Lb waq- h" -'%m ý1" um£4-VU V. -ci4 sud *h A whitby, 24th Out., 197S.', the defafidant ho ()Er. Harriïoe) O-=---, Vl-r-tm*--th-û ü4-- wé .#900rding ý to the i"= , Of MrÉ. tended thst the défendant yielded st 14 - - 4111re 43% simr It wio, Affin deposea that ber bus.- sating the-Put bi Oà =Pftwoteý eiýw1 kils 1:1 ,tender@&, wu Dot a for sake of amment, ib = a4k tèL band kept a hook-sellerlu utore bà 4 mans- ao4 thst wbst ho, V1= 11 à le, '-VMt Ãor tbt _h" doue OUI -wha ittrac 4a dia Dot tulper with It. and - yet It wim ber 5 ly ruerai romance, dicai u,000. door ta à fr t -ge, . 1=11 , thà t'- lie 1 à campbelys reine next ho higoiain, thlanghà mus ýuûtdoliveredintothohaudsof Mm Camp- , q in 4ýtY té lie jury. wu mbered brothort And th t 'have boen ýd ta di '-Pa belVIn _zgrace her.-Il 80118rate from lier à O,ý 'the ý cm the night of the 26th o conuqueum for mr. :l'ho tu" -we 0 statua -thm 46-e vit--- net du ni4to-da ;,me thaï "leu, "WC of August, and heard wu thât throngh, her> mind. 1 After ta Ur nOift On the street recog»lftd M E*b*& beau 1w. although. un-, the Suspi,11110113; b" mot beau rephed ta, no té fî-î- the-4011ýïnw0, D y it L wilff ëI'to il n JAmet Cam Zut the Pash in it di&,UO ý «é&b1i&bý suy o rres - oas the conduét 1101wo. - op ýpon 017cu:lwooammmà pnb 0 Volee ; board Ur, body Oonneeted lon« à mu an tim tr ba bad bissa - bue AS that Campbfll's 1rý abat ; ';Ulip-ozed soins. juif with him. Ho wu sianed. Il Bch6k-keeper," lie char- M=10.à ='-Pbeff-ý ' 8110 The, elain 0,969" ip f#ý 0 utbýùd Who the does u0t - sa'y whether it fi Pu-k.- band- -8-toodibei»" Ylaibeip0à " body went in ; the fint timï.ohi convincedthM there iiu,,ý,ïnough, Mîeýdý,We whole ùdèüoé AS w: pwnüe *aé id twoizýd, board oviLD00 belote them to lest] the iUug,,Gr WL Thé Ihm ci the Camp- the door'obut wu about 0 1, à what no dectent or res=pectâ le woman bel a ýzocsivold can, loft« from hm for ion of thuin ho 1 us posit. the conclusion ûMt 'the-ýpugutio Barned eonnael would write. Wituetus might lie, sud- - - ' , , , ; neýe=*zidteu*d tO Mm.£ in "y"- minutes %fterwards bOard been glti1ty of the -1. bâti a -th" tl wk in propriotý charged here wu lie wn bindwri 9n the'annonuoomnd Of'à e verffl the door 11141311ateil -if dia tôt look at > a r o fing in en WhitbY quite à demonstration - took N oly Pinot ber by" 1 izmiEiqa tg ià -his lie ta &'ty w4tch, but th , It ý,wm 1 , is iw juc sý"ký lier urv=t-her in ý4o thý 1=- ýt,?Fqoeu1on hesdedi, the doiendant. Ho wu ýden0e againgt, bor. dubnog, but Manning and non with hün The huaba" ougbt it was abouf boured éÃdif ih£, eid not iýid'one of 21:492! tbon, proceeds Ze ,qio WQ id *ëht of Me 01 this auswerboingthât aba*duot one 0 cléok, AS alla bad ý<not goue ta b>ed, Aware tbat in this ý Due ho la ru Oï "me, condiiïeùd ta * à k rosid, unders dittadvantage, for bis learned although alla a-dm. -wrote thora. &.a vm. and .".nipt a hun cuu vith them-tbèýAppesr=« of lier .4eýthe ýPZin 1 -t MÇDPt hif Wiff échoose ta m confidisits 01 thora, nor dis- Syd, ---Jimm erý» îw .. - but. etifPed ap readinr. triend lisda lady for lais client, while, Authon wling Z urn fIr M Wu YX gav o ed that in suite tf And jusatN and aigain r7efqdngin tërmi of bit- ifil o earty By r.liarrigog-ThOwintl6wowe» hý-'hûâ noL It à un Il 8l the Pr et la îÈ bui- ýVW ... - , id ta âmpbell et& wu ers y suppog- sequence by o t of 0' %lent wile And lier o doter_ ,lis ru. Campbe Ur. James Plia W]tM *itnef* firat heara the noise. ti 0 in Jun ýit»fte4red then from &lie Sound thac sympathies of the jury were witb th,> 0 ta the conduct of character the- events. Som 'ti m ed, thm'un, tbmý-si ho tous, 1 ýthe bus Voru Tberu, býusbaid 1W tiolè parties were on the, unie aide Ofthe wouiin and net tfie man, Oivingto hW wire's 0. il- belore ho wu a display of fireworks, In honor ne Mieit m that of a burglarix à , te vo-,,-waaý0" cangrac me sware bis wife of thât virtitous a= ch, Id thi, ooo&ëWiiý-. laffl etrOE4,.40uth of the bouge raï" picion t o elle had commit t cri= , - could never lie e_ loum'w« âcrous the etreet and south wu tg ]lie la Mr. Grau' A feeling t the woman was the time, lie haël bis su wdLy net of resteoi týô, th ckowd that"i -the îÎtrects &Ã. ýïimd zi m r 1 a â ý(ifr.tç),Aw lim "Y' t aker vesoel. This feeling wu saine- Gordon, because, ýà no wi na taud quietly ka & bay tu éof:witueos' haine - it *as, Dot unuffual, - -thât whers o ' au, t Wu ý - carried ta allah au extent-ý ver 1 ïiÙ tu ci" thé who briieUylofièd in à f One cips re resnit 'ta hee noise@ ai the strict, but, it was the oath of a woman, was taken against look as me au usual." t et eitimminonn eýc4l 09 as a VOulan bis hrother in hounding herdown ý î ÃŽ 1 festure of the -1ke law, 00 10 cul -appe - was the si" ' -9cingou ta hearMr. voice ; tireosth of à man, credibility was given bearing upon the case wass At Gor. did not ed ta the jury, (ggme of ïà i&ii w«e thon 'W 11110 voice was, distinct, ý and W=ld lie ta the former sui] refused ta the latter. don revoir visited the bouge, go. as to the plainti% aauaaynwà d t* t*ul,) with te= Stream- thron severe ti ý2. 0-M 3fr. iý, ho learily -reSgrà ized il any One acquainted Ho dia net oenoider this just; they ail be alone with the Wife, tiu the bus.- howthoughtlmoroffl _ ghout thi tiÃo ' y ber conaurt miià ]Ãt' ing down bis own face Md with choked '*ùwlm and a with it ;, was -quite confident it coula knçisr t;jatý frout, the eâtliest ages of the band'a - departure F,4ind. for have boeiL Campbell had, how- voice, for a verdjet fi&,his client. Etail StPod OP w nOY'f' t h "'"r' det«mi»Q th frémlï!R wýfé Bébert C&mpbçý-2w j auto, foÃŽ-the 4ifn" tidai>tlà t2Wtg A ru= ho onudleffl 'u0t, bé two 0oloek wheu, the n'ai ce- worid woman fiad erred, and if lier de- wu admittea bath by the pWutm and ut proiL,,- y biný" »nid have gaîd ta site V Or thosin o4tere bÃmorand, innocence; and whol» curred - di4l mot go, tu lied till 11811 an nial was ta lie taken as ovidence, no The DI instance given with the ddondutJam« Campbell, and children'a sake lie would not have the noto- adv!4e" W W &M - ]'Dur &Iterwards-. proof of guilt coula over lie establiabed- , by 'or 1 remained alone was in the hetoq#jatogprègerft ýUwIl r rj&3trai this 4L-1 the wo!id, ana 1 9 1 4' lew Ta CAmeron-:ýw'âS id where t prit, but titis wu Ouly UP ta lu the in the fat@ crim. con. action that was .,bave the mo=r of Quasi. Oe fiant put di the hou"'-iu,.-tltë dining brought; for damages, in which the ton o'clock. and there ý%r« something 40 -tuon infamons*mimnduotlind tliw th rernovo the childuni ai AS âà per Of ttiq Montt, 5 î 01 things if not entité »Obaciâb- Anderson, the nante ai i. rconi. Gor -wu auver chil -hie-child--then millomp pronOlmaied, tion, and would, At all avents, have Pro- Mr. Wellington 1 plaintiff was conoernedo lier avidence wronR about this, accordiria to'the evi- mentiausid in connection with the inegitimate. 'Raxeminded the Jury of what venteil the diagruefol exposure " Are"'e i Adqmot, -deý0-jeo thut wà s excluded accoriling ta law. The dence of the 'huabanil, 'who'mdd ho tin the *W1 a. his-t-êtabliallment in WhIlby was about thon jury doclared that the charge was warned lier; that ho warned ber thst h4m -and the 0 0 was-thât this 414114 brOtà «,.,tý _qm Camp e4 the sws lu talion pl&M Aevent f'roin the store of Ur. proyed, and returned the damages at lier conduet as imprudent The was neVéïî&ený- e6od ïîsme and outragog ýhèË, Vi4,11ve rtu&iy-dà ,' îý ý watôbà d the, hýu4 'ý A£ýèor,4ià s to, îu4iý,-ý TbeMaytýrreeve, udgeBmml rëÃaëtnber the niglit of tl a s8jooo. Ilis learned -friend would husband uüed i: the 20th tth'os"snq&ioà «j"s2,-by Xrsýý Jammu w ad until tbat night and Dufy thon ai claringthathis brotheïhadzo connection Dr. Guun,-])r..Camn, - lion,& Ramil- Cent for England on. with ber béfère lier child Wall th h ýton, U*èo' And ýÈôlâe of Our, lesang 20th Àukuse ý, board a noise on the doubtleso à à y that this was bocause the June, about the time bit wife *u writý of a ùg him visât the bouge. Thé' streetýand recognised the voice of Mr. eviiience of fils client hall thon been ex- ing to Godfrey Parks. Re was âl!SY picioal We» excitait booangs a lifu. Jame- i tact sein 'Ir sus' Robert CâmpbèlI adhiftted tb=le= 'townsmen *ère s4ppeonod togiv.e ^evi- STAI What Boitait cAmpbell'o'coraplýim was, James Campbell anil Gordon -, beard cluded. Re- agreed that the law liai] untathe month of Au&mgt, returning son had toit! soinobadY thst Gordon visit- that Ge:orzie Gordon visiteil the, house upon aelioé"Édý and main the cm, butafter Campbell siky, ou can't deny it, very wisely provided fer the exclusion about the 18th, and while lie wu* 9 one oce ed 44e boum. in - Ur. Campbell'a absence. là . and remaineil thon for a cou- the ' testimony ý of Ur. G. -,C. GrosÃŽ an : d George 'Il and'Gordon reply, Il You're-a of the womaule evidence in cases of this absent the wife conducteil herselfin the eson was not Adams wëte board, cotinsel did not m uni »* wu& It tbm Mm Jam, Ple of hoursantil RobeWji retiru; 130bért Ur. put faito'the witum box to provo Gordon' was Gordon'a friernit- apologüed ta him deem it à dvmlablo ta callnyon the evi- OTOOmieE d- liar if you iay sa." wit, afin . racter, ai lier bomptation ta commit marner -rolated by the two witneffls, ivisits Ma 1«=ed friand docland tet that ho was obligeil ta go ta bà oi"u Md douce se, tO charac zà egj3, Winilow Wall open, The noise perjury would ho aiment irreaistible. the Newsomes, entertaining Gordon of tomate Servante made goM detectives. This , ter,,Iw à would have eorld )lave licéta long after one ciel was unable ta entertain bila ; und yet -titis Dress Qc ock; rite saine objection ta the evidénea of an avening in the parlour;-witli might be true, but thé two Newsomes coula boeu given pro and oon. Cam. the person who is associsted with lier curtains and blinds drawn. The girl noi, prove snythins *mg, and if'thay hâd "tan' bocaans bis 0 &a à pi ble IP pbell, suit tiare him ta come ont of the in crimuality was equally foroible, and Newsome hall ber suspicion$ that 811 = Ci" proclamation. mopéow suything they would bave watch- part "ad endesvored ta entertain Ide friend, th kkilew Gordon lm in th M à my My would have don-, gou into the rintE th ed heu t o mine s-boxandhas the meanum ta pro- âthop, after lie went in ; coutil not bave flic law provided for ito exclusion ahtO. was net riglit, and observeil At every Il Campbell. The wituess clainistillat lie refuseil ta sloop with bis W119 buan been three ololock. ho , the ewtome did net discover anrthing suspi- Zeori In the prosent, suit, however, which tirait Gordon came ta the use tht ight bocause elle happerai te enter- To 1)4 By Ur. Flarrison-Ris cilice Wall was a kind of coiunter-actiOn, the evi- window curtains were pinnfter Gordon out of doors Rire a dog, wheu the went 'w I regret to ozy inmswer toi ru best styli 90 A& ta elom until alter Mm. Campbe Il wu turued tain hie friend 1 T atout publicitv, lie M. &bOve k1r. Jjimsigonli store on Mindag douce of bath wu adwiîa&ble, and the ohut in the light, and that ed reminded the ju7, ý beau given ta titis vitations > tg Visit the villages Of this oltreet *# the mèýn werc in frniit of Law- defendant in the former action, and the left, Mrs, Campbell took off ber boota, afterwards she recollecW tbat the lue car- ange. and yet no eoà ity (profonionally) thât I cannot AU back ta live ut Robt. C&ýmpben'a, antionthe 0 nernuinating word beyond ear ler'a grocery-oit&o whon the noise oc- plaititiffin this wore allowed ta go into sa as ta creep up ta boa nulteard. This ta» or the mcrnmg the the testimony of brother and the broth- er-in-law, and the dantardly contemptible do 80 At promut, in coimqueuS of au letl"ed.' Huit meusurvil the distance flic the wituen box and deny the uccuf;a- wu the strategy Of crime. Again, ater Geo. Tdon beau ut the house' be WMtbyo as wer M od e "h charges of the husband biniself côldèi attack of, rheumationti; but -WM» Most 'day before yîýo1erdfty in, compan with tien. He did net consider that luttait white the servants wore up, theyarlour lier mentez had parlige beau ref-*eOh- brought against the lady. Ile vonld take do sa whow the fine westber y ampibell o. 5 o bad, aloo re- up no more of the time 01 th _(ho lm Ur. Jame,%*Brý,ne. l'lie ilistanco 'Was importance aboula be attached ta thoir door was left open y Bons ta give the Id Mm. CampbeU'o boots' thon spolren nearly an fleur) Çly;.-,Ia et sots in, and, brina with me a large as-. tioventy-five yards and a third ta t denialti ofanything criminal. Whou it idea that nothiug im == that 1 - aüd'patented CERI Yé tgroyer wu taking hsd been leit on the Éclair, and that a take ug the half of the time occunied bY bis gOrtulottit Of My finprov-ed C '" Xpotnear Lawlorla store where, t lie noise was remetubered how otrong the temp- glace. The plain tienied ail this, Stool had been placeil upon the bot- les= friendwhose eau cerWnly required apectaelbï'to à 2lapt them te eyes of an ocentll. Thoplucowlieretherowilrat tationwasforthemto swear ta wbat d h tom of the'omtùns. Whou saked, why elle more thau thât for il causeto, eaublieh néidiiiff them, and for consultation on comin ced wà Î perhaps tell feet fur- wasnottruoincrder ta excuse them. vid m t h th dimases ofethe Bye and Bar. ut what pou@Ible motive cent t o girl bave ta tire herself by inventing haît not iêà zWnberag.tldo licière, ille sait! by the o et ira o charge'was > ilot ther on. Dia net retj3ëmher baving a Selves, it was reasonable ta suppose ail titis 2 %emale servants, in cue$ of Noticeý0LMY-Vîsît &lie considmid it of no importance. But, as prnved. -The lavidence for the doience h4 amirable detectives. lie had saidher memory hâd beau refresbed. becontendedlaned, faüed inthomostim- . vm-be<giveuin F A R 1 conversation with Mr. Stnith before the tilst the woman who would bc guilty thîs kind, were a sud the truth was thatthe recollection of portant.res et m ta time and went ta eiwh village by circulât. trial. 'Rememl)er one with Mr. Me- of commîttidg the crime imputed ta the The ultimate ex 1 the pnnln CI the ourtuus wu$ su _after_ show th ic en Who wida misrepresent With ins% tlunks to the ý people of in Gillvary ; dia not tell film that Cam- plaintiff would nrt beaitate ta perjure the 26th Angust, waA brought about by thought. eL. the action was brought a- in one respect would not hesitate - wit- Whitby fâjët eWlibertil Plbtrà ùoge, pbell'ai4,d Gordon wère nt such a dis- harsvlf in order ta cover up thst crime. ber hugband digeovering Parka' letter gainât Gordon, ail the facts respecting Robt. nesses ta minreprenont in another. TheY I , am, respe cffidly, purga"t to 1 alice tliatJie could not (listiugilish wliat 011 die former trial ta wilich lie bad ai- ta Iiis wife, in which abc was addressed Campbell's determination ta have a separa- had the determination of Robert Campbell CbmSzy in th Climpbellis office beforp the fast trilti. 4 - go at once .19 came t'o tion were kept in the back ground. It to separate frein bis wife before ho ha& evi- EDWD S. FRANKSI, wax pald ; ljad a couvey"tioti in Mr. réady made refèrence, testiffiony was as -Dent Marie would not hav6 served bis purpose thon ta denne of ber guilt at all. In -a Lecturer on the Bye, Bar, their aiteaut, 0 ar-1 that daY, the conclusion thst the wife Who WOQI'l brig the= forward. Now, wben it would held that the ouly guestion ,, thlusior' b and the use sud abuse of Slmtaclesof Mm. f0THEROi Moitara. Tweedie atici >Jitcheil and titi, cilit James Campbell said thon as 130w- receive such a letter was not fit to take lie likel ta do no ý they were made the one of damages. Ta fleur the statement chester, Bugland. two Campbëllowere prevent ; did not (luit Wit brother's wife had ]lad crimual attire of bis children, and doterinined ta mont ail He (Ur, ëameron) charged James that Robert; Carnybýl1 had lissa prostmted wm be aêla ib thon oay diat Ir knew nothing ut what conversation with George Gordon. take them away, and ta have a separs. Campbell with acti the part of a skulk- by th, shock ho haIl received Sit hie wife's ing viper and a %n'ex, and with acting in a conduct; it wag the h®rpocrizy of the tata- Of Wu oaid in the row. For maliing that statement. or making tien. jamea CaiýjpbeII Was th a. gueen y >ter 1 en put det ' 9 marner, sud cOnallifing ment, thât wu shoc ng. They ]ROV. J. IT. Byriie calleil nud exam- a rimilar stateinent in Court, tiiis'à Lc- on the wateli. No one coula blaine with fil tiret r ta get ria of the plaintif! the same Robert Campbell emirk sud Baille LEWIS--BOBSON-At the ined,ý,said that le wttg fittlivr of Mrs. tien had been brouglit agaiust hini by It was in vain ta at- in order ta lie relleveil of the burdeu of reffid- BRITISH Iiiin for that. Au ta what tock ýpfAce Mi the jU7 box, and treat the W)1010 matter once Id the bridq's 1 father, Bobson Robert "Coin' fhûl) ; iiaw Mrs. Camlibell, and lie now appeared tempt ta make out thst James Camp- maintaiming lier. with that ightueus thst shewea him tohave on weda"day, 2,5th Cam bell oui iii-fi-nilatit in roferrince tu liettire them as defenglaut, and heavy boit was uufriendly ta bis aioW-in-la,, Od the aight 01 the 26th Augustit may have a calloufi heart. Re may-Robert and Jas. HOusel HAMOtO o lu the Town ai indiscreet, unbecoming, il yon will, as te Campbell may have font in busiuess--their ulto., by ne,;. Mr. Johnstonj Mr. Thou. Ontario, ut 'On, the etarge agailist, liîi; ilûuj,,Iitir ; thoy Jamagês were claimed alzainst him, bc- no single net of utikindness on bis part the latenosi of the fleur. bat if it consisteil business may have failed-and no Wonder Lewis ta Mary Ann, eldest daughter of made no stittement that Gordon ai1mît- cause ho liait donc ]lis duty ta his Wall proved. At file request of bis of nothing more than singing, reading and -people were very susceptible wheu comin ted thé charge; defendant gave wittiess brother. Hîs leartied frienit had de- brother, lie consenteil ta wstch the dmughte play * no matter how indiscreet tn examine conduct hâte tboiro. James9 Ur. Geo. Robson, all of RamiltouI, Tuesday, the railler ta understailil fi o reverse. ilounecil what lie liatl called the prowl- Menen, thon Mr%. Campbell r in this BURNS-GRAY-At the sidence heuse, and bis evidence and that of thst m4ht hà ve Campbell homme the prime -Ove re 8w &cm of By Mr. rot awarù iug about of the defendant on tllo ni 1411 t Anderson clearly establiih the guüt Of defendant ta ruthlessly ana with ouch de- ho a and Whitby, on cômposed of th, was not guilty of the charge Made by the when it went abroad that of the bride's mother, Eut tliat Mr. and Mi-K. Cani )ljell were livin-a of the 20th Auguiit, forgetting tha 112rtok part with him. no Wonder thst Friday, Febly. 27th, by Uev. John B. bers Twelve m t it the wretched woman. If this were termination and persistency. The filet liait ha should Rhare in the infamy and disgrace unhappily ; litiew that Jatrietî Catit- was only by thio meaus that the WO- noe the - cage, thon - lie and Anderson been extracted that the doit. and bis coad- t ut their business should suffer. N., Edmuà doon, Ur. John Burno, eldest Front was not frieiiilly towards Mrm. Inau a guilt could bc brouglit hom liait perjured thpruselves without ma- inter were deairous of date ting me 9 dainages that the jury cc-Id -rd --Id son of Jsm TO W-YSH11 I o ta 0 00 thin and Il ho es Bairris, Esq., Break rond, tive boa outafir Robert.Carzipl)iiil ; don't reciellect say- lier. If a man suapecteil that bis bouge . The gliglit discrepancy ilntheir criminal. They wate o the bouge 'i"ffleient to mark tbeir disapprobation of ta Helen Russell, third daughter of the -ilig thât Mrx. Ilain had ivritten a letter wait about ta bc broken irito lie would evidence was not of Much importance; and listened ut the Windows, and yet they he conduct-ilte unmanly conduct exercised late James Gray, Esq., formerly, of ta my doitigl)tcr wà rwing livr of the prowl about the premises until the bur- it would bave bèen suspicions if that was saidlluside until aiter 12 olelock. wife and mother's feelings, and ap ed protended thuy could diétinguisil nothing t In the oaid Cou the towards the woman-the outrage upon a Lanarkshire, Seotland. mine abc was and ilid not glar liad effecteil au entrance and would two men haëi agreed minutely as ta the J" s Camfbell, who came thora se a de- to thein ta mark their verdict ewj Suçh go reprelgent tliiii '11w convermation dieu confront flint and make the charge. details of the occurrences of that event. tective, oui it wu a Stijl night, but that sabstantial dainagpe as*wnuId p econ- parea NO. 1- witli the Citiziplteli, 'ibont his dangliter According ta his Icarned ffiend'a cou- ful niglit. The written statement of the a" of the omnibusses, cars and larlu duct of the unrnauliLLess ilisil ad those RWITBY MARKETS. 12 containing 011 touk place oit the 28th Atigust ; James tention the burglar would have ta bO Anderson, before alteration Was made, wagons prevented them train hearing up to n towards this woman tu future courte more or lesti. 4 Catopbell said that lie liad beau watch- let off bec was substantially the saine a a uld hear botter upetairs by far than in an yt faut, -ange lie had been detecteil by a that 0,C10CIL The girl'a story -as that sbe mal juriez as Wall as to public ézeeration. CH»NICLz Orylcs, April 2nd,-1874. good frame dwel Jng during his abscince ; wus -ineain - of a *1 prowling apotit." & swoyn ta. In the, filirry af'the Moment the kitchen, and yet elle could hear noth- THE CHAIWE. FaIl Wbeat .............. si 20 j 81 80 ièhown the letterki ; saw nothing in therri greater offence than burirlary was coin- lie bail written down that James in The lut wu thst Campbell and Au- Chief Justice Hitgort>'iu char I.R thillry Spring Wh-t- ........... o] 12 @ fi 14 barn about 86 te two g Wells c but romance. mitteil against Robert Catupliell on the arophall liait accused Gordon of flair- deton bail learned their etory hy rote. reviewed the evidence et lengt --explaining Barley .................. fi 80 @ il 40 C g stable and shed. in4 - The liait ail the dirty story of the Vre- what took place ut the former triill, Jame yrne.ýr of %rrm. Cam- ttiglit of the 26tli Au,,,ist, and uniler the attempted ta sedure Mrs. Camp. y _ eau .................... 6.5c 70o In addition ta bell,"ea ed and R%%,cýrn. F-aiti tllitt-11L. eirciimstances his lorOtli8r'O action WILB bel], insteýd of having in fact seduced and Mrs. Campbell, and Gordun's Illiestioli, lowed to bc given in the tended conversation board betweeu Gor2lon of the law. and the nature of the evidtheencoetattle- 80C 119, action against Gor Black Bye Peu .......... 70c case for water ta went ta Mile the cailiplivils in Mily just and riglit. The corrf.-i;pi)n- lier that night as Anderson on rogue- as ta whetherliobert liait connection with dnm On that trial Mrs. Campbell and Gor- Rye ................ .... Me 600 the lard on the ta the charge ligititist Iiis Rister. (iieuce glieweil that this -was not the tien afterwart-le wrote. Hie learned bis wife on the nilht of bis arrival hom (ion wore not admizoable as witilesges; their a, evidence coula net bc taken. Thora were but Oats .................... Ue 40c The soil in o gave witue'siq fie Utl(ld'].Seftn(l thut (j'or4loý first tîme Mn. Campbell liait been gnil- frieuil finit arguait that it was unlikely and that il lie had lie can't suspect, alleg- one or two exceptions in the law under which - under fonce and hgd detiiid flic chitrgà . l)#,býnilant ty ai' iwl)ropriety, and it being tau late that hi$ client woutil use th ed ta have beau used-Mrs. Campbell bc- quch evîdence coula bc given, althongh lie (the x1ny .................... 016 -of wlùch abol a til ing far advanced in pregnancy at the time. Chief Juatice) confesseil thst ho saw himaelf Potatoes ................ 800@40 cleaired and the Paid at finit Élisit the. took id) gave lier, i; ouly remained for James language imputed ta lier, but ere Thon as to the time : Both Campbell and no rangea why every one could net bc exam- Apples, pet barrel.. #2 sisting 01 a mixt place atthrêe olelork, nuit all(-i-witr(la it Campbell tu provo ber crime. JamefI were cases in which ladies, originally Anderson outil tuey went away At 8 c'elock iiied. The séduction case turned altagother Egp. woo& There in niiiclit bave been tuo. Cetira hall, thorefore, watelleil the bouge virtuous and refined, bail fallen just siq and thas they thok out their watches an à upon the ovidence upon one aide, and in 4hat ........ . .......... 15e C 20o huit trous. ]il Mr. thf- for 1 fle ose of detection. Evfn low. Tliejuryhadthe oathoofjamefi comparaît thom. They went down the the defendant. Now the action was brouglit Paffll No. 2-ý cane a large verdict hait beau given against Buttor ............. SOC 850 dental of Gordon tce refer ta a denial then bi.Ilfuilr-lt impulge upon bearing the Campbell, Anderson the two New tzbe board footateps belund, saw Gordon, I - atreet, und when they got ta the corner by tle p tiff, the accused lady in the tom- choses . ................. 130 150 of said Lot 1 made on the- of the 27th convèrsation that took place between soutes and Cpmeron and Fa à m7 accouteil him, They both recollecteil dencewasnowadmissable andwbo mayoshe Beef, hind quarter ........ $5 @ 86 ing fifty &ores Mc the Lwo parties was ta break in the against the cadis of the plagilùntifftD allned, very minutely the words Cam boit ddes,,- lia@ been elandered. The defendant acon net Beef, fore quarter ........ 84 @ 8.1, are a grandi log di 'l'o Mr- was wlwii iloor or window and confront them. themanGordon. But, ne lie lisant- ed ta Gordon, WhiçhýheY saifwere-"You lander complained of and that it fil trils; Pork, per ewt.. ... 1708750 deny the etateme . forty feet by thir they inet Gor.loil ail the iitrect. In orècr ta judge of the events that was a strong black-hearted, villain, yon hud a Chickens ................ 25 @ 40e by a well und la ly observed, there you ilyed Thewhole cane turn= the ovidence Of perpur- George Warner, s4aid lie look place, it was important ta look at rosi thio Ili mina intercourse wich my four people-the wife George Gordon upon me a rich clay, and t motive for Gordon and the plaintiff -Ot cri Il the one aide, who swear positively that no act I)UckB Per Pr ............. @60 rësided ut %Vhitbv and workùil on a rail. the himtoey of Mrs. Campbell previons conimitting pi rjury, white there was il could net boit) iý ; it was t and, on tle ether aide, thé evidence Of Jazne cellent crops of a] brother o wile. They stated ho replied- etween tbem, a £air state of cil] My ault.', of criminalitir ever took place b Turkeys, per M .......... 10a @ 12je rond; Know hir, Geortze Caiiiernn, tu the niglit in question, and ta cou- o in the case of the ciller wituesseg. B t de t ni, Campbell and non reýe u An reon huit wri ton down whal John Anderson, Who %Wear twt Guette, .................... 60 @ 80. and hall conversation witlà hirri, bc. uidprfromthe robabilitiei;wlà ethf,-rfçl'O The discussion in rares ta what Campbell said-" You have atte were This parcel la %Ween flic Lit and ôth Octolier last-in waR a perà ;on lirely ta entertain a yonng took place outside the bouge on the "duce my býother's wife, have net wituessestonneh conduct aemust Place the sold subject ta aIl if you mpted ta en the night of the 2rAh of August they wooi .................... sa rerprence ta the Cà lgll)bell seandal. inan in the manner or unifier the air- niglit of the cirpo8e was Dot of much dons no tlready." And this was what Gor- crime of adultry beyond dispute. lu thq eau Coal, per ton ............ 07 Citineron then énid he kriew iii)Llà iti,,, eutngtances, allegeil. Now, Mrs. Cam don himuelf swore was actually said to him ft wnS impossible ta avold the conclusion that Wood ............ . . Betsy Ward, a W4 moment, beeause if the jury bel . thora was black perjury on the one Bide or the .... 88* @ 66 50 years Who in enti ieved Why did Andersen alter bis original state relit âaring lier li about the inatter, but lie wanted tu get imell was not a flighty young girl in the what was alleged touk place ment ? Re could not have imaginait thesp tory of the early married ide oitho plaintiff inside the other. ilis Loraship thon reviewed the hij-- ta Torqnto, anil aliother mun got goveil -marc age of poetry ; Bile was a staid honge, the cage was decid a. At au Word, WM amd. Perh P.-i Vý *-Ir dufflari ta go ùý. ILI Ritigi lie woulil tell 1 matron, mother of childreu, and the events it wu adm itted t o t Gordon matter over.grid hà nohlF lt--JA rnsýs they talked thë down ta Parka correspondance. Assuminz lie Ut. fichert Cattiphell thât lie saw Mn. daugliter of a clerz-vinan. anil ail- of ro,44 in thf Towmhip of x«a. whereu the «Octim of BMM= on tbé Une of. the' vfflmd genway, ci - C..A. in_ wuW4 bis el mm-., idP&IitY Md 4rOtI3ý éciý -to' the pzofit and p=gpeýty f Hi h. it i. «iat thetùe Z-d'stu, 'ana bé a4ord drOa Dù à mdwh««g it is nocusary to a debt of this Municipeity to the amotrnt of Twelve Thouimd, ffle Ilandred Dol- ]au _for_ the -,Purpcm abreng by the issue of Debeiituli*- te thst amonut -bereau there fi no existing debt owing by tbis munidpo& , nor any amonut due or in arrean eXer for principal or -iliterefft of sny such debt, 'Wher*aëýthe_ týW .6ý re the du& e"j22ntýe*ffit Ãej;ý Cymlci nIafter ptovided is Oui Thoï. san& Three Rundred and Sevçnty-flve mouan, Audwhere- the amaunt of the whole rateý la'bley=oi this m.nicipality, ma revue Assessment for the year of our etht hundred and thîee y _C And whereu an annual special rate of three, ru t4e W'hole rateable, Wperty or', uniefÉalitywM be neceuary and required for, Payilà g the interest and forming au, eqÙal yearIý smkin' f d sufficieit for payingoff.t e - pal of the-said debb within the ýe0f t1wen. ty years, herein, limited jýu th' et behalf. a0wraigtothe Provision of- the. Act ' Session el Parliatrient lield inthëtxirtîý;aUth - id 1 In y= reim"entitled, au MmlidP&l Institutions rePrévince 01 Ontario. IBO it th-dore ordained, and enacted by the Conneil of the Corporat=î of the town- ObJP 01 MAM, and it is hereby ordained and enscrtei by authority of the gamc se follows: lit This By-Law shafi coma into effect, upon and frouz sud alter the lirst dsy of Octobexî in the year of Onz Lord, 20L It $hall be the duty of the Reeve of thig Municipafity, ý and lw is herek, autborized ýna required to- issue or cause to bc Lsue Debentures of t1do MunicI*P&htY te an amonut not exceed- ing in the whole the Oum ot twelvithou. san4 five hundred dollars in goun net > less tban one hundred doUars ewb bearing interest st the rate of six cent. per annutu, and m.A pgable the firét* day of Oewbný _Wbkh wM be in the year of Dur J;ord, leu Or& lUè isid Debentum shan req«tively bé'Maled with the seai of this Corpora- tion and signèd the Beeve and coun teý«1 ed bY thèiï..r of this 3fun- iciP and etaU bear date r«pec.uve- ly on the dsý' du *hi& this Bi-I&W sludl take effect and shall bc made pay- able to the beaxer thereof respectýféIy, fth. There shau 1- Attache to the saidýDe- bentures Coupons for the payment; of the addýintere" half Yearly'duriug the - CurrencY Of the said Debentures which coupons shall be Paable'ikt the olfice of the Dominion Bu at OrMa on the 11-t day _ôf April and the 1; October in euh year. nt ds'y 01 aL It shall be the duty of the > -Beeve fer the time being by the orderind witl, the sanction ci this Counëil ei-premsea by resolution to, that effect, te advance and transier the said Debentures b waY ci bonus te the said Midiand kfY waY of Cnnada in such unnu,-or=ounta as must be deemed most conducive tu the object in view, to be by the said Rail Company pledged, hypothecat- ed, ZIU converted into money to be uaed and e.zpended by.the said Railway- Co, JMY-In coustracting and ' jet- lu; ve nations on theïr liue C:fmrtü- way in the sald Township of 3jars-- UL It shau also beýthO, duty Of the Rftve witk the sanction of the Couneil -ex- Presged RB aforegaid for andon béhalf of this Mum' take frein thé saýd Ilailway Comp.ahy such securitv as ms;F be aeeed upon for the due plication of-thé said Debentures It the proceeds thereof in au about the' Construction, compIetîon and mainten- suce of said stations afore3aid. h. That for th se of forniff ink- ing fand fur M ymen of gai lllben- turez MULi ality au the in terest t& become.due t erc-on at the rate' aforeom*d a special rate ci > threé millW and one-half* of es. n"Il on the Dollar âhall-in addition to ail othýr rates be rair-ed, levied and collected in each yvar up an the rateable roperty in the ufdnMu.nicipality dunng the continu- &née or currency of the said Deben- turcs or suy 01 tbem. 2. The said sinking fand ana special rates and the proceeds thereof shall be applied solely to the payment ni such .Debentures7 ana the interet; thereoù until such Debentareg and interest shall be luily paid and discharged. - 1-11 Diriii -1 ttiree ciiiidren, Mr. 1 corume-nLeil hie âddress amidgÃ--jýj;j;bijg noir wnom ne h d pledged 1 - - JL - -;zî-- tiffle hofort, thm Ilie mlatod to ýlI ne slonceý. d hzA tait acconute pbe tO cherish and protect - that ho a 1 - e thereou, Md -on a wittitpm thia Il! otily 11(liril il 1 lis wife cagne out from the deepeot attention, the court bis children away whilé giving h a Judas an 9 .".=th, oldTahnedgutlw)wo riber off ers for sale on lo 111 or to tilis couutry in an A boing ýaeked er d Adams, Gordi to Grosa yeuling Durham Il 2-years »art Ortho Oly o meneau to its utmost eapacitynith an kîsi, and to AU lier entreaties never gave the against hiin, instealc ýL oà «Jas. C 0 and Ulis. GoOd Ye'LrIY, At eight pet ,)Ptwcf..Il tlio partirs fin th, 1114ol. Durilliz the pas;5age lier flirta, expectant audience. There were, ho said onffering -oman a cilsnce at explenaton. Anderson a !amp colore bred directly from im iliglit or file two issues in the declaration to Il to the t weOrcef t"o-m«olrnzgdntgheaenhdriar@ge.ta thies re 26fil filtisi lie di'l 1 lut k, Ivitit a yoil ng man named lý>ugstc)n, in tire declaration, lie took cec ="d littly over the diampancies Address, tively purchase& tried, an They hall the fact of the accidentel creurn Lordahip ROBERT MULER, 'Z to ih, nid, _ conversation between Mr. Grosz, the Camp. of agoiOnne toosarà fiCtaanmepebeloliboGmoerdtohnateevaeencioumg-p-a«nnying Mrz. b"ella and Anderson; the elamming 01 the door 1) whCe tire part'us W" a 1)4,rfect stranger to lier, gave unfortun t UMUB' ereek. duce deeds-nor c* husband great offence, une] RitpothnethoutreeectotrhdatlptohuetrcPawrkans, no -nit lis not good deal in that evidence tha the vile ta the conference ;;fth 'ed. Mrerre m ho ' uired to furni produced There was a ate circumotance, as it tuved out for both heard by Mn. AWn &0 and r« il briefly' -ro Mi. ca;tjft -Ille positiv- frc M the remark that if lie liad . BU - and - Esch 1 Win 1 e rom uni levant W the issue they hall totdewcaidoenuoptorne-. îAnth0Y bad the improba Wty hosfvinq been JamesByrue. Withthe reverend Jur. yrne, Match 31, 1874. 14 possession, UN ta this it was to -the b(ý8L of Ili,; jeen on a Canadian vesi;el lie woulo &trage attributed tc, lier lever recollection. The charge in the declaratiôn was that 3 used by that lady; they had the testimony ho had the gros PU" Jurn0f; Calriffleell, rrealleil, said lie lil%'Ofettliiinselfdiitgraced. UptOthat Campbell hall stated that Mrs. Ca as. e= hie amoant of sym- N 0 T I C B i lerved, bid to bè fW lew wellii, mpbell had PathY. The oule douce of impropriety ont W011 Ailaing r,,e,, 98 to the latenesa of the hour, aide th-t of the o wite,,, W" WWt the ki 1 n no difficuty bbtween had criminal, intercourile with George CTor. -oaladMnof tAhlelinplaintiff and Gordon a, to satinn with 'l'n' a f"%v (lsLY-s béfore tire wife. The huéband dieu Joix, There was not one -ord of reference Il the witnelle Cameron lied saMzmd whichwaa di». The other Sü&tl Iftst trial ; a-ked Ili,,, il, pr,ýK(,nCO of warried lier of lier impruden ent lier to Mr. Parka. The defendant had -9 a-AI unnoticed while engag. tinct1Y contradicted bY 'Warrier.' Ma I.,ord. The Audit of Crimbun justice ing Conaitions of th, hfitcheli that in fact the criminal i Y bâti the houss until such A lots hOurý and XrBý C the Account irlitigeretÃŽolis did not stop liere. Not ntercourse In-lyx= . Win taire place At tb F SI Articula if ]w kiiew Il- ad ta. Y 01 -AdAma as to-th hamp- 0 COurt Nom, on the onn.eqtience took place. itou place, go that any evidence as ta Mr. e hOur and 'beU not gl= him au intimation to leave, allY- ing of further e m t. 11, mayl ehacrat the on tl'i'19 Of the itffitir oig the 27tli Aqlgllst ; 1 - , end mari named Go.i. Parka - was quite irrelevant. They could gere lortion'a th4raeragte)(t testîmony AI remgt of the SECOND DAy op APP-IL NOEXT, vendoeu soliattir, m theîr c thoe Imh raans b, btehye mh abaca ha-, î«ë - C have done with At 2 o'clock, p. m. AU Constable front Monstre. Etookil ost ufortunate, unwine urd and & MominoLn, of the lie réplieti lie ilil lier, tintil- a yoùn- g have brought Parka into court. _ trottoir thine' And ho hoped the Mld liot wul't 1 rey Parks appeared in W iitby in '73. It however been quitte willing te, Ale hall raenaddythey lud Mr. Grosses oceedùWi would ho such ais other accouats In refèrence ow Ida roferred to. t was for the , a vairt golf bettowoeu, gwohoadt. xusT be filed in the Clerk of thto this Court Km & Welb, of t touetinixpil Ili) witli file affilir. reeweil lie was a ne learned iriond to-make, whateve jury tO rhere was, howover, e Pesce oifiq@ Dated the Ilth ch, 011 010 iliglit of tilp very. nice young ma r lie couM in compare the accuracy of this testimony tius eue, utter folly. and actuel not Inter thon lot April. , blit lie did not alipear ta have any par* reference to the conduct ci Mrs. Campbell, Iwith thât of the witiresses fer the defence, carpipmelawroWdttyn-the crime of adult-ry--. vas al- Sit -20th Or mornifi4c of tliv '2)7tlj wlicil yoil ti, and lie (Mr. Cameron) thought thât if Mr. f they beaeved that Gordon hall made no leged against this woman. What the court ]EL J. XACDOXELL. Illar employaient. Weil, Bile took a Parka héâti been brought into the witueu admissiOti-cheu those men, Campbell and were trying was not the wmanlo frivolity, or Clërk ci the Peau office, iutsitli-, glitl Yoil lical, fttlif.>, 10 tilliq Young Juan ; Ptigaton was box, hie evidence would have shewn thât Anderson, were whothà obehadnotbeens correct andears. Whitby, Marche 25th, 1874. L REITH GOIRDC: improper over . scoundrels both, and had ful pattern of married lits; they we» la Vaidor'a Solicit sitiging, Vr ? A. iii California,* but Parka was here. Silo u0thin took place botween conScted that ovidence tc, ho used against ing tbat. noir wero th iltte noixe. took wal kg with tjilfi young, mâný as of him and Mie. Campbell. Ris lesmed friend Geo. Portion in the action for the cri minal r,"Pomlbuity u to duty to hie Lortlmliip lirril rofilse(l ta allow vorc.',,, ai; ahr, hall attempteil to, excite the gyxnýstIr Mr, Hill liersolf expregged it r C,ýoftbe offenée. In thât trial, the plaintiff it wotda Young irifé down to the duty of a res bis TO L in lier jury, by telling thent, that ho ( r. C. had a lie recollected, had noirs of the " et .1 matron. It was with the evidencs ber jal: -M-O"T -risï)ll ta examille silo witllealq lé-ttt-1-14. Parks, ljowevi!r, liad no fin- woman for bis client--the lady who est bé- the Ovidence now belore the Courr. She tuai criminailtï they b" to do, and m to main un te) (]te "le iil4ý el- 1110yruent, and it ait natural that Bile aide him-aud that jarors were genemll could not ho exam whether the de tendant was Justiûe4 in u À large quantity cd lietwptn Iiini aril y _me4ý neither a d Gor to-ards ber the lai= p _ sing englpnl-c)iirýo et Min the Ritna. proue t6 là vor the w"ker se% in legal con- don, there was no Un. Allin, no Adams, no 1 imputed to hilla in For T the doclaration. nd it wu altogether a con)1)171,11, rccýlt11vd, ïuill lit, liDil of bookkeèper in lier btiabatitl'a retire. Ho reminded tireur of the facto plâced Grosz to bc beard. But the moment that question for the JurY to O&Y-la fact with them Horizon, a lugg lixiver licatil tif' till, j1elw nbotit Califoriiia etitaisliglirnent. Things in eviflence thst Robert Campbell boa been the "ibnOO 01 Anderson and Campbell rested the responsibuity of gay il; *  & to béiiig malle in llirl )rilt;eri o mail ester- liave goule on splendidl married to Lis wife since '62 ; that up to the J&PP«nd ýOnLffPer, the» parties Came for. on this hoad tl»g WOM aCcept lier osth of G. .y, and w c ,,i dental, and thst of Gordon'a. or the oath of the t Ilis ierrother ligliil)14nil was acrnBA tire Atla Ileu the time of the pregent-trouble thré9e . childrec Iwird and ft walle not true, ntic tire issue of the marrù,ý' Pext referred, to, the lstéfa.rà f in4 tuidation other two wftnesges, lames CwnpbaU and Whitby, Folle. fth, 1R §q bâti borne, 1;i ùf-xt rndderred to, the là ». fer feeling towardiq intist frienilly hook-koeper and hilq latly patribu woula thers, had been aisione, born glace, And thât illeritten by Jas. Campbell to . h John Anderson. Who Cbarged ber with OTICE TO RO=&IMRM]aS bell to r. M, crime 01 adultery. Ho waevm = bat 0 LET. C't'a )hcli là à 1'4vù l'ad a Ilice time Of it, Mr. Robert Robert -Catnpbell-tbe husband and the là - ho dotrorincell ai ba«ng no lit this = wu wt loft for the q to de- wife ilevercomplainoel of an.ý!i1I-fùeling. Campbell, however, refuged t ther-wanted to etamp that poor child with bOUUM Mr. Grogs hâd bis inten. cide son the par", and that upon this T Witnessi knew tliat his *wii*oý-ilid not like 0 "ga-"e the brand of iBe-gitiumy, Ho disclaimed tion of declarin ýË Ë Gordon icular questitin it bad not bonn loft for AND SPMZT DEALEBS IN The Bl"kumith si bis biotlier: liiii brother wii a man Wth whotu hie wife flirted, Th g It to bc untrue th = to hâd and premiseile, lataly 1 0 and deniedthatitýhlad been shewn thât hall admitted, the crime with which ho waa ard confequence won that the there wag'ev«à à 3rWl«t or inattention charge& u eloqmilt temie boi M '-- ce l-' 2 tQI -ee m 'DW'- y SOUTH ONTARIO 1 Ayors, RAmwo Co'ne at wituegg, bouge at lenst once il weeko went-to Concordi but lie di Young man ne Ine Pl of the Bar,,à -4 rom two of = t For putknügn an The lftev. lfr, Byruc (litý,Éitjctly toid wit- il not forget mhewn on the part of this injured wile of her cnun"l refoireil to the trestme but With&tihgleb»oel ý.1h119,, -of couffl th(! lady, nor elle him. I off-spring. lt had been sold, by one of the hâd recorived At the bands of lier linobanâ tb*Y would bave thoir influence, they negN illat Mrs. iiiiiii liad wr t n the letters N, > thould licet suow themisolveà to bc Carrisa TO Ratels Bre .wetome servante th£ýt uPocýone occas on cl ewith ber Persans lutending to apply for spirit i an Ida rother, contrastinq ther 'tton ýlrN' thlIt hall bé-en produced, here were re. oneoithochildrenhad oulybeen partially, , Own explanstions and adin, «i lir she. sway. It -as allesed that Jame Campben Licenses for the yeu 1874 are »quire& to, W4itbY# N«- 25# IM Can'Pbeil 8 Irittti' wttrtilti',"ý ber of lier flors-need, expreugioris, and inuendoes undressed in beinR put to, bed. But up to admitteil everyt lier t. With- h out! 1 hadadeepdishketo hie bratbeeoowffe, that conduct. Hall not the slightest idea which excePt, 1 poiwned the mind « ber hugband et. ftrnub me lKth the nocassary certificatog tbat Gordon had dleiiieil the charge on Fihould not have corne from a Robert CampbeR's réturn from Englana in ont lier own adruisin, hé said, t re would galnat ber, and alw that CoebeIl bel nir a forthwith, FAM FO the night of tho 26th August. "Inan Who wished 40--be considereil August'l"t no neslact of ber lamgy, no bc no proof of the letton upffl -111ch it Wfur =su well to do wanted to net of !rue tu Il" hqgl)and, Or Who assumed fLl ult "a w.Urnan, or levity of conduct boa sought te conevict ber. Ho reminded the and of ber dower alrowstece, on Ida Pfoperty. B. FAMWELL 'l'bis Closwed the f-ývidence for both innocence. Mn. Campbell was no been etabultbea against ber. - Up to the jury-aloo of Jas. Campbell'a unfrieufflinest; If the Jury bOlieved that thm was etich a Sn- 195 notent, south-holli aides. 2,3th June, when Robert Ca aplien lait towards her, and in î,ý most elfflent And Idr-Y, =1 that Jameà CAMPball and John Initier of LiCénà « for the Slieuth Riding C'm; whithy. -Thia't, iloubt a clever woman, and no elle at for Enqland ho had never coin thetic sples tA=ft"n blad luv$uted the story told by thent Of Ontario, 0 beau. hW coW plained of &vDýin the Course of wMeh ho o net rid of the w0mon, A mom black and dis- Mr. Harrison, in addreg;lng the jury once diocovered that Bile was an anth. any levity oï conduct on the part cd me wi£eý 1pa.11 lotuUy app uffl, à oked the jury to de- bOucal Pioce Of business imer came befon, à Wktby, à (mli 25% lKL lit in in dm for the defence, said thst )lie learnosi oress and thst these lettpro had been excepte according to bis Own Accolant on thi cJd»ýbet*@éà iU'oà the of t*o parties on COurtoi Justice. if balisage campb@W-g dis. friend In Opening the Cafoi eiplaîned written for tire purpose of adorninR a occasion of hi§ crossing the -À with «eb " , -his Cliente, ý Mn. camfbeu, and difflie to hie the" iwo m= t tO thOM 001130whst at' 10iliffli the POKI- rnýT&I. He considered this *.oo trans vo.or three ye Q onlol4 the one Bide, au the two C= 1m RAT hie wife nom t the heéda together and Plân»d the ma plan. Whou ho fou au befère, . wi, tués M= d,4"WP ý_sýs ed becalise his wifi d&«tu& YAMM1 I)OU imli Aa«SOE4,UPO-n, the âge thé loir of this = &go tio» of the Teartie» to the RUit, and the erent, but it 8 Owed the resources of 011 othore, ;= = , - -m'da't Z -J a gug. of the walked on the vouel witâh a geu- y1l, the là nature Of the investigation' which waf the wOmun'wben silo caw the letters tleman Witthbe Span of Young »tues» 5 Mëi 6 Yom 0 Iwhom ho was v«Y bien& 211011111019d la no mîmured terclir. Thé op- 't=t'e-=--tJýmm'uo Snd«matim OMM wand, color baye, pdcoý &c,, apply te to beAiedo- He dencriboë the plaintif! were to ho used agaluit bâj. It Wag lie, however, did net gay &,word &bout p be toc, te lor go, omt m &*Ocay. for the dahter or a clergyman, and à Curiop# If ZEW juùÀéeý sai& thaît C. HALL, et the exprensions in till aftor, ho arrived home, wl ný.-Coxo>, cd, Obw Moralandupright womsutandhe de. belli Admitw thât wbon giw anm»ra eknuopoe--Qe ew Llý,t whi CrIL item , both ],# joui 200 UV#-4 te above id s tme copy of à By-là w ta à en into consideration by the Conneil is Municipahtyafter one--month from lut publication thereof. in the fflow. ds: ihe Packýei ôeaa,=d the Cimom- , Wh#byý the Ute of wlùh first pub- [on 'was Thmwky the'twelfth da of ýh, 1974, Md thst the vot« of the glec- )f the sed municipanty ýwiU be taken en at Blectord ý Division No. i, ýxt "n at Electorai Divi- 1UU; sud at Bloc- the School House 5j-Atherly, on ýDAY, THE ELEYWK DAY OF, APRIIL, A.D.,1874, leof the clock in ÃŽhe -férom»n, closing P. JýL' thà amie day. ed at Mari4,«tlià 7th day of Marcb, A. K. B. OMBLL, cieri lm FOR SALE. subscriber off= for Lot No. 4, in a. S-boro, Co. York, coutaining 100 mm or lus, 92 of which axe cleu-cil. jýeood date of cuWvat'»n, the baL reU timbored wU bardwood a#- is-s 'honsop a "ùr-weu of wà ter ý=hîx& of choice fruit. umiupo;m a ot'WhOM'firm în Sou-bom 6ndl« be N* * W ana t "10 nWay, out ci City. ron fnÉà « ià râcùý apply t. LýL ËIGGINSX Let No. 1, Con. -f, Semboro, - cheraywSd P. 0. itl4 1WL 9tf MESS, SADDLERY. suburiber aosires to gate tUt ho - MM& , g=isés opRoita Rays Britiish Am- flotet DuEdas-st.,;Wlithywher6,' keep on hand ý supérior 'ký of =25 lino of busineu, and wiU PrIm. Re bop to isolidt d-pÃœbiio FRANK TYLEIL M "â"ý - . Il.-