BROCX'eT rà nozi, -Teil per 41,11711tum, eVI&BTIMFbMT$. - Au &dveeAu- Nonýarià i, and chà rgtd et Che rate of 8 cents, per lino, tiret W th Ulm Élritýied iWý unt7m rg 4]Ueruôür-aiiele conte, pér lino, sel nujýo. qubat insertion. 1: 112: 2 -made wfth ativis _Ã: rWIl URO 1 'l il, bytnoyearprothe W111T1ýy ý0Y -.0-Ny A' cà to discontinue advertiminants 7ý Mill bê 1 1ýrr1tiug, ï fr> jm, 7 LBION' -RO-TEL,ý' Y Tl 0 NIS A cive WHITIll ONT., L Business Directory, ar& 4à ,ýýf lie ÀOZUT y« TIM PEOPRIETOR noue eau j -airi?Àd, ýÀW11;'1111_ Tl BISE -PIBE, 1NS. CO-f 1. ISOLA uke atIà aîeîif it Tj't lq IW 1 11 bas boen thoroughl ren At IÃŽ4 a - é , 0104üaU Apwol Caùadimlus Y, dé y TI Bý,2ea est _Dýdïîý, ý_, "édanr hl, ýhc wM fin-1 ev ry acem=ç, the. W Il I Il B y B R À N C -9 Aisé iA*Oiw' à iâ sà raimý î* tue os gp h' wS 'Perà mulit Building and sa Brin gun, 0 silvi s red ggeýLý' bDWÃŽI)PWýÃ- roi THOMAS Dole., The négWo broken éhaiüë en'; at é 4ni 01 MOI aý l'O ýr , va, Fil on M>, lut, à îýà , M"à auz. 7_ ý il ROTEL .1mentil are now being mal A ýWhU fl ' Luire we bi N T'R AL ctured the best them, at the, roW 4ý -C W. 111,14 ' 1 ' " Il W: à ....... 0 1)'911 1 N 1 O-N Rr=IÃŽ f4fflRTÇA,1ý, 4» sIýlfu*ng, an made ol Te pIough8hý.r f- dé. N Kq ?r Our plaine. eW Y tarit -0 thë *iU'- iii4nt tell iBDU>.Ggà X, ONT lient mateiio pp 13 .1 à Ùd,à ie-the mont H I T B Y AGENCY rfý ftýficléof the kiid,éwrijitrod; cela tu, ÀUke-hencýfor Wnkling, toi p thýourýhi1k-ý4 -ow, nu the door open r. JOR BAILEY PRÃ"PR'IETÃ"IIý t"h-e inet M, be arrY, JUInPOd a paper loomp ---ml , fer il t Aila irales whe.rç, cil flowers and,, that Qflicer inýqtant- Were, howg H. B. TAYLOR, ciny. The aboire hotel han. belon nowly fitted u quieýyýýý2i wdùL 8 Arýter«mitbgtï The ý gre end fuznio'be&, Glieste wlU lind C at.froin'.818 tu.09 Àe fLoI a" thatýhlO-, tt,104-the Blierig e. , Y,,!lgpeatýng it, by' enced byt 'omihodation:snd attention. Good subi. . ",;Partjcu4r attention is talon çadued te his la ze Rencoforth toýL ------ À ir 1-111! 4,4 é4Sil 1-g and attentive hosI fil fcda,,ýworà ,,tjI a ý crowd bad' a théoliel R001r 'AýND ýBO knightlY honore pal t'mes beforro uted., With et, au c Idit 1)0dWrü8ýq --777 Tçr'.nobler than the sword"Ils shaU be 'W Io 1C &t. 4,4,L 1, 8 M EX xs3j -xximitciALR-OTBL,,' They are todonything of the kind'; _'y ce moré,rent air, in a sometin AW OFUNCERY&CONVEYAIWING, Yetlunùf il 10 *» »wà u ÃŽDal &9e li OMet), South Wing Court Ratm,, Ar. This old and well destablished Co e Çsve theimm«l»& labor Mil that, rt3inforeed by the took:hisýph rangemeutil for speciid retalner . of lion. Mr, aie prépasI IL ziaks in au clatises of -Xpmse. - Build, up aià 'alfarto thé ior, fre8dol -of thé sec0ýà thrde 1 ng, was tre. prit, âÙd Ãý ,C&,n il q, C. prope AJDWELL, PR M -tU0-- 'U2"tBBS, -warltéïf, by han il cron, Q.C., Dr. MoMichaoý Sty, at I.tlw as those of any well Eý M. C OPRIETOB . . . . . a" une 1 '111rol And shapIl of.,the eýlI il to the fâta ed 0 1pal Canada. y worked la lible'ilext instanL'Mr. Bandy was mure meli P411RWELL, LL. il î 1wla and L 'nol zardous proporty, in- Boat accommodatio d 'Very ce an net fiâb à go get but -à l'oeei, and sillil a --That'ev-er<hunk Éboweis, th seem oi-Winoîs 10* psidé of Pierce'aassis mg lu ing là mred for threds years or lents et spécial lois, aro. ,,ýith, en teà _t OUNTY CHOWN ATTOBXETý'FOR gar 44ýnsthere, nil awAy, he lourd that pinioned tofollow III il and attentive cletiors 41waydi on Square- and Revol,,Vllg Charnis, --util thére the orchaïd fil him, shae 1 hall leai4ile ' - 'd ëitnation, di Oittarlit, Burrixter, SoUcitor, Convol L.ý FAIBBÀNKS, in., the pre ises. harges moderate. B Ideh grant frém, sIm V 1_ ùd fipeaking rapidly. tO 'niadeciéü. ancer, Notary public, &c., &-a. Oùice--Late. OmçeBr(xkSt.,Wbitby. Zn-9-911.1 ýaà à izý triuuipbailfi..,iý8 CLOTÉýBsýý*,WÉ 1 'éà rs un occtll)ietl by 8. 11, Cochrane Boq,-, liste ý,rth ler goal iroots. thil hoëdeil'b" net. -Wë,have c1uding thi ïlown Attorpey, AND TRUNK RAMWAT IIOTEL, tiot lLttègÃptéd'týo describe the wo prock -Street, *Ùîtbi ONTARIO SCuFF=BS,ý 1 -NVM FLBARIIOWSI 7hen lot tour banners dm and flow, Tkirl chief of11ëýr The of AT «%VHIT' BY STATION. stars up" and far.l Shea"S Leaît during the Lf;tfýw mm-' with him. And au ôther Idnih of tour roll ci martym sel anà slow te InlÉle- il R; 4 obl WC no w- attempt it. : The culpt NUTUAL iNSURANCE Coy, WN.' O'NEILL PROPRIETOR. mente with all the&eeent improventents. ýVe content Oursel )Il AnQer 1) ty R , agistrur, Maitter Ex- New Il ARRISTE", ATTORIII CONTE Let fiýgbing.breezes call., 'Ves, illerefordo, with the gýllowd. relatipg th ýe4 Il ci Steam ene'es. (elle -of th 1, f, Tholi naines let, hands of hà rn tan ý ý le &pl , ranil ouly of > Pieréé lie de an î trw)rcllrlnry: anotl)tpxamfne'r In Chancery for READ OFFICE, BROCK ST., wîll have thent weil taken cure of tà l their the kind --uactared,) the underaigned,,"Is And rough-;ihod feet app- lundi thiq Co titi ty of Ontario.leOffice, Court Rouse, WE=BY parties takingthe train and leaving hormis de Most Comp ëte 0 and Sliênïat tbiiepi;t »Omént.="Ile stond aroul him Thit Company insures Farm Buildings, e ru. 1 W ý , , . ' ý1 Wliltby. 1 1! r tu now onà blod to exeentë au ordert; for ý Who il ta make the slave a man, - WIt ogt Word, or, gèsture lie stared lié- 4ko the ahal Country Charolles, School Ilouses, and their PARMING IMPL-EME-NTS Amd lin-k'n-ith foil reward. seec ngly arýùnà him;he Selemed and existent Contents ait rates au Low as those of any LOBE TEL, witz[ which ho may lie favond, èhe&ply, ex. There ]et the commun beart keep time 0 'R 0 ineredul'us, tOý,tfi , té anouticernent of LIS a christi weU-e»tZtýiebed Compal Canada. peditiouil il ta gua;rantee c«=p1ýte satin- Te such ait anthem sultil --me, preserved life, and a long iîlista of hap. world into t ARRISTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 'As never swelied on poet' i rh py il te coine. Death and he fiad therefore ab Solieltot iu Chafinoiry, Conv ancer. JUST LOSSES PROMPTIY PAID. BROOKLIN, ONT. faction in au cases. 1,; i y led on singetI longue- already made acquai '41 JAS. CLAYTON, Or thrù ntancel; they had Ilopeit to gai NotFLry public, &o. Offloo-Over :?r, Ad- LI FAIRBANKS, Ja., J. B. BICKELL, JAS. POWÈLL PROPRIETOR. Shaken nantis on the .yery -lirnit of thp Le, lose. Th ditt.ol store, Brook Street,.Whitby, Ont. Brook St., Whitb Song of our Lardon and relief, Secrêtary. Prosident. IPMST-CLASS À#'COXXOD,&TION. May 14th, 1872. Of peace and long arinoy; worlil the youtlià , back *&q turnod' like hiniself, Mr. D. Rolliday is no longer au agent of The pasdion of olir mightr grief, Ã"n the, rail of this, his tel witil- Lean of Min, th'io Company. OYAL CJÈI IÇ ROTEL, ANUFACTURED AT TUE Ayid our exceleiling joy. drawn frutti its sunshine, and bis ean down hie où" TTORNEY-ATI SOLICITOR IN R Rhut against its happy souil ; ho A Ch ancery, Couveyancer, Le., Canning M A solig- of praise te him who flued î; !ast grand w ton, Brock, C. W. p HRNIX FIRE ASSURANCE CO'Y., PORT PEREY, ONT., hall flýdd'his heart * the last, last hope of ise. TI Port Perry AgricUltUral WorkSi The baril smvu in tears, life ; lie hall deven 'ceased ta think ho , and intituat H.FOY PROPRIETOR. And gave catch field a double yield, LdOXBARD ST.- CHARING CROSS, LONDON. liveil 1 Au' il now te - ho told it was a ý penileut biv "Io feed Our battle-yeurs LE>TEIýB CELEBIUTED L-R CAN t1ream 1 TO lie tpid. Ãhat< death had rode y il Supenor accommodation. Gond -stabling soi and shed mont, and attentive ostlers. VI ai ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN -ESTABLISHED IN 1782. A sang ni faith that trusts the end iélde(tup Ilis vietini 1 To be told of screain was 1 coe 4trOO4 Oshawa. GMLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., Agents for Nor Il the poiver of Love to blond TURBINE WA TE, R WHEEL. To inal the gond begun, lifé alzain, and of days und years of woinan, dîlaýt Canada. ESTERN BOUSE, TUE MOST ECONOMICAL WHEEL NOW IN USE The heurts of men as aile 1 blesse(l life 1 To féel the second birth the thron', al G. Vfov*it. sitil'i-li, I.L. n JAMES DAVIDSON, Manager. W of Ilope within him, 1 Re looked as if the i il DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. lie durst net believe it. lier a,17. 1 AltlttSTEli, ATTORXÈ«Y-AT'.LAW. fulgurances against losa by Fire are effect, Crohoore of the Billhook. 11r.Barrysoon saw the inutilitydof cort, pressure of Notary Public Office-MeMillInýd, B linliettoriu Chaiicery and InRolveu o the mont favorable terme, and, Lasser The underrigneil would intimate te the 'anydetaiIGd i thou,-lits aire 'le * il (in nning te give nformation giait. without reference to-the Board in Lon- liblie, that the above prernisea have belon CIIAPTER XX. te Ilis YCinng'friend, sud foir the prestent. at Alley -Dool Bloek, Brook âtrelà ffliitby, Ontario. on rieu'IY fitted up and renovated thrtinghout. YEOMAN GIBSON Best Liquors and Cigars. "The Cream of attended . only te, bis situation. Ile . 111)r cap ha JA Il E14 , L là Il ON, Agent, Whitby. Canada,"I Pure Rhine Wine, Walz's Lag- TI-e hour for Pierce Shva's execu- gently rele-aqed ýAIlîey fý0M bis bands; in:a Wild etra or ii-holesale and retail. Boarders taken by lion on the galloil or rallier for his elle had fainted undez the fin fiad loft in th TOR'.4FY-AT-LIW, SOLICITOII ný thn week. pro!--ros4z to it, snunded froni the town- nouneeuient of the newFi, and herce -.11t'arlls- Ile &,c. Offitsil Ilartish o Block, Brock St., C hiaxirery, ConvoTancer, Land Agent. ' H E JOSEPIr A. BANDEL. clock of hilke-riny. Au waI; ready for caul lier, an-11eld.her . from fui iiùg. parcially III Uxbridge. tlie terrible procession front the prison. Thon, dcansing Wine tlo be brou-lit te liair fell luxul Liverpool and London and î9lobe N ipissi-ý,G ROUSE, dont te flic gallows-zreen, at the es- the spot, Mr. Barry zave soin 7 its E CRVENIV1101) ât COJIPANI. tr,,il,"(,f lhecity, wheral lie was to resened -, malle him seat himself ; and lier, f.ip11ýLen2F ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLIC COR. XrNO tND GEOICGE ETREETS, il The ganýd of horse and foot by degrecs, restored the, lune or bis blood-the of t NearîeK publie, Cou AVAILLABLF ASSETS, $27d000dOW. Il 0 l' il t1je liuslic-il multitude WiLliout, a- tl)011-(Yllts and sensations, until pour bY One Of the South ôf p uu9,rý,,ý oil - - il 0 N T 0 1 0 N T A B 10 . wa led tlle il of the iloomed Pierce toulil et le-unth -ratef*t-iily and tlie rest, ran 0 FORTY MILLIONS OFDIOLLARS. - JA S. T. JE WELL, whiftï Irso Lont5es paitl in course of thirty-five yeail Font). fliti, iiiiniit(--, a universal rapturous1y returu the salutations of beautiful nell 11110,111AN 91UýTt)N Claims by Chicago Pire destimateil at rieur- Proprietor. Murmur of continisi-ration, with audli- his trille friend, and kneel tlovu in Her lover Il iy 88,OWGW, are being liquidated as fast a> Toronto, Aug. 12, 1878. 83-3M ayers for illorcy art his soul, andi thanks te Ileaven and te. hiin. OWN- CLZRK AND TREASUREit tdjusted without dc(luction. Seeurity, ill flie life te coule, announe- Now, Loo, lie Was able to uwlerstand arlus. Re Il T Whitby'. ý Gilicle-Towil Hall. Rour- ý'rornpt Payment and Liberalityin adjust- ed Iiis itito the street. the subjects his zoulous friend ail.-I aionc. Ail lie front 9 tu 1 o'clock. tient ni iti§Losspsare the prominent features ONEY TO LE:ýD1 -L, c -ward clad in a jaelcit of patron hall be 4 ibis wealthy Company. M 1 -aniv foi fore vainly endeavoured ý'"ten- Ht' c, Head Office, Canada Bruneh, wliit(, leathil vmall elothes, fitt- ta explain. Mr. Barry stateil brace, beeause G. F. C. SMITH, Repayable by instalments for front Two ta inZ te Ili-q limbs, White stockinzs, ()ývill!-, ta flic sutidpljness of flie witli tbe fi-loti for the Çntinty il Ontario, Address- Chief Agent for Dominion. rivelity years, ai lo,%v rates of iiiterest, with- fortu 6, on lie Sb il dlé N.SPECTOP OF PU13LIC SCHOOLý and II with huckles. His lit-ad was lie liad receivel of Pieree's misaccoulit n r o 1 lttà lftll post C-ITICU, Ontario. L. F AIRBANXS, JR., Agent dit Whitby, Out. ont commission and at moderate which it tears th, bare-, arid his long loclis the rich waves the latil liolir of the niglit iit liad Private Fond. t.-Lé.d. coml)(.tl bidili, luind, in curili aroijn(j Ilis ud die. necossity for She ton, ac il J. (.Ir,-tN, Jki. 0., OHN L. WATKIS, Apffly ta- These Wheels we are now manufacturing fail and sijoiil lers. At file instant of instantancous departure from Dublin love for bilu lj'TZGICO-%; TO THE COCNTY GAOL. J. E. FAREWELL, cheoper than any other shop in the countrv, Lis lire, flir yolind- in s face ta Kilkenny, as scarcely a minute led bY WOrnaal Byron Street, whiLby. -Q-FFICIAL ASSIIgNEEi Solicitar and ive will give a guarantee With each 1výiq flu4l"il. (lvi-il its, natural Could b(d spared, lio ha(l*pr'eferre(l a 9110 'lever il Droek st., WIiitýy' Wheel warranting them ta bc as well made, Luv * te a Ril 111ze, the a first application ta the jadge by whoin her bosona. S 22_t, art(] ta give as gond satisfaction as any evidli.-ilee of lhe. biii-nin, fever of rein- Sliea liad been tried, and who was on cd with the ai- ýUY*,S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG. Partips desiring further information can B41LIFF SRD DIVISION COURT, Illay 28tli, 187-2). manufacture(] in the Doininion. elfd f.ll1nfi0ýs that reigncd within the spot, rallier thau run the hazard of %-.rords were 't, ýjr the eye R. 0. Hý L., Oshawa, Ontario. AUCTIONEER. &C., &C. Ilil)'-of liuman shrijikind, frein bis reillaiiiing ail in nogotiation with dressing, the g OBELT JOUN YARNOLD, obtain it by îï1dressing y horrible fýLIP, spite of ly ffor:t the viedemgal ;zovernmfut. The letLer tilleul theY Col Ai) ctidi, OFFICE-In Bigelow's Block, Port R PAXTON, TATE &- Co., Il ri-ligwiq zent ta enlmau be Perry. Perry St., Port Perry, Giit. hire il rave- Ille hall reelcived in Dublin, together lier from lier NTIST, (SUCCES- OFFICLA L ASSIGNEE IV. Tite itioll'ent Lis eye met the willi ]lis 1).,,rqonal knowleil of Pierce, part him from sor to W H. Card., Port Ferry, Julia 24,1872. 26 il foil, and Lis checks eiiabledhim lit once ta gîve -the judge Pierce, and sliE Street', FOI' TIIE livid as (](-atli. This sueli information of ]lis character, of Doolin- Thel oxide uug admiiiioteradýii)r the plaintes (.,ouvný oF o.37TARio. THE Wh i Lby river Mr lamesil Store, Nîtrotil EW BAKERY dt, FRUIT STORE. ISOLATED RISX rt, however, file eflect of the circuinstances by which lie liad traction of t-eüLli. 11101*111 cowardice. He was soon able been reiluceil intd-Wliitebolism, and of what elle liad i C Ti A It D N N 0 W 41 Fire Insurance Coy of Canada, ta titan hijp.1ýf-1f azain, anil ta Lake a Ill gi-iiltltýc;s conduet duriu-r; tlie outrage would come Vi 13egs toaurjouncethat bois nowprepared se(-Oylil aild couiposed survey of the on t1je proctor, as at once procured the near them. (Il. N. V ». UN4 L. IL 4. te supply everything in the croatureq that Star- respite of whieli lie was flic bearer, and . Pierce PrOuc Sakery and -Confavtlonery Une ID OrFicE-Mng St.,cor. ChureliToronto ý4rrLE-TH insertied on au tl ùd so elrangely iiii so fearfully upon would fiijallv iusure a fil pardon froin She staried an un ehoup Il the cheail ami as good as lit, At hi% nid stand, latoly accupied hy Mr. J. CAPITAL, $5oo.000. latiot, principles of-flie art, Iiiizi. ILs coutitetialier, as.ýtInIed un ex- fille Loril Lieutenant. Sa that Pierce watcheil his liPI bdI Toc-th filleil with I Sud Silver. ArWLIL ili iiiiison ilvitii tij,-, prepareri liad now but te cul a few days of 0'vil sentence 0: Tevth extractud Without 1)ftin, by pýdoduCitI Depoýilli'd wilh $67 ()0() Litjil ri-siý,djùl1 s-ite of his previous happy by tile advancod to pai loi-al Delita ltOonjsLju Cow. CHOICE FRUIT OF ALL KINDS § tjjol1_,ht.ý ; qAhiý,ýj togetill with his icertaility of conling enfratiellisénient, c,'I11ýrIIt file pers, ati'ff il block , laver Atkimion's Drug Store, Rept constantly ait hand, in season. IL M'ili adjilst au losses %vithout il and nifiiii ' V, fd1rii)edrfý%v down un- Mr. Barry added, that ]lis own inind Fo?"eaillitie uril, Kilig.Streut, Ooilswa. ORANGES, LEMONS ' SARDINrS 7*121. CnýtTG ST., xr..iü VICTOEIA SQUAEE, puy overthe, cash AT 0-NICE, pill and coinpas-ion. Au hall sufrereil exceedinlfly on flic road closer, aid Ilid 1 LOBSTERS, PRU-Il RAISINS lion. ALEX. %icKL-NZIE, M. P., wa!; once rijoro pré-parfil. Tli,-, soléliers ta Kilkenny, particulairly ivlien, after 1.3tit lier terrain CHr-l TOBACCO. MONTREAL. Ilre>ident. al-01111il liiln all the priest; Iiis starting frorn the staý a where we last il 1 froul th ISSUL11 OF MAIIILIAGE LICENSES. BnEAD delivered dailytocustomers and MAUGHAN, Jit., Rr11lý; The Id-ft. Law- jeft ilini, Lis carriageivlieel a-ain fail. witli(ir(-,w ta Liq II01. I.ifini(leure-Byro" an other rovl»ibijli and gonds dc1iveý'ed as exclii8ively commi88ion. JOH-% Mitl i-..v(,r, lio througli tliat of bis ed, and inueli precforis Lime W'18 spent 'God bless yo Stromt, thriw (tours north of Town Hall. inay bl olered. 12 yeurs extigýrieiiee in the Niolitreil C't-ijll)'Illio!l; lli,; riglit Land in ri-l)aii-iud, it. In fact, as wo Ilavé dressitig file Ilu t !.uce. etun prompt, and Uig leS)t .1 c choice Brandit of Cigars. illic 'q privr- l)oo!ý .1111 tLý! cavalcade sei 1, lie hail ncarýy couic ton late. His but a marner RICHARD SNOW. market prices olitaitied. Consignors ept M. -ý%-ILLCOX, %Lit DRESSING AND SHAVING %Vlýitb.y, 4t., 1871. 37 Posted lis te il of their gel pros ets, W $ Saloon, Brock Sr, Whit1dy. à wfflw do 'je 'T'a ber 84ÙI cornfoit sud jolaaébà ,or-P. - fOà se Who eà for OF Inla 1 Per the fact et- the. marriage tuât, thie 1fichi-ý_ lamier is i3ý ýWa Èà rýe.'cà r_ 10-4 'with it an -iminézis Satisfaction, Ébat for the ý sakis pf bis chiliren ý the is. dGs1iùîq,'ý, Rhuidingîhe effortsto poptilariz"e' lier" býôfinPari,,itisnot piirchà seel read- ily. , The meat dûW"seSý rapiffly jç0m the, fatigue and toil tý whicb the animal bas been subjected. It is mestly made .Up into siusages, ia Whie h dis- ýÙiSed Shape it is solil as Germ%]:L ilausage, or those of Arles in Lorraine. At ýthe Poorer taverns the flesh is %ecretly purchased and dresseil -as entr6 à coic8 and filets. The butchers some-. times lard a, joint- of bois.- and prepare itaabSuf a la mode. But the pear people as a mle. refuse free tickets for UOT,ýis, mestand it is only by mysterinus practices and clever disrmýses tliat it is nia4é*to enter iut-O Consumption. TER MAIDS 01? hun- dre4 an4 seventy-thrr,,e yr-ars azo tliere livëd in Bi(Idenfien, in the cn!iniv"of Kent, Eagland, two siotrcr.-, tvu*nq, ;vho wère joitjed togetlicr s;rnilý,irly to -the siameseý twins. Thpy ili(-d poqsp.,;secl ofproperLywhieh thpY w7ileil siloalil be t'à sÉo.3ed'of perpetuailv in tlie tien of ail, aiinual jole of calics, and clieeae. 'ffhe cakes are situply flour lud water bearînq the flmireý; l'-l') ý a-la the portraits of the sistem aud are va]- aed as cariositie--. 3:», w, .3 listribu tpéï this year, wÃŽelý W loaves of breal and- 470 pouadé, of elleege. Taz.WHITBY RAILWAY WqIRF.-Ur. Fee hm finiglied the new flie foot of Kent stre-,. easù for the whitby _,anil. Port Perry litil-Vay Cor npany. - - It- 13 a neat aud fran»balding,,508by9-5ft. Thowbarf i a hundred feef'", and will answer the, desired purpose admiirably. The wharf and greater part à f stm-hunse have been built'upon what wa2; drowmed [and. A con8id ' erable- spaee lins been- Ellled in, making the lanflia- plaee v«7,ry 3onvenient for freight and flic Ontârio stoppe-fLC-iertý 'wr tâf, firet aine last 31onclay, and wili ccyltilvie- te Io phereafter. It is the inene;on -of à e Corapany to bllill# a Poiverral tum Lud a Swift Pasgenger boat; aul it is )robable the work imiy lie in ýin£Lqmy. We hope so, atany as hiq Lq the best I)oint for bontbuilý-'in', -Lindsky Post. severe cà w-llî,lin., froin c, V,11;4 111 ive- iail whora lie bail ji!tiýd, ra* th'r, Coný- ratUlated hims'elf thail re- that if slie treat-eil ] - 1 !1> qG waen iley were not inarried, it 1%-,.cý impo3si- le te tell'wliat be woulil have suirered L er bands aftýr inarringe. 'Got any inedicine ?' askeil a boy iterinq a drug, Ptore the oCifcr flay. reslotELofit. -fference, se iVs sornethliag lively. atl is féarful bad.' ail à îm à eà the elerk. nt hes rait down av.,fal. Ec -aund the Stove au aky auq ý hagn't wallopeI as. 1 guesq hrý's goïn fa !!U2. A little giri atten-Eur reet elue catilà bc Obýa e1ýd ùý. th.ef ffieuggh it wa-, souý,l'.Lt ý.và 1*i tcars. nally a mill plan %vas JLit n-poei. -A :nPtinýg dou,-Ii-îlut with à iÃŽllijlý, of Yenne Poppermms pail, il the remit watelieil. j3nforLý noon ittle boy was seen at lac piimp wor!j. 1 it in a lively inanner.. -It secineil ic hail bail two h1jndreý! nair of armi Coulà have 113eJ thmil. FIË.,i %Vas* L out howcver, an-1 -enon-q'i of the. .,)Ul (le vered 'I' 1,TUUU tendvr erdotionr- -4VIO htJeu Liiiii person ; but site his mistress BLOO ut the ()'ýveý,t Prices. The, suli-4(ýýher We wi-re volinz allil giilIv 011 tllat Il g: anel squalid ; au(I' Us ho less- 401111111. Â'ligie âtoek of ClothH, front whieil N. B.-Covered eoiveylilicýi,.g for faulilies ""el C. si __ - 1 1 -rs f)r sale the iv 1 w such a crélature coulit The cry was rel go rultko IL iguluction fur imfiiiiiei and ljtdïes. Prompt attendance, as liereto- %%, HýILN-illl,,Pll 1-eh-Fised large- tructs of the best ing valuable l)rol)erotff>f, in the Town ci Whit. 4 Il 1 t 14, fore, to ail orderm. 01,1 la lig- ()ri the baeli: Lakes, a full and Il>- -.-An excellent Brick Cottage mitil j acre da alid pilsh-el ýVith cliild- PrF.9ulue tO exercige Over hià raistress and repeated exlin inlesti supply %vil] bu aI%%ýayiî kept 011 i-li in si) novel a siglit the authority and oMeiou.,,uerF, lie now Now it Beecined o N. RAY, Proprietor. liaroli. of land, situatefl 011 the Corner ni Green ancl -W(, rviiwigiber to this hourthe itjtl)i-eR- saw lier evince, rememliranop, bitt(->r humant voicigi rat St- Peter Sts., il, the South Ward. Allio, 4 ratrf, illitl full ineaf-,ure guar. acre of land, -.vell fenced, Fion 1lJaiIIý upoll Our 111,Jjil Il awoke. AIleyýs 'beliav- s1jouts, etie cruy UM131,1i AIERCHANT, CARPENTEli 11 0 1 C E aliteed. Coal wi-iglied oli the Town scalem. and in a high state s y the face mineinbrance, iiiid Joiner, Grectà Street, Wliitby. A A rultivation, conier Wellington and Gif. anil Of Ébat 1111fortunatp, man. iorcluririlztheirInterviow il; the glen action, and broke L A.ALEXANDLR. ford lits., North Ward. i acrp, ci, centre St, Tlw character of both was unearthly of'Ball,ý,fbile came to Isis 'mind ; and cite(,, ; first whisp îîqitatiLitý of Ail hitids of luitiber cou- 9'. in atriiit y ou Liard, the '-outh Ward. AI 0 land, safi thou 14" Whilly, July 1, 1,171* >outil ut the resfflencu of C. Draper Lin,! :-lie sneilleil a creature tllê g t, that site was uiiwor. mutterin- ; then fully ilitip- l'eirLg coniVosied of part of lot 18'10th Don. hu 20 acres of g;l kind fi'()In the living a- thy of his love, checked the exultation question or assel Ced aild litteiffleil on short notiqe. 0 TEA.1llSëýP TICKE thumber- thlo, ÃŽTS of Township of Murray, Co. Noý 1-hivril hù- wallwil : the grave of his viiifièd RpiritA, and cast a shade the füremost of ept coittitailtly cla band. A bourse Whire land. liai] ali-pady stampeil ilim with its (-vert over the daylight te whicli lie had Came uear enoul on liberal teviiiii. A clear and indisputable titis will be given braiiii. Ilis cye kopt no recognition just been so iniraculously rrstorod. As static word to the A P P L E T R E E Sy to'aU the above property, For further par- for the bviiirr and things ffrnund bitn , hi, Inst sight 01 ille place they occupied, surrotinded the ga ONE, Y TO - LEND. . , ticulars apply te the owner. M 9 il o (j r voouo, iý strayed Pot liere and tliere, as man'r, Ailey -withdrew through the crowd sent burst into on _AT TRE- FRANCIS CLARK. cY's U'ill rti-aY, tO seelc riltice, or lielp, cli ri -ýing tO the Old WOn2aU. cheer. 'A repriev The utidLý,rsigned lias nuy amotint 01 Mon- Whithy. 3111Y 187t. 29tf or gratification, or aqsvrance, froin the But, ut this moment, a new occur- exclainied to a ma ey to Leild 111)011 learng or l'own Property, ut An amazin- yell, there as they spok briglit varieiiis of animato and inani. ence attracteil hint. untimitgully Low Rates of luterest. H 0 M E N U-R SE R Yy )OYAL BIIITISH QUEEN HOTEL, 'il mate creation Thoui, lie stepped superior to the clin of ail the'other their hats and capi Luarg cari bu ruiiitid Lit suiuég to suit ber. From two t(Y-four yeurs of age, embracinf' , ail R wiffi a firug and couragrous step, that voices that still kept cheeriný and huz- in t ' ho whole of th( rowerd. the best Varicties. a street, along which sa il one fello, Soveral riliprovetl Farina and Wild Lauds PORT P E RR Y. Srginiand of the will, still uncoliscions. thp soldiers conducted tlipir prisoner. eyond. word aition seemed the restilt of previous zaing, carne up th devalr, ILI Of la Mutiîtýipal Deben- JAS. DEWART, PROPRIETO for Iî4lu cheu SETH C. WILSON, ly obryed by the rnuwles of the bo(ly, A liat wag; cast into the air, thiage times love of Boad, -ist-Oflice, Wliithy. If fe in the 1 tuteli, îýaik, and other niïtrketatuble Stocke, Lot No. 8, 2nd Con. Pickering, en Kingston Sy A fla n's Magn.ificent Lino ratber' tbati a continous exercise of Ili-lier than any otlier hat, and a barc. The tunigilit rose Fur farther particuhgrii apply to OF MAIL STEANIERS and liquors at the bar.. Attentive estlers. Splenclid' accommodation. Bélit"Wines, ;Menfal and animal funetion. His lie'nded fellow éppeared rauning at the of éarriage, wheels _JAMES HOLDEN, > parched lips moved rapidly in pra or ; top of his speed, jumping and capering, join their "ahilloo" Oflicial Awglignee, 13roker, &c. ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. For sale, te and front Britain, al lowest rates, go rapi-liy indee ZI and all neüessary ï.dormation cheerf il tliat one miglit lave and amititig the atones with. his tre, scampering at his OleVIC E -()ver the Domiuien Bank, Me- V uly BROTHERS, thonglit ' t gth el 'Il he feared to mise. in making mfndous alpeen, and terrifyin"Il tha soon stren ened milliwi'o, Ji rock St., Whitby. Being part of lot 29, 7th concession S ott, giv' Howed procoeded towards 131 rir ut 11, 1872, Iri Coulity -ai OntarW-100 75 cleured QEO. YULE, Ilis grec preparation a second of his beheld him. Ile pranced and lie s'ýrDs, tneasured tiine.- Wlien occasionally ho like an escaped bedlamite. ho pusbed mad fellow leailing alid lu a'good Zte .1 cultivation. Good Telcgraph and Express Agent. WHITBY, ONTARIO, knelt with his priest, ai différent turns aride, or shouldercà , or knocked him- del , liteil tirchins i ! welling lieuse, and extensive outbuilcliti. Il Importers, Dealers and Manubcturers 01 all WhitLy, Mui-eh 11th,1873. of the streets, it was terrible to sec the gel t f in gond ropitir. Apply te the owner, of the suburb houses, run' 1 They gained the 'L -Ii f agninst evel-y Due ho met. The in t em lay, là crie 1U Rigide of upturningi; of his eyes, that rolleil and women mug ýVllitby Bra48 filid String Ëilldý, atlapted SIMEON TIFFIN, e for Sý'iîVc4, Quadrilles on the premises. L UMBER 1 LLIlBER LEA THER AND FINDINOS, strained to beaven in supplication, or téthedoorsas ho passedraised their o1soldiers, and Pi Parties, &,.., %%,ill iiuliPlY tige best Zd Leiifikdale, Nov. U, 1872. 47 else seciiied to turu shudderingly in- hands and eyes, and hastirly pulled in foster-brother, An, latest ýlui;ie on ruatioligible terme. Cash paid for Rides, Bark, and Leather. wardly on himself, until nothin- of their children. Some fun-loving ýOys, in upon the gui Appliiatiý)wi iitUst bu Rigide elther lierson- The uiideniigiied baving been lippointeil Leath7r stretched, thee à pppared but the duliblaukwcliite who liad at first looked at him in a- Illorwas at firet viole ally or by lfýttol', (pout saldj te Cý U 8 A L L . Agvzitýand almil, Shippirir Agent-for the 1 wit out lifé or meaning. mazement and nùsgiving, ventured to at a word of explau J.-IYOLI,'Jý'NDEN, extensive Lumbcr ilrin of 'Mesors. Smith & Le- B-ELTING MADE TO ORDEII ON '%Vhîtby' F Co., of Fenelpit Falls, but; opencdin connec- The procession gained the last turning divertud general »attention from the se=, they paused 1 Lot 24, south hall, 7th eau. Whitby. lune ve SHORT NOTICE. of the Iiqt sulkurb street it liad te trav- chie£ object. The bustle increased : raitted him. Re DweU!itg, berne itc.,-itl)out tlirce-quarters tion w1th bis other prem'ses' un ex i il B Iîý, s il cleared. Situatuti a mfle nortit of Brookliti. May. 1872. 22 erse, The high gallowa-trée was the crowd feU back. A.carriage drove likg a tiger; squeezt T L U m B E R A R D strai-lit hefore, the culprit. At first farioualy-up in a cross direction; and a in hi" gigantié arme Apply te lighFef it lie stepped back a little, and voies was heard crying out in accents ed round him, yeUe HORSE M EDICINES. JOHN CAMIIDELL, Adjuining the Whitby & Port Perry %il- 5 A L E. prcsý"d tifflit the arm of the priest. A hoareewithearnestnesg"ancl emotion: émote the Paving SU i- Brooklin. gray Station, where ho keeps -constantly on- F OR AIL (le.içriptioiiii lu thé býggt H.ýggo M.ýdl. 47tf haiid et large and complete stock of Luin ber A valuable Farm, in a high etate of aulti. -few words of kind and sublime encotir. Mr.'Sheriff ? Mr. Slieriff 9, Thon; suddenly Aa ciwii kept eowitaritly on band and for sale at of al] kinde for sale, wholesale and retail- Vie ýV1iitljy Livvry 8tal)leoë ÃSTERN ASSURANCE COMPA'-N Y Illaneing machine, and all kinds of work ezý vat"m'ýs0'1 Dot excelled' in Canada, being agement froin the zeulous clergyman A hum of eager conjecture, and Of soldiérii, ho raiseil hi Lot 25, gnd con. West Willianu, County ci gave him new nerve: now ho walked on hope, they knevv-not why or wherefore ever, and galloped charg., for Lighire, ecuted promptly, to orêler. Midfflesex, 80 acres cleared çmd wcU welter- quielter than ever. At this moment rau through the crowd. Poor Pierce direction; no one k: N. RAY, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. GEO. CORMACK. ed, gond fonces, gond builïirgs, and a fine reine stir and noise in the crowil rouilla himself started froin the trance, tliat or wherefore. Wliîtl)y, May 27. 1873. 22--tl Young orchara of choice fruit ; situated 1 * within 44 miles of the flourigghing village of proac gin- the -allows-green, and as all liai] fallen on him, and listenéd to those But Andy know H e CAPITAL STOCK, - $400,000. ARM FOR SALE. - Park Hill, and contaÃŽning 142 acres. cauglit tïý, i,.Ii't of a white haridlierchief sudden words with hyzterie catehlug of raced, folloived, by I L Y AGENT, »B SOUTIE OIqlAitio, Vor particularli apply te.- waving high in the air, nt the top of a breath that betokend only half con- 0 wdýt' too the ail THOMAS KNIGIE[T long rod. seinusuese of -thoir having sounded on 'r-irîr>,h th woogien CI Clek Divi3lon Court, Tp. CIerk, JOSEPH HoLifAN, BROOKLIN, ONT. Whitby, knoivil as Park bac c0'nnectý Borne lesp Thrit well-known farm, lot 28,13rd con. of 'à iU. 'Make way 1 makr ay l--cried the hils dull ear, with un effé e, like that of two jO C0111111il;KiOller ill 13. B., Land Agent, &c., Whitby, July 24, 1871. Sheriff. Isoldiers, k, and make a doatirgg old man bo la &0., AtIlLýrly,,Ci)uttty 011LArlo. Allio Agent for the CANADA FARMERS, way, THE DONALDSON FA Rmi - . il. past - recoUeitioii JjÃégéýt kil -Jw! i .. Atharlv MUTUAL INSUnANCE COMP.&NYY d--l EO. T. HALL, 'Make way 1-way, way l'-ecboed with the accents Of a well known but i, evemez And as at prissent in the occupation CIMT. q1Y cach voico. Thosoldiers themselves: long-figt tten voice. leaning staff, rà O C ia 110 T Le L Huila Offlcel HAMILTON; and N. Ray. ContaÃŽna 190 acres; about 150 11.1,,ared the gbulness and Izeal of the ý Th r lit 0 sheriff inatant1y hastened to &Oin aide Bide, no CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPT, cleared; dwelling, outbuil(lingà ;,arid saitable AGEXCY AND C01M ÉSIONS. Ilde arriage had drawn up, and ggu e,ý n by îts 'ri 'WIIITBY, o»T. oMues; Rplondid orchard of 8 acres in extent. oining, their shouts ; but where the e e Montrera, Fire, Lits and Guarantee Apply te-- Valustion$madeandacconntecoll farther maiiifesting an active spirit, was seen tolisten to soin ' e rapid coin- near, Feelings uot 1 e-, Department, Wou fiýt#4ýý»ýnplo roours rnple'and (1 q, IIIT t L, ni JAS. ÉIIINGLE, PROPRIETO saine ýmunicationaýIdÃýssýdtýhimbyapeMon left bis 4ce a-gh.ffltl First-clug accommodation, JOHN Aý DONALDSON, flics over Tim Cifao civil 7b il ' w: -Uwîs,-ý -Kuçb M, 1878. iati T" W "bitby, à 4j, lé, IMI Businequ pmmély, à tw# 1 within, ý1 -W minute the 1 wPeR, lier ELP e. . Govt Engligration 011100, highest is a iznawful thialg for a houqekeep- l'on the mice gets nt lier cli"se. le liornet ir, beautifilliv (lefiaed, to le ed hot chilà of nat1Iýé1- omen like to niarry ino,,i1)ý the 0 of Williain,60 t1icy ma have ý'l,-will oir own. has.boeurproveï t1iat, his fire, a iniser-stuck z tork ili the )f the bellows, to Bave t',1fý little that was left in tll=. k the and t'Io 1-Illi). ; of io_ýlay' elaini IL ir](ýqoerit from c1lows of the anciant city nf Tyra spolie 9 lady wislipfl -a sent. *A portly, soute gentleraan brouglit one ana 1 the lady. 'Ob, youre a jewel-, ilie. 'Oh, no,' ho' replkA, 'Im eler. 1 have just set the jewel., loung lady wishing fer à situatioli ecently interested in au advertise. for some one to do -li-ht house- ag. So She wrote to the- adver. tsking where the îighibouse was, ý'there was any way of -1ctting 3 on Sundays. UP said a doting à ant to her four. ild nephew, *Bay schelleetady !, gravely pondoling- the question a nt, shaking his hoad, lie soleinu- wered : 'No, 'tant' say yit,,'teef 'arp 'nough." won earth do yon mallago ?1 a gentleman of two inseparable ma lonngers. 'Yon aire always er, yon never do allything, ana Li always have plenty of monoy.'. est thing in the wdrld, my dear 1,was the candid roply ; 'ive bor. eue another.' ,the cold, winds buzz o*ûr your la nuz, and you put on Moro yonre almost fruz. Sizeofféred by Mr. Thomson of Welland," for the two best vae won by Mr. J. Schofield, of Sstono, who took the first, and dward Joncs, of Stamford, the Meer and 42 mon of tho inounted force loft for Manitoba on ýy bysteame.r £rom Collingwood. rnamed Peter Lyalli 18 yeand, a rân over by an engine at -the- hi*,;-Sta 1 tioâ on, S4tniýday