Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1873, p. 1

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$1 610~, perAnum MISE 3IMENTS. - AU Advertlme. atm menaured lu Nonapaiel, and U th. ratp of 8 cents,, prline, iet anaZ 2 cents, Ver lin., each tubes.. îontracts mades wlth advertsr arorutherwise. ers ta discoctinite advertisemente i18 irea tory, ai>l%'AIuiO DANS$ W1 I1ty BRAN4CHt THOMAS DOW, -WHITJ3Y AIUENCY, AOhice, South Wl ng Court Bonis. Ar- rangements for apecisi ntaiccer etflion. Mn. Caneon, *C., aud Dm. McMlcisae, Q. C. J.,Il..,FAiIEWELLý, LiL. Il., c1 OUT C~0COWN ATUEY FR gnow-d"wi.toiruey, Iirock Street,'Whisty. suee, De nly btagiîlran, bMaster Ex. îînaorliny, sut iexatuer in Chacicery forj 'lie Coulty of Ontario, Office, Conrt Manie, B1ARIIITEIl & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, S icitri Chtuttcury, Conve aiimer, Ntr Ptiih, &o. Ofilce-Ovonr. Ad. diens storé orck Stmee, Whilby, Ont.' 1CHlARLIE C. KI-"LLI-R, .ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR tIN - Chancce Coctrayaîcer, &c., Canninig- tbon, Brocks, C k LYMA4N 'NeLIaaII1.[L..il.,, SeeCranc, Convtycucer, &c., &c. Sum- - liie, Oshawa. HIil 1!, AntIISTElI, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, B - oibitoitn luCiancey andIniLuovsccy, Notary Pcuhlic,&c., &ec. Ofce -MtMilltbanî Blocku, Brock Street Wttithay, Octaneo. ATTOINIYÂTLAW, COLICITORIN I' AC}usncory, Corïvo.-sce-r, Laudl Agent. * &.Office--Ii i Prcis a lock, Brock S.. T)ARRISTEIIS, ATTORNEYS, SOLIC- - Iiuurs, Nota-ics Pcubic, Cuîîcsysctcero. * ffiTi-BWrnreaîî iStuth tc1Poil Office, I* I 'rlifOllta s IU'IOl * OWN CLEititAN" TREASUIEII, T Wlitiuy. Otle--TIo-n Hall. Ilonro from 9 tlui1Io'cliick.- J NSI'ECTOIt 0F PUBLIC SCITOOLS Sforltae Cîxîuty of Ontarîio. Aibitraca- Raglan Pos tt nec Onturio. il J. ItN M.h, 1titilON TO TIE COUNTY OAOL, SUY'S IHOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG, ,A te eye RL O. H. L., Oahîcua, Ontario. W. A1) 4c,114 _DENTIST; , <lWCCES- so oW. Il. Carl.> Danle tatomc-Dunhîîs Street, ýWbithiy aven Mn. Jsmeiein'a Store. Nibreus Qxitie ýa t(Icnlinigerei fer tics painteau ex- traction of ts. C, . A ltci, . u. fle l'u tH nicrlcl on cl lih- aloît prucicipies etfItie art, ai chocai as thse aieapesl, atiui ce goed sente bucI. 'l'elh ille4 it -s-l-ioli andl ilv-r. Taclt axtraielel vithoul pain, by pnodncicîg loçus iinestesuts. Douttî toems-itic Ge- 'ccc'ii ioe- blocrk, oven Athineouts b)ng Stio, :King Stre-et, Ochîsîrt. -I3 * .Ofiicr-Town Hll. Reidt-nee-yroce Street, thrces daors iorth of Town Hall. LAIR DRESSING AND SIIAVING JMPIN IVOLF[iI)UN, A tE NT F0OR TUE CELEI3RATED Solttieli Granite. At Marbie Works et Jocaîhan Wofe iiîdenr, D utidea S.,ÇWhitby. T CE .ED AUCTIONERER FOR THE J.Jt3uuniticm of Ontarilo, York and Peet. Jteitlexce-Loî 831th Concession Markham. I'omtt Oftce-UniinvWkl. Sales .attendcd oni the tiîhcrtwit notice, acd un roanonabis termi». Terînis ca e imiaude acnd bills prinled et the- Citcouictl Ofice for Mr. Carter. T ICENSEI) AUCTW(NE Eà VR THEI [-J Coucty of t.,itario, litge to retoni 1-cluifr l'tu litîrîcl larnssheretiîforu< beîtuwed opu ico, cand tu annoonce Ihet loie làtrepareiltu cocduct sales citîcer iii Towu or Couucty il rtaiLHicalel rates. Ar- ranlgemntstefoir sales ceni ho macle ither i th( IMOECE. I0i, Or et My own Office, RCH11iIANT TAILO1î, CLOTHIER, 4; Clîtlier, tjiulawa.. Oeittbeucens gar- ILf leli cclcpucliteîthe style and tîtest ftîe]cioi, A flue stcik of Cltclîs, frocu wlctclc to malle autioectiîîcc for GOcitlentons sHuininotr nuils. L UMIIIIII HERCHANT, CARPENTER undcîcîlJouter, icecu.Street, IWlitby. A large cîuactity oft&Il kicîisof Inuber conc- UN)BJ3rAKING.-Funeralt f ally snp. plisd aîud cttcnle itloeirî notice. Coffie i clil coýitetcitly oun hattd. Alitearsu tb hirs on lhuerai tercnis. [VOL. XVII. E 0OLI DAÀY, BRUOKLIIN, ONT., ISOLATED, BISK PIRE INS. 00. Pf Canada. A pnnly Canadian institutiop AMao Agent andapapraiser for the Canaelc Permanent Ilcaidictg and Savin rSoelety, fa. boans of money ai J.w ratu0es tIremt. BRITISH AMERICIN A ssurance- Compainy. CAPhTAL, $400,000. ESTABLISHED 183z. Thts aid and veil etablished -Comipau3 are prepared 10 accept ieka iiail classes et pnopertyaI rates sue 1ev se theee of any veEU establishai Compans- lu Canada. Isolateci anci non-azardons pnoperty ici- surai for tisree yeans on ess aI speclally les ratai,. L. FAIRHANKS, JR., Office Bnock St., WhLtby. O WTARIO FAIIMERS' MUTUAL INSU/?ANCE CO'Y, HEAD OFFICE, 1311CR ST., WIIITBY Tis Comipany icusumes rat=nm uilingu; Contry Chundiî, Sehool Honiai, sud tlsd, Contents, at rate@ ai Loirs tiscimof suî weil-eaitasliased Company in Canada., JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. L. FAIRBANKS, Jn., J. B. BICKELL, Secrelcry. Frauident Mn. D. Hotluday le no longer a agent et Ibis Company. P HRNIX RME ASSURANCE GO'!.. L.OMBDARD ST. & CIIAIINO CROSS, LONDON ESTABLISHED IN i782. GILLE SPIE, MOFFAT & CO., Agents foi Canada. JAMES DAVmDsoN, Manager. Insurances against bs by Ff re are effect .icl on the mail favorablo ternis, and Losse s aid without reference 10 the Bloard fin Loit on. YEOMAN OI]3SON, Agent, MWhitby Liverpool and London and GIobc JNV H tCE CO ID A N 1.. AVAILABLE ASSErS, #27,000,000. Loseessitt-n course cf thirty-five year exceed FORTY MILLIONS 0 DOLLAUts Claims by Chicago Fire estirnated et neer ly 88,000,0Wo, are being liquidated as fast às aduted without deduction. Secnrity Prozn.ý.Ipt Fa yment and Liberality in acjusi ment of its-Losses are the procinent featnrc.. ()f titis vweulthy Company. Head Office, Canada Jranch, Montre-cl. G. F. C. SMITH, Chiot Agent for Dominion L. FAIRBANKS, Ji&., Agent st Whitby, Ont JOHN L. WATKIS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, nAct.uFF Bl Ice ISI-iON COURT, AUCTIONEER, &o., &c. OFFICE-Iu Bigco's Block, Port Penny. Pcrt Penny, Juxio 24, 1872. 261 NEW BAKERY &FRUIT STORE. i- 1 c ilA III1) SNO0w Bage tu announca liaI ha la nov prepareil to snppty e-verythiun uIte Bakery and Conf/ectionery- Line At his leoIcl tandiatety secupled bty Mn. J. CHOICE FRUIT 0F ALL KINDS Rapte-otitantty ocihianl, insceeson. ' ORANGES, LEMONS, SARDINES., LOBSTERS, PRUNES, RAISINS, CILEESE, TOBACCO. Batan Ddelivrseb l ailt bcuetomens, ant cil other p s-î.cione acuil geuu icelittrod ab Clîoice Ibrenti ef Cigaru. RIICHIARD -00W' Whitby, Seplt., 1871. 37 ýR HMO VAL. Tics ncclcnigned hie recioselhile BOOT & SHOE STOR'E 'o the promises:îîjoilicîg ta'iWestern Hotut, DlumilStreet, WhiLby, vitere uta is nos lrepat-ad to axeontealal ondene fur Woe-k.'A argan select stock etc haul. Reutiring docte ex usuel. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. -Whilbîy, Muay 8, 1871. 19 The liccierigned- deutres te'iitoru hile tnieudo amlilat arons, ttlho tcao egaill e- guuad hucinû-s et tht- ol WI-ITBY LIVEIir 6TABLE5. Maving eccreaseil 111e nunînernaîd inalit3 of tIce sunI,sud aiee ade a ec ndiproreul lise convoyancesand culiiches on thce pùi-i iice,, hoe hopots by bcici luoseitioncîte meot lice vanta ai cusbomars tb menit a sare o! pubieo patronage. zw- 4 MOIIIERESle. N. B-Coes-e-c eveyaltcos for fuimilies ancl làdios. Prompt attencnle-, as icone- fore, te allV erdars. Ný. RAY, Pnepriotor. C H 01IcE E APPLE TR WHITBY, X~~~ LAi YNJTO 0, - - - vuzs-sv, ONT., PATENTED L. MASON --PROPRIETOR, , JTise Alioincbas been Iiseroitghiy mnaat. IIIOCJ IR a4 kl1es i, sudlie Publie vili Si -l eqcoom- hain sud 1h e hast alealton.-o- Thosezrse Raeî wtilthe aviim ÇCE NTRAL HO TBEL, enÉ-ar -w eig arult u' - SEUeEIIarr, - tishers etmatawit an are ts BIpamfsct-ONT.,thcaa 1e Iinci"*verfantroded J-OHN BAILEY -, PROPRIETOB.,tisa farmin g omin1unltyfe dolngth1e Tise cas-veisotla bheeci uevyfitednn qialchdy MId volt., Solig at frin' 8 mci. farniabe& GCassI iftndcoenfortagfe aptace. iccommodation uni attention. Goci alabi. Purticclu attention l ie aholàate iug acid attentive hâôtiers. IhOOT- ýANfD NANVRE DIRIL 0 O MMERCIAL HOTEL., Thy "lm tfn ofth ye1 mau rdnaecalculs- BROOCK ST., vH3IrRY,- save lise fanuter bath lab6r and exponea Rie STRAW CUTTERSg,*oikÃŽdby1 E. M. CALDWELL, PROPRIETOR. are unaJeahie; they eure easihyvambaid Beet accommodationi sud sciperier vine, jn oe n i~roado iquoncu sud cigare. Gooci tabling, vis 'very tor figure, -loeed yards, scie!attentive cethere avaya on Sur n oovn h G RAND TRUNE RAILWAY HOTEL, AT WisITas- STATION, W31. O'NELLL -.pRopRIETOR. panties lshing the train sud lea-icighioros -rIi have thocu si-il lalcan cana of1 tiseir rtura. G LO0B E MOTEL - BROORLIN, ONT. TAS. POWELL - - PROPRIETOR. Y£ft9T-CLÀ5i, AICCOEEOIATtOX. R OYAL CANADIAN M;- OTEL, POlRT CE RY, ONT., Hi.Froy -PROPRIETOR. Snperior accomîmodation. Gool elablng tnd sal dreon, sud attentiveoailiers. WESTERN BOUTSE, DUNDAS STREET, WHIOlBs-. i The utide-rsigcted vochd - inîiucie te tise -ublie-, that the aboya precuiee have been usvly IttaI p npdciireciavatel tisongisot. lest Liqnes nd clCigare. "Tise Creani of "'actada,' alco pure Riine Wicie, Wain'e Lag. -r, vitoie-iele and rotai i. Boandera tabeci by ha week. JOSEPH A. BANDEL. BLTPSSN OUSE, Coit. tIcio AND GEitUE STREcETS, POI ONTO, ONTARIO. -JAS. T. JEWELL, Proprielon. ronento, Accg. 12, 1871. 88-8m M1ONEY TO L E NDI Ropayette by inslalmectbs for froun Tio te rwe-nty yaars, cI low rates of intereîl, vitS. ut comisscioc,, cul et moehrals changes. Pni-ucue Fucils taLand. Appiy to- J. E. FAREWELL, Solicitor,j Brock St., Wiitby. UMity 28tit'182.22-tf - R QuERT JOHN YARN'OLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE- F0OR TUE COUST0,r, oNIARJO. SCUFFLERS, WHEELBARRO, And ailalter biade of Apigncturat hn mente ailisail lie meentilmpros-emçt Haviag procurai ane of Harper'. Slaam englee, (ans of lise mail conipis th ise m cannfaclnmed,) the unlersigui nov enabtai ta, execclte ail onders te: FARMING IMPLEMEN vilgq vhih eis ecay ho favorai. che aply paditiousiy, sud la guaranlea complote a t atiou n c clcases. JAS. CLAYTO: May 14h, 1872. rcStW m ANUFACTUED AT THE Port Perry Agricultural Wol LEI'YEL'5 ELEBP.lTE EDRIC DOUI<0K TURBINE WA TER WHEE THE XOeT ECONeEICÂI. WEEEL teo IN 1l Tisese Wiseals vearan nov manutacluri cheiper than any otiser shop in tisa ceuni sud vo vil gire s guarsuls teaw so Wtieel vanrantlng theni ta be ai veil nia sud, la give as gei satisfaction as ai inanufacture ini tise Dominion. Parlit-s daalring futher informationc obtain it hy addroscing PAXTON, TATE &- Ce., Peu-y St., Pont Penny, Ox Mare-h 81, 1869. si THE ISOLATED RS 7121 Cr.cioST., %-£An VICTORIA SQUARE, MON TREAL. Busîîiness cjxcluielyi cotnmi88ion. 12 ycarse xpeienCICE in the Moîctreal po. duce trade. leimrne pompt, and highEt mraket prlote obtained. Consignors kept posed lis VocaIe af'their goodliprospects kc. Itformcationaei to price, &'c., furnisiheui 011 alpplicaLtion. Le A trial con8igtnmenf solicd. GEORGE PERRY, Jat. Jane ry i3, 1873. - lys FEE ElSITE! TOWN 0F WHITBY. A FREE SITE WILL BE GIVEN 10 cccv Mennttctorncg Campatuy btiliting an establishmntî ii the iown. J, IIAMEil GREENWOOD, Whitby. Pcb. 20, 1873. Mati. tiiy c OAL AND WuaOD. A. ALEXANDER,i ILccicg percicee the Cout l d Yard tf Mn-JoittiKoitit. lut-s te icifonu att cus- teine-ro tiut tiîey orîl l nd tae pr-mimes cou- stty atiiîl lcnîitîlhy cîcpîlieî, ccid 'Wootd andi Guitl be-tio-eî-ettt-tla h o-i-ot pnices. Haviitg îuuiu-I ted age tratls ofthlie bEt nuodistetis oct ltae bock Ltbes, s full aid uxitusuclccs euppby villb l iebvayî kepl ici itanul. itnoaetels coi toll messure gner- at-id. CeaI icoigite-iloc thle To-in sceitos. A. ALEXANDER. OVihiLy, ,Tcly 9, 1873. 28 STEMISIF TICKE TS UNE Y TOELES. TO IINf - A iio vI r 2a,000, Tiseunuder .fdciashececy amunt a! Mon- -TTiý ey la Leldctpoccl Farît on ToiePrapamby, et ùniacey LiOr Ilete uit Itlreal. HO N R E Y ,L aiau cen lia iblsoiecns ta suil bat-- Frocî tlwceltfour >,c-arsof tigi, onmacictgal raîr.,ns. Serersi Improvel Furine and Wii Lands thaset Varietics. fan cîala cbscp. -SETH C. WILSON,' Iiveâtmentle maie in ,Municipal Deben-LtN.8 n uc.Pik-icoiEcgte y AIns M 4iietLn turcse, liait, atai otîcir mankobstablo Stocke; N.8 n oi 8ol",Aln, anfcn n Vor fuirticen panticutere eppîy ta - Roud, meSt office, Whitby. OP MAIL STEAMEnS, JAîLES HOLDENI Offcil Asiiie, 3roer &c VALUADLE- FARM FOR SALE. For cale-, ta andl froni Brilsic, at toveet ralts, -OFF ICE -Ovar lIce DomiioniiitBank, Me- - agdalnee y inomto cerul miirtllK rock t., »lliLlyDcing pia-t et lat 29, 7thconeussieon ScottJ enb Mltiîic Iuici S., Vl1,5 ~ CoucltcietOnturio--Ioui 0rersi75 cbeanhi GEO. YULE, lIpnt Uit, 872 -~ .ant inlua old sîcie uitcultivation. Goond Telegmepis sud Express Agent. u 81C1 -us1CI1 dvablitcg house, anil extteive ontisuilutiage s 53 Brta M SII igondi repîlir. Appiy ta tisa avicr, Wilby, March lil183 Wiitby B assaqd Strng Bandei, saélpet SIMEON TIFFIN, ---a - ___ tan Suîlees, iciluic!cchExcurinstu, Qukidrileu, o iepanss UMBER lLUMBERII Parties, &c. . , vibb supbly lice bestandonthcciise. isteel Mule- on ratîounuaho termes. Leaskâtte, Nr., 14, 1872.. 47 Appicationcs cmustli- ocudee itlher person.- e-- - - The unnlcrsignott Sesing beau appointail lly ot- by 1,11cr, (post eaid,l toa Agetu-and also Stippiiig Agent-fanrlise -J. WOIIFENDEN, F 0B SALE. extensive Lumbor lie-m if4Masina. Smuiths&de Wiiiy. -Co., of FeneoetiFalbs,-htss opaued,in danntic- ______________________ Lot 24, soobli hall, 7111 cou. Whby. lion with hiselsr prenilsas, an extensive T BM E S T Dwveiing, barn, &.-about tire-quartera ERsAR HORS E M EDl ClN ES. JOIIN CAMPBELL, Adjoinigtlie Wisitby de Port Peu-y Ra il- Ai 1471f -Brotiilu say Stationi,visera leSebesacoaistly ou hI doacipîjone of tIhe et Horsa Medi-- baud a largo and caniptete stock of Lumucen aines kepI iiontaully ou itand and for sale at- of ail kinde ton sale, vihsleansd elil.- lite %tthiy Lis-ry Saxas IESTEIIN ASSUB13AXCE e OMPANY Pbaning machine, and ail bindulo wut vom c- lchar ittge foc ailviae. wV etuteil promptby, tea rIen. - N.AY. ilEAD OFFICE, TouaNÇTe. GEO. CORIMACE. 'Y Y L. -îscELL. WJâthyS, May 27, 1873. 22-tf 3 A T H-E R t.y, Clerpk Division Court, Tp. Clerk, Comuîisiiior icuinB. l., 1l;îc I Agente., &o., lhcyCcîcyOîtci, vaîvas-, ONT.- PA,1RINGLE, - PROPRIETOR lnsàt-uasmacctimodetton,Aplsu wol~ filleul cp sapiea omi futo mkrcrWa CAPITAL STOCK, S4eeeeo. JOSEPH HOLMf.N, 23ROOILIN, ONT. Atuco Agent ton tise CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL f4s^UltA!<CE COMPA.N!, Hieal Officei, HAscicON; sud CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMp'Y; Monîreai, Pire, Lite sud Guarcîctea - D epertuteat, cIpIT6uL. 2aaoo Pt&kluf Po, 8, 0 70 F ARM FOR SALE. Titl vl-knovu fat-u, lot 26, Ind cen, et W'iiby, Ima-n as THE DONALDSON FARMI, AndILI as t preseul ite aoccpation ai Mn. N. Ras-. Coutsitxs 1900 srem; ahoul 1I0 alacs-ed ; dveiling, onlisuillingi, sud initable olliccu'; ipilen ocîlard-of 8 acrea ici exteul. Appiy le- JOHgN A. DONALDSOe, HcrAo OFFrtetaing St.,cor. CtînrchToroc CA PITAL, $5oo.000. Deposlird with Ccîvrnmen ,$7o Il vil allusI ail losees vititont dalay, ar pay aven 111e cash AT ONCE. Mon. ALEX. McEENZIE, M. P., JOHN cIAUGHTAN, Jn., Manager W . M. WVILLCOX, LICENSED AUCTIONE FTHE cxCOUNTs- 0F ONTARIO, A.NO Township of Mlariposa & ('arîwrigi DEGS to-thank is inisyfriends acultI J)~ ~ ~ ~a pulcgnntyfnlitbaral patrei ae beetowcedPupo n during111e peet fte yeara.i J_. fno ivnup tise business Bailffý tend infuture, ta des-oIe t whioisle te 5te buaines of Auctionei Coileeting &c Itl, L bec;y esdeavoccn, hy promipt au canefol attenition 10 business, te gis-a f satisfaction to al uho may fas-or me vit thain Sales or Colectiug. Bille dnanghted sud Blanui Notes foraisi aI froc ot change. Also Biil Stanips alvays on bsand. Arrangements cazt ha maIe fuir salee deiý at the CIMNtCEettzOffice. Wîiitby, Obeee Ofihce Prince Albert, saI 111te Standar Office, l'ont Pcnny. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Sept. 24111, 1872. 89 V ALUAILE PROPRET! FOR SALE The ecisecriber effare for stle tise foblov icig vatuabte Propoc-ty, lunlise Townu of Whi by :-Auiexcellent Meici Cottage vils jac: Of land, siltae on the corner et Groeen an St. Pater Ste., ici lie South Wsni. Alee, acroe 01land, vel tencel, sud lu s higis stet et cuttivatien, coeran Wllinguou acid Gi: tend ste., North Wsncl.1 ace on Cantre si centS of the e-ailpee of C. Draper, Es. i lte Southt Wand. Also 20 acres of goadlIani heiug campocel et Part af lot 18, luth coi of Townsip oi Murray, Co. Nortisues land. A ciesr scid inlispntahbe tille vil ho gis-e to alllise aboya propanty. For funlisen Ps icubaseappby le 1the ovnen. ýV1jbY Jly184,FRANCIS CLAIRK. Wltihiy Jciy 17î.29t RO0YAL. BRITISH QUEEN HOTEL, PORT PERRs-, JAS. DEWART, - PROPRIETOB Spbendid accomimodation. Bail Wmna, aud liquoni at thse ban. Attentive astiens. K ING BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importi-a,'Deaberesud Manufacturea of aI Kicidi of LEATHEI? AND FINDINGS, Cash paid fan Bides, Bami, -sud Leather. Leathar ilnetche&. li- BE LTING MADE TO OIDER ONh SHORT NOTICE. Mey, 1872. 22 F O R S ALEB. A raluablo Fana, in a high elahte ai culi! vatioci, soil net exceilai ta Canada? haia Lot , 2nd con. West WlhlfsgCanly Midiegosex, 80 asos-ai dasd veil vatn. aI, h golfne goal buaiîingbd u yacng nisard'oi uloice fruit ;situalol ,-thisrn44 miles et tise flauriabing-vlsge ai Park 11111, sud cacitainiag 142 acres. For partianlami apply ta- THOMAS KNIGHT -Pubk iL,. tVhitbs-, 3u1y 24, 1871. 1.( f- 110. T. HALL, kGENCT AND COMMhsBhoNs. Valuatiounmana i ccannleeaioectei, -eOffice over TEE CxxexicauzPintýpg, oices., lIre,,a ert....44- .a r- actve meuiceu befer lie-risonhlv7tiroaeatinglas fhope are not (TO BE COsNTNoUct.) cnet nature as paeet t tpîutv-- gals. ioc, sd le bstngset opese- ua ns, jeau ehsurdity. Thel man' vasOu 'Ocif, Lord seapns!1 vît l'ciel yo en1eamI- îriumphing ici the silence et thet c- ~crested tonrlte sole purpose oet ipni' is 001 U~ vent vil c peor lame crehiaro 2' nekelvrek. WV11authe otî mani entemel lIce B s-Notice bas beau giveu ii inte caniusuîî tte1efaîber endl cother oft 3 11eh nipl; eil, ltae puer criminel cectî science ne- Canada Gazette ftole establishment humauity ; ýyet thie la lie oee Ofod t vl 'N ous oyun livil's tricks, cmv,' me- cegniso lus tether. Litleamore ieth e ie îwhukvz. ie"Bu fahitnl maiieima she e> phied Longhucun. 'Yen made s tool e' short day bal easeelsinca 1the sîiOlltava," vitb aca opitliof 81,000,000 : die ' As seen s e aar na e com-a- me once ou s lime, au' llîel's mare heallhty rose et yeutb bluseeln ce a1enul tbe "Leondonisud Caniauda Bank," mence lie adoption o e th11e molhiede 'soi lcan the a 1evaliova. Se, coaeyouîchoeck Ibet vas novvite sud ivi- vilis a capital et $5,000,000. orepanntexyleamele lph pcar Pi v.ewys. ]3y geoil loack va'ne nigh i cnd 1the eye tîcat, eecure ici happiciese, aseil OUT8sieOPINION -fThe Chicagoe aeîb hitllîing ecrsetvee with ai.relig- i lea beigici' for yen.' le apankle vilb slmaet boyfiood'a fins, plintce8, vblob paya close attention û ion Ihat mekes us foot exlreanety vicb- anc es '6Im e crippiail body, ttat bas harut vas heamiese and hoiîow. Ho appea.te Canadien affaire,sys viti retèence ?d lu thue look csccc e uem t te ne.e Don'î yen barm me, if oled t- lite1evdoan, as daemed sud te lie Raihread investigationi, Iha intuitionis, and equalhy pions Sad unt- yeci're e Christiau.' jutîgel a baiug as t11e prieccier ho ameSiOthe impreseicu seamu le hoe graving futi f vo obiteraea our reason te pro- 'By lie s-amIne o' lice oali I teek ou le viil; oua fan vbem thora Was nieoita the changea are untended. vuitrc taii sevyfouGd 111e greenc cth, yen eau tall ns big a bouger a hope om pumpoe on esrtb ; one ie 11he iniquities of question sud car- 'vab lie as if yen vore t11e sizo o' tiha bouse. for vhte 11wonl. sd lite hal passai On Satunchay Jelin Lyon sud bis iosiîy. h Cora n e riib-e.' avay ; vhc vs laebted tae1the eue sen Gee. Sydney voeafoini giity . ai Lot us suppoe that hirth sud deattimen t 'Hehp, hîahp, geaI Christlians, fer s bul fer lte light itletot, sud vhicbhoetise Barr-ie Assises for tule mander cf ana-the nortnibmi man bomu rnpolari- tiii pocrpe 'oiliehteteov l ovel ciel, aud te 1the ether for s puif <cf Fraucie Fishcer, ii111e Parry Sound t 4es-that vo are bhem et G2eeflnd ; faiti th1e car. b realh, te vhiob ha vs indiffareut. dsrcl Ibyvr etue pha sud as seen s e o egin te roeascre cocn- 5 f'Thîat's Lougbnsu, 1the hum-b«ahliff%' Aller Pionce, spnlnging <rom 111é bei. hangei oun1the 16111 Dcoemberî tehyv r renoce Is 1e eaud e youcig maniniut1he crovil. siie,on viilieh est vilh hie conteason, The shoener Allie Oeborn, of shabb go te Oceanica, by-sui-by-par- 'Toacli his hesi l te 1epaviug-slene,' hal clcspa 'd hie father lu hlm arme, and Mssachuetts, rececitly coltidad itlihebpe ii ten yaare,perhaps in' aiglit eg saidl ecither. bath bal rernlong ini the vorlles1the Briihsteamer Prourser a ssyes.ne; il voilbe horather betrimeutal ec r-'Ciecu the kenuel vlth th1e Ihiovia' ageciy of Ibeir meeting, they parlai a sud iustautiysunk. CaptsiuMeDoaaid te the ganeral asefulues> of lie inter- Cliýt hum,' sail e third. lan <o moment te gaze on eaoh other. Thc-eu ad îhe firat mate vere tost. vauiug yosrs, if va do nolhitag but 'Scier ,Luglinan, labe ournr s Vi te fether nelean sudaggerod ; as111e A - -ake preparatieus, eani contris-e spocU- tre th1e cipple,' exciaicciaisevprat. sou strove agaia te support hih,o ee.- Acarrnage <resseîug àýrstway frack e lions;, Ibm111he levw n faOcesmiea;tp 'Whcst oel haro yen te hlmaskeul s felti 11e tramons sud veakuese et' an- lu Chcago on Fiiday wvssîmahe py a This is exsotly vbsî vo are, dotig.viîi Ce atoal.buiit, eltoemaken.' vIte, vilb bis gnish sud deapain,ad bIteridminrpasuiug train. &r8. Samual7Raunete ur, owe-ofboune bande ancIen hie well-vaxed leathen his ual hurdeci.W21vas killa4, Mary Dames falslly inrel, nThoe gr get g ou e - g - eý. Thd aggragsta oielrlasohicigl su'- the apron. nov advaniced. - 'Put nme semevhara t6 sit dovu,' siau4alogr ieuetly 'WotiIcidalifails extrema tendecicies. -Were e 'Ax that o' ana Ihet 'iii tten ,' au- ou Nai Shea. 'Nei'ler Of us ccci When ta inubecornes rc y c.4 e frorltiestgc ms, ferthe hInn eveaiPsdy 's' ab aayyoureen' tompersnee, yen svlll geneasly fini Ithal active opposition of psituyiýrPniaon. e, v o u big flos te Ie, fromn my prisonoîr.' The clergymaci aseist them te the vreck hhgh sud bmy. -sioui rush, aitoeothen, tg u io tts 'Divit a tako, te pisse yeu:' silo ofthie vreiched hei,lh uyslci t~ b aun iheeat, ctin eaisi a oca p- 'Neighboun, den'îtleltcapoar- cnstura, Phace in 111e colt. Thera Pionce selll ecacli, id'a onfnd auttship sz,- u sbîtrfaeavis yi vident pover ta bebp himsetf, h be M.hll11is cther n b)ieames. :b1iss?-'-Yes, indeeci,' eau Jed, 'but hT1 s cginîeecc usoim r the cfripuelh Ial~aiisVeid O lre'lacontinu!eci, gaaping sud fuisstiayhtsc. ur lite-prosenvers. We are hahituatai h 111 onppt. hokiug,Ilain stmce dovu; 11he cciii AunIlinois posîimailargives notice as te nesason-ueithem fraum ceuse toeaffect,il< &Lot hlm -go ' roscicied the commis. hesrtiase si ékas il vil, ha deselale. £ei0v1-'Ats ti aevenyhody non far n osafacto'bache le sapposu-i. het erni Crispin. hancm aseh ayi, fay 1the hast muet liche Iheir ovv postage stampe, for tiaci, but impuisivety, tube childrnvall 'Boîbos," repiied Liu,-hnani drag. lima nthcie vorl,ta bisa yeur oheek aytnn' onet' ~ u~fopsibility ho pnobbluity, ii.hC mg. th1e abject front his csr. - fan tii. lt filie, ttofee!yack'arisas - Mc myntrllia rl ,w eazeivî 1e.eecs, y-heu. joycý 'Whne' ~eun 5m5uî doanil mudme an 11ehas lma. f~~ ~ ~ 1 oe -sajoutr indafliitely, wyul auy- t-O h' th' ihoemn er , wccgba ae ofl.W 'h _ fa u.spa t e, ahe cafe .stcrins for hea ie mal e heing n ii pe or sernbtaceoa c one-. Y bo lèeadiprad . val a ceo i eyduttuute a r taa ras frtoeoedn e t -'i. 'Orle ai, b.' Hevenis firt-i Muh, ai.- th ai'7_ _ fot l. on ail 12, morecng ~lan*-ji laniaiab V-thae, lu ert ôcf an4 a cay.: li . ~ i ~ isgo hs - h-n Bt os adletmahldpu, forcl Lie-in ifi. Wewl l s h ee oii ,-*mrnhs Y . bu tn a, - colz arel ay tl hbigsd ae, -o~ ml b aaéi j .ecîpuonermmjj> es îpre > ion àt'eor B e d en aln r i g d"a oon c et 'a f i c, " ed e , i m s a oi -r m m > t hae " 1 ,e a - m -a a s m o o r h fo f o o . 'y~ eau. Heu theare -sighing - erv WAd l de w gonc e a i h s t faihec, Là'h e iacd n 'Per'eYls ., s ¶ d , aiu tber. eady2- lait- e o d a e i o ,c u mesif . n. .j mwra aazer~ag~e~vey ugy ~mth. -Pihr,for ha lvo f Qndt , be oue- siuin 'ustattonrlai ofexra ssbon? crn -work. ive.wol liehhis11aed, adeo0 >.n. thing. ea ition for ins abes f el th icn- là$ n othlicac a men p'Cûîse t , u raýca ofed Oispte.; 1,, trnfort i qyfer ta, rie d iatiaîi-'e sdi- ulitthive iccai ot T e- himon th e for gliatas rin t e su , 'do11utell eik Watalt', ro m yen? -fo inél a i,$. i 1sd ShI wnt ouae-atsna ba h nature ten nat ebt. Insliel he er e tindsigsa mumie , eweemilasnevu h yu arar spti*, i T~ann hearm qiswheyuaa aeiAl ycufr ardo a ingvd orgm ou02 s sd id ,f A d t.eJoue. If uotg Jegdod, rplo-aon, iJithn a iera gpu i 1eg raapesonilrfeo di. ratw nlta lElId iWe cti wae hIt 11e sts. dexags ta 1 and l11e, eay-ecieithe jbu, a rtoan,1.11 ilokfri. m danisttan ecbiîl th medoI T o hs taboos ~ ftyidctio e patngîitfCre'Fte, failler, yin breakFm0U L e nlaws u n a eun we i ced ve on- Wegilele uase idlghterre salve1re sceÇFY cile u d enot- ale axyfor th love o ibcte. mn f lite io hc;e baiths a- had adlve6 1emuein1udf e- L n 1ia tgo91a _e__ sur, s d W lljnee wsedl d ha; i'd reein ti u gicvsatom aa I, mcd Wé le'I het tsaiauri e tav e a~ rscesved anyaatllv u i tvayou ei' n.es ua iec.ingah vorand. nuaitelligecs claifca isIf _An T ata b<jy ý o ver a" - lin efrorn hebnd o rnla , e Èdù wi -e uukri8 i-, But oî a rt c f alo ok dow n on e us oye : fo r tm e r w ien s d e Laikeihe ip futre arn istltmau, rouy hnd, i elteak e ut lroynr bsm e oytine I au loey budon hin antre ndns ub msticcegrandeur lis Weetesmple b eau overls nane ed aghow au, suaaind hc o -araly 'yOae uyon e fcUtber.' -i eou oms t, eehaifngs,. nocapehen- lL , i s ee r vi g ov olite e f tan e cf fix d gnavi ty a1 atn - p k ro i . O c g ic i l , h t it b e s d c nli y el;au fun pmnuuh opas- will te be ihnS Diiin Ilion,'ave-pesf, w sud" iuhe',e w r- l5 Od e ÃŽ h appi e eeeihsa ib' siet -n, vhea s1. a a tasv. ro- liercde -I aok oieftis. aks e in"ais o nutc" No Te remue o ert cnntgi-e nw earu ~us acudntcrr pit~u h ine yen'vili ho a ccir tbough t eain i tta te ,l a e canaoilthe -uSwit oo bourg hie o indtio f letmeel to'f a rc >'agled coaheorpake.' ie econetncompsn euwith ehilyde tp 'r e w- hanina!'s had1lýh, ebl rie d.v e riýÜ -; rnptotl tsud eryen. Yo u itr.'ood ms n t o lire ut leniît i lfoa l han T n l Crhee of h. ian lîheejc. uhna In,' ugew the ere4d, andviiIin avll 1eGra ete e bt alapv itlienteakoil iug llrough 11e rig, alpeci ic tesudohave nvok1d icie eorydeiuyoinu ieleatlas CëUfre hAPtEor liiTeihateoadevils wIim 'nhoisi, ieili! tîteorsafSi I (P aierne,11ePIie ei l-on e wicibandiipteligenceslliing, c tis. hdo ag ve uwy Lrougi'eentiuesaeigof h eltti n Ost) oare nIoôl au onusd yea, manllîicis ofWîiC b isleîtnen ci, B u en , mutîte r, djyow4euty lot, m e r sd suka. l ,o edepped ri-cun ie mneol, îsud youlbe tne -y naltloui uitî el ils needs, ' ion itbs set bim etual' reitoe ni i. im,-citl ha rouniebad hnck 111e why au Il uitegrWstandeura 2o?-~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~d Hobbn lnigl 1ebr o h Ot inn-lnv! blinuti Acaetly curingthendIlne eu lahein ' frncaheqet i, lit aery esits lic -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iyngee oro b rgpl hc sh upi aki lar-is sou' oneleil u vt sqik iua ive nie tetenturfor osu icîh Piere the apas confu oote sté. C trhueroabilhg 'ru vrbsfns oaven boiil snircs tabb o, inboeol is h 'Go aong ot e' hat, ocî igly-ega-nAu'>wCtudihoBoa' like, m vintey n. m pnidt e o orvtervnsnilcrGdno akn 'k8, lit eofiante vbofed et rowne 111e offcsba- urne ie lnl o mnueTony for aveutn' yok wonoca aen vIclebasfonnleno tngIba is secro ad LE t docîln aint iuglIcho e u -ertead oieti cis r e ruïreturncd, 'do #yeany .rBisaic ito. vWi the n itnortel an"pangy - Poorisn- eldNei Sha t a setictervew ion 01, h ' aai he, altbieemknv4.H -bta ehoici fte dan riand, e. is ha vbiso eaucelatoendIhe lime ls 0 hieappoined eec u t i i a d n e i pe, 'bîsa hr eass l nhediy o s eayoli i pet0 ie. Fall Ne 'hetois yon of' e th a a annt n he akLe iagae. iéâh Ã" l heerd kue i d ry e thPere.' ilb a O'hiereiin lîhtse altG dsk e ared upletîth e r, a'meslof aver aiicafta pitb ebjrUùseiLnsat ac r- f 'Y co ne paytgeîsr'sipe esicig f o tIe riuonthg, lest skn- nthe aysvociere h e, pur audy con- eiutyre suchat iudo nanyRa lyobd Sia Ba, conlbeymovad ha aite- dam iei.a 1 oid 'Ha Iha I ye. n' mabo d aenve 'Ra iii!mhmiei!c vae nov ptilerclergion.e'hasid lite-paodon We kuvlbt s0cr eau cf thçlift se le 11e hg cp oogthn e ait day à. ' 1er-enIa cr'. see A ,jmp-wilhn ounelcoheet ae yen' udsols-nt ai vs ariel' bceo ud o t younlirs, usîte kep en roc pai'n Iyo( ' eingrualpen* tlt yn hse okoïinIe uuneperd,'ud i bt or eùo i n u wlct ylen iug' etrtil atltw.on beuîto 111eduulah n yof'lthe l]et hio e kifetbougba bis e nt - li ea au ti at ofuses te reveabat eif 'An' a m hepeon oPienee'e efotermeband bl111e.cribofane nr robe , lie shtriked islf n daecy udit hinbaslti alirthaoien etbo o it aes, te Saler.' venetttene' Rein, il moent, cteton ike mnitlugsav. li - forlbakt e s a itroqlion, W efia om1rselsa I Rot oba ve yein ite tcariff'al21k- 'eOhtd teu-ge lort.' The l Ady c lergycd uearin genlly ero L iqeti n lc aluciverysid n - rpeenln et?' Wo oo f hepigpinwiih a nijtue 1 e a t thnltrdy - le p o'sfrae. afî eand im a q ik la veo ive i 111e tnlterbna rexproclug au iceno, I duacinev vht ilh.' eggre--itcls lore le11e rn oterkenL is é t -on e ae nhu o tîco r tnîne îbîo caa oti le ur pavin 'Put yonr ouca' in yoýu p ok ud et nIt'jilha didiepado nd m tto pesmie, ettrcto Ibinndeliead Af ly -anof oeesitluc t o-o liri aeloind t fy: aokicîg kctoeiglyrud m oeof s chd thIe Lordghuningscf Ibis atîffie. i H tnlbe utaken froby euden-tmkeyne 111eafotnt dein ame paeî t sown if ndtreouiugiemonoy n lthe CDfoone , nov seemed tinvoko ie , vho appared et throurepo dteanet inLsdroame froa t clelengsta emrae E doaterhie itt. oeboknhered tr seie rtred o lfr iniiviuai. cotne. cm i ns lwioanti eond Mg.jloo inpnay lîs ne htauoelt ter IhvewGih'Shhoir aid henn liomeciaedRey poias bsor Uaveyoc erne le hoperep s owoea1nebIot aiuod sutet-me -bip mon; onl thm giv ofithwid bof steloiedlewgs, and eai g is e e m et oruiulonier chodcî t bis 1thethiukliug t e e ecîb and Qîbar.t hie good vilI, ovieltin'i a on o fr ba n e . tî e is as leren tiior lianete nss Andy, n laieouny ic gefthù e hiceeipe se f laone t VFite rae Sir'-totuhberbîauubsed n since locan atetl-o 'uqn fr e, ndov, onenar bienon, letu ra upucci Ibis gnep. te et e orit e hus, nti gle s tv ity ve theirongbî lice b poro. - Pmn- otI! You a aknwe tbeurd tley 'Yee, icBta h-ej vel ea a---God sudàaheve hobç bie utgnusciiu 'Tineintrs tCotvi o emtn a ye-nm ! lI do m lpse ho vgiî bisyen,' thiemeturodlie fiia vl T REcîOF Lven Ihe ÉliE i sl poonbe ugunly ogna I I th ongîtl as G' the' eneretie oM. u 11ecrvi. ren ccre. doaesudciuieîhyaouche Iho bite., a candi Yenbavacie oueythnalîed Ne no culd otI be elien vhîo had ~ Vo vre gicîgteapay,'neecmoil emit tit rocehy cculnt, 'nîl aebet -pnîtlivx ug l pdetaeel Y. utmpa t recb l sIte w os. P k-ei ur ise to o vPerce my deaAd,'ant ie b tt ehosîces;eut! \Ve queutaistoci t ig'uscaI rongitî nle more cvid mc. ' ' ki'tehe ii, '-ynemanket ei iuns-alikake hran I ahiegona yen tiil atitetarga etu1se s reain aud; - rte. 'Nnluf ou thoo lnIickn Pa ltty L s ouga.tiy' entl like one is rho kin e s or ttI orhi asfouaseulvbiic i bae suphie lîos 'Roud înnnve od til wandrifs tîxe hoba smal tgelhe.o ute m oce helkiî lerme, bloed coursored wit t es thaieu ia of rvelue, fritta eth tuu-e. a It rio. m teul, an' be ald thebo uchai a rAyfoob teoancane tùe allen re i aîrit t e rmiîy, villi ts initan e, 'OIc , I ltinaprolect ynau' vou'l hea hi del horv r tefh dosut aieoulb e . we liutl n t e , easumevugte ar f s viçila p un-s ti yon bel me ic inbe r pail? n opatfh ie bergLad in' e aeiuth li ae 'm l akfnilte en Pie , a-c niî a-ndh o ffoutootig ant i I ngaatoiu t-a 'le illfor itaI n t, n ely s tel yekn cdn a teulCr ben la the n s ifeoor; m ach roe'cnu ed Atîtyh e u h sau d- I s h e il;ccii o î, a timre easeofas r Shaksptepfr ouri xpaua.oue n te nîly, cense, u mo e nvoetihai ng 'bcd lîare's et t e eun orof teaut. ra ea ud driabhecrasot-terfe falli plmo bios fr h ura in; da1e11e or nt, ot net bveid fna r ou L'a e oca eseOiubi ar 'lt r I âadî sIfvcoin e tioiengll, 11 mb.'lpme l, iv twi eery s a îi ou-eislaestidog. cobi nse 'ithny onerceaîholdingveoieLis etermoral ,Ï, 'Mtrîbnt n nnrtber tifI bila bit ut 'Hlepnasi nddyhetej l elor er 'Gy oîl b luoi, vheeave ynye , co ura g -e e p move k illgoy eiv l a iont - aie n bei'a nileu liAidd acixng v thobatt, olttItis bn orhale, o n dbia 11ecuype r A,sed upincetpeshgr u e paoo t cîneillvoavdge fonuily pr- t tru the n tb i earsni-g Iug mllot1ruep.'herad h anil. ci-i,;-us t ay - o ctdt li t billsh anom -Delct tai ouI- -b'Tve e of rit elhansnvilit hir aip oon. ' u vbl cun 'I' kcd 11etgriaei1 D i o' s nlta I nîautne a-onl v t id, ecui bonte e et e le eai- h 'ouiege yr ogeeid 1M1îtltccv, r tr aiuG od M aeraîtitewn*.he Pion 1 cerm bra ii uet1 on andet a grandtoues heablsa hae p enilspeug lave-utimneythroted-'Dioloe cî ndeerher oti ' reioona- pn1 hishuilere in ck h fac euha- cîreute rcf ya en t aelehon; 'So iginmup lîieraicelya breoit na-bibhoe ?'caa 'cdameoile, m euî ailr Aed sd dh ici egsulaiacîayWog e cîcuilg 111e p a, lIe oigi le morpetlici.' .' 'Wbce's Ii'te heli vicecno ;an' e eecinus- therdvienazm g a lebro thiroun anI notînutbka topth Vitra i ander- îing 'Sor l o uema-c hmea , l' hi h u x- hieaddry Lonlgn,j' rdy t i ew is nay a e udltly Is onulfl i gaed ejoyeil b gel relcas feanrclininThg s clneiur of y tie grr uaon ier, vbîe cla ' en'th lernica. ay A ble rgn ie viin srow l'fro ugu'c-ts. tmiywth isflid qnic'k, heLy rec il hlm backvu il' lite h a loo opeate ad tifle Au ttyi olunt tynhi ect,'eer te . if, n og ivbytleoflesi li sth il - an yu ltex inccx t biter llsý e p an t et o i ln g it in' S h aynelient ire ank' ta cîs , e rea I sling pulsedo f f lg na-u i l thbcy sico n fer n 6dPinc itertat,?-o n;Ii\le eu datltg v ed rho oveactdhe prt. v-o dor; mcie, onu ogother. Bu tn yeu lit ;ra-n est ion bte cucu- s 'Hnae'ba uee o- r u s vitie j usy-titrngb ah, btlov- rhe pas a d e, ucî io yn ee:nhyt ghrae. n ne -n d ivdare iar, addbe ause-ngtct, a t nci aI ugGo lh vii yes ora u n, ; uuly Leyu arrivaI et chapveada n ioit Pua 'T t i utnt ho,'inlern pat' he pes orve viliet ttIf w e onaolre- ru'ak ac-axt tI, iiue- ludn, gioyare d sîti ta leve ne- p ist, 'ypcielin-th oIa o r nii eboaI ci Veitebînee ua t rameenu )nt. 'uteglacii ILda i f H rs, dyauho ly th e t titis whhî rie' Ju b e t iye u tlî ee r utti go, t courae s p ob i ng l y e slowèr mtua ot t il enoed 'ite silo, daning Yen pin'uttt Pady ske ha ee inat, hef t ici eo ndy seblas iet hareixu ieaut- aritgenut lits. hv fud r ca migIcî e ain ia se e ra igig rt-tia. a Aîy nd.s iitsm (lct ~ettaea boîe i entll ceua- e 'Dwsaucce îbbareck.' salee. 'Owhl, iccie vteti cafîd hie r b. I 'Tu c eak e t ha coîbo'tlaoiand o yn, el iee t on csieliusn ltaI are î' 'An' luer oluad t e eo ,f bee -t ng iatl e ha liedraacv' al cl11e omen, otnm il nursy,'vital tucsofmptexnd f er reseut s a er R n y e ovu pour afsîer-btiter fresin e l ieid t l eveb Aralitl a borpur- h igitîy e hom e on oî is fayen ce acutieîiou u 111 e ofurlt etinw-;tb ySdetr hi e' ren?' ty na il Imi ti n11eotlcv ' ir 'H iI o eauzl iiit eg-iacccnrîot ttcuwî 'Nemen tckor'proentngbisDunnoe a chrace i i arn e hei teleni ng in roiîoo ndliandpnilo-a Ihongîtl, e go alinpu- sc theba, tietrul evtay. Lpttie ny.' b whoo!rnici'. e o tonly e acy, e ifa'Be off ell nad -hein o theybea'I roundtand y riti , viea to-arat gônoet- l hoe Sderes I a k l ut-ailnlbistnem eu l- i vatedryloin ' uon t licos alyme, rgellte anuit oy our, lt-tnatitn etijo in vtith eca-o fn o et nc tl 'n- Aut Andy etce eli n der , nlt lia (a' iresioley vicuoI gel home ou tny cbii nie . u cl senlinelagi rvin icis pti oe u- et Tet au aid liant adIhyatndiit-et îl y i e- t e P,' ie rcasne. Thne - t itegata ils a ccti lei as c v dy -w ot ohf elh f h ieins e po 'I c im t ifl teule an'the anlîl o' ap t bîingoll. 'Lu.-ba looa ine tiue wvey. ler colnete uwlm d iint o ra in-,e suenîteoil. liae s S auy forc len]setti hu meusc u m eug ectd im l yn,lu-eiIy Logicuan sar a 1, out b wrgon st.-eher. as h ca li- defoa u snci-adîia frametetcueîfr s sîPirel here!eprso.Noaise, asiegave ye 11mbows ua. vs es a l ic b fe.Ther. clergowyan-the mel-oss, rcumaLnateblaeuh a 'Noli ~ eocm e l of n-tilme;bak.l yoc i d fose u'iltnc v as i Ie Ibslav lyetd li ta fatu.IIeIsuput te a tacs orf to, eallereu vl y d vma b - 1h viel ntrdin tsy woI cjut Lil y es aru.-laluoedy ee' s e ekL utlason mir acerly as vochi, eas ve u ao eive hed eceha et ita, S 1- c o i mye i I uvas o tn ici eai e Sit a ta yen cw Cht bmanid is m e, nerutd h le ak np oxh menalipo eeu ez ida, 5C ,Buc, inn---Laut tel, in Dire lad e, a etnigl enImte lthe an, tut- Ari bt i pacoit ubci een a te e rcke bie nthîm ed boiaîs et ineton- tI bak. 'A IglilhnI-vipri lhio ,andayby 11e lth o ariver. An, îis pn th ram liii gtesîlsiser, rea e s el y osum eil it fori l e ueulils te 6c sharp r , oi biseen. h d" o p Paddy o ha y tun' u l fontîtc tcnk a is k ser aa ig eu iput--maLriet bie tll icemo a a ysp or c mn li AuI Iinel talise er. Lt ovs ebainee, t lo sibisetitie bagosFl-h er, ynrtossne nîl tonive. e angreiîîg.nceo su la halbiasa PadyLoge n: il but udy idual e ll i ae aunovnsuc k ate' ye.-1 use forbe ste ieot l ItaIon bough s habi 1ve f iven;al lmie ltaIi i cih ae th re o wn pcisostr-bbicrf.m TieIeenete bgea h rrlil neyear-eet me l uhti at h w i ale feu im son;uIt 1etakaeu- Ibalo n tfo 'Tler'spiy u y ae-tfo ya,'as IilI ual ianile' hela-cl allie om ntho n t he visici-lie c1db.' ol ffats ws i 'N maory enticul. o'pesuigh s unre v1 1 elep ins quielconside efrsau hfat herp1e olbicusu fin rl, s ded te poiirere tieught lle 1e clpu- et] 'Muoehîn goltockleye. I'sbIle -aefe teil seievooti henayne- vhe ait n e c hoing uberfenth11e oe. oie iie raticangîwlv-o vitthrilsci 'Matital teh tndbor.' Ltl ims lion my bcd le suefrta ou" Pyas i -e , o ri ai l ct, for i itcgbie d ycr aadgrvb. whEvi ertelecibteat 1 Vlca l 'c wsilt e ulothion m enty.'c- it ay gtie il ia Dultrap ile r Crame t ateirsle-ai. The' no t e eci ai- thr da i ac iel api end-r;any tete e'- p Andu'ho ely cen i Ie docin i111e a'v t as eiy on ed shud s cufilet ce liutt hvom îelonbo hatI bl ibe.iscîeîî otlaeiitm ene t mrsntnl ari cage?' ]is i sor an s d thorsde d at1cave tehed fai1lecu ctel Pice'sars.soocThe TW e an i tl i a lsingl1 e de cu avain id nhoexl ut o ffnl.' ps St ufiinta'too itlealyirhe t ite te nobad ac l usr î,te e usmant a tH o dl Sits vd ieuimercns f l am nioetuuîube-y 'yfretua 'il h imaggebrin; ijîlie lecti cSou, IPadd Sheia li, aI pr ,o okcaI o n becme a ae scnitu a itad m eatillita scdliuofor it- y ýer the-n ldIica isîl y atcninte Tte souyCg epunit pietimalley trmhem pltab. Th ckrim iltletelld; cLinbstueil vao ns tvstana h I aere, one coci is nhtypicat of othr e ,d -po e , s d c o n d i t io n s ; c a i sa = meit 7ykn owlad ie ha es aentialy fonalion vall, le isis o! ur nssca superstructre. Cempaisoci 1cenut alara ealy ahit vulig chezns ; andvwen vo emcitcv thein. ADDRESS-Box 99, WEITBY. 41 1 Fire Insurance Co'y of Canaa vC o n netecneoi; it iau;cot ' cidî ittuality Vt vo be ava nit recomrized hby moasulre fllcengbt. or ep Ttiui.I is ocireccit staniiug in otin o-rn liglt LtuaI prOvectg s.ci recu seingOhe i oitr rcla- tinufis, thoy influence t iq. Wizt amn l sîcouirl pi-eaîo-oam olcerncgit, -Oiirnsuttbde ccone-riecforce et oun bitl iidivilcnst wori.1, %va lis-e by ,alerntely throeiug, off tiis foecaiiett meceirccig lthaI vbie3b iý s iiullanaeoily emillel ly uurouling nlrimhîcu Icieligaupe fanor ltiautqtîliy for- qnsity, and- iogeti -fon lpegna. -This hole 1the sailes ii biatice Thora îs ne proise for 1the lnicket-nr, trlc fisîttrr- or. or liapaciflaatir, If 11e at tuush arase or oc-nha*siugla latter of tînt tai* luaîgec a nt rccgifzaedeI6 nintaligut elements ny pRoetliuj.s heauty te rulger minis. Tiie niag'nifi. doedOfeth1e thijuute-stomîlias ncite- pouce fred i 1n4iie niosees ciii honn ouiytiicmisieseuaîtci eîulo in lice ashinaundbooting otlteevet 'à sntiliany. ËTheiinËnite liioiaiii hie vanieliof et is cuël mir, ovithi hm icîlensity o e iaoay et obattandm expression- iutemcommaniahi.ig 1te e'veatiocs et tec'nattilau-t cétstiai Mineciîiit-have uelbiug o! attractien, an asicillaion for thia ucînturadIsl e, or tia dormant aini1. Ths rxquieits ametôns oetc pure ccii tnder ai-ation a e a h e s o el i c en ta , c o t iî n \i m i cr o, nehing lesàpruiiocs thsa i te eo.y- meut ot parsemai greeti anti cerelant- noe. Ctlacily pieiiiton (ciavalep-nit nid cultîmo, viile ernîcition au it inoettiôn ro l u ea n lti t e i r f e r t u s e dcu - o iîr a i v é eaencies Ibereo. Tc titct-i q- 1i lias e 0dm calume a iat-atlut-ic -t lieid etmnost cucleyîuyîxvvitil pro4uutire innition. Mn. il.ciel MN. C., lire yenng fanuens-, have tatlleîxu'y s e c t i o n s e tf i a O niou p p i i u e s i t t i et4 c the mis-ar. Titey a-mlkiixg, a-urosa he stnu-acu, oeth'- i inlio-itiit-tpra-sItï .uin agiccumâaltie et -iiieo. M. B. saye : 'IIhaive cammregrain lh~aIi 1c-a- dbapoqe f a;lvaulaýi-tcouly in ticograi- mfakal, u, tiukng yen- migie t i simlely itned iin rLoarl te yiour iîeat steak h cama iowci ote l iimieýr, lhes mening. ta eeao ya, ici hopea le miae soa ie racieunt wmileyn, e- thua paru of yeun stock ccu lie fei îb ii a potiomn et my grain.' 'E"uvîtty 'Y ldas, sir, culI Iintabole ta ite w lic proposition ce ceeu au I cosihi .-'e iti r e p i i os 7s . - C. N uw , if M nr . I beeu eireir, ecrdinq Vtut o -eVS utf soeme siamk--eyet Iiaktoic mui- ao-o foie iltL1-o ey te ac-L avoF tturi laI voulu 41have tac'-n c-v r1kleLir ut if 'Jt-. 13'8 Sigltvicilho - gaiu w ta ,'vaIilfor aaixxco, adli a tlgenc. iienatei the uozitu f iljth- oL standing uit alik-totes i vl h1 , i the lî-oven'a iard. Dilt the sloNy tereivinalse o et a nesa fai r -sue3 îayond ltht argaiu' of a Itis', tito-pros- aec et e xton-eu, lfle e. Tie raio eînrnsîtcdmtlbtc i-nOf ceneats c au eaeivb i :aîr il, acii lie uaeiiaio r8-ialis V hi ai- uilcg tuea lacithelice îzttiiii of e meste powrer in caicfi-apsssle For ltheStreaiti, wirbic11bt-t3 tilht-li i- viuleî tîcer inire.its, bocco a b IJUonu aion, cul a trio of fone ara naitz- 'Véut , vidi, vici i je teux sytu'olica aiguage Oetla prattiig cluil, auil a ignificaut pi-opheiey lithe itco-ttanoe ce eft1f-! u-an cbiaVeinxaL .- '\oJw0 I u a big mi5n,' anticipaîoesevcryitema i Ilto caleory etfecnflienos attaiti- nente. Tiare is nelhiug tee g-reat, te biilt, onr1e ool01forthe oyunig as- meuat. Abas, liat bis nahiioi cci ion gais euroiopod in the miels Ocféan icI ilitrcit -titet ià uc b6ra rnrelp odie! The chilil iloeps pltysicalyi h1ile - ils meula laiàren ilnp icota evsiiee, n l al ils enjoycnente culn :p-'nicucaesare catUieste ltirongi a vWer g-radation et intelligence, and sri creaeiug grovtb etf animal lite. Aci, acLUisîs and me:9physci,%me, 4oneal- laI tellýthaI lis allaruaiug orpi.lily cd aaîtvity et p!tyshote;-ic-îl cul ini- hilecînel lita is a naturel prtudez-i otin- ýe )Iment ; buil. tonlieaniaeg lueoxplain iv tIce equilihrinm s beld Vhay te-are vicia margin fer disacecien. Tic festeousi imuth;nking bneyancY caf 'ulh gretes iîicoriauly upon. e<tlt u t i ilitie s , m a h a î v c - e t s er io n S - iogit, sud lsngaing ilifuetimgly aI eat urbici va cocisuhe ils mule fetd ib e kinduesa eonniteicitious (Usero- 'c ; thorotône, it wy-dl isomqs our tc-iety te aunquine wiene ltthiiscon.] id inbcrcny are doo-ebpig- holter iniaur tinîus, ibto m:tîuîe et ir chilman,on -in botitand lL.Thoe eus- 1 E ES, 101 1 Govt < 1

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