ile iI wmm more titan Once t at home ef an evening, wbli y0n1ait te niethruats'twrisle. bure i>y yossr eorful fire siih afte lud le.O nigh asisapy a ea ~» r~day week ise decluasi toacscam' nih shappy as eau bf.saeatl,'s is]hm oa a drive, and] they again qua 'An ap acnb nerhSsi les]. Ail last weelc ho was notîeet bier frlsas] graveiy ; yus, and ssal 1 bu rallier afrango iasthemanier.i tellyou the secret of it Madge2' dAsy lest Wuwaswla "II wlsh y au would', sald Madgu, wth nuigisbotrhood ýas "Airliagham Fe Il deep 4h lt'smiîury bte as 81do 'ans]soeefrienils front a distancei 80W. - the Piipesà e visfit.Tliey *ère JO! 'WeUl thon,' sais] Janilt,, speaklng la the latte part of Ilie 'day by. IE slowiy antdlstctly. I let'my' bus- wlic compeinies]Miss Pliips band aeethat I love bina mliii, and tatbrothée' iuse belwecaueight andsi I luara veyday to -lovebhnammorts. o'oock lu tise' uveaing. 'After 'se Love ines l.oiseala that biti; ishm to his the frlunds leave for home -ans]' bldi home. The world ena y eau it foliyp.Ilium gooti.bye, Bail and the y. but tho word ls uot »ny iaw giver.' girl remainudl standing ou tise Iawn 'Ad do yau roaily think,' urclaimes] front of lber hrotiîer's bsouse. HReal Matige lu surprIsei, 'Lit at umbantis Careolier to go te Gloucester wifls hlm1 for that sort of thlng ?, day, butsise declined, alleging sa A *For love do You musa 2' esked Jans- son thal elle]lied promiud tfa sco eta. be dat ou1a ilaswe'pany lier brother in.iaw. Ho a£ r. ;ýq ontfe t£l BWlfasites]lier t accoîcpany hM, but - Janet, au silt on'I tait. many years of isgain refuses] in more decitiet ter marriee uta makulium thiu kOcfia In tIheat of peio utsran wlloas lsot aImaii.o.aulwor. teb lier. Tise girl, frlghtdued, cm A l11b4 Matige,' sais] Mr. MaIson, to iserçr, Mr. Merrit,i latsging.1 Iwoi't asow you t0- bil'in came Ont upon tise Iawn anti rem Siliauscliair andi tait 10o.' strates] willi 13u11.As lie weiked a' .'No, b aucnme yui " usbsntile chf[er- Missi Phlpps tolsl Bull elle would ies ont, eus] lainltis wifu's lave, whiie go ontthîh in agein. A min John0 aerr. m OlY as lis honne- afterwers]s Merrit was startlis]by 'fJ"e lsid leor. ~ Jne,'ai report of a gun elose et hans], ind fiou hn htindJnt lrunnin g np te*lise spot wliere lisi. ai thougli ncow that lie sais]te my lins- in.îaw lias] been standting a mcii 'baud, 1he tohur dai that courtiug lime bafore lio mew lier strutchet] upon was tise lapplest cifa mon's 111fe. Xii- girass. Siliehd been shot lu the a, lisas remtluded hîm Ihal Ilere la great. albelow lise car, anti e portion or happiness thiu hat, uven on eartis, iseIrlower jewbalie lc blown aw If mon but give liseir bonete Christ. Sisals were founs] te have penetrs Iitnstw Jii lis] net alter hlb~isfpinio, tisa fingers of oui, of lier insntis, but lie WOnt ay stili tiiîking Of khl' thetu4sPliselias] reised i1110 seve liers eourtittg lime as tfa joy 100 greett b lie Tlis girl, wlio was unaisie 10 articul exeoedl'. a wvord, e"xpires] lu less tisan five mij 'fleur ý,llow,'-'criei Madge, slniiing tes. Seerchi beiug miatieý upon flirougisbertleae, Ido belleve lie was iawn, e singie.berreiledl gun, ietit happy Ilion. I rumember I usies] tea beloining te Bull, ives ond ujn llsitea fort hlmbi stops ais I set witli My ise grass near tise spot wisere 1he. dAar mot ,,er by tihe fire, ionging for the lias]falien, Bull decampetiimmedie heplue2ýof sing hlm.' r Iy efter iriug tise gsn, eus] lasi 'Juit , sais]Janet: 'do You ever Rince b-eau hpard of; itlei suppoi féel lite lal now?' tisat hoe lies erownei liseif mla 'MRadgu humtaled. 'W011, Dnt501 x- Severn. Au iqquest was lis] yest acti .,'idals, ans] the jusry ruturues] a verdict 'Ans]~by ot?'wilful murtier ageinsl Bull, 40, I1tion't know,' sais] Matige; mer. ries] people give up tIsat sort 61 tlsing.' A CsxîcAoa Wînaw.-K hendeai Love,,do 7011 mean?2' aoked Janet. Cilileago widow letely piavud il 'No, lita wiat peoplueIl beiug senti. Memphils lu e wey whlch wilitrendei montal,' sels] Mrs. Harley. ' very unpleasent for future Chics 'Longiug tlaoses your linsians] la a wîs]ows la visit the Tennesse metrol proper sentiment', replies] Janet. lis. She wunt tliere as esiuferer ait 'But Came peaia are ritilculous fotai. great fire, anti soon n itied eve: laih before aIliers, ruasoues] Matige. sympaîlsetie gentlemen of means tesi 'Thet prove they wanl soenne. I em lier in slarting e boerding hauset not likuly la opprove of Ibet, as Wiliam nfailing resotsrce of edventurous w wois] sonu teI1 youa; ail I want iii tiaf oaetlie world over. Of course s wlves shouslu leteir huabandis know couic] net (10 otiserwise tha prosp, tlse1yare stili loves.' for sita dis] e etrictly 'cash ibîss;in( tliet l men are so vain,' sels] Matige, wiîii lier cuslamers wîsiîe lier relalio tilî i daugerous te show Ilium muais witiîlisr hutciier anti baker were este Attetio.' iglcelslractly on a cretitt basis. T. lier friens] botes] up, 'o, Matige, went on util se lias] eccumiete t wisai are you aying ? Have you, di-enta of Ã"5,0011, wlien shle ba tisen, marries il iî liihe notion Iliat il in Mempissaeprecipitawe-adieu, leavli nol goot]for Joln 10 belileeyve Yeuilsothesyînp)atietic gentlemen of Ieans, hlm ?' weil as siunt]ry Iradesmetn, vory mui S 'NO, but itlaisnul wise b show rtuaI caet clown. yen cere Ico muai for lsena,' 1Se antd hfln; <dolettait oflins. Tise Albany Tisnrs beotis lu generai, but of yours in5 partie. au Albany slovo firus, iiaving a bran( nIer.' store in Chicago hava recently mi Ille lhinks quile enougli of iseif wiltitillie a bs;Ilirougli tie failistg aireac]y, I Assure you.' a building lu flit city. A boy came ii ,])car ilatge,' sais] Janet, suiiirg, bs lita store antd inqtiired for a grat 'wolft itildo pou any iîarm lte reosive a anti was tlitiby lue eierk,- w110 w - littia more attention from. you~r lins- tlise cnly aussi' persan iu tise liildisi bans]?, - aI lieta ima laego tiown lu tise celar ati '0ofcourse nol. I wisliîhe'dtry,, anti pic" iL ont lîlînseif. Ha went clown f( Mrs. Harley langues]ntethie idea. tisaI purposa but fiinî'esiatly cen: 'Tisen posedon'l thinic enougli of riiuinitg itac]c sayiug ,tisaItise ecii[ yotrsifeieay eu] 21,îig on9 i wnlsIere îsimbliiig in. Tue two liii aknu velu, I suppose 2'lits] for thieiliises, anti las] Iarff. Mati g colores], aîsd ail lise n'ore reacIîiscîlise strol when tihe jicij wssl 0 perceivec tisaI Wiiiiamu Mal- caveti in, aenasîtisg iup a large. amolli dou lias] couse in quiclly, aint] was now of stock andi enlailing e lois of 0vc standinug buhinci Janut's chair. This of $25,000. course, put an endt10tise conversation. Matigu retired 10 lier owu home 10 thiuk flîclaT OF pas ofJn8~ worts, and te confess secret- in ehicl te peiestrian ef ur îree! or laI tlsey were Wise. ls etl srioiîaiy incoinmoded, if nol pu lyHouert s es before Johsn Hariey re- in pe-ril -telié ans] 11mb, l'y lte ttegiý 'tes] litane He wes e man cf gooti gosca of drivers of wlîeeieti vehicleE abilities, aut] wel la do-inlta world; A waggcon la ascisored sriglît on a crosi ansI liaving marries] Madge bometleise ing, or driva hîeediessly aiong tl trnly loves] lier, lie lied expectetl te roadwsîy willsoc tiese llgltestregar<i t hlive a happy home. Bunt parlly l'e- te cosifoit or mHafey cf foot travelierf -cauo lie was reseru-eS and] sensitive, wlsc la roulity have bise riglît of way i A' nd. parîiy besu a dge feareil te crossing. Thisa is nol genersslly knowi muke bth vain, Iiey lias] grown very tise prevailing ien l'tiog tIsat vt'icic oelil ta eeli otiser, sa cals] tisa Johnu bave ite irFt show" butI il is lise la' began taelisin thlie aie-hanse a more nievertiseless. cumnfoyteltle lace titan lus an ise- LET- US 3r TsrAWKFUL.-q'heNeN ide. Yr eadPy:-'h eia Tiat nilît tise relu bell lu torrents, BYorkHereld safga:e-Un ite tse na lise w'lnds ho'wlei, anti 1v was siol until lJoLlîehling cfthisitres Sat Miltar thissniînigzl.î]saur lias] arrives] ibatfma olsgthiwnctMltr Hariuy luIt the pnislionsa ans] iiem- Hell in luis city, Litela twelfLls Auritis 'tous] cwal ls cttag. H uvs wt longrc-as. M'h ait lîey now proposis t t îîsrugls owit bu tisuttg.sHci-asai flIo lfor lise bearsilag of te poor BriLil îsesîsoîî; lise wa, as lie gruf¶y ennîer- lion we are nal' infoyrmes] ; blit we en os], 'cees] 1e llit,"-liuî liewaet l'uses]' glidte t liar tisait tey do not tilass p wIle.drà w nea 10 weîcome -lm , . so Cnadaslt. nadiens, - tIieo auyîhiug-lie 'Cous souuglit A sa iýinglurtle weigiiling p13 potitida Masges cte teo xcellent taelie refus- uasietiykihies]inlaa by aofRico Lake, ei, Rail very soon a large howl of dia- Ont. On being apenei il was fousîs]ta cuidte wae eieamirsg aistise table. coîtain te partially tilgealet remnains TMien hile wife set tiowrs, for e wouier, cf lwo'-Young dsscks, anti a picicerel ltaI by hie aideeudt lketi a l111e, aee ls- nuse have weiglsed et least a Isounti. terses], anti bates] pieesetl, wlser et Sir Samnual Baker welles lu a trions] lesft, as if ihe cosiual liuhlp il, lhesaiti, 'Dccc oit] Matige !in Kent, Eîsghand, biset "Lady Bakter Tri&st was'enough ; ler lliow sonie-accesmpassiesî itiisis rougisott ls jour- isow fouint]ils ayotise arsn ofI is Ejy, %wstisgrossI fatigno, having haai b 11, ay-"mardisan fout for greeat diqtances, aii great chair, ae]mIe sel quietly lookiitg cnetaît ftgiting for seven causeeutive at tise firu. Afler a whie Johnu spak ce3s. again : 'matige, dear, do yen rememiser tise POIanNstD....A yanng man namus] oli days wotsu we oses] tie l' y John McCotikeY, a-.lhotcgraplier, ac- aidein your motlier'e kitenen 2' cîdenîehhy paiiees]lîlsef et ls reaiti- -:~'s. yang an tien Maige once, Toronto on Thursday niglil, anti was a oung mn thon Madge l'O d ' iithina afeuv minutes lfe ans], as lisey bold ine, liaudsome ; ssow swaliowiug tise fatal draft. I eus gruwing oltier, plainer, tuiler., Wit ioses ils respect witl tise guet] Tlseesyo.ou toveci me;do You lave' wlîesiseen lu Company wiîlî malice; me l standus to smiiee t lte joat wisicli plants Slitu ookes]up lunhie face, -eut]disir a tisari-n latestlser's broast la ta becume ede answered là 'i. Il ai; liku gingz a prineiple lu tisa miscisief. baek teIlie oid daya ta fouihie runa. tilewowabri rlntle rouind lier as lier huas] iay on hies ;ituai. I alesiowsbrrc u s dur, ans] ta hear once egain lise kliuî wlisu isa ssade Iiiself s-ith, tIsaI allen. wor enufbrà evearlçn. alstcomanits suicide; on ise allier lianî wi ord esat orerar d-f aloe. iis ut thlie Pour 'iena, but lia Whso tes muate lm 'valu ;' $he kucw, as if l'y bouome poar tisat tilla hiimreal, instinct, Iliat It wes maklug liua Win- A man la bcd tservuilîo liasrio ou. or, a 'sacre tlouglstfi, more etirneml. casion tu put thl isantis 'of ailihers et mec. And-'*lison, after a happy ail. tisa ens] of hisa wn armq. encu, lho to down the bll Bibis, anti la o algodt-ly oaq ruas] ea ciserashélie as] usenwontslWa e mou cc l oo]atodAyieAu te to rPas] later ncIser la fornier ti lu dar e omrnan , willleb c è-lulIe IeO bowes]lber iseas]anti prayts.t-notwncdwl lecus biY srayed -for pardon, Iirougilise I -lclZ sus Olis-fp1i atrengîita te sere is tua, mualis taIt, tees mach fuiflhl every dt i t u a fuitnre-fobr tise work, tue, uttle tisouglit. aliipowerfi isisence of the Spiit, for An hocuesl asan is betieveti wilhesnt blesalsuga on lier hsabaus] evurmoru. a n oeIls, for lis repultten, îswears fer She pvaye].,..tud ]nca, u vain. fluai' ivity-a hit'. joez;-yet uo oea..y si Prosursntienlear absents. MP UU iil#tû à ton. - i m ltal#ln-nrIy aul ttak ChneirGlobes, JAMES H. GERMIE ta» Best Coal 011, wholeselueand] reteil. Whitliy, Sept. Srd, 1878.- JurY 16, 1873. CA/RIA CES A ND- Lu 'aud"'fancy Lampa, Braokets, Ohunnya, eJuit &Oos GOLDSMITH'S HALL! WATCHES, C.LOCKS, SPE CTACLES, &c., &ce JUST 'OPENED OUT Desks, Workboxes, vases, Toilet Sets, Meerchaum and B]rier-root Pipes. To arrive early in September, an assortment of ENGLJST[ GOLD JEWELLEIRY, Which haviug selected personally, can confldently state, that quality and }rice cannot be surpassed. JAMES JOHNSTON, Practical Watch-maker. Goldsmith's Hlall, Whitby, Augist 20, 1873. NEW FALL GOODS A T OLD No. ON E We are pleased to announce the arrivai of 'our Dry Gouda for tis a el ttede, eusbrecing ail tise leading articles kepl hy tise Trade, rijz :-Canadîaa Gouda, American Gouda, Bruadcoulse, Poekins, end] Twéeds, Shirting andi Slieeing, Grey Caltons, Denima, Jean Stripes antd Apran Chsecks, Cotton andi Linen Ticka, Linen Goada andi Table Da- mask, Flasuels anti Blatties, Carpels, Pslistes] Calicces, Chineae Calices, Maleskiîts, Caltons, Velvets;, Jeauts, Quilîs esd Conlerpanus. 811h andi Crapes, 811k h1audlcerciiieft eus] lies, goà simer a nti berege voila, Laces, real anti imitations, Yak laces, Furtimusiags, Drecs Friaigea, 8sdal Wares Iency gouda, hosiery andi glovea, Sisawls ans] Menties, Dreas Gouda speeielity, standard make anti quaity ai Poule Warp, Aipacas, &c., pure Mohair lustres cf tisé Liotn Brantd improveti manufactura patent fest blackt -froc Iram imperfections. TIIE CLOTHING PEPARTIE NT la nuw replebo w-iist te eweat andi mastIfahionable a-ticinla Hts andi Ceps, Collera anti Tioa, Prose Sittaneus Unclerciotltiig. Germetls matie la ortier, a goos] fit gueran- tees], andi a estil soliciteti by Oit] Nu. 1, Whitby, Aug, 263. Furniture! LAING & STE WARiT. Fu rniture!! SPECIIAL NOTI-CE NEW 1Great ARRANGEMENTS Inducements to Purchasers!1 o-0 The undcrsigaed begs to acquaint bis friends and the public, tisaI itîving enttred iistos iew arranugetnts for the oerrying aos of. business in Toronsto, ius confsection with tie Bowslaaaville Furnituitu Man- ufaoîutring Companty, and toin connection with is i business in Whitby, le ha. now secureti facilities for executiag urders of every description witlt te çretest promptitude eut] doapaîcis. Tic business la Torosilo wiul e cers-xed on under lie style and irs cf the Attlîer extensive Warebouses, 187 Yong-Strcet, with the undcrsigned as -Manager. eýt In Whitby the business wiil, as heretofare, be car- i-jus on salely by himseîf. At bath places peties cen select irointhlie lest assurlsneîst andi larguai stock, anti ay article tisaI cannol bc fbaud et orle esaltishsment ean le irmediately saîtplies] Irou tise chier, or fruni tise Factory et llowiaisvillo. 'Dmnag tise intervals ai tise underaigneds' ab- sence froru Wlilby, Mr. E. J. JOHNSTON, Milon cuslamers will fiîud caurteons andi ubligissg), wili have tIse generel supurinteaence of bsaines there. -00-- Inl consequence of these new ar- rangements, the umdersigned lias to particulary request an immnediate settleînent of ail accounts 110w outst;ml«nk and overdue. wlsiIly, Auguat 201h, 1873. JAMisES H. SAMO. NAVY. - 29-8m CUTTERS M. O'DONOVAN'S. 5IPLENDIDLY FINISHIED CA/I1IIGE8i BUGGIES, - AND 0CUTEII8, ~<M4NSH1P. Whitby, April 10,1873# 4I G ENT L EEN: LARGE STOCK (OF NEW SPRING GOODS 18 NOW COMPLETE Constisting of a splendid as9%ortment ot Cloths of aIl kinde for Ge'temen's wear, and a compite stock of GENTS' FJJRNISHING GOODS,*, THE NE WE ST OUT. A SPLENDID STOCK ()F NEW-SPRING. HATS & CAPS. CHEAP FOR CAS41I W~hitby, Mfarch l9th, 1873. A. PRINGLE. IMPORTANT NEWS! BOOTS AND. SHOES! The, undersigned bas a large stock of Ladies', Genits', alid Uildlren's Fie and Course Boots & Shoe, 17; Boots and Shoes made to order. iz Overshoes 'ined wau-m and cousfortable. Sr,,epsî.iri itg neatly douse. Csîll at the old Stand. India Rubbcrs, WILLIAM BUIINs, JOHN SrT ON'S SELF-RAKING REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870 ký7c otier to our cuistomers for the coming Hlar'vc8t, two dis- tinct M.icliineti, wich l i style, and construction. enibrace tb 1ElatcVSSt1aN mo St E ul iFpRoveAn l e dll'AP. THE " RING 0F -REAP!ERS.PP The universal success of this Machine, L oth in closely colitcst- ed triais amd niite hanc<s if the, fumierssvtrrant us 1, sayiiîg thatas a Selfliait- tou Reapirtg Mttljiv, ii ts Emore g,'ad pjtttesund lesm defttets, und hats met wstli mtore stîcesiand less filuire, titan heretofore oiiered la Lite public. CAYUGA JUNIOiR MOWER- li - were maîided the l'irst ['rize asnd [)ploma, ut the Prcvin t'tti ,xibit ion, hisint o t roaîn, i cntpettiox a m tail tte icditg Machitne> nu-tatctttredin te Province; anti wi; outt recentl irssîroveiiterit. . e usitesît,,' tiigie itnllvîtge it'vestiptiinn atd ettopurison wvith cnîttgMachtines, w, ar.- s'tisfied that mottei nveetigatian wili corteinre ecry ittt;prejti:eled atist d, thttt M' aler tee tesi Mower la lite Fariner fur 1872, built in the Do.ninion. wSero for descriptive catalogues. BROWN & PATTERSON. TIIE ONTARIJO LOAN & SAVINGS 00., Incarporaîtd Fcbruary, 1873, Pursann to lte Act ofI Parliament, gLis Vic- 'toria, Chapter go, ans] Ameudmeuta. Permanent Fixed Capital - - Payable eilher ah once, or by Monthiy Inalalments. au- DlI RE. C T-0 R S. WILLIAM. McGILL, EsQ., M. D:, P I'uaTar, WV.rF. COWAN, EsQ., VicE-PRESIDaENT, $250,000,1 T. N. GIBBS, EsQ., M. P., W. H. GIBBS, EsQ., M. P., A. S. WJIITING, EsQ., F. W. GLEN, EsQ., riRANCIS RAE, EaQ., M. D., W. H. THOMAS, EsQ. J. S. LABilE, EsQ. SECRETAIIT-TBEAsRuR SOLICITOR - - THlIS Compney le prepairedtehoatveuce money upon Town or Country Reau Esae, la sua of 0200 anti upwarchs, for frum twu ta tweuty yeera; pey- tible in moutlhy, quarterIy, lilf.yearly, or yeerly inatauments, (bu suit ftise cou- venieuceof tle botrowcr), et iuw rates ofI Islerc. The Company s alsa pie. pares] la receive depusis of1andet]upwards, and wiflllawinterest et tise rate ofI six per cent., per atînurc upon tise sanie. Tise Stock of-tise Company belug pietiged as seeurity 1crvail t]epusite. eund being utier tise governenent of Direc-. tors tai bang experieuce lu business, wlia are well tnown taelise gouerai comauuni- îy, mn excellent. guerautee la offeruti for tise oareful invesîment af mousy lelI an deposif. Dépositors et al limes wiii reoulvu tIse higliest rate of interest, consistent wish tIse safely 'ans] proper warklng af the Society. Duposits unider*#50 mut y lie wilh- s]rawn wilhanl notice, ans] wiIlîeuI auy-fas'fiture ai interest, in accortirance wilis tise teposit tables publiuhes]; lise aject aI tIse Directors 'leing te encourage hab- 'its of uconom-rv andi frugellly rallier tisan lise realixation of large profile, The ' Directars, fhrly cou'rinaed that. one of, the finI, itepe fowarsetise im- proveMenIt'of thleir fel-lsw citizenitfo encourage a desire to sève and accum- - T. M. McMILLAN, Eau, LYNIAN ENGLISH, Ese. LOWJE S ~Whtby, Sert. 8,1878. Are offéring special inducements ini a ]Ire'as Goqds, Muslin, Grenadine,, Striped Prints, New LuteParasols, -.Gloves, Hosiery, Lae Ourtains, Cloths, Tweeds, Shirts,- Neok Ties, Linen and Faper Coilari, Straw Hats, Feit Hats, Iiý1owers auJ IRibbons, Hats and'Bonnets, SUMMER CLOTHING, CHEAP. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES.. A larg stock of Crockery and Glassware very cheap. The HgUighest price paid for Butter. HAMILTON t¶~ 00. McPlierson's Bluet, Whilby, JnIy, 1873. THE OLD STAND. [lEST1A BLLS H E D 18-13.1 The uîudersighîed in returning thanks for the liberal patron- hiilertu extended tii the esiti eatablsberst, fer neariv a periad oaI lady yesrs, de sires ta eay that lise ha now on luansi a large sssortrnient of tise not smodemr, ns] elegaul styles of 'Th~e King of ail Liniineatu.". For -Rheumatiam, G'out, Neuralgia, Lun-. bago, Sciatiea, Wandes ngPaies, Bifaes in Mhe Limba or Joints, Sprains, Brasses, Numbne SBweilings, Headache, Baraçher, Tootha.te, tf c. Byit. Try it. Pro ve It. Price 50c por flottie. Sold iq sul Druggists. CARBOLIC SALVE Worth its Weight 1linGoldi1 A pl>afrCuts, Wands, Bruises. aunSa isBls, Piles, l'impli, and C7hrnicDUcseaof the Slein of every des- ,,Pxice 2bcperBox. Sold by all Druggi5ts. CAEBOLATED GLYCERINE -JELLY Eminentiy the Ladies' Favorite. For Beauasfying the Cümplex dsai o r'movlng Tan, Sunburn, Frechies, Pins,, &*c., alie for ChateeL Hands, Childlants Froet Bites, und. Bore Lips. Price 25cpefBottle. SolS by aiDruggists._ TOILET, SOAPS I1 Celebrated for their unifarni -Purity and Fxce.ilence of Quaiity. VICTORIA CARBOLIO SoAP. VICTORIA SULPI5TR SOÂP. VICTORIA Gl:TrCZP.r, HOD<ET, EQBR, ÀNs Sold by a] Drgins. Xîîd trusts by proper atte'-tion and modern-te prices to se- core a continnane of public patronage. Practiciti uphoiatering. Furnture re- cttied and cnvered.1 Undertek1ng &uneralsFuIly Supplied as heretofore, ýe Soine,ýspendid sI)ecimens of Picture Frames, and Gild- ?ing. PRemernber the Old Stand. SP]IING AND SIJMMER IM PO RTATIO NS, A COMPUETE STOCK. IN, ALIL NES 0F LIST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS ID-R-,E S S GO Q D Se COUNTY OF CNTAR105 %Wést of' Engl-and, Canadian, and Scotch, c'iÉs1 &c., &0._______________ GE NTS' FURNISHJNG GOODS H-kIIIY. 2 1 1 1 Il 1 1 0F EVEIIY DESCRIPTION. * Ues1 ' The GIIOCER Y DEPARIMENT is replete with a choi1Id6 1 sciectioxi of Tcas .ifs, ncw huit,Ispices. Best tubacco.* 7- -!II' Coodls at prices dlefying legitirnate c?onptition. Z. BLRR.A-M, FLOUR & FEED -ST-ORE. The, nndersîgned lteg ta inenrmthle iutlb- îtantî 0f W'hstly anti î-xemity that they bave I tpeneti a Flour a.nd Feeti Store ini tie preza- ires lately accupieti by Mr. Jantes Wallace, on Dundas Street, Opposite the-, Robson "House, Wixere. they trust by keeping iereeting in their Unje a.Lways on itent, to Le able te gave satiacation to sustomera. Bran, Shorts, Oetxnetal, Cruckcd Wbeat, &c., ai.the best qnelity. FLOQUE-Fan Wlt t'Sinng, andi MixeS -and ail ldnds of F eeti, selling eit the ieweat living pricea for cash. U'. I Spring.Wheet Flour et es 124. SMITH & E1fINGWAY. Osshpaid forallkioids ofFn er'sProduc& S. e- r. - tundas St., Whithy P RtOSPECTUS. THE BRiOWN à PATTERSON MÂNÉFACTURING COMIPANY, < 0F WH-ITJ3Y.- Capital - - $120,000. Tise ebove Company is lu course ai for-j matin for the put.pose et porciuesiug thse RLea st atate, uilis, Mat'tiincry, Plat, sud good-witi et the sttantiecturng busi- nesItisteBlrewn & 'attersnn Agricuttura Ç:O F * WVors, lanlthe Tao'n et Wbitby. Ir thle îtew Coaniy, Merses. iBrown Pattersoa have setiset-ibei 30, Wstock,na o hec sebseriptiens have atready been oh- 4 taincti autisg te $2.,5tl, maklng a total now subacribe]oaiF5,000O. Il is intende] a inerase tis um toLe 1320,000, in order lt --a_ _ _ __ _ _ _ provide meana for increesies' Lie business ta double uhe ameeint lalherto one, and T B E LL & C O., enlarging Lte cepacîty ef the preseet Werks VI. by the erection ofad(tatienal buildings, pur- G U E P H O N T casing a tiinal machiniery, and ase en- GUELPH, 0NT atsliug t4te new Company tecarry on their whoie business un a stricbiy cash beals. In order ta show tie profitable business aready P RI ZEilMilDA L - matie fer-tse new Comnay, itla siy-neeti- cd Leaidtae that in eleven yeara" businessCA I E R NS eperalioni-frem Jatusgry, 1862, ta Janunes- AN D 1873-Messrs. Brown & Paterson avebeess e a b e t, iry p r o fit a r e e is e d ta e a k e th e la r g e ' ~ 4 E L ( . ' ~ ~ anount ef Stock above-mentineti as bvu g I L 1D EL0- N, .. iena suiseribei bv Ltemnt uthse ew Caous-I peny. Te propery bas been vaens]unter SL rpstr nSMnfcueae Ts te directon anti supervison etfîM essrs. J. II AN T T-E," c ntaining Seri.. S. If W ilex anti John T o npsoi, tw a of 555'a Patent Qualifying Tubes. tie Provis io ua tlB oard ti e $ ,26 .68 - T ie- estabisahmenîtlias been lutepsssino the new Caspn lre1~ ~o iA warded th.& oniiee7hFbraylst Meai 1, -tse firat day a-iiLs aýrgenizatlon-the ro- fi ta of the busnsscmmtencisug fronttbtEem vnt ndeaei BecS Instruments date. 1 et Provincial Exhibiions for Prlcien- Application ias been matie to the Legiela- cy in Musical Instrumients, besides turc fer a Charter in the usut tarin, anti '<iti lthe usuel rilt anS priviegea. At Diplamas euSl Ficat Prises et Lte expiration oethLie tinte dateS by Slatuto otiser Exhibitions tees mu-- 9 ive or six Weels a generai umeeting oft*bthenierons ta epecliy I - Shareheiders will bie belti, on. notice, fer the' piepoefe eecting a permaneunt Bearcl et Our Inhcstents are, aclmawle]gel b5 Dîrectora andi Officers of the Coampany.,- Muaicians andi Jutiges ta be tise finest yel Suisacripliens of stock in tiseý untiertai- preduceti. Our lateat anS nstvmluable sun- ing areiet respectiully salicilei.,Tise proveentt l the i-oo"ztxr-r' cos'taisisp' value:T0aitistock, as ps paying divide n. u Scribner's Patent qualltying 'kbeb,'the et- vealesent aay bs regarde] as bsing bsyond tact ofiwhjch are tôe nearly danýbis tise poes lostL; whihe'tisegreat ativantagesta tbie aI the saine tinte reuderlng lhe tenu amoobi- Town et Whtby anti County et Ontario in tnS pype-lice. Bytlis ewanderssl avenîlan, seciring au enlargentent ofthtie iavorebiy v aecau mate au nstrumient ofne 1 dla bt hctaown Warka otf Jesars. Brown & Pabterson the Power 9at e pipe Orgnn l aS ieex- nisîsl et once cttstmeitd tîslel'5'eaP.' pense. . -Patieastesiring ta subacribo for stock are c'A U T 1 O N equesteito isenclomsteerandun, per postl as aneariy eay sbatsag th us smber eofsares As w<e lbave purchasesi,. th .e sole rýit ai they wiah tet have ailette]. manutac±uring Scrlbner'm Patentt Qalifysg .N. W. BRIOWN, Tubes lairlise Dominion oftCanadawe here- B. J. YARNOLD, ato l ate rm ucaigte Secs-efary.lI. Wu have capyriglifeti the naneet" Whslb, 2blFeb-uer 173. lOi T'H E 0 B G A N E. T T E" ORS.UE. Fureur Instrumenta contmansîg Ibis wn- F ' eruis]Inprovemnut. Anyasaetlerln- A*gotiMil1Seteonlise Bail brandi of tringing on Ibis copyriiht ILbe,-posecut-, Lynide'sibreec, au excellent locstaston fa auS. " - apriUl. Wiillbs sold cbeap. Parties Blustraletil Cmta1suesýmtiolhed bW sa- wfbeenencsmid.AlÂnb, ts..- d-ssliug- ,MIDLAND RA]LWA'Y 0F1, CANADA. TI ME-TAB L E JGoing Nert irom Port Hope te Lindaay. devrtnaniOrillia. Me.... . 0 a. m.Mixed .... 3:00p. m. Going North te Peterb)ore' & Laield- Mail...110.0 a.ini. 1MixeS ....A.20 P.min CeiingSouth from Ori]Li oLnay Peebr'andi Port Hope. migd .... 2:40 P. M.IMail ... 0a.sM. ceiug Sentir froni Lal:ciield. Mixed ... . 500 a. au. i Mail...:25 È,. ýq-TORIONTO F URNITU1IE SMO0K ERS FOR - A GOOD SMOKE USE THE MYRTLE SeT. & B. on Each Plug. PIJIICE S0 LOW THAT JUiL CAN USE IT. 1 :ýe- IIAMILTON CO. MePliereon's Block, Whitby, July, 1873. %fay 22, 1872. Aplil 22nd, 187il. Co.51 '$UP.ERIO ID lZ, ý3r 1 1