Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1874, p. 3

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Tholr Lordohlps thonu retlred and the. proeledings tarmlnated. The Prince Imperlal. Iow York, Mardi 1,-A London 4aspsteh.states iasemaomeSeaon theua- and people weI* t thi.Oblelurst ft teda.Aniaddres waaad, to w h thei!c eIzu rial repuled. Ha said thea preasnca o/Such a large assemblage on thifs occsiyon abowed the alarm of France for ber future. Ha considoeas plbliscie as tiie uly salvation cf tha country if the. daclalon was againat sueralirnha wuld acceptit1. If ln faveur of restoring thie Empire, ha was raady. teo sceaptthie responabfiy,' cf Goverument.. Ois eddieu- wes recel,.. ail wli hgreat enthuoiasm. -London, March 16.-At Chislhurat to.dayin the mornlng, mass sud thanka- givng service were held, afier which the Duke de Poadua addrassed ha Prince i thie nama of the. people cf Franc., eongrahulatlng himl upon haiilnq attain. ed hiei utjonty. -The Prné&mrply rehuraiad ti)anks ho bis -contrymen for thair falthful ramembrance cof the laie Emparer, and in conclusion said, daspite thse onfidence inspired by the loyalty cf Marai lMacMalien,' an irreistiible \ uirrenh of public Opinion lias preneun. ss in l faveur cf a plebi8cif e, and IlI am r'eady te acceptitis verdict.' Camdeu Eouee, the residence ofltee Prince was Saily decorateul. Amaug the Frenchi prësent wore M. Mf. Ollivier gand Rou- ear, andthe uic De G ramumont. Thc exEmpress Huigenie was on Tuesiay vitedl by the Duke ahd Duccii Sus cf Edinbnrght This eourtesy te [ai- Ion royalty following se losely on the lieels cf thse Clilsellurst demnstratioi,' will doubties. set the pelitical quitinunca wondeing and tlicoriziug. The Oliflwa ChUtze,. ayu ;-"It ilaa igulficant facl, tisai the expendituras of the Dominion Geverument, dsfring the frai hwo moulus cf 1874, axceada thie revenue by 02,9450, InluDocem. ber, 1878, tise dafici waa $841,257, giving au excasa cf expeudihures over revenue 'for thapeat uise mouthhe,cf ovar thlrea and eue quarter million cf dollars." The c;ôwda asaembla4 te witness tIsa royal procession lu London ou Tiers- dlay lest ware se dense as te causa sev- eral accidents. Four idîled andl twenty. four3njered ara raported.. The total oesi te.the ankal of Eng- lanti, Inourref lu tliepuraui sud proea- cutlon of thaelidwells, waa £46,000. The London proe.seeacuste regard GIladstone as tha only parseR capable cf Ieading tie Opposition as a body, as auy ether'*ould becttsa leader of as section msroly, The Directerâ cf thse Asuarican Steain- ahiy Company volail a thousaud dollars hofBrady, foîmeîly thind maiecif tIse Atlantic, whe bronght thse Pennsylvanie, aafély ie oport. A public meeting was iield lui Hyde Park ou Baturday. aud resolutioris-wore passed ilu faveur cf graîstixsg naisumues- ty te the. fenian piseners. 1h was a wisa negro wlio, iu speakiug ofthe haRpineis of married people, saud: "lDat ai pends altogalliar ounlsow day A debating socity lu Michigan lait for Its asat question, "'Wflian a youug lady refuses au offer otf eîrriage eau se jeatly bc accusod tif sligbt cf-lbond?" D lA TII8.' DOYLE.-At bis rosidauce, Wast Whitby,,on Senday, lOt-ist., Mr. James Doyle, lu his Mast ycar. Mi. Doyle was a native cf tsa eounsty -Carlow, Irelaud. Ho ad 'beau long a resiaeul cf ibis locality aud was very muaIs liked sud respeeted by ail who kuaw bina. WHITJ3Y MARIKETS. Canorsîcs.s Os'icz, Mardi iSili, 1874. Pul Wist ............#1 20 8 1 80 - priug Whaat........$1 12 8 1 14 Baley ................$1l 80 $1 40 Peas .*............... 65c @ 70o Blaak Eye l'eas ......70o( e c - Bï ............. .... Go WCOO Oats ....... ......... 85c 40C gay..................$lw@18 1!osates ............. 30c@40 Applas, par barrai ...$2 Eggs ................ lac @200 -Butter ............... 20e @ 25e .....s............. 180 @150 Beaf, bind quarter ......6 @ $6 TRAVE-LLERS' GIE GRAND T11UNK R. R. Trains leave Wliiy Station as follows., Golug Ras- Goiug West- E xpress.... -830 e. m. Local.... 830 a. Mixad ..2:500 p. ni Express 987 1cm. Local ...7:20 p. ni. Mixad. ... 4:40 p. Expreis.... 8:46 p. in. E xp.Mail 10:15 p.m. The trais rnn hy Moneal tua wbicli is 22 minutes fasier tban Wbtby lime. WHIITBY &- PORT P11RY R. R. Golng Southles Part Penny 6 a. m.; arrivesa ehithy 7:28 a. ni. (Olg Northi, leaves Witby 1:07 p. nm.; turrives ai Port Penny 4:30 p. m. DIVINE SERVICE. AU Sains' Ciurcb-At il1 a. in., sud 7 p). m.-Rsv' M. Cayley, Catholto Ciurcl-E vary Suuday moreing ai 8:80o and 10:30 a. m. altern4jly-Rlev.-l"'a- hier MaCasc,; realdauce, Oihawia. Canada 1'csabyianlae Cîurcl-At il a. m. and :810 p. m.-Eev. Mn. Ballantyna.- Cougregatienal Churcl-At i1 a. mn. sud 6:80 p. m.-Rev. M. Gibbs. St. Andraw's Chrol-At il a.m. sud 6:80 p.m.-Rsv, M. Fraser; Waleysii Mthodiat Churcl-At 10:80 a. ,M. sud 6:80 P.i.m-ltoy. Mn. Sanderson. Ursuslalaas.- Epps's C.sos.- Grss5e- lail ansd esssisorcîssj.-" By a tborongb knowleagé cf tise naturel laws wbleli govaru tpea opaytions of digestion and uutrition,sud b7 yA caretu application of tise fine proper- lisof wdl-slected cocea, Mn. Eppa bas prevldsdanr breakflat tables witb a idlicate- y flavarad hverage, wliicis may taiesu mssyisaavy docicre blls."Civil Service Gatetef. Made slmply wllb bollngwatar or Mils. Bais paket lu labeid-Ais. Eps's Ce Homoeopetisic Chemists, London. lstuSUPnCTUU oraCocoAï-1i Wa will naw give su accauni af the procasa adoplad by Messrs. Jemes Eppa &."o., manufacturera of dijtetio articles, t thaîn works lu the Huston lload, Lan4na.- Sesoatige lu Oausll's outehsold Guide. -44 T H E INTRODTCTION 0F DR. WIEESiIR's COmPOUNU E LWXR 0F PHJOSPHATES AND CALISAYA con- stituhes is new ara ln popular Medilcine, as il Is suldani ilat a purely sciantiic prepfkra-. lyood oniy oci ngredieuts tiat enter ijute i formation *eithie syssinm,it s penfitly sais under al crcesnstaecesa, sud soy aY etaken avit benafit wisrever thelre is narrons pros. tràthon sud genr deiity froni wbataven cause. It lmmaIataly ausots and ans- tains tise vital farces,inipartilug vigor te ail tia ergana ofthlie body. 1h laesperlally adaptaitlte womea protrate Wiis fAmlY caeand *ialcate chilsren belng as afrea- 4b t nseasth -uit qenr. Sod'by FA,RM ýLANDS. Punnaul te a Dueres oethtie Court ef Qbancery ln tise suit of FOTHERGILL vs MoGILLIVRAYl Win bc scia b "Public Auctiois 'ritl tisa apreb.lof cy tisaMaster ievi Pair. BIITISH AMEBICAN HOTEhI in te Town 0Wlb utieCuiyc Ontaro, ahOto'cokl ts ierenc Tuesday, ts eni a&y of-Ajanl, ;874 ,800 acres et vaînable tarminlnd, bdlng emoeaftpSeti parts f Lots Neni. brs Twlve suda,.ThIrInen lu tise Broken Pront Concession efthtie TOWN8VIIP OF- PICKERLVG, Iu tis aid Connty et Ontaio, in S paroals, as follows : Parcel No. l.-Tbe Sentis part et Loi No. 12 ceniaining anaeisundred sud twenty acres more an les,' On ibis parcel tisane are a gaad frame diwelllng hanse, about tcrlyteat hy thhrhy ftriwth kicee-attacisedsud t0ogoeod welfu of w star, aise a gaod Umre bain abant 88teest hy 84 teet, sud a gga sablansd sised. lu addition te thie saïad walis, thora la ar- ceston waian teLake Onario whieisbc"ud tise land an tise Sauth aida. Tic oeil in of a riaisClay. Tisa farm la endar tance sud la a tain siata of cultivation -of which about ons-iiuudred acres ana laarad sud the neniaisidar la in wood,' con- sisting of is mixture of hardwood sud sot- wood. Titre in a amali ochard of good tru treas. Parcal No. 2-The East p art etftisa South part et self Lot Numbar 1'lliee, contain- ing fty acres mare an bans, an whicl tisera are a amall log dwaling hanse, about 16 teet h0y 20 et ansd ag ccdironme harn, eaut ta rty feet hy thi tu eet, sud la well watarad byea weli sud Lalca Ontario. The sou lfa et a ricli day, andtethern Iolanuder tance; lu a tain state ot cuitivallen, and praducesex- celent enopa cf al iefs et grain. Thi parcelIalo aieclarad and will ha slfssbj act teea lite inlereat ltia of oee Batsy Warf, e wamae aged about sixty-two yeaanswis a is ntitlod te nacive the entire ranti ulng hlitaBf. Parcel Ne. 8-Tise West p art efthtie Seuti part et Lot No. 18, cantainlig ona busidraf snd fit ty acres-more or Issa, iaving aroctad tisereon a gond fwalliug hanse made by cou- tract, about twanty tact hy tlsirty test, and a trams bare, about tbirty.six feat hy sixty test witis a atonea touîîfatilo thanundr- natti for a stable and rootisousa. This parcellfa wll tencdanasudner goof anitivaion. Tisa sou lfaofa eriais day,- sud profucea excelont eropa. Tisera la a gocd wali on thse p remisas whicb nar tbai-wisa woit watenefl by Duâlu' Crsek sud Laite Ontaria. Tisera are about anseisundraf sud hwnyacres clearef, aud the rasidue is wel woa, prneipaliy wltb handwaod tumber. Tise sad ibrea paceala are distant frons tisa village et Dufffn' Cneek about iwa miles wbera thars lanealatidu cf tisa Grand Trunit Railway. Prom Frencbnian'a Bey, wbae tisaeela a goof lia tir for sbipping pro. dune about ibrea i as, afif tram the towe et W'itby about savan miles. At al uhesa places thara are g oaa markes, and ibara ara good roands te ith an place. - Tisa purabasens ill ha equiadaitlia rimaetfsale ta ps.y tth.bavan. r'solicitor a feposit of ou-tenus cf thain purchase mouey, sud as mucb marsefthie purchase moeey as viii iiti tisa daposit niaka twanty Oive par cent witiin oe moisis tiersafi-ar, witiout iniaresi, sud tic halarca je fiva aqual animal ieeialnseiiis, witb letereat tiareon sund on ail nepaid moneys hait. ycarly, et ight par cent, peran anun, te bc oecured by mentgage upon the landesrospac- tively puraisasaf. Tise vendons wisU oly ha nequiredl te fnrniab a Ttegstrer's abstract cfM tu te isaid landsansudviii net p ro- duea feadanon copies et deada net lenlb ir possession. Eacis parcl will ha sold subjeci te a ne- brvef bcd te bha Oxef isy tisaMaster. Tise otiar Conditions et sale are tic stand- ing conditions et the Court. Funibar paticulars sud Conditions et sale nîssy bhalSd at the office et J. Kailis Gondoe, vonfor'a solicitor sud Mosësan.Hoakin & [cmg e and tÎâe Kerr & Welis, efthte DataiS, tisa litsday of Mardi, 1874. J. KEITH GO]I Veiîdors Si SdI T. W. TAYLOR, EDCN, , Master. olicitor, Miitby. 12-S F 011 SALE i-1 - Spancf yoeeg Mares, 5 sd 6 years od, sounu, clerbay. For prie e, &o., apply te L. C. HALL, Lot 20, lis con. Whithy. Merclis18, 1874. 12 AUCTION SALE 0f Village Lots and Dweliing Houeca ie the Village et Kînsale, IN THE TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING I On lie prenises in the VILLAGE 0F KINSALE, 0ON SATURDAY, THE 4db DAY 0F APRIL, 1874, AT 12 OCLOCE, NOON, Unsier a power et salo ceetained lu a nmort- gage freintise laIe George Coadas,m-bicis wiii ha îproduccd et the sala. PARCELLI l'art et lot 2 inte t concession cf dise Township et PicksIrontainiug j an acre ot land moesor le1 .Ou il are s trame bouse ands tahleansd aise a cottage.- PARCEL Il. Part aflot 8 in tise 5h coneaosioe efthie Townshîip of iiiek.ang, caetatniug abouti et ait acre. Ous td ans a trame hanse sud stable. N. 13.-Tiseaara self te ha goof wicls sud orcitarda n ou hparcels. TERMS-One-tenhdb de; for balance ternis wile umade known 4t liesasie. For frtier paticulars sppiy ta JONA8 AP JONES, Solicito, Masonie Hall, Ondte- Toronsto. D. HOLLIDAY, ESQ., Oshawa. Mardiliti, 1874. 12td F ARM FOR SALE 01R TO RENT. 60 acres cf land, behmg the Seui-weel quarter et Lot Na. 8, ite 9h con. Wiithy - aimet 40 acres cleaef; goof oi, andS mail s'atared. On tise promises ana a trama bouse and log harn. Mardis l7th, 1874. Ashhure. 12 D Rl. S. S. FITCIH'Sii FAMILY PETS- ICIAN," çantaiuing descripticns ot Dissasas sud noies for thair treaimant, wiUi ha sent by mail free- cf al char ge, ta any. ana sshiing thll addrasa te 714 Broadway, New Y ack.12 41 pHJYSCIOMANCY. OR SOUL CHARMING. How ither sax mnayfascinais sud gain the loveandu affections of any persan tliay ciseose instantly. This simple mental se- onirnssnt ail cen porsess, free by mail, ton fcents, tegethar with a Mariage Guide-, EyIl an Oracle, Draams, H[ints te Ladiîes, &Pc"XAqnarexaiting bock. 100 000 sold. Addrs T *LcAS& Ce., Soutis ighîb St., Plîlladaîphie, Pa. 121Y eew L OST 1 A black Seal-e5kin eleig5s roba, dettad with white spots. Lest halweu Grand Trunk Station and the Express Gifice. The fludar will oblige by retrnnug ita GEORGE YtTLE. Witby, Merchi 11h, 1878. il A amail tunn of monoy- The owner la re- uestd to à nIL Novuaz, Wbaitby lie )<idJaat4 of rosd fin-fim d4rad Dolrw by wa>' -et bonus, as4liera- inaitr : ced ' And wieresIt-is necessaY te eat4 s debt' cf ibis Menclpallty le tise ameunt'f lars for tise pweoe ad ea&,i- Issue of Dahauturea ho tiai MOu And wiseraaa theisa n laxllng debt owlng by ibis Munieaplly"nr ' nyu> n due ar n larat ears ihisanfer pricipalor intanaestisuy aucis debl, .&ud whëeaaa ie total amonist reqeired te ha raised asuelly eyajpaiai rate, for peylag the sai4ddand intretlha- cn e ahierinfier pravided la Oua Tison- @asudThree Huudred sud Seventy-llve 'Dollar, - And whlereas thêamout ottise wisl*rate- eble property oit ts Menlcipalihy, se- earding te tise laat revlsed asasmaent rail, bingiba rail feo ha yeanot aur Lard euetlatssand aight- isxsdnddaud, sevan t-hree ws a=,urNedrdsud Sixty-tbree Dollar, - And wbareas an snsal spWeol rate of tsree teilleansd oue-alaitoeta Mill ou ts. dol- lar en tise wiole rateable propenty cf ibis MnuncipaUty w4 be neceaaary sud naquired for payig-the intem ansd forming su eqeal yeaaI niikng fond sufficlent tar peyig oaf te nnmpal 0t tiesaaîd dabi wthimtise panlad of tweu- 'ty ysars,,hanein imiteafin hai baisait, ceaérdiug te tis provsose ieA E.a.ssahd thle .e esioà e Prlehuthey Muicipal IntItution fiePaic Be it tîseneore rfainefi and aeteaiby tisa Council ofthtie Corporation e1thie tewu. ahi'pOetmars, sud it la e rahyordainaf -and anactaf by setisority of the samea ansfollowa: lai. Tbis ByLaw siail comae lato affect npon and front, sud ater tise Orsi daj itOctolsar, ibtheyaar of 0ur Lonc 1874, 2nd. hit sîali ha tise dety cf tise Reeva of tis Municipat ansd haotainsereby a 1.bnie udnqirad ta Issue or cause te ha iseued Debautures et this Mcncipality ta su amount net exceefi- ing in the wlsole thbeasuniof twaive tisan- sand Oive isendned dollars in sema nat legs tissu on u uera dollars escis, bearing intarasi aittise rata cf six per "rai panannei, sudainade payable ou tiseOralday ot October, whicis wll ha ii tisa year cf aur Lard, 1894. 8rf. Tise said Dabeuhures ahal nespectively bc eed ia w thebagoal oethiis Cerpora- tien and iguad by thea Reave sud ceu. tamread hy tise Treasurar et this Mun. idipsliiy, sud saal bear data respective. ion tie day o- inhicis ibis By.law . ltake effaci sud aball ha made pay- able te tbheaarribareof raspetivaly. 4tis. Tiera shah hao attacýhad te thes aid De- hantues Coupons for the payment et ths said iiarasi liait aarly dering'th curraney othie said De'beturas w 'oh coupons shah ha payaisleataitise office af tise Dominion Bank ai Orillia on tisa Oirsi day et Apnil sud thee rhiday af Ostoerin oaci yaar. Sîli. It shail hactisa duty eit he Reeva ton tise tume heing by tisaenfrer sud wiuis the sanctioofethIis Couecil axprei4sed by resoltiton ta tisai affect, te edvsuce axîd inanser thesasid Dobantueeaby way of honues.ho the said Mldlsud Rail- way cf Canada in sncb sema or emeenta uts muai ho deemef moat cenduciva ta tia abject in viain, ta ha hy tiesaatd Railway Company piedged, bypohiat- cd, soldear cenvantaf tute maeey te ha used sud axpeuded by tise self Eailway Compsuy ie constnoctlag sud comple t- ieg fiva stations on ibair linaet ail- way inshe sa~id Townsbip et Mare. Gdi. It shall aise ha lia dut y oetihe Reeve wicl lie sanction et tic Council ex- îîresssî as; aforasaid for sud ou bebali efthIis bEuuicipality to take frainithe galadlRailway Compaey sncb eecurity as mnay ho agreaf upon for tise due ap- plfication of tisa said Dabantures sud tisa proceede thereof le au about the construction, compîction sud mainten- ance of saif stations aforesaid. 7h. TisaI for the proe tfrmiug a sink ing tend for th e payme ni et gaa Dehen- .unes by ibis Mfuutipaltty sud this-a teret te hecoma dus thenoon ai the rata aferesatd a spcial raieetfibrea mailla aud ee-bàY cf a null on the Dolar shahla addition to ail atiser ratas ha raisaf, leviad sud colacded in asci rear upon l the nateahl ia pm.mepnltise saif Muictpality dursng tia cantine. suce or currency ofet ia id Dahan- turcs or euy et tseni. Sili. The satd sinktng fend sud spacial rades sud tise proceede tiareof sissU ha appied aolely teutisa payment of sudsi 1)cheutunes sud thea intereat ibeneon until iuscb Debentures sud intanasi sial ha fufly paf sud fisebarged. And wisereas it ln eacessary that the fora- going f y-law siould redive the gsdaut efthtie lactons oethiis Muucipalitty le- fora tise fil asing thareof. And tisai ibis Coenc aise d by iisBy-law Ox the day sud heur, and place on places for taliug tisa voles efthie said - cccors, sud sisold aise uaime a ne- iurning Officar or Officars.to taka thse votes ofthte saif electors ai avery sncb place. Be ih iberatora anactaf sud or- dstnad iliat tise saf votas sial ho taken oms Satnrday tbe Eleventi day of April, 1874, commnaning et tisa liun et nine o'clock, a. ie., sud loslag et fOve o'clock pin. on tis ae day. Ai Elacionîl Division No. 1, ai f rechin Scho,l Ecusa ; at Eleedoral Division No. 2, ai tisa Towns Hall, sud ai Elaciorel Divji- sien No. S, uathebaSaheol Hougaet Schsool Section No. 0, Athaniy. Hugi Joinston Retereing Officen at Electerai Division No. 1, James Freal Reirnuing ai ninaet the dlock iu the foranoon, ciosing ai 5, p. in., the sanie day. Datcd et Mare, thîs 7tb day of Mardi, A. D., 1874. H. E. O'DELL, il Clark. A GENTS WAIdTED. Juat aut, s naw sud heautifully colorad MAP 0F THE DOMINION 1 thl arkaai, tise lateat, sud the moat campre- hensive for tisa monay yat pehlisbed. To oveny intalligent voter wiso wisises te understsnd the " situation," wtli regard ta railways sud ailier important territerial lu- terasta, ibis mei la indispensable. Agents Wlia taeshold ocf iunn eat sud imusadi- atey will raap a goad harveal, sud ahonld send for tern s, and tate- whera tisay saw ibisaadvantisamen'c. JAS. CHURCHH., il Tenante. INSOLVENT ACT 0F 1889. AN M< MENDUENTS TRERETO.' In tise Matter'et J. H. ADDISON, cf Whitby, an hInsolvent. the us dersiguad William Pergneon Mure,oethtie City et Taronte, hava beau appolied Assignases Wtiis matter. Creditona ara reqnested te file thelsr claisis betore sue wliin ene mentis. Dae at tise City et Toronto, Ibis 7tis day cfMerci, A.]),1874. -Major, canmandlng No. 1Co, Whiby, 2rd Fas.- 1874.L Forsale or ho LaI. Apply le JOIM BEADLETY erusyhl, 187. B kh 7 A PRESENT. FARMERS AND GARDENERS, Evary sehacribar sanfing 50 cents for tise Occea Regisler," ana year, a Sonibaru LandJourneal, I wilI mail a package ofthtie Japses Pes, pasi-pif by mnail tiat inçll produea ram 6 te 10 beahela of l>ea. The pea grawin lthe fane cf a huai, and doas net r en etctng.Affras, L. L. OS- METEdi u rpiater, Cleveland, Public notice if isareby given tisat tise oni cf tise Corporation oe Pickeringinli ai ils next meeting te bchield in tise Ta-av Hall et Broughsamu,an Satuirday, the 2Bth of March naxi, proceaf teopas. a By-Law ho salseh alloinanca for road batwaan lets No. 24 sud 25 in ties 8h concession cf lia tewnsisi cof Piceraing, anaho vest a portion cfia aL. lowsuce fan roaa in owneru of Lande adjain. AUparties untareatefi iil!pleasa gavarn tiansalvas accordiugly. HECTOR BEATON, ]Pickernug, Feb. 21,1874. Tonhp 9ok JOUSE AN]) LOT FOR SALE 1 A geod comiotabla Brick dwelingbhouse mush stables sudd ilgss! att&cisd, sud eue acre ot im saoka ihbisoice frit treas &e. ituatef ou Brack Street, cppo- site tisa ainuhall, Wiitby., Tenus madaata. Fer partiesslira apply ta W. IL HANNAII ,Wiitby, g~Physiclanà - ýWe ha~ive asiso7r et from Englaphd . ai ment of HAIR, TOOTH-AND NAI-L BRUàHES'ý, Dr1ln omm Vlanit sd ei. WWtt ker's, Grosmith', suadYsrdlsys ospu. Lubiu',kn*o 0', ers mPiPèrfums. EaaiVssa&~l1e. Ink-ztands snt and Paplcrhnahis. Gola snd Slvar SmaingBottgss. Plate Glas, Hndirrr sc mTOred Bracket.. Oa. MeocoPues udaket B ooka. Mompoo Glove aud Hndkerchldses Ada geaualUne of Pauioy Goocls. Tuirkey. and Hfoney-COmh 8p0nÊeè r,usses, Chamois, tide,- de.. A fMi stock of Lam n*s, Globes, BuerCimy,&. JAS. H. Gg,ÈRIE5 à O. Mardi - 1874. Corner of Brook &dDunassSrt, Wlb lich1til, 1874 NEW GOROCER10y S9 WILLIAM -1MCHýARDSOJN Begs to inform Iùs friends an Î\tIe pulie, that lielias opened business m W1itby, Old Houckpremises, opposite Ray's I&oîtel A LAI«TE AND ENTIIRELY NEW.BTOCIK 0F tr BEST FAMILY -G]ROCERIES, Fresh and pure and of superior quali- ty. RVerything in the Grocery line kept constantly on hand. A- trial respectfully solioited. i WILLIAM 'RIOH1ARD8ON, Houck's OId Stand, Whitby, Marci llth, 1874. il MÂmmLIN Royal Mail Steamers EUROPE AND AMERICA 8AILIIJO TWICE- A WEEK. Tickets to snd from Queenstowni, Liver- pool, Londonderry, Glasgow London, Clar- df, Bristol, Paria, Havre, Ltwerp, Hem. bnrg,. Bremen, Rotterdam Amsterdam, DemrNorway and 8ween. Steaers .'uU-ï e w -_ïeik '.every Thursday and Satqlay Liverl, every Tnesday and Thursday ueensto.n, every Wednesday and Friday. Si drafts on GýreatBrltain Irelasd and the onienfor l. For further iniforatinapply at- the Company's Offices, tu JOn G. Dais1 Agent, 15 Broaway, New York, or to Lewis A Iin, -Wbtby, Ont. Whitby, Marcli , 1 874. il . hePot hib Port Perry Railway Company will apply to the Parliament of Canada, et is nazi session for an act an- abling the Company to extend their Rail- way fromsome point ilu us prenti Une to soe point on the Frenchlu iver or Lake Nipigsxg, and for powel te ainalgamate with or lease any othar Rsilway whoae lina or proposad lime it-may cros or connact with also to extend thair Eailway te the Village of Haliburton, and Noriherly from, tbora aIse te acquira, or coutrat sncb vessaIs, harbors, wbarves, elevators and allier works as the Company reqnire, and for other powars. Toronto, ldth Pcb., 1874.. - WILLIAM MULOOK, Solicitor. Whitby, Fab. 23rd, 1874. 10 HJOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Lots 21 and 22 waat of Brock street, oWcrden's plan) situatcd near the Court uose, and containing hall an acre. The dwelling ia a good £rame building witb atone foundation, has e.u7 excellent celar snd centains savon apartmants. Good bard and soit watar, large stable, also some excellent fruit trees on the lot. TEaxs.-"80 cash; balance May romain for two or ibrea years at sevonnper cent.. Apply te Mrs. Sprowle, on the pramisea, or to W. H. BILLINGS, Solicitor. Wlhitby, March rd, 1874. 10 ADMINSTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ail creditors cf Zepbaniah P. Blair, laie of the Township Of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, who diad intastate on tha 27th day of January, 1874, are reqnixed on or bc- fore the first day of April, 1874, te aend in te John Edwin Farewell, of the Town oifWbit- by #in the Connty et Ontario, solicitor for the adminitrator cf the personal estata and affects of the said Zephaniali P. Blair, fou particulars of their dlaimsa ainst the asiate cf the said intestate, stating the amunut ibereof aud for and on what acconnt the samne are bald. And notice is heraby given that frem and sitar the Oirsi day cf Aprif, 1874, the adanin- istrator will heata liberty te distrilinte the assais ef the said asiate, or any p art thareef, amenget the parsons antitled thereto, bav. ing regard te thbe daims of whicb sncbi ad- ministrator bas tben notice, and saal net ha liable for the assois on any part thareof se ditribnted te anly parson et whosea daim sncb adminisirater shail net have had no- tice ai the timaetfsncb distribntion- Ail persons indabtad te ibe said intastate ie is Ifftm are raqnuired te maka immad- tata paymauent fbe amount of sucb indehi. edneas te James B. Blair, Inlaud Revenne Office, Toronto, the adminitrator et aaid esiate, or te John E. Farewell, soicitor for tbe said adminissrator. Fab. 17th, 1874. M-t H ARNESS, SADDLEBY. The subacribar dasiras te tata ibatlha lias oenad a A HARNESS SHOP, in tbe promises oppo ite Ray's Britisb Amn- enican 1-otl, Dundas-St., Wbithy, whara hae wifl keep ou baud a suyprior stock et averytbing inilbis linae o business, and will sali ai the lowest prices. Ha haga te solicit a ebare of public patronage. FRANK TYLERl. Wbuthy, Fab. 24, 1874. 9tf F AM FOR SALE. The subscribar effara fer sala Lot No. 4, iu 4tb con. Scarboro, Ce. York, centaining 100 acres, more or less, 92 of whicb are cieaaad and in a geed statae o cultivation, the bal- ance well iimbered witb bardwood and p ina. Thara is a goed bonse, a barn and stable, a naver-failing wall ef waicr witb pnmp ; aise a good orchard of choice fruit. It is enaet the hast wbeat faims iu Searboro, o miles frem the Nipissing Railway, Ma rkham, aud 20 miles aast of Taronte ciiy. [CLEARI NG ANNIJAL SALE PIRE VIOUS TO TAKJNG STOCK, iT-&m ILTO20 1.W & co. Are offering their large stock at greatly reduced prices, to make room for SPJING IM-POIRTATIONS. NEW TEAS AND FIRESH GIROCEItIES ON HAND. Porter and Aie in 5 gallon kegs, for family usé, HAMILTON & CO. McPbarsou's Block, Wluuby, Jan. 28, 1874. DOMINION WARIEROOM8I F01R FIIIST-CLASS ' À-IXAILO CI3 -1 DRESS - MAKI NG.1 1LOWES & POWELL. Whitby, February lith, 1874. 7-ly1 FRESH GROCERIES SELLINGI CHEAPER THAN EVER AT LEWIS HOUCK'S NEW STAND., TEAS, COFFRES, SUGABS, And ail kiuds of general Family Groceries, at reduoed pri- -ces-cheaper than &nyr other house ini town. Iùàt- PLEASE CALL AN]? EXAMINE 1I-8j Cash for Butter, Clover and Timotliy seed. Also Tim- ot-by seed for sale at lowest prices. The new and clieap Grooery store souti of Ontario Bank L. HOUCK., Whitby, February 25th, 1874.9 LAING &STEWART Are now selling the balance of their. Winter Stock v MI «z - -;ooo~- $30000 --'-I C- i;ZO0CxEJ SI-EJ":.s, SELLING AT COST AND COHARGES 1< THOS., LAWLER &.00.., Old No. 1, Brock Street, Whitby, Having dete rmined upon, closing up their business, offer tlie wlole of their large and weILSelec- ted stock'of GIROCEIRIE S.e, -LIQIJORS, CROCKEIRY, I GLASSWARE, &C., rArTCO'0ETrr The sale will be continued from the date of this adVertisement Up to the FIR8T DA Y 0F APRIL, 1874, WThen -a change wiI take place in the business arrangements of the -present firm. A clearance of the whole of the stock, (wbich is the largest in the County of Ontario,) must be made by that time, and the greatest inducements will - therefore be offered to purcliasers. Arnongst the stock will be found every article usually kept in a First-class Grocery E&tablishment SUGARS, FRU ITS, TEAS,. PICKLES, SPICES, EXTRACIS,l WUNES, BRANDIES., ALES AND PORTER, IN WOOD AND. BOTTLES. Fish of ail kinds-Salmon, Mackerel, White Fisi, Salmon Tiout, Labrador Heî'rings, FinunHaddies, &c,,4&. -00- THE SALE WILL COMMENCE ON TIJURSDAY, l8th 0F DEC., 1873. And continue until the time above sta- ted, or until tlie Wlole of the Stock is disposed of. CASH CUSTOMEaRs will save -fully 15 per cent, and as it wiil be, first corne first served, the ear- liest customers -wiil be ini the best position to éffeot advan- tageous- bargains. 121,lbs. of Sugar for $1 000. 20 lbs. of Raisins for $1 ,000 18 lbs. of Currants for'$1 00. 20 lbs. of Prunes for $1-00. #:7 A nd oth8r Groceries Equaly Cheap. -00- -TEAS.-Having lately made large pu.chsesofTeas, %t-a great adanrtage we, are able to of- ferchBTA0' AND? GEENTUAS 20per cent oheaper than lieretofore. -00- Neyer before was there such a chance fo House-keepers securing the Best Family Groceries aüd Crookery of aUi knds, at the In order to make ropm forSpring lm-jl -LO0W EST LI1V 1N G P RI1CýE S portati'ons. Great Bargains -cau b9ý relied on. dolar for psyi lag suaqisa paylag ibe paf one-fossah scfA the last aquai Be itZ' ore e Ceenail ai thé hy 01 Onsino Tisai the Wsrdsu ias erev auti sais uorporauon. ian su emout not ex- ceadfingon be wlsPle ltaeassuaofitwenhy ibausaudda ansd fer semaoucI les ibm oneisedeà dollarsfton astisdeb- entue asd.beenlng inteMat aielise cf si per'centeniprananon., payable of Jly inaescissudavr arduring the cantineancaeof lta by-lew1 the piipOal sud intareat te ha payable Igh teofce aiflIceCoeuty Treastirar Oathie s9ld Caunty et Ontario, sudlieesudl- pricipal sei flweniy thonsaesddol-. lana te bacoma due sud payable ou -thse Orist day cf Jm=uay, eue tios anscl eigh t iseudrea sudnisiair four. FORM 0OF NOTICE. Tise above la a truF cep" of s probed by.law tehetstan inteeanaiderstian byithe Mnicpl Coueenlofatie Ceunty ot Ouitaieo ah-- iTwu ai Wity, in the sif dCounty, on lise second day cf Jue, oee Ibusauf elgit isundrefi sud seventy-iaer, aitishe houx eftw weo'clack l inîea attrnoon, et whiclf lime sud place thes moa f, the Cauneil are hereby raeuired toattend- forlise pu- Pssaf lise savanal neadinga, VWhilby, 7h Fehreary, 1874. - IL J. MÂODONELL, - Caunty'Chei-k, Caunty af Ontario. (To ha piablinhisnluTiex Wirra-v (ias-a ICLia Only.) -8 N OTICE TO CREDITORS. isi - Persuaut ta tha-statea in hts h notice liseraby givan tisai ib craditors e Margaret Waion, lata of-tisa Taown oa Wiitby l inte Ceuuty cf OntarioaJsu fPro- visua cf Outario, inidein, daceaadï, iniod an on about the sixth day of Auguat, A. D., [1878, are on an. balaie the fixai; day of Apnil, A. D., 1874, te sea by, post preaa esdtie undaraignaf, lie solicitors et lia self de- ceasef,' ibeir Christian andi Semaines, &a- dresses sud description, the iuUperticulars af ibeir claimsa sstaiemeut cf t ise- ceunis sud tise nature et their sacuriies (if any) hisad by them. At tlue expiration cf- whiicis time tise sela exacetnix wiii praceaf iareasitar te -disinibuiatisah assada of tise sald deceassef amoug tise lagatas sud parties. entitiaf tierete, having naferauca te lie dabis sud cdaims aifinlici the aaiq axace- trix shail ilin havë adafnotice, sud lie said axacuinix i1 nai e Halale ion lia as- sets so ditibutafi te suy persan cf inise dehi an claim saie sisal net bave baf notice ai lia rimaetf uch distribution. Daief ibis lStis day cf Fehrnary, -1874. - GREENWOOD & McMIILAN, Barristans, Solicitors, &o., 8-4iiu 'Wlsiby. M ONEY TO LEI)! A lare quntitr mo iy teleufat iow For sale, several Taown lots, tireo Frae Heues an sd a large Brick Hlousa. ,Fan. terms, epply te G. YOUNG SMiTH. Withy, Fab. 9th, 1874.7 IALABLE FARM FOR SALE! The North hait et Lot 84 lathe 7th cou- cassion cf Wlitby, eomprising 100 acres in a bigis state of cultivation, with uew build- igvaleable anaak,. sud about tan acres busi Alsa tiralve acres goa bush on lie aadjoiug lot No. 88 mi ha soli on reason- ab eterma.. Appiy tei JNO. C. BALL, Tisoreif, Ont., an te W. G. DOW, Whitby. Whiihyi Fab. lltb, 1874. 7-tf THODIAS DEVERILL, - BUILDEIR AND CONTRACTOR, OTYNDAS ST., WITBY. te- AUlenfers proniptl'y executa. GARDEN AN]) FLOWEB SEEDS Seul by Mail te ail paia tslute Domins- Ion. Oer Chromo "Tim Lnrmz FLOescua," a- besutifel Parler Pletue, 17x22 incisas. la sent free te ailUinis favar us with enfers te th leamoun t fPive Dollars. Saufi for Catsague, winisias in mail gratis te ail Who iris. - CHASE BROTHERS & BOWMÂ&, Seadsmen, Osisawe. Out. Oshawa, Jeu. 28th, 1574.. - , .5 1~A2TED. GOOD FARM HAND, nua ho ailwonk - muet ha of ataady habits; maed nteÎthmmmliaaR encumnbrance. Ap- ply te the Mayer, Town cf Wisithy. Pab. lotis, 1874. -7 T0 LE T. &o: Tise*BlacimithShoDwUn ue sud prenises, latey rc=upictGeor AyrsHaer'sCornera, ToinueWisiby. JAMES RIChE, Te Hatais Bras., on Yeoman Gibson. Wliitby, Nov. 25,1878, 4w1 PARM FOR S;ALE 195 scea, sauth-isal cd'lots 17-s-nf 18, lai con, Wisitby. Thsis tarum s l akunowle bava beau iigislyceltivaeadion eazs It isin fne oar tan grain sud Convenaii-hbuildings for »huaf tcailla,? herses sieep sudapVg8. Wl!whe Cot- tages Ïon 4 work=m.To hasoif du )r law tieparts, 'aitis smnsedste possesion. DAEIEL D. BLADE, Oshains P.O., , Or B. McGEE, ESQ., Solicitor, :Fu. 20,1674. - Liouis OiLRA-BY, lsgeA CALL EARLYe, G R EAT *ý a 1-1 IM.& M>

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