Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1873, p. 2

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rsale-Mm.. Milme. îiti all-Jas. Johusten. iSi Sbloas-.Jeii ausidersç. îSul-Jes, Walace. Netieo-Dr. Wbeeler l AUCTION SAI,E8, On Frit]ay, Oct. Si-i, at the residence of J,-1B. Bickell, Esq, ucer B reekl, * furia stock, imieuoWnts, &ui, Lot-i Fur bailkt, Jr. Aucuicueer. S is offur=ulst Ock, ijpouot î, k -oilot No, 7 li thîe-2nu- eay o iteccl on1 MIdiîtay, the 1111h u&y fohncatou 187J. ftue pnepenfy of oh dmg, L. L"iriaecs j.,Auutionoer. Sale off ai-m cteck; implemeuts, &c,, -oin lut Mo. 23, in f le Sfit cou. Of Wfltt -by, mnuerAslubuîu'u, oau Thluunsuy, Octo- bel- Iliti, 1373, fdue pî'operty of Mr- AIex Wi FaLeu 1irbamiejr., Aticioncen. ONLY -Si 5o PER ANNIJM. Wllîby, "htirsday, Oct. 2, 1873. Changes lu the Mail. Oss'Juuig tie ciiange tuikiu'g place in theG-aTifrtuuk- guuge,fuie umails sm-h bu tlesprfiet] -il iu îuy iîud Satuinthe ncxt, as' folews 'l'ie aîdiiiiry mailus will polse cet-h woy b'tieout Toi-citnto li Osliîawe b K'elu ciu toliise-youce, imetetinig etl'ort Union, ULauîuucli nefuîriuug tte ulluinni- pccti vosturficg Poinit. - ber. 'feuotite utIndOeshawaet 7 a-ni.; arriv-ce t Poirt U-nuionlet 11. Lt-uit-tP'aitflUion ut 12.3f); arrire in 'oonito acutmi îutsy lit 4.300u. in.- clllruug it liitoeiit'u(i utet tolt. mailîs wiuh close iii Whitby cf 71.. e, uri. ;uniirriefi-cit Turjtu- out u et - p. un. Clestu toti-Osiass it 4 1). ut. m0i A leiu depaticufroin Hon. Mn. 1Gub,, etutes thbat muails wil b, ielit-tredl liaf Wlitby ent] Oeiawa an Friîley and stfuunlity affernecuis, going oust. auit eeuly inii lue'corang, guig wef, uy Mail bouts. -A Wo-rI cf Wanning. Tlte ruurîu-lias cpi-cati thîufif is lich lui t-ttiat cf smue hilitlvisotl pereou-à fi-ci Oslîasmatemitceile ro cuueusrthon cf montue 10111uin fu ituiby egtîfuîst flie X t-sens. Camupjbell îîit a -()L»ut h' le c!tit t uiy thuuuught ureîur ttu taice il] Ihli rt-uit-crit famuily icilultiem. %Vu ltarum i lîptunfies cutuu ltugstuclu art - utuugi uiuut ttiing hpart unlttILlBy eoiiug ch' ibtlucy zuuutktu thuuinsetlt-ecitte-u lible tt tic utay, iuil tu(iy rt-iest mat- letiel tlrtt fitti thiWitiee tiWhl)i)Y va-0 pri;rt't-ltlm t lt louit-e sthiaogti-ti cîd îuh m'igcu'euue luenul ciy sutl iuuuîitu cauluuuuit. Nuo uumutti- wlut thle lu-rite cf tt'etasaun uncy it, ài ii uuîforui- tuhtit- ile ste talikethe luwit-iîtuî lthin est-t liuitheg utui wtt uuuînîimiuîthic t litt eumy atteucJlif of'îtekinîl preluîledtutet]will hoeerurely îîeulf isiflu. Funci-el cf flic late Bishop- Fan-l. 'lflumIutral ofuffthite Bishuip"utir-l tooliîplaecmiuu Vuiilt t îuuuuu'nîiuglit: St. Aiu'-y'e, Catiî-lruîl li Hamuiltone. Tht.- p uiu-îtl iecci of hîcîîasutitt cteo-es tlit'ut igri)iit flue uity st-mrîî loe.], flItige tiuiiituyd it iiuif-uuuîîst, atuil utittige - nuuuuliueu cff iit'ttti nusi.i'ucee miibt- telcemîs tif uuîruiuug, LIeu-jranît iuuu- lrecive Ist-tic Setuibitp cf reupect 1ai >tt, încuruuury cfofluhte lii.ihuejlip,sluisi nuaiuy exdcýt& u îttiitie-smeiuieîelitu cii uîi'uculy be.husud otil tu'cîîîctu'u. 'fliec t-riitr't ii îuîulie flu â ui ucrut] - Gtuîtl-umtl 'twtîs itu mcas ftiI 0telic faneraii 44 i isiuti -i oiiprist-u tf -tue uuu(tuulj!treof tiu St. l'ifnît-lt's Suiti', l'rý4i' tcuîuul ltliiic. 'f' hoii cffini c'tî huîu' uuîu hy Pitsuiic. l- ie(liui- u'rc!u- bil-irLyneutchu truie tnuîuut aiouî tilof' fho ir huu'ipail Cathflie hict~iruy cf tii" î>ioiiioeu. TiUN ist uico'l -iuruteîîlu ftue -Au'ihri,; ir,- TIi,'fmîitier'îîriuuî i-usa - itlit-trv. h uy ftue ighlit', tt'e ltf'iuuuju B-glc e Fr ell îî'îie-ts huîum-uuili tt' eNet-tii 'cf li-uharui, it-tr Armautghu, iii 1821i. Ii' cameucte Cuiuidawhueu 0111Y fuurt-in -yeutrs unît],l'le sfuîiieulim ic heCcthlutui Cellege, Moutrvai, cnt] et-es cu-uineul ý fleicî. Fer twu ct-vasli cateu w-s Irufectrn cf flue Kingston Gollage, affîr- selichlile wscauppoitifeul nissieeai-y ut Ie4'l)rigimah. Ftor feu ycuîne lie actutI as uriet -otheicKi iugsfiîtu homte., uandtilu fte yeu 1850 wcs coîsecrîîteu] i3lshiur cfflhîitultotu. fTie dulcuulBshuep viii be. uivursuîîy îuîutriet]neut eniy lu flic City ini st-llt lu1htac resitîcl .foures'veîu- feenycaus, lutitilb evcry place sehipne Itis naulo wuus kuuculo u, le LIwuîs ueeînuît. ail iy flue nicuubt-ns cf oeturhy euuiîî tieun, cuti -ca-imt-ultîun ifti luîuu et-e pfltne, Emrtt' anti ileoteul te huue st-mnît c lihMIgi-et .'gu)Iouinlehue lmioet whuurc his tîtethu iili he bitfî-rhy lcuuî'ut- oui- iy flcemse hue le lis ileaflu las-e lest casise ceutimehor omit]giiile andtiae gtreî friellil. 11.licutJtrUNIzON<Pi,.ue1ui ii iitt, Tite cui-sttntictiliieit mil t hie ircii jýhliug mIatchiuefhotccugl ho,%t 'ik uand liiliiu i tiis isue, ejcakis fon- ifsilf, BiifIh iii fimliucîut oaI ui-i-m. cndutIhiiflcattcuîuît-îî liiceîkly tu elimsi- Ciiî'itil; im leeil ud liftflis îuuîeî- ojucu te flue )otriiion-m-il pi-et- a fer gi-citei stucimc titanutue disetrict tlutelà cueeumiiumil te tuuke plut- e ur Port - hit-ci Ltun,,ceD. B3.- AMr, T. P. -rljmnporl, (flih- eh-knuisetu "f luc ]înigga," of thci ail") wiu, ete tuuutien- efeiti, sdutiy c- lover lectures iii wlit- ly cuti Oshawa, wlueuî lue uvihh tell stlîet lie icuetreof the. "bifur cutI'expenleuýice cf e Behicuiclu"-a suhjeuat iunsshium the lhcturer lis, sec bel csed-u, îurfuttly et homne.,'il lcture eîi ilibc -uuirchy îîotl-~IoIificitih',atlualrgie ie ro umis. mil lueht ifle uot te ble iclt-e itterest-- ilig oui thuof oceofut, Juulgiuug froit fl u uuicr of atiluciieli cf Iliiiiel" huctuanaije sletfcu-s in tiis locahîty, c buîrL' bIIo! slelfuuuîy icfil]y juîticiuat-ti srue li c eacf bon appeauen the flue elof OF awreuî-c'COLL.LctorOî-Af a elecial iueefig cf flue tesvt cosune il, - - - - hîhou Frlday evening lest, Mn, Alear. Perle iras eppoiuntteul titicollecter Ior 1873, attis alai-y of $u. TItira seeni soveral otiior eppicants, buf Mn. Perie's - pfer lieintihe lowcst, wsuccpe]by the counci. The aiosecolleter le au ele] andVilul-esteemet] rosideu f affle t9wanu, i,behler, *Winpenfernnblis jOuthecn a$1siea insae? satlfscton ---P- TIre Provincial Ex'hibition, - 'liePîuîeiu.-iuhEmi'i titre, lit-luinh London ilusttti ksca uiti'i fu iiestotf wtut vrt'eu-.l-I i Guti u. Tue cul -l iifu-tuls si wflit fon li-c us tiîu-nîu ns-i-i-e î"--e-lt 4.ulu ofî"î1vu'; i't-h 'Put t'uhiibtouP,02f;t'~ i- tav'uiuifvcf 2t- Titi-lt,, mue le fui tuî,ta--l-lcuosf' Il- ditai"of flit izei-s-, mittiiuiiot:,,tgffh'c them flletriet-, li-it-y uhi-cnîgluf fuhtai onundalso est bIusutc.i i iuiol aalcti ',s foiuuTli ur li-c >i-olî Piurhîmunu uI-I>i-ului piizc, auiuil 4ihi lii hi--fu et2s' fi-sf tîtuon,- Sjluiutii hait-î l,' ih; -oite Mhllhiu- i- .1 j'etf2 roliilfueliuuttI 1uf lcf unI 31uJ, lhe,,f -yu od ieuc-'-Jiuîn io Thihuut. Bt-st lîîlii- ettf- e Tl-A- 1, i-. lIt i br Ill* if tiudtr l'>'i, lu'uu-T Il. Spietu-r. eTIicf2-t- ohl--l)., ai-i Ili Ayn:;tiree, hMr. Gîty, cf u;ii.utie, foou u îte i- u uitlîi ti f' priico-. -Foi- fut ani sm'utuhiuîg oxu-u, r, it. Ueo. 'leuouu lîIt;tli'ilI ]su uuic.m SltniugiCui, J-cicestt'rui- Simonî Beruffic 2uil Ilui flueSont liosis ant iip4uiîîeut,1 Mu-. I 1-1. ISîeiuuumorei-l off flue prhi- Ciiîal huies iniC tht funîîîr. Ticîu, 2 shutuci, 2f ; sutarlinru aniî, 211(l , nitti huîîîîhr, 2uul ;2 mese, LctIli tit'ý latter:c raniu, 2 eliais and s-tr, let andîîl ih;slueuurhimug riuit, s rmil 2uuh imîufluulad, IT f utuu.lahul ; 2 ciscs, 1sftfindt 2ndu ; 2 yai-unugestes, tcf; 2 uestmmlambuu lof orl inil. li Cuifss'ol]eit', .Juuuu iliu falt obhitie î,n'cmnliT fan]dahuîi uius 2 Mm ups-cuuTiler 8ni; ttti 2 - faf ewt-c îîinen 2 tsituai-s, :îlr. Mr.. 1. TIf, oias ôhtttiiiet]îus-nà lai ge iolte l cr fpi-Ites iftii'faut-y poultt-y et s'ii'tltrieItitulm ' Tues mElle Ilodciuioîu m iîfluti]second - pri-in uupeiuufitu, liru'beit- t iiittuu.l gicnpi îuî 't ctui -drs, tuîîuu] 2îut]ferboaft-trac-nuc coloret]. - Jeeici-iu! iictu.-Tiit-Ottaaocornes- ponident cfflihe T-olisoc-sfluet Mi-. foetplu Art-lu, ftic.greef championî cf fici Enghielu Agnricultainal lahoreri'cel lu thaï;fctif)' bai eut mt-nsicw withîMoHeu, ài-. Gibîbs, ond] ifle nuderetoot] agrcet] te viciftte Cotitikc cf butaileforfthe' purpose of exeuinlng ifs ceabiities1 fo;rpi 8iutua aefe. SA.D LOCAL SOANDAL. WC Ilave beeîî puýrpouly retissaI ln glving pnbllcîty to s'local sicaildai thaii has beea the, talk of Itie town for quine ýwêekî% back. '*itis the, evid(ince, wlîiciî wu arc new Called lupen ta publisix eue. whetre,- given anid taken at tii. pro- ceedinge before ii. M Ëagistrates, there: alti' Do longer lb. any 'hnprcpriety 'in givîug the. public tii. facts-esapecially s aur slsince liaisi iroady beef*tniscon. e sLredtan'1 as Our Version May iîclp te saing Bule cf tii. rnany mis.stato. r-ments and exaggeratieîis aficat. Teu years age Robert _Camipbell, (of the filra cf R. & J. Camnpbell, cf this townj) niarried Mliss Eliza Byrne, daunghter cf thie 1ev. J, T. Byrne, tiie well.known Congregatioîia l ergyman. Tihe lady wasi thon euiy soventeen ; ber liumbaud fiolfie t}irteen or fourtecu years oier- >. Turc, ciilrew-twc beys anud a gir- cagod rempccetîvoiy îîiîe, eighît and six, * have beeii the issue cf tihe mariage ; -ai, as sworii te by Deî. Giinn, tihe lady le now.far aîivancîd iniipregnaiicy. -lI 6Julie iast Mr-. Clielil visiteil tiie old c ountry, rî'tîiriilin i Augu.qt. On bis arrivai linq g tories-wliîîtlier true or iîot ieiiaiîîs te lui ,scrtaitiei-of bis wife's_ i iîiify. Thle îprinîcipal accuser isl; is owe hrother andt partner, James, wheO, it 15 stated, kelit watcliîcvcr !bis 1i1eriu-iuws nments. Tiie lins. n bandî, it i; stated, lidi fot iinneuiately ilclarge, hi4 wife witli lier gîiilt, luit]liad yflic chljdren uitiuoved frioi the lieusk, limier Inetùnce te lier tiiet lie desired ià te send l fliute blis relatives in the west y for the beuefit of clîige of air. On ]lis -t retîîri, lfer iiîvin.îg bestîwed tflic cilîl. rolli, ho mîalle the accusation againqf lier, ile-inatited fliat sio siotîlîl quit ]liis lie11se, anud <-tirecl ai action a.-aimiet Ni-. George Gjorudon, for criniiai cou- versatieiwitl i s wifia iaus laid liet $10t,000i. 'fli wifi- denînmîî(led velié- iisuntiy tealie ccîîfi'oned withIi ierailits- ci-s, amndj-fselte ltave the lieuise, assi-rtiii-Ptimt tule stont-s teLld ili were 1niîtruîr, tluat silowas inimnomt, and ia fuitluful wifc te hljn, eudth iat the %wliola Case."îJîshlir was a vile ecîuuîopîrtcy get up lîy fluebrotlier. The lic sbeud jei hmnovable cati rcfiuses te believe lier or le reconuileci, iiistifig fliitetfi ù videcie of livi' gnilt place] before iiihl is toe ilplin cinipositive te bc refuteti. Therli îliap1iy wifu bîieiigs lier action agttinst James Campluilflhr uefemnation cf charater, lîuyitiig lier laiages ait $10i,000. .Aîid Flie aise files a bihlu Chiauiccîy lLgiiist lier- iiusbalill for ali- ilioiiy. Mentitilit- Ouorge oGordnui hiiigsafi s-011i1action ai.se egeinsf Jitriiiis Cîit- 'i11îi,îiug 2510,000) îiîu- aigis, fore r uîfuîato. qn. (uîuî stili refuses te lev lic-r hliuse, is tcii'. fi eed to bei froiii llimî!s4--it4 reportetI ilitaîialle oftiii rellmecî, eXCepIt witlî scriiu4ons Oii&îciicys te j(lie itiî. Tii state if tliitîigs e0lititîîit-s frein flhe luîtîîti<ter end iist o flie 24tii cf Sîttiier-t lie lilmiobtucuti livingxli iolî iimidrefCiisiiigr ail iiirti'r~se wifilî ls teifi-. ()J i i Ii-,iît cf fliclat- fer iliiy liîer ' 1t-iciiilx-tjctioti frein tue hlise touit tlace', IttItI the reti!t is tiie proccu-uiiigs iiow liefore flic Magistrates. The whiie afftir is auitl iippy timid a cad i ee. Mrs, Cuiiîpbeilli..;ufirelitiitd, weill.ediceatot lady. vriy iiiiii aulniretlt foir lier bünauty i]ecciiîish-ne t sitlois ni'siii-uifrom ilier tarliet ifili-î Ilioîtili tiie toti, îiiiul ri-ni'r btfore lias tiie- lrentcl' cfscaniit l x~iîpi'rr-l2t iirxl i lgi ire - <îi inaîiuMine, Camripbellr is a liuîgIiiy ii-sp'.ctaiiiî. biijiîcss man, r iitiliîl rilîgin sHilil uchatrge igaiist l liiiist 1iîî-ieî'î'e ilfu-e If to bo lin evorsi v I wruuigetl. P ~lof CoureV, lakt ite il's; ilds.Vtipttlit-hîvi(li cee tuti tft-! chiere -lii'-,ri-ittfo uî4t ilî. icis tiqtuai onii s11J.11 îeetîeiowtî, hîirlîg l n te % v o-0 hm -'lcu-fair finlie aiil reptitatiomi 2 wliitî'i-,tluti-tsutof fi euii l'O 'Je/c E. Bryat-nt, Je Dcciii Snc-As yon ai-e sa cetît to eltas-e uui,uLiiyouun ccuîneciom thl fuis seel faleuiseeus'eh, yotir- Iitupil oftiffle Finz-if tuuSecuinîl diveiiouns lu-cie tfui tîsil thot-muslvuis cf tiec' tt-u. ien fene u'Xruec e uîhoaetf'If Sotîn-e tlue p]ui- ti-'of sephartiutrfromu yen. Tuir loir,? cotnctimusiflu flue ct-licol -extuui'ihhuug ont-r a piiîl -of ceseur 'ir-il apruttf cf flue file-lite' cuit s1uueesqc wîth mrîiuuiiycihave tlist-lia-gul l1eicn uuacv rmue, omuer-cume, cr-i-t-srpouis- l.iiurtieg ut-ljieh éicîrls',iîpnu flue Sun ---cul ruacfîr. if le shunuly fruit lu feu cy luitt, trluctu't-î'ti fi-it-ce acc -I nita- tioir the- WViihiv lujhi St'iootl lias t-cru- -liili fuis pl.-ci > t -in h eutu-country cf targoitif leupete nt) ont- unore tluiuuite îtuiui'eelf, As c teecue u' e hlave', it-c ici kieul, ycurr inter-et lunc-oui- puîîhhs, yolcr si- acrificing acxiety for fiehi- prngrugs, cnt] ycuunahiiity hlue'.beeRa uci-kret] s 0ccire cuiruilimnitet] con- fleruteandticti-e effetiee cul greati- tic. TL affende ms pleuisine ta givm yen huis ascurmîuce, mni sec trust tiiet if mac 't-ir lic a scecc ml phsing reflet-tien co mirnclf. Yunau-e abouitto uy iv oevnthe office if ut tocuier- tnt]assnume tflietof c sciol- ar iii fli lisfei]ucefionoh insttitutfion iiu tus lantu, Youi-introdluctiorn taflie Unive-rsity Wuue mucikeil Iîy ftie nict touuerahulc distinctionîs. ceul oui ri'coe i-aet-iql, ftc akicîl Providence May- 'ruuuf yenicrut-lu hîcîiîîy eatuifarct(] vu-an as seih euuabis c-t-ui to fifilue h lui prormise o uuhaet- gru-mi. flue irtiacc giue eilrcfatioes cuti lecf st-ii,s of i-unr rironsi-uuc puiis anti frieedtis- Wît-n youî' rurce stutllhic coniplateul. te c-ish fuir oua long cet-ct-r in thucce Ilier colueetionutl pitonsc whichu ce clu-s-t- yu'u are quihieilnefomuiny te fIll ýut t-c cîeru. Au-court, ileniart-huler, of titis pentiet- îiceu tif uir att-etieru, acuit] e ekiiug voi ittucoluftetouf if, cui-ouuîs- nigi-t i. flîtfifà c utiiiiuit'yropu-ecuus ut1ci-iiu cfgraftuî ile fcru- 1lat-'vewîcl 'c shiailt-t-tr dc-oii to cwaruls lycti. 'ii-fi,as if le, as olti-n enul as long asq ci ia lise uicht, if Init- serre os a e- otnhtmne f lit-arts tiiet lucre- lot-oil Voit initym.'ri-dave, trhmlicl shah fol- iW T'eu etifth t-luê4ttwieIuelsnde$haill -jeicu et ei-ri-ysuitcees thuttMay attendl toithe fluclcnc. Mrti. i- i' manly fniceuls in foen, 'iii, st-e ae e ce cont]umiIy neciprot-ate ut- kinul feahlge eut]geoul wsies ex- irese-t ly luis pujuils. Iin losing liri, 'c loe-nef ouhy ce excellent feaceluc, lit a gocti- eut]pnui-ic-cpinitet] citizen, mil crm seiose t-artceinlu is plat-e may io pointeul toaos ouexanille wcrtluy af le imitation cf et-t-y yng mon, IlttAY E îTiestoa.-Ou- nonfluen unsnccpcîit writes :-Mnck excite. neut preveils lue Marc, Rama, -eut] nrillia, cf thn prbspect of getting early ailecoay commiunication seiti ILalee On- uric via Port Penny andI Wlitiy, seliclu rfaiuly in the maeit direct cuti eliorfeet iirt fi-oic buce Hit-ou te Ontario. rlue iiuitbitante tuf tIietwo tinef-namot] uwieciipîarans deliglfel a i- u sll tehist tii. c-iem. e ifluas hiberal mnuses ce theyc- anacfort]. No tiuue- cuilt ie brlost ju flue extension, rinituient ccd eecpeumubi. mou lic lucre tic lest intenats ef Whiby n lue iouty cf Ontario. et c iu g i TI su Io fi t- fi as lu e fi bc i Pl uit O btCnrt, ouiglit te visif flics. nonficrai' towshclip% etand -ot-atIisinipcrtaut qeefimn sehicih ies nose got efl n-mcd fut udt] lu flue mmndi ef thepeoploet0 tii. Nenfl. Strike tue iran seule - If le Uotla % soant] motteainow la fthe lime te nco sh7i4oneei Mr. (C. Dawes obaed the Ari fer eue-herse plitnIen witliout tol &Wm thé. third priza for open bug -eMr, Robert, Hodgson, the j pron r amut stuHhons. Xias Bamter, .frat priz. for flewens, paier- nitdas A Yrésutmeunt te iCourt,» at the late size#, A more diseredits. bis, bumillauîlng document was -nevai handec teous for perasal. Coning frein omach a source as the Grand 'Inquest ef the pepulous, intelligent, 'acn wealthy county cf Ontario, sunuily .ebMat]a lit fa expect-not ta speak cf schelarlym at. taiuments-a better acquaintanwi th Ã"rdiuary epelling and]rea ling, and seme degreg cf commùon sense 2PThis, preci. OUF, presentaient, wlaich we give -'word for -word, and lef fer for leffer, it will lie seen; exibits ta a slieneful extent thie wafit cf bofli; -and] is 0e dit;graoefully Ae dcicnt in every respect tlibt a six year old eclîcal chit] hendiug if ln fcr a composition wonit] deserve a seruat whippiug. W. canuot persuade Our- selvecs thuat soine of tIie gentlemen whese nai were caliet] ouf on tii. panel, could hauve been prosent, or coulbave loiiked et fli. documeat; if li so aabsooîte- iy shccking lu the ain ount cf ignorance. cf tfliiist rudiments ofacommon sehool eilmticn if diuijileys. No wouîler tho suppresset] lauglîter in. court, and] that ftie Clerk conhd barely contein imsell wlîeîî rcaîiug if. Thjis is thle body fliat kept flic court waiting for an licur ou 'tii. morning tliey were sworu lu, before thîey coulil agree upen fereman I FATHJtR HAYvNun'S Pwe-Nuc-We were pleeseta t leeru that the pic-nie lielt] in Pickering ou tiie l6th ulto., nder flie auspices cf tii. 1ev, Fistber Hutyden cf fliat panisl, wes qnitc a, succes.- Wliilst the vaions amusements con- necteil witlî fli occasion Im'ere proceet]. iug, the'lhappy ]leonrs flsw swiffiy, and] the lemgtbening shiadows sean procleîni. cil tliat evening ivae uîpproeching. Que cf tii. ineet intercsting events an the proig-ainme liai] u et yet coîne offnamne- ly, flic election of tlie fortunefe iuciivid- ual wli slînuld carry cff as e fropliy that eiriluolitiîe.t cf beeuty, ci-nameut- aLlen, and secetncss, vuîlgenly cell't] "fli, cake." -TIie cesu lied been eub- seribed ta a iiandlsmp e monit, but flue hmoni was tee fer advancedi for fise ar- ranigementfs ueccssary for tIi. decision. TIi. cnhy alterniative heft was ta peet. lieue flic pi-occeulluge te a more conven- lent occasion. Accoi-diùgly on Satnirdey evuîniîîg lae± flieadjudiicationî teck-place et flic nesideuce cf Fatlîeî Hayu]cn; wlîe caileil in as lus assistants and] sci-tineers Mi-. Hery Gordlon, -Mr. T. O'Leery, eut] Dr. Tnckt-r. Strict justice was dloue toe 6w-iy cuiscrihier, anti thie cie wes cujud.geul te Miss Meegie O'Cu puer, cf Pickeng. A vei-y piés-aevenimîg was paggeti, andth te comn~umy preseuit wî-rc treatev iLli fiiet friendly liespi- tiuitY cuil witiîfltat geuial welcauiie whiî'iuai- c curactenisti. iftuf elicwonthy clergymtan. Pltr-:emem'TÀrîoON e Mii. Jcucbr E. Bity- A\"r.-hi Oui- hast %eelc's issu(-, WA mon- tioetil ft '-$i-. Bri-verî, se long uand wî-Il k,îewnilunVlîitluy as Second MMes- fi-r in flic figl Sciucîl, ives ciruit te hneu'thfis place te hii-spenite hie stuilice iin flue Ui'î-isity of Toronîto. On fihe eftertiooi cof Frit]ey. luis lest îley lu sciooi, in flicjuresence cf aei hei.map.- fi-ns andi sehulars assi-iemtl tih licîaîl rmesteýrs roe.thui le Furet cand Second dilvisionse prceeîfed Mi-. Bryant with e vrtiy elicgîmt iwniting ieek. T'flue tsi ifs-,if lu8 e iuîst bearitifll Pice cof woi-k- inatshilr andl mnitei-a1, anti '.vs rîurchuasetl et Goltlsmitlis Halfri-c Mi-. Jîuunt-s Jolinston. If was ecomu- pu'uit.i iti a hianisonue gel] peu and haiutle, goi] î'encih case, plper cutter, andi Irlenfifully siçiphhieýti svitii paler eut] e"ius'eliiPtes. Altîngwifh flicpresenfa. tien wamit -aai uîdreste Mr. Briyant, of vhuicli we give a ccpy :1 Mut. fAuEs JaueSeone, cf Goît]- sunifhus' Hahl, lias now te band] iis coin- plu-testock cf Eugltsb goodea. Iu pur- cliasing fi-onui-. Joiiusten it neet] scoî-cely b.e dt]ed fief parties mec- fnl- hy relc- upon the. qua]îty of flue ai-fti. ie soîhe te be jnsf sehit h. reconimeutis WALLACE'S GaREAT SALE lasnnuceti te b. couflinet] on this . (Tiunst]y> evcuîng, eut] Batuniday affteruecuanud ercning, cf flue stou-e letelc- ocrupiet bc- M r. Lawlen, wsere ample accomodtifin for ladies lies been pi-c-iet]. Ixcuiious Rt-encre. -Attention le directet tee ic tlence gîrcu by Dr. Gulu bin tGamlplls, wiil shos e utter faieluu ot lei-e-pou-fs as te flue part talkon bc- hluuîlunflue case. COCoI-ucru.-In tiie accomut cf flic sale of MIr. James I. D.ît-i-lsousa colt "Beuker" tii, pnice chould haroeIreen 01,0U )instesi ef 61,000.a stafet]in lest iscue. Pl U nUNIUatc.-Atention is directedt& a f t,3 atiteeinzomrent cf TMr. 'Till & John- sou Isuccessors ta Mu-. Sea) untier flue AIUîLuA APPri.ainuUi.-To le Maj- or : Gaptain Miciieci O'Doueren, V.* B., No. 1 Gompeany-, Sti Battehion, frguî l2fhu Juin., 18713. Mai.fitOcN McKpowm bas been, wo eu-c pleeset o observe, appeintet] Goun. fc- Attornec- fer ftheconafy afLincolu. BOOTS AND tOS.-A splondit] stock nose selliug cieup cftfluefesiionable os- tablishmnent cf Mr-. Jqiin Sanders. HOW te go Weast. This le au iuquiny seliclu erercoe eboulti lane truthfui-hy ausseeret] lfoe ho stau'ts on li jcuraey, and e lit fIe cane * taken lu exuanntieu of routes seihliu many casesscno ireucli trouble, finie eut]money. The. Ghicago, BIlngton & Quiucc- Bcllroae] basachiovet] s splendid repu- fefoinlu fhast tIre. yoan. sethe. leading Passengen Route te fie West. Stcnting atCficuage er Poia, if rnna direct tinouig Soutbern Iowa anti Nebraska, witb chine ceagections te Gelifonnisaneuth i-e Ten'itoris. ITf l aIse flue short rlin. sud boot lino te Qnlac-, Missouri, cutipoints iu Kansas andl Now Mexico. Passengers on thueir wcy wesfwcnt] canaief do botter than te taice fis route. This liaio bas pal>ied s pamphlet outiflet]1,"HOse e iTO Go ci-5i-r" se centaine mucli aluable information; a largo, cou'rect mcp of flue GreatWes;t, ,Wh""l "an " Obainelre cfhag iiy a closn -i e ri Wetr Pass 'Bgr gut,4Ciaela3lgo ";Z Quuij ,l1oeI> koqo1l PxnEMs'.MUSICAL MeicRrTe os Oc- b !o»uiL-Â:moethcle-contents. ara- - icTakoe this letten te my Mofle"-eou rsud] clnima-"Jenny thefl uwer 'c Kitdre'-"Sprnuggonfla 8pnug _-sr- rauget] witli uew -ýwerds by Chas. B Pratt---"Te please' lthe girlse-Bufo .eug '-"Mou are sucli decéievr.- "Weddieg bellaro la the an-Qa fet)-Beaming oyez walbr-Whe's de. lighf Polka--Happy theuýget. selottlscli --"Rippling Waves"--aud sitegellien vri-y supenler uumbr-iteelf wertli lit eanal subecriptien ef #8. Tuiazaiz.-It la adili-cult îask for tho peu te dascribe the arfistio bbauhlo cf the Octeber Aldine, a number whicl flashes with rare geins cf art, even as the. Octoeor feiage assumes Oriental splent]orm There are faur full-page pictures l intii. issue, oaci s master production, by celebi-afet artiste. Mu. John S. Devis lias a lovoly pictune cclli et] "Nutffug,"'a gnoup ef childtre le. neafl cluenu t trees ; Mn. Alexander Lewnle glveà a grand view cf Eizabêti Valley, lunflhe wold-famed Adiront]et'l region cf }Ne* Yoi-;.MMn. Helmati Hunt, the faniaus Eughisb ai-th, is ne- prescuted hy l"TIie Et-ecf Sf. Agues ;' aut]dTire. Greatorex liaîs ciieractenistit sketcl cf au oIt] bouse li New York City, the Hai-sen Meusien. Besides fbe'cc greef picturca, Mn. Krnsoman Van Elten gives a mit]-surnmer view on Salmon Brook, in Goun., Mn. J. McEn- tee, cf tii. National Acat]emy, lues t brill-eut aud drecmy Octcler sketch cellet] iFalliug Leavos," sas gol as auytbing whicb ever came frein lIe penîcil cffi-ils fanions antist ; s binu pictumne cfa dut-k ut] spcrews, cetled "Opulence anc Indigence," lu alter Guis. fat-us Lus ; an eriginal Americsu haut] scae scene represeufs the fligiit of wilul cmen a reedy hak e; there is a mag- inificent portrait cf tii. beautiful eud] s. complisliet] Angelica Keufinann ; aud Benjamin Vautier, on. affiie-moetpop. tier painfers et Dueseliloi-flias e chai- in,- genman inferior, calhet] "Paon Pue. sýy t', Thi. rcmciuiug illustration are i liffle geam, "Tlue Summer Slioweri,' eut] a view of "fhue Hinfen-See,iu Up- pen Bat-crie." Noarct journal li fue n-w worlul bas cmen ttemptedt] tegive in ene numnber ce mauy rai-ocnt] beau- tiful picture%. Thue lit.nary contents of thie Octoben Alinse ai-e unumualiy bi- tiet] ndiqunt ; ifs crimp as fle icrl cf Octôben. lupoetry Qeo, W. Sears sm-i teest-f Ilâctnber ;" _Muaie S. Ijaili cf "Endeavon ; W. W. Bi[leYiaf'"Tuie Foi-csf Spiing ; W. L. Shîomakon, of "The Red] Lily ;".anti Nele G. Hast- luge, 'of "A Deet] Life," A better tel- lection cf pQemns seldoti eppeens in an Amerieumiasziue. lui ramat-e Luic Ellen dunerngey huas a gracefully writ- ton cîory caltot] iPoeieopec Wob," aud W. F. Yocum. a tliriiling tale ef flue >*Las of thi 'Oro Fino.Y' James Jack- sou Jervos -writes cf 'Tii. Lady cf Bel. leeguando," wluo was tue iutimatc frienil cf Airs. Browning; Mrs. 'M. Desperd tiesanubes flue esotl *Harsep 'Haonse; Fraudis Tiffany lies an essay ou"'Tii. Rage for Depicting Ileaîity." in wluich bie nerrates flue love ile cf Mouucre fte e c aeugthîy sketch cf Augelico Kaufuanu ; acutith Brif fielbas au emucing clapter on "CGurions -At]ver- tis;ements." Dr. Fulher-Walker, the etiltercf flue Aldine, lias articles an "St.Aue, "Salmon Brook," "Falliug Leaves," l'Elizabethu Valley," l"Amoug thue Bu-d," cnt] "A Gorman Intenion." Hie alse writea cf the. "Central Park Bi-ouzc," influe ci-t coiumn, anti of Piiip Gilbert Hcni.ntou's "Intellectuel LIIe," acuthle Presidtitof Spainsf (Emilio Gasteler) "Oh]l Reine eut]New If ahy." Tii. musical - uepartiment glances ett fh. coming New Tank ses- son, anti rem-fews irîie ebreeci. Fi-cm t lis onthine sketch cf the Octeben AI. dine, ft will b.c eeu fliet if lues an itu- mnse veniety cf ai-f gei ndut literai-y actles cî the higlîet ci-uer. Subsci-p tiomi prit-e 05, iucludiig Chromos "Vil- lage Belle," anti "Grosfing flic Moon," Jeames Suffon & Co., pubuieliers, 58S Tiiait]ou Latue, New York. wee tirs. I toiul lier loct ta lt-it-e lut-r iu!ce4scery te put c party eut agaiitue i Airt lAitt. lui u187:;l bouse until slIe wcuuluit ouf bs' force, tutu- r ihi. 'T)titi'II(.ii. t/uc iiuistt-r icf kLlciu lu thet chue lied a rigiut ftaflue luji-si. ît Tir. Dratpr- %Vluy were yeu ndu Jac"i i'.u was c fut t stage Canuîlul)Il t-tulari-eu ne Duinfont]celî-ctct]for titis îhuîfy ?Si,- u'-tt'e Utit-ril inscpîetion toi andi put mc ont. TVlut-uulut' ti-st pumt iuleu't knout-, cny ucuere tian Ihumus-cAr-t p-ss-ui t t-- intîlmelit-luui) lis biîl oi me I setui h'tt 1 ruuullduc- tli-cuuly fohlt -uuuu. eîm'ciîu i e-i h'tis u tiuu.c -fenil my csistîr. 1Iiiît!u'u' fi> strict- lui wlat capamtity weccyen if h ])ait- l it-nti iti sp'til'lfutt'tnylir huf un uner tlue circunuusleuueî-e. ' t'unrIltlîî'ru' ? su proulut vb"u iiiti-e iîi?, tjp-ut liai ln e i-ly fa tfl qic qu-sio-Dutl ycu liing ft luIy Tir. Curuipithi, uson ri-u1la.-;tebu- e',-xut01) iul ts ehus jl thilmk blue îscîl ci muent-fort-tuthuauuwa.s Lith youti nideri-yutwere preseuit 1 alff-titi'" i tleut-l-ts of pi-- iri ni-cessai-y? as a t-en-fable? cuuriuug miy commuissionu f0 ctt mlen fleic un witniese seul-T didil t-vinieutîs- I uppcuureulbecanuise, (lucre wifiuî-i e tt-v imite oui stf i4utetiii-', hundtiss'ill wrenciict]lier up froue luheu] tl; îi- uitcame iecuuewluaf colifuseih>t-loîlgl fyoîwl uuom le ai-m wcs sci- e cnexf lay. I util l ot Diiiye1 ppi as a constable? c'uîlîîu' if siliifr ie liuri-Mn. Campbell askic-utr te get up 1 I uhit uimucase eny nef oe ok platc, I teOfttîwatî - fii n euIic ii t-fiouie andl go litfoi-e lue canghît lhohlof lier. was deterrnintd taeuse noiiviolence or schah 1 seuil yenu lîy îun--elmt (Crn- Dii] yen thîhug youii-sister weulhav e-doute. imisin e-'ri MaOro tl resictet] if you bldnet at]visVt] her te Do yen cousider yen ]lucve a uiguît te Cty3, as the ,'d hyllue iyen f lu do cf? gin on bliiusnesos ae tonst.uble, hc- Your oit-ili iî-uu irt-cnt, Decht]cdiy e, 'cccliher mind wcs tcrise i-. Caniulfon cuîy anceliAe-Ju)IIN YOUNG. mae]. n afte t-ae fluebusueutil telle you te de se ? -1 shc c-es put M-St by force. I wtveuu ther. as a Consfeable te set- Ottawa, Ati-. 21, 183. fite Te Mn. Canipbeli-Ycu di! nef tell heft-pence iept. DAt-Sa-Yuscffieltî sie lt me thet tlieré was caibuggy etthfue tion. NVitness fieiallyutll] thuef lie caw ceint-t]; Couifelafe irote]. iThe secuuuit Pt Dit] yenu ccc ny munuecccccry viol- aun ttempf made by Mi-. Jyrue te clause e lclipcinA- fls ta n eut-e ne-t 2 efnike somebedy - te struke fliebeif sien cocutcuus flue pronvisions "Itiitfuthe 1 diai. Von uît]t]co]y' jenkuut]blit-nCcuuupbelh liefiiotuiut. Gnninnf'y u u i~c-iuuu-bt" fi-cm the lied. GvrorIzinhsdiceina-bt- GCnutl I et]opt e betten muetîmei ta put t bcing, past cevtii c'cloeic, tue comuftpoinut anuTiepet-feunmder fuis Acf, wif b- lien ouf? atjurneil nuitil lucîf-paet tbre a'check ouf a ew:îsvexeminiaili, ouuy persns 1 îIl Yon îbaui-no igif te prîtlier ont et te-eîai'ross. Whîo lias becu atm IusLetor ofth slli p li all '%henI nteeilth roin ouarticlesuder euy Acf hîureby r-pt-at- aIl.~Vhn eni-rti romuyoutl." Aui> persanuose ofiuîg as tuuepuc- luw wero staudinug et thue foot cf time bcd. Vet]estey. Oct lit. tur iuulei-efc iet-, e n-aputpî eit- f By Mn. Smitb-Explinu huesr ycîmM fhink muaie violencet-otan uctecenay Court cet egeuul anti examiuet] Tti-. the satine IaOsificuseifîti-hO tu--Sti i wcm ~ ted2?Byne,lire. iHem. MI-s. Jaumues 'Byrni- tien. if nôif aflerwuse iiu1umtiiet]. Thei'- By not lifting lier -mofre gent]y, slip Mn. Danuford, constable, cn ui]Hgli B08.4 office of Inuupeetuin buiug el ocewlhicli u reeletet] hi, s;wtnesses. The ovidence wes iof emohueents ane otteclieul, trunlu, i - fii Dr. Gunu, sitrandt]examinieu], Seeil conclu muet]until pc-t cighuf aclcic.- eccepuet] by yen, prreumf yufnt me- thi I sew Mrg. Campbe.ll on flue day cf the cignn eert]t cuJy iiugytrS i i liiIuuiut Iit] i 24tb. I saw lber cf i-r own blise. I, - - uî,tfiieeim o Xeugiîcflt siuic waa requestedt] a go fliere eut] sec lier POeRPsmoev-R&Mu.WuY EETfNG. senayîu ee telur ti ellemuey fleu by Mr. Robent Camiphell, te eccerfoin Pert Penny Sept. 26.-A large cueeting yenr-eoîe eulfi ieioueoieu an ftic stete cf ber baltb. lie dit] nof of flue ratepayere of this place was lit-lt] yu ntacns; Idan ir, As sey fer what reaoen. I tbinic Mnm. lest uigbit, ta tae. juta causiuiei-tioni Yur rl. - ui Camipbell suit]Mi-sByrne came tte thi. fleuvisobility cf granting e bonus t stii ubS. . GBS MR te deoand u] duittet] me. I toIdt] rthîi fie Jiewmaum-itie & Geergicu Bey liei- Tlion, fuie. Yuuug,.R ta tue neeson why I bat] calle'J-tba% j wcy, ou conition fluet if pess thiroughi Han.oua.toun$he liel becu requectet] hy -Mni. Robent Port Pt-i-cy, Mtaripeuta caind 'ua Feu pls -Mi Cempbeoll te oeIl set] acerfain flic aIse Liroughu BrocicttaGCuingtennuoil [TchcIgroi.] i-II stat o of ber lielt.-I came teaflue cou- Geargi auicy. A nusbunt ion was hase. Meefreal, Au,-. 22, 1873. spo clusien wbIici I steteul lue a certificat. dueaunosyte grauif a libertuf bo-PO giron te Mn. Roert Gampbiell. -Tii. nuis. A vote of flucuks was pessedt] t To Hec. AMr.- Gibbe, M, is/etr of lii- certficitmte i-ccd as fcIllews:* - 1 IMni. Fewlar for ih be li ancnen lu land RchVe11Ue: "ýBy request of Mi. Ruilent Campbell whuich ie lai1 h-he mafler betere flhe Tilloy assure]d me b11h dit] nof inter- Te 'Ihave'I"i&WdqYWWilod Me. Camp-nmetng. . - fere with me. Bond m ueo te oGev- - * eaae, on Tiamuy aasto- th- au.wê e j eu e à fi uwnDdtio ddéïà," i' l.-~ii ,i folowlteg charge : ~moed aft nOthi:Djr s li e' damue .H'-H Rîngp férIW Oazsda~~ te agitate MM. Campbell, auJ sale] thaet Wtisv. o' »eAcne c Theinf rm a ion lie ha & -botte let .ier 'aione -qualtly- c u.. er icnf ronU , er se-,00 c6Prvinc foaani,> sdii.' tofthstagitation in lier condition u s it,h Y, Smith, and N. F. Patensen fer 'O~utofntnie sd olq e rveiresb~e i~ ht Was Pltff. H.J.Mact]onell for Deft. v j . 'l. atrth ap r'r iL -s oiieigt blote wnif hiaManlOaiii- t g Wàtki trv. AtcLea>.-4ctioe n uae ceanfy of Ontario, ainirniet].w 'cec »" ' " cout-Vrdict--for pltfT. by consent,, tathea ths 29Lha day of,'Seé t ite esr Cness-exainud bl Mr. -Smith- for *500. N. F. Petterson for 'itiff-', ef oi- erd1878 beere - y Aller cautieuing Mr. Camubeil, hoe tolîl - Shaw. vas. TheP. W. ce P>P, R. R. oier r Ll187,oet], ime, John Ha-m-tâ;leddobnedt-u n m era Gef Wbltb, Mayor, of theé' B aia ~tle di]fo t m eue a y Co.-Action on cc eut Verdict for to*, f Wityin the seit] ouUty f violene. 1fr. Bypa,Mrs. Campbel's plaintif! fçr 1582,97. W. Maurice ig Ontario, oee01f er Majesty's Justices ioiew~p~etwe 1swleCochurane eut] RA. H1rriscu forlltff. Pf of the. Peace la and] fer lb. cennty, cf I am Dfot very mure ýwlitlier Mrs. Hem G.ý Y. Smith for. Defts. ý -- ntaie wb satl-Tbh btweu ev was Ilion. or net, I met Reve]. Mr. Webb ersReeor.-in' action for breacli> en andtofe o'cieck et nigbt, on Wet]nes- 3allantyne coiniug out of the. <Tho as I cf.contreet. Plaintiff ag-reet]t f1 day. the. 24tb September, A.D. 1878, et wasgig n 'ob] e atii etract by cuttiug -a givon quanfity cf e detweliug lhanse of sait] informantui n .,Capiehors i eto irg it tlif wo, n n alete be eutin et l th o twu cf Whitby, lu the couuty cf day, 1 recummeudet] bert o<ît oiwl] ut fe ufigpr fi Ontario, itobert Campbel, of the tOW4 'mu the greundadut take seme exrieWes-fanbidden -ta proceet] by tii.avwuer - Whitby efoesait], merciant, dit] uulaw- --tbat a short wahk wonld no4hun bir. of the- laud, Mn. Berry, eut] by Mi-. fnlhy essenît, beett] 11-i-caf, eut] dit] 'Mi-.. Byno uggesfed thutellse ehluntReesor, as thoera wa likely te be trouble Le etiier wrongs te fuis informent, eccas- tae carnage exencise. If ih was a bcfwcoa thu-i. Defendaut eftcnert]ed 5ionieg lier ectuel bodily biarin hy forci- voliunlarY act 01 ber owu s;le mugi-i taia t] aiufiff thiet lie lied parfet] witb oe bly removfug informant freinlier bet] lbavo beéen renovet] ,W.fboîtt dangeîlicewoo] te Mi-. Tiîompsou, wlic weîild- aud traggiug lier dowu steine, eut] put I wonlt] ahi dèend upen the statO Of flue] grotnat]au pile' it ou. This Mi-. tiug ber eut cf deens, whcrcby elie was bier0 nenvouus d>'tcrn bolw eluemight Thiompou doclinetat do, but lest suno-i r t in greAt terrer, eut]malle sick, aut] bave been affected by lier ceisoi-y mer Tiiompeen t]rcw 69 corde ta Goot]- as been üli -bet]ever ince. removal. Afterte sffair was a ver M. Wood, Plaintiff, clainet] lie -bail nef E. M.CAMPELL.Campbiell esiced mne ta go over 5ý1âIec been peit] euy bf it, Verdict (or pltff. Mns. Cempbell I rcfus.<> toigo..- 1 4210 ., Dr..McMicliael fan pîtif. 0. E. Teken ou cafli befoe me, this 2Otb sait] I woult] go, if requestedti t do je Englieli fer t]eft. day cf Sept., lit the. tewu cf %hitb Y, lu by Mn. Byrue* Danfondth te conotable .Sextoib ca. tJamieon.-Acfion fer the cunuty cf Outario. went eund esicet permission for uluat ,,-ectwent. Vcnîhict for pitif. Hector s J. HAMER GREENWOOD. purpose. C a, icron for pîtif., J. E. Faeell for Ir Mayor. tte-cxaminet] by Mur. Gort]au-Evou deft,. r, The investigation was heit] iu the eskiug Mrs. Caîmpbell ta leeve the Tw,'77tlcY ce Gibsean-Action by ten- - Twuhal, ui. lrge nube bcapr lhese in e pcrempfory manncr might a-t àaetlist lauileird fer refusai cfrIl bie daugereus. 1 sa considcrcd it. te W . ir. Plaintiff non-suîiteîl. A. G. Ir ou bhrceng bpr ei extrein ic Mrs. Caumpbell h uDow pnctfy fer ad- Mt-MiiSu t,,r i-ptif., J. E. Farewell for i- luaactr t-fie rocedngebeig Lteveuceti iu pneguey, ant] cf course in t]eft. h suibject cf muciilocal comment, eut] thiett eta f fmele canef ien as i'Gallican VBja,'Doirizell- Ejecfmeut k aise on eccunut cf tii.scodai positioun of mucii exciteraient aus runilei' ofiier ci. case. Verdict fur ,'uitff H. Ceuneren ci étje uniîeppy parties more imneict-lte y curnstanuces. I muidé the meînciran- for lfff., R. A. Ha ri îfer t]eft. 'Aat tesprsitdmo h cortificate oct fiemâruuug icarvtile-c ion lu respect ~oùei-ct. Anonetoflersprser~of t-ie 26tt, eut]cm satisfi-et]iil lir 6ot. te 'i' lt focuaio u, -ase. Tlie werc Mis. Byrne, wife cf Rer Jeunes T. recf as reg-ardsc thî-ellineuts. queteinttf-cfuptonuî fl . thfle W. ýcByrne, eut] motiier cf flue ceunpiainent; a Donald Campbe-ll, conistelle, ewern & P. IV. Relwây 4tuimuieeued u. nMe- ,k ccmplainerut's cse i-lw r.James acut]examined..-I vuuc remeuît flue iVeïitfoi- pîtif. for 6loot. 13y, se Byrne ;ont] lier sisters, MI-uî. 1Ham, filto~fu e ll Michael fiif' rifif., H. Cameron fur 44ý Mi-. Camupbell cuit]Mi-. Thnfotti I1 6'apipbell c Mva luil-Afe a " (wit]ow of the lefe Mn. N. G. 11cm) cul wcut let the requcot cf cf Mr-. Camipbell. ruis - nt.Vrw frptf o " MisAnnie I3yrnc. MrsCampbcll wes île staft] flthalie wcs gei nie te put bit;hru$102.7u2. uît. Vien 'an fur.plOT, oi- iuneble te b.e present flîrougluillies- wpfftOutH.O.1. Maculonell for dt tft. wonld be ne (laniger cf ouytlîiug, liat dMn fray l-foetù 3 er-couellfo rcoer a cousequeut, if wes ellegeti, an tlîe treet- mvn lieuctoit] her te go ont elue woulil cMuray cfaccoeutt. enit-tafr if. h meut se. eceivet]. Mi-. J. K. Gordlon go. I asicet] hummiif lie weanteii e aifr O$183f 82. H. Ceeranict]foJ. K sappeanet] ton lier ; Mn. G. Y. Smuithl' or put lîi-r out, andlile sait] ne, fhat lie Gordonc for pîtif. - 0 Mi-. Robert Campbell, wlio tras attend- wanfet] me te se.cfluet ne yioheticp was .21ufa'y rm Law-Action'te reccrer Id e i by his brother -James, cutd Who alec, uîset]. If wcs ife lerk. Mrs. Byruîc, emutîtnt cf accut. Verdhict for imtff: a a wel a hs cul ros-eati a Mu-s. Hem eat] lîerdeugbter wer,'Il for r tti- 98.J12.. H. Cainenon cuti J. K I a wel a lus cuîue, rec-exmîn t]I douu't kuucw fluet Mn. James BynitGron for pîtff, thfei witncsses. Mi-. Fuarewell, Couuty wtus tIt i-eut- until e shent timne after Wlîitede va Calcott - At-tien for SAttorney, watt-lied ftue proccuilings oui wuieu Mi-. Campblucl fohllier feu go iont.ianuefo tcupligpîcuae -bebiaîf cf flue Crown. Mn. Smuithuen WiîeuJ1ment lite the hous. flic tiuu-e, e -~tuio u li panuy peying luis osvu behîf f fic efeuiet, cci-., tc haeof lus went np stairs. I didt] efgohittu - ts. lie belrouuîet nce I tonl e f ic Mullcttlland vs Aniey-Ejectmc-t.- t f lue witnes-ceq examieti- i-art, btut the ioci-. Tiie iret thiug lue saiul wit5 Thi'stce wliclu wuus aIso eue cf tjet- magstats onidre itiiiircssry "Ivecoane te put yen eut." Heartl ru'iai -lt magistrat c careit]crc if uîmîuueeccery ,il wtuicfi a -oiiiiiui g liai -te t]epert frani tle usuel course. îi '- ~ a- îyecît~-issuî-tf'or filue eu4tniiieien cf witlue z ""li'uon"t yîu blunq ig leuîface te in Ment-ai, lias fjeeîî hîttire tIie Courts1 THE EVIDENCE4. fat-e wiflumeni"? He saiul-'Yoti kucw lfori- uiuuuuuber of yteans. If t-cueipi"i tfhet James Byrne (bitutiierof TiTis. Ccup. wluaf f1'#accuse yen fori."'Wlueui fhi Coirtliiigflue gui-att-npart et Fi-iday , el) eweuruanti examiicu]. Iml-as pi-e- fui-ecf lis cuferet] tlue nccm cfileosas tumîti- Saturilay. 'li- coiss'ion flou esent et fh lueuwlliuug cf Mrs. Campbluel lying ou flic beti. Mrs. Hom cuit]tht liu'- I--eu retuirreil if evas ai- t-clf on flic 24th il.,1Iwcrrt there ouhant Ocl)elesic rc lu ic om. Mu-. enter a 'i'ittfuir uicff., eocaisuîît tii ciglît ot-iock. Titi. iRobierti-fCauplu--Il Caumpbluulstateel lie'd gîte ier sut-lu a lttlifuiuseiou luJmlg'f - mas fi-ii-re ; tht-ne cee ri thIil rMi. leuugtl ffiiete get reetly. Sbe sait] dcutil- sîcutahe -ut-iahle uvilu-ucet Denferdiundl uDonalut]Cîtupell, flue slip wonid nef go, fluet due was bie lac-- wsvtiil on tflpic i-friucfflic Coln-r rconstables. Iiy iieflueI, Titis. Byruoi, lfiul wlfe anud worit luof go omit. MnI. miîssionu.11. A. ltuu-uisouu tel Mi.I3eii may wife, my ister, MI-s. WI-i n. iuui v lis-ine wims tiiere, aeut utn lue civiseîlfor pliiti Dr. MM a-httdet]Mi-. e sister Anuile uce mre e. W'i-i 1Ten-n-hi-îofte go ouet. I tiiuikluaf f' kimng fuir ieft. tercd the uc-c-M-.tmulecli-illafuuIe M. Cannplelh îneuufiout-ullie wouulul [Iilii t-he e aI o' orne vs ftic Cîtî'îenc- iomn-I cedIcl lirirt Ctinr,clt what t-it' litr ta gi-f reoly trac fouir r fi- timiote -nlil fWhty.a -wee the muatter ? le rcedluie lue-uiuteuîs. He wtent tethefic-bu-t, ;tîmîti j tttiiif r t/o- oueeltie1c itfuy ultý t luer, e rt ltMn-i. Campbiellcuit. 'fhus euuw hia catclih uIt]of TiTi-. Cuttuuulpll îa und cftrilits lie i-t-uor.esi-uver-, wume lu Mi-. Caun;rhui-lis biulrcoin. 1 lifuirig hlier ontte lcbet]. St»eitt.tltf t- it-fi as cet-k, ex-ts for $2,.5t0. iuferei lu m-cui te nîthue cut o tue Mi-. Hm iufefered fui toke lier sus- Theu-finit verdilcitruwie nlor iSci Stu, au-i buouse. I i-îplipti 'luli ai lit-ttc-r go ftu fers part, anmui.] tieu]laldmiiiriglut ta piluiitiffs cuiuusu-l utr-eof upiuiuu)nt'uatî work eauti do if.' Seiio ctluîr wst-i-l.lit lier cuit cf ier lieu]. TNrs. Camul flui- tht-îe tn-lit t eilli îut bu- tlistfcned. peseu]wliîclu I île nef nowm'reui-munbtr. luen icmnîlîuiieul 'et a praiun ci- citciu.OFCIR H.ofluen t'huceu le coictmuh, toe sfiltflie-i l t -goantiseie fellhiacluk /iOSi 1 tu-cmi7u couc c orm'ýa-ui- iti a'emuucve Tiis. Cauupl sîge teu fut wî- uluuulit]ahilemr'? e u M.W. I hluuaî 'tnas eîîîruiutu.u bell. *Ht-wînveiluis bandsia's a ct feu i-euniiii]leaeetfle oet-intmualomîtf-erle-i-r oftufei.courin-h luattce ofIluis lafe flîm cun"tme.,'TIi-y ruflise-dt]ateIlo et. f-w minruters. "'ediii se. 1]ci ft'fatlutr. ruia fefiwmiutesc dftefinm httflue cm-tfCamnpbceut]andDutrfuinîluoru stins aundl uuumST'umCmeTINi lt i'Z 11t' 11IMuuuL'Y. t tcwertls ttht-bdil lluc-f anti liffet il is.mentfiul)u nysi-If eguti. I spoike ftaurc. Tue gratduul ti-v Ii-t infl uetuublilli Gampbiell foi-ciiîiy froîmuthflue h-i. Ho- Htaun cui Tis. lItrie, cutI cuiisi-lagd utChatrles Pr sîIfor obstruet. i rauseul lierr ip : si- t-teutiian tm]sîuîek ft-uin tiutitii-i-e mvuunetise lunu-s91,'tf- ii îilt-hiîsuy hum coi fle uI)r-c.q. le tlui-ui]Pt lier in,, tiîut if flic latv liad beeuic laîl " fail bt-k oui flicbc h. Ise-as fi-n prît ifltrac as rnuuelu viiltfilnesv lupuittili-' PuttliictT out f cffle roi-tcn htyNTr. Campi1bell.H, lierlunut agaiucf lier wilii cs if fluvet- v-o- 'l'lie graundu]jtur-v Iiefeutie hu ihsla teck hall tif une I,ýy flue t-tiffcollinduhfti-tht-r iijuiry dcii.. TTi-. Catmpbe'llniait- the ftlluwing îpretiuîeui, srbit talci me te leattetii-outse. 'Plie ms,,- tueVast- uilt-i licgtaezgo ut, Ife gtrt-egie rbcutiuiiet /iterittini about e quarter cf an ltur after I ti-ct hulî cf liii- a st-ou'ti finie lllftld lier -"We flue Gr-tndt] fors cf Couny Ont e welut lu. I tiic'uuuwu'nf emtsiîl' e lieoe fi-fet ouftoaflic fi-cuit cfflicelieu], andand osuv-i-muLady tue Qtîen P cui t] e-huctfor pmelaps ait hotu- or fui-n tîîok heu] tif Il- ioîy amui li-i d i ik o(-Ilsef t uu better. Abuuftiiet tinteu' lue fi-tnt ihuerli- out f cffle b-il l'y fcrce' I mwtusuit- Lord'iclip litviii isitlite jaii to-en wos opeucul. Ifigutsiglut tof hIuotli-t tg ouhu-i-it lt-guliartiuoiy. 1Tst-usgrmmifritte Mi-. Coif'ltin i fmtig if li Camepbell anti D;nfoi-ilifuimgcti] biniug-cetin uîu cer utostairemit. Tir. C:tmuuîî- stuc-lu a cii-cii & hu'ttluy vcondtionl i cl iug lins. Campbelucl loî'tmîsuait-s -i:,:t C fîtlfile oie lhuailt-er-ificatme frot o ýv1t ii-u ,-u)st ue cOtitis're.1 e ofii ccli sie cf liii-. As fttr tts i etuIli ,sec flue Dutton, atuniiltitlie was avtultu"tiiose ts-ut umiti-, wsililuthfle Grand Pl euie waiu foritlly lift-1 l uivi'i by'ui- u uulei-ti lt-c-dmîrti uîloity iiinî'it uIf, t--- s i'euiuu)Iui-utl fltîce pt'î'so r rt-eil o The fi-cut iboor wcu i lemu ch uueul u- e-us (îiig, antuutiiot lie trac biii'ourid tuu lriiie euî vutà( s i-ou as jiraciieile te epenec inciiin taboutitcf-ut îîîlru'es. i putliciiout. The si-toi.] atftuck luet- t llmuplce eu-etfî'ld t eest crtlu ltrsocus then sm rMis. Caiii-lls oilulted. and cuit] euete l i-itl oftiffle Stirr ; thluîu Andil se alsu stli pîuleîre thugcfi het] along flic hall l'y tliu-nu.atutu] tusfles-y uim'i stuirs. Steue oîuîîuiaiîm'ul cfa pain lait- youir Lorîlshilu tuf youir ic'uu IL apîîracheil fluefi-ont dîhuci- tl' iftc-;l cr stitt-li agaisi. cutla y uhuwuî îru1flc t e h igluî'st fokeiticf tii-tue anduh uîotruî- i-ici ecrcsc flic ctelus ototuîfi'e eatîuîîîl. ecftt ii fli luthfuir easthue. I sttes'ity ulis -outity tif' luinug mue cnilunitl t 1 couic] svt-fluet slip- stas rtter uîewi-%vr' Danîfeî'îl hutve huunhu cf her utiin. Iuu 'ti i leeiei' ucun u-ue th legsc. I iuuuuîediamuoly ni-iui.- ftrînîtrIlhurt] tSqitedTi-r. Campitbe-l uitoi-g Grand ljures ciii tilt- coieiuutmra'tulatc- 0 Of yen ba] left yesfendlaY-.Sir John le aIse absent. IT- seenit]1ke if yenî wo01.1 ]et, me kuese as sen as possibule if ille uecessny fanrme fa resigu. Ifgoeatll Ioe se at cuce. I presumpe lion. ll le notemtof my obfaining the. Commus- sien wien I do reeljcu. Iu'flue Hanse, yen sm-ll remember, I îiefcîîde] tiis veny clause intheI.n-u spot-tien Bil, luasmucli. as lu country places, whene thero wcfe ne Boards cf Trede, a commistien, emafsing frein fhe Govenmeutseoulul ba-mre weigiit; brut as there w'ag ize ecole- ment coming "1fr-ceethe Goverumen,uf Inet-en imagiluo t lat if lutenforèt witlî My seat ilu Pariament. 1I1f if ilees, T cm 110w au -applicent fer theu office wbiclîi h aro heit] fan the lest aine years. Yours very nespsctfplly1, JOHN iVOUNG. Private.1 Ottawa, 23nt] Aug.. 1878.,- Tilt- EAu MACDOîcÂI,-I Came be-e te see Mr.i-Gibbs, but lic is absout, sud I collet] te cee yen but font]yenwene aise absent. I got acnue.frein Mr. Gibubs yest.r]ey, seying luin eply ho mine about MY Comîmission as Inspec- ter, that being ea member cf Panliameut lue lied nef sublmitte] My name te luis, Excutllcncy. The position aiet beiug one cf emoln>aent frein Govenmount if net-en oct-ni-n e me ftatuy positon wac eny bai-ci. I et once telcgu'epb. cul Mn. G. thaf ieeeify compelle] nme -te luohldou te the Iuepemtei-eip tint] thuot I wculd'et octce resigu if thaf c ces uieesaiy. I expi-airneth le wiol, mat- fite ti r. Pape, wlîe will sce you anîl -à.itt- privafeuy flue position cf matters. Ws Vomi-s fnnly, fNb, YOUNG. PS wife witii twelre, chihlren u in t] b tn ul ,te i e wti ta c . u h flgit will seu be #.erwthm.J.V - Otase 26ti 2ug.,1873. -Hcuu.Jcltn Yountg, Mrntn-eal: DEAR SiR,-Yaure cfflie 28rd î nue et Oshuawa yecfcnulay, your toi, grami of 22ud only rt-at-lied me luit. on flue 23iu. I eote yomur remuik nlu lut--ni-ite ta flue Iespectosuii of fljiur cf Mcnfuah, anti os scen oss Geuncil re-essemb!es I wilI lay yomr application belon. itfoa iracmuisqîoc te luis Exci-Iîecy flue Gos'u-ncc-G,'nprcl. I nctice fluet by ycmii -circula- cf î4tlu fuly yen etf lue At-t autleidp 'pccfpening ifs eperatcon utîtifl' tf May 1874. I have if ubfs wliethi-an or-lt-r in Corîncil con udo se, u]-creui 'luuguif mey be, both witli i-t-erent-e te butter, tueur acu ti ole aturfl-es, et uy rote as foar as packages aînt coet-î-fnecl, s'itiouf'- au Acf cf Tu- thi'iteuîity l'y Pliaeeunif urc-esqc-m- ly. I uni umoit-proparirg iduocument fer slusccvtb: tuolnnil tos uitf l trtuhu if piiecibîs- on flues, points. Yîrrs futli 'te. as Meuhluf, Sept. 28.-TIie tosen cf> Aý-l. t--ltcute wsecstelue bomuonde] to.-day by e' i insurgent irnclede,. eV' Thte efforts cf Foregai Consuls tap-e-. r -Ocrit a bomuianu]ent of fi-u city by theý C urunige t nm en f-w ce faile il.., cs Aimiro1Yelt-erto'i decline.I ta go le- 7- ï,,a bs utruflusns fi-cm bondon, LSwhi lrvwc-ta maint ain aai bclûtely- A Ui rmz-nlraTt - hipp ng h- eff port cnt] eut-lunchre t4 oufcfle, Il TIiBi 'ittuh fit-et seat -imoor6i net he u c hurleur cruftiei-. hhitflue Fi-ecdion izte leff cffth e "iom-iurantidot-èen ofhuer r forcig u inn-f-tvii2Tucla 'Iiaigt->.heGer-- nionsq, occlipieti thSic'ceunf - t I n sid e o f fl u s e i n ,p-s t is e re lue ] l uo u- cicldsNerumuincie aiiiMe' t Iez -Nenez toauicup ut po-ifieon lùpreaeil te bom- buirdl flueplace'. r TImu Genmunm rncîl thes lchast rnuimnrt, offluet etop lasE.ies, but 1liii- E Iumii l uiFi-AndI ou i:ntîcre Lreuuuîiti jninlimfl flic at-., r TIie iouuia'dint wseopeuedécit-e a'clock<un, Satuu]uîy hinnsgr. emi~> projéetfîesq, sume filled whth Pte-naa," se-e tmosn inte- flue' cuty. Gu',utif; (a. ^n Lcge was de, anti sevenel editiceet eut-i ie inruins.-- A vieorci-ns tire secs rcturn«edfi'om.flic forts eand t] rei-,on siesho elf lu gmou effet-t., t flue endl'cf set-en licoru bembanilment fihe nébPI inonclede slip.' 3pet] flue celeca-nd'id tidrew ilu c-dam.- ageti çnuition. Minister Maiconan te]cgnaplicd' cff fluenitfo-îlaytfluethfle bonibaumlment i sve eu-led, e t If ss t sentolp0 eut- - nage sv]uhchî sleniiiil be hueit] un tIr'te ýthei. nelureulution cf Europe. 1 -Furi--r partitculans cf flue EUtýbanI-- ment tuf Alicante chio t flueI ii tur- i-uts dinetetlthci- fire chuetiy ae;thfle castîe wuîuc ove-rimaigtheii.tow'njean-au, eltituhe cf 411 feet. liopim-,tîuafly flue- f ail al ite c'alIs a' puit cd-miàhit be- dic-troyed. Oui- sli'-L sfýruck, c Ipnublie luth hîrug, lu wiîichthe national eut] city cuthierities ace-t etî.h. Tht- city seels et-re deniage]lu se- c-ti pla-cc - Tlîe nelîtls cf onue fiimecame tcl-leta flue chne-buf wi-ne tînten cf «:y fie nuupiuilantI sehildinî-cfc firefo" h OfficiaI ceinmetsad- Notices. basf S 'utni-t]ay's butai-Gazetle con- laies flue fallcwiug ;-"His Hosu9r -fhe Lii'u-Govrnr'imie beenpeeei' ta. umalike foliumsiuutcappoint-n - "Wulliain Hecnry Ghînycler, cf flue vil- lage tof Cicremerît. Esquire, M. P..teý bc cun Ascociaf e Garacer seffl i ndt]for tie Ctou if v tf Brant,.! "H1ie Honn- lus- hieu pleaee tot enflorize tuie issence of leftens faf eut "9.'The! MIiige aeut] Yarseoet mnufaccuring g onp auy,', self b poser ho carry an business cf fhe Tàwa cf Whuitlry, iu-tbe G)uuuk-fbntani'e, eund euti flue nomnal capital of 65,iýO. TuaAi-i-AVE ON i-t-E TcaAsucu'uc's ov- FICU AT i-H£E ba-noe FÀic.--ýAf ancar- ly lueur on Fiuhaymorcing - *l7d, tire' des;penete clîcrecters madie c ficne as- canIf upon tue Tni'esuner's office, et the Prerinmial Feair Grountis, wifh e visse, it le r -eesouebie te suppose, of vol;biag flue cale. seiclu stacul in c somewhat ex" peseti situation anu] containe] a large emnenmnt cf nioney. Th-pro won4 tire. tnstwortihf men stefionedt] ti-e te wattheflc afé, Tiiemeq s Owild, au, ablec détective, cnt] P. Graham.u aud Willigm Sruifhi, cenifeloi, wbo droe tc ruisutekway Af the nMeeting of flue Couicu of flue Aguiculfunal en] Au-f& ASsocliftien hluel et bondon au Tlcunuuday aiglut hast, if wuus ilecléil thet fle flulsa ofthe As- sociation l ite-vn ta ir. Pt-culey Gra- huai ant teMri. Osseaul for blîcir cour- cge-eus condhic, iu repeîling t. he ack anti fief flie-Trecstnir le bcau1lcorizet preci- fluem wsel hac;man cf mauiey cas- a i-ee-ard t] lir brnvi-ert. W ci- C n y a n ti he lu P a rb e r , C f I Toronto, sece>Inleu-seuie purciiel ah' bure Bilnffalo races aut] Vencoe, of Hamnilton,- alec wonl a race.- - EARTIIQU&U.-A Seoýre shupck e! Pentliquelce was; e-lt et tiie Désert on flue Gâat-in Tueucay muu-,î,i ir.Thé% '<-t, S ua - t M n r eipt of !on l Wot i' f ie 6 i l th s f at I i z t ia t î in d 'r - a uî s ,r ýjnutiflsd ilu publigblng Tour i-etten of %the 23ra A nugnt ast w it u'n y b u n y o f Wcre lu Ottawea.T- assumes tbahyeo' can have ne objection- b tb. publics- In rep]y I bez gay se! 1t1give yen f u l 1 l i b e n fv l c e s p u l ib fi u p h l e t e r y e n n - i for te. I have mne eapy of it,-nr eau. voow necallue ]snizuagein whicl h -wam ivnittcn. It was, hlo'wt-ver, wrlittn veny luin «ily, as flue train- was zbpuxht t leava, liut I have ne dt]on"bfMy ilte? - tO yaU l] express& my feelinugs or. ihe vteuy sndden - nhixuatieu lt an y -fomul v weene about lo be de-priveioefhie nie*s;& by mMhI sustain ihuei, and4or y seilinguesx te make enymsacr ley whicb thie canulu e averftà.. -,'-Piibish ibis letten luy ai] issus. 1 fluinl yen wlhl ind t] I anlçet]"Privte eut] Gainfidu'aiia-," aud fief 1h relates; c;trÃŽefly fa family affaire. This leon yan net-ey nepliedt] t. Tiie Hou. Mr;. PoaewhîcmI-case i O.tawe,eana affeur- seards lipe, ci'snred me tet noifher my~ seat in P.Wrhiement uer my Thepector-. slip of Flour weuld. lunluis- opinion, 'lei hunfefret] seifli, ye-f fwe dcv'afer tvcna lit]di-essed-c letten te Mn. 'Pop..,sehicli ecciticafalir felI inte mv hunt]sthimouzh tbeiPoet Office Depertinut, umfoldinà a plan for corruptiig the canctituusucv. I reumu-caint flhcwealtbu-st cndt]hile mort pnpulouas in the. Dominion cf Canada. Thuis letter I belipved te b.e ehinal li ifs cha-uithtr, eu t] el, sith efiien screi as, ta lose e bugot naine cf thle Càhanenpeople. I cesaint et te u pohi-tian cf tIf. h'tter, becanReI le- li-teu if tfer fie publie intereeft tat if rhîulcl le p!ubli;ht]d. - Vcumr letter ef 1sf Spptenmer, , àln4d. et] te, w ce re-àuiet]lien. -on fthe Si- ment,, and 'Publinhoc ini fhe - Eerelc ou% flue 4f luiist' Be- hune'I lte-n s en u'eiiîor p.,irbliçhcu onrtutforf-Ia1 sai sym' te tiepnive nie 'frty office cuiT ÉZ seat ini Paniieni. ifit, 1 caniset] ta ha wnt- tee ln fhé Men6t-ch Witues. of flue 27thi. andtihles Mînutneal Hec-ald cf lie 28LII uit., "fluet on ].'0 atreunt sebefever wcnului I recige tuy-Sc atfor i fle West. ,,~, Division cf Montre et. 7 ý- TeIn qnmuig fis pce].tinsr n, aare fluet 1 m.ny caujscttnvms' and tliocoa a ro un t ne , ýo s dn ie -(I b o p - )i f Ie rp rà - y iricoure-nierice. but, as T I bP-o-sIhve lomniighut lu expoie.g flue Pc]h-L'cli c-- raliitv, ce et-me-t] luyruriesttes te MnI. Pope, by ifs pzblicetonn& cci ll-'- bv a]Iowinuj flue gr(--gfhod]yOfthe P"0%94 cf Geriecîs te sée andlin 'm-aefilles cuti canruipf sy-teer suc gpvermait. mat -ppi--s-t tonutet]. I fu-tt Int wlmeu Iu pu1ihisii uir pile-tcticte te yen'1 ct-ftii, 2-Si-t] n]h yen will-o sputihisb ci-i flepr-mate outi a']lciurl ]t-tter's h te dc'pantmenleciTa.- lant]ZBvenue. I ame sir, youn obt]'t rsi--t. -JOHN>.YUNG,. To ft. Hon. fo-muMet-douelul, -.P-'. Ottawau~ Spenlali Town Bomberded. GREAT DESTRUCTION OF- PRO:- Prit-att-j Ment-cal,- AUX. 28 1873. The- Hu., T. N. Gi bis, ffiuuister 0, Y'crns cf 26t], le te iai -id zenu] cee fente -nte -i. The t-luculai' 1 issuei cblit limiee îutuer 20 Ibaliseieiltt Wtt inienleul te point ont flue ueret'OnDbc cîess cfrijecfieg ,maînufactureri; tn' luýe cf tsi-cnttifor itcnuelc uI,'îdc iveigifi, smlien if t-asimupcssible f0i clu-u te prox-iit- gainef fluetntil ut- uner, I'isas, ueer, mistaicen,'-as t utc tt hfle lest. Thuere are ser- eraI afluci-points in flue1bill, sct-ia ci-es for u' tterfcîwhuerc fonfeitune e: (lue- in:petîen, esks, &c., is nef lu et- ceî'îamce wutthu fueAcf, anui-wlîiclî if 1 iffu'nely imupossible te car-y eut tifl toxt sprniug. On flic shole,1 I sciwe lii tint cfflihefinie fortfl i ll teing 'àffect titI uuexf cpring. Senilles for ut- tsicaunars cf floui' nuit be nsea]y mui Tuîn'ay eext; oai] I iuitgestel fhaf il l teexa-'lnersi-ti honlu]be hbe-aeut huis st-as îluecby feltgrapli. I hcp-, lu--efui-t', to gf. h ie Att put into oper- fite, ail uitliurii fle umeeting fer whiot stuianarswe ceunt gi-t, Under lic Atf "uuuuwil iimuiîtaT Iindcli otht-n caphiiitus for Inepecto-sbip niuiet ouild ftî th-hi-applhicatiouucteSecrfuuuy of Bnci-i of Trau]., ce per au]s-enfise. ut-rut i-uitlo-eh,acuit]hle naine of flua .anty cluccen wsilî fit ci-ut te huis Ex- c-et-y. Thli-ie ceems te bc seme luhauht s thle effetfthefi latv;tînt, os I euui stînt-ifire-ts not flue inîtenution teu die ie fucuuu the Heuc, on tshîcm onhy if can faIt, i unsf enly bcw te ifs dcci- I finul fluetSirFurincis Hiuks wes lue onuthen cft huis elause,svlhcb wsec upu-t] frnimisueill cf 1872, wieu I ras nef iii fle Heuuse. Youns, veny truly, JOHN ROUNG. Gttawa-, Aug. 29, 1873. Diitit Sit,-Yuntotha le 28tli le ne- eut-eh. Thue attention cf tic Govenut- ut-uit lieviegfueenu urlwivuî te c m- unri-uuîuuf it-ih wuhl ut-se utuuer the t-vw Iuismnttiou Acf. if rig-ihy enfonceil 'ith i--fi-nett'tepackages, îiey triliuho ici- uiiusftetuoerf flic tuu-eteneî lilli -rilties. - T apt cipn-htcu1 flueflueîuty cf exani- muers is 't--iy iireuit fi-cm wlîît yoîu 'îrc- T. Plty tutfgi-tnt cimntlfi- itei tut tlI i--i-tii-s Who muey uiess thei eccet, exiiiiiiuuatiou, ait(] fi-cuin tuct- ut- utaeof paurties xIl bcuieleceuh by usr t-xeeiu-nuy ftic Guveruior-Gelue-ul fto ct as Ieuupi-cto-e cul Dcercty-iuijec- un,, 1 lit-n f'n iyour Ictten, aos re-op. uuuiîîuî-uît ote el'on- linpecîîrship T1ionnutri uîîncu.seitîfu flit ne ig. iafioii tuf yvur si-at Miuu1url tineuu, if isý uti ' mii itu-itioî 1crbei-tiail Oîi lcmuîîft l'oi-tue tliit-,ai-I fluetyou îîc- ie te svtltlriw the forina ppluuipcaution tiit- ii aufoiuni-ncoin tuomt-afien. 1I cuiîleu' Sir, Yéuînisutruiy. TJ,1OS. N. GIBBS, . l lIon,.fuie. Youeg-, Moniit-eil. Meuit-euh, 1sf Sept. 1078. Tir DictaSiu-hluce yours of 29t1î. hi:tveeeitt-iIftu itl fitielhy my vicwe ce -te e iucpectoeuuip. I expecf, as I dit] 'foîe,f tunioe ouf ohueouu cf ehlt-oin- etittirs, eeii il tlieno luet]becan ex- initation. The Boardl of Ti-jde hics it-ertise] for flic Stii, whic i u a mis- tktjszgif shui-rhav uce' becntu t-day; t-e etit iy tu fit].e oer ail tit]]- aflies cati get tIie Acf inte eperetion iart- samulJes cf flour pi-epaneul, cet t ulenili ce chiait set-une stfauttianîlete or by. I euequite ewene aiow that shi lias-c te he gnîided'i by wiîeer iay the lu ae ""eregards. But 1 actftiit hie ucaine] lieipecten iclone caui uey ihecision os te ýwhactourse T laIl purene. Until tho' n I lucre un- ugcý,,d ne janv, andl ther. le nofhiug ini. ie Inspectonî AttLteproveet an At. P. run bu-iug nuitiefaor, autîtougli fliere îy h beujetioîîs teucai l ispector hiig iM. P. ' Let rue;seusif uîunh sec. I eue atîprlucauf bt-for, flue Board cf Trate. ts ouremtihy stoft]d, the Board cf Exîti- ,i-c have dit-oye *neported onecrieaine fluhe Mayan. as tiîey ce6t]aubt seul do fluhe Ge-nrrGîe . Wbat.vcr uy mauy da, I uhit alwcays fcel fliaf L- Imbours 'ull n king tIi. office Wluaf uuow le; tuer cen I bellovt-ofat I ail hIe ubupnivet] of it by cny kint] cf fit ical feeling. Yonns t-ery Inn-y, - JNb. VOUNG. ou. T., N. Gibbis, shilliater e! In- haund .Beeu.OttaàWS-tè 1

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