#@Wlroree, asueabut aDUfo tetfroeil; uiaés a *ge Ieap cf atonres 'eari tweutylioot squarw. The litlt.4 Of oine Of thre ruine found forbids th T:'pssbllity or tirefir a7lng been Strtu Sures for tire Use of peraos of ondina's siO-tte. hUe sable Mine no bores- L'llprtlans appeoteS have boon disco ore, but orne enormoin alligators qu oomrfoetab)y lame woee"eonlinlt lAii., whicl In tact iu tire vlinity of til Ilanitds swarmed Wthtls:tie o rer In tire forest Spiders of a glgautice »F Cles were again. One vas seen whIra rnoasnred ftlly tWo fee ' lrglr bai l long.sud very slrong inipo, am wtdgired Istwartr ie. andl fà ur.eo0nd 1.Iesil dwas jet black, sud Centaine, sûvralOY.0, aehsurrouailelbyj ri ow sud laok. Zlogetirr u&mus a I 1eeri a gaardY, bilious.lcokiug in, sect, andth ie exélo)rero, snspecting i was cfa most verrernous nature, -wiselý ruade rie ertpeimentg tb dîscoyer it, llà bitu, Thre PatY r'trned horne safe. 1 , iugiri!pleased wltir tie suces e tirlrurrdertakînrg, sud belleving thi dtire ruis à On tire slands mnay 1, fouul tire key 10 tire arlyhiistcry of ou Of tire ioveliest partions cf( Atnes. Tire .Brilder glees tire folowiug 4U. torestirrg acconus of tise crciforur Sun. temple, e t.callonish1 Lewis, sutir laiilor The ' S iet prpervaton of titisCuinan rmt rhsre eicleleof standing itou.. wlthi s venua froieinr ctirasud Us rows of staning atones towards the sas$, west auJ South, affortis as gritpirle an illustration ai êMoueheoge of Sun* worsirip luthons 1sfsuads of them. E*The astones, froul thiri i rndst weirdIlike clrarater, seeul te Jhave beori lofttrargoucireslhy fie. auy geuerartfos ofi siauïders wlro bsve. paosei eway.sico tire Aucient liesi h. un wcnsli)aiploesIft thi. 'igla pluse,' a bi)4 cf Peust tisOA fiee fert tliick, ouly recoeitfy cleared away by tihe propsie:. Or, Sir James M atisescu, bai growu yenr by yeîrr aroun thelrbase of tires. standing atones Tii. ouly reiick of tire fongotton -wshlppcrs fouud 'ies tihe Pâlit isi was eutfrelynrnome cd Fére two curions lnit @uukae rchmes ou tire east utie of tire great guomaon or centre xtone of a cincle, iss9ing a -iulit drain aise froua tiro% saine flowiug te wardstire oat. Tihe standing atones are trot hiewu or dresiiot in auj way, butt an' greast ipnigirs bloeka cf gels,ý tire prevailiug rock from Ifrttof Lewis tu IBarra Headl. SLINrrnuIurG 'cTils LIrI.-Preutice Mu [tord tiius writes tuoc troul Europe tu tir: anSasuFranîcisco Bulletin :--l wvotri ssy toe libnsansd briîlogroomi comng 50t Europe louve your wives a: Isono. lu the matterOr fk..erngdown expeuse yorsIilisae. yourrisangds full witirou< tilisnn- You will aIturnes bac. ycnrr bandls more tiran full. Alone ou yb. afble to rnriet temptationi ut. e yoirinug lier witil, Yjon, yo slnrply scutati. your finaîrcial crafti at- -thre bottorn, 'est 15 on tire stop, aud liglit yonir catriffls ab citiier end.l. Mur. rl( 1il menl hse.toltiDme tirera, tiirgs iu coniloiteuce siey sy cune lu London or Paitlire woinsefinance imise sand mail -fi naliciully mail. Nhats sir cafitspîi aise gleu away toe. beggars struettmuisienissanyboilywlto Le by tu take thre -pare caà ;i>. Te o t her ont on lt-ge1t or Oziuri Street i. for lier to re- tup'n iutwo )houri Witirout s cent, suit in -rootier .linr salabdrives np te vuirrlodgings lsderr witir lier purchases, W11811rbuyrulg dry goods palle sire fails bsick ou cirarity, sud wauts te adopt au Eti-,4itii inrfant thre niotirer'nluileî, no inrstter laow diffictrit te fludti h. father. 1I1uieod ia uncertair patèruity onty rtidrî.rstih. protegemore desiratîle andi lutcrei;tîng." DRUGOiNO CizL»nas.-An erincut pirysiclîsu raye, tirat after-n exp#-rience- of over twenty.five yeear, lire rai estis.' lied tiraItii. practice of -drngging chlii dren witir sootlring syrnipanti chier prepuastions côutaiuiiig tise prinîcipie of opium leii ery destructive'tb -tire nere- uus syt4tem sund alist Sure tç beget a Sate for alcoîril and opium lu atter M otirrs wlîo are iin the habit eittier of quietiug cryingirabier witir druga or perniiug mnres, tu do se, weul net the p art of wlialom if tlsey sot UpauIllie hIt given by thus oeiuent playelisu.n l'ir appetite for stimulants sud oplates ilsioli ruiusasMruy a mariand .Womah, à e doubiis in nma ny >tunstuces, fairt createt inirtire jeare cf iuifaucy ; sud il ie a lamentable fact tisatir.e origin of snc thluge Oflen antedates tire penloti Au 1ernte i snuraaoe agent Bent ture il followia»q daspateir 10 a> Wextenri foce I just after tire lostori lire! r6"Ourcons. Pl Poule'. ilstrU D ul. Lors wililo riot exoood - 0100,000. Alvauce ratoePl 25 per cent,, ati go nbead. Our. motte F, is atm ,iSo e !t tu 61l' t 'm~~ig bc doue to p. 4*UtyoZg 1a, ~fromu bi~rlrru ou our streat t 1ul n?".ie, oint eturrati paper. Thiere can. 0 1 av tlJ...grl'N lrt4ier tuek lier imb 11111. beti t ~abott lhI)t 'clock lu tir eer an~,sd ec looks tisadoor ocri o," 'fr tlin follbw$rtg aâvèrimilln~t, w fi1431 *aeti 14the Cho4iPêýTe genatlemn awbj)o ao mthie counsy otontario for a w Canadjan Work- PEN- PH0T0ORiAPHS 1 Uages, prlce SI, - Great induccots FLINT & c%', do40 re # gant201, 178. Chich~., hi~r85 GU~pER4~JqGforalwy StAt. IoiandCOnMMercialLinos ln the Dominlion, Bond for circirlar. Uddr.,-. 20, 875.Toronto. Ont, flLACxRUrrHSTAND k&flOUSE & LO- FRSALE. For sale ita thé Vllage o! Myrtie, il gorrd Blftksmftlr $tand, Witts greil dwelling bouse aiid drhving barrgaseansd one.eghthl,l godbsru rhari. Apply t-- , p. NW. 5CURRTH, On the prexulues. Myrtie, Juiy 9, 8c TOTO $20 !PEU DAY. Agents Want- tfs)ai. Al clisses o! orlngpoopis, ot olir iee, you. g-or oid, iake more rooney at work for nsi*i tioirsapuare moments., o), il thi tir», tsua n r'e~lue Potad Mals.'J7~ ÀAIRB Y VOICEIS1 FAIRY VOICES. PAlET VOICE5. PAlET VOWES. VAlT yvoncris. FATUT VOICE.S. FAIRY VOICES. TRE NEW THE N14'W MUSIO BOOK FOR SOHOOLS, $a PER DOlZrEN, $11' PER DO~ZEIK, W t)CgNTS BACH, PO5T-L'A1. -Cupboards. flair, CIothi, and Dfxinask'Lanù-ges, ( Ç-ôu7hos, &c., &c. Afn stcap.ëw The largest and ýéheapegt stock df Pictures e-ver broiught iitown, ail of which he effers at prices that-'ývill net failt6 t zr The undersigned wishes te state to his old custom- ers aud the publie gener4I dy, thà ýpis te bc found titthe ,OLD STANDIl atnd bas neither bouglit out, hor oold out, and 1 à in no way connected with auy other establishment in town. 9:ýè Undertaking as usuaL-A Liarge Sthek et-of d.. masde Coflins constantly kept on band, and trirnmed to order to suit eue tomert, on short notice. Puiserais fuly snppliêd iyit evgrtMiug.us Whitby, October 15, 1878. NOTICE.-- The- undersigned begs to ret 'urui fis sineere thanks to the inhabitants of Whiutby, @nd his patrons generally throughout the ýcO ntry,Tifoi-the libe!.ý rai patronage extenifled to hlm while carrying on business in the town, and begs for a continuance of the same to fris successors. JAMES H. SAMO. Furnituro! FurnitureH Now is the time to buy good and ch3eap Farniture. Having bouglit out the business latel> carried ou by James H. Samo, we take this opportunit>' of inviting hi$ man>' fiends to give us a cali, and we can assure al that we are: prepared to do as weil by them in the future. SONG EC HO, as Mr. Samohasddne in the -pastà . FOR SCHOOLS. TILL & JOHNSTON. 110T-PI - Orders by mail promptly attended to. EXPRESS.JNDEIRTAKLNG.-The '011137first- Angnait 20,187,3. 3-'citts Establishment in the Count>' where funerals are fai- M 1>' supphied. 'lie nitisthe.I sirr. ug ly. ~TI L L JO H NSTO N. Wy dou't you-corne htini- " --4e il- O 'sth trie waves lier afirit wanrli-rg. 30c îrsty tier1,18 . O y No littie one ta meet roc-. Pratt, -40C Give mv love toalah t home.- Stewart. 3%e Thuik m so innLttmes ?Ja' gi . 5 Soitly Phinie tisestars of ilea. rati 300 SE~NT- Dinna fargeS yorir MÃŽth-rSanclie. Raya. 40e I long ta aietire dear olIl trme. Stewart r0c LittIe swetart etme listeir ta oic. tr30e UVf every thongist was oi tire. Rya 80 Men are anch deceivers. Aleo o from "La Parulne." l>rsnks. 30e Stay nos lang away. Soprano do. 8i0e Ta lieas thie girIx. Baritone do. 30C M arIt r che. Soprano dIo. .11e MY Qlreen 01 Heurts, awake. Tenon ilo.îOir POST-PAI D Jeneî, tise fiower o! Kildasre. Stewart.40c Whuser eofîly Mofther's uybrg. ". 1Sue Inspirer aud hearer o!f rayer. Ilyrrîri. 30e My love sieeps Qmuer t e-daisir-s. soc (), how d'ye CIO, Armnt Sugie ? Stewart. 9[)C Dat maleicre norliinga ont. Mitywood.?lO(, Nealtiste white aisd rîuple blossorrus. soc Norsir is dreamingof-ro. Iratt. 30e- Thre aweetest badi j, nîîdu g. Ddnkr. Mer ON RECEIPT WVill lireLame hoine ta nigtm~ iother. 30e- GoQd bIt-sar ehome. Sîwr.-> Get op ai-id stnt rIe duror. t-.li. Dues tie ever tlrirk irf rr-' ',3 Corir, HlyirSIririt. lyon 30Crlr.1 Il dear nid IN otlîcr. Stewaî-i. tir I bive lnhomne.Has4e LoiS sud cash rîway. 35 C Poor littie Tim. Arc.ti OF- THE Oysters sud Wine at 2 aSm. Ssewarr. 30e Oeer th irellowsa ar. Pratt. 35e Savior, thon art cei near. Daik;. 80e Tire Toramt. triuii ~fr i irre coices. 'doc Pearl of Ainerica. -Caprice. ircat. 1Uirkel. &ou Cireiurg Wates. lnitrrirnerrtai. « 40te Belle ci Saratirga. Waltz. Fitzlîîrgh. 13e Morrsing Zetîhyrs. Maxrrrka. Kinkel. 35û Ksuuie's Quiceetep). Quielsstep. lik13 MARKED PRICE. Antrimu Leaver. Tnt. Kne.800 Tbs', aer. - - 8.0 MillD"isrlissg, - 500 La Zingarelna. - " 30e Danrse Cubaine. " 40c. Morry Girls. Galorp. " 30c Happï Tîouglrts. Schýirrriie e May Iois, Marcr. Mmelier. 35c Gdod ht-mac. Allard. 35c Fleur des Champs. Valse, Tonei. 50e l'nhlisriei sud sent postpaid on receipi o! price by- 3. L. PETERS, 59 Broachway, N.Y. ct. lat. 40 T E OT WHTBY AND PORT next Session, for ami Act ameudirig tire Act r! Iucorporatiou'ot said Coinp1u paaeed in thre tbïirty-secorid, thi.rty.tirairty4o-urh sud tisirty-filtti years cof Ber Maiesty's lteign, by ehaugiug tire ninme o! triho ns- pany sud reviviug sectionmiri w and taour o! tire Act passeil'in tire triirty- scond Year -ofis erMaiestysew eign sud shaphsred AnXtY, alan sections nnmbered ans, two, -tires and tarir oftAAt paseain mutrie ts'ty-fiftir year o e asî' sigusuc :iraptered ifhy-sir, by 'V1waye oLakeiim power ta extend Thei nt y tite mrrrî nos, nh or near Beavertori, sud ta buuild a îgazchto Uxrlidge, snd a brý aîc gmnport Pss-cy to - Lflrdae ,ud thence ta Poeson power ta te t44 IonlSs e pni, Pensione, slanctirsf age ComppsSy may ire empowered ta eXtend theur ltailway frop itis prssent teriniis ly wsy o!fl3saverton and Gravsnbrirst to tire ire Panin- !auy roiiways on tire lino o! trie rrooffed ztrsinln etir wer ,ta uMid Company ta brufld wo or more branchies froui soies point cr&uintsaen tire Companjo 94aa tfjfuin, é corporation n! t e TWiafÇitny, st or near itssounitlrerly arminurs, tuAue'othrpoiùte*iii'aefd'Cbr-' partio nar heWaters niLake Ontario, GLASGOW WAREHOIJSE, w --1T IwB -Y- R. -' <TO IIA NPDo A ÈFULLI A SO'RTMNT- IN .Wateheg, Gold Chains, Colored Gold Sets, 1;"e Whidh for Quality, and price, Defy Competitien4. JAMES JO1INSTON, Practical tW"ateh-m&ker Ooldsoith's H1all, Whitby, Cctober 1, 1878. FALL & WINTEI? CLOTHINO I JOHN FEIIGJS-ON Begs to inforin his custoinera ti-at be is now in recelpt -of il supprior Stock of Cloths, Tweeds, Vestings &,&c., ver>' select, and suit;îble for the s-ason, whicVf i- e i, prepared to make up in thse best style, and at thse shortest notice. Ail order.4 promptly atterîded to and ececued i the besi style. Special attention paid to giving a satLcfactory fit. AUl kinds of Gontis furnishing goods. including hats, caps, umbrelins, &c,. Cali sud examine. JOHN FEIIGUSON, AJothicr & Gents' Outfitter, Dîtodas St. 's4hi Whitby, Sept. 24, 1873. 89 NEW FALL I MPORTATIONS, & .CAMPBELLI --- -aroîce tirat their irans and Winter Stock is now tri handl sud having simei meanai tcnrariaseau always place therri in a POSITSCN TO B3UT GOODS fOR CASH, so t rat tireir cnstommcrs anrd tire Publie May rely ou beiug -sell served wthi a good article, and ah cire lowest prine, havtig becu before tise publie for trie last 22 yesrs in Wbitby. Their stocki chia season ia larger (iran si-er, Mfr. R. Campbell wae tn Britain this arimmer, sud has imuported direct, onie o! tire inest stocks ever showu in Whitiry, aud wbicir arriv. Pdin l tire fiulowing Steamers f rom Londlon, Liverpool, sud Glasgow, viz :~heiin Pr-rsia i, Searifian, Vagus, Delta, Seotland, Circasriori, Texce, 4mbasrsodor, Pal- aortinr- Mftrlit-ay, Necr-aPolynesian iaaiesppi, emphuse; snd furtiser shipruerits ex- entel t arivedîrle.Tueprica ! iesegoori r tse estevieuofettrie tact, tirat they f>ieebie pirciaeclarwei a tîrularea wiolssi huse l Cnaansd ii msy case. ttre ar cieapr, fromtuetac tîat ie srîrhesmoredhlgenny tris tu yers frein Mortratrlo-ort, a Smdtie ranfatcrer ahoar had-p ormoney, or Who May irrec s veratoli Astîr Epai Trdein ritinwasilui insSumer, lie founni more SI'ECIAL IAOIGAINS trai, urual R. C. wa the nyMriat itns Town or Coun- ty hrwet o Bitin ortirirFa Stck aril~13iTTHt AVATAGE, wici very fr-wmslcrlsol-. rr 1 bie (r0tili- retail conipetiors cari share nu, besides raviug tire wixole- saI- roft,W lictr Il retailrmýin tirIis corrrty pry. As their stock in no -cii kriowrr it la unreesary te eriomecate, suffice ilt t say tirat clu-y lîrve tire largest strrck o! DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHS,. READY- MADE CLOTHING, GItOCEIIIES, CROCI{- EIIY, AND GLASSWAIIE, In ther County of Ontario. solicited. Writlry, Oetohu-s 29, 1M73. A COM PLETE STOCK, IN, A L LINES 0F Wlest of Etrglauad, Cinadânaind Seatch cloths, &C., &C GENTS' FUJINISIIING GOODS OF IElY DESCRIPTION. Tise ORO( ERY DEPARMIN'1'T is replete with a choie( selection ot T'as, UCtflèts, new thuit, qpiCes. iiest toa:cco. Go'mds ut prices defving h'gitirn:te conîpetitian Anl early cal lu respectfully 1 September 241h, 1878. Ii. & J. CAMPBELL.1 44-ly 1 - GENT-LEMEN: - LARGE STOC.K ()F NEW FALL GOODS IS NOW COMPLETE1 0010titig f - sledi asotment or Cloths of ail kiaids for Gcentlemens wesn, sud a complet. stock o! GENTS' FIISHJING GOODSe THE,- -NEWE ST OIJT. ~'A SPLENDD STOCK OF HATS & CAPS _R C HEAP FOR OASi'l, r- WVhitby1. Septîember 24, 1873. A. PRINGLE 39 L ARGnE A RRI[VALS OF 1! FALL AND WJNTEIR GOODS! AT - (LATE HOICIE &.0'LEARY.) Cheap Coétton, Cheap Prints, - -~ ~ P --CeaWinoeys, Cheap 'Dress. GÃ"i"ds.- J. J.MURI>IY, Duitdas St., Vhithý. 39 SELF-RAKING REAPER rauattr i"Ob. 1873, and -main AU Ibivmnt&-wrrrnioîj for ice yearm§. Cat tion respectfnly solicted Wbi$by, Bep$ 104678. MUDG-E & Y. rLAWLER &- S9est Family Coeis Wie, Brand'« Sies ott ledM ior-1 Beet Fine Flavored Teas, Ver>' Superior Fresh Coffees, ,Law,,andRefined Sugars, Cheap, Finel>' cured Ranis. and Brealsfast Bacon, New Fruits, Lobsters, -SÃŽrdines, &o. An extensive assortment-ofC"oekery! The Right Place for Family Groceries of ail'knds- OLD NO. 15 BROCK STJiEET, VisbSept. 16, 1878. T. LAWLER & CO., IMPORTANT NEWS! BOOTS AI - SHOES Plie undersigned lias a large stock oil !,adies', Gents', and Uhildren's Fie and Course I3oots & Slioe- rEI5'Boots and Slioes miade to order. .u Overshoes 'ined warnî an4 comfcrtable. India Rubberb 'lipipers, &C, &C. JA Repairiing neatly /done. Catl uat the aid Starid. M-îy <22.- 1572. ~ Shi;p Sorre, Broet~ street, Whi<t,~ LAMPS'! Q. 0 w-à tà 'rét Ihtj -LAM (PSI'W LAMPSl! At the Provincial Exiiition, Toronlo, in 1870 WVe oller ta oui, custeiners for the coming flIrvc6t. two dis- tinet Machines. which ini styl, and construction. enrbrat; the Iatest and rnost u.9efu'à imrpivemenits*of the (liy. THE * RING-: OF REAPFS."? The universal success of titis-Machine, L oth ini closely contest ed trials afd in the hands of the farWrs, warrintjus i- ssyittg thnt, as a Seilf Rak- ing Rea;.inz 1irhine, it liât; more Oiod loî~aIes defe(-trs atd lias met witl. mîore sucems and ltess failure, than heretofore oflered to-the public. CAYUG:A JlJNIOR 'MOWER We wt£1rea ard the First ['rize and Diplomna, at the Prcvin ,tià ýExlhi';-t îà n, -ýldjn ti Tornto. 1870. iii em e itir îh alith<le lesdiig Ilaclihi.. man-ifaco, rinthre Province; andl with omîr n-cerit iiîÎîprovt-ment.,, we tinliesitat- iiigly chaulfenÃe I$viegtiga:ioîitand< enîparison. with compethi-g lacliine,,- we art- »4ttelfioîtht i i 0c11 investi-ation wII .ëoivince 4îVgry pîeîîledmit d., that w.- ofier -tih'e et Ifower te thé Farimer for l$,72*,'iti-dýe- uhrhrsýç ;ýSind fo descriptive catalogues. IRROWN & PATTERON. BOO'TS.AND HOS A SPLENDI STOCK, AT THE C-HE-AP # F$HONBL ,;BOOT ANp SHQE, STORE 0F' JOHN _SAU'NDERS, (Next dloor-,to Goldsiniths',IHall,) Brook-st., Whitby. -An extra" Stok of Ladies' Misses and Chldrens' Boots and Shees. The .ises the, bmt wot4c. rnd wM lhà t ,ý,ui-Ao 4'à -b fi Gents', Stbck com- ma'. durabl1e. A~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~aé lag sotnû fp4uudfu Lainps, Bracliets, Chsandeiers, Globes, Shadeui,le'#cctors, lnnrs, Chimneuys, &c., Just feceived ti i JAME fi.~GEEIE &Co's. WiitbySept.Coa3i, wos7l3n. atal Wliitby, Sept. Bn-il, 18713. 116 - -FOR .A GOOD SMOKE USE THIE,-' See -T. & B.-on Eacli Plug. PICE SQ LOW THAT ALL; CAN'USE'IT,. Juify 16, 1878. - 29-8m. DOMINION, WAIEI?00M8. LO WES, & PoW,--LL Are -reepiving a largo Stock -of Fll and Winter Gooe'Is. 'In Clethe, Waterproofs, Scarlet .and Shirting Flannels, Reil'a an~d'Bo 's Xnitted Shirts and Drawers,- Coats, V"ts , ndOver 13,a HftiS,- aps, &c., Blck and Coored 81k. and Poplins, Satin 0 ioh , Ser e,, s ua d V evets,, Shaw ls, $ d S t4d s d P a n W n e s Fay Tin- ingaOlovea sand losiery, Ladies Under C1ôthling, Blan1kets; &0It ,c every class of goods de.sirrble for the aà pproscliüg eason. j m~ B. J. YABNOILD, ProsMent. WbitmY, 251h Febnità ry, 1878, 'lOt AFond Mill iteon the.East bisse! of Lyne's Creele. an excellent location for s jpaper, miii. Will bc soiti cbeap. Parties building 'viib. encoraged. Appi, b- J. RAMER GREIWOOD; Wliitby, ay tt, 187. \2a0r L IST O0FWTEE DIVSION CORTS Or rTM C OJJNTY 0F .GNTARIO- F-OR TEE YE.AE 1867. No.r....î~I fi, i i I iz lm lift a1 1îrI7 6 1i7 19 Z. nUEBIlBAM, Whuib, Jsn1s1, 878. Juilge. D OMIN I ON Trie unileraigmd eihggto-intorr tire ishalbý r auts of Wbitby and vieinity th at.tlmev-bave peneil a Flotmr andl Feed Store in, the rer -es iatcly occired bv Mr. 3asmes Wsulce,- orn Dumdas Street, Opposite the Robson House,. Where t rstmingek e iym --.i ratmfactron btr ustomers. , Bran, Shorts, Ostmseal, Craeced Wlieat, of. ethtie beait quaiity.- FLOUÉ-Psu ýW ra, pisg, sud Mixei --aud ail kisd of Feed, sefmg atlrhe loweast -vgpie-orcsh No. I dpiig h.a irrt81 SMITH & ERMIIKGWA«Y.- Cash pail forailkingisofFarnr&sp'f]Plscue- -] 4 - CUTI EUN. -.âU renuiiee Irate;iammai 'FenratS Mnra," T" r Pruiir Bail CXji5f l treg'a,m. A l-agepsrphi.t lni < een .. .dimoixîns.r rri-t-r Sbe t BnWC.c ELdbLs&,riCaw0,a. G UE LPH,-o PEIZE PiEDi ME LO0. sole Ppaimorsan uer's Patent Awarded the Bye, given te urskem' at provinmcial Exi TH. ý9ES LAMP EVER, U 1 SED' CAN eE 1,1(-3i-IT (DI, FJLLEDýAr-ýD IZD WITHOUT r,£:mGvjýý %i NE:Y:,: 1 Il lfay 22.- lB7.2. R E S S PRRE ! 8,6, - ý.R S 'OrMR Wines, Brandî,e-s, Bottled Ãœ'e & Per- 1 "imm GO 0 D S.1 JOIE[ N S T 0 N'S AWARDED THE FIRST