Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1874, p. 2

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-U nrmmo& or mind'" ta s--zm uffl ana ta%> main or iiàieý _ýa cu Un ïýod ho PrOpliet ma WbýCh an what ho called si Whiq, Thursüyt APII[ 9 Proiide *ver the ahjsý.üCD., ýOf ' th* MESSRS. LAUG 187,4. a SÏZW"T still keepý the Chief MORDS of whkh se, Prom, bah eides of the Ilonu, up the réputation an lame of Clol lqo. 1 mous wSoo'to the Com- lie on thénjost know Chamber and oËâoeà. About ing thin- ta Mi quoourag. wýOUr,70nug fiw _jâ te John A, Macdonald him.- as an g tirt witjj.ýý The 4ýbJj;t at:,horaè;.. ana AL, N and boni Sir establishment unrivanea f, tante lialf-pant ý twelve on Tu" y I&Btý Stare . ý9 , 1 SPECI s.14 P _Mr and ':fOi thein loased to perce'ive that -the and excellence They are the illustration being greeted, with ap. And, recoiving Estrioir be' t the jcyabIéý_ovenin time pretty CIO Subgoribers in wrear Ron. Mr. Anglin Glasgow -Bo- Pieuse and laughter. rOCoaiuý with (lin r will bas received words of frola direct spécial importa. IY Occupied in hie oràn 8P'en tiens of hâte sud 1 espg. The millin ary dtldes-- hie lecture, which Mr. Fiset, the in Wai; ka Of -humour àti (*a cRnnbt à& >11 Inach Warin congratulation. And we Only ory ember elect for nim. and pleaes gough's iiidàtiàti '- ' Mr. oblige by remitting th" D.D.t of là And dress gonds departalen y .1 1 y,1iRîèDiîgýîpYýBéd_ th OPOP-indeed we have no- dOuht-ý-thRt te embrace, Onski,-entered Mr patlick,, office and an nt,_ie% and IMPP refèrences one 8 lé. lé-. -1 1 the new a sa a point ta' 1 tries of Publie '4 agkeol ta Sign th, rranged as te give Liw, a iMpartiality, the ali thst -in tasteful and 31,11. They roll. Mr. Patrick a reconn remaining ungettled aftor justueft of bis decision» and Éis général avè t and exhibit, se à werele iliustratîonsg - ThePýbUcAtcounts.for the lIrfit Of alon a'-Ieavy stock of Urat.clùg Ince assentedf- whereupon bis visiter 1873, aecoun thoy and Mr. Laing le on the wý enquired if MOnth Mill bc placéd OOnduet in presiding Ovér thé délibéra. o 0 the lecturerwith a fow, touchesproduc. - in court for collection. 'Save cSje tions Of the Houge f, C 1 fil 1 &Y lie roll could be removeil ad an aduli!able likenesà ý ofsp ' The Statem, 0 tu Omo witk, ta another -ro unch'l" eut 01 thé Pub 0 omul nu W f liber additiong te the* am for the Purpa". To- lin accounte timely remittance. be such au ta MOÉ Li re" g ta him as 'gui 't fer the fiscal t the jood opinion Oplondid stock. ] lt", Mr Patrick rop4a in th nffltivO. msn;bü.ne a old gentie- Year endîug18àtfjý Juýe,, by Mr., of au parties. heu et Street, before Wh 1878,,has been presented ta the Rouge. paia v AT TUF GLAgGOW WAR Stiggesteil that it ý miglit be cm Prin- 'Y110 New Election Law, Itfark.ýe ma and Premiers take off their ltjjto.yt From i 1IOwýlng- -figures count- rio in an tý we take thé ý Éo Mr. Brydires Retires. Meurs- RI ell are in daily inner room, but ta this ph > 1 P The audience laingh'ed- and applauded, whlchýmaY be of interest. 'Thè total Ceipt 01 direct imporied Rond, ek âtý daëlined tô agree-- Mr. ana 118 Election Biofthe a. Th lirhe ' Dr. C 09vernaient Mr le- Figet theU"*l iàtiniýted nl' Wthýnn 4àditiOnal tOuch or éxPon Bryageno for go many yens Th Min d'ture 'or th endiiK '00th tud whieh wu introdue'a b n6ZY 8,10411ailoring, departmont tant 10 lied a two 4sGýiPYq (th Dblion on the iéguu3ptioja 0 y on. Mr, the uanaglbg, làtýetor of the Grand roo:ivo au, l due aieDtio as heretofore ýriend-à1S0 a new ni 1 ember--With e rawn) was produced Jplie, 1878, was $88,805,805.66' corùmft f the Rouge ýtiànk ltaîiwày,> lie# Mained,, th tci ensure com Jeta SatiSfmýotiOn to eue Who ni if by magie re#*Mg npon panoWs «Penditur. expenditure bçiug#8-5,287,- site,, 00 -tien hi h b a poui-. P desired te. sign and bq Sworn. . 1 1 Showin de ' ' the!n on Tuemday evO'ning---deslit nt once i HO shoulders, thev g a fiait 012 the yéar's or W, 0 e no -Wall filied toulers. Inçarpeting and Pýdd. the was thereupon invita to bri hie âSain apphnoed and laughed i>pèmËànaý,of #1,q8494ýj. round The w'tlr the 'F'hole q est-ion Of we ng and agiin., The ne à lia 86, _jr in assured,, idi have specicdtàe.<ý, t'er'ne wopaper in. n M ta two millions. -the.Blection foel -Y friénd in thai illeï migh For the year adiised Llli* 61 the- Dbmlnioti r6tireinent *ÃŽÃœ be a t bothbè sworn wer of the'Pî 187172 th orplained lievête Io" to that rdall. ý He b MXSqîý. Oâithe r- Mr- Mont went to thé'door, regent ', 4SY4 with, bis 8z«%$J,"ra#29,817,829.97, ing, but eau' agam,8tanex'pe, ý tureof$81, -t'id kitifseoeýo fdittice the ohanges nt die bond of the ý'baVe a and shortlv introduced hie, and penon, and emanafi Cànotjtutýe ëOr. 01 cia,121%tin assortment of Mr. Patrick an brielfy tlyege:L laàd m*g raHwa ys, mom tfiaù ususuy ûne in Who bowid politely ta impuden Outrageons déficit In 1870.1 the de. th, nu, fornearlYýtwéntY Years, and SPring ý goods. Linesin aU r produSd-,-a. lin- fiait wu 8588,18Ï.M. -besità 0, es! & rhis Stateme 'ff8 Or regfitan di eôýuU, and, withont &DY tien «Coudant, aë ýtýe léetdrer, Bai nt liàd-bàel %Uùmiýqg dnrÃŽlIg ibat time bas establigh da repu. shé- that tu, affleers, to Cauie au tiw efeli e menta COMp1otepý a' or- a confusion, took the book in hie ban& WB a expencutüiea are in. ý Dr. ej swOrnindue formand oignediùs Go IÙM Professât creasing much mdié ý iapidly, ýthaif,,t generàI clection, except th.01W tibiiwat a tstiOu a4'OÜè of the abloiît railway niàu,. are being received parùmùa" was After îw etîtâh :,IWero on the' re Of which nome ta the roll, Mr. Figet SI in the attit 'in which riývenueý and aumngly 80 doing îhe ling Atte continent.'_ Rij r eaigu 1 a- will ho annonnoed next week. under -bim. He thon bowe ude Pagtý,t" Yearn, and sUggest&ýn9t';-%ouly stop 'ai Columbia, Uanitoba, gÙokýkw tien. it je omd Was lace lie would ho CelVe e iný th ý $.A4ttnà, a again, and '&S'y ta re th a pËoprlety,, ni à rigid Systéln Gaspé. and Bon Ire P in the bande l'ad quittéd the room before Mr. pst. ter P 9 Ilturè, ta ho holtiýme Of the Company tw& yearq âge but was Liberai.consieivative ?à true pugilis. ciny, but ýthe neéessit Of oCýný Sary.; we 'the saine day; cet1ng in Pick- 'tickt tO whose mind -no suspicion as ta vlewer--squazed up in _y by Soma means Division' ta AbOligh pubuc nom,. nôt accoptea. Thât which thé châtacter of hie viol tic position, and rogdy th let fly a ,eue of the r"të ationg, oàbstitating thèteef â: ho Dow sends ter had coeur. 'CÏ4-"' ' Of Could ho, Yod, noticed On the roll the Dame 0 two, three.,, the abOv; «Pe-ndiiiefor 187z' The foibles of poète ' 2"ý19 - -L ý _ . -ý_ SOOný1ha1ç il. writi Louis Riel, whoi by the. way, f and . 7,was'noc" DoLuinatfo in D'q , 0 ""eMPtory., Re bas lately been The fÃ"llOwing report of the Libéral- lied dis- authors, and of soma of the latter in on the public, essary, paythe "test liôld- tÃ"b bY-à- &Pfofu*d'chairmau ofthe Intercolonki a Aebt of'the.country. The Certain nUý2bé, fýeJOèfýrà to-d' Conservative Meeting hela nt Green-ý appeared as su denlY as lie liait enter. the character of lecturen, and ronciers amount waà :wail ,f 0 away ciaramissioners, and it la ad the building., expended on, capital: acocunt -Th i - with thý proport Ou W'Can- - - ivio . ; gala wood, on Tuesday 27th ulto., Il their own works, were next weil hit the yeëF *as El""819, ý Of a re 4uàuàiti" ý that, ho eher take thO manage- avoidably crowde was un- -BY t8legraph, receivea as we go te Off amidst much lauc, r* the pire, didates toýi,,titutevOte by bà1latiwithý !Ment, ofthat line or fiaý -POài d Ont Of lent weeks Press, we learn that Riel -did net take n'illust dahiff 818,859 provisions ta geoàroo .80 Jar 'sa tion, in i0sue bis Béat in the Rouge debtà allowed ý ta ýprOîrIûCO - a gnaamP cônW tien of the manner of readiDg of a how Cable, a'bsolute ui JI octon W . üht 1 he pàýoirac afternoon. this (Woduesdayj kno well 44,827,188.71 on'>the Intercéloh 8, _an iai'Waà-- , On me ta adopt thé At a meeting Calleil for- wn author béing penciled to the life' way. The total net debt et the côunt Provincial voterst,)iAt asthe vota"! list Of fOrMing a, Liberal.Con,«vâtive As- FeMale éloquence was illustrated by a' ainounts tolthe very large sum of,#99,. for elections ta the ]ffonu of com Sociation for,' Bc]:[()()L FJXA'nN'&T'ON ÀT G-BERN- very happy draing of & female 9 a 100 M,461.64. 1 The total debt, le #129 am, of, ma the 'Township of Pickering wOOD.-The quarterly e k :. pregentto except'in th@ us The Mofitreai star.,feare fýOU3 the there was aVery respectable represen. the school lamination of, ý upon -hose countenance made one lis 748,492*19, and - the'tatal afflets #29 - nce Edward tOne Of the Ministetiai speakers and. Ïroui the varions P et Greenwood was held on ton to hear lier about. Fixeusing fils pro. amets thé -May Island' where f«z4ýffl luffiffl existe tation Olliug subdi. Tuesday afternoou, 970-55. ý The interest on and in that a theparty Press thât the Gov lmëüt vinions, b1r Match Bist., ducti in Only $467,900.65, and Our' cri ý and on ta the fair sex, and expressing, -the interest on could be Je prop - ,eoËn millet was Calleatc, was in every way ma hie regret for the causes that saine. $5,549,874.57. te 11110pt the franchi Oud will Imbitumy shirk responsibilityand tUe allait, and opened the meeting with teacher and the pl itable ta the our debt To those wilo Èon was l consi4er the national debt a national Mr. Bi t'rues Lave rise ta female éloquence of élection of memb reqtard thé el. use inaction bY ahifting ail blâme 'a fe'W Wall timedýworaO sDdý èiPlainea ati , 'aie îw ace- School examin. that lîý6d, the lecturer, with 41 toûch, sented by thèse figtliéswili, a jus Pre- already bi 11POD thé ý late' Go'ernmeùt.11 This the'6tject 'f général apt ta ho very produced a tongs in the uplifted h ho en haàeed 0 'Meeting.; Mr. Angus Màý tedious, but th - andO by the fact. that W Mr. Fai Thou are sweepi elle gos. X&DY form 0' défoncé bide Ihir te. become Key acted ý ar ' É . - a teacher, Mr. SI P. -the audience looking on - igh lut Oare about ta 'enter had been u chronC as secret "y. eS9lu'ýtiolis Johnston, Succeeded in conducting theý state of expectation for wl, in à lu -a obli - - lu a wexe Passed :Unaniatoualy at WâG ta gâtions which wili double the Liiéëti'ngs:, If thom are, Ilowever, Out it Oug t to meet wit. 1 pressing proceedings with snob tact, ana follow. Presto i under the na ëonge4nently the interesto, appoint "Il . Che'ngeo of the rebMO frOm thi country. The electo con«nued coufidence in the U ta keep Cil -the magie Peu- for which the country bas ta be taxed, needful kind, and OUch se halre hein ra Party leàd- UP the internet' a work of 8, moment-appeffl ter up. 1 doré mure for what, Mr. MoRenzie je ers hi, bath ,anges. The meeting was P 00 well, that time glid a Dacier the tongs the features and ligâea. 1872-7à the debt bas been lucres, a by long ad Vocaied by nome of thé wsrmest going to, do tj net ennotced, directly or indirectly. Dutîhg, the -yéàT th, q,,,ti, supporters and frlonds of thalate , Gov. 'au fer what Sir John A. unanimons in an expression ofnd,« and many of the visi. monte of a staggering, drouken man, se were abse àfoD-ottald hm donc, op le alleged ta' don ab the reckle üa_ tOrOý of whom there were a gond turn Wîth a black bOttle hukgefl to bis 0>8.877,919.17, sud the asseta,.deorçased The cou ftument. 89 ana extravagant auto expresseoi tÈêýM"IveS Barry that bý5om,-and the audience fairly roar i;y #9,288,470.98. Snob .a fitatement la Mr. Raý v have doue. The fréquent attempts te conduet of the Ontario > GO Particularly flattering. tC,ý,à vernulent it »;as 80 SoOn over. The pupils Dot w1th 11,U."hter. The figure of the man vani ur national beggeatô malté ascape-gSt of the late adj-ninig. respecting the as8unies the shape Ofa large bottle ty, and nught ta make - Parlisment called, but Votera' Liste. tr t' Il dfsgrueful trickery of 0111Y answored exceedingly weil in the with another touch, and upon t exeroise a. judicious caution in, hoaping wishd ta 1 bis the 11 'on Ir.thO OhOrtcomings of the tle nO'w »OtOdous McKeller. variOUS branches, but behaved go Weil upraised tongs descende with a whack DI ad ; Mr. E Tfieýp passed by ul) new responoibilities wlïiéh wili i roy PrOsent GOv«nraênt are snything but Mr. xTDEM Miller wao unanimously that one coula se ---one almost fancies lie hean it cresse the burden of the aebt of ,the, Provincial rýeglistature nt its last Creditable. chosen as FrasidOnt Of the Association ; teach e at a glance tha lecturer quictly informing the the ton décline 1458ion for the Mr. Angus Maya Or and Scholars are in coin amazed chair. Jrdvfiiýn Of the Votera' NEWS Faou AN OLD FRRND.-Man Y, Vice Président ; harmony.' Mr. johnston Bée Plete and aPPlauding auditory that the illus- Mr. Kini MO ta have tratiOn la typical of the présent doings Trade and Navigation Retume. moved thai Ohould be made kuOwn an soon Of Our town readéro will remember Mr. y John 'f- Smith, et Greenriver, Sacré- the entité confidence and sYmPathY Of of tle ladies in Ohio. (Great applause.) from the Iti a na as widely ais possible, It w4g 0 t-ry, and Samuel j. Green, Tressurer; the whoie selle Woman'a rights ara then dwelt upon. The »turne of cit the mggt important, Wàr ne sud Mr@. Stitton-a South 0, ol, and Quis we consid tien of the Trade and Naviga lied toy 0 ' lady en" Messrs Robert bliper,, DyI MiInOý Iýo or the aër. gentleman, Who were stopping at the Sam a 0 of the first essentials in conducti or SOMO Of theu, the lecturer gays, lie ob. Dominion, for the yeiàr end satipe gratin( u i Jones, Robert Lennon. Alex. a Soho ng jects ta as injurions, .,,a amidet laugh- ing 80th June, 1878, give the satisfac-' thereon. , tyéàbfýl- BOYal bOtel during îhe earlier p Ol. The proceedinge were en- v tory assurance of a Progressive increase Mr. Dra l'O erod 0' Harrison, J.b.. Pothýý.p,, es an illustration of the fashion- -ws :'1' 0 ii-thi d&ý oftha Aggge#or nU the Aýumricanwarp-Thpy bath became and John liveneilby mugie and atebrie illi the trade and commerce of the coun- He did noti 414W t: acooPi i the statemént of! suy Cuthbert Directors. duging by the igh-heeled boot. l'lie illustration 111 exceedingly popular, their agreeable scholars, many of whom seem ta b OfthO " eathen Chffiee P M il Pêîý-1ýi' dlàluifnà! tý- 1 b - H try- A coin arative state e t of th taxation; if a aii-dôrkrid,, bot - 'manners, F-verY Persan prenant joined the As- exceedingly gond voices. rhe tescave and bland"-produceli another outburst value of importe and exporte during the expended f, whon ho Iiiiýýïiewtl"BîjèP;j0b tl'àt th r I»killg them many friends soc'st'on and Pola lu the r8qUired fée. la very much inaebted to " able lier of merriment. A heroine of a novel of past few yeau, show au aggregate in- town, but la 1 during theit StOY in Whitby, A letter an 1M, which the lecturer introduces in creuse in the last six years, follows « full repres clainj id not a peosi HEAvy SnipmENTS Op ]rtT CAME. lu experts, 0488,219,862; in importe, ké rea"' 'rom'Mr- SuttOn ta au eld friend here _ sistant, Mise Somerville, Who Showed the course of ilis witty reinarks, and advocated a üýàèjjjÉ, suéh bai jiiet beeii bandea. us, aud which we Mr. Henry Gould of tÉis tow. hippe by the way in which elle draws at the same time, on $544,223,927; in Rond entend for home it %vas now Persan, The clexk Io to'staiet ;jý liât'of have peruged with much gratifiontion. la t weeký f r the Montres, a the white a 0 1 some of the class surface, becomes transformed while lie cOnsumption, 9531,796,271 ; and in hie Constitu, V tOrS, Who' are qualiAed marketý by ce tliat elle thoroughly in speaking into the well known féatur- duties of 064,488,161.5o. _ýjy jýldimë. , Bf'É,-Itnd Mn. suttou. as their former ý the Grand Trunk, in qeven c understood teaching. com. The increau fied if the After the aie ar-losas, 'las been very markeil during, the paqt applied te I) rk- el, of Mr- M. C. Cameron bas made hie alpbabeti- Menda and acquaintances wili bc. plein. fifty-uve hcad of fat en 1 tti., 160 heep, si dé pleasantriesl' - And on the tvro Years- The exporte for 1872 were of bile tow, cal liat, anri witijin thirty deys sfte' %ne of lrnvrovement in t go on- a refèrence ta fitial révision, lie 10 r the, Od #0 ufteP travelling throngi, 62 fat 11099 and 82 alves. The nui. he Lumber* the 663,fodel-fam-er', is illu6trated $82,689,063; for 1878, 889,789,922- the full figa Trade. the phisiog, of ýNfr. MeXellar, who lifts inerease, $7,150,259; importa for 187 to cause et leant two EaroPd, and other places for some mais wore ail of verY OuPerior quality, 2, site, &C., aTI4 hutiol-red Copies ta be printed, and tokeep years, bava---« iongth Settled down and Soma W a heavy dung-fork inIl entitled "Millli. 8111,430,527 ; for 1878, $128,011,281- fore a public The -encrai opinion appears ta pre- 00." A j-efern increase, $16,680,754. The 900ds en- matter could une copy pOgted 1 OrQ PUrchaud at pretty C CO tO the "Spirit of the Re in t'O up. In hi& own Office- PPon théir L)wu q$tdtée Stitton-wood, in rOulld.6gures. They incinded a heifèr vail that lumber will be enhanced in Press" is iiiiistratea by two editors for home congumption in 1872 people, and selid two OOPies-by registered Anne Arundel Coutit eallylaild. The from the 1-'JeSVS- '. ThOMBOn 0 . this season in cousequenco of warinly shaking liantis, while one has amounted to $107,709,116; in 1873, ta thoir wishes. letter, to themembero Of Y# f May PrIce the a $127,524,594-increase, $19,1305,478- the municipal railway Icading ta J'>alt!LSie, Wa,ýh_ field farin, at 0225; u,,c shortuess of supply. Pistol concealed behind bis bac], and Mr. Ray .ublic A Michigan IUM- ti coaucil, overy P n heifers le other a bowie knife. Notwitlistanding the large increase of kilew how tl: Sellool tencher, ington and Annapolis, ive are tt&j1ý rijhg. of Mr. John ber man places the advance st $5 The portrait trado and commerce, the duties show a and they kne allil post.master in thé 1)1*.Vdeu at $700; three Per Of "UnelO Sam," the champion sla g, municipality, by the property. Mr. Stitton (twellu from Mr. Milne at,4,295 ; ton from thougand. The Bobeaygeon Indepen- maker, follows; and while the lectu ng falling Off during the past year of 0279- [rom the M. the - munieipal Treueurer, the Sheriff, With PArdonable pride on the beautîm Stenchoure nt $ffl'. Mr. dant treating on the subject gays: tires for a few minutes lie jea rer 763.83, this being probabl four from Mr. vos ; due ta the iviping off th "Unele Sain with bat in extended removal of duties on ton, and other feel the diffei tjàO COufltY Judge, and the Cierk of the Of hie holuestead and its surrounejngs. It is now quite clear that unless there hand, in the changes in the traffic Made by the late flue hall erec Peace. Ton Copine ara ti) ho sent ta the And bath himijoit and bis gond lady yohn 1ýradiII_ nt $300; eue froin Mr- ahould ho heavy %na continuons rains attitude of ad(Iressing the dovernm.ut. rileinbers fur COmmons and Législative send kiudly grée 1 Ua'?Y'8 st $80; One frOm Mr. Westlake, the seagous crop of legs will not ho got audience, telling them, in the worjds of The inerease of duties thM if we wà tings ta their Cid Whit. S100, one, 'DUR from Mr. Goa. Braba. ta mark an American orator, that lie cOllected in 1872 over 1871 was $1,2()1,. pela ta build Assembly Of ElOctOT&I Division, te the by friends inviting them, with genuine 2011, r et. The on)w in nearly goue whI -Iw-y- t.ok la the man 837.75, and the decrease of the dutie Of Wich, at $124;- and tlir. the ice ia fast njeItjuý out of the lakes, off 'lis bat witil the a lie was afraid unsuccesuftil Candidates et the lent elec. Southern hoppitalîty, no 9 heif- ai M profoundest collected wili probably indicate ta soin t ta page by ers from Ml- ID-àwson- of A id yet- the water continues at a i respect wilenever lie meaut e Re thoutyht tion, and tu the Beeve of the Municipal i filiburn, at 90 IOW as te be remarkable. point of extent the cause of the deficit i SuttOn-wOO(i without givina them a call. $1,59. There -ffela aj&: in t I the to speak hinuseIL il the committee, w lie lot -a north country many of the .... il Dwelling upon the public ity- Lacl'Iffitidtoconýainawrittenor PB are Character revenue. The average yearly excess of next meetin,, printed certificate that it in a -Correct splendid caif livrahiwjý from Mr. clear of snow and still are dry. It OfthO Policeman and the plea8lutries imports Over experts durin., thc last six Dr. Carsôný li 'WAY-àNABROW ESCAPE.-Mr. Westlake ait $40. Ima attending it, the features of Hon. years was he excess for Hopkins, the, nt of ail Panons 1&j be calculatea thst net va #19.834,904 -eutitIO4 ta Vote-for James 0. Guy, of South Oshawa, drove _Mr. . Gould the production of the seaore tbau Georire 1873 being bas eupged t'à -Ship six son wili BrOffli are faithfuly producea, $88,221,869, showig that of Messrs. lia mombers of,&gger4bly, the date of Pest. up In bis buggy on Tuesday last, and inorro carloada on Mon reacli the Mille, and even that propor the lêcturer telling bis lien the country bà4 net yet>arrivea at the mover, to be rers -at the ing in Clerk'a office$ and i Cali twelec. hitched bis barge to & pont Opposite bas bison Shi dêy next, ý and tien la by no means certain. Tbij, di. Saine time that the illustration in 66n stage at whièh 'free - tàde miglit bc at- propriety of il tOrA ta examine the liât PP'ug frOm three' tC, four- miniabed production wili be a gýeat ad- j'let tribute ta the guardiau of the peace tained with advàntage. The report receiveil fron and take pro. the-Outario botel. The-borse broke Car-loads overy other week sùm- 1,3hriat, vantage ta the lumber trade, and may ta wholn this Country Owes 00 mueb.,, calls attention ta the.vili&.Of Coeding, ta have errors èorrectgd accord. , away, ran north past the Royal, ý hotelý mas. Great langhter la elicitea by au illus ish and Foreign -C T - Our Brit- Mrs. Watson'i ho the menus Of Placing it uPon a sound arrylng rade, whieh a town hall, tt ing to la-. The Sheriff, CIgrk ai the overturning the pump before the abor, foundatioii for BOÉ20 years ta Coma. tration Of tile eoronera inquest upon almost *exclusively in the bands Of and tho prob Posce, and Poatmast4ro are ta page up briaging the vchiela in contact with the West 'Durham Election. Already thora la shown a tendeney to the bOdY Politie. Th, ,rpse in stretch- Canadien ship 6wners. The value of enquire into tl the list in thoir OffIces'W ' better prices, and those who have had 'd Prone UPOU the earth, and seated goode Û"Pcr4-ed ta Great Britain for 1878 and the cost, hile the Public-. corner of the CRRONICLE Oflice. With - Rchool éeuàber Je ta Pose Thé élection of the Most a once in the busm»esa are UPon it, Mr. James Beatty, whose fea- was 881,486,571,. an Meressenver 1872 ing. one UPID the the force of the shock the buggy wag West Durham bar; zw- ofopInion xPori the entamer and fail t"re", high Plug liat and ail re 60 of 85,623,681. The value of goods en- Mr. Fairbau door ci bis The-Clerk Ji overturned, wrenched froin the barnose, suite(], as almost ail, but the mont ;aUý thst easily recOguizable-the lectu'ro a tered for conjumption for 1878 from traite will ho brisk and at renjunerative . r mak- bc received wo ta ingert lu em n1"ý per à notice alla the horge got away 't taking a t- , gaine, acqpaintea with that Radical prices, ing a reinark, off band, tilat there in no Great Britain was $78,522,776, au in. buiid a hall., 1 urn Riding expected, 'la the returu of Mr. doubt about the 9'villâ dÉgt8 ci the grot " !tir of Hot in eutwards at-the iii)rnp-p n."A - 13 nf îh. oronge Of $5.874.046 and an ATîgýAca the Iaîgý to bc donc Uf pro- ni f e ýt"4h, -of' whole to be àt euw -"ôbipheueL Ma -mers ý ýon 14&e ontari, compkin that sbuàiiof thÉý , , ý Porte whMýthe lArgee ié', Are in snob an e »ed cou- b y convênienée ý sa aï ed loké Pý liati Màný 0 1 d bouzsaéýjïBo akeri F - _' wmeýnvine, Oshawa, and Bfore, ZeUchmân,8 Bay, aie Peculiary e ' d n ré- by théii uâturbl f90rMation,,ý.,,and kvore ientý With. CompantivelY, OmaR el met, police bc u»Ae and the > Co câpable0fèlitrý'ind--eéîeéiatýan -- ' - , )Ibid W y tünes. eu ill erç' they, p 1 rôperiýý 4pmved, ý.tjWè wOuld be -a giéàt,-boàu i3Onferz-' shiplîï. il2tere8t, ÙUde -WoUlàt'OÃœ'Qië > the 9 efaciji. lion, tated, and, the-cost of transPortation, to, bc MSnufacturýen, and réduoëd. , grain dealers Zýest_ It alsé - - ' -V" , tfiai 8- . à grei no suffi « )een oient barbôu;r, Of re able between -Riû ,ýhe gsWný "d.1 a- This À . nta. 10, 8 ýVery se-rk-uw-- ir -, had retards both shipbuilding traffic wlas along- that, -oO"t.57 sérne, ýoî. thé towns a t. ÃŽo-ýýPlwÃœ that'our-1 " 4fflunt- captaffl !sr" ng' . suy' ired made available, 8Ïe-"êÜ lh , ey do;'they a" Compelled'to rÀaake'the-Iftmets very )fIâý much hiàlïer than - the-aveMR -ýràte8 on ente acWunt of the. delay -ma i lec- Olten corapelled to lay outie V eing port )f a Of destIllation, awaiting faY-&ZWablé weather. At the part of Osliswawhere thO-Téýis a very large manufae -- ni- thring in- 4 tercet, and where there are large exporte not lludýiiuPOrta of lumber, grain, iron, ana to machinery, the local papers complain ont that a large Portion of trade has to be ta., donèý,ihrou,-h a port six miles distant, he er elBe"by rail tO the greatly increued Ie, Go "st Of trensportation. 'No doubt the id, VernmeRt will.consider the matter a and dn what- is right and just, in the interest 01 the publie.-Ottawa Free en- Pre88.ý Proclamation. 'n- TO tIteInka-bitantg ofOntario Couniýy. ig. regret to sa-V in angwer to many in- ad Yitstions to visit ille 'n es 0£ this, lis County. (profession th't 1. can4k Ve de 60 at prissent, iný-jouýeqtwnee of ýà y.ý attack Of rhelimatis-m- but will mfflt le certainly do 00 wlien le fine weather a- sets in, and btiàk With me , large as- d- eortment of, zuy- limpréved and patenteil et spectacles-to adapt them-'to eyes of au at needing them, and for consultation on - 'à diseases of the Eye- and Bar. Y- Notice of > n'y ViBit will b6given in 9 eachýviUageIby cirelàar. g -With inany thank, to the people of Whitby for thair liberal patron", am, respectfully, EDWD S. FMNKSý Lecturer on the Bye, Bar; their dimaum and the use and abuse of SpectaciegGfM=' -chester, Ensýand. To the Ediior of the whit&y Chr,;ýj, le. DFAn Sm - For- the information of' those WhO feel interested in th, ra(yve. ment now in progress-to, place a peal 1 of bells in AU Saints Church, ellow -rue to say that the tenor Or largest bell, weighing 804 pounds, hu -been placedý in the towerand gives-the fùnest£ati.. £action. Tbere-are four bells to fonow, weighing respectively about 550, 420 - 25 poureds. It la proposed to purchase immediately the 420 and ÈM pound belle, and të acquire the'otliers during'tbe ecmimg summer. Ât any other time beavier bells may bc, added sa as to make a full peal of eight-.- There is a sünflar peai to ours in- Eureka, Cal., and it gives --niuch satis. faction. There is also a peal of 5 belle in the church of the Ascension, jEamil. ton'.0nt-, the beaviest of which onjy weighs 100 p6undj,,-ind yet'it is a very effective Peal. The tenor or largest bell in our peal ïs furnished yith a-full set of mountings sud is , ruüg by a wheel, the remainder of the bella - WM les stationary. - It is Only ju4t thai--j should state that it is - - - 0 'î g to Mr. Cayley's liberality that we baye been able to PaY for the rgest bell, the cost Of whielli was over far everY one seema clisposea th aid,, and if wc meet with' as ready a res. POuse in the future as we bave in the past there can bc no doÃœbt that Wliitby will very soon les able to boast Ofite "Péal of BéUs." Yourfes for the committeel. JAS. BYRNE. %VhitbY, Apr'; 7th,'1874, [ADVERTISE, MENTý ro the Editor of the Wh ýuovilgolou iffl 1 ---- _- - -.c. maintenane matter fa Patition for di costing two or three times resort Of the clasa of candi- e of Our eoinruerciaf --re-ÃŽa"- th awt committed aw- ortor the c"efully PrOPare(L , Ai a first vorce,--S- 1 Eý,-,1irh 7..-, a to untry and a il tîo. un fp, ': case 'Would be pre. The great points of super. Ot r 1 u g he tions with the inother cc vý_ 1, cLo dates wth kiss the babies in order large incresse with the United States. number it je creditable, in every way, 1 t 0 mon Y, btain votes. The successfal can pieýr ýaar te ývi11 be called UpqU to pay, but May re. Il sented te the Sen Sally iority over every other breach-loading date transformed by a di- r ý cover from the Members of Court of ne. %Ud'already shows" thât it je able to ate, WhiCh gênE few touches b ort te e. tnienl PaBgetJ àivorce ýill8 only on the Clearll gUI2 iS Cheepnega, simplioity, Ilurabillieyf iuto the unsuccesdal candidate, brings CONGESTION 011 THE LUNGS.-Wlinpa- aPPlyin l, it te pa3 vision who wore guilty of ýrror. and Maintain its opinions DU bel. cet ovidonoc." rapidîty and aceuracy i Out Snother round ý of applause and ce, Wisconsin.-Dear Sir; Late in wanted the matte ý'#OU8 Whose names wore omitted fper- haff of the llnew Nationality. n firing. As we laughter. political epieureanigm je APril, my father, who is Reventy-two people, at all eve rom are enmewhat of a,, shootist 1, we have illutrated by a drawing of Mr. Blake, years of age, and bas been a practicing Mr. Harper sai, ""a aMBOMent roll and 'Ugert0il 04 a ýSEIR0U8 ACCIDENT WHIIýX PLAyING . WinTBY PEOPLE IN ILOXE.-We per- taken our Parker ïo aeverai Matches, seated with celve 4 th() lialian Newt, publishod whore it bas won golden opi one om a dish iný hie lap, on which phYsician Most of b* E ni fr is ifs, was seized figures, but meri revision, will bc lisible to pay taxes as FOOTBÀLL.-A football match between 811 WhO have soen it, and their English th by congestion of the right if theY had boën asuessed, and the Judgeý the Whitevale- at th e -Ord "IE[ash" je printed, and which wth infla-mation CE the 'liverl. fallowed Ur. Re was in and Duf - tternal City, that Mr. and lüng, the at. committee, so thi e the honorable member for South Bruce, Rns, Creek Foot. Mrg. guns on for sale at olie-balf their Orig- while ho rames bis knife and fork ap. tack being a return ci one froui which- get soma Wormai will make an order etating the amount ball was played at the latter plac Burk, of this tOwn, have arrived safely inag e0st. It affords us much plea"re Pears th turn from *ith difavr al)d he was just recovering. » they were going t( for whJoh they are tole go beld liable. Friélay last. Whitevale won the e on in ROme, -and arc staYing at the hotel te find that guns of American manÙf8c- disgust. Riel taking the oath, je au Ur. Hopkins saý fret vitoi,. ture can complete go succosefu th Thé diseases finally culrainated in For every narne etroueouolyÙ»erted or kame-the wind and position being in those of foreign makei, and we would the artist represents him £Le b 11Y Wi ideal picture, and the manner n which -What our physicien caUed ,catarrah of money te ho recel 01niUed frOm the fiOt Of 1'*Wro, the Clork their fitvor; the second gaine Was au the lung," and whieh others have called Fund t-O be dealt v affending @hall PSY to d. ELOPEMENT IX. ý&AnA._The Orillia sa.,é te aR our fiiends in want of a good, vented ftom taking hi, seaelng pre- i6bronchial affeeüon." auY PmQn'wbO denfY terWhiated, bjl Mr. Itich&rà' 1 Birpogijor record roliable article by all means try the t le very Fer more than t1iree with Ur. Pairbanl May eue therofor tjie Oum of one dollar one of the Duinne, Creek player funny. The owl fa mad 'te son & a recont elopement Parker gun. li-r;nï e illustrate Menthe: father weïe the' smo « aud coets, sud be subject to ai el hav- in Ãœara, the principals, whose names Joarnal. SIO-k the typical dignity of the Senate, and lied been froubleil with a seyerecougn, 1 Sud Offier matters YAdditiffl-, lug bis leg broken by a kick from pue of are not #von, - being a marzied, man amidst mars of langhter, the féatures which gave I&I UÃ" rest nýght or -dýT. Mr. ri airbaùks a KI penalty attaching to SUY Wr"ROrwâý hisopponenta. aù(l"âll ùntn'arrie'd w0man. it BURGLART AT of E. B. Wood are brought out by a The doctoi haviiii-cxhàuste(l all re. botter to submit a fUI00t. AnYAUouorwiUully'orimpý9. Gillespie,910 fewrapid strokes ofthe poncif. The modies-witýhout Say; effect, ;We colu. $20,000, or ore lesi parly &»)Oiqing any person et too h4h AID TO TIM VICTOBIjL RAILWAy._ supposea thl3y ]lail journeyed in the ord Duf- menced to usé, Fêllowe' Compound - Mr. 1(ing, ifter i At une, lit Cannington, w&s leatures Of Ris Excellency direction of Beaverton, and on Satur. reeently enterOd bY bwglsrg, who ap.;- férin are next produced,, recognized On Symp of ý'HYPOPhdiphiteà'the É2nd Draper and Hopkù or low a rate, or omitting wrongly In. .& meeting hold St Undsay ou Tuesday propriateil about #100,worth of articles. the instant, of.August, at which time the ex evening, at which- Mr. Lviidlaw, the Uy,,Ïha father of the female -starteil in and greeted with applause, pect.'o*r;' cating bringing do% NOrticg Dames inAigeauMent roll wiU.b# the lecturer payjug a high tribute of ation was very copions, very tough, (oc. 'nation, and 3fr. E >preoident ; and Messrs Fit An AttemPt was à1so- Made to enter the If able to a penalty of »W and imprison. copp pursuit. residence of Ur. John Hall Tho respect te the talents and statesman. or inps=. casionally of th7émature of màttet;jý. Sùdý ho was not in fa,ý -to impri irectors iver'O presenta riss. Tu»jznANcz LncTulm.- Rev ohip of the Governor Go nerally a biick oolor. Are tuent until pald, or Ik)nmetit of, d. Mr. nèral. And gel w bis motion Months sud flue, In the a Oluti _W89 Pused-in favor of the pesa. RusàeU, 1>.G.W,.C.T. of the ind WANTYD A MARKE f Il 'on ' ' ' * las!1Y, the glories of the British Co sti- Thé, iwellin bis -Mbs 'hi -bad resolution *Was èàI iscretion of opend- 7, o "jn"r tution are troubled him aW' th' the conrt. Any pargon Making a lepAe ing a by-law granting a bonng of #85,000 ont., Order of Good Templars, wili - - advocates a market building, and com. epitomizEa by what the' lit ree uâ6ùtlii,'Ii'"' Ur Blow to refer e.- tist and lectnrer c&1led 1, fancy pie- nearly disappeared, and ' ho in fitýj ro- To,;ý Property cc ar'voirbaý agnement maroly to q!lj!ufy a to the road.- livieïr a temperance lecture at, t., u pleins that ite want ia-one of the grebt- ar OU- tire of the.Three Estates. The '11ancy covering. Yours re" týlly, féated. gregatibusl ,ChUrchýý1ù thisýtowa oný est drawbacks to Oshawa. picture" oke'icheil represented 1 Sir John NÀ»11. '6_ý South - - -, . = & - 44 The committeerc 6100, to, SUY PersOn §Qing therefor, lu %roll and J06 I)ÈiDudfM, of the wBay, ay, ev.'g instant, at INTYREBrime - Macdonald and Hou. Mr. Macken- The Protest ease-Quinn os. Suther- ck. Au F$FRlncFo AT Bnoormu. zie at esch side, jojnjný ý bande &MtiQD tO Anl Other pongtlos-. Thé got iýtO an altercation féq' of 12 acroge land, opened a over a game of -Rev. Ur. gdM=dson is announeed the 8116et. 'gGri Il e t Barrie, on Thnrodi),- P levated between After the 'examination of 4evéri 14t. Il Aý oporatioq ý4 conte -Wiu ho cbSwai, From Mr. them and keepi 1 IN prosing ilominces On good Priday. Worde led ans- to aive an acqpnnt of the sandwich, J., Ing a watchfül eye on nesoés, it was Odjôùzm'éd for tineo weeks th blowe, and la the, encounÏér thit eli. sel' 0 knO*U abilitY as a "1«turer,'those' k:ÃŽssion, in the C. -Mth owinkto"theabsenc'eibf"- Me ofth ed"'thst ibn gé-i who attend may eXpectýfi tréat. 0 Conclusion a vote of thaub W7 soine of th v a kuife and in- rart Broo 0 on sùu'day nex4 at2,80 p.'in.' was Movedby f IÎËÏri$ l'sur, ou au ugiygull in tiw ab'do AppoiNTxEbrT or prejuay ixspz Goverments for H. onded by Révd, Mr. ce, lu CTOIL Tim YleYw both of, Mr.cûmberl0àd,ýM"P-PfOrAlgomse Edfnbùrgh týo âft.-I)içmelliu te his -àavëroa Mr - piuta -)t , "NouazmAW"Tj» time tabw lvhom-opoke in the m succès waé ýl9SJoriR4?dgîouý ve tre plessed tu jearul of tl* OlIt do- enda- annonnêm Idi intention of regigning hie , 1 ,, - à ý .- à li é%qZ;éýq Nor# n adverfiso erk' 8 éý MIEVOS _ip. other tOrYlý terme lof Ur. Bon of 1 ho " n, gough, and of »"ït ou acemai admiration for h1à talents. Càààd a,'and tlijïf th, ted to t wuioùo, baz béing büànesé wa We behove she, bu The -of thinju was carpo rof *Oàdy at the end df'thé commiWd Müning her mm'ar #IF6. am4b le, YW7 lile its contents -are not deep or scien- its pages are free £ru » m trasby sen- lonal atories, and are-fun of bright i2yreadingthaý goeshome to thé-- rt. The rnagrýzine -contaim its unai 2ber of illustrations, and its gerieral earaucO COMPares favorably with lieerpriceamag&7ines. Subscrip- price one dollar a year ; With ImO Yosemite bue ýdo"r and a hÉLIL 5criptions may begîn witb any nuin - - Address, WOOD'S 1101ffSEILOLD-MW&Z»R, J, 7'.7 Newburgh, N. Y. In Fraser entered the Ontario uetWe mentioneil that tËework 0 Members of that body wu 80 uà,,y distributed that a new ar- 3ment at no distant day was in- ble. ' The new distribution lý.j been made, Thé dutiea qf Minis '-Aeculture bave been transferr- nu the'Public Works Commiusion. 4 theseàetary, and the charge of 'syluruq and Prisons, hitherto be- 29 to the Socretarywill be under- bY the Treasurer. Under the wraugenient Hou. Mr. MeKellar, ieÏ Provincial Secretary and Com, mer of Agriculture, and the'HoiL Fraser u0mmissioner of Public s.-Globe. 'ription on a tombatone M' ColUm- enn., "Escaped thé bullets pf the r to bc assminated by a coward- -8-kind husbàud, an aMetionate City Countil of - Hamr, h"-,de. - .-J. - --- _-ý - . -e- 1. ý -

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