*unto againtt tii. unent, sigu of the B Sey Wwirrow te iigity s8011 the cW5 ula 4W>' l i dU the uert uKuig gi e lvi# sa.olit tht:icIioh brogue, a@' <Pl§"at tiix.ueto ye lr sais i Mi *Tae baukr w1huiaad macle, a eug fghi# bands ahd iki[okhie ii.naucial Net momnug thi, giflerons Insuo fritnd amaçe4 wlîh a-' omewh&t puz. 'BdlckwBid l oumenoe<tbIe Vnitor, *#lie'@ à poor ignonapi oratr- @lie 0 1e1oktng sp the.very divii about the 'OUOU'and wearg am -yon kepIt uaS You'lt b. after keeplug tii. OW,umJ{> axao ills , lhe's hoariled up, Now jixt te faul'y the pour Ignoraent crattire tfat 1,0 ail salfe I gave i er a chèque for, the atmouiit willx hel1 bbrig witlî ýlier aJoiigýw1hhe Si61QoO, too. jliat get t realy in golil for lier, ad Wlio al'é lias Sotit Iyevr ul 811 b.s*tîified it'a ail smule anti leave t ail hI your lît'l-sle' ouy Ixorignorant wo. in-o NIr. 'rawel xcs er- 4110 s ti x'mn wellI lis ll i ëe. ilddy A-4 lie spoke, in'caine tihe lacly, pre. sentqd the. olaequ~e wlici tiie batikî'r teck.. Mlichael Dnelywinked - at tiie Mau Of taone V, Who excliauiged a mnu. Dg anille witl bIi&a *1bernlaà n benifac. teH e then weixt tuOfa cf. uxd took, ontla quantby ofi¶oltlcoin, counte(d it Ou u thela (y, WiO began »tu eoount it over witli greaxagravity. ,Iit the muat. tianeMr. lictuel Duxelly eugaged tîxe baiken in plaaist coluveaioni, Ail of a sRitldaxu tii lady deOsited tha' r. gaildwlua lo Sçunit saybnig, 'Faix Mii n. trdwe uyenru. juat the lioties Ma nsu uà anband Baya yo ware1'anal [eft thie office. TIi'anrker was tliuuderstruck. 'Billy, ye devil,' crle hiubuoi, 'bai thât wiaat yü'd bc after Y coule back,.yc, ould wlLlil1 Moly Motiier I she'q juet lnrnlng the. blocs, l'il b. aller litraniil suc wilt ieieuxusut laiig ou Liii 1Itefecli lier back with theo dinh>' dol. At thus Mr. Michael Doiclly tolhcd arte'nIiia we.. iïwfnallml by, alil thât's lioly ' orbed Whl¶Y, Sept, 27, 1878. ~ 4 j FAIRY VOICES. FA1iRY VuiCEK PAU<Y VOICES. FAIRY VoICES. THE NEW FOR S #6 PER D(RRIN, SON G E C HO, 80(W ODp JNPRESS: LOVELL"5 t 4tr~7) seat Chairs, Tables, The largest and cheapkt st e,'9 ict&ere8 &eer *i gI ini town, ail of whieh ie offers, at ýr1es that will not fail ta $:ýe, T ndersigned wish -t@ (r 6 cnÇ~ jgonoer.y, th t-d bc t e T D imd h mi neither bouglit out, nlor sold out, atnd je in no0 way conxiectêd with i'-onS-i .ntly kept on L&h m*rlm Ç t&îeà â to1ner8ý on shrt notice. Fw2ord3 féiJ1yeUppled1 e vesà é , , rai patronagre extermded to hiiýý-wh1' dcarrytingý 6h' 6iiMines iIn' f to*n ,'], ' , i.d bcgs for a Contifluance of the same to lus8ucqssors -'JAN* là .# SÀMO. GAZETTEER OF BRITif- NORIH- AMER lAi tontaLnlig the. lateat sud miat. anthexatia. sacrlptlone.eH vrsxtxoeid'iis Towue, anidVlae i ioPolca !~ tarieQO ba aSoi, New Di'utiinelfJ, Territatîieg; axia gexeral inforraxîa.iOll,î-raaý', from oflbcîalmaources, aiw tu à la axea, loeil ity, citent, e.", uofca -4 I l toiireil Laksansd Rier, sTtlxsTPs,',f t pilxî,. iîiiîg the. prexiraimy f tiie ita.iiraay st a tioîxm, aisiSec, Laike sudxiv taer 1îiî a u Chis, TowxxeVillage, &., lu thae caverai P'rovinces. Price.in ù- eti,, 52.50 ;Price in lpull Cailf,,$3;75. Agents îsaxaîed to cainviîaa for thc work. JOHN LOVELL, lubliaiher. Moutreul, Omb Aug., 187,9. 34 Julia, 'lis of thuu1I aiug. ts'aI. lL.y s. 1luî %'uly l<aaat yoîî Corlau iailt'..1- f o 'Neatix the wcves lier sirait wjmxda&aa. CU, No little Ocie lacalet ina. i'u.:î, Give ruy love alaiii tlxx. Sta'i':îît.is4k Tilix le xi caiciuecS, banni. l.î(j Sîifmîy P n h e , .amra eoflicarex. .Ixiat& tJ.k SENT FuNi .,tue!, Prnitwre Farîiure. IIavinig bouglit out thè busiuess, lately carried on by Jan]aew IL.,!Sam~o, ,we ,ýikc-'tliis oppprtunlity of invit ing 1115 iîmay fîiends to give us a call, aid; w& eaun à sisurTe al th at -,m *"'ar-prèpa-rwltoi Jo as wrell by tlheui in the future, aSt -Mr, Saino lbas douie lu the p-- - - - - i TILLL OIUT Ordel's by mail pi'onptly atteiide to. UNDEIITAKLÃNG.-t-0-'Th-e oiuly fivst-ý e1ass jTýst0lbhIuueut ut flue Cô"t" ~wh&:e- f!i tuerals are fnil- in forge om IilarSu L,' . cy. ht NlymJ evea hearltW1g týt, rouie Yiam a')x ms'ax.811a Wliittby, Octcabec lst, 187 Men aire aucl ttivuccjs'cî'a. At au ! fraia "Lau lcsxe." Dainh. tW).i Stiiy at long awaiy. SIprittrri (ia.. u To iaie dio gir-l». l5i'itoiiii'du..a A Os . Mýx ylxeaar;t for tii. .. o i la. i I 30.__ My Qaeca cfileurtiiuwa. "iîîtal ~ i' ~ va POST-PAID, 713. the onutwitteml lîukor, Whîo no WMineit a Joxaitie, LQflowcr of Kilt ra' t,_ utli flAIi, It laa use(ilesa to Bay Mr. Michael Whucjier dolt1y, bmbter"» dyLuI.' _ i W T. ,J juier er ut uear lis fional tue lhaacier Inspirer and licurer ni pruairj. jîym.it)F, ýL. agan. lMy love aleaLpa unîler thea. itiiri4. j t - -------- ), hîaw d'y. do, Auîîm Subiel? Stc-ia rt.,ri Item on-th Pots. Neaaîtii.hewhitucad piarpte hlalua- axas. 30 -Norali ii dreaaînhxg cf ycu. * Pat. liatH -Vaany fctidal' afast The. weet&at bud lte ixxsioLg. Di il L..S30o~ jf Wuori ntheaihaxi-'loodil O ~ ~ a - A hily's gsnneit-'1 Spencer.' O E EP A larîg exclamation-' Dickens.' ill ho come home lo-iîigix, rna)itc'r. 0(AY Gaod bileusOurtiron. . m-ux'li Au ltertatîigpsu' A5aisiie.' Get n p uniduiuî'tlie Saixai. Il,#aso. iligrima n iteel te kisfiahlm-' Pope.' *Doea ho eeiîtiixifio! ie? e li. J A Youg uhuuesticaiaxl-' Laaob, M dear clti otiier. st,'aaart. aoulC1.cap u ottons, The Ivalie cf c Word-', Woridsworth.' 1 Lvii cno h-tantet.i T 'oa gi . letds wed4x'i'Shaskespearce, ' Loat ania mxot aivay. iiC ea Pour littl im V x. A lt-a'.Pl J ÀaS sick plaîce of wcraalip,-'chluTeitc'l.' Vital part ofthie huniati body - 0F 1H E' - le i lint. y6tersi u Vinu ai 2 ao. Sl'-wrt. *ila,1 Makes amxecde for otliers-' Muke. Ua'er 8h. billis afir. Peita. UI.' pesce.' Styler, thounart avet ii-ar. DIi;.i30v- a ' ~ - A irit ul y neile1Cr.The. Toasit.Brixndisai foriii xla vîiea.1 4>î- tSlOlii{L-I A lîcnit bUt b' a edble- Coti-Pearl of Amaeriea. Captre. mintriliaki. tala' Wall.' Ci'clill Wc'u'es. iaatruaieixx;taî. ;aa O t r, a ýd cai 'Li1 t I A work iu precious inetal-'- Go id. Belle of Saratoaga. Wttz. tixazliaIgliI35 siailth.' -M.arxixx~Zcpli~yru.Mixurnia. Kiial -ti., fî Quia.mauap. axiitaaThe. ligli"St rulce wpai Whatl au cyster houp le apt to bc- Smi utae.and inrg@ weigit.-.'Chat-M R E R 0 . Wîib.,Octvber 1Mh, 187?. 'l can' desicrubo the pains and 8tingý7- MTiexDaring.'a' - -..~. 'Bucias,' -La Zixi irilua l An Ameicau uwsnuf-acluning town_ Danse Cîuuiu,a f Mercy Girls. Lita lfIA Ant etlicen b u aut Engliali Univerity- May Poal,, !aara'tx. Mi'î- 'Potr' -Gond hiennr.A1q1. Roat haut, wîat 'ar. you coing ?-. lu ia luta a-. La- Pxullie ad £Pu cat paumtpatai rae-a't uA Huinil.accked, but oct deforiuctl !- J.L.PEIu5,ai ]î.dî -a 'Ocxjai<xl.'Cet. lt, .40 A dismgceeamble feilaw et eue'a foot- -_________ csttifru bscîlsii A: Frechlipropusb ionî and an .uîemuy -DecFi e.' ~ Brigliter and Sixixllen titan other ouo 0,C t1 w Depicîs flic. deeliixg cf civilizeti iiUCia &1 ÂVe S Ii t.sui s A hioixateiL a place without îvxt. - rî'ItiiiX'u xlt ter-Ury.sfen.' . ~A il]ui ~ i i~ On. Whîo ha moreotlîan ea anay shxoroe e '-'Jolics'YIe. $Spicial attcnta.js amx i g fun oi ii-,letladsa ata, ci] Wlismt are- yen cpt ho de wheti aleîi A clmin cfr lîlîs containbng a tlark ~ 0 tu'oaure-' Cole-nitlge.' ..iL c A texxfootec, wlisneeanîe Iegati witlh 24 A fraction inxcurr l, Iansd thaIlîiglxt Z1 83 -IWhc is ýthe greater poeî, Bîche. opcror Tupper-'Wbll.bs. ~ nE . A conition dotuestic anixmal aud wîîat. .[ il Catiat do 'Cow.par.' G UELPH, ONT. a . o-x asa Net 0o10 ofthe P ioints cf ilie- compias - but inclines ho bh-.Souîliey.' PRIZE 0î11AL 1 * nnp.Trug- CABINET ORG ANs)N L -Tixat se fqw people kîxow beaus. - ÀN D TuaS smon;ci' suiucalibre ahould be auch greaî bore&. - MELODEONS. TO0 Thuat, as c rie lie. moresaumailad thei. ho i kuoew. Sole Proprietersand antMnafaturens ut "iij. "'Thet tIxir- are s ac nu rata about OIAiT'f"riiai eia' atid go few cata. nec'a Patent Qualifyimig uxeai. TIja S'oig oetaa1ihould, feel iltixcoira A F UL L AS dut o clelwie twc ive. A warded te O7ly Med2a W tlîsi* A 'Ilat her isnoprocesa by whliclî Thant '1ldPnob' csn't furnbsh us with at Provincial Exhiibitionxs for Proticena- aIl kiutim of weathen we wislî. cy in Méusical InatruxiatbLoidcjui Tlaaîtuer. shcnuld b. so mach lJiiuk- Diplomao aaSd Fà nt Pnizesa ai o.20iU U ainTs, lhg li'thi e ol.1 nsud 0ew thouglita. -otljar Exilltione acteenu- T lliât ion sti<uid 'b. liprufree suai marona tea pecif>' 1 alqualau anwonisn neithien ire. neca- a. .-R. Our 'gaitlemasly hotuel cenk' b. satiËified wiulî dollar jet4ell then.e- houlda't bd smoking s h inh-a Weil as slaîplng. thon. aboslcl be 30 . inu -more t ont cf thie a*ylnws Jthan in binsbal,-.the boWnd creliurps resite tusuewaperâaet break- people aboulal drink to koop Lei UP, wheu i t OuI>'keaxpathesi lniitnliITPealdig tere Phould youtug girls wili1 partthu ir i ie and yowdg ien iu'lthe OuInsitrumcntsa are aceitowledxgzail» MlusIciensud Judges te b. the. fiutci e prosisced. 0Cr ltaa dmoas v5.tuabla o provemeut Ia ti i xcoaaiEr," eoPtaiflini. Scrbbxea'sPatent Qnslifyiug Tubes;, the el- foot ~ ~ d o!.lbaet serydoblaýthe power at 'the asme'tlne rendecing Si. ton. amootta' Mda pepalire. B y"iSawandecfnl llvextieau we c*n maiean Istrumecnt o!neanty doubleý the powser of a pipe Orges ai haitl tseci- CA 'T1 ON;' a cx .e TILL & JQHNSTQN. 40-ly O F IAL ghèi*e'p~i«for J>,$.~-"OI ~ 1"bega to inform, all lus'old friends andc oustomers, à th ~~i o ~~a~ hispathe hae "à m noe4 ud eanT~;a~té <~toefomery aoupid b Mr5R'Fancs,)where wilb fojind a large and weil selected Stck. JegS to i nvi,*t.e ail is old friends»to e~l anu Eâ examine thée stkock for themselves before purchas- ing 6lsewhere. later, I EggB, and .rouitry. tE.-SPAIWELL., [Septeniber, th, 1878. LM MPO lTATIo 0NS,. A'COMTl,ETE STOCK IN ALLIUNES 0F YhEOANGIBBlON.1 The Oriinal Ol No. 1 57.~n~ DRE SS- W~est of Eiîglaîîd, CaîîadLan, atnd S'.'otch ciuths, &C., &' GENTS' 'FIRNISHING GOODS The GRO( ERY DEPARTNMEN'I is rtsplete with a choice selectioîî 01 Tens, ('ufl'es, liew fruit, spices Best tohacca.- Goods at prices def*%ing !eg."itimate competition W-ýAlN'VFR GOODS !l Ssxptmaber 241h, 1873. A T )KI &008'S rCRIE & O'LEABiY.) Chec,,ap iDî'ess Goods. rfor Winei 1 Ji or Butter. W J HIRIE& Co>. 43 VTEBaCOLOTHrINO ! Y l, è GT7 S 0ON w- îa he is îtow ini recelpt of ýii(i Stîs -k of ~dsVe~tngs, til; lI? forlit- cillu, wl ich he iu' ah l' at tile cihoitest notice. a i lag t4Ctifatax m.- P l k-ide of Genta' alx, x:narela , Cela"Aidexanuini. aathidur iJ itS' <)ititter, F- AN ID. "SORtTM-ENT IN Coiored-Gold Sets,. LocktsRings, P2ý»Whi h or ýQuà lity and lI~e3eYCopipetition. Godmils l Prasicial 'acira As w. have pureilaaaed l thessie d,'t o s. ewlieaie, a tlieyn-ll bs labit *ýimi rO s-- Apmtini'vl a xa i, e ltes<a-IN TUE ti 9zn. W s h av e .epyigaauaad cii. xiua e e ata0 a tlLý Hf x ia - t O uta axin .t ai ;, * -"Td H O l- AN ? - R eL4) ut a wl~eaî~ttlpt la TOWN OF 1WkIITBY., 64 0 B- G AN J? For saur iisitrcrexcîlo Tca bpa Mlctlaiai!.: xiLOnu o-..Il'asrxSciaofntin-one l.'- dertulmpnavexx.xat.isya.aixî.iaa tni c .qtv, ud f)a.ai'r Bo ityg.ap oiirmw-bqhl clx ap.for.vtCat.r et iimeTh, bsla>iar tis ûieraac*MUîj-ruef a I-sc tamame ?uÃit iie tua re ammoiilina, witi exeetient <allrge- Illutct.dCataogueaisb4d Àlx.Juy' a t (loutuitof>xIx-ktiiail îomiheort ieru Pituaihc'Wl iie o ecala<x-lnaea - ~. ~~ 50 ic hCoaxat>' t York, cnd le change ils! re uewundera. rentalil2j1* 8lim s:~ W. ]rjbj à ;Co me, sud for sJ»@itsuaesstste itï ACt cf Ini. mouth. fppI>'i 1g 0,sx X.Icorpocaicu1oMn ÀLA Dundas St., WVhith 'v. BOOTSAND SH'OES! A SPLENDID STOCK AT THE CHEAP & FASHIONABLE JOHN SAUNDERS,' (Next door to Goldsmiths' Hall,) Brock-st., Whitby. An extra Stock of Ladies', Gents', Misses and Childrens' Boots and Shoasî. The Stock com- prises the best work, and wil be foundc'heap and durable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Custoîners w-lj find it to their interest to caUl and examine the superior stock, and cheap price ist. Ail over-due accounts must be set- tled before the lStli of October, as after tîjat date they mil] be handed oyer for collection. Whiitby, Octobet- lut, 1873. 4.2-lm1 SPECIAL ATTENTION! 00 GUINNES8'S PORTER ON DRAUGHT 1 RECEIVED FEOM DUBLIN DIRECT. A VEIRY FINE SCOTCH WHISKEY! Frorn Gloncronnach, Juet to Rand. OLD RYE AND MALTS. BEST QUALITIES. 5 Gallon lots at Rcduced Rates. Lý> CROSEe & IBLÂCKWYELL'S Pnttcdl Good- Ham aud Clioken, Bloater Paste, Atlovy Pate, &c. CA NN ED M ILKX LEý" Freeli Fish Evcry Thîxreday. - R. H - J'AM E 8-0N. MWutby, Au-. 26, 1873. 35 JOHfN-STON'Sý .SELF-RAK1NG 'APER, AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE At-the Provitîacial Exiiîbition, Toronwo, in 1870, We aller ta our eustomers for the coming FlarvLsI. two dis- tnt Machines, which in stylte and construction. ensabrace the latest and most useful imiprsîvemerîts ai the day. THE "RING OF REAP17S."p rhe'uîîivrsaI ssccas of dais Machiine, *1 oth lu inclosîely eoîhest- -el mnîisa d in file hanssa auf f a ré» rrni us j'-, saayix.g x:iti, n aSelf Rala- i Rcaaji-xg ixase-i'ne, h ialec re g'sad lac,, e s i jaaalegilcata l' asoc ii dnores. iucem o nul les lailaire, titn Iwretnortrc1ilered bte ;npublice, CAYUCIrA JUNIOR 'MOWEIR 'hA ff e wpre awarcled the Firs4iv ~ »iAtthlîcia ,xaxn'iactiîealxthe procilice ; ana lif l' ee-i,r acte..,,.. ..a..... .i MUDGTE LAWLE R,&O Best amïlyOrocAI o. -rem Wès ine, Banidies, otldAipkPr Raw and Reflned Sugars, Cheap, Fieycred llams and Breakfast Bcn i An- exitensive assortm ent of Crockeryl! The Right-Place for Family Groceries of al inds- OLD NO. 1, BROCK STIRET T. LAWLER- & 00., Whestby, Sept. 16, 1878. 88 IMPORTANT NWS BOOTSAND SHOE The undersigned lias a large stock ot Ladies'.'(; ents',.a'id Uhilclreri's Fine and tkarse Boots & ShueE U-J Boots and Slioes made to order. à :i <-)vershoes *ined wa-m and cornfcrta-le. lu dia Rubbert, Lý-j Uepairitng neatly doue. Cail a.t the old Stand. WII.ISf, or,IAMBUrockste, wit M'y 22. 1872. Iloot & Si". Store, Brock alceet, Wiîjtii, LAMPS' in 8arlrda-à tsi ai--ý ' ýthe nm è 'yW"a te have ailete. - N. W. BRO r. YARNOLD, .-1Y E 18WLIEZ S EEZ NORSEMAN' eas Cnbonrg avery inorning at 730,and 'oct HpeAt 9 o'clneic, for Rocester. con. 'éeltpi thre with New Ynrit Central and Ivie Railways for AU points Eeast, West, nd South. BETURNING: ,eaves Charlotté, <Port of Jtnehest-er). daiiy .r9 p. m , i.xcert .Saturday, wb en se leaves ,t2 P. m. for Brightôn. Dealers li Stock, &c., will find this the heapeet and mont expeditions route to New York, Bloston, Albany, kec. For fnrther information appiy to- R. CRAWFORD, ,)r C. -P. GILDERSLEEVE, PrIlp Kingston. i pri] 2nd; 1878. 14-tf -FOR SALE.- A goà d Mill Site on the Enet branch ,Of Lvnde's Creek. an excellont location f or-a paper miU. Wili bh, eold cheap. Parties building will be encotukaËed. Appi, te- J.HAMEB GREENWOOD, Mayor. Whitby, May 14th, 187à . 2(Y LAMPS LAMPS A large assortment of plain axid faincy Lamps, Bracketi Chandeliers, -Globes, Shiades, RefIectorse Burners, Chinrncys, &c., ju Reeeived et JAMES 'H. G]I1LRIE & Co's. B~fest Coal 011, wholesaie anîd, Ptail. Wlilby, Sept. Srd, 1873. 86 S MOKEFIS1 FOiR A GOOD SMOKE USE- THE See T. & B.- on Each Plug. PIIICE S0 LOW THAV-ALL CAN USE IT. July 16, 1878. 1873 29.m FALL CIRCUILAR. LAINO &STEWART Take this opportuniy of thanking their nnmierou s custom- crs aud.frienda forSxn er> liberal patronag 'd bestowed en thesi aduce ,they- csmmenceed bnauea ba sVin itb Y, end ;ope te cii a continnance of tiemre. -.We have ,the pleasure to iuform you that muai thouýglt, care, anS -labour.lias been beatesd lu the.purcluase cf eur FeU Geodi. - -The selections, we -trust, wil prove of grTeat benefit ta unr mca>' fricx'da. To buy well .one must have access t 'o a' stock that has haeun weli iioughit, wliere te lateet styleseau hae ecs sud wliere- pricea aaemcd. erale. We have made preparations for a large seasons' trade, and cnieî> autis-ipateit. Enel separmeut will bcho fnunS rypte 1 with aUl the Jeadibn articles of Lii. seeos 1Haserilalxa'xy, Fana>' GoclmoIs. " 'a Belawles, Mantles, Crapee s iCrap,-Cintlhs, Dressa Gcod ka.k VeWvia, Lace.s, î-.tZ. ]tLMýNIAM, D O M I N I O'N.> FLOUR & FEED STURE. Tic uxdergnied teg te inform thia l-sib- tanta of Whitby and veinty thai tlxey halve uspened sa}'iour and PeesaStre xi tie prsanx. Âace iataaiy -aicxpied hay Mc. James anais.e, on DusSas Street, Opposite the Robs-on bouse, Whec mey rua la' k.pixg everytiminn thifr Une aiwaya on hand, te be alte to give saisfaacionu tecuetomena. Bran, Short,, Otmeal, Crcle Wlet, &C., of the ben qughiy. FLOUR-F.ll Wet, Sp'ng- aanSMusaS - -a n S aW i la s e f ,F e e , e il x g a t ii.lo v i s i iisg prices foc ca. N. i Sprixg Wbat Fur at'8 ý121. SMITH St EMINGWAY. Cash paidlforaI ilid M OfFaoier'sproance S. 4- Ti. ISlT FTE DIVISIGN COUrrTS C'OUNTY 0F CNTARIO, la'ÛitTUxE:TEAÈ36573.- t-j i I ie1 Ir~a~it,îu . a 1873ý - TI-ME-TAB.] GoingacJNotli fmrm Port Hoe Deaverten anS Oillis. mail... 9:30 .m.1Mi (;oinag North Se Pcterboro' & f. t; -1 e, LIIVE:S'PATENTLAMPS :1.1 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. M ty 22, 1872. SHOE STORE OF Ls.J 1 1 NEW F-ýAL L GOOD S. BOOT AND MYRTLE' NAVY.