Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1873, p. 4

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tsis ath* deelendsst. uIlmate1y ah. yholsieslta ois Citreatiez, and C<asdhted ta surry hlm. Aftorwarde,, bawever, th. e Mondant bpgsn ta0nake oss thee ed Leworry of busIness, aud said hi$i.heaslh irequires! biiathe shoots! tale. a year's iet. A lew days aller tbat hoie srri0d iatlaer lady. iu proof of the warmîla oi tii. defendsnî's leelluga Whli$etlfeY asted, the. learues couUsel read eoverai bIttera, uInn o -tow lthe defendna aids!':"I amn ure M yowu pet, ynaa eau Iave n idea bmw dee'pl>' anal aineerel>' 1 love yen. I ad.- mire ind womlip.you, but thorme is nue thiiig I catanot refrain filouMentioning and it la Ibis. Whou I ase you fur a lis.& you nover give me nue:- I have alwaya to take.onue. ýI -doni'î llink tlispougit always to ho se. lu' my -opiin a Meas is the best embtem aif trias ôvo, I nover ramembor your giving mie but onuesud tuat was on the aiglil I declares! My love te you."e In Ruswer te A letter in Whicii tie plain 1111 urges! tii.differenceofni Ileir posi- lions masa. reason wlsy thoy should nt mari-ylho wroto as followls, ila Dcezu- ber, 1867- "Dearual Lucy,-I -arn miserablo. I bave passes! a weco'ugî.Until 1I se you 1 do .net karow what to do. Lot me knw my fate, sud 1 wll thon foi-m ni>'future eonse-eithor -happi- n055 or dospair as!d min," lu a subsa- quent leller ho B*id-t&I don't kuaow iviat ta as>', oxcept jiis, that I will not eOnul ta break off oui- engagement. I am ovined that I enuis! nover love antier. Inlacte I siiould nover at- lempt to ýdo an. foi- . Mr. Toi-r, Q. C., fo te nefendant as!- dresses! the jury lu mitigation ofi dam. egos, ans! the jury gave a verdict for 0800. À NOVEL EERaItMEg-Iî in anme- wiust rewasrkable t1hat wilinie luhos cauntray as Welt as in hieiUnites! States, the art ni. advertising -lhas attaines! a ]tiglier'atae i' sidevelopement in nome diretions than in European counitrias, lu soano otiier resipecte il l a fr bhbios!. As lar, ns aur leaiog aaswpapers ara cancemneul, thera in not iuuch a-om for frnproveneu in the. nicamusr ans!-style ai theimaîiverîiseîuoenî coloiuis§; anal the vor>' gi-ot ntcreane wlaiclà lias takeri place lu tiis depatmneut aiflieir hbuai. unoe siiowetiat lii. mercantile publie keeul>' appreciale Ithe advantagee thos offores! taeîkaem. ,Stlli, satladacîoa-y as this ia>' ho consideres!, bhe advemtis- ilng ormuity ni tlais continent ean- ont yet hosat of snch unlilniteil facilities for genomal adverîiaing, hotu tlîongh tieuineditîta nilia. pi-sti, ant iniiotlîcr ways, as are at the disposai ni thoir Enmoesa rivais. Evor>' wlolesahe Ru-cat wlau le endeavooriug tn circu- lie hoost ilhrouighouîtue conntry bisI-aile notices 'anti annouîacoîuezîîs res1iecting changes in the mai-kela or ar-rivalIo ntilns whilîilie le amions to qiikl>" dispose oi, knows ver>' well tliat,lo o untiis u'buicetly lie inuit kcep op a laharinus correspîîiaaerace, tuyau- ing nînchu ailîitional expatiîe and Ions.i ni tinie, Eveii Ibi-n it ia altiiosr atn ian- pôssuiiity lu? lau ta keiji truck on iei ouivertisementes ufficin'itly to se thînt Ilaey lireorperly miati-ted, elîiagetl as bis lbusinessa icqrl-s, andmi iscoatinnoed wiien 1un JLotger Uûaeceary. In EUraopCa. ais! more ospcially iu gi--at Jirilain, fori' an>' years tiacre have hotu in aperation atilvotiing agoîncies on a co- lossal seaie, whiclî unzertake te relifve lIead tvarliser ai ait ituxiet>' andi troubîle ni thienotaire ; andthea success wlaiclî lias attendtil the tnduet nifbdiane en. terpiaiss isnue ni the vontiers ai tho age. :Urtil Intel>' tuera lias; beaunuoin- stitaution ni the binit on liis contianent, Tlanughi ofai ivertiaemeaaî agents- nz -aiiverlismznt ageazins ibîre are scorps toba hrfons!tlîroighioutIlhe Proîvtcetaa, them.a his nul laen ant'laiîlactle votes! epecial>' ta thc oljcts we have inmicatsnh on ésuol a ascole, andiwitiî ancl r-ources at commauti, as ta gain the confideance n om urlat iug siness mu-oi, liaI an atleiu1it lias Intel>' heen muatie, and! is airenaby mclang promiîse oi gî-catt encocesa, ant ian Ibisudir'eton ;we i-sfer te thae recetlly arganimotl associabinan kuown- as lI ailhay kuitiNevspaper Arivortisiig Comnpany ni Monîreal. ihis Companay, withî a powerfu inhd-c' tomate ni local merchatiîs, paîbiehez' anti ahhlers,bas ils obj-cte suifficieîl>' inaîitien- os! b'il tille.- E echusi vo privil egos for adverticling authie toading i'ailways nI Canadta, bcthiluthie cars andianout tha Mtatioans, hanve, we are ini-matid, ah- roady bean oblainos!, ans! îiii no dooht open out a large fiels! ni aperalions ini a direction wlhajch lans lîîborlo beau, in bhiis entnut leaiet, coumpaatively « azglecteti. 'lyo facilities nnw ofrèeet by bis cncnpaiiy bu adv-catisera ara oi pan>' upon lthsis q-niflimitons iabilit>' on' thaoPart Oni lia. eiiareiinitieia, il lias Met wibh a stAdy increasing support,N anud bide faim ta laka ils pince asmoiig,.te tihems prosperous institutionsaofna ,oDominion. Ou Salorda>' ailernoonua iialsaann nameti Jnhhmiîîwae aceitintally illiuM at, Searbcaro Jonehion by faling off a car. 41ellow lover ls paw pi-avalent in Memphais, ln whicii place thurt>' deatîjes Lavea aas!' ccurre.l, Ou Batuia>' the. uttepayt-ui-niGuelphu ratifasti a by-Iatw grantmniii h, sum ofai $80,000 Inwartls th, erection ni a con Irai seoliol ilu tatown.M Ou lVedneoclay afteruoou a son -niof Mr. Barlow was drowneni lu the River Spoos!. The inlhowlng briof coloo ecurmoil aI an Ilioli rutilmoas! station :-I'acatî. gem ; 'fbow long will ho iext train ie V" Porter î '4Iaout six carriago, you.r lieu- oui-, an tam as 1knows, ands!an engin. b>' cours.' - 'Dis! tb. donedant apprdacli the plaintiff scriai'in'quiedan attcrue., Macsofaissiulî asiballer',t 0Le otheîr day., 'No, ir,' W'S'qtbOIiePi>'; n, *-ho wenî at cmu wiIh a poker.'E The moent raina, sud Conao(ntient in. undatlanu lai Foriarobire, Sentlins, Word m so vore liaI much pmopeuty was Le h- TL berala of Chester asie M-. Glati- mtôneto élssolve the Parliamoa t and chi apeel tothe ounty. Y It s estinated liatEIgn(l&will bav t imuport 12,W0O,000u quartqr. of ths"y:aar.- o JInnu#pesa o the0 two Élret Was 80,000,500 franc$, wblie of the Ifit 15,066,0W0 fracs' wortii of Pacifie aiwaysbonds, wlth intereat thereoa <for 9iree yesrs wae discoveres!. Among the ~mauy triunnphs of acience sudi art exibibites! At. tii.Visns Exhib. ition iau~r invention of Dr. Mariai for ptiying bunian corpsee, wicb aoema ta fiiv.o'proved ver>' soesul.Tlaee was shown by tiie inventor a. large round plateau o a liad d olialqma-. teiai, tLe t'op .bab ni whieii #as eorn- poses! of hurnau remaine, a&U petriSies togetiier in solis! block.. The. surface of- thi- lock lias!been planes! eud polishes! av as to lool# exactly like marble. B>' moral>' seeiug thie trange pa'oduct oni modeml science il was impossible to irn, agine of what it la composes!. I was mistalcen for an orîlinar>' slab of mar- bie. If yo want to taik beav7' science, say ""rotoxidle ni hydrogen,' insteas! oi "ic.'tIt soun.de initier, ans! ontonue man. in a thousans! will know what you inean. 61 aiwaye ing to please mys;eif.' said agentleman who was hnuing a tue in cornpan y. 'Tlon you are ont at al difficoît to please,' saad a lady wlio sat next hirn. M. Prazdhoi-naue,-in tlhe decline ni lii. was taiking wll isnehwbwhom, ha related stories ni hie yôutt, 'But oncle,' suddenly exclairnec the yong anan, 'wlaat sti-uck y on mo;'tdauring your lie?' 'My dear boy, it was your, aunt ' A correspondent of the New Yorke Mail says that 'kissing a lady wîth an Elizabethan ruf on ie about as mucli fun as-ombracing a circnlar saw in fui motion. It je prediptatc, as One of thoe1possible pracatical uses of ballone, that theo tirno will corne when meclianica ýwho have to- werk on churcli spires and tait buildl- ing will-do it 1w ineans of balloons, in- steas! of ivith thue dangorous ecaffolding now in use.. Marehal M'blalion bas given a freali enurt the ambitions yontlu of Franco. olisalways t4#eu particular intereet in acholastie studies, ans! bas recently annotinced that this year ail tho paipils who obtain prizos of lionor in îpecial anatfarnatieii, pbilcaeopliv, and rhetorio al Lo iuvited to dine at thte Prosiden. cy. The inan &*io stated lbie regular OC- cupation to be Pmoking gaseses for o. lipses lias a cotinter part at Lafayette, ýwhn subsiste by cdring eýpike5 in the ticubers nf a bridge and colleetiug the wiepa of ha>' that are cauglit from paoe. tng buans. The dying words'of a Delaware wo- mnan wera: 'Henry', if you xnarry again rénanmberilitat it oui>' takes a cupful of suurar tn sweeteia-. quart nf gonseber- ries.' CRLANCEUT SALE 0F A- FAIiM IN CAIITWRIe T 1T There wilî ho sois! by ublic ucCtion milli Ch. apprmobationm of George H. Daruneil, Esquiire, Master of tise Ceai-b of Canterv, an iVliith-a-, pua-anuith be derea-n sd final ai-ner for sale, mande in s suit ai BUI3LL VS. PISHER, ET AL., B>, Ctie sais! Master, at bis Chmbier's in Ch. Couîrt Ilomuat tht Tess'ii ai Withy, ou MINDbY, THt 29TH DAY OF IEPTEMBER, A. D. 1873, At Etleven o'm inmc i u lein oaeriooninluion. pari-, blie tallo'wia.g voluabl- ia-i. hoi,îg tie Sa)Iltli'wn't FliC> ttcfééob oNuanhe- Tliri'n uthe Fia-ai Coesioin aiCh-s TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT!I Thu ilioa iat l aluibelua god tract of imîta',mmlinlmont seven miles train Port i>rry, iand i. î-lved ndsis!fentes!, ans! btae liga abomuse sud baith leren. l'oasesiamita ibugivpen on the IZirKC da it-o Nîavealar uuext, mil Ch. r- îicaier ta have tlb'ight ta u1(a faO ll ougliÃŽitg otitcr tinoFia-it iu>of ciOtelioriet. Tht îariia<'ser l ii opa>' oîuî.-atb i f he pîna-elase nanyamu'ut thetCimne ofailue ans! tht reuiniaidea Cti- Li aialiioet mautb Iliere- citer. Tue Vendoea- wîi11oi y delli-asa-the. Iiazgis- h-ut Abafrncb onl lproi time oui-Id ecis as imc. in lits possesson. The imher -maîitiase tire the tsbaudiuig caonditions cifClie Court ai Chînncea-y. Ferfria-tiîî'a-'prbicuilars aphly ta Lymnan EigisVendt.r'ia Solisicur, Oshawa; J. K. Gorduonm, Esqitre, 1Whith)y, sans!Jouas Hoskin ]-»lî,ita-e, Tamonobani!d< tu te undea-siguu-â Miasuer. Dates! Cula 5tb day af Scptexnher, 1813.- GEO. I-. 1A1TNELL, 37-ilMaster, T ItE CELEBICATED CARRATICACA MINERAL WATER. I% aiusurlaaseeîb as a liensaul ans! ceeling apCa'amnt. (ue or Cava glasses ai CarraCracsa overy 'um-iiig loisr, breakfas, or on an onalan>' aounacli duraing CiheCotweather wil koapI ycur sycîs tai andîilîsullis>'.Carra- ba-aca WaCî,r standsi uuîa-lîlled as a voinabi, recucalial- agetiC licaseofabituîiai bi-unsti- Maiti, Deranisgent he St<aunacb ans! aweLs, Chiiiaîr, liîîlaanatioaî et tho-Kid- noysa, Gravel, fianl, 1llliatisri (espociailly bbc ia-cuie foa-esl, Serafala, Skiai affections ot all kiwisl, Dysplplsia, Hoathora, Acidil>', ans! ne a Purgative .ra er îbaucb il isn- esînalleti. Fer aie H aola, Duggisbs, andi athers. Whnlosaie cf the.praprietors- WINN'ING, IIILL & WARE, Mantreal. Wbtbly, Jiol>'2111], 1478. 3m-27 w A N T E A Siuiboyli'far Mozîbreal Tttegraph Office1 musat have oiloa! nîaracter andi a GEO. TULE.1 tVhitby, August Otîx, 1873. 32 F ARM F011 SALE'. Tlaat wvell-kuowo i arm, lut 26, Ird con, af Whlby, kuown as; THE DONALDSON FARM, Adas at pressait il, the occupation af Mr. Nt. Rlay. Centaine 190 acres ; about 150 'bearn1; dweUliîg, inuttlilclingm,aaid sottablo offices; splendid orchard of 3 acres lu oxteut. .Apffly te-, JOHIN A. DONÂLDSON, GnOv't Ezuigration Office, Mtcrh 25, 1878. lOti Tarante. BLACKS311TII STAND & HOUSE & .LOT FOU SALE.' For sale lu the Village ai Myrti'e, a gond Dlacksamith stand, witlî goeal dwollipg 1hanse ans! driving barni;, acre ans! nne.eiglith,,t7ith good bearluig erchard. Appi>' te-- F. W. SCUR.RIH, Myrtio Jul9 Oudnth4e premises. D AILY LINE TO RCETR TEP NECW LAI c STE AMERi 'NORSEMAN eavea Cobourg ever>' nning at 7:30, ans! Prt île peaut 9 iîcheck, for Rochestor, con- uactiiug Ilion. e lith New Tii-k Central ans! il Rala>'s fer al points Eoait, W-est, unt South. RBE T UBRN I N G: Gaves Charlotte, (Part oi Racliestai-), dail>' k9 p. ai., except Salai-day, alan sho teavos k2 p.mi. for Brighton.- J)ehc-sla taIs &o, ai» funitîsis lte eapeelsu an met expltioiss route te New are1 Boston, Ahhan', dCc. For teillerlnfnruiatiou spply ta-ý d port Rope i Lpxll Unis 1078. W'HITBY, HEasi detennained to furniéb aa completes ai ssilsfactory answer-$tlb universal quÃœesti n-11 w era e ao w gai really good Teaa1" The récent rtuc- tions in the duby, coupled. witb an enor- mous inereso in the importa, have madie Tes an cbeap thecbaiceeoet Black Tes tbe world produces tain Le sol,, te lthe publie at a price wiciicbse a low as te mnder tbe sale nf inferiorIaîisu ec4sr.W wt bt Black Téscan be bougbt st $1 a psîund it doos seem u uwise ta bu>' poor, natt, tasteloss Tes aI a few cents a ponls!tes moue>'. L H. Ad!dison bas thersafre rosolved ta avais! aI second ans! uhird closa Teas, ans! ta confine bisa busIn ess te High-Class Tea Al1o1e.1 Lt. is -weil known that al bigla doasa Teasaarethanse wiicb are gattueratiin carl>' Spring mien lie teaves are burating,,,wh succuleuco- These ni-e fi-at crnp teas, full flavor d!, icii sud julc>'-wiicmeas lbm prices! bas are gatheres!, or rallier raketi, from aVn. der te tr.b-os.in auturn wheu the. beaaios ar, withered,' dry, aud sapiese. The. difference betmeen first ci-up tes sois inforini- descriptions iséaounetbing mar- voilons wlîon asteds! ide b>' sid-flie onue brisk, pungent, anti jis>', hie nlisir stale, fiat, anti insipis!. Thora is a grsqat différence aven in firsl crop tea, aonie cops possessiug mucli more sîrengtil ans! a fluor fiavor thauon llera. Tiie lire also soveral varielies, the- more es- teemos! being SOUCHONGI MON ING, AND KYSHAW CONGOU. These three classes, wheu i-e.J>' fine, are heyoaaîl compare. Tise besoall aiTns, ansini thiese lIai-a, Kyslîoî stands pre-eminent as a PRINCE AMONG TEAS! N'OW, it nust flot for o114: moment ho assuWes! hat the Toas or- dinaril>' sols! are Chose Tous, pure nul simple, in thela- inbogii>. A suint! por- tion ni some onueoni Iliem is sometimes uses! in thie manîufacture of hat mnu- geuiona mixture muids is seO iiequentl>' recomutibti ta>' hie nnsk'illcni antiin- experiences! deaIer ; but I voulur-o t) asert tlit Ipureunumixedti on con molli difficaîlî>' hooblaineti aven b>' hase lui whmlaoprice is no abject, lu mect lu- discrioinate mixing n o toa etroys those fiue andi soppbe quotitica mhticla uiainga8ies ana gi-omha from anothau' Ans! il mouiti ont homore nnwia, to spoil vintages nifcliaico winos b>' blenul- iug bhicn togothor 1 ap'uacami, an s a hiiging the cout inatinn dama toa a Jeaad levovaiaimodioca-it>', han il la lia nain ail distinction ni claracter b>' a iieterogeneoîîs confusion ni qualities lu'. ton, but as lie sella nuo ier article ai an>' description lie is cunhbli to koep in stock ever>' vai'icly thatIs lal os- teemneti b>'counoisseurs, andil o seil h imou in theur iuhogo-it>' as importes!fi-oui china. J. H. ADDISON iClaims for lis system of bus- nosa anohir foabume, vii:, liat there eu hc o n iatake lu the prie or qoali. 1>' ni an>' Tons purclaseti rom hîim, aie ho pletigea hirnaelf ho selloui>' FIRST CROP TEA AT HIS WAREHOUSE. The-re are eight classes of soperior Blacke Tes ans! five classes of auperior Green Tes, cadli of alida Jr H. ADDISON wl soIt pua-e ans!unu- mixes!., ADDISON'ýS The -Popular Dry Goods1 ai4 Grocery Establish- ment, soi ontari uth- of the, o Bafil. , wlb7WwM. 19, 1 parewoIL. J. J. Floyd, miessA. Gms-?Lumn. red earSam. Hall, Lewis Hart>', S. B. Kennedye Ashlil R eus!rickIogem Leavous, W. W-. es & son maso, na. iana WMIt, . F o REGISTERED. Rogers, lFoYal Parties caliiug for the ahave vill please asi for asvertises! letters. R. H. LAWDER, P. M. Sept 2, 1878. - 36 F AIN I R1c E s PAINT PAIUT FAI]RY ~FAIBY FAIICT PAIRY FAIRY THE1 THE1 VOICES. VOICES. VOIGES. VOICES. VOICES. VOICES. N'EW NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR SOHOOLS. 86 PEIl DGZEN, POST-PA1D. SONG ECHO, FOR SCHOOLS. 80,000 SOLD, 80,tîO SODD, PRICE 75 CTS., POST-PAmD. 87.50 PER DOZ. IF SENT PER EXPRESS. Addresa- J. L. PETEES, 599 Broadway, N.'!. Auguet 26, 1878. 85 pROSPECTtS.- THE'BROWN cf PATTERSOA' MANUFACTU1UNG COMPANY,'- 0F WHITBY. Capital -$120,000,1 2.400 SH-ARE£S 0F $50 £ACH- The aionve Company' is lu courue of for- mationufor the pur1ioe ofetpurcclastîg thi- Roal Estate, Buildings, Mo-himaca'>, Plant, and gnad.a'il aif bhe unanufacturiaîg busi- ness ai the Brown&iLPa'tterson Agiculturai iWorlus. la the Town of Vhitby. In the uow Comupany, Hem-rs. lirnia'u& Pattersan bave subscribed 830.01>0stock, ac other subscriplieaae have aieady been eh. tones! amounting ta $25000, auaking a latinl nom substribes! et $5.),000i. Ilta is tendeni Ca inereashie aumu Ca S120,000, in acier te immvide menus foc increasing the. business ta double tb. amonut bitherto dons,,suif enlarging Ch. capacitnv aithe p rsent Wtark-. byteerection et adulitionai boildimags, pnr- cii aigddilianal machiner>', ands! ho ou- abliug Cie uow Comipany' Cu carry ail their whmbe busineas an a strictly cash basic. lIn erder Ce show the profitable bu8isi;ssaIrons! modle for bbte ewCompany, ii timly aend- es! Lita te tlîît in ebcveîa ysars' businuss opcations-froim January, 18612, ce Jaunar%- i87i-Mn'ssrs. Brown & Patterson bave bei eciableti, by profits realiscîl, Ce take the largm amnanit et St,'mck above-meuuioned as tîuving been subibeile!b honihe in Cie new Coan- pany. Tie propori>' lins hi-cii vainies!undet Ch. direceionsuddaupervision et Messr's. J. S. M Willeîmx sas!Johnai mhiiisis, two oi bbe Povisional Booas! OC 5b1-2>'mt.6-Tlir- esabismntlias hem.n li ilepossession of the. Oew Ceipasy since 17iiî Febmuary hast -bbc fia-tnbau.n it. orgonmiîutinii- lae pro- fiaa bebsi-îenini-iung freioCa date. Applciii îlias hii ms-te Ce lei, egisla. Cur r oChîarte-r li the ustal forni, anîl 'titIs Chetiuuîîriglîts isud privili-ges. A> athe expiration af the time statm'd my Scabtt ifive or six Weeks) s geni rol uîmetiîîg ci tii, .'liareholdpî w ili bh bis, on noticen, for Ibm- lana-ose et elcnxg o ps-iiantfioard et D)irecters an-I 061<-ors citah. Company,. S ul)1isc ioBms oi stcuk iii the ulilaic-i i tre moat a'spectiuily aoljcied. The- 't.yle f te itekai ppsyiaîg dividend ile- vsstnaent, miii,'lie regardes! as laiixg liyoiîd <lonht ,'whiie ahe great a(Ivuisitgma C tClth- Tnwm ef Wbîtby ansi CouuiaiofOitaa-îo iiu secuiiiig an cuilargenaiit of tht iaorably known Works aifilessrq. Browvn i&'Pabterson musit at ente commeias! hensehes. Parties desiring Ce anhi-ibe for stock are réquosted te enoese niemmiîn,.lper îpos- i un oarly day stuiing Cithennîber ot sharea tboy wisii te have aleottes!. N. W. BROWN, E. J. YARNOLD, Preaitiont.i Seci-etar>'. Whitby, 28t1h Febraa'>, 1873. 101f F OR SALE.- A goas! Mili Site on the EaeCt br.inch ai Lyndle's Creek, au excellent location foina aaper iaill. Will lie sell !cbî.up. l'aruies bilding wiba bie enceuraed. Applv te- J. ITAMER GRELNWOOD, Mayor.c Wlîitby, 'May luth1, 1873, 20 W. BELL & CO.,, G UELPH, ONT. PEIZE MEDAL CABINET ORGANS, MELODEONS. Solo Prapietois ands Maaufactnrea-s ai "Tht' 0H1 NTTE,' centaining Serib- nom's Patent Qnaliiying Tubes. Awarded-the On/y Modal 1 Evor given Ce mnakeis of Ries! Instmumente ut Provincial Exhibitions for Praticien- ey lu Musical Instruîments, besidos Diplomas ais! First Piles ah othor Exhsibitbionas thann- mueons taapocif>. b Our' Instruments are acknowles!gad by Muaiciaus ans! Jndgea ta ho the funsaI yet preueds. Our- latent an(I uat valatableimi- proveet la the IlOaomarwnra," eoatainlue Senlea'sPatent QaityngTubes, ILs -f. fout of whieh are ta .earby doale ths power at bthe came timer uberng the tans irniob sud ppglike. BY IbisWoudif invention me caunmalte an Ila to erlvdul ths power ai a pipe Orgauaut haifthe ex. pense. .As me have purca-cises!tbe eole rigil ni mantifaitn-ng Scrihnor's Patent Qnaiiyiug Tubes for th. Daminion ai Canadla,'wvo bei- h>,'caution aIl jarties irom amrahssng them elsewhere, as lb.> will ho hiable ta prosecu- lion. W@ bave capyriglited 1bthe name ai. For aur Insirumeuts cont-aining theMouý a- dorfai mprcsvemeaut. Au>'manunisturerîn.-; ,fiaiging anithia copyright mill ho prsenut- IIlstrated Cataloguies 1aîmnlsIied b>' ad- dwasslg-- - W. '. - i-5ELLs2ICO., - -- ->e ~ &MWE- OIUPOîT. Be Wise, ai Ans! do aio Our advice to al Cheaàp ]Iluse" of WMby, Sept. 9,,1873. ler hions aira>'. - ülasses-Pýlease oeil at the-. i' Noted HATOH & BRO. 87 SPECIAL ATTENTION!t OEjjý GUINNEBS'8 PORTER -ON DRAUOHT 1 -BECEIVED FIIOM DUBLIN DIIBEOT, A VERY FINE SCOTCèH WHISX;EYý'! Prom Gtenu]mnnacb, Joat ta Rans!. OLD BYE AND MALTS. BES1É QUALITIES. 5 _Gallon lots at Beduc.1¶ Rates. IZ"Canssasà& BLACKwELL'5 Pattes! God- Ham sud Cliieken, Bloater Puste,.Anciinvy Pasto, &c. CANNED MI'LXC! 9:ý' Fresii Fish Ever>' Thurada>'. - R. H- JAMESON, 'Wiib>, A.ug. 26, 1878. 85 - GOLD-SMITH'S -HALL! WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPE CTACLES, c', &c. JUST OPENED OUT Desks, Workcboxes, Vases, Toillet Sets Meerehaum and Brier-root Pipes. To arrive early in September, an assortment of ENGLISH GOLD JEWELLERY, IMPORTANT I BOOTS AND 8 The undersignedlias a 1 Ladies', Gets',,a-id.Uhildrela'B.Fine and, lETzBoots-andl Shoes made to order. j Overahoes -ined -warm and comfortable. SRepairing aieatly done. Çaullat the old Standl. lundi a RubbersI: Buy it Try It P»rove'ït, Pýrice N0e per Bottie.- Sold by allflraggists.. VI C TO Rt [A CARBOLIÇ4 SALVE Worth its Weight in Goldi1 À Spebifla for Cuts, Wosnds, Bruifes, Burna, -&eUe& Boils, Files, Fimples, and Chroasic Digeaous of th,- Skia of every desý-. Price 25e per Box. Sols! by all Druggists. - CARBOLAITD GLYCEFIINE JELLY E minently the Ladies' Favorite. For Beouiifying thue Comnplexiona, and! for =envn Tant, Sunburn, Freckles, Piinples, selofor Chapped Handa, Ckildlas, Froat Bites. and Se Lijaa. Prie 25ë per Bottle. Sols! by ail Draaggists. TOILET SOAFS Celelirabetifori heir ii'nifoi-m Puri>' son& Excellence oni Qualit>'. VIxCxIaaaaCnoaOLIw So.- VIcaC.m- t SLcmoa'mSal -.'> 'VICTORAaGLYCxEuINE, HoaNZ, ]ROSE, AND %lay 22. 1872. LAMPS! Bent & Sho, Store, Brode street, Whth, LAMPSý o' Q LAMPS ! Whicî hvin seectd prsoally ca cofidntl stte, A large assortment of plain and fanoy Lamps, Braokets, Whici hvin seectd prsoally ca cofidntl stteyChandeliers, Glibes, Sb'ades, Beflectors, Burnaers, Chirneys, &c., Juat that quality and price cannot be surpassed. Reccives! oh JAMES JOHINSTON, Practical Watcb-maker. Goldsrnýtla's Hall. Whitl.y, Augoat 20, 1873. JOHN ST ON'S SELF-RAKING -REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE1 At the Provincial Exiaibition, Toropto, in 1870. We ofler to oua' cistoiners for the coming 1-Iarvest, two dis- tir't Mla(»hiries, which in s9tylu and construction, enîbrace the latest and rnost uselul înapîovements of the day. JOIINSTON'S SI SOLE SELP-~KIMING IIEAI>EII THE litRING OF REAPERS.91 The universal succcss of this Machine, hoîh ina closely contest- ëd tri:lIs and in the luands of the larniers, warratnî0us il sayis-g bat, s a Seil Rak- inr ,L, eapîng Macinire, it lias unore god pinits and leFs defeeti, s-id bas met witb Mlore succes a nd les failure, than beretofore oflered to the public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER lewere awarded the First lrize anad Liploma, at the Prcvin ii Exhii-ijn* Ild lt n 'isnt, IblOiri c nipeiitiniî m aila ail the lcuding Machirnu'. (Min 41îcini(id in the Provin.ce ; andmi wjîb ur recelît irnprnvements. çse unliesiiat 1.l-gi% (-I clllge iliveiuig;alîn anîd coiiîarismon wit c>ipeti'g Mhieiines. we art -ii'fied abat sni-l iiive!sigatioln will coîlviiore everv ioprtjiadîcved mii.d. itsiu ialler the hes-i Nower In [ie leFariser l'or 1872. built ira the Dajainiota. fSetic for dcscripatire catailoguecs. BROWN & PATTERSON. THE ONTARIO LOAN & SAVINGS 00., Incarporates! Feba-nar>', 1873, Pursuant-to the Act ai Parliameul, gîl Vic- taria, Chapter go, ans! Amenuimeuts.- Permanent Fixed Capital ' - Shares, $50 Each, 12z50,000, Payable cither at once, or b; Manthi>' Instaîrnenta. DI1R E C T O RS. WILLIA.M. MjGILL, EsQ., M. D., PaasMzaTv, W. F. COWAN, EsQ., VzcY-PaaSmzasv, T. N. GIBBS, EsQ., M. P., F. W. GLEN4, EsQ., - W. H. GIB3BS, EsBQ., M. P., FRANCIS RAE, Esq., M. D., A. S. WHITING, Eaq., W. H. THÃ"MXAB, EsQ. J. S. LARKE,-Esq. SÉCIMTÂav-Tnzàsun T. M. MýcMILIAN, EsQm- SauICTucrn - - LYMAN ENGLIBH, Eaq. Bausnuas - - ONTABIOBIANK. BIS Cmpan' lapureqta atvance minn>'upon Town, a>' Country.es T Es4te, il u ameonif200 sud upwards, for froin hmn o tel or;py abl, in- montboby, quprhlly, ialf-ýearly, aor >'earbylnctlmeiits..,,(tgmsuit bue'CoJ - venieucé ni lbe boi-mnmei, , aI bm rates ni intee .The Canqipny lasca lo e pares! ta redoive deposits nf 6l and! uRwýards,- andI wiil ahow iiestcli tthe rate ni six par-cent., per snnuný upon the anme. The SCbcln ni lie onmpau being pletinet as su-durit>' for ail deposits. sand beiug und th le govermament 5<ifDrea-ý tors ni long axîsarience iubusiness, min are wmoU kuomis b bihe generai ,cnui3nni.. 1>', an excellent guamautea la offéeas!for lie cai-eiulinveahrenh of moue>' boit ou deposit. _Depositarsat aH ai hes mOilreceive tIhe bighaost rate of interest, consisantul ili' lbe salaI>' snd praper.mnrbing iz olte Society. Depnalts under $50 may Le with- drama mithout notici, sud -mithoumt an>' forféiture cf interest, lin qcrdanca withý the depobil tables publiahmes!; lie abject of lhe Direotaribegt*ég a cbua'sgWi àb- its nf aconnmv sud frulgîIty rather tia - e roaliratiniof large profits. - nIe Durt pravemenit alateo heur, ,tora. fuiv a JAMES Hi. UERIE & Co's. Ký" Best Coal 011, wholesale and retail. Whitby, Sept. Srd, 1878. 86 THE OLD STAND. 'iEST1AB3J[S H ED 1833.1 The undersigîaed in*returning thanks for theliberal patron- hithtainextenîles!ta the old eatablishiei, for nosrly a perlas! of tort>' >'es, de èires to say that lie bas nanw on laandi a large assortruint of the inost modcm. ans! .legsnt sty les ai -Xrad trusts by proper atte'tioo anad moderate prices to se- cure a caanaance nf public patronage. Practcal uphçolstering. Furnituce re- stufes! ans! cnvered. tjndertaking & Funerals Fully Supleda he tfoe jW" Some splendid specimens of Picture Urames, and'GiId- ing. jeinember t/he Old Stand. S MO KER S- FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE THE MYRTLE NAVY. See T. & B. on Each Plug". P.RICE S0 LOW THAT ALL CAIN USE IT. Jul>' 16, 1873. 29-8m L IST 0F TUE DIVISION COURTS COUNTY 0F CNTARIO5% FOR TEE, TE.Alt 167. No. 1 No 2(î~i 1 24k I!a Il- 5 ... 14 4 '1 3t)il,17 5 - No.7... ~ Z. BUENEÀM, Juage. Whitby, jan, lai, 187., DJ 0OmINION0 - FLOUR & FEEDSTB. The undersignes! beg ta inforni the inbab- itauts ai Whitby snd viciuity tliat tbey have openes! a Flotur andi Focs Store in the prom- ises lately occupieti by Mr. James Wallace, on Dondas Street, OppoBite the Robson oue Where tbey trust ta> keeping everyhiag in their lino always an hanc, ta ho ahle to give satisfaction ta cuataniers. Bran,,Shorts, Oatmeal# Cracked Wbeat, d of. a te boit qualit>'. FLOUB'-'FslJ Wbeat, Spring, sua mizea -and ail kinds of Feed, solling at the lowest living pricea for cash. No. 1 Spriug Wheat Fleur at es3124. SMITH d& BEMING WÂY. Cash pais! for alj kindsaiFsxmer'sProdnce Furniture! Furniture'!! SP'EýCIAL NOTICE! --000--- NEW ARRANGEMENTS I Great Inducements to Purcliasers 1. -The undersigned bega to acquaint. bis friends and the public, liaI in;ving enhered inmb ncw nrrangements for tie carrying oun<of business in Torouto, in counectian with lie Baianville Furnilure-Man-' l-aufatnring Company, asd also in sonnection'ii hbie business iWiiby, u hase iow seoures! facililias for executiug orders oi every description wih lie grealeal promptitude and despatcii. Thse business mn Touionto will be T ORýONTO .FIJRNIT1JIE Attheir extensive Warehouses, 187 Yong-Street, with the, undersiged as Manager.,- 9j ý,IWfluWhtby the business wil, aslheretofore,- be car- i-les!on- sole!>' b>' limself. At bath places parties can s elect broui the beat, .ssorfient aad argeststock, andau>'y article that cainuol be founset one .estnblislameolt can be inmedite>'aupplies! <rm le oheor <roux the Fachor>' at Bowmnville. Duriug li 'na rvala ithudeagnda-b saue romWhtb, Mm. E.» J. JOHNSTObN, (whoui cuatoraera willflnd coni-leous sud abiigiog), wmliihavaeltse genaienisuperiuteuenée oi business thora. i- ~ In conseanence of these new ar-1 lUD LARD RLWAY 0F CANAÀDA. T IME -"T AB LE. Going North irom Port Hope ta Lindsay. BeaverUt.ands!Orillia.- mai....-9:30 a. M. 1Mxed ....800p.m Gaiag 2'orth ta Peterboro' &LarefieIl. ... il10:30 a. M. 1 Mxed...4:20 p. m. oaming South irom Orillia ta Linidsay, Peterboro' sud Part Hope. Mgixe.... 240 PM, 1Mail-.. 8-0 m -Cnuiug South froua Laeel&, àMes! ... 5:00 a. M. I1Mail-2.5'Ti. Im. 20 (IOTTA I '4- 's- - 'I eI~ IIVES'PATENT ILAMPS 1 ijý THE. 13EST-LAMIP EVER LISED-. CAt4 PE:L!GýiTE[D, ý*1if 1

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