Whitby Chronicle, 27 Nov 1873, p. 2

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M es 1" '.eua PPuuUOe tn. igt!iý 4;w: CahfrBotr ieu giv.n. Tliey 90 ta shew hhml, OÈANOE= TCRÀEAXZ. Just cel-niiijo Co. wheras in 1872 the appropriations fo; <Campbell vit. Campbel-Hoslci & Pur an B i Rbe-mmllton & sohois Ibut -amot.d lta 4,0, Sragge moved for aodfor$px 187 t y er i;pledoutý ta 8g00 aîm1.yi Mr. Foïiter contra, asked Foue2 Lî os. Tis is accouate4 for hy the building of ptigi fiaistosppot carge th. new Qrarnmar colan th e ofauty. e ge a herun Gtnlr.7'i Wintr Çbthes. - Pair cf th. olti building. The amojig for giving ainony pendent. lit, was 8tv012awa Steve Mannfaoînring was large, butî th. expendit.ure wasun that the wif, wau preanmed te have no To e--e.lic.avoidable, and vas asUogether neans cf support. the lnsbeiid in lthe Leê-,a~ fio..boyoiid eyes'f the iaw being présnnied teobe 65 flsward-4so. Crlbb. the control of th. Town eni.Admue fh. iepoelTu ~ Tii. ilsBon jeta IL r hcannot b. aid thaItuèe.Io notling @muipien vau nov et an end ln Ontario Musl to'Oq b how for lthe money. Thei. a m #Ince 1the Marrled Woman'a Property Ca-Il for Lumber..-W. H. Gibbs,_ orm.Sho ii4n l...< ~<ai Ait. Mr. iHohestea, decined tb taire Concrt--.rs.sholbi is. spêclat. Notice-. I00"01 btis view, &ne direot.d a xef.reno. tu reoentlY te Point eut-a mollitrditabi.le themuai.rai Whitby te seleteb AUCTON SLES. monumnocf the libersliîyof tucieple 'ainO" nm-f the ahunony. e"TIN ALf.etWbltby in the caise Of edécation. -QITSENS DENCS. on let No. 5, in thie Gri con. of Pick. Anaothtr 'tom that heiop.<d te increame Campbell vsr. Gordon.-Mr. M. 0'. eringi, on Thursdsay, NOV. 27, 1878, the taxe. 11ws9sl. teadlitionai xeuitr Cameron, Q . moved for a mie -nisi tern stek, lnple0snî, &., thejpro. on the s5Ue.t5 tht. year.-amnnsng t or nvtrial on h rud htti ert cf Mmr. james Madi,LenvtelFafr..âtth lnJr., .iuctioneer IiLeiPar Breie $890more than th veai ~~ rdict was'contràry te 4la*anad vr Por this noele ecau gay, 64There i. ne- excessive, and for suprise,' and on ae- APPHIINTICt WANTED.thiug teow. i. teiand side. cnnut; cf tiidiscevery cf freali viilence. WAXTBD.Wallis ve , neyer before in à botter He read and commenteil on IL. He ai. Asinart, hîtl1eijoî sy, e1 fairm education, tate et repefr. Irocks re he g o reid an affidavit 'of Mr. Adamns, a te1<ar ti.Prntu bsies. ppy t 011 t1 yatvs reu oke fho tii.dentÃŽst, in Wlîitby, Who swears lhe ta Iam he riuing »Îuoo.Appy at outtheyea wasremrkale or h eard the. conversation botween Gordon VItE CHRONICLZ opFICB. good conditicn it préented. The. pro. Cajapbeli andl Andierson, on the, nigbt Witby, Nov. 12,18~78, ,*o Per îstops vere îskeo lu the ,arî partin quetion, from itsi. wn bouge, andl cf the.,mSasn hebreeo ' s fr frein, Gordon admitting tliaIlh. clow okn atone pnt bail criminel intemcurse with plaintitfsl aun t lhe rigli t ime-and everythiug vile, he, on the. contrary tbrealeneil 11ttrt~nIè done, and timnely don., ta repair.needéd persônal violence if the charge vas NV~5 tt34Ldefeots. An exponsive new stone cul. maide. An affidavit cf cefendant vas _ NLys 0P1R AN M r-. tet n ttlui vrtigthe. harge. fr. Cmeron cantendîl ONLY Si 0 PR ANIJ. lrcc.ste,î an allicglieveytiingthat portieus cf lhe conversation over- cl one as economrically s possible, haý albe itreH bet %Vit yThr.îaNo- -27.183.z11vevut te seav t ae s. iehre, lacfhate te desme, H ec.h vuro buoses on sales-of rebentur,., andl emsages were excessive, becauie the. plaintif ihall set liii brother te watch, Ministerlal Explanalons.No p'ollcy otiier items ei extraordinary expendi. and lie conlîl -have preventeil it ail. Yet 1 tnre Occurring wiuhin tie yeart and Hoe further urged hhat as Jamneso Camp whicii ver, pleceil bfor, the. rate. bell bail stood istening for se mny rtflours lie conlliea cprevenled tiie de. At tîe Luno nomnatin C ifflayers ini lieoe colurne in thie reports fendant, if ho lied atînounceil lus pre- wrighl, liie new Finance Minster, cf lthe Town Council's proceedings freioeuertbeif after teY*îg tu pagence;tlme ,~ i. x 1. ulie bail aeter in a vay te rèn-. againt aÙui :hilie va as' ungrateful, manout buildings andl vorks, sueli-as Juilgient reserveil.r treaciierons and sordid, prooeedm oli.9rmteShol uvett&. ie PtiiOY fothe owiîg mn'eumo fer eticcngî ehargeditte tus year's secount, ANZOTRER NEW STOrs.-Wo haveA t h pclo e tii e G oemnmuîuî shuld properly b e m ade te exten ri over been fav ureil ith au inspection f the il 2~ ith m, ai e te chiy t te ov- a peried et years-tiiey are extraordi. pltns of the. new brick store wiiich Il errneult, lie wold Bay Ihat hobheil nary expenditures ruade eut cf Ibis Messrs Hatcli andl Brother intenil put- corne tate iCounîy cf Lennox viien tihe Cabinet liai beon svorn. la tvelvq yeur's incarme, for the beneit of thic ting up oarly the ensuing tpring. Tii.1 houro, They hlat deal vithi a great future as veli as lte prement, anid wil building viUl be ereited on lhe site of D)ominion, vii t te mot complicateil flt recureagain iu years ltu Coule. Thîis tlhoir presont store, and will be 81 teet îîuenios wîiiîcouli lie laid beteme islii.e simple explanatiori -of lii. ligii front by 100 feet ini depîli, Iîre atonies E tn uai le it-Y, mu te show îîî.etaxes. Weaill thut tilîeyaie higIli igiî. Tiielower fstoroy viii ,conlain 0 limue te maturea î poliiy thalt thlpy ,couiul and burdousome, but, in justice tuthie the. ehop, salea-raorm, oflie., &o. ;tuere eninue dcvii witlî. Thoy voulil domo rueibers et the Conueil, w. u gt r ts eb oklopCiioi< dOwîî witil iii the. proper place <md et eur teatinmîuy thîuî il is not uwin,l to hatse., store rooms, &o, andi two liaistg si tue prorrrime befora tIi. Parliainent Ayfuto liiaaetu nter -in n era( h hl ft. cf Citla,fcui tiiOy outl bo lrepar. n ei rriinîîgîeî01tym -in nlra-niRi hoeo i eîI te d10viial Sir Johin Macdonald lpitl. xtenrire building eonvenientlly dividedli nlever Zva 1standiîorfauylii. hepclicy Respecting our municipal reproeiuta. off anîl filtedl up iin lhe best mannar. tliey enuneiateil. Ho salaitil ouIll tives for thie couing yvar, tiiere is really Tii. cellararie viii bechieeviiole ientht tae.nelt ibourgs but ilcys, veeks, might lilîle ta be said. Tii. cflice i. ut hast a cf tie building. Tii. estimatedl coat le b. monflus of earnesî anl enilous de. liberatioîî befnrq thpy voldU be prepar. very tli-kless onue, andthue eleetors trom seveiu to eiglit tiionsanil dollars. 0 u ta auticuica a puuiy vih tiglut trequeîîhly a riy tiiaîktees miester ta NMesars. Langléy & B3urkce are tie archu- afillet nul only tliem but hhir chiidren aerve-evenvýlieu tlîey gel Ilicir vork tacts;. We are luch peauseil to learnt] Onud millions yel unbomu. He astlied do- - Wîn o gvelii Goemajet lra. un oue "free gratis for iiothing ;"ý or, tietoslargeiy lias tiieir bnsiinees ti-ri n'dt te fîre or - îînrry tiem tal enrne perlîaps, il is for thaI sarma reauon tiey creaeil thaIItie Messrs. Hatchi are un- al dovu vÃŽilue polîey.4 The vorat îîîing uliîlc--rate thie value cfthie serricc's abic ho rie justice to theinîseirs in Ilîcir ih thaI coulîl oceur for theie nteresîs etf th. enrîreit. Il lias sotnetmmes puzzîeîî present premises, aiîiouçgh lîaretofuire peuple woild lieo for the Goverumant te us Ilw ov nn ill profitable businegses considereil rery spacins andreomv,~ andviigevlli e lius.yileo oihee f their own requiing attention conli end! lia thie large measure of sticcers e OP'hît. Muol Ia st aIl evants made really care te be burdprneul viti muni- that haattendle] thueinwarrants ain h: Pretty pan-tîrut tire Geerneut bs qipul honorî. But seaià is. Frotn the in incnri-ing a large expenîlihure te stip- 55 etnesetlel oicy tuI uschiil- - ply hie.necessities etftiîair growing ilh ýuenIauen 'hio jolned Ilis. govprnmnnt Plaîsei with a ratie, tieklel witî I rai.. ýhlQ(tieftie who ahog striwIl- v'CU,. Cler o hebtcft Ulia Clo iiîbllt tiiuut î hîîouîgi: c tiiab e c:I i: d u)>I tr e-u t Moi Fiîîaiceit vii tike'~'eaks lleeiug ake Ilaco autii he aîic'Hall on eiiî nîerrtilis le propare 4 peticy. Wvliat vea <il have unr l1110. armbitions. An rily lLFi.ev, acaber 511î. An attrartive c éauîiuî-f Wiat a blesse a im~ygo. lifter- ail, il la net lelth h îlbe pogama ilhaq e aneil oi vuai îiIy ureitioi ? Inu luis, lii04it o-s t mi a rîitîln tlictrust anti cconfidence outoet liii- eet umsial talent lias beau a l - ttrllel-esorh lartlî-s thirt hasl ver ousfuo-iieus ikn rr.gai,-i hota sist pupe I M tr.ahne taken Place Il lu huaynîicîîuîtry, îuigieaeiu ti uuConi tFriai-r il; entitîiehota aronsiug beneit. t1h iliiinber cf gentuthireivuel Oi>posi.,i-78 cauno e ha gel gîliiti any grave %Wr know of ione wlîo deserres a gooti qui iliin glonitei ila vliat îuîey cal lueir d-eiuo tdh.OnIu liit torie batter,. lias lîinuseif Ien for ini ~rrrlhs bn bcueie itui chalr honîîses te wannftiaclnircsandiiotiier Yaa'- frs eart i u cntrbibn Iulu i A lm. thonu, whîo ilutunirinugithu intho aaun- mutters,thue conluet of soine rui$Yltitl& anditalant, viien the occasion prosautl % dont 6i1 thîir fari-der lite-lonig principies opea uqîuestion: but, ou thue whloe, uitf, ln aiîiing erery gocul projeet for o au!' pîrty pîcîlguts, an'i tiiroîtua ig v Ioidrlie a Jitlmmesvieli bis assistance vas solielîci. âa ant nl pretenCe tho reatrr poitical ulî eodu eti ts ttîi u _ pnrily tieauai cpoens sireei uTlîe IlScienceout lalliî"for Iloteant. 'eu gelling mb office. 'Tii. Goe-1'eittetlgeace, and lwitiî elugléanesie of pur- brcoe lehîrdvlm thli ritu gotnit0fie "h oerietpoe, forltie gen-rai gocilo et lm' owa brcoe h hr vlieo hsp .Ti la Bfrufnin nov," aay tiîey; 'Ireet unitud îa iir ne-e vscmitn'ticl anîl iuuepenieuut Magazine, ls be tliaukfut; oseUtiat va ]eap luoffice,ant a a feeanî e iiou-a a as cmtte i enuing object le ho teaelu tii.science of liii aIl aieamnay b. ,disregudîl t iil hue aheut oftue M yrlicdadcertof-only -pr gardil . i wil th hert.TheMayo lis crtaulylite, iurluding ig tlhiat relates tle a tek weeks andmii! ntha (%vit>' not beau Muet attentive te hie dutias, and renlli mtlpo p yaara2) leauimpare e policy.*" Tuisia utîîeir disclierga, and lupreaiîiing oerrvd l iiu pîsciat i- Id1i~ ambitios .elainh luirraîieIl admelar irc wculd ha a pleasunt way te carry ou tîîe deiibeî-atîilofns et i Couneil lias condition. Eveî-y tainiiy shionlit recl u lti. deor le gieat abusaes, and! by ignoi-. vtlling. té serre, Ilueir ralauticu . f euni! ing. lsy,' Mi. Simington shippeil fer îthe mcei igperlaniant lani!oing se have lu-officea, tlijeir present experiencea,Si enCm nyetonruagtjuh rai!ei thicrigluts andI priviteges outheii. outi be e benafit tate iCorporation, SldlnCmay fMnraegi nl people.. Tloy hlie.tumneil tleir backs for it la qneFîionai,îe if baller tuen conîdnieplautioliodglTh luorse bul n is I)r upon tshir tonner professions, undibcho geta le 11hhir places. Tluey huea eigi om r . Terger. pciameil prueb ivlimieiaiuiag te art lu tire naine ofet euarourant ho discliargathhir inhias -Mpi. fîmMi.GeraHikngîî Beturua play tanad ltue. ilhliolîuut aouseientiniusly uni te the best of tir- ai-lin for $510-e epen front Mr. Leesin sau lie femin prinociplea. Tiuir vuiole con- aliiliîy, <uni Uahs au muali as 'ca'.bXn for 1489, cuithtle ethiara front Messrs. Jutl ducl plainly, goas te shîav- tlint hliir Sal]oe any Set otf publie mon; uini, as Hev!en, Moore uni Holmn, et Coi. amy wiîoleobujecl-wes net teaivaeu I. ire have aîreauy sîuowa, tih. luxes hueva unibus, -and!Mr. Jos. Cravforlu, oethie Spal ternu, but te oust heii.overuimnut, <aln nruandhirnithi nsmm- Base lina. ce seize upenu place cul pover. As for îaliîy. Mm. Carhwriglut hisaif, lthe public arae-COL BUIreEse vue nilappointeil u-l' ncv weli conriacecîo e lapricn FinE..-Euriy ii intaeforenoon et Sat. coinmtleWiitby, on acrenut c f tue ttc» vhiôlL.he, in uis'exorbitant seif-conci-it, nr!uy flarnes wrme iiscoat-redi iaiiu Petenborongli train failiug ho counech tue liaîned Rastl. iuirual for lis <letr- frein thia upper slory et Mr. Melon- iîtirte Grand Tnunk. We huaebee ciel lio ton hiscl! ia -4,1-udr. Au! gal'es baliery prentises ou Brock-sîreeî. requesteil by the agent, ,Mr. Juqueul, la jni1 bc[ .ore the peple of Lanex te-day, huisTTh. preaisas briug u ofwe uiuclu inake Iruevu Cools regrets aI liaeîdis- prac ie another uuelcuehioly instancaet thue darm vas croace,anuithic parties in appciîutunent ciusei, amd te say liraI on pô fate wuiclu, sooner or aler, muaI arer thie adjoiuing prerniede, Mr. Yul., utfIs jratura in thieearly Naw year <al vitu take ererr ina vu abandons principle lie Express office, Mr. Geo. Bengerîli, vill lia maie up by lia supaior <mtra- prori for lhe ehjecîs ut lis evu erabiîion.- statteneny store#.uni! Mm. James Johin. ioesof the enherlaiumonts lie tien un- 0 Regttei$sudn ialigunag, bcehlas torfelted atoejaveler, commencai u-enoving tonds giving. tari( lhe rigltle ha trusteni. Sordide! treachu- thuleir gocîts. Happi!y lti fire vas dis- WAON STOLEN.-A damocrat vcg- lie:f emoe, ungratafni, ad'un±aiilfitulare caverai befoeeilialluai muintchu heu!-go astlnfmth pr ie-of I tie vomis eofthle epibepiî lue deserves te vey, uni vas promptiy extiunuietln, M.GonvseoenrinhiePoreinisesoneta l( bava inseibeld on lis poiicel homb- vitiî eiglit damage. Thue ire steamer Mm. Georg CofilbPot WiitbyMon laob atone. . waosepeedily on the spot, but fomlnnahehy Cibalesa- ado 5 o h Pl Ia lhe services oetIhue brigade vrw luoerrsa evn e 6ife . c'O Crn COL. Wsir..leluves ou Salurdey by endrsi necesser3u. The early diacoery pWbuine i tif . t lbe Sumnndiaaxian, on lusi mission as et theo ilames, and the. hreaking ont oet he The Re-union, on Friday evening Laws InuulgrebiOn' Agent hoa England. An freinl daylight, doubtlesa prerente! îaaî, vas net su largety utteumiai as thue tIi.1 accident, thhough viich i. Sustained wviat mught have been a sereus confia- excellence et of lthe entertalumieal mer- Fi moine lnury, preveutod his eparure gration, silnated s lhe building le.luit~led. Tira diffeent parts of the pro. atole lest wee.k. Ti. Colonel le vemy hope. ltche ham et lhe business pûi~t et he grarnuxa vere watt rancarei!. undi, fnl of ta reausnabue- siuare of succéeas, lev. _____piceunt evening's antertalumnta afferd- sud expecîs te meup a.censiderable eau- FVTÂL ACCIDmET NEAR Bmoeuaar-A ai!. _ 2 .ci gretion crop frein the.seed scvn by MANr CUUSIFIt» me DEATR.-A sii <c- Cuxur' DuRGecn-i-TIua premineulcev baletyeam. In tut. hie has cuirbhast cient uccuirai! on Suhumnay lat, ah ujvertisemaenl et Mr. James Shea, of te ,w2l2heoi as aveu mss9for àa Presperons !ey. 'Mm. Henry Bickhe's Centre mille, ear Oshuawa, ilu char cottîmus, vill ciel- am 0,9ë and satele otuutn.-ther village of Brookîmu, msuinig in tIi. lenge the.eaez's attention iithoul e W deati cf à man uaea& Thomas Cooper. Werni frein us. Ecoueomieai houari. Ste-i MR. r' 'EDRuCjcMurN, cf GiîOourod, Wbile aasisling lea nnloei! a cier hurrah keepers viilieh 1interaslci! in ilt s ma. thea ba. recelvel lime ap-ionntmueît oh cemk contaiiling ferenîy gallons, bbc bummel -'~Use. et Ir J~vuionOor4t£d i~cierigslppelanad faliing ou lhe ciesl o e ii NrcTF-eCLOTarMG-.-Ne aptterns Vice Ur. J. C., Sn,uîb resigneni. The iufotuù tnuaeman, kilteil hum iugauntiy. and nov styles, incluilitig heaî-Y Orar- R e1p9j I o u* sut a ueepwx go<>d Tlu, det.ei d, e ret l tg le=a,I.avusoatiugs, fncy vemîluga$,' andlbreami. PAUi ~ i5*~eu~) av~ uni ai: hil4~ep te jîjb#jrlà.-dIbe, e aGrle7',c sea doe o Ulmai la u - twà 'ILno uOminaibu, in rebr lihe, M1h o December, TùÉx OurTàiuoCAIBINET.-MY. Frager, M.. P. fer Sen ti Gronville, bas ac. cephedl a asat lu lhe Ontario Cabine.~ Mn. MoKeliar lai to asitume lthe joint pesitio'ns of Minister of Agriculture aud Provincial Secretau-y; Mm. Pâaee, ia té be Crewn Lals Commias'ioner; and Mr., Fraser Comnmissiener, cf Publie Works. MeauvilaMn. Fraser ts.te aucceoil Mr. Peri!ee as Provincial Sac- retamy. F30UTH Lxuu.-Tie Ontario Opposi- ticu have ciiesen Dr., Giles as candi- date for lie Local Houeln place of Mm. H. 8. Macdenaldl, vh bas been eppeinh-ei jurige for lie Conty of South Leedts. Tho Ratormer have ulecideut te keep lie comtpromise adoptei, lu -virtue cf viuicb South Leeds t. m.pre- ioentdil, the Ceaunons by a Retomnè uni lie Local Houa. by a Libemel Cou- servatira. -- Titi N<mWYOI)LAND ELzCTrONS.- Tue lateet aivices front Nevfenlannt give 1he mturas oethe meceaatelectiomi as 14 fan tlie prasent Bounet Govermu- mentr unît13 otohoOppositiion. Dun - min uni Bartiett areci aimaei by liot], aiaes. CarIer bus; malurnei ton loti, Ru-leour Grec.ani Green Bay. An- citua alection vitt huke place in oeonf tluese flietrieta lun Jenuery, uni Mn, gheu viii propahhy la retummai vwit- tut opposition, Tiui House vili meer in Jemiury. It is impossible 10 say uev poiics vili stand then. Ma. GLAss BEQUE5TED To Exerer.- Tu. Mail says tuaI Mm. David Glassr bas licou calleite book by the men 6l Ecat i iliaanpx vie elecleil hlm fer East Middliesex. Neaiy aigit mairei of Ihiainof thiuainovuimotion, uni vith-- ont te xeurcise et amy apaciai alfort to secura action on themr part huave sign. utl a Peli'tion aaking hum te nasigu luit set lutha Houa. of Commons. Tuî- Liha-ieservative Convention oethIle Riuhitig liuas ulso inrmîad hum te srmi- fer le ils liants tha trust viîich ilihas eo shîamutfuîlly ntisusî-i. in6Tiesp WRZaarcnr perermrs' -T'le Otteva ci-guo et lii mvdmin- usrt-cou decluras tuaI the repart ltat tae Gorernmuent euiepavoeat t cancal tae uppeinîteuit of Lin-îîh-Go)vemer. rit-py amui Cmavfo-uIamI Juta. McDom- 1i- t iut famunfation. As il stylasP un-m "tîmoce vi-elieil uppeiitnianus', v- ara lftfte infen lImaI in n-ofi-itiinmr oua interfi-riu, ,lie Govrninntaval- vweut tht-un eenrictioms <aidprinciplas athien thuan nis a acriqis thi-tinigit m'n liam nt of utoffica. Dirarue4,Ncrea A DISSaLUTIcx;.-Seme et lie Miniscnini papens araehn-giniug te va uthernme l ehin iiesehisfacisn itu the aphuameul inteuhion efthlie Gev- -nunant t-o quietlu' ovrn-iIok Mn. RHît. gtiu allegaiouii, amuilacept lta ,pi- unt mnurliu-etiguaatizoui Purlmaincmît as tai! tn-mutifor lthe uurposzes. The cutit-aiHeralrl ive Mmrbfuekeu zie e ir phtin hilmt thuat inhiolmîiumuçt -h ac ui- matuuoment loyer tîan ia hgtuily-t n-essq1ai-s'. Ih inarks that e ce SennlaI" wyul et hic att.. cttely amu i atieeactanihy niieposeul tof til theappealislacammjeuifi-onthlime m- roeentulires outhe peupla tthapea- ne Illucinseves. 1NOiuMINAumeTIaNOFCAttrumuATIS FORn Lur-- )x.-Slurulau' the nôntinahien et eau- les tom Lnintiox luak p>ce foi-lthe .h recIt-i luy 'Mn. CunCvniglit's ue. ilcuce ut office as Finance Miniieter. ei altenduuîce vas vry largeauni f gi-atu-sti lut-mnst tmunifestlilu lIma irei-iiingsý. Sur Jeuîn A. baiac'enai! is preseal amui t-eiieut a eplenîlitt -0ci fi-omi t1h- lîneings. Thea folhov- 9 gautleuu-n irerte naluetas mccam- dat-s, butuhe fi-el four auîy iau ut- te îupuak:-ien.b. J. Cti-ivmlght, r. EinnliMtupt'm, Mr. H. M. Dam- te, Mh. P.,lu., lthe Ilîlilt on. Sir J. liaclnmauil, NM.P., liMr -ailjuan. r, cf 'rmo, n. C. V. Pnire, et îigsîcu, ani! Mn. E,'vari atbuhtiru. r.0, T. Pmuyn, Sieriff ut Lennox, ted as reuurning Offirar. The New Eiectuan Law. Thie Dominion act mespeaîiug contre- lt etactions bacante 1e ou tire It instant. Its provisions are exil- rtiallu' as tullavs: gusun-mal Court of Appeelisj te b.e as. limiueul, but panîltugiha; formation tiie ici-ion Court Jutîges vili act lu its iti, Sîteull tlmeu refuse tîme Goer. -Goneai-l muy appatul net 1hes lieu t-c norm more Ihîcu fire Icu-risters toft -ie' sîauîmmg, vîmo sieli et us; [gee e alihofr thIe puirposc-s cf lie- ý-Amy eue et thuein insu' tru' auj etomu peitiom in hua eva Pr-ovince Iamy thîrcepvii tntue Eleetion i-b. Tii. returu et th jnuigaa shahl iadl le thea Speaker utbtae Ronce Couinuieu, vithi c copu' et huisnotes the erinlauca, atudlthe uetu-rminchiem such jritge siiah le final ho clh inleuîte àpurposes. Sieuîii coiraupt pi-uc- es ha chueugen in theapetillea, the ae ehuail aiso epîort ho thue Speaker ntevor hue le aible tle hecmeas luelite raence of etli hie connty in eltion, vitît the naies cf au' ions prom-I ho haro guill t lte ne. Il la cIao proritteil tli<t lue ze insu, ta a cpm-nul report, nafor te ymictîn-re thaI lue e haiaras ugit te uu--utilbt-featie Cemmous. The Baker le ho unhoph the nacearu'pro- dinge fan the issuance cf an-v vu-lt SOMu uISpossible attai- u-caivig thc 1ge'a raport. Spacial casas ntau be ni leoeatluc Eleetion Courh, uni Merlise, et Cuinnma ty meke li onuten lu respect et suri spe- 1mrpoi-t us il hitke propor. The g. mau' hake eridence ut corrupt eicea, vhethuar or nettIhuene lW- nu utf cf agenes' on the parI eftheiecan- lte. The Irial shuait net le luhtrair li ihc-bu' eceeptunce cf office au- FîICAL AmPI".UE.NTcrs--Tiia On- io Gazrete eftSunnau' couhains fothowing uppoiutmnhat via Bridlgman -of Teoono M. D., )e u seouriahuCoroner for ut-e coan- t York; DuncanMutrquis, et Mcunt asanh, 'M. D., te lbe au usseciaha tuer fou- lia Counhu' cf Braunt; H. Sithl, of Peterbrougnh, and H. Iuni C. Meyar, of Scotht, Barristarsaut w,o a eNohories cf lie Publia ton Provrince et Ontaria. pAà "D VNTErxuGoo»s.-A lai-g. 3k of frat-caus geade ut W. J. Hici- SCc's, selling ch<uap for cash. IESSuS. HA3ILTON CO. bave juet i-o- ,-i large addiionsa la heur alneaiy nais'. steak- Aise new fri-its uni lu' liqacra. VÂmULTkEraiSTcVîts.-'tbe Ouhuvu ve Mammufucuring Ce. ara muking slovas juel suitelle for bensahali <Sce udrI.) ls-.lsSxsiocrmeGONT-nIW L r messIe. sw.,er, iiiujÇ,.anduu coulennîsi thal by the-reaédlng of' Act lthevu vaswunetlilabtl. sud ae ifthe Corporation u a le, ilvwaa * ;o th. Cochane.estâte, wlth which tl bail ne deatinge, but te lbe clemk,1 * MacInell. It vas aise conleni Iluel Mm. Mepionell sheuii have net-f :thie Couuticil-of lthe ental cf the of- the ternis, and lie tengetoftiMi ilv rentnt fer, se Iliat if th. tov vasla another sundcliesper Ã"flce nuýhat hf beeu gecumeri, if uecelsasry. -Messrs. Ray and Donovtn" favoni lie payment et the claiqý agaluoi- Corporation, vithiut aidein f1urtl costs lu tie malter. Thieytargneil t1 - Mm. Maordonel bai notifieo the Coni li May lest; liaI auanccit, fior firaI thmee mnhol a'rent hlbmen p senlei ote .Cônuci sous, ine a and!, beiug eerred te lira Fiman Cemmittee, hail net even bien report upon liy huaI body, but taen ne nnol et, asthiat Comiitte. hail doue wi tho bill for whiei e suit ves- neviP tarent. The neqliaence utthe meuli of tie Tovn Councit vas, hhey cn tendii, the cause ofthie suit; they hx the Juntge*s opinion andthie Town go « itor's opinion thet <'lie ovit vasliait u'ni tiey couli se liaInothing vas be- gainai by taling the malter in court. Mm. King suipresteil Iliat the te puy lie cdaim uer prohest. Mr. Lavuterintreitned enttIfoihovil mAgolnhion . Il at lie Mayeorlie anti nizeil 1e saIlle vili D. C. Maciouu Division CIerk. fer six mentis' ent riffice, 050, 1 be cen nie se in sudl vay liaI Iris Corporation emuait net1 !iabia for amy tunthier mrent or tenume aquchioffie." Mr. Drnerun objectai te te resoli tien, viufi lie thomizht sheuli laenu]il iu. suchu a vay Ilîc il vouhi corntl ,zreunu, il tiu Mayor couli net set: tIie malter as; du-actent. At hei.snggestion oethie Mîayor, tl foiioviug rasoittien vus ml-aue NMm. Lauý'u.an withtuaviag lis: Moyeu by NMm. arper, sacouldi! Xm. Kiugz-" TVint thie Treasurer nae île orlon iu faveur -fthletaTown Solicili foîr c sum aifficient te sabis;fv six mentli matît cf Division Court Clerk's afin A-uliuig itNov. instant, <vithithlimaso iiui-reon, if tia Town Solicitor is opinion tuaI lie lovu ie hafble for thie ami tiiet tha sutnn b. paiui ner prd hat4, amui, if possilte, li n ci e vay1 net tc conneet thua Coporation vil Oiua lamnaor rentaI et office ecemîpiani I the seul damia, thua teris ns cnditiot cif vitici Ibis Couacit huas ne kuor Th t. eion vas cerrniditheul TUs E UrICmPIL ELitiTIOtt. Mr. Blow inîneicceul a hu'-lev lu al nnmIrahummi'm offiersa amu plat-as fi hoelldingeltaeemriug Municipal eectioni For tii. North Wmuh, Mr. T. W. Roblu son; Centre Varui, lMr. G. Y. Smith: unît South VaiiMr. Jates tCampbea wama eppeim iut, tha plan-as leing tl saeasce liose ut wvih tue tuaImani cipal aun-etirîns va-re hidi(. Tihe 1iurlav vas passeut.. bai. Plulîhu ntn-n<h, uni! hok liset aI the Comucil lfable. On mtion et Mn. Hamper, tiie saluri cf the augineer anud tiri-n-metthmePli-ai fine-angzine ftonhe Iast hurea moulu vas erdeneil ta hbe peu. imaFUtseuOF TAXES. Tue clark i-ad a comnmunication fret Mr. Richarnd Framcis aeiking for, a meae of taxea on prepArtv lutna! tu Mai lasI, an! alec e mefaul of portion 0c mney ou a iieu-ae net usait. On mnotion et Mr. lRay',tle 'l'easumrei vas euutluoizau tho netunul eue-huaItth auut Of shuop licence for 1878, eut cuxe-Itaît et taxas on pe-rumual proeoty Thre Cuncih eujuînme! Hov te go West. Tlhis us an inuirv vîticu t-rty ont imetilu have titluttiulîs amaverail beflur lie chants uit lis junmy, and lihtth n-are haken in axamimalion o utes viii in menu' cases saea mtclutrouln- lime uni! mont-y. 'T'ie Clnieagui(, Buîlimîghon & Qiui nci Bail-ad huas acitiae!e a spheuîuiuirepuî latian in lii laeh hum-e veut-s ae tht. ieuulimg Passaugar RoulateliaheWest. Stunhing et Chicage er Peal, il i-auis direct Iîreugli SoutharaIovaaunul Nebraska, vithclose connections hu Culitomnisanau- the Tanu-itorias. - It iu ulse the shuort lune anti lest tine lu: Quinc', Maissoîuri, aud pinuts ii, Kansas und Newv Mexico. Passengars un tuait vuy voeuWar! ceqnet do buttei- thamnto hake titis route. Thuis hune lias pulliea a pamphulet anhithai! "Hîuv0'ne auO Vuee," Whuicl cenhuluas muchi ruluuabhe informnation; a largo, correct mcp etflita Great West, vii ceaatbcohuaime1 e t-ae ia-tri- îuy ui!ulesqing itie Ganemai Western- Passenuaer Agent. Chiceago, lInilinglon & Quiucu' Bai-uad. Chmicago, Ill. PutuLarONATIO.N OFREnsIDrEN MCHuA- trox's TEti.n-By a majaorihu' et ixtu'- six tha Fretaclu &iembuuy ha-i au erîu'd lime Bapahiic amu i istatucd lirMaiton us Presi!euhtfon serou u'aars. Thuis ac- tion viul probubiy bring lthe question oft Goeri-ronn te au issue. Tua excute- manut inthe Capital te sumî tho ha in- teinse. Tic Aeientec Expeditiou. Lenulon, Nov. 20.-A daspath r-on the. Cape Coast, <hale! Ouu±obc,'r 8îet, ecys General Wohseley retunrua! u'es- day trrae ecounaise auree eutuont. HP- i-nports 40,OJO Ashantaca eautpel ut Marapon. An uttuca vas coneiuhareui bazardons viti bis ianiful ot marines, but leaurminuIhial lia nemu'huit! vitît- dravu a sapai-aIe colun lea-de the Pt-aunlinath Geneul advancedh, erriring a.xt uuiuig aI Abi-acampre, andi main- sorearat piisouens tiare, At lie saine tlme Celonel Festing alrane fi-ont Dunqaet, a funtified post un the way te. Coomeesia, uni desmoyent soin, campe cftheenornu. Tihe latoer ratîji unrier ermofthe lurueli, an! esseïle!the British foi-ces. An engageentlloveçi laehiag Ive benne, vian the savagas ver. baen off. Tho Britishi tance Ilion metumua'i teDunquet. Tiey heet 47 veuniai, inetuiing tire oahjeors. Tiey clustr successa, s the enomyrie- treaei, hila ltn. wbî,e hueti Ihuein guuîi! On the. 21s1 t october last Miss Mennai Joues, lheu- Ireleruni!SaBa-h Kinsma depositeul in ltae Jordan poul- office amregistamai!ttai pui-pamtimg te cuntauu$100, andii aidmssei te Moeurs. Biakson, Bealu' & Cassaes, et Toi-auto. Wbea roceived th. latter vas fiumaiho coulaiu enhy a sheel et Irovu pupor. Tire attention et E. Griit, Pest Office Inspecter, belug calent te theamalter, fie finaveru' cl.vemty succeed!ilutrac- ing- tie uffuir, andt te.Iit.el-uov. parties, eiiing maur Jordna s beingaun et- teampt, on tibui pani te defraulthue De. pairment. Tiey %y me urrstei! an Tat- esu!au'amdri mni St. Cateu-mnes Lu' the Chiet et Police. Tluey vers - exam-ý inent eut Tuesutuy niglul ud ,cemilei!ë fer trial.,- lIt la reporteati lat Englanti proposes te halte lte peuineula of Yncaîen frein àM.,xio as an equuvaliet for the <iit, --ve~Uu5iy4 tehaung< s'uu$ equai. Tuu turouin lie absence o et- u ni~lt i uunte lut t1wor hre yur lnaunded , thaI Spin bâ 1ef b. - The'neptau bat m~ otsi ~ e&irn- il wiesses, lie enqniry wae Tu. loiksia uearly $100,000. -Tir. -1 obdienS oe rdemun& b¶ beal. The epeinn uni a expeciued boar the~ bate The valuai slieu se djenrnèd iIlUlct-morrow. The -Coin- loving i. hlibst cf tusses and inurasi-, ae n uthe " ' - '-icm t lIed îi, mate ae ochanes vithertiendt. souer, howevem, previcusly stated -ces:-&ldemnau Heney, loas #1(>.000; uuer th" biee pf 176 . iré3 GiThere l i e eessity te bave sailors Ina ttnie hai exemineni the.boute, -ani insurunce $80M>on heuse uni 1700, 011ad îit theA <ÇÃ"ian a.[ cI-e aceo' naviratelleva ae Olbrio ai ia 1h . bhe ole lu lie bolton eofthle fumniture iluth. Western; Mayor Mar- go vas prevented- <ng-thé IeIOW411 'the ouru s eom let sk&Oéycnteasthe. plot'a,wvas unalI enough te he fillenitineu, loss #25,000; insumanco $5000 ta Washington. -The Spenish@me3"ble7 ~~i«b liemutaenlubiasilo. ioe at it vould tuke let lu tiieRoyal; Mr. - Reuigieni, lois, .answored, lual4the mattev as WU ave' aremiten pinîi mui otun. -oeleust an boum ta e i lled. srough. that $,0;junac 1,500 luthe Lon- eamuncpl~ bseu p~î ~ suie cf the'crev. W. have ne definite aperturoe. dbu uni Lancashire, 6,00;-Mr- tue Virginins. Spai n Iliitobl e- ran mues e gide1h.offcer am amevlu ii.euqiryclo.d n Mnie~-Mr, BonuaI, hoss $12,000; ne insurance; American'lul.rfere., Theè intarviiv lii lauaingbots n ocaion lce ueBieley lbas- preceeded luoXtn M.Germaine, lbe., 19,000; insurece, endeni b> -Siaubtes d.tnnednmrbaêspa lier lae î;aaser. <~eîaiui ~ w-$Ï.80in te Stna; M. Cauneou, aol0=toc tcomPa he àine ba Cos-exaained-We -velohokl eamie tesM$300. ldate luaine ineotai-teoCuiba for'th. auppressionote e x- noh 'anmioiuei as'oeeof tl oatnmou Mm , andi eterverds viii go te Tomante. ire, 61,500, ahi u ai uaehrecutions. t, -<. tie hisa.,trai sstrict lie bexamiene the. boy Ctare. Tiio en- Company; M. Laîremouilte, la8 trifi- The. Spanish Minmto ft FoutM.T'Af me. ntetigeceann braerythun bi ap quiy las ben uîtuni xhastIv. it uriasuedor82,000 min, teýtua ; titirs iauglitily declinai ta permt Sja*ý go.' inolient eatht. nev tstemer. We bube ul ad xhuMiv. ,Egiesen, ioe. nol estirnated ;,1n-*las tedimonsa-tha municipal afairs,.of- muaI bi evymeat-o s e eauie e njuenie sure& Queens 64,000; Mr. MeConnel, Cuba , The interview temminaleni ang,< Oi4l badeveryràon t h. bouiv h em The Ministers Witieut Portolio, lhis 610,f00; purtly -iumurcd. Ta tic niiy, Sicictes sayiné ho viluli maldno led vua agood ni e, ui vas nci-eut cf t r nister et Justice, M<. Dericn more uersal--only offiial-rlioas -e th le bnming of tie Kinusteu, as tue fire (Fi-cmlire Moutreut Gazette, Nov. 22.) ce it mainu, îu-, <a soon as li. biaud et vIlithe Minutr. - ith 'i not summounul i. The pilot, ou the An- -aemai ex eti.mte.Iem îis a a veOîl yp-n tî théeire, lia isauednt auorierhto Supemin- Public feeling ruas--high. The.Span- mideri., lue sheuunt. have luken cherge et chumueter- ofthle public sentiment et tendnl' Ni Ltt as rm he iards banietho Uniltedi Stutes for, tii, On- thiebout, uni eveu if net erdemeri, Tii.Canada, on lie cautucl t f.Mesema. os locko ù.u11 îlbe exteudeal ever Cubant insurrection and gay tuey vIl ad average nuraber of passeneoui i lkeuiSel aacpin fie- h ttuvm oMajira Hill te supply velcome ver. Oii boche in midsnnijer vas tromni ta ~wtieut salary uni vitheut pemîfollo, 'h'ee"iie Piàga'i nhaluitn u MnstrScae usede o tla. 1W4. 1 have, lu ummar, recoieiutate- uni in exceseft hue nunler et-Minis;. te wivtiwater. Thre crier vas iov vur can Le uvoidei, sa Spanw1 ho tnqai stutinur tiare ver. 200 er 800 on fersalulcvenl hy custent sal lii- ate-i upoünet uncessudalthe viole stock~ concenie nthiug, andpublie opmna île boari, liaI, on the arriv?.i et the vessîls, plied by statut., thitel anefeace oet et bec. Ibra e--quiartera et a mile sudîl vl' prevant Presideul Casielsr frou faund it h as mot se. I dtanet think tire pmeceeeiilecenfineni te one supe r aigîty yaumlts eu-leflgh, vas by the eff- mailing a'ny concessions. Tliere isla wn tére ere osteenoa tate k the zeatons onganiat, ami thutat eulieouns, of th. Doiinien police soun aidin-ýuei h ntdSae rfigsy vteragenmerboutss even but te lu hie Uni±ede Stelea t i i"iine auj- au- v r , M n ex i g i a i i. f n ,m ore n le subj ct, S pa ish ' suborn - m aL w èeu~ 2 0 0 lif --p -e arv ra, a n d t ey co ul- i elf o f s e m ae m aeren c 's te T o dd o n th e _ _- _-a * - ess m ai n g co n esio n s im p o ssi le. lî h ier. lived i t i he vuer forn » evers! abstract mi l et h e S ovra ni a t a mH m e R u e for leland . -T ii.'ex trem e epu b ica s fav r t e iti.ers in suminer. We ha! an investi- mon as many and suchi aiuisrrs us ie - uiews ofthe United States lu lie affair. of irehion lah hi. eompaun's office hara toir 9iY ilesire, te drap the -- 'iDu- veteSr. Icx-Nv omr4v nS the pui.poae et préveuiiug the. ecurrenca importance howvvr, is en, griaî, that llteapproaeiing Con' f<éence jiDh wp* ETNE-e okNv bt Ofel,îîhuan eceident. I receivedni i. i n vîaw of the inîtapendence etPamla lu .n on tIi. question et- 1.. oiiue Rîhefoon52,--Tweed has been sentencedti t 'Of formation but w li as beeiso v ment, uni! in ebedionce a that ~pecept Imatandil; eeeupying ua vri-nsilltezr-able Ivelve jears in the cunuty prison, sai liera. ve io front JImàins about ith. danger et par- shunra cf publiceuateentien, lun.the Pr Asste puy a fine et 012,700- Aller Mr,~ In- [The pîupema luinte humds ofthue Cana. t-titting innovations in ceuatttutionalund oculervuse, ut bh sa c f ti.-Tremni àbi moved thst lie priaoli.x< et'ien Navigation Compamyreauinz ho preetice, quatei for Ourm benefit îy Mr.En4-isi Chaunnel., This Codu-tmence lesenteaced itn oaci séparato'-count lu hi 1 te privahte inre-tigatîen vere pmeincedlBae ecna vin unhe ee amssau inmlpo oc l Ii.11k'it-he indichnuil, lter, vas a deati-lie t ami ed lv Mm. Millov, - uni egreet ence a liil. e hiave almeady qhrchefi R[ido agitation, %fhiceh bas nov bn-arne Ieuééin lthe Court, aud Tweed loeked- vith thlx.erideuce atraa-ty given. Ir soute aulorîties wvuulux eonhhuli atj - mzoug on foi- hrea yans, lîaving in laIor, uhly fitii. .Ha vas tbld le stan d ut- r rm le htwle h n Wa'iîuî on suel u estion.We -o.limre growm troua being vbat vas laugIl- h y Mm. Shuamkm, Clark, aniakdf il. eappearstfreinhtmeemh--- h viiencatIi.tlier g .ï_aqîtesitg ta d the aitannasIcreiinuthra-aipolcktPose till-o'- another whicantyeire-g te3b, t vliylju jgdgeut smi catin lm pl-rtk Ohlu uoaaqte, i,îi-ie olighue most important 1 e efasi giathm toeiranî tirhev gel <of. bis an! cf fauuieu-s cf ltihemlet vf ilicl va coinn lý o e ue ganthm bvY the.rack f8ev up unidtue eephaim'e end in~hi, amnd hie.guihty cf ut vilI car- nautiounlin-6temenl Iliat be ean wit- Tw,j sa eth air-ady plauedis -n t ulan erwter, an! tii. cuplein wvent uumhy mot bé lifupeen-!eithî'-r tle uiiera O'ou n l tdmneteiaso ug ei bnsnec for evn it i Il a mui va s seeau ne m or e. or en en. T ha I a tlo îity le M n. - n pl . O it se h lua-va y la re qu asi. n-,i li.-pr. -so ur on every our counts lu 1*Thuey aise go te conliin thue upu h a ke lhiaîmnseîI, amuihis ergumeuile sa tien as tual involve(iinvwiti lepopu- the.-entirte 204 conuls in lie indichineul. cf,. uba captuimu juaupad noIt liesteamer te 'unclu rsemîha Iliose vuuicuu v aite i;arky cn.Iteîl I"Hoe lRds t-tire ualm-aifitdbyecj ýo lst r o t t t e t i . p i l o t . un i b r i n g h um , b a n t e t a a î iY v e u h t -r e u i t e a u h u i m s e h oa o0 i - u n s h y a n a m a uy i aw s a ! ' i i a < t i.e t a z , c m I v e l v a j e a r a i m p r n u ot reu~e hieladies. Soeftet mathi- nu-uuene, liaIiraare cunaclutus ou t mmm ta ro v iet ay ha cali! ietuiftewhlsb ten iu~CeayJulu. Ludlow. omeninz eviience yl b.emosl inter - iing eomne risiaoet »aing accusei ofpla- un ae agmîeîî onthie main poiîf'-theî e. t r<seuheucea tea àfine <cf On estmmg] dar rnthe hegilutive laîlepeudaneaetfIrealndî, $250, on evesy Ço& can.-cutsou >th&, on- <- Ale-xenieor Milles', conîmu--1cen- -Pu-evieuts te 1867the nrubune ! -c fnasngnîsofs 'neess iiMin-reui-bar on ea idh ie vas buh met sayvluuwas lb.thecausctof thua ccci ist-me vas han. The uar murcriasneyer bt- encuraI. Tr itit tIi. expression oif ccelctewd., Tie enrsU<e finle Smclts in- lentlui tlhiuk the first ceuise vasthlia.-xeelel. Wlieu Mm. Mîtîii or ama hiuevitrions vit-vs amdi iopseuaundîle tre gto.6 1an th prs as -t-idepnt te theemminrr, an i emniahîs' Cient tlina ul! dtIi. postitioîn et Seticiter te have tient tuily diceusse!l, arelin- aller î-gele le êw LZ7'ui 4b. spris- v iftrvaris tue iihwinaa explodel. Genanral itlithueutssamy, lue ira-i cie ~ofabjecte for vhîielî the cemimueConfeir- Twedner téi. emnbi . n ll e it Thie se-rcout apuosire ineherial e te tn anud net in oxcescf tîtein, 80 enlc .buleen coaramueni. If ile t e hand w asiragod bis e oe.cm.mi,s tliatthis receent iq relitipil tlat <matio pvasammefoove! iv q0gO y ii., il f ta<f tehie <tptuin und mates. The . -aiallyu pecreu i itheon tatacmmnfrinante et W, If.t. w -ime vas bulîl v Bei-hiersui!Dunrmu-Point- Whiem, uowve-,'thie unionuoftaiteut action urih bt-eueneofthe euntu. scribeî oWu taeauxlte c 1w mai n aboutî1h. y-aur 1855 or 1856 the- Pnovinces Iccia place, amui tue fi- t Tira furui cf equieltion for th. Honete way et Ludlow:v irwhoè1 a Willam arrv, 5 Taneres ptGavri-mant oethle Diriuiou îrac IRitaCourfarenea gires e genaral itleu et g edersale Jlxîw.ti;hei u, a s O or vas maxI axanin-I vas masa-noO; ontfumed, tii.number ut Ministars %vas tire mature oet1h. seiaine. sen"tolie ontc yaavisra uo, vhihie uBisalet Ilielnvon thuaBavai-ian, anît vas luntae îcreaaei! teaîîirîaeu, eue et tha.ut-v accampmii!d, It la eigued ly Mr Wnt. aSuperîancf vih'idl jie- stin ShaweM.îP. ai-actai lier. buildllgt- fotîracaseevien I leur-i a report as if a,îîffices [eing that cf Minisler ut-ýflit'ia. Sîv .P e 3uo;M.ONil New York, Nav. 2.-Twéei. passe&I îteliooer bai run ita our lipel.I Wlie Parliaent moouaisofe0'Couinnell'st (eelofv-la.nehie fehay-lin he eilyNu.ce 4 et. 4 f t Tombe...ý ýlu Put on my coaud uiraut upetairs tlu hi' tiianunler of M inisters, vitiiotthelmiatirers min terapeal uorententu, the Tis iS the condamnai coll ire wiic aj mnatu'sroont, viielu vas on tua ahta-.lreviaîs scaclien ut Pat-uiamnŽmît, vas non. Captain King-ffaruuuan, <mmiiMr. arc placent murulanera vaihing exestion. m- board idt.of lte saloon. for a lifa.pra,. -iallauged hy Mr. Blake', as ai tcatttkP,3liip Cuhian, M. -P. fui- Daun-llk twsasgetaT edbau ii," carrer. I pub cff my boots uni putit upun lime itilapenuenca. of Palilament Tier. is a prelimimery îeeîuraiom that vasre usigneta4, einw eedbrcese l mv prt-si-riauni trie! o tte itpaire ndiii rder toeneabla lumtoteplace ' t.isi utcessai-y for thie peace, unidhres-. ir ouetbe iignu lv anlAlis aitd varier thian mcshthe chers. o lil la th u îiricauue decia, hut tiare vaa fit-ves ouimrcoud, un thie 27mb Nuvember Pu-'iy et Ireianu, <mnu] oulu cen-Inca ha one vas almithedta ho 50the prisaner - maun utiern,,se I ram forweru]lt theOftihîat yerir ie moret-ret-foîîoîiriîg the utrennhlî and sitability of the Uitud eqceapî liamemiiera -of îis ev fanil y;- cuiptain mini thîrea laiies. Then-secondl -Mr. Blake taureul, sacamlai!l ';%Ir. legislin i acli Inrih afflas sioui-l umnthieun vier. le tivu sousho -n ~'mate -unid Murehisen, ltae saeenîicook, Macken-zie, tIlînt eureiavimg * iue n f etrdt 'econr lo h o- Turaed itutstepî vel inig the ieugil n xe mea! n if I kmev vit-i-aI comM lgel atke b m luifths ta iovimug principles:<ald loentlespale uni agmtatent than f it-prosarvar, amîd I reiltne. I tlue thie Heîueurabîu George Etietiummar.- Il'ro ohtain for our countrythue rigit yeslei-duy. Ho spent a largo part of thhreirsevral chairs eýerboarI. Tlien tier, aunt-iuben of tîha Qur-eme Privy euiui prilegu' cf manngimg aur evu tic uflemneon vuiting the. attempt.te vera seeral r- Pt-ri he liwatt-r Cctîncii ot Cenaula, lias hiueiu sittilug cuiiùYuirs, by a Parliarueul Assemblaei!langea atay ef pracepdiaga, vich, vil l e a smeacliituue, and I tiumjumpai ever- vamg uhisIouuudrmgti i-at tIreiati, comupose! etf ier MitjetY, tue nebumue! h o crcv. Mach interest la ýpboaril, Duîrimg clil tistimo I liarudsession, us mu-mIer nfr Miuttr'tl. rhuile tt0ete-igtx, and. lien s;uacaesbms, ami tiîi toit lu egatli te lh. lieateniaclcommit. vY no erutera fi-cm lia caphain. Heajumipedit itheli.office out imiieer o et iiu Lords uandlCouons et Ireleni!. ment by Juige Daviset Tvee&!s ceurs- afofatten me, uni va eacliai the watt-r itlieba "'To sermîme for tuaI Purliamont, n- sel for contempt et court. alunouit logetîuîr. W~aellu avmant fer IlResoivecd-TliaI a select cemmithee i1er a feleraI arnunugantent, the nigil it r th e a k, vhiiaa vs aft fthe e p elille. le ap poin t i l e n urui t-ir uet un r l e gisla ti mtfor andl regulati il,- a ll ma tae Ca t- viiecie. W. then sîrantfer 1h. piloh's sRain Geoinge Ettenue Cartier- has ai egal relatin t e i e ntm al affaire ot Ire- Y is e.r«n&,nt.,a airiNo. ix0 d ot n tecpan re n t hsriglît le uit or rataelunttis Hanse; -h tilandt, auîicont-el crer Irisi esources, Yua e.True- n. o.2. t -4at, au! aie cuplainiincriai uamIpleprtionso Yeerday afbemacanu Jaîbit errrug, tir- lu if. I jimpaîl aventucuni ta eut-cihfueth, uat the sail Cu',uittet-icr ve r emu unn1uigca)oIpoprine bo ats b tf ue t iey g el e vay . W . iront en d for p rs e ms, p pe-ms n i!r ucord s.' th e- Iw pei-al e mpen ui m ire. in ,r so mte distan ce t i o au, i, suri-ami- ot o er e h e ot f i-cnt h e pilots boat- T h is m otion, va Bay, ias tara i n u V olea e te a u Im perial. P a mîam in eul i redl li uself htia e C h i o- P lfc, con- once. <mut va luth cutaîle toit te stop. onuler la euaie Mn. Buake ne place- ou the puutrer of dileung vit llu liquestions cisn la-sie i'ju--ac i W e ve r e t h le n a b o u t t îi t y f e bt r o u a r tc u m ul l i p r u e t a tr i u i t a lu a ri, h y a ff - tin g lie I w p e r iu l C r nn a n ud G a - u u r i ae r a a n o Int m a n e e n i M r ti n îl u e h u a s te a n e r T e s co m ud b o utl icl lo t w ucii l ieth ) m uiim b r ut ul unst es co u uîi -t-mnin e n t, 1 h-gi. u ltio n re a r li m u Ig t ae c o l- lim a S ta t a to f W is co n sin . H e - up p e rs 14e ,, live n-n o v ar a ui vh e m u v a lt- iad o n t o th ut- e n tle f uu te ly e a- n , a c i.1 th é in d u- a i e s ua n ud o liu r' d e ie n c ie s o f t ie e p e r te c tly sa u n . H e rri ig , s a ja - th a t t e mP lo t. H le i in 't a l s v r, bu nt lo .ua in p u ui le ce ef P a rlia m a m t en ' d a n g e r a ul; ro v , th ie n aa tio n s o et hfle U ite l E in un u n u p le a s e t rie e s l a te1 ý t e x i t i lu h aI roeveilav. Il e-s bouxu ni i iimuutmatelis ueeh, amuiiti- pret viiF-rienmiStates, au! all i<t. mtîten lut and is ie, ao1U as- eh. t--ji-ounuuuastthp tiistumithiot "d.r ehxpru-sstuons et opiniaronstai ohm-nu, tu-s apjutauuig tetufileenc anulouil aiaye bring up il- -mutr f lot s l t d w n e w r n t p i i h r w t e u otion . It înuy be hi - sta iity oet ht e E m p irea t la mge . M r i , i a o t m n i t c t e - iccI uttîis ima. Ttecamuinteul aiu, ia rc irae, ui lutits as r o atain sucu au aljitmtntof thethue crime. The Chioef fPoice hue - u m a o t t l a e r t h u l u r u . H e i a s i l I m ae o ub j e c t i o n i a s m o t t o S i r G t - u r g n - E . r n - a n j l-t ir e t n t e t vo c u n r i e s c o m m u n i u e l v t i h e m h i S a e f at - u itn o f t u a r a c k n u - r n - a t h e t e a n r . C a r i e rtb m b u m î i l u u u m m î e r o u eh i - G a e r a - i r i î u u u t a my i n t e r f é r e n c e vi t îi t h îe l i e . i o r i t i e s , n i ! h o l i n gs - H or n - im The. secondl mat. as oared out a littîa ment, ut te is leing unit thu a <-îîof a rozait-s oet iun-Crocn. cm amy lisu-II; ustody. ftrIhue slea.aer, andi tovarda uo, anut iepanueul <aniiipreuuiihy urîs-rga ucce ofthe primîcijîlcuet flime Comemi- A sliglh siiock, et eutiquaie wvil fai liteux steppe!. I holi the ecfptain to saimuiy. But Mr. Blamke look cumme"ho tition." in Sau Frautieo on Tinnsdmy nigit. huic ard andml vonl t! h 'nTp uee ieuus ojection, amit]vili a keen -Tisteamer Alaska, tram Cimeinna- buoat neunly passe! liti.captain, buITî iuruphuehic cyn- ce te îriîut mighîh possiblY Charge cf Libel agalet the Manager hi te >,iw OrloînR.wms reckaul onuitn- lîink ie h. as etrui ta lot go tIi. plank. 'ireur un tii. future, tllu,3 1lraitiy st-uteu ad Editor eft he Mail, il uy niglil. Na liras test. Ha did not cali ouh tihi thue boul van his pasition la tue course oftluis speech: att-a ty an! parr-iy lual eut. I calat-i a " Il is neeessary ta praramu, by Ou Sahurutay hast, Messrs. T. C. Put- ItCcetuDrAaRism Yrî- Taun"uo.-Teionhco - whîeel.ntem, a Frenchunan, hoahpull mn tra-eiingnuenaceti, l1the- pa-ý;iiiliîy vu t-son auh Chiai-hi-sBeitomui appeured ie . Np24.-Amter attempt vas' nie in, amd lue saii nul jet <mehila. Theyths ie part ofithue Cronîu ofui filliag tilt- toi-e thea Police Magisuratele u nser a b-we w n he 'lc nS t aro li(-n husy bling eut. I vas uot lleuse itino- ratllut!u t-hie mîaececsauiy cuuiiauissesoui gaihit tuent by Crvasy nmury mining ho set fi-e te tue saine tnighuhaner ut aul, ami eronmboea i ittmben ut Exctrutii-a rffiLne ut<' JiurVilas rueburi îareîpe eNec. 7 <aid 9 Little Nelsen avrurîtuing liat happneul. 111i;vrouug luocaimue tiat boceuse a lu-nvtuîaiu nneîo laiîustreet, vhicli vare on fire an Wanldus- T-i-rar I dert ikthwasa ai'.hnamnt eety.ie ut e diituaon- uai Tue~~ vaeiva a eh. Thie captaiuir-sa aeshy ie ilh oh prereat as a Int he te f ro n th e bo t via n th e m eu -be i- fro nt- South m B ru e f i-at R ea ening on th r Spanish Sid . T he season r cath cing vi e- f iai I loft Ilie iMît. cluuileming Ithe inveecas au ttmnck -. ceai-pWdai T h e fo îîaw m g la t e o n ly i p o t n p o n th e in d e p e d e c e et P x u ii c-uaat. I n t e c o u rse o u a v re y lo n g n i e a l- evie c a hken fr ein le C anadian N a - e sub nit M r. B iahe's au thujority ora e uartic e u o a th e cap ure ofe l a lIR T H S. - igationcuCapnys-axcininatiaux. Tue againsl Mm. Blcki-s prp.sent positioni; Virngiiti utuanhtickihliiag et ier passan- KNýWE.1 rogao h vituesses vilnul Le examine! hatome a -eivterc.o urcneno-'grt-ishIe 'Nation shates as flluv thne WE-ABoulanli th e a C o m m is s i n e r . r e s s f e l e q u a l h e ti c uk v o in ite ci-u m e m n îp n a n t le S j a is it id e o u t h i g . l e w f o f W B . n o e , tae le c i g E n g lis i r g n u t th e A d - lim a ca a:e- _ e c h n t, e t e d a g h e r .- Patrria anel, tmemn-Wim hm ulistrabica u intis eihy espn-ciciiy, te "The Vii-gitiimu a nt ealieufide HOWARD.-AtI Wixitby, on Menu. accident coeur-ont I vas in 1h. fore- i-acocil.the tve if tiey eau. American reseel, reuiiy ovued- hy day, 241h November, thme vil et-f-. castia telkimg te Ciierlay Dunsh; heur! a noise nd suppose ni the bo t hall A m e icu tu citize ur, cha ter ai au! con - Jam es E . HeU mulr , e a son. sîmucia a rock, them e second noise vlien A GIRL SuroT mv HFEu SUrIToi.-Proî-- tu-lle! b traears, andi engagent in e MARRIED. the boat as siken. 8ev tie fie iene Nov. 20.-About ine oeilook cotmmertriml avetur a r i-hcles con- am ing up t t e eng le crak- a bine to .igit Fritz Peeler, a re so painter tr>t uan ui et ar- a species net d rn - H U G O -LY N E .-O n le 25tb ist., lae a ent te the n per d ck, ndI î g aît 25, e t tea e res ucia nit la igh u ur e îriich, vw hite it ren er a the. vesse t t W iitby, y th e Be y. & 8 .T, G ibbs, sa th e e ngine er. f e al f i on the tree l it i M ary ,C B se, augei1 17 e and cargo hciab e u ui m c o-tain -circu nt- bar. J um es H ugo t e Mrse. M atilda - g u a e ui v t iT r a m a e a n ! a n a i e r fi ne n a n , v io n t le a l b e n p a y i ug a tte n tio n s ta n c e s îe te se iz e i! a n ti c e n fi c tte b u' T ir a i e y n , a l ef W i iî y . - uni vuitai tili th. bout vas îewered, for sevemel mentis. hlthe injured bolig-emîl, letu in auy t-re WATSON-CRAWFORD - Ah sI. guI in vith thie chars. Sevthue cap- W1Vlile saaJsk taeecfthue boolis, $uunsc a riolation o eitaieriilhaw. ýliciiea %CRtidràl, on Weineeday, huain ite vaher, wvie riadIl"Clarlay, Pluei- eilt resaloonakaeper e-ho Attho,ielueinallu'Aiuemicun e, as ie 1nli insu., ly th. Lord Biabelp cf Ch îrley, c amne b <mk.Y C irumiarep ieit, kn av tuem ,llt , Inxary eys s ic is go . la f uel evaed and eîtirly o tol ed 4Y London, FHeury' M rrie W atson te M ary I~l et eauI de-liehé.boahia einkimg?" îag te Ne4 <York ta-nigîitte antan a p-ruai-s vlto vare eitiîer tlinuielves Mauiaa Titemsa Cravfomnl, second Aller getluag lthe bout balai euh, vo cauent." tSepafterar re -ponta of Cuauuinsungenhei, or wvi e eeagentstàu-lihter oethie LieuhenantGoveruor of- o ve n t a i o r e . I a i e h l a d i e s o r va r u t a P i t o l ve i ' e i e ur u , a m i ! i va a f o u n d o f u m c li i n s u n g a u l s a c t i n g i n , h l u r e h . . O l r o- it i Finnucan the enéi me r. - g a yaî, tîat Peeier a il eshot M ary d i e. 1H e ha i. nd ci-r voyage a s for le p r.- boy vth i a l fe-pr s r er, andt hie, n n th e ux s iot im e of th ree ti nts, and! as posef f c rryi g te t ese insurge at s D E A T H S .- ueamr teck il cff unit put iî on oeaof the reinoveil te thie R:uaie Talanti Hospital ari-s '5au! othur maternaI oviuai 1y' CORREL-At Wh]itby, on the -2c- thee hladies. TIihe llea malie ne etl-u-tueur, andi lrmseoeiîg toe tnrc-uus ns mt, Vittiunt Carrai, agent 20 jeurs and! t e p î t a j u m p o se n o r u . u h-i u0. fu i- h e i r a r l i k e f o r c e . I i i . ch e n o m ,i s 2 .9 la y e .. H -m ii-hueL ana on, d c - a t- a - T a w ell-k o n race i, O ui ye,ma e the ele iie t oet rua uh, of b yi g c n r - asl c-p in t ie o ec a t i. 1 f it a sh ak u g is l et kickia taIC obo u rg n :so mi!y . - b ln i o ui sh ip p in g it in ea net rn al bo t- T iuî fu m aial iv l ina place -fr ein li.. as f lte stemervasstacibj Tu Frucl Mmisrs'hua agin e-tom, iti a dsi-u ut einigt-tWtue maliae*mrsidnlece, n riuay, t1h. 251h as f.th. stame ýasàtuc b a heFrnc Muisr. lasagn rioftutre hostile parties,-vas utteanhu' veý nt- st te St.Joi' CtucIbhe sehecuene. I vent np tetbèpromeinatle shgmei <utilce., and Presilent Mwaorionin-'ons- hrh a he <feIn, jnmpei cveu-boeti', amil 1i liiuik hled.aceptai! heir nesiguationa. -.* - 'cleck, p. Mu. The dpceased ïvus-an, -i s hait un heur ilu lie wutm vu ATvacaloeainpin, Jchun F-jpe, and appronlice in tut. office, pravce <ui laitnon Onbourd luy tia m s 0at Mnboulhoa fGnrýwa vcust Ia su--thl, ft a t vîen mti Mven naultioufas ?tCoburg v Geoige Williaus, are te h. bage! fr flliig inte iii healtt, antd-a u-c but e. Il u laucurhed e u tane c- tCceg- in-ulzen t De Qiie,Peny cuty, lebloj ia ve ae mone. of ratel vet from tue . A btey. anin T.oubuinits muit auntinllv!e -'u Ilynisba Wrleelu ui.--EGGLESTON.-At WitllLy, onie rte wi .th a un tp hei u Tc ueain-eica-blon W Iuu Alexanduear dauiubai', thua fouatiar et A sou et Mr. I. Hum,cof Meatori, 25ti ef Nov.,1873, Cathterine-p -Eg- Wa eLgÙ Ée ito- boul lie tratar vas t ni osm.sd-m.H Bc.a wl as eccînietutly drowm.4 fys:sterllav 1ulestoui. ife Of the~hl euisl t

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