lin, esmrh une .e VOL. XVII. B adTrtlSe13nt __--Imm_ 6u81n«8s Dfr&-o- tory,- WIIUDBY BBANOH, TiIOMÀaSDow, DOMIIrrON f4NK,- WHITBY AQENcy, HBÉ'TAYLOR, A ohie, South Wing Court anse.& Ar- rangements for specisi retainer of Hon. Mfr. Cemeron, Q.O., sud Dr. MecMiebsel, 9. C. . .PAItEWELL, Us-O., UNTY CROWN ATTORNFiY FOR Outari, nl3rrster, Solicitor Convey- ancer, NotaryPnblic &0 ,&0. Oïk-Late. yoccuiaplc<1y 8. i . chrane, Esq., late Crwu Attor*ey, Brook Street, Whltby. BARRlÇ4TP,, ATTORNEY, CONVEY. sucer, Deputy Regmtrar, Mater Ex. trmrdinMry, sud examner iu Chaucery for the Oonnty nf Ontario. Offce, Court Rouse, Whltby, BARRI$TR& ATTOIINEYAT'LAW: Nutacy mbiis, A-c. Office-Over cr. Ad- dison's stars, Bracs-Brooe1Wlilby, OuI. A TTORINET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR I Cbuocery. Couveyaucer, &c., Cumng- Inn, Bras-lt, L.W., B ARIRISTERt AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN CIIaneery, Canvoyancer, &c., &e. S 00 csStreet, Oeîa-. - BARWIST ,ATOREY AT- LAW, Nabt-y Public &A- c. A-e ce-Memilan i Block, Bmoct ýtreet Wbilby, Ontario. î - JAMIES L¶IO1N, ATTOItNEYATLAW, SOLICITOR IN AChancery, Cauvey'eucer, Land Agent, * TARRISTERS ATTORNEYS, SLC hIlors, Netarles Public,Coeuveyences. t Cfilc-Byran SIrest, South aifaeutOffice, lVhltby, Ontenla. * 1OWN CLETIR ANDI TREASURER, I Whltby. Offic-TownllHeU. Heurs, froni 9 la 1 î's-ock. JIIIL'q 101IENîill.> TNSI'ECTOII GI-PUBLIC SOHOOLS J.for the Coumty ni Ontario. Asdres- ituglun Post Cilie, Ontario. '.S 'GEON TO TUE COUNTY GAOL, B U yron Street, Whitby._____ 1U YS IIOPITAL,LODN G. Jthe oye Il. O. H. L., Ouhawa, Ontario. f D ENTIST, (SUCCES. sor.. to W. H. Card.> Dental Roomq--Dtindas Street, Wltby oter rJamesônns Store. Nitrons Ozide U5 admisistercd for tho painiess ex- traction i teth. c, Wý1-. ARLq, L. 1).1M. * f T EETHI inserted on ail thi, JL~ latet principlea of the art, as cheap as the cheapeet, sud as gond as the beut. Teeth lillsd with Golil sud Siiver. Teei.b cxtrîtctedl withont pain, hy prntlucing local srslei.Doutai Itontm-iu ow- auauswilock, ovor Akinsons Drng Store, Kiiîllg Sitroet, O.,hawa. l. 'o.I11011A14 IIUNTIN, TSSUJtÃŽ1 OFs MATIiIAGE LT1CENRS. 0L( lTs-,-Town Etati. Iteidaujce-Byron fireet, tibrea doors îîorthi af Town lhall. * JAIIl DRESSING -AND S11AVING Saloon, flraek St.,.Whitby. JOHN VOLFLlNI)bEN, AGENT FORl TIICELEDEATED ASeottisli Granite. At Marbie Works of Jonîathan olfoîtden, Dunîdas St., Whitby. JOHN 4t Ait VER, L E,'SE AÙ(CTIONEEI FORl THE litsidotc-Lot 8, tî Conce4sion Markhaiu. Po4t Ofilce--Unionville. Sales attcnded on ie shortst notice, and aot reasoîtable ternis. Tertttait aubutiacle trîd billa prints-d t the Ciiaoxîcî,L, Oliclufo Mr. Carter. L10 D(jEE FOlR THE bestowed upon hlmn, anid teananounce that ho, s, le oasrodta cont-tsales uter in Town or Coantty ut rcasonable rates. Ar- ruinctîtsfor salem rau bommodeciter ut the 019110NErCLEzOffice, or utîmy own Office, Brock Street, Wlîitby. 1iEItCIANT TAILOIt, CLOtýIIER,& MY Clotîtier, Oslîawu-. Gctttle4oeus gaz, mnetts made up luite ibeut style afls latest faohbt. A finte stock tf Clothto, tram wlalch tuia oka a eettiutt for GentiLeot'susmmer nuits. L UM3ER MER-CIIANT, CAIIPENTER Latîd Juter, tJis-n Strtet, Whitby. A large qunîtity tof ail kiucis aô(Inniter cati- N LI'£AING.11*nerati ully snp- îmlld ad tteude n îori notice. Collinis ot constautly on itattul A bourme tauitire ais tuberai torqts, ~ONBY TO0 LEND. Thos nulealguei bas uany sînounut aimon- cy te Lans! upen Fartu or Tas-n Praporly, ut unumeually Las- Rates&aifIes-test. Lyses s-an ha repailit s untsta suit har- Seversi Icupraveil Fanais uniWlid Lanid# fèc sale stcap. Invntmomubs mode lud Muiiphal Deon- tnrose4lnudk, andl <mbitss-rusartetalable Stock%, Foroninrthec purticnisrs spply la - JAMES ILOLDEN, Offciai Asigtue,litrok-r, A&c. OFFICE -Overt liuie mt uMa- Ilpril illit, 1872., - U--- - ~1 Wittiy Dccci uni strinmg Bandts, dpe e Patriew, A&w., Mc., s-lu smppiy tU bs-su toxi -aluileci Mnlc extn eumisîîlahle ntîts. * Aîtîseiicmlise imuttit uc .îîxadeillier hseaon. AI èly or hsy lauîci', Iposi tutus!,) ta 7' Wtithy. HORSà -E MEDICINES. Ail iesccuptios ai clie lînt hooMbedéi- elan ciîmsc on?îtamulty oaltnd asimdforsasie at 4l ime Wh t1lis Livery stacbles. Le-Noa bcgte for adviî'a. 'N.IR ATY. Ir" . ODIEIL,' CdClark Division Court, Tp. Clerk, Cel Causmlesianer lu B. Tt., Lans! Agent, A-., &O.P . &e., Alhsrly, Oonnhty Ontario, AIer -p,2nd. 1872, 18 0 Y A L lBO' EL, D: R o LLIDAY, uRqOK'LIe, ONT., AGENT 'fox "E IÉOLýATED,- BIK' FIBEEINS. Co.., ýOf Canada. . A purely Canadian Institution. Also Agent and appraiser for the Canada Permanent Buildlîigand a 1Soclety, fo Icans o1 maney sai Iow raes 870 ores A 8s>urance Company. FST-ABLIBHÉD 1831. ThiIs aid and weil estallished Companiy are prepared ta accepirioks in ailclauses of estaliehcd Company I Canada. Isoleted and non-bazardons praperty i. sured for three years or leus ai specially low rates.7AANS, Ja3., Office, Brock Sb., Whitby. 0WTABIO PABMElIS' MliTUAL INSURANCE CO'Y., EAD OFFICE, BROOK ST., WBflT]By. This Company mAres- Farm Buildings, Country Churchelà , School Housses, and their Contents at rates a. LoW as those of any Well-esatliahbed Company i Canada. JIJST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. L. FAIRBANKS, ja., J. B. BICKELL, Secretary. President. Mr. D. Holiday is no langer -an agent of titis Company. p HIENIX PIRE ASSURANCE OO'Y., LOMBARtD ST. & CHAEIN<> CROSS, LONDON.' ESTAJ3LISMED IN 1782. GILLESP'IE, MOFFAT & CO., Agents for Canada. JAMES DÂVm8SON, Manager. Insurances againat lois hy Pire axe effect- eon the mat favorable ternis, snd LneVes k aid without reference to the Board i Lon- don. YEeMAN GIBSON, Agent, VWhitby. THE Liverpool end London and Globe lNifh!t.%CIiCOMrANI-. AVÂMILBE SSTS#27,000,000. Lasses paid lu .course of thirty-five ys-ars excoediFO1ITY MILLIONS0F DOLLARS. Claima by Chicago Pire estimateda t near- Iy ,00,000,, are betug liquidateti as fast ae adjusteti without deductian. Security, Prop sumntad Liberality lu adjust- men ofitsLosesare the praminent features nf blis wealthy ConIauy Head Office, Canad ans-,Mura G. F. C. SMITH, Chef Agent for Dominion. L. PFAIRÙANIKS, in., Agent ut Whitby, Ont. JOHN L. WATKIS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, ])A&LIF Ban »rivisiox Couitv, AUCTIONEER, &o., &o. OFFICE-In Biglows Block, Port Pcrry. 1crt 1>rry, Juito 2-, 1872. 26 NEW BAKEET &FRlUIT STORIE. RCA 11)> NN w Besota annatnco thaltule snos- prepuns-t la îuppiy everyîbing lu tbe Bakery and Con fectionery Lino At ie lasnd stand, luts-ly uccupicd'-by Mc,_J. CHOICE FRUIT OF ALL KINDS Kept cauatsntiy o anad, in season. ORANGES, LEMONS, SARDINES, LOB5TEI1S, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHEE SE, TOBACCO, Buran delivers-ti diiy ta custarers;, otui all ather Sruavisionusanîd goisda îisliver-d t Chi- lutl iCigurs. RICHARD SNOW. Wlalthy, Sept., 1871. 87 R E M O V A L. Tite ms!erîuigmtos! itts removs! hie 800T &caor110E STORE ta bbcpremises udjoningtIbeWesterii Hisîc, DuniseStreetl, Wbithîy,ws-bs-no beis nas- îtrepares!ta exectte ahi endors fuc Work. A iung ans! select stockt an hans!. ltspairiug donso as usuai, JOSEPHI A. BANDELL. Whitby, May 8, 1871. 19- L I v E R y i The nudersigneti deaire le inform in x ieuds uns! patrons Ibat te bas agalu ce- sumeti business ah lime ahi WHITBY LI VER Y STABLES. Ruving encreaseti the number ans! qnaiiîy of the stus!, antd aise stdeti ta sud impravos! the convepauces ans! vehicle, an thc preru- ieu, te tapon by being lu a position ta ruet the s-antsoni enîbemers ta meril a shere ai publie patronage. zw3 CI5AOCCL. tJhDRAI'I. N. Il.-Cavereui conveyaueufofa uriiies anti ladies, Prompt attenance,aî lutunto- fors-, la sanders. - N. RAY, Fropniebssr. C IIO I C E A P1 PLE TREES, A I O(r V T 2f,000, -AT' Bu- HOME N.URSERY, Frou a ourinys-acs aof s-oubacgl the luosb Vaietes. SETII C. WILSON, Lot Na. 3, 2ni Com. Pictenugounliiigs4tatu Rondl, at Offse Wlmittuy. .yL ABLE FAItitFOR SALE. ]loiug part of luI 20, 7bb eomxes-ain, Sc-tt. Caîuuty ai Ontario-OO nicres, 75slu-ans-i amdis luutgond tute ai cmîtivalîou. Gonu ilweiiing bouse, sud extemusice anlbtuiidirugy lu goos! cepair. Appiy ta thxe os-ns-r,, s SIMEON TIFPIN, ou thie premises. Leastîlsie, Non. 14, 1872. -47 F ORn SAÀLE. Lot 24,, snuth Itali, 711u -a. Whilby.- Ds-silug, lbern, A-e,-asiut lhree.uarters- ecearai. Silualeul a mile nantit oi Broaklil. Apply ta-- JOhIN CAMPBELL, 471f.Jrokl 1ET NASSURANCE COMPANI HESAD Oit-toitTOttO.tTO. CAPITAL STOCK, ACENOT FSO sauo aItARta, $400e,00a.1 WHIT3TY,-ONT., - ,. MÂSON --PROPHtIEITO: The Albion bais been thorcnghly renova ed, and the publie will tÙ4 every accamm dation and the besi attentimn ÇCENTRAL MO TpSL, lBROUGEWAx, OET., The aboya hotel bas been newly f11usd il and fnrnlshed. GnsstswlU flndconxfoita accommodation sud attention. Goad ste] ing and attentive hostier. c OMMERCIAL HOTEL, UROOK ST., WHITBTE E. M. CALDWELL, PROPRIETO] Best accommodation and superlor Winei lquors and cogars. Goad stalding, with et closed yards, snd attentive ostiers alwayso the premises. Charges moderat. CRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OE AT WNITYSTATION. . WM. O'NEILL - - PROPRIETOB Partiesi talriug the train and leaminffhorse will have them -well taken -caré of til the! returu. GY LOBE HOTEL, BIIOOKLIN, ONT. JAS, POWELL - - PROPRIETOB PtltST-CLASS ACCaititaATtON. R YLCANADIAN HOTEL, PORT PERItY, ONT.,' R. FOY- PROPRIETOR. Superior accommodation.- Gond stablinj and ahed room, sud attentive ostiers. w STEEiN HOIrBS, DUNDAS STRtEET, WEITBY. The unticrsigueti would intiniate ta th, public, that the. abovï vremises have beei newly ftted up sud oAoaed troughoul ilatLi sud Citzars. "The Creani ..uada, a.1a pure Ehîne Wine, Walz's Lag er, wholesale aud retafi. Boarders taken b, the week. JOSEPH A. BANDEL. NIISSING BOUSE, con, i aGA2"O s-acas rumrovs, TORONTO, ONTARIO 1Taratito, Ang. 12, 187 JAS. T. JEWELL, P roprietex M ,ONEY TO LENDI Rspayabie)W instaiments for from Twa to Twcnty years, ut low rates of intercat, with- ont commission, sud at moderate charges. Privatc Fnnds ta Lcud. Vpply t- J. E. FcAREWELL, SMay 28th, l1572, sieicibc, Bm-usk SI., Wiiy. 22-tf ýR OBIEIT, JOHlN YARNOLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE F011 TIIE COUx'rY 0F ONTAAIO, ADIIESS-Box 99; WHITXY. 41 71 2j Cit.iu ST., tcEAtt VICTORIA& SQuÂnît M ON TREAL. ZL.Jiuinc8oa ecluitszely comi8eiion. -12 yéai'e exporience in the Montreal pro. due.- trade. iteturus prompt, sud btgibest market price-s otîained.. Cousignars kept posted Ias to iîale, of their gonds, prospects le. lieforniationata price, &c., furnishci 01u applic-atiou. Le- A trial canexignmcat sgolUit cd. GEORGE PERRY, Jn. ILdèrence: Mntssas. 1\a.Douo&ALL & Co. Jantualc 13, 1873. lys TOWN 0F WHITBY. A FREE SITE WILI, BE GIVEN toa any Manufatnriug Compnsy building an establishmenut in the tnwn. J. HAMER GREENWOOD, Mayor, Whitby. Whitby. Fs-b. 26, 1873. 0-tf COAL ANI) WOOD). A. ALEXANDER, lavinurchlaged the Coal sud Wood Yard of Mr., 0a111 Keith, becs ta iuform al cus- taruers that tiîey wtil Suid the premises con- sttly and plenrifnlly supplieti, sud Wood and Coal delivcrcd ut the Inwest prices. -.aving înrchass-d largio tracts 0, the beat srood latîde ai the back Lake, a full aud exhauatlies enpply wiIl bc always kept ou baud. lieiasainattlc rates sud fu measure guar- auîeed. Coal weighied an théon scale,. .A. ALEXANDER. Whitby Jnly,9, 1873. 2 S TEAMSIIIP TICKETS By AI/an's MagnificetLine 0F MAIL STEAMERS F'or sais-, toansd front Britain, ut lowet rates, anti ail uecessary informiation clîeerfully given by' GRO. TULE, Toiegrapli andi Express Agent. Whitby, March iltit, 1878.,i LJUMBER 1 iSUMBER 1 Tl'le unilertigiied hltving been appainteul Aget-ud asu Slipp)irg Agent-for the extensive Lumber firm ni Messrs. Smith & Co., of FeneionFalls, bas apened,4n caune- liait with Ibis-otltcr preimises, -anextensive 1:ýeLUMBER YARD Adjoinlug the %Whitby & Part Perry Rail. way -Station, whero ho keeps constantly on baud a large and complets stock cf Lumber ai ail litits for sale, wholesale anti retil.- ilaneing machine, sud ail kinds cf work ex- ecufes! promptly, ta order. - GEO. CORMACK. Wliitby, May 27, 1878. 22-tf F ARM FOR SALE. J.OSVPMHEOLM4N, J3130KLIN, ONT2. SoutlaU i oltNo. 1,.Bcd cati. Bs-oct lc Agent fan 11e CANADA FARMER S' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, He*d Office, H.Uen.voq;and us CITIZENS3' INSURANCE COMP'Y, PDe.epamelt Ã"NE HUNDRED ACRES -,,Il- cleares in ua g=ditte of cultinsiio, s-si! fe..e" seUlered.,sdgoos! build- Apý nly tuhe premises, as- if blatte-, ýCL&Y ýNs Y9 The River of Tme. ieotbe- od Ln.à ltgî, 1dgl,'a, is_ýl g, sdltflosthr outf'li thoy* Bat tae.c seýte PrlaO h imfo thmgh tsy eà hn.ocfTethago r- apaccYWor lime, e] ~. Hor8: Asilblendasiiht ai the, yea O. thé uipp4U a B> de:î e.M a ng msl. Tedge; grauà ïe*'th'b. -A new ter. partaofestae as- 1.trerWoI'iooLk o i- eh1 thb-o ufhký8g Th Hos!eerntoinedaAns!a the yeuugS an el -advasuho ith0isà i n 1efl i Butt u ---- ~~cec i1 odfîti Asri comeaut i t lithelilsf ers nd-Sùean., lcn thet h. lfes! tt a beclr vm okandià 'ong wio' ize, li-a Thsloreaespt the i %tIe new imprt 9Ou i's'îes it 4 baidfl ol ai ev80mè Ue, tahe iwo goci eyes, giYeuWp hie udos o u ai tlie aPatenees. Leeuiiii CQI3d noticng . ah nfte ouis -, h el, and ie$ otu înga,g'cth a. artcuarention tingcatsrehsTee ageilutt~rse mdeope nse r itOney h fc.set sret;'A- ifl n o~h i t thWberoteira a temot Adthe softes lMebais beIayIn - i W g.lasy i eeînud o pcrBec e a is ne' atureîita d Tlifçyl iare erui kins! ta And tve. eas wtan t a hev r cO h eu hhi.aoe ,nt c 1q-ed their m ean 'ut, a ihth oe h savehhe o o£ on,anx w xeie xdliJns lhii se ig - o' h c o 'eke f ahno atingaiir l iow- c ie -teB i STfWdAn! ttgnateeaithat Lncamoe'andterahlyebssined le Haiug guitwd di lg laqu.a arengualled; li reetsi 08rked,9 Ons! e br ouresurn thre; - wand s hievel iu ouisig w t hlm ol Lh91e ebi um.uu-e ;,andy teck pte ne lel e e nto rd ,sd os e beea e owt fu enl ns tmhoeelli aliasthen, Lh e d, lis n à ïlng rom ai unî ai 1h. an bgle bféat an id.;wautin t cf bl.P.Aticlarattntin i gl calei tabisThey re heapai delute ved mempeeor llier h.isîl of tpefroml it eavie ofna uncut oilhin, std, puiig Sqar ad evlvngChrn, re t îttofairs q-1 P heir. poresd c hioUkisud ahoderere pof h liainas abaure b'pcmerned, RO T YD -"LNIlB )B LL4, Thero IuIs5 k n'to l imoo ffcwn lu go f ace, e tliughta loeyh andordig lenBrigmms ins ta oxu , sud, -h9 amnuor taHE8yWRIN ofRthe Ter ziaroe fragm«etais angs tr ht uc ba rayer; but lliogq lgs riaietheoliirend ees, l w erxngit iouidn, atpe aaw aeUtaAns!a thc anwinfate rlae; ibogng hotayh wsrliraAd wigl'as oein oe Asail h alier kibai Agreiuaope hre'aandsr uswpt ud lu. ltofu aeurlnieo f 1h. gaini m anLiet tfoh. isr iho.,Tee a* sd met t i l hhA CTTERecen imroveedWhnd Andtheinm fta eà te'onAols! e ituorbie rectleo aord, 'uo finishte any'stcriion bs jiwedicp ow nable!t eeute lorderdsfor etaThora are-bauds ofh1iearewavnd when tiatoffets be, bis ongue luis!cf e ing t at fanleisofursiedis e; ,t ofus -u Fer AlRm fi guI E E S fairy ahare litil t e fi netosc i buhs . t ee.H idnvr ees he lie favareti.ychreply.pcxof dlit!ar, cueb t hiuer tgeIriste anr'the ie u oftu'oger, le lanowidg 'herehirh lia msy band , ibresO f i lr. ind w i ae etogtt a codn aBig' ntutos n CLO IES' RNObuia-eptaye;'out P iaid Lhemnies!, oliaideeb8m' lemna-Seeeg everolils ans! a guaaaie complt.ntisosng ht oo SC iTLl aes voco wevehers!luIhedai oneiat repua feuil, th igmunieIe, aark o.Hctcdi!lejae kn, sAinCLTOats-ore, lînla paer- ng ligînt, he onctiado bualiucgwwîter a d vIn le a Orus,Vice And 11.tlir kndeofkg iu.,ralIîple-Wen e' awir nswtnd ii. ivr le uir. everin pass tes! aw - ay L h lgbu. Andylia!tken urel hoappt-oaci wiih' monte Ail the1iduys ni lueovtmi nigstrtngsoucrny cf h e eu casliny veices, nsud nhow taomud ie ko uno'n e i a ail - RAvnUFArCTred AT efHre l e TeeAns wliouenug ornwith il-,s eauigsbem, lnoi on ailli emayeiiag sene t hor? o pnde ing y Wtesthe7~ Stai ngne,(oe fth ,mot.c mpet f nilt e a, felelI oÃkSr ýýý h orie sle,' tI i. u l . '"lu' ray i s on e rit ,n hio n h.vice agun" à r te knd mnufcturd;)theundrsiged n s! reareoy-barde clos es! aveininlier ai e ffotWheng ereove es be ofî oe- hi ar lo'i htè'p Pot Peytagricutual Wer orke, May tsh reeasadn oulh iegt hefar .inetinaf ish;lng hs e o Aly R awilnluy.eholo han i P A R M IN G I M P-LE E N TS th mirag is lifeil ikuewa hn e Irsiow b tah aU eveTs, u o rnm-i ieolu c o r , tuy b is ko'd LEFFEL c homnshouvxoreRI chai5DOU ex- Coo reti cf ha the Biilhok e tur. iis cwiig hst h a nl uns it enr ucoss TURBINE A TER WHEEL - -1tieuns! wba.t lie igad lIer., fotn 1h hrsitorasifrh' wereecbping BrSk t., hitb hen ChAPid onterixver. lo. vrhng sr, ssednot t'k te holi ns! yala. ee outard impulseroa tItn - May 4t 182. y. nover tls!hI. Bt aen h erne abatkorint by ha own free ll.ofhtanle, l the oruiugoflihefe ir day f Kilknny mater wbefîtlîer lu jcty o ufe nd orheore on, whie kcouls licne ether11hian n gavent omni cf b owi t euti e ouiuni for ngasll ecuiary cn- B or Wi e are er, ndy Heeuohn: if putmb exculinu bispfirpse cfvisit aideao th idee!,lie.w iysideosntion me wain'? I ex MiAgdLiTs-onm.aelSbeiagsB umbralaI earnhdinasmcli an ,lie wgoospopie. pres e:s lie'(tdw. u Por Pery griultraiWorMayruiug heetnk c o ure bc1 in siteronli ee it hlm b e;ud luevin h e punlyawln Adyoera owstoun wl1 y day dawued, ou hile perileusw mison loai eons buteu lileferod Ain dy e it(0le ,galu omne! LZIEL' Cdid uni fail teDUBL C horen of e ih îk. te fNordiesd heu csing ht rfeslrpie sa Is uecepth e rea nd.el with ile i hierralover',hhaudablodutdoraakfog.tSucthemourwerelcensidirehé publicomentit. TUBNIAE HE . I eucsayt eaebra Ion- ybersin, eus roees! sd tra;s!and-ieshmeeoum'adimpue, a hiouicuî f ]icedg Chis-eAndy ans, inoci ritor ldIme Butdeole we bc, in- bkaisug aitrel hil y.aHéfr ilres THEMOT COOMCA WHELNO I UE h ie mie a eundi ie swocnurrngetry ouasee difficuitfdr oort-asie ntaene wo e arinsytbiehgrels udoa, wlînLs-etind wiî.Slt outin'a , wî thil e o thsecrvetsweo il lne fe tho f héec -inal p edhil aezhin as! a proeson, ns!f hefirn deyloabcictumtuenconueracîing rinuencr su sisnca foallacôru oit bo ui h ond ohier wasb - -' ~ ~ ~ ~~ w bis ts!lis-n e benbce fil. of th eie ofntheeog, ani lis breh- nLHahes! uiva-eg.ic ys fshi DUgvFiît, tit Ml f was ala naime of osomelndefortaieuglafiel nis-ystrc- lt 'ôra1ioureha, nday es-z!on [ht.-p u stroe uvit.-re i prpOiîe of vWltn, dati e . dieigueshbfi'i ase, o ls l Ho Audidreou! tae, sal ay ite viItor- of in hmy are bfcue h.uatas onuddthay reoces! bwiclîad chelîlo; propglinuvaril y acku8awlcded asait ry nusuAnd 9. '4mRP' Clinl, hne nu e iitilswtuouac te emixliy el irateblafck poirbuing on hu ioerdi aojr uniStal, f n wie )y \' v- ote;butcc' dand nus-e s-als i es - sloeit'o! ule iltb.fu".vrs e r itmun crauro se alcin- - iy titi falios-i t,' aitec iolce. n ba nb t Iy fo ces os! t e a c n nv it lî aIele inpie f eb g of u - , r v - FîAnd raihe t e t-e tiBrgl o It Cok fuyitl îoiwin ihandly eurssfa sd nre, 1ud miîr80 hor as o et di-ast efiigicta mcc lota is- g- os! ta Nor. ide. inca mb tsnuily r am e.thpay s iieuly reg ards! eit t ith bios Thes Wieel weareuns uuuuict ier u al"vr'sldabLîeum Itaila-n k a Snobl e n waob eration ee ubi th opoie ho, s ny sec citapr ita ay busr îtîr n hecautr, is e nss r uiugreltore, iaviton- esigead uru ev ha , ras Ady - h sellisme faco hehuas! uou cirobusiy as e wilgv a g aatte itî e c ir, yas osib l et n nt e a t oiy c ri gy t r al n ci ey m s a nod m n i l ots o -ht Wheewarantg thin a b ass-elruaef lirs- isve~pd tandilsinleechaAuvlig las trul md etope!, ute s tmet -anou -s t rsucplrle ans! a gue nsgondsattfusian s the l io a l rbie utîlifthe ni ieiucouitu! ry ol ei ic* Shafbas ut rpoerlaes fvor en s-h a i sastyeiulsiîieaturil- nîsunactues! i theDainttiau. quLî-l. u nt tliepn.iwa - im a.islu inprfls t i Ccohere uilog orans! s-s hum. t hglit it ai ry-;andcea Patistleriugfrtt ifomtin rau i oti an r ouin, htru lien stim-- Aui-eDaing.inf Thne apda it anc l ad by e rn!:d rondbs a obtan i by ddrssiîgliesliatuîî siniiiitaccs n i tjug o f Pis-e diina ol a ndle ie L he Re ba ilon ye rn' slaka; sofmalter; PAXTONTATE A Ca., ittigit titseigbas nta naiexbofRby ax'tesy-cinestuehot s!wing.euxte l xiesic oniat'utl.Yuen -Mari-lt8,89 er tPr cvC th plaeuti lit, it i ember, flieui iecd lthe dc liuoend f ciing froc lHe ads-c re a n!oIi auhopyut l'eri-lutunc rîthiss-iasiIt ne he nca, agans-selaettea- Al- olu tru list h ens seic? Menit, shiroslc l'ai lng e se s etredit-m itblim ae s hilrn ol lus n w'Oriîr mcu id P asvil A n culaia BE SOATEeRSK e , i t helu e îulc rtigib un otl uofb charx npls-îiyu outc s!, cow nd aff n dgup iuarebltete, nils p'ngrlecouils-tI hlniiecmua-ltnelebteilor objet o tail 'Ayo; I karefs-c i sI yn'sheo iO Fiecsrn e oy aa a meîu ; bt e î ry one fat abl ta uin, Ors-c s t ra ait. gltb fui. rsaync if en ennu Yn'litlaink0 ls - ~lirithe i ta ile aneot esa.ionlu jui- t a Itl imr e i l ercai ns tc li te bu tispine oceriugo' o ce' evr Autî- ycîi hiîrîti-y isl tg tli l'os a oulinathrni - lsl solîexursion , taI Titise rnd îies ei h.ora omn t IThezeOcu's-Ki en t, ar. itu faTct si . îpnar insyti i i itIca-erstaa n unihtueopservesio ni.facesi f lie n-s-ca e cmy;waig elleaperpresenty opulation gnotne country,, a P IlT vea gL, S te00.000. tahtifuicri'dom ticrikehineL, htî. grH iluehved pinteuhischasgdylita pepe i wace ol iias-gnnioul an WPeoe wninb (îernma eî d,aO Aftc-m- a rcusrt îie ramll, IîMsofiweer, f Ali oflitastruby. t -ntxilî uiin t-effort tedassur e i ot t uaI, howeve an Il s-i dj tail oesssfcittondcays ans! Lioati s-the tt uvit ou itisti igitot, ldiece ti Pier e,oab i t fi r stim bs-rus uxt it e ieig i as lie, biluarost pau octrei ti he oAdT on . failîr ffbit ti uîsua uxlimatr, win t ints enccefevrolwiti ahî Crlaore hald ietigits, it lia!u n ntentaion mt e ah Patp aiigfrbrif ratondetut. cs-r o t isi'imtg b e iî'nrly t te coinr- ualet an lntipTeaiopar enîlp b a uieaauocicnl-bsfon e0k u -obainit y apreu-i nesand i ontidts entflul isppu. tt nt Piefrcelias p nro a i bo vig ito b eiih-sida t 'lpofse of u ilyts fae,;Lnos-na- A T N, A TE& o. itiosiiIth iiim lfttus an e t emiul ts- e srveas nsue fbte gablsins! Bt -i l sht ettg uctpely s- u on: -cam wer Stor WflLCOX, hsdr iasit, iiri vebu cliuîblatil btsueeiîalcmpss frIl tus iebi ratetIImc npu - . tittucf, tti îiîî intmor aninc th ep isao a l-oe- sud fri de r e r ta fitoutc ifIman boe lyu fugrs t-oa Tuch O 810, 1869.,Alt t1 otîît itu'ttnitt f Rdlie s! kr ie lt sue entra mutr s-lac as uffde t istoras-imitey olita p rofo nus Vekettil iseoit,? u.f' St..-u. ~ ~ paltwasxu os sitfi engeanc e cc ii- tit e it-ans bte igl nak fatve, it s-sn s! p reasubo!as-bt lp it o!upil HEWflSlLp .ss.Lp S os-. uliguî ir itîp -cuil p as ta tivamîobcci ti te y orifie lu ltebcuilin. Tte i u as m-uaSt eeg tcklt rofcs T> EGofltxkhi ttiyiiui n!lt hisî-Iuaîîs etî s ugîiiitlItahewrsus coud eaceleesltp cevoecwtlîorushes, fe e; ve-sI nw l momet; su'd leno Dpuli~euraiy îrlis- icalparu n. b enu lis-r-ilit n lits Poites-e ca tui , er u ansr urscolhsarey od s acin',i yAnodp ttegiuca of nu ols! agoe hs-stocupncbiru drofgCaiutfnida vihe tia of itfi îuîuîimey prun ti gusThe s ot i t e halieeagalbal n'iil drat, suis! i0 s laigit boue:- Havug nos gve uî ts-busnes i itilas-tcis v lis i ;aonî lie ilursts, unh ime frn s-ii these m te- b'ttias noe ear eillyurso'l o Bais! I ub-ns, n loc-,ta evtte, ~ 'tiic , luersy -te nis-uig luieFeyýss jis tfas- de soliton ebitI a pacson, Ther agsnah-b (liahora ui nsa ubaisl Fi bc usin S c f ACl n tiTiecrnuoSls-p, orouigi b alait - oud abverato o ming isntppli na nid tepge -slifn faclu at if lthc r c ai -t, mu lanucaai.' CAPc I T A L,. lioo. teieruîclîu-x- u ha n gvaawfn' qu - mic u nt aeeteon airefhie ppr amups c a n t l-alla, ni upes!on carsfnlattntio tabusnes, ti gie itii uim, acii nsoabl-îîse a î'c, h50 bit a e T the o unt ryphpIogn phuief ithis etirta'ssureoi'f s it i - ta nhe-v Pesaiact h ion t U -ho ayform e n 7J00itit ite n- ,i in bt up eci t t t I ss nlis!naboc ardspokeflitslerfa miao lie m gli' le putounoff s-idthiat.' Te Billoeraugelae!shiAntON tEs.fuauis er- oftn is- tcan l uiu , 1 or hawithul moaiurce ore sud h or ahas-ll her mats!ne anasocntntion t aai s-s! ~ ~ ~ ~ l ieaicag.aphiing lkilas- es-en. D oi easl ruitsievscfbg--oounte-t eibeepsfie!or nthibns!But Alec Bul StampeaIs-oye u baud N OL'casc- i uie ablne lus-a-Yt-a c in- ud s-lt anabupt e, eaten veselans!laiefo e husies! hainasefolhund a e x Arragemets cti b ruae fr sas-s C114)ca 1'uc te. Sl-uiy lta rick nots o emi phias ofhngaginsl the ie une thle pege Choe u's feu, uni s-a .i JOIce Prince Am-, ada heSesdru -t ip a iIlu f4 eot ere Offie, art err, asienc. P iig upi o urgag e 11 s rvela asbeenesof te iacesan l eieîs, i te apoc t p ent otn,: filpri W. . WLLCX iii im(,Lioti lhdthi baos!pax-but satnie and rchsul>-cTheiecips lo ipule'stbselscrans! s-m as hiiieg - ans! oue lmors thu and s-vsrgwelan muan ah itc angytl e us uhl-th cai. A s yhelini ouan t il i n o W M ý%I1,C0X psiains, enni m u rI baaiin. Titi tesecoind abule, s. A deal taberud sos u-he ieatbei, ut Ptb eem inteor TrALE 1OEIITY FIOt SALIfors-usi;ts-aties!citiehoregas-ul iteleles-thoStrermes!andue rosI tilite, - rpls! lmwith a igstampuni a sud grailans! a et inobe anincl -c.Toasu eapaac fl'ai-boneruopur aurs!, Ahi fndy- FOg vnInbepaErCONY, atOF OTARIO, aDWtdu i ol iuieu 10tlm-as- lie dr ci ecuivae-otng bo, r ai e. A a c fodtiua blait- r ebintficug Afud c actuos-iie e of and sbuaos onlie cme aiGrs-nan! haisovsîrnuitla Llîcem's anmuir- the aiara asnse ionnil in ciles! undconieul, b eguna orse sud 81. nbi Pesc ft. l Iis tta &War! wrigh It-cii(is-ar. A tiht 'rît i eîtradva!chda axics! syotefice imteapai adigin TheIb eou ave finlelac i to heofert e lu acre aiis! ushifeicss ud y fiuîa igab te crhs rul a ghtuebsus-îl b ivini oin s roa calueîi o es d it ushnes, fc b eerrup ion.o en;ad hn ni culiutinsery orteirl atrdon- beutwlus-dytuhaeaî uoubl litn a basai Ilter f re fcoc udsch. hodi- 'Yeu -ar b s far is.,NotiaWuit.I creouCoîirlS s- ndci a n ' th g a gaitfmu, o P ngeb nitm-ue residonce in ruher, Est for. an abita tihiii-to ts n-uiccly trusuettnusidfo hebl gis he a, ad llah oe cite%ý 1ob) Vs. th 0 ce sinels!, o laniiiiaucy aint]iq iesiitutoipafss its s-as adpfoarans! therisseai- This n e g aruin ffoi'el t lin w n'(o -alffiuowdglnnuurt vt n i a e pnn ieee icuco fcuit rn tat o; sucha migîxiers a essî cila gi; an' - e s- alasgi' toc wole tamesod aie portins i u ,ltit caît. puie e fog ars- h i, îa zig huisecp-iatoîl ri- intera ofte d llg nti V hrpck ,mabull. tuCosuebtip a&ë i MrryC. arbub-c ,a., ------ - vAnLl, i i s-an.-1 sS.e1 . . sr .she- w u au ssan' u o -tele tand. - - **ioitIi eie.-- -- - - uieita rultynhr. cisar miiudsjulaielite -ilis gion Tit-- -cris rna lapra ;lieabail bef s- ver, s-oh enougit as au audlience cîuam-uinosltIbogllpulsc A cler an indnputble itlewis-liecusenbs-c; lie speul noue cf hil e hurs of The fairp-mau -relicci inte lte far ta iclarh aabave prte onL. acnudbrpu-prcsi lio îlgtt ureinsicldn ootubc.Paura Or pnivacy in il. I s-us knowu corner, s-hec.the gionm aiment liii1 tieulus ap~uy la»laseas-s-c. as! sualun lussdita ponai n bnat, duîriug te mgl, mountei on a iu, anti in a short hîno etuncei stht w1libyjul 18t.PRANCIS CLARX. w1bich teolacutiudespot afoniemon ftraienci1k. thactuelveai, hie ciove a pioce cf flsînitxg bog.-ood, uni a Wluily, July 87i.29ti tdwis-iptrteia muilitl e11edrisn ltcoueh the air s-it ibe gond people- hîuxit of fuirze;tlioen froua the leap, aiohri -"iit uvig seli, lie eaqà iuts!s!reas-' iNYAL flITÃIsIl QUEEN BOTEL, andsginccratiug spinî-ulnur. Thueos-as n ftermsin adocp-wihhvn RO ~lun unueicsitu;unolîidiiug-piueo for unp ; lions requirai thea agency of moral es! unr observant friand, in a loule off no cce u isîtmel ua oa ihtl - -. - cthiat he,niglans!day,pst-- command -: Pou vPCeutv -entian-lI ijte isser ti ap n iglttîcupates!intu heir fostivily s-ithiu the. -'Stans! on peur long legs, Audy As-h.t POR PFny.endw wth he owe ofplaingof air hal o th rah aaint wicaiisfaim-yd ionîalhp. JAS. DEWAIIT, -PORITR-itsi-if: yps-th(,ii, te nwelest l.o homl 7ia -ih isîgl-nl oae!.-o-l1 aiete >as u»-rluur!, -sut erii s-x, Acalain w1T55 trlt-nchfPersens s-hiethiat ncggmn'o' cleur s-ater lu pour t Splemtdid accamruodiacu. Ial jidiuy ouc! mîea !, tueras-on.As;hutbp chance sîcayes! thel wy reportediocf baud.' liteWies nantis!r aieed thmirti t ans ui ad 'fi -rtiesm hla ea uns! b.quoncit tîte bac. Attentive astlicrg, covûred wsiît vuande uni liquxors suchu thaRu in itmesd ut ieep ard*If hl, retihlce a' i le vco, -______ lieixai] ns-ver before sceau, i Honlîl noudieimues eaîîy luntte morniianm iI 's!ratlîcr net'0 RING BRIOTHEERS, *- recoguico ne potutocs ; îuobhiug hae samnelimaos lu-tb.outsprous! ns! nunny 'Ho I ho 1I liinlu our hans!, I.,tel J ratiglo euh mubancesorls-forpt esilenc, cf noon itqlsef.But, s-len sucit Yen.' WHITBY, ONTARIO, (hogu<fti-osussca lma omualo cumo cptih wunserer'seut-, t. 'l'in tic say loly;but behos-Idin'd Impoi-tors, Dealers anuns!a los-ned, Liie-um at-aseul lImabeat judga, crennes! himnoît, tic muller s-hat lte te po a oAhdea if I s-st-' Breetigeh Mufactureraso alaving contcznplabeil or sils! ts-rn,blur uaniflied asup;reselving navet- Cirea 11à d ai pticulat-ly ojoinai hlmt -ud ofid inl thîcir holes! or roasbeil stute, only agai te visit the. desutrhti place, -ans!ual to putlie aiffiiry meut or drink.- ti-ca or thriue ah a s-edding or christ- -' s-tan ilîing ta _Comprms i Lf h aslfo h LEA THER "AND FINDINOS, aîtting> Ysî, unubie as lue rnighal bdale mr ha tcle~ Lf h en fo iegrens, I g. trnrioihy s-Ith-lais; terrre. gay '--it a deep fros-n, uni unother Cash pais! foc Bides, Brt, sud Leatter. uîîontfy lte diifférent specien cf viautidse Leather qtretched, beo him, ail cerîuinîy blooes! Mont But, driven by irresistible moîlven, shsmp, Liteeman suimi. u-ia Ot Ismptng. Theo liquor ltaIs-eut ceuni Au dy Awing tthe h hlrlous!te b 'Sure pou wouldn't have the. hart 'G - , t. ,.. o littue onuhe.o. -mate me dbrtuk, s-heu its hungt-y I J bs" BELTIIu IMADE T O OIDER ONquisfs-c ont ni versseis.lite in f50cmans!d Ymon arifantligaisme' SIIORT NOTICE. ceh,îuc toîthe Meados- "lbstrcnp, sas lug ai the fuir of Kiikenny. 'Ape;f ayehnghailie ho ofaei".r May. 1872. 22 net ale, loers-lue, tnt- brandEut m e- 'Weil; Gos! u i i arcies pul-teat fellos-, au' pou moont gel e ncraptet t - ~semhuied, if anp eat-thaiy .lting, lhe di. pen, Andy, a-gt--as-n,' sighaed Bre.dge s-len s-e've doue__ t ut IL R A L E. vne s-hiskey, junttIhoen eomiug jute as hae sel eut, afler laviîig givan -hlm 'Oea.' interrupitei! Ans!v, 'nover a subiuuary use, foc il wsssiivery, sud sainiegoci pt-ecautinary siviceasantaimorsal:'filgo hales-my breath '1It î varbi ua, itgusst i gpilutris, unids-ilhoul s hnhhble or s bis behavier luin he as-fui r lt vaasd et xele!lua- h ioni.It arymu,- pesu001 f ose Chat-stagiu,-if. ii ltees-ihh o' Goa LaI 25, 2nd con. West wiliams, xnm Thie litle ppe al s-ate gruesgrsen por'praer-tIhvreset-Nett1h.eigca Ps' MidsIesx, 0 aces leseti ns!s-e0s-tar-epienc , Iin-Breedge, OZ"'PUYT 8knee-I have a vos-.' oisex, foce ondliudfranwae ue"sheritsens," tir ashotjacket. ; varions s-ont t Is -elghb lu pure' gous!; un' 'Don'A stand tlkin' ther.. Tae.-nap ti yd ofn cerod i ehifruit;îtandafneti e garmeule, s-ilh, rneaniea c a ïv ice - il'I libe teme rm sure. îenguet'lptho ues-pIa s-ithln 41 miles oaille tinnriihing viuage oai eet-aidistinctioný by s-hich lte sexceSe, hem, goas, lu inte ume o Gs!' ur es-n motter s-cn'l has- pou, if ni Park KMh, sud canteinlng 142 acres,.s-or. made mailfet ; mes! onicýul caps,, Whou ietha gel s fes- panai, he ie. 'do gel home ;'-and haitôoas! Â ndy te iar-paticulnisn ppîy la- uni gay feathers. Some s-et-estretchedti Iongia bimseIf:, la y au unwilîag hans! on the- noggin. - Ã"IZAS-IGHT on 1h. sa-u, tesntig, ci' îippiug titeir 'Art-ah#, Breedge, e-lana, s-ouI yen Thellazing tarse lias!by Ihis lima *Wblls, uly24 181. Park âim neebor, or, chutheriuig biitlaely or rapily polI th. ould broguie afttiir me, for bunill shêslé, fIi l Whith, Juy-24,IM. f.2<u or là ugling lcndly ; saitu s-et-.dinides! *ooek 2' utinowiea sOftste intopairs, uni seemes!malu ove, Weil tbcugît on, Audy, s-ehirra -,ooujiirer baie-somas- and logeflhar wlbh T . H L ,- A r azes! te tho n ttlerm ont rlh e a s an d n est te peli, plu e d ofi er pav el dai D rch lu r cl ni tui o th GRO. teollcla bloeming leo'ale cousin cf]"pantoufla,' ans!, in th.euer f irnog ln w e bis On-Thesellsnie grl wom li 1 zel, fl-an i s.teHavuyug attor rxe velydi ÂGENCY - ANDCOoMMISSIONS. biwc-nThh aiaue irushchlaszelfiindi alhrAdys-lhbot-uas- ltotiglhe obai been deai ani hurles!' au aim, sud tee -supernmuous a. force. cbsehp eahi onuu&~ Vtciong deand, . e 1 tare,-menth ed-e. -etlnuaiotiwas 1I mAlot i.,on --t,.he âu f thé Clou i 119sJ 1 aut eirlh, Pierce 84ea?4.tbrfie, F -le glil; no> living th iug can h.e nexi Or tiear im~. Gm olsé, s-ce le PiemeA Stea' sud s-o., nbhionsani tintes, tU fhm iiiuî's in lais compeny. Nos-, pui onipeur lut, an' go pour s-up. 'QOt, iyhe if ye bus-ut a hit c kippiR' fanrme, l'il get lave le go s-ii hlm?'- S 'Ne ' -cre! Lheenm-na-Steeog; 'au momeover, if -pou attemnpI the lit th île8 iesa'hla s-ltheras! onupur boues. " 'rbavn't anoter lstilua lu the 'vu:_ nIl, sors!,tie moment. Bu! here's i daceu;t col ;-the culs! coxobeesa (bat' isu'l nery bail, lecanse it's My Sanda3 cune, au' net the anis! oneocf ail, u nd isn'ý s-id Me moro nor a pear ; an' ni: cul! bregues i. bran nes-;uane d meuths geyo n ince .lley. s-ar luil h hrog-ue-mater'basket. Sure ail pui tagetter is s-ahi s-ct-lt nother gr4neih- bc.?. An! 'll lave 'amni-d. pcu, noi uxin' bether ncr. te thapse home a'mosl as hbas Is-ias bora ; an' 111 make rap s-are leelie ber. ugin le. morves- meruin' ufore peu coin buck-ý 'Corntebacit front s-lote ?'- 'Avock, titut's tu-queuhion fit'for mat-e tuo-ledge unr Go! gave me. But -il pou gel lave for me te go s-id Pot-c le-morros- nigul, pou shan'tbc-ieput oai s-id haif aguinea, iflI s-tle robîthe sitar for il' Gn7u-naorf1- Gol>c-moc 1 --go pont s-uyn !'-exclaimed the fà iry-mau, lusa voie ai 4n11 cmman!, ,is epes fl.ash. -ing, sudis bras-s itig au h. ai- vaneds on Andy, s-to,- gmas!nlly race! ing uu1u1ceuucionnly pause!the threu- mis!, ans! Ihen the doors-as elamnit uni barres! agamnsî hM. (vo Bu CONTINUE».> Ttc Farnily Letter. tees vTHE NATEttIALs ARE PuetUreax.- Hes- TISEYARE USED.-W-Ksn!BE- eoXZis 0F TEE RESU1-T. Prom the Danbury Nes-s. Thte famiiy behter les wcithen ou Sun. d1ay. The roasou haîuday le soelete is ual alone licanse -of lthe lelece it preseuts. The quiet of lthe day, its re- liai irom influences lthaI ircibateo r agi- bale, mres bthe mnuls!froua irreveient and anlagyninlie maltLer, und- mates Il pro cmuucîulp a fil occasion for comnan- in. s-bi distant loves! eues. Iu nin cases eut of bau, thae lebler les-written by ltse ieatiltif lthe amilp, -ns! f buose hait s-iWes folks. Ve ilou'l kuns- -uillu i tut a man se rareIy ws-m-lIe b lis os-t fouka, but as il is net bthe province of tItis article te treal on Iliat ujeet, s-e s-iii prelatis-o ion'b t re. Thé honi biteig neheates for inditing tihe -lter, lthe firstt ling ls e le ixa the papor. Titara is sîs-nys a drus-oc in every s-s-l regmiates! family, for keaplugexicl tibsug. Il is eitlhcr lunlthe lubie ou stand. Hece bte s-miling paper sud eus! sens-se ni fidile stringsanmuilacet en hocits andi fisi lunes ans! grocery mc- caipis. are kepI. Tiiece msp bc nîther bhiuge, lbut if lter, are he sill see tem. Tue sîteot of paper h fiusiiy founni; lthe fiy stains noatip serames! off, uni bthe seat-ca commaences for lthe 'lut uni pou. Tua former is invariauly fonus! ou lthe meutl next te thte ock, undis inmes!aley laid ounlthe table; c6nven is-ut la the pemspiring man, s-ho sut-car- ialyiquren if the letter is19 tobu s-2i111 ta-ay or naxt Suntiay. This iuspirestliewsif.siliînos- zeal in the sea-cii. Site goes over the prus-er u:~ gain, beuse utses-nos ho s-uldu't see anytig if il ws-us iglalun!em his nose, but the peu la flot here. Then loots cne- the top oÇ lthe froul-rootu table, sud sapu il saem- se singulnt- il cau'I be faun!,s-hen ahe ns- il nly the day bofore, unidtougat about tle leltar. Then sIte goos inle lite pantry, aud ,after exploring lthelowec athelf in vain, stands upon a chair, ns!curefal- lp gnes over.lieteop sitoîf, s-hemo the moîlicine holîlen sud ununci cens as-e statione!. After ahe las s!onc titis, site sasunIp stairs, uni -lp atinrehurua s-ith the peu, ans! laksits lf tlIe sinit le s-asthbie grosse frein il, but ities net succeesi in quile effaclug the bergarnol. Titis lands bir le observe ltaI aonybody s-li tes s peuholder le lift hair greane froua nboIlle ig lea pure sud innocent for tis world. Evour'îhlug nos- lu ceadinons, goos! humer utas-sstores!, the s-If, tess hier seul 'opposite -s-itl hec elbows on 1h, table uni hem catiluhem hauds, sud enssames an expression cf cenenande tlt islamysteriousiy cal- uistes! tu bath encourageand rep-eus the s-rites-; lha glaspn t h. Pan tigtly bots-en hais lingt-m aud stures aI lhe pape- sith au lutonnily tIla au it-oelp naessary. The date hueo sturîs off glibhy, sud finyhody in th. neit ram e the, h instant thée s-rtor cam-es tecuoe cýf theni nusb as s-eU as if le s-as lîotug cne- i Rhanider. Wlon thletet is com- ilotes!, s-hlclgenomahly curs about th. eus! of île f11 hehur fren its céern nencement, it is cereflly zesd ovar, and, supplie! s-ts absent s-cris, ans! the4 gene oves-. again ans! arlltically anuches! n p s-lh the peu aI îhe bare lPlac es. henji h tchd np ready to> Cho envlelope, an! the diseovery is made tiat bliere iauna anvelope in ts bouse,ý ani îhletterns luches!behind the clck until thie s-et is supplie.- r bc unà spe s-crm the rosît af'ibis "civil d lugt,' an hifl U8,JO-is -cules!, .ueei 1r Victs-ia ha. s-a cllter sources elfcu- xsidet-uble lucome. Shie is in, lier owan s right the Duebescf Lancaster. HBer It revenue £roni thals souirce lias beoen w stesiliy uurasing,. Thins- in1865Il et ss£2il,1JOO:inu1867;-, 900; in' e1869, £41,00 lu 1872,- £40.000. Thue' U hargeul cf blase figures does ol pc-cia,- - lly represeut s uit f ite rreupts cf *John of Gart ; but tle Duxely of Liu- canter, lite that cf Cornwalîl, itifferes! s fat-à ulong turne froua tle fruni und s-e- [f pscity cf îles, e anere supposes! tc tý leies nliatis. Manasgeda usil nos- ff in, ils-il pmobahiy have dunles! ils s present reveanues beforetIe close of lte presoul century. r mhe alieýrsent-ce les tili more stnicliy a persoulinerne. pu îthé1101h ci Aug. -1852, titere dics! a gentleman, ngell 1- seveuby-s-e. cini tenaime of John Camu- 1. den Necld. Be s-es sou. cf Mr. James i- Ns-Rd, s-ho acqui-es! a large fortune as d gela 'ands lhverirnith. He rmsceiv-es eves-y aiventuge in the s-av ai educa- lion, griahait M. A. aI Triniîy Col- lae. eiCamabrid!ge, asois! -ssubuueqnenbiy enlies! ta fle bar. Ho preves!, osevar, lte vos-y reverse cf lis lasnavolant fus- -tluac. B-ulwsasmiser horm u su-i l al labis talents in a napt-in, msiiug ne useoa i is-cilla teponuil ailos-iug il A fuccumulate, FrouaI tedate! of lta deulti f lais ialliet-,-s-lio bitt ibirn 2I 000, besides ceai estalo, lie ])?Il apeimt but asimal portion of bis incerne, ais! ales-es! huiseif acarcaiplte nfeessuar- ian tif lifo. He o nuuiy imeseul lua lîn cous-lllt mnell bnbbons,. Tiis hi di net aihos- leebrusîtos!, inastnel ubasitprocessotilîi lane wonn lta n ap. Bs- sas ns-vertues-n toia su a m cnt-ca. He gia.liy acceptes! invilta- lions from bhis leuauny, un-I ,u;nului r mmanion long visitp, liecanse h lin i- sures! heurs!. A fews- ua laîsiorz lis deatlitoont!eueof luis exeautor i tit te holias! maie n Most cîtîguhur s-i, [but ltatieobai n iglît ta coie s-lihe liteil r s-it bis os-n. Wltu the documenut<c, a openocl it s-us founn ltaI, s-ith tha c x-- -ceplian ai s fes-s naille.icgio, lie hoi *left ail -"l ltu-.UMosl Gracitus Maje-cîy Qus-en Victocia, hggugitr Mjs,' r meal gracions aeeptauxaa aiflte ame, ion uiersole use aund benafit. anu L ltitof- litoc liaima." .Fcebaly uauity ctiitata.l thileequesî. To apaon a(h tus-k-is1u- - s-c, s-ho hl!-seryed ihm btwaucy-six. peurs, hie ls-ftnotiing; t10 cu-i orflitls- oxocuters, £100.- Biit ltae Q uaaîmie s itanisome provikion. -fer tieraoimcr, aud presontes i1,000 le eaci the lt- î- ter; sud siteuutlaec calas-si a mueoxiau te tite îîisen's ntemocy. Tita propcertp liequestiished ohieramonulas! te upuvue-ci tif £500l,00: se titat sulapasinw lier iiltjeaty-ta have spent everc -penny a ber public ýautt IYuclti f Luaî n epumea, sud le have ouiy lais! by bile- gacp ans! ltaeinterest ouni iti s s-nis!l front thais scout-ce alcuie now te worth et lesl £1.001,O-3a. 1e Ibis as il map s-yen limaI portion of the pubilie surv.iv- es ier s-Ilp-ohaly nevon tuos- thé aniounl cf lues- seultit, for the wihls tif kings tans! quzeiss are nol prarai ; _ses Ihat ltece s-lU ha ne enlighteniment, on Ilais hesilu inte pages ef Iho 1Illursai- ed LoncboaNess lioth Osborne BtIIu.e, l intae IaIe of Wighat, aud Balmunral, s-eme hatagla pt-ion tole M.[Neiid's bequest. Thenqa palaces, are persouel pu-eperty of hon Mujeuty, an4 very vaigehle ; probable te ts-e ua s-itIlisir contents, ha values! aI £ 30,OO ut theao list. Tua building ancllrepaira at lits-se palaces et-e pais! fonrh3r 1h.Queen laerseif, but titose,-of alte, palaces of the Cros-n are ut the expence cf tte country, uni about e million liusbee nexponoied ou Buckinghamn Palace uni Windsor OCas- tle dnrlngi ts' ps-osentien.-LiPIpin- coin Magctziac. Thte New-'Yos-t Wourldi nays = ~On Salnrday lutI a colons-os! usanimitd William Jackson lirougit a muit before Justiace Bais-d, in lteéte City Court ai Pontera, ugeinuet Joseptino Les, tee pe os- an ice-cream saloon, 10 me ov- et- 1500 inniages by reonaoflte de. fendant's remnsal to seIl piuiuliff uni alter frienda ice-cream ont.e eenula. o f Augusî 11. -Caunsai for Mrs. Lewis4 hrguei titat the. ieienl ssanloon ws-a not avohiele of 'omMon carniage, cm e iconencitieatre,' or publie p)lace o f_ amusement,&acommon schoal, orn1un- shilutiQof cf sming, a placeotoelita - tes-meuttif deai bodies, or s tiotal, or a tace-u, or lu any s-up camiug s-itiin tle couatmectioùbef tieCivil Rigils 9bil Jutigo BalidYcuterulay gave juigmeut for tbo clefendant, sismtsstng ltecane A sîory is tels! ai lte s-o Englist "flot%a <rL araeter uns! Les-s!Kinga-. it it ý ;;;z