Whitby Chronicle, 11 Sep 1873, p. 3

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I Uou~ I va a 'UUilLtt U IAAU tiUons JnlulS4.A. ," "Grand Solo," "Vialiuoello,"aid att-es Blaok Walnut iglh Basnant CA"a., moie stop$ ini e1 0, YAÂ1RwooD'9S MELÙ)DBON-ORGÂN Cornbining, in handsome, Rosewood Piano case,, dl the powrsasi variety of tise O&Oatx ithe ,pw,îuess sud purtYof Mzaonaoim toue Tii lnuin is côoeddb y, al coiupet.aut jndgas Ù8sth greatast immPrve- ipiet of thse &go, sud places this Instrumant aI ,once as supar ha tany att-ar IhtOrgaunmade. 1 Solito' Çlprh-t Il a.ni,, sud?7 p. 22av' Mr, Carl utcU'c.rh-YeryrSunday mornlng 80 auff 10-.80 a. Mn. alteamtely-ERo. Fa- MeatOsu,; reoidauoa, Oshawa. siada Preslytarlan Churci-At Il a. nt. 6;80 P pMp-Rov.Mr. BDsittyne. )grsgllloual Chutec-At Il a. m. anA ,P, n.-Rlav. M.fGbbs. ;. 3u4rOws hurc-At 11 &.m. aud 0.80 .-It"emr. Prss.r. ssea~Mellhdlsl t -urchýt--1*lISa, =i '8p. in,-Rav. 3Mr. sAen CHOoicmsOIEs, Sept. lti, 1878. wt-et....... .... '-l 5 jils80 tm Wheat.. ..... 91 18 @ i22 .k ye Poue.......7fic@Ma 1 ..... ......85c 40 oc ýtQas<...... ........ 800(38 las, per barrel-.. 02 sa................... lic17o tas............... 10180 _ t inA quarter....859#3 0 1foret quarter . ..... 04 @ #0' iceus20 S3 800 prpair, kg par Pr---------.....c kya, par lb ,......... 7001 10 d .................. 83 0, Ots. per tn ..........#7 a 08 _J,,,......,., 8@*65 b 7. A iN, BOUT DE L'ISLE. asfor saveral yeurs aufferlui ron gb, 3ispactorutloxî anA Niglt Swemts, ndeA wltlc excrentie nerveus sud physi- rsrto.My body vas greatly enta. A. su.d th. genberal impression m'as that d nat loup to lIve.,1 boeuntatlng Da. EBELVS COMPOQUND JILIXIII 0F ISqPEATES ANI) CALISAYA, sud ira- 'emnttaa plac-jinedatey.I gain. Swailht sud trengli . MyCough and t Sweats Jisappeared, anlAI ant nov lu Ellxir t-ave experleuceâ equllyrentakr- results." W. W. SIMPSON, Agent, . T. R. V i ,D Y FP é-We seitA free, a île sud Kure niesus ai slf.cnre, for Con- îpilou, Braîcîtitis, Anitma, Catarrh, fui, mund any disegse i the Throat or ig. Nervous Dehltity, Premature De- Waknesa, and alldisorders braugit ou louthinl limprudenîce. TUTTLE & C.,7'8 Nassau-st. N. Y. n;eit c> *gi,.' .s.g-" By a thorougît sledgze ai the natural lave vhloh gavera operalions af digestion aud nutritionand 6 oltrfiui applictatinof thia fine proper rided our breakfast table"iwtlta aellcate- avareA boverage, wt-iefntsy sava us ty ieavy daclors' bihIs."-ýCfitW1Seorc6c cie. Madeslmply viiibillngvater or lt-iacipaoket islabaled-JAs.Bt'is& ElornopatlCllemiists, London. emUACTRX i7 owCÃ".-' We Wyul nov an accouint oi tie procssadipted iy ses., James Eppsq & Co -manufacturera ietotia articles, ah their varks lu tic non RosA, Loudon."-Casell'oHase- aistde. 46 EW AD'VERTIS XFNTS URSUANT TO A DECREU OFTHEE Court af Chancery lu a calie. ai McCORMAClC va. BURNS, The creditersai Johi McCormuise, laIe af vckormmg, lu teCunty ai Otarin, vin IeA lu or about t-e ttth ai Augost, 1872, are omi or befare tis e 22u day ai Setenther, 1147à ta embd typot(ropA ta Camneroti, MaÃŽiiwlt-ai anAiit, ai thsCiy ai Toc. routa , lie SoitIlrwof te Plaitis, t-aur Christiaansu tnamen, sddresses and de. scrpiioii,tha full particularo of their claintn, s iitatatmscuî niftîeir accaunits, sud tlierna- ture ai the secuinties, lii any) hpld t-y tient; or lin dfaulit tercof blîey wlll be perentpt- arllyexcinded fronthlie bettefib oai lItasalA - 1deere,, Every credilai' holdling sny secur- ily ile ta proimîce tise nante iefore me, aI nMy chaniibers is e Towni Wiiby lu tise Cooutty aiflOntario, an tise 2rd da -of Sep- tomber, 1878, aitan orclon lun the foenon, beuu1g ttiSiuaappoixibed for,- adjudication oui tisee lautus. Dstod tIis (ti day ýf Septetuber, 1873. QEO. Il. DARTNELL, 87-2t Master. S TRATE]) 1 Fra -ite premissoai lIe sultetriber, Lot -9, tsi catn. Piakerinîg, ton ortabout ltAug- nt 15., oua retl ani it ite yearling hiier; aninoms sicep toarited IlTý."t.itî bIak pittnt 01nides, Amîy p»Ornogivutg nuc i it ftitu hiomt as wil lead ta tîtir nîcovery wiàl t-a eulttably rewartled. T. G. REAZIN. Viclz. ep et. 10. 8751h fwL.mîty-otte sud tse Souttimrly -ix st:reaf JLot No Tvouty, lit thte Tîtird Ctîcessiati of aite TowtNIlhp oa ickerng. There 1, a ymlttg orçltard oisthle-aprentises.I<he place avatered by s livittjg etreatntanA tht-ee uevr.iilteisimli>iansd lat distant about thire nmise iron t reucismamîs Bay sud tva samn-ll milan front Ihaffi's Creai -sIs- ions on the Grand 'rrunk 1aillway. At-ove parcels vlll t-e salA atier tagetîter or sepsraly ta soit purcaiers. A ltîgt-- enieil credîl vil ha giron. leor furtier p~artculacsasppiy aunt-s prm- la..la a eovuer, THOMAS BURBE, Or ta JNO. E. FAREWE LL, -Sailcilor, Whit-y. Sept. 10. 87.6t L 0 S T 1 oin Wedncseday, 271i nito., belveen Pocrt 'Wlittby sudlTowmti, on IByront Streeta travî 811k Unitbrells, vilt lgit banl.e. The fluA- er vil ho ravarded t-y leavimtg lt uaI .T. LAWLE I & CO'S. WlitLty, Sept. 10. 37 $ REWARD 1IL i - A mal Tin Box, williroandoned, col?- talîmiing paperi TVte abuve roerd, suduao quleniilis ael cil. Whiltby, sort. 1le. 87 1OWE 8EWING MACHINE 1 -A . 0 . N ILSO N, Agent for tis celebrated Have ew- I* Macine, bage ta sunounce Ihat t-o lins Hpenea 'l nnO for dia sale of the ow n Me shawa. The Wilt- t-y Agency vilt-n kept apen en usual sud customners c1im, as faemerly,.b. supplieâ thc aver)mling IntIhe 1lit0. A. 0. NILSSON, Wbjlby, 8.peaSvlng Machine. WtY , Spt 1tly h, 1872. OL . 2n paten~téd Fpçb. 187$,-&nd manuWatured sololy, byus.- Ail Instrumnents warrauted for lira 7.5e.. Catalogues on applicaltti.* Inspec- tion respatflly solieted. MUDGE &,YARWOOD M'FG- C0. Wbitby, Sept. 10,1878.* - NEW ADVERTISEsENT8. FARM IN OARTWRIG7HT 1 Tisera will hae salA by public auction wittt the. approbation ai George, H. Dartuell, Esquire, Mater aift-e Court ai Cancery, aI Wiithy.pursuant t4ot-e decrea and final arder for sale, made lu a suit ai BUELL VS. FISHER, ET' AL., By the. salA Master, sah ilsChanmbera luthi. court House.,ait-e Town ai Wlitby, au MONDAY, THE W2H DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A: 0. 187, At Eléean o'cîoak in the forenoon, lu one paorcel, the foliowing valuabla faim. b.ittg ts Boatt-west Fiity acres ai Lot Number Titrsealu t-e FinI Concession aetlt-m TOWNSHIP OF -CARTWRIGHT 1 The at-ove land la situatelun a. goad tract i country, sud about Seren miles iront Port Perîy, sadis cleared atnd fenced, and tiare la a hanse and arnm heleau. Posseeqaon ta b. gYen on theeFi rot day ai Navemuber ei, an tise purchaser ta have tie rig ti lado ifulplauging aiter lia Firet day of Uçt-ober noxc. The puret-aser le ta psy cnetenhi aithe purchase money aI t-e t i ofsale sud te rentalder tieroof iishin ane mon(h tisere- sitar. Tii. Veudor vill ouI y deliver ti, icagis- trar Abtract , sud'produce suai deede as are lu hie pubse.seon. The other conditians are thie standing conditions ai tise Couit ai Ct-ancery. For furtiser-particulars app1yta Lyman Blugtilis, Vendora Slicitor, shawa; J. K. Gardon, Esqutire, Witby, jimd John Hlhin Etiquire, Toranteo, sud ta lise uniiereigucd Dated this lii day ai Scptombcr, 1873. GRO. H. DAIITNELL, 878t .Master. e 7y PUBLIC NOTICE la heraby glven that in pursanca fsa ré- solution pausat by the. Connil of tse(Cor- poration of the Town of Whltby, ail Streats lad out esst of Brook Street> on the. Wrd.,, plan, in the. Centre Ward, o the salA Town ni Whltb, are required to b. opened up, aud ail ostructions removed therefrom, on' or before ýhe Wu day of October, 1878. J. 11 AMER GREENWOOD, THOS. HUSTON, ,Xyr Town Clerk. Whitby, Sept. rd,. 1$78. 86 LN TRE SU1RROGATE COURT OF TuE VO.UN'Y 0F ONVTARIO. Notice is hereby gfiven thal at the expira. in of twenty-one days fram t lifret pub- lication af tlua notice, I will spply ta the Judge ftf the aboie Court teb. sppointedl nardian ai Shlson Osburt. Coates snd Hel. na Angusta Castes, infant childran of George Cotesalate of the. Village ai Oshawa, carpenter, deceassd.J E OT . Dated Anguet 2lst, 1873. 85-8t rN STItUCTION ON THE PIANO. IFORTE ANDI OUGAN. SINGINO ANDO81MINGB LASSES TAUGHT 1 MR. GEORGE C. WIGGNS, B.A., ilegs ta announce that be wil undertake te instruction af pupils on tha piano, me- lodeon, aud orgAn, on reaponsble terni. Alan Singtng and Singing Classes.- Instruments tuned. En q nie at Mr. Oea. Illakes-opposite Mr. J. Han Perry's, or at the Chronicle Office, Whitby. Wiitby, Aug. 26th, 1873. 85 B BITISE AMERICAN HOTEL, R AY -S , iT. AN . DRE WS CHURCER, WIIITi3Y. (LATE RBSON nousr.) - WHITBY, ONTARIO. An extensive sale af ail kinAs of up li aud fsncy articles, coudlucted hy tise ladie ai the abuvo ciuret, ili taIt. placa lu tît Drilli Shed, an Liee aveing aitise Ilt-Sept., sud during tise day ai the lSuis, betig -the sean aioftise Agrianîtural Fair. Tise pro. ceede are ta bepieid-ta the liquidation of thse debt npcu tisa Mause. The Bazaar vilhiisfmr the sante abj ect, vill b. t-ied about Utrisîtas. Refrest-ntus aiaIl kindeurng t-e sale. Whitt-y, Sept. 10.. 87 $ri #CO0 IIR DAY. Agente Wanl- ed. Ail classes of vorktug people, ci attiser sex, yonnig or olA, toake mtore mney aI vorli fac us int their e pare moments, or tlt tise tinte, titan aI auythiug edcc Parte- tlars free. Addrass G. STINSON & GO., Portland Maine. 37 0'rOWN 0F WHITBY. Applications wilI bc received t-y tise Gont nittee ou Appolttuants lu office np ta nuan, 11O.VDA Y, lStIîINSTANT', For the appoisimntutoa TOWN TAX -COLL.ECTOR, Fac thte preseul year. Applicauts muet have tise lswiui qualification anA givo tise security requircdl. JOHN BLOW, Gisaientan. -Wiiby, Sept. Scd, 1873. 86-2i P I C-N IC I1 A Grand Pic-uic vill b. isolA lu Me. H. Gortiaus be4,tttfui Grove, opîmaitatis e Iai- wsy Stationt, Dttllltî Crueel, on Tuesday, Septemiber l6th, '73, ShoulA the weatier prove unfavorabla, h wiii be held atn the follnwing day. Ditiuer will be aerved at nnoan. Lulîar's celetrated Quadrille Baud Iran Torn,,to vil te iematteidatico, anAdtho St. Pastrick'@ Brase bantd front Osiawahas kiud- iy tattdered de services for the occa»ion. The neuai gantes will take place, and suc- ceseiful comnpetitors will reueive iiandsone Ttckets, adtnftling ta ground aud inner, 80 cents. Juvenile tickets2tt centis, Dulinsa Creek, Sept. 2. 3 L1IST OP LETTERS TTt WHITBY POST OFFICE o14 FilteT OP SEPT., 1878. Admanon, Heny Latng, Smith Blrownt, 'A tM . Logan, Jttxins 1lrtideu, Jacob Macktty, John 13edtlen, MicaR Maggle Martin & Glo. ltroadrick 'Vm. leterkitn, James lirkett, Ïiw is. me Pardon v. lirsdiord,MisaCharlotteileed, kelcy G. llailly, Wm. 2 Ryan, Wnt. Bturke, Tho». iarmer, Sîntontan, Jantes Conneil. C. H. Steveuson, David Coolie, Joseph Spnooer, Gea. W. Canthoil, iU. H. Scott, Jonathan Carley, Joseph- Shili- Eobrt. Coffeo, Little Tin Sutcliffe, Josephi Ellinît, Jas. merciant Turpin, James Farewell. J. J. Turuhull, Thoe & son Floyd, Miss . Watt, Irvinîg Orsyburu, Fred i.Walkcr, John, blsck- Hall, Sam, Wilson, Tho«, 1 snth Hall, Lewis White, A. F. con- HartyS. B. mercial traveller. Xe 1e , ,sinr Wray, Thomas Leavcns W REGISTERE]). Rogers, Royal Ptarties calling for thie aboyaveii pleýsea aek for sdverlined letters B. E. LAW])ER, P. M. Sept 9, 1878. 86 NOTICE 1_ AUl parties inaebtcd ho the. imta Alrm oi T. H. MeMillan & Co. are requested la, caîl at ance suad saIlle their indebteduesa, aier by noie or cash, lat the .1daidlfice.' . T. H. McMILLAN& CO. Wbtby, JnIy 9, 1878. 28 -Ladies sud Gentlemen, ta learu TELE- GRAPE OPERATING, for Railwsy Stat- ions sund Commercial Lines n lie Dominioni. Seuil for circulai'. Addres- C LEMAN &-BAKER, Toronto, Ont. Aug. 26,18738.-128 N1 HaTg 1 0r B eA1h.N Eoseo newly renovated and furuisised tirougisout, sud put in flrt-class arder for lie recepton of gtiaalc. An omnibus ta anA front a trains. Ftrbt.class sample roints. AGENTS WANTED! Ta canvans.tisa Caunty ai Ontario for a uev Canadian Work-* PEN PHOTOGRAPHS I 312iagea. Price 01. Great inducements offerel. Addrees- 1 ngust 201h, 1873. 40 Ginich St., Trno Ur)5 N W GOODS 1 NEW GOODS 1 JAMES WALLACE, Having purcissed wliile in Enelana front tise manufacturera in Landau, Btrminghamt and-Nottinghant, a vaied asrtnent ai Goadn aitic mott cisoice sud fashionable description, composed ai in part sas followa: Nottinghamt laces sud insertions, (Cuit-- ion, Guipure, Maîtose anA Malin.), in wisite, blacki atnd rab .Yak lace., drat sud blacki. SIHETLA NE! WOOL (JOODS -! lu Siavîs, Sqnares,-Scarfe, lands & Falls. Biak Slk sud Cotton Lace Shawis & Vis. JEWýELLERY 1 1 In, fine GalA, (brigit aud colored,) Gaidine, Alysiian Goid, sud tise fluent glt luneta, bronches, eae.ritî,gn. pendants, trosieq anA bram-lets. Bail Wiithy Jet sud Vulcanite Jewellcry lu sette, broocises, esc-rings and bracelets. HARDWARE-lu double Breeci-loading goîts, papier niache lrays nd in aters, opera g!afseg, China card receivers, Yeeerschannt pipes, in great variety, tes caddies, Ladies' work boxes, reticnles, sud letier bain, walking canes. backgfammon boards, vire dinh cavera, &c., al ofvîticît munt b. salA off inmedately aI rates far baby 1th nenal Ganavlian 'ri*s.hislesale or retail. An early eau te renpocinilly soliciteil, aI iret doo nctofa Grose's hardware store, Brock Strect. Wiithy, Ang. 26. - 35-81 N OTICE I Connty of Ontario,) Io hpey given that TO WtT . i the Court of Aosize Nisi Vrins, Oyer and Terminer, snd Generaf Oai Dlivery, will be bIolde in anAl for lie Conuty ci Ontario, in the 'Court Rlouse, in the TOWN 0F WIIITBY, ON - Monday, September 22nd,'73, At the hour i 12 o'clock, non,,ci whii al Coroners, Justices ni the Pesce, sud al others concerned will tuke ntice sud gar. cru themselves accordingly. NELSON G. 11EYNOLDS, Sheriff'i;Office. St-euif, C. O. Wiitby, Ang. 25th, 1878. 35tA c ANA]) A'S COMIC CARTOON PAPE!?, GRI Every Satnrday. 5 cents.52 per year. Ail parties indebteml ta tie late firm ofa T. 1-. MaýMillan & Co., eitiier by Book, No te or Martgage are iereby uotified that* unless gettlememt la imade ou or before iS5th Sept. T.HK. cUMLLAN. Whiitby, Aug. 20, 1873. Mdt JUMBER & SHINGLES FOR SALE. The subsribar isa on band sud for sale at ils Mildar Utios, Clau Curril'), al kinds ai lumbar sud shingla. 311 lumbar sawu te ordar. A. C AMP3ELL. iJtics, Aug. 2t. 81f C OAL -AN]) WOOD. The anderflgmea bhep tareturu tianles for ,h. libaral sund lncressing patronage ha 'las been .fsvored with during iitire. vearu lu business, sud ieby informs eu$- corer t-st eh as now for sdal 8.1kinda ai the bet Anthracite and Bituminons L&- 0(D.& i! parties f-il 4settia the 1jBESS T ,CHINA, EÂRTBENWAREY,, Ail of whioh mwU Ie eady for inspection on SatUT4dý, 18th instant, on WJiich davr thy respectfuUy sblicit 4am. WLTHighést pice paid for Butter, Eggs, and Poultry. UIBSON d &,SPAR VRLL. W. J. GIBBON. Whlitby, Sept. 9th.,1873-. E. SPAB~ELL. ________o:o au ~ ~ ~ ~ t P.S.fOd o.1"bes aih oa1ens aacusàtomers, ta YugNo.1," an:d hspartner have omnhenced business ini the above store, (store formerly occupied by Mr. R. Francis,) wbere wiIl be fotmcd a lurge ana weil selectedli Stock.- IOlIl lD -1IT4 -P :1 y,, Begs to invite al lisî old friends to cail and examine the stock for themselves before purdchas- ing elsewhere. 1September, 9th, 187$. LARGE YEOMAN GIBSON, The Genuine, Old No. 1 87-8m ARRIVALS' OF FALL &AND WINTEIR G OODS! AT Je.HIOKIE & O.'S, (LATE IHICKIE &O'LEARY.) Consisting of Special Lines in Mourn- ing Goods, Grey and White Cottons from 8c to 20c, Dark print goods from 1oc to 1'7c, Dress goods, choice, 15 to $1, Gloves and Hosiery, a full assortment. Ileady made cloth- mig, very comple. Groceries and Liquors, Choice. The abo-ve -will be sold very cheap for cash or Farmer's produce.1 uwufe.. s1 clusTea94. s to~anAhsa high7-CIa88 Tea A lone.- It is weil knowfl that a]l l cgt- ae.Tesa are thoae visai ara gatiiered lu early Spring vian tha leaves are bnrsling vut succulenc.- Thoea arae d stceap teas, fMi flavrrd, ricli anti juicy-vhereas low priced heas are galliereil, or ratiser raked, froni un- der t-e Ire.. in'anlumu visent-e esvas ara vithered, dry', sud saplesa. Tise difference betwean first crop tas sud inférior descriptions la samstising mar- va llons visan asted aidaet-y sida-he oua brisk, pungent, sud jnicy, t-eallier stale, fiat, and ineipid. There isas great differeuce even in ArsI crop les, soms crops possessimîg muet- more streugtis sud a fluer dlaror than alliera. Tisera are also sevaral rarietias, tisa more es- teemed being SOUCHONG, MONING,l AND. W. J. HICKIE & CO.1 KYSHAW CON GOUi Whitby, Sept. lOth, 1878. 87 3 -.El. -W C. -o(o( 1D S We are now receiving our fali stock of Hardware. A. large. stock of choice pocket and table knives, Rodgers and other good makers,plated spoons,forks and butter kmives, &c. * *Apple Parers-the Best in the Market. ESTR~ONc3-'S STrO«VES1 We havýe made arrangements to supply the above stoves this season, and our friends may rely on having the best in the market.' iDumb àtoves, pipes, elbows, in abundance. I"Coal 011, wholesale and retail, at lowest rates. Be wise, and go to Hatch & Brothier, And do ual buy nt any otlier, witl, "puifs" do not ho led away, And in otîter houses stray. Our advice to ail classes-Please - Cail at the "'Noted Cheap flouse" of IIATùeII & BRO. Whitby, Sept. 9, 1878. 37 *1 - 1~ 89, ---00-000 WANT1ED-gix or eiaht aJ.so, 8 apprentices s to work at Droea mg. These three class es, when raally fine, ara 'bayond compara. Tisa hast o a ilTeas, sud oai hase fhree, Kysliow ahands pre-aminanl asa ts" Best Coal M,1?Wb ihitby, Sept. O8*,1873. GOLDSI W-A, cu T H'S H. 39 CLQ -.3 SPECTAÇLES,&. c TT-rP-m #vr-YmWXirW JUDA r.Ili~'4n '%T.J U J. Desks, Workboxes, Vases, Toilet Sets, St Meerchaum and Brier-root, Pipes. To arrive early in September, an assortment of ENGLISII GOLD JEWELJJERY,- Whieh having selected personally, ean eonfidently state, that quality and price cannot be surpassed. JAMES JOHYSTON, Practical. Watch-maker.- Goldsmithi's Hall, Whitby, August 20, 1873. NEW FALL GOODS AT OLD NQ . O NE We are pleased to announce the arrivai of oui Dry Goodse for the Fall tradle, embracing all the leading articles kept by the Trade, viz :-Canadian Goode, Ainerican Coods, ]3roadcloths, Doeskins, and Tweeds, Shirting and Sheeting, GreytCb'tone, Denims, Jean' Stripes and Apron Checks, Cotton and Linon Tieka, Linen Gooda and Table Da- mask, Flanriels and Blanitets, Cai-pets, Printcd Calicoes, Chinese Calicoes, Moleskins, Cottons, Vclvets, Jeans, Quîlts and Counterpanes. 811ik aud Crapes, Silk hanlterchiefs and ties, gossimer and barege veils, Laces, reni and imitation, Yak laces, Fur trimmings, Dress Fringes, Smail 'Wares fancy goode, hosiery and gloves, Shawls and Mantdés, Dress Goods-a speciality, standard make and quality of Double Warp, Alpacas, '&c., pure Mohair lustres of the Lion B3rand improved manufacture patent fast black -ree from imperfections. THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ie now replete with the newest and most fashionable articles in Hats and Caps, Coilars and Ties, Dress Shirts and Underclothiug. Gar ments made to order, a good fit guaran- teed, and a cali solicited by - LAING & STEWART. OlA No. 1, Whitby, Aug, 26. 85 PRINCE AMONG TEASJFritr!Funtre Now, it must not for one S P E CIAL N 0OT 1 C E dinarily salA are t-ena Teas, pure sud simple, in lisair iutiàgrity. A smsil por- tuitn of soma ana ai teiseni.sonatines used ini lie manufacture of tisaI- incon- geniaus mixture visichis la 50freqnently reconimandad t-y tise unekilled sud un- expaerianced.dealer; but I ventura ta assert thit pure unmixed tes cau vils difficulty t-a obtainad evex, by tisas. ho visan prie. is no oljc.- In fart iu- dincriminala mixing of tes destroys tisa ne uasd stîpple qualities visicis clistinguislas one grovtis iroan sother. And it wonld not ha 4iuore unvisa ho epoil vintagas af cisoice vinas by blend. ing tietanlgahsr isaphazard, and tiscm. bringing tise combinstion dovu ho a deasdlerel ai mediocr.ly, tisanit ito muin ail distinction ai cisaracler by a isatarogeneous confusion oi qualities in tes, btnIs e asella no atisar article ai auy deacription i. la enableil ho keep in stock avary vsriety t-sat a Iails- teemed by couniaseetrs, sud ho salI tisen i Isoer integrity as imported fron China. Clai.ms for his system of bus- neas anatiser festura, riz : t-sItiser. eanut-a no mistake in thie prica or quali. ty ai auy-Tees purcissed iran hin, as t-. pledges himsaif ho sal anly AT HIS WABEHOUSE. There are eight classes of superiar Blak Tea sd Ara clasof superiuur -eauTes, asch aifvilcisJ. H. ADDISOg, ii sali pure and -un. The -Piapuar a~nd1 1rnacer Iish- - 000---- -00 - The undtersigned begs to acquaint bis friend"S.auëd the public, tisat having entercd into uew ar'rangements for tise carrying on of #isines5 in Toronto,. in connuction witi tise Bowmauviile Furnitura Man- ufacturing Company, and also in connection witis bis business in Wisitisy, t-e t-as now secured facilitie for executiîîg orders of every description witis tise greateet promptitude and Acapateis. Tise business in Toronto will be carried on under tis tyle aud firm of tisa îC TORONTO FIJRNITURE Go., lur sud evemni sud Ste.,Norsa TEHE CE LEBRATED CARRATnAr-A MINERAL. WATER. la unsurpuse& as a. pleasant and eoofling- aperlent. <sua or two glassis of Carratraca evermbrin.1 beorebreakfast, or on an befortma d e L t e th r will kéep your as.ste p.cl sud ,Carra- traca. Water ýstands un:rvallid as a vainabla remediai agent iu cases of Hahituai Consti- atonferaugemnet Mfthe Stonach and Mowels, ChroniO, lsslamgtion ai the Kid- neya, Gravai, Gant hnnts epcsF the ct-rouiforma), Serofutla, 5kiaffections. ai ail kidds, Dyspeiea, Heartburn, Acidity, and es a Purgative after ra debanci it i. un- equalled. For sale by Rotels, Drugglt, and other. Wholesale ai the. proprietor- WINNING, HRIL WtARE, Wi#tby, July Znd, 1978. * 8m-27 F ARM FOR'SALE. South hait ai lot No. 1, 3cd con. l3rock: ONE I-UNDREIDIACRES ail cleqared, in, a gond state of eniutivajion, well feuced, well wstered, and gond baiUd- A l-nthe promises, or if by lttr, Leskdaie P. O. Whitby, July 2%th, 1873.,l2 COTTAGES FOR SALE lIN T]IL TOWN OF WIiITBY. T'o b. salA cheap for Cash, or on cime, three brick Cottag-s an Centre etreet. They arc cotmadions, with excellent celarage.- Wall suited for inechanica'" dwellings- and are now under a rentaI aif 12J dollars per moulu. Appiy eaxy- JAMES WALLACE. Whitby, Aug. S, 1873. 2-tf IWANTE D I - ! Offce mat bve agood charactor suda Wiitby, Auguit Oh, 1873. 112 ! ARM FOR SALE. Tiat waîl-kuavu mcrm, lot 26, Scd cou, a-i Wiitby, kuovu as JTHE DONALDSON * FARMI Andnas ah present in -the occupation nf Me. N. R&a. Caulsins 190 acres; about 1450 clacd;welling, outhuuldinigs, anmA suttable o ffices; splendid orchard aiS3 acres incixtent. Apply ho- Gov'l Entigrahian Offi ce, Marci 25, 18713ld - Toronto. F AIRY VOICEIS g FAIaY FAIRY FAIt-b FAIRY FAIRY FAIRY TE Âne, £ At their'extensive Warehouses, 187 Yong-Street, -with the M-US THEB N undersigned as Manager.MUI iK N'In Whitby the business will, as heretofore, be car- ried on solely by himself. At both places parties can select from the best assortment and largest stock, sud any article that cannot be found at oua establishment cau be immeýUiate1y supplied from the other, or from the Factory st Bowmanvillc. During the intervals of the uudersigned's ab- sence frona Whitby, Mr. E. J. JOHNSTON, (whom customers will find courteous sud obliging), wil -have the general superinten-ence of business there. ---00 - &::7- lu consequence of these new ar- rangements, the undersigned-lias to particulary request an immediate settiement of ail accounts now olitstanding and overdue. JAMES H. SAXO. Whitby, Auguat 20th, 1878. S MOK E'RS FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE THE PIRICE S0 LOW'THIAT ALL CAN USE IT. July 16, 1878. -29.8m VOICES. VOIGES. VOICES. VOIGES. VOICES. NFw FOR SOHOOLS. 6PER DOZEN, -86PER DCZEN, 60OCrNT-SEAGH, POSTPAm. SONG ECHO,1 FOR SCHOOILS. 80,000 SOL]) 800 SO]), P~i ICE 75 CTS., POST-PAID. 07.80 PER DOZ.7 IF SENT PEUL EXPRESS. J. Um. PETEES, 599 Broadwvay, N.Y. Angual 26, 187. 85 NIPSSING OUSE, cos. xiico Ai( OEO5OE aTtiETi, TORONTO, bNT.AR I-O. JAS. T. JEWEIL, PraprieteaL Toronto, Ang.-12,18. 3m cÇENTEAL EXHIITION, 1878. TOWN 0OF1 l6th, 17th4, J SPECIAL ATTENTION! (geGUINNE8'8 -PORTER ON DRAUGHT 1 RECEIVED FROM DUBLIN DIRECT. A VE RY FINE SCOTCH WHISKEY! Froam Gleudronnacli, Juat ho Hand. OL]) BYE AND) MALTS. BEST qUALITIES. 5 Gallon lots at Rednced Rates. I'CuosgE & BLACKWSLL'i5 Pottad Good- Ham sud Chidken, Bloater Paste, Anchovy Paste, &c. C1A N NE9D M1L K 1 9Zý- Freah Fiat- Every Thuroday. R. H. JAMESON, Wt-itby, Aug. 26, 1878. j I NEW ; 1 ALOO, ET A 'D 7

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