7At it resI, raega pecùwnus of artiatie NS 4 J E L te no'teu; ixb-Woan& !white, Althcugh ec<h ancuaer o h ooyýW'he via =es beauyà I «P t mfrm their nu.merouseusté the its ofthehou, arters and frends, that they- bave just- reoeiyed aLag W lm, f-e ff had'urie hi'el :à ; télgi oception-alone and. unapp adi- e ~ The coqlourpeu o h ýeee bsolutè1y wlîhout compétition i rceF MI Y ' ' " - !Vtaid t nt. ire..The. P"4h su'tio.,,or chicir Tepossessor ci a compte. (HOICE P M LG- 'C Ëu itiesrhave the mataernin aatit»A oi"uFlorence mes c teofeas 1agocoat: TEAS, CHINik 4 L 8M4 , & the fthen Sitar. ara Stuetchromosobesidesi tuatn hesfees fromtheWllôw A DEPÂRTMENT, 1874. h fIt #pj#ýTisyng r , Te ilustrations of The AMIne haoe won h athcorg mlisat - rrI-y reua tt té cn Ify u ,wut toýseIectýýfýý»eV for the.benfi*o o tud l a] nt ibt là abo2 earsof ag, i ete , and, le-.vein las Usa' S ar agest, Best, and Cheapest Stock of Crockery, go. t OOpp$oal~ht at rnd W4 u ei' cf of-mmp. thani usuel jute lgenoé. Rer a f10à pa~sn tei somm' air' -ofca ouche, platesil t 'la pr GIBBON & PAJWE aiocain la tetî4.eY ng onmore, éducatedti anti dcrunou.- vae governems in a Germn a il lu cf suparlor artiatie qsality with greater la. nà à - té'se teun New York. Site was '.o Vae~h itiy of prcdà ctioni! Thev6od*ctýbÃŽ Th. Ifyo a u G in 1avana, Cuba. MIsse aCiong1h )asené =ni1hYf08»88malth costiça ,lcaortgest and best Stock of Glasswaree. Go t Mare5iiin the piaflue-eWçken city and tin tey aica t eterrri *= o' ieà rtiit'. actuateti by motives of thle pqrest pi. 'cri ual. rn'GIBBON & PÂýRVE] antliiropy. Sucsit heroigm n serves more eiîï~ dditléfit4diiesigni5by the membere ai tisanor itn a eontin'n hepu t4 National Acadeaoy, and 4 er noteti J en d ors of tire oecognitaon,dîhep A. merican artistse, he4ldine vwiUreproduce Ifyou LaU the oest*iN<ew vaieni - tl lir. xeieccofmhe Iustsorià h' nât.sgo ét- Sultanas, Layer, BunehRaisins, or Currants. Go to AMbr, Leatler,,an Iriasisu M1 v i ad tstg u&rea4 GBBN &BPR .1itll orniso i iethe suhacri o teThe- iui wIlI, t"sit'itfl.'QBO PRE seo nteCarliit aruimo eejy lu, hie own home the pies- inSPain, iately lectures!l Dublin', Ire-. «s#res and reglnîng înfluences of truc art.T ]and I lite merItsecf tise cause cf Telatel tinled plates for 1874 will Ify u w n h ,Ve - st C o Don. Carli, Wien h.referredotteCà 0- Le by' ,os.,Xomrau J.. Wocdward Seaer and ti os ail eublicains'as The Cttratmaa isseue for 1874 wili contairn Famnily Groceries of ail kinds. Ga to coesmunIst abu wo himard speciidaes ns appopiata the 'seà soù, 1y natio ur hast artiais, aria wilu surpasa in attrac- ISô & allis reltcn.egged thse ieoturer, -anti ticits amy 0f 15e ire<eceaaors.-GION&SPAvE cheered for te Spaulardu viscn itehiad PRBMIUM Fou 1874.Ify u w n t e v yey b s Everysubscriber ta The.Aldine for tue Ify1v ' b sýa Usil ithse reseul no reliaà bie-infor. year 17 ill, éee v. apal? cf chromos. cheapest Black and Green Tea, be sure to go to mation couldbe obtaîneti as tt, the pro- The orijisastiplat s ware.psaumeS i ail for ,. i-*- baiecien f is oeahen c is M pbShere ofýThe AIlline, by Thtomas GIBBON -à SPAfVE] babl extnt o theopéatios of1'uuMorau, vhose -great Colorado picture waa luiberen n te Otaw-,tio 0"Q.ý ujrc...,'by (longrasa for ton tisousand Ver carefuil clculetieus have beers dolars. The subjecte were choaîn ta repre- i r d c 117 rSitetra e cverai reliabie sent "The East" and "The Wert.' One ta ofn pesoe lî eae lte, lI ' shire; the éther givea 'the Cliffi of Gree. change frGo seven antid a a rilions rcf faeet <rier ym 1Tmt visite pitie taken out titis visiter, SeuhIfer nbç iro p tors' te a iefer SweleIvc snt1ious asti a hauf lassS ycar. enca for a lgure subject the publishers w-i .9D -h ighes mar etflif5 paï Tiai-. viii bu-uat legisteStWo &aiii a r. send "ýThougitta of llinp,; eanlitu 5c r riu lions of feoai aSpiste. ', agas tiful chronmo, 14 x20 ittew,- representii -a Cash for anyqt.y of odBtean WheBas a re 1reducesi asgqis has ive to, seve'n littia Italian exila W osea sîeaktug eyca e. F E trJtelougings cfhi heart. FR S OYSTERS -ALWAYS ON RAND AT andjsrovleîons wtil b. clseap, - 01 Chromas re.'GBS Sanieides cf ite ata t whch ~ For 50 cents extra, te chromos will becISN & SA'~ILS foresta of tihe Nortlives are faling Le- seil. neatlistise axe of tise lumberten,,may Th»eAldite wiil, haresslter, be obtinhable Novanber l9tit, 1878. Wiiby China Tee Si Le gaSlitreti frontuite foiiowing: Tita oniy hy sttbrlption. Thcre will be no re- total asuasmnt of istenier ent out of tise ducat or club rate; cash for enibsc-riptions Cocurivs, fLîlige, lste easn ~mus hasent ta thse publisîtars dirtect, or Cas rier, Iohgan tlis. sa*&-.jehanded Io thse local eoovtsaer, without rs abosut 8t,000,(iuofeet. out of tise An ponsibiiity ta the î'ubiishu-rs, creejît in casas"É4 Gras 60,000,000 asnd \or i tisath Sagi- where the cerifiaza la given, hearing the ~ ~ T W ' noir river, 71,0O,ooo.. facstzilcpg.".turc of Jtair-Sutton & Ca.o, CA9VASSERS %WANTLeb.-A0y perso,. ____ A A eooiiixy',s composition ou tolsacco: wiishing te set perinaneuntly as a loasa-a - u : Titis nro-jous; wced vas iuvpllted by a vasser witi i-eeatve full and prompt informa. distinigiietimrit nanued Wà lteéhnl. tion hysapplyittg tae - eigli. Wheuî the. peuple firssir otu JAME S SUTTON & Ca4l>tîhIishers. T H EL. L.. cii> i z> S 'iAx. 4 ssssoking ýtliy thoýglItl lie viaise steaotu.- Maiden Laute, New Yosrk. boat, aid as tiîey linS neyer iteard of Octot>ir 285h, 1878. 44-cl stiol»bin sa teamd ist,,hy wera -' -i- FSTiîA B LA S H E D I1833.1] terby rgl Ded"LACXSMIT1 STAND & IIOUSE &1 Tier l i-aSooianes u rtBli LOT rO«B SALE. W MN4.-TILL, I O I I O Colsubia ovng ta tise report of!h For aale iu tise Village af Myrtle, a"gond diacavery of tise- nev and i ru gold Bllaeksmith stand, viti gooti twefling hanse______ ruine lu asetu Cc. Tis stemer and utdriving harn;. acre andi ane.eighth,wîth i.fsia arriyeS et' Victoria, V. r., uëts goci bearing orchtri. Apply ta- 12 tuisers, vWho brouglitldown 016,000, On.tw. scurniIi, New P ro es in Sl uit. *One cf tlsern laesaiSIe xyrtle, july q: 28tfSes $179 iu gaiS duel ln aiglît heurs. .r-TO #20 PER DAY. Agents W-ant- - New .L'înmnd-room Seti On tise Tule river reservation, Califor. t)et. Ail classes afi vtortcing peoptle, of uta, tiere eaid ta -Le.avidence of ethe sex, yong or ahdi saIe more nioiîey s -ancient Indien lhabitations, suclit'ne et work for nuslie their mjitre mtomntsc, or Andlçja large stock of Cane and W'T1- mortaro oun a oit!rock -anti iierogia1 te im, h lia nytssg aloi 'at ". puis u is fcecf ie. lfhi,9 utare free. Admres. G STINSON 't-Co., seat Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges, Besstead - oscsitonopy faecfaMieeialiiugo reok an Mie.87 'bpoards. 'nair, .Cloth, and Damask Lounges, Couelié are paintings of aîag.-ia fgrs U Bu i c &oC., &c. A fine stocki of New Gilt vvîndow Corrà ces, cheat roanming tribes Whoa uow initabit UtiSJulia, 'tie of tee I sing. Sonsg. rtuya.3tIc The largest and chcapest stock of Pictures ever bro regien. Why dôn't you camne home. Il " - 40e ai- 91~. bo 'Neatis tae ovas lier spirit stanSes. 800cIn OWnl of1.wiCjî 1.e oers at pices tuat wi.11 fot fail1 Tii. Canadian party lante Loessl No littIe ona ta nicert me. Prasotc 10 suit the times llouse et Fort Gorry have gaiîîod their Gis-e my ase tSI a a ta. ewart: tOc point. TIle Bils for te incorporationi Think oi ofuveuecino Xti.1 8 0e cf Wintnipeand euSa re-diitriisuîion of SOItly Rlune thue stars Of lleo-et. îPrattt. 30e e ý The îutdersigned -wishcs to state to his old custom sepats, ania the enlergtig of the Provtnce. ers ansd the Pnblicjieuer<diy, hti e is to le fonntiot the "IOLD STAND havaeisassesi Loth Honnses, andi assaut SN T anttd lias neitlier ipnghit otit,'itorsold out, and is in no way connectei mi vas gsvcn-6ou Saturday leit, Tue ro- ]tstnolas-go-t yOur- Ithsa.te a. -itetls3 Ser establis]imotît in towrr. digtriisution vill gir. 'elistoanEnflisît I long ce aie tL. deor aoh Ji"ne. lt euertIi. to six Frencit. Little tsweethc-arc, sorne listait to me,-. 30CUiet<>y suul- ageSoko ed 1-adtUs lbmaMcodn oby earsy fthonglit wus f ni ter-. ltays j1.3e 0Udraiga sa.- ag tc fIe4 lIad tme~iciAlbam, acôriugteMaiti aassdre A i s-csAlto son- fraein made Coffins cou-st ctIs- kept on lbond, andti trlmmed to order to suit cm aL SOntisI1 arppr, tiasa sy Sonie "Le.Pauline." Dionts. Soc tor- .,onihr oie*Fnrl ul upidwt vrtùg coneumîns-to scounii roceutiy oxisunis- îtayy uatlong nway. Sopronu, <Io. 300 ~ ~ o- ntc. iurlsflysple wt vrtug cd liie carner-stone of te neir ceicurei e w te girls. Bas-tou, (1o. soc cits-Ss e Optik, aS etratetthee y hens-S for lIste. Soprano do. Mue. fhrî nt peiaad xrutd hre y Qieen of Huarts, uswote.. Teanedo. 10ea dw M4 frntas1obill." u ng:io sP S P I r.Stwrl Wltitby, October 15, 1878. Mr X tU nae f lak mS istet.teboco-Whîsper aoftly, Mlis'.iii. "Oc0 riag of lack andwhitn, l to c c uIspirer and heares- ai prayer. lysinn. 880e Sastesdinl te U. S, Sipremne -Court on My lla seuepa uniler ttue ci licir. s oc NOJ tise bafise cf tise Fourteeti Amena. ,; how d'ye do, Aunit Sosie ? Stewiirt. ?Oc o ic,- The undersigned begs t( ment, thles1whiteiad Utgle ouc. Moyw. o-a. 0return his sic'ere tharsks to the inhabitants of Whbyan Th Tiafirat apan cf She grant Jlonsille Nos-oh in ereoinin iq;ofvo. Ps-atc.t.-tra -bridge, 'cirasse tlise issolti rives-, vas TIse sweetesî liai is nising. Daubés. c 10e 1patronls cenerally throug-lîout the country, for the libe baccessfsi1y sursg Isu Satirdey,Octaber aparng ex nd thm xil bt"7- 25th. Ts eitotr'aecnl ent O C lP a at'îaeetedc ohm hecryngo1uie An egres'abo andi -vertsatieIown i"ha- Gniriassur.. -Cal'* Rasy: "Casier Rivrs atia jan. Fleur deis Cîtampa Valse. T- e, -JJND E.RTAKI.NG .-~.The only first- guisling Condition. It is Vriy lcw and P1allihed. anuSsentt pas.tpaid on îracPci oî la s 1Etablà het- ý h cut hr unrl r conues Se it its Led, ýtho îatfish gat psici hy-Sas et .th u.onyweefneasreui iground, ansi have te ho iteipod offlise J.L. FETETIS, 651 broatiwey, XN.Y Ysupplied x - sani.bars by tise guod-uatured Lay." Oct. laS. 40,. A.Maine worn at. four cquarts aofWi cobrTILL U JQà -ON cysters eit on. itÃŽ11te,ite r day, W tY, lat, 1878.. - 40 ani vooe u nsred dellars by se - -Y Seing, whicit, aftor Sotuctiug tîrisriai yr eipelises, eigitty.llve dollars, loiS ci-er Co flfteeumdolars ta comumence tise naît c word vitit. Vicksburg offem s a rev4ad fpt'SiteS - reeovejy of anuehldya Clnaiostîsi. G LA SG O W W I E O J E cireS sandelovest, Wv ice . t.eppesiias1 A R ýIIOV E been kidnappet by smre flonieus> : -3 journa lst froru a rival'oit ,desimt-et ecaurlier obttuscry for 8ste o aa I I B items.00 Au id1( riu i Illilsîigcshevei tobiaLo sisxty yeans, tlieu ,tssek -taelard'0FPà ~R .,& J . CAM P13> BELL ilriukitug for tvouty.flve m'rui er;ris 'X, -thse paper Ly - ruculiglt, velice four -t tuuuc ISSui st niWne te anvS ~ts n ai sc en miles before raakfnst fan a dram, Bgt u '4 ht hi i n itr tc snwt gd adhvnrhien attends te -te - anta cf lit.asanS - dat e-maunase casi sshsa0Place thtam in a POSITICN TO BuT'- 1500DS ORCAS%, th,~ ~ ~ ~ ~i suoauSbspotnt i ati St oersric, teule n as-reltiranbie othlet2yarluisy facisie raus4ollcl'en, anstupei'ttudosSAE. andcat-thilegr Marrrelyon beng vol serreS 155h a good article, th fnias f bspote wthaThueir stock Shia eeaaou la larger tisu St vas-ter.rssen tif, ,umer (leceucy becoruig iu«>se yoprs. FAR FOtt 5 ,,ad asiil-tedreçt, ana !aeinte , reon nWuty,,âdwih - FA ed nte 0l Sigteamers tram L où,Lirai-poolaedSGlugq,,, via -hesli Bosonfilaaidtotehave aus election of. Ps-u*iiae, Sîatids,lo, agne, Dela, ScotZa,rug trà auî,laia Lbsgac, - - ~~ *< N.w' - ins-sal Uota senam0o. Lot la, I atico,, lt#o, ans.olnuiu , Muifpi Mempauun; euS f>;,iier elsîprta e Iairaco~5~ugh- ii.h 'of ocin. al~s4aat5arspitdt rieSl>.TtsPs-tua ies o .the sevidence ofi.th a, tat they andt a Certân Mr n Khgbfruae on te ustereti. Newr fsaune Suahliug, 2x0.-aSthey ns-n chop1er, ireun the fait tinthe soarciesmaresflligently tItnS. uee ic vcîiîs-îîmtbans,40x80.Tere>- h aMoural or 1ormita ta fini1te manufurars uho are hard-ft ioney, or wvia may Réari;frinth 'reia rginsof ppI> t>-b ave an rstSk.Asthe BrtTa e iS ain ws i hi uueho tonSmare bepu unsisull1ymillLut ist tievita- Ori on thse Promises. -1<-tsi hDalît, aud nanacfitIsais-retail compecîcara ian oaeie ubesîSeà saving te viole lig vroels tie rîaanet iseoitvery sellOcis-.Nov. 8,1878, 4011 sale profit, uihieialI-retait monta thia eauuty psye fut. As lIair. stock is sa velI kuovu ILin unnaceessrySa situmerate, sssfice it tosgay that - A(Ilicgo epu'h. rasath tf mc A ~NQLO-Ahg1unîCAN JIOTEL, SIscy Isave.the larget stock of- e~y ifÉL PRINCE ALBERt5T, OT ergs.- ýDRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHS, REA]Y Mwu-.WBpDLEJIOW. - PRPIRIETOU. MADE CLOTHIING, GROCeRIE8, CR~OCK- :e4io s4tbhle a oijpu a' $srCom-ngrn- os >v.sthad, itisiotii iras beau - tERY,-A.ND GLASSWAIIE, pany. 1 ami44 auerTosoapleaI1Simmlqil forls-tii. s-AalyeUi - t n01guftn' .splc amusteS coI- the-,Cou.ty of Outario. An arycI il 1b ufcps Ç' eeTWki enetp6u'frComri-a riellere s lctd tzpnz ntstdrctoaver Sndt REPAIRe AS USUAÈ@ TO AND. U. PULL Aý-$$ORTM-ý,NT'IN Watche, Colored-E*old Sets, PL L '. j1 )ice 1 Gold;Chainsi,i ta e W lich for Quality and priôe, Dfy 0, np1zié cn Practical WaS.clumaker. Goldormitis'e 1all, Witby, Cc.tober 1, 1878. FA L L & WINTEIUOHN JOH1N FERGIJSON Begs to informa hisecustomers tFat he is now in receipt of a superiot- Stock of- iCloths14, Tweeds Vestings, &C. very select, and suit.able for the saason, which, he i.- j) eparat S make np lu tise hast style, and attse stoi-tes' notice. AIl orders promptIy attended to asid executed irn the besI style. Spaciai attention paiS Se giviug a satitfactory fit. AIU kinde cf Ganta' 3OEIN FEKO-tTBON, Ulothir &. G;ents' Outfitter, L>undns St. VWitby. SWhltby, Sept. 24, 1873. NEW FALL I MPO RTATI ONS. A COMPLETE STOCK IN ALLILUNES 0F West of England, Casiadian, and Scotch cloths, &c., &Cs. 1 LAMPS! 1878. 1878, and m8nufactured s( dL -re -ea. guenou m e MÛDGE4fr YRW00 13L estAP iýLI 1G Best FBr dies BttledAes tie, Brndes BttedAi Vry Supenrdresh ofes eaw and Reftned Sugars, Cheap,- Finely oured aans;ncBreakfast Bacon, , New Fruits, Lobsters, Sardines, &C. An--extensiveaso me'of(r kry TheRight Place for Family Groceries of ailknd- OLD .NO.- e BROCKHT. E]T WlittbY, Sept. 16, 1678. T. LAWLER &Co. IMPORTANT N EWSI saiey vie] FOR SALE. LA dMilSite on the East rn o LyisCreele, au excelant laeatiusu- for a ~eeml.Wtf b. sold ebeap, Parties t.ecurgSà pplvtoc-- 3. HAMER GIIEEIÇWOOD, WiSby, May 14tit, 1873. -201 The undersigned lias a large s8tockl i Ladies', G3ents', and ÙChildren's'Fine and U'ourse Boots & Shoeia 0fJEY'Boots and Slioes mnade to order. eu Overshoes lined waî-m and corufortable. India Rubbers,. -________________________S L Repairisig neatly dlone. Cail at the old Stand. Mray 22, 1872. Boot & Sha. Score, Brock stre, Wiitby. OF'lx COUNTY 0F, ONTARIOY ]FOR TME yEAR 1873. 0F EVERY DESCRIF ,The GROCERy DEPAR'IMENT isi l' selectiosi of Teas, Coffees, new fruit, spie - Goods at prices defyisig legitimate c< jo J. J. SELF-RAKING I AWARDED THE FIRSi d At the Provincial Exhibiùi0n, Torc PTION. replete with a choie( cs. Bcst tobacco. ompeti tion. Dundas St., Whithy. 39 REAPER r PRIZE 1 Wre off er to oui- cîstcsners for the coming Harvc8t, tw6 dis- tintst Machines, which in stylte and construction, entbface the latest ansd most useful:* improvements of the day. JOI-INSION'S SI NGLE SELF-IIÀKINGRAPI THE *'RING CE HEAPERS." The universal succss of tlîis Machine, Foth in -closely contest. eS criais and i ithehenlag of the fermera. wa'ansst nsi saying thst, anS elaiRais- ng tlans~lni ise,Jt bée mos-e good i sa nS leias defectan sd lhas met witt ,rslJuCceKoss msS es.(ilura thsouheratofoce afiecaS ta tise public. C-AY %À À 'L TINTI ~fWT'Y' vaJv±LÂ iWFe were awardpd- the First Prize and Di-plomu-i, at the Pi-crin aiiE#hibicicný,' ld tiTorccata, 1870,in i c'srpeitien ulial Sthe 4eedissg Machines ran*-4netUredl teroisce; asti with oir cecent. -impicveusenes", we unhesitat- insg1 ,,suilpg n ven igastôn anticd acasf-jhcolapetls'g eiies, ire art- -estIBO dtet4nsisî>ý.veptiâton wiitucnîinre ve ' - siljsejssssssd Ia. for descriptive ', 'l g9Ues. - ]BROWN &PAÃTTERSON. G EN TL EMN e - L~Z. .DVUNflAM, il E 'PA E T L MP3 1WhitbY, Ja. lt, 1878. FLOUR & FEED SOE The undersisneL-beg ta infortb te inl'aBb- itaiIts-ofVVhitby and vieinity tl2at they Lave peneda Fleur andi Feeti Store in the prtem. - es lately ocoupied byMr. James WVallace, on Dundas Street, Opposite the Iiobsoin busq, ihereyr lnsti>vjae0jg evey thipg in .h f n a w Ys o~ , OU h a te be able te iv e .aLtisfaetion te ctstoniers. -Bran, Shorts, Oatlneai, Crack-ed W-heat, &te., of the best quality. FLOTJR--FaB Whie t Spr11g, and Mired -andi a.I. lda of Feed,s'eIlg at te lowest living priees for cash. T fiF BE: S LAMP EER SEDNo. 1 Spring Wheait Flour at ý3 ]24. e'E- S(7EMD FTIE AI D& ;M"ýDREMI]KG-WAY.- Cashpuid oraklndsofF,,mertspmtiuce S. 41 T. A large assortment of plain and fancy Lamps, Brackets, Chandeliers, Globes, Shades, ]Reflectors, Burners, Chinineys, &e, ,Tust Received at JAMES IL GEIRRIE & Co's. I B Iest Coal Oil, wholesale and rotail. %Vhitby, Sept. Brd, 1878.8( 1II I~WEAK SRN FOR A GOOD SMOICE USE THE ~blkAifh0~ MYRTLIE NAV Y*. PH0NT See T. & B. on Each IPlug.' RZ EA PRIGE SO LOW THAT ALL -CAN USE IT. CABIN-ET ORGANS; ANiD July 16, 1878. . 29-8,Dl M E L__ D E 0 N$-. sole Pr etorand SManufacturtra cf "Tii DO INON WAB /lO ver ven to aer o eed nsret I n3 usia ntruments, beside. - -iooo ---- S4 s, nd FintPrizesa tj other Exhibitions toc nu. LARGE -STOCK (OF' N-E F L L600D;S &p~ LO«WES & POWIELL Sereceivig arge Stock of Fail sud Winter Goods. - I S N O W O M P L.E.T'E 1 Ilncidths, Waterprfs, &aret and.Shirting FlanneIs; Mïenis an&, Boyso Knitted7 Shirts anti Draeen, Coats, Veots andi Oven Constisting of a spl end id ass.ortmn rt or Cloths of ail kind.s for >Coata; IHats, Casi, - &C., BLwak 'and ý!cela-adBlUte an i Poplinta, Sâfi Gentlemen'Ia vear, eut a cocmploe. a$ck cf Glotte, Serges and Vies Bal IâtSripeit and Plain -Winceyo, Fençcy Tnimmi*nge, Gloves and liosieîy, Ladies Under Cleiihing, BLanketE (*ENTS' FIJRNISIIING GooDs; Qut, &C., every cas of gooa de5sable for the approahing es, TRE ~ ' MILLINERY, DRESSMAKING, AND TAILORING T10 RER TUEk SPN STOCK 0F. - A Large Stock of General Groceries sud (Jrockery., ti ,s ,N È)K- ()'F:.7 0,.A & CAPS .- -The.ys- remuest anecisil alltentinn 1-n theirtoc~nk <of R#l' l r lLAMPS '_LMPS 1! f BTJIZNS9 z lx ,31 September 24th, 1878. 1 D-R E S S LAMPS LAMPS A! Il FURNISeING GOODSý .1