180 1 *~. frein his~. '<a ixiuia Winfr, de * vilci, ~fter fies,.. '~ tisUti - cd vîtlx a tev gauctv cou~.. by the hanti et Deatix, anti dissoîve., Que ol iii. niost painful feelings. hi Ixeart sas isnQw, la te learathe unverili sesa et a person vie-bas hihherte sha eti our geeti episioli sud protection i u are ai once siortilleti ah our. silatake ~udgment, sud voûndati la our affe< tiens. If yor casuel b. a great river, bau ~ffri~~u ~:~: ~< bbs:siuga ho hi tiustyvaysidaefllte, uingingm~rrdvai day sud uxigit. asti givlng a cup cf cou vater te evary vaary, lhlrsly eue vii passay by Llberty bmnot Itilenois: Il la a froc us et hisse te choose our-labour asti curer "'-m-g J-J ww -~ te .zmaL U~i~t te' tb p~».*~ MUX~ .vm~. ILb'1AllLISII]~D 1833.] PROPRIETOR. JOHN FEJ~GUSON R. & J. CAMFaELL ~ M TIL __________ Begnformhisom~j~~ bois ziowin reoefpt Ma A. E~ Peb., 1874. {~ ~Noroute, 'oua New~~ar1or Sets, s~pcrior Bt~pk of - New Bed-room sets, c ~ NO~~I L ~{ o <> ~vN~Dinjn~room Sets. lothe, Twee de, Yostrn~s, ~Ili11g Off! Selliug Off! - p.~ra~ 2iohiçq6gIv.nt6~~ Andalarge o&'~of Cane ~and. Wood veryselectand suitab'je for~'t ho fa ,~ ~Off! ~e~±~g Ã"ff! th~ahor4înoiiq. Sellind ~ ~seat Chairs, Tables Bi'reaus, 'Sofas, LQunges, Besstea4s, ***~ ~ >~ ~ie1ha. et bila~id Watrs tween(3,o~~ ~Cupboards. Hair, è2oth, and Daxnask Lounges, Couches, Ail ~Ã"rdera promp±Iy a ard executed in the best ~$ i~'t~ to ~t stock of Pi kq±~ew GillïWindowCprnicescheap ~ 5PeciaIattensonpaidto~tag tory ai. Ail kii~I, cf Ganta' - TO MARIE IROOIIIY FOR wsws PIO*Ou un Ihiç ~ eiii~o cture& ever brouglit hing gooda. including haf s, caps, flmbxe~ ~c,* ~ and ezaj~~~* ~ BOULTON 211 tOWfl ail of whioh lie ofr LIîà t ~jjj~ uitthetiineg~ b.failto JOHN ~iqînoiç, ZPRING fa~n. 'rfln'w~..vh.-.. - JlIIPORTATIONS I~'~ The underaigned wishe."tO State te bis old custom- <Jiothier A~ Gênts' O~itfitter stab. 0f 1h. To~ ci crs and tua public gcncrajjy~. ~ ,fOlind ni the "OLD STAND" )u~î4a~ and has neither bought out, nov solti oui, ~ 'd no ~ay counectcd ,~ W.hitby, Sept. 24, 1873. 1874 OFFICIAI, ~ cr establishmcnî in town. piea. '1~ Undertasking usu.-A ~"ge Stock Réady- ______________________________________ Whitb~ Jaflua~14, B. & J~. 0A2,fP.'BELL. s liai ~ ~~'S O~ts~e, b osa ~n~'Ld~ C~n ço~t~ as 0f toni~an~ and ~ JOUNSTON'S v B:A1E~.RETT7S g~ b~ ~ ~ evarythin~ NE.W FA NC Y lOY 8TORE i~ - ~ Wlti. xi ~ ~tj~ 7B~D,~ ~tbyqc~oic~i5,isy~. SELF'RAKING REAPER hlx'Jsee et business ka~p fthst~s~t<~ .kJcett'sbntcher R 11441t2 S A L J ! AWARDED THE I~RST PRfZE 1jheunder4~~.d taga te Iniern 1h. pub' Great ~a~e o~ J...uo~ograpns ~c~' 1h, 1ae~ Sacrliicing i* ~A. ~Oi At the Provincial Exhîbîîîo~, Toronto in 1870. 4 sud. Whitby, Ian GO 1874. 3. LONG. pHY80HoMAN<~1~ The u~dç sig~ç~d ~is ~alling off Ž18 large ~q ofler to our customers for the coming ktarvesî, twodj~ at Barrett's New Gallery. >68 stoL~J~ ~ at greatly tinct Machinea, which in styIu and Construction, enibra<,e lCGoo for $1 f30 I ~ Las Hcw eltber sex inay fasclusie aud ~f 'I~~Ifl Ol~IflflAT?, the lateBt and lnost useful improv~ments of'the day. 1115t8iitly, Tilla O S[NGLE -Y: REAPEII lb, love and affections ot any porson&8~y R E ~TOflNSb2N~ &JLLr-.I~AJxîNG ~~'* tue E P I C S "BING 0F place-oDDoRitp sot ses', ~ --'~JLIL> -- i~iie *<j enta, together wlt a ~ge Giïde, U U ~ Nil C1 ' E1~APEk~» Egyptisu Oracle, Dres~ LKL hi~ closely Ontai~io Bank ~ rck: ~ In order to inake room for The univerb"1 sucoe~"~ of this Machine ~ ' A, conteat. ied St.,P~~nsssi~j,,,p~ 12ly eow ed trials end in tî~e lxnndvof IL lofer. offered to 1h. public. 'tby, J'en. 14, 1874, ' 8 fixai in 5&yfng that, 858 Self.Rak... SI? Il I N't~ ILIMI P O R T A T I O N S. ~ Machin:, ~ood pointa sud le~s defeets, ~nd lias met wiîb WIn s warrant us I3ARRETT. 1h. la to s.t~1h -~ ~'-ooeo: 'IPlonia, atihe Prcvjn ersùlgned fila c CAYUGA JUTNIG5 MOWER ! NOTiCE..... The und begs- Lx JNMAN LINE. We were awarded the First Prize aird L. "ail ~be IcsdingMa0hl~,,~ returu hie sincere thanka to the inhabitants«~ 'W.bitbyand tues LTD1J7CYT2T "lai 'YeiieralJ" Royal Mail . Elbibitfon, held lu Toronto, 1870,in comope:ftfe~ w3t~. 'meula, tee nubeaitat.. 1115 patrons ~ ., throughout Stearziers Patronage lu Lb Province; sud our recan: im~o,,. Maâhhiés, -Iva are rai the country, for the libe- ingly challenge investigation sud comparîsen wth competIss~ mmd, that ~.. ~ ext'ended to him while carrying on business ~ a ~ETWE5~ CHEAPER .R.. satlsfld thet cuch Investigation wlll couvluea every unpr EUROPE AND AMERICA Thr.N E'V~' the beet Mewertothe for ~ lu :he~a~j~ ~W'*Seiid in the t bega for a continuance of the same to su~ - T ~ SAILING TWICZ A WEEIC. ~ j & PATTERSO.. H. ~IOWN lus successors. Ticket, teani frein Qneenatown, Liver- * peolLeudondarry, Glasgow~Leudon, Car fl~r~d00 ~4 TI7L~i~~ i bacriplions et stock lu fixe nndertak. JAMES SAMO. ~ re meut respectf~1ly seilcita,!. Tils ~ Tevnct~~ vilhietboe,'<ae cemsxend ihexnaelvaa. GENTLEMEN : Phyniture! Furjutur e ~ stan for stock are- requestea ho sucloas memorandum, per poil stating tilenujuber et abers: tiiey wxeh ho have allotteti. E' R~ I IÇ< (3' I~s E1 '~ ~ ~ N.W.BROWN, YAENOID, President. LARGE STOCK <>»~' Furniture. Having ~j'~ght out the business lateî3x- oarrj~d Secrehaxy. -~ on by James H. Samno, ~ s~'~ 11115 OPPOi'tnDity of inviting W]xihby, 251h Fsbrnary, 1873. 101f GOODS~~nY friendo to give us a Cail, and we can assure ail N EW FA LL e are prepared to do as' weiiI' by theni. lu the futuxe; fOR SALE. -~ c~e~&~es 18 NOW COM PL~TE ~ .asMr.SamOhasdoneluthepasî. JOHNSTON. *'sCr,~ enlie Eset brancpoi TILL & LyJ' Constisting of a splendid assorîment or Clollis of ail kmntis fol' 0-".-.- building ,jill le encourage,!. Âpplv le-. sud a complets shock et Qrders by mail promptly attended to. MER GREENWOOD, WIxitby, May 14~'il, 1873. GENTS' FIJRNJSHING GOODS, UNDERTAKING.~~ The only firs~- - - THE NE WIE ST OUT. clase Estab~hzs~'mt lu the County where funerals are fùI- ly supplied. ~ A SPLENDID STOCK 0F HATS & OAPS. -~ TILL & JOHNSTON. - CHEAP FOR CASIl, 'Whitby, October icI, 1878. A. PRINGLE. ___________________________________ - -- Whitby, Septeniber 24, 1873. ~ ~ ~ c> w' '~ lA/f 117" Fn, vir'a.é's i a, - - - erelso, la ena word, te b. fra., lanot bnrgJ3reman, *ilott.r4zn Azniier4a~ 10 t~ d~nothfn~buê te b. tha sols arbîtar k, Nerway and swaan , Mardi, 4h, 1574 ~ "'~*, r' m~uy. MUd IVl5AWO hIVè ~. Steamers sali £rein Now I~ork êv87y Tbursday sud Saturday Llves'poot, evsry doue, In tht. tsusawhal geoci sê gnal Tuaday anti Thnrsday (~ueenstewn, every Wetneadsy sud Prid4 i. llllaà ty,. 7cr forther Information apply ai 1h 1h~omany~pr~misss~ __~D.__LEW~5ÂI2ij,~ FR ESH GROCER lES -Tha.ni~laybs~ ot%~is ~rsa Wauiarx, BO<* 105?5 et et mny lnnd on Wlxftl8',Msrch 101h, 1874. SELLING CHflAPEI~ THA.N EVER AT ~ LEWIS HOUCK',s NEW STAND. ai, Ina beily et a mas wlth' bis banda '.'u'~u 'Asein a~sisjuj, ,"' Modbahlndhim. was found. Thara ~ useti te aU werk muaI le cf steady habita; maturslI~ a suspicion cf tes! PI'Y iii marnicti maxi amaTi enoumbrauce Ap. iiiiAS Ibis casa, In another loek thé body cf ply te hile Mayor, Town et Wliitby , C O FE R E S, S U G A R S n Infant, enclcrned la a rcugh bo2 Wa5 Feb. 101h, 1874. :: --~ 7 round. - ~ ail limas of genera1î ~'&n11uy Groceries, at reduced pri- -A 1fr. Sdi, cf New York~ vas atab.~ Tii-. ~ÂTT4LIoN. xeclt±sths bik by auxan .whonx hé 34 ~ ,.., oo-~oheapcrthanauyptherhouseinto~, îad boas isstrsnxeutal An sendlng -te raci. Tha assassin .seaped. 1~ PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE I ~ Ths~.. ~fr~n~ors~rutyad aêLynnfiol5, ' r - '- -~ fas..-, lise et a: nlgbu, ai 11w homo et Cash for Butle+; Clôvei an~t Timothy seed, Also Tim- I. G. Busse». iiqcaia cf Ilions coulti Oaliawaj 7,b, 18111, 1574. othy seed for sale at lowest prices. peak awerd et Engliui, anti ths~v ~VcrO "Major O'Donovan1comman~, No. i Tho new aiea asti dîatilws. soi eus ai hein Clouipany, on, la requesteti ~ and cheap Grooery store south of Ontario Bank ~ for~h~ taka stePa~,~ -inxxxxediate roturu et aU ireti for 1111 hhev cas dobottér. rrit. ~ ~ '~ ~ Yebz~.ina~y 25th, 1874. - L. HOUCK. ;groate volghl - vas S1~ b. re~yf ixia~U~?~i~x vin shortly _____________ Il I. boliavati tut ai bau îwo ~ By erder, tati peepla arc III villi amali-poz An WM. WARREN, ~A/IJITBYPHARMAOy. Eoulu~oal, Tii. dauba avarage eight Lieut-Gel., 841h BaIl. ri~i. triestl, cf teraparano. la Ment. lb purfeaxice et hile aboveordarxk.r.~, Ii~ ~,l2~oUncing QlJ.r renioval to our New Store, on the cor- ai aid g.tîlà g qao~ià t.r ~shltlon euieand public stores ho 1h. arn- -. reqneat il, iznxnedia.te rock and Dundas Streots, we take thia epportunityof thaslcing lie r presantatioh io~he 1)otehuAbn Parlf~. or>' alilxr4rlll uhot, er ut my p~ce, In lb. pullic for the very liberalyntronage anti 'support whici va hmave recciveti ont, Ladies atbtakiugauscilv4parî tewzstxfWhxtby. - iii tlic~tore oc~iu,~i~ b~"~s sice th~ lire. i~' Our Stock bcùxg iii new Ihe inovenient'. Evei'ybou.elu tic M. O'DONOVAIi, snd oftlmc bcsf qui.lit~r, w. are d~tà rxùined 4e maintain our reputation for~ y la ho b. ~ls1tad wlth a vlo* b ob. Major, eorusxandiug No. 1 Go. telling nothing but tic purcat articles, ah tic lowest remucrative prioca. Eulsg signatures. Whltby, Siird Pub. 1874. 9 Tii. dîs'vivors freux $1>. Ville çlu - pli iiaud a fi.il of the pureet ivre dlaaster hava pr.s~nh.d Élis eup- 1j¶OB SALE I y supply s cf t~o Trinieuntaîn wftb situa sar.J2 DF<UGS AND CHEMTrAT c te cf pi~ oxceUen~Cew~.uttkai~afaciî ~s soir... la ~ixod tes' #1O,000 daux. or. A111113r ~ -' -' a 'lu and Patent ~ Dydsti~ffÀ, Ai~ni1ine,' -Dyes Liquid Crystal. *sfq~' rofaslag set la tht ~ 7~,5~~!757HOWKLL '~ and Proprietary Medicines. r ss~ 11à 14 sr~h~h1 fe'lbovie ate~ AGEN~~ ~ Physicians Prescriptions Neatly Accurately Dispensed. h oonspièueua bow.~ega~ say, d WANTED~ and zixuve te hava yonr pantalooua eut lusI eut, a ~ uca;tifuuy colo~~et We ha-~'& also rec~.ived direct froni England, a splendid as- '11e-bridge over the Grand River ai MAP Oi' "<P ~d~'IINIO~ i - ,J' - - - -'~ - sortment of Saturday. Jinualvefar Ilie .8n~1 " Ai.Is'~ kIAIT r~r's.f.'%~ .odonfs vas carrled avt~y'by lix. ice -~ largesi, hile 1at4~' d ~ostcq~mpx~, TiOQrI7H. ~ INI.UL. DrIUbHES ils rapor~ati liai thé KIng et Italy' ~ZL~ th"~î~?~.ux4~ x'~'to ~Dq~è-u~ Vxilcsu4e ~xsti Hem. Wlxlttsker's, Gresmith's, anti Yardleya Soapa. ni an atidreas Inluxical ho tus Aus. ra4lways sud eth~ impottkni tch~lLo~i1 14. ~»*b5n'srÂ1~sôa', fflhtmaxdi's Perfumea. Elegant Vases sud Tollet Sets. 's Qovornmost, vlîich vas presonteti tei~ests liii. mapja*indlspeiissbzc. 4~exxts Ink-stsu~alxx. alxxutsnci~picrmu.hio Go! su Silver SmeUing ixetties. ,wlîo iake ibid ~ au4 ~ ~4a~ias4, HI~>41M' - F-ascy aud Cai'vcd Brackcts. 1151. - atdly vil! reap a gond ilarvoat, andshs!~ motebc~ Purseit, ieid're a: l e . Morocco Glove anti Handkerehief Gesse. mevemant la on <cot la tii. Ans. senti for tsrnx~, antWstato whero tuxey s~ Aad a gsnnral lins et Faucy Gonds. r Relôhhraib te Indue. lie (lovera. tille qtivertjsenxuî. ' "' ', -- Chamois, d b uitocipel lb. lcsuitea frein îîe~ ' -~ JAS. O~t1~IlHl~di,~ - :Tiîr4~Ãç aQd-~ney-Dmb opon~os. Tru&ses, do, c. utry.- - A fuli stock of Lamps, Globes, Biiriters~ Chixnneys, &c. a~ ~cw~rti~ athempi te udt lire tes J~AEMr OR SALE - JAS. H. GER'~IE & Oo orrlabsfrginîîeup~et' -- ieuotvhiohanentertainw.ni ~thcen.5ea ofers fer sale Let No. 4,in - Corner of Brook anti Dundas Streets, Whitby. ~ îg on, vas matie ca Fritiay- aven.' Tîeulsc~1~; Go Yerk conîalnîug îoe Marci 11h, 1874. acres, mers or les., 92 et wil'ic ha M ~< antiimaoeadlstAt.,# - spproitonsieno are aur- !ie~e~~~' ~ me duuaster muai bave agc d'-erelsfr4otebcic.f,,ri~ ~ ia»'na et Ihebeat vihat farine lxi' Scar ro,6mtleà frÃ"m lb NI~s~ BsilvayMarkJ~a~, anti ~ lie> batere GO miles eaatefToronhocfty l'or Inrthe: pstlculars apply te alfona, ottestimo, ~ 3. A. mOGINS; i An soma casas tha Lot Ne. 1, Con. 4, Scarbero, enea. - Cilerayweod P. O. clycemplains et hie Fsb.~2~1b.~~Y> '-:-, ~îvejuôgmn.nt1Ob~ }7Âflpm5s SADfliE~Y. ku's ovu self As sas'. in orCr ~r~eslre~teatatothaîil: - 4 HA&NZS~ SMO-?, ~. Wh.aveg.'ura.~ 4pibepraxniaeaoppelt. Eay'a Briliah Arn- w ~u~A *fru~$eta 1agtoauiietsl, Dnndaa.5t., Whltby, vbsra i h i -- LA4N~ ~.& STEWART Àre 110W selling the balnnee of their .1: - - ~-.. - - W iuter Stock ~çr ~'~w Io~rd~?cton*tke room for Spring Im- portations, ~o~rÉ~g~ ~iaLn be'relied on. LAI :& 5¶~rfl~F bie~ DIII 151 T' dis r. 'p Pro bIla xeu 851 I~licalionilas becs matis te tbeLegjsls. fora Charter lu fixe nana] tenu, ant thé usual rigilha an&~~legen AI rplralien et us lima by Staim. nralxWeeke)a gexierai meeting et tilt sholdera viE b. bel,!, on nolise, frrths ise et eleclinga permanent Doar4 et J utors sud Officers et fixe Co~,nsy. VVI7IIDT UIILiA N I-AUTQIIYI 'THE AMERICAN ORGAN,' lu highi Resonant Walnut case, frein tour te cigit Stops, ineluding "Vox Celesto" anti "Harmonie," or "Octave Coupler." Trade Mark registereti 1878. YARWOOD's "MELQDEONJOROAN" I lu iiandsoxne Rosewood Piano case, coin. * biniug lie povar asti !ariaty of lie * Organ vith lic swaptncss a.ud purityof Melodeon lone. - - L Patenteti Pcb. 1878. - *Trstie-hfark regisiercd 1878. Manufactured. SoleIy by us. Special inducements to Clubs of three and upwards lu cahties whcre we haye no agent or dea.Ier, A11 instruments war~anted for five ~ears. Oatalo~u1es id club rates on application. THE MTJDUE & YARWOOD MF'G GO. 'bitby, Jan. 27th, 1874. 5 CABII>IAGE8 AN!) BLW4IES FOR SALE FOR ONE MONTH ONLY, ~IJNDER COST PRICE M. O'DÃ"NOVAN's. SPLENDmLY FINISHED CARRIAGE8, BUGGIES, AND 0F YERY8Vp~I0R WQJ~ZL~ ~L/TTER~ KM F03 SALE I THE NO'WELTy 0F TEE AGE! An ingenions piece of mechanism, whicli eau be arraug- eti An 80 positions, anti couvertati mb an Invaliti, Parler, Iâbrary, Rend- iug, Writing, Radlining, Smoking, Students, Physician's, anti Dentiat's Chair, or a Lounge, Beti anti Chiltis Crib anti Swing. Circulars with expllinatory diagrami sent frac on application. Ordere by mail or ohiiervise receive prompt attention, anti Chairs carefally sud sscurely packed, shippeti ho asy addrees on receipî ot price. - ~HE WILSON MANU1rACTURING CO.,. Soie Manufacturcrs, 24551. James St., P. O. Dravar 292. - MoxzsxÂL. IMPORTANT NEWS! BOOTS AI'4D 8I~IO~8 The undersigned lias ~ large ~tocli Lacifes' Gents' aria niaa,0~,'0 ~ ~. -~ - - - -----~ ~rAii.L ~.'Ul LE7~Boots and Shoes made Overahoes Iined ~arm and comfortable. I ~iipp0l~~,&o., &Os ~* W' Repairing jieatly done. Qail aI thp old Stand. I Jivo. (J. BALL, 2 or ho W. G. DOW Wilitby, Fel. 111h, 1874. GARDEN AR» PLOVER Sen±ily Mail te aU parts et ion, Our Chrome "Taz Lrrran beauliful Parler Piclnre, l7xi ssuhfree hoallvilefaverna., fixa amount et Five Dollars. Senti for (lataiegus, vilicil 'au ieaflvb.wlaii. chHA5R BROTHE~& Jr DE Ssedoe%î Oeilava, Ian. 201h, 1874.- L0~ 0'LEABy, - V.312'BRINARY BURt -. DUP.F1NS~ CREEr <u 51511 .DOOi.S ~ i