Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1874, p. 2

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port. 1Mfflýcj4ýwffl M'la 1ýWith thougfita - a" IMOY (tooda-ti. J. Rob 7. 'non S»-" 1't la but just, how 7ni;4419 wait untâ it appea', Wb, amvedfýýït iât se INC906- M', -m'elaa hW itOrY CI 11rhiee 2, an t full ar&Ïwer bèen the Ost OumeWul eïriï'lléld ha bo ers an preuh., -hud&- ji the »M'don tO Wb-shb= Mr. Bescher Win make to thio ý'@xtMor, be' ur Be Sud Souzd, Th an aîtendance, whÏch 9 the amAll loft Montraal on the 4th of Blond- une un àdvocate,ý la M aluary B"Ment, sud 110W fer either notion sale of L4nd3-j. E. Pare Owing îý em wu --DMAË themuËves,>tlw _fp, » another. ell, the accusation or the dolents are Sup. Basson aluangot famert jeu t Noti 0 go-muéh lonl one, dayla diffe 1 . 1 uCe ce- re in , a dates Cf the sworn statemeiA of ore lbly --ta-pu4u-uùaý.tàa POrted by evidence. ta bc wonderea a ýàL heàit of 'Ur li.uùïbàùa. ýp f voýmë. 1- . ý -: - -,The, nert qu etion is whether the ton rosa before the Beeche.r:n For the va tràâwd"" t6 ýmdwb6ü --là, ooùûitoiide. F4nST »,&-Y, business ing Committee ed", Important Meetingof manufacturera. thore - pay,.* AccOrding ta the OVe dôéý ýt lait hu raCe, 178, Iwo ToIýdë e" the Revi Re rdle ed 80- , , p ýBýnwii WAgýtc re. ý"Whereas thâ n a la annouàd4d tlist7thé mauu&otùr- milest -OVer - eight hurdleo, for W eh :ÃŽntme !e. O.Perbtwliel-toCýoreja'ndif,"-oii BëecherhaàiuMtuted'the's intme tance ýs bi- arrivlug there &lie WA& or writili 01 ordered ta, any a committee-coùdaïàg ers Of Ontario, will meet in Hamilton Blackbird, 187 Iboi, Kelso, 140, Ïbs.ý oth berWof his eh lux mem. The- zouo -is a latter, M erEuro e,,.Mnort,. 10 par. cent. adai.- urch und goefet ta inquù-e yet On thé l2th Ana l8th of Augut ta take Tradowind, 155 Ibo., and Lily, 1 tional., 1 c 19911 si 5o PER ANNUM. - ', *a ' . camo ta ille post: and in , 80 Ibo., > Culation of the mer. aud report uPon allegad into Consi iration 1 the proposed Reci. thst Oide, chant &mis _gsid. -ta bave been that his Character by Theo oh, My à.;ý-bu" à Whlibyl Thursda'- ffloity 1'»&tY- - The, subieotis. one (If theY figished Oue of the' futeat rsý1é 1hey woUM-M M iTilton wrote& Tilton. need the discipline Of i MaY YOU n"er, lie& Y, a ter-4 ake two shang8A quar, bae on, Febrnaýy 81 berhuis. being misleil by aý long grave importMuce, sud lit lis to bo hoped ever seen in Canada.. the £M 80 ',' potmds-ý-Ov8r the ordinary 'a Wnniàn «g 1ý wiri ahipinenta. ý -it app'aro fmm wouk incurie what we Ta love je eworth fw- ý "Y _y, bii ta abuse gréatif f mýr lifé wîs ta, th4 the meeting will bé- Wall attended. horses being ônIý seperated by a length have Already the gift lis 6 maý -ýlatber -bis heàd Th- Bonson s'in b quoted that the Rare g., le lâo*Êto àt the, linis. y was beaten will receive 07,080 Id for a voyage to demonstrations nid would be bowed in7eed, ta the grave. thiâ The 13e The Blections. Cork, Or $7,788 gel if ordered--_ai BËî cause. ras 'ta a Do not thing My ill heeth:is on amount, citie achat' geaudal oèn ; In fm . auw ta be tûe main tapie ef the day, Md The hew Miniéter, of lnlaùd Be The Dominion li mile, was wo . il bý, POît, The firet suspicio finues ton oued tlie _ and il& discovéry. -My Bina probably "H be--t' another ore ' , M, lu venue, Thies for a' trip of two - menthe, ý;a !mina of Thd t and i a record 1 bave, carlied ta - Iý2y_ son on E4Y, aiter, 6, 0108ely. ýCOnte8w run. ' losyp à band.ome margin for prOfIts_ý_ Henry WBrd 3_,çeqher -Waa g, or ta -the ff ., î my prostration lis owing et" the investigation now going on Booms Mr. Geofftion, was eleotea eith t Tile open tru -might abuse, the affection rever. un ermà I bave Causéd you. likely ta be attenaëd t was won e&Oi1ý by, V aayýodooo--whieh wiil are 1 with snything but OPPOSitioup ler Vercheres. Eut.Elgin, gr- Oomes back ir aveu if elle once which Uré. ' ton a latter from 4fr. Beecher, ta 3fr. te *«Anto or, At leait, sauomdéozï re. therofore, Wili be the fint constitiiénoy The cpqý ýdiiâ et, long Odde. - P00t,,,ýto6-seam a rat « Ownero ex- 'bar , pastor - waa sti lu towards suit$. Titteule atCry ofthe to trý the ballot. The electi tskes of t 0 urn'cargo of iron or au or: ýoare- MoûItoli, Mr.. Beecher sayo:-dt if Thel gréat wrong Oil wo ililile #176, WAS OrO from Glasgow. -b Sa destruction would place Iiin dOftO hilil is told An anotber _oëlumn. place next Th' Contesteil by Major Macon, Protection The succoi to, té au M1dayýMeoorS. Macdon- « Mu. Tutouï *bile Sa .90 fer. attained, seems by ber, 4, that should net stand ý in year In bliefit la tid».. T&St Ur. Beecher, go" (Govftnment) Ana JOnkinS (Opposi- ma The Moor, who- finiah9d ý lu thât 'likel y te, Stimu-lateother ddP-Dwners ta aide on the floor of blo lib Overlook. am wiffing- ta Steý down sud The writ ordelé.. Time. moi. Major el»at th ing thoengravi - a* out. fÃŽo one eau 0 essai ln thé Yur 18M, deliberate -ment r ai -tien) beillg -the candidates. Macon was hî, a experl -,'Whien,,howaver, ha _ng . - Mi. a few ffer moré than that. r. bis Wýife, Elizabeth for Provencher bas beau di 1 urite., The rue: *88 ex_ before. 'The au ly seauoed a bot favo fie ln, au mm Afterwârds asbd Il Of WiW Thot I do offer ta surifie If WU ton, and main. spatched ta IL U=Seosfuuy been, tried pf ont. heoits f ber imini, n tku, if Yýn cm je taineil criminai relations With lier the Beturning Offleer. tromély Weil Coutesiid. môst fuorable Ïosion, of e-LPl&tLitibu of ber peint of Snob à ,a m y See light n 01 for The election the f! est eh -41 denieil the your, way to hm oâfety ana,. happinens, takes place a 18 a summary of the year Was WiSolY ohosen for the Uhý rt h st Bhe et des es n'West poini the Porfod 0 #OMO tw Va th lu the 25th proximo. The folloWing voyages Of thO ý Panillec, and 19enson, ict, eut7iheern c6niemed itag Said that thereby. 1 lookpon er , Act WCB dimvared bY Tilton and co onths "lie hâd SPOken to, Beecher blucerning by, days races and Other vassale iii othér in for, than any uhienai have in, this, mate TES PEAL OF BELLO.-The COngrýegR- $17500 be legs forthnate. One wa M&Y it- On another OCCASiOÙý Ir. Mitons world. Life. woula be ýpIeaS&nt if X, Senoé rosie bY Mu. Tilion anif afterwsrn -Hardle Races-A Handicap, daoh the question ai the y or the othei eh do tioi2 of AI, Saints, Church, of this town, ci twO Iniles, over eîght hardies, 8 feet rect-trâdi3 fr . practicability of di. after leaviug ]de hOuée i#,,the early coula ses that re-buat Wh! 'la shatter.' wher by Beechor himealf that 3fr. Tilton, lu. bigh, top we- h oln the great lakes ta Eur. MOrrdng, returned ta it in thý ed ;:but-to 4ve on the ohm OUSI t, 15blbo. plut forenoon, sud ragged, h-- ta ightelci <hi$'OwJ2 fâmily, condoned tha in th ir chuï4- edifice. ArO u0w Pladniya abîme. of five belle barge $150; second, ope -wM be and going ta hie b8d dmuibeifound the ilc. soon Solvea. edge of anÏiety"ýÎemorsé ear'Aei8Pàîiý and absented himseji from fiona -The belle 'are Mr- FlYnn'a eh g Blackbira, 1871bs ... 1 door locked, and when on kiltkiug, the ana yetý ta lut où- an 'appearance of Condi etlh*'e celebrated foundry of ùelieley Reloo, Tire; PRESS A.UoclàTlrox.-At the dOor wu opalisa hy.Mrs. jitOný Mr. seténity an happiness, oànnôt-be en., A. luait ... 0 - dured armý ýerOte a noecher- & Co., and di8play excellent Workniân- annusi meeting of the Auomt',,,o Beecher was seen within M.-,mImu"h longer.' lowm to Tilton nto ýIIOw, letter 40 be> ai Mr. Dickson'a g f--- n kola =au la !teparently Wu proatio. iettera ý&m, Ãœrs:ý "Sb A 0 xpressin Ship. The largeot hall beurs the &ackp- Lilv, 1801ba ...... () 't TOrO blet wýâk,.the ng Om- "ed ce- MXS. TUton aftorwàids nuag Tilton pnor ta lm Carra ci -by, mi:,, findiv 9 the titmost apprebonaî0n 0 1 1 e-4 niin. cers were electea fer the enanizig year. a plausible explanatiez wijehl from -ýl1 thât lie tion 6AU Sainte Church, MultbY, Rev. #15o 00,-Province Pane --0 ta Demi,. 1 tain wire, > the tI (Tâton) Vould net k;ep the IL husband in the extremede- gard J, D, CAyleyp Rector. £874,' an(fthe, bred-horses. ra ROugh, Cobourg World, Preoi. the confidence rePoSed 1 ler by bar 'OvIng lier J'mon secret, and feefi barge, $125; second, $211. T. C. FI t dent ; A- Mâth88On, Stratford Beacon, hIlsband, was by him, àienëd ý satiS&C gree,- sa set lorth -in these 1 dompair on Ing 01 utter rest of the belle cjisecutively; We W. etters, Coula- w1re 1 his Own Part, saying that praiee Thoe ýO grod, we acknowlodge T. C.'Patteson'a b m Emily, 110lbs... 1 Observer, 2nd Vice-pr ta' ravaaling lot VÃŽce-ProsMent; John Smith, Elora On the evening or Tuly Brd, OnIý bave, been.. gwerýedeý'froti, the path the-effôrt ta W. Thomas' b ni irish Girl, esideut - - J. G. 187Y6, when thon and thýre ' within a of rectitude by artfül sud poweilui per-ý was Pearance of ta *be, t.icd Lord;' 'AU, the Barth J. Stanton's b g Storm, lo8ibs few h na after maintain au Outward 4P' Thee p- 1021bo... 2 Buchanan, Harnilton Times, S'le tary. ours after bar anvàl, sussions clothed in the phrase of relig. 8c"enity while acnusationsla 0 Tren8urer-re-appointed; Johure C. exacting from h in, th worS>p Thee, the Fatber everlast. Flsher Carsonlg b g Montre r huiband a solemil Il n, and enforeed by stropg appeala from, resut' Were milItiplying against hiln, Was des. 0 ýÃ"iUB 0 L'au, M'fls Assistant. promise tilat ha or the el ing;l , peaven and Barth are full of the Time-2.44î Il wo4d do the Rev. chief Christian teacher audguide. troying hie lits, sud that de te au Elecutive Committee :-Messrs. W. Renry Ward BeOeherno hàrrm, -nor Mr. Tilton says« that in January 1871; glye a be the Moet *0100me ath wouid maieWY Of ThY Glory Thou art thé 8125 00,- Trotting Purse,- open Bomanville Siautes Mr. Beecher communicated ta Mr. Til- 84 M& of fliendS tÃ" hini ; M.g- of alory, 0 ehxist.,. Wh horses owned iu the Dorabijon. at the Cimia' man; cOmmunicate ta him, ýwhat eh, was abouli that noverth - en the date of this bill, that neve ýll-s Guelph Mercury, Cameron, about ta say, elle ' a Circulustan. tân'throuih lfr.'goultou, au earnest Barth, cher allowed Til. 3eUs are fully an.a' LOndýn Xdvert New. tial confession wùh that he (Mr. Tilton) woula send ugeil in the tower Milebeats 8in5; firstho îser; Jackson, te Iûr huaband ôf gag or ton tg suffer undar the imputation or a tfliey will.add much ta the attraction of Oud, $25. ne 0100; sec- market Bra; Gissing, Woodstock Bc- the erlimiusI facto lieiBin -before stat- llig familY te EurOPO te reside.there for by -làr ho tow view. ed, accOmpanied with citations fr,,a A term, of -Years et Mr.. Beechoes ex-, Seeme hâr, sud a dog, caugug wn A Peat deal of credit Io duo S. James'a Varcoe ......... 8 1 1 1 Mr. Beecher's argumezts and reason- pense. Similar offers bave beau Bines the col biul ta bo loaded with -publie ppro- ta the worthy rector of«All Saints' for J. RO'd'a Long John ........ 2 ING 31ATC11. - TIIIS ing with ber ta ovejeaine bel. long repeated. Tbe charge tbat Mr. Tilton briula and social Oîtracism - mat fur. hie indelfatigablo efforts on bohalf of his Crawford'a Bailiff ... ... ... 4 4 4 4 hala on the farm of Mr maintainad acruPles %minst yielding ever te levy, blaélrmail on the'if lie Conspireewith Ûrwý' Elizabeth ta his desiree and, deçlaring elle had Mr. a false, on the contrary, B. Tilton, bis wifo, t, comple creek, Congregation. Dtuling the residence of Time-2.461,2.451,2,45, 2.48f 'George Long, near DufEntil n conlinitted ne wrona ;0 bar Mr. Tilton bas always resented every te his ton Yefirg bore ho bas been the meand 8 the, 17th inst. The following is the list huaband Puin by ' 2W 00 -WhitbY Pane--Open te all homes. or lier Ma"iafe V - attempt by Mr. Boeoher, ta put hini joli,: Perjury, sud subornation Of of erecfing one of the most handsouio A âssh, of two infles, T. 0. W. Dora» of winners, whicil we clip fvOm the port of hie OW, quoting in sup. lie U17; thst finally Mro. Til !on-bred horsés allowea lo IlazOn thai ber pastor boa n,.Ierpe,,uniery obligation. Mr. Tilton Re ig î ton broke lb,,. repeatedlylysslred ber that elle was syg t at church e&fies in the Diocese, ànd lias herse, 8175; second, $25. one evening about two wèeks d6wla under the atiiigs of a 1. the pu r. Tilton'o' Wedne gu'lly COU' laboured faithfully ju the discharge of Men and Boys over la f age. 89 and Chiste, which, she believed blication of M sociatic J O'Nfills r 9 Major Macon ............ 1 lot, James Duncan, 2nd 'enra 0 hSperostleelf ta b latter ta Dr. Bacon, Mrs. Tilton on, lq'enc0g sud 00,uteâsOd that the testf hio Clerical auties. Ris anticipated re. ii. Scholra Protection ....... .... . 2 lier Comulunie9tion with bilai had never coming home st a late, hour infornied bonor. OnY 0110 gàbeO the other day beforo Brd, Michael shaughnessey; 4th l Alex' lier huelipnd that elle bail been visited et ment fl moval to Toronto is inneh regretted.- 0. Morton'g br g The Moor ............ 8 McIntosh; àt proceeded froullow and vulgar thoughts was 18180, (CODE.) Time-8.40j- Boys 1112der 16 y«ro of &go. either 0 11, H. lung. -jet, from P lu lier PErt or hi&, but always a fïi.end's lianes by a*Coihmittee of In- of mite and thât it, was given at the instance nen7 Dowawell; 2nd, Win. p ure affecten, and bigh religions vestigation,, and hâd giveii aweeping Oq8et ; A 81 of Alri -Béechirls ý 14wyer, lu Order ta Tlie bawson Route. 3rd, lfred Linton; 4th, G. Forrester; leva- ShO StateÈ farthermore thât Mr. evidence acquitting Mr. Beecher of News 1 î gave the Caus f Il * ay elle spent SU' COND DAY. Beçcher habituahy charifeterized their every charge. On next a 8 0 rO gion (1), and final. 5th, Seneca Raight. la many heure of extreme propert ly that . nothing coula haveç The Globe states that lit lias received Vie races, like the firet da3es, were Wm. Lawton a ci '%V- Itimacy as 'nest lidingtl' and he-wou mffering from prevailed very auccesdul and afforded good sport; ai--- - u m. Laing, two SU ff, * ange of conscience at fiaving teffled mense. Ùpon hîm (Tilton tEb Most positive assurances that the 'M Iboyi;,aboýuttwelveyearsold'.1., r pain and scrrow if fils hidden have lie ta inake this state. while the attendance was considerably She Baia talsely- elle expressed ta ber husband secret were made known. il difficulties connected with the Dawso hoed, and did Bo remarkablv Weil that that lier r a that God would ýorgive lier ment excepi Mr. Bocchers publie chai. ýn larger thau on the fir8t day. Ths, A subscription was taken ' ýind was often burdened by he . ho; Gas1 IlOute are at au end; that it is now events were- a rails bout -rac up sud a prize the deceit mecessan for lier ta practice perjury; but thst the motive was ta Liverpo lange Of the truth of his latter ta br. a, a li of 812.50 Bach given them. prevent. di8covery, and that in Order to« save Mr. Beecher and lier huBband, and ties are Wall supplied with the uccessary ineans mi a dash, handicap, trotting race, And lier conscience hal impelled lier te also ta remove all reproach frein the Bacony byealltng tor au ilivestigation. of forwarding passengers and fréfiplit, aconsolation purse. 1 RUMOREI) RAMWAY ARRANGEMENT.- throw off this burder. of cause of religion. She aloo expressed The In Stlowei ta thia, Mr, Beeclier bas pub. 0 For the Ladies Purse '1150 ta farst The Toronto Mail i - fd. enforced false- similar contrit* n ta one of lier say the lialied a atateluent, a preliminary one, and that all is working smoothly. The horse and $25 ta second horse, mile a long article on bood by making a 1 confession to her 10 intimate favoural und PiýOwjAiug soinething lucre in de. contractq . rs Btatein animer ta euquîries, heats, there were four entries. Protec. the POI'cy Of ecOnOmY nOw bain husband, sa that she frie Ur. TiIton concludes bv sa - tail at A future tillie-for the prement, Our conteniparm says, tliat they bave tien and Major Macon were the only ed by the différent raili-oad companies be living befoi. blini a perpetual lie. : " Foi- the saké of one of' thely, reported now aval, one hundred and thirty va. two, that etarted. Macon took the first throngfiont t 'lu particular elle saiù she bail been on tir a parties, gladly would I have cou nued COXIÉ011titig lifinself with a general and hicles emýoycd between Ilort Garry -beatinI.58ibyalength. The-second lowing item erest ta lie country, gives the foi- the point of making this confession a ta bide these facts in future as I have - The E gvýooping denial of the cheges, -and and the Ort-west Angle, and over boat was'1nln in 1.50, and was declared whiell will bc of int few moulin; previously during a severe incessantly strived ta do BO in the past, ther inst rejectins with indignation ove 80 teains and--*"golis on tlle Shaban. A dead hast, bath Our leaders:-"Ilhere lis a immour that illness wlien ry-impu. horses crossing the lie thouglit she migbt but by the joint action of Mr. BeecheÉ ain on tl Lation w1lich reilecta iipoil MrS. Tiltons dowan ait Thunder 13ay section, witil score together ta an inch. The thira the Grand Trunk sud Great Western die. She affirmel that Beecher boa and Mrs, TiltOn I coku - ithhold the lionor or bi 811 average of sixteen teauis on thé and fôurth Il 1 a repeatedly toid ber jlIat, lie laved lier truth only at the price of perpetual in- The B il OWIL Vie offense, fol. cats, and the race, were authorities under the Pressure Orbar betterthau lie. evqr loved An other Clubs ha WOZI bY Protection ÃŽn 1.484 sud 1.50. famy ta My noms, in addition ta th portages. A number of incompetent times, have barmoni7ed thoir difforen- y bealth a] which lie apologized je éxPlained ta be and uncivü emyloyecs bave, i% is said Tle OP6u Pures, $150, handicap, a woman, and elle ielt justified before penalty which.1 already suffer in tho au Unilàppy interférence in Mr. Tilton,.s been dismissea-a fact tbat dash of lf mile, brought Goldfinch, 111, "'Id that ere long cars belon i ta God in lier inti se,, t destruction of a haine as pleasant as The G gives Colour 92119 M . wi il ilim, save the doinostie affaire. The issue i thlis ta Boule of the complainte that were sa Alfred, 9wallow, Irish Girl, Montreal each respectively Wili regularly run the necessary dace any of you yourselves dweil.ll after noi Il loudly made- and Storm ta over the otherlo r ied it and a it which accompan. in Rami] cléarly MAJO UP between Mr. Beecher and an efficient stafi bas, the start. Storm bolteï Caïd. This rumeur t which aufféred in lier LATEST PARÉCULARS. allier poi sud gaged. ruth, but we sus- it is asserted, been en at the Start, and did net appear, in the may net lie the exact t mind. Alter the above named coulés. Tilton publishes a card, wherein lie Mý- ýtiltýli. One Of thein speaks race, the alliera finiohing fý the Order Pect thst ore lanir it will lie verified as "c'Il by Mrs. Tilpu elle returned ta Ferry, truly, itud one of them faléely. Mr, Cousiy TEUPERANcE DE3ÏÃ"NSTRATION they are named. a tolerably close approximation. the country ta await Blieli action by lier enumerates several important items in Birkenhe Tilton bas given a circunist&ntial nar. _,& va husband his cross-examination by the Investigat. ry successfal temperarwe (loulou- The $50 trotting purse, whicil was as he might Boa rit ta také, ing Committee, whieh lie said were in consec ratives aud sworn go ils truthfuluces. stration took place last Ttie8day at the substituted for the open trot (that race PIRE AT CANNINGTON.-Last Thurs. whereupon after many consideratiOns, purposely omitted from; the Committee'a fire of à âfr-130celier bas drawn upqu not filling) was competed day afternoon, the residence of Mr. C. vt1ol'lucnhtiaerfilcyf gwoMncellagwtraas that she had net report. He further states that Moulton doc-L reServe Village dfBrookliu. Owing ta the heavy JobD, Toronto Boy and Ne 8 Ybut ha for by Long Refluer at Cannington waa de troyed artfully misle'd through riDligious of-pod roputation, and donied rAin whicll fell during the day, the fëâ-. Toronto Boy won the first hilélaltPN"aei,,é by fire. Loge about 8600 rever- that eau compel Iiiin ta a eak. In thý a been will only give evidence before a tribunal the aclousation in AU its breadtll. Of tivities which were tô Ilavo taken pl Please declared distanced for . Nothing ence tor the liev. H. W. Beecher as The general opinion i ip Bonavent aco light saved. lusured in the Liverpool, Lon. lier spirituai guide, and also from a aeý a tbat Tilton's ture, M. Course, the InattOr cautiot regt bore. in the grove noal, weight. Vie second heat was won b Ca at his Mr. Beecher's good name wili serve abandon were won bTyhLootulligrà and fourth heu tive can& the village - were tll, B. y don ane Globe for $200. The fixe crig. se is now classa, uaiess Maorurlatgoann'swehtto, y. sire ta protect his family frnm the open ii, now a and mokas ed, and the large croWd pre- Jolin. Tlie Judgetes, instAd frOm StOve PiPes. foierteLboiedceanmeemiinttNe hitu ln this ûmergoucy te, stay liùbho sent adjourned ta the drill shed, wher appears be wrong, auMr. Tilton condoned the tatement. bis oppon "haine, d lie addressed ta Ilis wife seeing.thst the race was net lionestly the plan of the committee, but the sued a pr( 4b- such letters of affection tenderness and ittle cala be learned of The opinion, but it Will net serve him fur. excellent and approp speeches contested, declardà the race, pools and VALUABLF LANDS FOR SALE By Auc- respect as lie fait w1id restore lier Brooklyn Union speaking authoritative. of $20,000 ther- TIIO fOrmal Rud dOtailed charge wore delivered by ... riate Mr. Clar . lie, P. betg all off. TION.-See annotincement of sale of spirits, and did partially produce e>, The race for the Beaten Plate of 075, lands of the Mitchell estate, thi ly says, the committee wili invite Moui- tors of thE must lie iefuted in form and detail. G. -W. C. T., T. W. 9 tatement, will be reserved tW the lest. CWY, G- W- S.$ handicap, second horse ta t on sept. result In December 18T7ü'ltodniffaelrledncHes son to teatify before Beecher, whose recOv6rY Bave hie en. Baro0wBeen, which w Prosidei AliàlYBis ci Beecher's lattera and and Hou. Malcolin Caineron, M. P. otrfatnhceewmhoillee dmasebetiwugas oFnîeveofsttabe best lot, a the Royal botel, Whitby. between Theodore the A number of ladies will bc called ta clamation. Of Mrs. Tilt cher and Mrs. Beecher, On'o Peints te a grave ID the evening a concert was given, a 1 rted- ALiBuRToN 'NE -w-.6spublishe arc augmented by testify of Mrs. Tüton and possibly ber turb pouce uloral wrong. Iý t Swallow' "0 Minden, Haliburton, b R. W. Bee is plain thst the two, which there was a large attendance; Girl, 102 Ibs, Lily, 100 Ibs Triv, H d at hasband will bc re-ca asks for ai Ibo, AlYred, 115 lis, Storm Onsequence whereof and at t 'lied fo au 100 Ibo, Irish y Messis. Sarney Qf Mrs. Tilton expressed in writing and tien 13cecher and- Mis. Milon, werc p rties excellent prograrnine Wa Il en received. It is neatly put i to t a Re Bagie says, beCOMe a a s admirably n IL bande of Francis D. Moui- ],Ir. pasBing the score in the order in whic & Co,,, bas be on, with a view ta procure a harmo » oulton kas spect and both afteiwarde coudemned as crimin. selves highly pleased witli tu ibn act-whatever ie wîas-which rendered, all prosent oxpressing thom. they are given. This race was one of printed, and centaine a large arnount of t ni- been surnmoned ta appear on Weànes- the best ëf the meeting, there being ans interview between Mr. Mlton qn(l ai. It was an net whicli brdko all taininent. . Net the least amougotthe tlie enter- reely dayliglit between the horses reading matter. friendahip betwoeu 'rilton- Ill. ï, 1(é' -re-sa, tri rie- ghbourh -TO WU 1 7«n the Sù& D Mrsé- ders.' an Tnan ei4-to and ýr wqîk the* hougoýMbw temba", 014 a"' ý 1 D. C. the t,1ý Own at Wyon in evéýjw âùd , - Id"- have ý. WGU. béén aà,,Ior ýkMed bufj,ýÏeîéî!ééof lho cure. on dFred Ahe 26th nf -the same4=th an old man ); Jilo. haà his zkUil beaten ilà - abcq.'t, 7.p. m. itz,'for On the 18th of November.ý-aÈiWIlr)ri old man WM murdered nqder exack vthe ork gamecircum#ap-i; tw£7,%z5!h #801.' of December two old maids, living ja )ridge, the Èalne-hOtm,. w6re felled with à biS Orvà, of iron nbout nine in thp. eve î iriton, After this'theràrvýàý a 1 ýnmq. - "to'o.. dotectives ý ýanâ -. geliA un, a. patobedfrom Paria tô,Lùno;:Lwkkb-,: 10; S- la ouly, a few -Iesgtiéi off- 9 cor-, Alex. respondents, to, - -- th ý VWiod a Sp6t -and rtàey; several arraotu wurg ýmlde on ltheindi- r larid cati6n, ý oÈ the- postbaïn, Who 'fi iiin - * 1 - f avmg YwntteÙdown'the-names-of the, cop- ; criminals,, bduged himseif; sa ou, mper- might suppose in testimony of', bal ".g eï - t 0 told the truth- Ail the mqn dëjàoýicced' 1 aura by Deairo Legmnd were able to provo their innocanceand &fior, féwý uïý.thý,, pon4noment th - 1 aywere releasëd. -f The liée 'had to take thà field- 1 cia MI,ý Lomas tulIt tbey coula find no trace of the cul., prit or culprits, At last come the crime Mm- near Nogent (which is aiso -loge to, go On ýPàxi8), 8üd1he battue which eüded in., " 7th the capture ofpo-- " 9th -silice hiwarreat Poirier bas confemed And tc, the 'following crimes: Noveinber, IÉ ald 1878, two oid, womau sti-uck down' and a ýMPf ekflled'^With a hakhet, near Vendome. L Per Jannary 5, 1874, an old woman named John Lebuû niurdçred with the bl.w of a 046, stake. J81iusrY 10, an old wo=n veek, killed with au iron bar et Charb ores 1-]Ïer Theù, the two ehffarpýn ýb2re men- Ustez ' tiOned assaadnated at Tort'o with a Mré. hatOheti AU those crimes, with the excePtion Of the lafit, were committed At nightfail, and at a considersble dis. îOopg tance from where the prisoner resides, reek, ana ho gays, tbàk if le bad kopt to hi& i Par aYstem, mf killing ola people in the oven- . ÃŽng instead of ùiurclering children in ,a e bÉoad daylight, lie woula not bc in bis Itioli present deplorable situation.. )r of The confeiiions of Poirier are dru- ý the matie in the extreme. At Charbon- ring niëres lie gays that lie went into a wine trie 8 ilked dtp and- a . Mme. Bezaýé1 for a out k ; lie offéreil a piges of 20 francs à at m payment, and as the éla wominwa& Il Of getti;g the change ho 'atmok lier & 112 ljcaý bloiv évèr the hesd. ý At this ates moment lie 1eard the Bazoche man hier cart cominï,àlông, so ho futeiied the 3aid door and hid himself in the stable. The 9 to driver, wishing to, take a- glabs, called ned to tho-aubergiste à couple ortimes, and down and tried-for some time bc but ingelin togetintothehouse. Wh his the mail cart bàd driveu away, Peiiier Dn" returned, finishea bis victim -who bia 1 lo ' t only beau' stunzied,ý and maàe his es- .1o. cape, after having i * 6bbed. thé tîlL - With :or- repard, to the assassinations - cainraitted MY in-November, 1878, Poirier Baya that ho [ler *ont toi the hoÙsë of the old women and est knocked, but they.refused to open thé ,ud door.- Ho then began to try and break les into the cottage, jemanding ' money. ;112 The old womèn becam"o terrffied'thaît Lu- _they at laat opened the-dQor and gave bu hini 620 franco. Unfortunately, when to lie was going awày one of ý them fol- id- lowed - hîm and sàid ' ;'II kno* you, ag Poirierf" Upon this Poirier -returned, felled Mme. Lecomte, and thon, lifter a ül ý desperate struggle under the lable, suc-' le ceeded in zaurdering bfme- Riollet. à, The opinion of the police is that Poirier ie ie aloo guilLy of Oie Limours raurders, a- but this ho denies as yet. -Ile also, de- al clares that ho b-ad no aecomplicëo* a, A GALLANT DEFFiqcË,-LouisviU% Ky, July 24th.-Information bas bas received of a double homicide in this 0 Countyon.Wednesday.night. A man a named Clarke, of Worthington, a town about twelve miles from hors, wüs met by two men named Lanston and Belch'; who suddenly ittàéke4, him. Lanston dre* a pistol, when Càýke struck him, 1 - __ -- 1 __ -- ýý'ving ana lu -&Lurieil colore îeýd eiglit O'Clock,îLnà holked themselves pany Ilim to the woid o great distress, esaace lOtle bY, where ing that w1lat she had rneant for ARREST OF TILTON FOR LIBFL. .v.,r.a cýr1M -('()d", 1saY9 bc suffers -8tha torments 01 T'le w8re - Me-sors. Geo. Rob- ho Cruelly rs. haa Mr- Beecher liail call 1 d,0Zbarýdwo, &C.ý a] nd Theodore Tilton was a 2 the damnod,11 and tit .,. 'if il'idges set tO work te murder atnilton, Defries, of Toronto, x0b his victim. ýVitzikam and M 111Y given pain and anguisil and rrested on a 1 N a" oýa quan ily of articles, knives, tabac- that o civil action for libel ou Tuosday, at the -that lie --je rIving On ci ad a ancý'N. Rayý Merklef were seen leaving the house ad on lier de ing woo tllo âharp and ragged emall scia of inoney.- of Whitby, and tliFtir de. suit of one Ga wras found in edge of anxiety, They were d tagether, the former returni C'F'Tmg t t she had elain him and that yner. He wa talion lie. osen ne etected by some personq no wore both satisfactory and im. he waniýla fore Judge W kl . il :)d ne alone. probably bc tried bef.re alsh a d released on his ro Si .p and despair." $o mu pe-ro couricil own recoguizanc Vumooo, fcar 1 i 1» He inimediately left the vieinily, and, Of lainisters naisse alie would day, te answe il a a to afflar Wedues- also soaked il fbr 13eeellerfj letters. Ch Who liappened to bc, standing in front ýJrtia as Mrs. Merkler dià net ratura, suspie- give liiin a written Paper for Ilis protec. ared party, and bas brought the r- Gibyner claima te bc laid along the Mrs. Tiltuii'g ut- of the store at the time,' au' Te M - r. Peter Wakem, of the Ontario ion WâS at once aroIulseerdboadtiýclwas foujid suitable if Lerancofi point, as The culprits -%vers hotel1who hild the soie management of search insituted. handed a Vigorous tion. OpÉsbrplicitls fdoirehtaimtionto Clear hituse suit to compel Tilton to produce ail the of powder sto, (10 Beaclier'is, te over te the police. yesterday covored over with earth and in case lie- ne brought beforA a Couneil. papers &o., in the Beeclier aflair. This wlien discove nOthing leas than criminality. bile tried before Iiis lionor Jndge Eurnham, the meeting, the greatest credit je due 80tb action je regarded as a movernent t onsiderable lesves bearinâ the marks of severe She wrote as followà . December 0 bave reached writes tc, lier buebond that lier eyAs are Who lias doierred sentence. for the satisfaictory Ùianner in which ail gashes and wounds. Vitzikam is lie- 1870, midnight. My dear husband court. of the promise opelleil and that elle sacs her sin; that the arrangements ýwere carried out.- lieved to have reached Rimouski on desire tc, Icave with you before g of arson. Re she la prepared to.ronew lier marriage A L'usixpss CiiAxGp,.-As will bc The diffles of handicapper wore effiei- Tilla UBEN OF THE TuRp.-_-ýfhe gan on FrkLay Wednesday, and te bave talion the boël a statAras;nt that X-r. il. W. Biýeioýhtor train for the west. It je féared ho will called Upon me this p. m, and asiceci me wonderflâ? performahce or G.ld,,Luith of the City. au, YOW witil Idm, iMPt'Yiug that it bail oeen bý announcement in Our adver. ently and honestly discharge(l, the fair- escape. if 1 wouici-defeùd-him against any accu- maid at East Sbginaw, recently (2.161 a', ht. Re boeu brolien; praying that ho msy tising columais, Mr. George Bengougli ness of the weights being acon by the sation in à cOune ,ýU iinisters, aud I and 2:16, respectively), givea lier à re. n2adll.ig similar lieler bc -misled by a good- woman as haq disposed of the stAtionery and kaon conteste, and the eloeness of the FiRE AT TaENToN.-Trenton, July 24. reP]iecl i0lemuly Ïhab-Ï--would in cam newed right to lier well-earned titis- of place was insi Hile wao by A good mai]; that, if ha). flIncy goods business, for soins ye î 9 ilorses ut the finish of each. -Thora bas beau. another large lire the accuser was au the person than Queen of the Turf. For over twoyearg its value in th( life were made kuown te lier father, it beT 0 a letterwhich 1 copied as my own, te carried ou by bila, te Mr. J. S. no here to-day. The following buildin"B y JJ-) dictated ,lier record of 2:164, made atMysti, tile Company. were destroyed, viz: Gao. Desn'a drug *Êâýk, -Boston, lias stood the crowning would bow down Ilà Iload to the grave' son, of Toronto. Mr. Robertson lias PUBLIC IIOLIDAY.-Ilio -Worghip the store and dwelliniz nert it; B. B. Way, bc used by hini against any other- ac- exploit of the trotting tud, and - now IN She apeake aise oflier and i had cousiderable -%peiiente in the bus- Mayor lias proclaimeil Thured next, boot and 8110 This letter ber old age-when n1ally thonght her cago, -july 2G.- Ziscovery. and tells lier husband that iness, liaving fur eielit years been con. Oth Auglist, a publie holiday. On that store; C. A. Snider, tailor; Ja Waa designëdýtô vindicate Mr. Beeeher 18 ng and herdays-of eign insürance 8110 il Prostrated Owing JO tljn gager. tected Witli the krge establishment of célay there will bc au excursion, by cars Marsh, groceries and liquors; J. H. against all other pàsons save only pre-eminence naimost OVAI.-She bas received instru, Ing she lias causea hini. Irving in Toronto; - and bOatý je Wasburn I8Iandý Under the Nulty, dry goods and groceries; 0. yourself. I was meroly JO give him sent old Time tO 8 lOwOr notch. The tfiem what cou Crookshagk & Bro., groceries; James this letter because ho said with pain track over which elle trotW, thougli a The Seottigh C, If theoe': docùtuents are net forgeries Tous AND NFwpop.T'u CuauciE F,4 auspices of the teschers of the W. M. Young, groceries, lesther and furnish- that mY letter in yotir bands addressed comparatively new one, je undoubtealy te withdrawý 1 C Sunday School of tIrîs téwn ; and the &o.; T. J. McGuire, groceries and te him dated December 24th had struck one of the fastest in the country. Asit 'directed to ta] and the fact Umt thoir goiÙiueneus je TOuy-This factory, wilich lias beau rs-' i!i ro. On the Opposite sida of the him. dead, and ended his was carefully surveyed, and as the London Assuraý net questioneti by Boochel, Je equival. cently established in thia town, is situ. street, J. W. Miller, groceries, &c. ; W. you and 1 are pledged to do our b of mercial union, Membero of the Steam Fire Co. intend Il q1lu, 10, u sefbue1usst8ý can a no doubt as te the correctuess re ent te a Confession that that plea can. ateld on Dundu street, just west of the visitinglIamilton t- participate in the T. Baker, druggist; Davenport & Lee, IvOid PublicitY. God grant a speedy the time annonnee(l, probably no effort and Imperial, hOt be mode-the maso of evidence post oice. The proprietors, Messrs. annual gathering of FI iranien te be held dry goodo, mâlinery and gr""i"; J. and te au further auxietiEs. will bc made te deprive the Maid ofthe have instrilèted agaîust Beecher le overWIlolMing. in- that City. B..'ý0n g Affectionately, laurels elle hais %Won, as there was at rates fifty per Of TOME & Newport, both of w-horn bave egraph office; B. Gross, dry Milwaukee when 8he eclipeed the fame London, ý and G eOurme, uever was thora soblack a case -for years residod in Whitby and are - SYDENHAM HARBOR Co.-The annual 'goocla and gwagries; Miss Price, 'select New York, July 22ud. of Dexter. orders te its age but that when " the Other Bide of-the well kilo'vm to many of our read sohool; H. W. »elâney, law in his etatement to the stm', waâ t0là, a totally diiTérent face ind ers, are meeting of the sharoholders of the Syd- White, hardware.. The foÃœowing in Beecher Livestigating Committee, says: A bottle lias' beénpicked up oa the energetié ned'enterprieing ëesm, Harbor Co. was held: ait Oshawa, CONSUMPTION, the Cooly block were damageil by re- «.Mr. Beecher requested Mr. Moulton ta, coast of Florids, cont i in would bc put On the matter. Bat, in mou, -ana fally .40,$'e'rve a fair last Tuesday, when the foUdwing direc- and water: W. Little, grocer; call at his residence, whieh lie did A purporting te be written by a passen- -Fellows, COM] this Bad &1î4ir, it, will require a grea youne moval aInIng a' message DpBrLrry.-Cau t share ofpublie patrôna They tara torswere elected for the onsuing year: Squire & Whitten, dry goods, groceries long intbrview ensued, in which. _'Mr. ger en the ill-fated steamship, City of phosphites.-As deal of explanation, mors, jadeed, thn out excelleutwork, Whicht theY justly -Dr. XcGill, Mr. Thomas Henry, F. and tagoring; W. F. Currie, inilliner; Beecher expresseil great contrition and Boston, which -loft Halifax for Livér. tirely different il the bare d@njal.of thor accuota, tO bave claim, je second " ÏO none lu the W. Gl' W. B,,Welkf, grocer; J, B. Chlistee, remorse for hie 'proviens criminality pool in the beginning of February in ffec 8 fr M all the alightent weight in the public Min' d; country. [Sec a&v-erti en, lien. T. N.Gibbo, Mr. Jas. T. pas Monùèal telegiaph and with Mrs. Tilton, taking te himself theyeàr-- 1910., - On the 16th M&rCh a t o semant in Other GOUM, Mr. W. H. Gibbs, "and My. J. H. hosphites, Talion gltoge*er, it je a rovolting columus.) fancy gooda; Queen'i Hotel, ÀL Parent. shame for having misused- his sacred there was -a - fâIB0-rePOrbý ciroul.ated . of eipteapt thé gent and sickeaing recital-a etirgiag ravoi. MCCIellan. Dr. QcGill, was elected Thè M. E. church saveil their'organ. Office ai; a clergyman te corrapt her her arfi'val at Queenstown. Upon the Fellowo & CO., ationwhioh we -listen JO wth painful THE 84Tx BATýTALION.-The Vii&dia. Presîdent. Loss about sixty thousand dollars. mind, expressing a determinafion te kill 22nd èf that month the, iinderwtiter's The signature of Baya th-at Lient.-Col. Warren bas Fellows, is writte tor bimself in case of exposure, and beggin at-. Moyd'a refused te ý taire , an fresh surprise. For yearo, Mr. Beecher hais THE COUXTY FIZIL-The annual ex. onow.--There wili «be a Mr. Moulton te take a peu and roue» g inouratices, ýJhe steamer beizïggeý"otit each label, and JI received, information froin Il il qu,,ý,rs hibition of the South Ontario Co. Agri. o CIRE lth APril tic. Fellows' Ca been looked upou M 0118 of the biight. 'sa hem show held in Belleville, On the from, his (Mr. Beecher's) ps au apo 'béing thon -RE Ji logy fiftý.tlilÏe days ont. On the 1 est liglits in the raligious worla èf, the - coâed into týy yvW lie helil at the 6th and 7th October next, for the cheese seventy. pophaphiýae je p that the 84th will soon be to, be conveycd to, Mr. Tilton, m the the City ýof Boston, nineteenthcentury. Iniiisownsph Sociotys groullas hors o' _physicians In aval camp. The time or place je not yet Culture' Soc'e made in the menthe Of JulY, August hope thaï; such au appeal would sectire, fotir diy out, was, fairly àiveu'up, and are fixed, but it wM.Iikely bc Boulet' n Thursday and September respeetively, at which Mr. Tilton'a forgiveness. The- apology the 'ùnderwriters prepared to sottie fntrodjacad ý and -il ýýd ho was regarded with a roveren d une in and Friclay, 17th and 18th September show thé',;um of 8500 in prîzes wül 'bc whîch Mr. Beecher dictateil tO.Mr. claime. Though numerous hoaxes dox preparati9n. 'Co an AuguBt Pr September and the place nex Uoulton was as foUows:-'Iii trust lm -uldom' extended to 114041 offored. were perpetrated, in beartless diere.- NisgaW The whole of the 4th brigade t. with F. D. Moultou. My Dear 1 gai being -, bc wah looked ù on ý:ya ore was Te je not Unco ýY ap gq o, wilillien be çalleil out. EXCUMON ABANDOX».-Th mmon in giving advice Mou1ton,ý-I ask through you, Theodore ,rý n8 en board, the onl - 'iiend rd of the feelings of thoiewho hàd ýAvpt,,C,&Tioj;s F( au exemple of Chrisdan-virtue, a mode -païent 1 lowing applicatior noexcursîonto Port Rope lu sat&. te ewly-mazried Young ladies who Tïlton'a forgivelles 'ad 1 humble my- treille evfdence, of the'vawels- Ions! :Vertiffed in,« theý of -hum= one,- in tact, coàj.-Ui- -Tôhn Blow a=ouncejg day, "Re' wu advertised t M im as I do before =y GoîL cfer Id lie -Eteald2eZ Arry Iloor,,young.,Mmr JO allade to self hefore h und wu on a thill RHÉ of Wood,- Samuel Brighoulle «Oàw-bùt vary-littie, ifany, lower than th"rkral Of £va CargOefiý Of OOî1ýw" Xîý,e,ýàn hiyi-à tku' tbe. place, Of ", my cireunistancogitbm havebeen. 1 is Wmllng, FébÏuiry Il,' picked up st the fact that Eve iiiýed a 'rd Re would have been a botter n= in bearing the inscription,' 'City of Boston or" B. C., on thé ihi angelsi " rf'*e charges Wught orne h6 offéà in'quazïti" W sait Purchu-' disablêd gardener loiLng Ida situAtiouon açcount cm uk nothing except, that ho VIII. te- but they dènet 8ýâV Rïything 9l'oui the --2étorsoni that tW pef4 ýrs, M moderato P"B. rSée advt,] Hm, te ita to t1hic - , ï momber aff the ôthor breutg that iroý Coruwau. 04 Par= Portb, on -the' nort Cout of Emnis, 4je wife, o Of thst mateb. SCItOFULA.-Fc)t thë,icure.,,cf Seroflils and other skin-diseîLies'there,ýhas never V,.npletelj,' eýr&dica.tîùg the, disease, le's Pile and IE[umor Cure. - Every bottlé is warramted taî give Satistaction give it à trial; it bas oured hundreds, it raight cure you. DisGuismDý.- Por the'last inonth a youth knowii as "George," has bean, working at thé'lumber piles on the' wharf, his chura be'ing, a man' na - ed McElvoy. It transpired the other day that Il George" waS -a wornan, and, thit she was 'the wife of MoElvoy, with whom she had rau away'from home, on iccount of her parents disapproving bar ininzi with him.-Pert Hope Guide. 1 Says the Haliburton News --Iron is ming found oü Sevériâ lbiw -aýout here., ind -ýery ýood spécimens of ore imVe- eewroýu.udtlùo week'ôn Yr. Goidie, 8 )tý Samples have algo be,,j tal,,ý,,, -ixt a> lot -belonging to hfr. Langton, a ýwmi1e8 DOrth Of heres and Dr. Curiý0:-- aý several specimens Ù2 big Store that Lust be rfeh in inetal, beipg casily lifted F- "Mail m 1 agüet. MABBAcRE By INDrANs.-St. Louis, ily ' 28.-A Special to the Denwcrat, Un Fort Union, New - mqlco, Say& lent MY KiOwas and Comanche In- IMS kiRed five - _n nèar the mouth Ut- Criek, miles South of « Boscom, o=lst inst. The Temperance people of O"ws )POSS te eréët* f6urteen publie drink- fýùntaîns- ' This ýùf ý practical way publialiffiî,.»theii pnneiples. ........... PhO ste8mship City of Guatemala Lnd from New, ycïrk, to ý,spinwalj' 3 10st 0,u the Babarnaq on the -16th - AU bands were saved. general imeéting of the manulactur- of Ontario will be heid in Hamilton la 12th and 18th roi. to take into %eýton theip ý?able effect-of Mr_ 3 cfp cýj t7Treaty- littio el of Mm Greig'. ]ate of awa, two naues east of -colàý2büg, hoi arra mostpevéjelý b#teÉ- by, a )ûs dog on the morning of-thë,ý"th lut. Dr. Darragh wàà obliËeil-,,zto - h up the wonna.- vessel left Halifax for L,,ondW,ýith Wcases of lobsten, vilueil at 878e-

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