Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1874, p. 4

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Ce.Tresur Wm - LAING, Co. T e"wb4by Sq $Jalfc Co n ty Tr esur th T 5 TEAMER "CITY 0P TORONi. $#CeMer OIT F TOBONTO,"4tCapt j LIe)evsdail foo of Tle t n !l 90a.=Mdt* aasl nLewisWtou a. m ). m. Connections for the Yr"Boste, &-a. iut tbe.iurnrisig bv6cRht a, new volation. Driyton & Foggwâ or b..» robb«d durfng tIse nlght o# WOttfwateites sud jewolryl, sud thorgh Policemau. l3dger eÏiirteâ" bis minda acomplets daeurreotyp. the robbêr, lth@ adroit ruaes!Is Pl«aNeo ANI) c» Ewew.r.-Ths .proiea construcî sa tunnel iseswo Francea 'Pucapitaliste asdesaginsers embog oi nt igianti.en0iterprise dem uiaiet>r.iue, uasly accordes! b wisy coiplsules and uak for nef t guarantes nor- grant. Ftthr aroe rady Co a4vasee spum.of Io millions for.pr1iasaay i1iwstiu The Mproeo& an-question enoltiDtn lue43g or-& dtiec t v tig' Engi a2d ProncJlj eoass, ,pndtbe boriïg. tw-o leries fraI»losli. Junldeo adis, hes cou b. dônbt. Thoe ul of th.e enterprise w.l M. bichtael'Cliovalier, Lioq $&y# st ltntiscltild, A' P..Lavliey' aunnlee who liass jaurnounted tihe greate aifficultieu in fticeconustruction cifit Suecz Canal, anud without whom thi gieautic euterpriito cotais! mot have ieë th, coot cf thse work est15,00 francs ; the Engliishonigince thtia .wfil asmount tb 250,000,00. }ne osi geets tisIttis wvrk should le don partly by France and! partîy by Eue Iand, and hat to inducestise two Goui tries tP pross on thias undertakfng ec trgetlcalile thora aeisuld bc a bonus fo tise oee wlicls works tis a fste0, . Th 4,000;0010 francs formng thse prelaninsar raiytAilitre nearly al it isasaid subscril cri. te Francfi Itilay du Nord wl aidvaaiceosto amilin, tise two Companie frori ns tLoaitn reDovor oue million, eti Baron llotsciilal, 500,000 francs, Iti ho p l at B ron Lionol de noRotiauh ', i auU8ô"îbetje saine suni. M. Fer IlhitanalDuvali offu-re 50000 toi'thse cilj of Parie ; AM. Leurs Say, Chevaler anal Lavailey, arc each engages! ù 0a1 oltiser side of tise Strait maný pereans will ýcoutrLbaite e larger oi sesaller sua ta tise ueceseary caspitta. It oniy reqoiires a littîi gond will on the Pal& of tise Frenchi 'Adninitration And a sligiat change cf the ideas of the Eng. Jili Parliansent on subjecte cf monopely and wcmpetition, te give in i v, e o direct communication bstwein Pari and 1London.-D-osar Ch'rarnjce. fA sur-geon, aler a ssugninsa.y battis, wa& going bis rounud#,e,*amning his Patients. Ho came Atle te a Ber- geant 1010 bldbeen strsek iy a&-buflet lt thseleft breast, diroeely' Qver tht liart, Tiso deetor, surprsu at the narroiw escapet of tise-man, ezeisimos!, iWiy, Mny ians, wherî In tise Dame of gnoclaes couls! your hoart hava been 2 -"I*i Pos Il muet have beau n f=ay Montis Just thon, <*0er," repiied tihe peur feiiow, with a fint smiie. A Yonng Yankee baelor,; wlso bas! licou appointes! sitrif, was calie u ao ta serve an attochmsunt: a-sDot. a iaeuUful widcw- "eH Mfodiaag î celles! tapon lier, and l i, 0-IdJadam, I baveé au attaclment for yen." Tise wfdcw blushes!, aud sais! hat làisattacliment wise rbecprooates!.,"Yen don'tusder. stand me ; yen muet proceos! te court." -I know il in leap.year, sir; but I refes.eou te do tIse ourtig."-*" Mrs. erethaebislene timefoi' tridng;-1tise Jin awaiting." - "Thse justice A min lsBoton, in a Itui's, te ai. it a fainîing lady, gel a byotthe Of muU(ilage inetOsd of causphor ans! balth. 'id ber face wibh. it. 8h. was e goos! iloal 8tuek up with hie attention. "Sauce foi' the geoseri e sauce for liae gauder,"-Tie eulinary ederrneonts wlioh sufilecefer lthe fèsmel. o! th.erac -Auser uiay b.relishos! alisewitht the masculine eadult-o)f te same ipecies. 1Aivisa b Persan living ii henees adeptes! foi' two famnilles iMon, yonr1 lieU iinds, wait;',the .other .people May go thse doos'. Whon thsfr bell rangs, rush tu your door and!heende- voialy. Tiplins ercused lis 'ie rM a sotus! sloop tIse other asigit *,saig ho ied s»on a. ghost in the shape of anses, 0O, lot me sloep," was 1h.e re ly of tise fraIe daine, sud dou'C lie frlt. enes! aï your ewn shadow."1 To sec how eegcriy a Luanu, b.igi will catch et a straw,ý it le Dot neces. mry to, witncea drowning. Thie .. I yen bave some sÃŽtralior lady o! a gucai eTe, mUt ,,, strawberrf!ee n-us oui ,Do tel.11 Weili, n-e Issvt cf #emat uga-r olem! ais the.matter.of feet les 7! husi. Excuriont partim s aemnanetednanal. ȶABx FOB SAL= i "FOREST PARK"- [-O% acres-near Brooklif, Ontario. m Apply te lihe proprietor on thei promIses, cgsmîloP>n f "by" ~Iooklin, sept. Ï2, 1874%, 88t Ç OIMSTON I)EALER IN LUMgBJER, jCeommiosion Merclant 5hilw or wadisag Agent, Port 1W'iitby.- AUl erders prompt ~ attended to. Wbaby, oct. lOtis,I7. 42 V"ISSANI>TrnuNIKS. LEÂTIIER 'VALISES ANfD SARAÂTOGA TRUNKS, - Sadiet and Harntfao MoIter, BROCS-ST., WnuITB. tusac 24, 1874.2t CHEAP 'GOAL AND WOOD! - which th~e Highest CASH, at Wlitby, Oct. lStli, 1874. for e aîinfWuby e$ GIBSON &SPARv.ELL'S. THE OLD-C-OUNTR[y GROOERYSTR E! (rosby's Old Stand,) Dundas. Street,. Wvhitby. Beg toinform. the inhabitBnts of w bty dVîinity tha le laseomenced business ini the above ime, itha7 entire Ne* stock of FINE CTROCERIE§, pRVIO , return his sm his patrons ge rai patronage in ,tOý 1w, Furniur! Furnit-ure! No sthé time to buy goodandcheap FurnmitureÉ. Hayin boughit out the business lately c arried on y am . aîo, we take bâ.s opportunty 0of invitn bis any rie ds t gi eus a caull,-a nd w e, can , aàseiur ail thatfwe arepre>Pared ,to do as well by them lu "the, future as Mr. -smo las donàe in he p ast. ue exfended to hfr and bege, for a Y WI NE AN D LTILL..& JOHNSTON Including Fine Malt and Old Rye ; Pot- aùd -Sher-i O desb mail promiptly attended to. wood and bottie ; Beecandus!Porter,ý in wood:es!boilile ;_ Brandly, Gin, Good Black, Green, or mi xed Teas, 25ets. to whioli we ~J 2 L b 1 * . Th ony f r t ,wonld caIl epecial attention. Cali ans! sec samples. class Establishment in the County where funerals are fui. Good -Sugar, il Iboa. for $1 ; Very Fine Sugar. 10 Ibs. 'yr suPPhed. for $1 ; Fine Younsg Hyson, 60c. 76ce.-and! $1 , Finest Pearl-leaf Gun. TI LL & JO:H NSTO -N. peir,1;FnPkoCogo, 75c. ans!$1 ; Real Goos! Cengosa, 85e. md50s;Fresh: Roastes! Coffec, Croumid"-Dàly, 25 te 40cts. Picles, W tc, toerst, 873. Oysters, Sauces, (Ianned Fieli, Fruit, &».;-Aie. Cash for F arxcrsi' Produco. GiVe us a caUl. ~m I ~ " . DI~'m Whitby,Octoiser l4tq, 1874 42 1 CARR¶ I AGE1U BU Q X., MESSRS. TOMS &-NEWPORT, Beg to inform the public generaliy, that they have« opened a New Carrnage Factory, on Dundas Street, TAILO0 RIN G ES TA BLIBHMIEN T TWO DOORS WEST of the PO:%cT OFFICE. Where the are now prepared te execute ail work in the B R-O CK S TR E ET, VVH IT B Y Carriasge Maiking Line, on the iiortest notice, and made cf lte best usa- (ext soor e erras of Dominion Bank.) Tate1l fWifly anssa rrouuidfug 4 , s<rh iufamîrs, biecksaiîhs, auna y ethorswsn au coal titis feul, I be.- 10 sey 1 bsavslmporevry large and! -cel -select- askncuiîu tLkeaiaSrn- l geed stock of tle bottisard ad soit Coua c i A lre n better stock of Over-coat- ton, Egg, Chesîul, Steve, Gi-te, aud 1 0~-~- ilacksmlia'e ëo&LAl.Aseacargo ci Driar e'-±atrsnd a Farst.-, Bluiabe anissd eorhen hug their on-n ceai eupplieâ et whelesaîe is. of v 'ail aund louveâlour orders. As coa a aré o T eeds and XeI-assortecl Advanesug in prîce every us-snth, get f 5,asa lf in-hile dry ad roade gaieS. Ordere sT 1 1 1promptiy executes!; ceai eund ooS aleliveres! Gentus' nrnishings, at t n short notice for cash. YBest apis per cors! ........R....' 36 E0 rBeechisand! 1myzd0..... ô50A PR i .N G L E Hsanbock and! PueVary goc. ... 4 00 Welgias and,!muture gnarantood. Ceaie ets efFrCaps and Ratas, Caps, and sFur- .xoous wolghed ou ton-n scals.Gnt'Bs ur - ' - '- Per particutarà RapyYal My -ofiie et tihe 111 great variety." vues! yard, or et t ci omâcocf C.'Dr&ar, Whitby, Sept. 80, 1874. 1Wltitby liarbour. 4 Wiitby, Asagut l lta. 1874. 8 TOI GOLDSMIT H' H-A LLa A13iùeyaus!Confictioer- -ia an-cil- ing bouse. Front oh ep cou1tains veryr nec- essar ceuvenlcncc. Over 25 years estbi. lisees! n Dnndaa.gtrs-oî. lu centre 01 tise tOn-n. Po$sesion given lit Sept, 1874. Appty ta- For Watclies, Clocks, Jewellery, and Wlalby luy JOHN7 ' ARNALL,FA C , , lr#eè,Faney Gc6de Bbea. _____________1,___________ .9'OODS The largest, the best, and altogethér the cheapest stock in eus! for tON OFANiNV e ,the County. -L UILIIUZ A à ÀRfix a oratnhe OU X NlOD tcýsppyn Beuan tyinig-for cash, a practical knowledge lPO~r~W~îcubrpu n-ho cures!o e o n , u ub umsroagcnsiaieraisie 1 gale -oodan'd ofthe manuifacturers nt, îng quacisery '"aisenct irae. i charge. ,Suifer- enrsare. sritea aadts! tpad hlm to plc èbfre bis', u:3tomers, a good article at les are re aadtee, psa pai!, lis price than is often charged for inferior goods. NATIIANIEL MAYFÂIR, -- 0 . Box 153, MBrooklynt, New TYs-k. GO.LD AND j IL VER WATCHES, W AN T ED GoId and îSilver Chains, TOL~ABN Brighit and Colored Gold Sets. LOPERATINPHforii. ]3Brooçhes, ]E4r IDrops and Lockets, D taiio.ond fr cielLno tieGom and Keeper Rings, Asidres, COLEMAN & BAKUEn, , Solid 18 Carat Wedding Rings, lue 7ts,184. Toroanto, Ont.5 Jet Jewelley -- - Electro.plated Cruets & Pickles, c A t D 1 Mugs,. Forks, Spoons, and Butter Knives and Coolers. T., M. M r-M 1L L AN,ý Vases, Degks, Work Boxes, Purses, &c. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE.: A190, Agent for tisa BOYAL INSUBE cECOuI<ÂKY, SPlevINeUL atetitAipE CO. Ã"F1FICpe,..o 0Loan sus! Savasage COueyebuidncoi-ner Ring andl -it4. 0ÂUTIOX T'rU ESP;ISSERS i ..Ail patise fo= us-ti ultlimter au tise 8edutia Part ot lot 1lOin tise Oti con. ut Mare, viii k prosacutes! n-tb tise utauet vngar-o! O FFICE TO LET, FRONT. OFFICE. auirez CfIRONIcLE' BUILDbING. WliabY, lune 2n1874. EIGHT-DÂY AND 86-ROUR CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, &c. JAMES JOIINSTON, Practicat Watch.maker. Goldsxitha'e all, Whitby, Sept. 30, 1874. 4 DR Y 0001)8 A ND, GIiOCEIIES. The uhldersicsned is 110W rýceiving a LARGE STOCK 0F DRY GOODS, Consiisting of Dress Goods, in gireat vaiety çqd of the latesî tashion, _Colored -,Sils, Shawls, - -LtULLbIS, n-îeîy, i, Cottouls, Prints, &o., lss.LS F E IIIN ORS Acoice assortmeto aainn Ut-fother Tweeds, and'a full stock of- iGeutlemen's Furnishig altrCQTNTY- 0F ONTARIO.' pGods, &o., &o. PRES F-P MIL Y GROGERIES, - e f, -ôffe- Cgars, IiOl6ej9 s,1awand reflnedSugr "0 Ilz Braildies. A.=a4 Porter in 'wood and bottlç. IAL ---.- -s-N ED. -A-L W O--U K 1W-&-RR A N rrF 1 EIEPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. ,GREAT EGTMN AT TIIE Aliberàl discount for cash A qpK-ial reductiou to Clubs ~'-s st ssfftvrf.a o1 T.1 - cf bt e n- t y oy f Cuiti i of Three îand uipwards. -~irmselrs n tu-sa eifln vurably Alargse stockno ofeiug at h'resis- [7Visitors to the Fair' are requestï- atia 7nm to -suggneoebr tmkI able n d u ce nen ts 1 B c sure an d try th e ed t e ca l at th e F ajct ry , op si e x ib t o gr u d -) e t n a-v dc eera -l en mpaofea st 'adexamine or Stock -yIntu u-ttF,-vie te tsai-te esd. CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEES,9 F RE D r. l D G E Guarateed of the Finet Quality 1 Whitby. ertember 8ard, 1874. -Mataa Tobacco s and General Groceries- At the old.Prices, irrespective of the Tariff. Greater sat- I1PBEPARED FOR THE isfaction given every day. AUl kinds of Tiarm and Gardon t-O' Great stock of Crockery and Glassware which m-Ust FALL& -s.-"DE OP- 'l' bc sold te meke room for more coming on.- 00- Don't forget the Brooekln Grocery Store-one door east of heMaoni R H.S.& E. FRAN CIS. W . J e H IO K IE & 0 9 Brookn, May 20h, 1874. -21n i i at o f a la g i u -r'- Ns ~ oincreasing tr'ide tis Fali have purchased more JOHSO . 1' N'S extensively thats usuni, and in a few ditys their stock w ill be comnplte in ail its departments. SE LF-RAKI NG R EAPE R M- While thankIng the public gtn- TH E FIR T PRIZEeray for the liberal support they have receiveci- AWARDED T EFRT'PIEin the past ~n they trust by adlsering to that HAMIL Are 110W DIw Whici- they will rciveii seleeted Stod a-oc FRESII FAMILY GIOCEIIES ! The Highest Market ~ Paidf r BU TT . ORGA NS & MELODEON OI'ON8 Price or- P110SPECTUS.- THE BRCWN àJ A MANUFA&OTUBINcc*Ce OF WNITBI Capital -- 2,4WoSHARES 0F50 eblng is saw emjaaa tcary~on tisait orert*notspoitl.r,,f~ ed t1otte thttin oi-vssv -i-sn ' Itnsines4 1878-Mesua,. IBrowns & Pattersosa Iavebef n einable& ,be prsafits reaimed, 10 take tb las.s THE MUDGE- & YARWOODSM'G Co ert ba ee a e ne MANUFACTURE THE CELEBIIATED AMERICAN ORGAN: Mle 7 udJb 1-ns,, ÃŽ -o nf Style 5, $i5o; Style 7,~.5StYlç: 9e,$200. -tf m IY ft 37 5; 9 - fit. of thse asiiesa couausencing fa-oua tiat In llandsomae ifosousant Wttlniut Cases.A7rsls.timin 4hepser nade f0 tias 1 egisia- tua -er (' er-fa in nu l fess,,and! A L SO , Y A JRW 0O D 'S - M E L O D E O N O iLG A N ." th- rsx w e ene lVetvvo h Style 4,'QI 50; Style 6,'$u.f Stfl 8,e20Clin feianye Artise 1 y1uua rx iotin rouo n 80 %Ve oller to s-ur (ctstoirsers four tisee cirnigt ilMYLot. two diso- nus-it Ma wsiswlch ias stylri ancd construction. enihrac- thse iaîest and! most usseiui ihsiprsuvemelîts ut îLe dity. J-O1tN TN' I NG OP SELV-IÂ i G EAEI The universal success of lis NMa hiitelo h i l s l o t a- W hitby, Sept.9 eul trials ced in the handes (iftIse fersacèrsq. e-srront nif. is eaviisthiust, se inefRos iec Reailing liîaauine. il hu' nacre goned pea-esi f ie'e d efsaas rsd liummet. sut. sucre sucesun eruse (ailure. thcon heretotore oflered te tise pithlie. CAYUCiA JUNIOR MOWER - 1,4 wpre awnarded tise First l'rize andi Liploma, at.the Prcvin if [T H E Pia-I Exhibitionbs-lu insas roats,. 1870.iii c- usfPeisiesiush aiemltiasie ;disug !Iactsjsses. tttn-sisuaqccs..d in tht' Provinjace ; and s i icuacru-t.c isuprov-ent. w îac~ce ,1ufglita t Ia i lsng iav atags ia aicn ai - sa irtr -cmprrhgMciae eor ' fo r d e s c tive lase ht' F u et'.fu r 1872. f o te ii n d ie n nu s . g S n i fo ecisiecaalogues. I3RO WN . & PATERSON. ICAJRIA GE8 'AND BUGOëIEs FOU SALE FOR ONE, MO NTE )NIY, uNlD ER CWOST PRI1CE ,I. AI!', &0 straightfo-w-ard and undeviating raie 0f'dûîing business which lias characterized their establjsh- mient in the past, te -meit, a 6ontinjuance- of public N. B..--The highest market'pice paid Nua otce inlaeaeby cii-rn -" -" AXFOR Fine feirs- for sal * oh)t 17 au- andu 18, le Orerfors neil kn 'ursier for ]ia rsn ft6a-4 vois jIy 10 Orlyn Tae af Tty.ljn for farm produce. ~tII, 1874. 'TO31 lD STANLDTO. NeParlor Sets,9 Nlew -Bed-rFoom -Seits, - Vnda lrgestock of Ca Bat, Chairs3,- -Tables, Bureaus, Sofas -ipbad&fair, C]otIi, arid Dama- Whit'bý, Sept. WllitbY,. JUIY 29th, 1874. 81-ly 1 !1- c J. HICKIE oui gin 1 fil < 1 for all of H AM 1.] . OLD STANI:). TI LY . 1 1

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