J5 _J5 . . . 1jussIole, talceu file videbea separately IL a Ontario wiît otý ejM 01 tif Wanted - e under file thr4o permit and we, thoretSc, ed- ngmg 0, Ontario ritime lawyers, to'pru" in là bel jas, 'trsiey.. engagea iri bli meeting in faveur of th erý less'elaborate Irà t Oompré criai 6 state. was hold at Staaffvffle the editorial Conti from -h Ne*o for the Ladicii-ili gevOral Ilewla of reference, viz, voters tu th poiLs flying Central Rai in ci thé 14 aud en Woduenday Overting, 12th inst, re. rat ý9 1 P. - y -vinces ý&re, uý8o1MisolI ir4asape"ota b4d4oerý,ptX60_, mi !Iwý (f as 'v'l c the causes of the difficulties Which, el. therc, bui, they Wre net nearly.. sed Courederatio par " ex-ample, dg ont, 0 Most favourably for the propo « Friday - _atld nulnero r Occasions. isted in flic Nortli.Weet in 1809 road. Mr. Edward Whoeler occupied u* 00 yre. us as , el, forjUp ment obtained againd' au,, of the 1879; meconaly-ille Causes Whiol, re out the polling booth the chair and expressed himself Ab -a the Ilangers.on in ranswick some tr 1 Lory cible tarded the gr itiug or theý ývara but fuw compérativelyl and Do lleal*ty toi-mi; in faveur of the Dompany in a xewB court In ci ne remar di in Proclatu The otlier spealzéis were the ai anicest.v project., would net lie, »cagniÉëd lh Ontario -which ho refera 1 ta bis ý'pnbIished swe- W84 n IlotInced tIje excitenielit whatcVer exii3ted, Ai, Han. Mal. vincé migh 4 mo»t and renews bis absOlute denial of meetil Fui in $tien of the ven though thaï; Pro i ' rd7 (ekronitlt$ colin Canjcron, Mr. Draper, and Dr. e' &il guit côùdtiôt, &'suggestions towa, garde flic state of the the headquartérà ýof thé: company. Bc Governor General of, - Canada anti 'Ve Pa" "le ut'nost Iltiuter. The following reaolutions crecv wu& observeiI in fact withont iveonvenience should bd remedied, Mrs. Ti ton, Mr.-Boocher'-talrég This iyt ri -lits bain ri thirdjy-aloc, whotkér a;ltl te wliat Ci. Opouitig the ballot box no narrative of Ida irLundourse Wi m'the cint 1 OXLY St 5o Pp-R ANNUM. concAption ne were passeil mTim.-The Mark Tilton - tout Ã"ther promises of amnosty liavc ta' ite contents coula lie made, beneu, '.',Ioved by Dr. Munter, 6econded by Taz CRops m B family. - Ela lente ont th That in the o inion of Laite Express, in a St it rat s ÃhOrc Wu$ net the rush and tug a, ", ever beau made. Mr- D6Ù--ill-11 p review of the bresù- wSsývOry@ ïntimate; St it homme. su townsi Wbitlà v Thursday,,jugust 26, UeUall licou the cage nt cvery pollin this ýieiing the projecteil on Mr. Tiltonis urgent îkî y Ontario Atuffi market, bar, th following in re- invitation'- thst railwaý On to alter flic majoilty with every 'The Montréal Star liag ruade a care. divisi Central 'lilway presonts advantages gard ta thewlicat crop: 'IWO Aro now it éovëièd;.In sortie dëùee,- intérvais of dia no! fût examination, of the and heur, IllEré) was a total abse:uqe of Ur. Tilton's absence fzIo Ovide ' nec, a i0calaud througliline wliieli shofflil the Middle of flic harIvest. home, and. was fa The Quebsc Gévemmeut, givés tle followins ira the gà t 0 boys ivith 'extra$,' an& the ý disputes 00 0 la tervale, also, on f if: tIIýM nd it- té the bestcoueiileratioti of st that it wao à t thesé in limiter those d4ys the utMo ubotit Logus re la luhabiting the section, ýof wbeat shows ri hing ta, indicate more Ur. Tïlfon'il 00 lut Invitation. is ramoired thgi the Outi at-care turns wero net heard. et rél Fle privile, re Queboo Wus Both parties being In tho dark as ta the CfýintrY. through which it is pioposed rage quality and growth, expresses. a Id h appreclation of flic the P, guverniuent, bu resiguej' «I th&t the tue metie be 1 nt 9 local UI)ri4ug Of Ilesult, the ouly effort tu influeiiëo the , Ur, i , eing ilie shortest route by t1si, some ofit shows more than au sîmpIîcitý rd. 226cessary te preve rt t hi n un S'it, y of ùg Tilton'a character, very fa Lieutenautoovernor,-Dnly.fo coming, a civil war of DO élection one way or fil$ Othat. Was th whirli the PeninsulaI, eau bc droued -Sý Sumo ofour contem- and ho describes no' ffl of innocent ing uSI OMSII proportions. r- or, * bc it zemem. bring te the pous those Who p,,,,s aay. the - crop ' constru the-pre. front flic Georgiati Bay tu Lake Ontario* avoy go r'Pene@o' ploasure the friendship ho formed with iient, refuses ta , and were -sure and connecting as it Will' With the *lu ho t*O-thiids I tions, out of doiaccept theit rosIgnz' bOrlid, flic Ferdanis . were constautly ta vote 'r'ght 9 Wlien this work &bave the average, others one-third ber. ri 1886, in cousequence of bitter fre#h i orence ýt0 lieu. Ur. ver the remaindor of the clectors Grand Trunk Bailway and the waters ý 1 0 atteaks by Tifton in the Ind"pencknt, raille a ttircateniâs came a went ut their leinure witijout il cithare about the average, orbite IrýAdë into the Prairie was 0 of Lake Ontario at'Whitby thirty miles an Mr. Beecher's political course there the ex! Bobertéon' the erovnoisa Tre"tÃr@A Province and hati actually msde ai, - the casterri markets than any sorne think it will, bc beloýw theaverage on III, but, provo Who la in England. OU bis am'es, one moetin", anY interferbrâce, and the nourer An immense arracruit of whoatýié yà wassome ocolness beCween the' borne, it is atatoi, the redgua raid. Arcbbià op Tache, as in duty Oucs 0 minunication." interest-,_là vit" ould ouli loch on and 0-"Bt'ng ""el Of 00 unharventýéd,>aiÃd increà sed rain, would no, rupture, and the intimacy was con- only tIl tiens will bund bY là -hlgb Christian alites de- Wonder Ilow they -voted. The Itotura- Moved by' Mr. Johnston, seconfleil by or - 10 tinued Ãœntil the -'Yà 'ar 1870. About that will bc bc aoceptea, and Iêr. 'Chauveau wlu fil y ing, OfIlcer for East Elgffi made, mie fa, Mr. Law-1, That this meeting la pléas be.s i no. Thore le ' great; diveraity Of finie saine articles of'3fr. Tiltoil in the spring 1 lie cilled upon te form anoth,, Go - etred peace, though at ille saine Opinion a - bout the crops In France and nýëpîen*itt on the nià riiago relation, tiouai i vern- iilles as conId lie acon, every effori te hav' Od ta learn filait Ille Directorig ment. sytupatlilzing'in no the etrictest provisions of the laW full e termin0â that stations on the lino of ..We do net ses how the pries of whoat h as it.woula appear, have de- Beigiïïm." The Express concludes: obtaiüéd for him a groât, deà i of Fovere of t a fi Ordin&rY dOgree with Riel. The Gov. - y polling place establîshed ut Stouffvillo and can bc much depressed." ëotnplied with E ve y the Ontario central Bailway are te lie critýoî&m, ý which caueed Bowen, the the ini, ernmont during the thon emer ncy ve flic Interior oprie r, te contemplate the aavi,; was seleeted sa as ta a New- er te a- bonus, The Public Worthip Bill. go arket, and feeling as we do that froin TitE PopuLà TioN or Tue TjuirED ility of removing him. Tilto were naturally guided AsPrivateaspossible. Aconstablowas ni at this townabi by bis advi their geo--rqhical position those points KINGDObr._Thoý British Regà placed at the door with orders ta alloiïr trar-Gen. timet- occasionally expreosed the feýliuR structiol Dejqpà toheij from England state that The ATolibisho, and sir George none but votera inside, lie future become great centres that 3fr. Beecher did ýnot lielp him, in 'en 0] p and but one at niuât in oral estimates the population of the From the Publie Worship, Bol, which bas Cartier in October, 1871, having talked a time. The voter Ou enteriug gave of trade and commerce, we therefo this trouble as ho might, and thst -Mr. w t cage onri4elves ta give fille undertak.te United ILingdoul. in the middle ýof tllï'3 Beechées friends were at the bottom of lies part paSsed in the Imperîal Parliament, boa the matter over, came te the conclusion bis nulle ta the Returning Officer, w a our liearty support." ycar., 1874, at 32,412,010, beizig 610,000 thA ascertaineil if it was correct, and the In" attacks made on-him. - and Wh 'J' erpated more interest in the -old that tho boat course for the more than double what it was in 1801. premO4,t serctineers of eitlle In the latter part of 1870 Ur. Beeober building party wore ut 0', XFW31à nKL was oallfil on by i yonng'woman, Çc)nntrý," p-robably,. thail any Other set distresla Wall that Itiel abould leave the' liberty te question the voter or swear MOU. Malcélm Cameron, Mr. Chester member of Tiltonis honsehold, wljo 'The coutrast, however, in the différent eh 1 1 of leûixlation undertaken by the Oolintry. 13ut lu Ortler to-offect this him if they eav fit, as formerly. Ait conntries that forai the United'lang- ed ni 00 a te >sec Mn. Tilton which la Columons tâte session. The bill is In. the Arolibigilop urgoil, 1 you inrist re. Part'ei bOing satisfind that the vote was Draper, Ur. R. JI. Lawder, and Mr. W. Il. Hi,-ginf;, Of tùle Whitby C11RO1ý1CLE, dom la very marked. The population aok hi te ru tended tu put a check Upon rituaitim in Imember that Riel ý is puer. His euvepËc and a ballating papori and rc the deputation, ira= the Provisions, Of Ireland in 1874-viz., ry,80d.485;--is with ber mother. The va who had loft lier huaband and wu thon 5to bc fou god one, the voter was handed an Ung woman -laze, in 1 j1je dtuglicau Churoh, ruid, althongh it 1 ]nattier in il widow ivitli font, young 'quebýted ta FLop into a private corner population of Seotland la 1874 la Toronto 1 . Board of Directors of the Ontario Con. ouly 84,WO more thon, it was in 1WI. aise stafed, ta Mr. Beeelýei that; Tatou fral Railvav arriveil ut Newmarket 0 The had assailed ber virtue. Mr. Beecher, public in bocom6 law, how ft will operate 'Rirlg AiLl tlirec yoling ljo>s, and elle bellind a soreeti, whore ho inarkeil bis Tliursïlý,tý, l'ast, and met with a verny 8,462,910, or 212,000 more thau double oomplying with the, rý uest board frow Rail, wl i.lannot, of cýc1u1eýo yft lie predictea. Ilinoi un nipaus of support. ci;pr- ballot, euelogod in flic envolope auà 1 ige.o t: what ît was in 1801 ; while the présent soaleilit. Tiiet-iivelopewastlietihand. cordial p leu. The Beeve. Mir. E. Mrs. Tilton a tale Of ili-trelatment and 'Wlleeler 8trong grolinds, ivevor, wore jakon cially Wheu, lier elèlest scIn ed ta the Retiirning officer, who, in the Ãœackson? thein apecial attention, POPtllâtiýDr Of England an(l W41es in bad conduct bv lier huaband, but no Afteradd n4iltinst tho bill, the rà n(4p.11 opposition la away. lie hit s if eud toék p ,tiýoular irlterest in introdue_ 28,648,607, or about five and a balf word tbat jealoýsy of Ur. Bescher was Mr. Dral jIýý1 ý jýpI ing thom ta the Ipailine, mou of the Millions more th, balt OIIIY Plýegettee of file voter and the scruti- tri double V.Ilst lit will' involved in it. Fle brought his Wife te chairmar t!()nlfng frolu 'Mr. 0 lailstone, wbo point. Iiis labor for lits s"pport, ai.ffl I do rot ri er aced -flic ballot in flic box. locality. -111 flic evenii-iîýn very inflti- in 1801- tho courisel, and between them thoy speech it 0j Orthleoineas duriue lis thiuk it la fair ta ask bâti ta leltve bi'q _s eutrance te flic rooni tilt ]lis Out ftq 'W Z etitint nicotine, wps beld in th TuE WAit or R,&crbe.-For -the past Althougli net a govertinient honte without sonie compensation a deprtrture-lio one COUICI pogsibly tatilpér e Mechan- agrpea that Mrs. Tilton miglit better Railway. pusage. n(l with l'ho voter lu ény way; lie ci4t bis le&' Hall, presided Ovûr by flic Reove. feu, weeks the newepapers bave beau tien of th net return ta lier huaband. lllnà ouro, flic ýiI1 was defended by Ur. jneaiv; fit living.' Sir Joliti Vaëd, voté ftir flic man of Lis choice, and left The romarks Dé the Hon.*Mr. Cameron filledwith accotints of actuttl warfare bc. On the 27th of Decomber, Bowen ta fýrmer I)igllafli,'Who Ém. if In said, greatly in. aldi thereforal forwarilea S1,00,1) in flic bellind ta clua tri his seerût. With on' and Mr. Draper, in explanation of the came ta Mr. Beecher beariug a sum* ta himsoi, ereased bis popiilarity thorelty, white hope of keeping ilici out of the cotinil-y 'vol cw exceptions, flic electora Recru. lion and wore flic negrocu predominate lu numbers. cave the pulpitand barrot of: advantages of flic project, wore listened twoen the blaek and white races where mono from Mr. Tilton that ho (Mr. abont eh to bc pleased witji the new system. ta with inarkcli liftent Beecher) aboula, 1 Sa fur as coula, bc ascertaincd, they Boni ýfr. Gladstone te bave and of preventîug Iiiiii takin- sides ed repel'e y applanded. Messrs. Jack. In most cases the nogroes seem'to bc the City of Brooklyn, "for reasons ex. important i uj arod blindait ati(l party by Ida appuoi. with the Fenians, %Vlio Slieppard and M threatening tho Province. Bu lie ale 0 theil 11 c1faster plicitly known ta Iiiim." Ur. Beecher of flic pri finn to 1t. ovor claimed fur if ; while ballot-sturi- were satiefled it liail ait flic advantages BoO Speke in approval of the selleme. the aggressors, as convincing evidence was amazeil, and pronouneed Tilton same as t: question of Ida guilt or innocence -ho Ing and other objectionable féatures i solutions werp passeil pledging hoarty Provos them te have been in flic crazy. In-the interview that followed would lie the nil cordial support te the enterprise, troubles which occurred saine time ago Bowen related ta Mr. Beecher many The, Manufacturer&, M-eeting, considered in no way t-o bc bius3ed by Ume of flic ballot el.ý.ýewliere %vas evi. nnd also thaiiking the deputation for la of Tilton's immorality, and con- !, a. CIOsely as dently impossible tinder flic pmsetit Grant pariait, La., and terminated in 8tOrieg would rea The illeet-lug ut thid ýran5RctiOn*1 Ho rogarileil flic e icr. 1lif,ý information giv il flic incitii flic shockin- Colfax massacre. There v;'106d biru Of their truth. On the was more Ilamiltou Ingt week resultoil in a con. bngtion as one net te be é1ecie!pý1 by le no gond arenson whitever why flic strength of these, and shoched by frein diff, 0 _R 1 - rosignation, Mr. Ofteil dela, cinvaustion of the r Lny Of hi$ two races shouid net live in harmony rilton'a doinand foi proposea RAoipr9city froin the Luaell Of in the South, for the interest of both Beecher advised Bowen ta distaiss Sc11krbor, by flic Imperial Governitiont. If Bazaine's escape front 1 Tilton froin hi;; employ. On thinking Troftty as a_ whole-but few of thune l", 11-11, 'l Provitiional Directors of the Ontario are identical. The -,ibites roquire the The dep proscrit qwaking in lis fgvor. it le hi$ intention 'f StA. Marau it.-, wil;-,!] ta procce(l ta England te .1ý1o Of ci Il Crntral R,,L,"Iwpy Contpituy arriveil liere laborof file blacks, flic prosperity of thig over ho felt rame remorse fer bils able advie, elilitended, Ilowever, thst -tire tueeting conhiult file Governiuent, whicli lin re. NY.Ii; in Iulýt wct.kl.q i on Frà lay last, and Imil in, IZOO(I oppor- one race is closely bound up With that conduct, and accused hiniself of having Whaeler 1 -a its flic supreilie arbiter of Riel'i; arran turtity for rliùetiue with the lcading of the, Vther, and"f it wam net for the helped file ruifi of a friend whoui lie flic m-ost 1 Nvas but a omall one, Sud à l'il net fully f 8 elltrt..Iy or. * ineil of the villa-o allid submittili- the pS-tilent intin may have wi-ongfnlly believed guilty of mation chi Nladarue b cnceofpoliticiang of the l'oprosent ý the manufletutýoio of the ale, gt the sarno time mfLttiuý- Ilig oiqu wa, a. t a 1 liove pripoEed railwa;,to t ieireoilsiderâtir,,i. things a inimorality, and who liad long beau thcr, i, po^,tOni bases srt, no stich state of country, wlici by thoir absence ohoweil lm vieit rank opfluionsan But zaine. The Marsbal ut tirst ta As flic directors are net in a now exrist would have been possible. loved by him. While in tliis frame of ridges in 1 r took place. The Pacifie fly, but finally owing ta a fitilure fo-ob- if preseut, ta say that the Company ýr ta central the 11190.0 Vote MInd lie was visited bv Mr. r throng,11 IV t liat they dia net lieliéva thoir intercets will establisli IL stationtit Bradford, and f tha Administration part Moulton, Who told him that lie muet built, witil la bu lu such imminent danger on it 1 1 seandal and Other inatter4 which WO tain ally modification of bis se tence, as they colla net give any information 11,0 loadors Il y corne immediately ta sec Tilton. Re adding ma la a u i. fil. outil, and file lesser politicians hiateil they arc by thordo OpÉ04ed te the 1 into bom lieavÃŽly yieliled. Ile sailed front the Island in as ta the route which the railvay wouhl of flic saine party, have labored night went, and when Moulton had shut th&m tweeu stou Troaty..- It, Li te bc regretteil that 0 ellitliclit and cansed the i4tc-ani 3-aelà t Baron Ricolazo, bc. folloiv after leaving Bradford. tii@y (Là d clay te iiitill the rriost virulent up togother, Tilton accused Mr. The (lep, 1 tlicir dowi.fall. That the courge Whiell longiug te Lin Ititiiitil ef,,mpauy. île net expret or a,11z for anv defluite pro. an Beecher of having, betrayed his fiientl- on ýimrsdj -net a Ailler attendance on hatred against thvir white neîghbors ship, helped ou bis business ruin, alleu- acon met filcy pursued in bribin4 Boit te Icave rofu6e(l tu a Freueh výùssL-I but f3il'illlYsublllittcd into theminds of the ignorant frced- tlen occasion. file co their mvlieiur, pointin,,, oÃŽt flic advan- Dieu. As the restilt W(., have have the ated his wifé's affections, iinflertaken tu 14 flic aftel Uutry, pouding ille enquiry j»to XIC %vas in lifs flifflit by t"w". IV' f 1 ' ill tlle*,ropinionilli3 village i.ijl)o%-eri,;Ijmant of whole States icli !)reak up bis home 1 and, finallyof hav- by Mr. Mi The Affricilittiral ,Lock-out" in Eng. bis guilt, is Open ta quef5tioli, nonc Will his %%,ifc and ljrOti.ýýr. Ilis place of' m- woulfl ilé,rii-t! front if, if a ]lave in theïr resources the elements of ing Made improper advanees ta ifrs. Hinter and lind. a' aiiiouilted te ýUgL- is net li-liow; eonie pé'l».'ýOllq îiy J.-v i4aiion were ist,ýtblislied iliere. These immense wealtli, and "eues of blod. Tilton, and Mr. Tilton 1pr6fluced what vijjaý,e, All "pu thu, Ibla e c docIu1ýSti10n of intioconce, or promise of rfully lie- Elllc.ýj suel, as LLOse wlsiel, Lave reeclitly r of the ' 1 151,101lirspaili, l'lie d ut the fort -cre 'very chee ho alloged ta lie a copy-the only one favo 'The cortillet botween flic fariners aria W 0 tlle Marâlil %vilis illl.)l.lëone4:1 ](1 ther» existing, the original haviný becu This viii. st ore titterly foolisli te af 0 lm ne dOldt tbat homme go coiniiion. the Union Agricultural Laborers 01 t conti-bute aliandsoine destroyed-of a confession ta thlti effhet with very h1gland fitill continues. Owilig te file OW, 1 ,Ya,, Iarffled itt Sau Remo, aud tra- il of proposed, railway ' re up this on almost e overninctit COUIL1,110 in ai" OvEp Londou lerec by Mrs. Tûton. He thon ta what if nover dreamed to reft lin 'e liglit harvest lu salle districts file rartu. known tu be one of file frilifful causes toýi rit Il ýl et Via Turiu, ti Basle. At thu if tli(4 6urvcv of flie fine shail Ir-ad ta Prrsa says: Over inutiratice hus long bcon palier and lade Mr. Beecher go to IMrs. thronged ÃŽts power: and its nuwisdow in ofi"eriii,, lutter 1;'&acc hi' tooli traiu tu Bru.ssels, flic a(1ý)ptio;i of a rcnte aft leu » or home. Mr. Beeclier with eustoir ers ara ecâblèd ta get in thoir crops c wliero lie arr;%,c(l at bt,ýve-il 0'eloeà on Bradford which %vill suit the interes Il b evidences of with but little a8ijîà tance, thus bein 1'uubdaý,raorn;llý,,. Itig I)t]iC»Vùd tlitit Iton of au apparout brille, whicli izziglit afforil ts af 0' those dangerous conflagrations whicli der, "" t"" w's any accusatio y lie-iterially ajand in the contest, A c 0 t the la 9 If . ýýi anything worso titan im- a banale ta political oppotletltÉ4, but tll(, ropu lottud O.ý4 Lhe cliii nt tile It:lo of %vas held in the v aud thon burst out, te the -gerteral Proýsr advances. T-ýttprly bewildered, ed that in fi 01iý situation of flic laborerg, on the il, Wh "0 whicli under existing circuinstauces was Ste. Lli,,rgiiLrite iva_ý rti!ii)cjitled tri ',rr,ýrn Hall in liie eveninc, .11r. Stevon- 1 illiurytý-icl li8I-.]aY. Indeed, experts in use. accompanied by Mr. a nr".v town e ru fit wisdoni, cannot bu urgcýd rnielead flie authorines as tu ilie inan. s' il h ', ce e, in flic chair. .1(1(lresseF, iut;urariceinatters affiruithat ouelialfl Moulton; saw Mrs. Tilton, then very $4.5,000 is b, cnntrary, in beiqiljuing te look sortous. with any fairness, ýas if ir l'y flic French ner of flie MaîýLaI's escapc. %vilieli w,,ý 1 by 1-10u. Mllicolui catil- of the rires Èjat occur unso frcm t)le j ill, in lier i thése builclit ooni ; obtaincil frein lier The Unigu troasury, on which they efit,,iýted in ,sotlli! otlic-r -.t'av i!!i1OuýIl ffie _1*1 sud Mr C. Drapor. The chair- f au admission that. elle liad accused lifin bonst, ailloli newopapors gencrally, as a reaEon that C. "Il, made a ý,;v rciaarks invitina, the, rocllessness lit t'le- 'Uccu y largell élopeud for aupport during the th@ crime of Bel ellould pasts 11LO tlle sý , tý gw - 1 rta lier,,hiisband of improper conduct; pact and ti lock-out, id boilig ileplotilà , aud yet no porole earnst cowideration of thi, people of Point % a Writien -,ith s- -hile pri- ,jutçf, er, and demanded and roceiv- flotiring Mil] realins of oblîvion and fnrgi-,-envýîs. it Dot ta leilva t1jü t Q Procau- the N-ilia-v of Bradford ta thn proposed vate (1wellings ujlloiii huru, if is in na "fraction- 1 disposition te give in liai; been silo juta in whicli a cLanco for bac 1 111 flic voico of universal societ %vbieli d rý Wu tien- Vîerc Con.,ic»qteLltly The l Éýcjien1p, Whieh. if carrind ont in the thot;,i tenem an(k 0 Mr. à MDult0u* l'Ouse, sai(l little, bY miter un, -10 thon w0ut alsa 11nothi-r by flic farmem, ivho h entry Was witlidrawii t'le terrace direr!ion lie beinz net Offly eturDe ta his haine. This wits Avo been able te gain ujay arise ilint fire usually makes the Patrie cil nuetain themmelves through hai7vilst W ich th istrespable of condoniug a ru il icvcrý- niorii.,nc lit live o*clo-,Ie, if beili', zro.,i.ily to the iatf4rt-f-.t ofthe villalze, blit. its appeâranec. If a fire that lias once on thý ý6Lh of December. The next the Bible Ci finie, the iuost trying perloil, ftnd steatu ley believe, estenuating çircuni - tu icee-) Iiiiii in hip.- apiniein, equellv R'(lvlnt.,L,-"Ous tO Obtitincll COUI(l bc eonfined te day Ille was again visiteil hy Mr. Moul- which woula sta ces ta xist. temporary con. 1-11lù- ltl'te" Two solei be- 1 the C'Ottel)lllly, would Fiititletlin Coin- the four - walls in %vhicli if orieinated, eti n plouglis will lie largoly used in plough. r! e 1(inziiifz ta the «irriý on oftho, farte-rs 1 -rýV 1 the ret,, le ; that if had been itself or f net cati 8uper6o(lf,, flic rany te liberal aebjstatico the publie could well affoni tu let flic coted, nid -te " Il ' lolIt hitn tù.t Tilt.. knew of city. Thore Ing in the atulible. IVIIIIO some farni. y sav flio matter bc settled batween the bafférer ýetractiA by Mra.Tt thut the '1J.Lrýi1ial oli t1xi lion, and that there 13GO Ibs iq uc tru bave been emplnyijig as many Sa ri Bel en ce, and ' fur oui, ! -i;4ýo lit I.GL) on nioril- Dr;ffill ranv(,ýl'a corlial vote of and the compapies. But such in net '%u iýv Il 0 su lie hun,7 ut Rýý own part, we are of opinion tliat the f 1 dpputation, for t'-:e very the fact. The intiocent in such a case, iid harvest-ine Ill""! lis o t le rrv er of fille document. gress of flic v ni lato government novùr for one I1lowfýilt lonst, franic nnd straielitformard lnan- as in mauy others, are made ta suffer At this interview Mr. Moulton slioweà The publie the locked-out laborers bave been obli r. ner in irliieli tli,,v Lad subiiiitteil th ivith the guilt.y. If thug hommes P fà 1 Meelianica' 1 bolieved tliat if could or would. eir r. BFecher a pistol, but duos net il , tu subsist on $ 2.25 a we ek given 1 sdic-nle to file, tbpt no in. accru to have tIireatened hitn with if. mlliell the le .>on Woodruff, of flic firiii of Wood- 1 He approvecl tnatter of comwon concorn thoin by the, Agriou'Ittiral Union. This ýjjjY cýf flic plats 1 rf, Dentlev & Co.. of Broughaw, died retraction were present. -eticence exhibiterl by duc£-ment shoulil presont itseif i)y Mr. Beecher surrêudered the m4te ofaffairs, cari not-long continue, th(-iii, in ruýfrf.iiiinL7 from mftk-ln-,. any w âch tli,,3e who may bc dimbonestly ruadê by Mr8. Til ri 1, ta tlin Oijtar;o C ista alrendy the Etocutive Connoi Isou ofMr. William Clirtom fýtr3- Fudilenly last Tliiir8!-Iay rf tliù,,a loo.,e rrouii.qts whieli railway ýispo-ied sbould lie Icdtu iiivolve others Mr. Moulton'a interview *Rufl.recovery gratifyina ané Clie Nittional Labnrers' Union ha istiii,, in the bar. 1 of bouse officer, Fort han raturn. Tiia %va3 aF,ý nZ, in the conýRequeuce:i or their ci-L-r-e. of MrR. Tilton's retraction, Mr. Becch-r L,* ve ed home on ft vigiÉ te his friendx. after 1 vest n;11 oil we(illc-saay, âprarciltl'y il, ps fin rtntiOI14. route of railway. &c. The undor-.ýtiters in the States Lave sava that ha wfu; %ra" -int, , ý v i n talion action lit thO-mattor, and uil;iftd It, au Absence oftwelvo vears in Çulifo' la 1 hi!-, UC7.11al bea ý1. jý1,k 'Mr. Driffi Amigration. At a meeting héId rttt-&nf. la . ....... Cu Ont. Païiimhig allýDve the 1811 1 . M. Xiss Calver"-,l om tain. '1111% own dagot-.ri and_ Iule -âne entëeng, lier in and 9,,"Nn t4rough ber ' lie Cheek, W and PU=ëd' SM' the, teco4d bait «terinwber ne& t Raz-dl uty- ber, f -0 a n.est Ou",,Sn(l made Off befýre 'allé, réaèhed the-door. ne and b7as not beezi fieârd ëf, zineej- Algiongh, oge. evely effOrt7igr. being MIMU 40 7proeure . bis arrest. AU 1 the parfiai' tô tbà 18 molancholy ý_nýr are well known in rou town, and ConsequentIV the OCCUrrenM ýally bas cr«téd quite un 'excitement. Dr. un- Herod han extra,ýtéa thý- bulletfrom Wns Hurley's head, but ho ce,,- cÉtical iltate. Migs C la in a very lied alver romains mb- - vEry low, Autl all attempts at extracting e". the bullet have 80 far proved futile. 0? LATER. the, Hazle wag arresteil -in 08.11aws on 1 of Monday ný9ht at an " I ehortà 'v after ?est bis arrival in the piace. Ile aL-litted, un- tbat lie committed the net with WJýicÈ lie is char Fe , and feels keen regWt IhBt lie shot two innocent pariios. bat lurley and Misg Calver axe proR»a«ig rably, and hopes are entertained of their recovery. of sa- on The New York Preso on Beecherý ies statengent. '£lie New Yorkpapem have the Ãol.- e., lowing cOmInent8 on Mr. Beechues ,lit stateni ont coucerning the gnat scanda,. Ce The Tribune beads its article, --At lie lut the truth,'t and closes b saying ýli- "this Statement vrill mea!itiraýly clesr ih-.- Bwà Y the clouds that bave been dark ýJy and thick ý about Mr. Beecherle naine. su If it had come oooner, it wouid Probab- ly lYhaveanded the scandal. Forthatwe 0_ muet look nowt6 erosaexamination. 19 P60plewffi-probably regard bis course - as unwiso, bis friendships- as unworthy, je bis be&W language in critical moments le as un.safé, and his courae throukh the wbole miserable business as weak, but not wicked." ThoTimeg8kvs: "Itdoagnotacconnt for his conduct, in a way tbat men of the world wiR generally accept as con- clusive. It diséloses a curions amount it of- moral cowardice and a, great deai of irratio-nal behaviour;'btLt we<bipneve the impression will ba general thlit, conced. iug Mr. Beecher'a character to, be what a ho points it, bis story is net inconilist- ont wîth innocence,,, 0 The HéraU sayi: 66jt is strong, and ýl perhaps *iU bc accépted by, Mr. Beech. oeil friands as bis vindication; but the public will not açeept it as a filial dis- position 01 the caqe. No one bas a riLyht te decide- - 'pou' «týbÃnnocence of er. Bûcher tili thue verdict of Plymoutht Cburch bas been formally reüder'ed." The San says':-ý1fr. Beochër shows coi2rage -and determination- fô figlit for bis life'. From evejy point of view this is weIL If the ship muet sink, botter- let ber go down ili -the eiélosion of 'battle and at noondà y, rather th= be seuttled privately in the twilight," The World takes the gronna that ?tft-, Beecher bas made ourhis eue and proveil bis Jntiocence. Dr. Sullivan, Mayor of Fà ingst-où, bas decided te %lepart from the uaual pme. tics of former inayors to give a steam- boat excursion te the CityConneil anir leading citizens, and tn distribute a sur& -Wl*h we believe to lie considerably larger than one of these excursione usn.- ally costs, arnO---g tllë charitable ius5tuý.- tiens of the city. tjhe provisional executive officers of, il Belleville and North ilutings Railway were elected Wednesday, and- nt the meeting thon hold 3110,'600 of stock was subscribed. The Nouveau Malide declares that Riel will aggain ho a candidats at the foithcoming election lu Provencher, and expresses -a hope tbat lie wM ho tri- uulPhantly returned. During a thueerstorm ai Ottaw-a- lut Wednesday,--tlle flagstaff of the City Hall was struck and a-onvertod te splintürs. A raft,,;raan on the river was killed by the lightning. Il appearg that some Ameries n offi. cerg bave -been co-operating with the ...... Mi^ 818niell "l" "" " vi'- l'art to u'ýo t..,, - -- .- ýltilerici- ;J11d iiooo . - : Vui.1 Yt allit 1, as 1 lully believed, Ilig opponents tlie o1hora 1 Ili abo ' wa-9 decided flerr.VI mi Mollafty filitl T«r,.ýý-i(!,,v. 2ptit Le » v(! thlý groTind for - 1 beeil tho cause tir all, by coliti tll,,""tl 1wuai,ýhi't'sqèure, 'Muili îýlill favour or WI wliq lin t as for raking 111 were saute of t1w 1wit draught player, aill] 29th 1 trtl l'y two b'ras' 1't' blind and friencllslhuilpllwgliieli Themombers Ilu will pay for itself in oii; 'lleotim,' üigllty-eight, ont of a bundreti. liad boguiled lier heurt, and roused lier favorable Oppor 1't'avillee, OUY Old fiieilit Mr. 1 ni*,.-c..t.4 b,% vl-ry sliIi-,ýior now jja.stc,,. Thore W 114 a larzil Pittondanee of sport. hut;banil into a filiýY of 1 win. Gordon. of littyaitie, .12,11 ýi[- aLfitrffif., jülilousy." l"IL TO' J Meil. - with the %ý'Ilitby, sue. 'V'l' bc re 'IllbL'r(2(i tn 'this rake, Ut- expres5vd leadiug mvn; ly! '4) iIig Cfl* 'tr -,Vit kps it one 1A, thil 'lli'ost P,,.rf,ýCt H 'l 3fr, 011(l gaine 'Vit" now Ut tho Wlitby liarbor. It eV' Tl; c it, nia Cport s front thc- extreruc goutiýi' to, be tieekiua tu brin, of 'lie B 'f,.)r 31r* Wylie.. uniortituatcly. -Ilowevor# LÉat eullJ9 w.L.ýJ, 01 à , filigriini. turuod out 700 of e er tir of the State show aIrcady ' emora Ilc-re, as weil, 'a 10FI112 the Othrrg that sho ha.,4 been purellagel by a Tr 4, C iïèi;srs.Doddi; .1eli KutfLriný iii that locality 021 Itc- 11111 it a rüýOncîI1iatiüa, took a in n- ]Je contotitoil. i tl1cý;ý- iýodé!z 1 lit du )f Il language that lie laigni were Pl-eýttlv wqé; The Sctittieb élit of file pore, Mr- Newtoi). Port Vein, Ilitr ,, 1,:); * 'p y é,co., 01lio, soir! 4,500, and conat of the t1êstructiOn of the cro 0 lis and encoul;ll'rir we Icaru fiulu i C, 1 à 'L'Ilep-dal, 2.501 ilist. ai( iry, l'or ci, es of c(,;mInuilicatý it ta t7;tlr. Tilton. This li. -, crýt( --,,errti tilousand iiiii, gra.ça an d e iu 1 y as c the mogt e-,tcuii ('110 Grnifè cJ vé-m th g ego L grasshop. was tlie.origin of what is known Iltait'd Journal, is fifty-tlir'ec 0811AW4 ST. PATRICK's L'XNi-ýVULENT F;o 91-rat j3 iiti hupericrit-y oi,(-r peri4; the sùttlýr,; are obliged a jet tileir l3ee her s "conferà iion." He sigias Xr, t 11 i As sptal! et oOfnttl aier i Il Yenr', of agoi aud was bc SOCIETY'S InUtUl Pie.nje ýl l t tell at pany IIR8 net yei rii ait IGIMali- M bl.. , cattle nud lie S sturve. MOV 1 A 1ý.w Liel. Cablilicidta eeCt,)R. their relief ai" elueutii for tlic battant a few words stating thut the ock, iyrowvo, 14-ilore 110 graduated ai, a of the St. putrick's 13cuc 'N. - On Tliu S ])il. Clarlic, lield ai, il, r'day -"o baing made in thie city paper was given in tragil ta Moulton, -vole'llt quef,'t on the body of f:upply froin Davton, Ohio, applied ta and itlsevliere. 1 mril laddie." At au early age lie dis. Of Oshawa, was lield lit An 1 but ho did net read the paper or bear it nivili ertýtblishta f in, Grevu wollla -on lot 1,ý the Jýsep!I IliL!! et "Il," l'O 1, NVII .101 Co for th oven i8(lase read. lie IllaYed grent skill nt drauglite, and bc. last ýNle(lnc,5,lny4 12th inst. '171luré wus E tri the face of flit, Arn-erica.ii Taern Ikiud of contagious il ilst WhitleY, The Jeceas;vd liveil -Ilith as bouli prüvailing among the We shall net pursue iu dotail the re- mises ,,, this pc fore bc WAS Sixteon years a imaii nailloil (icc,,Tlali a,,, his vife, but Pý'r cent." horaes . der of Mr. Beecher'o remarkable ail t old lie hall a large attendanec., mally front a Wc aso ta eu,, to of Cartwright township ro uion.ý pfftyed and cleffatimi moeof the crack distance. A variety of un thvY %ver#, ruiveil iiiirr!etl. It ul)pc-al-g tir three weeks, f,ýays the Sonth Durham stateLlient. IVO ]lave heratoforo point- luSelments il tilat hall] di.Itllll, and frequent quorrels our 1 Champion proposeil railivay P13YernOftlmuOighborliood. 'Poriusuy Wiere Provided, the Iiiil, velficll)e(lo resllIt. ()?à ýVednilA(1ay even- 1,110n'ér and l'teal)c!r,' %rhieli stands in 1 1 ýt'euis correspondent, The glande of ed out tilat the letters quoted loy Mr. fard to Georgian tho Ufflteil Statof§ uni] Europe withont the throat firrit sweil up, and thon the Tiltou as from Mr. Beeeller were the parcut that not ,yc'mr#J Put .110 hu lived At 8evera in race PRrticula ' rly aiTorýlill.,, ennlîi!!trnljlc Ù19 $lit, %vent to lied and soina time riose breaks outins dry wart cruption. Ouly Ovidence against him, and that aP Fifçglgro, whero hi# famil carry on the amusement. IL rival as the King of the luirvest flold; The animal appears duIl audylow spirit. adford iii the %% eyppeted or aske y ilfter he Silortly zi»ttýi. Lie thoy indicated saine Offense Laward Mr. P. crockery buiuoià i. bfr. ýVy le is in ap. livaril hùr gaepinit for breaib. lie rail aliso, our iritproveil - Sul;er-.or" Bread- ed for a fow days, The dise Tilton, and Fome cause of a 1 t Sceiler einci Cultivator conihined, ase dues nguish and ALL SAINTS' 8výNr).jy SciffIr)l, 1 not appear tu bc dangerous as no deaths The public mec f - Il S Jring 0-,.. Friction Hocs for li but wheu, the 1 "'Il" remorse on Mr. Beecher's part, thlit re- Town Hall in the penranow a quiet, paw4y seotehma'JP -The aimant pic-nic of the Pul'il, uf s1ec waf; derd. 011 the proviceus 1 Illit Sý whieh is quired explanation. Mr. Beeber de. one Who Whou playing a gaine appears the the inozl; ustzful'fa!-,u im-- have oecurred yet. Thero is nut mucli Mr. Steveilgor, ien. il tjiluday fichool in coniiectio Manda". both lad bewi ta lown and a ",:,0 last L-w treatment requirod, ënly keep the sui- Claros the offence ta have been portait. be wrapped up in it« mytiter Ple within the Malcolin ettinercir, 8 à ri witl' 401; Irtýnk. They got a ride homowards . o mal quiet for a fi-ver daya and Put bina ting Mrs. Tilton ta fail in loye with Ilim Il Saints' Chureli, Wliitby ww, lir,,Icl along the Loacli ycam, Tlif, "Supericli, Lits rio Elqual dressed the weet rarclY Passes a-roniark, but occasionai. livail when thev un(](,r- b b ille 1 is ga ran 0(! l'o on sort food. on the one hand, and on the other the made a few very r ait the Drill blicd laist Fiiday' The day 1 tollk ta Cross the field:i Io thei; houEil. ý"1 rc L'lu llt:l _t a t d advice-based, a-, lie thought wlien the ly when ho bas un omoicuo or 0on.coited nocet3rititted the crossing of a litt give entirn rýù Liýýfà e1. i(xi. ur no sale ; aisol DuLi. V.-IT11 SON.-Tli retnarkR. He ac opponont, the Old gentleman workis him Wall Plessant'y sPeut bY tho chil"Iren 1 rll"8 fle Cr iproved "St,;)etlor'l Grain Drill, Paris Galignaiti says a communicati e letters were %vrittên, ou error-iu favor th, creat u(1vant.,týe log. Noither Co-iridG-rc-d a in t t 0 1 the v on of a separation and in favor of the difq- would derive froni inio a hard cornerand . quietly clitickleg and a large number of tlit;ir friends, or "I'ngh ta accomplish o beG very day iliat the atteulpt was m -tt-dded tu the proposeil rai ýs a lovuie s as a Il witii ür piti liocp5. Our Threzli- haut Du8seldorfstates lia 1 erY inissal of Tilton by Bowen. Over the disSuifiture. Ciacus C0311yo.-?Jaginley bo h laid down au the elle and Hf-)rstj powers Lav' n ade On this cause of anxiety was sub-equently silould ho estE L the most Of the ni ninell iriýI)IOIýiýd thif; senklil. Among Prince Bismarclz's fife his sou fouJ71IL U th, dreall that Mr. Tiltou ungh glit. Horse power, duel with piatols there %vith Mr. Zir6- ly rouew the t publie- for'], and if LI DXAIH OF A LEADING ?dà aox.-It is efflouï, Museum, menagerie and trained This exposure, added ta tile lieurt and, other thDgr" 'e GlIr p"ýt's charge of 16improperad. be biiilt on a route with aille£. aulmaln will viBit WhitbY Bhortly, aittl lung digease, frova whîch.elie bail been genred at both cndg, se as ta bc used kow, au officer in the infantry. The and ruin him. 13ut Mr. whicli WOUI(l mAct the dotnise' 'torret thAt We chrou'ele 9!VO two entertainInOnts. Bon sufféring, was the cause of death. £ho riglit or lett liand--Patent, safety Cou- enecatiter took place at six in the Beecher denies, bY imPlication, that -hl' terests of the villi of Mr. T. B. Harris, thé leyl the noteil , u jury, of whicil Mr.' B. Luke was fora. plitigs foi lino #;ýiafL-Lèadbcatér's ra. rnorcing, ut ten puces distance. Thrce, eyer contemplated suicide, and zays circ 6 n1aIlagcýr, lias cour. man, returned a verdict acco tent Bacidle Belt and windlus for rais. abois were ta bave becu exclianged, but that his allusions ta expocting find désir. Braillard woulfl no higlily respecta Grand &«,Dta.ry Of mand of the affair, and Mr. Claude de r, lending its mat-W the Grand Lbago À ing straw stackers without etopping ut the fir8t firo IL de Bismarck, Jr., ing denth wAro based on nym"toms of . P. Raven in prean agent, She was burieil ut the oxpenoc Oifugt,ýil machine, ýVc ilivito intcnding 1 pur. shot his adversarv in the abdomen. spoplexy a-id paralysis, construelion of th Who died Wb Tuesday moroinq ut tOwuslliP. fflie waff 46 years of age.- chasers ta examine our machines bc- The w cunded man -was ramoved ta the bad and which *hicùlldo-ften from Whitby ta ac Othawa V!44jeator. had irecustomed hin: ta At the conclasiol Hamilton lit elght ololock. The death THE GUY F,&ifrLy, adveriiëwd tu fore bnying. Full information ýwilI be Military Hospital, but 110 died twO ra*,rd death as = alwaYs opeu door Mr. Driffili, accent pont ta all applicantFi. Address, josrrii Ilours afierward. of Mr- Huit'& *'11 bc 9 80riOinti 1000 to pour hOrO Iftst Monday ovening, ap through which ta escape front Ilis cares tbo Order, of çvbfoll lie wag faite-, S'I'ril BATT.-The lust official Gazelte HAt;L Comp,ýL,.Y, Osha- . The Goveraur of Texas represeuta and trouble. motred a Cordial vol 1b leading » Put m au Appearauce, the coin- rontains the following:-34tli (Ontario) ýrIl, Canetis, deput tien for th( that constant depredations are made by meinber. This is Mr. Beeel.-er's explanation. etraiglitforward.-a PaUYP WO lindératitud, baving separated Battalion of Infautry: Ta be Lient.- the Indiana front Mexico upon tlle WC cannot undertake ta analyze it mitted LI Colonel, Lieut.-Colonoi James Wallace, at , had , &ab ut Port Hope on nocount Of ûnnuLil' CiTy, Nrw people of Teras, that triany persan are the late hour nt which it bu reached na, meeting. 4CCWEI;T TO À C«MD--:ý_A talogrim difliculties., M'.' S., forrnerly iu command of -thiA murdered by them awl grent quan5 from. Brooklin sevt thltt a littlo el battalion, vice Win, Warren, jr., Who is Wm. Lwîvrence, writing fities or to, endeavor ta point out its etrength The députation r ta Mr. Pellov7t4 gays. 11I cannot tell of property stoleu and eûrried a aY, and its 1 weakness. IL dou not aceount on Saturdà y night, Lin Ilc-reby permitted te- retire, retaining alled ta sec me, ta that the forces of the United Sw whikt mois 8 lier' âther, Peter De. hovi many have c talée for Ili$ Conduct; ili il W&Y that men - of ploasaint wAek in T Fait SALE.-.ý1n (Iligi. lli3 rank. Ta bc Assistant Surgeon, itiquire if I really had 1etin as ift as roll stationed along the frontier are totally the world will generally acce t as cou. one roilg,, near that vid&g#, to draw gruin, ble bouge and lot are OffOrsd fer baie, at Mr- Jchuatilan Robintion, M. B., ma equate to protect people, p of the finest agr ikIl éff Uw Joad and oh to a fork. one a r , eanonable 11garé, b7 gr-'X Marshp 11, Alem-zider Handcock, left limits. vl e and if it was the Syrup alone . d and that elusivo. IL discloses a curions amount the province, soeing - -le 4 , - sa wonderfully reotored ;ne (a ab 1 virn - dice and a kreat deai ô -,other 'gr tu týugi"qijt@rqd hérawe, and plore. 'WhoobadveM&ement à ppoalle in ailier , 1 ipt"sý.,rýýýT,ýintielythuaetcetabsesyryshfoorcLItdheiprrootec& iorframtinornaallcobweabravior. a . of bearing fr m Dr. Mugof Siafortb, was killed 3foný, conbumPt'vê) ta 'uch good be4lth- themselves. IL raveal Mr. beaviest crops of gri recovory ie, colums, Any by - à Le-l'm, 'of barges he With Ondness I, tell them ail thap".My Beechees chametAr as entiiily, difforent bas breon goeured in t wns driv. icovery ie due ta Pellowil C ý 'a An agea couple named Fleming bave ilig rtmaing awhy, re Olý1pOun front wliat; it-Iffl genee -beîi étilwos. a yeai of plenty and Guel-vil ap, will a of pboopbites,' lwitfil thé been brutally- murdored near Afitelleils- ei ta ho. But we batiéve the Uprés. XJM IJADMOý--geo thja a4yor"- be depn by AdTt. in Othtr col ' Ert-pon i tow - * 'The object of 'the crime w p ý t'Il 80 fur se thoir'nel A failor feU -oYcîýoarJ from. the bcýssing of Goy . p as sion will bit goueral that, conSdiugmr. urliip-., steamer St. Lawrozwe on saturday, Fellowg* llypdfbospbites beiqg pecu- evi4engy-tq obtalu 1*n ý« soma Be"weo char4otf:r to be, what Jw paints is conçorced, thej -lu J_1ÃXý ýè0r ý5th, lotit, 1 $,ud Mqt of 3cisf main a hold on file ýýhf 1 - 1 1 1 "0 §Pd encourag, -Ogqf U.0 =4y *Mg# itÃŽhe dd4 ly" MnO& A horrible murder- took place near veed on Sunclay last, a idrtïnken man Iling bis brotherýj-wjfe in a-f-arbarous auner. Tweed (formerly called Râù- rforJ) Le a thriving post vîllaýe in the ýuntY of IlastiDgs on the Rivé'r Moira, d twenty--five milea froru ýBellOViHe. &'bage ball niafch for tbi champion. [p was played at Guelph, between e Royal Ouks, of Bowmanvwe, and ) laple Lenf, of Guelph. The latter ýn by a score of 64 to 5. rhe dispute between the corporahon rorouto and the Northern Railway aipany, reg-eding thevaluo of.the Lion property, bas beau. settled by itration, the city recoiving $149,538. 'Le Maple Leafà of-Guelph defe&Wd Dautitless of Toronto on Monday ase ball by a score of 25 te 5. ha Stâtement of the the sigar crop Duba for the past yeair shows thât 8-per cent. of the total ëxports of S and molasses wý'Ont to the United es. Ldler, the Englâh, champion bu pted the Challenge sent to him by ego Brown, of Halifax, te row a for the championship of the warld, 'ace-to come off on tlie River Boun rainé, Ireland, in October. le latest elopement case roportea - the United States is tfiat; or a man haà elo'Ped with bi8imotber-in-law. lon't wish to ho Loo hard upon the v, but-wo think thst ha displayed Ied bad tuîe. cording tu inte%émce frora Yà ug- jamaica, to--Aug. 8ch, a Bavera of eartfiquake was félÉ at ncou on lay, at St. Kitts;, - St. Thomas and na. The oscillation was £nlly, a ý in duration. No damage is ra- w1ligence hap arrived ûoIý the ý the effect that China is actively ring for a war with Kashgar. ý Rhedive of Egypt bas offéred au id frigate as a present to the Sul- Ris Majosly fias accepted the prompects of the v1îtà ýge of the gays a SWISB paper, am zo'dd lely favourable tbat>in 811 robael the wines will date froi 194 year. toms b s gala ta bav&bjrôýn oùt.- The à ù MjnWar, of ' CoiùbiérW.,hm'ré.