,TI I - DG wey, long igawed, lha a=onldAt th. end t h rooni lay. Thle awwhheb.apacloas tâîl nie, lied long !&Y oves the.flean. uns ana boordil, Uiol& long willa te l uan. ben at on.e end -of th. b. cloeet, wbieh wae b. Squre lookes! round erly have SMlt!bwhth. à ait! Ocle thsotagh the duely wlndow. "Dia! yon Say anyllnlng to me lalely-I den't meau Ibis mrernlg-ebout Ildo room, or tine cloet--on aeything-I Au Incide;nt with a moral. baek offle, enere net se fregneaýti fixade publie as ail prisent, a youn gentluémom was Invitai! lenxporarily te I11lbh place cof an abocondlnxg toiler cl s promIaientbaek, Who lneglooteil te square up hiMaesounts befon. leaving, On. day net lonxg aller a. obgk for ConBti tr Du'o-bi e ,Thbs Pale 'r en midnouamr demandeps wh1 an e ce bo oey infrmsaeni -tho Me by the tins ' %1toile, l ofy for the 9 Jf'l Pbefore hlm, ca notbeil- tat', 'a te haoimpa-r- oillert41hte reo fneyanal if.'o . VU sesif ou ou d a a, ICIy tu e clork whout one sosoundte d for b ed boc tebis pnSpaccpteS, inyth dirct.s' oom - hafor al aoThe genlemnl, Mnne imudniflleW hiot che k l ait net bis c insci. *A r 'e aseoc'1T iat as nuaime h f4wlouti Yeumueigait. Oe a h &uhaslemPa notee for sth larea hermont onld h' ade e ri nply.a denLnipng, pesngaieif fendo go théoprexiesao nyl le uosed ho No r,' uid!hetell pre1llamnt 'en re. Rtof giog. Youthaï mwere -ind if I wai d oxa.i f ail ans! cce tel-o lae ou ae tins lfr aknesa eri ta refinusa ailoedafez.of tr dia-ors and chirpoW t hienflctaer, i andcul har cfbt vIrmfewdentfalioe bdoefrmedert hulyiats hick.wm A-nie, tak id- Idn' nooeycaefl lu ooklng tart tetler ocks cf tin rOnlieofthe directoie hoanhuasfunnt aons! lixs- poentily otnc efotntins ho one lmie o amyasenle ysra.- Wrdis- O'Ce, uonnlsfn-naiing igas;carsy diS n e aru i sort ins dinar reto tha Cark Asigaaaid rsn indc ta fr t Iboure, nht! on e examinalie nai otlteene lafte Ilîs hpase. ,Nwinpse smo watheJamesid, 1 fre bcaiy, inicl-u at lns ilicsand Ino b as ang leegdt tn rnr forains aut vnei Unerceund el-r lrs qutd bhava ahelocnk eaildx hit Iooxamfie alls cudrateid e Ia i-toIs ria l1ai11>' cr.po eten used crf u n o spe ci cf insand ifa. Tet ng lwy rouni' d sw cly, t epeting tinleer ad ye neix o otha creulnlokur Insu Ibe teismnie as m ln aîan ysuon- farunit? fr lai e ua>'atb, rtepcoued fivitse fr s id ofye ss th e om ter Sp ' ilsae>"'hs el - sains hit;no msaI,ab-oahut -ItgOn dnetuta; l Pi. fhs nther 'No y mentqaygoSowiesala Oonusel, timph- ateyorkAs lod ne juand edori case. er n ai l u nae, winatver, l tebua l." inswi wuaso t A Singtatlinag Staeicue . À Iu n remit i6seutif tiens 'uada metz. iral fLnd Surqical Journal,:cf Ibis -City', le a papea- b>'-ai Dr. F. Paynes, reproduc- eit frein lins Chiea>go Modieal Jour'nal, asiisi me-ils lhe caraful- attention cf tins detai profession. D-.]Paye(Ixe d- claires liat tineno arc Llonssudia of peo- p le 4il ovor lias vian-d boing poisoned from corrosive sualiuimtgenarauled li tin moutln freina nailgaiu pluge imIhe tziti. HaRe, ays limaI poxsens aiffect- et! a-a'doctorat! fo er inci umnts, tinein medical advcra neat haleg awaina cf tllÃixe 9 tata cf liho casa. He gcoâaon ta point out binat ' IiThîeroaraeinom treelve thionsaunstista inse United State loieg ai wioleeaile business ah this pisoing,"and hi suitahelnso-op- eratlon cf <$ineStato Medicail Socicty, "se guairdiama cf the pulié io balti, to - luel egettieg aoneocf Ceegnesa "as4 ilig il a Penitetiar>' cf- tonq tla Plau 5lypo!0onoavs teulieo iu baeth thnalt iinjure t 'e pol. lia :Ays that. le more tate liront>' caseat atho lhan liaiS f aon' ilrhe Patienta had becu prnouîuil ilUof cocaumption, anal eclates thetIn'olthie Asiatia choisi-i, uer amall'j 0%,non m à ualians dioase im Sin Maf tle me cief l insecru! thalle lilg loe b>' Ibis poieonlng.2' -RO M TniIaUT SID Dtà iL.-Âoinaw rtic bel sait!drain&a Jireparta!by tfins ParlB a paers. 8cm. e nthe aigo g rtugw n eranu, nainet! Bouetil, =nnaialehesqualehanceocf, ai ork girl, anS net ber up in busInees. Tins laa maîaego vent On ver>' well fcr a litli kulnto btIfie lover ovldenîl>' çot tirod, ans! souint a Incb yung-ladyini Marri- age, Tine vdaug bock place. Tine sut cf girl tstarnnles! o- o ev -engos!, Dleguisod ase a servant sho oliîainPt! 4dnulasete'ber exlover'. o ýA t andl il wvasnol uebl lino nevly -amred .Couple eocdtesaroema tinat li ts ivas diieevered. Tins siglt cf thie b ;drovo theb bnegremo utf haemies =the tiobride homo ltobherparents. ,ThVle boeist tandgra for tbc Pveifl TOI, I cotratoaro, )3omrsr!,for teI~à oloi Pîa 1n IbeUesy.;wfth, club 'MO' cnlo the JCrouiyî, kand Cano. ke-a giloa whllo, a' k' 126. itable. haaat nover dlon@ ia edmnnai«» P no 'Hi$enmsnewpeAbel' -'DoWt' know. Nover heard nothin' Whnol 4w1eimP Do thcy Lmow? Any On. saesed'?~ , CainPttm bit ua ilièhL.CainaWas thé brether of-Abei- a; I- Coroner isele mica, anal flourialu- nghecane, cries:. "to git down thein stairs, my fmee fellow. o--011 aIt!dont you'Inew yqctr- solf bon. epixa il . Wih à loud guffaw tIas fellw went dOwn saors thi-eestopsata a time, -the docor eallinag Qu i efter hlm: 1 Hov dare yon trifl ié i4 e offaxer je tlue va;>l' ar'-irioniaCiy(e. st rieConxerclal Ouf look. .. ToafohoetigTiau Turamg flai.r*to cIreves, we' cau, Do of t htiliUèbd1in' tcf lnflatibf, pan! speculalion hasieliau prevalent as vomit! eat! te ai great nmacion. Theo 'nearet approachtoit is the neal - asate Sapeculotlod 4f Montréal, ÇWbxchbà la )fsuiming an aspect tinat causes comas men te, shako thain Ineaida. Stijli, bis je 8aoeflned te eOpe cit ', - anSa, itouinlles, aI preseel, b dine stion cOf 'il. - If, doas met pervade ail classes liko lino griot rebtesaat e mania cf Western Canada 'a before 1857. Thons le a certain amouel c f prospecîlng about nov railways, but Sver>' 1111e mnoey is beleg speet abcout y il, sud! ne otxunaîmentscf importane are taking place. Ecoeomy and! ne- Irenchaient, nalluen than expansion, aire.- 0, JiporSon cf t11x6day wfth existlmg les,. t-The ver>' luavy depression l inaielumben' aintereal le forciag econonmy; andS stop- Sti11, tae présenh le aieytling but a eine forexpaxsion or apenlafice. 0ur, inaporteeswoult! make a serosrstakeé -if Ilue>' rdencd extra quactities on the - trengltn cf cen good harvest. Tine fruits cf the sanlh ans net aven oce-Inaif c f one total produce. 'Tins foneutaryield neaini>&Ilahefins st; ami -with one-haif cf oux lofal productionxinluse0 epreseea a condition, te truc poicy for ail par- tics lu business, rehether importera, iaefaatnrers, or e porter-inclnding ahI angagcd in rotailtfrat!a-leone cf fcauîtion, economy>, anS foresight. Tins Wisnen Self-Durepiiig Hay-Rakeý Theaa Oataa-c Jieformcn-, of 101h July, wnriting of the-- Wisnen Self-Dumping ia>' Rake, eays.as fdova: ï lThe Wiener Self Dumping Stlel- toothod Hurse Hay andl Stulible ilake,ais xnannfactnred by ÃŽlins Jos. Hall Mig. Co., receivet! botîn cf lineGrand Golt! aies Silven Medaila atlins great national fiai! trial ofAi * xultpral Ixmpements inil neair 1Uhadelplialatit ek. ,Tins Wis- nerain el 0 saie f ha>' aveagieg 8 hons pen acre le 2J heurs le a most salle- facton> mannen. Thtis le Ithe most per- fect cf ail tins self dunnping Hay -and Stublls Iales. Any boy or girl whin cau nd o etehorse eau epenaile tln-akue-wjtlneatu. Il cpu bo aicjuistat! ta, cariy lins 1.01h alors fte grou-udfer tin grama stubbles as wsl as for rakieg green hay. - 1h xiii pny for itseIf ln ene haivest. A ver>' superion. nov Plasten Sower le beinq attachai t b Iis raike, wrehi mautea it oneacf tin osot perfect anal useful implementa on tins fax-m. The Hall wrokeas hv umne!out 700 cf Incskealisthie seaison. IMesura. DodsS If Cof Dayton, Ohio, sol! 4,500, anal et! and s0 great is ita sueolity ox'er cther Rakes Ihat Mesrs. Ohilda k Co. cf Uticai N. Y., mot'beilez able la get ai 'lu pi frô-u Daytoe, Ohio, appliaid te tins Jesephi Hall M'f'g Cofon tinea even in tina face cf tino American Tariff fu8 pair cent." 'bVaxais se d, omIalleuattention to our IlChinpiocn Self-Raking CombinaSl Mowsnaet! Beaiper,' weiicin stands in line Unitl'eS States anal Europe eilinoul a rival s tb. Ring cf tins arveet flild; aIse ce dmro Il!"Superion" Broad- saii Sedr aal t4iyaorcombineS, witb Spring or Frictioni Hoco, whicb is undoubtodllytfli mont usaful fax-m im-r planaent intreducod rithin tIns bel few yor.Tine"Sniperier" hais no equal baethQ publc-it ha gnaraintasa le gi'c antIre satisfaction orno ne sla; 0nue Our iniprovot! aSnpenion" Grain Dri11, wili p e-a pnHt---uThresb - eag 0e > ouopowers have 1>0011Veny m muchin mroved Ihia season. Auxong cthar tin,iegl our Pitta Herse powerc, geaireal ai t oinendse, aoau hobe csed V riqln or isît Iana-Patent safet>' cou- plitgs for lina iaft-Leaidbeater's Pa- tent BadiUs lat and rindiasa for rais- ing sIxare staiekers witlinoul elopping machin.;' Wtinvite ixtndîng 'pur. chaaons to examine oua- macinines bai- fore,buyin,, Full informantion -wil1lea sauf t la aapplieant%. Addal-ss, JoanaE - HAL;L MANrýLTUrnnoCoxan-Âa-, Oi reCanada. Champion Reaper. l'iota thé ifx,:- Tie Hon. John 'Simîpsoni, ttnaior,j and Iresident of tha Ontarijo Baink, ro- aidés o-,Ids hieauitiful faium,, tast cf ]lowraaNvillat. Ha hais givotannaucli at- tention te improved farming, Stock raiaing, draining, &c. Ho w ias alnong the VCx-y firet in Ontaioei 0itrodue ixnpros'cd Agricniturail Impleinents iute Canada, aind hais Always watched the progrese of thig claies of machines wth van-y great intèrest, buying alilthe new nmachines tlnait- gava pronise cf being uneful. Writing to thna Jos.ESII M'f'g Ce. the. Champion Iteaiper, ha ,>aaya as fallowa: 1'Tho Chîampion has arely nudergoing a mont Revers lest. Charles cnt'six acres cf Barlsy witin it yesterday afler- nooe. Whou I went iacte io li I cula hardly make mysiIf believé, amy machine wougd cut it, pretty welhlown. very heaivy, acmie thiatles, aind a thick matting cf young dovenast th. bottom ; but it was ding wonderful work win I left the fiel two houre aigo." Where tbis machine hais bsen tetd it hais givan fthe mont perfect satin ' clion and without amy doubt wil Win the beit in Canada, as it hais dons in the tj. S. aind Europe cf being the Ring cf the Han- .Và pl l4 wigfogr reputa. toth' a ipon aie J-aiined,: oher nldÊfatnMri M arepntîlig the nîine on a very mucb infenior machine te aid in ielWig thena. No botter proof ccn!d.be gi-sec à £ theîsUperioty cf tinsChami. pion. Thae.& all M'f'g Co. have the exclusive' rigint te build the reau Cham- pion in CanÃŽada axdiau« other sc-Cacae Champions are a fraud te the public. FAilli OR SALE. FIne fanafor saeleu9-acres spth hall 101o. 7 andl 18, let c6n. Whitby. -This far 1 elkâoxea f6 bave bsec hlgbly clttrated tac xany yaars. It lu in dus 9 erforgr1, - r..hI anadsutainx a large 'à be !cale nl aeep. ConvenieApî -baw n I-oréty hîasaliattia 'was sheaadP g.p iwler.cottages for ulaléntrire an ii M ê mA,9 seln Ap- AL-L WO-RK -W IÛPMÉ.WË.vmÉ Wlaitby, Judy 29â, -1874.ý 8l.Iy 'B> buying English Gooda ini large cjuantitiès, cheap for Cash, a,, SELLING THEM HERE CH'EAPFOR'ýOASHý OB SBERVIE THE PRICE -1 Good Wi-iting raper $1,per Reamn. Good Envelopes $1 per thousand. Good PesoýilyU g ents'er egross. ML- ther Stationery in .,proprtion. -~ald~,en ab1~bfeefandFone-9. Hilfa dzenIvory ]Hâiadled 1~ixe~ KiI.s $2~$m 14-6h4ipeno 80cent. Srubbing Bruali- es, 5 cnts.Goc Tobcco70 qs~ ar l. FnastVinia a I1.Cigars from~~~~~~~~~~~~~t ~2a o pers mbrmnhs eun ra oièfrcm 12 isnts~~~~~~~~~~~ Ge(1eMrahm. rm emi>, wratd) a large vaniet>' fre $150ato$5 0.Worth iriTooto $10. Bui Foreer Tubes 80c. each. Papier Macho Tay a$8 65,à a ýet cf tinres ~-pans G:teenï 40 CQnts, per Poun~d, in our littie store. JAS. H. G EIR1 E& Ca Rave i their, New l)rug 'Store everytlung a Drag Store shonld conlain, axas! *ory my Ibinge more. llandsome, Silver Fish -Sices, $4- 00., Whitby, July 151h, 1874. - 29-1>' W HJIT B Y -CHINA GII3SON TEA STORE &, SPARVELL HEave just received a large and well selected lot of Choice Green and Blacki Teas, Sugars, and FAM1LY GROCERIES 0F ALL KINDS ! Which they offer to the publie at Prices s0 low they can't be bot - Corne One,. Corne AHl, and examine for your- selves before purchasing elsewhere. Aiso receives!, a-large assortrnent- of Plain and Fancy Glassware, direct from tha manufactory. -The .beait assortmeut of Chin a & Crooker:y in theo County at very low prices, AT GIBSON & SPARVELL'S. Fresli Turnip Seed of ail kinds ver>' cheap, wholesale and retaily -AT GIBSON & SPABVELL'S. Hars ns d Bacon, sînoked and unsmoked, for sale whole. sale and retail, AT GIBSON & SPARVELL'S. Ail kinds of country produco, eggs .& butter bought, AT GIBSON & SPAIIVELL'S. WANTEIJ-1,OO lbs. Good Wool. price paid in Cash. Whitby, June 101h, 1874. Highest Market GIBS ON & SPARVELL.1 - 241y DRY; GO 08 AND. GROCERIESO TIhe undersigned is -no0W receiving a weil selected stock of SPIRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consiîsting 'of Dress Goods, mn varoety. and of thue lstesb fashion, Colored Silks, Manties, Hosier>', Ginghams, çottons, Pits,- reat A choice assortment of Canadian and tlier Tweeds, and- a feul stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing e-oods, &C., &c. IREs H FMA MIL Y GROCERIES,1 i'eas, Coffees, raw and refined Sugars, New Fruits, &C. [-7 The best Wines, Liquors, and Býrapdief,. Aie and Porter in wood and bottie. J- el. MtURPI-IY, Dundas St., Wlitby. 17 Apmil, 2nd, 1874. w ~ ~. ~ z 'r r~ ~ THE OLLY ,STANDl f E-8T A B 1 IHE WM. TILL, 1833.] - RROPRLETOIR.] New Parlor Sets, New Bed-room Sets,- -New D ini*g-room Sets. And a large ýstock'off .C a-"ne and Wood seat Chiairs, Tables,]ue-s-â8f-one, Beseteade, Cupboards. Hair, Cloth, ans! Damask Lounges,- Couches, &C. À fine stock, of New Gilt Window odrices, cheap. The largest ans! cheapest stock 0df ,,Picires eer broiglit i townM, ail o f which lie offers at price? that will net fail to suit the tiu'nes. - ~ -~he tuiersiues wihes to ste to'his ols! utom- or atbpUlie genroil>'lalist e leouns! aittlb. "OLD STAND,"t ont!basleinq bn jn no sols ul, anal la lu no "yi>'connecletvilla =uy 9telahoâà stbuieiclin lown., I'id 'taking-as -uual.-A Large SokfRay ma&al Ooffm. iônstaýtly kepf un bpad.a& la imaaedtô onrë o asuit«- Together: w aiü& Ooatings, .-to A£ he-devotes bis feels confident in 1 .Gentlemei kindi an& ofaupèr i greatvvy,, a IWhitbyl Apî ~il 15, ns!~ ~~ ai. fhêvry latesthyes 1874. F RES&H, - GRRL SELLING CEÂPER TITAN EVER AT- LEWIS HOLTÇ«Ks~~ ~4~D ýTEA S,.CoFFEESý U4~~ And anl kinds of general Fanilly Groeries, 4-t reduqe4ipri- ces--heaper than.any other house ini townm.- liýe PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE ! ý "Cash for Butter,-Coran i1tr ee. Aofi- othy seed for Sale atlogwest prices. Th.e new and cheap Grocery Store South f ýan.oià k 1>. Wh(tby, Faibruar>' 251h, 1874. OREAT EXOUITÊMENT ! N HOUCK. BROOKLIN AT TE GRBOCER Y A large stock 110W offering table inducernents!1 Be sure and try the CHOICE STORE. I W at irresis-1 TEAS AND COFFEES,1 Guaranteed of the Finest Quality! Tobaccos and General Groceries At the old Prices, irrespective of the Tariff. Greater sat- isfaction given every day. Ail kinds of Farm and Garden Seeds in season, and warrantes!. [& Great stock of Croclier> and Glassware wbich must ba soidt! ta ka noom for more ccming ond Don't forget the Brooilu 6-rocer>' Store-one door east cf the. Masonie Ha. Broobli, May 201h, 1874. S. & E. FRANCIS. Merchant Tailoring Establishment WHITBY. JOHN FEIIGUSON Takes this opportunity to inform lis fiands and! customers, that ie lias now in stock, a splendid selection of Cloths, Tweeds, and Fancy ]IC DOALNJnv WREROO8 LOWES POWE-LL w% 'Vz A 09Pt ETE STOCýOF ~ ~ m i4pginpatof Coloredand'.Blaok Silkd4J'aà panëse UiPlain an. Stripedmus- lisGrnaies, Bxaizes, Linens, &.Agnrlsokof, D IR ESS GOO0D S I Pa rasols, Ladlies," Uiidr-clotbïing, 'Jean, Hosi8ery,1L C. GENTS" FUf-ËNISHING GOODS) GREA-7)ARJTYe Silk and Merino Shirts, ])rawers, &o. A iomplets stýckolf In ,Ladies'taad.Childreuts Hats, BonÈnet Foes etes Loess HnIand Bfonnet Ornnenisi Oxidizc&.Bitt' siaà a'-Ê kis, ILir 1 Mebs and Boy's -Haà tsin great varet. of -Clothing.i t" Taloring to oeder, unde ao upenitondncecfa ft-rl- Milinery and Dress-Making, i .the latest Styles. A gen eral stock of Grocei'es and Crockery. LOWES &POWELL.' 'hitby, May 2Oth;- 1874. 21l NOTICE.- The iu'dersigned begs to retuna bis sincere thanlis to the inha-.bitants of Whitby, an:d' his patrons generally thi-oughout the country, for the libe- rai patronage extended to hirn wlile ca-igo business in the town, and begs for a continuance of the sam to bis successors. - JAMES H. SAMO. Furuituro! Furniture!! Now is the time to buy good and cheap, Furniture. Having bouglit out the business lately carried on by James H. Sarno, we take this opportunity of in'viting bis many friends to give u-s a cail, and we can assure ail finit we are preparecito do as weil by them in the future, as Mr. Sano lias done ini tle past. TILL,& JOHNSTON.- Orders by mail promptly attended to., UNDEJRTAKING.-The only first- clasis Establishnient in fthe Connty where funerals are ful- ly supplied. Whitby, Ocloiner lot, 1878. TILL L% JOHNSTON. 40-1>' Ves ting8,1 Which lie is prepared to make Up. into Gentlemnen's Garments, on the Shortest notice. Every ar- ticle guaranteed, and a good fit warrantedi. HatS, Caps, Collars, and Tiîes, and ail Ends of Furnishing Goods. 1Whitby, Aprl 15, 1874. JOUN FERGUSON, JOHRNSTON'S SELFRA*'KING REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE 1 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. W e tuier to jul customers for the coining HarvCst. îwo dis- tinctt Macéhines, which in stylc and construction, enibrace the hitest and mat> useful imprnvements of the day. JOINSTON'S SINGLE SELF-AKING ItEAPER THE "KINIG 0F REAPERS."1 The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contest- ed trials and in the banda of the farinera, warrant us in aaying that, as a Self-Rak- ing Reaping Mlachine, it bas more good pointe *anxd leps defects, and bas met with more succesa. andl lsafailüre. than. bea-etofore offered to the publie. CAYUGiA'JUNIOR ne were awarded the Firat Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin- !-ial Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1870,in caanpetition,.wit:l iJ.the beadin8g Machinfe man-afactunxed in thea-Province; u ihco eetimptfa .n,;I' uheitt ingly challenge investigation 9,pxd comparison iwitb-comptau ahnswýr satiafled that sucb irivestigation wilî ovneeeyupéjdcdmn.tâ i ofor de eitMre l thegua. erfor 1872, but in the DOoDiiion. W5end ]BROWN &IPATTERSON., VAIRlA GE8 A ND BUGGIE8 FOIRSALE- FOR. ONE MONTB2 ONIIY, *C UND-EýR GO1ST P:RICIE M.0;'D Ã"N -0OVAN' ILIRRI,40E8, 8UGGIE& AND OUTTEReS -OF FEBF SUPERIORWRKÂsHp 1i~ THE NOVELTY 0F An *nenon iece of nicchanism, wbemu 1ýich can be arrang- et! ln 190 positions, sud convatntlate an invalit!, Parler, Libirary, Beas!- ing, Wnitiùg, Reclianing, Smoking, Stt!dent's, Pinysician's, ona! Dentiait'e* Cinair, on a Lounge, Bcd anal Cinlk'a Crib anal Swing. Circulons villi explonatai>' ulagrams sent free' on -application. Ordens' b>' mail or etherreiso neceive prompt attention, and Chairs corefull>'anS secxirely- paclia!, shippet o an>' addness on raceipt cf prie. Adrss- THE WILSON MANUFACTUEINO CO., Sols Manufacturens, 245 Sf. James St., P.. Drareer 292. BRIR ET T &0 Wish to returu their sincere ftuliks to the publie generaly, for lina patronage bostowed upon thoni in tino past,and -talà hiis oppor- tunit>' ofl aivenfising fliair nov brandi cf buaincss, rebicinconsisasof STEÉRESýCO'PlC VIEWSý$ PROM ALL POINTS IN TE Town. of Whitby à hd vicîéiniît, From one of the flrst:Studios i Loiqcdon, Englnd Wem-ow have an Artist whose woek ean be -implieity. relied npon, ongaget! for ao-coupleocf veelas only ; therefore parie6wsbngla have -Sterescopie orchiner veeolaerrslocs cIt! tiendâ aI aà ctiaanco, b>'leaving tinoir orairs, nia>' ependon hasving Iheni aatndet! lac, ait once, and ! finis uastyl heh-cb aâzol be'-snuassed' in au>' cf lin longs cilles. - Special attention, as usuâl, paiafo Photographe. Cl- dren shcmld como eoni m linse day ini orden ho secune gcoôd' piclauros. As6 wéalways keep ou>hans! a large- ans! eil assrtes! stock of moUlding, is are propanesac ofranis piclaurea lu il labohemodemn styleé,'ont! moet-sa talctory manner. - Weý would alsr, reniiud the publie- that we keep Constant. Ij1> on lient a splendid stock cf Foul roc usav «iat farinl Sci-iar.6nà due ~Omlufostofanà lacty. rLat No. i, Cou. 41 smabmlp, 'Pcb. 26tIa, 1874.L 9CsayeaP THE BROWN - if .pTTERSON 0ÀN IrACTURTG MY., 2,400BRAESOF $50 BACH!. The abavi- Comxpany fa in_ côisse cf for. Yvafti en fer fthe_!amee c pesn the BsEsa,BniMMngxsM"liner-v, plant; and rmdul.w f 0cf lua -nDIRnctM1rinf huai. pu oa f the lBrown & Pfatfasse Apriculture! icnka. thélueTowncf W1htbYý In tbbe uew Conaptl,lfvr. cw & Patterson bave Iauharibed I'fO.OOOstock, al otbereumbfcriplion bave alreealv beeu oh.- tsfned amelintinirt .125,OOO. mwahlfr a total: !'cw ebcrb.dc 56.faOf. ,Ti lanfufaded t'O fnarease this raum.t 10.0.iniora'ar f0 areviiip Menins foriiencerlr. tle usicesp, te i.lnble the amenaI ,'ltixprtn cl=-. -and pniiinr the c aci+-,r cf thp rrepnt Works 1,v the ererfi.cn of a&llifferibniMiwapr cebnatinjr additoexaî nachirar. pard>siro an- ablinia-tbêen;;Coinpary -40carry on >thpir wbele buxineas on a atrîet1v caphl' asim. TI order ta sbowtherrofltabnle 1ugine L:r eidy xnsde for fixa ns Coi mx, it i la crita- ed t0 state thaï; in' eleven vrpnrea' 1-ives cxain.-rcxJelunet,. 1862, te jenixai, exaablpd. 1w arofifa raalisadà . t t1ef'ls arma;nt c f REel'al abnn-ntned os boing hart, auharriihaÈl lxfl'm in the v rw -Com- Pau--The xroartv Ihal'emu vlma dunxde-r *1p. affAin aI emavigicu cf Megmm. . S. Y Willeex nd John Tbpm(n'rpcu4cof tha Prnvixioinal PoArd at 564.26.6K.-The etaliah-rnbas hoi-an lx +1w xaeeaaia ef fl. ni-W Cemponv aine ltth PbrupÃy 'hast -th. ,f tarcf itoc aptsfxxt ro-e fîts cf the business ccmmncing frcm fluat date. l'Pca-nha ien tes6le te that-egimla- lare for sa llohrtp,- in the ufuel fmm;4nned wlfti eiam gnllriseira xx4"fvlprex. -At the exiratfi-n ncfbthe re festeit be Stntte 16crr ir Fix WeelA a rprmrl xx'aatixxg cf the. SAi' ehclslea ifl l h elé, an rafla-p. for the 'c'rrae cf ilo-rfe 0a yarmnint Peard cf Diver an t 1ofirers cf the Camnpeur. Ru4acrlnns cf sIca-Iina Iha uindertl. mec areO Irct ,rpçapecffullv acîitleet. 'hILe -Value cf t fie a-r. seRA Pavine iti-eildin- vppmAnt. n'"ay ha recardait as builug baycnd iinteli'alle h. O iasvsntapelte ftha Tcwn cf Whlfbr and Couni-rcf Ontarlo 'in aieux-iP An nle'maf-fthe favorably lcacwa-Wcrlçs cf Menai-a. Brown & Pattersan ninoe t en-a ennmeail thpn'aalraa. Pnshpo i- iarirfx ý aliarrfo 1r sack ,are - raaaieateil ta ana-inppa xrax ntx, x'axpost fluey wias te havre efte. - X~. W. 1ROWN, Wlxtby, 28th< ebrxary, 1878. lOtt Royal Mail Steamners EURO-PE AND AMERICA, SAILING TWICE A WEEK. TicketS teanal from Queenst ufe vool.Tender. Glw<tasgow a,= Thuasday anal Satu Teday-sud Thune Wst!ueday sud Pria For fartber n roi Booki Store cf Whitby. Marcin 101h P ORT WEITBY. EXTENSION TIag TAÀJ Takea effct ou Wat! Trains rau b>' Târoir WinLtby.Tunctià n, dqprt ]Prince Alliant . .. Part Penny-..arrive1 "'ne a ma e rexalla apphy ait the LEWIS ALLIN, MWInitlxy, Out. AND PORT PERET RAITWAVý L 2, 1874. n* la vn- DUNDAS STREET, 1 1 IXT 1 à pltal,- - . $120,000, 1 THE AGE 1 MOWER