yearandthos mSi Efrope , fdhit.$io artichi, asteu wr oks in the 1~j~uf~hi e -feDoq hve uston ROM, ilon."-8ee article in à üd bà all, the Cli r Wned 1. i swr The ' Or.larnolonger btiilt, for the .Dr. j.E.Oem Sint 1 &Toute ia Ne (Yre, liJmax, and -nany othéru. ho00. mt E.mý*: Champons wre 801d in New w foi oraiavus 4 -ro y eee .optouffl tu nba" 8a4 TQW1IState, tuiieason, lthe c f't bjui.tiaoe lu bair lavqr--au a teJObn$stOn, Rirby, Xiurdiok Omodge, g -DinPtm RWOOd, Ib 1 _o air ndrlndî D 1 *kiud cf harveuter. The, Chamipion J Vlat. ot eibae*ydii lii. rmnit f 8h estrogetand buut Io now' L" ngCanada,a& la pr.psrad cmbination cf moebaieal talent de rs$ryb 80511 mt $0ftWrd ch'iren VO ote4b Eap mrs and Moyern lt h. mc, k Daer 91 P. O,* Hamljou. Voeld. Overn8M irt reminms wereD 0 alwanded the Cbja=ion i 1878ita" tt gist. sMd w oieseb&U a.rnw FÀTAL Fru.-Theliock.up atColling-, "d?___tout_ wood wg. buned >dcv,&taIn earfy REIIH»Y FREE-W. seui free, a hour lait TbrMday,,morani, sud, an sPimplanti sure means c1 sal-cure, for Con. 8nie,. n IPSnue.PérheIannnbter Ou #a aBntiabtoo Ise hs e ih tUlan pinestpse' hed iii 8h. ras. cf the Throat or hod a umerLu .Xas ýDblHity, Preniatun. De. 'Of witnemaga ere exanuned, fromywhoeetoy, Wkeua, and &Uil dsorders brought on tvidenoe.the. folloving facto were elicit. by youthfi mprence. ' ed :--ShortîY after mne> o'lock on TUTTLE « Co., 78 Nassau-et. N. Y. <Wedneaday evening, four men vent _to the wfudow cf61the loch-up and couvera.N W ADV eadwlth the pniacuer, wbo seemed qute E A V RTISEMENTS. sober at 8h.elime... Âfter talking a few inuate«. loe aket for a drink, whierc. UPen $wo of thons coinplied vith bis request by lneerting thé. neeka cf bailles throuaihe vindov barn. andipouring thi liqaaor int a cup, helti inside by MeoLe. » ta ssupnonsnd that fte Wiues, Spiitse.aud Géee--ral-Grocéries witli any other ho seihecrny CALL AND SEE 011R SAMPLES! WANTED FOR CASH, ANY QUANTITY 0F Potatoes, Butter, Turkeys, Geese', Dueks, Chickens,&c --PFarmer ive 8acf. Wh¶tb, ~vmber4th,18 -- J.D WDAL L. POTOGRAPHIcil FOR#30 DAYS ONLqYI Thé Greatest Photograpfrjc 'Novelty has arri'ved in town, andWWl be oDpen onn Saturday, Novemnber 7th, 1874. ULOTING DEÉPÀRTMÉNI1 07- ]Rplete 'w ith the inost fashionable ý.TWEEDS,'BIIOADOLOTHS, &C., &C. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES! The ]Iighest Market Price P a id fo r i3JTBER MeoPherson's jBlork, Wlitby, Éov.. D, 1874. MY. 8WORN STATEMENT! To al itorn 'iltrjay concern: Fenton'a wife says that lirs. Hopkins told bier that sic icard Sam Grub's; wife say, that Peter Parsons' -wife told lier that Granny Lincoln heard that there was no donbt that thc Widow Baker Baia thait Captain, Woods iifehougit ihat Colonel ?ttalby's vife believed bliat ocM Mrs* Gnnndy reckonedl positively. thst Frumia Melton's wife hid told May Carpenter that lier aunt declared ho bthé world that it Wfts generelly believed that Mother Staiton had Baia iii plain - insa iyLIres »arr mqAe 1nu boues ini saying, that, l iercir --i'FV u laub4lw. c inteest, t't-M- ddkq bu-cm x" ion,il vwas a matter of fact and of great publentrsua . dra&ngh.b iaedî' andt v m ue rrs-iasatnilae a said that Mn. Jipkins told hum tint Mr. Tacey lad cvS the stovo :eîu in. e o the huia RBEW A Il D p1e-. and guranete mst petrfe tint Wnx. Gil did declare and circulate tint if yon want ho cilucovere&ihindppeara b ee thein Tweny-iIve DoUaiBuvard i be -get Books, Stationory and Fancy _Goods et neasonable rabsyou wa ioeeh per obv an vnfrtedtcinanti conviction co~f mTPl!~iuet go tb- idown with bia face te the 11oor, te pro' t pmgor eron w ore the B B.. P C A L Y vent suffoc nîion. T he ju ry ne turne d o tW i.rso n te tsol Ie oo -J S - O E R S *hio following verdict,-"Tbat the said house lu lb!. Town, anti broka the windows (pad fegtyaswt .S rig oot. .À&rcbibâld XoLean camne te his death andi othervise lnjured sai Sciiool-house. Cali and examine our specilnens and Bookaeller, Newodcnlen, Stationen, anti denler in Fancy Gooda, &o. by eltiier villully or accidentally setting Pey instructico01the. Concil,- -, ire la lbe building himseif; liat the J. MEUGRRENWOOD, prices, (orwe 'have smtii iey..ew) and you will (Upwndsof egh es withad,.)ivoogStrent. aaiîd deathwvasaccidentai; sud w. (fo. e o r se ta e roniig tenrgtrel'g furhiecensure hhoaa partie» very nici ao. b ovne htw r oigtergttig ]egui'sOt tn, îc tel bt fer givlng the sai Archibalti MoLean WlzitbY, Nov. 4t,1871- 45 âIiir thincth e bars cf the vindavR o s - ve a eo < erb-big lafifor the night he LA.CKSMITH'S 8HOP WAG GON - pff in charge cf lthe loch-up. SB HOP, anti Dvelllng *ouse for salePDunas Street, 'Whitby. The. News. The. undersigneffets for sale ouneay o OOH a OG RO term, bs Bickmits SOPIWagon liCLENNovH't, 174ROG ES, We have just received an assortment of Lamps from A atInetmetigy. VillonShpadD Rue, Blam i itnship ficthkOB*Boston, viich we offer eheap for cash. Somle of then are 50 per cent. Tii. fini fof cf mnow ttheesoonsheplof Pngk-' less tblirlast year. Best Patent Tubular Lanterns, $1.. For terma anti fRAMprticulFOR 5SALE.YRtePORT HOPE TIMLES laoncf iu Tenante an Sunday lant. the propnletot'UWODRA AMSFOcALT th eat Paperei Caii.ds. 18lias Our Glasgow Stock of Business Writing Material is the Tii.-Tovn Concil of Bovananville i AMES MACRIE, A number of Cotavolti Ram Lamba for large Circulation, ant in atierefore an excet- langest and cieapest in town. Note paper, «Se per reain; Âccount paper Wanta9 ýPolice Magistrate appointeti. Balsain P. o. saie, apply toe. lent Ativertislng Mediumn. Particular nt-1'Ocper nea;Blhes,$ r-amEnlos 1pr100;P ' Th ueo ngeltrei omondBWv l DW, lention gienTe Lcm ars.50 Dtay cf inat ilhas 1prra;Evlps 1pr100 es Ti.Qe. suznudBaunX t .4h, GenDOteuictioniiurtiLocaliAffar a f pb- e cper box; Stepiens' Ink, 10e per bottie. Ail obler stationery ha fo pio ofE-buPiness onMtheCURE. Witby, Oct. 18h, 1874. gin.42 ativancç. Advertising rates low. 100 diffèrent kinds of 2JPES, embracing the Meer- Tiix.arngensorateniiF J. B. TRAYER, rae elen ronani aie frFo Inter aiBnti ErtOna UsE. »n.LV R !, Eitrat rput ciaum, Tunkisih ookali, Briar, Fancy, Chcnnywood, Birch, Swell, The rragemnt@for fie mle V BB y1 4 Edtor nd ropier. Combination, anti Ponloy's Patent. Our Cigare and Toba cos are good 4,W aoenefnty mpoe kinis ofPiles, Srfl,-Tetter, or Bing- Pristeiigcmotbevhceat TC b t e date je not yet announced- worm, Salt Riienn, ant Imli diseasos of the goot houses wiii piease giv, the. undrig-N ndcep Ativicus froin Hong Kang repartthuai 5kmn. Oue Bth. arranle te hocure ail ~a ail. Z . LM SOGATE COURT UNTY O NARO nlihCterdrctc, hefed caof Piles. -Froin 1 ,te8 Botties tu±R MZ . BLi UR tflIttcftitu Els ulev drc the relations belven China anti Japan essscf HumonsWity ct h,17. Msn' olL-4 aentcth heudre, pes Knives, Forks, Shears and Scissors (ogr) Razors, are nov cfaà more peaceful ciaracter. This remetiy bas been useti in somze of theWifiyOi.2c,18. Powell *boru Fonsyth of thieownship cf Strape, Brusies anti Boxe s. Have you seen aur famou ' i Sapn Il fis believidti hal var betweea thaSe vorst forma of Serofula, Sait Rienin, anti the. sadCountoonOtaocr Aplndd ssnten o Pekt nes naton iil b merea clmases o!vtii. 51c iiitred ucceas 0WOOD MERCHEANTS!1 witiow of the lote Stepiien Powell, late Of'! Illaaltu litra~< Mu cse hveben urtibyanonwadT0 the.Village cf Claremont, 1in the adj inte1 Pooket-books, Bill Holders and Purses fronionon South German papers contain severe certidecates a&re now in the propietor's pou rs01_otr,.cae applicatotAutiao acon ssion c on bacnetson!aplieantiFarscfgoiBrl odTwip !PceigcretrydcaeLno meacs aaia Asni a ccut esinwliiicn e en napliaio. or saleon lot No. 8 in the 5Su con. of Pick- Intestat, vil, at the expiration ci Twenty FanyGosf rneadGray lering. Terus libéral. day. after 8h. date cf tuas notice, make ap- nyGosfo rneadGray of the attitude assumeti by te Ausinian N B.-The mediciue is outirety regelait. For particulars attiress. ' aion to Zacciiena Burnham, ntifo* Vases fr-om oei * pros. lu the Arnim discussion. in its composition. A.A.POTtdge of the Surrogate Court o stnrBoei rn1l a6so failure, dealers are requost-A.A P T nid:County ofOnaiote' fo odn Gen. Sheridian expects that tlt' hoati. e Bef1u1nti iii. p-imâoney.s PrBueyPoisAnone vhoroi casainteI cnrertryW, csed erfun h e.Bio oeWoGuardia o n irhlarn, Bd p Non lile. t le Idia Prnianyvii cesedo net warrant il, as aldealors rocoive Octolier 27th, 1874. di Pwelandcf ier chittinatf owlahof efiefoiPrs Akno' rn odn bueira lte vinter sets in. iiack tiieir imoney frcm 8the proprbetor. t ____ho said Tovnshi 6LarianPowelliio ATth o!I BY PH IMA Y - 7wa of lie Provinces af Veneznela Prie,Par., FteRRYDsixBtlS, .i- ih hi g- te, h ant iatI-AT TlE W J B PIARM A Y have tise, ininsurrection ÃainmttheFRYDVI 'OP W tE ndS TchldeEbenP.heINan snc. g, IE& C. H MSS& D U GSS Govennaient. 4ô8 General Agents, Montreal. anddau t h re beintelienat Pow- EIIE C. CE IT DU GSS 'Eiaoox'a livery- stables aI Landau, eu, de______- Ont., venu burned, davu ]ast Fniiay c HEber, tA.01 1874._______________f___ t i e h m s p r i h t u t i L U M B E R ! L U M B E R ' ! .O H E L P W l .ANa, -Cardinal Cullen anti bis clcrgy, Ina Thes untoeet . ovireeii o!A LLNONONT.D 't IN T pastoral ut*s i t igaiePofsa peidit stock afigne clearet, veli esson. ndall'o recent addrass as "a errvaI eelumber; selling ah $10 pent thousant fat. TyAil kints cf Lumben for Carpentsn anti ENLARGED TO EIGHT PAGES, IMPORTANDAOTITOBEOT c Pýagainisi." Honaebufiding at lovest prices. A goodtwovcstciry Frame Rous. anti loi o! Theochone loa, oadd wth ar. Lumien yanti near vorsiops, Whîtby & Containiug 64 colunnB o! malter, and otier. landi, uorthhof Dr. Entvoo's, lunlte Tw ley blanging ta Mr. Mattiews, Of P . P. E. Raa o. is improveti for thi. season of 1874-75. cf Wrhitby. Apply to Torohofauuene cf nesn'iae Pint CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON. &1.b8 pet year, payable invanlably ini ad. ALEX. OGSTON, AutleyP.O T r o ou T n dy n ofiglît. W hoP oi t by o . 4 h 8 4 ace, the balance of t is year n oA Tis. DF.O . O DS en huody nglt.Whiby Nv. th 174.tf45voFrom nov to Janury lot, 1876, for 01.50. or te J.E. FAREWELL, Whitb7. f", Anclier acident by thie caving inof LAS T ALL A bcautilul Chromo, in 10 colons, cutitteti October 21s8, 1874. 48-tf eattiiupon vornin u eportod-ths L"Little Gooty Tva Sitees," size 28x25 lu. lime from tie* Welland Canai vanko Ail pearsons intebtoti te Meurs. King &- cheB, vhlch bas been execnteti expressly for- -'--: - - vibb faalicaucoquencea b btwo labour. Bras. I n lhe foot anti Shoe busineas, lat yus, lu Enlaud, will b. sont pot-paidtho SELLING OFF. ers. managea by M . William Burns, are e E ery us cuibr paying for one year, oti.J-8 I EA quiestedtehopsy tixein acconnts to-hie untien. oet ornen,. This lua te mest raluable Iu the Stono-u Dnock-St.p uexît uer nati Th$le- u*a ( ra-M hie Argentine Confet- i. iet on on before thie 12 November inst. prominin erer offered by any Canatian fiolaimiportant, Cougreas licnsAter vhicb date ail unsettioti accouns viii nevepaper, anti vill be negardet by mn' aofMn. Honck's Grocen>', Has mutti pleasuro in announeing ho bis customers, andtheb publie la delaei hBpuui u s-tccfBig i iaei u ni.- s atone vort th81e pritsto f ubsciption. mAt <mulet :1m ho evaut1000Agens tuit.esoIf, Atfnomantit>' of of Gocch latel>' inporteti general, that his stock js now complete. An immense asorît bslc r declared he Repubie in a tate of eige W. H BILLING, -We waEn1 autAenis tb. saitonat Wholesaleandnenbcysoah bonght1edirectarfroil btuat manufacturons, maanticvreia, bed moitieaIldaatmail atad aud pnavidedth be Gavornmeut viti tie W .IILNO up clubs anc1 earn some afthie raina le Prices, consisting cf Double Breaci boadin rance on coal for Cash. Sa brng along youn mona>' anti savo the ativance thit "sineva af van." Solicitor, -c, articles lu aur lista!f Premilume, or ash cii ' piecos ant ifies, 2 BRolvers ag Wlîltby, Nov. 2, 1874. 45 commission of 25 cents on each yearly snb- AmuntnLoadters, Re-cappers, SinUse, bas ta bo put on for bati anti tioniful tiebis. The. tiger wiici eacapcd a short lama - nto i teypefer. Wada, anti Cleaners; 2 Ladies' rty fins ago froin a travelling mnangeria .hb- O SALE 011 TO lIENT, oe (ne lk nPrmuLs imn ig,1 carat, 10 1-caret- Glt A ES O A T R O T xc n rneEdndI land, sFORAlnn nteiaieo neimLa iaetBus1 B L F F CT R O T N itig l PrnceEdnrt Isaud ~this yarhether ait orn no. Gem Rings, set im real sappitire, emenalt, been Phat, te tue great relief of tho That excellent Datry and Gcz=ing Fann, Sunoro a Cinculan, Pneminm is anti opal, pearl, ameth -st, rub7 anti aruets, 6 ad Lind15a!lotecou.abnlthe KiLotton, latcou.on' Cupy of AD-, BTo! R, whicî willbo Ladies' (kart CËains, hghl "'ted, 105cet,7JCný 8etsad9Cnss'r. mi d fth uait n s ile e t of O gitava, ccntaining 99 Acres. sontpfroce on application. A be t Chains, do., 6 f odu atch seals, FATAL ACOrDNîir.Brockviî.e, Oct.Thos. wvislîiiig a gooti Dairy Parm vil, ta Registen ail mancy lette, andt hey vini 12 sots o! golti shirt uluds, 6g)Id signet Just Arrived, a Case of those Celebra'ted Linen.Towels,V 20.- Bc ant faal acidnt Lcu ed ii ta se it belon. pnnchasing or taking como aI autr isk. Atidres,rings, vt uith thDofrosI Whitby JetCet 29AI nî S dft ciet credý. ti hoc. It i. veilivatet-ct by a rnnmng JOHN CAMERON & 00., Ban-rings, rooieraceoeta, Dreast-pins, a ieCnsec at St.aLawrenePahkothi ath vans i cdainc al! eao!ns pucitae e monoyanti sets of Shirt Sîtuo. Alsa a queutit>' o!ftFv ensec WhLeareuce Prk is atroasin.Isteni al ofusoth ue my. 44Adrertiier Office, London. Platei- anti Vuleanite Jewelleny, Paint AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F A MfNESOKO rgoa young in nameti Piiips my romain on 812e Farm ta suit lhe Pur. _______ ________________, hetlnd I3I 1dE 7IN.~epoastaive iees No. 4h. SAMUEL TOMS. N0T C 1 . Wool Sits, a k Lw ace Sewing Mahne- ___ A Shimons, Y aceWosewing ManeBLACK LUSTRES! B LACK SILKS 1 IMIGAIO.-ereetaivsoflOshra, 4 ,45 Nchine, anti many athen articles., Goermet o'teseerl PovncsSURROGATE COURT, COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. Thte witle muat b. soit of! in ton or FolayroI. A rer>'fait-Aipac. Fron atOtit 88 00 a yard. motn taat-dy(ousa)t ÀUT_ N telretiFno 152a y Prar dys anti bargamns ina> ho expoctet. Ca aI 25o a yard. Prom 60octe 88 00<>yrd Qofrou h ujeto mirton Ck-oiebea ntheunset. dDaitd _____ ______White Lawn Handkcreiiefs front8 ecaci.. Table Linen 250 a yard. ha vube iii ho ntpresouteti i Hon. Al parties are lhereby cautianet againslT Boo itce Twsh1 f ikring, lu M esars R obo tt on sud M aliio t, b u ta rie cu t in g u i o n r or tncsp a s ig upon W est tho e s, o ! it heo n st i Yp mo! P i l te0 T 1 0 B 1A o d H a y W v i g S l w f r 1 . . -4 P n b>' Hon. Mi. CrookiaNo aScllii, lot 16, lunte Broken front con., Pick- heCut'a n mil hbt by Mn. r. rooo, Nva ects ,xuiration o! wnt allaierthi. date o! Hy ou. Moers. Anncnd anti Smith, ing.Trespassers viii be prosecutet within ce aea cto noZchu Ntieehrbygv httéVcoiaAl olDule8aw r$37.S tins notierunswickS>'S NoiceSlaehinsonod leavy Wrsping Shalofort$1,5. A Fil b>'112 utostnigr c lie ~Burna, Esquire, ug of the Surrogate Railway CAmilnWooZ Doisble teStheaOntari JEREMIAX O'CONNOR. Court, lu tic afot-esaiti Count>'01Otario Logislature atitil nexh session for an Act, BROWN ROLLAND 12J CENTS A YARD 1 ÂwFULLY SUDDEri DEATH FILOU TUE Whiliy, Norembor 4tb, 1874. ui-AS tbbc appoinltedGuartian oflis grand hl- empowening the sait Company. ta bu>', EXTRACTION Oi A TOru.,.A Mrs. Ho.- nen uoGwe Wesley Bowes andi Etiard 1«»s, or make cthir arrangements viii Mnmt tcko acetr& brenWnes barto ofKingaton, immetiateîly afler IMN SCERECK, LthoBaves bat thealaTownsip of othrRailway Companies, t enr riAMimt tc fMnhse brenWnes the extraction cf a bath under tibia. S70Pickering, anti resi4ig viti the mother o el ate, re lnt i her Companios, mntlitrov tqy besanet'd ci dPA CTI10A L Bws o Mdltii aTovnsip, . et or property , te facilitate A er'Wne I8 ad cueiWne i14,aat aL ohi1c Cooe-B'brbusudeirl.sait Edwanti Luter ' fowos, Sarahi Jane ftck bndor e cAher propent>'8 OURrd G sOOrDSWne t1lsidt ewrh1o ai wocitnirdaingvihilandsar iù roeryA large loi o! Cheeketi Wincey Shirtings fr-ont17c. À ooouiqti.jbeiug hl.tesi w lrà bioifn o!01whici tht yia cuiret, o _ mcureT WATCHMAKER, the late Francis 11es, latof ttMddu etr schs of incorporation; h on OU R S G OD DIP TM N SAN-NZOCIATIO148 non RELEASE WTHAETvaio ikinYeoman, ieam Oidi i ylwgatn itt i atD E SD P R M N OFr PRSsONER.-.Now York, Nov. 2-A JEWELLEB, Intestat..ecrort nigeeaQ'teelre hi P& uivl cnann Hc>'alcZ apecial front Eshlla,' Spain, AND Dale t aickr u 0hOdoe,1874. copative cwers go as te adspt them te Wi e lre eîeei Tire'C*aLdn , clNaov.ar2vesa 1EN : -R,- DAVID BOWE S. thiecircuats nes of tti. Railway as a Coi- inaheriais anti sides cf thesmason. Th;loe"Çùbýa n__________have________________E ,onizaticu Railway. lie Carlilat ieadquarters, authcriseti b>' - W i T aR4 Toronto, Octber12t, 187 Lace Nett for Window Curtains ah 20c, .28c, 25c, 80c,. 85c, anti 50c. the b pad so oer aen ding popoeina - S. R O BORR T VE N , iu A. MoNAB, Just arived, Tva Cases ai tic Celebratod Cornall Blanicets, vhicli gencal ele' ofpriones onbot J . RO ERT ON 42Secnetary. wlibc soltiiesa titan tue Ilf-cotton ianparbetiBlankete kepI b>' cher honne.. teeCub lie ltheurrection. Don Dclsele, rPOU SALEVO AL1~ ___ Carlle ivwillug te t-ense 8he Repub. W H I T B Y . Wiere fDirts sing tie sveetest. Song & F 9M POTSALE! 'Fanq Fandels ici geabamnt wM cc a! emac-k l t iC al ln isonere on thlie.terms, but ne- --- Cia. Danks .............. E igiityace-Olsetpa olt19 fuses tc agice liai the Carlisi volun. Spectai attention giren te engravm ndtiM Y 8demntoet Motconr.i Sang & Oic.tS tadrenov prisoners ahal mbsnk fcr repsiring Wsicbes. Bepairs pt-omptly ai. t- wt........................ 0l i t o.c i tjigtic e Anysleani quiystockofiii bo l, nd funti ompleb ii Ca Cub, nis. îtt hei au onsnt ludeti teandaa u te.I wb>' lte Sioke. Do, Fera'. 85 villae a! ClaemontApyt Iua A splendid stock o!osent.No Titings frain aven lie Ses. Do. St. W. H. MICHELL, Claremoni, endti, ail and Fancy TolGoei etvrey nimmings lod j. Ne ayt sancitant anti ,oory M-i Parties wisiting ta mak ppint. van ................... *80 GRO. KE1TH, Toronto, onraCotsaniFn> te otsl .naivo tasottoteadsatadu-nnsfrteyear foinving t85 D. îghJnslihottasdofaHsplendid assorhoseen..o!85 Dbe5.MDOW. and Seal day cicckscrogntry.rattendaitae vil leâaseNonsati. FieSagBokin etvih i]le pse !a rna-ai4ly ncs Whitby, October 21e1, 1874. GOTO r LAING &STEWARTY FOIR BARGAINS IN IXREJSS c3-QQDE DOMINION WAIiEh'OOM8 LOWES & POWELL AF E ECL L NG O 0EI STO K 0 FL L GOODSpt jt 174 9OMINION 'A STW4 Cor. eiofte Municia Crprtin- h Towshi ofWhib> t is nx 82,incia.o O$A THEW, DA1O874.MR 184, AtPubOlck note a reby g.ivendEliaasli lnga a ly-lav to open the-original Allovaxce for road betwztloto nnmbeared 82 andi 88 in the. lot Co cessalcf-the. aforesaid Town- siip ofWhitby, frora . - <f ds sof tiof t Trunk ailwayte irear of the aforeaid UIOM Concession o thi aoesatTownsbip'o Brolnce, Tm T owan ohi Clot. For fun tien particulars, &C., appt>' te JB . FAREWELL , Barrister, Whiby,, ct-JOHNE. MITCIELL, Whitby PO. WiÃŽitbY, Oct. Glu, 187-1. . 1-f =_31 FORi SALE For cale the nornlivest 30ai> aci. lot 14, lu the 2na con. c f ii Whitby. God houss ant out-buildings,-te' Fo, lurtherv<rticniarscpjyîa Lot No. G, 2îct con. Piclceriug, RATES 0Fý PAssAGE FKJRTHER REDUCED., Sterae ate fomQuebec tuLiverpool, tickets,--Qnebec to Liverpoi, Derry o Glasgow-881. Prepaid passage cortifl. cates,---Liverpoo4, De or Glasgow to Que,- be-1.cluidren mha .* T iliifo FIonm.L "WEBSTER?' 9W 174 PrTN BEWN MAHE 4.. "1 >5 i f *2 e e a "v c' di V ci di lb lic v B" ni s-NIEY pôiieleNEaWeINpEfeTIONye e ftgaop a aaIonce a great- ian-afle iifclisanianyn a marrel' of sikupluly, be con, ýruct4dwithaul lte use cf acia> canm, ecg., anti r>nagsaliglit, andti iago rsT' lA$ neeANDtu PaLEAdy ho - ns=ei t ea ateusii l th.u smIlle a! ite sWeaargi THE "WEBSTER" i. theto ne made inCanada ltaI ex is, inalerlal used, antd cari se cf Ainenitan Iauifetur Canadian machine cati appr IsrEvry IlWebster" i. v& lb. manufacturera for 8 yea IS cm.NT ber. machines cen b [I lic fi I lapWdeByte erST ofER"ony PATeENT by EWING MACH/NEWwold rU8 T A 8 WE EXPEa-TEDI 3UJSINESS FAST, INCREASING lavig earlydoubled the'nuinber o îndsS oi eploy, ar yet u.nable to, meet the demand. )uburbs nowliere, up town les the place STOVES f STOVIRS r STOVES! le best Stoves for CookiHlo New Liamps, New Lanterns, 5Newi rdware, New Stoves, New Pipes, New, Everything. [1 t h NW Aoeo 0AO &vBEO. 'e have much-pleasur i infomg pepegf Wib adPckerig, that we have RaT ed . »Mis Hth& r, of Whitby, to sel, durIStoves, mur PrIl-.Persons requiring First-cIass -Stoves wi« tue eaUon them.- J. CA1IMICHEL, J - Presidenl, Oshawa Stoye Worka. 'y to ST add, ovSaI ~:rns1î WAWERO-OMS MA T- 0 H MATCH P»ýeflerriiii 1 bc ARE IRECEIVING TIIEIR STOCK oji, & BRO. BRO.