Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1873, p. 1

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Xv ý"VOL n 0 cauts, per lit#@, ilm ýs, per lino, e"b *übWý made with adveraim Wise. - Vlvertis«»Uto ONTAMO ý BOIT (LAT£ DAW1W5ý_ nie. -,youli Xe ed Bla iness 14,CX7 roir TRZ 8TOVE, MA 01 0.10 'CTURIN0 C Bewùro«-bewor& of délit, Sh s= ry. 1 ;-, WXITBT, ONTARIO. 81NOM Aý0,81NGING MUES TAUGHT', pay clown la; au get ISOLATED BISE IÎTRIE IN Co., in wo a -style, MR. GEORGE C. WIGOINS, B.A.P tireur, wholemale bu caugu (P.-4irAitio »ANS Ui'Cý»RU, -À purel'y -Canmn Institut . lots, P-ET.ER WAEEJI,,,PBOPBIETOR. We mr4a the ta ng Stoves and oeil lier! 'WJIITBY B&ANCII, AI" Affltaud SPPndm for the Camilla theumi, wholemale s el 1, et our Warka in But wear them yet awhilé; rd cf Mme ForPmmo$ bugilinu and Savii guPe"Dr agenmodAtÎon. Tatle, suppfied Oshawa, and we 'w lit thora ai With brash and noedie, yers aff Society, for 'Rilh t'est, in, #saison. Il - It Omnoth Cau malté thora "good au ne*,- THOMAS DOW1, 11MI12 01 moisey lit' low rat« of interoist. 4811111ille liquors. Begs tô &=Ounce that ho wffl,. inudertake castinjzg and an well tted as the best Amer- âgc>nizing misov CiirÎTP'bëmbÏnnds. Billardroom. Iloomy the instruedon of pupils on the ican= ,wýo The head, =a net the bat, ibeds, piano, me- Il it il à *il& be turned ont Thebeart, net the c fluttered for 'odéon, Jtlid argots, Ou iýéâs6nible Wine, but: Il in every joint. Makeli a liuecezs in beart, Truth t( Mso sipping and 'nt - à 1 01 file sbtomi-hit)N ýsj t'No(, THE il lUmpâ Fur hubband, child and wile, obligail to Ge 1:>RITISS 'AMEBICAN HOTEL Instrument& tunel Enquire ;it,,Xr, Gew. Orgd p ber Up, posite Mr. 1 1 - îlont CU 94 lx the ptrettitost Ï11414 ft. Parinr enni Debt is a frightf al ghost eftn on be lierst -A y VA h lut, IY Assuranée 0 R et thé C&oýticie oisee,-w4ltby.. ; 1 1 in f "Demiru %weet tes, ompan 0 Sto ý mode In thé T)ýns fort n Canada, and whiL ulliti un w1mil we Most elly ha £.'B. TAYLOR, y, WhiLby, Aul. 20th, IM,' 85 1 ve nlrj"p bssvethp TiÉht te Inske it, , Tt bas _ýe ta reigu ce ("Tt soi3sox- novot.) surrh a droit ose wlll#ivp a good Are about as Within the missiles domaiss. Lt me tell you', nt the sametime Trio tiour boeints bitre and tour like a gallant vez CAPITAL, 940a,000. WEI T B, Y. 0 N TA, B 10. 0 T IIC Eý, le en étintrolleil by;'Jýmpers Chat it needs ','ýThO furuittlie is alti, etill weakér than J jm.%% lpfiN licisso newly renoviited and 'turnichèd N nnlv to be leil once îd 24 hauts, if But sloop le sweeton, stri1w, , 1 , AW £SýTABLISL-1ED 1331- throughnut, and put la first-elasit order for i Wheits tomes lie leur 61 law, terf, and the Scat hi i-d&teptiý la of 4VI ýi-it4 An omni It lion a rliijkerlp.sawýs», whieh tiosi thé écolier This old and well, eotabljf&hed bus to and %thé clinkers te be mmoyed euily ,wltboüt :'Aud the disicouitecturs don ac OMCO, South Wing Court Honne, Ar- Company ri ni Ail trains, int-elass sample moins. To Whoffii It Mey Comment Fur &bte-that zangements fer spécial rftait),,r Of lion. Mr. mre prepièred, ta ",ceyt risks in sa! -tiasses of dumping the aAps nnd Cohl, likê - other shaula not mi]. ours-for in thi Cameron, Q-C,,,%ud Dr. UcUit-haul, proport et rates as low Ise t1sofe 01 uny ireu sitwes, and it hanst the month Pl the- leed Word', Who knowi La compêt% in canada. LBION BOTEL, 82 Vie. Cap. 02, Sec. 29, si! parties are a hoUnw irais ring w4fà à1l the noximu go$ lion', e rais , lis. délit, bewore 1 an WOBien. in ev il'ifed from selfinW,'dimodng,'or deli. opnerateo%..noi t the room.- 1110lateil and tion. azardoje proporty lis. JA t is a trýsp, a linge; ug M îý 1.1. 1.1'. Ob-* Pr 1 Let II 'lettre'. reoùa oured fer three, years or leils et spechaly, low W B - ITBY, oNT,, intolricating, Uqum train and alter Tt lien mica 119b7t. _t IwInie»,."t'h'oý, i"hièa put où ai" 1 séven au Satur4y Che, grote, sq WPII as À topligil-P ite lm accusation in Whi ()UN'tY.-.CROWi4 ATTORNEY FOI? ratés- the nlurs 0 »i hts, zzi-sl Yôuàihùnlitti*b" iaZd.O»9, fe ()ntttriollitrrigterSnlliitor Couvey. L. FAIRBANKS, ýTR., PROPRIETOIL night, till the boni of ai% o( elock au Mondsy it look very t».hoeTint àwlwes,-Il it icheav4 Fine forithers sometintés moka haVereqchéd1erý .encor, Morning. thau any itfnyé ni 1îýîizq, in Canada, t'bat Finé friras, they sometimes break explain to'her, 'à] Oâir!e--Lute. Qffice-ïBro£k St"Wbtby Thé Albion hai boira thoronghly renovat, weknow, We give'inth itacast itou elbow Tire- wing» tir which theyrgs worju, dolitia], , tu f-cupfed bY S. 11, Cochrane, Emq,, liste Pil, and Cho publie wil] fini every meeosnm,, Parties lnterf«PA ampartifý ontion. and damper ta matç%. 'Tut, tut, Sir l Crown Attaragy, Drock Street, ýývhjtby. Then dýcopiùg, soilld audýtorn, yf XTARIO FAUMERS, any infrinReMêntý thi7.11 "l'ho bird ira ài(irroW«es datioli and the Lent attéittoil. larl clause, 0 = s wiu Ili future lus strictly enfore- TFIE 1-4,9à,6NjD.' Visder uupityiüg skies' Obali elle bc yoq et Is mlpf4- ur.1 rit ARRIST MUTUAL INSURANCE 001y,-C ENTRAL BOTEL, The leading-Forlor Coil Stovepf, the U. S. The debtor is'a dave; ER & ATTORNEY-AT.T,ýW, ALEX. PRINGTIE. bas preiiselv the Rame împroveinputs as fbe )41&oy a mais thatà brave ou the matterl solivittir in Cha"fery, Cfinveyalice License Ino;p-t-tor "Triumub "thé beauty e Armiô stcoil pis Notary Publie te. OFFI BROUGHAM, ONT., , of fqrm, the doubl Pâles, trembles, wheu lis ni" CE, BROCK ST., WRITBY, Town 61 %Vhitýy. rou- of ligisis, the t;linkprleo- grate, the gus Il" iieigisbor ou the streeta. Office-Over %fr. Alir, JOHN BAILEY - PI10PRIETOIR. WWtby, October 14,1873, 42 jing, Clip saine droit under thorangli cars. M'heu noto'ài are " comink due," disou's store, 1ock-, Street, Whitby, ont. lier, that elle ah, Thix Company iilo&ureg ViLrm Buildings, Thé abave frutti La» been newly fit u trnI. and it has in-edition a return fine car. %V hat wili Lectine ai von? vation of George the hf-at, mroand and under the whole Usileân yen meet tire iiiii, untrY Churches, School Houmen, and thoi' and furnifilieil, GueRts will flua comitiblp, 1.ARM FOR SALE. -, 't, unknown arbiterd' contents Mt rates an - Low as thoft of anj "eO'nrno(littion %nd attention. Good etabi. zt oui of tho stove. £ou arc a detltor stiii. TTORNFY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR INI Well-eàitakîLed Company in Connais. ing and îsttestiýe hostiers. the Wisli Was fear A Canning- A Oman farin of 225 J acres of excellent land, NEW AMERICAN" Oh, lie au hossest man; Ale beard their: t XST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAUX being C OMMERCIAL IIOTEL, of Wili't"POged Of Part Of lot 27,in thé town Conkiýg Stove le warrantod ta be trat close Bara ail yon fàirly cirai Her -a-uly mode L. FAI]RBANKs, in., J. B. DICKELL, bY,*Dn which there lm a cood dwell- m4-de in theUnited States, '%Ve quote the Aud spend tenir &han y;o, arn; Wals along the fiéli Lv If 4N 'ýNf1î1?4ff. ilig bouge, barn, and out-buiiiii followitig frons the circular ci 1878. "For 7 Have foresiglit ta diice Secretary. president BRýCN #zT., WHIT13Y, watered. The lasid loi situiite on tlwleaditi yeara the NewYnrk State Agric-altural 5;o'y That bc alerte in ires hail approacheil tl B ARRISTEIT AT LAW, SOTACITOIR IN 1-fr D. Rolliday in no longer an agent d Z M. CALDWELL, PROPRIETOR. road north.assil le well adïv'tpÀl for a gardon- awaréleil itjhÊXt*ot Prerninm and lust yeur Who scoruë the luxury protected by any f Çlàaneoreonvoyancer,&,c.,&c. $ira. fille ëottipauy. 1 ér» APPIY ut the Chroniefe office, or ta it torik Clin, Illfflýr Needal avoir ait the 'Iwet ThUt tom Fi te mets ta forget tir 1 nt Aie conld uni cwi qtr«t, 014 àm*ib. Demi accornissemlation and On liquorg alid cigare. . Good stabline, witis en. HENRY TEULL, %roves ils the ettrintry et the fiir of 111 New Thts peurs ties of debt; of théir view only DOYAL BRITISH QUEEN HOTEL, claseil varan, anè attentive 1 Ericland. It teck during the last ýwo years For eveu gyvesolzgold while stili hosir4 ostlit âÏlu-ays on , On the protijim-%. ,a les, thim Will tanker heartu they hold. fil the promises. Charges moderato. Wlutby, Oct. idr, 1873. ce -10 BlunileIl B ARRISTER, ATT()ItNEY-AT-LAW, PORT PEKRY. Zý" 107 FIRST PRJý.31IU3.[S issuing Solicitar lis Charicery and ly,4olvpny, p At varjous exhibitions, among them THZ MAYOR OF WIND-GAp. cluse te ber, At a Notary Publît, &w ite JAS. DEWART, - PROP ,IET0I1ý G RA'ND TRVNK RAILWAY AOTEL, w M. WILLCOX, The New York State Fair, aevmed overwhein 1310ek, Brock Ïtreël iVhltby, Ontario. splendid iweomtýc)(lation. Délit Wilson AT '%VIIIT13Y STATEON. The Vermine State Fair, CHAPTER VII. and confugion - On and liquors et Lire bar. Attentive vqtlerli. ILliENSED AUCTIO The Illinois State Voir, attitude of bold a: JAMIKS Ltelg)rf, WM. 0 2NEILL Pliorljtjj-:1,OB. NEER The Michigan State Fair, Wearagorry that there.11111199 Over and filed a durits, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN George blundell, ac artien fithingtlie train artilleavinchornes FOR TUE COUSTY OF 0-;TAMO,.&Nj) The New Emffland States cordlug te Isis Own 'Tite sthriiiige A ChAncOrY, ColivmYauro,,r, Land Agent, UMBER 1 LÙMBER 1 1 Ilipre were sold of of à in the Suites il, accuritit, rit least, $")me of the cla thrcad- man 0 the 1 neli &e- 011100-111 Parribl,',$ Block, Brock St., L Iwili Lave 01ent ffl-11 tak'eu care of till Choir 1870,7WO; 1871, $,(»); 1872, 10.0W. Titis bare nsystery of pýsrëVtageaniI go fi Uxbridge. 'Town>blp ofblaripoma&(,'arlwright yetis, it bas boers iiiilirovi-d by adding fin ai 1 attendant, graspini The nudprsijztjed hUving been appointeil 1 - - 1 , -týank his Marly iliends and tire si cliliker grate assil inicaliglits in lrolit '- and W'n'& t'rat we could, us faitlifui lits- 1 arin. Agitateil aç - torians, bkip il; aitogetiser, or else give 1 slie felt that pour 111 c.11 11. L A&N, BEGS ta Wu sell it with or without tire copper reser- GREIP.NVt)OD & Agillit-unil almil shipping Agent-for Ille LOBL IloTEL, Pithlic $;euurally fur the liberai patron- i . Ilim ut once, in tire eyes of the worid, a in a yery palov extensive Lumbor film ai Messrs. Synith age voir, Unil tire tant irais warming doset ýbù- - of: BABIIIBTEU$i- A IKbtuwe« upou bila durjug tire put four ectable house-keeping Father and But Aýnnie 'jook TTORNEys, fioije. Co-, ci Fent-lon Faite, lias i>petteilin coritifc. years. hind the rtove and stove pipe, and it mill eesp itora, Notariés Publie, eoiïvioyauc..ro. tion with bil, othor pressai ONT. lu ' 'Ven up thé business of burn coal or wooil. Mailler. Against our will, however, lier course rit once c'Ince on Street, South of lest office, POWELL pnopIIIEToB. B av 1 l'artielibUN-irigfroirius cati at argy*tira --sive aiIiffl cfi= dý9 friture, te de,.te my e We arc bouud tu report Of hissI tire mer- eil, in as quick a p an L replace any i)ortînne of pur stoves that may sel of romance whicli LUM BER VA RD whole tinte ta the businens of Auctioneert get brokeu-a great advantage. lie asserted about Grace Carroll etil Adjoinizig tire Mýýhitb Collectili &c. hitûself. F rom hie twelth year to his y& part perry Rail. and trotting by bel It will té my endeavùnr, Ly prompt and J. CARMICHAEL, Piest- twentieth, (lie was now nearly twenty. del2 addressed lier, WNY Statit)li,»Wljýete hý kefpa ciiiistnntly or, OYAL CANADIA'x HOTEL, careful attention tu business, ta give full Oshawa,'ý\ov. 2-1,1873. 4811 one,) Le liad been recoiving ilis eauca- tiefore tLie wordq r, OWU CLERK AND TREASURER finira a large. and complote stock satisfaction to all who gray, favorme with ------- tion in thé eminent college of the t4own Whitby. CMcv-Towný Hall. Hopro, of ail kinds fur sale, whologale and retail.- tiroir Sales or Cunectili- liFe(led hitu net bu front 9 ta ýl otclock, 0 Plu hine, and ail kinde (if work, cx- P - OILT PERRY, ONT., 9. LAD WOOD FOR SAIE. ----------- ecu= tly, ta order. PROPRIETOR, Bills dr-tighreil and Blank Ne ý. fur WlItre lie at prescrit resided, and hir, -He called, lier by cd fret of charge. te nish- remittances listil been invariably libéral. Jimen The subscriber lias for sale ai bis Mill la uotice him. She GEO. CORMAC'X. Allie Bill Stamps always on lian-d. rieur Utica, a quautity of four-foot 'Slai; 1%'heu questioneil bY bis claSS-mates, in lier. Identified as XSPECTOR OF PUBLIC SCITOOLS %ý'Ilitl)y, May 27, 1 Sdg. Superior accommodation. Gond stabling Arraneemente cou lie made for sales &-c.. for the Cotinty of Ontario. Address- 22-tf and -slied remis, aud attentive omtiers. at the CHUONicLc office. Whitby, Obeerver Wood. the bOld intrusive wav in which boys with the evil persoi A. B. CAMPBELL, wiil question une anocher, as tu Who, she bail fonna him, Ruglail Post Ctbee, Ontasin. Office Prince Albert, audat the Standard Utica, Sept. 23,1873, 39 and what lie was, George Blandell run with ail lier mý _rý ARM FOII SALE. ESTeliN IlorsL;,. Oflice, l'art ilerry. si - Je il 19 N IV 1 - W. M. WILLCOX, stated himseif te Le tire son of a Weill- bue. site checked th4 DUNDAS STREET, WUITBY. VCII) QUACRS.-A victitis of eariv thy merchant; a native of Ireland, Who recolleetion that si] Tliat weil-knou-n farin, lut 20, 8ra con. ci' Prince Albert, Sept. 24th, is72. su URGEON TO TRE C01UNTY GAOL, A resideil in a foreigis country. At first the nea'h lier. Whîthy, known as prtinature decuy, &c., liaving trieil iii vais] S Byron StrectWhitby, The undersigned would intimate te the explanation appeureil ratLsfactory. ever-v advertised reyr-4', lias discovered a Annie, i M. THE DONALDSON FARM, PIIIIIII, Chat tho -b-ve rreinit;es have beeii ALUA13LE PEOPERTY FOIZ SALE. film f self-cure, whicli lie But, utii,-rtýunately lor his quiet, tiielad tillis ? asked Georg. frée ta Iii- fellow sufferere. Address- distinguislied hiinself by tire intensity lJyýS 11OSPITAL, LONDON ENG And as et présent in the occupation et Mr. -rn",.,Vtlyel(iuors and Cigarg. "Thè Creans of 1 had come up with 1 CI tire eye IL 0. H. L., Oihtèwg,'Ot,,! N. Rav. centaine 190 acres; ahurit 1r'o Canada Pure Illeille Wine, Wali'm Lag. The rubscriber ofiers for sale the f(-,IIow- J. H. REEVES, 78 Nassau St., New York. of Iiis application ta his studies, and ta quicken ber pa( el , cared; awelling, outbuil(liligr,,fLyld or, whoiesale and retail. Boarders taken by ing valuable. property, il: the Tovni of Whit- consequeutly by extraordinary progress answer him. lie Ruitable the week. by --An excellent Brick Cottage with 4 acre OAL AND WOOD. andscliolasticsisperiority. Nowitwas side, aud boson t OflIctÉi; OPIenilid orchard of 3 actes îît extent. of land, situated on the corner of Green and 1 gla Apply - trý- JOSEPH A. BANYDEL. c faussa Ont that his station in hie, or his glanced fiastily bèh ENTIST. , (SUCCES. St- Peter $te., in the South Word. Also, j The u-iilersi£ziied hegs t . returnthauks for social Position, Was sufficently doubt, man wai; net in v sûr te %V. IL Card.) A. DONALDSON, HOUSE, acre of land, well leticed. and in a iligh star£' the liberal end lue e silig patronage lie fui tu alarin Ilis a Gov't Emigratinn office, of cultivation, cortier Wellington and Gif- bas been favorci r a- uriiig his three aristuei tic Y011110" lanc haà hidden 1, "itbýover r.'Jt&menoiils Store. Itltroug Marets 25. 1873, istf -fard OtS., North Word. J acre on Centre St. years in aIrL(wIi'h'herialy iiiforruq Clin schOOI-fellOws, and GeOrgO Was instIll- felt soinewhat relii Toronto. Con- Kl-%G AND G£011GE STTIFFT9, Etouti, of the renidence of C. Draper, E ýr.. that lie has iiow for sait, all kitidp ed - Lut those who, outragea !lis foel- -without an effort, c administered for the painiess ex- - the South Word, Al- 20 acres of gond lund. -ine suffered for tlieir Wmerity. He tu f;ny- 'traction Of teisth. TORONTO, 0 N T A R r o. beù,g compoeed of part of lot 18, luth con. of tire lient AntLracite and Bitumiuous M r HE ISMATED Risr 'JAS. T. JEVELL, 0 0 A proved ljiwself a fierce fi-liter'as Weil 'Mr. Blundell, of Township ofMurruy, co. Northlimber. as au eclipsiut, student. In fact, When alone., Proprietnr, Iftnil. M ce No V %sill. Y_ o). P4. Coy of Cal7ada. Tcrtrrsin, A' ng. 12,1873, 83.3m A clear ana indIsputable title will be given Isis passion was roused, lie took any 'Atinie. Anniewl ETH!iioerteil - Fire Inserai7ce CI) ali tbe al,-ve prnperty. For further par, là in yeurs, weight, or lieight, aud in o, of th' ? Why princit)leg of Il . le art, OBERT JOHN TARNOLD, ticulars apply ta the owner, always tjirasileil lits Inari. tire Élan you did n( 'La Cheap as the chelipe t 1 as gava am rite HEAD OYFICE---Mng St.,cor. Clin il FRANCIS CLARK. B E S T lIAIDWOOD Oue or two other fcatnre. Of Iiiii m reliJoroute 1 e béat. Teeth filleil kit); a ICI and silver. : '%%'Ilitlty. Jiily 187t. 29tf charactcr rit t;clioui inay b2 noticed. In Imie Wall aga 'Teethextrac-te(lwltllout CÉàPITAL,ý S5oo.ooo. OFFICIPA L ASSIGNEE At the lowest possible prices for Caids. the aililetie sports of iris compaujous, walk-eti briskly on- locul atimothoiçim. Deritlir ltt>ibrlls--in Cow. Fou TIIE *'Cos new-block, avoir Atkiumou'o Drug.Stipre, $6700Q ING BROTHERS, JOHN 13LOW co, Snell as lt,.t-ipall. wrestiig,,-, aud eo foth little retarded by Rhig Street, Oidiswa. 1 1 0 US T 17 011, 03,71.1litio li 't'ý'bitby, Au.-ngt 5th, 18-13. lie (titi net citen juin. Most frequOntly quence of tire lies it %viii adjust all hisses without delay, and WHITBY, ONTARIO, while they rao rial; ovir the beautifui ghn, VâY ovor rire ca-h AT OINCL, le of Grý1ce Can ta lion. ALEX. McKENZIE, M, P., AD:)IIESS->Llox 99, Wlll'TrY. 41 IMporters, Dealers atid Man MT ANTE D., lawu that tîtretelled from Cle coliege ta doýv£n lier erra. FSr - illacturers of al] 1 Lire watt-r*s edge, lie 8,-Uý,'Ilt a qiliet 'Aunie, is it poss'i SSUER OP MARRIAGE LIC Otfice--TownHitll. , Misas of Lailief, fin 'look %%illi las favorite arithors- yet. yon can ,give cred JOHN MAUGHAN, Ju., il ta learn TELE- ILAPH OPERATING, for Railivay Star- O.Ceas'oulj"Y, whels tire ( 'ame Or Pa-t- ru:tionrï; raised aga Street, titrée, (leur a-nort . là olTowl, Hall. Manager EA E S 1 T E ! LEATHER AND FINDINGS, tour and Commercial Lines in the Doiiiiiiioii. tdlle 01 t1W dý'Y was Particularly inter- really think me gui] J-104 Cash paid for Rides, Bark, and Leather. Seuil for circuýar. Address- es»tin-ý,, lie tiould sturt tri) fr(ým his loue- they lay te my cIIàý OAL ANb WuOD. litiess, flirig siside bis books, enter into AIR DRESSING AND SHAVI'NG C TOW N OF W HITBY. L.ather tetýhed. C LEMAN & DAKER, Sile stoppeil, sud Toronto, Out. the cotitc-st*, for a.-ile snl)eriority, as down for air iu5tant Saluait, Brock , St., %Vhitby. A. ALEXANDER, L--ïeBELTING MADE TO ORDER ON Ang. 06, 1873. 3-3-28t eagerly as if it were a c(,utest fur lifte a gir], witli sternneF Having purchaised the Coal and wood yard FREE SITE 'MILL Br, GrVEN SHORT lýOTICE. andtl(,ittii. Lut wlic,,u the paita of ex- 'Mr. Blundell, it i ai Mr. Joitu xelth, bugs ta j-utorm ILII tün, A ta aisy MatitifLLiýturitig Compally May, 1872. et-Ilence heeame iliswillinzly cetieil ta noursce au opinion c GENT FOR TUE -CELEBRATED laitiers tliat Chey will ûnd thý preluies con. I)ulldirl.- un ertilblis 22 7 0 T I C E Iiiiieiat iii the town. A Scottildi r1ranite. At MWyble Works Iltd'etIJ' flud 131els if I4ý and Wood him, lie would again qui.ýtly auti grave- innocence. Batas .of3onathau WtjlfetideilDuildasst.,wliltl)y, aii(l-Cijal deliver u owest price6. . J. RAMER GREENNVOOD, C EO. T. HALL, ls hereby crivers that application wili bti ;Y, au'i witil ali c Ilis PreviOns devOted- ly ag my foolisli frý Raviag purchisseil large tracts of tilt bcst 3 nuid- ta site Legiblative Ab,.euil)!y of t ýiita- ness, r. turn ta his voluutary titu(lie Mayor, Whitby, -T . a illili"Ilation permit, wood laitiln un the Lacis LAkes, a full und Wliitby. Feb. U-ti t if% T'Ext sesginti for ait Act authoriz- Main Iiis boyisli day., prompsed a WiLn- even with the bare i JOJEN tAibik.4c. AGENCY AND C031ýl-jc,,Sj(),.9çs. iiig the Midlaild Rýýilvay of Catiadn to giiur- Loill of devil entilliý-;iasm, Do issatter charucter of the cris 1 ellialletless supply will lie Ulwayd kept cil 11tee the ilitereSt 01, surh Bonfis not exüf»e(l- W, AUCTIONEER FOR TUE ba"d. - EMOVAL. Valuatinuornade and sec ntrcollecteil. latiui,ý,Ijtprove ta lie its monc-t-ary L'ÇCBoNuu'ïtEieDo ai Ontario, York aria ilel. lielii;nnalilerategati4l full me.asure gnfir- R nu '119 Iline tl-O'lsailit (101hirs a inibý, as the allil lp, il is mûre Itemidence-Lot 8, MAI Concession lylarkharti. aliteed. -Giral výeighed air thelowil Ocalem. Thé undersigneil lias resseuved hie Ince <4er TuE Pi'llitLnP Nc)rlh'P terl o1jiýet, %%hile lire ta!(ýtits fur attainin-Y il, vol, te address M o ta tu ongh Jutid.ti,,Ij R:Iill%,ny Cen, ally shail ally tiiing, couplet) Witli Ilis or PoètOînceýUuiosîville. Sait,»sattuuded cri Ince. Dentines, promptly attend p er-beaiiti'. the shortest notice, mua on keusonable terma. -Mtby, July 9, 1873. A. ALEXAUXDER. higirest rpfirenees. issue, and for uther purposes. spirit, swrin ail competitiots bi!foreliim. 'Presumptuauý;, ffi Terni% caç ha made aura bills printed ut rite :;8 BOOT cg SHOE STORE %Vhjtby, May 14,187.3. 201V 12, 18M. 47-6t Suelà a character biu fuir for eminence, CulwjÏlcL£ Oglcu for Mr. Carter. rurnptuonz' did von IRE NIX FUIE ASSU tý/the promises adjoinIng the Western Hotel, eitlier in vice tor virtne, according, as it lover, in toues evers, CE CO.Y., -hilidan Street, %Vis TO !20 PER PAY, Le direettd. Now we turn ta lier own. 8#IrýVà r;% logis "kNlite J>19 ithy, where lie in now TEAMSHIP TICKETS A,,euts Want- 1,reptired ta execute ail orders fur Work. A S ed. Ail classq of wnrkil,,Z people. of ailier mat L, rs. lyeq, Sir, presur - LOMBARD ST. à CHARING CBOSS, LONDON ltrge aria select stock on Land. Ca oll, wilom ive have jiist ICENSEI) AUCTIGNELII FOR TIIIt Repairisig sex, youzig or old, nake satire monvy suppose that, éveil il AU Coulity cil (,Iàtarii)t bugî tu ruturri dosse as unirai. k for un L, their pare irrarîsenfg, or reen carried roriT, aceoriling te lier fatli« course of societv thuidis 1jr cite litreudirm ESTABLISHED.ý IN, 17s,2- li- et..- - - . - . . 1 jur éLue votes its energii '714 -gpp luvestinents made in Municipal Deboi Pcrt Perry, J fine 21, 18,12. 26 $reat.,eorrapt"ji"" le é e tyo ýr of tures. Batik, and other inarketatu ble 5tockfil. demi dis- thïn qnartèr ëf à raile knew or.. It bas Do tour of knaves frai the hoM3ë,»f iller Inch. lu Jeoff- Oh, dotes For further partJeulari apply tu 1ýj rr'ro., p and, --k- »Q.favm train theirauW en, d h=blo bUe, Aunie and lier Maid JAULS Il0LD£ýN i It reparti th'o fashions for t] e es, 4n ip'odt, ýa any "lia , Ch PRODUCE the markets for the _ùý Menii Y-4, Offlow À76signec, Broýýe"", &0. A -P P L E T R E E Sy The s-abseriber ]las on haid- anil for sai tic markob, bon ýnéé4- ad l' gÏýaned ýto, wbicu it theirinfancy. Thitheri ait tifs Mill pear tics, (inte Corrie's), ai, à Pays of the inorning bi t4', ]IV OFFiCE-Over tho J)bjtiùjiuu Bank, IMe. A 19 0 V T 20,ou kinds of Iiimber es. Bill lumber M Pa ' - ý bc 8'uch forever l' Mülan'â Brook St., %Vhitby. .01 il, $mue Fini it is the Che Y, lias per ýpnblish ,fthe Uprîl.Uth, 11:172. 15 -AT TU£- fini ta ordur. ed. fl a year ww ' it Lere was du 712J Gai VI "Ore for si àubsi own of bis Voici as CTOi SQUAUE bor 1 àiwtkocer,'Jw > t get up a club in _NURSE_ýY &.'13.-CAMPBELL. =_ î HOM E r tinn of- t eý'h -Sun'at this rate. îow words, that they Utica, Ati,« 20th. M 0 N T RZ A , ; 1 . - ô mu WM gef PMVIC Nay, M From two ta tour yeurs of agecinbi ail 9 h, des'siniiie dollar )usly heard. '»e -_411 0»'.ànuWo ear. She Waltbynriigfialltl,ïtringBLndgailapted tlie-bet§tVguîeties. for ayeur. sud-- into, bis for diâ-ouà, exclusively-commission. no tm«vellÎng agénts. tir- aller hour, into certaili upoW p4rtiell, &V., i wili éilàl)PIY t1lu bi aild SETII C. WILSON, 'leur Ëz -Vïogsioù -tonched her 1 % 12 years expelience in the Mi m e-«t Pages,56 columns. p4iMks_ýwLich before ho hall but 1 despÏie ëf the dee latd'ét Mi terinlif. ntreal ly k 4 d-Ci train this rate. télieved, at present averred tlîaý Iýe- Pest À)Ililu.btiiu* main bu lande Lot No. 3, 2nd Con. Pickering, au Kingston e trade. Returns proin t, an 2 A discount of 20 nuirket prices obtained. onsignors kel* 110491, -wt office, Whitby. Bux-Same alze as the -'al[ doubt 'George Blundell wasthe ure, and the p postfil as ta sale 01 ý th padif, proi ai j or by Idtter, (puât said t', '%DEN, Informationas - te price, Ji luxzùsheà t ta clubs ce ne sir l; cote Per oùe of thà ahdui of his daughter. untarily afforded J. WOLFE. or' A 1 -Dow Annie's gricf and despair at Fàý1, indeed, elle ari whitby. ALUABLE FARMI FOR-' SALE. Ion application. tg, À trial COneýqnn&en1 DAM', S"-A 1 four page news- nd V - V . paper of 28 coluni Driy' circulation over e«tý, ý lialled ÎR. . After sanie' time, tatiýn'shoýcould be'R solicited. ?. litifent eavours ta cotai ressaned on flie subjet 120,000. All the news for 2 etg. Subscri in vain en il Le B 'Le 8 Being part fi lot 29, 7th concession Scott, AXES 1 TAXES 1 GEORGE PERRY, Jis- tien price 50 cents a month or 86 a year. ýO T Couricy ni Ontarioý-10() acres, 75 cleared T' cor Juff Carroll, dis - two, young girls' 'jpren Ci and in a good state of cultivation. Good Address- tense, -11cférence: clubs ofl0ojýovera discount oi2O percent. egau ta retrace their way honicward. inward sufférini ýlwelling h-)tij§e, and extertiiiiii outt)iiildiugm Notice is hereby given that alltaxesin Jannary 13, 1873. IY3 well, George They were close ta a lane which sliai fi HC)RSE -M EDICINES, in good repair. Apply ta the nwijer, si mubt bc paid forthwith, fflt 11TEB SUN," New York. ed by bushes on either hai led diiýect- I'meant to-sayï-wbàt tbe be4t Ijnrýfe Me(li ly ta the water's edge, and were about ta me ait, lai All flaieriptions fi SEMBON TIFFIN, IVITE6UT À SEVCi CALL t- IDLAND RAMWAY OF CANADA. 1 inouktioý)t uoilýittatly Ott liand 4114 fur ksiéfi on the premisoi. ta enter it, villien Aunie Xénüedy drew li a were now tremblii l 1 ti) or th ect,)r wül bave no other &Items- M _i_-_ the y Livery Stables. Leafii Nov. 14, 1872. e oeil, TIM.B-TABL back in terrai for within it »,Iw beard ef with -au effort to6 L-eNce eh erge f ir ;0vire. 47 tive but te take proceedings. -the aece, ta foi orgoBlundell , 0 althongh weeping. Ilaymetit ci t"xes tain bc inaile nt the col.' fi not sec his Persan, -And lie 'Annie,' ho answel ýESTERN ASSUli cO.ýlp4i rvtààý,uci zidus str -et. Going North froin Port Hope te Lindsay. FOR BUILDING A CHURCH she conin E. AUX PIIIIE, Beaverton an& orii Ivill bc receivecl 1 was engageil in conversation witlî on- lyolu arorii I do i 1 Mail ...... DM a. M. 1 Mized .... 8.00 p. -)Y the unde other man, çýliose liai-oli. abrupt 1ýone9 1bIàmé,ýu0 nia'tt,-r IfFiD OFFICE, TORONTO. Collecter. - . . rai, ed on'be .1 E -R L Y, Whitby, Nov. 12th, 1893. 40' GoingNorth t.Ptrtoo'&Lkefiid. hall of the Building Committee, up ta lofai éd a startling anticipation te ber but thai S400,000 - - - _ 1 mon... li il. m. 1 Mized .1.. Àm p. ni. iuP=ý PerrY, 88MO2, ta Wcocipleted by hei - 1 My faite, and the day CI-irk Dffl3i Coupt, Tp, Cli AnENT FOR si 0»"Anin, OR- SALE, South from 0 'One woi more, -one sound marc, is tri very true, t1mt 1P'07t,-rbmr0ý rilliâ te Lindsay' FIFTEENTH AUGUST , N'EXT. fri yourlips, Sir, and yon shall re hold the niai ordinary Cf1auni4&ý mer if, Iii Agent, JOSEPH HOLMAN, IJIIOUELI,%f, ONT. A valuable Fann, lu a high litote ci cultî- peut it-, raill the stri _fe bWI voice, in a a persou accuseil as I- k_ Atholy, Cýjfiùiy Outitria. Albo_,%Ketit. for the CANADA FABILERS, ystion, oeil net *xcelled in Callad bein Mized .... 2.40 p. m. 1 MâÏL. .... M, a. m. imd %tous luimisbed on the spot, ail nioatilictatorial ionf,--,From that in- tUrefýre, intrade upor Athoriv 9-!jt. 2nfl. llr#2. MUTUAL INSURANCE C031p,%Ny, Lot 2â, 2Ûd con. ljjui Uoi ýj! Cuzmiug SoutÈ . froiii, Iýkàe1d. üther 2Dâterial ta bc fu=isbeâ by the fi 31îddloâc,%, M acres cleared and *«Il watèr. 1 Mized .... 5.00 a. m. 1 Maili 4_2-u p. ML tractor. Mant 1 thri you u on your ai flour- future time, Perlisi 9 sud ed, gui fmuces, guoil buillrigis, fui à flue l Connects with the ý y' frffr the entire Job,.or for ishing roi au niust wait iny able ta, cast OYAL IIOTEL, lpm*"ing nani%,ay to ýy 'COUJI9 orchai et choi fruit ; situai alul ùm Toronto ai tbem"cmry ilýiclIllasteln-g, time, sir'and n ti R CIT*IZE'NS' l'i';SUItANCE, COàIIP#Y, y rutediate stations, £ 0 shali I heur- trio yony firat ý se a caltibn for Carpeiit-eï and Joiller work WiliTOY, ONT. m. ithin 41 tnil" of the t 2 1 «Wdn village of at bfilîbronk fer Petei ai finirand G1azinýg separati fi [lie ýùjjýët., and-, 1 Montreal, Fire, Lité and Guarantee Ii Hill, aud tontaiui tg 142'ucrtýs, with Gài Tri nt Part HD>e both morn- lmk4fi-4ations si termi pay. re Par pàticàlaiit apply toi Ing and evetdigg wifh7 tuinà East and West. :7,' time thé inay, fi wiU ýresto ms. P811WLE, - PROPHIETOR.J Déipartni 1. IWIJýwtth" ' ' forever, -'Uëd',G rge lier father thifcace of Me roi interrupte TIIOMAS naïf. Str. xôr&@mnn ait 9 -&, di. for Rochefft4z.' 'At t 'Pirit-otu4 accommblatir)n. Aynplesnil PIT L. 62,000,01eoi. - ., Veil in&W up-ouLupla rgoni lar obminextial Park ifill. X. G. TAYLOR, prosen , AnswM 20 , ý -1 1Thýî !à, 11-m'n",bue thli', Dac. 0, mg. ISMU Whitbn July 2t, i6M Pi Pmir. D£Cý !L lere . "out suanse , aaa, gave, me, T'ne ollowing.parücul»ro;-Re &"ted that îü 'Friday night ý%bout eigbt WoLick, ut M hé was aitting down, to supper Dur mon rode up to the front gate art-I ,skéa sonne of the üégr-ôez un the place w soins ivhiskey. De. Jolinson sent hem: waid tfiatý ho liai no wliiskey, rhen two of tbe Ineu dismonated aud rent in the house aud told Dr. John- on to'get thern bis mùney; that tliey âà been sent after it, witil the instru> ýon to'kill hitu if bc refused to gi Ve it D. Dr. Joh-aqou is a country-raer- &anti al)(1 told the ineu that w;iit I0Me.ý- lieltadwas out at tbe store, but àey told him îtwas not true, tijat hiti ioney was in hia bedroom, and made im go with them to the-r00014 wid said )pen'thai bureau drawer aud get ý it ut.' , Dr. Johnson saw at once that iey know all about it, se ho déIWerýd iein 38,OW in e=enýey, $49, in gold ad silver. sud his gùld weteh sud chain, >orth about $200. Ile, offers the en- re amouut for the arrest Qf the robberr.. A Kentucky Tragedy. BLOODY AND FITAL El.qcouxTpu IIX Till. RARRODSBURG COURT HOVýE-XIX2 MEN FIGHTING TO THE PZITII- 11F WOU.NDLD. _IULLED Lut Weilnesday afternoon, Nov. 26, Le case of Richard Meaux vs. Theo- )re H'Daviess had been eonclude(l,, > far as the evidence auCi instractio -ne the jury were concerned,'. aqd ý the ýii>rneyii were consaltia.- as to wUttLhýr iey shoula address the in-ey or noi. he attorneys for the plaintiff ware the M. J. Durham zd(I le & Poston; L on. KY S the defendant, Messrsý C; X and 1. W. Ilarain, and Bell Haraing. - A ffifficdlty -haà deen expý-cted to rise at ény time during the, progreu r the suit, inasmuc"s grave questions r erseity had arisen baiw£en DavieSJ4 ie defendant, and P. B. Tilompson, w., the principal vkituess for and the ormér agent of Meaux. Every day 2riug the trial had been present not ily Tiieo.EL Daviess, sen., but al&ýi ýs eldest son, Tiieo., and Ids.other sous arue and Eu.-eue. Darial- the l"t id fatal da- ' cald*ell Daviesa was sa in the court house. Of the ýomp« -sen., _ousý P. B. Thompson, Tilompson, jui -P. B. Thomp- n jun., bein- attorneys in large attice (aufl the first nanied beinq e priucipal wituess l'or the plaintiff), -re of course present ditring the iole trial,ànd Dr. Daviess Tliainp;.:on' Tinjý the lart day or two of the triâl. Aftér the conclusion of the evidence was , concluded that nez collision )uld take place. Abont ý4 o'clock, wever, this bope was dissipated ý by a bloodiest and niost fatal encounter it ever occarreil in -Harredsburg. tige Wickliffe befing on the beIýIch, d seeing B. P. Thompson, Jrleaving 3 court room and the- Daviesses lowinghim, said -tu-"the, Sherîff: ,ring those men back." But the order ne too late. Just thon firiug begtu. ý court room was occupied by fifty sixty persdus et the tîme, wlio thraw ýmse1v6s behind the bouches do )il the bullets that begau to fly in ýry direcdon. For several -mintui»js ýre was an incessant fusilade, every. Ler noise being, drowned by the re. !t of the ýpistols. All the- Davîfsses 1 all the Thompaous, fivë of the mer sud four of the'latter,-nsed ir wespons with dçttermined courage L pertinacity. Out in the Court use yard, Theo.. Deviens, Jr4 and B. Thompson, Jr., clinched, each sping the pistol of ýtùe other.-- vieu was thrown by Thompson, e, and releasing himself ma through north sile gate and toward the st National Bank. "_ Wheu near the à comer a ýfîhOt was fired at him, ing the loarfuistraggle. -- lwfollowingexethe reaults of the xly conflict. Caldwell Davièsg tped=mlj*umd by le ' through baekvindow ofthe 1417urt Honse, ihingthroughoash and'glus as he it. Theo. D i avless' sen-'Was shot nigh the heart, and feil inside the rtroom, near the doorway, dyin« 2edigtely. Larue Ditviesswas shoit ýé in-the left am aand once dear the ïr of the breàstý-féII on the walk éw feet in front of the Court isedoor. RediedinsfewmInutes. o.Davieusj=., was shot in the aandthrongh the body, the lut ontéring at thé 10,wer end Of the e and lodging in the outer coating Le abdomen, whence it was extract- y Dr. AbeIL -Ile died on Thursday, . 27. Eugëneý Davieu èscaped B. Thompwn, senit received a wound-. in the thigh. P. B, f i- IVL - 1- __ c Ir-.L---Sm, jun., was- Blightly owder 1 L L' IDAY,

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