mePhrn'B.Block, Wbltby,Ja 8b. au hi And 1 54 lmatb. *el o Arrowiy bad ites. UI f ietthe mail ,'eù, aiîeW the bak Ã4 îhrown thé i, carbg 9, lt e tue .Peut OfficeAndmi I neayleties for hic master lie thmbtkte lm. CCÂUTIONS à oAusse, Âobrss. Ouilfrt -4trains béelu b witcb 'the depot Xuapp tlw &y$ ase 9 à tI trots uP erdowu thltrpck, cas neay le, a4ne a aantri *asves l iit. Knapp alway is positIon falthfully until eaU. )Y si nais, luit as any othier, Sag- 10- Hugluers -uil kooW Knapp ithfully sel upon h111ag- aMs thé dsparture of tains Kap iralIw dowi thé traek-ud'oa.fië salues th. switchee te s«. Qat thé. non have luit thane ail r4ht. ed that ne blundes,. hAve beau he walcs baek te ltce depot, and ook shows hum that lie lmi a few -mômeuts lie oignificeste bis 'adesire fort(le pipe. Mr. 111. as (anglet Min (o suuhU-e, and lia 'keepsu nopî,'s piple roady 101-i e wleeo lie oels for IL. Tii pipe lglted tlie animal ils on aaclchir celtes witlias smuele apparellt esse efort as Ilifi tasterv. ai IJilsianil§ a good jiilbiiis. lie lanOi ine th. ladies' roe( Iof (lhe sud adIen perforuas ou it. Knappi Du Isuglit te aing or- wiliinffthe wlchç Mr. lîlman pletys. Thé en Peicheef; inoselt oneaa chair bils mattWritls lis for, feet ou 'no ù%ame, aud acssirately (urus ýet of amusie withli is longue. eau wvaltz, (lanne. aa hloittsce l)A es Weilatl n sn et. oiocn g. __.- IEIN4TINU /AN INSULr. Rte solua of telide lsievous ne» have thrown 800W ballà ut just us th. trains atarteol, or s,4e ugly faces or stamped their lm., Ile' seemingly tock ne )f tie ainsulto, but' ou Mouday the brakesmen want iuto t. D jea drink cf waler. Mhen ýeout Knapp stood lin(lie door nid not SHOW lm ite auoe. lHe movemeut es. tougli about to iter a ickl, and Knapp cpened 1hI andl uttered a growi, whicil id the braksman that sueli a lng wculd lie dangerous. Knapp i prWsnern thareom ubil une 14gouesgofa. tui ie hébrites. aildn't catch IL sud thon relea.1 l*tppwlked away as uo. sdly as Liiiougb nothiug unusa Since. hat lime Lthe braksancn have sun exceedîugly civil to Knepp, but lac ets Ibesi with lofty inidiffrele.- Y. Sun,, Whitby Township Council. IrOolin-, Fel. 28,1874. Couaieil met purauaut te adjoun. Il a9yeng ti princIpal et thée new. debt la k oe-s.torth id-on.e mnUinuthé.dollar ef e he last equalized value of the. asaeed & County, ~Cuclenacted by lthe Municipal C, um(y e the rpôano f et i.Ceun. teddrlg ouIt the objecta propoi by t t j.atIssue debentures ef tiie sad orporation for an amnnt nte- Scaeding on 0ewle the. Oum of tweuty tiieueand denlars, aud for sums .net les» flia neu iundred dollars for each dmb- * eiture, aud bearlng lutereet et the. rate oft six par -centuen, petr&anni, payable onuthe first dayeof rauuary andfmet day ef July ineascii aud every yaar, durtn-g the contnuance, ettht. byialthi pnnqo l.luintrett.tea »4lest YI thj~ tuibC xitirTréà 4 rrtt paW ~ ~0, ïa4 tii. nid pnclal ou e twen y theumiaud dii. tae te becoine due and payable oni the tiret day ef Janusry, eue theusand efgiit leoundre.dniunety fonr. Th ubv I tO~ri c~i oTIO 1 apropoe Imte b. talsen loto consdération b the çslicpl ConneS nt uboc Cunty eof tarie on Toh 'aeotd y4u;In ie saiCoanty hé >Ce oiitW i e ne tiousand *qil9he ualrd j Jse t the hn o two o'Clock lu thé. aIteo'u, et wici 1tiue aud place the minsbers nieti.Councl ; à hcreby required ta attend for the pur. pose atoeatd Pasaed the meveral readingo, Whitby, 7th ÈPlhmnnfry, 1874. Ul. J. MIACDOIrELL, Cotitîty Clerk, County et Ontario. (Tc ha i uE ier WeerîeCiine- eccoaly.)8 >Itureaut to*' tIse attute lu thet behalt ilce l16icerebe' alvin litaI the creditors of Mau-garet Waùeo,n, Isof --et i.Tomu et Ve"ithio inthe CâlillÃy ot Onlarle, and, Pro-' u! (Iný Ottaiito, w dO, 4U;se, lo "si .on or .litsit th(- dxtliiday et Auguet. A. D., 1873, '" or leforp tie tiret day of April, A. D)., 1874, te eciei l y post prenid tte C unileroi lied, LIce ioe!lcItorç etft%0 salAde. cesed, tlieir Cbrittnian sd Smm'nsec, itd. demsand desciption, tihe toi! particulars eft heir elaiuu,,, a statement of their -ec- caluetes ade l ieelre elt their Recurles (if eny)Ilt he1yi,1fn. At the expiraflen et wiiichiMüii bo,,sad axec;utrix- wit! preceed the'eator l eitribnte 'the es of-'het entletetcreto, i.aving ieierence e the debîs and ciaiinie etwliclîthea sid exceu. trix ahait then have had notice, and the. sgidp:Keoýktrix *ii not be lisible 1 e las- jOets 4ii tibtà uypwsnetWiss debt or daim sele alial nottsgve hall notice thtéi. tiaioet sch disitribution. Datod tbia 1811. dayetf February, 1874. (JI1EINWOOD & McMILLAN, -Bartisters., Soliclters, &c, 8-4ioWhitbY. Y\ALUABLE FARIM FOR SALE! Tbe@'lrth beit iLot-84 Intii.7tIscep.- ceso tWetby, -compnisiicj 100 acres lu je h11bmate i ecultivetioo, we h.uew builci. cnsvaluablo creek, sud about ton acres b UhAse, tivev cres oid bush n Le id{olnlces lot No. 33 wiil b. solel on reasen- abl s. ,- -ýpply to I . .HLTicorelel, Out.; or te W. G. DOW, Wliitby. Wlitty, Feis. 1tC., l1874. 7MI BUILDER "AND, CONTRACTOR, 1 CUNDIS ST, WtltlY. il ARDlEN' clarepojsîy xccted. L h. memleers present except ru. J.1. liikeli sud Johu 3edie. Sn ' alt i ai fts onn le Depiûy-Beev ln lth. chsair. Snt- Mi t ipson. h Dmn »enuth -Raove auad Asud lsadup. ýOnr Cliroinne "Tees IT-ranFiocîý, " A [ôtab elceà report of ha Inspecter be4umifa!'Parier 'Picture, sesfl n othe .application for car- saut Ires t 'L il Who £ l7 ô us th -ea tu es te otain Licensa;te keep Ta'. the.anounot 01 ive Dollars. 1 le for the en.uingl year, ais te i.peti. Send fer Catalogue, wihtw-a Mail gratis of lames Powell, Wilim foIson (ealwî ih chu Mania, praylfr eerl CHASE IIROTHERS & I1OWMAN, te chalu a Lioecase o keep a Seedsmecc, Oshawa. Ont. m respectively, whîch were grat-ot. sisvis, Jan. 28ffi, 1874.- motion nofhMr. Holliday, secondeel F TE PARI!FOR SALE. r. MoTaggsrt, Il wareelv.d ltat F cpty lie' asthosjzed tue- 1l5imt.res, aouth-hali of loti 17 sud 18, lut bilaorder on thioTreatiurar ini con, Wlitby. Thcis latmi t weii known te of the fllowinq parties: C. A. bave beçn higicly cultivateel for many yearo. Il, Oj sà lary as Licona. InRpecîor It ie i i-pel order 1er -gramn rowlsg and 7; Trute..of Sehool Section No ssl til , ge or 5 et of e ae e7 or use et Sclol'Honose et miuni: CItr'.'ete tiig s e- 10ered. t ctl, illection ; lr, M'ni, »ow 50 for toge for 4 mrorke'isen.l'o be se] alice, or as ap Ilttuci'Officor. rîes Pli ltwn Ii i itI s'.'itistnisiîcposeesrlen. aI Muiiptil lcti"cu:'Cmn. -" iANitfzSAM:. 1e ,0for *.nttanlieg- Rllnet i .Oà ha%çii )?.'., caiots sud lclectiont ;Mr. Ct-eeg.> or l. Mca, SSot'o, for w-cedl firnohcti Musr. WVicoohr, laas oit; George Biekeli, for mal iîtlJe ,Dt 8z-t-, , eMjWitier goodslansd. cash fIn.l " $6.75;, John Hudhsoi, for attend- J We S lLC &U atcecetiou cleaning saine #1.20;- - b Hlarrison #1Û.40 for services sg ti'Twee liblagi cou applte 'ing Offices, sud Poli (ilerk t t(ha]0 171C I AL ASSIGNE E, l eoctistufer 1874, for. mekng Al!' loroe cial tticry, pub- P<r ic 'ae 1 ou Jcta',Al bc ineui t~~~~~~~~h eeced .?tia ntc- 'o leo eii~'trilsi,tiltohixs e t,- e*1111eciefniiy t, Chlî,;st;aeetisa i e.v"rros4Char. îss'i lfor- sai-uy as Colecter foir 1878, , atji tlaat his snreties a&re lîeîebIy 0 T 1' C' F,~ , notion of M.M"gerecc. NOt ieidL- gi vejta t ILet 1t,.erts'risUllit. eeg- Mr ).Ioliday ite w-carcoevoe<i' ed for a i e-soc-Sejelue th ie- lone te Toasus~r o -atbo1Izedte i ari tt tge e'uu e-r et CdPan~y teopffe âe TcasrOrlie-AUtCied u 11-np and maka iîevagsbia,iy cusnad Iodes, îorgo Bioelli, the .sum of 05.01 I-the lino of lc4ieetd watersé e crgian ilectable, sud ties following taxes FaBe I W>isneid~omosa ratted Chie.. IÂcombe, for 20l -00enai teitrelîmbnrae thé léoit, sud gén. Patay Gé Oi ! dcfor erSl ittifnlire sds nee pnaeigatou.o 1 Varson for dg'p '6, in,1 eD. El13fyLTO-,N. $1.00'; M'ry Money InogntCoebourg, Pub. 11h, 1874. Msary Aune 0ourrn indigent _____ f Mfr, Hollidà y, oeeaidsed warte It was reaolveil, that juyw e b.autleoriaedto or on the -Treasurer 'in euirrsu1, indint for lte n lbea qpair ofsidts R.E'O~ W ~A i T - MAKING. LOWES -&PWEL WhitbY, Februrm lt, 84 7-lyl FRESH -GROERS SELLING CHEAPER THAN RAT_ LEWIS HOUCK'S 7NEýWSTAND. TE'AS, COFFRES, SUGARS, And all kindit of general1 Family GrGceriesat rediied pri ceê-cheaper than any other-house in ton.> - Pi ILEASE CALL AND EXAMINE ! .8 Cash for Butter, Clove*r and Tiînothy seed. Aiseo Tiin- otlîy seed for sale at lowest prices. 'Die: new and châep Gro cery store soutlî of Onta;rio Bank Whitby, February 251h, 1874. LA&I1OG e STEWART Aenow selling the balance of ýtheir Winter Stock -7:mR 3 CI3~EJAIn hI order to make room -for Spring Im- lport'ations. Great Bargains eau be relied on. LAING & STEWIART. Whitby, Jau. 28th, 1874. x~x Exil ~:i ~ TH E OLD..STAND, 18332-] FALL jO0 Begs to infoil N F RGUROG 'csoeathat he is now in réeept, of a ~1o'hs, we'~s, estigs &,k.,very select, and suitable for the seagon, ýwhich -he is pre»pared tQ male up in die beut stylet«a"d a abot uthnes Ail orders promptIy attended to,,and; exeeuted ain -the ,beat, JOHN PÈÉG.USOif, - Dnndss St. Whitby. Whtby, Sept. 24, 1878. 89 JOHNSTON'S SE.LF-R>AKI-NG REAPER AWARDED THE. FIRSI -PRIZE 1 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, lu 1870. We Ofier te our customers for the comipZg Harvetit, hwo dis- tiuct Machines; which in ètYlu and consi!truction, 'enibrace the latest and meet usetul improvemùents f thie*day JOliENSION'S SI NGL E S FLF-RiAKIXG RAE THE "RING 0F. REPERS."99 The utiversai success cf this Machine, .both in cloêely contest- ed trials sud in the banda of the tarsuers, warrant us in Bayiez Lest, as a Self-2*aI- ing Reaptng Miachine, it bas tuoe. good points and leis defacta, and ha met- with L. OUCK.j CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER WFe were awarded the Firtit Prize aud Diploma, at;the Prcviu. &.la] Exhibition, heldl in Toronto,' ]870,in competition with ail Lb. Iesding Machines manufactured in the. Province ; and with our recent iméprovrernents, we unhesitat- ingly challenge inve.iffgaticrn- and cetnparison wiib coanpetirg ichinesa, vw are satiofied tiiet auch investigation will convince every unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower to the Fariner for 1872, built in the Domnion. ed for descriptive catalogues. BROWN & PFATTERSON. GENTLEMEN: LARGE STOCK O)F NEW FALL GOO DS 18 NOW COMPLETE!1 Coiististing ef a spflendid assortment oi Clothseof ail kinds for Gcxtiemèu's wear, sud a complate stock cf GENTS'. FUIRNISHJFNG GOODS, THIE NEWEST OUT&' Cff- A SPLENDID STOCK 0F HATS & CAPS. CHEAP FOR CAS'., Whitby, Septeinber 24, 1873. PIROPRIETOR. I WHITB Y New-P;rlorSets, NewBed-room Sets, ýNew Dining-î'oom Sets. seat Chairs, Table, :Bureaus, Sofas, Loungei, Beës'steads,. Cuphoards. Unir, Cloth, and Daaek'tonges, c~zheës, &&0, &c. ýA fnsokfNwGlit.Window Comnices, cheap. ;-r' The undersigued wishes to* state te lis oýld custoUf-; m oiidtii.ruligesialtit ha is te isa found aIthfe "OLD STAND," Oïitha neifher bug -o'nour sld ont, and is in ne way conueel-ed wilh *s aleretAbliame»teffhcwu. ' - IZ'- Tudeffakin , -ea usutal.-A Large Stock' of Ready- îusdé Oofth ' n~tlytoh nad, eand trisumed ho order to suit eue- Inuners, u short mctice. Funerals faul uipIe4nilievryhg' Whutiby, Octeýer 15,, 1878,. 1Ji3Xrn CLEARING -..,..SALE.Il -Wil offer for one mon4th, af.a great re- duotion, for Cash, théir lake stok Ã"f- DIRY (;00, OIiGAN A. PRINGLE. Al sellig Off! le7Offl TO -MAKE BO OM FO]Rl SPIGIMP ORTÀ TIO0N S BA RRE TT s . .CÂMPBELL. NEW. FA NC Y cr STORE '14 Great Sacrificing Sale of Photographs at U*arrett'a -New Galry. 16 GodPlotures ,for$1C Don't forget the place-opposite- the Ontario Bank, Whitby. -NOTICE.-- The undersigned -begs t:,o- ýreturn lussincere thanks to the inhabitants of 'vhitby, and hie patrons generally throughout the country, for thli be- rai patronage extended to him while carrying on busines in the town, and begs for a continuance of the saine to his successors. Furniture!Funtr! Now is the âmre to buy good -,anl d C'heap Furniture. Having bought out the business'lately carried on by James H. Samo, we take 'this opportunity cf inviting lis many friends to give us a eaUl, and we can assure aul that we are prepared to do as well by- them in the future, as Mr. Samne las dono in the past. TILL & JOHNSTON,.-ý Orders by mail promptly attended to. IJNDERTAKING.-- The only flirst- clasi, Establishmnent in the County where funerals are fui. ly supplied. Whitby, Octeber lut, 1878. t' i ~ m.,, ~ btb1Dec. BIh, 157. ~RS EOTU5S - THE BROWN- à MANUPÂCTURD OF WHJ capital - 2,400SHJ The. aboe 0C matlà u fr tiie pealEstate, B and goed-WM 1 nais of tii BPra Worka. in tii.1 In the nDwi Pattersen have etiier subscript tainela sent uew sebs=erie te lucres..thts f Violel I eer't I imada'f ean ffe, b jrft amount et Stock aba be suIbscribIabv I pany. Tii property the dir-ection sud sul 9."H, Wllcox sud Ji the Provisional Bo& establishmeant has b. lhe uew Coanpauv sd -ha flrst day ni its fitt'et tthe business cj data. 'with ttse Usuesi right vaffnnu, maLy b. regarded as beiug beyond doubt ; whil, tii. geat sevataffl te the. Town oet Whitby and County-et Ontario6-in. se=nn uenlargement- et tue ta'sraily- knowu Wonlss ofMessre. Brown & Pattersan mnust ah once cormcnd herselves. Pariesdasriu tesubcnbe for stock ara requested te enc4oe'.=momuduim, pr pogt. at su early day statig thénumbr et harer. tiiey ýwisii te havea sfotted. -N. W. BROWN, B. J. -YABNOLD, Praudent.- - . 1Secertry. Whitby, 281h Fbrary, 1878. loti TILL& JOH»NSTON. FACTOR Y 'THE AMERICAN-ORGAN,') Ire liglillesonunt Walnut case, frein four te eight Stops, iucluding IlVox Celesto" sud Haiermonie," or -"Octave Coupler."' Trade Mark registered 18-i». YARWOOD'8 "MELODEON-ORGAN"I lu handsoxne Rosewood Piano case, com- bining the power andý variety of the Organ with the sweetiness and purity of Melodeon houe. Patented Feb. '1878. Trade Markt registered 1878. -- I if annfaetured Solely by us. Special induceements -to Clubs of three and 'upwards in iocenlties where we have no agent or daler, - A)il istruments warrantedefor five years. Catalogues and club rates on application. THIE MUDGE& YARWOOI) MF G, CO.ý WIhtby, Jan. 27th,- 1874. 5 CAhBIA GE<9 AND 100E FOrU SALE FOR ONE MONTH ONLY, *C TN-D ER 'ýCO 0ST PI E M.ODýON-OVAN'X A'n ingenicus piece of meohatisin, -whih elon ho ainang- ad in 80 positions, sud couverhed into aue Invalid, Parler, Library, Read- ing, Writing, Reclining, Smoking, Studlentr, PhlySieian's, sud Deuhit'o Chair, or a Lounge, Bed sud (3hild's -Crib aud Swing' Circulana wihh exPlauatrY diagrame-sent:free'on, application. Orders bymail or otherwise receive prompt attelition, and Chairs carefuliy ud secnrely paka, shipped te ay eaddresa ou, receipt f prie.. Address- THlE WILSON MANUFACTURING C0., Sole Manufacturets, 245 St. James 8't11 F OR SALE A£0o(d MMI Site ontie East bramch of Lynde's Cree,' an exellnt loatiou for a paper 1m i. Wil1 b e sold c bap. Parties. b.iWding wil be eucouraged. Apply t- J. HAMER GRZEN WOOD,~ Wbltby, May 14th, 1878. MPORTANT NWY BOOTSAND ,SHOES TVhe ude'rsigned las a large stock Ladies', Geena'd Chilets Fine à nd lCoarse Boots'& wz lv LbmLldmmm L0U18 O'LE&RY, Iii SP' IDLY FI wu'cmfortabl a'; FOR FIBSTM DRESS f E S-TAB.LIS HÉED WM. TILLY W"by, 'Imum 14, mi. A. BARRETT. JAMÉS SAMO. 1 Vnùtby, Oétober lot, 1878. TIÉE NO'VÈLT'Y'ý OF. AGE 1 1 0. -Dri;ýver 2ý2. MOxTBzAL..ý 1 -.- SPI