Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1873, p. 2

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Gal ofThoougi-bed stck- John CII*nIOfjy Bale-É.Iunker va. >Bunker. 'WltbyIlili chojýG..H. Rob- StockIE A-e-W m. Millhr, jr. Chance Sl-Holdeu va. Kelly. Casih for Butte-W, J, Hiokiç. AUCTION BALES. At Lawler'a old store en Thurudày, Oct. Plia 1878, afternoon sand avatrng, Pan- ay gootls, &o., tihe roperty ofcl. Wal. î lace, L. Fairbanks, r., Auictionear. ý1 Sixtli auaisle of Thorougli-breti Stock, the preperty of Mr. John Mailier, at lie reeiance, "Thisîla H&," near Brougliana, on Thuraday,, Oct., 2Srd, 1878, L. Fafrbanks jr., Auctioaaer. On lot No. 15, ilà thre 7eir con., of Pickering, on Wednesday 'Oct 'iStia 1878, farin stock, &o., tira proporty of John Ga,L. Fairbanks, jr., AncOtion- On lot No,110.S, in tihealut cont, of 'Wilitby, ou sturdarv, Oct, 111h *1873, farira tock. &o., tha property cf Richard Roilti, L. Fairbanks jr., Anctionear. S 0io of farru stoek, iruplernante &c., ou lot No. 7 in the 2nil con. of Reauh, ounUnnday, tire lOti day of October, 1873, tlira proerty of Mr Johin Adams, L. FrrskrAntionear. SiUa of fartn steck, imuple ments, &o., un lot No. 20, lu tire Sur con, of Wlrit. by, imar Asliror, cri Thu-rtdav, Ocde. ber l60ir, 113?I, tire properîy of Mr Aiea Wilmou, I,,vi Fairbanks jr., Atitiateer. ONLY Sir 50PER ANNUM. Whlbty, "h.ir.sd-ay, -Oct. 9, 1-873. Ï ,Atleortise yonr auction sales lu - - ras CasiiICLYaa; lt iipay battes- tlie a heirea us e ari gis)priteti anti ln uitol evrryvlare, èelîreal Prophesying. 5lîIe ireaepapars- sothsayars ili eves- tire coUrsyar-e biy propicsyiurg vitîr ail tIrir migil as te vhret viii, sud viii neot likaiy tata place attirefottiomiug r5ssido',cf Pa-ilatuont. Tiae proplate aai sale ia saying vhrat jut amronutel te thie:-hti)iltire Gaves-amant sioul ]raveoia majesity agiait tirenutiayvilii have te eurccuntb. Ali te tira Pacifia elahargesg, anti iîatirey ana ikehy te bè deasît iieo f ltae ct-gesfotesurat- owa tIre Govaronient opey as foiiowe : 'Il la oct impossible tiret tire itnia. tes-s may ast fer e (Jorfiittea of tire Ucia1se te examine suri report uipcaatirs evitienca tttaen lera tae Royal Ceea- missmion, aud te tata ânchi fustuer cvi- dance as tiaey imisy d100M naceesa-y ; suaIt a atli, vs tilri, is dne te tieret- MIpteatabia irinoaity, respectable, ât ieat, linaîrn1abre, Il nulin charater. vire lilgineil tire snti-*prorogatioin manifeste, si aat-Cne coalnt at N fliisere aiih net irestate teadlses IL. Tleyiravue notlsing te lest-. ie Itope tire Goe'nn- mnr) aill iliakatîis peciai concession tcrftlse aiiase cf tie rs Opoitit." Thre Slzîh Annuel Sale of Tira Millet- Stock. Attitior inlu iretai te tirse ivrtise. meut cfÉtire pi.ttlircuailsais cf tire 'tiller stock,', te take place et "Tliiýtle Ui"anii.Atia, eut tIre bbrl snd' b3-t iit.etliesaise t lte lot-mer place te tata placé tlas latter daty. Attacitad te Élie annorrîrcemlent in. a a crainseai liaI of tic îst-izes cnt-r-ian off 1'. tire sanieo strclict tire Provincial anîl otiaer principal agpricuitural exibiitions Ibis falh- Anal thIs ins0-nly s sumal -sararpia cf seiri tire steak cflire satire hltetati lst-ers have cloue, year aller yva-n-. lîrcu a mnry years. Tir a mpbecll Cage., WVa vare iinlorrer i 10 tatitas- icet wvîreithtîurt H-, lhittCaîraluel ae bîir-een etorntrsciyera-olîler tian his wifun, tiîa actrirsi lisparity inii tirt mgr-s, a are toini, biiiig oohy cnoe Ian yeints. Tite inatter' la of ittie cer- qurnie cilîter say, huit, aave nîneira te, ýwe\ eact,'Wo mita Vire correction. lit. Jtiarrs Camrpbrell into tau is-hi) ha bf t'iiienil rtoi unhaatyli erursai cf tiree- idrraitat yack,Crss-cexamineao ra cf diae witncsHes halons th ir agietuatas. I t vas tire defenulant, Mn. Roeatt Canai- bus, hto titi se, as tire carai s-caties- viii ah once pet-cea. 'rie case vas adjiraicatdon Tuas- day, tira ulfenrîant bcbng boîrndilii1 Iis civis-aaogni4tnceaInlu0200, anal bav Ainîctias fira$100 eaelr, te taice lais trial et bis nexl court. Mr-. WilIiex ss- sauteà r) lt-e iaotiner-tac magistrales, imut aras in lever af acquittai. As viira esceau iy thia furtuer cvi- deoce lu tire case, pinteci tis yack, Ms-. Dsulorri'e IeetiMorry ie lucompieta cottralictioncil soeteof the ottes- vt- Ns-w Cas-i? CONcuvn£.-Hs, Jacob ,tyarî's apponunat of cainsIcoueteiihi by tire Iayer, vas confit-mat iy tira Tnwrr1înci! on Moifflsy eviingt. Evet-yrernber cf *lire ceunsail prescrit irpo0ke lu laves- cf itaantljoînedin li iiY- ir,a ieerveal t-unIe te Mr-. D-yaust ghsil Citizcrsurip aidthtie suitabirlity oltire aiplaintrfent. MHt- 3yaiî aili, wses tu ustiaficl, fully' mec)tIrhe expectetiens lie j ia irass-iear,-itire aiicent aut satisae- tory nacenea- iewhicir le vihi hb ond icihas-ging tire autias. Ibiîs înuecees- st-y te spaak cf the canues viricir lad te tire labo duel ceaÉttable beiug suipancet- ail ; -sîflce id Vo Bay taI a chiens-c Iraë boinsan îlteî'ninren) upera. Wea t-gaet it fiat- pues- Camlesn'e make, lbu) satace it sIgIl la a malter af greel Incon- venienceansd aggravation b ire obliger! ta iaarva tire ctossîng anal vali as-oud moiR rer-ot lumbés- veggen, very fre- qruntl-n the, mut said wster.*Tires-a -1a bylav Of the levu on trissunbject, a - ta i$ ae tire(t the noav chiaIcou. 5saJr01isi eauacsi Lee, '*'J31h innow ra-,- P$dlY bqinff ccriatrnqteà underthe direaa lion aal skiU cfr Prof. 1 Valontine, wvu, when completad, 6e -the grestest trianaplir cf art and meobanicai sill ev- er producei ini tiins country. Tire structure wil be surmonuteil by a ra-' ciining figure cf Gancrai Lee envelopad in hie miitary loak. Tire fora wMi -be finely carveti in marble, sud the ex. Presion cf countenance randeraci with life-lika cerractuess. In orda'r toIco> plat is grand monument at the esr- lieut possible day, tha Executive Ceom- mlittee cf the Lee manacrial Association cbf Lexington, Va., which ie composeti of suhd igeisheal men as General Penaleton, General Terry, Hon. Wmn. MecLanglilin, Col. Preston Johuston', Col. Jas. K. Edmenalson, Chas. David. son, ànd chers, have anthorizad the, publicati on and al eof a perfect lifs- size sitrai engrav-ei portrait cf Genaral Lac. Tire procoeas cf its sala te ira ap. plical iu furtheranca cf tira objactoftii Association, natmly: tte arection cf a monument te tihe memnory cf Generai B. t. Lac, at thre ashigton anti Lee Uniiversity,,Lemingtou, Va. Tire por. trait will ha solti only by subscription. tlirouglregular autirorizeai agents anal every subseriber rill receiva a certifi. este sigued l'y tire Secretary anti Chair. rnan et tire Lee Memoriel Association. Me conaren(lti portrait te thre pub- lie, aiti bopri some gocalenèrgetie man wéili soent-e tire agaeney ina. Iis section lu order te irelp on- the good work. Mleseirsq. W. W. Bostwick & Co., Nos. 177 & 179 West Fourlir Street, Cincirn. naei, Olitehiav e ren constituteal anti appoitateui General Managers of Agen. alec, andi any communications address- ad té thern, for irculars, terme, andi certificates, will receive prompt fttet- tien. 110'4F-1TALcNT.-Tlre pictres cf Hie Ella illgao, lire talantet dnagîtar cf Major linnîgeon, of Ilynîle, obtainati ne lever titan ton fit-et anti second rprxst tis Fail, et tire vrsIons Conty, anti Provincial exhibitions. Stieàa l eiit as cra append is tnet olp lighliv ct-i table, but musneet tire sae Mirnaehbc scout-ce cf gratifiyias- enconragement te tire yonngz lady vircue talante have beea avcded se0 many marks cf laves-- aile ncegitien. -Ceunty Exiibiion--Oil pottrait, lut., celoe-d a-eran utgi p-ise. Provincial, et Loation-Pot-trait in vatet- color nJi, animnale lu vatcs-coi- cr, 2nr ;colos-ad crayon, but ptiza. Mer-inira nt Eat Tort-Oil por- trait, 1laI au ntibat; portrait ita ater color, la) ; ficuvers in waaer colos-, la) colorai artryruta, rnl. BRUTALs- AG.EricON seÀ VOaNaulGIsL. -Six youog nuan flt-or tt Pet-sy acre hreus-kI rfs-ca tIplace ana l ctgeti itn tins coorrty ga itIrne, et oeao'clock titis mor-nins-. Tlrey as-e crenithIi a 1.rlsii u:utge ounttoepaera cfofe yoning girl cf sarcuteen, namei Shlai, fret-n lirîiporia. l'ue natines cf tIrs p-isctiar-s, tliir aea, nesitience, &e., as-c latet frein tIre cntny ou tIra prison Roebent Riant, 19, Cartwrighrt,iraient-- MWai. Cra-at, 18, Pont I5st-ty, airason. \Vasitiur-ii Crannicil, 21, Port Petr-y, calba)net-r.e -EL ivini Lataltea, 23, Pet-t Peivy, car. hin rter-. Ttnnuu. Dl)arey, 1-1, Pont Parry, ma- ahlint. Waliter- Bhairey, 21, Cearis-bt, la- 'rira outrag-e vas îîanîetneted on Turasriay nis-lat of hast yack, on tire ronîl bi-Ivee,n Pet-t Part-y antI Bon-cia, ara) tire laur-ecras noîer investig-ation bt-frpratire uragluai-ates et Port Pet-t- up te Traesîtay cf titis wack, vhran Vie psi- scaiens irit set- e corîraritted for trial, li-Mr es'i, tire Cenuity Attoneya, vas telegnaplinî- lor, ndti as lu et- ti-nîhuruce tirrous-itout tire proceeninge. Five ct-irssigais) hirorar arrants acre isenci aa'aua uiscirtgo-, thne cri- tliîtc bu-lus- eonsinlereni insufflaient tb detuintireur, rnd we aret-o loiîn-te avare tirneiniplicabaî editae slrcking iutality wee-ir el acey. CRICXuas- -CLARtEMcsur-vs.GOREs-E- aoai-Tlire nturu match belvecîr lir cricket clubs cf Ciaremont suri Green- Woodt aeuplaydAtiat tire latter villae- on Hfonday lest, wiet seulted in an easy victor'y floi'tira Gneenavooii pîcyera. Cîararaout scoset 42 s-onu in tire iraI irtuitigs, ent 22 in tire second; aviie Gneeanvoeîlscret 104 ruesairn one lu- uin"g-avinning tire match incnee in- nioga vîtîr4ç) rue ta pa-e. 0f tIre Clas-emomtt pisycru, the oniy double figurrestae by James, 2l (net out)) anti 0, antiP. Fat-nier, 6 anti 10. For Oreenveot, S-. Sterling eontribttc 25, A. Joîrusîcri 24, anal Lari Macety (net oral 28.) This is thtirftet defeat tîaa Ciar-enierat players brave sufferedti Rscn. Irerins- ieatai tIre Greenavocu club tsy b2s-tns in a fermas- match, anti harins- udro ccily tispesed cf tire chas- clubs tîrey phayati vitir. TruîANrnsorrranrsDÂ.-It ije enoonna- eil tisnt tIre proclamation'cf tite Lierat.- Govrtnon r il irc jasueilforttirAappoint. ruent ef Tiit-siry, gtiirNoverber (io- atet c f Thrîrsriy, lii na).,) as a day cf Gteral Tlianteg-ivins- for tira blasa- iirs ofhirnsrt. SUI-CIDEraINa lnIucr.-A farnetr aamat Goc-se Patterson, wlîo livednIoer ths rilc.ge of Saiittfieid, mats threadtea-- iniicul attainîte te cmmit suicide ou Tecadap niglat of lurrt veu'k. ic firts tit-niairîntimîs- iisusehf lutire Ircad vit c piste], thrco îlubbing iimacif ailir a irapenet, etandsequcntly t-icalte kicît iis bt-aine ont aitir au axe. lie vins a rau-lu easy cit'cnmstaucas, andl vas about ixty-fivepeYesOfl e. Ne cauase bu assignat fon tire rashr tica. SI-AI-lJES OF CANADt.-We Irave re- cala-ad fs-or tbe Qnce's Psinter, tire Acta cf tire Patliempnt cf the Domnin- ou of Cansîla, - passer) in tira tlirty- sixuir ycar o£thires-is-n cf Uer Hajasty Queeu Victoria, aud in tire fins-eessioîn of tic second Perliaieent. ACCIDENT T Ie rutSr-AassaxMÀUIET. -Tire steamer Maganet, on han fir-at . t-p rse, lest Fsinly aflas-noon, t-en urtc, tir a rfandetdamas-at harseif so atly tiret airae-asu uabia tb proceati esn bi- trip tii tîne felhovlug morrri gs. Pu EOsnAv.-On Wadna4tay -ris-t cf ast yack, anunuocaupiet b*uua caealbp Mr. -JamesaHrne, cf fut. by. vas totaiiy daîs-oysti by iré. T'ir loas lRabsoot $600, on wviairtises-e sau- insur-anca ofl$8000. - VuETois <OF Ar'c-rss---Saub W*ilson exlniilcd 52 ves-latios gI applesasbetlie lae lais, as aveu as tihydelve rietlWs -entes-ad for,. prs-ajn4ng î 4 :spejiügof Pickering, thre opinion ù; egai ning groum4 that a unîin wi h h County Seciety, snch as tIrat axigtirrg belveen lafarleham -and Bust 'York, wouid liernutvaally baneficira, te :both. Coralny by both uniting moelberal, prizas could hafera- £pZ'll, o thorouglr-bred sninals-snd se>mucihi cf tira fun dsa wonld net ha frittareal avsy au ah prasent in eqpense ltai miglat b. thonavoideai. Mariha sad East Yos-k AmnuraiEx.- -hlbtion. Tira twanty-firstu annual exhibition cf thre Agrficulut-l Seciety cf Mat-kiram and al stYer-k, heid t- hat-hier vill- age on Wedneday andi Thnrsday cf lest yack vas, attended i vtlr ailthe succass thuat coulai ha tesi-eri, andl et- tracteti an immense concourue cf people We at-c toidthairt elaven tirousanti tickets' avare dispoeiof, and t ilucalculateti tIraI fuiiy taoveatiousanti ineie e present. As nanal tic Maesrs. Milles- cf Pickering, anti 1r. Simon Beattia vase amonget tire principal prize-takers. We select tira foîiewilng freen tire liet. Impoea d traugirt stalion-S. Beatty lst, John Bell 2ai. 2-va- eld l ]y-S. Beattie. 8-yr ts)d da-auglit Mhiy, Caniadien bara- Wni. Rondel loti. i.yr olal tlily-Bi-teil & Jolansten bcd. SweepseekAs, heaty dreugir) stalion-S. Beattie, lst, 825. Bull-John Miller let. J. M. Baul 2nd. 2-yt- nid bll-John Miller- lt. 1-yr aId bal-De., let. Bull eaU-Do., Brni. Milela corsY-Do.,2buranSuréi a. lisifet-, -yra-8. Beattie la) anti lut, S. M. Bell Orui. l-ys- oll-Jonhznr illet- lat, J. M. Bell 2nd. Heiter undar i.yt--Joirn Millet- lut, 2nd, and' gri. Haa't-S Beattia let. Joirn Millet- ad. Mileir env-H. H. Sppeer la). 2-vs- oad buil iAyrhre)-S. Beattis 2nti. Grade s'cw-Jolin Millet- bua. 2-yr nid heiler-Dni., let. 1-r- nd-Do. let sui beri. Ramn, b shears ('twl Is-). stA' Oral De, h sheet--S. Bnsttia let anal lad. 2 sitas, 2 sht'et-e iaavinc risesd ia.abin '73-John Millier lot, S. ileattie ird & Brui. 2 e-es, 1 siear-Jue. Miler le), S. ]ieattie 2nal. Iu Soutiralavar, Hamtpshire anéi Shrrap- share shesp, Ma-. Spencer obtaincal 7 let sud 4 21tai pt-ias. 2 fat ewes-Tehn Millet- lat. 8mai) bras) aow-Wm. Majnot-al. Boping irchire-Brovn & Pattersen, tva lot psires ...... "1TÊE li4l-EaNATioNÂL IRÂAvÂv AN D ST-EAX «NA-eloATiesi Graxa" for Ocîclier liras been receivatlt-cm tire publishrers -Messrs. C. R. Chrîsioien & Bt-c., iifontt-eal. Tire preit -aumarer com-. mences tira tentha.Year cf publication. It liras beun greetly improret anti an- hrgeti, anal conteins a ruascf val compiiet, accurate information t-e- presantiarg tire whrole cf tIre Canariase Railways, ticie ating railroats of tire Uniteti States, anti alecaumar-cus Steamboat Lines lu hotu countnies;. Tiree leiais-aegreat irprevaeuet lu tIre ruap depantment, sud tire "Inter.- national" 00w aipeéars ilu ety respect a t-chable a ilway Guide. Price $2,410. pet- aunun, retntil price teeenty cents par oumber'. Trie inH SCHOeu.ENTPAirror. E'ut- INTINSvrestae place on H1ontsy aot TueenIay, l8tlr anti l4tli ina). Owing ta tirs osa regniations cf tireCouncîl cf Purblie Inastruction, ail pîrpiis tus) liaea enteret tire ecliniel aincesJuneit 172 wiii have to e hrae'axaarnineri for sadmission. As it ia uaîrersteoi ltira) pupils aire fail te pas tiraexamination aiare) lbe ai- lovadt te cntirnue ira tire ecîrol, it la, il eeiii ib ccu enUcessaiý-tira) tircea vu lies-e eutensinuce tire dace aneuticueti as wellii qasnilintendling puapils seli ha pt-eserrt. A Goo Huv.-We ans piaaed tot finil thrat eurt-ngistiosn toeuTo C)aumail, rnaspeetins- thee lit-cenls-of sîitahl fie s isnbtIra Otit eltove near hrall, Iel ei actani tpon, aur)tira), as ail) ira seau l'y tIse proceecdiogs, a aptciel ceurrittec lias hreen eppointen) for tire prpese of îuekiun- tire noces- car-y ernrîriit-les as te terira, &c., anal - e pot-tins- tetire couareil. Tfics: G. T. R. CrisANos- uOF'GAîoenr, Tire chnge of s-auge on tîse Gasnd Trun iahsbn eapritply antI antislac- terily acornplisiret ritirin tins lime ana- noneeni an-h aitha as littIa inciinvea- ieuce te tirs publia as sîtai an unîletet- lus- conit atdmit of. RscEataucRI.-Thie tanglater cf Ms-. Geo. H. Hiopper, of Greanvooi, vire bat lirs-stul se uerealy fracturat by a bors jtumping oves-lirs, as ancuned in a recent issue cf Tas- RNCaicatoa, i rapitiy recevernir-irnîer tiecace-al t-calmant cf Dr. Warren. "Tas- MAtC a" va livered 0ou Satur- day, by epeciai uSovyance aeltgthe lino wiie tire canage oflagen utire G. T. R. wasabains- effacteal. Iu serar- al bawns tirea as vas-y utIle diffenence Itetarean tise tira analtire usua elihi- cmp by sail. Aet'Ora-INT31ENT-Wa notice iry Fn-_ tiss (lobv, tIra) Dr. H. Hillary, Goit bletiahisi cf Dublin Scirool of Heniaine, anti Petieloi-sland Cureter of tira To- rente Geaicral Hospitl, iras beau ap- ipoiuleti te tire chirt of Auatomp of 'Vic- lot-ie Colles-s of Haîliaine. fhý»Rea thtic snouncperst of tIra lecture hp Jirnal Bris-ss, D. B., on le-mot-nov (Friniay> avenus-, aut ha sot-at teattenrd. QUs-ruEc LOCAL PÂaneirru.- Tise Q urabe Local Legislatune is anuntonet, hy Praclinrueion of tire Lieut.-Govern. or, o teea)for tirs tespeteli cf business, on tire 7tlrNc-nbe-next. Honr7Tpturtetîs Cee riTs- BRcOvN'& PAs-ns-usera Jouxar-or Rs-APs-.-inRt et Ottawa, open te tirs Dominion, aut tire almeet evoey maurîfactcry in Canada vas repreacuteti.- Fit-at aIse et Alankhreuranti Hast Tort, anal firtate Nonila aud Southi Ottai'ic exhibitions. PORT Ps-aaY IlAiLyAY.-As; a prool of tire rapidly îbuceins- t-rie ilIr Bob- ceps-cen ramants the Iadepcndant, ave rap note tIra)thie steamer Ontario, ou ber neguien trip ltor Port Pers-y te Bob- caps-con ou Waloestiey, lirons-ht a fnl) loati af frais-ht, consistin -ocf upaeral cf 200 packages of venions kintis. , cnnly court. Tire Couuty Court (vitieut a jury) gàl on lionniay isat, Hic Hories- Junge Busrataur pesiîlius-. Ceooîy caca hcfot-e -the court vee--pes-cr as. Lin-alccion les- recorty cf ameunt Of accunt. Verdict los-piaintiti, $71,85 Il. . Billingu for plaintiff. -An oit Mars nanat Weit, 80 peare of ns-e, troppet deet autle-uhay vIrile on iris avay to thefiralaset St. Cstlat-nes, Pals-litk Mn-ply,s as-amas-, residiag, -uas Fas-nves-$, fell frorpiriùs vasgos cen Méonday uigirianti fr cid tlauli ~r9mhpgg1g tb.4m Ad, h Mr Cartapirellirtottdlrt ip tire séventir -report ofltira conritta on fisane, ne- correndin- psyment cf ses-et-aise couurta, inclurlins- acconîs cf Jua, Shirr$24,50, Hosces Siitir $9,80, E. Ring $8, Constable Camron $6, Jure. Prias-la $17,50, tira hale H. Ratnerm $12, C. MeAuliffé $4,50, Donald Camp. belI $0,50, Jas. H. Garnie & Ce. 01,80. Tira sevrsa-alitems vas-a aas-ofuly dia- cusset in comamittas cftbIna viceia- sera instanes beins- cnt dewandut e- pottatifor paprnent. Au accouait of $25 fror tIere eprasen- tatives cf tire Estata cf Cocrane fer oes quartera s-cnt cf office for chas-k cf Div'ision ourot) as alloea te stna.'ic oves- for fîrtur enquit-y anti ceusitara- tien as t e t oan s lîabnhntp. SPECIAR COniMITTEZ. Mr. Ladier secontatil by Dr. Cas-sou moveàthtat Messrs ayBlouwaandtihie rîovan lie eppoielt ea pecial commit- tee te couler vhtI4 Officens cf tire Onfl Feiloas as fo tire berme on aviaithtie. seacondlfoo- cf their osa budins- t'auld ha t-antan Ifon e terr cf peers, for tire put-poeaof as bn hall, firemaun'e hanll, Divison Cous-t-oomnetdes-ék anti treasner's offices, polie courI. &a., anti Vo report. Aller a 1ev vernie fs-cm.Messrs. 1Blev Rey, King- aod Campbll. tIre motion vas alievet tepase yitiseut e division. T-OWN PaOPESTr-. M. O'Donovan r-es-rted frern stand- is- corroittea on Town ps-eperty, s-a- courmendlins- payenesttcf tire eccouint- of WrV. Bernes, $86,563, Jno. Bell $12 anal $0 00 ; Report pesecitir-u-l cernurittea anti itemu s-tres-etfor pay meut. cftcr nxplanations iry turc chair- rau. A furtie-clansa of lIas repent as; te building au addition 10 lire angine louas anti temps-as-y shred-for bock anti latr- a-sou vas alloave tstatnti or-nlMs-. Samoaeuseau airent furtharsrangements for extension cf Ou motion cf Ms-. Lavdtahiae corn- unicatîon fs-cm tirsHayos- cf Toonte es taten Inte aonsideaetien, suri s resoiution pasatiinetenatins- tiraMayor- andi snob merbaru cf tire, coruceil as ira May select 1cr tIra pnrpose te sttend tire meeting cf Hayons to e ieIrld. in Tor-onto on bte lis) cf Octabe- for con- alueicns-tire aessman) 1ev. Ou motion cf Ms-. King Cenuail eti- jourucal. EIccTINr- sOsF r-EiMoDocs.-Jact- son vijls, Ores-ou, Oc t. 8.--Capt. Jack sud lira otircontemnati Motocu varC ihaugMtb-dy. -Cent. Jacand sisal ak 'L . A.ý anrd F_ , , b-ùk ?fr'don- in, 1802. He -clle4 jin,. painitgpj animais vbile a boy, and becamae a ptntient ofa Royal Âcalemy in-lSIO. IXe begsn te eirlbit his picturpu flren bat i ftla crer tourteau ypa-f fseand is eiarlest productions attraotod *ttei lien anal gave great prcnaiuaw.oî, fùUiiiot excellence. .&AinnRtirébeskuownu of iris nsmerons pàlntinge are irs-flle fug; ail ofaviriih were exibited at: t-he ttoyal&caeay:"A igsatBrl. fut, " "No Place Like-Rgpme,"t "Tira Tva Doga," "Tira Ol41Sbepberti'wOblef Nounr," "A lacWla ffice." ".Tira Doge," aud "Tire ,Fage's,,Nent.' MIl cfý tire aboya meutioneti, asvais-rs fainrescmoiions - f" andra "peaca," are lu -te SieepeR anwk', ccl.' lectin, 1Scutî RKenufngteai, Liorndon. Equûalv celebrateti at-sl'Bolton Abb. ho thé, Olden Tiresq," tTtai. l;àyipg, Dean tire tka.", -anti ,âThe Duse ,cf. Wellington Visitijug - the Fetic Waterlono. "lIn 1858 ire exribiteti "Dme Stalking." tira fit-st of-Isislarge dr-swings iu cheik, walirhava Rince' bacome e poplar; ln 18L59, "IDoarbful Crumba" anti "A Kinti Star :" ho180. Iis Floct in the igirjlande," ant inlu 1861, "!Tira Sirea Tamid." vitir tht-ce largeda-v inyincalucirik. anti,"more reotfly, "Windsor Park," "Sqaîiu-rels Crackinga Note." "%fan pt-oposcs., but Goti diapeses"-rr sconie in tire Artia r-e- Tire rnsjrity cf iris compositions have hencn polas- anrcsav¶uigç. Hie bronze fiant-e cf tira "StigeFt ýBey" vas lu thira ol. Acatiemy Exhibition cf 1866. andthti fout- lieus ina bronze fat- tira basa cf tirs Nelsoan ceinmis, Traf- sigar square, fer aiaire horeceivedtb ie. commission lt-cm tiraBritishir govet-n. ment in 1859, versý placet on,- the pe-_ dtestais anal uncevet-c a Juety 31, 1867. Uséiracame an associete cf tIrs Royal Acanletyn u1827, iresame a Royal Academican in 1880. HT a a kniarlted by tIre Qnîsen cf Great Britan ia 1850. As a memirer cf the Atienoeurn Club, ire vas greatly songirt aler, bctng cfa cireet-ful and cemmunicalive die;pesition.ý Town Council. Wiritby, Oct. 6tir. Tire raciner meeting cf tira Tovn Counili vas haI t et1h. Tonrhal on Moutav ev'g. Pregnt-tira mayer. iu tire chir- anti Houari. Blow, Camýpbeii, Carao, Kinrg, Lavder,-O'Donovan anti Rey. On tire readiugcy f tire minutes, Ht-. Blov aisîreti te knov (netlitavinir beau presant attire meeting cf tire council airc tire reollition paqssa) viretier tire résolution lu laver cf ereating lampa vas basedniapn tira report cf tire con- muttes, becanse ire Hia underteedti ta repniera cf tire comanittea te lie oppes- cd te suaIt action. Objection vas taken hy HMr. Lavtier. tiret tirs question befere tira counaeil wase tira reaating anti sprt-val cf thue Min- rîtes. eudthtirlt. Blow vas pt-caecal- ing irregnierir'. COMMiuNWcATIcicS. PtFruthe mayor pf Toronto, invit-ing tire rayer, arat suiffi members cf tlae ceunacil as iiiglit ha spestani for tire prar'pose, te e meeting cf the mayors cf tewandricities;, te haeheldal t Toronto ou 21et imet., for revisien cf tha 1ev cf aassement. t-ruithtirs ayer, statinga titie haën ssppntei Alax. Cameron, for raeone gi'sn l'y labo te flias connal. anti bai eppointat Ht-. Jacobirtyen in iisstecr as chiler Constable, anti rcqnesting tIre courail te oofirnientr appcintntcrrt. Alto, tliretlire rai recairei tlae bonda; cf the ceileetrar duly axecoiteti, aeuthtIt tise relliran beeu placet InluIhis liante. APiPOINT31ENiT OFCEUHF.F CONSr-Antt. On motion cf lMt. Blow, tireconail avant loto couamittpe on tIra communi- cation cf tire rayer. raapectiog tire aliriif constable. Tira feeling was unen- iaresas in favrr of tire action cf tha mayer, anti in appt-oral cf tIre appoint. ment cfHt-. Bt-yen,wvire vas apok-en cf rt tIre iihset terrera l'y mebers. Tire Co'irtnittee rapartet eat-eeoluticn te thie affu-at, and lia. Blow gava notice tira) lire woîîlni ltroince asiy.lew attire ne;t anaetirrg toenconfit-m tire appaiotment and ilefluatitire alies. ilii, it is un- nertecri, will ambrace street anti accu inqpection. &c. STitEET EXPENDITUItE. Mt-. iiy -t rughit op tire forartlhr te- resisteil ail trrougit,ras fat- as slite cac abîle. I cartîot su i et-iter lire iseti mot-e for-ce tîran wtis uecessnrv. On futtier cros--ex.trniatrott evituacs repeatei irer lest enîswr-, aiiblng, lire weiked lier geittiy te tire root-. I de net lrrîow wiamtbel'arry more violence tlitei wes necessttey wrts uit-il te a pet-- son rcsisting. Nly oltinbiuncras tiact 1 wnes a ver-y cruel, utirtîindatt anti u- tus;tifiairle. I dti t-t kirto w li t- Ms. Campbrell gob-frint tihe birrtoit to tire Ireerl cf tire aait-s. Sire vas leri eut cf tire bal loor. I wiil not stry sire wes pusreti. trt. Mlint, (eiiow of N. G. HInat ant ister cf Ht-e. Canîpliîl> suvrtn sud axaiieri. I was pt-citn rte aven- ing in question. Ht-. Ctempil - came airent iraltpaect ee-en, I opi-neil tue door for biii.le sait], ocenetelrag. -I hrave corne te put yen ail eut of cuy lacuse." I foilorre I lirît îatairs. Hy motirer seil lire rrîulil liaeascîce difi- crlty in pntting ns ail out. Hie titan causal lu theas rtahlea anti toidttiet 'te do tirait- work." He tiren went te tire site cf tirs bcd wlirre iris wife waes lyirrg. Rie sîl" e Eliza, I'r-e comae te put yen oit) of My lieuse." Sire sait-I 1sirail net go ont cf tire ironse; it is toy 1boi0 se Wetil as yorars. -He r-pipit-" Voir may as well go fit-st as iast, ycn've go) te go." Ha thren toak lirer by tire at-ms arîd jerket lier *violentiy forward, rap frtrm tire bcd lires. Campbrell resista-ani struggierl. tic teld lier tire was ne us;e lu resist- iug, suc must go. As ira pulleal uer op sire feU bai. Ha le) go. Ha thro tralkeal ear tetire sofa anal pulliet off iris coat, anti drew ij) on agein. Hae puilca it off as fat- as tire wrIst. Mrs., CJampbell was iu great pain a) ti tinre anti -rty wae. I bel libar baud. Sire was rty cl. Ha came forwat-t severel timas efttrwards anti violently triedti teget rer Irana f-0a-cMmitre. Ha useti mucir foycesli tryirag t e gt hein cf lae baud. Ha -atteantited te Irry boocf aie te put mne oittof tir t-cu. SIre conîlainet cf bcirr liut-t frianahie- frp on rt r nme. Ho nez) arent te be es andt tek iroit cf lier pest, andl sire kiakar et bis Irent. Ha thron teck ,lier.u utby tiearmq, as lireiad donclira- nëoSera ssanie ench cf ivlerstrate Oier rape r ad.. ,S. MI il- MReurietta Byrrae (mether ofth pWantiff)swora aud examined, sal- tJ;e Bdat-Rbrt abel,t&tlie hasO ra v ujg of tha 24ti--p4. Thse eonstiibles sarnpjn after hics. Mr. C3ampbell toid ýl cà ~neto' 'put Mr's. Camrpbell out cf lthe honea, andi like- wisc to pt ouath. 1tolcl hlm-lt wvoullîi hadifficult tô de o 0.He then o0;nedltho door and ltola tira constables îe do tireir duty, ' do tirir work. , _forget vhici re rathe words. Ther prsions callil were Mr. Danforilanial Mer. Camxpbell, constables. Mr. Cfamp- bdl anti Daîrford-vent up stairs, Cap bel, tirp Constabe staying beîiérii. Tire latter . wetd ai o nada! t ire came2?o âmpPre aaplall, andtinet Campbelil. Wc tran went upstairs. -Tirea as a ýrsaglrug conversationé going- on bctween Mir. andl Hts. Camp- -bell. Mr.- Ceapbell et-dt-ul t-s. Campbelîl te get ent of tire bcd and leave the -honse. Ha saiti, "Gat 'nP, Eliza; yen muet'leave tis." Ha thon teck ireld cf lier aqI tugged et lber in tira bcd.. Hnaucceaptinluaising ber np. Sire resiiteti, and strnck et bien, anti saiti, "Go awayý freen me; don't hurt me." Sire calla Ilm a villain. T thonr askcd "Wiy lie sirould, do srcla -rtk as tirt ?" He replieti iL was noue cf my business." Uc insiritedti ratsaire isironla go ont, affilirrg tiret tire quieker it was doue tire better. I aeskad bien by wliat antiacritylire put lirer ont; hie eaid lire bat the doctor's certifieate te jnstify bina in wbat lic was doing. 1 lookati. upon Mr. Danford andi Mr. Campbell as constables employeti by thee dcteudasnut. I tissu eaw bim a te hoiti of lier by tire lower limbe anti turn tîranaout cf tirelicd, wiicr1 tironght a very peinfal eperation for. a wonran in lier situtatiorn. 1 axpostniat- adi witir hlm, andi aqked in, ,if ha were not aghamed of Iiriatelit. Ha sait) "o; it was sire wiro ougltt te ie eslremel." He said i ie bad aarr-rtiti- cata frein tire dector tiret sire was r1uto weil. Sire wes i pain. Heaecte t t- -yards lirer witli violence. He- took beold cflirer legs anti pilcle irer legrs on ote afoot- with vicient fore. Ha ;sad-lt muaitbc dette, abouiti bradonc, sud the qnicker it wes donc tire bet- ter." It wasabont a quarter toeeliat o'dlcak whcn tira detentiant enteeti, ana lire kept at lber up te tan o'cicck te put ber oute Up te titis stage tire men bail given laimno assistance. Sire wes muai cxhau4tat, anal 1 wesmyself aompietely es'ereoure. Tirs lest act I sawhIis pnllitghler legs ont cf tire bd wbenlire went et lier tire secondi time. ia got lber on tire loor. I diti net notice wlrrrt then Loit placp. Sire wa scatrcely able ta stand. Tirey tiren got lier te tire stair-s, andti Ie.ard Darrfor~d tell lier te hean ireaviiy upon bina. Tirey took lirer down stirirs witir great tiifficrrlty. Irtrw lirer tlrrt ntt a ly Robeart Camphsîll airestietl y I)îtrrtorti. Sire was tiesu partiyrrrrcorscions. I at-n welh assurei] slite iti i nt go volun- tariiy-cia) ef lire hirerr;sire w.r tlirrnre eut agaiceint li(rr rii. Sire was poit ont about a qutrtqir oten tai îtriglrt. Cross.,-exarc;irel irv Mr. Siitir-I was net present all h4tirehue tire strrrg. gic was geiîn 11intire bdi-recrui. I waartint ira tire birooni %wlr'n Ntr. Campbell tiret weet lu. I lipara iMir. Crampbell telil lier te lettre tire banl. Ha sait lir, caîrre toprt)lirer nrwav. Tire words lire lti we are- ttComp, Eli7a, yerou mr gagt rip and lg ont tif lie. Tire wor Is we tt-e se)il a merr- eciug mnnar. I tirink lire tsei mre force tirrwas riecersrry. I1litat-I àire. Camupbrell ay fitira)lirekiekeil it hlm wlrara ire watt iillitig lier out cf tire bat. 0f cent-se wintiglittlira a ede gi-cater violence tliratiiii il ire uigiat biave kicitetliir e du. 1tliii rrît sac iinatrike lier-. 1 o-t tto c t-ertiitrrteri 'a) bis etinrint to e abrie tt r-emeir art-hiý sli iewt-tp-r: - it icir et ttat lire peled i fiis erra) tr ililt iris vife; lire betiteuglit ili-ia n iprt it 0or egain. I wcuiil -aav tltr i Ie w-rs lu a net bt-ar Iiir suer-ir or ire lied ian- image. I rcrue-iîitr t- cone vrsationr witl eornstablee iiiît-l bii ittM rit. Campbeli's lir-riîrgt' tmoute. i-lt-sai -"Ladgiesq, rIent n orr-rve abott yoer miglît leat--r-p(ýinea-rritv ;irelias tor-eihniy îioiiteititi. it rur aiu,-rrrIv I cîrulti not sen vwiro pii nn M.. Crrrîibi-l's sirewl andi bonrnet cia, titi Vittiee jkPea. violirsy lira'! sccoieil)ietely trkeu iity Senees awsa-. To tIre tltfeniinrt, wiro qnrrstirrrtii witraess as te Iris îrrakiurg ut- cof vicl- Iaftcr tiret vent irato tiera ocen aone. andi aftea-vartis catienl us in. lHe toit AIt-rs. Carupirals feel eut liftetater te tire su)'- of tire bat, lie tiren took boit) of lier aod liltetlirr p. Heaest- nid me te teks irer otber at-m. Sire vas t)rerr standing ou tire floot-. Itieu'i recoileat lien sefusing te go vith im. I couliinet tata lier as-en as sirebiail lirer sreviaroun lihan. Mr. aut Mrs. Campbeall vent tovards tira aber. 1I prat my Irarî toter ecbea tesupport irs dean starsa. Alters- ire cama down stairs sire compiained. cf being v-eakç, Sire cal devu on a sofa; wva ianIrs-te iL. Sire ley tire about tventy min- nias,. lit. Camepbelilirha nasd liftd lir agaira, rxaking use cf ithe wotds-"rit must be rloue"-aiiuting te, lier leaviug tare lieuse. Directl site aras stauding on lir elest, I toc lier at-m again sud vo bothrlad irs- te b -leor. Uer brother vas tire, ontsite, sud fsait ira vouititata charge cf bir. 1 vent bacit asaie sud ptcked i aipelier, îjr it vas gistan me ini the bell, anti soea eeastat me te s-n aftcr Ht-e. Campbrell eut give i) to bar. I diii se. 1 lIrneetîait te HMr. Byrue anti havoniti net acaapt cf il. Iu ct-ees-exammnaitiou vitues posi- tive)y de ciar e thaIrt Ms-. Cerrrpbell usat ne nuneceses-yforce, sud thirethelr pas-orance cf s vas-y diaagt-eeeble 'Inty, as Iliat vas, it counit betir dons witir leus force-tira party rcsisting. Se aise sacs-e. "Aller vo lest vaut lu, nty impression is abe madéoe resist- auca boeirermovet. Tireaas ne ragetance by any cIrer membars of tire femiiy. Hy impresion vas tiret tlrire dal rada up thair mindthIrn te Icava as quiéthy as poseilhe."- 1 Qnesion-Was tire-a ay arrange- ment te lbsti affect? My irprcssion la tiret tireeas. Ms-. »raper.-.W~hat-,Ms-. Danfotl'a t5ýYou've goto corue---it .niàbe d4iie, th tir uicker-ihe; better.!'-eHe lifleti her for-cibiy fs-cm tira sotsiu tire' hall. Sire wae altnost .*wavýelâ tIn.-,Te tran gc<>)hhP1,up>ýandl aiàgedlhst tot4 irail aber. Sirevas iipcliod'forvarl.' Mt-. Campbell baid oue ara ar-aunai h- bacia; ha pushedri ra-along teb IlrCdooer; in;,thh 9sâeéiayibe got;her ont te thée lorver . te1P, I adviseai my piîiter-591 te Crcsaowexamineai by, Mr-. Smth.-I aseu tsyipg witi rss. Ccapbell huce tire :28tli cf !Augaut. i-s-s.,'(Jampbel siceD r. Qui r-had i ce eieti.-,ei hat mentir te lie on tire, belvwiti relotir- iug on. -, -y brother Jamée è vas net in, tir -ote vian Ms-.,Camiëllcama lua. I toiti hir net te-leave. or home, I- - ieerd my brother laU bar seais". Sire Sh0aesedtoj llair-Ycnneati- net ýtoiL me tirat. James, mimil is matie np. Ms-. Campbreialladidjerk hir- j) wste gel lierp~ff the tira bati; aie "Rasteti Ht-. Sarithr-le Ms-. Campbell 'a ver-y stt-oug mau? Witues-Iin't kuow--I tink tiret e vety unueccssary question te ask Me. I ail ie at-sinlu- saying tirai iheuseti met-e str-ength than vas nccassery. ~e usatialiris ,sts-ength. IHa puihati lirer violety.-I ana quita sure aut certain cf itireWitncsu deniedthtie vîren Donald Campbrell, tire constabria, sais i "taw hair as cemmitteal e braai cf ýthe pence, anti battes- leave qnietly"- -trea as any arrangement te leeve tire ror-tiere vas uotiing cf tira kinrl seiiaby anyboty. and aontinued-I1 put tire sarl on Ht-s. Catupîl. I tink tLhreaas un neeessas-y violence usa-i ; - lira aslu a gra) passion-ire looket lite a deanon. I vas tarrufieti; va acre aIltarrified. I can't say auy- tlring ;tirent liard laugnage bcing usei lMt. Carpbell put out my bt-otites- an-a iris alfa, andtietl(] me te leeve tira iouse for titing nay suIsersspart. By Mt-. Csrnpbll.-Dit lIt-. Dan- forni antI I taa irs fron tire bath ? No.-Ynsu alcue. Do yen mean te evear, Ht-s. Haur, that titi se in a vicient me-net-? Youetii. Yen prat bas- outire floot-, andti itn cahier) Daulord. Andi yen seer tiret? \Vere you ext- citeni attire lime, Hrs. Utien 2 I aras net se axcitat ibst tirat I couit sec ceira) vas teking jlace. Do y,--n meai te eay yen saa lier pusiret ? Slirevas pusheci tirouglirtue roor te tisa ieati of tira stairs. Yen pustied iber aleng,. Ona cf yen vaeeuteacii site cf bier, anal yen irat yonr at-m te lirer Dm1l I urge lirs-t aIl? Waa sha net ahiovei lirer ovu tinra? Yen urget baer sevarai tiioe. Ou fustirerarossexantinatiou wit- nes tatedt tirt slire vuntet Ms-. Camnp. neil, vîren iris vile bad beau put eut, Vo itand i ler lirer biat, tire t 1) as in tire hall, andtI tat Mr. Caimpbrell had lbat- cd tiretiser, sud refuseti te let vilaiesa out aitir th ireIa) aiihras in tireirai). lit-e. Jeanes Byr-ne vas cailet, but vas net exarninor- t aeiagth, ber testi- mou.y iring siiliat- te bat cf tIra otlir vituesses, analira corrobor-ation as te *bat site sa t ating place virile hidLire hotase vit lirs-lrsbeunl. Throimas Danfot-t, sacrai anal exeen- cii, sain-I vwas present ou tire nigir) lu rirest:cn. I carne te go tirebie- ceose Mrs. IRobert Campbell calleti et nY lieuse for rme. Hlia skatime te go t tbIis bouse; ho aide Iranleti te get Ht-s. CaLnpepil ont, eut tliret irebe- lit-ranislireevoarini eave viren va vent tire.Douait Camrpbell vas vaiting toutsileanedt ccortpaniet ns. Wlaan j ee eut te tirahereousaathLradeer war opetaed lit. Campbell vent in. Ha waeit t pirs. anti ested Campbhell anul ire te go tUp citîr laina. Ie ail vent into tiere-ootu erhrere lirs. Camupbell anti sevenai otirer isîhies acre lpresent. (vitîressemeniereteti nemes aireaiy gir-att)lit-. Caurupireuicelu-I vaut yen ail te leave thireuose. I vislu yen te icace quietly, for i vaut ne trouble. He vent tri tira bnieali ra. Camp- biai) as lyiug ; aso i eirssiug lier iry rirtee, etitilire vantai l irte leave tLb- ronse; lis wcrnis atete-",Eiiza, 1 art yoo te leare tirh ne."Sus sati- tWliit bave I dnun-2" Mi. Catmpbell strrt-"Atluite-y i' Slire caled iena liai, td maked Iriiru ob riug bt-r sc- curserg lot-aari. IHa tiren tiidte liI lits. Ctampibell up, anrd juat tiren un bt--aaci ftire peece vas airent einrg coîrrînitteni, anti I lied te irrterfcre. Qietion-1iY vîrcen sterepeace airent te bc brokesu ? By lit. James Byt-ire. I toola a stick âgs- at î-lsb A. Jais-ry & Bt-os.; 2La r Vm. Tiaomîuccir. Sitea-lmng Ramn-Set Wm. Hetigeen Ram Lai-lmt Win. lions-soir; bnu-i Je.iry Bros. Tato eil Eves-inI Wm. lions-c.on;z be-h Chas. Wetieie. rao Sisearlin Ees-SsI.W. Roi- son : burt Jaffry Bt-ms. b Eve a mrts-lst WVi. Hoîls-oîr; bcd Jes-ry Bt-os. - As-ai Ramn-SsI H. Spencer; boni S. Sheien -Rami-lsI sud but H. Speîncer. Rnu Lami-st anal bait H. Spen- cer. b As-agd Ewea-isI ani ti 1d1. Spcn- b Siraarliis- Etes le) H. Sptaneer. b Etc Lambe-1st anti bot H. Spen- ce-- SWINE. As-ai Boan-lst S. Tiome; boul L. Coeyail. I3Foar Pis- of '72-1t J. Steaks ; tint W. Hotigacra - Agoi e lat S. Tiosim. Pair tsf Geeae-lst eutdbut) T. S. Haut-paeutsoina. Pair et Dacke-let anti butiS. Variety of l'avIs-lSt T. S. Hleury & Sours. DAîRY PROOtiCE. Cieese -lai D. Liait ; bnd J. Lict- Fi-km Buttes--lst J. Liait; 2enlits. J. L. Smithr. SOusa Buttas--lat J. Lut bol Ht-. H. Spencer. 71b Loaf cf Bs-ed-St Hies Wilccx: bui lire. Jes. Wite. RI-- lb Table Appes-lst aud boti G. A. blason.1 lb WVInlas Applea-Sst G. A. Heson; 2ait W. Thompsoe. 12 Sammar Peana-lat D. Liat ; bunl R. M. Geotirea. lb2iVinte- Pears-let G. A. Mla son bet R. MI. Goodman. Peck Ct-air Apples-lat Mica Wilaox; buti D. Riait. Open Air Grapes-let anal 2nd J. huns. GreatesI Varieby cf Fs-it-lst Jas. Luke. Frthle greateat vas-iety cf Witas- appias, corraclly osmnet anti griîan by tira axiibits-, prize s-iran by A. Fae- ai-il, M. P. P.-1st Jas. Lute; bcd H. Fi. Conant. - LADIES' DEPART5IENT. Domeutia Mannlfaclurau-lst Ms. H. Spe4ncer; but Miss Neabit. Homne Matie Faucy Plaid-lai lins. Wr. Thompsou. Wooieo Coverlil-lal lns. liieinap; 2uîI Ilss. J. T, Geuiti. Homne Matie Steakiug Yarn-lst sud but J. Liet. Home Mate Blankts-let Mns. J. T. Goulu]. Bas- Cas-pet-la) A. W. Farewell; bnnl Mm. Wmn. Dictie. Cet-pet Cavêrlt--lstMrs. Hislop; bel Ms-s. Isaac Franîla. Uliioa Car-pet-laI and 2ni lis., -. T. Gould. Weoieù MILS-laI Miss M. Leegne. F olul$tMQ$40 ooka-'-1ot Mu .WiL ,blute Na ,,1I-Let J. . .~ntCar nar gits. J, L. Gnaitir. Fancy Basket-lut Miss Wi4cox; 2nd Miss Jackson., mIMe a -Patchr Wcnl-lut G. Coceriga; Inti :ýMiu Jane, ScotI. Pelai Work'on Silk-lst Miss Wl- bcnd Jas. Huis-.-- Piain Quilting-lut Miss E. Neubit; lad AgnonSh Blsc> FnsQutin-l-st: Miss Jane Scott; but Miss B. J. Dullen. , -. Suitt mking-ut; Mss. Squelch; buti Miss Jane Scot.- Leatirer lVotk-Iut J. W. Cas-c. Coua Wqtk-lpt M-.Jas. White; buti Miss Anales-son.' Watar Colo-ur Paiaitng-Ist T, Flirh- er ; bu *JeCard. Pencil Draabr-isýlt T.- Fisher; buti Miss McGiii. Crayon ]3iak.I-lst anal bncM Ht-.J. L. Senitir. Crayon Coiouese-lat Mies MeGili; bn Ht-e. A. L. Smnitir.- Oih Painting-lat Eaiaey Couent 2aQst Ht- J. L. Smaith. - Valve) Paintig-lst anal bnciJohn Card. Gnipure Wesk-k- la) Ms-s. J. L. Smithr. Tatting-lst Mies Wllcox; bnd Miss W'ax Fruit-lst Mrs Jackson. Bease W rk-lst Mise MaGitl; 2nd Jaunie Michael. La;r's'F Dres-let ias M. Lyntie 2nrl lis Wilcox. Chiit'a Des-lat Mrs. J. L. Siritir; bul J. W. Cartl. Waex Sîrel-let Wr. Jackson. Ras- Rugg-lst Mise Wilaox; 2mai lias Iclrrnson. Cireneille Work-lst anal bet Hts. J. L. Smithî. -Oruamantal Naedlcort-let anal 2nd rl tu. J. L. Smillh. Anlimeaasar-ist Hrs. J. L, Seiti; but Mi,-S. wiicex. 011 Paintins-lsandeut2uaT. Fichas-. Penrnaniip-Sst anal bati Hts. J. L. Siritîr. Plrotograpls-J. O. Henny. Laaitscape-lst'J. O. Uint-y. Collection Piiefograpis-J. O. lien- Mn.' Coutmpoerr âasyWverever'une "ae- iiired;thatheirav h e- l t-c l ios- 1y Ms-. Campbrell, vhc aked er te entes-tire carniage, tiraI ie, usw ne terce et- vioeonce uacl;- that Mr.-. Bryne teck hiou] of bea ttue tor, asasiti ha voul4 taka chaàrge of barandto tacomae te hluihouues«.' Sire ent-w'itÎ hhlire-P-h adial net cas-sy lier-, viluas setbas- vaît away vitir hlm. Ue vas tirea vitir tire cas-t-les lt-m a litile, balèe aigiluntil balveaniaif-pal nlne anal tan. o'ciock';,irevas standing tireaan bons- Iefcs-e lae vas lid viret ha vas naquis-ad te ie tireafor;., ey .nothing cf whet vas'gciug an la tia bouse. lis-. 'àrmitir vantatitira dafandanl'a atatement to eirehat-c, sud vithout baing telcen devra ln. vsitiug if tic magistratari 5 osati. Tiis vas abjeatadti t by Ht-. Gos-don, iu tire absence cf tie plaintiff, andtihie court decidati oct te bear tire defendant on tira gron a t it il vasunusual, annt vel itin tie province The room vas than os-dart-a te clearei, anti aftes tira clapsa af about irahf anulaue il avas anruncaci htirttire rlecision of theê Magistrales voniti ie given on Satusday. Tueelay, tIre juts-ment cf tira - ccit vas given, (Mn. Wilicox tiiesentins-) seutins tira casa for tt-lal--defeutunt t ter ntnitc Irs ovn recoguizauca in $200. sud tave surtatls lu $100 eacb. Wiiby andi East Whitby Union As- ricuitrtal Society. Tiiumdray lest,tli a fe shrow cf tira wilitby and al stWiltitby Union As-ti- culturel Society toit place et Oshrawa. Thea veatiet- vas flue 'sud liraattend- suce lange. Tira axhibiltion vas seatc-as in atearre cf tirose hall in pnrioîaa yeara,hait on tIra viola creditabhe anal satistacteny. Tire feiioving is tire PIIîE LIST, Yeat-ling Hot-sa Cot-ils) Geo. Rotin. Yeenrling- mare Colt-lst J. Burtton; bonl Ciras. Lynniae. Genaral Pur-pose do.-st Geo. Duiniga ; but Pt-eutGleepal. Ysarliarg Draugirl Hersa Colt-laI T. Feryran. Do. mrt- Colt-St Frank Glaspaîl. Herse Colt cf '78--lst R. Rotti; bait A. Haîntyne. lae colt '73-St Ciras. Lynde - bait T. Pesryman. Genenai Pot-poseliersa Celt cf ,73- lis Jelan Smnithr ; band Laerie Crrycli. De. mat-a Cot-lat W. Karr; but R. Todal. Draulat Hersa Colt cf '78 -St G. B. Mlorgan ; 2n-i J. Gray. Do rare Coit-Isnt Jeffry Bro. ; but A. L. Farewell. CATTE-(Diiriamns.) Milcir Cow-isand eututGe. Tlromp- Tatc yean aid Dunramt liifer-let eut bo;l Gea. Tircupeon. Bull Caîf '73-lst anal but Geo. Tienapson. Haes- rCatI '78-lut anal butiGee. Thlomýpon. DEVONS. b-yaar oldifeallst anal bnc Thea. Guy. Year Olti Hifer-lst Tics. Gny! guiti S. Trets.x lees-Caif 1'71-le) 3. Tours. Hulcha Cea-St anti bualGe. Tliorop.ion. Tact- Oit) Heiler-lat Chras. West- laite; buti Gno. Tîroupson. Burli Cuif '72-lSt 1H. Dioittie ; brii J. Stocks. lien Caîf '73-let Geo. Tirorpson; burt H. Dtoilitte. -2-yeart- lt Fiihp-Sslt dburi Josaphr 1-year oit Pilap-lsV D. S. MaFas- lutne; Rugît Gregut.1 Spirns Filiep-lsb Jos. Hoffat; bait D. S. MeFatlanra- Sprra aIHor-es-ls;t G. Millet-; but! James hennie; 3rni W. Fens-usen. - GeNo:taRAL PUPOSess-ORSES. Siehion-Isl Wm. James; bual J. b-pn-er oIt Stalin-let Geo. Pipher; bot JouinClarkie. l-paar citi Stallon-lat H. John- s)ou- Sprins- Cl)-let D. S, lieFariana. hitre-eL M. Boye but D. S. Me- F.ît-iau; A. joilas. 4-pent- t ll ba-IsI W. Alleu - bu Joslnne Deirsen. L.pr nl Fille-lst J. Gras-g ;bni j eo. Hacttiair Sprins- Filiey-lsl Jos. Whiite; buti WV. Cochas. Span cf Hliesa-lsI G. B. Miler; 2tn Jospir Lappiarep. BOlly's SpJcial Pie-le) J. Camp.. lin; inîtoinNooltei. DUenRHAMiCATTLE. As-ai Buh-let dos. Mofilîl; bet jGeo. Miller; Or-I Jas. Gtrainm. b-par-oit Buli-let J. Mliller; but1 Jas. Gi-alsatu; 3r-i Alex. Kaiti. 1-pear oint Bull-luit T. Coates. Bull Cal1873-le) J. Moffat; be-i jRoert Cor-ia; bral Jas. Grairam. 1111dm Cea-lat Jos. iroffat; brn"3 Joliru 11111r; 3rt Ue. Millet-. 2-pear ciii Heifes--lat John Milles-; buti Gco. iller; 8rd Josepir Moffet. 1-year odi Heiler-ls) John Millet-;, brrr aunad -nides. Hoffat. liaifer Calcf 1878-li John Miiler; brin( Jos,. Vas-t; Brui G. Milles-. GRADNtE CATI-LE. As-et Bull-laI Robent Cors-le. b-yeer olti Bull-lut E. Blet; 2nd F. Warrn ; airdtiJe. Bs-paut. 1-year clii Bull-le) William Pet- s-usera.1 Hidi Cea -la)Boirs-ICesrie;. but Johrn Gras-g r.l Johnu Bear. 2-pear oit Heoiler-lut Boirs-Cor- s-te. ,. S-pcar cli Baller-lut sud but Newton Graham; OrilStriplratPus-l. Hlire-Cal1873-lst T.-CeaIes; but Eli Joues. Yoke Hlorneti Oxen-lst John Beas-; but Ruhen Slilvaii. Sferi Tirsougi Bt-ad Cattle-lat John Millet-. As-ct Ram-la) L. But-nette; laid R. Slraaling Rame-laI J. Hopkins;b2ud Cirsles Peseae.. Rer Lnimb-lat Jas. Grahamn; bat Geo, ii-opkiins. b Eoe'let Jas Grahaem. b Sheerliis- Hao-la) John Jamne- cou; beni Geo.. Ropiis. b RateLemis-Iet sud but B. Sug. geP -TM c 21 2r b1 ýWirIta O&tas-Ist S. Natrtez, jr,; ual T. Manclarsop.- Conanon Oàs-lat G. B. Miller-. Biset Osta- le) John Walkar ;buti '. Mande-son. 1La-ge Pies-lut Geo-.Pipr-; bard S. Naeten;jr. Srai Pau-aiGee. Piprer;,buti Meutes-son. Indien Cern-Tht Wlam Niehola; cit.biDritataman. White Beeans-lt Rort MeKhtaley: 2ni Di Cristia, et-.' Tornip Sacti-lat-Cha-lau Huit. Fiax Speat-lat Robe-t Bairdi. -Timotiry Séea-idls James Weaku. 12 -Tý,rnis-1st W.& J. Page ;'- bisa 1lbei angolts-lut S. Natur-- ton. 1bRa Cerot-ltS. Natirerton. lb Whiite Casrot_sairsles Bell, 2ut S. Netihrsten,jnr. .- lb Betuý-lul S. Nqbbartcn, jr. ; buti Ciraries Heu. Onie-s-Sa3t Cirels Hait: 2mai Dan- Early Po.tatoe-lut G. B. Miles-; but James Gkzlevaýy. __1- Lata Potatoece-lt G. B. Milles-;bnci Johtn Pahrner. Collection ofIPotatocs-ist S. Natirer- ton, jr. Collection af Grain-le) T. Mantier- sou. - Wieter Appls-let- R. Hcaaes bot James Bnyant ; ri Thos.,Coaes. Feu Appis-lel S. Netrl-on, t.- but Robent McKinley. Riuasett Apple-let James,- Blackie but) W. & J. Page ; Bt-n G. B. Milles-. Ct-ah Apples-lat E. WaIker ; 2baid W. Casriaieal ; Os- A. C. W. -Pieut. Pears-lt J. W. Crd; bad J.. Bina Pluma-la) J. Shra; buti Max- ancien Reetie. * Pline, any, variety-;lst Jais, Sqnirs-; bunI Williai-Cos.- Gnape-lst Alexandier IBeekia ; bnc James Squires. Bcd Touratoc-lat Chas. Hait ; bnc Jarres Sqiias. Yeilto Tontatos-lat John Mbite. Cabmage-let Thsemas Burcirail; bnc Chrles Heit. Gat-ten Vegetabes-lst John Whaite. Boquet Floaes-lat Hrs. J. -W. Cas-t ; b2nnl Hts. J. Hulîsen. Greenironse Plants-icI T. Jaspes- bardl Johno Wbite. Cilros-alai John Wirita ;'bnd Ge., Pipirr. - Squaahs-ls) H. Tiompson ;- bnc W. Sirati-t. Pnmpkio-lat Geo. Pipier; boti C. C. Jouas, Cauitioers-lat Chrles Hait; 2nd- William Weleb. Celety-let John Whitea; ±d W. Collection cf Fruits na Vegleles- lat Chrles Ho)). 1ý Collection ofl Appes-let G. B. M il- et-; buti C. C. Joues ; 3rd Robert Ma- Fat-lana. DArUY PRODUCE. Boll Butter-IS)Ms-s. G. MoFasrna; buti lre. Ira Ciapren ; 8rd. ira. N. Grahram. Tub Buttr-lst MNfs. J. Shta; bnci lins. Johnu Stoe rbrarts. .S.Bell. Factory Cirense-let Ire Cirepuan bora Johnu Millet-. Hlome-mata Cires-lat lire. James; Hoiman. D031ESTIC MANUFACTURES. 10 yannla.>i'nIl Cioti-sist Ht-s. D. Mc- Donald. 10 yas-is Whrite Fiannel-lçl lir. J. Shra; boul Ht-s. James Gaiioay. 10 par-le coicret Fiaaiael-lst lins. E.H 131Uibero., Pair B'3ankel-lst lira. N. Gnraenmý bul lIns. James Vroomao. Covenit-lst rs. G. Pipîter; baid Mes. James Heait. T-rt, for toittin--let lire. C. Sirar- s-art : bird mrs. Josephr Goult. CouttareuA-lst Ht-s. Jaeas IHol- man ; ati lIMre. S, NetlLerton, -,%Veoisai mitts-1s) lMm. J. Siaw bcd lIra. William Page. Pair Glnves-lat mis. J, Vroorenl. Pain Socea-lat rs. C. Sherrard; bain) lins. Josepir Goniti.- Pair Stocing-lat tut-. C. Slirsrard- Krag llr-ls MiNiss A. Nichlls.; bual lire. W. R. Hopper-. Bai, Catpet-lst lira, Jas. Leaek; boul inrs. William Nîcîrolis. Gentleman's Piaii-let lins. T. Coatas. - Assrtrant Pacto-y Woolen Gooi- LADtES' DEPArtI-arNT. Gent'a Stirt-lat Mrs. hi Kitt; buti lins. J. Shraw. Ladies' Bounet-Ilis-s. -.I. G Niîkpnaenr ; bandlins. A Gros-s-. Ladieîs Drnis-lat alias M. A. Nia- bouls. HMautie or Cape- laI lias hMary Jane' Railse ; bu rt ir. A. Gras-g. ilr' Pinafore-lat liss. J. Galle,- rvay ; bur liýýre. W. Betemean. Child's Dness-ist lira. J. W. Casri; buil lias Mat-p Jarre -Hetîga. Slitciring ou Liuen-lst Misa M. Kiddi.i2dburt is. J Sîrtav. Piece-vor-, Qilt-lst Miss C. hicet; bonIl lira. C. Sreirrald. CrochaI Wor-l-st lias. J. Camplin; buri lira. Tz-M. DaGear. ' Fauay K'iItiug--lIrt ru. J. W. Car-ni; but lins- Holmen. Fancy Netrluiost lins. J. W. Cas-i; nzi Mies lioPlavu. Hmnbreiticry on Musli-ist lira. A Gaas-; bait lus-sA Nilirols.. Si1k Hmlrier-lsl lia. A. Nia- irolie; boti lIfra. F. Keller. Braitlns- ou Cioti os- Silk-is) Mise MaryJ-na Hluge. -Bas-lin Wool WVcrk, raisea-isl Mss. W. la. Bayas;bath Ms-s. J. W. Card. Berhin Woenl-Wosk, fl-lut Mn-. W- H. Hayes ; led MssP. Keller-. Ori-ma Raisetl Wosk-iet Mrs. T Ni. DeGeer, bd utilr. William -Jackt. TttinSlt Ma-e. A. Horumen ; bnc Miss Mas-v Jane ,Ret1ge. Ornemental Naccila avrk-lst iru. - -Feroy._Lartirer-Woik-lagt Ms-s. S. Wilson; 2boni Mise J. Cemplira. Hais- Piovars--lullira. Rber. Bahrd; bunî lin. B. Daritiact. - IV*Wx Prit-lat Ms-s. W. B, lBayas; but Mru.,Wiiiiar acke. ZapîrtFowers-lat Ms-s. A. Bar. ileten; b21 lra. T. M. DeGeer. Papar Fioveru-let Mrs. W. H. - Hayes. Bas-lin Woeb Piover-lst Ifss. W. Fi. Rayas Fancy sBet-lut Mrs. W. H. Hayes ;,bot lins. A. Brazsare. Kuittet Rloca-lat Mns. J. W. Cerd; buni lft-cJ. Shaw. .1 Kuitteti Cou-lst lins. C. Sitar- rerd ; but Mis R. Beliman. Fcs-maeru sWr-cti-laI MissIB. Bel- rau. - Airéauty. - s-n -4 [ -I -f -f f N othOntQui-le uShow. Theananuai FaIt Exibition cf tire Agricultunai Society of Nos-tIr Ontario wars irate)Uxiringa, ou Tuesaa, tîre lut) iat., anti vas, ineerty respect, oe cf tire rosI suaceselul tiretliras teten place sincetIra Scciety vas format. The large cnt of $543 vas takan et tire ate. Tira enta-lasvas-a, in reundi nunt- bers, 1300, ornenariy 800 more than hast yeas-. Al i te tapa-tmcn)s cxlii- bitaîl a tiacitet improvement on pt- vions yeas, anal especiaiip vas tItis tira case in tira tics-ensh-bs-adstockitclass. Tira foiloavins la tira PSIIZE LIST. BLcei HRSNES. Stailien-1st J. B. Forneplr. 2-peat- cit Stelion-lat J. B. For- sytir. b-r-car oit Staiioîî-latJ. B. Forsptîr. htare-lSet J. B. Fonsytir. SADDLE OR CARRIAGE NOs-SES. Staiion-lst J. W. Reymer; bual E. Major. 2-yeat- ein'rstalion-lît S. Wailson; brui Jamles Bs-yen). 1-year oit Stalion-lat James Gocnl; bnîi F. Varri. $iprins-Cot-lat R. Sîirrali; but W. Nicirolia. Brooil mare-id F. \Vard nti bW. Niairolia, b- yea clil FilIey-lat RoeattMcKini- hep; Lni i-Hirir HDenrnot. Spa-ms- Filiey-lst P. Cis-Istie : bt-d Jus, \Vunr-n. S1uai Carr-irise lorss-lst D. For- aptia; brin 1'. Chinstie. Surngis Dtrinnsi- Herses-lItJ. «W. Raur; bita W.Carmiçirpel. SatitiuHolier-sa-a)J. ayenet-; bra Theinas O'Neii. DRAFT isORSES. Iinported ti Stllion-lriI Johrn a Btly. bycVat- olt stalilc-let CirlesPîl- tic; b rh1 - Niglîswantier. iiritis- Colt-St Aaron Jouas; buti Geo. Hatinen ; tir-il WVm Ct-omet-

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