,'nia oloth. 84 Pi&uo ica.ý' V&M'î Vas- Stif'pprcvsa . in'a Magurkia . 1de B&U1ads. 9.0 S Lu'np elaes. ' MI9. îlu U4 <umIete Pian0 oronl, eit * u. PWL«U. Iii 4 vois. 28.0 full1 gUt, li 4 vole. 14.0 tue, 8v. paper, in 4 veoit. . conhgiil&¶concertoas, ligtia, Polio.6 anx. 8VO. t.86 îrxi. Ovo. per. contaieing PErlndee Fugua, &0 'Mxe. 8ye. GI . yne. fto.Pae.95 coutailincapriccio&' Anaxtea,- Bu, Y0, GliU. . 8., 4 eue 8v~Piper. - 2.5c ii.1Ià 11'a Overtures ae Piano Solos 14 8.5c 0-t Aéiano Daettg. Clou, 12.5 Vsa 16 Sonatu.evagxtly bound, 8.00 ert's, 1 son.ta 0 éme COUPIety > 9.00 an's.Porest ee, 9 asy piecea or eovra. . 80 sPanoLss-forte Album.' Eleg.' y, bound. Ful l gt 2.5w e.Paper covera, lm5 ~VOCALCOLLECTIONS. - î Lghte. Sacr.d gongs, 117 iLeaves. Vols 1.& 2. Collection Hnb îl8 ays. caeh, 1.75 1 TEO t 0-C010ctou 0home îongol.75 le sciioe i d 1.75 soundîi,-. di d" 1.75 se Gemn,, 0hoiçe ballai, 1.76 ave are aIea bannd li clti, gfit .pree$,60 ech. Baci volume lus about 110 Worth oI thoica araR eome. Clti. gîluedges 5.00 niîlng PniocipSlions, fjfroin 25 or narpt . heposuiar 01 a comOic4 'Volume ccosalduplicatae i.qnanticy:of Il]e Napt ad engravinqaiay 1e îip ce umuee 01 voluimes for tw~tiinla ha oot Md tho tesare the chrbofie, ticidesf ART DEPABTMENT, 1874. S This. u"à zofTho ÀMie hae, 4on 50 9sworlwide reputation, and Inlhe 1h. rtcvi. O res 0no-e It inan adm dfiCtacthî wSd wodcire examplet of tiie higiiet l- * tion ever attalned. The commn là . ýO i" inulavor of "steel piates;" lerýpin O Yiedigto, #more cducpted aiid dsc4o. O' ting taule wich recogoie thée'idylle a8 0f înperwor artistic quality with greaterý ou fe production. Tiie wood-cuia of he Alv r' çoses aU tedelicacyaud clitbo te tub th Most steel plate, w lie they affordabe =adring of the a a totodèsigna by the membe of ;0 the Nitional Acadomy andtI Cer n cd .&merieau artistas, Thoe iiýewîiii repro ce iZ«Mloà 'eof the best foreigu master, etc. e d wit a view to tihe higiiet atisi c ceai and fgentcat geners i nterest. Thiun the oci ear to The Aldine wil, at a trifO. en ossjoy lu, hia own home the plia.- s ures xi engInlec.o reart.' Tic quartesly tinted p lite, fur 1874 will bp byThos. lor4n and J. D. Woodward. The Christma4s Issue for. 1874 Winl contain - apeciaeideaigna appropniato thi.e esson, by 0 Our bcd artiste, and v il iurplea lu sttrse- 0 cxi fits predecesars. j - PRMTUM'FCR 1874. Every subscriber ta Tii. Aldine for the. i ,sr 1874 will receive a pair nf clîrornos. Theo riginal picturea were painted in. oil for thle pub abiera cf Ti'. Aldîie, by Thomas Morse, whose great Colorado picture was parchaaed by Congmes for tee tliouîaud dollars. Tii. objecte wer chosen te repre- sent "The. Ea f" andI "The Wegt." One fi a virerblu te WIdte Mounitains, New. Hanip- ahire; the. cher gives the Chasieci Green R Piver, Wyoming' Teritory. If ay auscnier aio1l indicatte a pi efer. ;ece oi o a figure subject the. pubuialiers iviii iexid TIionghts of lHome," as cw autI-b-au. tiful chrome, 14 x20 luches, repreîicnting a little Italian exile wliaîe ipeaknîg eyes be. ira the longlngs cf i heart. rERIMS-35 per anuum, lu sdvance, with 011 Chromos fIrese. For 50 cecnts extra, the. chromes ill iii gent, mamted, varishcisd, aud prepshd by *The. Aldin?. wilI, hereaft1er, be obtainable 4trî aklheAbm 0 aonge, dced or club rate; cash for iiibseriplioni ________ O A , LA S AR , co c Entgisi and German nords. Paper, 2.50 inuit ie sont ta the publislieri direct, or Mientiliaohtt's78 Soil0, edited sud lu banded le the local csiîvaer, without res- ~Part irasilated byu~acfarrea. Folio, ponaibility to the pubuisiier, cret -icass I 4~ a~.s, clotis, fuli gili, .8.50 wiere th.e ertificate i i , uaitii,1the IfhJ <fi.> t tt 1 select i.ILLA VJICvery Tlieîaime, 'fer a eep voice, '8vo, niti facainle siaia sire ni JantesiSuttoui & Co. ' or baLl words. 2 vjola, paper, Pici 2M5 CANLbVASSI11IS WANTi*FD-iiy puýisut Largest, Best, and Cheupest Stock of Crockery, go to' Do, cltascii-8.50 wlshing 10 set pormuently as a lo-si eus.. 3,etore's Irli iMeladie0, niti nen syra. vasser wili recetve fulsud prauirit iforzw- GII3SON& SPARVELL'S. suneà ad pao coir. by Blte. tien by applyiiîg ta M Foioeloa uly bund ful glt, 8.50 Mnier aue. or National Nurmery7 JAMES SUTTON & Ca., Pbiles (Al for Noolo iion, or you wWl Octobil 281h 1878.d44tf gest-and best Stock of Glassnare. Go to got chef phtogmh coy.1boards 1.50 Bh atafgul on nc û,cl .0 UIESCANE GIBSON & SPARVELL'S. ilcbuaialnn'a Vocali Album. 80 ..oags, B .- witi Eug sud Genu, word,. Paper, 2.ri0 Tii. nudcruigiied offere far-sie tehéi. rem. J :1) ., eiegtnîgly bound lu cloh, ful' il gu, .50 acs la wiicbh iii urines.. for t1e oiluiîaisc.he OU ew Vaçn i Wlw11aisuay aoflthi îovojrks, paît tnn-a of Agi ultarsli Iînrlsiiîciite, %Vigguîn, I ald, on recafpe of thsé maried p ce. Cita.,L4c., la ait presin carriesuaoniliti tue Tewî ci Sultanas, Lalyer, Bunch Rîsîsor Curants'. Go' 1gLe o tsli tram 15,000 týoowomus- WitiCby, tagetiier with hie ii' i-rieG icil 4ubjecCasent fris on AppldýioIn. maciinery au,-i lant a1 eveîy dCîeuCiI.u-GISO &SARE 'S Ares--Algo hii. Cwellin-g house andti l place GBOx pRELs J. L. MREIirîîalPabuaiiar, FIi koowu i SINSSiTAN I yo u want the Very Best Choice 48099 Drodway, NewYork. RS-L 5BUIES TAD T AntI-on whitii, it wiii belauu'i on xînis Faiyiily Groceries of ail kiîîds. Ga to T0 LET. - tien, an excellent businessi i. beiiig n0w car- ISN 8 The 1lsrcksmiti Shap, DwelllngRonce, H. nl sa dispose oaIisiPatent naît. sIBO ïBAVEI' sud premlmses, iutely accuehitbyMr Go in varions Agricuituril liopleinens. l'oa au T- Ayer, Iame', onrs, TownocfWhltby. induitrions inan with iiîll cuapital Vis i ...3 a îa tte v r, eyb s n l'or particulars spply ta-- opportuniîy tiat seldeiri prseita itocif.ye eAM1s iaC, D4oeiruujta relire frrnt buiei, i Re-~ cheapcst Bl1ack aind Grocun Tea, be Sure to go to Ta, Mateh Bras., or Yeomen 4Gtbaoa canutof i -heaith 1 tie nndcrsiguu>d la dis- GIBSON &SPARVELL'S witlby, Nov. 25, 1870. tet posed te tale tliis stop. Ternus will b. maIe to cuti s conîpeterît -- panty. Oniy a smmiiianain requirgl idt-wîî. 1lEWAIiD 1STOLENi1 and ample tirue givesi tan tie baluucei. Al Jiids of pu-oduce taken in ex- $1 - adequate secarity. Stoicti froin lie owner'a promiaes7 ParMJME LA'TN, cang»e foi- Goods. oulb XaoMnday nlghv - v. 17th, one.rikS.,%hty DsnxcraîWaggau, body painted dan col. 1rckS. Vîty Ourt wti lde sînlpes reil wieîls iti black N. B.-Tiie shove offer ciii ual uit-noee ( T he highest market price paid ini m.ifland stnîlgit oisfta. @5 regard nul wiîiihiehibusiness wiii cviiibc ca:ixed oi.eslfo'a" uati-ofoo Bterud VhtBan ýet0,11)1111tgurpeso fvig nci nt m a ial, and repiaire proinptly Cxecuiî-ul. y' frLj .uilit oj odB utradW ieB ns tea, i edQt0aprhninadNov. 5, 1873, 4.5tf E H OYT1S LW Y ON TND A conviction cf te hiefe. FL_______ SAL AY O H NDA CWA ns.,ril ".tljuta vu i u i 04.tCRU, anawe V5fl 55511e tbat weare prePared to do ae we 'UIl y them inithe -fut as M r. Sarnolias doune in the past. STILL,& JOHýNSTC Orders by.rMail Prom ptly attended-' JJNDIRTAKING~ plaus Establishmnent ini the County ly supplied. 7 hitby, , otober lot, 1878. 'The only ýfirî where funeýrals are TILL &JHSo THE WHIITBY CHINA W'At it Again! GJBSON IfA .STORE Can't b.e Outdone &t SPARVERLL. Beg to inform their numierous. custon ers and friends, that they have just recei-ved a Large Sto of New Fruits, CHOICE- FAMILY GIROCEJILE fui- 4o.ly Port WlbNo.2,17. 48; VRITJIY &P. P. ItÀTLwAY. Tm £ExAIIN:TIO: PUBLIC 8CHOOL TEACHERS' Second and Third Clas e Crfillcates W'ill tic hcld, (D.. V.) in the. TOWN 0F WHIITBY, MONuDAsf, r55h DECE.MBER, 1873, At .i,... for Second (3138s. And on TUESDAY, sUri DECEMBER, At 0, a. m,'Sur Tbind Clama. Tii. examîination' oS Candidates for'Firal CI"&. Cetiflloilsa nlb. heltI at the< aime plat-e, couutiuenelzg on FRIDAY, ati DIZCEMBZR, 1h la lndaisuiible that Candidateosaho-uiS .sotlfylihe<Contiy lnspoctar,noct later than theiii 201h cf November, of thoir Itention la prebenthemseldo fer e"x&iunatlan. - JAS. MeBRIENI 1. 4 Nov. 15ti, 1873. 47 -G U 1h L EFl" 5 COLO0TJà ING0 NEW GOODS!1 NEW PATTER~NS, 1 AN'D NEW STYLES I1 Iii aud %Wfnter, juil reccive et athie florigEastblimaiutl, huwa. The VY OVERCOAT1IMOS , FAN- Il lhe newoal palterna for pants, ahi. bce touS tCo bisof ecellenut mter"a i il vaii g i lord s chance orail GoS work guarantai. ioZthe yianl sud clot1à iougli e.1 -u romptly. rue lot cfifRoady.mûdë Clotling cii As l6 wsî uvaule inlumy owxi &hop, oi bitrapicasers an eaubcertain, YIntge lop gooda, hbut clthi LUi waar. Try hei. GO.OGUTLEI'. Ul FORlLUMBEII i1 cabinet 00 7npnyý et pr Iic Cath, forthe, hefr Yfard at Oshawa. L'.li,2t, geyv iht. THIIOUGH LINE FIOM TOIONTO GIBSON & SPARVELL'8, 1Novembcr loth, 1873. Whitby China Tes Stor ce. PORT PERRY, LINDS AY, BOB. t % 7 F CAYORON, AND PtENELON FAS -2 THE OLD STAND) The St amcer I"ONTARIO," nul balove3 Port Perry every Moauiay, Wà dixesdsy, iiii EST BLI IED 1 3 1 Friday, utIl l '.-lock, a. in., au the arriva, E~TA ~ ~ r ia cf the. momdig Train frein Whtby, 'ilieîu'-l' i,' . I ~ e 'cunects wi tu te Local Train f nusink Ei, snd tie Exyî)reé§ifrein Toronto, on thle W .T T Grand Truols Iaîlwa -, antiirin bu Lliîv . TLL., R P I T at 3 o'cock, p. in., l5îbcaygeon etmFi p.lni.; hi-melon Falls, ut 7 1). ni. lrrsu .-Leuvea Pension irallm on.go - Tueslay, Thursilay, sud Saturday,,uai6,.ia, srniviigutah itidwiiy aiSM, î. u . sutd it Ne v P Por Perry l retri ,auuîreî csii t4a rlo -Grand Truik Baiiway itiuiuuui guîig Wvkiî,Se s and Lust.a o iNew Bd-ro m , Sets. LtIiay ......NM eWTD nnc-o es Tirangis ickets eutLe had aS the G. 1. .Aud a large stock .of Cane a>nd Wood Aget- broute. ictat low r ce. Frseat Chîairs, 'fabls, 1Bureaus, .Sofas, .Louages, .oessteaas, Aîîy informaion cin Le abtpined by p ploas, te. pl't ti guu Cllpî)oarlds. Hair, CIoti, îand Darnask Louinges, Couches, B3. B. KIMBALL, JA. IIOLDEW, &c., &co. A fine stock of Newv Gilt Window C orices, cheap. - Supi. Xmau'g, Dineetor. .The largest and cheapest stock of Pictures eve ruh Whihby, Sept. Oth, 1873,.88 n1, af ciii 4- J. -£ro211t ~GENoS WANTIiI> IVE1lYWV1ItLE TO SW I O A or VIE DOMINION 0F CANADA plifil ransm20 l l io bmper menti, Purinuut empioyeynu. TROY & CO., 'Nov. 19, 1878. 32Kiï S.Est Trut- "xF011SALE. t'O icreninlutise narh ntiocf Lot 18, Sni con. of Plcesenuni-acil good--hont i5 acres a aaeanirail timmier. Pu=m vl' .wateed. 8iw raîe wibg, SblxSO-goau Appi, o- cr on tie preiwosses. Nov. 8, 18.3,.461 ~~ ~ôTEI- LU M %VLI, ui L v i Jwicn ne Lb un tPrices anat wx.U not fair to. sit the tirncs. SThe underqigned wishes to state to his old eustom- ON,. and the publie g(encr,.JIy, thýli st o i be found;d#the "IOLD STAND," 41d Il fs îîith 'or bought out, nor bo1d -out, aùd 18.111 no way connected with any otimer establishml1ent in town. 9:"::'Undertaking as usual.-7A arge Stock of Réà dy-ý mnade 'Coffls colatautly kcept on1 baud, à nd trimmed tô order to suit cus- tomers, on short notice. Fiienrak fally supplied with everything. Whitby, octobïlb, 1873. aw MrLr.. GLASGOW, WAREHOUJSEl R.~~~ &- TAM;~ Ilegt taannace hat them Pai ana Winterfork la non ta iisrKà ùS havingu$Wb meaun' ilt v-amansd as erau, aîwia place the4ns lua -PoSITI(.N TO BUV!' OODS FOR.ý CASH;,ý sa that their cn$tomers,tIà tic public Mm 1 rely nbi5-,e isreSwt4 ooatce sund nt the li-aet pice bavlng been beolie pulic Saforthebélistl 2 YeOM in lsIlI!y,- Tiicir etock Ibis seaon ins larper tisa eaver, Mr. R:4 Ilffras lu Bnitimn -0& k nynmer, andI bas insoert«id direct, on. ai the fineai stocks everonn uWhithy, and -wWhhrnbv. ediliste foiiowiag Steamers frons-Laoâ, Liverpouol, sud'Glaeow, vis :-Poafgicn Pmuuiau, Srandinavfc*s, Tag Cet. cisa,-O'sirc ian, 2'ewia, 4mbqesdor, 1%'e. au miJiduouy, XNeara, Pa4,ns.asMiestjsi esaj anda4fumr i meula --l Idotrel o Taont, h fii te msuuscererwhasresndnp an uey, orwbmy- f, wioesie aJ svaeaslbireaiî opttra cen sbire iibcieiving tic viole. salc lprofit, w'ihauitai elmi -uti, cointy psy& - . - m hicir stoc&A iagowsl l nown ilias unnecesa,? yte csnuzerala, sumée ll laesy til> 1 teybare the argest stock of < . ' L i ar DRY GOOD $ý MILLINEIRY, QtTHS, RkDAYm- TO0'HA ND. A FVL LAS SOQRTM ENTI N GoId Chains, Co1ored'-Gold Sets, laeWhioh for Quality and price, Defy ÇoMpetition. - JAMES JO!-NSTON, Practical Wuatch-maker. Goldsmith'& Hall, Whitby, October 1, 1878. FALL d ,WINTER CLOTHINO Begys to inform his customers ti-at he- is now iu- receipt of a- superior Stock of Cloths, Tweeds, Vestings, &a&C., very select, nnd suitsîbl-e for the s'5ason, which lie î> Ai orders prompîiy attended t-o and executed in thip best style. Spicial attention paid to giving a satiefaclory fit. AUl kinds of Gents' fnrnishing goods. including hata, caps, unubrellas,, &a,. Cail ami eyamline. JOHN FERGUSONt Clothier k& Gents' Otitfitter, ouda $t. Wluitby Whitby, Sept. 24, 1878. S5 A COMPLETE STOCK IN ALL LINES 0F ul'est of Enilid, Caîiadian, and Scotch clotlîs, &C., &( GENTS' ,,,.FINLSIING GOOD'b1 0F! EVEItY DESCRIPTION. The GROCERi DEPAR'IMENT la replete with a chi'1- ection of Teasl Cuffees, new fruit, spices. Best tobacco. Goods at prices defying legitimate competition. J. J. lMUli'PIIYt Se] eptember 241h, 1878. 'S ART ion cente warnu i'uliy solici ~WlîftbySept1O, 1878. MUItGE? YM 0OMI NIO0N FIluran d FeeÇd Store! M R. HEMMINGWAY 1-ekving bouglit -Mr. Smithý's interest, ii the Flo ir & F ed Jusineas which lias, hein carnied' Don ni]., tii.ame and firm cf Sinmih & Rein- xxingway, ia now pr.-paýed.10 cirer any -quntity of FAIL ý-AND SPnI.KCoWIEAT FLOUI At the lowest Cash price, wJËoesale or retail. Qai s, Corn, .Jhop E'eed , BranD, Shorts andi Peas coîýýstantIy kept on liand,.cheap forcash, aI TuE, DOMINiON FLouR & FEED STORE, .W B Je HIO-CKIE &G . (epcflAyilvTE UinctÂion&o LeKRY-soc o FALL AND WJNTEIR GOODS! -Dress Goods, Wiiuceys, Blankets, Flan- uels, Quits, Bcd Comforters, Ladies' Fîîrs,' Striped Shawls, fliosiery and Gloves, Gents' Fur Cîips of ail kinds, Shirts, Neck-ties, ÇoIlars, Lamb Wool Shirts and Drà wers only '3~5 cents. *FRESH FAMILY -GROCERIE8. they wish to have allntpd. N. W. B.-3. YARNOLD. Wlilby, 281h FebWiary,1 FOR- SALE. A gondl Mill Site on the1 Lyrdî'a Crcek. an excellent tupe-ml.Will bes'liM IWhitby Mayl4t,1875. The above Goods will be sold Cheap for Cash. The highest prîce paid in cash for Butter. IMPORTANT N EWS!18 BOOTS AND S-HOE;S ! Ihe uiidersigined has a large stock ol adlut3', Gents', n'id Uîl ir i e' ' l id oa't Icj tt oeb W. J. HICKIE & CO. ýots and Slioes made to ordler. fEi es in *d wain «aîî comucî-table. India llubbers, cparire. t due (>vershbe liillaxn, &C, L~Rel Dun.das St., Whithy. 59 JOHNS TO0N'S SELF-RAKI'NG*.RIEAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE' I At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, ini 1870 WVe offer to our customers for the comincr Iarvet3t, tivo di. rinct Machines, which in stylu and construction, enibrace the Iatest and most usefulà improvements of the day. JOIINSTON'S SI NGLE Si1-AIGHA'i The ulivesal success of.tis Machine, both i clôsely contest- ed IrisIxansd la tihue nof thc larmnerita-î.rrnî um li. anaing til-it, as a Seit Rsk- litg Respiugns rsiie, il hais aore grend îleie anti leaujadefecle. and bhaitmet aSti. morej -uccgitdls fi ure, lîs lîreaorofrei . h, aabui llFe were awarded the Finit Prizealnd,-Diploma, at the Prcvin -iii Exhibition., hela inl*oronta. 1870.il? cý.ýPetitiQTf îlai i eaigMacbine'a., auontdactured laitise Province; suad wui4 *-gç,t i*m-po euto, Iwo hinlIeilt- i,,giar challenge lIvestigiation and )ti cepario -thbcumpeaia'g Milies. n art- Odler thee hast .Iowver Ioa thi patner l'cr 1872, buli tfa a ii o n. for descriptive caIeop-e.. in ~~Sn Catli ut the old Stand. Bloni & Ste e Store. Brock litreer, Wiitji LAMPS ! l!VES LPS 1!P LAMPS o -Q o L IST F TEE DWYIS1ICN CGLTS oIP vax COUNTY -OF CNTÂRIO, INi wliitby, Jan., lit, 1878. D 0OmI N 1O0 FLOJR & FT TFE. The nuî5lerszgileciL eg toirfojrDrtlw iil 1al- itants of E hty anid vicivily t1'at t] e3 1 ave apenled a }liur itid i eî7 Stan. ii5e J'reu. -opposite, the -Rcts-cr- H'cuse, Wh ere thy rust by ite2erg ceylin l CeZirli. Ksy&onrs tIT, to hc abde te give aîtifaeU-ito lentouxen. raSotOairn'esl, CracheS VJh.Ict, FLOUIi-FsM llWhoïSî,sîng, simd Mixed --and ail khudci Feed,iselllutheIe liv in g p r îte s fcr c a si. gpi g W e t l u a ti s e s tA I Cash paiSfrihuudfF r'prodee » . .- r -AiI.renTHEq bu SM G, oiwa la h !,.A3.a, 'm lit BELL &.Co., GUELPH, ONT. PIIIZE MEDAL A large asqort meut of plain and fan - cy Lamps, Brickets," CABINET ORGAN Chandeliers, Globes, Sliades, 11eflectori, Burners, Chineys, kc., Just Beceived at JAMES 1H. GE IRIE& Co's. M-E'L -O0D t:O0N SS- Beat Coal 011, wholchalo and retail. Sole Ppnetor"and Mnfoueao" Whitb, Set. Sd, 178. 8'11?WET"," êDL8*ine Scri8. LOWES ' In Cloths, Whi Mc' snd Wsy,K-l Coat; Hlate. capis. & WAR EIOOMSDr large lStock -Of Jý ttzd Siiand D~..e ;c., Bi kamit Colorcti ýOve aid'HJo.tio'y, Ladies NEW FALL IMPORTATION GEN-M~ E,-M>E N E'~IN~J-LJ -N -W -FA LL GOO0DIS .18SNOW OOML4P-ETE 1 £Qi1Rýt4S0lng of auslendi. ,,oîna o Çl()Lbs. of al Linds for GENTS' FUIRNIS-UI[ýG GOIDS, 1 1 .1 1 L 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 . 1 frV A 0 nT--r-rNT A dl% 7-1 à Ir WINES AND LIQUORS . 1 JUST TO ]RAND. ýVMtbY, Nov. 25th, 1873. DRESS GOODS I-JAMPSH THE Il RIIVG or il LARGE STOCK:*. IfF JO-HN FE.RGUSON