateniy, ha1f-y'early, on ymanly iaatalmonts, (ho sait tise con- venieuco of thé honroaver), aI iow rates cf, inleregl. Tise CoMpaby is eisic.pre. >pa»deuto recqive depesit4 cf $1 and upavards, sudaili shlow isitereît aItishe rate cf, îièpr cent., per atnnm apen lise saule. The Stock cf tise Company- being Èledged ssoeurily Ion aIl deposits. sud be-iug caSer lse goerumneul of Direè- -tors c f long expenleuce lu buîinuas, wise are woll tuewn lc tise genonal commuai- tyeian excellent guaanule, io offèed for tIse careful invesîment cf snoney loftou liepoilrs aI al liâmes à. aafmtv anti xss'er ave: re alle 1îstrate.of interest, ce M ieSoi.Dposits entier -50x .tn,5a,,or feaiof. irsts. 5-in u avilis F 0 m s w V* 3 l speciaflinducements ini a DRY GO0O0Db Dré,-s. Goods, Muslin, Grenadine,, Striped Prints, New Lustres, Parasols, Glovýes, Hosièry. Lace Cilitaiins, Cobts-,- Tweeds, SirÉts, Neck Ties, Linèn and Paper Collars,Stramw- llats, Telt: Rats, Flowers andRibb ôns, Rats aud BonnetsI: ____ 'e, SUMMER CLOTHJNG, CHEA]?. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. A large stock of Crockery and Olassware very cheap-. The Hlighest price paid for Butter. HAMILTON &CO. lMcPherson's Block, Wliitby, July, 1873. 281Y THE O.LD STAND. i ESTFA BIA1S H ED 1933.1 ý'he tîiiersigîicd ini returning îlshanks for theliberal patron- lherie, extended tii the nid cstablisýhiî,et. for iienriv a lieriod of tont) yei.rs;, de 4ires to va ' ,ihit llieies nniw onliîarti a arge ;issortusent of thee mosi mnndcrr .id legant st> les nf \nd trustsi by proper atte-tion and moderate prices to, se- -îtrc a contitinnare ni public patronasge Pract;cal up.hnisterinig. Furniture re- -iiie and îievered. 0 îJndertzking & Funerals Fully Supplied as heretofore. S. Soine splendid specirnens of Picturp Frames, iind Gild- ing Rernemzber(lie ONd Stand. SPJIJNG AIND SUMMEIU IMPORTATIONS1 A COMPLETE STOCK IN ALLLUNES 0F DRESS- GOO D S.1 West4 of Ei'tglaîîd, Ciadian, and Sucott-fh cloths, &C., &. GENTS' FURNJSHJNG GOODS 0F E V E RY DESCRIPTION. The CIlO(ERY DEPARIMriN'i is replete wifh a choice .9u.ectioî l TI s, (Aufl'ec's, îscw fruit, spices. Best tubacco. - (hieîds aI pi'iccs delying !egitiinate competition J. J. .NIUIRPIIY, - Dundas St., Whithy April 22und, 1873. 0*1 I )ROSPECTUS. THlE BRIOWN à~ 17. PA TTER80NIN MANUFACTUIIINO COMPfANY, OF' IVHITBY. - capital - $ 1.20,000. 2,400 SHARES 0F 8.5o EACH. The abuve Comnpany le in courue of for- V_ ' -- rnatioiu for thes )iiuniuse tuf pi-lîer the lical Esiate, Buildiings, Ms-hner, it, anud gu-ed-will of hedii] natnuferiiig huai-# îîu'so ,thîe Bu-owin & Patter-an Abricisllurul 00F 0 %lonlîs, in thse Tarn i-netWlutby. PI1,u * 4 I. lhietvwCenipsuy, Mu-vs, l13ruivm Paîterson bave suniîaenibed "0,000 stock, anti othcr sobsu-riuiolis have slreaidy beau oh- iîîiîîed ameuiiuig lu $25,000, maluing a total now subueribod uof $55.000. It iï intenSeS ta inereastisis surit 'o 120,000, in order te - o_______ prrvide mentis for inceaing the hbuiesuEL C . tp asrbb a so'iut hiiert Sanau I LL& CO. ]tia'gi- ethe curpacityo he prl-ssaI W.kesT hytu eecio t ulitun5buildings, pur-_ U E L P H , 0 N T. nbllingthîe new Companîy lui carry eun their wvhoie business on a stitir cash basia. lirt ordler lu bhow tiseprofitable birsiness aiready P R 1 Z E ME BAL madie for thxe ni Cormpany, il is o"lIy neeS- iCA ÃŽ Er (RGiA NS- ed ta utte that ii eltveu ýpars' husiness I "INET app.rahlns-froni Jaauary, 1862, te PannonsiA N D 187.-Mcuefsrs. lUrcivn& Puiteersi havebeen ciioblit, bv profits rualised,,ta take thselarge lIE I. ~ E O N S amoul t Stock abovo-meutioned as ha-ritrgi E.L 0 D, 0 N S heen subucnibed b,-Ibens lu tha nein Corn- Solo Proprielors s.iS Manufactturera o!f "Fhe pany. Tire praîerty bas Leen valseS anSer - RAETE"enauigSnb Itho direcuiors and surpervision of! Mesars. J. RAE - cotnigSrb 9.1% lit ilieox anst Jolin Fluorpson, îwo of ner's Patent Qnalifying Tubas. thse Pnuèiaronai BoarS at gll,2r88-Thp egaaifslîmaeiit ha. eein in the, possession ni ade h n/ ea lise new Coul)nîrosaine l7tIr Febnmary Iast add te ny - oa -th tifnalday onils orgouizatim-tisapra- I.. ofthlie business comoenciutg trous tisaI Ever givcn te malters ocit-eeoS Instruments date. aI Provincial Exhiblirs for Proficien. Applicationisas been madte the 1.egisia- cy in Musical Instriimentu, bLaides tare for a Charter l in h s aaItrmnisd iomsadFstPz t with the usumal iiîsîand pniviieges. AI DpinaauîFrsPiesa tise expiration of the lima stati by Statoti otîur Exiiutions ltoo nu11- (five or six Weeîsl a gunerol 4rieuig of tlb- nierons tae ipuusy I Sharehelders *ÃŽll Le huiS, ou notice, fornthu. P!!rpese et olectiug a peranenit BourS at Our Instruments are aciuuowlediged ly Dindcons au" Ofiens ofthlie Comupanq. ifsitiaus anS Judges, te b'e lise ânon slyti Snuscnlplions of stock linltse underlak. produced. Our lalost and moelvalmssble sua- ing are mail respectfuIly inliciteed. The pravemeist !athIb "soAaET=," cortaifliiiu value eithlie stock, as e paytug SividenS lu- Secribner's Patent Qualste V_ 1 ubes, tise et. veslnient, niay ho regardeS as being beond feet o!f wiicisarst 10 ëar ytîubi5thse power Soabl ; wbila lise gresît ativantas S10 lise ut tliseasi hmme ndeinÃŽg lise tone smnti To*avi fWisstby sud Couly o! O uaonlu n~d pupe.lile. By-Ibis lWontirfal invention eecanine auannlargemuntci thlie favorabliywe cas sako anlIjîstrumnulofnearly double lnwu Worlui etMessrs. Brown &' Paîtenson lthe poser ofa! apipeOrgan aI bal! thm ex. miel aI once enniniendti heniveivps. pense., - Parties Sesinin te subs(-ribe for stock onu- C A UT 1 0 N ri-quiested to enclose neenunim, per pcus aItrisn eurlv ulay slating ,th u uarfsxro harcu' As ne, bave pusrrbuaed Ibmesols nielist sf tisey wisis 10 have allaiteS. - uailfaclarnfg Scsibner's Patent Qualfyiug - - 1~ W.Tubes fer thse Doiniion o! Canada,wemlsere- R.~~~:ý J..ANOD, - reatet caution al l rom cuasoirgîbrma R. J YAR OLD, Presdent (à evb erea ýie' 'l' cle l.te prasicu- Secretsîry. lion. We bave copyridisthlieimseof - Whiitby, 28thsFebnuanry, 1873. Ilt " HE , R- G À N E T T )E F OR SALE., For car Listuientti conleiulsg tiion ý,Buy it- Try it Prove it. P.rice 50c per Bottle. Sold by UDl:rugists. V Y C T OEt 1 A~ CARBOLIC SALVE Worth its Weight in Goldi À4 19bft o Cut, ounds, Bruisei, Bùrns, .Scald, ils, Piles, Fimples, avnd Ch",o.,i fliease of the Skin of etery de$- cription.. Price25cperBox. Solil by ail Druggists. VVCTO0R 1A CABRBOLATED GLYCERIN'E JELLY Eminently the Ladies' Favorite. For Beatifying the Complex~ion, and for reoigTan, 'Sunburn, Freckles,,Pimples, &,asefor Chappecl Hands, Chi7l&tns, Frost Dites, tand Bore Lips. j Prico 25e per Bottie. SolS byil Drnuggi8ts, TOILET SOAPS-! Cclebratcd for their uiiiforxn Purîty and- Excellence of Quality. VICTORI,& ABBinoLIc SOAP. VICTOIRIA StrLrIiEtt Sosi' VICTOBIA GLYCEIRE, HIOXET, ROsE, AND WVN<xsso. 1.901(l by al 1Surggists;. L IST 0F TEE DIVISION COURTS OSTME COUNTY 0F CNTARIO, FOI[ TEE E A-u1878.- i7.. 211 i 4± i 4 15 Z. BURNBAM, WÇýhitby, Jar. lst, 1873. FLOUR& FEED STORE. The undersigneà beg to inforni the iul'ab- itants'of Whitby and vieinity tbat; tliey bbve opened a 1-lour and Feeti Store in the rîm- ises istely orcupieti by Mr. James Wailace, on Dundas Street, Opposite the, Robson bHuse,. Where they trust Ly k e ing cvCerything in their line always on h n to be able to give satisfaiction to custoxue Bran, Shorts, Oatmea , Cracked Wheas &c., of the Lest quahtlty. FLOU h-Fai] -Wheat, pring, and 'IfixeS -sud àil Sinîls of FeuS, sIliig at-the lowest living prices for cash. No. 1 Sprisig Wheat Fl ur at fS 121. SMITHI &EMINGWAY. Cashl paiS for-tllkinClKof 'arnirr'sFProduce S,.A- H. "t' -rais yniip." l'ier -Virusi a.uwn in Cime gi-e. mi P' ai %rwYi ,.tbl i 'ailu ialwua p ORT WiIFBY 4, PORT PElIET B. E. TaIres ellecl on Mîsnday, May 12tb, 1878. Trains Going Nantis. Mail. mlxed. Wbithy Jonction, 9 0O a.m. ' 21pan Whihby, 9 Vi a.î7'30pa. Brookliu, 9 29 am. 7 52 p. Mdaple-5t. Crosaing, 9 M4 am. T7.57jun. WyPrai' O"049 a-as. 8 12 pa.. Sunint* 10 triQ a,in. 8 25 p.1m. j .4

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