e~ bOO~ wortnrSAhb IW ElBY k/ N 9 'WetgOR, hTWoJo ~tns st ç e& éy s elect, and mtbefrt e s~ on,whch e 'S li g Of !S l ng f ! of Cg~ an~ Woo z'r 40 mke~u iD Ue bet style, a è the hrtésntie aM~ Th~ LA ~ f s,-Lo~ige, B esea s, iloe sp rmIitO a tnd d ît n xt edhrteba O M K Cn b az a' H i, Co h ~ D wa~ Qtn~ C uoe~ tie pcilt e p iùthegvigab atpac.rYft. AlIdd-h ens sOOl Fo Thela e~ ndch apet ±~ekof Pitu es ever iëh t T râ/TPflDrITA mTmtë eI-ATJ.Wh suit the times. 8à tClo 0 fthi r & G. A nts , utftterF O Th arc, ainè4, ed she s t satCt hldodmg ca-psdit u. hiby iB & J. CA PB LL W er tc ublc * rt h ïsat e i e st >a fourtd the" LD SA ND" to j. , 1 73.i9 a n d b as Iné Ie r o u gli -U, n er ici i o t, euu1 is u n w ay co n ect d w i h Y S e t .an y o th e r e sta b lis h m e n t in to w ii. B A I R I R E T T 'Sýn e 3 tree , W jtbyWh~by, ctoer 1, 178 ~ ~ ' X .Jta J0 H N S' T O N 'S t- 'SE LF-RAKIN.G REAPE%ÃŽR, NEW---N--YSoY TOE uporiP clsnt' E«A R'I ,N G S A LE! AWRE 1EFRTPIZ! Great-Sacri-ficing Sale of Phiotogph heà large and wel eelée- A icPovn iaE~tion, Toronto, in 1870. of -"P'.o--- at Barrett's New Galley Theundersigned is -se1hflg off is large^ We; oller te our customers for the c4'fling" Harvfest. two diGods;-re fic ahns hc nstyIu and CQ*uetftjon. enibrace 16or $1 stoc ofgoods at* great1y te le atest amd most useful improvemen!,s f ihe day.i $ OC, kSSWARn'Ne RE.,DUiC.E-D - RRI C ES6 oiNTNSSNlESL-IKN ~AE Don't forget the place-opposit h In ordr to ake rom for The universal success cf this Machine. both inJ) *lvi, On.tar- Rn.Wih SPRI.NG--IMPOR TATIONS. from the thie -1 DA Y OF A RIL, 187411 When a change will take place in the business arrangements cf the present firin. A clearanceof w1 4-' wnoL 1- ££E - -1- 1 e . . . - ed triais and in the hands of the lermcrs, warrant us ig' esyiflg tit, as a Self-Rsk- ing Reeping Macheiine, it huis more good poits and lecce defectg. end has met with more eueccess and baà s talure, t-han heretofore offcred to the public. Fe W-ere awarded t-le First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin. 'sI Exhibition. held in Tforonto, 1870.in Cnupeiition wih ail Élia icding Machineg man-.factured in the Province ; and with oui' menlt improvementq, we unheaiat.- -à gv ......c jnc-- u',îin, su luC.,...-., .44-i. e t fi d th t s,c h in v es 'tig t io n w i l c o n v ; ofier the best ?uowVer to tic Fariner fur stck (hchiste aretMnAh Dundas St', Whitby - eWO8O h sok wif sth ags nte C ' tyMerch, 4th, 1874. 1 ofOntarie,) znust be made by thatA-ime, and the greatest10 G N LM. inducemente wil therefore be offered te purchasers, FRESH GROOER-GEST E MJ~c .EN Amongst the stock will be found every, SLJGCE.E HNEE TLRESOK0 article usuaily kept in aSLIG'RÀE HNEEATAGETOK Firt-las GocrystalihmntLE WIS HO0UGK'5 NE w STA4ND. N E W FA LL G OO D S -000--ssa-- 1 5t lshnet SNOW COMPLETE 1 .T-n.é,e, COFFEES, SUGAS, ositigc slnis ortmcnt or Clothe cf all kinds for El'UGARS, TEAS, SPICES, And ail kinde cf general Fà nnly Groceries, at reduced pri- Gentleen's Wear, and a complete stock of FRUITS,'- PICKLES, EXTRACTS,.csceprta n thrles nt~ GENTS' FUIINISHJNG GOODS, $;a PLEASE CALL A-ND EXAMINE 1 ~ WIN ES, BRANDIES, ALES AND -PORTER, Cs o utr lvrad ioh cd ie{-TIRE NEWEST OUJT. IN WOOD AND BOTTLES. etliy seed for sale at lowest pricos.9&A PED SOKFIAT&CP. The new and cheap Grocery store south of Ontario Bank ASPEDDTOK0BTS&CS.. L. HOUCK. CHEAP FOR CASH, 13ish of ail kinds-Saflmon, Mackerel, Wiitby, Fcbruary 26th, 1874. 9 A. PRINGLE. White Fieli, Salmon -Trout, Labrador Herrings, _______________ Whitby, September 24, 1873. .39 Finnan Haddies, &o,., &o. -00,WI4ITB.Y__P,±AiMACY. WHITB6Y ORGAN FACTORYI THE SALE WILL COMMENCE ON In annoéuneing omi removal teo our ,Noew Store, on the cor- ner of Brook and Dundas Streese we take t-lis opportunity of thanking t-le public for t-ho very libe ral patrouage and support whichiwe have received 'T E M. 4N OR A UHIJRS-DA-Y, l8th 0F DEC., 187-3: lutic Store occupied by us sica t-le fite -o 1 Our Stock being ail new- '1EAMECA OR N' and cf the es quality, we are daternîied te maiutaiu our reputation for sdlling unotiing but tie pnrest- articles, at t-le lowest remuerative prices. lu high BResonant Wa]nut case, from rin ,, L.nd continue until the timu npWalzô, iAO.u.c.a '- .aI "§'onîîî conîpetir.g Macines. we ard ni'e everv uo rijdiccd mird, ibat wi ;72, but lu tic Dominion. LISenc Whtby, Jan. 14, 1874. NOTICE.- -The retu-rnasgice thanks t hdie paton nd era.ly his successers. Furniture! >Now is the time t Furniture-. Ilaving bough on by James H. Saine, we 1 *bis many friends te give u as Mr. Saine- lias done in til - -.j Ag d Mi site on t-be Eeat ruh cf' -~ Ltndc'eCreek. an excellent locst-icn for a TIL L & JOHN STO N. 1" ' il. Will be aold clieap. Parties. J. RAMER GEEENWOOD, Orders by Mail promptly attended to. WuMayoar.4tli 87. 0 JJND1EPTAKING.... The, only first- class Establishmnent in the Cuiyweefnrl r il ly supplied. -Cut hr ueasaefi - ~TILL & JOHNSTON. '. Whiiby, October lst, 1873. 's-D- vELAL F-B iBSL A. BAiRJETT. undersigned begs- to te the inhabitants cf Whitby, and Ougheut the country, for thé libe- jo hlm whlle carrying on business brun continuance cf the saine te JAME S H. SAMO. -00--7 Fugiur ! - bo buy good a..d lcheap à t out the business lat.elY carried take this epportnnity oein fviting xý FRESII FA MIL Y - GocEEs,' - HEAPER THAN EVER. - ted, or until the %vhole cf. thec Stcock is disposed of. CASH CEU5TOMEIRS 'will saVe fully 15 per cent, and as it wMl bo, first corne first served, -the car-' ietoustomers wiil be in theo best psto oefc dvn' tageous bargains. psto eefo dvn - 1~ls.of Sugar for $1 20 lbs.' of Raisins for $1 OO 18 lbs. of Currants fr $100 20 lbs. of Prunes for $1 00e 00-- .TEAS.---aving' pïui'hase of Teas, at a great' fer BLACK AND) GIEENý than heretoforé., EquaIIy Cheap. advantage, we are able t cf- STEAS 20 peor cenatcheaper -00--- Neyer before was there sudh a chiance Hlouse-keepers securinig the Èest, Fainily Groceries And rokey ofÃi'kinds, at the' LIVING PRIES 4MLY. LAWLJu &cO p xml.,uumjuanyun it-nda nu supPly ef thc purest DFRUQS AND CI-ÇEMICý Dyeetuffs, Anniline,, Dyes in Liquid 'and Crystal. EPhysiclans Presriptions Neatly and Accurately Diqponsed.- We have-aiso rccei-ved direct frein Engiand, a splendid as- ALS,7 -H-IsortHI,ý NenD c Dt-eusing Comblà <n Vilcanito s an . orn ttaket-g, Grosmit-la', and Yà adeyasSoapa. Lubin's, At-kinson's,,& ltmmel's e tfumés, Eegant Vaisgsnd Toilet-Sets. Ink.stands lu Wenut- sud Pepieraehic, Galfiand Silver Smelling flot-tle. Piate Glase, Rand Mit-rot-s, Faucy sud Carved Bzaekct-s. Morocco IPMot-se. suPocket- Book,. Mot-cco Glote sud Handkecci Ca ssi. - ad a generel Une 01 Pency Goode. Tu.,'k.y and Honey-COmb Sponges, Trusses, Chamois, de, de, A full stock of Lampe, Globes, Burners, Chiinneys, &c. Mardi Ilth, 1874. JAS. ,H,. GERRIE &- Co. Corner cf IBrook andDundaii'Street, Whit-by. LAINO#CSTWART. - Winter Stock lu ,order -to makîerôom for Sp ring' pertatiolia. Greà t Bargaine can be relipd on. 4LÂ!.NQ7& STEV cight- St-ops, including 'Vax Celeste" and "Hftrmonie" or " Octave Coupler." YARWOOD'S "MELODEON-ORGAN" Iu hanlsome Rosewood Piano case, com- biuing the power and variety of the Organ with the sweetness and purity of Melodeon toue. Paiteuted Feb. 1873. Trade Nîrk rcgi8tered 1878. - r~ Manulfaettu'ed Solely by ns. Speo'al induementà to Clubs of three and upwards in localities where we have no agent or deaier, Ail instrumnents- warranted for five years. Catalogues and club rates on application. THE mUDGE & YARWOOD MF'G C0. Whltby, Jan. 27th, 1874. 5 CAIi'RIA GE A ND" BUGGIES FOR SALE FOR ON OT NY of theirl*ý U JND ER M.EDIL FIDNOISS Im- LJARIA ESBUGGIES, AND CUTTERS, forobtning pate, -ifldià ti07 Mlruefrýtbe Paper. or conceeeaP- t-cnt", MU"N &CO1, 37SPrk Rw.%Y. i3ranch ( fce, c--n7ho>* nton,i D. ,C. P.ae tSeWlt- WhitbY, Dec. 8tb. 187,1, PRoSPECTUS.. THE BROWN c P.47TERUONI- MANUFACTITRING COIoeA(yý capital - - $120,OO. 2,400 SHARES OF 5.EAC' Th. aboxc, Conifry <in luCeurse of for-, Matlon'fr îhe- purp,,o, 'pure lafnz the R~lEstate. ililainga, MelbgPit, and9od-ilJ flatbe ness oftheBprown p&Pa-ep.Ag*ltm Works. in thbe Tomt- ai Wiiiy. Ir- t-be nu'w (ompeo. Meeemp. gir" atermnnlb">ripiobav eregd letbt . now pnibu,u'Me of 5.0 nirsig ta in"veat-ethie an», 'o ]2J100, iescic, T'rnvii, nuu'an for ireesinig the. t-0 eonble t-be amoont bitheto _ _ Pnlarginr tbe catit,ý t it-lie n bvda ehecti afn af-adilitï cbaeiidgad itionaeîin ebin erjýana-an abîma tl'e new Clompany to T on-xr whole busineespon a stuict!y cash, basli. In order to ablow.tbeprataliijns,1j.%x, Maire-for tbu' êrg-l, l g'ny :- cd to stat-tbat lu eleveit yeAria 1eifm.4 Operation...fr3» Jannary, lsoe, t-orjanu,v - lS88-Meusm. Braya,&4, atteron have ue enabled, lir profite réalisedto t-ske the large. amont ci Stock abovc.en;tioaéd as listing- heen subscribed hv t-hem in t-be ucw Com- pany. The prophrty bas been vancdu nde,- thbe direction sud snpervlion of- Mesas. 3.ý 9. M WillCox asud John Thompeon, two of,- tbe Provisional Board et fS4,268 68 -The establishiment lias ben'iii tbepos"esi»-c tbe new Camnpant vsinceôl7tli Februeiy lest -tle fit day of . ta Orgsuizat-ioathe pro- f t"~f t-le business cn *en irom t-lai date.cmmnig AP licationli*as hecu. madle to tle Legiala- turc for- a Charter in tbe naa for=, and with t1-lu aal riglîtsand priaiee. At tlie f epi-atlon ofitbe ttie at-atei by Statute <fit- 'r six Weekoe) a gencra] meeting ci t-le Si:' eholdera will lie beld, on notice, fartle wtt-:èposecaielecting a permanent Board of Directara an? Offcers ai th-hCampany. -Subseriptions ai stock in tle nndcrtak. înff are most Trespetfpliy ioioita, ýire velue of tlie rtack-aseaygdiiat n vestuient, may bhetreydasg liinghbeyoind doubt; *hile t-lieatada t-o théi Toof~ ai Whthy t-ct-n d iv o nt ra-,i seourinir an cnÃŽargenent o! tlicfaviabJy' noraWarks aiMesera. Brôwn &Patterson. mluet et once comnend t-hemselves. Parties desiring to suhecrihe for stock are, 'eqesedta nco. memoRdu,e-or Je. Yra toaeiLattc The North hall ai Lot Si <n t-be th con- cession of Whitby, compt-ising 100 acres <n a bigb et-ste cf cultivaion, uth nair hild, Inge valueble creek, snd about ten acres. bush. Also twelve acres gcod bush on t-le adjoiniaîg lot No. 338's-tII e sold on reseon- able t-et-ms. Apply t-o JNtO. C. BALL, ThcroId, Onlt-, ct-to W. G. DOW, Whit-by. 'Whithy, Pcb. litl, 1874. -7.t-f G-lARDENI AND PLCWER SERDS Sot by Ma to all Parts Of t-li Domin- ion. Ont- Chromo "Tas Lr'ns Paoaars,"aà hesutiful Parler Picture, 17x22 -melica, ta sent free t-o ail ubofayot-usniwt-h Ordere t-o t-le abonaunt cfl1ive Dollars, Send fat- Catelague. 'ahic e iemail gratis t-o al Who 'wtsh. CHASE BROTHERS & iIOWMAN, Seedamen, Oshawra. ont-. O"shar, Jan. 2Stli, 1874.g L OUIS O'LEARY, VETERINARY SURGEON, DUPPuf s' CREEK, OIJT,. Graduate of t-le Ontario Veteingy cef.- loge, Torcnto. Hlaving becu awarathddtle Diploîà a of t-he Àgticltnral and Arts. Association hlin pre- pat-eS to treat ail Disess of Hormès;0,tie &£.., 'ahicli may'cmie onder lis notice. Tintses eeseie as -- 4,. .,i.2., i -- An ingenieus picce cf mechanisin, which «an ho arrang- ed ini 80 positions, and couve-d iaito an Iaivalid, Parler, Library, Read- ing, Writ-iug, Ilecliuing, Smoking, St-udeut-'s, Physician's, and ])entist's Chair, or a Longe, Bcd and Child's Ci suad Swing. Circulars wit-h explauatory diagrama sent free on, application., Orders THE WILSON MANuFýACTURING CO., IMPORTANT NEWS! BOTSAN -HýOES 1 --.000: The- undersigned las a large stock 0f QJ3osand-'Sho es. made to order. à ý[ .Oyershoes lined waî'm and coinfortable. India Rnbbers, - ,f 'epairing doue. - -~ J 'h ( )5ooo OP O a 2~ &f'LLING A Tl OOST A* 1H OSe'LAWL Old No. 1, BTrock Si Raving ýdeterminunedi their busies,. ffrthe -whole of i ted stock GIROCERIBS, LIQUOiis, 0Cc The sale wilL be continued date of this advertieement up te F/BS T 1 'i Wi.by 28. FeABNOLD 187 OR SALE.t JC- - A'nd other »We N'ý;y J.. CAYUGA MOWER 1 Secretary. 1 OF TIEE AGE 1 N-AIL BR-USHESl P. 0. Drawer 292. J,;Uôýw« se', ling- the b.ala'nce M. Oy,,DONýOVAN--)$.*. ýd&W Mac> VV JUNIOR THE, N OVELTY