1 ..I...... 01 l u.......OefS v5 er bare.I- .I.. ...........18o @ 2o »......1........ 180 a C hlnd-quater., .. #50 fou quatar.4- prv......... 04018 per o............05 046papa La prr...........008 "sra par ]b ........ID e,............ 0 ........... ... .... ...... ..WlU 00.in 6f and c1uO rate& ont )OD'M IWhatby, Jiniiary IAre OW sejn 1 & aO reuebà 'as i no- gr I iie.g-Iwauki b. eanied 1 bas beau intraducead mb the ) Legioiatura ta compe1 periions breahlpg and alier borne power ie b .prôvide effectuai cnvers for grods and allier parts, whloh to cause0 injury ta persoa scom. ontact, Nucperoue lives have Ml for waul of titis precautîon. iaw elhould b. mnale goeral for winion,-gud irilude rogulations ýg to ipiards for hhose terrible de. a ruro and liminb-oiroular sain.. aphlIolbas just beau issued tram outo .Leader tffle, inhicli gives .4 history ai lii. Lake Superior UiingRing, sud wih ilias a somsahon ; aud. thousauds af xEve already beau ordered by ,W"aÀentaauj others. .This et soul b. in the. banda of lu*0i, beonus.thqy kill he be i ~oitin sesueditate îipon -tb. qu iitrihch h»asbeau foruiod ,,MbkOu1e~ndhfs poliûlcai- ban doibt, says th. New York atia poworfut anuexatian party a;g up i the t)aiiiioiunuuder gteeeof the Mackeuzie Min- 'l'h Su lesweii advised,'na y he Montroal Yankee sympa- as to t1oe rospectâ under flhe reginie. INooune double flthc th rtPart,-- tuards;- uaeyw ll otad vodate il but: sebretty tbey favour Il, er lome a chance of puttiog lu a rd ii favour af the grent -nation )Uth af us. A foin weeks ago eut Premier'belittied E-ngiand'a 'schools lu comnparuian t&-West It la by iuuu-edoes sand lp Ul Britieli Institutions tIsA Mr. ie lbapes la introduce. thé e' ege 1 ever the cojinocîon botweecu 1tlia ruother conutry ; hiole magnes tram Lower Canada ânuexation opcehy. Pickerineg Cauncil. Mouday, 1111h Ian., 1878. 1o cannei aelet of the township af kerlng matlin the Town Hall. Pre- ,T. P. White,Receve; S. K. Braown 5 . J. Green, Depuly-reeves; sund nackay aud J. L.-Paijuer, concil. i; ad madie and subsoribedthelb.do. allons of qualification sud office took Iheirosaisata ahel.counoil rd. ýeveral petitions sud acoonuts wero seuled z- r. Brown maves thatthflbflowing nbeo compose tle standing coin- te for the. year 1874: ou petitions accounts, Messrs, Green, Palmer Mikcley; an damages te-shoeop by , Messrs. Brown, Green, sud the rer Green lulroduced a by.law which reati tbre. several limes and pas îppintiug David Gilchisie Assesar, 1dDocker, Licensa Izuapectan, Thomas flonu s-dJohn M. Mac. audîtars; for the preont year. ho slsuding comtumfttea au petilious accauntm premanted uthir repart sud mmende& as folows: our cammittev wauld rircammenti alid liegra tedto tahléefollowlug les per 1lee l 11lihe irmI aofJuna o the &mou &emolopposite their solive usines: Mns. Jahzxston 7bets, Campbiell 75tts,, John Parker .;hn lobe ciilau 60 cis., James e com.; Jolie Calmnes76eto., James ; Mneu. , r. Cisapinan 75cts., . Wood:om ; Mrs. MoKeîerick A., P. )&eha coi.; IRobert Midl.. 41, H. Restaui coin.; Mns; Younug L D. Meai coin.; Mre Smithî Livîs Belley coc.;-MIR. Blouse- Ibas. Trlpp écoi.;-,Mn. Gaies 01, ,Mach.>' commlssijoner.ý oei committce would reeammauil nmoût ai the.following* accounts, viz - Fuler for heani o aniinu. titê*l4 aer 1111 tha-m.sîiùg oai lud1 i Miln-clu, and pour cern. Wald I;irliir recomnuendtibai itiausâ éslkiuug li- on cuuo-yan o ulel n(t lauter tLissuthc meeticg cucil ien fJy. rt ruceia-ed sud arloptoti. Brawn ov&%s îlothîe noove ilo audom on thue tmosnnî-r lu fa- f Nm. Huhluard for îtle sein ot i-injz iuiouuldue hlm ior serv- tderedt as collector for tle pear Mocl0y Macl<ey -marcs lIaI the Xnul lis ordor on thc iroasurer ur of the iollowiug persane for ne sel opposite t11cm respoclive for strvices3 e-eudred as .Ueiurn- oerfiat tbo labo muniîcîp'tl edc- jârnes Lintan, 04, Davïd Gi.- 14, ecj-aiwu Meen, $4, J. Elle, 1 Ihos. DcuDU 4. - 3reen noves Ihal lb. reeve and a invtruced to graulta oEdward a s ceriliete th obtain s iceule- a lxtel lunlthe village oa-,Clèec in produoing a cortfudoate Iraui Ue Xuepeo o' as.ieaving tie 1 qAcominolaion.-Lost. w n oves that the reeve ie1 col,, Homeptliio Ohemistl, Lonsdon. .Ms'UwscTMiM Worc0A.-".We viiinOV OPY#5iansemant of the. procusi &sdotedby Mer.JmsEppe &;Co nin ntrers et dietotic articles,, et their works iu the Huston Boad, Loudo.- Sm. artce i OasaWls Eoe.loGu&. 44 RUDE UDt F UEw.aaifre, a simple aud sure meansoetuniotre, for con. 9umÜUtion, E bhitsAsthms, Oafarrh, 801'6ule. s"dauy diueuas of the Tbros* or Lùul. NtgvýOUuD.hulitity, Prsmatizre De. 'e~Takne" sadall disorders brought on TUTEkCo, 18 Naseau-si. N. y. ITN MHETRATMENT QOF CHRONIC JLWASTXNG DISBASES, attended with loy vitMliY, feeble digestion, torpid liver,, constipation, ana irritation' of the 'kidusys and bladder. svoid the use of sLuoholic utili. Uient, reartion otainlngSiryçhhie, an âi nodynes and vervineýs astheirin- modiste efforit io ta overstimnutat the ogrs- tom, producina&afeeling ocitenuporary fln. prv futDwed baà rela sud gener. ai -protrtion. -FÂdtd-adporerin banedA resultsfroin the use of remedies thst excite nutrition sna croate puro bloed. Dr. Wleir's dompo=dundRlx of Phos- p bates sud <alisays x-ta a hmical Food. that supplies the wasto of brain and muscle, Invigorates mid snd body, and importean slast iity of spirits that gives niew zest to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I E XTENSIVE OURDIT SALE oar IMPORTED & CANADIAN.BRED SHORT-HORN CATTLE. The Pourth Anuaul,4uction Sale et Short Bores et " mayfieldFarin,, Whithy, Ont., wiii b h ld on WEDNESD.IY, FEB. llîh, 1874, TEPR0PERTT Or MEUSRS. J. S. & GEO. THOMSON, When the follovieg excellent animalsexviii ho sold te the highesi bidder, viz: 4 Import. ed young Cowinote; 1 heiter Cal-,im- perted;l1toya adBui'Heir et Scots," fuaed1 Caadia.brocedowt? ansd Hoîtero, lu calf or vfth cai t inot; 2 year- ieg Hoiftn; S Heiter Calves; 9 BllUcalves nean a year old, The abave Stock is ahl goed. vith good ~iigmes, and aitbeugh net fat are lin boal. tiayhreedlng condition. The Calves are get lv- imperted "Breadaihane" (28078>, sud the doins sud Boiera are bmed te inxpt. "Heïr, of Scots,' E811, Reg.] TERMi-Elght menths credit will ho givezi on farns ;g appreved soecunity. 7 per cent ofl for cash. Sale et 1 o'clock, p. mn., sharp, aiche 12 e'clock.Luc a L-' Mayfteld is two miles frein Whftby Station, G. T.RB. -heme tesins will moot the trains thée ighxt proviens sunmoring et sale ta couvey parties te thé Penn. Cat- alogues sont ou application. L, FAIRI3ANXS, Jr., Auctioneen. Whftby, Jan. 27tl, 1878. é NOTICE. - Stirayed frein thé harnu 7ard preieea ef Wm. Gordon, ou 191h lest., a dark ba haros, thin i the quartera, about 18 hanZ bige, wfth s winhte spot ou bis farehead. A reward et $5 vil ho given te thé porson inho roturus blin. Bayside,ýW>htby, Jan. 27t1, 1874. 5-Smn N OTICE OF LICENSE INSPECTOR. Parties requlrlng ta take eut License&are herebyunotiffed thât ai applications for Li. ceuses, including AhopuT averne Saloons, Llvery&ak.,minuet ho mont into the unuler_- siguedlu wrfting, ou or before the loth Poebruary. Ail Liceuesmueut ho taken eut on or ho- fore the lent day et the uuonth of Fehrnary, otherwise pjarties vii expose theinselves to Liceuse Inspector. Whitby, Jan. 27tb, 1874. ' c OUNTY 0F ON-TABIO. À meeting ofthîe Reeves aud Deputî- RtOOY0 0se. varions Muulclpalftfes o! the Co,,nty of Ontario, wbich as. te have been heldi7athe Council Chamber, Court Hanse, ithe TOWN 0F WHITBY, ON TUE8DAY, JAN'Y 27th, 1874, Has boen ppouoed ta Tuesday, Februamp 3rd ai 2'eok lilstheattemneen, lu enter fa tom ýthé C o f thie corporation 0ethîe afonesald Cauntty. Hf. J. MACDONELL, Clerk Caunuy oet Ontario, Mr Ail acceunts agalusi îhe Couuty Ceisucil musft ho réndee in duplicata te th. Ciérk net laten thon Monday, 20t1 inst. Ce. Cienk's Ofice, Wblthy, Jan, 21, 1874. 4 AMINIWfRIITOR'S NOTICE TO Ail rsons hîaviug daims againsi il. as. taie o tle lai. Joseph Harper, of île. Tovu et Whithy, Buildor, ara -notiftod te seud ta îles sauna ta the underalguuod, vitilen montb frin ithim dat,or tluey vii tai ta b. noticed lu île.&adis iutile cf the assois. And ail lndehted ta tho sali ostate mouet sez- île fonuhiul-an tley viii ho gi rotncol. lection. CHAIILOTTE HARPER. Whithp, Jan. 2Sih, 1874, Àsun cf omoeepaùn ondas st. Ovuer cau have tle »seé hppro-ing propértp, asud paylng adver$slugHxpesiiLTN C rock St. Wllby, Ianuany, 281h, 1874.-, 5 G~IEN ND LOWERSEEDS, Sent b>'. Me Il miparts of thé Doin.n Ion, Our Chromo "Txx LMMrZ Fz.axzSTS," 8 èe- ofthi stobk In orddi to makerom f$prgI- portatiios. réat3&tBarg&nscan lie hd ox.. LAING &STEWART. Whitby, 3a4. 28th,- 1874. -CIE A T INNIAL SALE PREVJIT S TO TAKINU- STOCK,. Are offering their large stock at greatly reduced' prices, to niake rooni for SPiRINO IMtPOIRTATJONS. NEW TEAS AND FRESH GROCEIRIES ON HâAND. Porter and Aie in 5 gallon kegs, for faily use. HAMILTON & C0. IMoPherEon's Bloclk, Whitby, Jan. 28, 1874. IS OUTE ONTARIO ELECTION 1 MR.CIBBS' C OMMITTEE BOOMS, UPSTAIIRS, -OVER ,"The Chronicle" 0 F FIlc E. Comittee racola EVEBY EVEN. ING (Sundays excepted,) at balfpast neven o'clock. 1--i»All supporters afi Ma. Graus are invited taulie preseut. YE OMAN GIBSON, Chairman. Whitby, Jan. 7th, 1874. 2 F LOUE AND PERbD. The uucrsigneil begs te inforin the Pub- lic'thât lie bas moved hie place of business Ersis he street, next teaC. Scets butcher shop, -berselhe keeps onuhUnd tho bout fleur and kil kinds ot teea. Cash for tarin-produco., WhlitbY, Jan. 20, 1874.-, . ON.'f N0 T I C E i Applicatin viii h tne btte Leglela. tureofe the Previne et Oc tanloetai I s uext s4ession, for aut sot te incorporai. a Ladies, Senxftuur, e holocated iun thé Town et Whitby. Wbitby, Dec. 22ed, 187M. 52 T ENDEIIS WANTEV. Tenders viihobcneccived np ta TUESDAY, FEB'Y lOth, For Pine Lumber, as foilove z 40 M foot et plaejk froni 10 te 12 taches vide sudli inche» thi, 12 ftta leugil- to e esawn parasUri. 10 M feet 3 ta. plank, 12 ta. vide, 12 foot long. 2011 fect 414 scalilieg. .The aboyé to ho dohivoncti et thé Toinu Hall, Wbhitby, by fit-st dayof1 May nexi. Tondons te hé addnessed ta N. RAT, Clairman ot Ceun. on Streets sud Whitby, Jan. 20, 1874. 40rvenut. L OUIS O'LEARY, VETEBINARY SUR GEON, DUFFINS' CREEX,,ONT.. Graduai. cl the On"arloVatsruanCal. loe, Tomante. Esving beu awadad tha Diploma of t*0 Agricultural sud Axis Associaton lhi lu pro. pared ta trosi aU Diséasés cf RessCaftle, &w.,vbhich unay comuicuden hie uetice Hores examiuedta <ta sounduese. med&- cinés caestaut1y ou haud."'AU aora hp' letton or telegrapl prompilp aitended te. ý Et Office aI Mn. Thas. C. engW. Jan. 1874. -- ouin i TA NOTICE 1 1hareby icaution 1ny person or- panons PýIN ALM FOR SALE. 195 acres, soutb-half of lots 17 and 18, let con, Wbitby. Tisfsarin is well kunwu te have been highly cultivated for xnany years. It is in fine erder for grain growing, and oustaiss a large nuruber ef cattie sud sheep. Cenvenient buildings for 50 hend of catt , -7 herses, sheep and pige. Well watered. Cot- tages fer 4 workmen. To ho sold entire, or in two parts, with immodiate possession. DANIEL Dl. SLADE, Oshawa P.O., Or R. McZIBE, ESQ., Solicitor, Osha.wa. Jan. 20, 1874. 4 JTOHN 8. M. WILLCOX, Of'the Towu of Whltby, haq been appeinteid OFFICIAL -ASSIGNEE, For the Ceunty ot Ontario. AUl business eutrusted to hbu charge will ho carefuily at- tended ta. Whitby, Jan. l4th, 1M7. 81Y 0 NTABIO LOAN & SÂVINGS CO'Y. Notice fi hereby glve that theüfrt ANNUAL GENEBAL MEETING 0f the members af ibis Company 'ah bc hield at the office oft-the Company ou Wednesday, 4th February, Proxiino, At 12 o'clock, neon, to eloot Directors sud geuerally transact the business ot the Coin. pay, By ordor, O shawar, l2th Jan., 18f T. H. McMILLAN,1 ý7. Scc'-Treas. T EE RUSSELL HOUSE, ORILLIA, ONT. This inagfildoant brick bhteîle sone ai the largeai bouses unrh of Toronto. It isfitdt- ed, funulmhed sud conudtet as a A FIRST'-CLASS HOTEL Combiniug elogance, comtort sud ecenamy. XI bas ample accommoedation fer summer visitors, is dellghtfnlly sud centraliy situat. ed cn nclose Proxiity ta the Steam. bot ha" s, Midimnd sud Northorn B. B. Stations. Cemmodlous sample ron u utsc apartinte fer famillers. a utso N. B.-Orlers for roms b ater or tele- gramn promptly attended ta. Omulbusses Co sud froi the dsmers irae of carg. RBT. RUSSELL, Onilhia, Jan. 7, 1874. Proprietor. 14FARM FOR SALE. A sinali tarinoft 28 acsetexcellent land, beiW ompud o oflot27in the towu ni uitby, onwhicexth:re i a ged dweil. ing houses,bhrn, sud ont-buildings; weil watered. The land in situate on the leadiug rond unthansl Iso liadapted for a gardon. or. gî Price $190 per acre. Appli at the Chronicle office, or ta HENRY TRULL, Ou the promises, whftby, Oct. 15, 1878. 42ti FRSAL'E, AT TRI GLEN MAJOR MILLS!1 600,000foui Pins Luinhor, veil o ued. ioch Boande Flaong, 2 m 4 Scauhng, 2-hich Plsuk, Fsnciug Boards, 100,000foot of Oak, meple for axies,, usiqualitp, 15.000 fIt. Squère Tisnb.r, AU of wlhviIba soldcheap fn ash. Ha WOuld alsobag ta gay that th e Grli Viiif imruwng,sud lu domirst.clas vorlu. Chop' d 0os day p fl .iak, for avary Dec. lOth, 1873.Papeon TENDERS WASTD M Tenlders vii ho récei-eed hp the under. slguednp ta lui Pebrmuaynex, tor the érec- tn an& coinpletlon ai a brick ScIi1.otI Hu, i School Section Sa. 2, 4th cou. Whltb~i Paisu pcfctin ma b son± l HAVE REMO9VËD TO-THE IR Go., S~2TcXR~EJ, ON TUE CORNER 0F BBOC ANDDUNDAS STS. WIhitby, January 2lst, 1874. 44ly GOLDSMITH'S,,-HALL, Noted, for Goods, unequalled in quali- ty andP rice. JAMES J-OHN STON Begs to return thankis to his numeroîis friends for the very liberai p itronage bestoM ed on hlm duu(ig lte holidzty seas'on, and uow offers unt.l the arrix-il of his Spriîîg stock- JEWELLEBY J FANCY GOODS AT A DISCOUNT 0F 10 PE1R CENT. A few Gold watChesto be sold, great bargains. -Silver- watches very c-heap. Ail reliable and warranted. tie- Goldsmitl's Hall, WVlitby, January 14, 18741.' .JAMES JOIINSTON, Pî'actical %llateli-maker. GOAL OIL LAMPS, 4. few Imported, Lamps cheiap, at Fancy Globes and Shades, Ch4ixneys, &c., cheap at HATCH & B110.'S -Nated Cheap Rouge. Chopping Axes, best quality, at RTH&BO' -Importera Englisl sud American Hardware. Blacksmiths, buy your iron, steel, nails, rasprs, &c, at HATCH & IBRO.'S, Importera af Iran, &a- Painters, buy your oils, paints, colors & brushes, at HATCH & BRO.'S, Importersaif Oe sud Leade. Farmers, bny your hardware, stoves, tinware, at HATCH & BRO.'S, Wliene o can gel White Coah 01ofaf sauporior quality only .80c a gallon, cash. (If booketi five contseaxtra.) Ricli and poor, save yoiu- money, by buying at HATOH> & BRO.'S Nated Cieap Roue. Arrnstrong's, Coo1ing, Parlor, and Box stoves; Duxnb stoves, sltovepipes, elbows, &C., at ----% Whýitby, Dec.. 2, 1878. HATOIL &'BRO. BAR RÉT T'IS NEW FANCY TO Y STORE Great Sacrificing Sale of Photograplis at Barrett's 16 Go Pictures N,,ew Gallery- for $1 O0 Don't forget the place -opposite the' Ontario Bank, Wlitby. .. SWhihby, Jeu. 14, 1874. A. BARRETT. GLASGOW WAREHIOIJSE, R. -& J. CAMPE E;LLi Selli ngOff!1 Selling offI-! 8ELLNG A COT AND CHA4RGES 1- THOPS. ýLAWLER& OOo, Old o. 1 B9ck -Street, Wity, llaving determine-d upon -closing up their business, offer the whole of their large and well selec- ted stock of GIROCEBJES, LIQiJORS, CBOCKEBRY, GLASS-WABE, &c., (D S - The sale wil be continued fr-om thé date of th.is ad-vertiseeret up'to the F/IRS T DA Y 0F 'A PIiILf 1874, When a changeý will take place- h the business arrangements of the present fim. A clearance of the whole of the stock, (whichi is the largest in the County of On'tario,) rnust be made by that time, and the pgeatest inducements -wiIl therefore be offered to purchasers. Amongst the stock will be foùnd every ,article usually kept in a First-class Grocery EstabIi8hment. U UGA R83 FRUITS, TEAS, PICKLES, S PIC ES, EXTRACTS, Becornes broken,* as ho 1*8 of- fering WINES, BRANDIES, ALES AND PORTER, IN WOOD -AND BOTTLES. ý Fish of ail kinds-Salmon, Mackerel, Wlhite Fisli, Salmon Trout, Labrador Herringe, Finnaii Haddlies, &c., &o. -00- - THE SALE WIL COMMENCE ON THURSDAY, l8th 0F. DEC., 1873. And continue until the ti.me above sta- ted, dr until the whole of the Stock is disposed Of. CASHI CUSTOMER-S will Save fully 15 per cent, and as it will be, first corne first. servedl, the eap- liest customers, will be ini the best position to effecit ad-van- tageous bargains. 121lbs. of Sugar for $1 00. 20 lbs. of ]Raisins for $1 00. 18 lbs. of Currants for $1 00;0 20 lbs. of Prunes fojr $1 00. j:-.And other GroèresEqually Cheap. -00-- TEAS.-Havi purchases of Ttuas, at a fer BLACK AND Gà RI than heretofore. - - -00- Neyer b sr-b - ~rnw GIEA LOOK INTO ADLJISOI BEFORE m WeII Seleote d 8 tock Special Inducements, A WORD to the is sulficieut. SeUMing Pff! SelingOff! 1 II.&TCII &-'BltO'S. TC