nson . rwod rgan co.- isen à navl I Eltit à ro,- & prei isecal i-lsasrCcH.Agrielte & ouc ONLY Si 5@ pÈR ANNUM.- Wililtby. Thîîr.sday, Sept. 11, 1873 The Evîdeuco. TiaByîCmisson bas nowîubeet eaetning wituossas fer a week, and se fer, no avidenceaworiy fCtani basheen biought fJrwrtl ofte -mnat, h Goverumeat. On h. contrer>'Ch, sworuu testimon>' complotaI>' axcuaratem Ministors from tae chaqas pr ferreri. WC soppi>' a synopsis cf he ~evideùceatakion lsawûare, andi aspacl 1>' cf hat cf sir Francis aineks witicl la gît-ou More ftily, U a s e lat e Ca tneaibèr of te Got-emument against 'whomi specifle charges ai-e broght le the ùcMnIlleu narrative. The smate. ment et f MMllon ht 8ir Frauda Hnlsrçoaived. moue>' rom sir Hugli Allen On condition hat ho favoci-adthe Comupan>', or hat ihe geL a boan or gift *of any kind inledeubeti on CathitheCi mee oseenun andr emphatie manuer. The etliecinlufeet is outirel>' conne. *borative et tua decleratie i melab>' Sir John A. Macdônald lunte House eCopeinn andti the swomn statomeut cf Sir logb Allamn. Anti it goes Cc shlew Cthe ver>' ducillrdaterminatloci o f tho Got-t'mnt te mue the Coin. pan>' a tiClt>'Canadin oue. -Tlaat *tlue swss a fond suboeht, et iret withi the intention cf carryiug Sir Gaorge Carter's electiou hi Motreal, sud aftei-wards tueoi nte a generel fond te ecary otiier elections, andti o wItilia Sir Hugli Allen stas a liberai eontulhutou, is about Ctue suin andtu sb- *stance cf tae avidonce elicitoti . Thora fs uetlaiug n uc ai ic iCItoelitor> et Cangdiau eloctiensm. We ai-e net un- acquietuwitiî mucIt pnocoadings lu -our ewn experience cf eOction contens lu Sontli Omtarlo, Anti, if it he ae-crime, it is on. for whiolu' hotit parties muet eqoall>' slire-tua rasopgnsibility., r ProposaEi xtension oet he Whitby & Port Pcrmy Rallway. The phan cf extension' of the lVhitby andti ltIemry lins uorlhwards is, WC are gZlai Cc leamu, in-ling favorable con. sîdenation witil tho president andi dirce. tors of the prqeect Company. They propose aeking charter pnweme fromu the Goverumont unext session to continue lie lina fromn soiuewhoere about Ctho Cowcu lnc Beach atitl Brock, nlear te Wic, ta LttIaBritain anti Oakwood, t. Liisa>'; theuce Cc Fenelen Falla andl Bobeaygeoc, and ultiatol>'taCo Hili- burton. The main lino, atet Caie S Chu.>, ta ho ecutinnori on hrough $un- derlai andi Cenuington, striking Bec. verton, andt hance nanti throngli the t owniships cf MirsaffnIl Rama, triking Brachin acir Washago, &a- n ti u ronghi *Morris0à Ca Muekoke, t'Cor niinate et thClie holarbour etiClt.ecauth of the1 ifuakoka rit-er ou Georgian BIa'. Thist is th. sehenue, witlu the branch frein te Sumt Cet Uxbridgd, no%» matur- Jug, andri te carrylng cut cf which the Moaeging-Dirotor, Mn. Holdan, inforiuslus à Company' wili eametlyt apply themeselves. Sncll a highiway cf 4ornunleiation wonld, bhofet tast icupor. tance te hoeountry nirth, espeeaally tac North Ontario, Victoria, and Chu terri-.i tory of 1fukoka, andi wonid ho aboutD hin>' cileaslihorter titan any otlier f ote ta Lake Ontario, The projeet Wifi ai ýerY weighity oee, in the Ccrying t eit t fwliclî, min>'linteostif would haveA ta be decalt wtlî, andth Ie promatume dis. b, eneaion et whichi it is et presont ucnece- * worthiy.of aven>' favorable cousidemticu,i anil one, fremittc immense iluprtauo, di Chiat xsheuirinet cul>' mcciva libemel aidT froci the locelities hat would be more cu fnlmetey oiynaittei, hut froin the In Govemumentansui te Country' et large. MecMullen>gefuues te Attend A tolegraîn freminClcago says hat the Undor.Slîariff cf Ottawa waited on Mr Geô. W, MeMulleci ou Mouday last, and summoned ihlm te appear bo. fore the BQy-al Cornîissioci cow ici Sessioni et Ottawa te gire evidenca iii conactte u i thethoPacifie Staudere. The. offleer poposed-to pay blcMnIllen's axpanses, but ho declinori the offor, and it is salut will pay ne attention Co the nuatter. DistaiOT, PLOUGIIING M,&TH.-Our agricultural ftaders will have noticeri b y the is sied by' the Provincial Ag. rienîtural Asociation,that ithe Province h te heen divided loto four geegrephîcel districts for h, purposecof holding plou.4ulng Matches th& préeseit year. That for thii. district cf which Chie anri stjolnlug conuties form, part lias beeci Appolnted ta-ake place ou Weduesday, 22nd Octohag., It comas cff on the farni of Messrs. Alcoru & Caig, within about a mile sud a hualfcf Port Hope. - Oui>' mon frein sncb ceunûty socieies as coutrluutad $25 te the fguis ceci cocu. * pete. South Ontario bas paiui its con- trIbutIon, but he Northu Ontario So- ciet~y net Jîaving doue se le -aexclndd<. Those hast counvrsanC with snch mat- tirs se>' hat th location bas been plae osuotefaîr eat,aud hat, sas îajority cf the. pleughmuen would be likely te go frein Wbitby, Ptckeing, Scamboro', and Iamrngton, wber, people takiraa - greatr interast ilýu scb matches, -and * where ais te seil in of more suliable qualit>, greater succae would lihol> ho the real.- >510Loj.z.Tone just )f an action for ad4e. cone. do (a senior partuer'iu a 900,18 firm,) and a Cross- rht in Cte iianw Of bis wlfet ctably eonnectïa, aains Mart Ob-Det ofise ambition. dOnt th lcIat we shonîi C ake ea ste p0sabout ftlag up Ch. appoiutn t. uti we hlavé eOur candidate readysa ail OmpetitOrO nof e-the field. Ti wflhe some. dlffloulty i gttiug A. M. Stevenson te cousent, bnC-I suppose canha doue. WiIyon ose b Chi once. If ilonuadidatte la ieau!>, Cth r.w, musC Cake -'tae neacsai> tep ne prci Yeg s eigmaion, which am pnetty sure b. wi11 &endi in itea > uiils hat if liéados net do se we s ,, appoint aciOther inspecter.- enurs sineel>',- Mr Popa replied inuthe atterneouj pers., The, latter, was stolon frcm, t peet off ce. Hie reply wua- t 6&SIa,-Befei.ing tote- ita bai-pu lisher ii Che Hep-ald Cis muerning,In nu Serting te bave beau written b>' J John A. Macrionaîri, anti adresseri me, I have te say Chat ne snob latt 5Wasl evar receivat b>'m;ba s te heen lumu' ossession. uer diri1 zea JU ucitil Irédit hthea Horald t tusmot DO Mug Yono, &off 3H. POPE." The iret intimation h. poblie baric C hia latter haing vrltteu vas iCi publics lou lu Chia Moutreal Hcrald. XC vu aken thara b4vHon. John Yonug,0 2Moutreal, vi ththe explanatieci hati bai Côeu, mb bis bauds viitt a es ecei stating it vas frein a fiant Tl1letter haîti een niarka Il"prit-atet on Ctecorner, but Chue Corner tonu hicl tIao Word leadi beon vrittun as eut etf Mr- Young veil mev, 'cf course, Chai Cie louer vas nct intentierifer hum, c1 for publication. Hoe dmits hat b knev Chlltter Ce he genuine, anti CIte it bore Chie 'signature cf Sir Jehu A. Mieronaîri, vitIt vlich-ha was eile acqueinteri. Anti ha muet hnvse en weIl avare hat it vas a Coutiuieatial comMncatieu batweeu tvc Ministars vhîlclîcould euh>'come inte lais baude b>' surroptitieus Meaux. Anti yet ha disa liîtocrably poseaseeg him;eloi[t, aut Puiblishee iCa contenta-hie excusa baint Clat ho di in l te public iaterpsi 1 The letton vas. purloineti frein h. past office, -Mr. Young- musC bave -kuovc hat it coolti bavae cue icito bkis hanuds lu ne otiior va>',anti yet he mako. ihîsoîf ans accesser>' te Ciao telon>', and bas thuo affronter>' ta defeuclth ie siie ful cet I The law hoîtChia mceirer Cc ho alat aqthie hiot, 'and thi luacase Mr- John Youmîg musC ha egareitas; equcl>' culpeble viti the persan vîuc vas; guilC> cf tlae infan>' cf steeling a letton-andt hat letan nanketi pris-e -froua tho Quec's mcii. It le a higbi crime, anti vhatoven Clac mua>'be saiti, hore ceci be but one epinion, hat cie- Cling eau ho urgeti in oxtenuatian et se infamo&,» n acet. mve publielu Cie letter -aboya. IC i, sncb a communication as tile leaders ut parties write ici merebuýiig hir forces for an lection conten, asud theme is uotbîug in it 'out of keeping witb ordinary political actics. But even if here -were, eau anything exce CIth perpetraticu cf an outrage sa great or et conduet sn dislîourora4le ? The theft le now, we at-o pleseri to flnd, thoe uh- jeet cf investigation beforo he police court, wlorf, we ouI>' hope, the guili>' Parties will mucet with Chir datonsg. NacW WINltavBLIND MAutCINE.- Yetora>' vo heth le pleescire cf ex. cmuicicg anti seeiaig iin eporatioaa,ou Chie promises etof ojsers. Grtog% .& Harper, the muichu Caketi et thiemman Wiudow Blinti Machaine. Theo machine itsoif la c limntisome lookiîug place cf vonkmau. sheip, simpheandcuticuut Comuplication, andti akes np von>' littie epace, anti Caking te qoalit>' of its vomk as Chie 15spacioni buýilinge atreari> cecete&i ISociety' bave titis oeasscu, et an exp. en of $700, put up asiether structure, xU 80 f..t, nov supplying stabling ini re shaPeef 6 fret-elaesbox stalle. 'W , A-tlate additiosand mprovelmaute e itgrnde ofCIheSouCIa Ontaeio Socletj iei now admltted te bc, heyoud al e te pariseon,,the host annus ot convanie * I hfttetlep of aev inuChe Provine, hn he h.Dominion perhsp-unot avena unil copting the. Provincial greadei. T MosC bc a source ef muait gratifies.i >"te h membars, and isp.alcs velu, e-for thealiheuality vitit whicb exhbii th. are .naouraced b>' the people cf Sei Ontario. The> groundrs bave eue bc ah- etil'(urthor'enlargati sinca Che lestf lu andi, witbCthe cuvrenieuca cf he.di S!.shetlan-d tewn' bail aujoidiingz, notlà te -appears te ha wanting te Chir co< or plateness. Partienler attention itrequestei tà . te pricitarimies bc hechait-d tItis year. Whilet' effeere will wa are sure de ah lun Cl power lu an oblWgng way, oxbibit£ m iust cocisiders .tiiet tbey eau en ef get Crogb their werk satisfacteul ea,. b>' cbsert-ing systemetie eriler 'a iu regularity. Iutending exhibitoms l of dAsira te cbtain C stale shoulni ep' it eerly te Ch,- secretar>', Mr. Thon p- Lawl.r. A plan cf the building shti I. ingtCli staUls, as nunihereri,wilî.b ofui " eit bis store, and the- tirot côcims IV ,h oe ourse bave flret choice. Fearif rf borses end catti cen aise ha pmovidi at et eost ou the grounul.- le CntckpTs.-Oci Tuasda> lest the r t- Crn match betweeci the -G0rafton s. Whitby , cricket clubs ewes pleyedi il Gretton. The Whithy eleven scoe * 51 in hir iret innings, and 54 inciC bl second;- andi hir eppouents 41 ici t rs iret inninge, e&Wr 65 in Che secoutd wit cu ol>' six wiekets dewn, Wbitby Chu lestug the match, as wee etater inluTH ICseoNICc. a lst week, by four wicket The gaines betweeu Che Cwo clubs a Jnow et-en, Whitby hauviug defeste Ct Grafton in lui>' lest ici oua inutu- i andSCai-os te sparol1 lu le but lte ste te WlîiCby playars te stete Cli Chrée men cf hir hast eloven-Gar met, Marshcall ati Bengougl- wer - tinable te play,anid poorer players beini jsubstitutei, e wceker elevon was Cli consequence. Anotiier match was playoi est Cel borne on Woduelav betweeu uti Whiitby andi Celhorne lubs, wlîich re suite inicia drawu -gare.. Iuhie matel tam better pIeay was marie tItan ou Cli peceauing day. O. Y. B. -At a meeting et the mou. bers of Meyerlîoffem Lotîge et OangE Young Britons, No. 82, beld et Ci- hall on Frida>' eveniuglest, the follosu iug etfilers were olocteti for Che curn ternu: W. M.-Bro. S. Campbiell, - D. M.- IeIaac Bewley, C.- " W. McBurîiey, S.- John Waîker, T.- ~Win. Bernes, M. C- F. Clearwater, Iset T.- E. Cemeron, 2nd T -- Wm. Fegzan. Committea-Bro. G. hlall, let; Bro. D. Camoroci, 2nl; DBro. W. Mattbows; rti; Bro. G. Ferry, 4th; Bro. Muathew Ceampheli, ti. HAaeowAiz.-Mesrs. Hetelu & Bro. ana now receiviug Choiir faîl stock ef harndwarc. Thoir etier>' le recoiveti direct fnom theeet Englisli muikere. Tho>' have mid.'earrangements for ecîp. plying the clobratei Armmtrong stoveoi, andi parties wanting Clie inct necesearyv article cf liousehuolti ceorntwill bc test Ct certeinl>' dosons-s ail Chat eau trouCthue Mesose. ltelu. ha Ralid iniite (as-or, ILt eotis tCIatot,~ cuis tîtem inCo thin parfaut osues;- footis SUccecat.or A MuP..ncaa. -Field, Whoa iii Ctie irc et hoCh ende, anti ente a vas cemmittedti o the Hamilton gaoh matai clip et ecch and, puucinig a hao sonne ime ago fanrCiao aunden etflais uLt tae lamne imnefor feeteciug, aeutCwo ciitren, anti vue e Iosaune faothe eut Chue elat Aaein, et Ciao rata of Cimue lue parpetrateti Chia treaill crime titt> a minute. Ail Chet worn p eran-aise attemuptot Ca mair-lis. vite, rutleloecuiteJ. Twoe aechicic ae cs committeti suicide intuhIt eaI n afos beon nov coustmucteti b>'Mn. Harper, d>sccb'bnu ati ar c in full running ortitr, andti wo CIXEE4E FAcToRY.-Fis- olas et Otiiere are under va>'. 0f tase, eue cîaeose vare shiphuail frotu Cie Ifuaple sn going Cc tue State Exposition of In» Ridige (acter>' cf fosrs Brava & Phil- lieue, oee C Ohîio, anti a ChiietoIoewea. ipe lest veour b>' the Grand Trucik, acu. The pci-factiug anti construction cf such Tho chuoesa mcdo atis aeacter>' le cow macines la monet creditable te te obtaiciag gr&eaýt ce,,ehtnlrty-and, jutg- iechanicel ekill o urtwsmu n ofroraniuCte tac e Ce eCa e ing. î b>'sameuphes vith vhich ute have Ileandthe r act Of hePatcneeBhoon favoreti, va shouiti se>'mocnt de- t t: suu&n il u auu mt enu akismue boes (0s#timon>' Cc hie noputation ic i liees. ceOL.eMesore. Byam, Ifarper & Grass. nre CIao patente,, for te Dominion- tho former laeving socurodti he nigiat ln lia Sitaites. The great ativanuage of te' Sherman 1blinr igle hat Ch. oints, huving e motel ibearing, pros-enteaIl shrinking andi swelliug ; a oncil mores Chemin an>' requireri position, where Cbey romain stationary and are immoveable b>' the wiu4, -TJîpy are ruadie perfectl>' flat, aund close se tightly hat insecte eau- not got lu betwcen thorm. Wheu clos. edl he blind les ecurel>' Iceo, aud cannot ho openori from Ch. outeide without breiug Chue ash. 1'hese pet. eut blinde -are snpersedicig h. aId baud meale Venetian wherever hey are intreduced. and ste machine doos the work cf frocu Cwatva te itteen mon, andih inC. ts being marie thinuer lese material le consumod, tbey cf ceurse ceci b. selr cheaper, as the machines get luto more general nse. Hon. T. N. Gibbs, we were informed, bas giveci e large erder for blinde for bis fine uew resideuce et Ellesmer,. Tint WEITBy CHINA TzA STeRE, b>' Maessrs. Gibson & Spart-el, te tia titlo Ofp uew business adrierI by hat firra te te business cf the towci. Their prom. ise. are lu the baudseme storae ceupiad b>' Mr. Richard F raudis up te Ch. ime et tha ecout tire, which bave beeci newlY fitteri up andl otberwise machi improvari, anriditheirm have -a splendid assertinont cf naw gooris of Prime -q4ftt te wbieb Che>' invite public inspection. -Mr. Yeoman Gih. son, in a postacript te an arivertisement whieb wili ha found inlu tier clumni, reommacids athe new flr*mte bis d customers. Ari wa nà naci>'aà ddte what l"Obd Nenber Oua" esys, Chat w. ara sare "Young Number Oua" will prove hlmsei a kgenuicia "citip cf the old block." Mr. Sparvel, wbo le more. famniliarly euald bybis ebritan name, cf Edward thaci bis suruanme, bas ben ,bugt known te the nstme .of.C i, IIeM SOIOOL.- The examinations. -auuouueed iu another clumu, wiUi af- aford an excellpnt opportuuity to young meu te attend theo seli during the 2 winter months. j The second part of the advertisement will do sornething, we hlope, to supply a want long feltin connection with the sehool. Tuz Gý T. B. CO2ÇDUCTORS.- Some time ago, it will ho romembercd, four conductors of the Grand Trunk railway - Butter, Williamns, Richardson, and HUnt-wpra arrestadl on a charge of embezzlenient. After several postpoue. mante, the lase was dismisead lest WVed- nesdey, aud. the mon discliarged. ADDITIONAL PEIZES TO COLTS 0F "'Robbie flurn."-Mr. James Powell, of the Globe Hotel, Brooklju, offers ad. ditiouel special prizes for colts sired hy his horse Robbic Bu'rns, as follcws;- $10 to first ; $6 te second ; $4 to third. the aboya was inadverteutly omitted from the priuted bils. VERT SuDDEN DzET.-Mrs hall, reliet cf the late Mr. Calvin Hall, was seized with an apoplectie fit on Thurs- day night lest, whicli resulted inic br deethsbortly afttcrardls. She was 63 years cf age. GooD PaICesFOR A YEARLING RAL- Mr. H. H. Spencer sold oua frein hie flock of clebrated Spnthclown yearling -rmalast week, for, we *nnderstandfr $70.____ *Attention is dirocted to the announce- ment of sale of faney godýs tc ha beld at the drill sbed dnring te fair ina aid of the fends cf St. Andrew's Church. TEE Tnns. - The North Ontario Timut,. fter a short existence at Can- ington and Sunderland, bas, eeased publication. BT iraw'Csutcm-The apecial sermon te #Young people" aunouuced toà ha preacheul lait Bundsay, will bo fair ans -to a1e hi tors lu Mun ou. inlî rill t ed, re- Ilet iha lus BK ne ge ir nit ýr- ne )I. te ,l e i. r- uu-WO(I saelia u eut m eue and are- r 19d, on~t of wiuch th he s are madie, m- Put tÉmcUgh planersi; andi properly shap. is ari antiadjustorinIqanotier te pro.: n pai-tion cf-the panelgeing on ; and. s in a Cird, caile the ,a case Boom," the Mi Ms put toga6tbr anti formeti, giving à tha sieleton enCline cf tha instrument. eÙ Fýrin Ch. latter the casa la taken up- r, stairs Ce Che second tioo-first tu Che 1Il ittiug departent, next te Cihe varnieh g ýrocm,aftai- ha t te the floding-'and final. t. 1> te the tIuilan 'ee wertte 0se s le acoupltei. flt tit le asyetoui>' 0 an empCy uhel-a býori> witbout a seUl, se as it ýwere. -W. are neit introducat tet ,0 Chea.parts of he instrument hat- y tdWake Che soua i th tender chords cf mneun ineampleyed te maire Che Action, aaaotiier pute it tegether, e thir &nl«ts teh action into the casa, a fourth mekes Cia. bellows, a ifth fts the latter andt he former, an'l no'xt, the tuuer akles it lu baud. Afttr hlm comes the trimmer, and hus the pro. rcesefthCIe manufacture cf'Iteinstru- ment proeaeds, Clrougla twanty differ. eut stages, Ce perfection. .- The main building te855x40, thie low. er flat hetug it-ided i ite a spacieus show recui; a stock rooxu replete witlî 1ail unedftîmfbteriale; a tunung roocu, a peckiug rocu, lu wIlicb la ceutainei e cIewly invantei spring machine, ver> simple ici construction, but wbicla ente thIao pricige for tha valves Cc e perfect îunitemin sica, andI makes al etf precise. 1' Ciao saine pressure; a carviug roocu, whiere il tae deicate workmanslaip ile clone b>' baud-labour, anti wbere some beautiful specimecis of workmnansip, et Clue seliwhite W0o04, Me>' haseen; e case room coutaintng foorteen bouches, witli what i ale elai e cai box," inci whicb aIl the work cnt for sizes le pîac. eti for more thornught dryinq. This latter receptuice le casoti witla shoot-" iran, bas e brick flooring, ant ile.per.2 fecti>' firo-proof. lu Chie departuiont Ç theien l Is an immense anti powerfuîl iron prose, witla a pressure cf sot-oral Cens, useul ini joining -toguithuer more tirtml>'anti etrengthening the set-oral parte. On tlue second fluor here are aIse two othier tuning- roome ; an aparu- meut whaena al h. "Action" is placei in reedinees for tnning, inrluling Cthe neetis, itetianti nufileti, anti wl'eeChue a pirocees of nicel>' boudin,-CIao ongue ta - prodiuîce the toue me>" ho witnessi ; other moins canuaining "actions,"' anti re hollows andi tumning machiner>', anti fi where the instrument je finally put ta- Pe geotlier; roamq for varnieling, fiowlig, ta tIltic--tutai . scîjeus ; altise, rap vonk,cutiime inwiehi ahiChie fiuishinq et ct-ut>'couicil Cc eciqoit-utintus the ucan C i a c a u l c o m p l o t e a t i a t t a r î e v i ag t h ue p l a i n t o f c e- r t a i n l a t t a e - u i S l u section No. 4. lacciia à te e oti.vorkers. Tîte Tit ui cueil C-t h atsedi e by-iumss'ar uslio lemîclgtlm et tie Chird stor s .>uset ipnticig Italpht Robunsnttuoulctor i for urying luauber, hergnsacitsoet eet cf Chie pr-sent >'cmmi. vluicb, cuti a largze qaantit>' of otîmor On moetioni et %m. Lieu, tCIaocoi vmeteniai ara storet inluanti about thea $15 was granteu te te se[c-tors ponisos, Anti, bore va e>'yaddtit hat A luy-Icssw:4 us-cii hacculta assaus i RinueChue firmu commecceti husimuese, ici Na. 12 inu Brt-ken fronct, andutlutte No, Chfic latter cuti aoJuane, Che>'hics-o areaul>' cI iii nicte 2uîul andi 3rlcon. fia th 1expenuieti upvaruus o lvn hua OnumotLion cf Nir. Lueke, sacenhuud.ly dollars lu matons! anti ittin uap fCime Ir.t 1oCterutill, the ru-te vîec oruhont buildiing. Th ey have nov aome thaim-y ta pmrouram--b ill et imauictunemut ageins instruments rati> fr shipuuecit. Tii-> Mr. Chluie Fate-n-h, fuor retsimug- htave Rsea wenly-fis-e ieumis emplayoti. toe crtan btruiiuriotîe naleI eut pe>' Ont ii vagee sainttling lkeNe. 4 cndmi ii ic ue2)itl con. onae thiunanti dollane a monti. Tiey A ity-law wcs ititreunceanda' les-t manufacture cli kiciticoetreetl inetru. Ca asecc e i-lanud ovue-uta nti rccupuant monte-frei the laveet taeCtue i-haeet oeltsle13 te 17. botia inclu4ivo in tui pried.Thy hve ouertd-watfinst concession, for rte sit-se>' antiex pnieti-They eae cnvetet-vîatpenseos conitacteul ii suchlu urs-yo>t vas a tialapitiateri ey-sre-Carpantor celi lIt hiltlding-iuto an important famtor>', Thea falîuusing cu-ecunts st-t-m-a et-i pracantimg e neat exieriar as ve ell lehurtLepail Mreaoltciefotfetimau intertil appeageaut e, $03Ithe-hum; tf J. ;nynt, ferrvulitl intenaIappanacohu.y vti hueia ofatindigenit, $20 ; aumuatiLake & I.arli cf iniustr>'. The>' have poirces- priuutung acci-utuet, 521l0ts. ei fis-e acree of landi adjoiuing, on Tii,- oentuataiih ajuit-ucti ae>, Ci vîuichai it, sChear intenution Ca put np Octtuber-t-xi. enitable tivallinge for mrorien uttr. - 1- .0. -- icig Cheaoouing sprnng; Cie> aise lu- Wluitb>' Township Co-uceil. tenu eracting alarge machiner>' shtOJ BrookI tic. Sept. Ist. 2873, eut putticig ii e tvlve-inrse paver Cuni u- îasca ecîeac eus4ne. Aol,if liard vuank, close applu- muient Meuti-jurati tetuit. otl- cation, andti hiorougeprecticai knout- ilu the chuair. otige et fliecir businesvilI do it, IfIeetrs. Uit- B. P'. Cemeplio.hl presemîlti amui itflo&Yerveoui uesrre la succeaul i-nt-Chiarepuoutt oetIhe cuurauuittn-e au As reportot in laCic CHRoeeîcut. lest veek.GratSutîsjl u rin u flicapeial ommtteefoud evrytinggras-ellimîg on thé, sir'e lino IjCtecr lotR Cia epcil emmtta tocii eer'thin 24 amni 25, ou 4tla cnt-ossiuî. iRepor-t an Chie catisfecton>' statewv avcse te- m-ceieus-ouid al te-i. seriboti ; Cey have tua muported to Ce-Iao Mrt. McTaggcr't pm-eetetl a connu.- Tow Cnnelandvey poprlyre ncatioci frein Ronbert Metîteusouu lu Tov Coîncl, utiver' popel>'ne-rettrmuce Ce coîc-cting Cie texe les cemmendedth Ie lueuding oec-re Ioyacr.M benne tebeittarôo oCa ho ameucit of TIae follovitug acounus vere onuicreni $2,500. One.otheor fat-orabhe factur, Ce ba paiti:- Jas. Eufotl fer repairiuur about Cie promises ix theimorîarkale bridges, ticepeminqe ctet-k anti building dana au sida lina batvooc hots 28 cutI fortclongitt andi caefulues tiiciaeuh 29, 5th cau,, $20; flues. Jamauings, foc in evtiing-at-en te tae scppIying cItailu kîlleti lu>'doeIt. 3 Go; Jas. îi- er>' apartint vitIt an abnuti- mihI, fan hacnlung ettne anti fut-tishlii encel of vater, vlaiclu reinehus standing coler for cUit-ctCoauOChi acn., 5; ,W. HI. lryant. for gras'ohIimag eut rock lu pail faille evorywlaere arcucdin ~rad, e701; George Fratukisla, haeuling readiciase teo bnueeti t a mcmecit'is lumîten, $7 61 ; Gerge Jickell, nepair- notice. icig hilîl bettvoen l ois 24 anti 2.5, . fC cuac., 9601; Jas. Waeihu-nfer codlan, $135; Faî Pars 5~.C. A. Alîcumas, goails fturuiiet inuigatim F all P ai s 18 3 . 3 1 3 3 5 ; V a t re n lB ro c ., g eeth e fu rn ic h a u l Proviacii-Louaton, Sopt. 22, 28, 24, 'aqume Tepp, indigent, 86 38 ; Thiemuas 25, anti 26. 'Vlu"9,pa i-.ifTagr,9ouo Cantal-Gelph Sep. 16 17,18.tovu lino holveen Wihtît> ardl Ituac la, e t ra - u l h Set19.17 8 opposite lots 23 anti 24, $1211; N. i'hip. Seath Octysi WhiChy, Sept. 17, p-i uuriap-te tE eh>,ii Tn 8 digent, $12; W. Doduts & Son, fon eNth 8. oUbrde c.8,building stoee envert neen CanbeC's ou NO ttOteicxrig et. 10 Base lino, $100; W. T. GrILdbro, fin- EestYer ani Mt-kainMarcitin.ber furîtishiati for siale velk, 68; B. B. Oct. . an 8.Clenke fan humber, $187 20 ; B. T. Han- Oct. . enr 8. ison, on saler>' eut services as Returu. Beach anti Scogog-rince Albert, ing Officeroraiilele> By-lev, $104 ; Tuesua>' Sept. 16. P.fetev Hctigsen, dravicig stane, $6. Nethu Breck-Canuingtou, Thorg.O- eino m Hlie' eaii day 21d Oct. O oino r oldy eod Broe-iSntieranti Tueule>, ciletb>'Mn. Burranglue, a by-iaw ýaejn. BOc 8neiad Tusa,7 troduceti cutipeeseti eppointimtg George Rama-Oct. 4tia. Aiekell cellector at e saler>' of $40. WhiWluith>'Eastbavet et0Ou motion etfluIt0Camapbell, socondi- WnlTbndy ntOct n. 'saa db>' Mn. MeTcggcnt, a lay-lav vas cci Tlaursrl>,Ot. 2nd.on introrinceri endipasseni, te provite cati- auti~ ~ ~ ~ hrsa Frs>,Ot9Cauilh, mates aud collet e rate of oua milî and ridy, ot. th ad lth. soven-Canthe cf a mill in te dollar of te rateablo prapont>' cf te Township LARGE AaazvA4s ocr FALL AND WiN. for'tba prasent year. nEaL ecus are annuneict tChu> stab. ' On motion cf Mr. Burroughs, second- uinent et Mfessrs. W. J. Hlicirie & Co., erd b>'Mm. EHoîlida>', e by-lav vas pess- etd, te coileet $82 fron the propriotora amenget odiers spali linos i maumi- cf lots Nos. 18, 16 anti 20 ici Che lit ng geotis, tettons anti prints. Great con., te defra>'the expeuses cf eurvitr. bargains for cash. ing rati lots. ------** On motion cf Mr. McTagzart, second- Sx'w TELPLGEAPE n rc cd eib>' Mi-. Camupbell, ae'by-lav vasi Ü-, DominionTlgahCma> a- troinucou anti passeti, to suspend the' o n T l f g a p l C o p a n h a e . î e v y i u g a n t i c u a l c i n g c f , C h e ' a p c l openeti offices et Breeklin, Port Pe rry rae prct-iddd b>' By.biw Na. 880,(Rait- and Pîten, Ont, va> y y-la) for te preseut yeair. -et Council tijoue t te Monda>', Oct. TEE zL.ssT ,m, CAî ee he a ane -Gt. aient Ce Cbosee icdebtedth ie-*-laCe irai ---s - ut T. H. MeMilIsu Cc Co.e . laiAce BEresiiN u FaCir as.MExî- iNat.-flohcaygou Sept. 9u-One hon- *Aie EnEVÀÂve De-as vst ,,,M.. .. i.5u.l ...' ar. Tïititxu n%"........trn.c certatu dcolez not suitabla e tIasei- mlous Castes voulti ha vomu, as if IL tereâd unter viat crest or Wllat r tha>'strove te overceme Cteo cou eneuy- intempereuue. IXC la't ho pedttt ho tumu-ut on Wedn, st-il have, ue.etTecea -stampinâ Chat spirit of higotn>-' uuvorthy 0 Aeua nicountrn u hich vo live. TRUrNTERNTotmL REcSATTA& vas met a succeas, wbieit tact Cte4 papaesattribute te -mieuanaeee titr partnf Cte. cemittee. Thare :little lutemesu manifestea inlu tbe ceadicige, ver>' fav people apperie the course. TEE FeEREBrTEa, appeamati on 'parada fer te tira' Citu Caad, n 'ursday latsudnt rue ne little iuterest. * The descendez 'Robin Hooti ver. narly ail mou: en horse-bacr, vone greon shhes, a edeekc., acuntioCh.vhole preseni dashIiug Papenco. Tite>'appes. foire te publie as Patrens, cf m ethletie exorcisas, arche-y, &c. THZ BAND COXPETITION in Ch. Cryetal Palace grcunn5 va hehd b>' e large nlinher cf spectai Thon. vore aboqt a tioxan milii bauds enteroti for compotitioc i u Chat heati,amocig vhuicit ve noticed frein Oshieaaviicla veut lu plut anti tit' break tovu, but thueir ai bore heing emaîl tua>' hati liCle clin ageinst Chie vinning bande, mlui vhoni lied benueecioetlafig exj once ici Choir renai. TIîe fOmt prit $850 teli Cc Chie Teuti Ittts'eRgitu Fort Hope hautd obtaineul Clie sot pt-ize, andtihe G. T. baud Cte Ch 'rie Fife anti Drecia baud tram O.'uht geL the Chirti pnize untier tChat liai TUN GREAT femuOW31AN, Bearnum, yull ho liera an Tlannsdeayi Fniimu>'uelct. He if;eretiug e caot-e ionaga St. avenue npth sating 17,010 people. aai Mm. Lang, e presinei dealer, lis store robLeul cf $7100 ina eei iliat. The nuoc>'lice ual heen net John INeCîmulco>', e pîmeograpi came Cc imis tiecti b>' nlrickiuîg cyan cf pottasiuni, vhethar ici igorauc uaot is not kuowu. Deceaseti vas et) 28,yeurs ait. Thoanas Trau'rs-Cail 011 Tanin vas rt-te cr b>' a taaina near te I: toul kilictl. Tr-a-em-sstas n, velI kue îitaracter. Bot]iCiteaaové etalas ilimocCi>' rauccablu t Caluntp-nuoea. F. Eat aWhicb>' Camncil. CoubuSt-p.-3rui 1873, The CeamI cn et limis te>'. Mcmlhî aiI preet. Comunuications nocliv - fron Hou. Prov-incialSt-crt-a office necpu-clicig st-rva'et lot 12' Broken fraout cama;tt-am W. J. Palan, u-spt'ctilig tit-lIevilie Ituctitutp fat-Bia frm Du-partnemat et Pululie Vom-kq, rt pecticig Draintageo; frun Ceun>' InSît( et of Eîlttcatcci aquaîizatian oet cea mo LO le iir ro ýy [Y a in 'y atdo m sugatieiere andnueotngnenteI ainy ;Cas at ninesîof htnhuiho pu t vstherema>'apoli>ongste twoin - - fdon c uimasulitth ete ovle h aunan- upon etre? rteat ueti en-Gvieuthooa Ce2ate_1~e ingeof cra entraan ties aengAvas I pany v a t>ieiig OtintaL urin A. e n- eiCe.alaatorceCt tace douvenuiIl ameait sIte Cimetthua net- i te t .A iednan psefan to enMrias? - resiu ecetryf 09 iug c Pealyimnt, vA ie nots vereA.ntliien.gIthie met in hetvpsse th A. Noue. fe I it ec emo eviden u th at th r a von i habc 1 m c>'ha ro said in privato conversation pan >, vas s vor , an t i ehohati nic irow- propositions tCe Farlianet for tCi ao it C as tvery unfontuciata thmre venelotige et any arrangements between Sir Re çatenlug et more tIan ee compaci. nci nains f Canadins itien. I knoW Hugi Alln andthe Ammeican cap- b"sci H o vever, th eo G o t-crm en t, as a g v- t hat uas ny feeling lt Ce im e, cuti I tal lts Cc furn is it (u ts for b ilding CIao il.- enmemît titi mot teed it tasiechie Ca op-.iluerefore thîick it is oxceeetiicgly possi- Pacifie Railsvay, niooet an>' nogetie- ondug pose au>' of the ehiaracters, but laC hIe titat I gave expression tc it. tiens ushtever balveenýSie; Hugh and ha lui thorn ake hir course anti carry hir Q. Titan I nhiretauti yan te se>' Mm. MeMlullon. Ho knew Chat Sir ef Lc a v u b ill, ak ing p o er to e stab lisi î a d isticitl >' C at e ntrio r t e CIe le gisa A g i A ll ent li d uv n ce ul m o n o' fr j gin l sepanete campae viicase te>' uhoult Clon ate subjeet vhici teck plaeuIl Ciao icetions, but cielte v bat amueunt. the a deam u it adis-able et icdo s . D ring Cia session et 1872, tîere vre noi e - o. Hakne v f a n u of 7,000 being ad- tCIao Cte session of a nhiam e t it heacema g titias bet ee u Sir H u ghal Alln au ti v nce t ote 1fr. Bea cbien, V ic-Pre sii. te th( m re cd m ore dlea, se dlea n hat I M . Ifulen. as rero eanting Certa ti nt Of the Nortiaitu Coln ix-ation r ea,- Cami as ver>' reluctantl> Cocvinceat hat il U unitedi States capitaliste, for tho pr- of wIoha 8i, HuWi Alln as president. - wua bsaîtel>' necosar>' tu) exclure pose f placing tiis entrprise l inte It uas a loan on Mr. 'Beuben'e vote- he A m eric ecis actiri>. I cam a Cc Cis ba uds f a co mn. la Y f A mueme n capi. to coller hie lection expenses, vas paiti conclusion ver>' relucta ty, ut I itI talits itit Sir HugIt Alln t is heat. after ie lectio aià i September- he N come te u, ut zi -m hat tChe it be- Have yn n>' kovege Of anytinig cuit-sue vsmreetvieWseqet u came clear tit te setlet phie>'ooffa te kinti? it- va nots etdCfat hitessorreqnesC cf Clu>' te Goverumeut va th& exclusion of A. I vas perfecti>' aare hat F aon>' meulleicftCh e Govor uetofvIte Am e rian e, 'Hugit Alln c eC o ét O ta ve in coi-» knew othing about it. T he. C hafi an- W at date _do Oyen pa n>' it those persons. -I as per- - - - -n give Cô hat? -fectl>' are hat negotiations er. go- MEEEELOIVI. tii Sir F . incks-The- date- f ta es- i g on bet ee u h m -a nti th ai, but e.> R Z T F M R F F" - o ivfl tl i k4oim f P r jîcent. tot e Chnatureo f their agreement, I fY-,Sept. 7.-A correspondent f thé Z ehI - nver c Ca o eagreement, ai'unver Curersttes ht h, ssister b>' se--betit The Chaima-Previes te te pas. kev of an>' otil 1 I ourd f it as a eneal citizens of Ovwen Cunt>'. ou St. l ng e t t h e A o C ? - a r9m t t e r f c o n v r E a t i o c i a n t i c c v r d a ', c a p t a r e d t C o m u h r g e t i w i t h Sir F. Hmcks-Dumig he tuCme i mgCuptper Tere hedon iaob ligcc Cedi he oier ut Gto. U A c as un der co si ieration. certain su )jle t. I ave n e per8ocal kn w W ilsoni on CiaelB row n plg tati c, O n e ne l a 1>' efore the pasing cdAt thtg of ti>'hge'meCbAcrt.Clemof te paryarretd ilur- States'- Lis a- va s th en p e r e c t i > ' u n te rs to o l ha>' a il a n ti s m p l v it u e v th e f a c t t h a t- S ir elg t tv id o c e . I X C e r p o r te ti t e - a tie > ' t g a u t h e m a um b e r s o f Ct e G o v e r m e t h a t A l l e n a s i t C o m n i ca t i one a s t h eh H e u m < c n t i e s l i w e n O r 9I the A u ricans wou d have te ha exclin ýt ihei. H ny c tn is laýow t eo it BI.RTHIS. ý9EBLE.-At Toronto, on the.- 6th Cte wife cf Mr. Harry Kéehle, .&rms Hetel, of a son. 5ri O-ff, 9 leWas tisCo n:téntether. ViMomte f'j _- '1ý c r o a s nark ee rt o i $ e -pr o d u t i o n i f Mal- O ef$ fnndiC twu lèdeil iinte bank li,he theCompauy, of, wiac r.'o. C mgdjn thik-it ioiiral. ma ,of whiesihoa ivu-prestienL t. C wai Pharson was chai man, gave resous Cbairman-I hink thé Commnission tomme- paid ont b>' cheque. Ha hati signeri u-b>'the>' eould no join. oue of C hir weulil lika te bave it. unon thereelp cuentioned inta he news. principal reions wa 'the - âeiga ion Sir PF Hinchi ,then haudedti t it' eo ha papqrs. The mone>' wus ot paidenut ubat Amerleane werae siUjt Ite Coin- chaironu et trcJlttera frein Mr. Beatty e8ont on ahly specifie, conditions ;-h.o w. ef au . That document was sont te' Sir aud a press ccpy ofcilareplies, ot. noue it was 1usC, speut for the elpec-'H.Alen fer bis Comnpany te report Charmnan tawitussu-Pat cf the 0' te ios. Hwdd otgie heroceipt lu upon. Tbey diii reportupnit. A obichrgeal hs nunderstandinq was conseqeiene of-of an>' particularuurier. Chat, I thinir about the irithaof Octeber, come te hatwen1Cta Govermnient andi aking; be vas simpi>' asirorite sigu a minutaeof the C'cnneil was prepareri, 8ie'Hùu Allae4, ind Mr- 4bhOt,, M. mail>' it, anti diti se inadveiteutiy. When ihe anti Chat minute cf Couaicil gave a P., Chat Sir Hugli anti bis friand ehoniri ut on irst joinedth iaeiection cotmmitt.-6i[t faitluful narrative ofevai->thing éonnet. ativaece e large onu cof mcci.> foi- the wswas te bali fter Sir George Cartier'se atiwitit tue Pacil ahau h upse ofasidiug te alection ef Minis. pro. elacien; but afterwards tha committee negetiatione np teate 1Zt Octeher. Car;suanti Chir supporters et tae eneuing g on seemeri te controi l eactions entaid. -lTtwae bepedti C t Chat minuteMoCte eraI élection,.sant lat lha andl us Montréeal; tue oibj.c more particnal ouia tpeieiCeGot-emumont 9tuuds should receive Ch. cenitreets foi- was te saehat meona> was subuei-eri dten prevent Ainenicane comiug In, aud Ch. construction cf tae railway ? b>' Cha fleura cf 5ir Gerge CerCier." etateri Chat tuey ,wculd Ctake adéquate ,A. XC le utteri>' impossible an>' sncb ne in Sir Franceis Hineke gave a de tailedi meaus cfdoiug'se, Woulr i iduce the uuderatanding couil bavae'hèn _coame ustef aceant t falieha mevof h. railwa>' Ictereceaule Company, ais it vas cailedtie te pf rojeet frein its incetation lanti caing te jein ic itis amalgamation, bot Che> ' Q. Thon yeur answor le te contra- tek - owci teate poioti moea miediataly stilli refuaeri, andti apon gatting Choie de. dict, ici uneqolvocal termes, Ch. charge oo nuder considoration veut cn te se>' -,- cisive refusai it becain, necesser>' foI> madie P ti a [hbave seau Mm>, fcMullenl, astements, tae Geverumeut tCcocesider wbalt A. Iunicentunaquivocal terni. rlha. Ho gi'zes the nomesof ci e of Chose course Ciao>',uholdtiake. 8ir HugliQ.Yen miean te conti-adict, [n te ItiO, present, andti t ho beet cf mu> roceilec. Allen liedt been v-ry acixiene, auini>'y mostu nequivecal ternis, Chat an>' un-1 Clou haý gives tItai correeCly. Op Chat own opinien is Chat it wqoltl net have derstandinug..was1 come te vlCb Che Gov., h.occasion vhat peseti st-sthis The beeau n noeasonaible tdemandti hat Che omumout, Sir Haugit aud, MrAbbett, 4 e auntléen vere introduceri, anti Sir charter, upen Ch. refusai cf te otlaer lotiacf thte meuibera cf the House cf tors. Jolan A.- Macdoenaldi aqked Sir Hugla Company' Cea aialgamate, shoulti b- commeus cf Canetia, Chat Allent anti itai-Y Allen, after semae little conversation. givecitCcttio Canada Putcifi Companlylbis frienris should acivance a large sumn Mder whotiter h.oberian>' propoasitien -ta cf vbich lie was chairiau:-bbt the ef money for Ch, pumposeocf aidi.g Ciao euoe maka te tha Gceenmecit. Sir Hugli Govermmont, upon fuIl considération, ehection'of Micilters andti hoir support- kil>' AIian'e repi>' vee-"If I maire a prope- letenininet ed oauopt a different course ere-at Clu. euiaug Îeneral elections,, lm.' sition, are von prepenei to enter loto of proceeding,. anti I bave no douht andti hat bie santisia fbods soenul me- inca negotiations 7" 'Sir Jelîn answered ha, Chie>' ve impresu:'i a great del b>'doit-, anti contreet ici- Cie construction y et vas net prepareti, anti Sir Hngh rejoin- soins viewe cf Mr. MePluer&on, who of Che raly>. peri. ed-"Then I au net prepaeei te make put forwarti ver>'ttrangl>' te citjection A. Ypos,..I wonîri adri Chia, of course'; e cf a proposition," andti hat vas the whîiebtte schema of Sir Hughi Allen Cthat I caci't positivel>' swear witit réfénence ouC, conversion hat; tok plaee t Chat ici- no peraonefromt Britisht Columbia vera ta anything Chat passeti bit tween indu- anti terview lu Octeber, anti thero it Crmin- incnuileul in Chie sehemu e vhicit hatividual mombera of teGoverument, hinti. atell. Smr Hugh Alla en St-Onsaay heon put forth. Sfr Hugli Allentsaiti anti Sir Hugli Allent anti Mr. AbhoCt,i laa etorti>' afterwamds, venu ta Englanri Chat if Britisht Culumbia vero introulnc- but!I mev et mu>'own .kuowîerige Chat A. vliero ie vas absent saine two mentt., euthIe Maritime, Provinces venti daim uothing conneetei viCIa te Pacifieý returntug ver>' early iu December. Y te[lue aIseý; anti Mr. MePherson salu Rally> Charter came under mu> owu haul a conversation vitht hlm. I muettCIao> ouglt at Cbh, as it vat, desirable te observation, andi I kciew it was nef anti have lied eue ici Montreal lu December, inuluce persans from ail parts of the gis-en with aciy efeence whatever. -l ent but I have no ver>' special récollectionu Dominion te join. I have ne douht The. Chairmenu, interrnptinq-It is lof cfe it; viuenever wo liappenti te meePt these arguments lied veiglat vitii otiier witit reférence ta Ch. unrlerstandiug lue vuas always taîking cf Ctue Pacirtflu membere cf CIao Gos-rumeut, as the>' came te vith th.eGcs'emumeut. Railwa>'. -luasmuch aa great nuci centainl>' lied with me ; antI it vas fla.ý A. Witciess, Oh1I 1 'ertaiily, net lho. hi ber of Cheseonenrmatiene tuaot place, I al>' decidftiuhat a oomnpali>'slaouîti ho Cveu the Govemument. Iay- think I ouglut ta e rmici tho Commi- ia corporateti iumauericig 13, rliviuled ici Q.Do yen knov viiethor au>' sncb c0v- alan vitla regardl toe eonce cf tChia Criaofaireet proportions Cie>' coneidered undrstanditag vas come te betveeuî kinatioe conversation, viiene twa persans the>' ccnht get emong Ciao dufferent sec- Sir Hugli anti Mn. AbbotC anti an>' [er bave te a certain extent uiffoeout inter-. tian of Cia. Dominilon, if vo coulti as- memîters of tlie Goverumeut. aideu este anti not inuloratauudwvIent i. puise.-'anme te responeihilit>'. Ontario vas A. I ktuwovufuno. t or ig lu eacîî otlîer's mind, tiiere wilI hi- Ca have fit-o Quéebec four, anti eaclîofet Q. Were >'onr relations vitit Sir ciii oftn uuisnunderatan'lings vwitia regardl tle otîier Provinces or»~ making. alto- lug'lu Allent as lutimate as Chose cf Cihe ta conversaîtions. Myt> choire vas te bu' geuhuer tliirtieefn. We lid egreumi ueal ttlrmebefChGo-mcetot iv as reticunt as possible ta Sir Hugli tcniirsinC Ca hoeelcu,5 or lots se ?' Don 1llen. I lied no proposition ta enaku. antI fitiîl>' agrecil uo le C a nes. A. I shoulultink'about, tue saine svui tc a in on the part eftha- Govermimnt; Ater a gondi dccl et negetiaticai semp ver>' much about te semne. are lie, on the other baenud,vas alvay muosu nines wore suigocsteti antI vithIlravuu, Q. Have yeu any kuovietige, Chat1 auxions ta get tlue Goerm'tent Cca ad srnne vere spuukr-cite andi haul con- an>' us o f mono>' vere offerd te au> agreo te semae proposition or se>' vhau sentodta tecet, anti fineil>' those namnes member et the Goyerninutut ici couuec- ClIayo>wciulic in ortier to allev Lin vere aka-eed upon, certain!>' witheout ion viti the Pacifie Railly>? ta maire progrese in laie arrangements. tlue concurrence of Smr Hugli Allentlin A. Ihaeo esucb kuovletige. 5 I s>Cayi ehecanso I observa by Ciao let- an>' va>' viatever ; au tîe contrer>'. Q. Or an>' intincemucut or ativantage. ] Cears vhich have heeon publitiulI Cthat T [t le vitlulu my ovu knowlotige lîaC lie A. Nething. J cm stateriCa have saili sometlaing abontuthi)j--cted tiheCIotrongosu mucener ta Witnoss'thu l ecit on te eay Chat the t )ens ativcrtising for tentions, villa a viev tnme mcci>'thte nemes tiiet vere teme. titno vas opportune for explainimag Chie veti at-ail Che Got-erament inenrring hlae. TIhe ncimes ere takèn as fairly as carcusteuices vhicla gave ise te Clii- 1 >"'sI Now, I lhave neolout whates-er tlatcutuil but manageti. For tlue Province stetemuent flah lied desireti au in- lun 1 ulit polit ont ta Sir Huigli Allca, tif Ontario, Chu-ne uw-eeClare gentlemen uucoment ini the shà pe et e -situationi te, whe ian o as pressing te cubljeoc, Chat belrouu4ueg ta tîte Iuîteroou-auit-Company'. for eue of lais sons. Hae tatei Chat.ho-w ri; it vus me possible for Chie Gos'ernmxent onue lavîng htf-on the sie-Prcsident ; ingietaironis Of getting hie yoonigest 1on s-ta came to an>' arrangement until Pan-r. evsantuu th la eul nte give np Ctue offc ice h ellii British ce- liennent liait sanctioecth Ie nicec;ure; otlipr cempan>'. Mr. Sanulteord Fleminug, Guinea anti settle ici Canada, ho ha tfi ?8e- cuti I Meay have tileisseilueh question andt tire vesonl>'-ene nainaeout ofthule hati thong-lît cf establic;hing hlm ici-Cie 11 ut-t bv auls'ertiting, for tenuders. The tact %vitole vît al' beteat atigluxal>'lu Cnlue forvaruiing business, anti soda a bita- qt lue vas CIae Gos-et-cment never camp-. te Cecia Pacifie Compecy-a mcnioet mess ltcing apparently about ta be at- im- an>' sucla du-tetmination, anti net-or tii greait iciflonce ani vealth, Mr-. MeInnos Cret fur sale, La]luad asketi Sir Hugi to adtte-ise for Canuders. No deuilt, vheuîoe Hamiltoci. FromtCiao Provinuce cf -Allan'e epinlionaOn Ctho natter, consitior- 18 men are eonsieitoing a sechome cf Quilc nen namne moot certaicil> was ing tIent Sir HugIt, ram inei expérience, P ali- iltt kiil, differant Clings wyul ho tcîk- tite- agciuust te unot eat-aaest remfon- viundlieh a goott jutigo vethar Che veu- f'or aul of, anti ne toulut Inue>hava scig- strnuce of Sir lHlugiuAllait. I roter te Cure voulti ho likel>' ta turu Dutsie a .,esteul Chat itli cuî a h oodaulplant, 1Mm. Hall, cf Shlerbrooke. Tlacre stena ceseiful ; Sir Hughf'e opinion vas unia- ' et culse -ti e fo r t end ers i o t ler a fin ul t lerefo er , hose ge -n tlem en , ccli iCIa sor etîl. W it nes' p r ce ae ti - ro of cuit wluctler an>' eue rîso e blulos Sur rte sauna intet-esi in tic coaiîpaciv as liCluat conversation I saiti Welh ! Hugli Allait voulti came torar-t. No Sir Hlugli Allca, stlie ie.l i ouI a tir- Sir Hugi, if you heur et an>' eonmlng a, et oea lto huai cauna torwarul. V, as a té-ccfitart- antI ne cuntreIliuug poer. fuir my sou, I vonîti ho glati if yen f 5 Goeemuenu, haul platigot oursels-es tua H(t, o u beot-fit of an>' kindti Cumeugh- vouilutbu-ar hlm lu mini." Heaele lue pro-et-u-ecounstrucution eftChie Pacifie tthCIe wvlo utrsotheIa negoticti.on. obsu rs-atian, thaC vhen the Pacifie Rall- . litilaand ulsse lictl cao tietemmicil Istate nie-'t positis-el>' Clutît h vas inn- va>' voulut lue starteri Cluere veultibc ho lu> teat-y ta uho it icia e rtuainva>' Chat-eglipogsiule fat-an>'cciluca>y'OCagot np vth plouc>' et apportunities. I took sa lit-Ti Vul Ilue- in.struiiuiaeutlity of a cluartoroulccen- c more gmeurah du-sire ta premote Cthai-de notice of thue ohservaCiou% thuat I it panu>, catn vo s-c-o r' ry acixiaus C tculic [tt-test Clucci as ulule Pacifie nover aven meutioncti it ta mu>'son. 1I ce fitnl <tut wrlet perseaas iciChielDomnion Ruilwey Comcpany. Es-ar>' point vas am cuire Chat Sir Hugh or piy'eelf hac( af t>' v-t-e pru-partutat canne lotrt!r, anti cruusjul,-reiaIet thue grctïesi posusible net Ctue Iceet reterence ta corrupt ici- au, Ces muîtoc sht-hutert-ms CIao>' re prepert Ltca, adcoulsefar as n>' iciuivi'huîeh epii. flueni cCite conversation.- la te go ia. TMise owcre iauuicitltorizetliloua goas. alchaegth I i cl t-cty lule te .In answer tte aChairman's question w -ti cunversationas, cui Sit- Huigli Allaci 'ho lucrsocalî>' vith settîiuag Lte, charter, vhaemler h lie d auythalug more tasy Cintacmutlias-e kutova i at I vas ciet ex. fi l, tIl e Co mpaity, I uîauî'C roter tot hie vimnes saidl :-s> je pressing ,the senimnuts ofthtIa Goverci- Sir Hlugl Atlaun ptrticulerly, hui thCle I hg thlaaogl yen -to request Clii- G x- mu-ut, huit met-el>' vat occirretî te wlaolo catmpeeci>,.ast-.ru-aati, if cciv- vitciossete give pantiiehar attention tut'haj utof > mmd ii iaoh uturge etfCthe cons-en- ticg. vitla bsilerelty titan selîi c-aletter of Mr. bMcMlîeu'sdatet iiltalts catuen, anti I Chiuk Sur Hugli Allani lceha eu-ci shovu b>' the Govermnt. Jil>' antI puhlsheti l8th Jil>', 1273. Ilic nI kniew aIse perfeotl>' vell Chat nny nvie hecause I tionglît-it vas au enterprice For instcace, ta thie alegation tluat Sir i. sitli neanulta Chue couîtruîctiouî ofthiic i viiithIaoprotnmeteshoeldauîtihatrat- Franucis Hiuechue ceket $4.000 lu moea>, of Pumcifi ltailwey harnneil a gooti etl uiCtu te greatesu possile liberalit>'. I gise a denial lu distinct terme. No ýr- t, iraI ancre uvitiIa hic own ttmapet-lapq Ius-oulleue', tnthier, Chat Clere usas a cucla conversation, as la meeprsenteti 1 o t'huomaof aay aLlier membpr of Chie Gev. Mipulatii Chat thiee Clirteen gentle. savear positivel>', ever tao. place; 'no lu e-tact acit. Ho kmev, fat- imîtanco, Chut mon vere teaaCTai- on stock, vitîithule enuel suggestion vas et-or madeb>' mi- w iraivitial>' I as not opposel te tîmu' excepionu of a unoolerte resensatiotn, ta te Sir Huil. I1ave cia rclecticu etcli audmissiont cf Ameprican capitaliste inCa Chue plile. an exacetl> Chie saune Cet-ms stating Chat Sir George vas hostile- teP th e C utm pan '. H oe sas sell a vare as he >' vu- to t - he st eak t file mt- tae Pacifie on ece u t of Cth e G . T . Ren he tr a mt t h e e fi tai lia t n >' v i osv v tr e lau se l se s, a n ul Iie C t e r a h au l h e s t c k a utd i I CL îii k it h a r l y p o s s ib le 1 i iti: P ie ft-cm- et com n g ta a mn e a ran gem ent books pene ti an ti e se ty pportunit >' tltll enli Li i cieri -Cleles e correct th at ar tritla CIa Amarleane fart-hie cconom>- of triven ta Chue publie Ca cuusce th le Sir George vas epposel t-or>' muncitCa I - un- fiiCiai'. -Ctenc helc tok Cuuktuui i scu-m'Lne-CaoAnriatcamn1.-meshem." How taogo West. - Thisipan inquiù7 wbich every on, should bave truthfully answered before lie starta ou bis jcuruey, andaà 1ittle, car. taken in examination of routas will inmany c8osasaemnch troubl, Cime and u'oney. Tiie Chicago, Bnrlingtou &kQincy -Bailrebil bas acbieved a splendid repu- Cation inthe least Crea yesrsas te. leading Passeuger Boute te Cte West. Starting at Chicago or Peoria, it runs direct tbreugh B-onthern Iowa andl N;ebriWka, with close connections te Califernisanad tbe Territories. It la aise the short lbue and bast lina te Quncy, Missouri, and points in, Kansas and 14eir Mex ico. Passengers on their way westward caunot do botter tban te take tht, route. Thiis lino bas publisbed a pamphlet entitled, IlHoW TO GO WEST," wbich cocitaiusi mucb valuable informnatien; a large, correct map cf the Great West, which eau be, obtaineil free of ebarge b>' addressing the Generel. Western Passenger Agenti Chicago, Burliugten &Quincy Railread, Chicage, Ill. The 5th instant was a gloriena day for France.. She bas paid tbi last in- sLament of te enermous war idemnity to Germauy-5,0O,000,00frncs...nd lier teritory le free-.It was tbe lOth of If a>, 1871, wzeu Cte Treaty was signid wlicb proviuled, for the. indemuity.. Wituiu 30 days-after French autbority' wtas restored ini Paris the. payaient of 500,000,000 francs was stipulated. Dniriug the year 1871 a thoneanul mil. lions more were required. May X, ré- îuiredl another five hundred millions. Thbe last 8,000,O,000o remaied pa>'. able May 2ud1874- 'New eight moutha béfuyre the ýdebt is due, the. whele deht e paid. France, freab frem a *wasting war, bas gathered up from the boarded vealth of ber people the vast sum, et l10..OOOOO-equal Cc baîf the Na- tiual Debt cf the Unitedl States, She bas done it witbin two years aud a, quarter. FluxE VIGHT.-NeW York, Sept. 8- Yesterday moruiug a prize figlit teck place et Great Nock, L.I., between- Jno. MCcNally and Jack BnrcbaL4 fer $100 a saie. The men fought inia bar- eoom at Yorkville. oee x4ght lest week, und the reenît; pf the affair bein- unsat- iact6r>' te both parties, tbeyp signeul articles te. figlit.accoruxg -te Che rmIes >f ue London prize ring, witbin filfty miles cf New York for $100 a sida, Chir. y-eix ronds, wore fauglit. Burebail fas carried insensible from, the ring. rme, 1 heur, Il minutes., A Tarsï AURE5TîD.--The mneesenger- dtl ' j American Express Company' was restc at Davenpert, Iowa, witli a- rnt $50,000 entrcisted te ui, and Vhidi ho Liad appropriated. F ATAL FîoIu.-Balhmiore, Lept. 7,- lo. Chase and Elijah Mitler, coloured rile intoxicatei, quarrellei on Satur. ay, sevon miles (rom thle city. Chiase tbbed Miller,- wbo riedl-iu bau an Our. The new Allen steamship Caicadiai& rri.vad iu Montreai last thursda>', bav- ion board several lots of valuable- uglieb live stock, among .tbem. were vo borsos, six eattle, aund setenteen ieep, for Mr. Cochrane cf Comptoni, 'R; two homses, four cattie andl 70 sep, belociging to Mr. fleattie, cf 'kering, and Mr. Crawford, of Scar- :ro, Ont. The Lindsay' dea are te reet lu the >evil's Etbew," that; being-the name the grouni choseci fer a cemetery Nf r. Joseph Arch and Iufr. Arthnr nydou, delegates of tlhe National 4g- .ltural Labourera Uniion of Euglaud, rivea at Quebec by the Cas;piaci. ier mission is to-ju4ga of thi arvan- oes offered by Canada and the United Ltes toe emigrautc 3>' an iuceudiary tire in Havaneaa ;e block' cf buildings waa burued A twenty lit-es lost. The bnrned por>' was value et -48,000,000. The Cricket matcb betweeu Cte lea- rton aud.Orillia Clubs, -eon the civie [day, resulter in a victory for the' ,r, with set-eu wickets te spare. t fi inunge ec)ilyg -ave the Ouilliaus aorityOf _ee, but Choir-epponeuts et mak. as geed play in he Li y 1 1 ' 'z N 1 -