Montta mebseurea inNouparlel, aa4¶- chre t th rate of O- outs, per Une, firu snerinad 2 cents, pe lino, saab subie- b ~ sccontrasotm iade; wlth sdvortleers 31ey&,or otherwlee. udr odiscontIue adverlisement. tanst be lIwritUng. uBà in essD ireoà tory WUITEY OBRANO, TROUA$ DOWY, WIIBY ÂGENOCY, BL3. TAYLOR, 'LAW CHA.NCERY & CONVEYANOIWG Olics, Sauth Wing Coult Hause. Ar. .ranlgement% for spécial retainer ai Han. MLr. CaLmeran, Q.C., and Dr. MoMichael, Q. C. J. E. PNItF.WELL, LL. D., C OUTiTY GROWN ATTOBNEY FOR ontaîlo, Banrister, Solicitor Cauvey- sucer, Ntary Publie &c., de. ,c-Late- I y ocrnld by S. Yi. Cachrg*ne, Eeq., late Orawl Attorney, Brack Street, 'nlstby. sucr, epty egstrrMaster Ex- trsrdiary sd eamier u hancery fer theCautytifOntil. Ofic, ourt Route, WhISby SARRISTPlI & ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, Solicitar lu Cisancecy, Couvoyaseer, .lsy-P led.Ofilce-Oven . r.Ad- kieUom s tucse, Brodok Street, -Whtby, Ont. VIJARIE14C. KIsLLIR, .A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN .Cascemy, oîsveyancec, &c., Canning- ton, Brock, C. W LYMAN EN1GI41.iM,. -L L. Il., B ARRISTERI AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN i-Chuceey, Couvoyateen, de., dc. Stun- ceoStreet, Oshawra.- B ARIIISTER, ATTORNEY- AT- LÀW, Solicer lu Chtisceryasdt Iunlveney, Notacy Publie c.j c d Ofce-Melillau's Bulockl, Brock âtresit Wiiby, Ontario; JAMElS L'sUON, - *TTORNET.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN 41. Chancery, Couvcyancr, Land Agent, &cc. Office-Inu larriei'eBlocIr, Bnack St., ijxbmltge. GI '000Oi & lIeiliLLN, BARRISTERSATONYOLC Sitons, Notantes Publie, Conveyaueoru. Gffico--Byron Street, South af Pool Offiets, Witby, Ontario. TOWN CLERK- AND TREASURER, TWbitby. -Offie-Townu hall. lîeurs, fi moustel 1 o'cloele. TNSPECTOR 0F PUBLIC SCIIOOLS f1 on tise taunty ai Ontbario. Addnos- Raglan Pont G Ilico, Ontario. G-J. 11 , M. 1Ir, ~URGEON TO TEE COUNTT GAOL, S B~fyron Street, Whiîby. GUT'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., tisé eye R. O. E. L., Offhaura, Ontario. flENTISI,' (SUCCES- --'soc le W. H. Card.> DentalEoomm-Duizdtss Street, lalhy aen Mn. Jaeson'e Store. Nitraus Oxite Las administeret foc thse paifnîess ex- tractian ai teetis, C.0 N. VAU. L . . M TRETU lusa tet ou ah tIse jmi.- Iftesut pincipbes aofItse art, as cheap as lise cisespeal, eut ab gont as theo beel. Teoth is IlithlsGoit sud Silven. Teotis oxtractet vwithoul pain, bý' pcodueiesg local suestliosia. Dentsl Roau-in Cou-. aui's nov block, aver-Àtltinsonsf Drtsg Store, Kiug Sîneet, Osissua. 85 T ESUER OF' MARRIAGE LICENSES. Office-Town Iahi. oitioneo-Byrn u Strest, tlsnee taons nntis ai Town Rail. HAIR -DRESSING AND SETAVING H 1alsion, Ilsode St., Wlsslly. JSOION '.OLFE-14>liN, AGENT FOR THE ELBAD -A- Settish Ocamite, At Mas-hie Workm oiJouatisan Woiiooda,Dundas St., Wbltly. JOHN ('Ai( 1 El, T ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TUSE Cauntieis af Ontaria, Yock anîd Peel. j ilsidene-Laot 8,8t3h Cotîcensiou.Markbsîn. P'ost Ofllc-Uiiaîîvil. Sales attended ait the shorteet notice, and on ceamanable terion. Ternee au ho made and bis printed at the Cîîitu OffOtice far Mr. Castor. Tr ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE UCsîuuti oai Oxtaria, buge ta returu - thaskes for the ibersîl patronsage hectofare jbestowed opon lmn, sud ta anunuc that he le prepaired ta casiduet sales eltiier in Town or CountY ett reasonable rates. Ar- rangements for sales cati ho mode ither at the Csssiasscm.sioffice, ar ut my awu Office, Brock teot, Whitby. <iEUiI(E GUIILIiI' M RHANT TAILOR, CLOTIIIERL, & EClathier, Oshawa. Gentlemens gar. - mntemn-tade up liitishe et tyle' aîîtlatet iselosil. A lino stock of CIutîje, frani whieli ta maire a slectian for Geitleîuei' suimmel suite. UMIIEIl MERCHANT, CARPENTER slarge quantity af ail kinde ai tomber cou- îaUntl on ibandt. UN IIRTAKING.-Fuîsserals fully sup. p lied and attouded an short notice. Caollns koept coutautly an hand. A hearso ta hire ou liberal termes. 1\1NEY TO LEND. * The undecsigued lias any urtmount of Mon- ey to Leud upan Farm or Town Praperty, at uîsaususiy Leur Rates af Intereet. Loassasubb repaid lu sumo ta suit bpr- rowe. Sever-al Improved Farmi sud Wiid Lande for sales eheape. Imveimen zumade lu Municipal Deben. turen, Bauk, sud allier marlretatable,.Stocles. For further particulars apply to JAMES IIOLDEN, Qfflcial Assignies, lroker, &c. OFFICE-Over the Daminsion Bitnk, Mc- Mellan's Brode St., Whbitby. llprl.tgth, 1872.15 Whitby Brase# and Stcinîg Bands, adapted for saîrces, pic-nies, Excursions Quadrilles, Parties, &cr., &.c., viii supply W ~beet aud isteet Music ois rosoanable terme. frAppliestiani nuet bue made elliser persan- fo slly or by letter, (pool J id oFND , Whitby. ,r HORSE MEDICINES. AU descriptions aloise beet Hars Medi- Jolu.e.k$t eptisttâly un haud andI for sale at tihe f u&à y Lsvery Stables. 4eîNu charge focrativice. - N. RAY. H LI. O'DE LL, ATH ER LY, Clark Division Court, Tp. Clark, J Comnioner lu- B. R., Land Agent, Le., &o», Atheriy, Couuty Ontario. Athscix. Osut. 2ud, 1872. 86 R OYAL'HOTEL, WEZIBT, OUT. JAS. P>INGLE, PROPBIETOit. ~js as omopmaatlan. Ample and WU Atled U P mplOrooms form.eà VOL.> XVII B8U I~L NONT., à oIUT Fou Tmm ISOLATED BISK FIRE INS. CO., 0f Canada A pureiy Cmaa Ianstitution.: Also Agent a nd apprailer for thé Canada permiasent Building sud gavong Society, for boans of maney at low ratei ai Intereit. ;BRITISH ÂMERICAN hAuae 8U'JC omfpany>. CAPITAL, 8400,000.- ESTA13LISHED î83x., This aid sud vell establishsd Company ire prepacsd toa ccept cris nlu iiclasses ai prPae swauY of 01any vel Isolateti sud non-hazaideus property in- suceti for three years or lesi at epeeially 1ev rates. L. FAIRBANKS, Ja., Office, Brock St., Whitby. 0 NTARIO FA1tMERS' MUTUAL. /N8LRANOE CO'Y. HEÂD OFFICE, BROCE ST.,WHITBY. This Company incems Farm Buildings, Cauntrj Chuxches, Scisool Houses, sud their Contents at rates is sow as those ai any we-esZt6là bed Company lu Canada. L. FABANKS, Je., J. B. BICKELL, 11I7 Secretary. President. Mr. ID. Holllday is no langer au agent af this Campani. p HIENIX FIEE ASSURANCE CO'Y., LOMBARD St. & CRARINO CROSS, LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., Agents for Canada. 1 JAMES DAVmDSON, Manager. Insurances against lass by Fire are effect- ad n the moat favorable termesud Loss,. paiti without reference ta the Board lu Lon-. don. - YEOMAN GII3SON, Agent, Whithy. THE Liverpool and London and Globe INNVUt4NCE CO.IrPANY%. AvAILÂIiLE A5UETO, 827,000,000. Lasses p ad in course of thirty.llve year.. exceed FORTY MILLIONS 0F DOLLARS. Claime by Chicago Firse etimated st near. ly $81,000,000, are iheing liquida.led as fast as .sjusted without deduction. Security, Prompt Payment aud Liherality in adjuet- ument oalite Losses are thse prominent featurcs ni tbis usclthy Company. Head Office, Canadýa Braîscli, Montreal. G. F. C. SMITH, Cîsief Agent for Dominion. L. FAIRB3ANKS, Jo., Agent at Whitby, Ont. OHN L. WAoeKIS, OFF/C IAL -ASSIGPJEE, IIILIFF ORSI DIVISION COURT, AUCTIONEER, &o., &c. OFFICE-In Bigelow's Block, Port Perry. Port Ferry, June 24, 1872. 26 NEW BAKEET A FRUIT STORE. aRiC 11-A R [) MSNOW Bege ta annaunce that ho te now prepared ta snpply everything lu the Bakery and, Con [ectionery Line At hie aid-stand, latcîy accnpied lîy Mr. J. Arnall. - CHOICE FRUIT 0F ALL KINDS Kept coustaîîtly on haud, iunseau. ORANGES, LEMONS, SARDINES, LOI3STEIIS, PRUNES, RAISINS,, CHEESE, TOJIACCQ. BasiAn)-.dlivered daiiy ta enstomners, sud ..aiI otteer yrovioioas end gootis delivered a ili B asofCigare. RICHIARD SNOW. Whîitly, Sept., 1871. 37 Thse undersigned i las remaved hie Y C .5 -..AJ.i..5A, .LX -LI%- ALIO OTEL, WffITBY,, ONT., A.MASON - PBOPRIETOR TheeMioln has been tboraugbiy iuu Ho, PIAT EST BD r8O /?a ke8 dtion ansa tise haut attention TlseoHorieRakei(vitistise'evlmyrove- CENTRAL HOTEL,m ,)TeSp woiIi ia5suisiture tise cPateutee; ,tbay ar-e i-aing, are mide of BROUG5IAX, ONT., rie ery,,ehau mateia e arete ont perfect aCieeof theë'Idmntod e é t , edto JO~N AILE - POPRITOtise firming colnmnnlty, for doing tise work Tise above isotei hma been smely filet u quiekly s'ssa vlu Sehing ai from #8 ta $9 sn unt ined. Guesta vilI fut camfoabbie apie. accommodtionu etdattention. -Good itabl- TiPotfr 5attention Silso esaleat b lii ing and attentive bastIon. IROOT AND HANjIIRE DILLq, OMMERCIAL T p Tisoyar uniperior toauyting aof theilutd c H T L yet msmsfacluredl, and aceve lculatedto- BROOKST.,-WIKIBY, uave lise farmer bath liber anda expense. BROO aT.WHITT, Ri TRAW«CtTTTERS,vorkeU bybhand E. M. CALDWELL, PROPRIETOR. are unequailet; they are esilyvwacked, and not Bable la gel ont ai artez, asd t a Boat accomunodatton ant superior Wines, very leurfigue.- liquors aud cigars. Goatstbhing, viti eu- leet yarde, andi atteutsve osteersalaisys on SqUarea and Ravolving Charms, tise promises. Charges maderate. CLOTHES WRINGERS, G RAND TRUNE RAILWAY HOTEL, SCUFFLERS, WHEELBARROWS, AT W13IT-BY STATION. WM. O'NEIL]r- PROPRIETOR. Pariea taltiug the train anthsaviug hommes vii have tbem vel l aiton caneoa tib htieir notucu. G' LOBE RHO'EL, BROOKLI-N, ONT. JAS. POWELL -. PROPRIIETOR. PtR5T-CLAS5 ArCOMMODATIONq. R OYL CANADIAN HOTEL, PORT PÉR5tY, ONT., H. FOY - - PROPRIETOR. Superior accommodation. Gond stabllug aud eheti roam, and attentive ostiets. wESTEEN HOUSE, DUNDAS STREET, WRIT1IY. The undersigued would intimate ta the public, tist the save premises have been îîwytte' np and renovated thronghout. l3s Lqsrs amud Cigare. "The Cream of Casad. ,"alsao pure Rhine Xine, Walz's Lag- or, wlîalesale sud retail. Boarders taken by thse weck. JOSEPH A. BÂNDEL. N IPISSING- HOUSE, CO11. KINGO ANIS OUGSOR IEPTS, TORON TO, ONT'ARIO.- Troaluo, Atag. 12, 187 JAS. T. J"WEL, Propnieta.. M. 383-8m1 à UONEY TO LENDI Repayale by instalments for from Two ta Twenty yeitrm, ut low rates ai interest, mith. out cosnînie,.ion, and ti moiderato charges. I'rivate Funde to Lend. Ap>ply t- J. E. FAREWELL, Solicitor, Brock St., Whitby. May 28th, 1872.- 22-tf R OBElIT JOHN YARNOLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE F011 TUE COUYTY OF ONTARIO. ADDIIESS-]3ax 99, WuxTny. di 712.1 CuÂIo ST., litAI VICTORIA SQUARE, MON TR EAL. L;.-'fluà ncsse c.clu8ivcly comîmision. 12 *es.r - iXes nLe ithse Montreal po Iluce trauli.. pnrue ompt, udhglt mnarket pruces obtoinied. Consigno,.s kept pusts.d as ta sale a1 1,eir gndprospects, te. Itiormatiocne ta price, &,c., furmheti oniapplication. Ln .4 trial consignrnent sol ited. %*Ã"GE RBRY, JR. BOO T c& SHIOF STORE 1 Jîsmssîany 13, 1873 .Y to the promises adjoîsiîîg tise Western Inotel, Dutas Street, 'Wlîitby, whers ho e soxv pcepaced ta execute ail ocders for Wark. A large and select stock 011 haud. Rtelairiug doue as usual. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Whitby, May 8, 4q1. 19 LJLVERILY 1 The lnudersigneti desireo ta inforin hiý Iiondesud patrone tlîat he hias again ce- sumed business ut the aid WHITBY LIVERY STABLES. Haviug euereasod the number sud qtialit> ai thse slnd, sud aise added to sud imîîco-ve<l the canvoyances sund veisicles oh tIhe prccu. tees, ho lapes by being lu a position ta meet the wauts oi enetamers ta menit a share ai public patronage. -N. B.-Caveced couveyauces for fanîllie.. anti ladies. Prompt attendante, as Isereta fore, to ail orders. N. RAY, Praprietar. APPLE TREES, A Il O V r 20,000, -AT TIE- .HOME NURSERY, Prom two ta four years ai ags., eîulscscing al the best Varieties. SETH C. WILSON, Lot Na. 8, 2ud Con. Pickering, en Kingston Roud, 21stOffice, Whitby. V~UABLE FARM FOR SALE. Beiu.g part af lot 29, 7tis concession Scott, Coun t iOtaro-100 acces, 75 cleared aud lu a gpopd state ai cultivation. Goond dwelliuglisouse, sud extensive outbuilding> lu gooti repair. Apply ta the awner, SIMEOCl TIFFIN, on the promnises. Leaskdale, Nov. 14, 1872. 47 F R SALE. Lot 24, sauth hali, 7th con. Whitby. Dvelllîîg, barn, &c.,-sbout thrcee.quarterg eieared. Situateel a mile nartis ai itrooklu. Apply ta- JOHN CAMPBELL, 47tf- Brooklu W STERN ASSURANCE COMPANY HEZAD OFFICE, TORtONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, $400,000- . AGENT 70OR SOUTH tîlIAiIa, FREE SITE! TOWN 0F WHITBY. A FIIEE SITE WIÃŽL BE GIVEN to ta ay Mauufaclurig Company buildinsg an eataliisiatin th e tavu. J1. 1HAisiER CREENWOOD, WhiLy. Fb. 6, 173. Masyor, Wiitly. 'uViiLiy. Fl. 0, 171.9-tf C OAL A ND W OOI). A. ALEXANDER, Ibaviug prühsed tise Cîsal and Wood Tard A1 Mn. JohnusKeilis, legs ta luformu ai cue- iomrsis- thsîmtlsey vii lied tise pi-Omises con- ms.îsly ond p1enrifliy HUpplicti, snd Wood smsîl uidelivercîl asthbie issestpncs 1sîiug panciieseti large tracts aIhe lebst wsoit Issîssion tise hock Liskesasull snd --xlssustlcFs suspphy as-Ilic alaya Iepi on lisiss. Reîsoualie rates antifll moasucc gua- anicedt. Coul veiglseti an tue Town scaies. A. ALEXANDER. Wbilhy, Ju]y 9, 1873. 28 STEAMSHIP TICKETS By AIIan's Magnificent Lina 0F MAIL STEAMERS Fon sle, ta anti froun Britain, a abureai calaes, andi aIl oeeoisaany iousmation ciseerflliy given liv GEO. TULE, -Telograpis sud Express Agent. Whitly, Marcis 111h, 1878. il L UMBIR 1 LUMBER H Tffe uudeneigimcd isavSng beau appainlesi Agent-anti siso Shippiug Agent-lac tise extensive Lumiier fis-m ni Messrs. Smithî & Ca., ofl Foîson Fauls, ase opened,ln comme- lion vltis hie other promises, an extensive t2ËLUMBER VARD Adjaiuiîg lise Wiithy & Part Penny Rail. vay Station, viiere le- keeps caustaotiy on hanel a largo sud complelo stock of Lumben of ai iscinds fan maie, u-sleale andti eai.- Plaueing machinue, sud aU inrluofai onk ex- ecuteti pnemptiy, le acter. GEO. CORMACIE. Wliilby, May 27, 1878. 22-tf FARM FOR SALB JTOSEPH HOLMAN, JBOOKLIN, ONT, jSentis hall ai lot No. 1, 8rd ean. Brocî: Aiso AgénI for tise CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 1U Iead Office, HAMILTON; aud CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'Y, Manîresl irtLufe sud Guaraue Deparntmep . maPITi -IL, 2, - ,O,05. ONE-HUNDRED ACRES tII ciescet, in a goot state of culivallon, veil feucet, ureli voberet, sut goot build- =ngo. ap1 n thse.- pemises, or if isy letter, 10 -çLto Whslthy, lulySSIli Léaals P. O. Andtai allier Irbedo ai Agricuitural Inîpie- montsevils ail lise roent impravemeuta.. Eavlg p o e' n iol anper'a Nov Steam enle, oaa tise moil compus'te ai lise Irngmiacl neh 7 .f(ý0d,) lise unteraignot la nov enabieti toeecuto ah ondonr for F AREMING 1IMPLE-MENTS vittr viciho emay ho tavaretl, cheapiy, ex. ,,s5,ediioev. andOseo urneeo,ss.,omp-ete l.stie- &tien in aucaes.r JAS. CLATTON, Bmocî St., Wbilby. May 141h, 1872. 201Y1 M ANUACTURED AT THE f Port Parry Agricultural Works,i LIEFFEL'i CELF13BATED AMERIIAN DOUBLE TURBINE TVATER WHEEL.- TUE MOST ECONONICAL WIIREL NOv IN USE- Tisese Wbeela vo are nov msuactungt ciseapen Ilan suy other sisop su thse countmy, anti ve vii geve a guarantes uilh ecch Wlseel wocÊritulsg theun ta ho as voS moto,s aud te givo as goot sutisfaction as any moaufaclurot su tise Dominion_ Partips desiuuincIsrter informotion can, obbain it by addnesîug PAXTON, TATiEA- Ca., Penny SI., Part Penny, Ont, March 81, 1869. si TEHE ISOLATED RISiC b Fire lnsurtnca Co'y o[ Canada,v HE.AD Oi'ecE-KingS.,an.ChurhiTornto f CAPITAL, $5iY0.000. t] Depositîd willu (ov'ernme'n , $67O000 Il vill atjuet ai lasses acitisant deloy, antil psy avec tise cash AT ONCE. l liai. ALEX. licKE.\ZIE, M. P., il Pnesiuleut. t] JOHN MAU GHAN, Jn., il Marsagen i- W . M. WILLCOX, y LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TUE COUNTY OF ONTARIsO, AND n To*'nsbip__0f 1Mariposa & ('arwright u BEGS Sa Ihank lis Tni.s fdu'iantthe ci --I iuîbi it iersly fuion Ilà ,al patron. lu1 age bestovot upan bim dnntîsg tise pat four Baiff nov giveis up tisebusiness of Bi is itenît, ii future, te devotc my tisole tinsoteatlise business o! Anetioneor, n Coi1ecIissf, dc. 1.prub a carolul attention te business, ta. give ful satisfaction teaail visa may laver me vils tisein Sales or Coileetiîîg. ai Bus driîsqgised anti Blanr Notes luniiebh- p, cd fi-ofaieclange. Aima Bill Stompe aivays on band. Arrangemenuts cati le mode fon sales &c.. < attse CHRONIoecLc office. Wliitby, Obieree office Pi-ince Albert, aidaI tisesStaiudara 'i Office, Port Penny. a - W. M. WILLCOX, ai Prince Albert, Sept. 241h, 1872. 89 Il v ALUABLE PROPERTT FOR SALE. b: TIî lec bcilenoffena ion sale tise issiaur. igvaluable îscnPerty, in lise TowunIo Whjt Il by z-Au excellenst Brick-Cottage vits ans-e ta of land, eiuated ou tise cecner ai Green sud St. Peler Ste., lu tise Soutl Word. Aie, acre ai landi, voS Icîscel, anin a isigis state ai cultivation causier Welington anti Gif-ii lard is., Norts Wacd. j acre ou Cenître St. A sonîl ai tise ceaidenueof C. Draper, Es q. lu ci tise Stonti Ward. Aise 20 acres ai goot landt,o bingcoluposetilof port ci lot 18, lotis cou. of, Toe s a-Murray, Co. Northunsber- landi. nh i .Pý A clear ndtiintisputabie tille n'iii bc given t] ta ai tise save propol-ty. For inctisor par- - ticulars apîuiy ta tis owver. h FRANCIS CLARK. Whitly, Juiy 1817. 291f al RO YAL BRITISH QUEEN HOTEL, aA FORT PEnny. tW Il THOMAS KNIGET tlo Whiiîbv, iuly 24, i, Prk tiL liei GEQ. T. HALPia &GENCY ANi) COMMISSIONS, Sm Vilatlonomade sud aeeountscohiecle.a 4'iMe O~e o- -Tù Cxaosdinting dao uffice., -Ba.lnes pramptiy stteneto;te Bu 8bgbed ineancs. -n WIby, lUy 14. 1879. --'- z~g'OhX Msudfren ssate~wiu1tv line - n is Us. a ee, Breeoge wlu suad lho had beau oniy pasting civil, for, Intoth,ýtwilght ool à & 9Y vare as ho wa. of the; hoitorable et- a e tyCi les ôiî din',la oil tachmnt 'subsitg botwoou lier, and Ihvpede yh~~acrfot~-ii oer-brother, lie asvqided iny of Loveki lMe, sad a$t ta rave, those litt1e rçmping civilities tha sa i im If mnaido ne vere vise vbs>tbhslc ta yod, polîtenesiexipeetedof hlm, but that ho fors1lo., ryor ol su ittfealedmigist give Andy Iuneasues.- - HRe coulti not, Ilierefoce, but marvel at Bessie stooti at the-nesdov itile, the pressure sandul oftise beirotlîodl Whiliug thse Moments vitis andies Breesige. As hii loks followed hiec TUse esatais odnbutcue throudh sthe door for an expianation, Shooid nad ta tisepsiig ai eager lesaiewncdganudaisdadd aC "Riches have Isisien vlngs;. au uueqmivocai- motion -of!lher iseai tisat av, as su alcheznsof aId; vas plainly translatable mb to 4 illour Ahi1 maideus arevwise, igien maidens yod nme se fast as yon eau." HRis lae train To marry for lave, ass4 vork for ga t.' o bnb o o rsdleivn Lad yMaud, vith tise silver hdir, With s quick spasm sud siukiug of tise Watchei thcough teusithse laIe stars iseact fthat a tale other tissu love tale shlue, - wasto ha oommuuiessted, lha atily foi- Saysg, "Oh! h:act, lti,sart tensutîses ilowvedherifootsteps. slnevl Lite is tobiearismething. Ah me 1n,*itî eknn Lave eludetis a golden mnare; ber baud, led tise way tbrougb tise Whaso vinuetls its caraiset, bouse sud yardrto 'tise haggac,'-and Needetis no other gem ta wesr." Ileere, betureen two hage stads of cocu, Beesie, with blIne eyes dimmed by lime, vsr ieawssae omt îi Waits aItishe tucu ai the meacolaneu~, suad whiore she judged tbey were et- Tiltise rouIra of tise goldeni buttercupa fectually sereeneti tram observation, ho. Sisoltinet tas hurryiaýg foot agaiu, gan her stocy. Pierce beard, with ra-' Sayiug, "O0h, lieact give Ihanks sud sîng; loet sud vonder, tise urole accounhi of The wanId la fair, snd 'lia iveet ta lv.Ad' ore e hei-aSeo Whoeo covetetls love, ah me! tv.A y)jnne aLieu.aS eg Needeth bave auiy love ta give." sud reoived frocu lierisanath ie ba ie et cisarmeti sud tIse sprlgs of. - o.caavauu.beg, aceompanieti by direct- Crohoore of thse Billhook. ions bow, wbeu and urlere ta use tsecu, - anti tar viat purpose. Atter whicis, CHIAPTER XVI. witi many cautions ansi prstyers ta con- Breetigo Cire look cure to a li jt ceai ber sgeucy tram Andy Awling, silo goinir ont ta milk lise eows as Audy fflided back 80 bier kitchen, andi iett Awling mate ieîs appearance troncs tIe Pierce 10 bis ovu refleclions anti ce- bille. Uer inquis.les s to hie enecese, salves on tise strange and nusl oc- satety, aud asivenlures were rspid anti currence. incessant. Andy answered tisati e ibai Niglit was fact tulliug. -MA do not thinga to tell sîsouiti make ber monti) cay tIsat Pierce vas enlirely trou. trou gape tIhe tull leuglsuni brea(tIi of tiîe shadou of tIse great clousi ot local her mouluh; anti ho taciiswitis re- superstition which stucs bis iufsucy hasi liparseet evcrtlîing tIsaI baibetalien liovereti over bim : ws are jusi as tar hlm. Thefise tfitl omniscience of troa asserting tisai lie believed a woril Liseeîîm-ua-Siseog; lisquw ole nehobo! tise promise ofthie, or ot forelsanil, of hie eomiug andtihie bnci- whlal lîsti beeu said >coueecuiug tIhe ues ot hie vieil; Son'liehotI1 hlm power sud vi'tnes ofthtie simple wlîere ta fini tise isaît-guincu; lînur liaesirop o! water sud tIse witiseced Jivd into the vry deptliqot hiathong-htq veeti ho heiti lu hie baud.- But, i anti, fiuaiiy, bow liîe, Antiy, ecarce os- alon.- witls tiese atterati sud rosi. eupeti a tairy.blael at tîscir ominions legs tate ot mind tbat,while il doprivati parting ;-thiese maltera tormet is iahm of tiîe pawer ot caisu thongîlt or iret budget of communication. reueoniug, onteebled lii siso, hoiealie 1 Tlseu,to Breeslge's rcneweti questions, hoardi, no inalter bow or tramnwlom,1 he veut over aIliîl relatedti t Pierceana assurante of meeting tisai ni-lit lis« shes andi AIIey Dooling ; sud if long leat andi tearIy laveil mistresa, anti Breetige loaketi tnlgliteneti betore, aseltisaimparteti s hope or ai leasl au imn-1 mur stilsin lu erttfeit satistaction. pulse tisut rss irresisla .Ho resolv-1 Na ane bati ever Ihourd tisa like, ase cil, eve-n thonuh i sio cvea uset siti; sise urss aut ta iespuir urben ot stupiti absnrdity, ta tcy thse chisac fit slîe looki lu i Antiy'a tace, toc iltii-st Breesige andtihIe sage oftheIbsuiles had not auytling liko goaotnw. luit;l;isat recommenieti. Dunger,toa, staresi1 unt lîls lutte.r wurse madie lier mind lîlcu lutise face, tromtisah prospect o! ey-al woniti entd.weii. lHeliat exposinz iiseit alone, tac trom hbumano oil ta give tiseliserli ansi the lileloassistance, sud lu tise doati iour o! tua satile ta Master Pierce, andi seudilbini ulis, on lthe very apot wvise a cecent off ta tiîc glei, lit tis ecanliist cock-erour attesupt lisutibeeu magie on bis lite. Bîî1 Pliat isesset ilglt. tisa torm of Ailey again lilteti before Ibile1 Here Andiy demunreti,lisowrevpr. He imagination sud blis ope, anti ail ailier suspecteti, after ail, tisai lier nice bit of cansierutians vanisbesi. Nor n'auit golti miglît just as weclihave Iseen jerk- ure lave tisa reatier tbiuk 5 sa uusliy of! 'ti ovpr tIse moan or mb tisah bottom of Pierce as ta suppose more persoasti lie iv-cc;ftar utal asinzle stop sisaulsi bazaîti couli influence lm eveu in such Pionce trutige ta Ballytoie. a montai debusto.1 'Musiso, toc wleat coason ?' Breotigo At ail oyants, wlsetlîeclho bebieveti or4 aselesl, lunler crossest tle. doubteti, or wlsotier or no lie once tcuyiy Uc woulti tell ber Iliat. île knew dsebatodth ie snbjet-wbici is a uloubt1 ccii wisst ici ot a boy 'Master Pierce ta us-Pierce, at tise lime prescribesi,1 vas. Gosidns t ul peuse ta give îim ciosiîîg ou miduight, uis oîsly tisa hast muci scese-ha urss a hal. ecatter- ai frost-eleareti stars urites'stg- hie mo- scaistidtclaw,oveiboiti anti isuariy. If t ions, ptoo4l,in lIse loue anti distant gieni ie sadtet do uritis houcot Ciiriatiaus, of Ballytoile, ou tise spot urlîcre an as-i like liiîuseit, tista i lcoudist uith ils Rassin liasi onco bevelieti at lus hert.-1 su alpeen, no anec culti hume hlmi for Ho fluug sepucatoiythie aprigs o! cassav- being "fractions*' ulîcu occasion affécoti un.isglutise wind's eye, andti tunîg -but, wlsen bie business lay among a round as a taint breallîing seeidta ecy siff,rent kinti of people, tien marc aise aI lbis back-Alicy Doaling n'asi usRy anti civil n'as lie speech, tIse grertt- betore lîim. r 1b is chiance o! encces, andtihie letton Tise figuire urs e s ta re, shoina4g n1i ror Iimsect. Pierce-Ileaa-en lîelp ila csigu of the motion Iliat muet biave- for au otunuiisoun-tiis nat mini tiat brougist fier ta tise spot, except tisaI lier1 ter.ry a lit, andt instcati of ttsktng off liglisIt rapery flattereti, sant tlibec usi bast ansi nialiiti, hss eccpe ausi Say- bosacu qiickiy rose anti feul. Sîse viii [n aofl yards- (the avay a bosiy avanis patio andti euner Ilean lion lacer liai l e-i ol tlisct bial ta deal uritis a bsarsd land- for-e ceeuliser, anti lier eye wideiau a crcd tisaI vo sitlîlutcure tise Dlvii liai. dariceisoti, iu au expr-sssor nond usi lr iles poohet ail te lenbiie)-isssteasl o at tliîng ta hlmi. Telunuer titeliaige lus, wîiy Pience vouiti le iecliîîeil isitud oaîly agssaeti ylyise weak elanligl,ht lsec liuli wasls, nl tsical] thieilI iPieceoknusw hie mistî'ees ltat-Ylftieps.-1 niles, lu rs.vouge fac koepitug Allcy sa Hie ii-stinsatinctive actioun.prnusî,tiiby îng frtuii 'a vif ttüy duli tîsu ilti surprise, avis pçrnisp.3 a tiasiî ts' ie!ii lie-r uîp ut liii'ficst urortl. w iîi per-ialaral consternîation lu il, 'as e la ausil telilbut lise miglît struko ut tiiene; tarI lack, ultering a laa ci-y; but tise1 nul ilion Cee wliat a ps-tly picce of tuaster passion inslaully reetîssisitls vork woelisbois.]have of il. swuy, wiie tise pale girl extenileu lier Anti so, 1BncýItgeauais aiketi, didi lin arma, as t! lu ceproaci, tiîey vene locli- io intenti la tellI Mastoc 1Pierce a word cd in a Iovec's emîcrace a mosmentv tf lus unarîsiug's jonuiy ? ater. Nea'oc a wonsi, tisou. Since Anslv For a consitierabie lime, teins alaise ouis sigoalou)g with lits fadter-foun ilIeair way, ansi turinguoin rDtiien, tb lkcep hlm nouI of iiarusi's iy pause tbîoy cauli but exeianga thse1 )n tIse spot, ,lctersnirrmt ie hag tn a keep n'ocss-'O, Alley 1l....0 Pierce l-usîtilc msn ut homo anYhiioa relieveil by successive elînavers o!fureep- Anîl wliat urouil Aniiy euy,it Lieouîim isig. Pionce vas tIse final ta spoak.- a-Slipeeagsionldi alie a cripIle a! hnm MNy liîeart's aliiug ! My on'n poori il lise sîys of hic lite for dlisoleying Ailey !-sow oftcu ant inlu Iat despaîrk ýils comisids ? I have souiet blîls blesseti meeting. O,c No danger of thaI. If Ansly uvas ta I leati no hope voebouiti ever sec ehi 'Foc vIsaI ta o v itis tbem, Breetige, tresis li-ars.i kroon ?' 'Tee, dean Ally, tise home whîere.3-ou i Aaocii, Ilsre vas as poar creatuire o! urlîl hacueicomo dcarly-urlere I, andîb cousin eite bail, whn îsu rîbeurilcisot. my molier"-F uti1 comelimea of a nigistsete stole off 'Tour maor but mine, Pierce, I '11h tIse tatries,auîi useti ta ho out vilîs visro te mine?'e socu tili iocniug tiauru, lu pite o! lier- 'Forget il my iselaveti gicI-target it,p el£, us lher our lips avaresi. Msy lie, toc tise proseul atIleasa. Came non-p se uitIle bottie andthie lienS migist cure beau on me-cocue; came.t' or aud Ceep ber lu lier bl or toetsau- Ailey elsouretino symptocu of motion, e ire. or of! urililugnees teacscompauy hlm,p Liko enonghe, Andy ruai, sud instant- anti only aseereti, vitis ber bande i ypresectedti tiselaBreetige, uishing epresti over lier face, 'Pierce!1 Pierce 'E or llu inhec attempt. 'Well, dsrliug ? Speak, deareet AI. hi But Breetige urauledti em toc suots- bey ; anti qsicly. Tisis is no place ta s ýr purpose. stsy in.' gd Pierce Sues isai just arrivesi froý the II caunot. No, no, Pierce, I cannaI B tir, bis mind agitateti by lbe danger go urus yon II a ,f bis prosent situation, andi atitlionai- 'CannaI f Nov I racoiect-your hi yombarrase ttisahS coulti not dis- proenace-Ibe uit joy o! seeing you- Io uctben lb, tor sympatîey or advice, tao!o holding yon, once more ta my beart tl ,y oue arount ime. Even frocu hie -isis baniisetiail other tisangiss, i alec-bratiSer ho bat tiieguiset iie tcutb Aliey. But tel me: visa sent or led i b is nocturnalsciventure, sud tise you hosr? Hati Lheeun-na-Sheeeg ai lody accidents o! tise tollouring day, uuytiig ta do vilS my seeing You ?i ocouuting for hie absence by asfeory of 'tie a toalisis question-but Ssc ieho?' ot nov and tdi sshruillesa searcis stber bis 'Hoeissu, indeeti.' . h lestrese anti ler raviser. Docun ho 'Ho had 1-urlat amu I te nderelanties ael seen but once, andthobn only foc a Anti nov yon cannai let me ho your ta RSty momeul, sithie Whiteboy ouI- counctor froc tiua ilt gien?2' igo, Tise vsculng ofthte meudicaut 'Pierce, ilta impossible. Yon anti I or ;tisa taic led hlm le apprebent tisaI muaI stili live separata.' ta rivate informations eltiier - vote or 'Muet-I I ask agulo, Aley, Nvlisat hý unît bc iwuru uainsi hlm, anti ail eau yon mean ?2,Yeu stand ho- bh is ours sud tboughts, experience sud aida me-my arma are round you-you pT sougoltedtiet Crohoore as the are uuaccomp anied-cee to sci-reo br former. Hourthis abhocredai stys. tb make me b lest or curst-happy or ions indivitinai coulti bave comae by mati i Telyou say vo muat part ti is vielence, silcomaiulng malter for again?' n seovecy. Ia am i free t e t, Pierce. Antias Wibe ponderiug theso doubla, as ha tisougis my hoari iliould -break . hile I ho vt «ileiy guzing nitishe parlour fire, say ib--stull 1 do îay va muei paciliera il ierce vas surprisoti by a sudulon pros.-h-oe on the vacyspot visere vo met.: tIs cae of hie foot, frocu orane ewho Isati we muet not, by Heaven 1i WiaI' terot tise rom utthoni bis notice, ever mayho yonr mytey-vhoever -P id whio immediaiehy walkèed te the tise agonltsI control you -spli.or ih )or. Looking -acounti, ho porcoivoti mortal-zuan ordevil . as l'belinter- hbi eedgç Chree, sud lie vs. more sur- Tispteci hlmmlfsaa oneohorrb1IeýeoIec- pe iut6 Wobssve liuat,a if to as'oid ttielin darkened hies. l iëié telme, as sorvtion tcilMo mo shoia*.kdb , À e0ys.Aîd e oe e.1auîthv»,ýk it :no Sain selt turards yiu,? isece tit ho state of Stpoc, wretsaTa ~i hoî Scon asey yen . Y wlsiohh ieisadd aroused.himself. He be- fit in 0 enassîll eni I ay camne induiffereut toithe voice sud action 'He 'Do o liilv ibnI a ' of hm tà ther, wiso que@tioued him on ber. I tiare netausurer yau.' ' -1 *sometiaing. Hà -talkeodfetAUey Dool- 'Fa Eeboing lier varda luinsorror ancd ing ;-an'l vas seized by tise oficers tisuru agany, hoeuuntilted bier arma trocu lis ofjustice. The shieriff o! the eony, brong neel, belaiber from him,' ioeked avilth sasisteti by - a sntlitsxy force, aracalt eu oe n glariug eyes ittulhec face, sud cesumn- hlm ouns well.founded charg-e of Wite- youri eti, in s ballon' Irolen voie! .boyism. - -chacos, 'Ouly ouaeurord mnore, Âiiley, anti As an ebectnie ehodle ceelores feeling arm fc ascuer, or be sulent aga-in, us yen viss. te théa pacalyieot, Ibis anaouncemenî on h1 Do yon refuse ta quit bien?', brougist biente bicuself. Ashle tiraà led face, 1 Suie was again -suenit., forth, s guacteci sud- marcec criminal, sue'pci Ho continluet 0oît bder frIs hicu, anti hiheit thé tearlese hiorcor et lia W anal taeblotub ion eoyes, nainthlisef atlse's blo, antitoit tise deserate et I fi graduahly riaiug passion gtîrgled asud aI. cingiug o! bis agea t ioir, -urieiere tireel iust shisnike inta lis Ibroat. Tison lho ranlie ecreasenspiE -rcet tihe patecual 'Wi lot bser go, anti vith amasstihi exlentet ceof, as lIse gsas'andtlungs o! bis youc as hoe tlept b.tcCn"ids, exoliiaeti: poor toster-bcotlter,1 anti- fie universal 1W Stand by yonrcelt, tîscu I We part grief ail anonuti 1his, rnnglu his oarsý- 11111e, inîleeti.' scullideuti-like, byanticipation, cloaca 'UI 'Pieccée, Pionce, do ualIhîraur me. an Piecce'e heurt. 9ne poor effort bo urstit tramn yon. V SIe cpcang wiltiy 10 is dit maIet elaer Iiipseif like, sman. latrie ueclt uguin. But urîsen oheytng bis emotion, ie te atm 'lea I nol1 laCe your liants-your ciaspoîl sut rang bis fatiec's haut, sud strani tonds-ram my n9ck anti tram maI. eu his kneea beggod fargivenees ton the coude Goti, O Goti! isowam 1 requilteti hy disôblieice vdS muaI nov bclug dose blute girl i-hy lber tocrurî beart hlm loa afehoni's dtiea anti bow tiauru th it bas lain vusie, my pouce anti lits iecu tisaI stricken besdwti F-lh sorraur sud Th( a urreck, anti s strngghe !-rhom ta urilishaame ; urben, ag-ain anti again, roulgl embrace once more, pure amtid innocentliho rturne thueembuca et lfuis shsriek- ficien andl taillful, ataMy soul's ouby hope ing rmotlaec; gave Auty Honto- mole ansd efforl I-Ani now - non" - tise bun's lies: ahsoolbhiuils, -for tise lasI *sitool tare inlerruptet hin-'antinov a'ile lime, vit ll iltIsé urcsping bousebolti ; nigli relunîsla ta me, s disisouareul, vorbbose, andl uitîs linigering fujnuess pattedti is bat a taIse'crealure I Na, no, Aloy,'hle cou- beasl o! thé e at fui, tbmasti f, as lie -it tinuesi, tznrniug tram .lier; 'no, no. cata longilohkaI te chi.oht arts bisaI TounIn Ftee me tramt yeur arma-ant here--isancetorta sisouit iiývor blaîe toriicuriesd tison-s--tand taor yauraeit, I ssy 1' n lieb a piaca ot simple sut baby ce- ,'I t: Sisse an nber Cuees, claspet bier collection 10 thosoe bo ft .scound iil; lionot liante, anti caîliber oyes upvusct lii visn, lu a coeavumivp-strug1foc cee- 'Bu flsey voeebld lu tha soaleeta, sud had igelation, ho attemptCdt ni.s nature onta almost cradet nIthle slraiuing, Sp- refusedt e support 1h« ,n é H *uept liCe the osi pealing effort. s chitd, sud'lise, 'M tisr, maIone, do 'DIo 'Gati, Ihat ruIes in Hoaven,' chue mut- nob break rny heart; 1 -'Father, tergive tise le terati; 'pily anti comfort me 1-give me I'-and tIse iaqI,l1aab-God bo suis 'Sbh me etrongiut bsuac visatI muanalboar vonu su '--caae fedm- a uosomn over- bef&ie -uis, tise vorsl ot ail1. Aii, PFather flauring in bibterest etuguieli. aud a &W, -Motser-you Étîat are nov eujoytng voice faint sud vaillng- as iliai of-.'s praie lus ilîito! giocy, pray la oteltoc yomîr crahei infant. - uay: misecabie dangilerVC jPE I.eai Wits tise hast vont, tise -paongirl 'IPE X I. al sank on tis arli, bic face daurnuarsi We Isave saiit was tise aseizes lima n' i eolsiug s if csc craveti iltat open anti o! Kilkenny. Piercue Sises- acriveti tnight aie blnerarsb. lucre hefore lise moruing sitting oftîhe viil -An agmse50ulter anti so touclsing court. Iu tva hesomîafterwacds lho vas 'Vo coulti nott atil ta mile tle lover's lienict, put on hie triai before Gasi aut bis cheel aunitiail ils re-inseot rage anti dis. country. The evidoue'e itaohf vas con- ly My uppalulme-nt, urtls baaty remorse. Ho clusive agatuet hlm, ou differeuttwev reproucliet i soc for lîaving beau loa charges ; hèrce saur ho bat again te May h cruel an-i too sieru; anti non' ataulirsgi encounter lIse, cool, urei.unanccateti latiy'i oa-tn lionsaisi:machsinations et Crolaoore-na.biisage. ilion! 'Ahhoy, dean Alley !-dear yei, tbongb Oneofottise uituossea urus the assassin moqt ,ost ta me tocever-ciseel Ibis ter'ribleofo Ballytoile; ;leosasne *vi, under tise's caor--rise up--cama vilu me-I- influence ot Crohooro, Isat persouaiiy You'i1 Oi i1 dos lave you sîll, tisoug-i vo dan uttemptet bis lite. Pionce toîl it ual beant neyer le anythling ta cace allier-But, difficuil ta conceive theal, beuving taileil W] coîaic..icma ta my miotlîer's haine ansd lu tiste lmpltat asssinaie 1M, the 'Te conaforb-we urill spenti ont hues 10 mua-dorer non' bicodt is w relch t tafifty-e maho you isappy-Save yanrccit tram evean uvsy bis lite lu s court a! jusi- 'ÃŽui tai-tuer n'oo ant inuamny-rise sud cause ice. e. avit mso.' Tise Mnn ascros-examine i;sto 'No H1e tssuchot lier, anti e spcaug np, tise tact a! lis hsaving beau emuployedto nov. exclihning: 'No, no, Pierce, coma ual fice aI Shîea : ie deutet il sbnruiily ansirme y( near mee-lay no biand au me-I have scoinghy.' Two pensons only coulai boucs noav ta do un uct I couaniot do avare coulcadicî iiins, Dot-an sud Anty Hou- 'Yo vour urass aroanti me.' lohuuî. But Doan ii ua ppear, us ta Mii Sua rotreateti train liin, chappes iberSe urus bimael! biifiug ftramjustice; 'Th ubanss ouslyanti crioti ont:- 'Now 1 ille poor Autiy olIso beuriltieroti by m o- nov! Hrie! lieran sd Pierce tountil-lise situation o! Isis fosler-broîhac, tIsaI, tInos litînsoit iîsstanthv overpowered-pnilet iesn cahioti upon ho coula neillier su- vouri ta tis a utlu lu spiteofa!aill bis efforts- savon nor rocohîcct uuytiig nIs lise WnîO5 lis hiauss tiosilIt-iint ilis bacC, ande necossui-v distinuee. 'Yo lis teot atiso secunedth Ie raptîl yack Tîls4 persan sîepasedti thIs presence tliiI of fouir etrng mss-î, wavIso aChm un- ut Sîsca st tise aIIack on tise dragoons. o!'tise irc-pured for tîseir ensilan anti alurnîng Oue o! ths envivin- soldier alsaiea ai- Cd., att.acli. ]y itientifiet i hm . tiselraclar avili Ti 'Anal non, IPierce,' saiid Aihy, sloop- oquai reailineis accuset i scuo!fissving 'Ti iusg don ant içiissing, us lia hay ou lIse assisteiluntise, outrage on lie persan. mce F s'uni, hbis shisniîiugehseek- Farewrell! Il vas liowevei, eiiclet, in croas-exane- 2,7 1 alia goiug train yen. I -said wav shsoulti ation, haI Pierce hati subsequentlYT- patît on the spot urisre aveia mot; sua'esl his liteaut paril o! his ovu ; aSv- honon sav n'a mccl again, andi ho hiappien.' iug tbu avliîligiî ,xlensuting tact, 'Dc. 'Tise tusseco! a setrayeti ansI broCcîî hlie cniinl vs allowad tarty-ciglîitIVE lieut causebelwn au nds1appins, boucs ta prepuaetocrieutis. Sentence- moiune Devii iii an Au.gei's sisaîlie aesclain- avas passat on hlm ut tva o'chock inu lIe gooal.i ean. afttruoou o! -lIe monîiag ot huis arreel, 6'Oi 'Pionce, I taugivo youn; may Goti ton- uruhiv as-on Tnieeday. niug i1 gise ycsu!' Sue turueti anti disappeaneil, -About eleven o'cloce the nexi, nighltecse u-îl lie eaiîl lulto a lias-id letiiargy. Weuinesuluy, s tbuutinu kuock peali til t]i e TIse exontions o!fIluosa urhoia iuovin, ut the door ot a flua hiouse, situaltet lu itina poavenesilus ita cuise limunp, ansi bear tisa great usquaca o! Slepbeu's-graen, Su off huis huai along on tueir hsliti, coufuet- tue moirpshis o! Ireîlan.yosh ly restoreil his en-ues. Hie became just TIse prapnietor o!the hanse vuas a hll. cssnsciîse i'bi-ng haniSe thrunogle thîe young gentleman o! tuamily, talant, andtihie st( gloîs; lut huis bisosîgluls nover once Iun- educalos. 'Thotîghs yeog (ual more lis it ccl la tueur probauble purpasa a!fudostin- lisan tventy.six*or seaau yeane ot age), ly aI I stion. Alioy Dooing, lest, Ilastet, i, oetidan office o! 1ruaI anti considen- -su al base, ansd Ireacîserans, urus ahlieacoaub ation unue hén Isbrieshgovecumont andi peéhi coîsîprehienul. WVisn- vas tise coprcseutalivaetofeue o! hem 'Sel Tîsursole!tlevace! thurack i camoe borongbis, in the thon nalico pachia. cîsimf tScoe successive anti tremendons blours ment. OIson, anti More Privà te aulec- Tise se o! Antiy An'ling's, alpeen againal the soiof o! hl aim our sîteution. luis Mr siculîs o!fIlînee o!hie captonasutidon n iuce bis tatsen'e sIet, uicis lip- vison - tleey tîll a! coure. Douru camne Pierce penct inuhi *s cisildusooui, Mr. Blarr'y lhasilta uae Ssea, o! course, alto: tise tourîS man, been lanuilod of Clamais. When~a boy, neluru as Anshy atannartis saisI,'gave leg Imail, lia sciuoil-vacatious veteoften spent lu mire,1 au' cloareti off.' TIe uleliveren puls lîo huospitabie tarmisouses o! Net Sites, anti ac sndb tagged taebac se toIletera o! Sis anti Tony Dooling, wvioe ie tout Wh fostcn broîhuer ; but, s tiey uree onna. cocufonlabla accomodation, -sud the a- asicet -d o!tub et-eAtap u luche , na no oyu x mcs ql- coln- 'Fat pany hlm. Tel samebiig vas teeiahjà nt Êtcher-servet e dx fianti cunla rga doua. Fi-st, tison, lia saugisi oit bhe goo-urili Ma-. Ba-ry bore hiseos- Breetige, bta caîli er liearbily. But toomat young tenant. Pierce isaipro- bie necalloultion o! tise amiable motive, senuotil, utnot lii lite, lie limba aI best,- Boys sa flalterlng te bis vauity, ihat Isad by cbecleiug, vils imminent dangor teahtirror izeverued hier actions, together vilis hicuselt, on tsa verge et a precipibato prises' Bceodgo's nboundet emihesand borne quary, s restive horse, ovor ubIcs bis compet arguments, cousitiecahhy turnet svay companion bat lenst il contro], sutd vonht i is anger. NexI Se vateethe live. ubic *as plungiug isesdloug ta the rcultur log nigis i liiha saur Pionce sot eut; preelpco. have tis tise suspense anti miserv tisait olloure Wiba matuter yeas, tudet, cama monts.- vere uat ta ha borna.' Ho aboIe ouitet diffèrent occupaions ; distinct places I voull is 'lot,' on seeping apartmeut, toc lisiinlu ifforinit anks of socetey ; sut, o! as gooi ilpeois; elutceot , lucuedt round lu course, mutuaietraugemont asd tank- eeoal bis haut, spil ou il, sud gave a jumup ening, it net soeé orgetuneaso!oflIhe than 14 aud s tisout in tise darl. Then, talry. eacly iutercoufte o! boysood. -But Mr. vouit i hlast or ual, cripple on no etippie, lha Boarr-nyvs boa vorthyawyonng man ta opecate stala off ta Ballyfoile. At seine dis-t have sitagehiser a bat enemory5 mauy b sunce ha vatchet Pionce sund Aiiey: Thoela-emandous -Iicchein roua- before nituesset ber ireacliery,; gai senu eéd Mc. Barry trema, ssouind, sloop,; for, talcs au neigh, aften alh, te see tisai lie bisT no ho bat gou la boul oanly. Ho liatenet;, wIe âi smes ta teai vIlli-tougi, oven if hoie ii as repeateti . -RHorang, hise U-.,io- botter a bail, bis dipecuwu nitnt, therefote, lently, ana shortly appearot bis fayot-ý moto, se oc tise mono quiet; caolly* seihzed hie ite attendant, vils a light in oxué baud, etige et poc rtime, apti cescuet bis tasitrsutdsalatter in lishe ose-. Heot e iluatter rollier, latter; glancetl ovelui, suad seasitus irnove Ho rescuet bhim, aisI but foc- a short muc intes-est:,ipot me ta isave bina free. Wbetevec 'Whis atise houeéro! tit, Pal?'. migii hiave heén the uuknowu-fate ihal 'As îsgiys little -fobiov, plame yeur The 3 vwaitet Pionce trorn lisose into *uhose boueur a.a e yu'd urh t tli eleBe.' ton tort sunds Alley Dooiing batdehoivores i m, 'Louve tisé. light, and slo, lita in-Ralro, bie fate for ubicsholie sreserved va.s' banly up stairs.' - - ovas Wrrible as auy tbal copît heta ihm. 'Infaiseli roocu, Sic?' citnus i tYhben ha rescliet bis fathers home, - Inte listiis roem. MaIe haste' La., on Pierce ibrew-bimmelf, vithout undreas- -'l'e thinkIrn' if yoar honou ara e Atre ,g, où bis lied ; hi.s heart ureteIèt, ther soeis' hlm, yenu ouint bd me -let. o lis enint thIul ad stupifeti, anti net hlm up:' loti . lien- -ureebt ngneL Asn Tell, veil. Tell ibis mniglsby -gresat mnan 1Imvili corn e o-hlm.'. Ila-ioo !'- sait pat, un lis again re-w,'Tlsie- bales ail lofons il.' Hoe tf s maomant on tise Inigpa itiy sourlue S110111nl'aines itIse IZo animsal behour : ena hoe lia-I pro- ti tacîber, his master puased iii. utietl tise stairs, sudl appreacîsetl ;ranger. i almost exîslansteti hampiad Sheaui 'litesI lu tisalal, but urs notanu- It la illumine il;tuilly. lu the a-as. ut zIooý]j, laninugagalnst a pîllar,- 1 te diminutive figuire artisa miil- canier. -He put bis a-ita iie s MNr. Barry approasefl hîina. ass Lovetl unieés me tIsaIte v-ovs is èhfor a signai, ser-vice, rny gool-1 bhasir ufoc awuing ilte oyotif tir. ut suie avites ms butsr-.andsutIli- u1y parlioniars. Prays, liaur tit inuse focrobligalionsai;e ?' -Osuf't MisLVeoll'mention il lun lbtter l' ie dace uot--4 bave saisias saudl sU, youc hion6nt, sel-paatisa le no s; su: I 'm s ba b hsti t -il, uy vou'Il bho a inXlkeuy yonrseit 7to-morcour, plage GotI, au' tion 1bavo iltfraoa -erovunnesutlm. t'a tlsonglsî,lie adsiaitis a tubl grin, 0ausc is onour -wuuiu't a belthisor ay-teiior' nyý veil,',repioti Mn. Barryp, visse- is colounatl a lithoe. 'Il is certain- 'intenioni le Se lu KlCeùny hy re o'clack ta-mos-rau;; sut youi se assunet tlieda-exclnuiveoaf-tse a reqnest, avilis l an' wta mo-[ Id, et my evu trocesîill, do îayltI ý n tul.; mulber.) î sy your bonour gel yona- cevunrA. Il Issve more blian oua gratefuls Lat bies. youi, slin titi lou issue KiiConuy' -n isaurs-ago .' Th(isa tlacoe vus Seven milas. lect 1-tien yoenlouve notlioitei'- -' yonuloîîonr; sor can't laiton I hsave muais butine-s bafoca ut; anîl muaI lie bacC lis niiu s, f the sorses mneel me faim.*' nu vii lcanvey bisose a hsly lises ise Lovett, ia inan oleF hatI?'i do, Plaise Goti, oaady lu theo lu o bis day, cousin' o'-l - ntq ve mfe Lpent on lionour in tegar-i a' ises Lovoîl ýS boutb?' in us-ay.- My eyes sisall nitl clos;e arn iii Kilkenay an-I tise pi-uper leltor yoti have biscns in? eftill- lo lime tas hînl.' 15à 15 Weeîisess(iaynigit-auît-hat 1ee-o-morrlpv, -ut soan, yos )-marnais, ai sene' Ilitjeshock, yonr- ýpendl on use. FarcielU 1Iel, I nîu'at or ferflkeinug Ilis uLt Sa I viesl voni buonatin :j )u bh:) doar, Pal :'-aul Put, nisif loavu avith a liziI, olayed lu lu-, ti suontier. Wiseu Il vas opoueil, 5auLger s!ourly, mavetifronbis huas- gaisti thse street steps ; 'pullau sliaI, uni., avil a 'Goti nus îaonoii,' laîng ma pparit t ii Juel as iotunnaï iteal ulnsiaui teps, then liglît houai41>3' pott ail nut ne, anti'Mr. cu1iteuî- tie nov ureli-kmiwfan turas o!' saut ursoholetiireusan ta feel re tiaIPer-san, Put i-hgiexc- td, Stoopiug ta pick np tse palier. srvanî ebot lisouglithe hail-door ; ater test lise, documont ; sud, ho Sud doue, ae'nid-'Teis,4o mac,' udectol.' Iu a tour uinute% Pal eta abonae, Msa clothos soilet urith suad bis - countenance pl haI'a tise malter avilisyou man' Mrc'. Barry. is,. an I tou't Well kftoass, place lionour,' ansn'ecet @e servantt, ravely enougil. II cuin up la tha manuta tiadurs off, juel aI tle i';an', 'Cnum back, if yon place,' I, 'tse ti rse- ante yoîî., t's ueie ea5 Suio s e , etalpin' in' round pou use. 'Uo'll tel- ual ulien yon couse,gays I ise'11 nevértll me nov.,' gays be, s lu Sich a humc I cau'b corne -t ail.' 'Be sy,'avya 1, an' I put y bandl te grp hlmn; vison-I te my.deabis Ibat I datonl uer s donc il-but np vit my beel, 1ovu v itb ,my,- is aaybov. oefore I vas upan my 10,ags aal, jion the back ot a herse. I tidn'l 3as aunenlive te action te boys. -These boys viihabcmose mauy yoars. ' By atbeudlng itin am u active part n thom- 111l ln youii, -iiy -ïnll- be -fart sacquaintel its othena from ce- - cetions, and .wll gain a- hnovi- tsé Worthx anti cSpsetyef moss -yoars ont somnelmes, tee, thât Ige may provo e! inestimable, auce. - - -- 1