KO UNK-, TEOMLêS DOW, A'G E NO Y, IL . P. 'YLOE UkoONVETKINMG EW!ELL, LL. B., VN ATTORNET FOR ,inOhano«7y,Oouvevancer' , &. OMfc-Oer 17r. W rock, Btrse4 Whtby, Ont. ATLAW, SOLiciToR IN ~,Coveynee,&cMaCnning- LYMAN xNGLISH, L L. R.', *ý'ARlîSTXn AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN -cea Street, Oshawa,. QGý YOUNG 5SUITHLL f. bÀRRISTEI1, ATTOIINE .AT. LAW, Ssolicitor lu Chauce!y andl Isolvency hayPublielà &., L». Ofc-c:fs *4lock, Brook treat WlUtbyv, Onuzil. A-EgLAMON, A TTORNEYý-ATYZAW, SQLICITOBrN1 L.Chanmey, Converancer, Land Agnt, dr.Office-La Parralss Blc, Brock st.r CGU8ET<WOOD & JIOILLAN, ?DBRR18TBRË ATTORâYS, SOLIO- IL tootaries Public, Convoyncers. 8b os48,th of Posi Office, TffOUAS IHUSTON, T Whltby.»QMxce--Town HRESall HRurso, NpEOSMMB,-GVPUBLIC SCHOOLS flot ïUse Couun naro dress- Raglsyai cieOntaro. A k.J. GtJNNq, M. D., 1M~fGEON TO TE COUNTY GAOL, es Byron Street, Whitby. iVa, Jc1RNE<,M.D., M.R.Ceg., 1'<1UY'8 HOSPITAL LONDON, EN the eye B. O-X L LOshawa, otao'. DT1EiST, (SUOOEFs- sor teW. -UCard.) Dental Roomns-Dioudas Street, 'WheboteM1r. Jamesqn's Rtrs. Nitrons t, saiou l 1trdi~tepainles ex. Co X. VAR5,LêD.s, tà C !brEBTH iuserted ou al uthe -latest priciples of the art, ca hesp as the oheapesi, and as good as the besi Teth 1.llsd with Gola ana Silver. Téeaijaxtracted wthoui pain, by produclng 1leeI aiustheslan. Deuta liloons-In Cow. %nsnçw'blok, over Atklnson!sgprug Store, î Ring Street, Oshawa. 8 THOMASUÙUNTON, ISUER 0F MARRIAGE, LICENSES. ..Office-Town Hll. Iteidence-Byron Street, tliree doof north cf Town Hall. Baco, rook St., Wlitby. JOUN WOLFENDEN, Joux CARiTER', pUNSECIER FOR THE Resienc-Lo 8,8thConcession Marirban. pont Office-Unionvlile. Sales attendcd on tie hortest iuotlc,and on reasoneble ternis. Tuecatibeamada and bis. printcd eut the oeuzctz Office for Ms'; Carter. LEVI FAIItDANKri, JR., TICEN$ED AUCTIONEER FOU R H LJ Couty' of Ontarlo, begs ta return thanku for the libersi patronage heretofore bsslewd shon hlm, and ta annooncethat lie lo prepared te conduct sales either i Town or County at reesoneble rates. Ar- rangements for sales enu b made eltlier ai thse CImlP.ONCLU Office, or at scy own Omfce, lirock Street, Wlitby. GEOIIGIB <coiR&eACK, TME1MERCHANT, CARPENTER ,..L.Jand J3oiner, Green Street, Wlhitby. A large qoantity uf aIl kinds of lumber con- stantly on baud, UNDERTAKING.-Fnnierals s ily sup- pliait and attended on short notice; Coailes kept constauitly'on heiid. A hearse te litre ,on liberal ternis. {ONBY' TO LEND. Tis a nderaigued bas an amounut oa!ý ,ey to Lend upon Furin or £oCwu Propsrt>r, ai .uIUsushh>'Les' le o! Intaeut. Loans cao bu repaiS un sons te sutbor- Sevsnal-Improvecl Panssud WilS Lands fer s"sCheap IllaatneltB aS.lu uncieà I Deben. stursa, BanS, as uistes'ias'kstatabla Stocka. FqF furtisen particohas's appli- te JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignes, ProSes', Lu. OFFIVE--Ovýer tIsefDominion Bank, Mo- ,Mllla's Brook St., Whithy. Bprll Oib, 1872. 15 Whltby Brase sud 8 tring Bande, adapteS forgoiees, Pic-ntos,Rzeuraiona Quadrilles Parties, &c., &., sin suppli thsabhast anâ beteat Muis on esonable tanms. -, Applications -must bs mads itisus'persan- aU- or hi-lettes', (pont saiS, t J. I FWLENDEN4, - Wiitbi. T RE IEST J-IQRSE -MEDICINES. An leirl Mtn !tsehs o'eMail- duo kei oustntl onhand and for sale et Z9No charge for, advlce. K, BAY. B. OMEILL, A T liEBR L Y, ,01erk Divfion Court, Tp.. Clerk, Commisonbir in 13, B., Lanud Agent, &o., STO #20 FER DAY. Agents Want- 7J1Pr5ed AU-l clases ot worlring people, of ,hése%, youg or old, make more money atjeb'rk !forus i ther s p are moments, or OU Olehn ayhnelse Partie. Uj'jjAddressg0. STINSON & CO. For*si2dUine. 8 IROqflL.* CAPITAL, $400,000. TBWAKEM, PROPRI ESTABLISBE rdz~. -Sup'rr Comodatin. Table,, vils hastln season Genulue -Tihis elS anddis-eliesatabliohed CussnyOir5,bt ba, illard romns mreprparoteoccelpt risks Wallclessaeso!do petablsdCompaum -in Canada. - in RITlISE 4AmEICAN 1OTl llaflM&sudnu-haasduus p Bp 1 ue- - sureS for Itsh are m or luat i , 1 i1-Iv rates. RA' L. FAIRBANKS la. ýizBËO CB. OfftouBrook 1Si., 'Iltiby. -- ' >~ ca s - VITBY, -0N2!4JZ - Eoé-Roi evhs r enovatad maS - 0 NTAMIO FARIMS' -hogotaapti fn-i«a Co ~ rc>l YeTOM s auoiuîhr MUTUAL IN8RANCE o iban.1iS.5a spes HEM>OFFCEBROK 5., ~tBION, HOTEL, TIs OCompani lures Fan _ M- POR Cni-Chumoises, BScloa" anses, ;aIL1!&SQ Contents-aate asyvstoelai -- veU.est lsed Conspani-fil Canmada. y Th ise hkbeen tvlb y IUST bOSSES PROMPTLT PAW; - - -o a xi . B. KeIlisy inologs'- sA«agssi J ~ÂIEY -PIROPMtTOB. ROYAL BRMEITSQUEEN HOTEL,- bSbWrqy'Uè JAS3. DEWÂRT,ý- PROPRIETOR. - splendld acominoation. lPuai Wiess auI liquon &tathbebar. Attentive osilers. 9-~6 1~,HT a Imi LJMBR II .ansd surior WhilIqýM' iusj The4Usaaid sttetispt a lways on TIeudesse iaigbeen appointed e==24eaCsag à ocSesate. Agnt-sud iso Bblippi n .. - ,- th C'ef enelon Fsins eed uconnec- . J"iL~Ta..TL tin 'is o hr premies,anetsie ' 9:ýý L UM 8, R,:ý Y R 0PROPRIETOR. Adoiin tseWbtby & Port Perry Rail; way Stat0nwbes' ho lceeps constantly on-Prtsilnêi'nadeaughrs bad A largeand comploe estock cf Luiber - vtêe ireR tckeu cure of cQ tiai, o! ai 'lssforale hlse sud reiil.- rs'ra -t 7 PlanelugMachnsdail hinds o! work ex ecuted promptly, teorder. GEO. CORMAcK, UI ,-E Whtby, May 27, 1878. Q > -B 01LIONT._ UÂ8.IOELL PRRIT. x-'1 FOR SALE. -- Âeunvo- That well-lcuown faM, lot 20, Srd sofoR CA 7I4T WIitby, lcuown as IDOTAL _ THE DONALDSON F H. ORT- And as ai present lu the occupation o! fr . ;y outains 190 acres; abo$16 ~ acmoain oSaaln dleae & Welliig, out1bsiidings, aSd ab0. s saro datniv slr offices; splendid orchard o! 8 acres lue ý#bEi d t, , andatnieoirs Apïply t- .'-______ JOHKNA. DON4ALDBO{,NI iSEN OUSE, - Gov'iEmigration, Offce, Mardis 25, 1878. 181f -- Tenante. T EISOLATED BIBI Fire Insurancé CD'Iy vi Canada. Hl"xiOnuer-KingSt.,cor. Cbus'h,Toronto CAPITAL,'- $S50,ooo. Depostted wltlu Government, $67,000 lu s'ill ,au Ii oses s'u entSlai-, sud pai- aven tIse cashAT ONCE. Hon. ALEX. MeKENZIE., M. P., JOHN MArGHAK nrJEant c OAL AND- WOOD. A. ALEXANDER, Having purehased tisa Ceai anS WopS Yard e! Mr. John Keiti, heurs te inform sU eus- toera tisai tissi-wM i uiStIse pramisua con- stauily and fieutifullyi>'jpiedi and Wéoc adCa elie tteoesaipices.' Hlavlng purchased large tracts o! tIhe si s'ood lande an tisa hack Lalses, e full anS eeiaustloessIpspby sil ha ahiways kepi on baud. . Reasiomble rates asu ful measure guar- antued. Cosl weihed on tIse Tos'n scales. - A. ALEXAINDER. Wihibui, Ju- 9, 1878. 28 p H(ENIX PIRE ASSURANCE CO'Y., LOMBSARD ST. & CflÂsuco cROSa, LeNDIcu4. ESTABLISHED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., Agents for Canada. JAMES DAVIDSON, Manages'. Insurances againat bas hy i-ire arae fcet. uS on tisa masi favorable terme, suiSSesses ~a1 s'totreersnce te saBoard in Lon. YEOMAN GIBBON, Agent, Wbitby. L i VE R yi TIsa- undensigned dSures ta inforni bis fiendu uand patrons, that ha baa again ne- sumed business aitIshe olS WHITBY LI VERY 8TABLES. Having encncauod tIse nembes' and quelity e! tIse stud, anS also aSSeS toansd improved tIse canvsyancee anS vuIsiches an tIse preni- uses, bchobpus hi- being in n position te meut the s'enta o! austaiona sta incit a sbire ef public patronage. SCHARGES MODERATE. -01 N.B-Coaea couveasces for families andieSes. Prompt attandauce, as heraho- fane, t l aordens. N. RAY, Preprieter. c H OI1C E APPLE TREES, A il0U T 20,000, - -AT TUE- HOME NURSERY, F reintwa ta fonr yuars o! age, einhsacing ail the hast Varisties. SETH C. WILSON, Lot No. 8p GuS Cou. Picksering, au Kingston RoaS, est Office, Whithy. 7'AUABLE FARM= FOR SALE. Being part o! lot 29, 7th concession Sct Cont>' o! Onteria-100 acres, 78 cleà s'eâ and in a goofi miate o! Soltivation. GoeS Ss'elling bouse, sud extensive ontbnihdiugsR ln good rupair. AppI>f ho tIse esner, SIMEON TIiFlIN, ou the premies. Leaskdala, Nov. 14, 1872. 47 AM FOR SAL. 60 acres in Il.eisortli euS of Lot la, 8rd con. o! Piekering-soil good-ahout 5 acres o! flnes'ood andi rail limbes'. Famswei watered. Nes'freine dwellingi 21x2-good haro, 55W O = Tris ihral. Appui- te- A. BOONE', on ütise ps'eui ses. Duiffixs' Crash, N .8,1873. --46tf gISTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY HIEAD OFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - 4o00Ooc. - ÂEN5s'FOR, soUT u= Tà ni,- JOSEPH HOLIL4N, BROOIN, ONT. Aise Agent fanthe CANADA PARMERS' -MUTUAL INSUlIANCE cOM:PANT, H ead -Moffc, IHaxaoiw; sud CITIZENS' INSURÂNCE COMPiT, 1toutzWt, Mre,hMi sdGuamtes uDÂs ar SR, s'nrrv. TIse ondersigned s'oulS intimuata te tIse public, that tIse aboya premises bave beau newby iteS np anS renovated ibrangisaul BesiLqoaanpiae "TIse Creani o! C Gaass purs Rbîne Wine, Walz's Lag- us', s'baheaale nuS retail. Bourders taken li;- tIse lwek.1 JOSEPH A. BANDEL. N IISSn;R OUSE, . OB-. RING AND GEORGE STSEET$, TORONT'O, ONTARIO. JAS. T. JEWELL, Propriator. Toronto, Aug. 12, 1878. 83-M IR OIIERT JOHN YARNOLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE FOR TUE COUNTY 0F 'ONTARIO. ADDRESS-Box 99, Wiss's. 41 FBEE SITE! TOWN 0F.WHITBY. A IlRE IE WILL BE GIVEN te any Manu actuna ng Company- buldinig au estaiabisenin tIsa ts'n. J. 14AMER GREENWOOD, Mai-or, VWbiiby. Wbithy. i-eh. 20, 1873. -if IR EMO VA 1.. TIsa underaigned bas removed bis BOOT c& SHOE STORE te tise promises adjoining tIse Western Hlotal, Duindaus Street, Witb-, wbere ha le nos' l repared ta exceute aUl ordons for WVork. A large sud select stock on baud. Rupsiriug dasas usuel. JOSEPH A. IIANDEIL. Wbithy, May- 8, 1871. 19 TiYH Liverpool and London and Globe INSURANCE CO¶IPANY. ÂYAcÀLAHLF STS, e27,000,000. Lasses paiS lu course cfi hirti--five yesrs exceed FORTY MILLIONS 0F.DOLLARS. Claitns hi- Chicago Fins estimated at nuis'- i- #80,0t30, are heing Uiqidaied au feet as adjuseted s'hbut Seduehion. Securiti-, rPrmtl'a-eut sud Libaraliti-in adjut- mun .f ita Lsus e e eprominut featurus o! tsas sealti-yCam ani-. HuaS O0fce, Canadata ne, onrul G.P.C. IT, Chie! Aget for Dmnon. IL. FAIRBANKS, Je., Agent etWht',O. OHN L. WATKIB, OFFICIAL Au810NEEI 13AILFF Bau nîvîSîcIr COURT, AUCTIONEER, &c.., &c. OFFICE-In Bigcbos"s BlocS, Port Pcrry. Pent Pari-, Jue d4, 1872, 26 1LUMBER & SHINGLES FOR SALE. Thea subserihor bas on hanS euS for suie ai bis "il"aurUtica, (laie Cu-re's), al kindsof ilom.bes'anudhinglus. Bill humber ses'n teondes'. A. B. CAMPBEILL. Utica, Aug. 20tIs. - - 84tf Notice is bereby given that altaxes i arrear must be paid forthwith, WITHO UT A SECOND OALL i or the colectôr wiihaveiio other altern- tive but ta take proceedingi-. Payment Cf taxes can bu made at thie ol. lector'a reaideuce, fondas Street. collector. Whttby, Nov. l2th, 1803. 46 .1A valuable Fapin. a Mhl state of cuWi- vation, sol not excelled iii Canada, being Lot 25, 2nél con. West WlIisims,ount Middlesex, 80Osceas leared sudwefl water- ed, gooii feuces, gboa bulngs, anad&a ine imug orchard of choice.frit; sitoatne4 writtbw 41 mules of the.*ourishig vlae 0o1 P RM =lend otalin 1 acres. .ýà e- Z STo WbQm -ma cy2V ap. s,. . am w5' LICENS ONE(R ]u Uisk]uis insu friends ana dthe 'L .a4v .t -hieral patron- lgxspan tise pat four Ha Ing os 'îfis-e up tise business o! Bailmif, itn, -future, ta Savate Mi- sh'isla -lieto thé business cfAnationeer, mi- ehý ndavour,,by prompt anS aefl teeute business, te give funl atsa tiosf-iii al-*ho miyavos' me wih : ra- hted sd Ë; k Notes furulsIs ÈâfibStiisupaals'ays on baud. Aà ià r ïêmentO can bu mode for salea &C., aith NIzxcaa offce. WIsithi-, Ob8aser- iQfC-Priuce Albert, audat tiéSetansdasrd Office, P>ort Ferry. W. M. WILLCOx, Prince Abert, Sept. 24tis, 1872. 89 VALALLE PILOPERTY FOR SALE'. Thse subscriher oSera for sais tise follow- ing valuabie propert-, lu tise Town of Wlsit- by:-An excellent Brick Cottage whs1 acre of land, *shtnated on tIse carnes' o! Orson7sud St. Peter Ste., in thse Souths Ward. Aise, j acre o! lend, well fonceS, anS in a bigb shete of cultivatien carner Wellington sud Gif- fard es.,'Nos'ti Was'd. j acre an Centre St. seuile! thse residunce o!f(11Draper, Esq -- in tIse Souh WarS. Aliea O0 acres o! god land, hengcamposed of part of lot 18, loch con. o! p oio'ss f Murr-ai-,Ce. Nortisusber- A clesanSin dispuiabhshtitle s'hlbc given ha ai tIse ahove propert-. For fortIser par- ticolars appui- tetise os'ner. FRANCIS CLARK. Whltby, Jul>', 1871. 29tf K 1G BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO,, Importera, Dealers and Manufacturer of anl RindSuof LEA TIIER AND FINDINGS, Cash paiS Caor Rides, Park, and baiser. Leatlier straicised. __]IELTING MADE TO ORDER ON' SHEORT NOTICE. Mfai, 1872. 22 !1AGENCY AND COMMISSIONS. Vebuetions maie suad accounts collecteS., ::'fce oves' Tics Cursa-susn.ting office. Business proinpthi- attendeS te; bhighesi neffsrenceu. Aug. 26,1873*,100. 15-2 -- - - TIKES UBLIC NOTICE.- --__ Bhi-sss- No 4,Seclct l At , essocts as follou-e 0c" Âfumpn, te -e eUtyoflOZM, 1150OOdd lrow of lights,tbe ýblinkerless grate, thieÉ ring, thse same draft nder thloronfi Co tro ,and ithaslinaddition are nue c I rmg heleataroudand under -thé w d'NEW, AMERICAN"t CookingStv i arrantea te be firat-cla made in the United States. Wa quota t] followin2g from lIle circuler cf 1878 : "For yuars thse New York State Agriciltural go awsrded it thse First Prem inn and lest ye it took thse Silver Modal oves' ailthse be stoves inthe country at the fair ofAMlNe Englend. It tookduring iii. lest two ye: no less tlsan tEe 107 FIRST &ýPREMIUMS At varions exhibitions, among tissin Thse New York State Fais',. Thse Vermout Stete Feir, Thse Illinois State Fais' Thse Michigean Stete aFir', Thse New Englend States Fair. Theire were solS cf cf it lu the Statesi 1870, 7000; 1871, 8,000; 1872, 10,0W0. îTU yeas' it bas lieeu improved by adiling an tu ti-clinker grate and mica lights in front.- We sesit with or without thse coppes' resi voir, snd thse cast iron warming cîceet i hlnd thse stove and steve pipe, anS it wi humn coal or Wood. Parties hnyin& trom us cau, et any tii replace any portions of our stoves that ma get broken-a great adventage. J. CARMIfCHAEL, Pres Oshawa, Nov. 24,- 1873. s LA-B WOOD FOR SALE. The subscribes'hes for sale at bis i! neas' Utice, e quantity cf four-foot Sl1. IUtîca, Sept. 23, 1873. A.Bk<MIEL A VOID QUACKS.-A victim o f carl -L-indiscretton, ceaing nervous debihit, premainre decay, &c., Isaving tnied lu va. oves'- advertised renie di, bas discovered simnple meena cf self-cure, whblrl lie we- senS free tohois ellews isferers. Address- .1. H. REEVES, 78 Naseau St., New' York c OAL ANDWOD Tise undersigued begs te returutliaka fi tIse liberai sud increasing patronage h ha. heen favored s'itb during bis shre years lu business, anS herehyi-idiors-acu tomes'g bIsetlha bas; nos'for sais ail kissi of tise besi Anthracite aud -l3tumiuous ALSO, BEST HABDWQQD At tIse leweat possible peicca for Cash. JOHN BLOW & CO. Wbithy, Auguet ith, 1871., Ladies and Gentlemen, ta learu TELE GRAPH OPElIATING, for liailway Stel ions sud Commsercial Lices in tIse Dominion SenS for circuler, Addres- CIýLEMAN & IiAKII, Tenante, Out By AlIan's Ma#nlicent Line 0F MAIL STEAMERS "That tIse occupant an persan in possessign af ani- hanse, building, on lot, siseil cane tise eides'aII opposite hie or ber hou"e building, oril, ta ho propeni>' ssept ana cleaned ichen nocessar>, as far as tihe aute: edge, ree ran abstruiction by soo%, dirt, o: i-ar sale, to anS ran Brtain, et los'est rates, anS. al useessar- information chserfnuly NOTICE is benebi- given tisaIbIse abani given hi - -.B--les' sil bu vigilentli- enfanceS ran Ibis --ý eEO. YULE. 1date. Telogrephjand Express Agent. WIiihy, Merchi 11h, 1878. . m ONET TO LENDI Repai-ablalsi- inutalments Cor frni Ts'o te Ts'enti- i-aura, at las'rates o! inteneat,s'itis. ont commission, sud et moderato charges. Private Fonds ta LenS. Appbl' ta- 1Mai- 281h, 1872. Erock St., wahit6- 22-tf MmLAND RAILWAY 0F CANADA. T IM E-TA B LE Golug NortIs Iron Port Hlope ta Lindsay-. Beaverton euS Orillia. Mail-.... 930a. M. Mixed .... 8:00p.M. Gaing Nantis ho Peterboro' & Lak efleld. Mail.... 10:80 a. in. 1MixeS ..4:20 Pi. Comaiug Sauts rom Orilia te Lindsay-, Peterboro' suS Part IHope. Mixd ....2.40 p. m. 1Mail... 8:00a. m. Coniiug Souths frein Lakefueld. mued.... 5:00 a. M. 1Mail ...25 P. M. Connecta s'hth the Nipissing Rails'ay te sud fram Toronto aud intermediate stations. at Millbs'ook for Feterboro' sud Orflhia, sud s'itis Grand T'uxik ai Port Hfo pebath morn- ing ana evening s'ils trains Rautsud Wust, ,a Str. Noruemnsta 9 a.m. for Rochiester. H. G. TAYLOR, 20 Supt. cf Trains BUSINESS CHANCE. Theu unaralgneotSera for sale the prain- huas lu wiie ibusiness for th. menufac. luire cf Agnicultsmal Iinlemesto, Waggons, &o., la at presuni canreieîon ilhe, Tcs'n of - Whltbr. together' itShhie tock-lis-trade, msachinesi and plantofe er -desrition.- A ie i welig Sons. sud loi.t, m Place ia kuevu as a PliRST-CLASS BUSINESS STAN'D AxiS ou whlchislwilhl h.fainaSon examina- tien, a excellant business 1a being nos' car- Re wilalodipse o! hie patent righits lu varions Aglcuturl Iuplements. To an lnustriaus man wutis snaailCapital tis la epportuniti- tint saldoni presésilse].' DeUo =*«o rsetirefrein businss on se- poseSt o eul he up -gnc ds Tarins s'il hatmadasteo uip. cmetu pati-. OuI a malaiU ni esuie os-ust surty aml l gven frs iseaaeon ge ive fr h . ac-b B- ordes' JACOB BBITAN, Chie! Constable. Wliihi-, Dec. 3, 1873. 49 TM PARKER CUN. - XENO STAMP FOR CIRCULAS PARKER BRÃ"'S WEST MERIDENSOT. CODHARD WOODFPOIX SALE i About 200 corde o!foaodIsard stove s'ood, eut fine losgihs roni ,t20 luches. For prie &c., appui- te J. LONsG, Whilhy, Decomber Otb, 1873. f undas St. 50 m ONEY TO LbAN. 59,000 ta invesi n an isunsecti-. et 8 Per cent. Ne commission. Appli to- W.H. BILLINGS, Salicltes', &C. Wbilhy, De. 16p,18-73. 51 G E IL E Y' -S CLOTHING! NEW GOODS!1 NEW PATTERNS i AND NEW STYLES I For Fall sud Wlutes,',juýsi reai-ra ai lIse ObS TauoigEstablisismnn, Osisawa. The --stpak inces HEIAVY OVERCOATINGS, FAN- CY. VES'ru«GS, ROADCLOTHS, And aPZ tisenewust paliers for paxi, Lu. i tn bu ousiS te be e! excellent uxateril sud lis variai- wlllaffoeSa, chance çs lo w3 oSsorlr guaraned CielS solS y hi-eb.yard, and. CIO&S bougit ebuiare a.upr p#y. of Alralto tady 0109"9 tiznf ns ffi, .n l - bylermsaitvôio Mr é1 ~ vldent tisai lise circuutn-b le eeîy ,reconciling hrefto ac o!ae omqtr~i2 betwoeff Iy- 16 6 n d r W h ch th y u n e oP ý O ce il e co n tin a ce f h éit e~rview .us, m uât b. l i fü u 6 w o i ; s l again aw ue te bs ~~ *n e1e htIiaet~elst ae ustirnht b r toi enià sà e distinctlyM7 h e iWl-bM 1V.a 1t e, and unqniVoCallYte d ims yeLss iSU18en I illOU brif at 'îd t sk i en â- or u. béflme G e o r g e B l u n d e l . o , s e s eli , e e - i t n t o e ý U u er -r sc o n ab d g hËa 7, sée, te ass ciaeo dseao ll?. 'u yîiyarebeot myseme'..d, D'y tisnate Oartkrc Y iillvn iepasnsctae wsfudb oug is, esn u. ei sur ougit et er n istat espcotèinube.mab e.uh p wii1ecucrno t~ H aSienaue-a ~ yi e st fo e r eva an caancelivininy, eaflethqso zn or irn, w> is wlfanfubati ~ tise poaorhegirls hurt i tah . who tse e ar , ecoi .*1 my ln. hcdleoee. ibis on ito n;sdy.nô ildso ertaise av t :dd* -,fal'- a diSnet romiseee-asa'vgwas cause i e a uss a ý. - red hthan theis. , ~g~'t o.fÃ"udnvaq rogli' a boreif - - . - ,9.ceaedf :ohe ,é ' îlen.sot roal su d t hidie m sure eu-my gros - Sho ra sualed ears e ok- f aim up ndatîer tée. a e Ã"r in. as banon -1a shod c this aon o k onyar ideen ke iit - as' lcoaqùouil, hy ie aylutvprom Ms'iKnney .led ncéeyaoagnd hei. A fist dobninS iselihoa il, rts-tfm, ~ deswa, he oug anpased nS rien thni;tont, by n Ionulr, e Mend ul i~f, ie in s c aceu e itbe me sin fevr da -W 1"éadhld c-f weho m, paent1wer eu*trsifubasee.5- . cad S u b d e d m e a t e g e u i l e t e n d e r n s e t l s o c e r . - l u a , A ne r « , I s es1i h m p b c d M i e y o u n g i e h rM ~, w s c l i e s n b e o u d e l a y n d c ; o n i e r d a u i c u b r n o 1e-n l ti s a o l n e . ' it o g i a sean d a - 4 c m wit anS hu e fuokuas e!j -abl e'tewed lwy us oeve worso tisoy- WasanSd meIdeoll Bielebsbe S s evey eatreabslid cllS l lu k tise w in diagraceil n ae. I smes, 1 IanSliera sl ot e ee n le co st. del romncecter ilssdmr e radi- à cotreety It h kol;w acrueSby omenrtlwi ecoud e feinpoviyso fl y thui e lîs c o n tn iuc e M r. o ckn n d y b e r. nb l e ro n sy m m d cA tf à tI eW pr éor nt r y religin , o sie ntie us r e , t s I gah As ho advnaucencgIe.omoI nSe sr 'asglin n ttesioseirupantodb'9leiry exeitlie connisiosei of n eit léÇp un dorabbethicfe us berncha'u sefad -tss am; scsss. eareboydley Culiu~ 54 - lanuod.cretya ir hi e e nîdmwîskid 0str ese aeofetrvIscirc rt a ent. aitl oU& î~ T br aoy Goreliunelssic-tîo'lî isttie ser wiîîsnd e uluSseSar, nnie, r a k s e oin- scte y.ot we'b Ame lu lowner nlielaoely, ptieuet hy ~oiunre1oë-ýTwstwrsth artrwr'nwkn i nir yae net n m preossioadnofes n ery morachl ptrnof nSCicS luaen' of en rStla leor ulutieprse p ae butmn h id aediide' sa eadwo tIsai il extnded i nstn e, beceusie Ife, a the boss of ' - sucded pinful te geu:I ut tere- s s or five eity-Is fbeys AneeaI pla es elf-Sestrmopclion Bthe ynilgumand fuif fore liesmiee ctul fer tIse d;cha nder ni Ilooed nc, eas ins'as m mîcrinet :1 - h necssary fer meateda unt La nd he n e,. lu epesso n ty loed i-ast cust e w oreteybadebe1 ittoil- hr,4 m be enyr evey eatreabchâa cllil t n'hsbwit e pliagai- li thae.In, my cul- and sil assuoeull o u.m, vrd il, cere' lss cravei-co indlgentbeahne t wha e. Iohae nos'lter i sa-. Y ndrepre d m e a~tauSnby-t e ld streI e's ud oreder mmetho.' m vr serai befre hisday sh bal loke upn i r bio ei, te uher ur e supou 'Pnaitug co-hmplfor a-oi ofiewlea sus t le 'Ms' i;t underi sng.Tdet -ws e- My ci- ais asgenist s'is mi p hysa tionrd i-nltresis ,' e 'eut o, 'I ai n du peacb i-eu; uerse t m hueotie etim et e0 lu oc ve 'I,but Iableand bouS t.eepp my Fatisns accrt,-penl tlel' se eenno'ui- r. s lies-a'feomnt ddsof e ro atisai cusare liaosconiandiumu te dose ovo [b A iet daca htebeand a y, l ied snd an-e, oess ico d up on my e en nethjdg e , Amià in onie?' lý- i unWba isoulyerhai r,go int drsi ees'n acc e c lenia isî eas e 'I siold 'tsn o,'ie replieS, is&G girml-Buet cIy, fer itc l S lu peshOewlad l, nm SoignliSboaSoo, lu et fne-o arflSfittes doay h un-w pa dreaugyn sfa iial- seus B t' cre ti id es laefe rvt caatr-o aet ih tw tis a i c e aut? IdG et e nS l tcrruptliu isinso i aienawli-"in me I mos, ind ecntnt- t br e vlenlu- te us hes'everscain so n dt elpit.Tîc ouldImstshaige bcyen, Annie 2" d f mn aiy d wbie ormeu, ieheiS isnt wiss Lin et et nhar oniuqcadeceson e "ol erby tin ue ans it Pra e go o n," bs-tancet ermue Ifd ,htonus. o ve oundar cfk yesaietia irmg enguet"Wil ti ebr emo s le nquerer aon feteer erg Ie t e efl saiSn-ye evenueresehosaite utter il. ut, bs-oe asicu, oneoccisone,- ruiden m usieniet-. 'ir Ithe ye ar us- a'o pone -Ycin ut oppeS mstt i tfbuttcr e thi erbos'fr utoplaIti elf-doenrucion.. Btainpubie rort lme. !o Mn. Bthelnnst eI'-i lsut fi teAn- hiSfeug, urs tedme outi m wunu wra, eng orine or' - SsII;mad fan -- ite ay tsa n'ainte'thu ;eu- my . Tafis mis by env a rieme IbaentreS ts'leseaten hl m nflet r. falueri , nnd aseret 1usu reg s occeeaso anS, slireteinigbt heir se ulijuci, epognFaent a se etbc-y ts tîsa sîsenhusprvS Isi sîs e ntul ies nicet olenta cuc;lsas'it bleue agains selisbaSese. Hnanedes e s dot yens'or , w at oni. en aygo naeaoi; me, s iu esrveome hmi ali g huh i tshisa lai d e itcharg e; yue g e ir leve fr', lasi spec-' eauin o5Ssiion er e ueuner hm leulealii-ing htIseniary diMtele s, esase.nHohil pdre-fuZlpïyee es' miinny once oeuBut, ent cf vrtuoungStesmtan, n-volvyetIi bsncsaii usui o ynnis Kwennetd, I caninet iea ahtepigethrmaSe ,nIolul-I er-nd1gossio!tise ceuerns- a n oois-htyen, swered look ly anS s'hi tb ieg 1p i -sl!ap s se 'sa bus egaiAsiiega, ansi? Is Iseo my d eed s oiersn cul-. 'I eau rbut inko asselpitT e o' IIs'No, o ynien !ueSg 1,1 o -u eemiiUtue.lv bc'mThng sa ,-o 'lisilte ormsl ai, blowegees. are undses'vedly tieeped pon lins.' Guor eon-amof una-uenepratien toue unc I enscusththesîrneroroed Issu quesiloued Anule, ' ssteu * '-sis* oven now efuss tautte i. But, eingocaon, an uhsely bitn tse a Oh u I tha. iI ubi en es'i- ues-iarmaf padns'ee ustpQsor n whi-batranc- p:at itte edo mernS cfmIi-ona9 Doctsyen tin le datpuboe reortshae Thn s s'aayne.' iu - hibsal ain offe, rtsedestI i.Tisi straongr ave come t m- ro'leg. De -o Mre.eBinndeslsl'ie. bu f ir aA- wreaesdioieéhe onysn is e IorravmisvugtIai repotpaka weobcuth myIucdoeandet biamuani i-ou, Annie,'treË te -a itwa 'adfer frinit.n I euh-re ain e d an, aev;i1sts u l liaiaby s gan faela ao ! evlsays.o AnS, frn ats'he n I agnuoed nth houlsti e , s Is a rovk eiatnt iakngui s fte lthe f acd.tas pcosrgeil;basn 3t 'ehe d érsse t e c y e Pan yen s'ay s'sr nio ns, is nqisr -hmi-nebits for ean ntat te lie ts e -,lHe, pe c roe-fbu I mi-seifneclautt(out of anS parentage AIoe furinnaencofI swouucSars, ththnessIain shuteoS myn ftan thnatural ieyu sicha ra?' ac srepli- )thum ni a igaoabli-,lie gres'moTisa i mueisersubinedhimteh e u- mi frein K edy I .'no e i nc altei randt1arful tough ie, d sireoastie comiu.andfo ëihoye, swoe N saloli an u ie qui re - an1li sms'erfs frein Ia imsaemni, st hog, nd tus h see p ft e s , m . S aresut le ssrteions thai Ibis anS tedblo s.skdaere on uds S e liaisusol à S iltl ie cou- Bul read-hacu iesceno l i iS o uilel Jgtisn s'hc rae, I n oon-calsranS Sn bet'even us; lev pdiqu t ebe. simties'o f n 'm date. i u -sa etrS Ih en aoe oa mtiu mIm etoadn n, c ai Soceoni aurgenbe AnieSutemind Is'as ia a an thalisevernd usi-e lie wi 'Yentare ighicasje. a- an te ina li l sfopeartonbut oIn- ntakn caedf. itnîeass'od temy , t a t IraeouSa tiser vI L an. To - hrl rSe ndpiap e r vaus.', s' r i-tnieusprtact or dleputiirieangrfiy l-su misefringtosoi l uge, ,lisodsIwvlh - w uned watIpse dou gli is i el anefrtsa'eSti.T a laý cm to vk oldg. D ynt stroe brd fr slf-ommad. shon tI s tis prpritr cf mi- churheli on, mI- i hlm eof, A gai i s-)ee' eSs liergemanhesp Sope. s'llng- pec rfue.Icisear in iane ayong m sa icame hs ep afet-seS nSs',wei] freIn Iso nds Wla idlyi, Aliitse'aié-, enisencedan muersfi co a I s'as s'asosuent. Ts - notthrm , c ip 5a 15 afl era tisaI erosnyfutte see ts sbeicmleiyeae -al, 'erGoge'ArerpntSsf'sa à w agin he a nte justice lo s'flsn o saSI sa O ni ie H ps seS il s' eil fodues. 'A d, -im no'tic we ther-vsetnee piqes! o u e on rM'onbs'tie bois eis dass dtie ca in Srln ppinng mio c h ft - lupos t nS seu-0! anS me annlernd , pef ercaete a v ti e e remaner wli Inq u fe s's'as' yofer'a s tg a ud su e h e, fi-s' t? 1k, Éco fiteandn ispeual uholernes isnra m- a fin I baS nagm e d sfia un I ouragenot ising ut, thinke b -ase r tuao oted. l 'so av qialycoo e u ndreplc a him nfalu r 1111 e how e bengt Isesteuof ereraan tato edn M staningm.'W stncsii-i br a relcat ad tafltog.tusdrd as teacmlc fa1an m o ,atog ni a ut e , uis mr cntuncsg tie o tn eotle-i nea o Ansisueres frin ssu' sat is anwdc fpieluby eMs uffi entte asic oute isheil ut r n here, me. chuig igii- Goremalego-Srmeant cudn.thlesa o! oicu tremleda- te é -tisa-I 'se tureofe tre sn-. Ar nà ie, as' Anis ,' m i auoh l. Winletl c silntnkio eecntrh..T !t' l e dt r e S e siii andsicu. 'D n ol therIsar i an 's'unrl o ia ele~ S a u , ts i e n e B u - sa se sSSui- om rei me.Perit e ~mue fenetnd tis e ai i-sissIlédsellamurt hsll-nt iseà a'e-thnbeo- seucal tqad fuiflisemcinae dfor t fam é il,' s'tehos' I ladIsrs bvmg)IfnectIse sorsae, i-adrSpneseu epust;- e! bera e. IsuAi s meteting whtionanS dasum-e ebis, Ithehtmienab- l our, ain ! irI tu bn s', oa pancuie r betennie.Fra-, rae 1si-slien rgadohrevr ndbhed.'Oh, Guorgo -da.r Geourge- z .eobbd1dicg sBu do' gix-rS ie use ' lly tlfn athes' mcItlyerd MeyIbo ir atb. Hoe 'ndhe ou mn.T' fuaier rd ,an dpperhtoni io uerv nitng e s>o 0 sd hiee nigscrsu ii as N - oa et-uwud nl-fod: i« 1 word te yoo?' tuià gagrl svemséfro oca dsrae I iseirw 'Wunei, Sr t-er outtIsai ieuanS anS it th re op chofiedmu seI, nSurd is somsteeouIt e iu o! AaIi- he e sie c es es's dop oaîiug bauk planS mc efut e . At bisoeprtumne, s'lilois es'u s'onldlly liappnei fiooptun-, -l s s'rms Anersuxud lriudgmy tent- shenort]- and s' ocro c paud me et il eonta inureganane1.Yu, "W a se tis tse aveoigt vecf ong a heraciberscîsll sni-is'ooa f-iyen se tshaid s'bl ie seeverI tu slfi aginethor. .'andus, hi- s'lis Iyas'1 , sasnu-tsan i s eeso dIat ith pps'eaS l- i,-d 'secnd Dnho.muaS eohe om an, nsugt iedhavaeo'Sngteli Ofllses5, so 'noibhe nvery ovid ntiu tus i is u o n . beact e rn,-ta elldtis i l t corse.2 Ot h, Anniaver Yneu. ont I nv r -ceud ,a ehns-c f i-oav r ch emc bis the s li oris m ut-, IOf haven ben oli sipslipou ?Myosa e y4 'Yewn hSpdMs'. fébencesb' t ehlim- el d te l nr h elIpatfriant, goodnaine.go bave oxulû, ted i t fÃŽe-con ne 'Tien ae I ul complea n nte t alfesIes si gr eet s'eatliluetfouraigu e, n es o!but pe as gfe inuttiehn of tse 1 i-ousisuiS aveatteplu-parmcua ta cn i m atisho baSitlei Irbeudo! eigdthemmstnoreS s'IlS ni1ani- etras- - îystadng.uWrcenoccuness stfor aheryooing, lu cdonsthosn afo! my' uos. I havenidotise obut e hrme~i f o longmi- af ci ér o?'te s b utme ; anS is tore s'asrte l iesoe o.irun islie bfr e i-t 'en egt tuloe nlo nirie fntaghorue er tha e tati..I hav tndeS'Iol- T Anresasohésrosealu uome so-t Itud 1quss1 ud ise tribo!ilsstar;taS o atsg o it i s re pc ui1eamfrot o i-IO tieeoentbv rw aSo iaos l h omn odreso isvietebe,"t elynâ acceulnt. iGo n os' Gefrtisadle truie. he nabure a hupiie!m enyrho rli-m vie-To et a i Ien at iothôe4'fat <.< a of'v Nuo, î reuat i-ouAnieut nar Anil e, itt naie mas luanlain ed mi elovdall e , 'IlS ti e cosrg e tuielr'eit toliecI dm ve it asstiec i-n. r eo neolS mstBalir;et, lu lad, ich1 aut tes',oroft mal it!nsoe iadin o e-wu linSe dneyturmiekne. i-eamait me I thro sxtsngoa. tona eofived es aonvse witS t ho s sou cha nggo-caloes me nos', but -1 issU i-ou-ansi eue «ai-1'ubgu ept- "-debrne tisemoea be ba ee vel of -Th- i-ou sisal Su e tth iso!, mi ,s'onds I Arci-ou adéb~i-eSclare"Who tise brute ereetion.. Thus.-tisi l . tise ý-Personehli, I have doue' uohing Iiolt "sieeecSa5~spi, te nue ' - - 8a9 mont i-or Simisse-your coutempt. I I s'lb Sedare te poi, deas'girl, et 'Il lainluhisaebitter trial, deam isfà avc Alespitu cf -or obl s'omdsa n ai-ries,' aanss'ered;George Blundoil, George,' ase saiS f ia volée -of - dep of W&e bock I nnnt,-cnno buieveiha lusorrowfull-, as lbitera droppud from commiseration. "cYetGeorge,' shewet - i-aur huart,,y,.even ngs', thuik me I iB s-Il"Tiese rauge Mao! tiesh ern.utuimidly, ete paiieneo- si tise vilain tises'orhd s'oul4 ropreseit Itic,is, lMpy Father'." i-ou tisink tliat i-eun a présent ex and Do mebb. DéarGeorge 1 !ergive-sme ail Ibhave yoursef asif tise mare Na'me Of Vrtue, Cation 'Mr. - Bbuudel,' Aini. e aia un asaiS te pain yolitýrny coiduas, ]iia wei-f ie *p j*;wth fr Oli tisoubled, anSd si--ass ="no 1tai cF 'tiom-r4t Id-d neSlisl?1oio io~n e 4% ta CIO erý siead; s'nn ausmnplsivegestlsre butoseS ber hais' backwards finlies'r shing but eager face, euS bugnte ak A iratin a tremuloue voice, thon ai-, an uSeveutuall, i -s'lSintense 'iaos'ge'-shu -saiS sinudtIse young n raised i li enS eaSdlienlt à ongorbi- ardu ler-I give Musl Slie! and di te' every- word that;iou bave kn in iour vindiatio-' Uai- GoSbhsss i-e, Anae, I ke-w -I think il nessar- te site oLi- belie,,na inS o! pruIne. te shat ai about te sai- I have ondeavored refeci aeadili, aud as yen have n fasi sitsme, I mea le6 sjpek lkbi te yen. Deer George--eu ghi mi-.-love-I gave it te iou. ussîIdud se, nothought of!mine-ýwaS aenced b- worlSly consideratios. Ir love for me u causei-eyu te rrate in mani- sa-s. a simple girl. Me ;-but iu Mi- love Is'Iil Say iou à gifi as trie, as s'arm, anS 'as pure mer a iong gir gave te a man, le, for Ibe firsi unme, iilding-up lias t'a affections, Iamnot aSbamusi ay' nlos' SeI feas te flalter i-eu, DnI duclare tint I lisstos'u liat ýupon. virtue; upon isigli-minded- iupos talent; uspen geuins. To nothiug of personal recomeudaion i-euroï nsisincero uteclmeut te ]ei-, iseas' mo Qcui, George Bluin- neithes' do 1? speals'te dlattes'. sig conid bave cisanged- me mSsU, i-u xeept a -Siseever- of rbing luses' omIS dieu I spposeil in mi- Soop-lsusting -partialit-. upon-las4dy-I Siscover nelhing e au loer m i urt estimatue! ofyu itsa centrar-. Tlerefere, <leur rge, efler asIi- ou bave, sai, I love nS shailloves' love -You-anS yen I shall neyer fallns'ay froin iou rge BbonSeu. -Ne, nô'---se -seut drewiug bacS a little, as George, iu [i-, s'ouhS have clesped ler in hie 8='het- me celui-, finish s'hat I 3 t suayi-. I bava nos' ceudidiytoid tise opinions e! mi- mmd, anS tise igs efinybeart; if they' are iu4ed aine te i-you remember ihem<e -nd il Ilium. Bot I cenuot disgoise mislmeanlime, lp~t a s'oman tli dutues Inn those of love te nu.i I muât noft toohastili- loSM* ]!lu in5te s'ors' astuein :--so far, poor George, I amoe s'ils i-ou, ih i-ou have manfoihi-a.nticipated No: i-ou'are rigit-uo-s'e muai e li e evsen privale acquaintances.- have faItShi- ourAnnle. I have Teu for, your .os'uquelities; ailnos' change iès'ardsyou, lie- a unnsert,9d ifortune hisepuaced Vin ', questiouelble circutancus 2 I love noue-othon but i-ou; I wlill Iïone othes'buti-ou.' Brighaier dnyu suruli- beinonus et, lest. I ceIau- ci not believu but, 1tisel'you s'ihl become enableli te measser i-or- I your - os'n iue chaiactur. But dse alecd, almât sith soiemnili- "me douasue!i standSyour fsiend ;.if Il! continuas te lie tilg nser. yclôudeul, tsai, George Blondai], te mûe again, aud agaiu hake nMe for ves' yonr os'utruesife ' r Jnrxyois's.-Mrs. Diaz telle us us' Yong FoIr,' a cemical -story rotis,s'ho ookeS so much like- te nei1gur6i~ could nt tellshiceh mi- n"»ana-s'hicissas Johnny anS led iheni tsa'Jimmyjolina? AnSd s the: account e! one o! tis'fuuuy e:Wheu 1the JIMMies s'ene test. tisinés, just- beginaiing .te s'abk, wre comataly fallug Sown,- tipp. )ver o iss craSh.e or -bumpmng huad logtharnuSMru. Pun tia iebesi sway tosto~pthe à eIsucitimaes,s'nfo tur it ini9 Tise roason o! tis la very' -lu ciýi-ngthe moutS ffiea open; sgilsuts. Mts. Phimmes' s'a dorfu5â somnan. Sil o 6nd U 0 4 1 ýi - 1 1 1