kAND RAMA, AND Il I&R, OF.4THEPSLEYi OUNTY OP ONTARIO, Docrm. sud Ordor lenTii. <tredit Cempamy va. eoa Ib ,Publie Miction, wiblh ot aster ln Qrdiu&ry, han Yongs Street, l in . cisny te 30uh Day 0( Duc- UBER, 1873, Lu 0 parcel, the. tollovog par 0 » s nt oS ilm le, on'vhlcheh tnd.a Grlis ,u mlcsrding Mlii and iu- ýebuUSlg fs ieton, 4 îu h amont atmr, luttesiso-fatone. There tou@ ns -sud abpplug uma- leng herse feed. Thora is Lru ofetosine». Building arly n .- 1 mWViiigof Atherley, on da *MUi. Thons are bils MW A W harf, ftramways, l.aml, ana engin. LO -Belng s squareserein Atuorley consisting oftfour lotsionvhlehare erootd s storeand dwelllnseouso, vlth outbuild- legs, largo gransry sud vood shed.- The houa. isa flrt.elass bramebuldle.'Th grr wlth bine completaecau ' LS-0Ot e1zofgrain. Puraliaser of aboya 8 ,parols lu ceue cf fvingn vtgao W ulhave te Icsop boUSl. là 'y lusured te bull amount ef mortgago monsy. LOT 4-Being part of-Lot 14 Mthof Mare 187 acres , Id acres are cîearéd. A au"sf bouse is erected on the Lot; tva seiil areeks rtu; ibrough IbIs lot. LOT 5.-Bein~ art of North.balb of Lot 80, lu lb. iili cf Mars, cotaliug 78 acres M mrsorle&§, excoptingihe i tiens taken b thoRalvyo. .Thii ci would be eligibis fo.r bldu lots, as Il lies betwoan'ivo railway Uinis. An accurate destrlitiien wl be produced ai the lima cf sale, LOT .-Biieng Lot Sa in the. Frontca~ cession cf Baron leos.thai portion +à by the - Rallay. hislo la vilS. Lake Coucheling ian mles ~frutS LOT 7.-ýing Lot 85 .in .O-#*a ili sien oef Rama-about 0 r vt iConces- Thero la s gafl vel "* aï cleard.- mises, This dwerotsl néouthlr and l 5 miles 5rom0 on btCou ching 20 acrTs Abou -t>17,lu SaS t4 Rama- LOnTrI?û.R Di ' eO utb.haif 0b Lot 18 and about i 10aces hi ltis và One.ttsr Jiles tV. a itneyteb salS e ,4%VendoS icitors abt urne of Sthe balacevlsthiu onea ontb loto >-4wl ot ners At-îLhe optoci V4 urchasre two-tblrds of tho purchase Mney ean roeainou iuortegg.. EfiL parcel vilI be selS ubjeet ta a re. eeSIT fhieS by tbe Mastar. IFor fbonbon psntlulars aud couditions cf u5al. and as ta titI. Ses large posters or apply 4t the. lsw offices'cf Messrs. Hoskin anS Zpnagge Vendora' Solcitors, Tarante, and Aess. eCcarthy & McCarhy, Barrie. DateS 914$ November, 1875. 5g,- T. W. TAYLOR, - HSKIN h SRAGGE, , Mater. 'Vendors' Bolicitors. 50 WHfITB Y- H/OH BOCHOOL. 9HE nexi Examnatlon for admission LW,,, be bold la the dlgh School, on WVEDXEPSD.lY,, JAN, 7t, 1874, AT 9 O'CLOÇK, A. M. BC ormns ci appliesiion for admission, May obWadlS trahîe Head Master. GEOý ROBINSON, 1f. A., R esdMusten. WlîLty; De.. 101h, 1875. 50-8m TO BU]LDERS! fT ENDERS 'viii Le recelved untilltLe .closeo f ibis mcuth, te buili early nexi pL ng, a thrso stoes brick store, Irou houso0, varahons., lIn 'sbop, office, &c., se. ceriugîe plans, &o., te b. seen at oui- et. 11e.. enders mae Le given for tLe wbois werk or ssparately. We do net LinS or. sel vos te accepit toloesot or aziy tender. Pull ofOrutlOn >glven et the office oi the undonslged, - HATCH & BROC WLItby, Dea. 10,'1878. >-- 0t c HN ESALIS DWELLINO' HOU8E$ d LOTS 119 TRht TO0WN0F WHIITJ3Y1 Pursuirilte à Deerseocf tLe Cout c Chsoesry la a suit et I1UtïT Ve. TYLER, Thora l b.cselld y public auction wyul the spprobation ef George iX. Dai-neif, Eeq, Master of tL. saiS Court t iWbiiby, et ithe Rtoyal lMotel, liL.heTovn ci WhltLy, on Tuesday, tl iaSxîh Day'af ja nuay, A- D- 1874, - AUt lhe ur et Two O'clock, P. M., 6y the muiS Master, in thnee separstà paneols, the- loillcvng valuable pr6oatls situai. lu the- à iisd Teowa cf WhttbY, nsîuely- isi-Part ot Lot Niobar Twenty.two lu the Pist Concession ait he selS Township cie Whlîby, eontalnlm, a utile ()Ver limes taroc cf lauS more or ¶es"c, sud MOrefulli Sasaribed lu the 1B111 oh Complîlsn i l-eL saiScause, This la 1the prcpenty icuavn as YbieimUl tIju nosdenc ocf sîLJe i.Jal>»lHumer, Esq, U pounIt in reci.d a twosforey sulintsnliai trame dwellug hansge, vhth voodalied and ceriileo bouts attacheS,, a splendid floes sud k then farndn, amda f ood orcherd oh excellent fruit, cliissihtiîg Ut SpIes, pluiem, cherries, sud «repos, aIse a soheuS sndfsi vator tank. Parceai2-Part cf tLe South hall cf Lot lio. Two l in thScond Concession outheL saiS Township cf Whitby, ccnteliug b>' sd. viuenesmcies cre, que îoil uddivont>' -eightpoles mono or les, anInmcre flly de seîbedtU 'the plalnthl's 1B1ll etConiplelmit tipon ibis propenty, s-hicL in immeciaily otroltetlieroprty lrà ly bve Sesirib &acs a barnnsd stables. There are- a veji and sofit vateî' tank on tLs prenîlses anS aise fritit ti-es, Panuel 8-Part cf îLe East haIt cf -saiS Lot No. Twentytwc lu the Second Couces' sien Of the salît Tow-nship cf WhiiLy, con. tain oncsrseti laSdmonoe er lems, aud mar tuil.%,Sescribed lu tLe plalntifi's 13111 ct cosmlisni herotu. Os îLhe propeni>' la erocd a sve.stcî.y trame bouge cf about six rocm in lîd lu a god stau afnpait, ilî a voîl sud soit waalon tanks, anS smii ai r-ch. &rdutap ae.,plumes sud other rit. Ail ofihe ahuvo properiies are situate os the. Kgs on i-caS about oeemils cent ci tii towu ai WhltIiy, anS are' sulable br private resldences, L eurdh s TIhe purobasee viiicrqirdt a dw elrcent ci tLe purchase mou t vseks ubertaster. The Vendor viii ciii>'bb. obligod ho for. Ciel] à Registered abstract of tubl or copines tueosefasd viliinet bLe obilgud ta pi-oduae- auy titls Deeds Lot ile hI. possession or ccp- deso e ssanie. The. Veudor'tuas a rosi-voS bld opon eacb lot i LcS b>'the Master. The penrchasere viii Onlly butu thtIg thasvestilug om.er, ntta ,The.tber.cooudtionciti g»thet slasu Si.le- LaeoilV m icg 40 s, RaSSies, Bloators.,c *sauc@,Spice. Sesoning, le greet variety. ~ Port and, Shrry Wlees, a large assortient cf Aies, W ikeys, o., h&, IR. H-JAMÉSOW C OA L OUI ýLAIWPS A few Importedl Lamps cheap, at Fancy Globes and ýShades, Chimneys, &c.,,cheap st H4*TCH & BRO.19 Chc png Axes, beet quality, at Noted Cheap Houa.. HA.TCH hBW'.'S Lâporters English aud" Americau Hardware. Blacksmiths, buy your iron, steel, nals,,ratAps, &e, at Impcetara'cf Iron,ho Piinters, buy your oils, paints, colors &'bri'she-, a - Importera cf 011esud Leada. Farmers, buy your hardware,,stoves, tinware, at HATCH h BRO. 8, Wlîero y ou eau gai White Ceai 011 of a superior quality only 80e a gallon, cash. (If booked liva cents extra.) 1 Bich "and poor, save-your money, by buying at* -HATC9 h BBO.'S ________NotiS Chaap House. Armstrong's Cookl-1g1 Parlor, and Box stoVes; Dumb stoves, sto'vepipes, elbows, &C., at Wbitby, Dec,. 2, 187a, . HATOTI & BRO. NWA.'JÙVERTSEMENýTS. Splendid Reat Estate Prperty- AGRAND BAZAAR FO AL IN CQNNECTION WITH 'BY AIJOTION! St. .Andrew' Church, WHITBY, ONT. An extensive variety f au ilgl ,f ureful and Fecy Articles have been propaneS by tpe Ladies' anS Fi-nde cf the Cougregis. tien, and viii Le offered for sale et îLe Cheapest Possible Rates. A liai Dinner vilie serveil eech day bce. iweeîî thi eusoof 12 aud 2 o'cIoc'k. ]Refrouhmeuts cf al kiids at.alil hours. The Bazear viii Le hain luthe store lute. ,y accuid by Mr, Thomas Lavier, Brock TUESDÂy AND WEDNESDAY, December 161h anS l7tb, 1871, Suring balL days anS eveniugs. ta' The WibY Brais lBanS viii Le in eîtendani'a each evcuinig, aud Vocai Muic by the Ladies. Tickets et admission 10 cents, goS for tLe day. .Wbltby, Dec. 101h, 1873. 50 HOUSE %AND LOT FOR SALE, OR TO IRE NT. GOOD aFrajseue as, eeRennesand G Qui-Ic- Are c Lad, on Hiekuîy.St., lu îLe Towu cI Vliiby. Apply le WM. S1'ECE Or te tia W-H.-BILLiNGS, Solicitor, lWhiiLy. WhitLy, Dec. 9iL, 1673, 0t -N O T I C E i . -Wlsereas as my, vite, Jîcue Thomecu, Las lett rmy bld ud oard villînni just causie un provocation, noticiefl§ Lereby given tl'at i viii hot Le respoîîsible for any debteas niay ceutrasi alter Ibisi date. THOMAS THOMSON, Clarszncnt, Dec. lut, le7s. *8 GOOD1) 14RD WOOD FOR SALE 1 About 200 cords of gocd Lard steve %-ooa, cut flnelengibs froni l8 ±o 20 luches. For prices &., apply te J. LONG, Wixitby, Deconuber t11b, 18781. D a 50tý T RE BeST PAPER 1 TUT Il Il floamiifull>' illusirated. STHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICANq, nov ist221h year, enjoys îLe videet cir- culation cf au>' veeki>' uevspaper of the jkinS luîLe vorîd. A nev volume commen- ces Jauar>'8, 1874. is contents embracete cltesi anS muaI of interesting information pertaiflinq taeftic Industriel, Mechanîcal, sud Stîentidic pro. g ransent the WorlS; Deusilîtionfwt beauifaenravneo.otNewIuvecîtiaîcs, Novwlumplenients, Neev Pi-acebKes,, anS luii. proved Industries cf aIllkiudo; Usafol notes, caili.rs forverkmensad epý.e>raii 31l the varins arts. The IICIENTIFIO AMEIlICAN le the cheapesît anS Let illuetrateil weekly pape-r publîelied. Ever>' nutrîber coîtains tram 10 ste 15 original engravings cf nov machliier>- 0. anS novel inventions.- e- ngraa'lugs, illustuatid Intpra-riug, Di-e cuvanten, aud Inpantant Warks, pecnîncinc il t Civl ad MeLailuit Lngiierung 1Mill- s ing, P.iniilg and Metulary, IRecords otf1the t latuiet progroas biLstheApplicatien c e Sin, y Steane Enginieering, ltaîlways, Slip'lîuild- eing. Navigation, Telegrsjîhy, Teiagimplî-Eî',i- ginettrlng, Elsutiilt>', Maugrieîism, Ligis anliait. Farineas, Mechianlt,,Rîglueers, Irîven-. Jtors, Mautacturers, Chemisîs L'oveasuf 1Science, Toiuchera, Clergymni, ia-yern L r and I'aa le ot ail Proftesions, yl lictir f Sciomîti01tAtierieuanuseful iteILs-m. 1l' * aLuniS Lave a p laeoiiianever>' fanily, Li- t hi-e iy, stud>'0, o nt-,sd ceuîîting roon;iih ever' Il lng roan,, cullege0, acadtîuîy, cit *Schiîol. A Àyt-ar's niunbers conitain 832 pages suid . MevernIlîncîdred eigraviiîgeî. Tlieusaiîss4Air rvolumes are pi-eented for binding unS ns-. tsei-ne. Vie practival receipts arewl 1;wcnti'.tan tînmes îLe uuscaio' picl T'aims $1 1&a yeucr îy mail. aisini2t tii clubs, S jîccîmetîs sent fieu. Ma>' Lu Lau of Now eye Dii-. PATENTSv-Iu COnnCticun L îLte SCieli- 1tifie Amsunlc'au, Memens. Nlsin & Co asir 1Solictors cf Amarican -an ForicSp Patents, and-haves îLe largesi csiabliihmetitin itiLs vorlîl.ilMe. iuftty thousauîd applica. T tions have beau maSe ori patent i -ough t11cm egeucy. P'atoutsesi-s obtaiued on the Lest ternus, Modela cf New inventions and sketches ex- amineS anS ad-vice fI-ca. AU patents ai-e published in îhe Scieîuiflt Ameian t eL13 week tLsy'icsue. $enS for Pamphlet, l1t0 pages; centaiuleg las-s sud bal' directions ton obtalnlng Patents. ASSi-ce foi-tLe PAper, onrcîîuceruiîîgPsa u tants, ZN &-CO 87 Park Row,- '. Y B3rantb Office, cor. J. anS 7thSts., Wash- ington, D. C. Wbitby, Dec. 8til. 1873. 50l lb. Prvnetf utarhe, ai tLe next sessli Ihertof, foi-an Act te tucorerals a Cempan>jj) ta beocalled "TnOzurà mAUO CrNTAL AIlu- s-Av Comem.à er/'for uimejiorposi et buldinie a ralwv fi-cm Port 'Whzîby, on Lake (;n- Se târie, t o eme point on Geacigau feyat, ci ai le tb. vicli>' c f iii Teown cfColllngwaood. ce Deisuiber ist, 1878. of s TRAY STEER._ gr -as Cama. en tie omises of lbe suboiber a tel resd cavri. esn clS ser, ou on abouti 1ev. Dr. Tilorîton, (Exetutors cf the laie Johu Thomîson,,) to seU by CREDIT SALE, AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ON Wednesdaîy, Dc 1' 7th, 1873. AT TWO O'CLOCK, P. M., At the RoyalRI Oel, Whitby, tLe followlug valuable Ilesi EstHtne, ineliuding residenca 1and cntbuildings, Icuevu as IN Dry- GIVE A, IiOO INT( ~3fto gt a goodaiikeil Wiby. Dec. Ord, 1878. ID ) ADDUION'S BEFORE HIS We/I- Seleoted Stock Becomes broken, as he is of. fering "MAYFIELD FARm,," Special Induceinents, eilonglug ta tbe lais John Thomuson. The Farn inntifi 8100 Aire., anS yl Le selS in ivo separatu lots, as folovî r Lot Na. .-The Eaqt 200 Acras, on wbicb are siluueed the Faînily hicidente sud ont- buildings.-1 Lot No. 2.-The West 100 Acres. The prOPcrîY ndjoijis ihs Town et WLit- -Iv, the soi] consitis ocf day ioam, il, slightlv ,r,)liîîg. eilaterui wilh spriug cracks sud vsIs el igh 'laie cf cutivation, anS le iuell kîiown assOeue cfthie Lest stock sud gratiniformai ii Olitario. Tliere are aion or eres oftau ercbrd, conlaining cLouce fruit trecs. . Tho' Luilliii"s are. ail l tl.nae, large tva. gtorey Stone ciw.l-lng; tva splendlid barns: 11er8e anS îOW tabiesý-tcapable nt holding ffty head ofc tieasudbahes Stone i-oct- 110îiue, tuev drive-ediaS;'sd îthe rnail Nit-lI fe-ncaS yl eider rils, board snd phîket tences. TI1T LFI N D18P U T AB3L E TE1 .-I>Iî-teuîh tÉ fthe pnchase mous-v dowu; ene.hlituihrpeeMontiso, auS tLe balance on Mortgage for five years, pay. aLle yuLb seven pur tant interesi. 1.FAIRBANKS, Jr., - Auctionear. W. Il. BILLINGS, Soûlititor for Exacutors. 1WliiLy Dec. 2nd, 1873. T HEST. LAW1IENCEBAK Noilce leIeey givan, that a Dividend at the rate cfiai gLt par cent. par annuru, up. 'n tLe paiS up Capital Stock efthis Insitu. tien las tils day bren deilared, sud ihet tLe Paine viii Lie payable atitis IHead Office and Branches, (in (mil sitar FILIDAT, thme 2nd cf JANUAIlS, 1874. By order cf tLe Board. K. F. LOCKHART, Cashier. Toronto, Nov. 26, 1878. 49 ~ULIC NOTICE. B/i-Law -y&- 4, Section 14, encf as jllouas -That the ecniitt or perna n upossession of any hoase. uilditig, or lot, sheli cause t'e sidtcwalk opposite lus or lhan bouse b)uildiing, <or lut, to Lie proesrly evept anti rl,-uîied %vhî'i îîetsssîîry, asi far as tha cOter o'-dge, tree frein obstruction Ly sniov, dirt, or utlîrr lnuumubrance." NOTICE le har-ba given that tLs above 1ly.law vilILeovighleutly enforceS froua ibis date.-_ e p 1y entier, litlyy, Dc.Il,1873. JACOB BlITAN CL 49ontLe T M? 1WESTERIN LONDON,',ONTÂnio. The Grat Fan-ily Newspapcr hai now at. tliSthe largest circulatioin leOntarlo cuteiule ef Torouto, ONLY -Sico PER yEARI1 Balance- of the loeseut year Free. Prom 1101- t te i . 1875, for $1, payable stric-tly in advauua. It centaine Spnrkllng Editorlals,' Spicy c'we Itersîs.Corcc.sPondance from the Coun. les, Choie Famiiy 1Reading, stories, Wit id Humer,.Curieus and Scîsntific, &C. "Short and Swte" is our Mottoansud latmn to give more rews in less apace than &nyother Canadian journal. u, sip u1% n ntc lreform;- in AGENTS WANTED, 'We cHfer great induacements te cauvasoors. ;ed for a prize libitor read ih nle .col. un,, of The Adv'ertîà er, and thon go righ ,work aJ one." Cliibs may be formeS broni iy uinber cf pext cilces and et a"y «us 1tiie year, but N0W h tAs mort favorable ne, fil)we give' th balance of this year ails le ovsubsenibers. SenS i us=me fart as ycu gsi Ihn. Propay sud. rogis. eryourmonry lettrs and tbsy viiome tour risk. PROM NOW UNTIL THE End of the Month.1 A WORD to the W/8E is sufficient. A CHOICE. LOT 0F NEW CHRISTMAS rlesS, but WIU, a~ s ýiuà l> be al-ways foulnd i'tIi shortest notice to thQse îwho wish 49 -Flour and' Feed Store 1 Havingbougli Mr.ý Smith's interest in the Flour & Feed busmess hhÉis een carried on under the niame and firni of 8 mith R em. mngway, is uow prepared to offor any quantity of FALL AND, SPRING WnIÈÂT FLOTJR, At the lowest Cash price, wholesale or retail. Oats, Corn, Chop Feed, Bran, Shorts and Peas constantly kept ou hand, chr-ap for cash, at THE DOMINION FLOUE & PEED STORE, Dec. rd, 878.Croîby'a5 Block, Eagt Door, Dundas Sté, Whitbt Wu J. HIOKIE & 00., (LATE HICIKIE & O'LEARY.y- Ilespectfu.lly invite inspection of their large stock of FALL AND WINTEII GOODS! Dress Goods, Winceys, Blankets, Flan- nels, Quilts, Bed Comforters, Ladies' Etirs, Striped Shawls, [losiery and Gloves, Gents' Fur Catps of ail kinds, Shirts,. Neck-Lies, Collars, Lamnb Wool Shirts and Drawers only -3 cents. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. IVINE S AND The above Goods will be sold Cheap for Cash. The' highest price paid in cash for Butter. Wshitby, Nov. -25th, 1878. J UST W. J. HICKIE & CO. Large additions to our ulready Extensive Stock. NEW CANAPIAN TWZ EDS, NEW HOSiIE1IY, NEW CLOU$DS, NEW FLANNELS, NÉ W WJNCEYS, NEW CARPETS, NEW FURIIS BUFFALO ROBES, NEW MILLINERY, NEW TEAS & FRUITS, FINE FAMILY LIQUORS. HAMILTON & CO. MePhersou's Iltck, Whitby, Nov. 1873. LAING &.'STEWART Have just received a choice assortment of New and Faslîionable DY GOODS, wkiclî theu, intend .te SELL FOR CASH, ai sucle pricea us will quite astonish ail customers. The quality ef the cf te goods, and te exceedingly amali profit they charge, makes it werth while Io caîl andi examine for themacîves. The articles embrace splendid Fur Trimminga, a full range of Home-madle Flannels, and Fanc,,' lannel Shirtings, Tweeds-bn Canadian and Englisit Maniifacture, Desiins, Bucitakins, Broad.clotit, Bea. ver, Pilot, .Petersham, Elesian, Whitney, dea., idc. Wool Shiris andi Drcuers for underclothing unprecedented in te brade for' superioriti, of finish and moderation in price. Blanketa and Quilta, Siteetings andi Sltirtings, andi the best assorbment of Bouse. -holti Furnisitinga desirable te select from. In Millinery we have the bastiest articles te lie had. Hais andi Bonnets in cil the newest s/tapes, as aise Fectiiers, Plumes, andi Flemers, Ribbo'ns-Watered -andi Plain. S/tawis and Man. tics, uuequaled aitht/e rices for w/tich t hey are offereti. Smcli ,Our Taiiorng Department is under t/te management of.a First-class Ctter, ail orders milIl be got up in first.alass style'- Whiby, Nov. 12, 1873.LAN P. S. We have just teo/tand iia fincet stock cf-Le4ies Furs, en- braaiV UMin/c, Grebe, Erminc, Ceiismblav Seai, Sà uth Sea_ seal, Gh'OCEIIE8! t JH. ADDISON, TENOYELI AGE!1 c -Down with Encourage L0Ook to -your interests, proteet ypurB rights, arise i your wrath, and let the- battie cry be- DQwI with & Extortion, Death to ih Ti vï PriceTi Having p'urchased an immense- Baukirupt Stock in Eu- Vc rope, consisting of some of the finest goods ever imjported Ti into, this country, also a fine Monitreal Stock at 50 ets. on M the-~ arn prepared to offer sonie of týhe greatest bargains to purcliasers ever heard of in the I ominion for Cash aud M Mam moth Bankrupt 8tocks I which are bound to revolutioimoothe.oldl higli-priced system. IRead the follcwing Price List, exaimine it -elponder on il, put yenr meney lu your peeket, coma ight ýavay bafors tue Lest oÃ"f the Largaïns ara gona, andl Iavil guarantee yen viH fSud or geodi 25 per cent lover ilian any iu tha country. 25 pisosa Dreas Gooda, plain and f.ancy, 10 cents par yard,, 60 places do., li cts., 70 places do., 124 ce.. 90 places do., 20a wortl"Oc, 108 pieca. do., excellent quality, 25c worth 35a, 81 places Dachea Cleili, 29e onilit 40e, 73 pieces Cal- cuaa oplins, very nich, 84o vorîli 50c, 104 places Frenchi Merne elebrated make lu aIl the nev shadas, a.magnificent lot ai et 50a vorth 85c, 5000 piecea o! Blatck Alpacas, very lew. A full nanga o! the bort goodsat bal! pricas. - 000 BLACK SJLKS, BLACK SJLKS. 7 places excellant quality Blak, 75e venili 81 20 ; 18 places very fiue, cil boueS Blackt SicIt, $1 wenth 01 50 ; 17 piecas Bonet hast Lyos make, $1 76 vorth 02 50 ; 82 pieas Extra quality, beet in the couintry, $2 26 vonil $4 ; 87 piecea ColoreS Silks, tlieso are an oxtraordinary bai-gain at leus than bal! price. Tay can't bc beugler fer leis than $2 50 any*hsre, I vii sel lieni for #1 25 per yard. No pareen will bts allowetl te porchae mors than one drase. 1 make this nai-nie te koeep other merchants fromn buying the let. 1,000 811k Peplin - Dressas froni 98 te $5. 100 lîaudsoma Cloili Jackets, baautifully tnimmad, $2 50 werth $5. CLOTHLES, _CLOTHES. 40 pioces Heavy-Tweed only 45e yd., 60 pieces Very Hcavy Tweed, only 60o yd., 5 pieces Extra Quality, only 80c yd., 75 pieces Double Width Beaver, ý1 -60 vorth $2 50, 93 pieces Double Width For Beaver, $1 worili $8, 87 pieces Fancy Partcy Cloili, very 1ev. IIIRRA FOR CHEAP, BLAN-KET.S. 100 pair Blankcts et an avful sacrifice' 88 pieces Searlet sud White Flanuels at 20, 25 and 80c,- 60 pairs Corsets, 45 cents per pair, 7,1000- Linen Towels ai 8 cents caseh, 82 pieces Canton Flitunel only 12J conta a yard, 10 bales Crash Toweing et & cents a yd, 50 places Linon Huck Toweling, 12J c a yd, - 800 pairs L.îdies' Gloves, from, 124e par pr., 400 pieces Pnints, good quality, not tratsh, 10o yd, 0 00 places excellent Prints, 124e yd, 96 Col. Quilta, lange size. only 00oecd, -476 pieces White Cotton, from 8 cents yd, 97 pieces of Horrocks's Cottona, et lOje ydl. -. - 000 Look Rere, See what 10 cents, will do. QM~-1000 PAIRS 0F GOOD WINTER: GLOVEBS FOR Also a large ýassortment of the follpwung goods which- vill b. found f.sbulously 1ev,' viz - Tieking, 8,hu.#bs, Crey CottQils, GrTasa Clotho, Hosiery, Gloves, Laeèo, Ribboiis, Embroiaeriei, lasertings, Fancy Goodo, Breakfst Sliavls, Table Damsà éks,ý 'A@ý' flà anel, Winceys, he. The following sèè4l Cheap Lines; I woxild call.partiou- lur attention to, as the1> à a g a person obBrý' nlyrieete once in an age: 40plecc~ess W 1, 96yd, 888 pieces Extra Wide, 10e, 201 As.' sorte&DIresà s, l'lie, 7$ ýpieeea vcry haadsome do, 28c, 507 Paucy o1ou&d».40cý, týOiees Heavy Tveed, 45c, 1000 Haadkechiefs for.Ladie, "c,4 à 'i member the goods ini these two immlense Stocks are ail ist.class, and notpoor trasliy articles, the same asI ftome houses, advertise. The reason of My selling them 80 cheap is-o11 account odf buying them at SOc on the $ 80 HURRY UP 'AND GET THE FIRST PICK!1 For a msn's goiod vintor Pea Jacket for $2 50, --For mensa heavy vinter overcoat for $6 vot $8, For a hcavy Canadian Tveed suit made to order, $15 vorth $20, - For a pair of bceavy, 'fuleulClothPonts. $2560 vorth $8 50. Fora good pair, of Fine Blak Psits, $4 00 vorth $6 00. - 100pairs of vomca's haavy Wintcr boots at $1, 1000 pairs miea's long St6ga -boots at only $2, - 2000P pairs boys' snd girls' boots at haif- prices. Schum %-Ps iano-forte Album. Eleg- autly bound. Pull gi, 2.W0 The lame. Paper eovers, 1.60 W ersComplete Piano Workcs. Ble-g- anl oad ull gilt, 8,50 VOCAL COLLECTIONS. Shiniug Ià Éhts. SacreS l ongs, 11.75 Golden Leaves. 'osi .Collection 1 f soogtby WillS.HRays. saeb, 1.7, Ilearth&Hooe. Collection ofhorenesgsLl75 Fireside Echoei-, 1" " 1.75 Sweet Sounds, do" I ,.1.75 Pr±celess Gams. Choice talladt, 1.75- The aboya arealso bon in cloth, git sides, price $2.50 each. Each volume contcon" about $10 worth-of choice vocal Music. The Opera ai Home. Cloth, gilt edges 5.00 Contaiuing principaýL songs from W5 standard 0ars Ge=mnVlleider Album. 40 longs, Enlish$Md Geruan wards. Papar, 250 ,Mendelssohn's 75Songe, adited sndim part trusl±ed by Macfarren. Foie, Clotho funglIt, 8.50 The.sama, for a deep voica1 Sve, with ognalwords. 2 vols, pape; each 2.50 Do. c both, each 3.50 -Moore's Irish Melodlies, svith new sym- phonies anSanoa Lon. bx Balfe. Folio, elegantlMy bnSfIlgilt, 8.50 Moihar Gooee, or National Nursey b e,abe utiful il. byflalziel Bro o2r. ovellos edition, or J'on '-lU get acheap photograph copy.) boards 1.50) The sanie, elegauily boundÃŽn cloth, gilt 2.50 Scbumsn'î Vocsl Album.»1go songe, with Eng. sud Oarm.ivordls. Paper, 2.50 Do., elegantly bonS l cloth, fullglt, 8.50 We a llsed any of the aboya works, post ei,alonaureceipi Of the mariolSprice. Cata- oguscontalning from 15,000 to 20,000 mus- ical subjacta sent fras on application. J. L. PETERS, MueicPublisher, 48 599 Broadwny, New York. T 0 LET.- The Blacksmith'Shop, DwelligHous, anS promises, lattely occupiad !y7lMr. Geo. Ayers,RHaer's Corners, Tas-no!Whitby. For particulars apply to- To Hatiýh Bros., or Yeoman Gibson. WbitLby, Nov. 25, 1878. 48tf $ aw REW-ARD 1 STOLENI Stolen froma the owner's p remises, Port Wbitby, ou Monday mght, Nov. l7th, oe Democuat Waggon, body paintad dark col- Our with white etripes,redl wheels with black stripas, sud straight sbslte. $5 ras-ard vwill be pai oanversngivlng esncb informa- tien as will Icad te the appreheusion sud conviction cf theéthiaf. GEO. CRBB. Port Whitby, Nov. 24,1875. 48 litE PARKERGUtI. ;SENI) STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S. M ALE TACER WANTD 1 "-FORï S. ÀS. Ul, BEACH, Il teions roeaSièd t-Dec. lDb. AS- W)!. TARBFR, ao- D. DELONG, Nar 12107, -- Trustes, tTxbridge. TOWHOM IT MA~Y CONCEEN I1 TO SAVE INTEREST, Anl parties ledebied te tthe suLacriber -hIU please cs aigisoffiie and sethle tueur &se co,,t. iefms h st eeu er14 -a . ... or5,10¶ - -NOTE 'H wm RATCH :L:21 -E;b 1 1 0 LIQUOIRS JUST n-i s r-V TO RAND. 1 49-td 1 481y 1 d THE lm AU i RECEIVED