4 pJm r i as - ^Fan l ~~~Jj 2w Guide with naw 74aPIrle 'PIOX2111"11sa andgomo liluà frated solv, coprieredin te lght i iý Lrîý ÃŽrïliro ."ingta MM ua.A et..- neteenth oetry. But it a ppors . . cV ý1 h6eeteoU5 ld l b, ôt 0 Ie.là a aroih F. lDG ldChin, oIred and -bright, Goldl *hsr.egsnlowm~ ad otborage Ila 4Comisiaon«r U.p.11 ý. setts, Gem rings, Weddn dkeerrgLoe1, ax and w.t en>ugh tb bear il b a happy Ns. rop, tud, nd af-ingad epr igs.ktsa concusio.Wbitb7, April ,2StIî, 187and s8rfnos48 The. onoiaenoea wbfoh enan.d from -.____ 114. novel venture surprlaed avei own Mtost .angilli. hopeU.~ . Thoa wT. . ToElectro-Plttted - and Eanoy Goods' 1 Wlolsome and appeîliXsg meala rogn. G(oo4 Faîlly dwelUing,tadhali a cre I ra ait.Cide' eamilt~adG iarly ou the table, eta-i & ceotabout 01land coftP4finyholce fuit trèes., G"ooi gect aet suit ildrnsPrmuaoe nýGg hAlt the previens Jhabitual indebtednusawater, odrc n no's Creek. Setce osi l ihs for the. saure to butcher andi grocor. . A I 1' ., I~ Tliere.was an air et neatnusaanti ordor hltJ* Jua uc! 184.23 ra Tica 1rvdn h, bouse fzom attie ta col. W_____________________ Ja;teewaà abundant lelsure LeP RESMTCNG. Goçlmih' HalWbtb, efa 4 174 1 twve~n InterIa o!flabor lfor a aitab* InWG&G JmtsHal iity f âmouuntOf rai and reroauion.- and, tmoroover, thera was et ew saoc! atrange 8OWing -AfaOhN066For 8,île 1 satifacionin aocompliahinýgtbasot agnaea, anti. agioal changea. Ail oi'rc1ipý-'p EUN thï eu antilike à tale ont of a 0 1:EGNUN book, Or a ohaptor fromr. blhstery ef E lia8 Howze epzgmaclîe1V~ H O I 0 our grandneothera; for have not Snou19chit @ ' tinga oeaaed tu bo'long beorote Lear ta» One door south Ik Mr. Grog,,, Trd. of our Lord 1874?2_ Vare store, iock.eî., Whitby. Tao beighten thie Man Ho tesryAVE JTTST RECIEtVED L0 ~0 a marr1od daugte o ruvoen!t ipaïd y< ISS X, MCINTrY e tsires tela Ifrm'-TO visttbas reoothomepa1d ear friad udthe public that se las coru. a vsilb iis omoo! orot h mad enetibusiness in the above promises, re L. z nirte sultbe ber ere 510<"0 lb, Gonnine ]RilasHowa Ssew. T t andsugers *zManagoeentbas actuuilly ng Machines, for whlch ste in soie agent, .N L V J (7C)( 11 upbraiided ber neaternal pirent for not am te b. hadIli Whuîby. 'N -E W G 0t I)as'ng Intiltutodthétii.'osent ordeof o! £ Drsss.maklug lu Ail ita branchés.. -es t hingo during ber gir ood, Ihat 0abo LarUe'anc hildrenunder Wear adea orrLt i- milbt bave ejoyedtte .beneftt, ef wltewdrkmaÃdoe ta caer by experiene C!'oIislLIIIg of W]]" a~ i~ow ~;t training tedaometloservice, and beea prsiors. Nwne à aka d 1 hhorOfone able 10 COntrol It iher own WxrNTZ-A capable drsis-e-tand so!two tons, ewPrints, nwbakadco1, musin&, Ch>amrqrys, lîousehoid. Fine taules will" be Obock. aprotlcea. ilGrendes ivrG Tp ln",OeyadGleead .4 aiMtcii- anbanlau ; but, wbat î htbpil, 8 naieSlrGryPoisH iey ndGovan ladies uleubleti hue the Orociau bond, ceaching fi Our pulpitiaud à NKLE 10Ii19 t lir own .housowork, thik; à a ÂENove Ities of the Sao 0n I , sititili acon secsaione aberrant asoi. FAMJLY MEDICINEOTRÀU A1Iart5e assortlnnt ofIleady-Mlade s lirqraken-we hl a ahoo sai, lbt- irhken lnterxra]IY, it curruiyonfyClà thiiug, arnd SLtraw RHats forbyouhsnd e. b alrt of raieing a fiunily Of chilidrep. JhrhraDirrasa Carxpaid Mien.th Ai trr rror-ilig tliii, rptuarkablc <oc. Sti.rrnach,4lowel CornirtoyPriu2tcn;' Col.bc lc,Liver, Coru in,, Dynr )0)!4? inc<Idrri. I S iren nhigli lite on the Hudsoln hee, Sors îra S.o odcah £1- fl A I Y R C 7-,#wr-ite-r ftlintioa astraiaÃŽn u 'aSd o s of &q.,,(tu GROCEIRIE - moraliziyl&g lleh we ahallby ne a us ",led! Lxtsmoeiy, t ecurem Bail. dlIE IUIS L S, ous Kclro afîse hitn. 1ÃŽ. ingulir.mjinted CÇats, 1ruisese, Iluuiru San !d, O&'.<RS LE OREB ondauh. %viinchoet 9y r.- rn ,SPralin,,Swelling of Joints, TonohachePainOREi o ragi. 'votneu eleoee b d Mre Gruodyil'nthe, Face, Nouralgia, leui)atiêlu, Frost-Chpfo Csh rFrer'Pdu.- d returo bfui à degroa te ueliepiee or!Fot, de ways o! tIrir forenothos, wly. thora SOLOfrCahor rmr' rdue ila ne donhi îboey WiUbo roviarded by a j7sr ýTÂTf17T m iultitudeofo novai andi delicidus sensu. Prîce 25 Cents per Bottle. libJn ,17. W. J. LL±LjIfL',&col. tionis. Hoalth of body and ninti wil I ?2tbY, IY D itV174. 2 * iqueiollaby rtura 10thora; Dr. 128U DA I l-S N Clarlr's wrelcbed erbakinga will, in Sole Proprietors. thoir case nt. loai, prove unmeaoing;- "il lugentlemen o f moderato inaerESTA3,LIS1luD IWSini WriUagalu indulgv Indroauo! 1he. os. -¶IAIMEIS POTTER, fDV IPfn ff hibility a! narri-ago andt e uprearlng (c r" IC)VLJC. C'fa âmlytroOanPTICIAN, c esDR WD Au UOEBIE8 f-sinbeprade on th., street, at 0 TICIAN cieýurch anti place;of amulesment, and- rancIe Igter accunite ehargati agaiuat Manufacturer of Mâtheinuacal, 1'lrilosorb4.T jater familias on tIhe bookasa!faur 9 1<flig-tLand Serig t-io te Aroîmfri rnsrcîriant-prlueea. But shall rofo Kircuiget. Ettt, tr u d rin d is now receiviug a neo wlieh iactvico ta thre ladies, prefer. caleL>O Glane, ed ltd tok f ring to en isvo tiratote i dtieir own T OR ON T '0, 0 N T. sw e ctlioc f way ta Uta pia, wlrcther it directs thora Tutr mamde a8:1(1raired nlith iec te the ballot-box or ino their- own pXniONs. cATR131 S R N N S T II IlTa FurTaT- i, 'ottce'nImprov-,er!Six (3urrr t B.tterv foi Moore, of the Rural New lYorker, %was lvith bajlt of inrtrtuetiotis, 520. A liîberari coisistn o0res Go dGe~gra sitting I0laieisffice nue, aftemnoon soins liecorrlutIra M e S9 rof~î. adt ~ raeawbr afaierfroti ,cametrd.irOtao vrît and of the latest fashion, Colored Silks, Shawls, i in nd aid Mr.Mooe, lie vur W» he ntaioScirru,]Dock oui Frrid- Manltes, Iý0siery, Ging-lianis, Cottonis, -t luer int imh]:reginoordeIlieur gSeat, ae adopteg by thft Corrocil 1Poli-'pintse&. papy ori, ttiî aeu bri ot le Inutrietion, and unr-J Lu tilral n df j 'Ilta ta00, frieor! Jones? I'L oi vey c.ôliorli A-choice assorumient of Canadian anda heuare tîIlt o u arllge etoif . O King-1s7, Ût. saabo,uto. other .L1wecds, and a-fuli stock of Gentlemen's unsiaw yoae s r nIwh iv o eyMy 51 9G-oods, &o., &c. '0,un,I ca'î taire it as a çifr.' - I? CJJ P I/T V é2 fllP1 ic <Weîl, tiren, let'a ses hou' ws cin dfiCl-ilL5D.F I kIL &~LL.J. .. il. You raieo chilchon, I beiiuve?'T. 1-1. Mc M I L1, A N, £J/ Yeafeu'; but tbey tion't briig Cî~r-- a ei arliglridy'OFFICIAL l icEpT as, Cofees, awand eie u as (coul auytluing, leardly. Noiv-; Ihave a A1,40, Agrirt frrira eFuis,&c s Propp9fition ta irorutcj ota:yn.I wili lOYLISfÂC OLAv ' T ~ h continse your puprr, a. o r lieou )go- NLî.~C hain e yu tony slefi rni yolir -lot oî0,1i30Cut, Th tw ines, iu es an -chakele antiea l, er mine. Tairagoond OFFlIC E-On tarinLoa:, nt 5. Brandies. -Aie aid Port er in Wood and bottie. cars of lier anti binq ana tir procrners, Compenyte building, corncr XRuan d sit;- whetlOin l9o98aor chiekere, anti ee0cou stres, (Jsirawa,.J.J..U iIIV will eau It square.' Q1 April 2Utit, 167,j, 17J-- IU PIt 'Al i niht, bi'othrxr Moore','and the........ . ..- 'ihSt., %Whitly.w fiO'W Olincilerl aI ieat -hoe tirouglet a ET TE ET AVril, l24J, 18741. 17 We capital hangain. 1H0 kepi the couLatelHÉ- E s8trlctly, and tihîe enri o!f1theyear Tuie B13st Piano Iniltr-uaîor: tnn roundt tant hb.14Irai nit about four prices Pesr' i clectie. ....Price e3 2,5I for fis pvapar. lie oftcu talla Ilie jolie The Bast Ruer! Organu Inetructor :~~~ * l e l m s e W0 a nu d l i e n e c e n h l a d t i e f a c t e T h , i l ' N e w ,V e t h o c . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3 J_ _ _ 0TaBbIntrr-irtor for the Vair-o:X7- Um JO My le Ire" aslopor ta taire a piper lnudden'u Solirrifur for ieV.inc. J 3 j) ince lriday.-Mokî Frrtrir. Thn esitarri Le nqtructor-: Waîrîll's Gnitar ............... 50 110W Ily, Ger UOP'A or x.-In Tiheu stCollection for MaLs Vicq -: ~- 'I~ ~ (a friand of eîerx, fa tyLo na P~iubijal. Sanjerfeet ...TH.i ...............\. IN .au r-r a! aweek,, nnws ac! adoccasion Tlie -IBoit Colleetîon for MLzear!Vorie iTHug T AID Ile fo lelra ie uIrsIll e bstaeThre Iesb collectole for cîrurnli &r &lne. iR tIra sone of a tragey that occurret ini TheClu-ter .... .........I i l'AB1 4D jýMr hie Ueigîebor'llood, Teitis lie attermîterl ThrelqrttirriSo l'y menus o! invorteti r-Ias foi- beuntij. J0rtry Lobenr......... .i 65 'rrCI ftrisa, arnîl inventoti type for lrou1su, Tirhe Iet uý -V r--rrnrr ly 1. I.LLjJ.jET tmném, oe. lie wo-ko(d with Dorroinin. TreIes rriu-o ir Cr ct-r.u .. r1ai dabla ceai unid Patience for a day anduri a ci'e frConeii alrr , 0 _____ inihet ati lnaly eau wilrpeci.an LIiurifnîrr arii T Lenrr-rih ta uaisli î, ad ia tLl oi-an su'ant î-ar . rPE E SLt)]rrrnry E-l,?rn il' Poepcm irrairren. 'Th ft!iaronof rier litsa spencrri,,s iityOtor1517. A Mrîro)VISO foll rîtiua etvat o! biing -jd i ,rb touétr udl'rov.ra ttrrn.c irerdan got out alile, maya#; t il Ue on à ,ro nita Le. A gnd j 61,09.rr- :194t an utiplaaouait miensatiln Afler l ie-ru e, oid surd arsu,c ABoyso i iih l ieee ,b t re i watEtWhoie or s.pere 1limp, rla-tiiinor ovni iig. _ Mofgityjucraep0 douginrît t le Argenc5 waultd e<ry rV Um maffluru%,& Adira th dreLivsrly Cruanna 'd , r- r VýIUI.P A M ~ Y AY. Cininun.B Mray 28th, 187L.22 - . lu annouu ingor remnoval to Our ÃŽiew Store, on tlie cor- JINKEL'.ta NEW nomco! Brook aantiJuds Strecta, cve balie thitopportuuity of'thaukiug thc K Public for bue very lWeral piatronag,,e sud support wlicb cve bave receiveti FOnRVrF-ilu tIra Store occupied by uis sice the fire. Oun -Stock beiiîg ail nocv R ~ ~ ~ i Ef EtheRG . bîest> uiwe are determnluotite msintalu eur. neputabion fer R E D R A N se li n u ot i ng b ut th ep e s t a tîgc es; st h e l ow e t rem u erab iv e p rices. Vrolold talt lie , tttilti(iu.nf ne-e-s \7 nruril Aaras io iscarncilfs io% for Me ep constantly on hand &M111suppfy of the Purest thre bisou Orgn;=and irub3l Ir-jenu," nfutriA1Tr 2U'liT.AT rir betw Ion lo nr-uments. Tr S tiUL C' -- lal D ennuers wnho inve eéa-ntanir! it Ilcutto allensd imple colir-5 filn. trliou wirebyalaîîvOnQ muay eesly ac- quire tIns mnatm7 othi, fevanritoInt. ment, with s lew tooths' stutiy. h WL aissbasà ftS'erite wok wih 1h. Teseiner, bui sceunt alite cesesa îal dsysteenatxe proffeeslon, meore oi I a ueotta rIndy for thes Pt Uils ad wamusremettai a of wrni prove atruin OiWSItI hicelOha ateuran seconuaIaithe Kmr iel sected anc!ans, ir. hl . for tee work. falaid, arranger! ,7iTres"]Y crf 2 50 poeparr, anreesipt AU ee-.L. l'items, 559Broadway, X'. Y., P. 0. box 6m2. Senti 80 Scela fer the lateat number Mf PETERBC ML'SICAL MONTHLy latU "ïrndg e t leaM5 Wovrh 01 o= Dyestuffs, Annifine, lJyes i Liqnid and- Crystal. Prscitin Neatly and Accurately. Dlsppssd. Vie ha-v e also* receiycd direct fromi England, a splendid as- . isortment of - HAIR, TOOTHý AND N'AIL BRIJSHES,' Drssing Ciambajii Vulcanitaer! btandee', roslt5s ani ar l x,.Sae Lembinâ pa, mt ntVases nd.ToUs ets.to pe i n Gm AritiPapiere-ùe.-"»Goa81W BSer BmlUirr fl. MrcoPures, And Pckst]Bocks. Ts e k y a n d H o A x a à , b S n o seChamois,d, do , TPhia stiîrgnO o r'1 cvori,' saiti a diro- 1in ai te tino)cîncef çr the tirs depatoent. No VOUIler" ,'relire roply; ,'Lt wam ntlfie ù)play., The diftucrQCbeiweeluia a lnlbeauer- ud seklingwax Le, test rnaling.war buruma toe kep naser-et andtihIe tale.' i'e5aer humus ta toll ana. Wal ua t>Plletifor n divoice rit Bnr- linnteilen otirr dney becanse Iis botter Ili! Iran! desnjmrndl ira, snîing iluat rIe eiti't 'propora te baye York State (0eç uatndi 11'owitl a lot of t--il , Ver. Au Iocvu eirgincei.- mariled a ynng lady cviii, wsitlng fer a lato 'train lau week. , TlIa'à no groat sbAkes, a coq.IoprIgIhtfliapy anti'raine a large mwnly of hldr.u whhbe WniLilig for a tara in nomao te e iIndiana d'pot". ho 'via olti prtsitious nto I~ cr'ocodiles weap Jlas boeen eotiati b tha aoetlsîu-; bur It is pnetly goneraly aeimowdgedthttahlonu bave repeat. odlY seri cvhaies bluber. À New jersey payer boau i e1 a Dow ,ubs,lbw oI.,huadrer ad-tbreeyoab~ à lt SUMMV LÂIRG & STEW Wliitby, Msy, 1874. Qftg~~ EXM IDOOILIN GR OCER Y, sT-O A large stock now .offering at fress ral nueméntsu -Be sure -andi try the CEOICE TEAS AND COFFEES,' Guaranteed of the Fiest Quality Tobaceos and General Grocelries kt -the old Prices, irrespeetive of the Tgriffý Greater sat- sfction grsen e-vry day. Ail kinds of Fà rm and Garden Seeds in seasou, and warranted. W Great stock of Crockery and Glassware whicli nist )sold o unaire roone for more coing ofl. Don't forget the Brookiju Grocery -Store-.-one door east wEI îroli Mayni Hll7. roolin Mity 2011, 1874 bought a the grat;aucton saleof IR. A.Hoelns & Ca, Terono, wbic I cvii offerfuily 5 per entrbamthan hegreglthepnces. Uroceries and 1prQ Vi1sions e ! <gteca fth r= enIsring he cpeci y cifereset Woika l r h t T /I i g E ta l hm uon t ea rm25 a Pound up. Sgars as oc as the loiest, and all other casc!dfiioalmabti d a ul n -pr est maniret pnice» ciBEtter, EggstLard, ApplpsiPark, &c, te jow hoie business- on a strirty cease basis. In e st a rk e p ri e s . B utt r , E g s, a rd A p p e s, o rk , & c . t ak n i n e x - o rd er ta sh ow lh e p r fitab l e bu sin ess - h u ' D U D S S R E T, ~ V IT Y.change for Goots. rsitrely No redit Gir-c. Sales for Cash, Far Mers' made for ls ew Çompany, it la only neZ i DU D S T E TW :IB . Produce and Factory Orders. AUl gootis market in plain figniâes, sud- ed clstatetbattin eleven vee nsees i571-]esar. Brown & PatterFon haveabesu J O N F R I S O nab d, by poità reaseio'a U thè Msaw , M y 2 d , 1 8 7 4 . L a b o I a g g e t & B e a . b e a u u b s c .ib e c ! I v t e = i n t h e n e w - G e m -r Oshawa'pany. The property L'as Issu valutil under Cak-es this opportunity to inform his th-ieto n uevso fMsr.J Lel nds u cistom ers, that lie lias no w in stock, a splendid t îhme rv s ba s uLu lrd t $64 osnsnaie selection of the nsw Company aine l7th FebcMuarylest -th ir lraiday of its erganizasite i' ilsOf-tebusiness cammencing £romtest 7otis Tw edsand,.Fancey Veéting, NOTICE .-- Thc undersigned. begs to Apictiobebi ai 0 bLil 9 c~~~~ati n-b sb e ma et ÃŽl fl i _ returu lis smncere thanks to the inliabitants of Witb1, and ta0re loren Chartr ire le usuel orr, antI Vhich lie is prepared to 1-nake Up -into bis patrons genenally througliout the country, for the libe- unuse-'piri htesuc!prySai:iI nlen nsGarments, on the slortest notic. E Ver ral patronage extended to hmm. whle carrying -on business 1jù-rsx Ves)agerems meeting.oai.ltes cle guaranteed, and a good fite warranted. 111 th toý<a, aandbga fora contcfanteefCthepaanye t bis successors. Seebacriptione M star-k lu lie 'ndrtak- Hats, Caps, Collars, and Tics, and -JAM1. ES . SAMO. ffgare mt r..pecfJiy slid -Te kinds of Furnishing, Goods. TesmeFmE b TUadeONbin beyond, JOHN_____ E F rn tur ! urn tuTown ofWhitbyand County of Ontario ine seurieg an enlsrgzemeuî af the la-rabiy 'hitb , Ap il 15 187 . icf r d% m a w n Worics ofMese. frw n L Pellersan a ms*nusl t anas ecommend Iheennoves. Prisdssi-img ta subseribe fer itock are H N T O N -r queste r t a enclose im em orandu e, per pet E F-RA G R ERNow is tIe- tim'e f6 buy good and cîeap 'N-.BON IFurniture. Iaving bought out, the business lately carried IR. . YARIOLD, Présiden. on by James H. Sanao, we take this opportunity of inviti-ng Secretarr. AWARDED TH E FI RST PRIZE ! is many friends to give us a-cal, amui we can assure al- Whitby, 25h Febmary, 1873. lt At the ProvincialExiiinTontn180 that we are prepareti to do as weil by tli&m in the future, 1ORSL. Exiiin nas Mr.Saino lias done in thre Fast. F A geoc! Mll Site on tlira)-antbrenc ef oflr 1 OU' usirnes lorth~ comng iavct, t o ds.T I1 LL & JO H N STO N . Lynda's Crek, ia e let location frsa - taperM. Wiil l bsold echeap. Parties offr t ou, estoersfi- tç cmin flrvc, to dq' TnolgwiIll e oneburage!. Applv le- ut M achinues, ivhicle in sty le a rd construction, en brace-J. H ER G E W O D the latest and mcst usefu!i improvements of the day. Orders by mail promptly attended t-o. hî ay ,18. Mao. dINS1O'S SI NGLE I , FF-fl'A K lNG Il lAPER LJNDERTAIKING.- The only first- -_i THE &'RING OF REAPERS."y class Establishment intire County wliere funerals are fui- universal success of tbis Machine, both ini closely Contât-t ly supplied. ale sd in te band a of the fanrmrs. warrant ue u saying, tat. as a Self-Rak- T Rerpinzi igaebmne, il a es more god pouintus ad lbs defecta, snd bane met with T LL JOH NSTON. soccess and Iss tailure, thîn lur.ratefore ofisred te the public. Wbithy, Octobor lmb, 187,9. 0y AYUGA JUNIOR MOWER - were awai'ded tire First Prize and Diplouo, rit the l>rcvin- ' iibition,, eI inu Tor nto, 1870,in comepetition vit ai the eading M achin esi 3t. f< J 'sctoreti in tire Province ; and with Our rscenî imprevements, e e onbesitat- challenge iuvcngeuion andi corerparisnn with competing Maclîjuos, w, are id thal ranch investigation wiill onvmnce overy uuprejndnccrj aind, tibsi ee - ha bout Mower te the Fsrter for 1872, buhlt lu îe Deuninion. W'Snd ecriplive catauogus,. BILOWN &PATTESON. HIlTBY 01W/JN FACTOBYI ' air 2oo a Yard; 5tred Muslin Gingliat - - - 10e syard, iisualiy seld a 1e. c: My reason for pnrchasiug sucb large quantîties efthe abave geotis isi by7clearing ont wlrolots 1 caune gItIËëm froua 21eSo ts a yard leu tbau by buying a single piece. ge LINEN TOWELS, 5c, EAÃ"H 1 1~- There are soveral ethen kow Unes in stock wluioh we cil ho vozy p rie show oWuncnsters if tb<y will.only favor us wilh a cul. aI -ArnivedaIselâ, a Splendid Assatn t .îof N'ew Patterns iu -î- g nd, Surmer Tweeds! -And eors tali , fer CLOTBING, which cvii hoeeicutea inutheasahortest - reseenbiè tinie, anti agooti fit gnueest. Aise a -lange: stock of Beady. -Madie Clotbing, wleich cii e eold at Montreal Pnices 1 1 1 Boots8 and Shoes,"IBOôts aud ,,Shoes, IN WHOLESALE QUÂNTITIES .&ND AT ýWH0LES,4Jjj PEICES. Ciiildren's Slippers anti Bouts lu viIl sizes; -anti at ail pricos.- Youths' snd Misses' Boots aud BleS nlu l izes,qualities andpnc. Ladies' & Genti? S#ippers in groa arudanc< udale cdpros Ladies' Prunelba-Boîs inaHai uaities, suzes and prices. -Men's Calf Gaiters aât $1.95 a ýpair, wortb $2.50. Also a, Bankrnpt lot ,bolouging tu James HIarty, lette e! Poterboro, andi Pcb. 25t1e, 1874. PROSPECTUS. THE BRO WN d PAfTT MÂXUFACTXJB1NG çOWI OF WRITBY. Qapftai - 2,400o SHARES OF 5o E The aboya Comaunpsrein uc6az mation formthe purposaeof purch Resi Relate, Buildings, Machiner an&i good.wlhu 0M the ununactm ustMteB ortPatsnA 1Wo:n s, uteP TW1 bty A] aud club Wbitby, FOR SALE FOR ONE MONTUI ONLY, U UN DEIR CO0STý PRIc M. O"DOQNOYTAN"Sj. S~LNDm-8 -SHD 'THE AMERICAN ORGAN,'y Iu bighB Ieronaut Walnut case, front four to ieigirIStops, iieluting -"Vox Celeate" sud THE NUVELTY 0F THE AGE 1B!WE Trade ar reigistereti 1878, Au ingenions piece of bnechanl$m, whieh eau ire arrang- SAILING TWICE A w 1EEC. ed i O0 postionsr, andi converteid toto au Irivaliti, Parler, Library, Rend.-- - Y4fWOODcS -"MELODEON.(mqANec lWiting, Jloliniug-, Sanking,, Stndent'n, Plysicia's, sd »ntist's Tickets t ani rm, Queenstaerr, Liver. Chir, or a Lotîngo, Bcd andi Clild'en Crib rand Swing. if atotladoer, isga, are ne, Cr- In hindaome Rosw cdîPia cs e CO= Cire lars with -xlanatory diagram a sont frec o u application. Ordeors in, reenen, Rotterdami Amsterda, biuin thepocvn ant vancty ! bbby mail or oterwise reoive proopl nAttentionand Chairs carefrlly anti ecUely Denark, Norway and Sween. o;nig îvt thoervcu an ait nof te 1acketi, alîippeti b any atidrèss on receipt e! price. Addrese- Steameers eau frn -New Terri, eva'è O;gn wth he weenefs ad prit orThue.sday and-Btiday, Liverpool, ever3r M elod eon to e. T e d y and T h irgdey , Q nee es o n, e e ay - Ptoned eb.187~.THE WILSON MANUPACTURING CO., Wednesdyeand Fr-day, Pateted Feb 18 e. Forfurherinfrmaionapply at te Trad Mar rsistoed 173.Sole Mauufacturers, 245 St. James Et., BookStoreof ci Maufeteurecl Soely by us. P.ODrwc22.exun. LEI.AL, ---Whilby, Marci 101h, 187,1. y ilt cial inducements to Clubs of three arnd upwards ini IlE 'o IN e s w h e r e i e h a v e n o a ge n t o r d a le r , -~1 4 0 E T r R in stru m e n ts w a rra n te d fo r fiv e y e a rs. C a ta lo g u e s AM a g n n l~ o eo o e l n i a w L rates on application. N -oe&, pid atelare rckHoa. a THE MUDGE &YAIRWOOD'MF'Go M P R ems aAI t Jan. 27t, 1874. 5Vstre plt 5 .1 G. YOUNG SMITH. Wieitby, Febie, 1874. 7 <1.2 BOOTS'AND SHOES 1 The undersigned lia a1large stock of Ladies'. Gene-s-od Ulîldren's Finegnd Coarse Bloots & Shoes gy~oot an Sîes made to order. Overvhoes lined wr m ofral.idau Slippers, e&a., &o. wr n ofral. IdrRb W# jepai-ing nieatly done. FOR'SALE, OR TO li Freine Hcoa, serai] O(QfOurter Acre ai Laid, culi in the Town of Whitby - - Appiy 1cr - wM; SPI Orbeo W. H. B]LLINGS, -Solicitor, Wblitby. Wleltby, Dac. 9lh, 1878, A1tNE5SSSADDLE1by. Thos B. FRANCIS. 211 ýj1%'MAN LIN El. Roýa1 Mail Steamers, ril T T-M 'KY r%,rTýý ý -- -patent 1 STEM Ivr - 1 - £ATý"EX, 1 ýl