Dahon*' -oro--' Naïï elullîthlle r4lîI au]pi-pevaspirt, .rery y ~Il eco ýeitb ' pg$im: P~ao orsale..A. Bonni.sicb sasbecomes at ingueuhiai pary- capable O ffet-a n telen n -ainio i Saleoaf Short4honri-jas5. Whltsouu. nen-e-jper, lu aiiiiresshuig ilta its Confirmusa etnuth-And if is et non- Puuieler'i Notice-TIi. N. Y Sun. header.a se thle course tia lie 'herealter a question ofthe a4yvjxlages qf railivlay S oini Notice-I. J, Fellosa. pn-îu:communincation, an]thie deufrabllty Of Tii. Par-ker Gu- New gaads-Lalng & Sten-art The' gentheman w .hmo has. been, grmuing susaauial ai] le ecure tics. Geod b- Âuelin-R.Frace. chage] euhi lme onnirîin c a en-aditautages, but ie lie number af pro, -od yAito-.pi&eo' cagdwt li omto fa wjecte] sciemuen-hidin-oui] proveotiho Sti-ayss,.ifen.LHen >Sanley. Cabinet has a difficult task befona iiin. Strey Sten..-JoieMitchel. -Msî,efca ete otenri Sua-ay8iee~TIiomas BIc..Persoeally li.e trcee oftue teint wn-ll moîbnfcetehe orenn. ,atlaics hhluipManîeal s-icue. Tlî.re an. lie prajeets cf thte-Victoria Nertice- n îrreu-ce.- rond,sne]thie Bcn-maeviile an] Geor- NetIco- ~~~~nota avery oveabl, man, au]- nuques. lnBy~l~cse > i.Fnlr AUCTION 8ALEF.. Iicnabhy doficient in many oaI the quel. Theear bu vath belon Mliepeepowale iticms af tih-e ucsatesman med Parhie.uoitrTn-hpes"elaslIfn On lot Na. 6, ha lie 8v] con,' of Pick- ,m leadr t@btfi aia fniterTwsisa-els;ts ý tring, an Tlsurauisy Nov, 18, 1875, f le 7t a er, 111wobtefirta soycftten t e nof the. Wlitby and Port steck, imlmentcu&c., lîne lraorty aof frat psitionod.I act ueto Mn. George 'Lear, Levi Fairbanks,lu-in te country by dit ol f extraon]inar ev'Rn.b fcMI' ueha - jr.,Auuctiaeeer. industr>' an] pesseveranee. We d o n -euh]ol appeau- te be more a cicice cf On lot-Na. 5, l inte Bn] con. of Pick. pnpQome Ihat any n-r] cf cure ahîna]]rntahn n'lta es. n u, j ering, an Tiiurs]ay. -Nov. 27, 1873, tte medifltiehie emust experience in fas ere]- sldl, jeirebabirty, b. j fan-n stock, IMupements,0,theePi-o. fillingup bis Cabinet. If-hue siced i s evû--wli l rýbltb j~~~811ce inry l-M. aâns adihLev 1 ai&U j rt benk, NJ amtestianor. eviFar.appartmoing his offices behireen ftice lie prineiple ailephe];jinfraaI unks Jr. &ueionorn-e eau leare. As n-e sel] an a fan-mer -... .-~.____ varons Provinces, au] flire bno Hanses ocsole uaaee1 o i lib PRNIEWANTED .ta suit al membens of file part>', lie n-il mOcarnthPeryMRn a veet fe l>'tsen A lie an exremely fortunatei-anu. EverylaneiPr tPerry Rdinese oon sithe ew A snar, Intelligent boy, of fair oeucation, fain an] legilimale opportut il>'sl lie extension ta secum, ibenel municipal' hua1 hiara lie Prnning linsines. -Apply at ghu'tn hum lie- lu-me'an] develope ea assistance froua tic nertheru townsnhips. - THE CIONICLII OFFICE. pclicy. In thil e e utaeelcf hls career Fr omte o ayrue a WiiIby' Nev, 12, 1878. 46 ne Final Mimiten, n-e cn promise hlm Fr emce on ayrue a tît ien-l ecmio runIchcus c ieprojette], flic. Wbihby roule-ns n-e -- -le --'reoie la- -tios-'psî hv, olten before shosn-bcimutahonce ~i~îjifr~i-~ tihn froua hoise n-ha eîtl, ft he flime lm iîtetn]ccp t iefot Q~IIOl 1I~ l(u belug, ille ltheSpcakcr's ieft. He anu]lcsots n hépS etefot ~ Ã" ble coleagnes wil b.e juge] b>'tileul, muetanîn-ys -ceomnmenuî ihsslt',-nsfbinaI -'-'-' ---- -a se they seihi bc by u, bn uu tin.by n-hidli tîne> noui] be neet benef île], ONLY Si 50 PER ANNUM. 0 omret'tuedilit, îa]in.atle 1h. people of flie norti. As w. ciii han been prove] ta bc,thue thankuesa mn se. ithe pluent r]c dvincle] cnuils Wilîlby. 'I'IUr~ARy, Nov.ý 13, 1873. tank cf reconcilieg Pro-sinfehai tialimg man"'gtlepecmtdrcouel eea andholdingficbalance________con-_t_ hle extension cf tlie rond, sonne of lhoIlePolitîcel Stuattan. tending inteneses; n-e sell s.. seicîlici- heuriubeing sai] ho b, oîpuuseulta lei xteit ion ato unti-, and ul u>'ieiring -4tii-y sili lie equnhi>' succeseful « exîceelen welte muncaioettl Tii. r'smgnanlie th le Geverninent biose n-ha have been fo.co mme>' yeare i ju s1 o-sad.Whnec- le scarcehy regnunuboulin tlihgtaI a ltme occupanhs aI poweer, At tic onhact hacelne ac tn teabns.Cepay e piet'. Parhy gefeal b>'te IluIclon-ene n] auie. cf hie Ministériel 'cani-eru t Ottawa, Mu. erco îc thicernof stlCmpny aieuhf enîs taf 1SirJoin A. hMaclonai]. -Tiey Mackenzie wn- l ~no enamuen tacoin- netc etn usnfrbleigtu 0 tcu lipamil ni uas naIcuipou-any chick. plaid ocf the cpi-il in n-hîicim his oppo- e.fntbte esnfrbleigfi An]silî th ficu*4isà -ai, an] consiîlernug cents n-ilb demi seithnbium; icti uihen ha- centri-y, secelaltakelIseur pi-eset t1w irattugance undr wieliit we flls'e cai u leat asprtitnehicbob notieîtu-briameul nsan eveidenceocf lii cicîuetsccsundr sliihi l nas aîl n- cau a lest eect i usilibe uyhIi.gond failliof hhmii-intention. Tiere -bu-ugil about, perîmape lIer. le nota thue use againet in aIf les iiegraceful il h evrnotmteblstite ele it t]al.ta>uehify mmcii 4lespboilencl wen-capos Ilan have non- ceval,] hum ulo-iem uet .bli i ti i-e4a.il a ictrefuIure-. The . llinoe a e the cetincihe cfbils Severeigu." se euk cf -ncîiviîy and prepavahien, an] -especialy'in devising smccliaefair au] Sm Jlun Il s mulmiIe] n-n oning An] the Mocti-eni Gezette aise ail. leasibi, scîene as; ill iUc ikel>' o lie noe.thomist ,akuis nmaegsl li- an-nvises n spiritl aI moderation ounlIme part acceptaelc h ie mnjonity of the Ceuni>' fri-minus i-chien bineta flic re nnciples, c i- opposiin oucl .lJeay o e'ieitaIly ue kilciÀeigu Aepiuit of fain, - Isotingt dcaiing The Fccelon Falls Gazelle - takingt cf rucmlbens on lIme aide cf lis aoliceueton-ni-is thie.n-o liait. aseuneuloffice epon timequestion ie ite isne'cf astt si John hlai,,ns lihtn-ereu-t nIsure nro t n lime of greet politicalimpracwe, ae h-olwigcmeis a sitrangholui Iheis efenute cf nlh inbi au fi cpl i npiundtcncianc-cl meu nluc fe ehon-ie ete becoe a sourece oI neaktuess. But hie s ti.tuepiytepiuean n- a]ti-sntco-cucu]ete forces areiitiien ileorgaunizeul uer dis- promtise tIîs, thuat se fer as that spirit attetionofethIe Pi-esitient an] Du-ettore i - huartune- lîeylne. bl nue f taireau lbe invoked b>' theiflutence cf thîcofethelmilhy anîl Port Peu-iy lice : 1 litreie-teyhv os osoftercolmmueIhey muay dulp.nuiupon -u'oceiv- '- Fi-onutivhntet mh ave heur] fi-oui discipline or lhii courage, anu] are lut il. variomns sources tiee-cueps col sece ta rcay t neen-tii stugg Ilon The ien- Goverumcnt te n-huiihîtue be any icmedinte iielioo] of e strong0 anîchier an]deaniîer fil], Tîne>'seetIC5 poi tanuesinies et' Canada ci-e entrîmte] an-e effort foi- extension nortîsîar]. Tu. euirsteoul lIme scekue seouithIaepoion ntihie]tathue grecheest pesile consul- pi-ceunI oen-s-eet'ti.h inse ai-csai] le0 lie>' hava giveeup;l it n-as emurce.ofcfenation. In line ceiiectien et' al hi-sichaveha] bunt ithhutuxpeîicnce -4tnail- ceneehonan]uliiue] euneu arorg loeu-etof Canadha tmei-e catilic buhcitew n-y uahtei-s, aiul eonîlîlpn'ohabhy pi-e-M comunngoîjeulî la anu aI, yantieua1u feeling, tint et' c uesin-. fui- thl .niog'esc fer sellinug eut aidogsitien-, if lii.>'gel n S etninmnecb of n-luin lu llStand - unite. of tine country, andl foi- lie. prornotiou lair effer, te extecung thirinbush-mecs ; P buh-. ufakeniessupouless, u lreof ils inruesti,, policaui>' an] mut.-en- I nîniougi tIser. nuet have Uccu a %r athe badI re n agregte r overl aliy. Mn. Blake, lunlis speech, chai-- nusjort>' inu faveur cf the 'notice et' patiew-r hînu, anougge@adte occri eriied hy rmacli unfairneesg, but a appluication,' or it Iccut] net hnave ap- C pnu-iemGu-teRones, uuiIrnlepun-Speechr, neci-tihees, cf n-hidli Cannîlîs pearuil inn pilit, tiser. iýlihthe doi lihat v dents, amui a Ion-ot'flic meo'ner sup- . ywl epod adcontepi-teIiili ones pkno yo port eu- of liiJolie (Seduce] b>' binbai leua'ctcpwic],fli]in-e hhîc pria- chi clk'diviîcitcoexis' sndpen cfb>' cf affice)-eaeli of whlich entumtaiis ils -cpe îa -ii îei-LnigGi.Iu 4etc'-exs ,n] nli is Vwn iew ofthepoits lieh fougit eramecî le ho bie jur]ge]l. Tlins> canucîl circcmustnunecs, extension at an carl>'0 fon- nd of s t'plah.ponwint the rcompîaneif, aceubt lute udoctrines day educhuaidl>' bc .xpecîeuu. Favour. _ýloicumulnet' u an uaron. ici enau-laid downc ly 1Mr. Blake,thie> ar ud-e ]ge l ci>'au cuvantes fi-cm thue Wlity anud '-cf elihasce i ho cun -nin]'oc. Dffci-in b>' tnose liglu principies et' poliiicnl prPir'uiy llailumey Conmpany'nigliîîgi seidl>'ns lmuy d omie mny alIn-e morahit>' upaun-midh ielusaeloqupnti>' hase buen i-u-cuivcul in dlis Tuuvislip, 8 itlU l- .impossibule fer blue te camle logetiueu me] ceu-se wu'nging amncget iecanteti. Thethune polit>' cf Ite Op. its cicime maav. net yul béetî put for-an]ar -position shl liec te yicId te thuin the ic nlu ufficieut lrorlinience ho cuti-ad tlemselces; nus] continnal shm-fe cf thunsfueecîptuîycuhicltigliers-centelonn]ut.enutfo]n sorutCanot feu hoaihave ae eue>'effeetl If hpotuity fp éoiiy icu u- otthe srih. attntinatduse scn otvhaflsof ehn lu biinging about theIiStuisoiuioe cf picut'.I htplc hudtrtott ai.Wa v vu-la ti f n-ualle aIhi-e but ver> ritel>'haciein Itue interel of Caneuin Itie gueat lte i-t-ny ntnet importancetfon- ce ho il nilanci uen luuar r-n-u-dey umascf lii. peoo ill luepreparcîl do produe-is railwaetconuettiomi mihi fuiienenecf ur ohnn-iî ril> esîntin lInai; bel thy ni-mut n-temhnen lie fi-cut aI tii. nrlijet possible mc- hu lire floesoSrJonwl ayflintinluaccehtieg office tiîcy acceph 1h mentl, ancmi Iis leoffere] b>' citlier tise Is aguin anu]again tate h .arl anu] nitht greal expedtelione, jnsjificuî h>' Victoriua ni-thu e wnnvnillc an] Geer- orc min ueatsout figihfou-theIle I]position. îiîeiron-n puofeesione as ttîlu einitt- giai ni>'y Ruihmveye, cf whnich hn-o tIie fi Ilr uiaunIt appeaig n osan] ineie in ltie future. For cti- cuvu part, ce latter appecrenlait-reent te hell chicloi Innfrc taimi a ovr-muguce itiseindehcndun journliste, n-c pnrise posihionuoet' -favenure.' -'pi et' mettns, ane] cf tlie nelative position theur a fea-rcmi] fraulu ceusjiernîiouî cf - --- ~aul o a uui-ies-tlme-tie cen- Governenî lime polie>'wîicîî dîne>'suihmit te Pari-The New- Micist->. 'T n-lit long h.cinhie ta sitincan] their ou- mntt. We hotu] to-day, ne ive have Tc cîmeglts. Ahien]>',if n-e miataluneh, cii ll îa iclc isoc u Thue feiloing ci-e tic camnes cf thne a-reaulian lias sel in, an] mme>'WhoIiun Opppoeiîiou le net 8 cte nuîrtîîît cf upu-k-Ne'îcMiuistl ur eriil Uy lte Mon. Mi- Ca ine excilemoul of reccnt evenube, eg nnui al"neer ens is t.e,.L tlue liiiuul'-b rais.] b>' tse Pacifie mg > I n cn> en dtaieu- a il Sien dc pen, as iuy mvnciing- closel f loti. A. Mucitenziut, Premicu- au] au charunges, lhua] little Opportcuihy feu- cain i odîm faieîninsinlon ni-Miciqter et' Publie W'erks. U rehthethion, arefcai)iadmtanietrationlion- 1 iens thmi lie seOulul nn accepl cIflice, noms fIal lie lias permnitteul Ie naine la appeni-ase a member aI tiihe n- Cabinet, bu mi thout n portfolio, ai-e uot, anufirly, tlii. enlject of Omimaulvericu u ins pes.TIer. le nei question cf Mr. Iliakce ssiicciy ilian lue nmalle ltn. shtalerm nde, cihaI it wscshie ful lu-n tenutiomiste iouill ihuof fn-onu office. But tîsis oiy sîuessaili the nmere the inicon- ' sisteliiiî-e llcely tut oct-ntek' plilticiane - -h ttke -Party ii'cliaiatiosin lu.ul -VnuuIcc. 'No, poitciaru ne premnincnly ilentiticulcilla lisîParthy ns Mu. Blake -ai tain cly le. hie. lRe inuiqt mnike ip hi luinintalehue goccrue] lîy tIrparly exigeùiciscf liesse iti n-min lie if; ale.Wit-leu u. Blakcel ime Cmli- mret, Mu. Mackuenzie seoihi senrcsly he ijustitieul la geeulning thellponîibiliies et' alni.. on wouiui Mr. Blake'e parhy friemîde 'ii-i glicut lie countrluyb.atis- fldlhi anythilng lens tînan huaIMu-. lilekie - tIi. foiemisesmac amange't th-iec-shiaîaccepl iefull suai-e cf the r'cpansiiiis attendant upen the Inilimp lieu las% beon mainly intremn-n tel lu j achueving.' The obijection le, th f ,noltinht Mr. Blake shonîti have acciepte] aà sent ini tie Cabnet (altliongi ilid ding go in tIe manen hlims lone, an]dithiont a portIfolo, le 14 fair suljecî -fr cuiicisi ndu discut. Riel», but- tisat lie should have tende n PUblic ple]ge--a n necessecir-yce eon lis ;prt-lu c]vnnce, not le do so under ÃŽLany circnsmlnances. -Jusethelieriy cii-- cumegtauices have nri-isn le cenipel lie -violation of liaI pledge; an] liciever rehuctant, as il inust have been te Mr-. »he1ke, Il bocame lmuperhurehy noceenary -te tire ivancemonî af panty enuds. W. nol ouring up tlime malter ns an illustra. lfou of flue danger n-hidi publie men, no malter banonneinent, sehli-un by -phsuing Ilummmlves anud Ihefr tieia lu a feuge paslitiomu, un] as ihowig thnt pilgos or priomes ofthie kiemi cannaI bie matie, on, if zulule, Icept nitlî n(Ille sense ot-party obligations.- FAsmIorcauua. Dny Gocus, Fuuts, <&. -Mpeus. Laing & Stew-art auvertise tihe reeohpt of nen- and faohianable dry goouha, and] -leecled lune. Allio u*>lu lihnoir' mni taioioneg. oz cà iulcj SAL.u- Mr. Fairbanks, ptlJ< the uiuhimueloiu of Ur. Richard gan] Cl-arance oriîi i'an tae o o ,t uuarnuy ou nus apiîreadui et Ite in tIre Iuii. secit hicse gm'atîy ciangeui spuuiî Hon,. D. A. McDoni], l>oetinnsten- coniditions, cnd connîtelie] a e vecetbe jG,--ien-ah, t he meost facile cmii perfect iunproec- hotuThes. Ccffiii, Iteceie-.Gtncrah, meut lu gune, augl lIme Uu-aci-lcaulcr Heu. Wu. lhues, Miujcbt-et'o Militia. May nshncst non-buc con-idere nese-- leui, 'T.Fouri-em, Minisher et' Ine]n seniaiiy anuaduaneuovcci-elie uizle.Ii- les'esimuti. loatder as tIiheierusioni cap lins eitecu Muin, E. Bilake inn1-1I len.R. W. Scott rctdover bue ocliflinit uacuî. Amliueng misn Ofuth1le Pi'ivy cunihlihsont tire many verietienu cf bieceit-oaing ulu-peun-îuaueucs sliot gniuus the,- Punnk-i-gun conmmuendeî Tuie offico of 1P'cii(ituo f lin. (onnnci, iheelf te liese wn-li e iisedi-uilas ni- jil vihI bu- seun, reinaitsns ; cet'îunnillcl. excelle], uuitinng abiliumhe ttainahili ne- - qniiies fou- a psufect plut. ; andl ilt is AiU.SAINsTS' CHItunesuANN.UAt ['mSs pi-obablihy umre, enetral usentci]bel- 'Byi..-'Plileanunual festivasl cf Ail Ici-kueuveiii tue uweseurnc e l mn Sainuts" lmnuiri ua. î el t lIre Me- acy pIlier. ceus ieq ahl, cmi . Thunnslay evecing, Ils sirepiiciîy et' cocelu-nition, m'caîy aun] iras very lhîrgchy attende]. TIne mianipulation (as tIr. banduif;aii r uialia- -vuialanul iust-urnnsiihal perfoi-incet lu tIeiIn tIie îîuouen îuosition fu- oppu-in. nhicli Mis, Wetkie, Mu-e, Titus (Mise nng thm bau-iel allen' dimecirgu.t, blmneam'- Lncuyli'ruumani), Mmr, Wuulit, o'Trocto, ieg lites ami] motion) an]dlte inveri- Proet,.'uiggiis, ane] Mu- Mickie, of tdus nl. excellence cf lIme bUnrëi-h-thie tn, loch'.pai-t, n-as cf a very superior slruing, even tii. conîtinunons ceîuncihy jcliraclen-, ciia n . hepei-foriereseere au-a rccominnclmîins ten-hii cci->- ry gruelteul îitbmileosun-ce] pplnunie by tic mie n-lie lias use] Iihe guin seih eni- large auîdienuce pi-t-su. TIie choir aIne platicahhy respoun]. - cangu'epIieces lu excellent style. Spovlsinem itihn tlirty yecue xîer Mre. Cayey kinîîly ýpreside] et tic qnce in bird wiseafr. i0 ticen-tst, nlie -pieane.. have aconend]landlil]tineeu4mnu pro-j nonnes a verdlict inn thiteu-favcu-îhmuî Laîcan Itemsa fi-en Ottaai. tluey are ail Ihat en Uc e eiu-cd. S.oui-- Mr. Scott lias - tlo eprr tut.] e a uieecln-cadc fi-a'e chieng. cf Ilhe- Post Office Deparn-tuent tutd abrecliloaer or ýleongul jMn-. D. A. Mcduonaldh jeta b.ci-enus- favoumite piece, say tîat lisla iudy t'eu-n-c te te Minist-y cf Miilin, se-id but not se slnong cse lde]gîine" Not Mu-.Rosltie Pi-csiidecy cf tIie Coun-1 Not saofaItbIe Paike-jîssehooicg qua- cDr itiesuneit'ormlly schusfy - lime lai-nel tan- and pr cteuibi roessn.m, e à -orkmanoship c f i e t. Tlmtrc- Mi-. R. W. Scott le te b.eu-rotoalc] 1 mnas a lime among ns n-ien tIi. itlSentor, A toughu coutest is expecel i profusion cf gaine ma]e, t, ttue atak place lu Ottawea for tIse seat te lca]ig aI ilîleor noaccenunt. on-, teel b Mu-. Scott. loadng f lttleor o ac n't. ow, Mv. ['raser, cf1Bu-cekiille, iilli lIs1 n-heuthue bird flights areunI occasion- rucueure], t. Mi-. Scotî's successor in1 al au] oppcnleeiîy mueit bo na] te ihelIte Onhario Cabinet. utinast ene il pause by, tueelmuter .... n-ic eau boa] an] fi-oeux or eigit limes EnIîuii&ST Evs Ravauwi voTaENito Dn. ta île muzzle-laading comnade'î tn-ice, -Ie vise cf a great su'ancity cf n-ork- 9 ~and coeeequne suffenlug dnrhng ilie lia a anpeniority suds aa ce sportsman tonnhug wsehu n tlehis city aini Ilinoug- eau pu p siti, ane] -leu bio cxcingpt ont tic count-y genenall'y, lie Soce-ty hia gue t'ai- a cen-patternn he nanIs the of Arnnlgnnnnatcq Can-penhere ai-e senuing beel. >We a]visge all sehno desire naIcu-ge .uBrbei-s of E ngiili seenimen bie- slreg iuolic, dralehaey Ueecr.longl,,kîo tuleur societ.v, some of n-hem strog sootng, uralehand brcol- tait, eceriulylandeul lu thîle eocnhu-y, icaulen 1a bey e Paricer. Bey it, Iry it, Uack, ta Englacul tean-ou-k tien,r iig and] ycu'Il neyer dley it.-Quincy (Ill.)>thee perieol of eprussion et' business oun Daily Whsig. bis i], of the n-att-n. Many have nlrecdy se sailed, an]l large atiditional A ST. ADnait-' CHtrtacu-.Tiere wà ýnu-re siI be taken hîy iemovie gsalIf lue no service in $t. Andrewes Cluuclu, In %,nocat iv.po.-.Y in this ton, an, nqxi-unday, lOtît mal. Sr Jalin Macionai] an] a nuiniemr 0f j Au Iri8edoli- manya ie cae see neo ielI Mns sn en irerlejed. aSj Loo ;r uoasaen-y-n-omnen -sionîi nal lixulamu Cînh,-is.Maîa nle, bpwe t 1 , * 'm h "- t *lnsiaylevCeq 'p m yý t.sud r t'mnaiere n-as scarcer>' a put -of CAPTMK EOWAUI>l5 mknEiszwr- HOW n-inn] offlthe nd. Tno Boaet ont lnom tue luasbour te render ua -tace, batl aller havlag von-e]soinea six ,-nules, inta the, Lake, the vemmel appeaved tla lie dvlfting, an] stillIasefar off aisn-heu Iluey 1lia sieohoe. On Tbarulay marning tue brming n-rock n-elo-d inha Wlujîby harbour b>' lie lng Emmna' AfunRoa, an] isère 1h. faInes n-ena fin.ý al>' extingelebe- lie Merryn-aier. ire engine belonging to lie corporation iaving been lirounglul otahle n-wharf for the. purpase. The remains allihe fine teamer presemibed a se] spectacle, evenytluing being consurne] la Ibm iran aliesll. Tire. boats eroe lon-ned n-len lie fine firel broie cnt ccc aon-liioli was enamp.. u In autler -.u.tie hargesl boat, capable oI hoiling thicm thie number, lie piot, ih eighh aIliers put Sa>'and sibhiatu a atempl la res- eue lie unfarlunnle viehiras on board. Tii. hhir] liant containe]dIn-elve pen- sons, luclu]ing the. irat mate Mv. Heu- densou. Bath liants arrive] saiel>' on sioe.nean Oshawea. Aunuget lie pas- sengers tost n-etiroe lasîles. Tii. Ialoig ai-e lie debaihe] particulers ane] shaemeels n-e have been enatticd TRY ACIDExrN-as canait». Caphein Thamas Hen-ard, Genfenal Sepnnendent aoflthe Canadien Navi- gation steamers, n-lialis ince come clown ho Whiîby sud examine] thse sereck, shahesthaItIie cause af lie se- culent n-as tircngii lie -ahking-beam brenkieg astlIme centre, lia. fonseenîl part cf the beain being in connectian eith tlhe coeeecting ri-o]of lihe engineg, breaking througihie front saloon on te lie main dcck, sehere n-as stoeeul25 ban'reis ccntaining spirits ; the. beain bcing cf grent ireight emasieul jen liej barrelS, causin the spirite ho racJuin int lie fire-iele, wsere il ignile]. TIi. faines cpi-en] so rapidly haI nalli- extinguel tIse five. Cnpt. How-ar] fer- her states sisal lie Company ave de- termaine] te penisfi, if ie heur pan-ev le do se, the pilat,,ae Frenciman, mnd the in nlic wnt eWay freinlie bari- eg, vessel in the tiret boat coul- amyt the instucntions cf lin. frat mats, Mi-. lienderson. CapI. Hon-en] epeake lu hîn-ghi terma of Mu-. Heundersou's conduct, sud aulîhhht ha l te mec inithe fret ment onuy donceIlueir c]uty as biey n-en. ordere] Uy lie firet mate, an] romain. tii alon"-siile cfthe steamer, il is probe- ble liet"not a hife nec] Ihave been lq; uic boat lefItIi.e Uurnicg vessel seith tisly ilina pensons in lier, n-hihst sue i-as capable cf hoeldinng hwncy-five per- eues. Il le ichieu-ed her. au-e tn-chve ni-e, intlculiug tiie foin' assangers. Whio inae l st teurlices, but un tiI a returu is cmie. of tIie cren- caved lie xach nuinben lest cannaI ie chate]. Ceapaiu Hon-ni- expi-ets tinat lie Ba- varienn-wl b. in a conedition ta admit ofluer heing ton-e]dcon-n te Monîn-eni nexh n-eck feu- repaire. TIi. value cf lu. etamW163 amlue (irais i,.,s ,k. TisE PsiiSiEs'as TATEMEuT. Thne purser, Mi-. L. A. MePluerson, gave tic folon-ing etetemeul seithre- spedt te theîCcatastrophe : "We lut t Toi-ente yeuteruhay 1W.]. nes]ay) atterecon aI 11v. c'clock. ien off Osînauva and about titteen nules tu-ru sinon-c a ti-c fnu-e ont amni.1- rip. an] the boat uu'ns almuet imme]- utely a muase of flemes. Tire. boîte en-c hen-ereil,eue of wiihi drifted an-ny 3fore auy one t into il. 1h n-ns not hownig lii-arda heic imc. TIse cher vo Ucts hi i-eIeland in safeîy ai.,out ne o'elok Tliurstiay inoining last. cne eft'hein n-s commeeniel yhyeii i-st inate Joie Meuderson, cf Chier- ottc, N. Y., anîl coîteineuî hirteen sisons;, tn-o of'n-hom seere peusi-ugeu-s id tiere i-eh ininhers of theerc-on-. uic pessengnen-ci-e J, J. Parnuenter, 'u-uto, an] Master James Clae, cf enihobe; lime otie-s n-en-e Chnarles ua-lely, cecondu mate; James Fu- nue, thie satchiman, Isea fluemen, L. eceit, n-hnecsman, Wt. Merchisen lid Johin iivere, seaihere, n mecs rooni o', a deci miin-mwose naineI cie col iew, anu]Heni-i-sou ne] emyself. se cîuc i- asconnuanîle] ile pilot, Idrecemuanan n-ioetiret uinee isNe- oleon, an] centaine] nine persane ail elonngicg tethe cren-. Amuîng them 's lIre ha-lies mai], Acu Ge-nagimîy, id Jolie McGon-nn, fu-emen. Tic mies cf lie othîcre I do not kuon-. fluer.eueefourleen persane ieft e- ai-] tin. steamer n-ha coiii not be go- 'nTheflaines eprosu eo quiekry thal n-wat elmnosl impossibiele tedo auy- lig. 'One cf cieemsalboats n-ms u-ic], an] eue of the. mates gut nie se boi-e. Amnoegs lice. leitmu-e Ste hîhain, Chiai-les Carsectnael, afI 'Oion- t- ie chief ecgineer, Wi"im Fine- 'ne, Of 1'veScotz; tii h en-arl, Willim pence, of Lachine formncly et' King- 012; Mve. Sitibaldsudan]dangiuer cf 'cekiille; an] Mies irehanq t tKing- on n-ho n-as i-etuvning home i-cm îatiem wsenre sie mid beumn visitug C r Unchu, an] Mr i-llyard 'Wnear ci' ittmur nle lied beun travelling seîh i.iliî'-c nas von-y lStucecBreannini, or 1Yhing e1 h ttSerh, bultsehen .n-o n-o' leainig tic steamer 1I Sean-] sein.- ng like Mealcg Sonne cemai] tey;a tnsebn- n-nen standing ou -tlme er. Tuie lst I sen- c1 Capuein Cuir- iele icnas l ite n-nIer iholding on a phank. lHe enlie]-out uChlarley,- iarley, Cinrley," ho ti.e second mate id m6e wn rte v hui ; a boy n-ui sa ceeu- un tien gos ici] cf &hi. boat, ýhil -nhe - ere pnlling lii» in lthe heain seemed te pasdile an-ny fi-cm and n-e lest hlm. Soin- oue sain - at h.e huasia Lie îresem-vr, buti i l t, îkehy h. live] long, tIse n-ner n-as coh]. A teg n-as towing themIll cfj steamer jute Whitby tItis movanug1 en 1 lf. Sh. ha] ou boa-dfabout il0 bai--cescf apples. ebout 5i) loins cf on, an] a steail quaeîity of cthen ýglil n-ien ie n-as bure.. lie Bavai-ian n-as the ol] Steamer . ugeicu rrbailt. TIie Kingstonut n-ili recoilectei n-as u-neul in lhe 8t. vi-ence a yeer ego -lest j ue, au] lmer Ilueiug ocI reu il n-m s ce] in the etruciion cf lie Bavaian. The hal-a n-as pet on the liii. and river route a t firet cf lnst Jcly.t TRi'. SEÇetto MATE'$ç SrAvscMENuc liai-les Bradley, lime sec ou] mate,a i descrubesthe.see cf the hon-or: 1 n-nas off n-nis u]dn-as Sitting in ' hune nonj. Tii.engiecer ha] 1"el ne stenai, an] ha] jnst gene nft tog ft he. n-aîeiee, hen IInheerîl a Ion] ek daneUlon-; iln-as foilon-ti] Uy rash, fi-, burst cet alionl the.cylinul- ceompanie] Uy anotier hou] noise; c oun tthe &guarde an] usp' tuee der Atoie the hurricane roof; the sa tes e velîen bnnsting np ai over; ei lver eaw mcl a terrible sigil ne; it n-uthe.n-rk aI a minute. dock handi did flot came np, and t ul tiemate had te ti-on- a boat b rUoan; t n-s on '-e iltpienge ci- n-ner meuh came up fsi die in and In-elve athuers wn-li ' e - di ad lie n-af enont seit urnvsas; e got hol] of tie geenwele .ail wn-oÃŽ 1d hum le; -e thiongi n-e n-oui] i liar] lthe caphein,n-ho a sfloal- el on a buciet rack, aient la me, P nrley, Chanhey." Wial coulul nw b We conldn't rase se lie boatl n-me ofwn-ner, Tlitual I -e lieni-uof ci captatu. - The fixe rau se quîck tuaI u'eme unabueho look allerL anytlîintg ii i-coar et the steaim an] themes n-as 0 TEE cnugy WÀ.II' Ca sIc Br etc Chs ie Chi an. uve tîni suc susi ci Wu ca' lia met lie l'i bac l'ri-c i. i La,; con lor thni eh t] shili ecrac n on flae] 1 ni befo Tise h an ce] il bale boy sluk ing g "Chà Tue HO o o aWest. Thîis le an inquiry n-lich evevy i heul] have titifuhly anse-red bUal lie starte on hie juney, andlae ii cane tlioen in examainehicu cf rou n-ilh ine'maey cases save mucnhi-roubI lime anti mcncy. Tii. Chuicago D urliugton & Qui., Reiiroed lias aciieve] a splen]idh i-i latice j e i-la titre. yuai-s as ti heading Pessenger Ronite tate n.i Stanlieg ah Chuicago on-Pi-cria, il rui diu-ech lirongh Sousîhere Iowae ni Nebraska, n-itlî close counnections Cellfevelaan] th. Territories. lb nîso tIi.e hnoi-lindi]bcd lice Quiecy, Missoui, andl points in Rani n] Nen- Mexico. Passengers on th n-ay seesîn-ar ceneot île uether tiaui teke this route. Tus lin, has puislielîcl a pampul enlitle] IO O Mo 00o o VnSs',' n-hi centaine mci valcaile infermnation; large, correct np of tire Gu-cat WViŽ sehîci can Ue obtaincîl fr-ee ofcfhlar, by a]uhressing lin. General W~ese Pessenacer Agent, Chîicago, Bcrliugto IcFLÂuINAvîeî 0F vuesLust---Chi toc, N. B3., l7th Feb-naru', iS7i-Si: In behîcîf cf my lcunuhy, I uvisîn to r knon-îc]gc naicit of grtatitudc I et Mu-. James I. Fellon-t, Mc denghtl ha] been 111 selth Iuilamnlioc eft' CeegeS, ha] u-aigeui large qunutitiec Ulcood an] purulent malter, attendin seiti ecery cymptoin cf Concumpîloi Afler oltiaîningthlm, attemuiaîcu of lu eemlienl pînysiciane, n-mo cifon-le] lu ne relief,ehe n-as îîeîenaîe] ho th Eelhon-s' Syrup cf Hypophîcepluite Upon taking Isen boîthes ce hua] ecer reason te believe shc enuuldne cre( ler pisysiciaus n-eu-e iupu-iscuilte tir lier impu-ovemnt co rapi], anul aduisu lieu- ha continue ite use, n-luin se.i ntil hieu- complele rceuy. Tut yeen-s have ehapse], ]nriiîg n-hieu timu cie lias ncihhner laeu ou- revmii-ed an nedimic enjeyiug gooa hicaîli, and n ges al hI -lcanc afflicheul îitu amy Ltin or CîmesI trouble ho use tire lyp( seithoul fînil. My n-lte, eleo lnccicg licen in ba inealtii for serne bine nu] hînving lie Typicid FeveinluDecmunhen- lat, n-mie, Ieft lieri-nci pi-cetrated, n-ns al1vise, Uy the phnysicuns le use thnig rezncîîy t Unit] lier nip. Before tabcung unît' bîsîthe cli. fonunni heref mclibeciitlc an] stilI continues te uns 1h. I bclieve under kin] Providlene Felion-s Compund] Hypopnoepusiiîe lia. heen liteenc f restcu-iug huai iny n-ifs an] deuu-,Iian]di - iope Ilit affliche] sell aveu ttieiseîvee cf ils use fer nhthuguiit Siuhiely use], I tlnimul ite valueale cet apprciaîc] - Ycui-s truchy, - JOSEPH A. EVANS. Dommnnte APPOINMssvrxS.-An ext-ti cf lie Cannla &Gazette, jesueul oit Tues- îIny merning,, conntaiuîe tue follon-ing ap. poueinhrenîs :-T. K. lhîii-o f Mn hi-ual, te Uc l'iisne Juilge c'f tne Ceci-- et' Qieen'e BIn ilfou- thi. Pu-enjce i, Qucbcc; Jarnes à facKay cutI Wuulnn Kennediy, te bemuenubersoethlIe Norh. n-est Conucil, lu adldition ho tliese mrp, pointe] in 1872; F. X. A. Tunlcîle, of Mnntneal, le nepresent tIhe Di-elatun-,- Division of the Senate, vice Louis lie- ian], vesiged. AIll t. fou-egeing np- pointmeents n-ci'. madle ou thc 30tlinul 31ct et'Octoel ast. HMntyPry-tr auj S. G. Righefy, of Hîalifax, te lie Quci-neg Ceuncil, appointeul Nov. 411,; FHou S hL. Tilley, C. B., te Use LieinteiintGov. un-non- ot' Nen- Brunsw-ick; Jolie Cran-- ci-il, te b, Lieutenmnl.Goce-non et Ocierie, an] Hon. Hughli Manldu, of Autigonisi, te be Puisue Juug.eto lue Snupn-eme Court cf NoveScolie, AhI] uppiue.]on ltme 3ti cf Ncvenben Robert Lion, of Ottawa', to Uce Juinnio- Iiadgze cf tIse County Court of Carleton, uppointe] on lie Oth et'Novaicber, The Qeebea 'City Council Finnce Coinnsle.e sumit e report promiejng a business texsciof2M per cent. on i-euh. il af cIl shum*PB, stores, &C., instenul cf the prisent rate cf 16 pei- cent,, an-I all special tax Uc sîruci off ; an] an annu- Il business tex cf 11,000 oce nu-reits naving officesine he City, asud store rhîcn-vas &c., oetsiuet le citytiiis. A ta Of 500 anul 250) on tire insurnet emepanies; 25c. per foot frontag-e on eencenpie]p-upenty 880 le lie pounu water rate an churches, un]dn.clog tex, APILioPRAlÂvu, The grand lunuuit aI eu International Bu-luge acrose -in. Ni- iura River ah linifaha lin heen veui. .l, an]dlIme n-euk le a monument of irlljtectu-al mand meclmanicai genine. wtht tlaI fine sense oaIthlifitessof ujug selic is isexpeeteul le bidge- )ahîders above ail others, the Compasny iner wn-ae directions lhe eti-uctere -me eneche] bave liassen a.sIueir Pr"si- et lime pepula- Manmging Director cf. me Grand Tî-nk Railn-ny, 'calcnhating' -etieir engaciene -American ,col- 'agnues n-celuisay-tnat selaheven thaI enhieman'e nemiseese in hi pu-eseul mesthion may îe, eeenn. heGlobe seulul e reauhy te voucli for mis compehency id devationn ihoakiug aflumi-tne inte-- u1tsaI fBridlges i-Grl:p. A grand lianqnucî t as givenat ah lilil. ral, London on Mocdey niglil, in lion- go lie Prinoe of Wales' birtnday wow ManIM, suasseathse sec n-aller, au] a gentleman psesou Tbey aIl got la lhe gaugn-ay. Tii.1 boat li anasloea el ha] gol as] and tue iocoud n-ai bourg lon-erau, tue cee -ee> na jumping mbil, t'ew IbmP!o pn'ecllo] eunt tlahem to ,hiron Iroard ansi aahonce gIi e thue leader, au] - tuence mwn eh ino tle;boa, jnsl aslnas#wu i a e] off by its cve*, ieeofI Wham 'cas 'lier. Wlun lluey lua4 pusiscloffWli aise case eliarn aite -,pensons lu seaIer, au] malciug a bon- memu eaund à as hey ahi-ave la keep tiennel on thésur1aeof te Ãfood. The I bat -*ai, then being lon-ene]. Il ou fit,» but tise bunuing parti quencho] sehen-itIlreacieul the n-i 8h. Deit san- a Joan luronnoverbui by saine one froin th, end cf liheuWI cabin, -au] thiugit 1he mIenar] gaI la il.ilen. n-as elght of a crew n- l bcoatlunsehici mie eccaped, an] Il n-ai a loch of n-nIer in il, bsut tii-y1 a phug in lielieat, mni bail] lie se onh. Tliene n-se phenhy ef i-oin in bosaI, but Iiey meule ne athempt le np auy aI tie cran-ning people,1 ceeme] nexieus ouhy tagel ais Aflen rowng for soe. lre. hourns a quarter they muieoede] in laninie aboul a mile andl a half frain Port( ian-a, n-ler.e, lie d ho blied11]oni tIne bont, sa sliff ane] becumbe] she ith wnel an] cold. lunhiro or Ii minutes mter aie beard lie report l- an explosion on board the "Bnvavii tie veesel sens in a blaze froinstein stere; an] wnosae gel a lttie as fi-onu ih lie di] nol see a sole ou boi ils deck. There n-'ne foruy-tn-oan getiser n-heu thc "Bavai-an beft Toi-au mn] eigit cf tîmesaeu-oe passente tn-o oely cf seboin n-eaev, naine thi. gentlemen passeugere, au] the lit boy frani Manitoba. - _.- .. 1 he bea ij ;à il-w ti,, llii 1w . ýo ýý; ,Ut in. eu:tin frei n tti-ceu imns.d; j urym, rea08 . fCioinsulujet;lia nt bei- cihch mstur m îuîuvaei- utt ii'i-t ii*t i'it' 5în 5-utt.-ieiutiRosas, uheunn f forinking , his motion. e iniutcu tedctîunenced in i-n-ti-cl Shnift,îr- tii, ' i -ut--i it-tl iii1837, uan i ni vok u0rn rondus, $40, seul M. 8miti r- irvnt ip jf'omi te c'%oifiti iPtîtîli-ut - 't "tli'cin iii 1871. Mi-. Cr, tinsef qf icligents, 4.50. The. Couicil te me, I arn bonnilte say,, ili he i.lu-fln' - hnul] t cuke lîs mtien. In] -en lite lu-uk; tinsn---t xpiitu.lî jtot-i ai nfnumEiiglittn utn --i-jcudi h i-iM yo e 1pnnn-poseul fllening the routine p-ocel' i ni-air, liaryiii-h Irir-ni'min- lît dîe ii.'an-Ii-t lterihen- cmu' ener nx, te meet ai 10 ÃŽ!clc, a.m.u iiuî-9 f he Iue y anauatîî î o i- cur nîtcc f Iemt el it nI srts- ivîhshn nttnl-es' sînlcnuent especting tic formaîtion f uetn, ilu te rovi on tIte banui lit-ii ilt- ct to iNova'tSectia, Mr. 'nease aÀrsmna-n' th i. n e n a Im il is ra io n . 1Itr us t, t bie - ' sel s o n e a cco r îd g a v e îinpe i un s a s l jto C if i i c a - îo îmîa , B uinin g ln , siier i-0e G e i S IR ,- N o ' laitg -sy nie a fre, laI tic lied gen lî,mau euilcon- i iere taIi tie i uan iixt, utî.. A Mi1-VLmS airtusitndnîis on-an-mex- bitiheu-Pveivtrianý' can Dot1 'a. se n t t h le s ith ti i'ev a l f i s o tio n , C a m p el h c l u its hni-l le th e re sc tut- jt e si me n er c h iu t, sll ii i l î] s , a n I s ip - icte r i* lie M a il s a y in g -t ia I co r L o c a l s in c e th enuo b je c t ie li a s l u v u e cl h ie a dt it 'i Iîo n e g i t fr i m ls -if ' p ui t u n itil i - r F .L ig is a tu re h l e d p m s p o me d th i e d a y od veacie] Uy tihé opei-ation et in-- s inll iu tie ui-u -ts ii's'gt' I h1 lo. RJ. Cuartwright is a soun"iilinkeiin'11 i.tho'Nvebe t I ie p i e s eLn t d i s c a i g e uo f M M r ne e j oi l î n i r - .,i i c i o s u1 c - ' , l i e n - . I l . h . C a r t w r i g h t , C l a p l e î u j u t l i s h o o t t bi e f a c y o ' G e o r g e B r o à n , . F MH s u n -e y i . n ct i n a p o s i t i o n t o a r u e e t u p o u - m t h e in ui , e t f il e n ' - o j î î n c î' s u.i, à t K u g t e a n t i a n e s - n -i n n n a s ,g i n ' bt i l li e a . s a l e o ' s h o r t - liaI thîcre je no feunldan w evhî' u un-unieruu. Ã-' 1tt 1 i t- t;,rut o eut ln.Iluiti. IRichardl Cai--le- soko Ie lyf-tse rd s fo r t iie c h a r g e C h a t n - s ro nffl it. U c i r e î n î, ea c uî nv it h l u tt z i- t !a î l l t -L"' . I ty i itu , îo s ; iI a h a u k ir k - d a y . . N e , S r , li a I l u s p r o v e ri i s s u - l y n e t u l c i o n s o f i n v t in g a s ne c p i a u y t e r e l i u r m t i l t - i g i n i' l u i. l h l ' i ' t'it 1uth ea i l u. s n tt ilpe v t S b . en i hh e r - ' h e i r b i t e ' l e l u" jugeto hie House upou hsmt micretlf.Th lii erltEi o ,1 ter, wii hlue innedt eoeo onu, sa ibiplconheSw v.y g-et gu-vihy seiceil n-nei-st tuni- <muilar fise. At Oeotmiaý, :tmlof 111' ui. tijiv i-t1-icifor ie pi-ei, my hle i'ea Word ' advice mitilu]toite o ouse-, and I thucnefou-ui.leîhni's0c rsihence-, i S.ii . -t-ttiea.l ~pietl l iui ntv eor n-t' ile frise' Mon-eli' the. metteibe îl îh e fth nW C h a llu t a d i n - t i th e l s t, tig h t b e a u-s n î - g ut] f io u t in o i -o n i tbt e g ue u - ni eié e c t io n in îé 6 7 , it s l p a in liii a ' - e y e s lia I t h e p a tp an e - hopit efitgte ocapr ,n ote] t d Cna annaîbM- îi"'i l .1i-- ci at lciu ~ mutnc nde forea igier an' nbler - a t t e n î i j n lt e Ih a v e p e r a p s a n e" i o i o i îq u i l ni o t t i r g e n c h i r u n i , m -l i n il o t 5 de ( t l j Ii- i l l s I i l o i i a r c r , n e fi e ] p u r p o e . W i ' a p r o p ie t i c gi en c é - ulebte fr afen-minues pon uein kilietw o of thnîn and rniirtsshy ;1 ln-il 1i- Cartnrightl n-es îae wht niihîI dot nol Maister Broon cead n p u î n î s e h i c i t il i n I c c b e p o s s i b l e t c s n î u i i u . _ ' i . m i i i i a t c tjt i ur la t C ' iP n tu t r i t s B a nti o f C a n a d a ; t u t i f i e l i k i t - t ie y f o r e s a n - t h e f a ' ' i- c a d i n c o n c lu s io n . T o g u a rd m y s e it, ', o v -e hli ue sit is e x c l u -] h tn it -ns, a n t h el î j h oti gl aI i 'uî)r sc n -, . Éit D Iu-t ft h f l e C a na - J o h u e'A . o un lth e filt t, u n ' w u eh e d h l i inoneve, aeinîî nposiînîîy f of %tIe venaininnu-tinurs re- sls.- la Lite- Assulirnae sCujîîsîany Can asicnle ciel event amnmg the blessiu's c e a i s e l a I m a y li e t a l eo n b y th u , li n . e î s o i , P c a . ., à Î c c a , d - l I - Ln 0 uIc o f < u ' a W n - c i- 7n ' h ut oti ' t h e s c a s o n , a s e ' g u i ] f o lk c n s i c e r i l g e n tle m a n , I a l i , n h ile I hb a v e t c M .h "oth e M n-. C a r tw rig h ti n ' tin a e u - l Wb . - - MI . b A C P NIc i î m 's WXV . - T h n u l n e i ' - u î y l i i o s l c n a s r i rn n o n , 8 v fl ur, speakig t o Vie question as a Prem ier bl i hI s -ifs. ee khy b ei-ci- - - - u n s sSU> n epon-Yo m Sr questioncPed di ulereuîaiefUin mcc li f)nut imnilConeen-itive, bUt nte]nithlthe - ANDY KACQIT. on ofnîy ivilge, se eunhe ds- tn-en-ôca.ofliein a jstsin-timecîf-ie nîlmîn,ite no ng h hl fIg charge th dufty toerds I-utcmbOppo wduring Ils.e n-aoletcftbhast- hA Kentuckyen 'eky iteit- ecreieive h.effol af lie Aeloiinistrin, nno us in tiheir cLpahhu cf a piece cf 4droihury nuti-r" ialinig et i-ma nbcibrakQi p i n sî , w i i l i c h f t r v m b e a u c i l a - , e l . b a t e s i hy - S i r J o li n , o r e r i-. . j I L t u n . l a i - l i l m i ' c a et e Ct a b r n a d a t1 i n t l a enoitie c fa î lb e db e an g l I1 have te int'orte'you, sir, npoetIi.heu- ,,. %Votr- r itiinthe puintuise-nt it Sfn- 1itiCii,i li-nt hieas g ýli-n ib.correcte] :-'Svi 1uis'îa fen- ervrs tiîenity of Mn. Makenzie, n-lie Ia]%f M 1i-.tii-nte i-pusiil ot f 'tai:t"i, e -31-Mn. Ciisti. e i iiy knoiese in luobituîry of mysef whici nppeare]du - - Uen, n-e sere informe] 5050e days ago, G6'tuercîl. lb iq tii lie h-m-] lite pre. j tii rugîiyIl uAsainil lai;beau IPreefulnt your papier ? IletWensduy un-as bain ' -- cierge] Uy ieEcef.ltency tie Govever-st-uc. cf thaI tl ishilune lit-ete Cali- j uthu à u-icturn-al A,7soiatien Of Up. me greeicy Co.- net celnali, anud MyJ Gent-rai withi-the" lucy of fovmng ae mal c-ver -ncin]ful oet tue mmay cf ahilit-I. rc ii anhof thue îîuu - Arieulîiir-r. utiirentfrein'bisue in lu1861)' nai n e n- A d m in istra tio n c n s q u e t u p le r i fa i l tc- i S A s sosiu tio ni o f O .ia i-o . H e e tco lo n- e u h 1 t a î i ' b t t il l the, retiuement of Sir Joui Meedeonal] ui--G-p td~fuOn13 il15,ie-c n oielo wtu a anims ofng.,I msauhe-iiu WN ISUTi n- iinluWîit!1 Iasuif us-fc outil of WiVetn-rli in the' troule i luiai onetonw - an] istructl-li-tîn t 1h utgohAl earciaiiittcît n-ni tIîiPttt o'latU-mfrin 185til 1854,;hrmasndh porjcs.'fmake actlfs'- ta inftm t1 1aose tatie hec, xe- uts ýac tnaily it iC-ëlt'i- 'f14 w!w 1e ii-miiutT>ivitsfriotiienloe. 0_ens, byhbis Excefleunytlia Gov.ei-aon-Gontuh ua cadi-e e]"a-l,.L.C, 1tic uerjr~ cunt4îlie cuouiuiisTan ecigusté] ff i-<n ~~~ teI 1unil t-hé Union. -lu 17' ho-The UtJied'.StseGvermeu't,- arid 1liaeta--snbnit ta the 1iiunli -Tue ,nuiL5-fur i-ien- eleetlns fur t e actcalen1u uin h o. s-q.- v 'iv i sP__sLt2 Ohave 'l 1 1 000< roswinnoftO e oYveflent. nsy. De Ud-qitfliPesiiency lie broughfrfr--- h. ------dai. p g e .. T h e . an a o m e n t e l re a2 a,. 4b y o f$th e P riv y C u n il . lees m e t cl oC 0pr a <k pe1l d i firvf fiat; not a siugle cheer was raisid by? 8f Sr John Muaodonsild, who was re - 'in 18086lthe Act coiuifdaiîing and ho846i14à of rif; the Opposition,'and every'per8-oxnwitJiný CevOd with land ceers,said the an amendingu he 4çt§ in- 1861, Mr.o as- O.pi . My. Yonemof and iiearin, t tie Words séemed' posses.d rangements made ,by the. hon. gentle- sessnieut cf property. Alsifas Chasir- tehashi b wien withii endden idea ta reach the . oee- man contain two or titre@ points to a c fteCnriteq~uii~ i' i>4pbee i take grap li offices. A m re.stale , i at, and whic h saBine excep Lion m iiht b. m aie. Asressm e t Lavs i n (1866), Ifa 'a o t.stéd a e d i#an %ar b ec eèo«Lrb in a epoftale inshneerwassen. Ilmilit perhaps be objected that tii, enîle rote atiFi frted th. greater nceý t85. H w tu1n0d )rsîf As soon as the H ians id sigiitly hlon, gentleman wha laasnxaide the an! part of of thé. General Act on Mno ePr n!Irhapeei OUU heov-l recovpied ites a t aishm ent at the au. nuncem ent îs not.a m em ber .of the. a i Corporations » . - H e is M ajor of th e oc IB I ec s ,y -~ ' f I ùglit netnneement af the rsgainc li aie.It miglit aisoe b. cbjeed27th "Lambtoni" 'VonirIiuu ntry,1870,and iiwaere-4cted nt theý lalt ittlit Ministry, Sir John A- Macdonald miii the.t the. lion. gentleman neSt him, the Presi9dent of thie Isolated Risk Fire les. general élection. lie ale ~t the. that tlie.' Hou.Mr.!Macnie lied-baeenMember ferHaltou, is-net a mellaherc e n hiianc i aainM1îaei i.Le ~ rin setf r by thé, Governorqenerai ta-, e<aie. hyaebth Ieading' Buptist Ediîfice SuÇioty. Qnebec. 4 M"0 lves' forni a Mieistry, and moved oad~,.. membersof the pýaty, and stà na eqnalky Hou A.4. »Orioni,Q. (J., i3 the son Hlon. B. W. Scott is son o rýgot iidý Jour - ment of the -Hanse until Friday, lilgi inthie mind cf the.partY, 'and cf tle-id'le Ttr'P. A. Dorin, Wlo re- of Prescott, 'where lie was' boldÀ, #é wa e l Premier stating liaI l o.mnorrcw« therofore il is9 rallier, ta me, a malter Pregeuteul Chîamplain in the. L. C. As- was ellucated aut tpper Cud(ltje wae was Tliaà ksgiving.daiy y.for the. province cf surprise thatt hée, wo gentlemen semhly frein 1830 tlti 1888:was barri cailed ta the Bar in 184, and crealtè LIer., of Ontario. - , : -- are.nt n li Cbuiet HWever, li St, Amie (le la Pà îrade.1818, was cd- Qý C. in 1867. He sut ,for Ottawaii oar-l A short discussion eesued, littueieauo- lier. je anotheir urions phase 'nte i cnted ah nt icolût College ' Dro h anda seul rz lies' cinsion cf, whicl iti was explaineulliaIt formation cf i ii Goveront, and 1 Was called tte Lower Canaiens Bar 1868, wlien b.cwas -defeated, butira#s.- bon the. holiday. was sitnply a provincial PrOtesl againsî it. 1 prolest againetiii 1842. au I creaîeid Qneen's onesel elected in' 1867 tleRoi.Huse 'of 4ss.rn lie one, andl was not binding on lii. Fedoral Mv. Blake being a memuter of tiiGOv- 1883, ani oceuples a distinguisiied po- N fOtnadbvn'be~n. bere Houe,, erement without a portfolio., and I Pro- elîton et tic 'Montréal Bar as 'wlI as elected in 1871, wa chosen Speaker,-. put The House tien adjournied auil lin e test againel lMr. Scett holdling the sume bein' Pro .f,îs4rr of Civil Law1 Victoria but r.signed liaI placeto10 hcame Co,- raIer o,cleck tc-morrow. Pesition. 'I say th it is ulterly nli- Colluge Cohonrg. Up teatii. laleehange Missioner af Crown Liande, an offce-, the A sergeaut-at-anms sicouldered the. cOnstitutienal. I say tuiere ha. otily -,f 'Govprninent, Mr. Dorien was leadter which i.,lias j uil vacat.d. pick mace; a few excitcd indlividuals hiehe e. -eue exainplle cf it, Iliat cf Lonil cf the. tIe Frenchi Cainedian Libéral but galléry endsavord te gel np a cheer, Lansdlowne,, ta whicli everybody euh- iiarty Of Québec, - a pesition whiciilie Whiîby Township Council ray. but were premptly silence]. mittedl becane ho was9 a man- cf cinety liaîhlc since lie fir c entered 'Pare and Tiie Speaker lefitithe chair, cvcwds Yeei-S cf agot and it was thoc-rht te hc n ment. Ile decliuîed a seat ine i.Cmi. Brcoklin, Nov. 3, 1878. gaI cf excited people doedoed the, flcer cf fiting ce'nipliment 'te hlm,'ithougli il miet 1857-; -,as a muember cf lthe Execo- Council. met p ursuant te a4journ- Os the House, seme cf îliem cougratulatin ' wae an infringeeocf tic Constitutinu,à tiC- Couucil in 1858 for dtsi brief terni nent. Ali tie members presenit. ýt efthLe Opposition ce tlwir 'victony, cther, Tits country, sir, wants no uepaid sen- of tie. existecu, cf tIie Govcratment, Reevei lecar w as sgym patisin " w ith th . M inis erialisth vices; i W antse n e upaiul o icerr. w tl s Pro vncial 1 cr t ry frveMy, T inl te char.e n e n& r a ire., in their oefesî. A few cf-tIie mort, (Hear, lieur.) It wants unit is aile tii 180;2 teJnr18 ,a ud ttruey- communications frcm ' Harrison, Osier liki. 'emonstrative c-es on each side imme. puy every mac for'performniug its lier- General for Lower Canada frein May, .&"Mogss, Barristerg,.&o., iréference la en," diately set te work te clîose their astR, vices, and r nsk, whnt is thaI Goveru- 1803, te Mai-cli, 1864, wlîethe. Gaverne-thei suit Toms vs. Wlsitby. ita and before manv minutes hi la îps..a eW-nt goiug te be witiout Mr. Blake- ment retire] lfrein office. H1elsatinthi-. The following accounfes were ordered wav a numiber cf mpmbers' cards halà been (hiear, heur), and lîow long will liai Ganadlian Aqsuerbly, asns u8abecr frocte b. h paigl: Gearge Marquis, fou dig-- ni i c h a n e ] f r i n l e f t e a r i g l i t - G o v e r um e n t l n t w i t o u t n r ( p i s e i i t i - M o n f r e u , f r i t e 8 5 4 l l 8 6 , a d - o i g dl' n r d reb l . n c s N . licecf le IieliCahlolis ieh? l Eclielaga frein 1862 cclii the Union.' '31and 82 lu 2nd con., 82 50; Jesse ut. AtOT1111Paoa9uATIt95- 'fully acî nd ru mte euîppose .thaI Mi-. liewas elec-tetahiipresent, seat for %Vella. fur gravel $57 80 ; David T wee- crs. OrTAWÂ, Nov. 7. Richard Scott, Whis ol w the Prýnîiî-r Nîspieriile, Qnbcc, oet he lait genenal 'le for repairing" ecraper, and 6 kal ely. Tic Speaker took thei.h c itaItirte 'l'efacto cf tiie Governmeut cf Ontario, -ir-tiiu- iravel, $4 75; Wm. Perie, repaii-ing tîeoclc.is te lic a Ian-er-on; te recel-e co pay [liti. Eilwsril Blake M. A., Q. C", us Du-lU shed, $8 10 ; J'ohn Harris, fixu'ng Man c le mmbrslîa cane]te live ci (Ilîar,]leuar), and la Psýtisfy lii clîlest son c f e l1atq W. HEt 19rode cf drain on road as per con. lIsur ene, u isfrnt owon ii an dscntisfy thIrishiiRoilstil Cuie- tBlakei, n distinstuishied jurlet. of Upîîat 1 0 m aseIra- Oppors t n t e r ntSm J oe te les cf tise Dominion cf Canaia (iser). Canais, vhme lias n seat in tlî'e Ca nalian (joe on baw n e -auJ eide li u n 9h -lonald, and Mfesers. Langevin, J. H. lwvrhitifoti.ln uiiîn Aselyi-m14 bi189 was for cou., $47.50 - Robent flnaeb fer raîin1, one Camneren, Mitchell, James MeDonalît, opposite; tlint is for tic Govaruarneut Ia short finie solicitor-Geceral;' ail bridge on Brook noad, lu 8h con., 41.- rr (Piéton) J. H, Pope, Bowel, anul Carl- elftire day. Tliey'hiave ta take tliir'siuqei Cliaucellrof Upper Cati' 10; josephi K.mpt for repainieg and! btle lng. Messrs. Tepper an] Gibbs acceu- lposition. Tlîey tfiketliirline, iiaide.;l, is inotiier Catherine wae a tîuildin& cnlvert» mpcv biL,. #W 30; tes pied sente an ie second ncw. Thé-tic-y liave. tiitake t11w-i-fortino;',ot struî'l-.îaîgliu-r of WM. Humle Eqe John Chisiolin fer gravellidig 80s-Pr blé, miimbers cf lhe new Miiîistry w ir 5 c on wieîIli- ulînuwo. M. P. for Wicklow in i)'- ontract, $41 65 James A. Campbell ot couse, eut cf thiju-seatq. As wcre stuep, andcitili.4, tuai w. litîv- to h'r-p l 11-19P[leof Coincions. IHi' fuir advcrtieiug Court af Révision, *6,- a s e M e s s r , T i l l e y a n d M c D o n nl d ( A n .- t4 r . A l i ] . I I ti c y . I t i s a n t i i t i o u ' " ' t l f x i u e - . I . B e e ( f c i 3 ; C , A î - a f r f u u u s , pu-~ ti"cnisfil. lu lie front senus au tilt- lnîprat atr urhi iîtrvcflt neîilv cf Castiegrove, GýlwftY>, iWl- digents. $6 25 ; John dibsMr f ung Pc- Guveric culsie were Mussrs. flultoit. nlujectt'la"o ally i-erior aiy t- r-tn, cf Kilteg-aiand Leugi Bucklow. grava for an indigent chli.,0 W. H. et. lingticu, Woo,an] Cauchon. ii ii-iy u Ilaiis utiîi.'r ;L nil roiraI Dean. Mi.lilakfi was bunin - juis fuor prning- $85 95; R. T. TeSpeaker rose awnIsuil: 1I havv' 1 i' cl- hsi i u i'alirifu'tuvsi u Ia],illi-[au-ion, Jas. Mahewsomst -aud J. B. ins ,hehoccer te inforin tic flouîse tIti or Ciatetsngna[Lv y ssit lusua mt- cf cai' îllty cf MiluituX, .tr(l ws eeucatel Bliell for selecting, jumW. $6 eaci; e] îa-,rcie]tcfolwn lte : I() Consecqiience if lie lias to e itial tithe Univer.iî4 oetToronne. IMe wset Wm.~Pîlip o-jba m og 10 hae'iie h floi etr- nder tint han for aîtiîi-ryer t- telitc - yeur cu lel ls. loB ail lu 1856, anud six yi'ar- %ueii'e side li *e-820; Win. V'AIfo roadi ie "Goveruer-General's Ofe%-, hljs lie lcu't know %.ii. Mui-ely, but I1l-r rceivedti îl ~distinction cf Queen'- --utiapen $5; thé' Reeve'e acoeflAseecfà te Nov. 71, 1873. eo, andl I ctiy il is atn] ic areii t 11- (Cotiscl, Ni-. Blîke sens returue]- foi- Messrs. Harrison, Cster &MossdaI sas "Sir,-I have. tii. icîcur te icforî i-tineCchargp, admil oi e wiîltliii finic it ;e Locatl Ler-gisltutihlc cf d$anrio'frem in lee ]ne, tests in tie eecf Tomtrw;- dir yen tîmatlahit;Exeellency, ltie Goeirui-- kuew Mu - ley uvetillu i' efoi' ecfioul tilîn liluofet'Sonl1i'1rute ie1867 Nhitiy.$100. i t Geineral, will protee.tthie Sinti, momnxîrt. <Cliecei.. ail %'as letader cf Sic Opposition in On motion cf Mr. Campbell, second. Cliamber ta proregue luis Session of Mi-. lolton-Tiie Ilie. flieca it Asseniîii- frite 1868 tilt Detumuien ed iy Mv..-Burraugi., it was resolved icilietheDominion Panliaeciît et furip, p. e suys ive ai-rel tgîing te lave t l, su- 1871, nlien, 01u lia icfeat cf tise San- thaItich Reeve b, and ils herehynuthor ie to-îlay. icary lisposaltf liii-sc, ill.ivt'- ight il Macîioliiel Milstry, 'i.esns call- ize] te sisal wth G'eorge Switzer, .li- nfi)v ualoort hSc u Coule te a delilîeiali telgnnctL 05 il l ipoî ta luorin ta goverumnont for Ou-- t1iigcnt,-as lic may ideem .advistable un- ?qYour olieîlieiîîSeui-nl, li-. heutrs. lian-mo, % cl clia li di. atieipting for bhum,- i1cr thei. cnemslances, eonsideving as 'tiC ' H. C. FLETCISE. Si- JohniMcliîul Iaîî glato si s mitionî cf Prdsi]enl cf tieEx- we do tint lie ha. no rital aim, upon i-fl "GovernorG l's Secrettry," lidîi- itua. (Ciiei'is.> J thliicli if-i-y ùr,,eciu'i otîncil, anti on lus occas ion luis Mnnicîpality. - ýon -untiect Coming bétai-e lii'lia nasra-elecote oi- Sinîli Bru.e iy -5ne- on motion af v. ,McTaggnu-t, sec- -ulîIYG. itultihav-.flice lihîci-al jud<lmelit iineismatom. Iltvilîigreprespute] West onde] hy Mn. Bui-rougie, il Was reeoblv- Sir John MatIoriald roge ai1s] al] : flice mcii-, of Pailiamlealt, ater lt,,an-- Durlin ln te Couinionîs frein 1867 lie eC i t lite elerk be and le hereby au- if- Mr-. Speaker, I iear tint mnnoucnent. tmg lirtIi. ani-uenittuon bothi S. *-;,vts ef-tiii-edfoi- Shisîtli Bruce asudlfor thiorized andîlreqnired ta nollfythe r: sudh it iq-not uuexpctcih, ncc l t 1 Iliail Clicurs.> Is tli'e enî 'îtt'l rn-îîlui, ' ýtDnha isulîanccslty atheiPathîmaster of rond. division -No. 20, ta nny informnattion wlialevei-, icut 1suip'sill'i-] Uy sehielti ljn'it'i tliti. [lu-Pc, -, eunenai ce-tiiitss lu 1872, an]dcccîl 1a romovc Obstruîctions on CharleStreet, lie îtecd tlînt periaipe linI n-cul] le le tii hegneite';t, tl Isizlie-t jurty in liii', n e uit SenI nuc.îpieî tF 5sp-pry sli s'. course takpni hy ltie in-comin, Geveru euiuu re p-e itli lif ti-uu11,t"I ii"i, lo. Lpl-ti'r(de St, Juil is n Lon-er uown on CmîpGell & Wey's plan of the er ruent, a1aitais gha] f0 finîl, sii-, theltait ioest aud f-t-irnn igt-îIIýt Çiaîsl' uiitni i I-.. rtit, e soc cfFi-etoic Village cf Urooklu, lie tere eau Uc a protrogation witioiii n fiti- ;cver-ntîent o <i utfii 1 wi' tti-eJ '. q.. an] c grannlsotifcitt' on .motion cf Mi-. Cempicîl, second- cf niadnch f p-iv'ihcgc. (Hear, Iner.) IIhual ? (Clieers.) Is il nie!.trucuti'i f a-g-ixSi~îc-e e nt1 y Mn. ollilay, it waa resolved of amgIn] t euhiai-th:et thîcre selîl Ucln<uInc sig-ne] a lecurtuit ~utiutu"îS uuro ivrO-ed r ug~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sietsc "n snui. tnt u ienîti- >f151jSt. ~~~ a Jec nas dc hît thc Ileve c and le horcby authio- c. shupriofie- 1pri%,lee n hitsLin i posititonrari ui n I lof i iSt. AicupCollege. Me mcsa. aizclta tskéesucu legal. kstepemamy be p ace e. utahpfor 1boog ai.,onflg-suig hataevcttI ui 'ftaaMty, 186:3, le Mnardci, Port Pev-y ZBsway Company te miake plac. Bt bfor tht poroatin iegrain-tiiiiiý;eves au IýG1 iri cal fîî-Katnouura'uka fuir ti(,til the erosAinga of seul Railway 'lu tu- inkes plate n-c have hsaîf nan heur, andt-itlii-fi'tes frotnitifrccout', t;It-i'2tat 1(- tt!ii \sq'111)lv i in ' bnesession tîuis iuunicipality ns requirei by the i-y I have te reminud thi enos. tinut aust Cournt cf Plia 'innt. tuti bec.li b etof: I-t 1. i' M! ti-eidthe Granvillc statue, anu] alcole-make Queen St. iu Is. Bii-lli sîubjecî le in cnistogly by cîden- cnpii'atoi's. iL, 'ua liver'ei Ani ia '-'iimitu eilis-sCcéhfei-ti ilaec roi ccdn 0 cf this i. iuse-(cliuii-sî -anul in justice \Ir- Sfeetki'i-, eul îie lte'i'ling uu-l ,nî, f ý 'i)util Sueq Union : nnuutl s i.Saut n yl brto hittebarlifs i lje satthenngl 1 oiSu,,, ta'bc i-, for iaicila nu uthue tl] eliesentateUy Royal Pi-cela- Tii.Conneil edjourises! hi].Muday, inouli i tntUn-i le s iiatcnaue, uengteUcbre]to ttt, 'it'i iti i on inMiii' 1867. Dec. lot, next. and ai] hlai-e T'o ilonlut lieis, aeu hulnoi n siiailt'ct, offeic-, it a mmv ii'uitili IloncA. .St vlinas ici-n in theint_ ul Uc alloe-e]tae nikc is dxîîlunatiens. auisiiieneila tain jurýy if itietiti'n,' cittîtttif orWtinct.uleu], New Bruns- East 'Whiîby CouneS anh astlitihis liuse' hichI csay wsehielî-t dit pnviotîly cgnalsupapi-nbyi i x'e iiiiciuu iiclcto tti lie is ti c Uc ujet -10 the charges they li-I givu' n In iiir- îi- iii uiit-~ Siue i lecne ecy ouhsNv ud 83 rnglît agniuti huuntil Parliamulenî iîi-ar)-luy n-iilui-hylina" .' "Pîle mi t " rulih-l tte BaIinimi1847 amin i.Cdclmtiebn i r- id iceets again. Iinuove tfinithlIe.Si-lueur incimls iv iuiîicîtit'tîacisiî,.Ilit "'- ; n't'ai.relulaQcThCnin e.Tcmntsahst etigf y joi'it-ait-ricbrin.- AlIl. Mî'nctiettau- ic'lInte uvun îîîa(i niitatge t)f'tcttingr 1 (.l lea a nieruiui- 6f the Ex-'cn- flc Conucnec]aJcninel h nr- hum, sî-cuindeil y itielion,.insiuber for lis tas', Ci. e-s I Li-kniliis- ' 'iiît'of Netc Brunswvick frin plan, tielu-cetes, an] report ol W. E. CIatetîn sry. -[itilenuriivioppdosite. Lecli iltit iS ti l Par- 1856 ti an i-o foi- a shorit pi yurneld, p. S, S., of his survey of Lotsi; HoMe. Mi-. Hltou-No. liiiiili-imt. t 'rti 1ii18(; ,aIse lie ivas Attor-ney- 13 (o 17 lu, he fin-chcon., weve reaut and ~' Hec. IM. Là ng-evimi secoitie] the cmo- lion. Mr. Mautinuo,e ta a poit ( ilf, titiInîti 1îS; ilI1863, n-lieu lie laiud huere tIieCouncil. A'petition n-as lion. 're-, nandl sfîc' i- ettuctiingluit îtI-cire I fi )iti' Giîî'ernnneiit. [lis i-u' ni-sented signe] Uby J. Bures an] otiiev li [lin. Mi-. Moton-In tlie absence oni s1ietul I tke amnpie tici.t tte u lile tilittii ani han-tcten- uene reloiniiz- recsietting Sclîol Section No. 7. On tIi. gentlemen n-hie tsie nion- uspontilicqu-stion o' on-uer, pi-oceceul te lî l iiliv luis lteing sent as n dehagrat-e t ta o f Mi-. Mothnerseli, ce dollar' for ue onulet f ti. lnile Uclîmes igtufls tine. ~ u tIon piblit hbusineseseiththie n-asrefudei te Mi-. S. Dearbovit, beieg of itie colnuîu'y, I tan euly say final I Hi wsiefOllu-i]lîhy J. C. Alucainn 183; andihtlaan en-i-suron île ]og-tax. tlic Treasuner Ihopte tIhe riglut lion. gentluenan n-ill coi Mu-. 1). A. iinitl, ht, m a mes :es oii -'lu0 jýtoi, %tliîc -ctri180nprt]ln.vxit I16.9 r to perssi in lIn. motionilie as non- suit. nke oie stutunî-iiitil'rin t "t i~i'c. Cuir Jlc ian Inr6v,pchuteUd .fuic ipalief nn26.90 Tii. a~ iittu] hoa3-ou. It is qitîiiinpossiîle, the irniî lrolîlin, ithi-ti j a'tleiti' cînjcof necpnîucnl truide. H cuio npce' eot n iti I aip-eli-u 1, tat the one ani Pro- M. E. B. \Wottl uxittne : Tt i 5ilut.'1 icit iniithe 'm7 n-nn-e sello n f 800te lisveeporSadcioc Sec- Ceuui te je Igîcu-et inii ucacut!n-itnînmt a nt Oîf cf rîler cetilti. i-il aild ni-m 18,52 ct] ueUnion, lions, n-as vend ned laid belonis the. prvinsexminîo c M. ciui, T' Speakher i-iullue luhn e I ý t 1l'.jI - as i"icuniul te the Counionset Coucil. The Ceencil- passe] à aby-law othidperson n-l4i lia's Ucen rscmnimoniii tu ot cf oilu'i. t heu i'î (it f'1807, amilny uatclamation teppitn 8JteleevmhSeo _~ ui- lirAi- eipos Myotî I t. se.M- Catnc il,! îtfli Mu-. . - 1 i'tu ii-iuu zunutleecinfr tSection inlIn.ta aowmii, iesuludu