Whitby Chronicle, 20 Nov 1873, p. 1

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8, i Y, 7um~ srUsç,. 1, sud 9eIodtlrets madIe wih advertisers BÙies sD ire coto ry' WHITBY ]3RANCH, THOMAS DOW# ,_W HI T BY A GE NCY, H. B. TAYLOir, H. j mAse l>O'*LL, TÂAW CIIANCEisY& CoNVIYANCING3 04ilce Soth,,Wlng Court Hanse. Ar- rnangelments for spa'ci ro ,eï oferion. ~r J. E. PARF.WELL LL. B., (cIOUNTTY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR Ontatrio, Berrster, Solicitor Convey- ancer,N~otary Publi C, cc,&c- Ofl<e-Late- 19 ocCn)ed'by S. il. Cclerse Esq, laie ol tteruoy, Beack Street, 'ýVhtby. JA2R28TER, ATTOR1NEY, CONVET. finder, Dspsty lieistrar, Master tEx. tSa*dlnary, sud sxcualler in Chcaccryfor thse Oonsty of Onaio. tJlllce,conrt Bons., whitlby. c AB8~i c>11 ,G4 ,l w b N, DAMBe1Id ATRNYATLW -~TTORINEY-AT.LAIV, SOLICITOII IN chsanceuF,Çouveyatléer,&,C., Canuufg- LV Il4N t NGLIN Il Ilcfi.ls, B AIiRlt3TER AT LAW, SOLICITOR [N L Chaccc,Cosaceace, c. c.Sim- tse Sireel5 Osisca.A BAIIRI5TEIt, ATTORNET- AT- LAW, Solicitar icCheuctcry sd Iuolvauccy, Nôtary Publile &ca',&-a. Office-MeMiliau*s Bloac, Beack ttreet Wbltby, Onataria. ATTOHNEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN'i .CiClcncs-ry, Cossveyaucccr, Land Agent, dco, Office-lu lcasiiîus flache 3Brookht S., tirbebdge. 13T>RRISTEHS, ATTORNEYS, SOLIC. I>itors, Is'ctcicem PFaic, Ccinnysnum. Catce-Dyrass StrectI, sustic Amils fcehu, Wlitby, Ontario. lO :11-AN[lU-TON, fcua om 1 o'cisîck. - tIM 1 iYo est 1lI. TNSPECTiOR 0F PUBLIC SCHIOOLS -~for tise County of Ontatrio. Audreus- Raglan Postiîhes, Outario. G t . ~rYN, 11. tD., SOUJGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, Bjfyron Street, Whitby. CUYS HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., G the sys R. O. H. L., Odhawc, Otro ~,D ENTIST, (SUCCES. s or ta W. 1.Csrd) Dental Boomse-Dnu ls Street, 'Whtbl,ever Mr. Jameson's Store. Nitrons Oxide Gas adminisiered for thse paiulccss ex- traction oi teeth. Ar-rEETH nsertodl on ail thes 4Z"f J atesti nciplos of thsesart, iLs cheas a. the chespesi, sud ast gondatoi h louali ensrctesls Dent a by proclcsciccg 4novne block, over Atkineoc's llrag Store, M gStreet, Ohuwa. i be , 1e0Letiw Itacsms-iN. o ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. OIUe-Towvn Hll. lcsdu'-lrs Street, ilirse doors cccrtlci 'l'owcc Iliai. AM DRS IN AND SIIAVING AGENT FOR T1114,<'ELEBULATitI) A Scottish (ýr&nite, At Mrcc.~ok J uil'. -1A..E Ji, IC N SEiD AUCTIONEEli FOR THE L4honitiets-ai Ositario, Yoancd iPeel. ltesidecace-Lot 85, titisCneso hrlccc Pcont Otlice-UcctoscsilsticcSles cttecacici cUn the shortogst coticc., cuncd oc1r3cccnnslicrc. Ternis eaua 5e' ruceie andcl bills iriiteci ct tfice CssCccscècc Ohl111eiefor Mr. Carter. jrICENSEl>AW T FIiI1ORt 'Vil, .1.4 C.'cncty occltitrcic,, lange ta rctcsccc tilcacks for ctcslilcercel jatroccccgcc lccrctccicrs! bes4towec l cccsc iciandis.1to ailcccccctlccs ho list preparui tu coaduLt suieti tsiclcccr-cc Town or Cocacty ut rei.ccf)cacll uLtes. Ar- rangements ifor saleti riscle cmadci citlcr cit tti i oicscEcc. ti li-c, ccc c,5 ccy cawcs 1J511cc, MUEIICIIANT TAILI.ccL, CLOîuîtît, ___ Ctlccticier, >slcccwu. Uccteccc r'cc rteucts made Up licc di let style ansd Ictee isulclan. A ficce stock ofClCiccilc, fcrccc wlcetc tu a ke tce eeluctilacc fur jctccacecccc' LUM13ItIl EIZCilANI, CAUL'ENTEII suad Joîccer, Utirce;, Street, Whiîhy. A large cjnactity cf ccl id; flucl lcccr ccccc- ntsicun andcc. UNMLt l'AlItEG. -Ficcneccais fcaly eccîs' plled sud siteniei oiclshot cactireV. Collins kpt eocctacstitly ccitccla. A lcccràe tac lccrcc occ illeal citerion. ýM1ONEY TO LENI). Thse undorelgccsic hmaul ceccy îccctcclUtclcccc ey ta Lend uc1irn Jtcccr 'I'cwn l1'rccjsrty, lit uccualàly Low Ittet'sAcclccLcrsst.. Loacicaaeau u esîcaici icnccela ls uit bor. rawers' Moversi Improved Farccs cucd Wilci Lascds for #sesChossai. Icvsnct nitgciiic !cfccccicii Dclacîs. tures, iBatck, uc! ctlccr cccrkc'tîtcicclaluStoctts iuf cc rticer î,crtlcitlare elcily ta JAMES IOILDEN, O.lce esigscee, irolear, &c. OPC-)crthe locciniccn lilcsk, Me- Millau,$s Blide lst', WIiity. 13priil t,W1L. 1 WhI.tLcy ras.nsid Strincg Bliacc, adac>sîcl furaree,.i>cLee iîcuics<ics Qcccscrills parties, &C',, cire., ;il 1sccp)îly tlclio eîut canc late4t Muàlcon rea.ccsilletvricas. Applications cuct bi uccouce sucer psrscîcc. alty ar by letter, (lyi6bicc .r2li IBe S T HDlSE MEDICIN ES. of ssrtticcccithcs bet flcrsc'Mecli. cicseAs kcpt accetitactly o acctîsci imc ic uiralea t 4 iseWhty Llvery 8hclles. JLe. ('DELL, - A T H 2 R LT, Clirk Division Court,. T5o, CIji'k, lonnscrse n l. IL, Tsicl Ageut,., dciAtirlyV -Ccct )ccr. - 34Sî, Pftt. GtcE, IlPU i E jM'roit s ~ ÂAmple andl VOL. XVII. BOýQL LI D AT, ONTAIO aBR 01KL iN, OKI-., (LAE icwzs*o.J, AGENT FOU TIM WHITBY, -ONTARIQ., ISOLATED BISK FIRE INS. CO., 0fCesd. pre~'CaadsuInriuon PE TER WÂKEM, PBZOPRZETDR. AisAget sd apraserfortic Caada Superior accamocition" Table,;s ied Peranet Bilingant Sain Soiet, fr ith hast lusseaeoný. 'Gnnine Illos iaas a mOsyet oy ate a ineret. C rs beat brande. Billard zoom. 1RioonY ____________________an suaheds. 84 BRIT~ AMRICN * IBITISE 'AMEBICAN HOTEL,!, If 88Waflce uompan7y. CAPITAL, -0400,000. ÉSTABILISHED 1831. Thifs old andI weil esiablished Company are prepared te acceet riskasunail classes ai property, at rates as lw as thoseoaiany wcll establishsd Company in Canada. lsoiated -and non-bazardons praperty in- sured for throe yeccr or les. st speciaily law rates. L. FAI.RIIANKS, Jit., -0NTARIO FARMERS' MUTUAL INURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE, I3ROCK Sr., WHITBY This Cnmpalcy iccures Farmn Buildings, Country Churcheti, Sehool Bouses, and their Contents, ai rates as xLaW as those oiany well-eatablisliccd Company in Canada. JUST LOSSES PP1OMPTLY PAID. L. FAIRBANKS, Jn., J. B. BICKELL, Seer etary. Prenideut. Mfr. 3). Hofliday ijeno, longer au agent af this Company. ROYAL BIRITISH QUEEN HOTEL, FOUT FEUS?. JAS. DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. Spieudid -accomumocation. Beet Wine.- andf liquors et tisa bar. Attentive ostiers. L UMER I'LUMBER 1t TIsauudesrignsd hening been eipoiutil Ageut-aud aiea Sbippieig Aget-ccr thce extensiein-Luccuur firusi of Messr's. Stiitis & Co.. af Feccelon Fells, lis, apeus-jiu cauus' tinu ciiti lis aLlier preunises, au extesini "L U M13ER '-AAR E Vjccuiug 'tIse WIitliy & Part Pei-ry Ruail cc-caY St.sticcii, hrelice keepe cocstRAucly ccu 11c1.1n. arugc e an opletds-stick oflLuculier af 1111i uishi smale, -e-lic',ulc'anad relail.- hIaueiug macehisce, snd ii iuds aifvccrb se ccccted pcancptby, ta arder. GRO. CORlMACK. Wbatby, Mey 27, 1878. 22-cf FARM FOR SALE. TisaI vaîi-knaw-n fucinc, lot 26, 3md con. o' Wlcitly, iiovu as THE DONALDSON FA BM, Ansd as at present i tisaeoccupation ai Mr. N. Ray. Cacains 190 acces; asut 1ac clsîsred;dveiiug, aitiuildinge, auad suilabli offices, spiendid orcisîrd di 8 acres in extesat. Appiy t- JOHN A. DONALDSON, Gov't Emigration Office, Murui 25, 1878. lîti Torocntoc T HE ISOLATED IIISE Fire Insurance Co'y of Canada. HîsîcuOF vacrs-Ring Sît.car. CliareucTorîsai, CAPITAL, $500.000. Il'episitî'd %wiih (iswemmetî , $67100u It l cciiuut ail mss-s icitîcout deissy, anS Puy avec dicueash rAT ONCE. Moeu. ALEX. McIUi;NZIIt, M. P.,, Presideut. .1011E MAUGHAN, Juc, llcacger COAL AND) W' 0D. A. ALEXANDER, Iluevicg îirchicsci dise Ca unlla od ui Ys', ofi Mrie Icila e-cd, caigata infcira lcsiicc cccccc-cu ticut Liey vai bafla tuiipcccniiees Coli saitle- alclaîclc-u liy supvuieI, ad. ciWaccs cicud ccsl dl-ivs-rcd cdtisahiccccest priess 1ll'sng îurccccscdlurgi' urcicdu cclthse las cîncîl laecinconthse bscck Lkes, acilacdcc exu'ticls eupîîty ail!libuasiîcys kept ccc Ltc.cuua1lis- 'itsaciiifusIl cnesue gciar cites-I. Caîcl cc'digbt'ci on tca Townîc eles-. - A. ALEXANDER. IiiLiy, .iuly 9, 1873. '_8 I>-cNN FIlE ASSURANCE CO'T., c.OMiIAI;n ST. dc C55AsINGO aSS, LOsNDaN ESTABL[SHED IN 1782. (.i LLESlcIE, lMOIAT & Cà., Agents lai JAMES i)AVUPSON, Manager. fluuncssagacit lha i)v Picare a ffect- 1on thIbis- u avoricabe t,'uncs, allcaLaisse. Imaiciijîtucut rehereiiucc tissu iBoard lu Lau. cdaon. - YEMN GIBSON, Agc'acu, 'VLciby. I iIL y 'Thec cciecaigcc'd iceaireis 10 inior hieé fric'iile asuilpatrosatiiI lie hu ia ici ce- saumed busicnessitt tIsa uli WHITBY LIVERY STABLES. ofl tise tucd, ariacdio ddcciuî-itadiaslîpraved thiceiccnceysscfesccîsd veldiciis cisc dIe grecn. lacs, tuie his 'aly beiig ica a pcosition tauoeau tIsa wirdlci d'dof asorcd'rs ta sunrt isaeraf Picie pcctrclaicge. L l'tt.% 3101) iSt '% 1Il". 0t N. B. -'Ccsrsre caî e'-yatnc'ee lac' famlles uidtillcs. I'rompctidatuandauce, as bs-redi. focre', dc ail c N.cAcic'ccc.o c lit) C hi APPLE TREES, HO0M E NU R SE RY, l'riustcidc tdifoaur yc'are oi agcc, ccuchrac.icg ail disaliett'irsse. SETlIIC. WILSON, Lii No. 3,2lsd Cacc.Pii'keeiuug, suc Kiugstoc liccuc it cclOffiVe, Wbitisy. X TALUAJILE FAWM FOR SALE- Beiucg Pat ofl lot2, 711u conscession Si-Ott Cauccty aI Oacanlcs-cttcacres, 75 alasca alld icu s gond, sîste af enîtinsîlon. Gond cbvsllîing hccucse, snd extenîsive auLuaidiusgg Iu god rc'paie. Aupis' ta tise nycuer, SIMEBON TIFFIN, on lbe peemhses. Leuskalsis-, Nn. 14, 1872. 47 E RSTIE SA-SU ILA NC E C 0MPA--; sIsAi) OFFICE, TOuSONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - $400,000 cesENT FaROut susOislA,910 tIOSEPII HOLMiIN, IIIOOKLI, ONT. Aiso Agent fertise CANADA FARMER4 MIJTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Hessd Offfice, RANsc.rOia; andi CI'lIZENS* 'lINSURANCE COMP'Y, Ms4sltrütsi, Pire, Iiife andI Guaransee Depstcecui, '. , w 62.0c00.041D'Asus (c..wrz NOSON nousz.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. Housesnswly renovated and furnished throngisout, antI put in 1ftrst-class order for he receptian ai guesta. An omnibuwto aud roma a&ltrains. Fire-sa ssasnple roocna. ALBION ROTEL, WIT BT, ONT., A. MÂSON . P1OPRIETOR. The Abion has been tlsoraughly renovai- ed, aud the p ublic wiil find every accommo- dation andilt he bes attenion.e,, c ENTRAL HOTEL, Bit' U O BAN, 0,Ol., JOIN BAIEY- PIBOPBIETOt.. The above hotel ha. been newiy fitted op tnd furnished. Gueste wil l intI corofortabie ccommodatin%ud attention. Good stabi. ing sud attentive )ostlers. c OMMERCIAL HOTEL, BISOCK ST., WRITEY, E. M. CALDWELL, PROPRIETOR. l3sst accommodation aud superior Wines, liquors sud cigars. GootI stabling, wlth eu- clos;ed yards, suc- attentive cistlers al'ways onc the pronmises. Charges niiocderate. (C-lRAND TRUNK RA1LWT R OTEL, AT WHIITBY STATION. WM. O'NEILL - IROPRIETOR. Parties takiug the train sud leaving horses s'il! have them well taken cars ai tuBl their, returu. GrLOBE HOTEL, BIIOORLIN, ONT. JAS. POWELL .-. PROPRIETOIR. Fclc5T-CLÂs cîocMnoTor ROYAL CANADLtN HOTEL, PORlT PERlUI, O NT., H. FOY - - PROPRIETOR. Superior ac-ommlodation. Good stabling iuned rocc., sud attentive ostiers. WESTERN BOUSE, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. The nudersigned vould intimais ta the ublie, that tIce above premises have beeii 1,1wly f11ud up 8-nd renovatel ibrouphout. t3est Liquors sud ClUars. "The Creaus of '"anada,"also purs Rhtne Wine, Waiz's Lag. r, wholesale snd retail. iloarders taken by Ice week. JOSEPH A. BANDEL. NIPISSING BOUSE, tORs. Gcs EORGEiozTREETS, TORON TO, ONTARIO. JAS. T. JEWELL, Proprietor. roronto, Aug. 12, 1873. 83-3m j> 013EIýT JOlI1%- YAENOLD, DFFIÇIA L ASSIGNEE FOR TUE 0U.V T 0F ONTA RIO ADDRESS-liox 99, WËccvav. 4 FREESITE! TOWN OF WHITBY. F-lIEE SITE WILL, BE GIVEN t'A do ccy Maciutarjs g Comanuy >asluliicg sucanicstiimcnsemnt in tice tacin. J. HAMERI GREHNWOOD, Maydor, Wiitby. \'iiitîcy. Fosl). 26, 1873. 9-tf NEW BIAhERY FRtUIT STOIIE. lllAII 1)NowM ulegc loa scnoiace that 5e ic nov prepared io supply enerytbsng icitisa 3akery'and Confectionery LUne ý'ut bis aid stand, lateay as-aupied by Me. J. 1-IOICE FRUIT 0F ALL KINDS Rapt e'osstantly o ausbaa, in season. )RiANGES, . LEMONS, SARDINES, LOBSTEIiS, PRtUNES, RAISINS, C ilE leSL, TOBACCO. ii.ea dliiered dacly ta custome'rs, enci .1 i -r îrcviinssancdhgccadccdeivarel as ccy hos crd drd Cbccic'a lracucs nI Cigars. liICilA'sD SNOW.- .Viciby, Sept., 1871. 87i [E M 0i V A L. Tisa cndeceignedliais remavatiis BOOT & SHOE STORE ta tise precmise scjinng dise Western Rotl, undus Sitreet, Wisitîîy, visera ho is. ncw -reprel ta sxecte al ardera for Work. A large asiI selcu steak an band. Rspsiring hlune ausciui. JOSEPHI A. BANDELL. Whitisy, May 8, 1871, 10 Oi0R.- S A L E . Lcot 24, sontis Itiaf, 7Û.c cas._Witby. Dweiliccg, bhum, ..c,-ottisces-quartars drîdicredi. Siticidedi a mila aorth is ai tnlil. Aîsîsy la- - &7ti Branklilu Liverpool and London and Globe 1-NusUltcNCié, COIIVAN's. AILABL.EAtT 270,0. L'noccs-sipalit in couecn i tîirt-y-five yeaar î'zs'ei F O FY MILLIONS O0F bOLLARS. ,Iilcus bhy ChicagccFire e sicated ai near- ly 53OO,lltsd, are bitg liquidecied as lest as usîju1eal itisout deductian. Secucrty, P'romtcityPc -ent sud Liberaiity la adjnst- ruant ofitis Lesseescatics Iraminanî features crl tise Ci'lcsy Cacpany. leicaOtfilce, CadJjraucîc, Mantreal. * G. F. C. SMITH, Chiai Agent for Doifinion. L. F~AIRBANKS, Jsi., Agent at WIithy, Ont. OTN L. WATKIS, OFFICIAL A8SIGNEE, BAtaIFF 8OavIVISION COUIRT, DAUCTIONEER, &o.., &'b. OFFICE-la Bigeiow's Block, Port Porry. Paert Parc>', June 24, 1872. 28 f 1RSALE, A valuabis Fermia, ba eatious, sol ual ezcelad Lot 26, 2ad con. Westl'Wî àidlisex-, 80 acres tier ý il ot eaises., goot bnu 'ouug arciserd ai tiai rhiin 41 ntoilesofai l ou i shahs 91 culil Canada, heing ass, Cnunty a1 sud vol vaer- rg. suds a uie Proxn hoxà Jar Sway ittlé sod 1-I onsce fouuc t -Beside the lct door WNhere my ccoher osress!d me 11lu 8-e et laya ai yoreJ1 Where iooiteps of ochilda Pirst totierinP-lsy,- Sweet enier4a treasiare Fronahomnefar assay! ýW.lldest sonna -irointthe imountaniu Hasve Swiept oýej 10lng AntI sinlight danoed 'er 18 TBevening g rew-gray, Swe"î pseralc. reasure Trmhome fer awayl1 As ýthe tsars ai the loved ones -* lave Icclinin Show'rs; O'r;tise green sod-necnentoes So those ai the exile Shah moieten thë Clay,- Sweet emerald treasure Frona home far sway 1 The Painited Cup. The fairy king ,in wrath one day, IRis snystiec caice fluccg ctway For ehough -itatbectar hali ileil np, lies scorned to iouch thes paiuted ctnp. Yet, if by brooks 1 panse t6 drink, Risf beaker stands upon'the brink, And in the crysta1la 1eblow I se is evanscent glow. It lures me through thse marshy gronnd, lts scarlet spienoor ail arouud, AndI 1 cocld wish the cruel day, Wuuld tae hie slnd ni cup sway. For even now, with wine deep dyed, 1 ses it by the river aide, Jletraying by uts tempting gleam, AUl ench as wander by the stresîn. No fcy cornes ýseekiug through, the selige, Pc'rhaps the king has signed the pledge, For, reddening with its brilliant stains. Untasted euhl, the cup remaina. THE MAYOR 0F WIND-GAP. CHAPTER III. T 1T C B p ORT .PERRY,'Lii4rï8kY sôB_ ls i~e1~ gve uai uaii~ ~ CAYGEON, AND FEN<ELON,, matIe byi e Victoria Rtan"<y Company at VALS. the sextIesuon of thte Légiuiatuîe 'of thi#7 Province ai Otaro.for a d teamend use ,Thes.St amer "fdOlqTAM<)." vil leave tria49taelMý t heÇMd cnp yny luPortPsrry every -gonýdzy, Weduesday, nud 0 eslow 4us eygîyg Mrr r r4ay, a Ua . Ino' ..c , a earia other powers a sus iuompany su relaion ta -of the imorning Trsin' cqnm WhitbyV*"ihs thse sibmïis.on aiby_-aws bys Mýun!cipslity connecte vith tics Iocil Train UIr.mthe or portions ëlasMnnlalpaliiy, and- for allier Eaisi, a1nd theEXprsW.icqcc1n _11rona, ontics purposos ilu siference ,to the powers af the GrandTruuk Reilay, errcîvng . in-Lindsay, Drecirs ofîthe said Company. et B o'iclock, p. ii., Bobcsygsons.a$,5 p. su.; e. LAIDLAW, Presiden Tnio Flstt7. u Toronto, o.-rLeaept, u7& _;nLPails a Torote,2Br 5~>lt 188. 9-6in Tnesday, Thursday, and'SâSairday, at 6,1a su., arrivi!ng abi dsaMy't O, a.in ,auld a N T E TIN ON THBE PIANO. Pi Perry lin e. la oconuec i vth lie -FREAND:ORGAN.,' Grand Trunit Raillay rnixed going We5t, - and' Local and. Express pin6 Zasi SINGINO ANDO1NGIN.G CLASES TAUGHT! rmTra1 aBcbago..... MR ERE.Whtby to Ltudssy .. ......12 MR GEREC. WIGGINS, B.A..L c c. Bobesygecus. ;, i< 75 Througvi Tlc'kets eauie Ï éG.T. Bege te announce tisai lue viii unsetae sAgonir,-Tarante. ý-'M _1 the iustrnation of pupils on che pianoï, me-' la ro", c re 2i- ovyats&-,For; ld ansd organ, on reasonal em oadc. pi atc gne - iaSinging andI Singiug Classs- Auy intormation tin bo obtained-.by ap. Instruments, tuned. Euqsure ai Me. Oea. plying te, Blake's-opp0sie Mr- J. Ram Psrry's, B. B. XIMBALL, JAS. HOLDEN, or ai the Ckmro-cie Office, Wiitby. u'. Mng.fietr Wistby Au. 2th,187. ~Wliitby, Sept. Mi, 1873. se F01 AH.-T E CELEBRATED CAIIRATRACA A first-class Trams Cottage sud 1 acre lot,T siutdon Centre St., near tise WssleyanM ER L ~ ITER MetssodisCisurch. There are ronacu sd M N R L W T va:drabe. ýý1,p!erd ndvoodor . .- - iVbitby, Jniy Insi, 1578. 8M-27 M1anrisen Miller ceas e insus ssesue r filly sud aixty, au aid baciselor, and JGENTS WANTED i otiservise nu burtisenai vuhsamiiy - cars. Docing isaviole iele Shiad To canvass tics-Cccntiy ol Ontariai for a nover devoted isie-if ta seoy cegolar uev Ccnadlan Work- Occupaion ; yeî ha vadecenuî isle. PEN PHOTOGRAPHS t pendent tisecogluiie alenernece 10 msny1 312 pages. Prica el. CGreat icducemente es acuu vaabses u ails-ed. dd rsu- keseits andt hisSes; lise antivated a - ee dres. FLINT d& CO., sineligardo aiosiers, ta snpply lhim 450 ChucisSt., Tarni. vsti materials for disis breneis ai hie Augaet u, 1878. 85isautirsft ; tisa shebean, broeel froc malt of Isis dryiug, bil ï peculiar and AT TEE isigisby reiiised flavr; lsé vas an ami- XIANUFACTURED, TTH in nauctai Ihatecer; ha cocilc aes-ui îoes, maha fisimg-ets. ansi Port Perry Agricuitural Works, isising-flies ancd liues,aod sto odd job as a carpendar; lise coutl 'Îliscuoaden LrEFeL'S CELEBItATED AXEsRIscÀa DOUBcLE treocisere, tltsrgeeial, or heilcannon- ponîlsrti sud suais iouselsolfurni- LTURBINE TVA TER WHEEL. lors. Andi ha professei divers othsr _____ branches aifsirtiean ccomplishmeuts. r TUE iMOST ECONOSSICAJ. WuNEL NOW IN USE Teltaecione of hie avacalicus vouis f lie coctinîsonsiy or iiiligantiy davote I iscf. laietok np ali by fiLs sud satsand enuld nsicfuen abandon tîcam allagetiser cc'ivin tIse spring bree-ze bu- vites i Sicta the river elale, ta pus'sus lus favanrita recrestion ai sngiing. 0f luis sport Secewas passianateiy fond assa iii tIesa cccessinl porsuit of il ucot - oucai S ic fising ireticren, visa ire- -~~ qncnted tise lîeks ai tisa cisar siresea vîcials fluvacl tisraglc tise Valley ba- nvatlitise lili, could comlputa vwidi Macrteco. Hie variea-lhe ns-ces- sarily ciscime-i respect, andi Mannten -~ - ~ - ~ iclusîhiceasbyrnomcanisbaknard bu -- _____ ae-stsmin- sunong isis compeses an air ai - sti-inuportauce projuortiotrsd ta tlseic acbmiqeioue af i ssipîciorty. lHe pc-e c- 19 r . esscI, isacenera sravci udertaud- - ~~'y~ ~ing, sncb,asetise necgicbousrs said, isad - ~ Q'~ f "clsad'ent caus-es ud a sancby languie -A-:,W- - in5lus lsd-au." Susai luadbs-an Isa- -ci > ~ p.. -'sk --c~ millaI ciarscter frac yaudi ta caoi- hcuuac. As bc acdvanced in yeacs Isc bseace ctliicucre iccokeci op la. On al kscctty points lis aocinions var s ustc'. - ansI grstciiuliy bs-caine decielve ai tise Ticsse Wiseels ceeacre nov unsnuctnrccg udatter at itsu. ThFueis hunage ical andecîe uiusn va g iirtuolibcdtbu- -uccuit;, epailed ?laurteeci ; a cea i citatarslsip Wiseei wcirriiig lhcuu ta Ucas ceu nmade, Otcuasunar fIrflvupsi hiun. He cla:ie-c sudll tac[ivs ae gond satisfactionu as uscy tisa fireuosiplace 1 in i-sussions, ncasiucînred ii the Dominion. Do malter cîpon vicat sujuc-danceéstic Puiais-s de'ciriusg utnier information cari as cegacilcu Winil-gap, or icreigu as oblain il by addrssciug regsarced cl tise tavu bs-iov," vhnlie i PAXTON, FATE dc Ca., wsae pleased tehocasiderasa n cacaSp. Parcy St., Port Pers'y, (ait. peusgs taeIi. own daminione. Socne- MarcS Il31 19. 81 tissîesbis locciand cacilar ieiiveu-y -- -- -'- bs-aca riiculed; tutlice loaked soper- appyttleiigslte f utri . vWk oui tIe, sa accdlunwrcsliof 0,ltits ntie us-ai Session, for aur Act acentirdie Actt ou ah Incorporuation ai scii Com aly, passd uinMrtusrtüesn monopalised, amoug aLli-s thse liircy.-ecoccd, thircy-tichrd.Lthic'Lv.iourtbi lîsintre, tisa management of boccires, ai snd cîicdy-tiitb.)ycars ci Hec Ilajescy <s ubessfba-oeF n fa Ileign, by cbigiug tie sa icineCItIsaCoins-,i Maols as a I pdccy, aucd es-viii' sections nncabared tl.* sciailstrseations of perlodaln festin- anud four aiote d ýia psalu intue lirty- hieas. Osnce, lit on a Su. Johsa.Ens,1 scecndys-ar aI Rer 'isaJssty's Reiguc sud whlile tise bonfire Iscaedbriglstly, partyiy elhapters-d etxty, allieedtionîs ccncbered eue, ases fralaaIt tise macs-tadsd partlyi tva, lc ud four ai Act îîussed in tiseasecIskov-cg uiaii.get thirýtfifcc yar aiflier Majesty's lleiguc suc s ara cnwegeto'hsgeý chccpîs'ed filty-six, by ginug tisa Ccuupauy -taests asud s-filient services, lise"l boys1 pover La c'xtcxsd their Rilshîeay ta Lake Sim- ai tIse pluace" Laak lir upon tiseir1 cas-, et or rceur Beanerton, sud ho bsild a shianilers. prencadb ususer ica roni it,1 Icrîcuelu tii Uxbridge, and a brencis Ircucu lort anc! appoint-cl lubus la tisamock-offise Ps-cry lti Liuicciy,sicndisthe cc oFeiilais i oMeyar. JManris-su Maîer'. face vas1 Falls, vith un extcesionciftime fhlaci. tieoyan-ishcva'osnie u menreucemeiud c'onils-ticîn tiers-ai, wlIuhteol rewih oen iieo pocir te laite sdditioi uc diud t Lindsay, tlisaoccasion; sud il vas soon psr-as-ma F al sls uciL'xbidgs, acso tisat saià tisat lice tîk the freak cooesciously Comipany msy be enuici-weredtd a exieuci tIssu itlilaict beso issuendati. tiseir itcilvay franc ils presen-t tercinus iy vay ci Beavertonan sd ttruveuinrsd ta the Hie p'opie vs-ce surprised ta finltîcai Georgian Bey, ciith nnig'paciee avsr ails-c ulcis uig!st Se paceh iccaif more tise parcs ai auy nsilways oas- ice ine of tise et'inely tisen ens-r into ahi tIsa disputes Eroposed extension, aa lispaver iii eaidanisgstt ihr-ueroaigb souupaury ta bnild tva cor more brancies vielleof ai 51 reces-t appoisidmeai, tise froc semae point or poinuts ou tise Cacpuny: xcusvec lieilvay, ciliiuthe Corporation Iecu sive.i gSI ai daciding balveen Tawn ai Wisithy, et or naer Os sauci-cy thIs-. At first tlsey inululge lice usur-f terminus, tuasaine nus-r poinuts in sait] Car- pation I"for uheeficaoaitise joke," at tis paratian utnear tise vatars ai LcaeOntarco, salunetics- Seing obigedte taadmit tissu cd ont IligIs Wsier, mî-tlc uower ta take M1aurieeo's verdicts ofteu sanssi thaen. alditioccal lansudetatic extauci af tci'sty acres, at or usar suais branchies, alos by gi t rocn lav.acihts in tlit tav, anti frontc iug thce lailvay rover ta less. sny or auy infetrnal feulsa sol hiclcacinga. Attise parteaifauy rat vucays conucedl iii ibheusoxi basiis,(but nov as mucis iy Company's Hiivay, snd for paver te tie calter ai course ce ta ccnev lthe rahie', icIondes tandx h b.av tf Ie cicinjrIse vas ro-ius;talled bu office; sud foc pnufcaI ud oi-a us-alrs ac1tîcie occasion hie owu Sasîdi; Sscicou-1 cire nutse puposes.structeti au avful-lookiug ichar chairr Dais a Ot Wsubjc 1870, 42.01 -isa esus-in visichi, iltsan ys-eriçafterm -_________ils useuufactur, vs ehave jasaiusezn im AVCID QUACKS.-A vlstlmoai aerîy peraciel round tisa ire. Il va. nov Indiscretlon, cansing nervous dibiity. tisaI Ise cahlecl cspoo tise tva usa intel. i pecaaire decsy .,.. sscing trlad in vain ligent menmoai iss eiglcbaciriuood tet .vsry.advetinedescdy, bas discovaral a ' is icu itîs tîcir aclnice in tise dis- mim1eansa ofseli.cnrs, a'iit hobe yl es seXires te bis ielicv sufferers. Addes.- p01usetion ai is autisocty, anti -tg ise1 J. H. BEEVES, 78 Naseau St., Nev York. atylati " Thse Mayor'. Councîl." H. -- alsa appointaI ea bailif te carry his ansi C'IOAL AND WOOD. lIseur dor-oas buta sifeci. AundlIcence- j ~.d -farvarsi, vitisout asnsse or a witticiana tThe undarsignel bege te return Lhaicles for egainst hic, aven framtlise mast vilîy,1 th liberai anud iuursasing patronage be or lise masî suaacink, Maurten Malts-rc ba beau favared vitis dueiug ii. Ibeseacsn-ipvrsdpeev eo yses lu business, andI lerehy infiorCcu& ccus-ivr adprirdpoc tomner that lue ha. uov foc sale aliinasud gootivii among him subjeats. Ifsa ai tics beau Anthracite sud Bituminons laid vers aviug frous ans ta anoiher,o lia arrsugeslIlthue esud Maninersofaitla " C 0 O0 A..I ! paymient. If tise hoandarisoais gaccien vers disputaI baleasi Ivte-igisbaurs A La o,-a malter irequenily acenerisi on an almosl auciaimuesicommno.n, visse noJ 'BEIST HARDW OODI tances 'r îiiey ibesaofjpa"ion bati Attie avsiposileprse fr as. reviausaly beau asbiied a alled il anc caors panueied antI grainecd. Goo-d fruit tres, epriag vaier, sud usv feues. Appl to- J. K. GORDON, Or ta- Barrister, Whitby, DANFORD ROCHE, Draver 795, Toronto. Sent 2q. 1878. -8 IN O T ICE. To Whom 'It May Concern. By 82 vie. Cap. 82, Sec. 28, ail parties se prohilîlced irom aeliug, discposiug, or dalis nering butoxtatiug liquors froun sud afteu the banre ai seven o'alack, on Saturday aclgbt, thil thse heur ai six o'clock an Monday uuorning. Parties interested atre parcicuharly caution- ed agaîcsst any inlcingemexct oi Ibis clause, se uts terme viii in future hae stictsy eniccc- ed. ALEX. PRINGLE. Licensa Inspecter, Tovn ai Wiitby. W'hitby, Octaber 14, 1873. 42 weM. WILLCOX, LICENSED A UCTIONEER rORi rUE COI5NTY OP ONTAiIIO, ANDS 'Iownsbip of Mlariposa & Iarwrigb. B. EGS ta lbacik bis aany friandesud tise J>publie geneashhy foethse liserai patron. ë&ge bestovali upan bina dus-las6tisa pasl four years. Haviug nov givan np tisa business af Bailiff, I intend, in futue, do devais my visole tima ta lise business ai Ancliauser, Cotletting, dcc. It viiilbe my endeavucir, by peompt sud careini attention ta business, ta gins full satisfaction ta ail visa may lanor as vitIs tiseir Sales or Cohlectiug. Bihls dranghesi and llsck Notas fursisis. s-d Ires ai charge. AiseaBll] Stanape alvaye annissnd. Arranigements cas ha made for sales L'e.. at the OuICcLE office. Wiitby, Obcerv-er Office Prince AIbert, andat tha Standard Office, Part Parry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Aibert, Ss-pt. 24tis, 1872. 39 v ALUAB3LE PROPEIITY FOR SALE. Fiscsulsecriber affer. foc saiselise foliav- iug vahuelie prnperty, in the Fawn oI WIit. i yr-Ai excelent Brick Cottaga e-ihis acre nifhland, sitncitsd on che carner ai Greenan ad St. Pater Ste., bn tise South Wsrd. Ahan, I acre af land, val iscceti, sud in saicigisstade (if cuitivction, corner Welinglan uand Gil. fard ets., Northlacrcs. j acre'on Centre St. .nnila ni tie resideucce ai C. Draper, Esq- ic tise qontis Wad. Aiea 20 acres ai goad land, duiug aomposad ai part ni lot 18, ilitiscon. -ai Tovnsisip ai Mueray, Ca. Noruisumber- aud. A clear and indisiutabhs ctla ccIl haeginen ta ah the aboya peaperty. For furtiser par. ticuhers apply ta tise accuer. FRANCIS CLARLK. Wlitby, July 1871. lOtI K{ING IIROTRE RS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Imporciers, Dealers and Manufactureaofccli - Kicide ai LEA THER AND FINDINOS, Cash paid fac Rides, Bark, sud Lccutber. Leather stratcesd. !-Je BELTINO MADE TýO OIRDEli ON SIIOHT NOTICE. Nt!sy, 1872.2 GY HO. T. HALL,- AGENCY AND COMMISSIONS. Vainations matude aaccunt calls-cIel. --pOffice avec TjiceCHcNseiPniuiig office. Business pcamptly attendad la; igis.reiseences. Whtisy, May 14, 1878. , 201Oy STEAMSIIIP TICKETS By AIIan's Magnilent Line 0F MAIL STEAMERS For sale, te andI tram Britalu, st lavasir rates, sud ah nDeoessery Inforaion 'cisaeful> given by E.U , Talegeapis sud Exprests Agent. 'WbiLby, Merchis ts, 1878.,1 MI ONE-Y TO ED REpayable by instalments fac irona Tva ta Tventy years, St loy rates ai intsres8, vils. ont commnission, andI et moderato charges. Private Fonds ta LentI. Appiy ho- May' 251h, 1872. Solielto 22-tf * . SR iR 712J Cuara se., suAxVwmtroSun Sa, MON T li PE A L. llyear ex.;,= -ien the Montreai ro dus taI, ~tcrspc!ncp, aaai«=iss mare bdu it.btain iiimoec*5n koasst 19cadecpscpse-ase a pceassunt ad ooscnig sperient. Cana or tva giesses -af Cerradraca every mornbng belora breakfast, or an an empty stemach dnrisag tics bot iveaihar yl keep your sysîsa cool aund bealtby. Carra- tracs Water standa unriv as i a valuable remedisil agent lun casas, aiRatitnal Consti. p ation, Derangameut ai tisa Slasuaend Boys, Crissbe, Inflacation ai tisa Kid- neye, Gravai, Gant, Rhs-nmetis e sp.eIaiy thse ebronie forast. Serolula, Sin eas-oticons of ah kinds, Dyspepsie, Reartisuru, Aeidity, sud as a Pnrgative aller a dahauch t111eun- equalled. For sale by Rats-leDui, su thers. Wbolssaîa aiibe propietors- - WINNING, HIILL - WARE, thie nemne put tuova ta ba 'OlgaEsieisa va Ie adl ta ical viu, 5usd cacas rsilly scai l ierposte vuS ecciatusiamn decs H-eilluas.' Tise ofiçar escoedicsg armati ta maat uisan. Praseatly tise uai e-rîer easgive n;: aUp mastsand icer vas tisa Crovas Prince ai Henovar. cutter steuak agsiust tiai ana ai lice yards,- sud maka mail!l' - e *e --_isuglelse moào aethtisandssoai lIe lias. -Tise R<jptf as a daslaiag, rakioul- hIluninaling R sisal!. siI emac balla Ou Seiiing tise vessel 'the -ekipper S p- looking crait, and w as usannaul by as ara coaslauily arriving et tisa Woolvics 1sacad ai tse gaogvsy, ail amicas, and ti scoaris seul ai scen aà vas ta b. srmçnsl for osa in tise Asiiauiec ver. scviteil me ta coin-e oud)oscd andI accept, foundilu asy British n-af-ver aflacat; Tics smoke-balls are mpeasîca fuil ai e cup ai coife. Foliavei by tise cox- tcamea vero vcrtay oattiais ship, aud compasitbion.visici, ceates e tluiak swsin, a bras-ny tac, visa aigcit.i]ave - cre teained ta tisa perfection tIsat dis. scako sud pavorfuI odor-gencbes ancaunteatitise sug i ofa grisclybaea viulshave before nov beco fans! ta on euiterni, VilS isaif-dJzozfa ciplino sud continuona dcillng 1alone opersa vwIlSgrene ffect in dialodgiua dise Othe"a, 1"ailgood i ea andi tons, as? afecIs-taok li'th mae thésan tore 9 andppiutasiteato al ' ýts a top ,adtta Iroopa from ambusS aud tisovb an sd armaI vili swords a itclà' eta-aiai-maué nt.l4aw~ls tisem inth confusion sarmned up the vel.lika sideand 0 tap-galiant-yard. lun-tva or thide ----- ceielcing thcpilitsé open parits5a1 mianutes more, t tai s .werq aul qW À man ut -lie Cobourg Collage be. anar tisa balwàrks, s;tand an tise deok, tati' togellier. andi 'aleeletilhome;!,', tse lieras inisevig 'a place for snerything sud'gazetieroanclno, Tisere. reouly la sindin ns ta-,thebpigg"al a sund avcrytcing in ils place!' Hoaile a fav ai tics nativeailars igabu ata.(ri th intné e4 f h bis. slipper aunlice. wall, four feet up, tise cleck amugintsg nevs eeLscr f u àë oùiý- ,f r aud, thon aIl ho has ta, do ofai an siag ere- eeting, srame gnmbinug,.but -die, fOrd aes£. 'jus aif_ is ta vissai up isaeasy chafr lu front ai mejorily slaeping, ~a your'true Oriental lied beau. ai aneisoL lissunaivays vil], vîsenaver hos enu got a A naea a Hebîtsa ompîineî ~ chance. 1I ld lise capltaia 1 wisheste tc AndI nov bogan the - exeltameat ofai pi 'clice station tuStaI brother, colocetilofficiall god inaease vlfa iac1,su dnet vli a lseioii 'arj ga, irsislsstis>5j5 55 is sior-kpb e.1wr manu had broka schsair ail ta spiateras bersm eils, sud laditisa Il gal, ,a- .si tisa Iaad f eu,' t mij'? - -- ve ls caiBan lidtier R0T The hlaQii as smpt y re a- 5AS . esielsiess, sent ýlie"sryf 4 no marks on Icis craninus, lie aiI ulchia unit excecbssitbackL:oqth is -rsyifei$iceub',tha 'Na, 's disln't rmake ua marks, but 'e vsi,. h _vevs h e1fî,anI umaeheci decoh'ar aillacerplaces, antientbr oehrwther te ;iýTe id aûaeq-ýn uii'ar bericcaged'ter me." -d naetaeia iIcléI ié cif.~5vu î4 -f-,i, -- igrs, ahevetilns tisa tli ;wujustathansueto e_ M__ , -Y Utlca5 Ang. 9th.84 milnhty whchieh hots usurpin gly gov.abokie itou tise, aide; - thae pclnsuit, c backs were turied,,the 1dA6îiM- i ernedjelt anud acknowledged-hisizen- ancd wvltle Irîid -désn rtoi. -the. atheérý hipped, aitiser hers -or-t orne~-*lert-- erutiy in.1iandiaeaft pcsrsuiis nncs hand-al accoesta vhics w&éS epss- pari oai 1scoM, aan toa couvmuasufgly te-0 offend even ua publia ly proisibitéd lui~ner t'h~si o ieas the ruexdévgpàntbissrfi àetcll tyzent , snéh MaurttIen Mâlisé conîd natives vesa lavîss- set 'ofcmarIages, way ijut heslav-msn o -aba hsave tissu, ait thsriss of gétting rid ai Who cnt tise tiroat af every- onse witiî Ac t lcst'a, wè dtr-_'ý tise lisvantages resnliing from bihie di- wliâte skie-sa Bgreat, 1 Say, vas tise asruus'p. -Wé IaIIo, wec! ifietasét "huis vida!talents. Ï snitelness af Ibis Goîi-foc*saken harcoar, ta cs iroa efip f ' 55îlýê. amie- Hi. woeshi had.lWiewo gooci disarisu- anti so depressinig tisaeenui.(if it can' alôngside lu iheir iition in thé choies afi'hie cannai! be allowc'd ta meoi-of-wNae's mnasa ii-suf- ssiW4,t.-e Gregry Roche vIthe , ti eva-ver of fer from so fashijonabis a maildy) af knev, voll arrr backieiit4i ll' Wincl-gap. Tifty-six years' ago, tise daing uotllug and seeirig otihsg, that teta mrcunt n50, i -- vWoman wio;.neglectad ta. cîommenceaeis.nenws cae rTrm a friendlý'nitive-prýâàem 'hoa tise manuîfacture of'tia lineu of iserowu quartr tisaitbomse siave-rs verenmoréd- uofera ,.ceomin£rcssg mîu honccehoid,' wossld bhe,abeau claemed, an lu Barberas Creek, snd -lu ti c it ofZanzibar. Abonuacon on:tie-flow-- untiefty persan. Ilu every ciweliing salpes heir liv-iug-feeigiht, elarge, ing dy e-yribdecbrsdÀ thse buzz of tiese pinuing.wliel i vaproportion ai -whomn had jast arrivedl ouitaiftise cracknder a pleaaant bre'zs heard duriog thse long vlnter nigicte; fromutise fac ;inter-ior, the inteligence froin-the westward, Çrcqwda Ntnesm&- sud- it tise companion lu tisa open air, -vas receive.d- its ws'Icoine tiy ali an ur dé(jarture- fr&utthstach, fsodliUbt. aeistise. dooe, au a summor'seaven-, board tise Hononeabla Compaoy's ship congra±ssla-tlug- liouîslvea-onc- the-de- icsg. Tisa veaver vas tiserefore kuspt, ai vr, Rcejpoai. . - ' est of the,,bated an lu, good sud es-specishîsemupleymsot. Theise jpott vus 'a email schiooner, - has As tise sè'oiitt*MI ig a ve pfsaso sud conld liverallier aeistocîraticaly. neL muaishlager tisan au ordinary^yacit, ta ti s iade, af. night tise rangs af But aloog viLs tise. caneicaration ius bein.-sacout 150 tons. Siecarried en hills i «n tise baclurauud -file t ,0 a- ta hlmi as au expert sud-cucsninz artiet, arsnent af lire 1)cauff, suds cçrg.v ail s;cnerity. - Nov, tson, -h-ailcoume the:i Glregory Rocheca cocasndacl defereace iold, Of fifty-tlaree men sud -officers.- . lime for>action. - --- - as s an afsuperbe maneraci anda- How '.vs aillstowed aaway-was a miracle Tis hip'e coure -was alteesi gain quirements. He had _reaif bocks, sud in tise way of packlng ,ctet, aaasise frtieto wo a4stli;lan ti vas consfidered oraculse an ail grand, ws, isave vaditsred'mauy a galae iný cal'ýphaaeology, svàhanleci onr4'ndi" hsistorie points. Pclemic litercinre ia lianttiîs ha raft. I*have euised- andi stocel bac k for tse landi. !Yiser hbail ama sindled-wa ratser feae, how-, about tis h miani Ocosu in lier in ail caver ai th iseugit, ail iithW as of catras evar, oaly on ans sida, But isa could weaestrs, sud'have sean lier isat'mr--« uns 'esu ayur watahful friends thse elate ,c hov King Haery 1151l seL up tise iog agaicasi a stiff nar'-»egtar in tise'slave-angers. T49e beeze isad 'fallen. Protestant religion because tise Pope of Pursicu Gulf for a foetuigst, sand, ail - iiit; sud net fariiamr us Iaýy, alzuast Roosu, lmay Heaven bhabis lbedl1) put sesan wleo have eaiisd oni tisati lan ! le1mdalrentiecatwtile hls face tetaliy agio litenotion ai lettiug Seatviii bar me witnress visen 1 Scay hsaye maînsail and amuaill cuzzs'n' set.- tise baste have mare aor fiva wivss ai thsat a noc"-vestee in tie Golf is viaI Witlontany< noise vs lowered a boat. a Luna"-lie vonîd add wvlsa. knowiog lIc,. Yankees -woold cuillcca caution" inu Tiseaeoud(-iieuienauni pasheti of£ for wink,Iltsai tisa oueao' tisem vas ana tIse vay af gales. tie buglai vus thinstnestioas ta board toa aouv." It vas clear, accardiog to I vas flrst-llenienaut ofthtie Ruejpoot, sud taka ýpoesiocs of iser. Tiso Raj. Greaev cînris citor, isa îcbeaseilon~s olya s!i aof wccuîy ;, for ilupoot-,meauisile delfted tovaids tise tisa bouid Kiog- Henry tise Aigtls was a tIsa clefussi Inliccuu-'y, a service cosistinxgversel. -Soon a iight exliiite-d skisancl ta Chr-istian people, lu regard wvicis as- aiwaya short of officers, h for e momnent loy dovuiss-lienli, sud o' tise femaleýwotaau, lha gave ta tics vas custocuary ta giva younngSers att- joust aboya tisa surface of tics ses, toisi sort o' ciscrgy liin' lu bis tics ache a icsg cocîsmissiaus as lieuietants. I viii us tisia se bailbasa secured, Tisé tva, vufe apiece, and maybe Somimes noc eay auytiior aitise captaio, vWho, vessais vers .steared' for each-oither; more, according ta Icis owo faucy, just Lisacgsla yng man ta commoand a sud- about iwao 'alock in the mornîng tisai they sisoulcla't lie bringiog iisif siuip.ai-wur, was as sam..art a searnan as (suid ual a bi_ýte early,for faint streaks avec tisa coals for bie owu damn's." ever trad a deck : or of my messucat-es Ou tishe hrizon varued us ai tise ap- Whle pointiug to tise ruicec cuonas- avio vers usy jurciori in.sige s erai! as proacliai tise seelinger ai day) vs vers teries af wisich we have elcisebr spa- in raok; but csroeed to my tle, mè~re-, longcidA tdcccstýranger. Na limne va jken, l is te to siocer hie ec'siclaoccc, .ly precnieing iliat Berbersi, tise place lÇcst. Ail ourails ..vers .takan lu andI tGregory Rocise c-oîl speak of tise dif. ta vicW wo re bouasd, ie a poart an fusrledc I av aylro expla ha t ,tisa feront orclers of religions ;Lireticren îca tise African caai, allaiant wiii, n fiir' Rcapo.tiiohngs a sacsooner, was jonce iluhahitel tisem aflaer iaviog but vioci tmoetia culea dy qsiare-ri,-geid' forvari, ansi fore and- ils ar, by tise wny), in tiseir fnl giory -, ail frosu Aden. >ai-rîgaed oscrier ,aim st. Iro pre- cand iea oold exîcatiateonau licir former Tics day suter raceiVZisgtis asbo-e veut lise pofflibillcy of--aur maatheadcl palcîy sinte, campursîl viti tîseir pre- uc'we, tise arder came -fs-arn tisa senior lcsiug discernsdl aboya tis -als fthets sent niseed decay. Gscgory's Pe-r- nsaval officer ta anc Capfaclu ta coake coaster, va 'laonsed'ar fore.iop.g 1- r ou vas nustai s p lîrscc, acrcved ls isa meest aiflbie wit ate (raccrsh,cncl jck lacît niant and main-top mnal;tise tope ouiff-calaureci lroaccot, a wig ofsiiu'lclwhat Ccouhi. cLasse ssailII wai gallant yard vas.aise sent eltivu untse tlcree buckles, a vall-brs'nieil tirîee- scaw tise worIl aud sway uap tise riiging cleck. sud tisa flvisuctib-.boom rizgeil ln. cocksd isat, sud scînarc-loed brogucas. 'Rcsjpoots;' ascd tIhe utile schiooner va'cs acid tissu tise Rajpoai vas lashed ne, Ou aIlloccasions visso tise Mavor a oaci ouclner sa lui ai carsyse, and Iboy- tise senarci aide ai tse hzlas. Hër WViud-gap set recogoiseilin fnll office, liog sloog vicis a suiff top -alanut breeze .1crais cr-w vere in a litais aoftise most in his granocl er chcair, Gregory st at laer-eigist knots sunhbor, for Afric'ts abjeýct terrer, suad notsing voulcl 'con-. at bsis lait isaci. Il je vorta acillcg arid esore.' Ere nolit l-il, wc la! viocs iisim. tisai vs ScI aL tisaefehleat dîcat havaLs tisa callector ai "tsa dues", bei tsigýlat af Slancu-sicie, vil its ilîtle lesigus on tis--ir lives or tise aierabl.- af tisa priest af bis psais, as wel s watcis-tower sud ficagataif iiden in tic- cargo ai rian anc1 sacats tisaIt isey car- tise wsyor's ireasurer for vîsatever ce- ligii leecy eloncis genccr;îlly crosvniaiedicf. Tise burIala's aile vers kepi set; sulted froin importntc'ly assailiog-, in tise veoccrals smmnit ofi tIpmcccipitîn i a sîriye-crew beinsg put lu passes- tise persoa sncrada ai ofagged ciels. succîstain. We ere udt longoat ofai aln, ashe .vas idteered up tIcscorsta oties, ai! passeagers comiuÏ aucd gcing iit ai laud, isovever, for early on tics'Ocving to tise cnfteults, we lied clrifted slcog tise !incl.gap roaci, for cautribu- iollow=u morsîing tisa range af illus ta tise :accutisyrd aio Berieras, and lied tiocus ta tis a snîversarieR of St. Johrn's inlaasd aitle lowûofaiBarberai iecamus greau fears ti a ur cise onld5 Ens-, May Day, ansa forcis. visible. Tise vind laeiugiglii fair, vea ailsr all. endcina s iilure,j foctisero was Thse uan sitting upon lii worslsip's rau round ltise-"agit" visicsprotecti. fot sciHaieni vinai aeven t1a kesp lice rî.git band was, as lias beau said, tisetise harbour frcc e se s, asail coudera tva vaes-ple,Vis s issadtageliser, idi moat ageel peran in tise parish. TIse id ons ai tise cilsf ports ai tîcat cousu; tise position abrasi of tisa tavu ia olalasi afisi. ciglibours scarce remesu- sud soon aiter siset dthe utIle omit Wviil Cis oa! purposaly piaaed aic ber-d lîjus its sny otier but s -roy ceai lier ancusar, uni.isecain'i tae liacc isAves iscfore tickin.- in sal.ur abject lîsad; et prassot lsat Sonci vas wite af converse saca cgoaccerra-nt asng tis a asta capture tic s laves-re cter liuey as snow, an-I lais veuccrable isair fa!! in crovcs ofai urcuan ecd iscli-nakicl Sci- a- ir fairly lait iscrbour, soidvs-ce stand1- great profusiocion hiesishuicirs -lscae canniies, wiso licsad lise h ansdapse- ilcug up tru cnl athce-so icrl--bot tise peoplesanialldhm SisciscriLeecaec, ulatel an tisa unîssian disat bac! brosîglit if tise -ciudd cisi na frecsen Éufficiently tisai is, Ors-y Jack, aliliaughie ccciai lseicîta tseir waters. Tisa eils vire ta drive ns aiossg uncler tisa cansalà baiso clristanctd Johin Morrison. i s iekiy furscil, sud tisan tisa firai ccutter carsieci by O-ur Slitnes twiu, as vs is1,> yeare vc're saicidotal'o oe uaicncreitl ii cas cahiecl awcy hi' tisa btacclsccaiu'seleiristenesd ber, aur plnsa vauls ieade- t'o, yccl ii ltellear.cealstrong andcisiemata ; and w itiifie -uinutes aftc'r daireil, and oca i ccrie frnatrated. AIl ruecury-cuufcailil. Hal oit grat pricla uanc iioaing, tiseliat w-as pssilecIlhanla vira terribly disgsî1.stel, sXaTÉ.not, bn vslkiug ta mass an Sucuidys, tis a aay foc- die shsore. 1 vaut ini charge, witisthm Il lcsg-a concerto of visistiuge cvcis aocrie ande!ciaspaîl by Lise ligesanc aur arriol I vii nov expli. ' friauîstisa tara la voo-tse- ind -tea ur ci cisc oticer, andi bous restccg rusP thlie Moored close tea ta part ai tise isaîl salleý, tise lickie elamecit rcciuaed ta be ssnaull aihie lîrck, accoînpani-clly aioflice crc-lt seîlulsaljiiedtise miser- cliarmef. -grs-st-gu'aucsoo aand tva ai hiselsiiir--n, abla clinup ai buts diguifiýd by tisa IL vas csow ciliti clock, ancdtsera ciîc a gresli-grascicigisîr, ai mar-scasine caf tcîu', ceeassansilaboci utwstl!!a dead cale: uuiJe§k sbrqeza rinaia 'ears. Tise image sugselc wecity Antsamcatit, caillc'd lcy tIcs natives sprnscu p lIîeo îîo, il vas anidaut la us by Lice appc'arauaa cf Ibis gracsp blacaiu se. Tisase esseus, va kisnaw wra tliW ai ltse rata va vers, drifing te ia.,;,ci' Icciar, cctccscbau-n aîd ml-e :tuciiiig icam or ir a tissus slsavars', aid tlceosul'u-ari tise ho!! ai tise ssu-af- cviii vaîîen icir e ay hai, tas a potia weliadbeau give e i ounds'ia'aas tisai var ivoflci ici- cpc-ued ta tise viav ai tcs minii,oCar oll ieuslaiil 1i!,c' cipssciaose isad cibaruacîtisirqnoaaofîaiavae, peopleacauqior e; andse oaniy- shauld. niirtgivéet-c'ic1C5aiof lisissg Sîin,gandsoftbu vtws lcpeartoytaa o îking ticir deparcîre va"eundaofism ia a tuatnra Sunccsur, vithis s fuit, andc!fc,.lIootcil..I lan1 ciian utise R moasreo iiciciiaiî,,va sicoud. hbe saai- isory iutr, orcuie sc oin aspacy. s-n lerceu'lc is, or rctlser ceas at tsajeat ai ridiaculesaae tise Soraulie (TO ne. CONTINUcuO.) tisue I w-rite, tisa cisief siave-mscrt on~ trilles on tisa canlt. - tisaîritisathecoasi nonS aif Zcaczibrcr, But Dams Fortune et leugth favour A SeourTINa Eciso.-Bar'att ai tise anc di1 iitarally a rorin usinss inbuil nls. About ten o'claek, a gontle Mail, ceas eat 'l'uearora Lake, ucîr iuonau flash. As aur adcel asii it ccbt- breaze iprsng up-qnite sulficisut ta Cobicok, ue sncc' acl eli tse t-c cnexpected, ccc Iopecil doIl ucé carry tise twin-crafl alaag. Tiss ce etary ai an ecio tIsera;eioa ie suiv Sama aiftisse nnîsapîsy lvrîa-ies, vived aour iapps, sud ve mado prepaa- 'Ticere ara fanions eviés a e lis, besicles tisa pecicary gain a ionoofacaesesoî .tsaasv lake." Oas evening Karby piloted Isicci fine pauîla icosdusneny par clava, ars venir- tIo th ie harborir nov# ta ana ; reccticîg an tîîir ars ia usic- tlisea as tisa reli-h ai aderer, tise abrast of ne. eiaîsouel, liarby dcccv hie hucen froc clu s-pieoai(langer, and ilasi. but nual ost About uvo O'clock va vwecmailse ,caise auc nscîccî ishevarissos -leintisa s Ofa lOoest jack, vsais aecear ai tIse fet,' tisai avec tise.loy catis. No respîuse feoun tîcaock. t laîcer- lscarlad socil-iso iappinssf ai ud oaithlis ait, Wa caulil v ihah Anociler round. 'hese llscerw vic- recciug îellow-cru'eicses (tbulsgla 1re,à,asisacl a ood011glasses, make-onttise nakati lacs. Tel again. Nat 'c ssccid f2Sctisem niggersi frasu tisa ciucitisoficrueleca-eda itsevsisioe i sisres 'nrcly ui usjue vser tie saers, anal bofaunous proccirers. tis aci ofaitise Iarbaur. Nov luhis Shore. 'Suely tis i justwheretheis lfocesi ai masti brîoka np, sud rie-> s-tia shlsod le,' reuaîrked Kcriiy, acci WuVoexpactisl do Ses consternation lde- - t h sumt fte aenlgt ie bIs-v a trs-c onas ti-ucush. *Nover 1Pictes On lise coucits-nancas of tise crevs îgtahl smk a is aa ai

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