Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1873, p. 3

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F OR N& NElW E 30'O00 W orth 0F 3-ROCEI IR S SELLING AT CO8T AND CHARGES!! o:ee T H OS", LAW L ER & 0a., Old No. 1, BIrock Street, Witiby, aving determined upon ciosing up r business, ýoffer the whole of their large and well selec- ted stock of LIOCEIES, LIQIJOJS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &C., Arn C.::Z I r The sale W'1ii be continued from the date 'of this, advertisomout up to tho F/STDA Y-0F A PRIL, 18 74, When a,échange vi1i takie place in the I businiess arrangemfents of the presettfirai. A ecaraîlcc of1 the whole Lf the stock, (wvhié1î is the 1argest ini tie Coîîutyý of Outaria,) mnust be mad.i by that tirne,o aid tîî3 greaitest iiidtceiuients will tlîereforc, bc ofl'ered to paîchasers. Amongst the stock xiii be found every article usuaily kept in a Fir3t- cla8s Grocery Establishmen t UGARS, FRU ITS, TEAS, -PIC KLES, 'SPI WUNES, BRANDIES, ALES AND IN WOOD? AND BRTTLE. REA TO' -FI SWhitby, Dec, l8thi 1873.' 'n t)I .tvieu. qP.l va.. LAkING & STEW"ATT. CHRISTMA .S SALIE 0F. L.EA DING LINES IN DRY GOOS ATr ýSpECIAL R-P '.CES HATS, CL BONNETS, FLOWERS. PLATHE RS, JET ORNAMENTS, CLOTH JACKETS, SCARFS & TIRS, FUR CAPS, LADIBE' "FURS,,s CLOTHING IN NE W T E AS, c H0Ic E IOTHS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SCKRFS, - FLANNKEL SHIRTS, L, WOOL SHIRTS, 'WOOL DRAWERS, - CLOTH CAPS, A CHOICE LOT 0F FLOWERS. GREAT VARIETY. NEW ÉFRUJITS, LIQ U ORIS; HAMILTON & 00. McrherEon's B3locie, hitby, Dec. 18, 1878.1 -i P UBLIClNO TICE, flLa uX./Ji, Scuanu 1I/,, cnet -iau /uIluu..s That th.uco. ut neu, .pur.-ii ilu p.,r'sbione ouf '11y im licou. laiL.i. , r lot, bshah tanceI' te delis u pp»-u ii % mr lu-r bu builtli;g, oc i'u, tt lu- Ir 1y ssupc alid el. îed %', liu n"dr-, a.,fisu i, .s uter eigu, free- froziu ubtri-tion ty aiewm, lirt, or othiiiîuuibriîe." N-OTICE is heruby givra Clint the ahane By.law wll es-t i -'ilenitly cinfoiced fro t tiis date. By order, JACOB Bi'YAN, Chief Cousta ble. Wliitby, Dec. 8, 1873. 4 wliereuu as i-cy suifp., Jane Thomson, bas ltrft rau hed d uI otr i id tiout juiet cause or :XTRAUTS, iprtuVa-iutioli, minte s ti-s-uuye tiv Chat I .il, îîet bu respuuible fui' any debtes aie euay conerait t fter tisk datea PORTER, THIOMAS IOUSOlN. ClMarmosnt, bec. liît, 1878. '58t Fishof a11 kinds-Salmon- ,-Màckere1, White FPish, Salinon Trout, LabradorHerrings, Finnan Hîadilies, &c., &c. -00- THE SALE WILL COMMETI THIJRSDAY, I8th 0F Adcontinue until the tin. THE PARKER CUN. UEND STAMP FOR CIsCtitAR PARKER BRÃ"S LCE ON ) u WESTý MEâIDEIIt-4.T DEC.), l~3 ST. LAWRENCE BANK. nie above sta- INic ulr-ygvn ia iiia Sted, or iintil the wholo of the Stock iis disposçýd of. aet ie- rate ofeitiet er reut. lier anusasu,u- on 11- Pa) i p (apiul Sî.cuk,fdoi suss lîitu- i - I . ,*. . - l ciLmathimd-ty luen t uu ndtrel, uuu UASH UUSOWLES X~11 [1y ~ ~ Lst~eiBe silbe piysitl..tt fs hîuad Oflite IllhlYIsu-~ selhuevit"F, us mui after FIIIDAY, the p or-cent, and as it wiil be, first corne first sorvcud, the ear- Cn fANUAIIY, 187-I. lîest cus tomons will ba i the best position to-cfeet adIvuni- Dy ordcr of dise lourd. f Cashier. 121lbs. of Su(gar for $1 00. Tarointo, Nov. CO. 1873.9 .29 Ibs. of Raisins for Si 00. T' ETEI 18 lbs. of Cîu'rants foi' $i 00. 20 Ibs:-- of Prunes for $1 00. ~jj- ,And, other 'Grocerpies Equaily Cheap. -00- TI~A .-- avin InLely mi.de large purchase or Tea-zi, ut a gocet clvautage, we. 0aré abe to of- iei BLACIK AND) GREEN TEAS 20 per cofit cheaper than hereto ore. JExtra inducements during the Holidays. 4 - ~-00-'- Never before was thère sucli a-chance fo JJ.ouse-keepers siecring the Best Family 'Grooziries and Çrockery of ail kinas, at the * L0.1IDOW'_0ýTAflI0. The GatIaiyNeurlpiapee ha3 owat- taitied tilrecru.tiffn1 * lOzitario oiteide etofTeroiito. ONLY Ex oe PIER EAR! -Balance of thic préei nityear Free. Front Lu.v;te 1ýt Jiîna »187., 1 e, payable tiai;ýly ili U4,a fle. It mA.ttinsSpafklin làitoria1e. Spicy No., Iteeî.rr.pî ~roui the LCotin. tc.. Citoice F.îniily 1.adftagw, Stories, Wi: imii Ilîiior, Curtious msud Srtl utifjc, &c. 'Sfiort and Sweet' i ur Mptto, and we claitn to gise*tuors jem-s in tees space thui, ally othep Caitiau joui liai. Our Prititijutes, iii politicet, Refera;i;nl toile,. trictly morl; iu spirit, moderate l criticisrln, fisrleas and independeut. AGEN~TS WANTED. 'M e ffer great îiiuueneuts to-canvassero. Scia for a prize l4st, or read it lu the col- nims of The Aduertiser, Andi then go rlght te seerk at'ouve. CIilua rnay be forned front any nuniber of post offices, aud at alïy time 0f the yeîîr, but -I0W je the Most favorable tinte, as we giva ,tie balance 0f tliia yarý gratis to new stubaîribera. Send uss usmas; as fasi as yen gsi thet. pirepay and rXegis.I C HARCEitY SALE 1 1 0F DWELLING HOUSES d LOTS TOWN 0F WIIITBY Ptirsnaiit ta a liecrea cf thie Court cf 1Clianeeiy iin a suit fif HUNT VS. TYLER, There u lItbe selluy public asction, witl, thue approbation cf George Il. IDartnell, Etq, IlUi.tei cof Ilie raid Court at IWfiitby, ut the lioyaiIliotel, lu the Towni cf Wlîitby, on Tuccday, thse Slxth Day of january, A. D. 1874t, At tise bour cf Two o'clock, p. Ms., l'y th- euid Mauetr, lu tigres sepaute pircell, tho following ciluable properties situate iu tise sid, Town cf Whicby, usumely: lst-I>art cf Lot Nusuhur Twenty.two iu thue First Concession cf the u.id Towushi1î i f Vi hitby, cuîauu tile ovr tiree deres if and mare or les, aud mare fully desiribed in tue IBill of Coniplaint in ths sald cause. Tissis the paperty knoun as Witehall, jthe rusilence cf tise ate John lamner, ]isq Ucuit is erected a two.srtoru.y sulsiatmai friiiee dwelling bouse. witb woodsbed and cirialze bouse attached, a rplendid flawer snd kitcesi garden, aud a god orchiard cf exuellent fruit, cousistiug cf appleuu, îluis, cherries, sud grapes, ueteo a welt sudsaits water tank. Parcul 2-Part cf the South half cf Lot Ne. Tue i,î the Seconud Concession cf the ,iaid Tuusnuip cf Wbitby, containiig hy ad- neasureement eue acre, one rodad tweuty eigt l ol are or les, aud score fully de liri dthedisplaitifs B iu cf CoinpJ.aint heruein. Upen hie preperty, whicli is immedlistely copaits the pi'operty firtetly abave descîib- cd a erected a goud cwo.etorey f raine hanse aises bian and stables. The are s well and soft wtter tank on thse premises and alse fruit trees, Parcel 3 -Part cf the East hall cf eaid Lot No. Tweuty.tiso ni tUe Seconîd Conces- sion cf thse said Township cf Whitby, con- tatning eue acre cf lansd more or less, and more fully desçribed in tise plaintiffs Bil1 cf conuiplaint berein. Qa tUe property is enected a two-storev frame bouse cf about 'ix roons adni, a goul tate cf repair. si-ili a wcll sud soit watei' tanks, aîîd eiail orch- ard cf ipîles. plume sud otiser fruit.. AUl cf the above praperties are situste os tbe Kingi en road, about onue mile east cf tise towu cf Vitby, sud are suitable for private residenices. The purchacers will be requiredl to psy ulcwu Cesuper cent ef thse pureisase mcuey at thse tme of sale sud thse balance within four weeks tberesf ter. Thue Ventor will oilyha be oged to for. iislî a Regîistered abstra4t cf titie aor cnples ibereof sud wiU miat be obliged te proiu:e uuy hite Deeds nat in bis possession or cop- ies of tige steme. Thie Veudor bas a reserved bld upon eacIi lot fixed by the Master. Tise psrcliaera will uuly hu-eetitled te a ýveating or,.ar, net a tonveyance. Tise ether conditions of sale are tise stand -ag orders cf the Court cf, Cbancery, except asi varied aboya. Far ther particilara and conditions cf Bsap~ply te Mâeas. Greenwosd & MeMîllais, larristero, Wbltpy w!:n ilings, ]Esq.,Solicitor Whitby, anâ H. J. Midonui, %Seliiter, *lii-by, * or te Daite#-tis8h day of DecemerA.. 37l _q<EG. H. -DARTNM4 ~ador oictrsé --5at4 HOQUSE AND 10LT, « FOR SALE, OR TO RENT, nu 001 Frame Hauwe, Seven itonmiÇs, and" 3,- Quarter Acre uof Land, ou HîckoriySt., n die iiuwii ai WLitby. Apl o WM. SPENCE, W. B. DILLINGS, Solicitor, Whiitby. Whitby, Dec. 91115 1873.,54 VOTICE is bégraby given»that agpplies. tien wilviii hamadle to'te ie gislatura of tise Province of (.utarlo, at tise sext session bhereef, foi- an Act te incorarate a Compjany to bu- called "T=s ONTaIÏro CXNTaa~Ra EA- su-a CoicPAss,' "for the purposa of-building a railwsy front l'art Wlsitby, ou Lake Un. 1îrio sapon, on Georgian -,Bay, at, or ut ý tis oilst f tlieTowuof ljiîglwood. Ihecomber let, 1M7. Dryv 4,,,eods, ÇIE A LOORINTO ADDISONgsi BEFORE HIS WeII Selected Stockl Numberless Fancy Articles, us select friom.. alto HILVing recently retï rned from England with large pui- chiaes, and ai.o h iving A practical, knowledge of the value of the goods, Cam confidently guarntçe ilot be as represented, Good and Cheap. Practical %V-atch-makerý, Goiamitwo' Hall, Whitby, December, 1$, 1875. DOMINION WA RERO OMS,] Have'replenished thei.r"Larg e Stock of Seasonable.Goods, with C lothi ng, ,Dress Coo.ds, Silkis, Ladies' and Chlidrens' Furs-, Blankets, Ciotlis, Twieeds,__Mens' and-Boys' Caýps, Robes, &c.. tl-MJLLINERY GOODS In Felt, Hats, Fur Caps, INOVELTIES Becomes broken, as ho is Of- féring FROM NOW UNTIL THIE End of the Month. A WORD to the WISE Feathers, Flowers, and ail the IN TRIMMINGS.1 MILLINERY, DRESMUAKING. AND TAILORINO TO ORDER.' A large Stock of Crockery, Glassware, &c., &c.- China,1 Also our usual large stock of Groceries. LOWES & POWELL. Whitby, Dec. 18, 1878. COAL OUL LAIIP$, A few Importcd Lamps cheap, at HATCH & BRO'S. q Fancy Globes and Shades, Chimneys, &c., cheap at HATCH & BPtO.'S I'ýoted Cbieap Ileuse. Chopping, Axes, bost quality, nt HATCII & T3O.'S Iiinporterq tgls:a-tal .XmercaîîHardware. Bl1acksmiths, buy youI ironi, steel, mails, raaps, &c., at HATOR & BRO.'S, ]îîîpuî'ters of Iron, &c. Painters, buy your ois, paints, colors & brushes, at IIATCH & B11O.'S, Importer. of Oila and Leada. F amers, buiy your hardwvare, stovos, tinware, at HATCH & BRO.'S, Mliere yon cap get VWlîite Coal Oil of a supprior quality ouly 30o a gallon, cash. (If bookeil five cents ext-a.) iRicli and-poor, save your money, by buying at HATOH & ERO.'ýS Noted Clieap leuse. Armstrong's Cooking, Par!'or, and Box stoves ; Duinb fitoves, stovepipes, elbows, , at IlATCIT & BRO. WhtLy, Dec.. 2, 1873. 49 is sufficient. A CHOICE LOT OF NEW O'HRISTMA, Frésli QR ÉB ut t( Ony2ct.pe1b J. H1. ADDISON,' B AIRR-ETT'S iNEW- FANO Y TOY STORE! A. Barrett, is just opening a splendid assortment of FANCY GOODIS, JE WELLERY, TOYS, ETCa, - - And ail descriptions of ftrst-cluss goods Bs'table' for 8ýHOLIDAY PRESENTS! - Ml of which he Nwi1- el at the lowéstrossibYe prices, for Cash.9 To.saye -màey àu tiire cail at Barreteso-eppsite. -Dawes s Hotà. MThile ir's. Barrett attends t( tie Fanêy Department, Mr. Barrett wiil not be found negletino g I jPhotogrýph -Business, bÙt wll *as us-al pe, 1ways fouý ready tQ attend -on the, shorte4 notîce fo' ~rewhi 'à to, ga:odlikenéss8. 'Whitby, Dcc. ffl, 1878: - <v TE Look.to the battle cry be-fl Extortion, Death. Hâaving purchased an immense Banlfrupt Sto rope, consistilig of- some'of the flnest- goods -eve: into this country, algo a fine -Montreal Stock at t the $, I arn prepared to offer ýsome of the greateE to purchasers ever-heard--of in.'the 1)orinion foi Cash only, IRemember, the ýtwo immense combi M-ammoth Bankrupt Stocks whieh are bound to revolutionize-ihe old hih-pricodl systein. R'ead the folrwing PÈice List, examine it weil, ponder ou ut, put your nboney in yonur pocket, corne riglit away befere thse beait cf thea bargains are gone, and I will guarautee you will find eur goods 25 per cent lowar than any lu thse country. 70pee o,12+ ts 0 piecesa d o.,2e rt 29 c,8080places do., excellent quaiy 5 a 85 81 1pi ee uhs lts 9 ot 0, 73 plec-Es Cal. 0ut opia e ry d. ýrici,4oh 50e104 pàacesFrenchi MentclbaE Black' lacas, var e w.1 A.fnLrn eo f the bn d tb l .m pices o - -oo BLACK SILKS, BL ACK -SILKS. 7 pieces excellent quality Blaec,7A yworth $1 20 ; 13 piecea very flue, cil boiled Black Sick, 81 worth &$1 50 ; 17 pieces Bouet best Lyoas make, $1 75 worth $2 50 ; 82 piecas Extra quality, best lu the' country, $2 26 worth 84 ; 87 pisses Colored Silks, thiese are au extraordi.sary bargain ut lese tissu balf pçice. Thay can't ba bouglît for less thon $2 50 anywliere. I will sel tbem fer-S 25 per yard. Nopereon will be allowed te purchasa more tlsa.n.ueire..I malte ts amie te keep other userchante from abnying tise lot. 1,000 Silk Poplin Dresses from $8 te $5. 100 hàndsomc Clatie Jackets, beautifully trimnrnd, $2 50 wenth $5. CLOTHIESe CLOTIIBS. 40 pieces Heavy Tweed enly 45o yd., 60 pieces Yery Heavy Tweed, only 60e yd., 57 piecea Extra Quality, enly 80e yd., -75 pieces Double Width Beiuver, $1 50 worth $ 50, 98 pieces DoubleWidth Fur Beaver, $1 werth $8. 87 pieces Fancy Paney Cloth, very-lew. HJJRRA FOIR CHEAP BLANKETS. 100 pair Blankets at ane awful sacrifié 1e, 88 pieces Scarlet and WMute Fîstunele at 20,-~25 and 80c. 60 pairs Corsets, 45 cents per pair, 7,000 Linen Towels at -8 cents eacis, 82 pieces Canton Flannel only 12J cents a yard, 10bales Crash Toweling ut 8 cents a yd, 50 pieces Linien Eucék Toweling, 12J c a-yd, 800 pairs Ladies' Gleves, frein 121eper pr., -400 piees Prints', geod qunlity, net Itrueli, 10a ycl, 8000 piecese:Ècellent.Pnts, 12îc yd, 96 col; Quuta', lgesize. only 90e each, - 476 piaces White Cotton, frem- 8 cents yd, 97 places of Heorrocks's Côttens, at lOto yd. Look Hèee,> See what 10 centg Will do. Qa-1000 PAIRS 0F GOQI) WINTER GLOVIES -FOR LÀDIES,,AT TEN CENTS 1 Aýlso a large assortmont of the oloiggodwhh Ml ,e found abulously loir, v=': Ticking, Sheetinga. ryCtos Ta CthHosier, Gloves, Laces -Bibboffl, Embreideries, Insertings, Fancy Goodet Breakfast Shairis,>Table Dasnasks-, Fancy F-la=nebs, Winceys, &c. Tef ioi.g special Cheap Lines, I would cailparticu- Jratiention tue, as they are Bargains a perse» enly meeus aonce insan age: ý-0 î ésDress Wincey,e yd, 888 pieces Extra Wide, 10c, 201 As-. ad edpss'Goods, 1lite, 78 pieces -vey handseme do, '28c, 507 Faney S t Is, 40e,,10 pieces Heavy Tee,47 1000 Handkercbiefs for Ladies, Èëltember the goods in ' these two immense-Stocks all~~t-I~ufiand not'poor trashy articles, the same as usÃ"d1eJlouse's advertise. The reason of my seling them 8o cheap-is on acçôÜnt of buying them at 50c on the $ 80 UIM« UP AND GET TIIE FIRST PICK I Fot a ihan's good winter Pea Jacket fer $2 50, For men's heavy winter ôvqFeoat for $5 worth $8, For a heavy Caùadian Tweed suit ni4de te eider,- $15 worth $20,. For a pair of heavy fulledl ClothliPents. $2- 50 worth $8 50. - For -a good pair of Fine Black 'Pjit,-400 orh~6q. 1000. pairn cf wemen's haavy Wiater bootsaie $1, - - 1000 pairs men's long Stoga boots at only $2,, 2000 pairs boys' and irlle' bootsat hafprie.j t - qo- - ---- w NEW FRUITS FOR CiH RIST MAS@ New Currantî, Figs, Grapes, Lemonls, Waluuts, Alutonds, I3rizil Nits, l'ruitem, &c. R usN3.-Valontia, Sultana, L'MNuscatel, choicest table Ituisii, itii Double Crowi, Single Crown. and Blue Basket. PEZLS.-Leiuon, Orange and Citron. Peck, Froa L Co's., English Biscuit, a choico variety. Canncdl Fruit-In Pears, Peaches, Tomatoes, Wortlcber- ries, Strawberries, Ploms, Cern, &c. Fuîm-V:yFie Ccd Fisb, Eadtea, iloatera, Oystero, Salmon Trout, Labradorrl1trtnts Suitus, Spîus.s, Seasoning, in grent variety. Port aind Sherry Wiîics, a lirgei assorctot'f Aies, Whiskcyo, &c., &c. R. H- JAMESON,I Special Inducements, 1.14 TIZE 1 S T- P. RIC E S. 1 . L[V IN G

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