E.L-8EPTON.-On Wed. 101h Sept,, by lb. Bei. traIe cf AJie Cieureh Pt tht. r~ Ciieuter D. Cern p bell, et f., te Beuuie. Chirti eiaugh. F. Settou, Torosto, Oeil. DEÂ~HS; -te Whltbyou Sgnc<4e, ut., Mr. James Coizizsqi, TBM"RLLERB' GUIDE. GRAND TEUNK E. R. Trafei~ Isave WhltbyStatlen au feilows: * G~usg Bau-. Oolng West- Loc~L.., ~.2O aju. Mlxed..., 810p.m. ldtp.MaillOlSp.rn. .Tlie trains An b Mentreal Clu.. whlch lu 22 minutea fauter than Whltby tue. WHITBY Jr PORT PERKY R. R. Trtlnu Golng North- MtIL MIxeS. Whltby Jeuctlon, 9:00 u.rn. 7:QS p.m. Wlu:by, , 907 tan. 7:10 p.îo. Pw't Pesry, <arrive> 111410 s.u.. 8:40 p.u.. -Tneinu Golng boqth- Mlxed. . MaiL Whltby??,rrsve> 6:80 a.m. 1:00 j,.m. 738 a.u.. 2:28 p.m. Whitby Junetlon, 8:00 tan. 2:130 pan. DIVINJ~ SERVICE. Ail Saluts' Çhuri~h-At il a. ex., sud 7 p. ex.-llsv. Mr. Cayloy. Caîholic C weh-Evsiy Sunday rnornlng ut 8.30 md 10:1308. ni. ai nately-Eov. Ps. ther McCanu,; reuldenee, Oshaw~ * Canada Praubyterlan Chureh-AI a.in. ami 6:60 p. m.-Ilev. Mr. Ilallenlyne. Cougregational Church-At4i a. ni. ami O:8Oji, u..-Rev. M. Gibba. 5t~. Andrew's Chureh-At il a.rn. ted 8:8<> p~n-1tev. Mr. 1'ras~r. Wesleyan Methodiat Chereh-Àt 10:80 a. m.and 5:80 p. ni.-Rev. Mr. Sanderuen. WIHTBY MARKE.TS. Cnnoxsscz.z Orriet, Sept. l7th, 1878. FallWheat............25i31180 Spring Whoat.65 18 ~p ~1 22 llurley................ct~~1 Peau.................5c @ 67e lllatk Bye l'eau.75e ~ 85e Bya..................55c@60e Oatu.................te (~ 40c ~Iay.................5~18 Potatocu..............e13115 Appltu, per barrel.2 .iSo @ 17e iiutter................16e @ 18e - Cheese................e @ 15e lleef, hind quarter.~ 66 eef, fore quarter.64 @ 65 Porte, per e-wl..........5 <b 66 Chiekens..............26 ~85c perpalr. Duels per pr.............50e Turtecys, lier lb.7e <b 10e Woo.................35 <b 86ctu. Cati, per ton..... 57 <b 68 Wood................50@Sseo * 5~ ANNS, BOUT DE LI5LE. I was for uevertlyoaru anfferlng froni CoughExpeeîoatlouand Nlght5weatu, ( - atîendedwtîbextreu.s nervanu anS ph~ui: cal pr.xstratlon. My body iras greaely eiated, undIhe general iuvpreaslon ira. that Ihadnotlougtellve. I bagan taking Da. W111iELEW8COMpOîflq~ ELIXIR 0F 1'F1OSPHATE8~&jqD CALISAYA, anS lu.. provemeut bote place h îu.ecilately. I gain. .5 lu weigbt anuluereugth. MyCcugh and Night Sirsatu elluappeared, tint I aux ijoir lu hie enjoymeut OI excellent health. Many 'if my frieudu te whoîn I have recommended 4 the ElixIr have experieceod equaUyremakr. able reauttaY W. W. SIMPSON, Agent, G. T. R. lll~D~' FitK1'~-We senS feqe, a sImple anS sure inealîs cf self-cure, for Cou- uunptiou, Bronehlale, Aethma, Catarrh, Serofula, sud any diueas~ cf tii. Throat or Lunge. Nerrous Dehiiility, Pretuature De. cay, Weaknesu, anS ail dîsordera broughî on by youchful tuiprudence. TUTTLE & Co., 78 Nauuau.ut. N. Y. * IIreckIae.- Eppa',. .es.n.~ e4 ,sae~ liii s.mad <J. muahu ~eeg.-" By a thorough knowledge of the naturid lawu which goveri. * bbc operationu cf digestion anS nutrltlonaud * b~y a careful applIcation of the fine proper tirs of ireil-seleeted ececa, 1fr. Eppu hau * provideS our breakfast tableu iith a ddllcato- iy Ilavored beverage1 whlch u.ay save nu luany heavy s."-Civfl Service Gazette.. Made slmpiy wlth bolling irater or 3Iilte. ~tach packet le labsUed-JAS. Erre & Cc.. Hornoeopathie Chenilets, London. SUT OTOtN ow Cocc.~.-" W. wiil ncw give an acecunt of the prueces adopteS by Mesure. James lippe & Cc., manufacturera cf Sietetie articles, at Chair wortes lu the flustozi BoaS, LuudouP-Caeeefl'a House- hold Guide. 46 NE'W ADVERTISEMENTS. 117 EL LA Ni) CANAL ENLARGE. Vi MENT. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Seaieti tenders, Stidresseti te fixe untier- sigued anti endorecîl "Teudtere for WellanS Canal, aili liereerix-eS at Chia office until noci' cf SATU1CDAY ttxe fiIGlITEICNTH Sa>' cf OIJTOIJIilt next, for tic conutructian cf C'nurteeii Loctes sud fourteen rsgulacleg Weire, a unînlien cf bridge Aboîments anti Piers- lie exi-avatioiî ci Lacte anS Wîer witl liii let in sections, six et aboli, nunbec~-d restetti>' 2,13, 4, 6, SanS 7, ans situai il betucen Port Datuicusie sud ~ I. Catîiarinea Ceiiîetr>', anS Chree (nom. eret i2 13 acîti 14) extezîd troux tIse north- cii aide cf the Gi-cal Western Itaitira>' tc near iirowiis Ccuîeiît Elles. Tenders mile alun be received for Che en- la~eîsîeuc anS Seeîîenleg cf Cie prlsux cf Il. pi-suent Canal btwean i'ert Itobinunu alan lie Aqixeduel tif '*ellaiîd; irorte te b. jet lu séetions, oaci aient s mite le lengli. Tenders are aime inviteS for Ch. compte. lion cf Ch. deopenleg anti enlergement tif tie lIai-ber Sa l'orltinmbcrue. Msps cf lb. severat loralities logether 'wlîh i-ian. unS Speelficatiqus et Cie icorte, can h. ceeu aI tii, Office, on tuS afler TIITIC5DAY Ch. TWENTY FIITH Sa>' cf 5EPTIIMBER Instant, mixera printeti tonus cf Tender mdl be funiluhed. A tilt. nasa cf luforunatîcri relsîlve te the irertes nurbix cf Thorold, may ho obtaineti at bie Ileeldent Engineers Office, TiioroIti; saS Inn martes aI anti ulinve ParI Bobinuon. Plans, &c-, nia>' lis sceix et lie Resîdent Englîiéer'u Office, Welland. Ail tenders must be made ou the prinCeS forcie suppliett, anti ta esci muet be at- tacheS lie actuat aiguabures cf tua respon. cIble anîl soient pensons, îesidente ut lie Dcmiîiiou, u(Iliug 10 becouxe unreties for tie dii. fuldloseus cf ttae cî'n'rsct. ~t!iue departinent ilace net liomever unS lîccIf te acteiîC tie loucet an apy Tender. if>' onîler, - F. DRAUN, Secretar>'. of Public IVonku, De~en4C~11 Sept, 1878. 88 0NTA1IIO HOTEL. (LATiI IiAMifll'5.) WICITiIY. ONTABIO. I5ETER WS'IKEM, PROP1fIETOR. Supenlor accomedalion. Table, supplieS mli lieut ~iu sesuan, Genuine tiquera. Cigare, beiut brande. iltilartl xacm. honni>' stables suit siezie, - 138-tf ÇIINCICIiT 1 - - A Coneent- ci Veral anS Tnstruu.entst Moule anti Drauing Boom Eutertaiuiuenî uit b. givea lu lie PUBLIC HALL, WJIITEVALB, ON AY R8wr0, Upeez the abeve lacS 'are a good train. bouse about 22 by 80 tuet, a geeti Ironie baru ce a miens foundstlou about 84 l~y~L foot teone~iaS s4 wblphls unnexeda bult't ever a uteuis liqer, aise auoUrer unisil bouse sud sbop; tbste.are tbroo ~wells, ens te saab bouse anS eue ce lb. baru, aise an erchurd et geed fruIt about tire acres le 01- tout, The fonces are lu goOS repalr. ~sPuréaserirWboeetlfled Ce 50 £07 ~ wlilbe et1scu~'~t purebaseririli b. r.>' ~>' Veude.rs or hbeir Se loi- iOouuy te the Cen ver cent et blu rr. ters aI lb. lIme et-sale, sud on tii. ueeenel et llanusry 1874 me usueb as un, wltb lb. tan psrzo.n% nuuke tenr.flftbs et the pur. chas. mo'bsy <ulîlsout luterut>, spd 111e bal.. unes lu tIn~ee ysarm, wltl. Intereut trou. 2nd Juunary,1874, se moyeu per cent, payable uuuualty. The Vendez. 'pjjl ~uIy b. ebllg. eSte furniab a Reglutrar'. abstract et tItIs muS copIas cf 1h. moniorluls et ail deodu re- glstsred.,aeel udt net be obligeS te preduce any tIti. deedu net le thelr pesseaulon, or copIes et the sanie. Tii. Vendora bave a reserved bld fixeS by lb. u.auter. The other ceudillenu et sale are Ch. utaudlngef ast. et the Court et Chaneer>'. For further parlleulara anS eondlllouu et sale a~ly te Cau.eren, MeMIehusi, Jr1[ou- telu ,Torcnto, Greenuced Jr MeMIllan, Whltby, te lb. amiS Master anS ou lb. pro. u.ieea. & DaCeS Ch. 121h day et Septomber, 18i>. GEO. H. DAETNELL Cauxeren, MeMIcixtel Jr Houtelu, Master. VeuSoru~ BoUclIer., Toronot J 88-St S IGN 0F THE RED 1iLAG. IMPORTANT AUCTION BAL Tii. subueribor bas besu lnstructed Ce irihheut rouerie by andin, Ch. largo a et goodu ittel>' trougbl frein Rugland b: MR. JAMES WALLACE, ulxleb nia>' ho Seucrlbod au teiloirs 3~mza.x.aay'.- lu tino gclS~ coloreS brlgbt; breochea, tar dropu, ainglean cela, bulle. dresu rings, frein OtolS c fine. E! udt, Iode seS S le arat lu Goldine, Abysainulan, plaIeS anS gulit, prooches. ear.Srojs, pendants, bracelets, crosses, shirt abuSa, iratah chalua anS sealu. BLaca JYirELLESX.-Rett Wlxîtbv Jet anS Vulcanito, Broochea, Bar-dropa, Bracelets, slaglt'and le sets. I'~OTTîNOI5AM LACE5.-R5i~l Cushion, Mal. test Valenelennes anS Crateh~t, Collars Collarets tuS Neetetets, Blsete Bitte Luce Shaula tetiVaila, Cotton Lace Shamîs, Hair Nets, ulite ted cotton. Snsr~sse WooL Gcoru.-Sbamls, Squaree Stade, Fails, Titu anti Cloudîs. Hsiieireaz.- Papier Mach., Trays anS Wtitara, Ladies Bage anS Ileticules, Xea Caddies, Wcrte Boxes aî~S Wrltiug Destes, beanhifully lulauS, Wire Dish Cc-ver., Table Mats, China CarS flecelvere, Meerc-haum Pipes, Briar licol anS Caledanlan, with a varlety of allier articles. The Sala mli eou.u.enc-e on SATURDAY, THE aeTH IN5T., Ou the premises nue doar acnth cf Grose's Hardware Store, aI 2 celoctes, p. in., anS udt b. continueS e-ver>' day sud ~veniî,g untit ait lu sotS off. Themmnte .nus~ be solS by the lac October ucîl. Great bargains msy Clierefore h. expeeted. Pediara eu>x. plieS at ver>' low prives ut prlvate sale în tht farenoon. LEVI FAIRBANKS, Auctinneer. Wbilby, Sept. 17, 1878. 58 5HEEP STRAYED I Sic REWARD f - Strayed trou. the premiece cf ho subsi-ri- ber, lot 28 lu Cli. 7th con. of Wliitby. 22 eues. ane aged ram, anS elglit tambu,-Lei- cesters-nue ronng eue coloreS, partly blacte. An y person glviug suci information as mil leati te their reroverv, or rrtnrning llîem to 1h. auloieriber mli recrive tue above remard, anS any peranu reîaining Cheux lu posseasinîx afler luuis notice a-ut lie Seait mlix according Cc lau. RICHARD MOUi.CE, Bronkilu P. O. Whltby, l7tix Sept., 1373. JN CHANCFRY,) 1H CHAMi3ERS.f Wedursday, Cie TcntwZfiy cf Septeubi A. B. 1873. BETWZEN MARY ANN~ ML-CANN, AHi) OTmiIts, Plaintif CATHEIIINE sULLIvAii', Jr OTHERS, Défendant 'r e, 1. U'pan the applicaticu cf tic above named plaintifs, anS upou lieaning tii. So- iieicnr for tii. applicant, aud upon readlng lie DitI cf coinplaint lu Chie cause fileS anS lie affidavitu cf Etten Benîl>' anS Clarluda Beuti>' 2. lb lu ordered Chat service cf au office capy et tixe DIII tif comlalut, entorseS lu accordance mli tht generat ordenu cf tii. Court, sud a ccp>' af tus <irder by serviug the sanie upon Elten Benît>', ulfe cf Monroe BeuCi>', betore lie tenti day cf Octoier noît, anti b>' inuertlng a cap>' cf Ibis arder le the Wixitby Cxeacxîe-Ls neuspaper once lu eagi meete for Ch. four meeka next pre- ceediug Cie saiS Centi Sa y tif lictoher uext bedeemedgoad service etthe sait bih upon tixe usaS tiefendant Monroe Deutty. 8. AnS it lu furthier ordered Chat Cixe Se. fendant Monroe Bently do ausuer or Seuxur te Ch. saIS Bail tif complaint on or befcre Che teeli Sa>' cf December neit. SIgneS, GEO. S. HOLMSTBD, B. O. C C A RD. * HE UNDERSIGNED TARES OCCA- Tsiento inforin hla patients tiat i te îleuirouu ot epending bie inter mentie lu culer Cc recmult ixis Ixealti. lu Soiug so, lue lie g s to returu ils cordial Chantes ta patients ancl tnieudu, anS tht public generaUy for Cîxe contidente placeS lu hlm turing lie paut fnrtv.lliree years Chat lie iîas practiced lus profeseicu in their midut. N. B. Parties Indebted te humueif anS Cie laIe Dr. lVarreu are kliîtily requeuteti to mate. an ixnînediîite settîsmeul, au bue Ad- muxîjaCratu-ix cf Dr. Warren. ia in ment cf miziîey, sud ail aceountu must lie squareS previons to Dr Foatea Separture. J. FOOTE, M. B. Brnuklin, Sept. iSti, 1873. 118-2in W HITBY Jr P. P. RAILWAY. rHEoUGH UNE rllo~ TORONTO TO PORT PERRY, LINDSAY, BOB- CAYOZON, AND FENELON PALS. The Steamer- "ONTARIO," mdl leave Port Pera~' over>' Monda>', Wetinestiay, tifS FriSa>', aI il o'clock, a. ni., on tht arriva! tif the momlng Train trou. WhIliy, miieta connecte mlth the Local Train tram Ci e Hast, sud lie Ex p mess frein Teraute, ou bb. GrsuS Trunk Railus , amnivlng le LixiSsa>' at 8 o'clack, p. in., gciiosygeon aIS p. m-I Penelon Fails, aI 'lp. m. Rarussuto.- Leaves Fenelen Pale cm Tuestia>', Thuretiay, anti Saturda>', aI S, a. in., amniving aI Lindea>' aI 5, a. ni * anS aI Part Fer.!>' In lime b ceuneel miti tie Grand Trente itallut>' uxlxed going WesC, anS Local and Expreus going EasC. Frein Teroube toilobotygeon..2 50 Whitby ~ soLincat>' 200 Lindsay...............l 25 flobotygeon..........1 78 ThrenghTidketudanbe~a50f~î.~~ Agonît, Toronto. iUTireugb~ - hl5alîlomrateu. For tonus, Aie.. auxoiv te lie ~À,eene.. box 8,128. <Shhd uleiep.> 88-Sm P tIESUAIiT TO A DECRER 0F THE CenrletCbunesryieaeaese~ McCOl~MACK vu, EURNS,~ Tii. credltors et lobe 3IoCorma~ laIe et Plcteerlug, lu tha~ConuCy elOntarle,, uho Sled le or about Cie B0tii et Anguat, 1872, are, on or betore 1h. UnS day et Bepteniber, 1878, te moud hy peut (pro-palS) te Camerez., MeMlehuel and Heskln, et 1h. CltyetTer- tente, Ch. Belîclters et 1h. Plslntifshbeir Cbristlan sud Surnames, addrésses anS Su. uerlptluneh. fuli partleularset Ibelr elalma, s stateuxent cf ClisIr aeceunts, anS lb. na. tare et Ch. ateuritisu, (Il au>') huiS b>' Iheni: or lu Settuil thereof Chsy, ulli b. perenipt. oui>' oxeluded treni 1h. beneflt et lb, ualS Sacre.. Every erediter holding an>' mecur. 11>' lu te preduco lb. aau.e betere me, aI ni>' chau.bers lu the Tom, et Wbitb7 le the Ceuuty of Outarie, ou lb., 28r5 Sa>' et Sep. tomber. 1878, gt ton e~cleck luth. fereneen, belng tht time oppolired for adjudicatIon ou tht daims. DateS tht. 5h day et Septamber, 1578. OHO. H. DAUTNELL, Master. 87.21 S TRAYED t - Frein Cie preexises et tht subseriber, Lot O. lut con. Pîcteeriugon or about lut Aug. ual Iset, oea red anS uit. yearllng belfer; sud some sheep marteed "T. R." uith blacte palet on aides. An>' peruoe~lvlug uueh lu. foru.clion as mil leati te Chair recover>' ulli be uuitably rawtrded. T. G. REAZIN. Pieteeriug, Sept. 10. 5781 POU SALE. Tht SouCi eue hundred sarea et Lot No. Twenty.one anti the South forty.utz acres et Lot No Tirenly, lu the Third Coocessien et the Tciruuhip cf Picteerlng. Tiers la a gond fearnsbouae mmlix atone cellar aise flue ~'ouug erebard on Che promIses. l1Jxo place zu iratered by a livIng atretu. sud by Cire. ee-eer.falling springs, sud i. SIstieul about three miles trou. Frenchnxan's Ba>' anS twe anti nue-hait miles freux Buffle'. Crotte att- lions on tic Grand Trente Uailuty. Âbove parcelu mli h. solS tither bogethar or separatti>' te suit Jicrohasora. A lougth. eueS credit will be gxvee. For further parllculars appi>' ou thopreux. lacs b tue omiier, - THOMAS BUEKE, Or te .TNO. E. FAREWELL, Solicitor, Wliilby. Sept. 10. 37-81 J OST i -j On Wednesday, 27hh ~lta., belween P~ort Whltliy anS To-si,, on Byron Streeta bromu Sitte Unibrella, uiti light handte. The finS. er mlii lie remardeti b>' leaviug il at T. LAWLEB Jr CO'S. Whitby, Sept. 10. 37 JlEWAICD I LOSTI A suxali Tin Box, mIl. round euS. con- tuîiniug papi-re. Tht abeve remard, anS ne questions atteed. CHiCONICLE OFFICE. Wixltby,-Sept. 10. 87 11OWE SEWING MACHINE I A. O. NILSSON, Age,îl tir lie celebrated Haire Seir. iug Ma-lune, begu te auncuno. that he ha. opened au a~eney for tii. sal. cf the Houe machin, în Oshama. Tii. Whit- by Agenvy will le teept open as usuat, tuS costomers eau, as formuerly, lie supplieS miti everytiing in Cie lin.. A. O. NILSSON, Agent Home Sewing Machine. Whithxy5 Sept. 101h, 1872. 37-2ius ~~Çi1ITDY IIIGH SCIICOL. Tie examinatione for admission willccm. mener on Mondav ihe tibiand mdl be con- tinueS on Tuesday, lie 141h Octolier next. Partira lu 1h. tom iixo are iilling to taie Pupita cf Cie seicol as icarderu mil pic-axe eninuxunirace ~x-iiix Cie HeaS Master. GEO. H~ ROBINSON, M. A. HeaS Master. Higla Sehoni, Oti Seph, 1873. 87 iHANCERY SALE -j 7ARM IN CARTWRIGHT I ( I Tiere will lic solS b>' public auction mitix tue aptiroliacion ot Gearge H. Dambneil, Eequire, Master et tie Court cf Cancer>', at Wiiîliy, pursuant b lie Secret anti final order for sale, matie in a suit cf ~JELL VS. FISHER, ET AL., E B>' bbc saiS Master, aI ils Charniers ni Cie iJourb Bouse, aI lie Taun cf Whibby, on CIII, Tii 21711 DII 0F 8EPTEMBER, A. Il. i871, Ml J' At Eleven oclocte in lie forenoon, in eue parte!, bie foilouiug valuable tarin. hoing tic SouCia-meut FIf t>' sarçu cf Lot Number Tlimee in tic Firet Cexacesainu of Ci, r >WNSHIP O? CARTWRIGHT I c The siove tanS ta ulluat, lu a gooti tract if enusîr>', a,,S ahnîît Seven mites trou. PorC Peu-y, anti le iteared tuS fenteS, anti ivre is a lieuse anS bain tiereon. Possession te lie giv<-n ou tie Firut Sa>' ot Novemier next, anS bie purciaser ta iav. tir niglil Ca Sa fait piouglsiug atter lie yir.î Sa>' cf Oclclier udt. Tir purciaser is te puy cue-beuth cf lix. purciase moue>' at lie lime cf sale anS lie reuxainder tiereof aubin ans menti Chere- atter. Tie Ventior a-dl cul y Seilver CIao Regis. tram Abstract, anS produce sucli Seeds as are le hie poascasion. Tie allier conditions are bie standing couuitiaus of blie Court cf Chancer>'. For fui-Cher parbieîilams appi>' Ca Lynian Englisi, Veudnr's Scîlcitor, Osixama; J. K. Gordon, Esqulre, WiiCby, anti John Boakin Bequire, Tonoute, sud te Che undersmguetl Master. Master. 1T. ANDREWS CHURCH, WHITBY. s, DateS tila Sti day cf September, 1878. GEO. H. DARTNELL, 17-lt An extensive sale cf ail kintis cf uceful sut fane>' articles, coutucteti b>' tht ladies cf tic amy. cixurci, mil Cake place le Che Dniti SieS, nu Cie eveulng tif the 171h Sept., anS turing Clx. day et Cie ilIti, being Ch. teascu cf tie Agraciliturai Pair. The pro- cee4s une ta ho apetied .Ce Che liquidation cf tht debt tipon tic Manse. The Bazaar mhlcix i. forth. saine abject, miti lie helti tuant Clinastu.au. Refneshiuvuts tif ail telutis turing Chu tais. Whilb>', Sept. 10. 87 J~ TO52OPEU DAY. Agents Wsub- oS. Ail e le uses tif mortelegpeeplo, cf extier sex, youug or olS, mate. more mens>' at irerte tonus in Cheir spare moments, or ail Cie time, tien aI tuytiing oie PartIo- ulera tnt.. AStireas G. STINSON Jr CO., Partland Mpin.. 87 pu33LIC~ NOTICE lu hereby given that in purunan tol~tion pts~ed ly tbe Coucou o: cool I the col the Twn ofWhUby, ail St FRE~H FAMILY GROQERJES. MePllsruon'u DIOde, Wbitby, Sept. i~s. ,HA.MILTOIN ~ 00. DOMINIQN ~-WAI1EflOOA't8, NEW 00008 LÃ"WES & POWELL Are reeeiving a large Stock cf Fail sud Winter Goo lu Cloths, Wateiproofs, Searlet and Shirting Flanni Mon'. sud Boy's Kuitteti Shirts anti Drawers, Conte, Vesîs sud C Coats; HaIs, Cape, &e., Bisait and Coloreti Silice sud. Pepline, S: Clotha, Serges sud Velvets, Shswls, Sitirte, Stripeti sud Plain' Wino Fanay Trimminge, Glôves sud Hosiery, Ladies Under Clothing, Blanli Quille, &o., every olses of gootis desirable for the s~.proscIung Besson. MILLINERY, DRE88MAKING. AND TAILORINO TO ORD. A Large Stock of General Groceries and Croekery. They request speCial attention to their stock of Buil Robes, direct from Hndson's Bay. Whitby, Sept. 15,1878. ry LOWES & POWELL. LAWLER & Go; , Best Family Croceries. --O------ Wines, Brandies, Bottled Aie & Por- ter, & Genuine Spiritous Liquors. Best Fine Flavored Teas, Very Superior Fresh Coffees, Raw aud Refined Sugars, Cheap, Finely cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon, 'ds. els, )ver atm oye, ets, ER. alo 88 s New Fruits, Lobsters, Sardines, &e. An extensive assortment of Crockery! The iliglit Place for Family Groceries of ail kinds- OLD NO. 1, BIIOCK STREET, Wlxethy, Sept. 10, 1878. 1873 T.LAWLER & FALL CIIICLJLAR. 00. 187 LAINO & STEWART 88 .3 Take this opportunity of tlîanking tlîeir nurnerous custom- ors anS frienîle for the ver>' tueraI patronageS bestoued ou burin aincc Cie>' oomuxenced businrue lu Wtsitby, nuS hope te ment a coîxtinnance of lie ecine. We have the pleasure to inforîîî you that mucli thouglit, care, anS labour lite been beetoued lu tue purcliaso of aur Fait Goode. The selections, we trust, wiil prove of great benefit to our ruan>' trieuSe. To buy weil. one must have access to a stock that lias been well bouglit, mitre lie lateet etytea eau b. ecen anS wiere pricea are moS- erate. We have made preparations for a large seasons' trade, sud coufideutty anhicipate it. fada deparîment ulîl lie founti repleta with ail tht leaSing articles of th~ ecaeon: Haberdasbery, Fane>' Goouis, mater>', Glove., Siaules, lafauties, Crapes anS Crape Clatis, Dreas Gooda, Silks, Velvete, Lace., Frllliug, Musîlue, Embroidery, itîlîliner>', Flowers, Fealliers, anS an excellent assortinant et Englieh anS Canalian Tweeds, utilci wilt lie made te order or solS b>' the yard te unit tîxe purcliascru, along ulîli cil the geuta tuurniuliing ne- desuir>' for au ordinar>' Cmii.. Hala unît Capi lu tic latesl atytea aud ne-seat Sesigue. W. will lie pleased te sec you cari>', utaru nattîing mitl lie uanting on our part Co ninintain Ibe reputalion uo have atreal>' acquined. ~Vc ai-e vcry trîîty yonrs, LAING & STEWA1iT. WHITBY ORCAN MANUFACT'Ry 00 lu announchig oui removal from Guelph and the forma- tion ot our Cempany lu Wlxitby, me caîl atîcaîtion ta tIi. seperiar Instrument, us are nom making. "THE AMETUCAN ORGAN," With its beautiful combinations, including ttyox Celeste," "Vax Jubilante," uiGraud Sale," "Vialincclla,"and etier tavanita stope le oleganC Blacte WaInut Higi Ilesanunt Case. Aise, Y~u~wooD'~s MELODEON-ORGAN Combining, in handsome Rosewood Piano Case, ~il the pomer anul vaniet>' ot ti. OceÂs mittue sucetuose anS purit>' et MELar.xes boue. Tht. invention le considereti b>' ail coinpcteut jedges au the greatesl Improve. ment ot the ag~, anti pinces tue lusti-enicul aI once as supenlor Ce an>' other BeeS Organ matie. Patentea Feb. 1873, and manufactuied solely by us.- Ail Instruments marranteS for lime yoare. Catalogues ou application. Inapea. lion reepeotteil>' soilcited. MIJDGE & YAIRWOOD M'FG 00. Whitby, Sept. 10, 1870. 87l~ I NSTRUCTION ON THE PIANO- FORTE AND ORGAN. SINGINO AND SINGING CLASSES TAUGHT I MR. GEORGE C. WIGGINS, B.A., flegu bo-mnueunce Chat be mil undartake bhe inslrcollen et pupilu ou lb. piano, me- lotiuen, -sud orgau, on roasonable Cerins. Aise Slugleg sud Singing Classes.- Instruments luneS. Enquir, at 1fr. Geo Blako's- opposite Mm. J. Hsm Perry'e. or aI Ch. C1ii~euiiele Office, Whutby, Wiilby, Aug. 28Ci, 1878.85 B~ISH AMEBICAN HOTEL, RAY'S, (LÂru sosuoxe MenuE.> -WHITBY, ONTzLKIO. Houas nemi>' renevatod' anS turnisixeS througlaeiaî, sud pal le firat-ciasu order fer tie receplien e! gpests. An omnibus te anS frein aIl Iralua. Firal-claus ssinpte reoins.- A<ENTS WÂNTED i To dan-usas lie Couel>' et Onlarie fer a neir Canadian Worte- 0ANADA 'S COMIC CARTOON PAPER, GRJP Ever>' Satunda>'. 5 cent.. Sa per yeur. N OTICE Count>' o! Outarlo, ~ lu hî'roby given that To ire?: 1 tieCourtof AssIse Niai Pnlne, Oyer anti Terminer, ted Gen.raf Guel Deiver>', uiil h. ixolden lu sud fer bie Couuly o! Ontarlo, le tho'Court Houas, le lb.- TOWN 0F WHITBY, ON &fnndav .Q.nnfAmho, Ot>nd 170 u ] lice GIBSON ~ W. J. GIBSON. Whithy, Sept. OUi. 1878. [R VELL. E. SPARVEL .P. S.-~'Old No. 1" begs to iùform lis old friende sud customers, that "Young No. 1," and bis partn~r have eommeneed business in the above store, (store formerly oeeupied by' Mr. R Franeis,) where ~,vill be found a large sud well spleeted Stock. "OLfl ~wo. 1" Begs to invite ail lis old friends to eaU and examine the stock for themselv~s before purehas- ing elsewhere. September, 9th, 1878. LARCE YEOMAN GIBSON, The OIiginal Old No. 1. 87.8m ARRIVALS 0F FALL AND WJNTER GOODS! 1! AT W. J. HIOKIE & CO.'S, (LATE HICK[E & O'LEAIRY.) Consisting of Special Lines in Mourn- ing Gooda, Grey sud White Cottons from 8e to 20e, Dark print goods from 10e to 1'7c, iDress goods, ehoice, 15 to $1, Gloves sud Hosiery, a fuil assortment. iReady made eloth- ing, very comple. Groceries and Liquors, Choice. The above will be sold very eheap for cash or Fariner's ~roduee. W. J. IIICRIE & 00. ~Vhitby, Sept. lOth, 1878. - 87 N~EW G-à GXDS! C 'i We are now receiving our fali stock f Hardware. A large stock of ehoice pooket and table nives, ]lodge#s and other good rnakersplated spoonsforks aid butter knive~, &e. ~" Apple Parers-the Best hi the 'iMlarket. STOVES We have made arrangen~ents to supply the abo-ve stoves this season, and oui friends may rely on having the best in the market. Dumb stoves, pipes, elbows, in abundance. I~ Coal Oil, wholesale- and retail, at lowest rates. Be mise, aud go b Hateix & Brother, AnS do ual bu>' et an>' otlier, WiCh "puifs" do not ho leS amay, - Anti mb other housea stray. Oui adviee to ail Cheap House" of Whitby, SepI. 9, 1578. c elasses-Please cail at the "Noted HATCU & Bib. ~OLDSMITH'S HALL! bVATCHES, CLOCKS, SPECI2ACLES, &c., &c. -o JUST OPENED OUT. esks, Workboxes, Vases, Toil~t~' Sets, Meerchaum and ]3rier-root Pipes. To axrive early iii Septe: It is well known that ail bigla clame Tome are Chose whieh are gathereti le sarI>' Sprlug .wben lb. bave. are burstieg utc suacubenas.- These are firat arop loua, fnB flavoroti, rich anti juicy-mhereaa loir pricoti topa are gathered, or rathor raked, frein m~. dur the Creeileantumnmhsn thelesîsa are witliored, dry, aud sapisme. Tht tilforeuce betireen firut erop boa anti inferibr descriptions it aomething mer- voilons uhen latteS aide by miSe-Cie one brisk, pungent, sud jute>', 1h. other stale, fiat, anti extipid. Tuer. lus greict diferonce even in firat crop tes, tome cropu poetssming inuch more strengtb anti a finer liavor than othoru. There are aise several varietiet, tii. more os. berneS beiug SOUCHONG, MON ING, AND KYSHAW CONGOU. These thre& classes, when rosit>' flue, are beyond compare. Tii. beel cf ail Tes., anti ot theso three, Kythoir etanda pre.emleent au a PRINCEÀMONG TEAS! 'Now, it must flot for one moment ho assumeS fixaI the Teas or- dinaril>' solS are these Test, pure sud aimple, le their letogrity. A tmail per. lion of tome eue of hein lu sometime. utoti le fixe manufacture ot Ciat lecon- genlous mixtura uhicli lu me frequentl>' recemmouded hy bhe unahilleti anti le. experienced Setier; bel I mouture Ce sutert titI pure numixeti tua can.mith difflcnlty ho obtaleeti even by bliose te uhoni prIes lu ne objeet. le fset in. tilucriminabe mixing of boa tiestro3's thoso flue sud supplo qualities uliieli diatieguithea one grairCi fr'om anothor. AnS il moutti not ho more unulue te spoil vintages of choies minou b>' blond. ing Ibtie logether haphazarti, cuti thus brlnglng the combieution domte a deati bevel of mediocrit>', than il lu te relu aU dIstinctIot cf character bys heturogeuoonp confîxuion of qualitie. le tes, but se ho soUk noother article ofany description la. lu enableti te keep le steak over>' fariet>' liaI lu aI ail os- teemod b>' connoissurs, suS te soIt hem le thoir integrit>' nu importeti from ChieL J. H. ADDISON Claims for ibis system of bus- noua another ftuturo, vlz; that lier. eau b. ne mistake le lie puce or quali. C>' otan>' ~Foat purchatod from hlm, nu * bepledgosblmsulfbosoilonly - FIRSY CROP CTEA AT HIS'WAEEHOUSE. There &re ciglit classes of oupori~r Blaek Tes sud fivo elaaaes et auporior Orson Tes, oaci et ublola 3. H. ADDISON mil meli pure anti nn~ mixeS. BEST I At lb. teireut ~ I N FBESS: Te bqmbliahedin Noeember, 1878. - LOVELL'5 GAZETTEER 0F BRITISH NORTH AMERICA t ConlaIning tho lateut anS uxoat autholitie descriptiont et over six tixouetud Cittes; Tounu,-aud Villages le lb. Provinces o! Oc- Carie, Qusbee, Nova BcotlaINeu Bruxismicte, Neutouudlaed, Prince Eduard Ielacd, flan- Iloba, Brillai Columbia anS lbe NasCi-utut Territeries; sud general information, drain freux offleIal-sources, as te Che namealccal. II>~, oxteut, Jrc., et over lilteen hundred Lake, anS RIver., uitixa Table cf Routes, sboulng Ch. proxiu.Iby cf Ch. Usilma>' Ste- lions, tuS 5.a, Latee sud RIver Porta, bath. CIbla., Teins, Villages, &c., le Cie several Provinces. Prie. le clotix, 62.50; Fric. lu FuI! Cait, 68;7o. Agents wautod ta canvats for the morte. JOHN LOVELL, Pubilaixer. Montrual, Sth Aug., hb73. 1HE CELEBEÂTED CARRATRACA MINERAL WATER. lu unturpassad ast plessunt anti cooilng aperlent. One orliro glasses cf Carratraca ever>' marnlng betore breatefh.t, or on au empî>' stemach Suring tht bot wealher will keep yanr systeux cool anS bealthy. Carra- tracs Water stands nuxivalledas a -valuabi, remedlal agent mottes cf Habituai Couati- paliouDeraugeu.eeî cf lue Slomacli anti flair ',Chronlc, Iufiamsllou cf Ch. EuS- neys, Gravei, Gout, Eheumatlam (especlail>' Cie chronlu fopusi. Serofula, 51cm affections - cf ail lcinSt, Dyspepala, Hearlburu, Acidit>', anS as a Purgatlvo atter a debauch il ia un- equalled. For asie b>' HnCela, flrogglsts, auj olixera. Wholeaale of'Che proprietora- WINNING, BILL & WAIIE, Moutreal. Whitby, Jul>' 2u5, 1873. -Sui-27 WANTED! - A Smart boy for Mcntreaî Telegrapi Office, muaI have a gocti character ted a fair educaticu. Whitby, Augnut Sth, 1873. GEO. TULE.32 FARM FOU That weil-telioun tarin, loI 26, 3r5 con. tif Wixltby, kucua as - - THE DONALD8ON FARM, AnS ta aI presenlin Che occupation cf Mr. N. Bs. Contains 190 seras; about 150 cleared; dmelling, outbnildingsauti unitabla - offices; splendId erchardof 8 acres le exteet. AppI>' te- JOHN À. DONALDSON, Gai"C Emigralion Office, Marcix 25,1573. IStI Toronto. F AIRY VOrCEs I FAIRY FAIUT FAIUY PAIRY PAInT FÀIRY PAIRY TEE NEW THE NEW MUSIO BOOK FOR SOHOOLS. 66 PEU DOZE2N, -. VOICES. VOHIES. VOICES. VOICES. VOICES. VOICUS. VOICES. ~EN ~POST-PAID. SONG ECHO, FOR SOHOOLS. 80,000 5OLD, - 80,000 SODD, - PRICE 75 CTS., POST-PAID. 67.80 PEU DOZ. IF SENT PEU EXPBES5. Addresss- - J. L. PETERS,599 BraaS~may, N.Y. Auguat 26,1878. - 85 MyrtIs, -.4.----- i ~<GLISH SPECIAL ATTENTION! Oo- GUINNEBB'3 PORTER ON DRAUGHT I BECEIVED ~'ROM DUBLIN DIRECT. A VEIbY FINE SCOTCH WHISKEY! Prom Glendronnacli, Juat b Hand. OLD BYE AND MALTS. BEST QUALITIES. 5 Gallon lots aI Beduced Ratea. I~ Ceosaz & BLACKWELL'S Potted Gooda- Hani anti Chieken, flotter Faste, Anclaovy Faute, k. CANNRD MILIC I ~ Fresh Fiah Every Thnreday. R. H. JAM ESON, Whitby, Axxg. 26, 1873. 85