Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1874, p. 2

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clgra f Z anill ovxna. Ynder Qtprfeuom t1at tiig'lliuse i The.4ýuûen or8ottiss .q,-j, oeur ayswthe tiàbeaten Party would, h~a ineet tue demnd.4for--tiae ~WtW r h etire snd iuako wity for their suc. Quad1the. Con wa", ga l~truc ~~lu~.Wd* ha cessful Party ivals. Uiider the Aai a capital of 1500,000, for th, Cari syoteGui, no matter what the. Con- iug ofcfhuamn*jiô P f npe il ~o~Cs~>». ~ demutlnof the. People' the iriembera loy yeara later the ociii s ýNot.0, of Dlvdend-out..,,Bauk. ofthe Cabinet hold office for the.f le ~WeasIhy, boueof Warde:, D4 06OÏl- Bay Braucz.-popt. ~publ, Presideutiai taei of -our years -agali QCo. gave up a Very large tradd Wors.ail remeustrance~ and in spito of tiii uns agricultural muachines,i Tèeher NWantd- 'Winiof the People.. Lrd Dufferin 'vas the BuCkey.; New Yorker a egelllder..IDr. oarisor. quit. corne$h in the, statemeut made by Hervester, and began to mari Lop...2 ~hlm ab Chicago that Dur systoin 'vas exclagively thie Champion IR ulos-# o warsgt...d- wb m,. nnlmoto <eiiocratic than that cf the. Meanuile the. original shop1 B ay 1îir..lei&ioes nelghborlng 1Republic. Tii. New York enlarged un W A1his now 400 ft. Deinoret'. Magazine.-. Sun t'acountlugfor tiie roestlt Beys:- ý-0 ft. 'vide aud four tryh iWhah is lection firat uanceiit VWai'hou-Bsehave albc u ýer .AUCTION esenhallysignifieo s lo uedetermiuànato ie .Companles with eton of thi eople tl»t republlcau institutions' .18 600 machines, aud last'Augu On lot lNo. 9, lu the otkcon. cf pù. ebsilb. sa yod and ot ulWr.cked aud ' ucia 'bti b eron Priday, Nov. loti, cf piu snknk aa sis scgio p itic'y' to lpeeît,&c., the im ut o and p-ecnnIaryorruptou sund lienti. for the Manufacture. and con, r lex. MM ~ Dig'y, onma.em. It mean tfiret 0111008shah neot cf 80,000 champions'ho meet ÇAuctioneer. y-tis bcebougiiî and eold, tIret Iegisatlou Moud: >for, the.harveat of 1875. On lot No. 21, lu the o9h cou. cf oh nemt be atro uou ht ,ugbe rn.Wrs Wiî,î.,,. - f-ieUrhOfýy h tiPuste cf goverument sgl& mou silsl ruWr ~ ans nrti f etyr 'M, umnt e couverted iInto instrumente cff ni 200 bands, bave likemise -l- Moda. , at 1874, tarin stock. publie robbery u en orti .c o ,purpose cf making im luq~emous, c., h. rety cf Ur. riclameni cf base and insatiable plunder. castings excluaicely for the' O& R,îcniard llyglit, L. Yi-Fsîrbanko, jr. c-rs aud that law shalreall ,udsttAfnrimeewokio Aucioner.hé arbitrary,eselb 1 cf an obstinate , duil, conscleucelss .Pireident. ~'Iii mp-y400he, lanearl meau«hhat houesty snd not hhicvery plOedo aud ix which ii 'iibe nm salihoe i due cf public life, and that tiared the' guards, chaina, and *deceney, ignty, snd elevation cf pur- for hli iiutu pos ebil . ~:toedtths~.slu uilworkiugcoraer the Compa notion thut the. power cf the peo l0 snd and cutter-bars with kuives, for Wliby, Thorsday, Nov. 12, 1874. tPe places audresouLrces e! tii. tloveni- Chamin-i ei, n h t o! he ntalo egiiatre. ment can bie used as the personal pr. :posiyrudiehe pert cf ckylu.are lîeiug enlarged ho the. saine Ca, Meeting o h ntroLifferent toecverything but ii.own 'Tiihe cftastny'ndr gratification snd the onriclunent cf his ga-è%s 15 the resimenit cf the clin 'h.eglaturti of Ontario Meet ho. Prleterians, camp followems sud reda.a nIvr epc Iema dlay--Thturnay. -Tii. session will be » reaper sud zncwer lu the. markot the luet cf the 8ceond Panlilment since Notwithisaliding ail this the Party frame ia made cf wrought irei CoiifederatlIon, auïd that it 'viii b a that have now gained the sscondancy shafts are steel, and so aIse le the bricfe!-e ithu prevailiug opinion. The 'ovi ne tit hI.ho en 187. fut fb ar.. Tii.greatest possible cane 1 )ors nuitprosperity of th country, iinvcoyun h ya 87~B uits construction. 1h la easilyt pro rnenslavet, k. l foser t hlm.iho eau say 'vIat the chapter ed thoIai kndsansd conditions of tan mlu thoatn for eoiignatuation lu cf accidents iay bring forth, or whiat or grass. 1h la now made as as entnh2i.GV~~fli-'ESpeech, and May octur t-e influence tIhe ninda of!thIe caper, combined Ilsper and Il w,îî 5r ~~~~ ~ ~ lckle public wlieh two short years aga u igeMwr hr .n aud i ut heDosulu. ~- pion thanthlat mantifsctî5ýrs o ýf iôu. Tii finAuues b! thI Province, thé- Gîvlng Crcdit whcrc it le Duc. ion machines' are nîinjg the d;2littriutlof t he le nicipal Loan .4 champion" ho gir. tiei achi Fn tii. ail h o raîîway enteirprisos, Tii. moutreui Stau- le not far froin position. Tu'CHAmpio-;le pat anqheiuestion cf Imigrahion are the mark _vileu it says :-11 W. do flot ine Canadal, andi bîilt onlsj Sp t/c somne o! eus topica wliciiaxe likoly o came- wlainsuencall themeelves-politi. Hall M'fùr Co., of Olwwlu bc teuehcd lupon, sud on wlick tth. cal usmnes arceaotoriously ruisluading worh'iug nucle tihe special diroctic Gaverulnueuit wiIl take crodit te tteuz specislly in Caînada juet now-it is W. N. Whiteley, Est1., theinvent, sofes oi'purîîig slibmalsudou.actions tlîah we Care for sud by wiiich Mn. Wliiteley, as 'veiln a.he ligteiî,a poley. Speechles frour the. we judge mnuand parties. And ln Coxipany, are determned ho si araauit.ly ! r brme ciero.tlillaContncetioîî we wvonld express Dur t~he Canadjan fariner with a Chan Thr-ou r tnbtlof aa baren ctoi o. satisfaction ah the course takon 13-ti.y .-cthe- in cvery re3pcrct a p It h.s bau cten b Co ruinent ihh respect hoahile pro- dupuicatec f lIce Aiercian î,ac eiecfoi -.l14t they 41o 'go con'tai". jectodl establishmnent of a lime cof steam ndecifutliy eqîîal ho it ii mecilcuical iito'lst .szilof uta ?aîliarueuh wihh ens betu'eeu Canada rend tueNetIi treinun nliyo aa- it general 'i lLion, close ui. t italiceds pec. die.. pie will seý,iîcoly b. disappoiîîted wlr.î lwaïnisoco IlrliitarLidu îlot elngage themselvea hotiu iiTA GiLnAEi.ri d c a n - t h n y i'e t il u r e s o ! m p o -. S T O K S A L E .- T li c s a le o f sh e e p a dI v o - touesd utcf m bef ore tuadreaches ti. tiseelinu hie.columne uy IMessse. iBir- Em*-ration Conventio .2-1Pan of 1U hani o luny ! orreder tly 'alreli & Joiluston of Grcen-.wood, ici ni-k- ecd Action Aciopted. hasve leuciedlîall e hii o bc tIibill o! cring,was a gi-estlinoceece. TIc tw.o- fare for tlîfbO s-,,, ua o oued not pi-avious sales of shîeep by-lhi iri -n Tecnetono b vrcna trouîble oîîrsedves n-uic glesees and lan- %Vpr 0Cmltl a-satiy vr of the différent Proviuces whlcli tieiatins.animal cifereel beiug sold, sud wltlîout snl cdat Gta-a at n-cik ia3a a0 RaiweyMeeing10 . hld i Prtbye'biddfing or any othea- reserve, tilat "Pon, a joint P' n of action wlîichî0o Raîl.a y eetng n, e hld i Prt heie eeîîbrsuders cf tilecouuty sud ho owowli. Aften n discussion Pcrry, two adjoiuing counitiese scie tiieroforo tilechi-ct mode of promo ting eunigmai (arculirg hae sbien isgued appolit- eagen hto obtain corne of the fin. lots o!.f- oateUie igo oCn 0 ain ineludin cgthe considrton o ah iis Tlauralay, the iOthinsmt., ah une fered. Fair paying pa'ces wero obta-in. int nd hi oion octaosel, clock forr holdingtlie aujouuncd rail. cd for Most ofthIe lots, thougil nour ato h oinadte ie wny eneting eiocli u as, n ibfrteqnality adbreedinig Paoics . a arheet, ah Port Ierry..- Thc otjeet cf thô afcet. o! the sirop. Tùrty.si- oewewrePiulcsa.bssougemn ing a lireofoe xplinelisho otsolel for 02,214, being an ave-c eofarrivaid ah satisfachory ho aIl proe -.-nnaasofe Ticfr xlanj s ogth deailMwill ho made kuo'vulhe to(ýltrtule, ,tin o f t iff . 5ou0 cac i.xauyearlng anofe-T dti hogelio -~..., mo o rie ie.afher, but the endl reaclîed la substar eut localihies witil a vicw o! obhaining cd brougkt 8527, averagiog about f76 ally au agreement ho conlstituhe1 thlir opinionîs onutheacarnheof exhon aci. Four ewe lambs 'vere bld off ah Agenh.Ueneral the superintenent c sioi, us uîceeie if possible, unihy o1 au av-erage cf $45 eclil, but thise 'vere direchor cf ail the eperatieus, Domin: sud Provincial, designed ho stimuli ac.tion tilouglout the county. It 'vould givon np by thIc purclueser as the pricesamirto uCn-a eie h wu ho tuPoinut.out, aud iuaist upon diel not 'visil ho lîold hthem bslow thelr province lu London lu connrection wi the adoption o! auy one particîîlar plan. vainc. The best ram Iambe lac)l been the F edaral hese-quarters; the ci Humue îuîgguhons avebeenslr al asolel to custorners before tics sale, viésers for emnigiaion tîrougliont t] soin ii1gpoý,Lon 'a hve bau lroay 'Kingdom belng iluthI.employ ai tii-ioncut lui hueso comumua, but of and the prilces realizeit on those left under the orders o! the Faderai Go cus hy ai-c openî ho discussion upon 'voe beloiv thilir intiinaie wortl. Tiie erninent. Any Province uaay lu sel iheir n mente. Wu hae 6no douht that flli'es n-are flot in dsmnand,, ouîy tien te theso ganeral agents empli o heî-e b ethor îuîstured nil! ho enbmitted two 'veno soldel ow prices. Saevon particular agents on ts ewn behal!, bi grae lcifrtian hofercalesbroght itiutehe general opinion that the -oi hohiei-îehug.atdtîa gnlemeon wlogrdJcfresdeiri-Is -oîh will bc left for the Dominion ofiei have ali'eady aignifieul iir Intention of 8.Tl stbiimu u odn'I $580rovinesaforshilentino ino!lEo maynu te a/c lsail t prm Iiea.t.nrvocelet U d nat , ann-oua Ietig ,,o! t-he St, Andu-ew's Society __ o suivie eoqual ho the occapiil. slue la accompanivd, are alrcady fas'or. WltysdPceig ee uMna - - hlykiiou h a Wiituy adiece.evening last, it n-ar resoîreel ta colebrahe Callada Paciffe Railwy..The Qm.or. TIiei-musical cntertainiienh'. ai-i-o! tho l otOmigfsia b l inr giaîî Bay Branch. Muet popular chai-citer nuit hava d-e. ateîaswl e nonelns ligihcd tilîmanlu iEnglsui, Irl nisul, Ti.(irvesiasuent Ihava callOe r to-ScOtisie, sud thue Unitedt States 110 Ilvl l iýNcsouGu.-Our former toNvLisman, huner.l'a or huel coasts'uctboli cf'the as Canalldal. %ce the retum, Of! Ml;8 Mr. Bongougli, tic clever cai-hoonist o! (toorgiari Bay Biranchlcf the Pacifie Jaunie sud cl'Mr,. flai-ly froni E*uope Grip , ir e are pleaseel ho leai-uhy Oui- ltsilwvai,. Tliis looke 11k.k business, thiey have giren enlfistabnmeuhs bu excilan.ges. ven-ny eiseful ir. lis ectur. -l'c lof t his B3iauchî le estimateel Montreal, HamilLon, and othier ciica o! ing tour. at abutui. iglithy4'uvo Miles, Foi-ms and the Dmuuinion iviern tiley hatve been panncnli- a ieobtaud fi-cm the i-ici-led by deligîtrul taudiences. Thi- WnxIYIYRua- H iSCuIOOL.-icceu- Depertmnut zul"1'ilie Works Up thothic pcormiances redoive the-ai-mach cula- hraiuc examiuatiou is aunounced tot 1leth lit, aoC tenCev.i w-lIt b. reccaiîed innas frinathe prose. -Wa 1bi-siusk laIe-place on Tuesday anud Wednesday, lup hoe ouday, t-he 2lsh Dcenilci. for t-hei a on-Cded loue-csecially 8h tl uthl Decomnber. Poitieular ah- - -4- cf the sons anC Caughers o!f"Aulel tention le irecteel ha the nnren" - i Ilt-ityuOf he Ea mpire-. Mur. fierasl, lu hie speechl sut hLe ion/c MaYO's Banquet ah Guildhalil, oucloin, lait Mou 'ds>- niqlut, re!earing thie recont outos-> for eloSe sparation f the colonies, iiucntly,/elard hina. )If lu favrno! the maintenance e! lb. eogit>-oa!thie 1Empire, su2d hie oti- cationl of-hac luereets anC' sympathy> tue Iloiue Goverumaut n-lhl hi5ofe i[Y505, (son o! - Mr. reGeveo!ofThorAh) froan tue' TOi-l2Ou aI >esjdossh of the lÀteraan sd Sees- DnaioauasT's MONTEILY MÂGAZtUM,.- W. nafer ho aunouncements in 01cr coluan recfIi-ng extraïnnriiy nduct, mania ho subscnibens ho thile populss. Magazine. We have Ma/ce arrange-. Monts ho nuÊPpl> Dcioa-est'a Moniui!g an/c Tait CzIIOXL» ho subscnibuirs ah ~i).5,cluelingthie bcautiful cmniuos. This las- I emphing offer. COsiNFUsrrcON-.- Moeigucur Jaanot, Bishop O! Algeana, adanlnishne/ the Sacrament cf Cenfranarion ho a large uunber, cf' chu/ci-n luhe. Cathie Ohuirçla, Witby, 'on Te/s.Rrc FathêuoeIucCanu en/c Hay/ceun-Weue jlu ntesdauc, hie latter corn-hem sai/c iu o'thax- columne. FR!Faa lnnieI:ooa.-ThIe ni-ading i-nom in counuatienn-ilUi flue y. m . CA. e! tila onnis non- apeu-fnee ho Ca1. RaCI-iDNsu liaees-ia W Onlasuas, Nor. 9-Last eveuing Ames Simme,a negne n-ho n-as electuedaonthie Com- promise ticket, n-as stscke/c ly neyeu nogroat lu Peane Parl. i-1"msai-an a ditance -Of tlare bleckessu/c belug pue-sue/, turne sud ,fine/c upontii party, kiUng oneasud'n-oun/clngau- otie'r. - Simms lrus.dlat ,eîy sun-9er. e/cbianssfiý, suwna sent ho 'aul,-an/ nagu/cl /uring- tus jjgit lysu sqnadof!cihiaeus. it 5 repoi-he/ hIal throtu oe eYcstendsy ho isythe - ao osavaa.--Su i ia fine lies/c 0! hein, its 'tii, uni/ce of voana t.A s. coula:not Argenteuili Y as JorÎiy of 107. T1he =cinsresiÉt is most gratMfying ho -tii. Libersi 1 buiding The elecion for Nort'h .Vctrlise alne. A been declred voi. TIe i idlg 'il tablished le outea again by Mr Maceunau iîçel&audMr. Hocher Osmeron. la in Var Mr. Thos. rSaunders cf Hamiltons s iaeludlng been noum4nsgoe by the. Reformera of 11, Mare iSeti Siancoe for theLoecal Legislsture. auaha. Mr-John Toyl<tdal. iissre'evdh teaper.- Conservative nomintion fortIeMs has leon lola district. aý1gb ii.it. A Conservtive Association for tiie re t y County of C rd 'ell 'và o orga iz s t ah rgo for meeting iield ah Mene Mille Iset Satina.j mit stock da-y. ,concerna The Montrea i Witess ays that the trictin *rit for te Westrn Division 'ili ho t thei de. 'i hdr s'n, as h ie voter 'UIas are n t Esor. r.dy. emloy. lMr. E.- .Kerby las been nommna. kieret. ted candiàtelrBoth'vlu tIe On. isillesle tarie L gisiaure lIa opposition o 1Mr. C sam p o n . 3M c K e f l r . - ' - - . lanufac. Who "Bs.1Tii.e enginbcf theeCfir%,1'vase tie lÀt Li tî uh o peron o fMr.*Perron," " uvsu in'uhM, ~ brs ~ l~.-" # U ' U r k unv s vork ug c sa. lTthnc ee o!hi ates of à saie nbngq24ite *dead- erbody pr eseu2ted the by e o liaio f "u eanc'Olt tîcatd stcf ILEO TAGErribl crime _ Ofmvnt/c h latter ise gi'gmB asl'vasy l ost h,ircoîn eamgn,* i,,~ 8~ 1 ke thé s teteent 'iich lh . de.jed f cm Srl O hrsa vun quiet,1ý su Mr, Armstrong, te Professedly d'In. by tS nnn ftu a.it i.vIaea bs qrkeieln. Afo eel~ tae at buh- OnsTeht, O. Bouer, a u1 amie*o; -ingh 5 0 0 0 w f o m t h o n e s s o e n -t h e r o x oe s T h e u , io r e a t - e t i n o ! - u l t u - t o, M a k e p u b l i c h i s v e r s i n o f P i l o u , - ' i i - s k e & f o a , s h e l t e r u n / c o r j e s t b o y , a l s / co f b io u t lg t , w h O - h n / c ch r u a n v i fth e c rs i Z s e e b c M d r d fre i at e . n l favorabl y o ! th e. cropo, an /c th at lie v a s g d b o us t>48 s an /c h/den / - ho u ! e e I be,~ u f < < k d s u ped u i n, h m i . w l d 50,00 faerol. tvens o mcadiat, ci/c olca'vee ec Miu ore Pro« e/c itii isa, usb&ndfr,,tue e uýt.-tour- ScosrU ucvni.-l, inu-gpietfre Quebe, te ve.akecn-ud 8hoirs no...4fm, a Un te. n r ots ihpnCo MoMUntr. onyereoaM,.KrWesti inrm uaonseshh-4ggt sud clnru tg tu e su s/c a drink. Pilou h e asked /o h eTho bleug pe p a i t . e e s o h n e t r / c f r i n h e p ou n r e A Lo f a s Ho c i o cur . r e n eahy O t a a I n îa s l u f e w w ' e e k e n u m e r o u s p a r ti e s h a v e B o u c e r o g o i n t e t u e n e 1t o c i n T h r e e p e r s a n s (e t r a n g r ) h u y . bau ~ c o n e nt l M e n tr a l W e t l a - e u te aeve tu a c ek u t c cu r e n c e T h O t u r i n s u C o m p a n y a c . t o n- o d e , a u/c lu e a h in s ta n c e ligh t b is P ip e , 'v i ic h oi e d i . A s h . e n . a m e nte /c. pret u ie as been chos n opposition c n i heCote des Neiges Cm tey have trig viIara 'u ho.M.nprsads taelterun vic -u-qi.dre as~ a hus..a. yonnmaa lellady -as aen NMsud/ce ounvÉOS In- te 81 rf aaesult o!u muts truck ud -sezo/ by -Lefebre. dy o.8- i,- Ti. idheluhi sesl benma.. On l h ta ~ A n.moza proriurraaxsvsTae l eday h kils/ four Cer, u/cse Piln,,n/c8uthe man.e-bbhi/cbard maipcnt , j sor - >, the On'y tree candidates, fer au, nare y l, u/,ufcrhno eys sakeea rasth Ota tr.:rcaOc.Blt.esx ie enaon. . a/, o, roblPilenassanit uuho mn. - trlknghm enSudy btsay/ Iahl! u tabronghdP ehome to-a t able da/c ail- hErse counii ht.d 5 roLema sand ery langî4&dl en r dra -. nOminaed, for Lincoln, viz. - Dr. Jeas diel. S Ic-as laid ont, and sar~ -- i in e ; e uis e, h ienito aCtfore iasarhy rslap n g tlii wbeu aho le ed (Opposition,) Cp.Nnn G-t)s/ aPs !tre uer a hockth days As n-lUI see by tubePose, uslu home, anoheha/ an interview witilh i-erid hoa el for hep, tilhe bca- hu. ' ae re expected t retur over pae Tcoi-pe -as notice/c o b. ln Our adverhiing co ua, nCompany retful porcupine sd got ais monthfull unconsios. Weuha- ea ou Tuhe l risBuSeetsyji#0 Cap. yne CandaFuet) a ne arisle ha. ! rervaion. as been forme/c oWnrkthe ncl lnon-n c ulecisCt uy n !hhe 8a nl onli.iacba eaname eil iSn/c-t e Crlatiavgn e gnau Mr, ngu s Morisonlilas beau chose,, A !hen tthe funeral h apenlno-oa.,i ayok Ion b le -honcd u hlevlae W ma uhymh he. lH e anage/aboutfee meet uhein. ona, Lghaue for NtI Since, sd m urad i nltl(Usuecare imb ile moiu, Tic haÏýoe have been fixa/c ah eri isof an o hià- h c bte Mr Noh Brhr ta Otet andcoi a particular frici of!the de Onamout-o hety'vfdllr uec l ol lis dog e he coul/chavebil. 'e na cy l-tl l ec a/ io, enectht ue al shaeais the ceaechasse. Mn. Tupe-oferwsuy-ithdollaa/cs wer uarel, au/c arete/c Leferé, Macric,Nov. 9.-It la officianE7au. lau. me c nstitency for the ouge o ! a distance, arrive deu eeth c ! netn utspeiin ucn ie vr ery abu e ut .Sle nli,'for hor mnhaantbo agioLthn, arive/c a he oales, Fra n _c ine.Common e. the face o ui-o more. T le equest %aras hakig, f thlmsucces !'hcitO Ryodfoa Wlbhacas ac rprssyha oc ads/c.i e pa nl te io behi' tffu. TeD o eros gi-anti-C, anC tlîef cOectio Case /cewecu- en-er o the property ise oýfimmly con.- gocla spor, u/chc afine f l a t bci, -, uhr 1 c d. r men iae ad e/ ta he -be. -u nean a Nrii Laetrohseea l-hen cse s-nadvhon, ho hhe orrr f ail, it vicedthat lie seures ho te hare. gîi ugor, nesrl 0'i tha ine st -culk, oe-ro' A 1 OcOc treb't h Fr.dem n c h au thori in. e- ~ ~ n-s ai/cyahc'/aymoring before -aese e that ti co pas ras ying on hldern a uarauteed diidmni S f 1- o e o!hlî avl lage. Vihianio ejsC- dn o.9- Ii megh-c ucn , ucse vrie Crl 'citdJuge Gait, ahthe Brociville Court Iesd. 'l use -s -j~-caoul prentftraci, dr, b iWp os10 nonmplesnfhiful an/c.ii lu ishron - le Msy ons Day it's cbenî/cl u ooN t d the Flir re nch uuce4. eg.Re te' j05 Hanse. T ic olection la duelareel vol cciui, uper st, the grave clothes o a/cu0ilrse I u otuc r n dition.T flln-eing i ie ist o sn M yai manner. i i. L bod Mayor'-pncm. arisces, o. t o r th cf it&i .C a e o res o d iei ba s- i au g s u p ponh i l e h i e rlef h ra n l n d e a n / c h n e n î - i e h u c C l - M . T p e r 's g a m e b a g -- S av e n d e e r , c e s s i o n s a r t e e l a t u n e p.1 n .1T h r ote p a i s O v e n a e t' s a u o f he .0ar o ii g-ouc ! eeral brib tes-. oirsdunUpnaasppr udr eatlre, auc fnthe frn u ahhohl hs-yfipi-i0gesxrabbits, .1ev. n-as venIn-ar/ctruhtsdta/,r-tn i eg fIu is-be ss " u sr . ! c a is he e s de D r.lb a ry - i- e p i o n . l d a f t i e u n f u r î nn a t e ' o m a n x e t f h l e f r t y e a r 'S i f l / e n / . % u h ' e u s a s c a h r i s , a C t i u n o t h C i ty y h e S t a y d ,o ! e tu b a t / h eu i e b iie h aro ,bu - en h o r o fe s Hl. gis h cpucît r egsn iai ben leni,," ou il in an ineffa-- The proprietor, M. ayok, -ho e uk, o uH ecoaiean dnas torin ibnaet e rvi- h ae nomtb htth eig hlr a oo â uai n tt-erible strugge for il-ath as ares/c spent a very large -'n, itor eci M .-byen. d]EH. t/lth~cçeritgy buttue WYo herfoje voieui y canua/is g ii. ho n-s ho.- liaI~~~ L-r ICaeno ou th unuuimuuc ora-Thc sight ia siuply terribIe l, asud e devloping the n, aats as is firand ciezt. tIn nde cn. processi ho a ve rie/ î. dy. hyalosteuatDn nr. ppi y Huonain acIt o me g o t ile liR g o!u fo-tu:atro uban i th te eeaseel onviction that as soon on gb tu he a xfr a evil tyfn.eor A . a e 7 t t e as tii. bloomer. -ethe er/p b aulul; h ie/ailaMhue eMn ia t h eter/cay. eifP o ci- Huon hola saeei lce ie fai-n - gveae wil n-ldt manifestation, s mansu/furnace, nich il l proposeelhoT acsa i- AA cnu. io w th at gahere el o v avite t te a A RepulcanattlhaDn aloda rf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o st S ieinlulcu Bicfiicogrief. The ladies n-ne So vercune aict, are a c-,a dv/eelo tTE Pa nborouglAA Rve L rea aNTic i- as auerus, ac very . nThnis o nhbai a au/c a th e c isye ctodsy . lcinua,11.'.o ! Ofcandidates for the by ahat teY saw as ho faint. Itis icast 25 Pei- cent 'ii bc e ,ele. na- !atril u aa cieta i. A uubn e assaogte pcech e.paeh-nre- ou- rarsnain ! Ws othubr uPPO ed thIewoman 1sd be au uying lun e iports o ! Dr. C ap nan, thie, .C Sgckuc & o s sa rmiie-lfaroute nn. eoura nee hy le sas. o TI a a i n naycs- thýat o u Car aandiratecaseaux/cnt n- asougt - ho lie mient mining engineer, an/cthe tshi- Lalefiueld on Monday Ilut. A yni hieauv rayoe Pic !Wle s usihut/ ieboirApes la ni r ]u oe o ouenn k tili-g tIie jolhin o ! he earse n-hle,mon - o ! wnlo -n p -cticiaa -o nmelHny Hsi !aou 6yas a/T-a u-Irclblhel o a t a c- vhe i su iortan t missionh Cafreig ouUn rsi o il cnati-, îog ,l avehatelie Ore, scelan hoplace be- o! age,'van abot te disngage apiace-cont byahi iringt!aceintssionb tiacourts r- Wm.ken vas nonjuntti t htiMin- f course, oïy ho runher. 'Th s i. yen/c out the 'onerful ichne cf ao! n-ood foune cf ie hbng an-s nicuing o!thle . -nig ltestudity e n-il! s h î î a h i snd n o n l id eo n -nt ao !e h ie t e r r i b l e a1 1 a - . t h î e m i n o , n h i l e t h e a l a o t ' n l i m i e d n l i e n i e n a s c a u g t b y s b a i - t in / c h . -l u m b a t e . I A Y a s E . o n n . - R u e n i- Ositini ni eto. S/uyS it utleTicnaines aesuppressc/. qunatities of. Ore ying 'vhi eay how ba-arc ou Iesn icl lu iepesre !hle rn-,no Nv. --u t lctos sefn s rT. e tOpoit iacaî.i-iio! ththa miner,, sIAtaphe Haycoci ueamuy sevr i-achm lu tn-o.I h rsueo h rww o-JPNSTLD-I.n The san- Pensons 'vere hilie/c audsererai injur- v . -n.180 can/cions 8:ferBitas i REDî-rcuar B-rWEN HIANI) hou Location an ee o if not the enere juet Ion-the eoul/ccs u- e. the Righ an enaihsor t-latc elton s iu Mo. JPAWSô1fec.- lia ai, Nov. 8.- nsokti Inaibnowplhinen/e ..~ ... -.u. anusaesca a/cf orone ive i i-al enre millihnou/ a/c heTI diffic nhy etween China an /c a- HICHE T MINE EVER DtînEEDthaiiaa a en mcby raoetTes-aa beout s/ ayingb i-e o le ato ie A MN Kruaa» AND 20ND ofar teietd -hae.eel ltn - li be hv en despatelee by mail. T lb a m ays bena iaaTi n-rarto i o n tpedi-y-ov.-- o>hle mahses ioal e ion Ga , aiSll a h ndBor bas/c rod nomination itoys are fixe/ as fouoi i-un-s acPnaidasion o itY 500,000 haels, the appiiations -Il far xeee/cthe or hug o !the lung sn/citsiesdHCIOTauv cinnar, Oho, ee-yl u 3 plA scsn-d cibao ileelbO avuilol hieCeaptresenumber o! shmanen smalah., an/c n-e - roi/c Monre! CnteSatrdafy, Nov. 21sh ; troope anre -ithldan frin Formoa nouI/c adisa proposig invesors te beane devoiel o! lie, nt least 1h nas liriehîa -lsuc eni locc f ohle oi - lGaribaldi sti tscfhe ne, er.a - , dniRich m o n dlo se n u im e lu an d i sg in th iar a p p lic a - q u it . in se n sib le t h o l h, nh ile t ot i p - 10 Osn y c o m m v 1 uni oc cu e e ie l a nt n-li t er. s o n t d ll t rik lce f Rit 011i Th FatNrhme'a/ u lcuud 1.murderer o! Mi-. Haber-, t-hations. p- ato tcbd u epcaytingîht aboututon o'cioci, but wdl/c.anetu/co hlahndaeltsa impae Gev. anuitWolfe, on T o-say, N v.. 4tl. Iu nortia G enian Cnula etcna h a ou fCpsti nyh- p e -as osnstif thebd an s cie l ese cmahoilît uil s even o' l the au nt-Iahinansoiy f lt. tle latter eustitue uey thic egistrar o ! beeaoc n the 26ti S aptem le-. T- Ciasprsaesdteblnei1tui o-igebso!pi rn Idu-nn. I apndi iardno! TIi. tqi si eenynherte n-s n/lu mit, Vofivli he hie eh~ungoflei- kue udToits.JaanseConsuls, ho payable in easy instalment. suffernig lac, n-lu uring -the n-oi, ttney uti e t cfh. yartol- tnrbed.w s u meThîe writ for East Nortlubeblad lias i-i-kidesetelhv rid. wiewleheaneyintecte. lue tien. Fmaucuscoand han/cinNtio ilimeh ilclûlapse/c batweeu tle accu. enru p rte!hieciy oi-ue o Living- dieantuso!hevi rn ie d flo leicsucit an/c hile nominatio -usehu'î,laea-ue. Oshawa Habor, (ent an/c bi deat, bre p vitii Icoic n Prtthe nc mi ceraay.Livin-as ea ditCayfor hie Cambo ! Dhe puhtie ' e u t b ae cto t h e h e . oIL E N r i c T a c c - G o -f o r ti t u d e .t e T ih e a d uo f b r a t h i n g a n / c t h e m u r d e r o ! sn u u m a n i a / c m a nr io - h a a l t i i i t e s h v . b a MI OROKCO"TSTDE ECIN Walonanu ilubert Caming, pse-ý ae laedtaoanno nce, p aso rent h X e o k n e X n e r - i l h o t y b o e ti a t e . he r iand te e r rna i n - m k i g sd r e a iy h - n y - i c r s o g , a m e a n r e - e le c h d . U p t' h l e p r e n a n t im e it TinAL.-Sinacoe, NOV. 'S-Tle tolion-. lodad ohintuxiested oumin ouifo!he epine itI san-icazing sauna. hietanns-yau/csbcp luon eeuh ir e - e~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~u t o f a c a r o n tu m ee h e d i eo u r t l 1 . W o pb a r b e r , b eh o pet e p orsw h t n T ie u n f o r t u n a l, y o u th l li n g r a c#nb u e s n x h h o î l t a l e ehi n g a s sec e f a lltri i b e r q i e ahi ig a lenisut u hlealdhoutraltrain i-oun/e/ca cumme nean the Con- fi-uni compehent men, stating îlah i gn ni aus -e asnpiahe vshils H -sei, hôs te is fan 80e elactî6i o f 2 Chmoo- the heu-e :-Mr. Stuart,lIme responlont, unipan-, aucn-awre thon unn/en the eau be ma/ce a safe an/c comano/ions ec-aa- in Ceathu, resigned ho lis an- býytn-o men, it lanpass -lcsahabe o80 ppes iien h-l. ha, ýun/ upon bcein- orn s talel, liaIhohaï a nheels o! a train passsng un the othen la-boa- 'ithout au mnreasonable cutis>-, fate, be/c ir ian'hi a stable funk au/c beat be !ieuisl nivnhile s Jnnu dafence ho offer, suddJo/cge Gal - adi. Cummngen-an kilied inslanhly ti, en -expeet that eithir tue Goe-u. -un itî clubsunhilheon-ns des/c or in. tisecn.altl eesa> u20ds lare iaeihly lvree jug a an/cWalon faaly injret. ment -il asume tbe harbor, au/c TAsC BIcLaOeCzIIIS, op- N uca sensible.. e stru -ed 'ith ther n tes tei mmd tl seatre hsjugcusha ui agod n, raheTonaieit DavisIGCRE) Y HESR a hesclanabe g /ch ecaing theBatvacant, the o DEFAULTIN O CLEIL - A y ung a]' buy 1, an/c 'illa G vernaent ai/, l. -St. John, N. B., Augut 12, 1869.- pon-re. The.blocl mai-s sIh n- that A treetu preacher naine/cDaun s ns îth bcpai b repo de t. he e w reri nan ed Davoa l u îln t e Saving i P i-o -. it. W e c o ,as Iue Refonni. M . Jam es I. Fello ns-Dear Sir: I thilsy muet arD !foug h ai-u h/c au/c bro glt hfoertho - Dumfries m ge a u h r e f a p r o a a u e a a n a D e p a r t n a n t o ! t h e B a n k o ! M o n t r e a , a s , a n i t h e G o v r e n n a e n t h o a i / , v e n c o n i d e n i t a n > ' / u t y h o i n f o m u a 3 - u n o ! u n d e n re h r e t u l ts s a d i g t a nhI e Bh o u t . cag - tn hare !ap--ualntr gle u esp/ vt 2,0.l inapi-ering 1h an long as ih je on-ne/cthI.great bainefit I lave z-ceired froahradnllnaso i.bno.obntnuching-tii. streets 'on thep Du res .Mo Stuarp rsgg u feir day, heoaccuse/c- sud other n/c M.Sta-.Close.uponthIe i-umor o!thie hani bY a priu'ahecocrporation. We muet the une e!your Compoiund Srupo! île> -ragedbina adistance cf thairty ardy *h -ue-'adoh av- 1h le possible that Mn. Wallace, ex. defaicahiomi came s report hial a cîcni net sali our Befonan Gcvernnncnt ho do Hylspies. I ilave beau, for the or forhy feetthothe funsaca, apaneel au manche/c lu pi-eeesson tca the fair-au/c aii 31. P. for- So tlu N orf lk, nlUL e he luthe office e! W . B. Sim p ec, stock n-at ne liound c n /em a à iciy G v . at nine y a s, s g iest sufae n !mfoua fren d cci- about fi!ee u lch as sq are king thë'i place beel/e a m e a geri 0-Conservahive candidat, un the next cun. brolier, bl/cfle/c,anC tilat 1h le/c een erriment for /coing W. eel confident Broncluitis an/c Asthma, ah humes su il an/c jamma/c linathirougi inte a liot-air began ho pra> an/c sing hymne n-ah )ut ts.disccareatît le blacappi-opaiiatea/ t that if thse present Company %vilii.gire hlat fcr wéeie I coul/c neithe lic donn damIer un/carthe bolIer,thue grale c! great heartines. Tii. efforts cf lthe ,i es-luset 015,000 o! îie employer'% mouey. n ahafair price,, Oshawva msy have or lakeasny nounihuaenh oscansaquenc. 'viiel, acting lii. an aveu, cousunanaa/cpreprietore o! the boohs carto odis-- cs. Hon. J. G. Curini as nccephe/cthe 1h le tbcuglî the Ihefteexten/c amer han/c veryjnshly,) eue cf the lent bar. an/c /uringthe time suffeing intaneely. lina hayon/c ail chance o! recognition. la/cgethe singerS hy beatag druinu bc nom ination o ! the W ellandc]Reform era tii-e orfour year. hrs du tIe laite. -Ifthe sharehol/ere I lhave ha/, ah differentUrims, tIe s/- XVn the rom ains n-re 1Tenu/c tila blown g steai- nhiétles, au/c lettng ut e-eeehon o LcalTheshams-Cubenane auenune lu nt soli ah a reasonabe prie, as vice o! hwn-euy-tn- pysicias. * * * uorning su/c drgge/ ont,the7 nere in ooe on them, a dîb rv ansd s ke'forreeletio t si-LcoLeiding ho ahteal ae-usai-Paaenan/c lusheCompany » have for!eite/c heir îleu~at exposnre tleietilen Camp or fragmente. Thse truni n-as asille/, manie>-, 'ere utteiy-unsv - à8 cfi-airetuns, le 1 t,8. essta fa fih gtialn-veardPassgela ihs oen et myrs h a uetarsl nasvr hre n opeeybke.Tee a oihtesprnedn oc ce official rturus, je 1,13. Lake Supiiorcfahdeitbai-hon undecrctntroc oarterhathac uodnatheecharteindingàuno fslicfamn-asnbutnlithief o! hie lshuilof thesan/clhft e seize/cstheed accuseoctisu/càdraggedd binaho te'y s ri g tll, i n c l u d i u g a ru > - la s/c o c a l. c re a tin g th e a r b o r C o . W e b p e t ue fro u a a il th e m e /ic in a 1 h a /c a k e n , I th ig h b o u e s n -r c ta lio n o t s e p ra t l >, th e r o u n c. - D u n n s u s ta in e d in j ui e s [t g -is o c a - » S E N A T I O Nh t ,ie i gOsv n y e d o f c t to ck h o l e is n -il l n t s ta n d in th e . n - c o n c lu / e d ot i->-y o r C o m p u n d/ c 8 > -u p w n -h I b u t lit tle f e n ill e f t o u - h î a n ; a stb- h e fa l l n - i c c o n f i e / c h m h o b i a! biav ng a fir t- las ba ubo r, . of H ypop iceplelts, an /c ]lave gr at le bo es o ! fingers, t es. etc. h e/c for, Bôm e iae.. The m ag tr ae n LI, atien oa!thliady luLoin/con, Ont, je A /caring hunîglar>- nai a pehratced ahlinon- tlat Dr McGHI, n-be s tue reson4o te ani Geel for the roulait. I~hael that, not having pal/c -/cnes hoatme in y e a /c B . A c l!,o ! hils D er&rnlo r s,. t n* W e d ue e/c c y ig lit b u t th u g li la r g e s l s t o c kh l od e l u th e H a r b o r C o ., h a v e , l u a n , ta k eo n ne l e b o ttl s , a n /c A S A v G E HR o ats s.- A s C a p t. P o w e ll, u r g , t e r v i a l l ts h a d :n o r ig lat t a te M y r n . A o fmo h i I o h h e v e s t m a s h e l a s a uét aho p i c e s, n Il d o n -a I e e s t fo r O sh a n a . W e n o n- I fe l as s î o g a u/c ael s e va e r I aa s w al i g o a u s f n m a l r o ta ire u p p a c a o u ilp fa ir g r eu /, a n/c ut Ml! Ca.Boh pariesn-ar luhey o- nI>-secuureel $7 lu moue>-. siil an-aitthie repart cf tl. Engineers faltitln y lifa, and for tIh.hast 3-car Englan/c, s fan- ays ago, lie san-sfou a .cgepov/iTise-defenel. t . d ry g o d es u ian d /c>-y M a il. co th i ug 'itiiin te r e t. 1h i, a h las , th e fi st h a v e n o t la/c o n e m o n e t' , si eh u es , luise ith i t a i /e n g r azin g n th ie ci- 'a s, o wk ev q r , - l i se -' a busines,a/cdveenugenralv cosidci-- ATTJ3IT EDsuan UaoaÂarE...Ou rids>- teptunar/c a botter harbon-.-Re. sud neitîer doas /mpnes or draugilî 1111 aboya in, au/c ouappi-aaeau d oito. - --- '- rit so salI aad reufabla thalt iheli- redit nigzit Inet, au ahheîuph iras nis pp ng a r ni o . mac >-l v h es t ef e u o . eia u a ehds o a e lant i -a a e ac unhimiteul. Takiug admamtageo! of ausi-uscuni!rel ta gain admission thle forracr. h l î î o t , i r u i s i - i i u a i c - g I i l e i t î 5 ' - s d'b .,! u - JIh .t aCh î l n . H at is t e s u h j e c t f o r I o u r s , I o i s e f r o m t h e s t a b l e o ! M r . B . P o r t e r . T h e Q e -- e p e , 7 u i g t h e w avoasale insea lurroato, otrea, -as, ho-ever, ulikitîurhed (l >tis screiesme Dosarassl-ace SicoorraseACCIuDE rT- coula int a>nougl iu p-aiso!ofyor Osring tn tu nmal a/c one Praticabilty -Of -navigat g--tii.on-r t anmilton anu Lonuen, an/alé bouglt ohMrm. MCleillan, cana before el 'ollelotn cietcwh. ms i- ivanoi o pnk >iu !H-u frlgrtul/cl t uiceCp. S.Lnrec i/ eI/crîgts vn 1. el a' o coselaldi eesbaries ar M. MI* IClllall, ivile as asIeep at ii.tissing nature ecerred lu tihe rigli- phospites, or gir. an a/cquaI ides o! Powell ial u'e np te hinm gently an/c eu- ino , b1--poerfui team rt con. r sp - o n s ! I u i s t I e r , ls u l a s o b - t i u i e , l i w q )- b n r g li r a d e h o î ir h u e l o f t A s e r l > - t h e o t h e r d a y . 1 h eM Y s u t l i - -n g a . c u i u l , a d w s a o t p t i g i i t u h r - r u aining -n-dit nthbe bank, uhil it i e- ecuupe. \Vu(, out! ahie oui- ltizeise iim tt o ug men oa!the vil- ja Cah t iiç»-my htue ahah use and un terfle i/c e nhn theanuimal, that n le noth. shore taelsee i-e'W limM cleadDteb aiollyau/c as bouet bnp ge: aiu telfutIp po ;it ear e/ hiiteal/tir liabiliies amoiam oe8oth ,oa n. plol.-u, - hmer "g'saee Wlia uel s/ODnfyupl-secfta teibe-nme lp wu lac îhî lutmo en1ee arln>-aopleli i/e aWsyhoai 000. TIcstok o hie prnaiiu ci I-e. I t-c-ria n.pii u a suuc-ru- arcau ij e, -iwttwn-et ont for a a Cys pot blau'm>-e auee ln-f-ch]>quiet, it ina savagl>-on thei g mtp, an/ the pr uilguo hel a vtâ m i e t W r h m r li n $ 9 0 0 it îî s u n p ie c . & 't a n p e a t a io g a fi ti î chla i- s u f e - n a s r m c .il h li a eIs i/cft E , i t e n f i e t n c n i d ri n g i h o - I e S o u thl s hn e , rse m-lenlu'tlmoete$0cdO c'i-?fuui short dishance jutoalice bushi, tha>- otI me.I rmasin yours, respeciful>-, lhon, /croppiag lai, aitempteil hokhue!nlieit. packis an/c hecornencf grat anC 1h le ailthe c-edlitons le.ve ho feuil , ONALI- WaNcmce- A lai-geonst Cown hoai-art on a log. , Young Hew-. MES. HP ficn-c. Fmoutli Shtret.upon lalud nci-rush l im. lie attack hhlcineas; saine fache nàlua/ nehot a c k o n . D a a n g e r s u c / c M e > e r s w - . -i-c w a s n e p a t e l r v r ! t m s s t e r o t t l d s r lituîme b hv in ar 'ia gcl, t ic latter In p artiy o f iei-uds cr e git-l i- eil a h th e it h lai/c don-n hie gu n carefuli>, b u t l ,- - - t m e . th on i -, -e i on e o ! th ue 1- lo . Joli n tim pson , M u k e B osee ta ho have a/c d rat er A B inua AND B auuucEG oo azR END E CaD P ow el - sseverel >' bit hn lu th e le/>d- hc onuaw o!lie former. Adoif Bo"?ai ;p o h G' are bas latadesly R st dwnan pac>lUN-beenSFAAL place/c ondlessu he record m rtag anrthr- ras about oa c onueniecl b -asimilar htom, n Wuia byccbg, lee/lsl-. H stdnnaucp.ie minions- Rasois PRf nclgs naii ltie en o- h.mnhsafr I-v ilos fcl i, sd usig the cireiumrncf i s II-c~lm :uz-acu IieAnun a hl rnnuh>-irs ueies ic s Enn-laPrrcrepneto o- ina ai-ee y i-.- lanls, BeIt n-as hie p p r o a c h u g n a 'r i a g o w ;a ' a b l i n l, g v - -i n 1 - î 0l - . s i : ,îMr. , M% i : u e , f N e .'i c t r o'do n t h e g o n d a d x h e L n-n fy e e r a h w i - o ' vs g oM. on , t a n c î pn g m oa w I t l n sa g v n y t h in u i a t W L o n ee i e - i f i i r i s W alIbrid g a p ic/ed. le -con ten ts st n uci e -itt " t C omid n s r p r e f o a o n ry o , a d g l o in p r v e p aan> -o tue Padin olph a nsu/ nii-c' cohuio bJeviili lt. aJI us n v e bi'emais, lu tIi,121P, battsing hie ip joint ho Lycs, of h wicilI first iloard/sane hlmanimal bae onai-/cthi.stable.- -1Badn g iea Compan . Ilad h ockan ing aotliil -u g a eing rta t eo f'i-a- a, \~ \iuu e ~y- o- gl ±0ihi. lo-nauu'ile Mr. Mitchll, pieces, au/c pautraing-into the region davii ago -itliout-eediing i. On the ~' 3 ticSyugomncu i Dt-o, ternua. l- Mon ia, an/c Mr. )aviit Sinsn, o!the roin, cusing a hrrile 'vnue!. 6111 ()ctert - yTheepl vae lI.notil-asart n aucn!en-ve 0l cp 2 ay-ah u &n ohgsge Bock. -cde/ciluveaa'tn e lii t>-,!)Pagn-ClTi s runian i rde'a i. -ugIsuna otapdoî e uir;eln îato nu. Wuiir fn a/ ieba roecb Mm . Ce MIesUay near Amiiorat Ild. No in- sinrawie. on grain or achooner. t- ' ancllec Scohty, proper name un uon, sIa.lon-the canal, foleu.n- ho tPecanai hTlorold, a/d' drowned., FIas AT BÂa.-Busrl Nov. - This moruiug about 9.80 a jire, broke bY 1fr. KoarniThe-muildinug. 'viti jt otetu, 'vasdsroyd ina !few min. oT aa u ah w paig actomy--o'vne me1 se4 aner bosean/c kilo/c ithi > î oke~ascfniy~ i tar è Cuberlan/c arive/c ah at ......... 0 e Y o k W aNo v . c C a u u a c seîa L - N e n - h e î l P gne d o n i e E x c e l . c u y t e l t t e r , - r t e H-n -"-C o h n n O nc o u M o n d a > , a f t r a m e t i l s . - . - - - - - - Pprceuîe""D>-erman'uusdvoyage oLaike Supenior pohtos ..... aikNo.9.-A 'ehallenje hua beau eno> the Gcvernor-Geneml fer coin îaamc.Ds.-ose- as, Ce rtain patis.ush......r..prt-......tp.o.t..eson- 6 i-eele/cficm omr Lneo!New- peition ah the annel steepiachases o Nv.9.Tibody cf a man uninon1o!tuh ownship cf- Cardan.- give noticoe.-.1600- gg........ 70~j Yen ofelg onrestIe Michesl Wba hIe Ottawva Hunt Club,n-sewnaesily -P yea 4l/, n-as fouud hanging don-.oetintention te ýapif-tb te ieegilshturme - 1 h 'vesiered in Bnpritcrsnte . Io e hlcl>,the. Champion -o! the Oc'Satnir/ay by PiceÂArthur. --60 leu - bs c'vjN trmhe feo f a cemoter>- iu for permission ho sepaiahe froin Car/con lu Paristt1he5 Prince Imporial, e Coul, prto Pcifo Sope for $2,000 suie, te Te»e miho or a Ude 4 asr uuthe oVara. Pc Wo/............ n-hiloanon-ahg W nrest, u ere, - - ~ milOn, - li dsunie t o Mr.We nuersau(t about te Boy d u spser ot et irls Btr . . . 1, chll baia beau accepwWïliaen sey, N. S., fl sou-ppai<n dy é gh îot*-_ ' v n e e a t c e h o b e - e c i d E i d h P e b y e . ~p t é d a o sia l f i -o , a p p s a e s nie he p i c k e t e t h ï t t b e y a r e n o t f i r l y t r e a t e d b y t h e D u c ie s s M a r i e o P ue; - - - A p epe b

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