ew come forwarl for Conneillors are in the oums -011 wMCA ne la' U"à ble II W extend, - ith. 001icitar faIr .Paywent d- the JIYPOPI Cýcunai4 we trust, with &D those, matters work of G. Y. $m M to. 19twIs DU yeurs I bave, 00 OusrY 1874 accon Bumôr hall it that elthe Mr. Mer. J-Wmo'-KemËthern,, for WI basé North Wan Thoir ri. Coleman, s"ýjZ thm hi wks in; trà d"z th" if,*» tLnfaw ta the": WÉ6 1 ine, ai lots -15 and 16,,#50 1 Michael in many , CqA.L1ýQ wlor à before them, bc fýe ready in hauding aun" m""t'& riek or MrPatrick: 11nI II Toronto- etrueted - ta- bring & nuit -for - 95W' for hâd a>mOv- PaM -theïr tèý" Itohève ta- Shannessyl work: b6tweeii lots 28'and -résulte-.- Silice- et atudî aver the stock debeniures until they &ppear in other columus. ivill be appointea ta, the Senste ta fili damI to bit, dient'a property: - of 0 bave faily, iutisfied t- Osu,&wà .-Thore are a few irrepret- CI Of the vacancies mated by récent V -of the collec. hemielven thât a belpIpay the extra salary tfollkl'tbÀt' the W, & tOI 291-in th'I con, 040 ROlit. Annan, kindly afford& MIL. M"M. golden-l'and partuersif are sible individuale in 04lawa- whose bue desths. rý,-painng rond ..Feraper, 81 25; John- kn Object in It in rnmored in Weil iùfotiued circles thlir "'Ith' - RI WA» VM Justly elÃŽtitied ta thom II would appear ta lie ta roqumniétim f eýefflneil were irt. on " towu hall,&o.,#18 78; in Toronto tIMI Ur. A. H. Dyniond El b' grotvI sûpÉliý-d fôi compotinil - syt fulfilled. and in=î q cArtificatft Of Mr. Blow. secondai] byur. vmifs, ow m o. Hick. bI Mrs. I have usëd it éditer of the Globe, lm, ta be ap 25 91 aurse and keep alive bitter political pointed iznvernmftnt enI r. The II ImAveil thst a furtber appro 0 sol: 4 vam- The Watson acquest. feeling nt the expense, of good m priation Il Jolington's chilà , eighbOr- Clprlc of thp Exectitivo Conneil, in recul, of town *toek debontures, allegea ta be pla"d ta the crisait of the- fire 'and- $5 65 ; Levi Mackey, both in diseuRf 1oodI. Thef thresten ta make a row of MI J. G. Scott, retired. now duo the Company, were clairued, watfr COMmitte for >tilt- prir ne -9 - JZ"OtlO ta WItIO' Gate$, $122 80; Jacob sumption and The following are tb»--urain'on wlîicb -pl - f de Tool, material and work on bridge on the lâte un. Watson haj MI ber -ho-' overtbe,'taunidpal' elActions, and put Grip, the comie P' and serni-Grit The CI laid on the table the gtate- frayiniz eXP-ngA of ilieizing And stoninr Ride infautà e du'w'm' Fard out theprmatcouneil. If the présent oI bas lipon dItrtr'd in Copyiniz mentor thé rAceilits and expenditurpiq a vvel, in the gentil ward, the Rame ta he rond hetween 14 and 15 in lot Con., Stornaéh 'and quest te the town for a publie hbmry' gentlemen desire te, retWin oWm we be. eartoQuit from Punch. Two récent on" on RI and expenditures the prosent exAcuteil forthwith in Rame Place in $94 80; Johný Barneg, work on side RiI "Par the purpose of enéouraging the bsvé beent exporA.I. and tant weeva Yeu. gaid ward Considereil Most needfal. "I betweeu 4 and 5 in 7, th con, 850.- irnilar* Pr para II they will bolre-elected. illustrai*' is front. Punch of February, ymà vm 50; WDL Miller. balance 011 lumber for Il éPread of u@oM--knowWge se for- ton AM Publie. Thauli wà rding the- growth'd the tô"101 Towiromp or - Witrrây.-3fr. Bickelli 181& Ur. CampbAU présonteil the report. M,&WTIER'g bMgpo. 9101 78; Jas. L. Ptsimor, lum- information, is threatenid wîth opposition er the M,. - ber and ceilar tim, or, $140 81 ; Aloi. ýVhI >,tel Sm., AnnÃttid a"il Vail *are en. of the " militée bn finance sud anseng- On motton of Mr. Donovan. Arthur biargach, Caffin, Des bill, and hUr CHAND oraper. ' reeveship. We are told that an appas- tertained at- the Clnh gaturdiy > evening mont, whîoh'rý«omiùénded payment S-SI P--titioa was'referred ta the orate My name sud my husaband' itièn ticket is II ta be fSuned by hy the blinister of dngtn -of the followine UI Jos. BatiI Town Solicitor. Mark Audrews, #13 5a; Win. Dov;ýseIl, The Min- men airingroitil seraper, 34; W. Rogrrs, di E%.- the &&M town of WhI I haroby ve isters now in Ott& or indi. iw£4'Uëuïi. DewhuI '610; J. 4. MaDnlO«at bread'f and be-queâth, sololy out 01 My Po m- the parties wlio',couiested the election, and Tliom'Po»n, 'the Britiih Columbiau gents,"$7ý; R. . &J. Campbell. onit of Asq"s A» LUBILMES. work on eastein town'line. $23, Mr. CAMPBELL laot yI Mr. John Dryden and Ur. Mrý Willis, seconded by Dý Carson, Frankishworli on szide -rond betweeh 2 ber brothor, Mr ni mate, t'o the Corporation of the memberg and a numborof othft goutte-, elothes, &o., for.-,ebief Constable, #87 25; moved flint the treasurer, be reqnÈo;tpd - sud 8, 6tli eau., #80; Wi'Ãi. Lidget, for sp town Of whitby the ïam of four t RI The report was. adopted. John Tweedie are urgea to, Coule for- Men were présent. ta furnish st the néit 'Mpeting a state.' gravel for roula, do. and II ilI the W @and dollus, to -bc paià to the Tresoltr BUT. Ment- of the assita and liabilities of the A&YGEMNTS FOR suotained, $20; John BarneR, tell of a Fou.- BEA(,U.-Thore fias been Rame tà lk GRANT0 To M«moi3à ý-Favourable or- Au acconI Jas. A. Campbell. bankIin connection with thii munici. work on side rond bêtween. 10 and 11 in A Bar- 01 the uld town, for the purpose ofý9_ rangements are beinR complew for the Il. , 7ILI con., 62 50;.Jý6hn Grà fianiý' do., SKINN ER- of opposition ta Mr. Graham, for the $5, for printintz and bindinir a book fer pa ity, and présent assiste te, moef ý said tablishing and maintaining in the d flirffierancé of émigration ta UsnitOb8- town clerk, was érdere4 to ho paid. fiabilities with. 02 50,,,J. I. Davidsou, work où bill nt Immola of the brû ainion reeveship, and the maman of Ues8tii- The spécial Arrangements berotofore ex. town of Whitby a public library ma Bat-eji and Weir have been mentioned istiniz with the Atian II for the CI After the môverla explanstion, thà t lot 1. 9th con., 010. en the 4th iný va& raochanice' institute -, ta lie dealt itb the facto were mot only for the use of The. committee aisé recotà meùtledý Marchant, Par] il and belonÈ ta, and ha under4he CI ascandidates. Mr.Weir wülnoteon. veYance Of immigrants from British and Ur. Blovr infrodI a by-law ta the copie and présent courteil, but fa t the reeve au(]' Clark . ho authorized Branagau, of 'W wn of the corporation of th sent ta mm, and Mr. Bâton would stand Europeau ports are hersafter ta apply âmend the formei by-law, appointmiR the DI of the conneil for next year, te sign the petitions to the Dominion .o town of V it. little chance against Mr. Graham. ta all ateaulship linI ports of the polli'ngr places for the coming m the motion was adopted. Législature for the prohibition of. the by--sutidg through the Ma lui! !)ominion. Thé Minister of A4eenIture élections. The by-II recom= , - 1 iiianu"ure and sale of intoxioatiug IVEITB EAST WHITBr.-Ur. Gay, (the pires. in exceedingiv active in the Administra, thst the vacant blililin« of Mr. chester te-i. 0OUI or Other, govornîng body thère liquors offortlietiraebeing, wboslmll battis, entWarden), wishes ta retire with bis Ition of bis bepartment. and the good Draper. north of Ta£ CHROVICLE officA. The following in a maternent of the The committee aloo recominended well-won laurels. Mr. John Smith effects will very soon appear. be appginted PI place for theNortIL receipts and expenditures on streets that a byI lie introduced, and passeil FaIl Wheat.... trustees of sida boquesh and Cam out wI Au amendment. moved by Dr. and sidewalks for 18ý8 : ' spring wbeat. will II lie returned as reeve in Mr. ta dissolvethe union et School Sectio? 13arley the saine, 'and be'boaI keep the B' W. ScOTT.-It is Raid 4h2t Carson, subrifituting tha ald Gazette Brock Street- No. 1 of Whitby and Pickering and tp .... Guy's place, or it is mot unlikely that Mr. Scott bu become very unpopular ofacet was. however carried; sud the "me open At au times* to come as a with the Iùmbprmen. in conséquence of by-law passed as amI Alipropriation and Unexpended auriez the Pickering portion of the Rail Peas ............. both gentlemen will ho re-elected ta% in 1872 .......... ...... ' Blsý* Bye PeI ,agon, Publie II and mShauice' instituts, his havinz, an Commissioner of Crown .......... 81ffl 93 Union section to Scheel Isection No. r t -and for carrying on therein, andin and their old positions. Lands, cancelled the order imposing an TOWN FROI Expended ........ 1814 77 east of Pickering. ( ............. PICKERING, In titis township ail increase of duty on square pins timber Mr., Donovan presented the report of Dundas Street- The standing committee on damages Oats ..; ......... ?ICE. and about the sème the varions the to*n p r mmi Th r Ap opriation, &e .. .......... p parties tire waiting ta née what Mr. and Oedar, whieh was ta have cerné into rails ty Co ttee. o a. Y e58 31 for shee killed by dogs recominI Hay ..... . ....... 48 cises, du White will do. If ho makes ap his force neit sprinir, and that thereforéhis port recommeÃœded payaient of the fol. the following payments: H. Powell, Potatoes ......... »». institution in the said town of Whitby: Prospecta for réélection are mot of the lowing accounts: John Brvan. 09 60 ; Base $7 83, Albert Lawrence, $2 66, Job6 Apples, per birrel Imind ta run, the présent Connaît wil Redden, $11, Eggs ... . ....... and $hall mot sI lier dispose -of, or il brightest character. Gý C. Gross, 80ets; Win. Till $80. The Appropriation .. .............. $27,000 _g. Woodruff, $8 62. 1 couvert the Rame ta any other use or 112 ail probability lie electedt with report was adoptait. Expended .............. ...... 250 38 The reeve, on motion of Mr. Browi, Butter ......... 'White nt their band, aq reeve. Should NOTICE OF BY-LAW. North Ward- -was instructed ta grant lin order in fa4 cheese ........ ... use& whatuever, except ta vary in such, Mr White leave the field, the will The Heratif nays the attempt ta - get Ur. Blow gave notice of By-law to Appropriation ............ $WO 00 or of ail the parties recommended bk Beef, bina quaitel Minor Matters as in the judgment. of re up a rpqnisitinu asking Ur. D. Glaita ta Expended, ......... ....... the abolie corumittees. M. Raid MI and Couricil, or other gov- likely be a genemIl fight, in whicIl regign. lias faileil and aI The provide for 'the better appropriation ..... 486 88 Mr. Palmer introlluced a by-law #a Beef, fore quarter Messrs. Miller, - S. K. Brown, John Position of bis tradlICOI te-Jay ils 8 ment and fxpenI the moneyR on atreets. -Centre Word- SW4 1 appoint retnrning officers and places for- Pork, per titirt .... orning body, may béat contribute ta humiliatI one, and will be stili more and improvements. and for facilitatinz Appropriation and Pnex ..... 1 holding the municipal eloctions, which Chikens ........ Haiglit and Palmer wili contest tire Expended .......... ......... . carry out the intention of this bequest, 00 wlien the ppopif- are appertieil ta. We the manazement of the work thereon, :,: 547 87 was adopted. J' Ducks per pr , .... and make à Most useful and beneficial reeveship. Mr. S. G. Green, will, we Congratiflate Ur. Glags au the Outeorne and for repéaling by-law, 149. South ward- Mr. Miller moveil that the collpetor Turkeys, per fb.. Mr Campbdll introilliceil a bIvI ta Appropriation and unex. in 1872 9365 39 ho allowed outil lat February, 1874, ta Goose, ........... tu the, Raid town of Wliitby." are tala, be a candidate for deputy of titis pêneention. and sav ait honor ta extentil the Lime for sellinu lots for unprtifl * Expended ........ .............. W9 84 ded. reeve, and blesors. W. Richardson and the constituf-Ucy wilicil Il » n return the roll. wooi ............ "And my exeCutors héréin named As such a ma taxes b"onl the terni of titres yparq. Tite Couneil adjourned at a late lieux. 'ton. Mackîe for the council. and 80 worthy au appreriation Of him-" The B . Mr. Brown moved that Brougham Coal, per jucil May, if they think fit'give $200 more, y-I was adoptait without Union Sunday Schaot be allowed te Wood. .......... . was in order the more completely ta éarry PORT PEany-Mr. Sexton. the lires- PREACHIqG,&,.VD PRACTICE. amendment. Gencral Sessions and County Court. liolil thpir annivergary in the town hall ont reeve of SI opposes Ur. Jor. The Gazette refert; ta the appoint. TUE RAILWAY DIEBIENTURES. on the 24th inst. way Out the abject of the said beqnest." ruent of M'r. FAI 'Pýtni-"rition Aqenf (CONTIN * Ilrenkf»ot.-.wIE Bigelowforthe reeveship. For colin- toIt On motion of MI Dntiovan. the UED.) The conneil adjourneil tiIIWI tiol ""d 4,'$-mipo 101. For this bequpnt the people of the Cillorsthe naines mentiolieil are MesErs. lis, ptinth of Ireland, and the récalf CoUnLil went intn conirnittee on the The Wat on Will Ca8e. _ In th,- day, Dec. 240j. knowledge of tbe Ir ion, tolVa of Whitby have, we bolieve.mai!: of Mr. Larkin, au a proof Il the ptire. communication of Mr. English, in re. Watson Wiq Élie operatinns of d %Vlà ite,'P.obert-i, and Crandell. The ininded itentlertion wlin nnw nec Il eue, the particulars of Bazine found Otiilty and S*ntenced ta by a Carefui applic ho ly to tbank bfr. Greenwood, thA prement UOV the fprence te the Stock deboutures-31r. which were Riven II week, the jury -fies of well-Belect contest for the reeveship is beinir car- trt-afznr.v boucher; are regolvpd t ' 'ri fil# Death--An Appeal for Mercy. 9 go à layor. The proper disposition of ti.,e 0 place a King 1 - chair. Iprouý-lit in aý vi-rdict in favnr of the omvided our break iver money, it will ho néon, in left altogether riait on with considérable warmth. Premilini upnn treAI artinz. wé pre. Mr. HoIrIpn, who. witli Mr. G. Y. plaintills, 4claring the laçt will of 2nil Ver, II flavoreil berven ScuGna-Tlie naines of Iloggis. J. gurI CrI the Prilleillh' thilt their ton- Smith. repre-enteil 1%fr. Englisli on the .1112ilst, 1872, . iluly proveil in Rolemn ail«S. Dec. Lwhaud, court- many heavv doI alg. witIl the Mayor and couricil, Bo long as li're of office d--penlIR linon thé ntinihi.,r oconqinn, waq heaI Ri- prprI forin. A. G. MeMillan for the Witt. seF for 11arshal Bazille. fiiiisbeil Iiis ad- ilazette. Made oh itin the intention of the testatrix in carried AI S. Platten and W. Batpmau tif fuir w--atlior -pnliticialia thAv' eftu that the conneil lin lerstond ail about Spence vir. Lynde.- Actinn on tic-. dress tII njornitI Ho declarI that MII Each paI are spolien of as Candidates for the i apeure by Pnrellagin- froni the ra . nkg of the flpbptittirpq. wilicil il as the Marshal dit] not surrender in the ('0-- HOmIeDlIlIthie the out. WitIl the arnourit tlinç secureil, ail hppri in tilt- coillit. Ve-dict for plaintiff for $56 15, MANUFACTURE 0 j reeveship. thpir oppnnentg." firgt Place L'IvI te Mr. Diitn!,Ie, anl .1. E Pard-well anIl W. 1:1. Billin.-s for open field. lie was gUift1èýSS of V;Olatiti- -ive an acenunt of lut, the insurauce nioney CI ta the TrioaÀu.-- In tII township littio in- 'Nf r. FîtrI we.sintt the lv hitu fa ',tfr. En,-,Iigll. ntiol in whiels pitff . G. Y. Srnith for deff. article 210 of the arjny colle. JUilý_ %ýfPFtffl. 'Tanleg El ler, 'Uccl]aDÃŽ09' Institute, "Dit about 96,000 ilflil staff, and lintil the ntlld"r dav wan the présent C4ntoi)any nor himgelf were Davii ?Ydr. Willrom.-A-tion on ac- meut wi 1 I)ral)ably be gI this i.-ven. mf iliptetic article ,do tu whieh the town is eutitled imiter the tares t RI to bc nianifest il 'In ré- a littrroypponpnt of the NICKen,-if-' plirtv. in no way interesté-d' A bond 11:11 Canut. Verdict for pl intiff, %35 ing. Fington Rond, Le et ta iuunicipal matters. 31r. C. : a lfargilal (as8ell's Bilurehol ollé i The Gazette torms bis appointment da 1 X Laelianil, cotinsel for lial Municipal Loan distribution fuild, the )een oven ta the entincil that the rond W H. Billings for PI P. A. Htird for in his preroration, sa i.1 - 1 depp. To*wu Couccil will Ide in a position ta Robinvon, the présent reeve, and wha, prostitution of the Pntronaize, of tire giloulil be carupleteil hefore the delypn. doit. à fPMFDY F bas fie long and w(jrthily filleil the et. Crown ta purellaqe liolitical support." Livres would be handed over. The rond Burke v8. Lapp.-Action on rie tint 'y symp'ithise witli tho ýZatioDal sel. rimple and stire m put up à building ut, Onco creilituble ta Co il ier ovei whelineil by thiR terrible accu- rumption, Bronel 'ho fi ill I*k ly be re-elected. was Dow, lie was Prend tri fiav, Cam- balwepn priiieilial and ricont. Verliet sation. He is bravi- and fears nothing t.«te tO7 ne full inten- P. Molles. fur reeve; Fol jtýnd in whicli t' Vie loss of Il; CHRISTMAS PRPSF'2%Tg,&T GOLDAMITH'S plet'ed, and fair hetter eflmplf-ted than i for pl-aintiff, $IG M 64. J. E learpwoll Iut Scrofilla, and any d L*;Àw -.""o ey HALL.-SpéCial attelition is Ilirected ta waa understooil 'Mr. Durnble it- and A. G. MeMillan fer pltff ; G. Y. S 11,111ofir. 1 feel uiI Lnun. Nervons 1 jý4 Ion île Watson bequ(.St II be and Warren for deputy réceve ; and, i ths with for France wijich wili deplore the loqs (I Wenkneqr, an( reâ fýfîIyuo4YTied out. nivertisernent of II Jolinston, in "boula be- He- exPlairied that the Smith for deft. of a valorous' goldier. Your honours, by YOuthful imPru4 with the members of the présent Colin- allier coltimils. Re lias a splendid as. agreement with Dninble was, Bongard vs. Bigeloud. - Action for j)-itrioti-rn i:)rhiilq that voit coijýiernii TUTTLE il ho lien au engine could draw' cars wrongt1il diý;misFaI. Vi-rtliet fer deft. ' West leormtcr--Iglection of Mr. Moss. ail. Messrs- H.. Souger, Harrahy, and sortment of golil and silver watelies and w jjim. Yeu kilow wliat jolitical trial: _NNIE -TRPÃŽAI là r ta the siimmit, tlien the dphontil-s P - A FInr-1 for pltff; J. E. Farewell r- on record on which postpriýv 1 r WASTJINNG DI Peter Thompson are spolien of as can- jevrelry of ail kinda, aise êtectro-plated . wore ta lie, hancleil avoir. Ile showed and W. Nf. Cochrane for deft. ra;.ýpil the statue of thoe exectitil a mm Mr. Mose bas been elee a ; 1 . f fer st toit for West Mates. ware and faucy -laits. Tlicy were care- the absiirýlity of the affreptrient, aq the 1 The Qi4oeet va., En..-71ish.-Assanit.- feeble Toronto by a majority of 511 over UXBRII VILLAGE.-I G01ild, it his carq MtLht be drawn, and the rond silli trI M. Potircet 10 211i and i fully selected hy himseir, durir!g i Put off tilt rlext Court. :..Vti. i1-Yý exainlilfe he and blailder. avoitl ýy Bickford. The votînIq in lly." different is said, wîlf mot offer for re-election recen fflts, prmratiS still incomplets. He then rAferred to 1 The Q&I v8. Cameroit.-Larcetiv 1 mandI that a ' toprtlrl'eý)lerisin- -enera- visit ta England, and liaving a the present excollpiit Condition of tilt, of a 6 Idie 'The charaë in titis case wýr Inn le aIq 11 and all anorlynas ai 00 wards stooil- there are likely ta bc pr,,ti,,I ! fimi. Btfi)rf! w1à irýw, lia- as reeve, anil knowied- of the value of railwly, on which the am- of a vprv , rnediaI effpet is tn ta trivial character and wholly zitille saifl : -'Il have tivo %vords in tuy Pyn. protliiý-ine a f at St. Pattick's ............ 709 ad goods, parchasers can rely upon ail ar. pany hacl rpepritly npent 86a. 00 ý y thA eilence. The jiir' other Changes, prellen 1 the iva igtained Il Y brI 11-fonour and CoIlntrY.' 1 have Ppvernent. fillowe St. AnilI ............ 5-11 3&1 Ditoex.-We have nothind, but rit. ticles ta be ar represented by him. rosa was able ta earry titres million hi-I in a viI of net _-Uiltv. NN. never bren watititi- tomirls this proal il P-stration. 1 Ir the Dames ai scores of féet of lntnl)çr ppr ilitv. and do ail fil(, P. Paterson for ilefence : Mr. Faiew«Il, St. Georga'a ............ 327 132 meurs, in whiely «ý ' i m'I ditring fikirty-two yearS servi -a. benplit re-Ils froul i allier btigines of the ranntry II thrI Co. Attnrtiýr. prosectitédi. candidates likel ta aller are mention- THF OSHAWA BAZAAn.- The Il 1 which it paq9ed. The Governtuent en- 1 s,,.-t-nr bé fort, Christ I have net betray. Pxeitp nutrition. i 15577 1066 y aznar Tne Q!iopit vs Gor -lait. -Charge of 1 eil FrarI AfI a loag iielliii r , Dn '%'haiqer'- cnn ed. n Oshawa. in aid of the building 1 111101, phittêe and calisai Id Thâ roeult lias bitrprided lia one se- fuild i Lýneër had given a verv sati;.çfltctory Till nti«-, lip tý1e jà dgis dicI j,,;tzairjt- gniIt.ý (If thqt supplI the î st thIe arI ý Court il, siiin * RIMA-The alti couticil will, we un. 1 of Fatlier MeCann's néw presbI in j report ta tire gZovernmf"tit-tI tire Pvitience recoininèn leil the jury ta tl qiinivted witli the btate ef fueling in i ---- Il Cap tillamali af Wý,tz a-id tilt- t<ly tvk"",,tpg mina al te attrýtelitjj,, large nnuiber,; cvery day' rond was more than cfI i. and. acqiiii the prisoner. on tire --round ihýt 'opd?11'fid-l -ilasticit of spirits West Toronto oince the Candidates were derstan 11 ha re-elec d' ill .! williolit floing wIjat'w1ý y Uxititri)Gr, Towxsitip.-Nu change is T;je Collection ()[articles is pronouneed 1 a« icorlinir ta him, the Whitl)y railway the fvidence was insuflicient ta sui hy Iiiiiif)ýir finit ýlrV to tv.,." III aiinOUUCetL Mr. BickfoI was Lit was, takinz the couritry into se-I tho iiilietmdptit. The jiiry fonnil a likoly ta take place. Superior to'I cver brouglit together the surrender soit con- unknown man and bail II twi reccotu. one of flic best finiglied rassis in Catia- i diet of not guilty. an i the pri m SCOTT.-NO chaUgG, WO Are iuforrn- in Oshawa on a similar occasion. The (la. He explaintil the difficillties li G. Y. Smith for S"f'r was -leruned! Iiiiii tu death, and ta lieildI ADVI mendhimto Élie elactorn beyond the defence ; eil froui liis vauk previons te Ili§; ad. continu« tilt Saturday niglit whieh l'ad 'net the Pre 'ont Compsitiv the Cotinty Attortivy prospeuteil. tien. After file jiid-inent, lial bpen fact that lie was the candidats of tilose at the cornmencerneiif ; trIley liai] taken r 1 A grand concert in union with the a. of tlip Colirt 0 THE ELEC' who-cele(l thomAelves thé Libéral Con. î hala of the rond frorn the 01(l Corripanv 1 TVatéron Vit. Jfltrphy.-Ri-ferred. rendered ail th(-- ineail' Ir oervative Party, but froui whom many Lavio;.'r & Co. are clearing out zaar will big igiven in the Music Hall with $160,000 of deht; tho-Y had huilt Iriddh, vIs. r,,nflligh.-Thig cure of ar. sienvil ail appeal for morey for tire of the Old well kt-own couservative their entire stock of groceries and this (ThuFb-lay) evening. a star,- holise ut Port Perry, also a sault "as f,4v6n rise ta bath crintinal prisoner, wJiieli the Dnke d'Aumale NORTH liquors, attend the sale and save wharf 819 feet long, and dre-dgreil tire and civil actions. It occupieil the Court iiiitrit-iliately eauveyed in prýrson ta Dames were witliLeld. Mr. Moss was molley. $80,(M worth of groI eell. ail day yesterday, and is still goind, on Pri sillent 2%le.ýIali ri. BaIzainq, was OF THE TOV port 9 ft., they liait purchaqell a stýam- 0 jeu lie heard the de- well known pInrsonally as a mont estinji. - - ------- in- at Cent nt T. Lawler & Co's. ër one of the bpst, on the northerti as we go 'o Pre's- m-reatly agîtatoil wi able gentleman, standing hii- keig; and they liait huilt a warehouse PRESENTMENT. 1 : la' cision of the Court. - GENTLEMEN:- gh in his ý LIDERAL C(j.%r-,EpvATm, - AesociATION. : LtTra.-Presiilent MeMahon lias Mr. Joseph Stone, of Diindas @tract, at Lindsa Vic Compan haf'! ex- Ille Grand Jury have the lionor ta profession, and holding moderate po- Au entliusiastic meeting of Clonserv- Y. y comijauted the sentence of ilentir passeil aWrnaradcaantditdhaeteafpoprrcý II sentiments. Ta' many of, the ativeri of Toronto, wlio )lave organized lias aloo pureliasitil rio less than 1 P-ded no less than $2 1 rs ltilprls(.n- tion, and respectfüuý Dîne 175.0W) in cash in wake the frillowing presentwent: : on Bazaine to twenty Yen ' the last six months. The roat! cent, - Tliey have ta congratulate the Colin- 1 ont. Bazaine silice receiving net Co influence, thinkiug men of both parties his Candi- tliemttelveh into an association, with splendid fat beeveii, 2 lieillers, and a fine lie said. about $27,000 ppr mile, but ty on the amall amount of criminai enfl the Commutation of his Sentence Yours trc ÃŽlLIX tuontlir;'fatted CI for the Ch i datura wu@ mot unacceptable. The foi- the rilotto Il Empire rirst'- was lield in 1 rRtmu lifter ail that bail been sai.1 about it. business brount liefore thein ut tins frow death ta bauishijient for lit, ta lowing payagraplis from the Mail and Toronto on Friffity tant. The meeting 1 1 Compared They haI visitait the jail, and fin market. They have been fed by Mr» lie Coutil say that it was the cheapest timic. making their labors very light. the Island of Sainte iNfar;.,,uerite of Cari- whitby, Dec. 17,197 Globe better explain the positi=- was addressed by the- Hou. M- C. Cain- Nitelieri, MI A. Anderson, Messrs, one in the Dominion. HA d Des. has written ltttýr fo Vitrriiiiii 0'1 -A it with the engt tif ntIhoi- V..A. il reinforcomentIt are bally Il il tain amonnt of tary sýMremi; un tijoccettrioli, 1, 3tu mil. Il (lit. lir a thsiless On '(I'Jitteti E'It'OP'e»f'c)r th" Uelitel States, "ThePublie Ox&minai : eeje . re '.No lutin. ofsorne per;oa (%r persons in -viii,ýre lia ij;ti béi-n (1911necteil with &eV- The protence that Mr. Bickford ýi5 ail ever made ony trion"v siot pr-pouriii-tite iiecesmary papers in pyal r titie in4LiLUttýs. IlaVing been the ýëà ndJdftte of the Couservative. Party ODD FELLOIX9111P AT bfý%N-te.lýA.-An élirectlYont, ofa railwa.v'. it'wag th*fý a mort., expeilitiouq inanner. stl)1)ojtjtedi Professor o-f Zoology ïtfcl '1,'RILiA Y, the le hardly legs impudent thau the asaW Mr. Stock'iguep to,ýTo"ro'nto thereïo take, Etteaiuliment of o.filfiýllnvg. llnile#l and spetion ci, collntrv throligli whiell lit The grill jary have tu larnent the Gi,ý11ogry ili ilite sciAtitifla jý $ellooll at t the £,)rmer in titi: lui tiou t4at ho in the representative of the up hie residenee perinattentlyand where tltieil an guiding Slar No. 22. 1. 0. 0. paseoil and not defflorable ilistister to the steurner Il Ba- CIwl)riqlgo blass. He lias *ritteil in the atternoou. workiùgmu.ft 1 . 1 F', wa8,inatiiÙted at Manilla last Fri- the Atackliolder. Ho referrvil ta the variait" off the- shore of Our coutity, and largely on Niiiiiritl History and Kiniflar the floùriomag buoinése of lits' firm re- whitby, Dec. lith, 1 And again., -tlayniglit.,-,llie.12th i4st., by Mr, J. many advantages tliis road lzavé- -ta the think that a more thorough ex.ttuina- riiijnets and lils ileath in a sericus loss 1-IazÙý PerÃy,'G. C. Pi,ýof Ontario, assist. tow Ir' quirog-t.U-Iùà -attention. ni enumeratin2 a number of thein, tien should be made of all crafts usi-d tu the worid of mcit.lldp. The otruf(gle ils net botween Cduger- edby P. C. P. Male 'and.other brother sud cOniended that -the $60,000 granted for the couvoyance of Her ýlijt-sty.9 M-AS MEAT 1 vativell And lieformers. We have B«ovs ME F3xow.-We beg tu re- ' i HoiiinnrýF STORY OF OUTRAGE BY A «,, sorted, and we eh patriarche froin Whitby and Port Perry. hy the town ta the Toail hall béen well subjectp, as well as the parties in _Çerfully, do;-Our Old, lûhia peopp Of the neeegait'y,,for-remov- 4tfter the Of oMcers eleven ex nded. 1 ý If ithail not licou given, charge, te ascertaiti if tliev are eoll)pp- INfich., Dec. The undersigned hi eoliticalopponentsof the doùéëivîù,ý,e in,! ý c P:,k * and, alm P 9 12.-A horrible story of outrage liai; qitaiity of, 9 the snow frotu b.9$»ýs,4heirpremises. brothérs were duly à 4lyanced ta the ho eikr where wt-ulj the town bc tent, a ta knowit the vess 1 arty the justice of a(latittiuà that Mel In d go we le ir', attention ta patriarchal order. JudWng,.,from the to-Aay ? -Cut off on the riglit and Ipft, themselves are proviiied with the lient been made public in the tovu of War- BEJEF, MUTTON Bicklord is net their caudidate." os ;W,-ýîe-, r 'bat its position ýj_ t 1 y riýn, twFlvo mili-sfrow Detroir. à year AND POi [eý _ material. coruposing t Guidink sta they apuld easily seeýî #reventà tives and in suait a calarnit - the- üQtice of the Chief Constabl Jin th an ex- aý, the abovoi with the muet, cë-rta* ançi a lialf ago, one Charles Lf-wis 'Ai- With those facts before tlÃŽiin"*2'ma t*beaalü'e one would*have bipn. Bute.wi ý ira. À backed up til Mr. Moas was by 411là !e fil that of thel in the Province. Alfèr the , 1 apoi in ordt the 1 other colnSui-with thé W-- penditure of $400,000 -more, entince" zneÃnsý of etie thai- (in was eqlpIo,'ýeiI ta tFaeli il, file Ro- For s'aie for Christmatj 1obas iiceivedperomptoryitiotiuWwnâ- 'busineu of the evét'iln'g"' hall been gong tians would. 1iý made witb tb Muskok -an accident mi4t be e a 1 inilu Catlialie school. nt Warren, aI-oýLc 41 ta sot With promptitude in prOsjiýQtinz' ýthrgugh with, Ãte ViFitinff "brethreli' country. sud nfnety townships made réd 'oeil ta the lowest, possible il as Sexton »of the CIilireli. -ý Durt'n;,, g Goverumente, it was îlioer fôtty ta have all infractions of the by-law thereitt R ;jý tributà ry to the fnwn af- Whitby. à hd'4he *'meatïs of ésicape ju s c il hithyýjDec. 17, 1873. ý_eree, tilig perioi Aitou,'ontýaged the persoils 3fýirà mnptufflreDssi - 1 -4 th anticipated nuy utii--4r result than the ;11.801l"ided by the Ila bý4>üWr% at Mien, ho betievedeWhitby w6ù]d rioe- evi-nt,>Yà ià ed ta the hixben, ýO that val- lé )f'lu lAs -ta eignitepil gello-A girls dolest of Mr. Bickford. ferred ta. th,3 hanse of brother T.-F. Skinner ind it liad Beene!rÃ-wý6mb day, ud uai-le lWs trusteà toilié owners of jeueli loue of wholn %vüra aver foiii-tiori yenrg- r lm ýBROWN PA ta wký Ahe visâtors di ample wbitb men crafttaay run as omail riok Ail ýpoxsibIe Itqr)ppar,4,tllltttl)(4 crimes were ta» The largèlît stock of grpeeri- #stice. ase. lit es, selves the place wolild occupy - the and zwtikft,- as in tua Ofteu the fite Cliur'eli, whieli MANUFACTURII -Ir---P Remember the. great clesriug wines anilliquors in:this county le n ' ow The ýbody of Capt. Cannichaël, who position of firat town hetween Toronto the hauà s of incompetent, ellIrlecieui;, or adjoing the tlitit thl- sale of grovorie«-aý, cost-commenced _Id. by T. Lawler & Co., =4 alf wno drowied whdu thê BsvaTi&Y1ý'- a cnuelÙ(ipil inebriatellindividuala. ltistlieiropin- DI VI Dle.«% D , 84 'ýme and Kingston. Mr.-90I& ffiýui1 siiecesloil in tý,,rrityitly liis'victilli.4 At T, Lawler tolay,'« 1 * "e nu( will burned rée"tly on Lake' OntstW,-ýà o bystating, thaï; 14 riier intit silence for -over se vottr. Tjw At C04t. "Il com- jon4bathsd a proper amount of pre. libourhac, settlied by - il, - illan li-ri continue until tLe-stook io entiroly dis. bioqght ta Topoulo on %day, hy Capt. lete the stock' debent brh-nid el eaution beeu Ltken the disaster wiald "elg -""Notice îlilhercl)y givel CuiasT3tAs BzkF.-idr. John Auder- n ý 1ý 1. 1-eillerally uneflui ttegl, and the chil. ýréln, 6 poseil of. TiAach an1 :fr. D. Milloy. The bail randed ovpr at'oncý. net have Occurred.- ve Per cent, for'the cul WAS caït Reliure st a place caIIedý OX ' In reply ta bfr.,Cati2pbell, Mr. Roi. wvre ail of LILiWuatio A!toti lias i-ig ist lieptent ber, 1873 MABONIC PUESENTATIÃ"N. - At the son lias puroliased for the Christmas Rid.ý,es, near 1tocheiltér. on Wednesday. don said thaftWCOMpAný1haA receiv. e 1 scaped. -1 ý ý - teil per cent, Per élan i ton market some spleudid cattle. They în- ed the izovprnméi 1 A tnonev. Pnfzr FirHT.-NVindfior, Dec. 15- bi, Dit. Livi.ia-, Cetl;jtal of Mie Brown & Broughara Union Lodge, -NO. 2W, on clade two beeves DEATEL OF HON. ALEx. Kyrra.-Rou. Mr, Cr. Y-.Smith aloo briefly aildres.ç- Yestèr-lay morning, (Stindav,) a parky ha,4 this day Jieen decle IVediiesday - iiiglit litât, Bru. George purcliased, frara Mr' Alex.-' Roitti, PreRident of the Nova eà the conn of ruffintis came ovér from Detroit, and will bf payable lit thrir Darby, late Senior Warden of the Lodge, James Kitelien nt $225, i-ndtwe bouglit 9cotia Legislative Councit and . Grand ail. Ire stated that Mr. betook themgelves ta the neighijour- west coast of Aftica is tu bc ijvpf-uth»4ý Mlinclay, the 2ad dey of from, Mr. A . loi. Anderson lit $120, by Master of the Preema ans of thst Pro- En4ylish hall donc all that was. nfà cpot. baud of the Red Tavera, below $and. on,,we may very slieriky lirar of tlie 13Y orderOf the Board wao macle the recipient of a valuable hiul and Mr. Stone. Re'liso ajw vince, dià -d on Suaday morning, after a nary. according ta tfil, bands field bv rettirri of Dr. Livingstone ta Effiglanl. signet ring finil au addra", prégentea the town, and ho traptpl thst couneil wieb ; ý.ring was formed about- one By jetter. received in the Ilist Digil seoured the best of fat oheep, bugs, and would hand ovêr the debentrirea, whieh o'clck, and into it titeppeil a Detroit steamer it was reportfil . th-it lie was Whitby, Dec. 16, 1878. to hi= by the brathren on th occumu braiser and another banian bull-dog, -tlienabout thirty tuiles hum St. Salva- 11, Iambe; Twoeil bas been redored ta hoalth, were now honestly and fairly duo from New- York, known as Seddous' of hi& removal ta Toronto. A compli. and In fiaid tu bc resigned and cheerfut. Aftor a few ramarks froni Mersrg. blouse, The Detroit braiser -.9 a big dur, and therefore,,%vitllin 2od7inilelq of, Natice is al-0 givm tt mentary onpper was also given him the Ilc-asze. Laing &.Stewart have made the Coast. Aaqsntnmillg, therefore, th:zt ten Percent, Per montl 1 Preufdent jUneMahon and his wife Ray. Donovan, sud Philp, the folllow- fellow, weighinglully thirty-five Ilonnils lie woultitravel ýneürly as 'faat as the Jtily, 1878, tit 9th day of osmo ovening at léattllews' hutel. large preparations ta meet the want8 have contributud 5,000francs ta thefund ing motion was Adoptai] : inorp than Mouse, but ilie edacation ves who brouglit , the , news, hi, the subscribed Capital, of customers for the Christmas bOU- for the stirvivors of the Ville du Havre Moved by Mr. Do novan, seconded. the latter received from the famous nati pany lire hereby made, - SAL7 OF VALUABLE COTSwoLbs.-Mr disaster. b might be*expeeted hume by the next companyii office,- whitl' y Mr. Campbell, that a special com. George Seddons, of New York, enableil w. xoags.on - , onot lé, in tixé-.ý7tii, con. As a restll ci the pigeon match mittee, abnaisting of the mayor, reeve lifin telay big antago - nist out in about steamer. of Whitby, dldýýlustweek four ewes and deputy-n>çye, boýsappOiuted ta con- tbiri3--fivë mintues. Both of ýthe REPRIEVPD.-Trynn, the murilèrer of Whitby, kee. 16th, 1 mti3ors. Hamilton & Ça- have Oistâb- -hpId 'récently in -Toronto, Charles 'r4islier.oftlieParrý,Soun(II)iýtriet Who (two obearh:go and two lý ) to Mr. 1, Iýeej their Christmas glaieof loading Pickering, 'Y i;é thst Ojtyý won the fër the town olicitor ai other raffians were , bà dly'--putùmëlleil, but . 1 , g legal advice, if necenar Ir injuries, *111 not prove fà tai A was tu have béen hanged et Barrie on W.. Moddoli, of Cobourg? And four lin tesr cbauipiontloip from Qiller, of Markham, _v. touching or the OWN SCROOLS. p# espoliial, prices., Aiso new agreement la the 17th of this month, lias ý been re- abearlîng owes an& A wb6liélditfor 7 yiars. Pickering à In any wav relating, te me effort was made by the authoritifs T raux, lamb ta Mr. ýuà fiMUs énd choice liquors. open fùr four days. ta challenge. between thiâ oorp(ratîou and the' P., to prevent the affair, but when thé zprjèved, tÃœl the 80th on the plea of C. M..*Bîohardocu, -cf, Believille. For W. & P.. P. 13. B. Cow and ta *h6pi the got' there they could not rellist the Insanity. Il èun the High and He, the former ho got $200 1 Ai lins DoxYNioýý ËÉOOxq leorty shaemakers employed by U2, 4AI& il are ta temptation a'. a prize figh4 Ànd begdn- COMMITTED FOR THE MUR OF BER 1 h ý _pplications to, and'for the lae _ffl clf the stock debentlire ouses. tir é4o Mell Lowga & Powell have replni,Ë. RePhuru, Of Gue]Pb, nmok' work C i sud whether all things neeessà r - à i'tlïe rest iiusBiLiD.-The wife or Wm MeGée, of i Robinson, Esq., Head lû because ré nonmember. of thoie,' "ety, ayé heen done hy ýt1ie Railwa' Cý iý of the spectators. A stiNnge steamer, Kemptville, was commi or trW Iy. particulam of the work tý ed tbel large stork of seaisonable goo a y Who hall notserèed A ýregu1ar aË,P!en-, aptitle. them ta the dellvf ry, of said d lé- named the General Wool, ýlanded near a Cotouer's jary>;oli S toay 0,8 the commencine c" ille sale QI ÉraceýPO, And hgve a splendid asgortment in ticeship to à :é tmd;. 4en beni JA ares, sud ta report fally in- writinR the soi4e, with . another pirty, to lier 9Q,ýêt T..IAwl«* 1, - >LFvén join cliargeof: caqîb4 r 4usband'a ovoq depertment fez the 4Q44yo. à ipb. , ', : - 1 ,, 1, ý _«. -1 1 10011.&A.I.- 7%;,_ 1- - to 4 4*Fwqlo Qt Q14 CoMI4 et -,%eh Bab %îu loi &Prü-T.. Law 00. 880,0W Groftrien selang at.cm Ch&NO9--T. Lawler it Co. Chanacry uotÃOO-El C. Campbe Lumbet at Glen major )jijj4_.ý Urixtinq-E. Major. Te thé Electors or theï 'j%ýQrth W JULU porgu8on. 120 the Lill»Otorgi.of the Norùý wim Fairbanks ir. Tu the ]Electors of th(, Norüï W 4 Malor - or. Xmas Veefýr0ùQ Audersou. xmas Meat--Joob. Stone. Application to 1 , bý ]Efarbourco. Clilaillug Town, 'dchOOI$-Ju. Dr 'ýI0UeY to Loau-W. II. jjjjà a#. AuJemn St,. and john ýît, Sèh", "niiuatioug. methodiât 8tIIIý Saecial Notioýdi, , Ames I.,Fouowg. ellviotlu" ()tOuorieti sud Hofiâsy gains. Christmas At Dami Wareroomm., 1 - Dry Gouds fer the iloiidayd-LOW4 Powell, Notice of DiýidendTbê Pattoeiscill uanuffictiain #1 -Notice Of Calla où stock- -.1 1,4 VUL auli onty zucte IL Addigon. 'APPRENT 1 16Ë WANTj3D., stulul, ittelligent boy, 01 loir to le *duc& ârIf the kuine... 'Apply, TRB MOXIOLE OFF] W14tby, Nov. 19, 1873. ONLY S' 30 PEÉ ANN N Willtby, Thursday, Decý 18, 18,, TýIic Railw'aY Dettentures Demand At the we0tlug of the Town Couc On -310I)day eveLffn4,, application V Ulltde for the balance of the railw mtock debouturoq nt igoffl. Mr. H 0101, faitai a speech du the occiboi( and, un %>VÃŽII bu sêenby thé report, à p-ke - aiter chat exagUerated style habituai to him. Ur. HoIden fa nev of' flJuch üt boule ait wlien lie in injul ilIg in and Ilifalut Waddle, Ut? tolj tjjq-ýccjubij that -ti roud wu$ ti ut, otily Coluitletea, but thiî tu tite (juvereillieut engiriet O)f the bCýît nuiiilje"l tea, the * Prf)viue"3." The compituy, 1 alpellt 660,004) ait tlý expended no 'legs tfia O!t4h in tllelaatlis Mûùth%ý, Un gré3w 61C)quetit over the advants-ge fir the rORil tO the town,- took all th credit tO 6ýllitonelt and partnerolP fà what they liad dons) and stâted th& they were thg, own"ero of the toad. The proper course wa@ ýodopted b., the o()uneil la appoictfug a- committet C0114114 WiLh the town solicitor as tc Andifthoyfiadthai tho raît-I 144g boeu Co.-i-ipieted-in Racer. - dance with the u'ndertakîng of the comý Pauv. %U11 that the other conditionE ilDon whioh, tue ofo,-i'c WâA subleribèd tulfilled, tliera ean be no in lindittg ov'or the debùù. 511roi. Aswa arc informed, however, CI;é, rowl haë bot zbeau cornpletud in ;4licli à iuanuer ait to srarrarc tite coun. cil ili lianding over the stock debon. ture'q' yet awbîlo. We arë told that fil wiil tako Yet Rome four or five thoù, t.) ilnish the -ro,'la, at the riamtà it. suarcoly ý4 de, wa are told, haî b"eli ýrUiReà betwëou the town and the IMY for the purpose of ballasting. wliûre &U rêquirs to bc raisea, and At eant nine inchao of 'ballast placad utitler tligiu. Irbon as fo the immense _ýexpenéIiture of moncy to wýiiich Mr. boantingly rollers. Where, and Ilow waa ft &peut, ? We hava It that ouly front twelvito îourteen thou. 'l'bu roati ii;oertititity in sbt.-týc.r p9si. tien flian IvIleu in the bands or the old enuipasy; but to assert that Mesorg, 1101den 11aud partuoro'* ý have Opeut ýý2!'5,wOor aj'y môney ut their own, te [)Ving this, itato of thirégà about is all bor,11. Uà Vary Wall known that .ýfeà mrn. Uoldon "and partners', have invostud no Inoney -of their own in tile euterprise, - They went futo the matter as a Speculatioa-they gaw .8, grab of M»O in oue lump, and they Wbilt foi, It, sud the partnerj being m'èn (J IUCKLIII twd large ùredit tliemeelves tiiev hwi no iffloulty in raluing money upon the )ÀYI)Ot.llecatel, U 1d'ou tige people'& j»Oney, tiie moncy of the siockholders, UIQ bontiqP& - of the Municipallties, and thit money iûcôlved from the Govern. Mont, whieil of ýi4ht belonseil te the municipalitleq' , that ýjeqSrR. Holdeu partners" are workiug. As te Uoldou-"And pailnera" poing tile moiv owners of the railway, and dis. elaiming allaccouctâbilit'y te any one, thora moy 1>6 a quêstion'evan on thât i h à &d. They have à majority of the stock, But there aro other stookhold. ors wà o have riglité. The à toeklioldt)rir i of t" alla ci the Une, and of the town I of W4itby who' bold stock te the Amountof some s"fflo ought to have Somethipg » gay. Or have t1wy lio right-O ofthobalance of the 60,000, and a morgparticular accouut of the rocalpte and I*Jenditure of the ro&d. 1 And sà other question thé people 01 the toýrn of '%Vliit by will bç likely te sik for - information uppli, is as to the, raising of the fArs to port- j?ýrj7à ý= 00 to 70 0644? Qd-the