Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1874, p. 2

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..owANa:s140V. l10W, 1974,- tarm s&tObel, ONLY St~ePER AN M Whltby, Thursday, Nov-' , 1874. Rallwity Extension..Important: Mest. lng. The rai1w-a7 asilg ol lit se j vu usufientIy important ho -don tle extended report vimIr'#weoupp' eeproceuirga lunother colingm. ix tbrégrettîm lstsbA U gucee viasa mmcliavommed initil a laraur at auce.,Bleide$lthe >gentlemen n iumediatoly ons«o iet*11tic C * puny# sud Mn.- Laidiavi, of lýreo Oelliîs was Ltho onlyiy laety -i %'ilcli Iloe waa uytling 111e a -rePresontaîlan. Tii. absence cf unIilpal mepsenttivea aud loac amen îof tilston-n vw.unmiels ecrme. uipon, sun- as, net uumeaem-sdy, = lime aubjeet oficomplalut by Ithoa. ment ironi a dstanes. Invtaion$, are taIt, %ere confinot ta lime cMay reieo sd.deputy reere, suldn-ua tineemi siekness, absence from, bot and heic lapter cf accidents, lie7 w, ()"nuati ailpreventet fr acsb present. But wimy eonfin. innitatic tatehîe&@ tir. gentlemen 9 why - e2hend tem htelte viole ocuneitg a elle asof Osihaa 2Why ual ma allier badlng monaif lie laviin Ai n-Ils viSai prapniohy aligit nual mvi dions iuavp bisne enid to sucd w knowa rail-a7 mnnau John Bm PeM-y, Shiieff BReynolds, audaoht Wia bave as iirgestake lu thie own, a Whloabore lthe besan sd bkaeutiho d fil thse raîlvily agîtalione of the ps %Ve are quit, sureliaI, vietii. fac isecome mnu, gr.at wil be thieai Vrm'lseon Lie part cflise bnunessi of'WMtby thlat se important as meehit àba heeoslt inluAhir icidaI nIthi them hamowing s yard atoiunt il cuel procoestige n-em'e ail oven. Umiter il -Cietm-dutseelis rosolnliau'movech L -Hou. Mr. Qlbhs, sud secoudoti by ix rirlv, appointing a fuLtire meetit ta behodMti Part Ferry, anticf wigi ample moice. hatho egivee,n-as -1h boul détermination coatb. smriveta a Mit non- for sa r r t hcas ho th several scioeues 'placet befare th mueeting by Mesors. HEolden sut Laid Ian-, csn-el as lhe Brandis ta Osiaws As La cauîritinte blatter,iluth viay propasei by Mm. Haîteu, an, appi-oret hy tise Oshava gentlemen, a a branci froumithe. Port Wlilby Eu Foi Feorry line, we think a Uitile considena tion mmd a l1111. careful conuulng o! th, ceaI n-ll be amffleent th a shifry ther tisaI tise -hale tig la Impraehicsblc Vie siamiltilii. t a e imBJranol huit le sucb a maucer ain oui hc ocal sdvantageons anîl uislfatory ho db people ai Olîawa. 1uni ln sncb ail Iprtant mater l ls botter ta bc plaie sud honeat Mt Lb. onîset, sutdlui a fair' sîsteml of lihe cagn su the mlffoutics lu tise .n-n#(ca aisise ta Sapes vhiliscannaI b. renlizod. l wau camputetl at Lie meeting tint thue lengt ofcith.eflrsnci viocit hi seven Muels, andthie ceaI 520,000 per mil., or a total ai 5140,000. la eiîy, wva are boit, tisaI Lb. lengli ai lie pro- palet Brancha teoslaaws Sgarbour Vanît ho-ine) mile, tiras msklug thb.&Munut 1180#MO, -sud laI, lailng lbé higi Prie. iimlwoldiave tao eput for thie "agilcf i YanasudhiecoiL cf satioln gramind, E&., nsI Oaiawa, lise propos Branci n-cu oit stfuiv 2OMO00. lu roture fur lneurrlng tue lmosvy expense il s proposoathtitOshaaha l Aitouat in ohtafiug a county bonus ai -0250,000 for Lie Bracl, anti Extension nom-Listg IVashago-the o titaeebeing timrtylr, mliles-su hton-re ecoustriieîing n-Sud iorty-dî-e IssUes tioe, ucli e l bit fy tiosnse dollars - remuant aiflime f 200,000 couuîy bonus. Tise proportion ai thieton-n oi lVihy of<mi ismn voulti LO ebaienteLecîim, or 525,000 n-bicS the.taxpaye or fIitan-t n vionit be calioti upon ta contnlhule maiuly for 1h. purpose af construeulug tlis Bm-ncb taO Oshawa. Vie nils"Y mthilnsau tg Pickering, n-bleu, if inlndet, vwoulti uhave la psy nehmly one.fourth, lie ibole amoDut, ffor.n-e do- coItishink hlia lir by ha P Par erry. There vaiult bave to be a separal. stait,, enlues, cars, Eu. -Ântiwbare vanitibe tlie mes. Ide la justifyagubasotop 2 To lac ou thas m-atie! hwenty raile@ samahemof ain mis s-la Iienglim voubl b. lieverlest ~flym 2fol Only would ft net payj but I O4 o lepit psy thie ConPsny te itlke î-aepsenlaofmh a 4lu.if built frflibWvouisi e the pnly cosiside, tatould induce thora ta giri 1weigiit of thi influence in favori extension. nprthyards. Tiiat<we t #wavors somevbat of oelflhhnes rsendsus of thecourse taken kb tain. gentlemen of Oshawa, in the days of Our agitation for a' Coilnty waYý-& course whlch the. peoplec town of Whltby have. reson ta rei be« wltindignant regret..analof q 'we MM.d ot bore &&y more han t] W04 *0 "elf sanie ind of illieral ý that nthe ti.grand ichemo 'Connty RWIway froni Geôrgis Bi 'WIby Harbour. T1ýo doeat op «etrp)se let in the. Midlnd, the 1q ulngad the. Nortiioru Bâilways, e bave ainée grasped Our nortiiern t Mda dîvert.d In lxieory.dieeotion1 aiulogitimaté ehanneL. Thes. linos Om.py thé. ground whl.ii the.Wh Bun. sbauld have pasmesed. They1 Iheir connections forrnod sud aul t arrangements ln order, aud 1h wi taoûea ofx' tine, thée keenest ô !petihfn, and the oxpenditere of il '"a&diOf monoy to win thât trado 1 froni then. SQlil with the ilivan of- the. siirtest, and consequently ehapet, route inUSIL faver, we Il Mal f4ith that Lthe Whitby, road oventw0ly win it back ; moantime duty of that Company is ta take ai tage 0f otiier circumstances more av able for tii. developrasut of traffle thir road, and for foriig moru pri able connections. - A friondly alliance aud connect ont te Victoria Company appears luon of the mniat doirablo stops Whltby & Port Ferry Co. canld -t Througii the Victoria roaci new sour .f Immense traite aud business wol be opened up tor whieh the Wiiitby Port Foey line would ho witiieut lompetitor. .Thoo es.w.ned oduai atop te, ennmnerate. They were allud to by Mr. Laidbiw at ltheniceti under notico, and calabe scen by a glar At the map at tiie extent cf coula throughwhicii the Victoria road paso, What io wanted is a brancii by 1 Most direci route froin Port Ferry Lindsay ta couneot witm the Victoi roe~I R wonild neyer do, no propos yý Mr. Laldlaw, for the Port Ferry àl to go ail the. way ta Wick" ta cocuE ter, witii the Victoria rond. Tli rould b. thiowing away the advantaj )f the siiortueis of disçtance in favor Witby by the. direct route, and giviug ýPort Hope. The. latter point would1 bbout as near ta Foneion Falls asWhitl anuld b. by gaiug ta Wick. The pi le cf Mariposa waut the most idire mute t - toPort Ferry, sud ferthism wliore they would bc ini favor cf giviÉ Sbonus cf #60,000- Il la donbtfu iwever, if thoy could b. induced1 ive a bonno'ta be talien arouud by wa fWiek. Witii lhe graupiug cf Poi erry, the. East part of Beach, ani 'ariposaâ, we are tlId, tlîat $100,00 nIld bc abtaned in the way cf bout lr building tie * brandi, freni Lindoaý 1Port Porry-bij 1kv mo#t direct routt is, we belove, could be rcadiIy ai ned by thé Wlitby & Port Perr omapny. If tho7 relinquisii it it yor cf Mr. Laldlaw's Company, il LuId be an th. lame express under. andlng that Lhim uat direct routE >uld be adophcd. The brandi cccii bulit by Éither Company wihithe BOUMt ofassistance ta bc abisinoil )m Port Ferry, ileacli, sud Maripoaa larc wvouhi be no mmecsity for goiug to Sounly, or for the Comnpany Iîsmp- kg tiiOMBOlves wiLh an expecuive il unprofitable branch taO shawa. Vo iiad iutended dwehlig fumther an à maLter, sud on the. propeeeil lirsucl Jxbridge, and also saying sometbiug to the. Ontario Central iu Lbe saine inection ; but thse repart of the mneet. Soceupiesoc,5 largo a ohare cf aur diable space liatwvi are abliged ta r aur furtiior remarks te anetiier Uy :mueer. -_ - eas net utnowicausider theii. - ty AltltÃ"ugls cslleil for ten a'clock, it Bail. of'reys aviuù iis fosteriug cr. frein valns bilhnocu beforelb.he etingopen. lfI e bodypolitic. To no Party bas jt ea. Therowvere presont, Mesers.James S beemi an sdvautage, tao acb Partyit US~utn reiolc l.Omay, tJas.1 nhom. beensa causeofiuneasines sud tr Ouble.siie vico-prest., X. T. F ton, Jas., ni **For aurselves . - ,. 0ntR Hlden, nianagig -director ; Ciiosterî h1at it idy ta do Our sharecinanpe'in Draper, W. M uleck. solicitor of thie- spirit, eeted With 1h. a0 je, anud ~Company; George Laidavi, pesidntl cf a give 'Our su iport tesy fair sdroason- cf lth.Victoria IBailwsy' Cao, Hon.T.i y t o ~ t p m o u a b ta k e t O n N . G i b b s , W . F . C o w a , >e v e c fo s h aulia orwh le mrae arl. rnc t _ a; W.N . L Gibbs, W . mcoil, M. D., 1 g-hto han a- living, preseut a- troul.John Sheir, Edward MajrJohnu Dry. q1pis. sain eau .1don, BobI. Boss, J. J. Bss, seortsryi rleh Wo have, saye Lthe Hamilton Ti su ad superintendent, Chrishophor John- td long ago, given iu aur_ adiiosion te aouAm. Farewell, M. P. F. (viho enter- raeile vie cf lthecase. Whilo iiold. ed during the proceedinge), and the reé_ frain iu Im , ou ~ a ~.peottivos cf the, proie. novi 1ls course as te litsestise set vhicis Ou() motion of Mr. Draper, eeconded hitby ýrobbed Scott o lihi. e itliils tm by Mr. Major, thc presideut, Mr. AUs- hav uame, sud se prove that thse lavislatin hock tiie Chair. stroug enougli te proteet tb. rights cf The. chairman ou taking hie seat tbii ev rlutleh citiZmin l ovory part ai raid h. 'vis eorry ta ss.sncb a timnh. rould tiie ]ritisb'domiumous, we are cseli. h-endance; ho expechta ec Seoagood dom. od ho the belief lhaï tiie fal onforco. mny more preseut. They vicro mli ho.ment oi the -per.alty wonld viark ualh- £ware of tb. abject of tbe meeting. .ug but evil. - ghtly or virougly the The'circular cslling 1h was ta lb. fol. back: que4ion lias become oeeof race, and bowng offeet, [read circuler.] 1h waa ttago te carry tl aw"intoeoxecution vieuld, quit. uunocessary for hlm ta mako any htile bothin lu anitoba sud Qeebec, bo pro. leugtisy romanks, more than ta observe c laeductive of thebosat deplorable rosuits. limaI bolioved tie present t ho b the l iil la stmie, but 1h would oertaiuly lead ta Tiiere vicro gentlemen proet viho un..t Liii a bitter autagoulera betweon'Frenchi derstaol ai the. dotai!. of the. question i van, and Engfilal speakiing citizens tisat botter than ho- did, snd Mr. Holdon, theo rail. isardiy any price la tao groat te psy te nîanagiug directer, wonld b. propared 11 on inder. ,The.F rend sopeaking îe0ple ta enlei imb ml oxplacatians. He May b c n f Manitoba have'ached haneit y in,. say liaI auythiug hhat biraseif .sud bis n ofit.~~~ trehajye wiich tisey had equal callongues cocld do teandvauce the Ex. represeninu, isaxing declaredlise tension or lb. project in sny way wonildel tion \lviling of Scott n crime? It la 100 bo doue. Mr. Laidlaw, the President ai lat much now for English speaking citizeus af the. Violonis oad, vias present, sud fi lia meet thor a laf vay, sud plead liat b. would take tho liberty of callicg y teno furthier penalty lio exacted for the upan hlm for a few remarks., Mri ako. crime?2 Il la net duo ta lbe future cf Mr. Iaajdisw sîid ho came taelicar $5 'esg aur country tisat, for thie sake 'cf pence what ws aid snd wlmat miglit bc pro. r 'nid aud harmcny between tho dillèentu poscid, sud net as a speaker. He wecld t races cf viboin imo population i.imacle like ho know wliah esunicipalities werle y up e eliauld non urge a policy timat represented, sud w>Iat roproientatives t ýt a abll bind us tagèthoer, rathor tlîan one wore premmeut fracs Lhe oounty munici. 'r 0oW that siiould drive us spart: Iliat w, palities. or led sisalrallier seei ta bea thie wount] TIie clairnian u i'. bidon cx-. liaI lias beon made, than iritai. iL plaimIomi that cireulars had been ad-th icg imtoa achraujo soi'. ? dressil edhie variousrnovas ui]depu- te sce lies, aud ta s,3ofsaiho leadinqg mou of rit ity Whitby Mechanics' Inatitute. tue county, liat 1h, cireular' did flot r< ses, caîl for replies, and 11aI lte only re- of the ANNUAL MEETING, plies receii-cd wei'e tireo (vihichs woro l t- rend), frocs Mr. ]rethour, Sunderland; Ji T he Tii. umemeotiug cf theise m- Mn. Jolie Slam-pe, (ianuiugtn a lla ald rsberscf thie WliLby Meelîauics' masti. 11fr. J.-]3igclow, revoef l'ort Pcrm'y.n Sed Inte wns.held lait MWednesday eve sîl g aU xpressing tlhemselvcg in favor ai thg ie abject fan wliclitl m masing ,ws ce1 lu inme library.roamn, the atteîîdascacaaaied. Wi mt boiug langer lise is nsiial ah there lMr. boldaii(mithe limenmp ecdho mant meetings. Mr. J. E psr(ewoîî, Presi- befarù hlmn) prceca te l giva explaca- rc- Ig dent, lpe h-caiadpeet ieus. Brook, lie bolievod, %Veil a b 'w occpie ui chirchupreoutfavorable te givimmg a bonmis for thme Ex. mIi' cf cd tIme Directars, repart whliî showvs l.on ; he lic derslaod su fromu Mnr. I 'th hloalthy sud flocrelimîig condlition Omîtespse, tihec-i-a cof Git to%'nmdip ýbe cf lIme Iiistitute. Tii. ripant, afler ex-' -lias, absence lie regralled. lima îby pressiengi".et t tîme desîsectian î> iwardin cf the aoumiîv was Veri- mcli l ;.i-fhs.or cf the roaà, asud so wasltme 1he O~fire cf ltme hall, vîntes tlimt tlime no% i-w 1m- ut-ee c f Mars, andi aimalIhe ca' at raîy lias bien cancfulty- sleetiansd ratine of Tlioî-ah. l18 huad lard, suda ha 50 cootains 700 now m'lunies, budes 3 00 110 bbih-ced 11aI Lie township o at;ma ng voluie saved nmntieadiirr;(corritianswouid gu-o a bou'mm, if ltme tIr al, an emitiadmitiacal expenditure cf ra -n xthdl av f1 un lre1ft te eonsieîrable einfon boqIs trn-iland, an'l se woeld hie township cf 4 iy racmmmuce.Tuarepot cxl -r Sct.Hliaîl a persanal interview ty e îe o i aI a che eom ier t.blanx e u wihh M r. flicison cf»lime G raud Trunit lu at t f ite u hbl abok s i u ta e , ],, iùmlway, :and lie huadt e fu lest asoir. s il of . si-c inbotis esnpcfine cf the l a frciIimu timat acythiug lime Grand thm lîbrm'yTrmînk eomld cdo tlîcy vomld de toex- i9 O racinien, who liaie-o alyel rcturiicd tond themurail. Ho lokled mpan thse w as lium, mltîsegh sos requested la do. Wlitby êt Part Perr- - ice as lime near-m-c ty Thme sdvamtages cfthie mai- cecntrai le est lini he o anct lhe Cacadiau Pamri. *cality for tue library Ilîsu aItihe old fi,. - thoGadTuc. i. îpl lmer hall are enumurnted, andm reforence melfu Iivta madu ali ucs ihatîfnde gît ie hud bcen endeai-euriug hteoculy li te en cimses-stndicg Ibirdedlu lImheGrand Trii kta lelp lieusti mica 'Y teeenglae td'--t",i thoi lice, but tieir daiug se le limaI ý ýn lime Praviece-sud tise dosirability cf dir-etion wonld net liolp tb. trade m g son i s in et la thi int m e. ts c - West, wim i -mtiey éesired ta foster, and o staemut 0 ha th (ebs o t wiehw1 l be aemmmmrcd by thei Whitby -c stiuiehav al ben aid an tl3b&lPrt Perry Exteesion lie. M.I-al. glu-I ae livre le ma balance in th.eIBank af aven tIexnet wcnht noa sConMparisoc cf dis. witb il9800. sud the reporccccluso by urg- tanc-c, oh ewving the advantages cf lime M icg lime cîcssity cf eltisemiinecaeiug Wimtby srenle frocs ils ge - liei o tho number cf memberi, or thi eummnal -ien. 1FrontuWhiby aegraphical po. iiî Subicîipî, in rhor ta malte the 1mb y &rsvuisur, rsypmt il licl ii. im te distance, ha said, viai 80 miles; i Tua whacilsmioul ietsewdlI frocs Gaveclm.'-- to Toronto, by lihe & o T hc e i nipto f o t v m ho h o 52996. tsu d N o r h er u t i lw y ,th le d ist an ce va s 116 & P tueexpudtur 5255, bsvig i bl.miles, Rhlewieg mun adlvautage cf 38Th miles ifavomi cf theWhihimy road avor Te suce iu faver cf them Instilete cf $941. th Nortiiern, ta tide uater. RefermiugTe Tii. repart vas miopted vilîliul e ho ie immeses amaunt cf lumuber thy' Tiidn. loigoimeswmoaeldnorth, he îaid tier. voeecertain par- . -t Thefolowig ffiorgweo eectdlies wimo madIems mueas i m ety.flve m1i fer the. ensninig yoami, thc ouiy. change milloi lfel suad wîa wor. resdy ho Pict: made beicg in the Bioard of Dirictors . bicdt tismeeves for a tom-m cf yese ta hby 1'reiden-J. E. Farewell; slip ht by t'ime «Wlitby road aItire, ii lItVic President-Hl. B. Taylor: dollars ami lsnmd. Il wss, hamesaid, oa 2ed ViýeoPresiden-jolju A. Mii. calculated limaIthere wonld be no e lse Guivray; -han threc hundrodmü ilion feet cf ium- tet Sec..Treas.-Dav ~i Ormistan brclo ti odta Psrry Soucda, said, librarian-Hugli Kraser; sud limaItiis luineuse fmugît womld r Auditor-obemit Wi 's. 1bLeal au-a"beitl oaieeot. Directors-Masse. J. lH. rerry, G. c-. ialofexiftnimonureatcn go Y. Simiths, A. G. MeMilîmie, Gee. Blatte. froîna Poi ', urry ta Sunderand, $12c Robent Williis, 11ev. Mn. flallanlyce, wth abrwnih o Lindsy, taecnncectwa Bei'. Mm-. Gibbs, Gea. H. baro, Gro. lies'. withm lime Victoria rond-a dis- Mn.1 H. Rabinson sud A. J. Wigit. tance aof16ilsc-!. Thea Victoria oad, OI After votes aifhimmnks te ii fiLrlie said., wamm ilemîdc1-d Lam'moutelIm Unitedi Sîtts Électiona. Eleehians oubak-pîsue on Monta7 is the iollivlg places :-Alabamua, Ar- kansasi, Delawaere, riloids, Ifinais, Hauss, Leuisima, )Iarylsudl, massas. emmiella, Michigan, Mnnesota, Misais- sippl, Misaouri, Nevada, Non- Jersey, New 'York, Virgiia, asadVilsconsia. Largo Democm-alic gains ms-o claimeti. Exrxi'asora.-îu hlis ltaiconvici- ions iately pubiaiseti appeasedthlie usine Oi E. Fairbanks, asisaviug boom brougist beforl e Mayor sud duedin as seal sein. The case nas s very tlm-Fjm4 -on., sut ecamcely n-antIs ecadiug. Il s'rose ont af a numben af i ttle scisoolicys n-la iu dravuug green hongma frora tise ivoat t decanate tîma scisool carrieti *hO ieaaCroas Mn. Kiug's fsnm, uncn. 'seiuoimaI lâtthy oy e.doing any injury. lie7 tii, an, ve', ceirait sqoindam. toge, tond na htie instauceoai hhir Parents a fiuen-as lmflicîcd fan tise lnespas so as ho serre Ilieu as a muarn- lug iun future. Young Fairbanks' nane biq hie iroi on lise liai n-as lb inly cneepubissiet. Ibis is e wiale oxplansticu cf viiah sacs. busy.bodies inigbt he diapose to ta iusfy mIat somelbing ai importance. Ma' SIxaw SCI.CE, uste of Lindsay, lian cominencedth ie business of a prami- liesi inteimaien antijen-elier in the book sud slationorystore ai Mn. J. S. RbOhtom-tsaBrmo-s., Whithy. 1h. r.- psining cf vitcieo tnd jevielery nulinre. eeV6ir is peCiial attention. lu order ta uaiethie vanta ofaitbs eum-eaing Irato, audto aie m ee ma dahe Mm-. schreci, Mm. Robertson bau beencbimged ta improve bis place cf business ta con- siderable exient, by tie addition aifcoin aielvlme &o., as u ia verylhlcg lu lie visyofbacha andi ststianem-y asuusai a Bengangi's at"an. W".iraie Dtsraucnoi cm-Pao.pasny. .-Ag vilI ba saeen by lihe ativertieni, tho Mayor offers arenard for he,-d. ,Ueton aindconvc4lof eimseo. ous youhms vbo samisedtihberselve on d ws oyer u-men-t i i ac The ls. 'fhl bitby sda on ailway an Somrm Rir'acw-M. ni- ( Y e. midvantuge mm-ImbitseWh tbv & PM'tC" ionv) lias been eloctetI by aàmajority aP-1 lca ad ae l a îeias Mr. 48 rc- Mm. PtonWlmte.lii ximeiîo Mr. bahLcu cuxt nefcrre ohîe cash cffrn candidte. aoslrmcing lime moad frein Wlhiby te boe e canParte Pou-nery, siating liaI il amaunted luin~u TaLc OLI)round numbers ta 5$600,000_ Il usigimt abodt OseCOnTY Gccusîv ba said tisaIil, n-as too mmcli Bu th <Crosby'i aid stmindl) havea aspîccmiid ct a a iL a4 the li4ft-. 8iu. gang. oArr. stock of lie very freslics u aaiciaicostcomld sac-ely bo built for loss than bienc of groceriai, n-iiclihîmuy anc aellicgvery $25,00a a U- kpnd Of cocîce haiîrthe le bit cep.F roui Port Pis-my te Wnshsgo lier. was aprcjol PUL Lva o' nnia aoîmaIvemy asy route, b. ad au ffr froin cut Hamlln C's;aie alet tyesiua contracter cf $12,000 a Milefuly ta n gamitun&-Cos ;RISOlâtst Syle incomplotte mom-adfor tele n stck, etf millinery. sud icclcdmng stations, fcncing, sud îuy- . ' -:-- everyllîing. To Lindsay tle ccst wemld in ei 84TUmsBÂTT.-BETXREINsT.-AMJOI1a5L b. about tho saine. ingel the Mfilita Oeuvra arr intbu le hst bon. Mn. Gibbs-Where do yen pro. t1h se Official Gazette l is te faovimg. poeote crassethieNipâsing? Pshut 84thOutnloflatalcu f hant-y- Mn. boldeu-Aî cm- ceas-Sundelammd. sud wE Major Thomas Hofigion le liencby pr The Goverument, lie bakiti for graul. tien il inited o rtir, raainng ,ralc. cd, vicÙMsigive mon. howsards thie ream ho la miîed a rtir, rtsiiugm-uie. fromý Washago, nom-lb, Ibsu frocs Fort parties Pennyta Wuasmga. Tison as ta htise l. l STItlT5ra' Mus. tlTcvxzmD owx..- Bm-ncb la Oshawia. Ho proposem tisaI il, ami Oshawa, Nov.- _ 1 -bu lvm 'hc lsbanid commencea aboutthie Dow Wlsluiî on Fridy mit Ja lb. Mil kuovin as fari,,sud ho believemi thatsa rond conîmi benefit lise Pecpîe's ]Mi.Dsniiughon, silualefi be very esly bullt tram liaI point ta admitt about tiiree mnues gof iebra, on the Oshe'Avim brbon .Tho. pcopl nomtii, neces.i ,XingtaOn Ecad, avinemiby Ml&.- Stalter, ho sid, we-.verysuios-0ge ci- iSalio Iliere as a la e. nn , a s e -W.'&u P. P. lino. Tuer. viere aot million ÃŽsingleseut atudasay,tey startlg lage pape? ille lere-î lb. rie. Btm-*min luiii naunfa.i Manufactures l imethsaine irec ightbc esablishied -ah port p vhre there wàos alo plouy of tma,sud gm-et faciiies for' ast Manufacture. - ýIp hrt erry tey % Aisé gettinup s ) apO& padiiig es iuiinen, by Messrs. BrownEu 1 sand, trauge ta say, the. boge wi b. brugit inta Wiitby; go 1 -ta Prt Pery sd tlimon h# i agin froin Prt Ferry, by way f «W by. AU of course for wnl f i'li iu Whitby, fr in Wiby heme watd bth -confidence sud capi Tb. gentlemen f the pmeen Cocsî ,who nore tie boudioldrsof le rd 'Who owned ai lise' rofflug, stock, i the exceptin f a foin fiat sd cars, ad Winimo -aed glse large ortioe of lbe stc,coud ual sald, ho expocteta go an viti lie tension ithout iep fracs tie ucali unteestei. This meeting vas tls fom-a elled fr lie 'prposle, as Stil in lhe circular, f dvisig bst meaus ofi furliering undrtking. b, regmetted they1 mot a langer meeting-her. non., i vo m i, la ' c n csp a m tiv e ly i n v il aid tnsethingu bd alwmys ta cc ence in a emnal vway. H. vas sai ied thaI a coliny by-aw coula bcb. lied ;-it v.'ammd have le bo a by-lav $250,000. hiey wond aima gel a e, nomi Ma'iposa; but thley wud le, tbal fur thH rent wvus Mm. Laidli He woll 11k, humu te camle tIen-n a tema ta lPot Piny witl ticot rssi, sud te join thor at Scedpnla )r thisrabcts. [Mm. bauden uera pý liigi compliment ta Mm. Laidîmivi Ale lailwaY King, vioundesstad Il build railwayf,accj vies. nergy i MiI a y( m a cn la d b ln lIu p lime c i y oai no1if, lie co cîluued, lie leadingm e Wihtby and Oiavs put himir lieo ogüteto iculd extoud tise m-o nit tih. min of bth looitieshai oin hucart sud liacd in cmdem- a ho i uîîceOPOftii. Ho Vis soriy o fi ci mnayr f thic lav, and lima eoi Md tisa epty eovaabsent-ail lioni liad been invied te attend-i Le m ua u s a iafl o ti t isa It i s e s, m o n ti t i i prisnt the. Iann ai Witby. 1 Sa uilt eid eee sa large aud respe4 ble a tIegaioc prsent froin Oeli Lns lte wih oai tie Cocpany ie Osimun-u a mramie, if le7 joined hoetension. Referan2e vas ne laile by Mu'.ltîdcmmtte liaeffet ce imeudmeut nade lu tîe groupii lause by lie Leistature lasI vintE î d i g li ma I u i s t i c n a j o r ity o c i l Lipmys ofasmuiipality tha I h cmr(I ii3' lua abonus, u-aed foa s M thîal mucipality nwud aretho ft oti, anmd tisabalance n-ulhaisveo mnr lIeumde. Fevus, lethe ir ace, in fui-en f cviug thle on- p f Pickering out, but lia nov; fux ia le3'coili lmmclIezaly do. [I on . M r. G i ; s l o w ould 1h 1: iii Brecasd "oraim-tumy-ihave a uly givn benuss ? Mr. Holme-It vaultI ual applyt min; tisa bonuses given by thoai vo omîlîc road. lui-mclase f-le A( 1Y aPPlid te tonschips thimt humais idy givous bouimss tae taicae mastI M. Lifflaw disptiied the corectnem Mr. Hodn's maiig f tiie Ac- î(iig tîil scy mmncipality tliat lin, sue s bonus tô any lice valcinc hbic tie opersion f Crooke' clause. fMr. Draper feld witî Mr. Hoden. Xn.r bode, cntiuig, aid latIlh isl lalmet zma-fanmen rai; lb h vuss P ofai Pckering-vho o wroil ron af gran'mg s ousctthie Wii Part Peny lRailvy far extension.- ey sid ho hinsai goeoanmd xený ir m-ad andm well vote for s bous.t ey uveuld do se on tisa principîsti oureasimg lia value of pnperty ir 1nortl, tIietaxes vout hoc dcreaseî th front. AntI ho centeedeil liaý keing nold aue ahermd'atare, time extension. Tioy uiouîti havi «p luciber frein Bo3eygcou ta Dul. 6Cmeek, eiap pesta sund cisemp cord- tI. And n-liaI issu 1h. moid doue foi on-mm f Whiby, after ail tiaI vai 1.Insteati cf iavicg te psy $7 foi n-ce, thiey nennon- gating -it foi and 'imeynen- getliug muinier foi fo ' n - ia icy uu'ov o lt la ne ta p a y -e;auig auaiy as mcmxin lish ms lIe e n-lariîsay taxanme l. . Litilan- desired tb iear n-ai Dmaper had ta vay relative ho tie mm-jo Central. I. Drapmer repiid lmt hhad mna iatiomi tîat mnatucr3 in canceaion limae Oitai-> C'entral nex-oto bo ssed ; lie u iersoad tiaI lbe ncc. cicmldfor tiesa iîiro 01ni lie- cnsiaeratioim ie subjeof ailte -Cenan, seeve of -Oshawalaving calleti on ta eposi, sait il soometi e tisaI liÏhs nceasscf he extension xt se far mis geting aid from thei ty voulti very gmeally depenti epon itemi efforts of tie people of Wist. ad Oshsawa, sud even viii aIll ir effose omade o edcciibel liaI mn!oulti have considenable difficuiîy ttugmnylhu froa lthe Ooueît eil. Hoe had ben piesset i vi seebae6n-li Mm-r. 1Hodun .d uer.r laid hefoeeb Co., Camucil v a s s o r y f e rr l i s . sp a t hl i l i a m c c e p it isd met viiîi. Tise extension )okei Upn IS a eesity,if thi, es Whbohati senie heircsoney iu me vos-e ta micali ze auylliug ont of ada necessily -fer lie tan- ai by if lie tan ere to recoive amy it roa i s large luvesîmeul. ,Ho Led -tb.t they feli l in awtlie sty'aud vat, orafliny commun. i.o Thdyey ntertainet, hoviever, lcusy ai Wbitby - but Whibyn l a s n m ilt e i t s ex pee r i t . . v i l l I Ureqire theasislauce oiOsma viýelt mere non- ne more d4apa thale lié tab. eistauces of Lie rosa i nto conai4 Ba. lion. ou. lbiug, toc, wvie3,rtai- roula PeoP of aihi.Nom-th had IdannIbyi back hume limaI lie Narrovi Gange rond, ~Ped suat 'he thing forth.em. Tii.y1 Çlit- learut tintt hby coulti do more huair ities at Whllhy sud Oshava-audt tit oit n-as4 viauas goot amakeh fr nest 'ital. viaulti say iing abont bam-ey, as any rola; ,,t *thieybad as gooti- fapll ctfor shipp i igsud atarago, sud Pau tiq h sgiI nets 1gler prie tti box or. luthe remaària iho via about s -make, liey sionîti be couslde-e t, i ocsauating from, imsseif individus] ex- anmd ccl as represeuting lieme nicil itiea ity o0 Osisa. - Il vishie opinn] lrs- lic seople ai Wultby anti Osis med souitle tagohher ou lii scime the exteneicn. Thso seieme, es put form th. by Mr. Holden, appearedti t a mta hai s fessibleonansd ho gave tisaI gem- an- inucredit for tise. lcit maeuir led, vieh hoSepîaced it beors tihe meeti sin. 14fr. Halden badt bld tliem tisaiiw mii- lb. ait ai 55,000 per mile is-ra lieuI car- cucipaihties, sud of $2,000 per mile fi( for the Goverumeul, logetiser viti >nus raoceys uvailable frcmlise sale oft )ave bauds ai thie Comspauy, tint lie exti an-. siens coulti be miasrutet. Tise ilgu Vih n-en-fain Port Ferry taWshago, ais miles-lise brunes la Oshawa, 7 mi] and -nakiuig allogether 52 miles,( lait clusive ai tise brancihoaLindsay. Wi ,as lis. round sucs cf $250,000 frocs ton- ccmmty, tlsey vero tàit that thme ro se a comltib. exteuded, aend ho (Mn. G.)1 Ta- ilevet it coult. Bel beicro any sci sou conîti ho submitted, ihiougist, tl iads inust enliat 1h. sympathies aiflise les d; ing mou nos'tl. Anti-ho adrisedtiS aud meeting ofihle ladieg menon ai ni cauuty h. caloet la h blt aI Pc md Penny upan a day taibe appoinleti, mu ne, have lb.einhale malter tilîxussemi. E aio a digest cf Mm-. Hoîtien scidime b, la but heforo sucs a meeting, sud le bat i sot doubl it n-cuIt lest adte he eîoacisul [I b.etidti noisvem, hisni liaI I c-pecple ai Oshsawa vioci taie part lu, nsa. girethloir co-aporatiae unless it mu la siswn tisaI lis.7 viultiderive mo in benefit Irocs Lie rosa t tis ey dit xt pnesech. He again oxpresset i hma cf piosse t ahes.manuer in vihicis M cg Helden inti placedti h.e cieme cf ei or, tension hefore lime meeting, moud Iii lie le sait, shoula lave bis co-aperatici lad But lie siculti be very som-my ta idt h 'Y- attention ai lie people oaithi.count ho diatractet frein viaI Se Icoketi upon ho a ceuuty project by tise presentatic 'il sucthmer sciera, forthieir coneidemiatiar e-. Dm-. MeGilI vis next calotd upon.- id Oun isiug, tise Dr. said h.eisati not bei lmoetafoeomclicia rail-ay min. Bu se lie canfessed lie foît more ietenst.dl il- theosmhecse just placet before Iss. ua otlme'r braugit on lise tapis for a loi' te im. 1h appeareti ta hics as pointun me octthlie inans fom- eecnnieg bathi et county ronand sut eOshawa rond. H, d- enclosei n-lut lîidboon sait by Mr -Cew n-u md Mm-. Gibbs.- lIme propos 85 itions laitdcon-n by thei seomedt i - hlm la b. national. 1h comual ot o:e mi poetd hah Osiawa voulti lent ils in e licence teanay ahher m-ast, sud lic m- *garteti il as nnfam-îuuato tint amy odme eheme simoulti be placet in competiliar e vitli lIe extenaion. Timon, nor.inu le reaseas wiiy tise scisense far exleeeiar in ailhe W. Eu P. P. m-adst houit b. s8opt ýy ed. The large expouditure alroad3 - matle bat secred tisera, as it ere,a Ati dmst imtalmeut oais county rond,. Sefui lie helieve thelirom-ast ad ben mabeuei kt te s liraitei oxteut; but lhe oxtension sl nociti iiake tîle .becefita ca.nmcu to Id tiseacauuty ah large. H.eviaulti ho gIs kt ta gir. lis oann ainluevery possile sâ vay, bel ho titi not comsidto't it se vacît be-for the inîcreat ai the people c- f Whitby co! bistecoaumty la laie up t 1- second railvsy scisemo. Tie promoters ir cf lime other m-ast prapoeotie h beliovet, ,s thal Oshawia sisaulti demire certain hou. "s' ets fracs tIse iarber aut aven tSi r Grand Trenk lino, hut tie poople of "Oshna auateti a littîe bit ai roatoc Vtisais-on-n. i Mr. W. H. Gis expi-essoti himuself lui faver ai lb. saheme for extension, tellis met nilb bis apprevai, andti t tfurîlier n-bicSh.ievaclt de auyiiing in liii pourer. * Mn. George Laidlamw, Ps-esidemt oai lme 1Victoria Rau-nay, vas lie nexl speaker. H1e disagreeti, lie sait, n-ISh saune ai lie reimans cf M1r. boldea. Ou bhisf af lIma Victoria Ce. liaeumami no specitie objection btiste W. Eu P. P. roal ex- týadiig norîisvartis. If imythiat exten- clsou lime Cowspsuy plucodtihtimselvos in e mpatition nis thi, N.ipissing asuthle Nentmern, aonlise eanahanti, andtihe Midiaud unlise cher, tisaI vas lir ennbusimeas. But Se nenîd bve i reflect upon tbis, tint tise7 vculti liane la face th. 1ev rates ai freiglit, viii seau ccasmon hate aL.Liatise Victoria m-ast n-Sas avery. tifferent rond ta lime Nlplssing, anti vis projecheti ou differ- cul principles. Tise Nipusinguiat beeni desîgnet fon lie Juerpasôo i onoontrat. ingiwe Isusinéessîn the City Of Tom-ata, aud time Narnon- Gauge bat been adapt- et for th. express purpose ai proereuling lise -aing stock cf cier campacios goh- ing cver it aud canryig ay tle busi-à neoss. Censiderimg 1evorything, hb. malulaiceti liaI il. succesa cillhéliai,.l ne ile level bout, againat Whitby Pa4Y Oshavia, in order 1tae oucentrste ti lite in Toronto, heW&@enow- ready teoV auli with tiese localitieo, sudthie Viol i i.Caiy iaa ready le'enter into arrn lors- m'eula for connections viith al a -tise rosmis but hviaatd l<sb. fairly tus by thoefieud oftme W. &P.P. visan sudhe frieumis ci Whitby sud Oaimm bat, in sunl tiieir doalinga vith bim - SOl ipas lie7 sain. ih] Br. Dra er, refem-ming t lie romi b4 hoofthé' genm1.n Wba hat i jua Pt To. ý-fie Balnway Ring of tlb. oti. ities 1Mr. Holdon bai dlledbin-meuhic d as hia expenleuce ai the polwerfnl Inflim um- of lie cily ci Taoronto, ti mouel Et ho, and polimt i If auy mac bai rom 89a ta fée. that, il vias hirasuf, in proonu SIIY, the charter of tie Witby &u Part Pi ipl. BRoch. H. agneed that IL vieuhd hc LiaI finltely boermto connect the VWmt ana Ferry Radti v thlbVidtoris Bond e0 ci cm-Soutlh ai Wick than La go la Suci Vard land. But it ins a question viSe D be if they-xonld culy conueexh ah W mltle- the W. &u P. P. B. wanld contrIl -u "n11B7avfreiglit sieknof h7 Mr Li ieg. ia-ai ail; for in tisaI case Port H with vocîti lie us near ta Fonelon Pale nu- Wbitby. Mm-. Laidlmiw'e prcposif iocs vs, final ta ielp hics to bnild bis s« lie frocs Lindisay tl Wiak, cudtihone, if tise ltme arransgemoetsiero satisfactcry ton- bics . evonîtigive theinhis 5tdl res assishance. Ho (MJr. D.) mnwfi ,45 vliat leai place at meetings iseldtih ilos limaIlise people of Maipes wated ex. get as direcitas possible to Port Pei ÃŽi1h andtihat tlieim- iomui voucl uly lie giron the road tint -veuid give tih 'end sucS direct communnication, sud p ho- hapa Mr. LaidIan- did not take tint =no tea mccamult. Befar as tleb.b-mncis seo Oshawia vas concerne e b.hd no ea leation to i i-if the people of Oshi t s na tho Dr. samd, vianted ta have a 11 tise m-astiof their oan. But b. thaugisi art vicuîd be ustural for lime people cf1 mnd tavu cf Whihby ta eay ta Os havis h Let tb. latter simouiti assume tise hum-tin aid payiug for IL, an aI least assume' no equal burden viththe tovu ai %Vhit Its. n-biçh gave $60,000 luthe way oaimu time iipal aid aud $80,000 cf privaI. .1'é or for tihe privelege ai their mailn-ay. I las thein etant oven bofor, lie cuuty ore asig for aonhy aid. Sa l'ar as Pi( aI orbng ias eonceruedl, tley li km 3elh liaIthi. geograpeicai position ai Pii ër. emiug luthie canîy vas scch tiaI x- people aifLime tawnship vouldtie b ýaI, rectly hoeeod by lime extension or t De. branch ta Oshawas. Tlîey coulit, ho hoi ever, se.clise ativaulage cf a raln- ity suai mis tise Ontario Central raunii as timm-ugim lie coune ohi hoir tovui ai Mn. Cown urgeti, as suffiaient m-m c. sans for building the inancuu te OÙ - vs, tsat lise proprietoasoaitise m-c ,ou vouiti heIho bttes- able te utilise thii ýut proerty by tise extension, sud Ihat t' in people cf Wiby iu tie saine wi îy n-unitdamire more befiût frem ti îg inreelment by goting Oshawa ta uni îg, vus h emin ueur,nfgPscouchy boni s He ceneideredtilimasl partiesgbhgrâ [e ho sexiaus ta enter imb eschmiana r. rangement. Tskiugli e nhale boni )B' ofLime counîy ai 6250,000, tic prepo ta lieofciii vici Oshawa voulti bave1 x- psy vaulti bc 625,000, cm- six dollai s- per Iesi, of thi. p pulalian. And a] s'- laiie, tiimsgOshawa simoulul net ho asl o'read to follow in uth.footsieps of Wiil )n Wîîitby, hoe conceiveti, matie a mielai iy lu 1he amount sud raucem oi ils m-si )n subseniption, sud ion vint ihe considei 1-. ed a ticubtful benefit. [y Mn. Holden cousidored Mfr. Lai. s isv's scimeme s gooti au., sud gare the r gentleman Iii creditloai eeeing fa Il sheati. He aIso approvei cf vsaI Mi c Coanbiaisit. Ma (Mm-, H's.) rom ao son fer praposing ta go la Sunderlin id vas4n order ta btamu tho bousea le Brooak, Georgimies and Scott. Re ai it gue ttisatle Wlmthy lin. as extendoc ea vould, ho g benefit te Torntco, an( i voulti ielp 1h. Toronto Eu Nipissicg ii -s place aifiuuring; anti ho vas quili 1 aalisfied liat $50,000 more cf a bouci L. comilti be hati by gaing ta Suncderlandi. e Mr. Laidian- intimalei tint il val )f ussiese ta, tali about lb. Victoria reai If gcieg te Suntierlacnd forholiews utdi bonds la the amut ai $80,000 te If inidsay ual la o uai lti.Nipiseing- iMr. Laitilan- sougit ta imprees upet a tisa meeting liaI counectian ituitlii i Victoria m-ast, sudlIma counry nom-h lireegli viliil mau n-as muais mos-i i importaut tai îhe Wlihby & Port Ferry lno- tialthe propaset extension la Wasslago antiPas-ny Soundi, sud vecît fseanro il s mmmli larges- amomul aof busi- ness. Connectadti vlisliaVictoria lice lie hehicremitioae oult be nococi- pohition mt al fer lie lambin, sud it 1was lie ocly business ticy vouiti evon gel. limai wuld psy thismnt ou thie bonds. Tise Victoria Company diii col suceos fan al parties interesteti. He aiea believedti tit by going by may cf CanniegLan a langer bonds coulti b. got frocs Bromok tissufrocs sny atisen point. Iu repîy -ta fum-tiem'observations, iL va ,s statedti tit baminses vouiti e h.i aluei frac Beach ant Mariposa for Ferry' ta Lindsay. 1Hlon. Mm-. Gishonmeuprapsmimi lis [fa1ioumroolmtian; T'hat tli mei nelg hlis etecem ta tise clear asud luid statemeuhs cof tise Mau- sgixg directr oaithi. W. & P. P. RM vav. Mn. Hlden-, irereby il le ara- mina, furthmer remarka frocsMm-ý É&j] . Fre OimU à,vb W eBiîraark -êàaAél- 1;- tumey ta lthedesiraiulity cf iiaving provisaion a m-rage, OU SmidaysiItm-mamn; made forntra-4ie arrangemens,- themres- Pol ficer Kvarts as swom Laria amuIon vas put tond carrine= meaicaa. andti eihfetithat a et htmô O~ftue ak aken sudthle praçeedluga of, the meeting tept HaBmal-wio todsûp ,s M bronghil ho a chose,.- îile uessnlgt~ptoiimnksià~èn~~d oned heing liaI Mi~. Laitlavi'a Company vas thsePrinee's carniage thm one of lb., e. to huildthle branch mi ck ta Lind-.hhanss rnahet againsl hlm, sud 'nr-- ýtysay, intthe stoppage tiusaused, Kulhmâ.W- m.en On11smotiaon ai Hon. Mr. Gibbs, sec-hurried ho tme carrnage tond re--e* ring andet hy Mn. ýsidla-, tise uses! -vote oamcem-ihrtjier fstifiodthlaI at-lsnt-s Iery ofthanko-was-Éassedto tai chairnn.exsiinaton Keln B aiýï' YO, a M.thik,--f curse tht Ibeleng t108a ey& eray adJte'bave tisat cim- Csthli agtatioI ere y-bn n cu- hav een isoeetoaliing tise Port ho a Si uaaleybt ae o ter- Ferry meetnà a Thmmmrdmy, tise i9ts beon seul hithen." On being told the aher' ane ý . ~jcansequeuce ai lus crime lie replet, 'ici, "Iams careti for." Viltuess ander- thme Ian-n CoucuLshoodthIis to aou lhsalsmantcco- jai. ý - - -:1:plices hefore lhe set iroulti provide for Aope meeting cf«ýe- coencl vashelt au hie Maintenance if bho scapeticapure. t s Monatiaeoel1 lest. Preseut-tho Pnisener tisputed lisis ciclu . He ieuo meevo (li lie chair,) Messrs. Bsy, Han. alec denie thle tzuti cf Kovsnt'saum. ýodper, Csn , Botta, King, Hlopiu, st serlion tint bis doiemiaur vas friva- omd Blow-. ' loua. -b, deciaredti iaI il vas colt andi rta CDO5tMICÀTIONBI teliberale. lis .causeti s sensation iu s u t c i î a î o v i n g ve r e m es a y ,th e . a o n.' D r a c m . s a s t l ta l i a t u r e mer. Fracs J. Sîsulon, Chief Eegiuerofithci .2nuries IIrecoiveti hy Bieciarianti h o meqesing the chisman of the fir *an lime illuesa resuhtiug frora 'hem. lThe heforeitioh s osvem-al physiciaus mer. h. b couiai tise nocessity ai pm-crdiug messhnin iaIl. rnc a9tl mcm vaher forthliester of liefireougice. Smffem-mg fracs nomvoue vealmsandsu ?Or- Prom Josimn Biciartisen, ràquesting' baho les s oltgueit veu by lb. el- in- he cnnel téÏeaue hs'asess cgt omtiouaofvm-îlsng. Dr. Diruif repeatd Co- thi enuceal t re.i esemu aBimars aatement laIthe sial vsa Ca lie sam as lst yer. - rettho moment ho aiseti bis bandti o Oh- Frocs Jutige Burciamrarqnesting ato lat w al r o a . ahM s i i n s n a t a e .î m i t e r r o a g t i o n o f p r i ao n e r va s r - - t 11 - ar. ay se ou ed-r.sum e . Ho saiti respect _ion religioni ile Mm.By eo tb m.Harper, vonit have preventet bics frocsmai. liaItishe Mayor b. inats-uctlto offer a ing lie altecspt ou lie Sntiy eveuing, 'o menart ai $25 foàr tho deîeciac ant iIfopportueitv offered, but hie bat fre- au conviction ci the persan or persanea qeotedth ievcluity'ai lie bhae mnch, hila tre up lhe siievalk -ieaditi th5easd fotoret Bismarck inoultiagalu ce- 5'Sepam-ate Scisool, aise bm-aking, tie cape. oci vintiovissud othireriitlteatzayiing lie Tle prisacenvis foumi gxuity samd Leot seisoohhouse. ' se enteccot ta fourteen 'y.ars islosrces. in Mr. Esy explaiuoti tieceircumshsuoos, lieu sud ten yesrs - 5'itiouial surveil- cik. aud saiti ho lisough tishe property aiflime lance. l Calialic aboiuldalie prolectet, anatihle ýc coucauil viultite uegîectiug thir tiuty Picketcnug Cauncil. the i lie7 titinmalmaie an effort ta big San im te guilty parties ha justice. bises day, 241h ucuoaer, 1874. th h motion passeti nm. . Tise Pickering counil met pursuent )W RatPMui »pAsRsIINT. * tua mtjouninent; members ahipresent. Tishem-i rkpresented.thlbpetitian. of 57, Mr. Harper gave explanatiaus ai the Henry Bm-an , asieg for nit, b. heing eg Chief Eegiueer's comrmunication. Heluin elajcmta-s ip. salti tistthem-e vere saine cisemicals lu he sloýigacounhs-wr rne ma- tiseviater use te beston limt aIvs ta ho pid : ha- tiestraylngtie hcilem-, asdt iwnas su g- Vie. Viarti E Vir. Hlikingbottoes,- )ati gestodt liat saft vialer bo Iriet tao reine- ion gm-veing ou site masi hoîneen lots ein dy lime evil. Othier ballera lu the 4 a 5 lu 8tlm con., $50; John Barnes, ihe coighounbot, Messrs. King's sut fer gnsviling Eue, ,an 7Lis con., apposlte Loy Glsytou's, vene aise heiug Oslen up, ict No 7, 580; Vies.Bsrues, forhUlti- emm- setdliethougist semetiug eaboulai bciling bridge bhteeon lots 82 anti 88 lu ite toue ta protect tle tan-n praperty. A, 6LIs con., 81Y2h; Jas. Gemites, for buldt- us- cisLernu, peha voultib. neceusary. ing bridge oun(11h eau., at lot No.- 7, la Aflor remia fracs otier memhm-s, $100; John Barnei, fon gravehing on us-th Mm-. Bion-,serouteilh.D. a s ide rondi belveen iota 4 sud '5, lu 711 Lus r. lowsecnde by r. arsn, eau.,- 50 ; Gea. Hhciingbottom, for orta ve csttehaulthenize anho prer m.tripkigon side rond, betwn-ou-lots s',tondmaitter f uoriseà usepaicle aSbokti4 and à in go 1cou,, 512; Henry-Mor- ra, nd addr fr te ue- f te Suthrison, for nom-i ou rm-est teen lots e- Warti. Ctrriet. 28 ant 29 lu 2ut cou., $56 ; Charles i-TAXES. Williams,, ior'n-cri on rasai b.teu - >y A numbcm-of emquries andtcomplainte laIe 6 aud 7 lu 9ti con., 025 ; George ke, -vere mmde as hossessmeuhs anti taxes, Harrison, ion cnlting'ton-nbll an StIr l- ir. Josisua Bieliardson'o, Mn. Joie con., ah lot 27,8650;W .A lio- 11ade, (ssesseti twie,l Donion for n-on ce Kingston_ rond at loI-81,- Telegrmpl Ca.'s, Mm-. John Lsvirence's, $101.50 ; Petem-Bm-oins, for building -Mm-s.Bmon-n'a, sndt Mrs. hommpsou's hridige aI Hcovem-'a mill, 4885; John ut cases being referredti lahlb.Court of Barsues, for Lurupiking &-e., ou rond bc. mn flevisian, viuich la leetructedtetarepart tven Iots 8 nautin lu tiscou., $ r. at nexl meeting cf the couccil. - Mrs. M1. E. Post, for gravel, 5.Il; a. lims. Rdafor nom-i twe lt la D.Cnn cuntIfhcmee 4 sud Sine 1h cou., 060; -Davidi B s'. coincitthe:ba By report ha maie ou Decier, for ti'mbr, aut gravel, 58.21 ; td lias. Cn mi' ccunt ; whiai boaMs-s. N. Viaadm-f" e.~ l,, 15 ; ta been meferredt la hein?2Vie. Belclsmbera for rpiie - ýn The clerk sated tmt no membso f p.s e! cm re-el,- 40.80; Hc. La he.co cucuil amourne i. i g on 7th con. road t I a ota 8 an ti 4, $10 ; A. Beau, for Simloi planie, 52.- Political Notes. 20 ; Vir. a.mte, for ropslrisgMUn. Mc- - Bellm-ci's isquse,$20; John Armstronug, r Dr. Widdifieîd ci Ne-umarkel lias for repairicg m-cati scraper, $1 ; hobs. receivet sud acceptedth ie Befarin Pesrt, for n-cri, $1.50; Loi-el Harrisomi, nomination ion Norhs'Yorkfanrlime for repaing-brid'ge ounfth con., aI lot àLocail. - No. 7, 52 ; Jas. McNeoly, for ropsirlug i Mm. M P. ysubas eencusetetavenI, Ee. 3.50; James L. Paumer, lu Mautrosi Cents-e, ou tise gront tisIfor 1cinim s sippiiet ýtaoveracies, 874.- vote given for hiuf wereo.luuega, and 4; Cha.Tayo,for priuting, #261; Nimiana Oii. 8.-~r. J.J. B-cua 5.0; ilii. li fo ,fr repair ingoa crpr v aaro-aynOcaaIt i 'g.Se . . rowrn rond saraper,. 52.80; S.. J. Green, for Ccus-toc as cmadi ahe r sefortS- epairi-damnages la buggy nhon Cong Doiion scndiec tiohe n-ît crasug-bridge eah Viievale, in April cOlnio- Dminio OletiGu-He s sl, -$40.75 ;Wm. Barnes, for gmavel couinsati by Mr. VW. A. hmsinon, anti supplieti tao vrseers o! huglmaya,16:- secoudeti iy Mm-. Chas. Currie. Richard Hacey. otam corn Wdte, Il is reportodthalia sbill for the re- $1. os-ganizatian of lise Civil Soi-vice, nil lb.Thepetitica af Henry Bm-ovinn-s a comnplote re-adjushmeet of ssieries, gravtemi by siioviing ims$1. per vool vill be ictroticcet inlutic cexI session oa iRh Ble it day af Doocinhém neit Panliameal. : -The folloiov ldaims ore ardeet ta Thie Omunasis,-As il Sas lieec aliovin hepuitifor damages ho imleep hy dogs : iu evidencie liaI every imemibo aiPar- Wini. Madlii, 83.83; Baîpl Main- liament n- ho vas unsealet spoat s-ribsy 8 onM. Stade, #2. - tiaustontdallars tho-gain <Lie reucli %Is-. Brannpreetdte oino bod t 'laenquire bon- Iiey viere ta vrndainlufront ai bis star..- M. - Ir ýy aer. ý..l-

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