Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1875, p. 2

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~I m itt (FI ftré tdIniU~ v ttin l; Mr. Bo" pieMd tb&t$l. ,was un. w&O sDfroncèle4, adh ne t n - ~ ~ v8MII44< dn. oy IU »Are Of A7my e.u t e fet.*If fiuihollettmmu liko Mr. Brown $o A. MLPtic.adLaOnvasr, ,hob.IL aboula.b. broken. It was 014y right, Mr, G- Y.Smih ba gréât ,p4asu ONZ.Y or 50 PER ANN4. ç busdon. muob; and, ino mm , o .that Mr. PireelI, tbé oI& member, lin*Iipportng rhieanmiain ----- assPa frs, ndththo M. .) ad-.1oghhowa otth-cnddae ~bsmade lB illustrions, by bis oratory,,' 8110121dl 131 ~<v.B). atouhLevsno ii adiae WhlbyTkusdv Jn. 4~ 8 'raLeryratry..~p..e4 shoulû be allowed -*0 foUlow; The . o b.oped hé would bc at somaefuture Whty hrdyl Jn.my 17 , oceJ vi. o hn.l lowi:g nineteen nominations vere thon tMme. Itsemed ta hi pôet k0k: orsgr," aid ovoee the ToriesP AU gens but one, Bouth OtmC) ~ dbl aond, "if tere's Candidate. . Moer..Seonder. Mr. M. 0. Csmerdn, tb. only one l1ft. anythlns 'I detest 1in tbis vorld itin AÀ. PrwU a.Crnosl .K. Brown. Re vas glad tbe governmnt of tb. >It in to b. licped tthe ehotion OU It Dame=0I1And if the. king UpOfi his. W Bow, D.Y Cown, J.B.Bikelcountryhlad beau carried on in snob a u.zxt Monday vill b. t Lth* oredit o! th""n, Or thé Imago uPOn bis -benctu, Hon.T.X. Gibbs A. P. CSIDflofJ.l ind awaythat it oould fnot bc found <suit the RIdlng, tliat &<ful vote vill b. ell'> '" L>S& 06w.: 3emmy, -wbat's Dr.GunnRor T. N.'014»s J B Bc DrMol, o.GulD.olcso.witb.RH. bd beaasupporter of Mr. od>, and thait noth4 ill .iii bhard of iýuo!iIreland P by L. vartue o! =y T. P. WldLe, G. Y. SmlthýB ,, 1 B eM Farewell from boybood and lho vas tiiose satiief11j dolage whlcla in *1mw"th l d §a iy, Ifs oathery; divil a J. 8. Larke; W. H. Gibbs, Jaolfi.,e diedt.m* tik* Hon, M.bave usion 8 8 H Lde, l~1.Farewell, and there were Reformera put bve br~~bL isertut ~~ Lbig ou but rathey 1"W IL Gibbs, J. k.Blokeil, T. C. enug * eeciiw fair namne of South Ontario. TheSthict lait flot tim, for Oenadians Lo- b.. C. C!&=bfl Jno. Tora, Geo. Dg'vidwin. Mr. Carpenter said a !.uv vords. but Lb' yen, Juo. Hyland, W. H. Gibbs. had, notbing La oSay againtelt ier o! iies f L. newelctin avautLbhe' in @Se vs hOthm.ltb.Y areot J. B. Bickell, T. K. Smith, Chas. Hoht. the candidates, Mr. Brown Cr Mr. priilgeo!6h bllt, ehould prov, a mafg too muoh of! Lisi.,Orathery,,?p u. Holden, G. H. Gbu4d,1). Lawson. PaFreveli. sovreia rrpéy aaint & kids f %%O au eru th. no. Dryden, Dr. MeGi, IH. Botte. sovsr'tlel n rOrn edy aga i < hb t a1 i o! Woucan o ru.. ii, u »« O' M d lZ -am n . P. Cow , . B. Gib s, fr. W . H. Gibbs bnd gret .plas= unde nfuece $hel.dbyt~ bi- toinvredn public meetings ~o Gonld, D. Hinekson, L ZZ in proposing Mv. Larke, viio althony, lot, thera la a fair prospect c a goo ond poli tical nomintionsvitbout-bein Jo.? ler , . Dicki, 2)j. Brlggs. f'otoaIindidSL flOt, h o! Ifidpendent~ ,. T.C. McAvy, W. F Covan.a coming man g b idzg i 0ae Snofocilyrnldo o Jinu e 5 The Beturning officer stated tuaL b. Larkes'ciiracerwudba ývsia cae onoenlosmon frae «-Ibodr. declaration? o!fourse Liiere ila ol iv b oer eone.Lo. Lvsa l Ter3' vi i o es p o! Party tevrorl.m. B'»ig g t grand differonce , e t eikind o! Lwd minutes each Lo address the eIec-,aecarc àloe u anaIk partiefflar party Wl»l nov scarceîy avail "oratbery" to wblch we allndo..and tbe Lors, andaftrvarde divideotLb. tiug Mr. Farewell, vas; no -longez a pivate1 a cniaeaa ta oeftacp.eloquencoo ebte lafaiohreIt betveew h addtsidvdel.nt*sà" , e i O~ddat .5rnsL n ouet ~ o!detate ~ Liir, Mr. Carmichaul sgadle, L adl.a'àgreatthat Mr. -Farevell, knoving Lb.hechar- able mian. Theîio muet bu the reoin, te insit the. reader-aud certalnly deal of pleasure in nominatin t i ges hanging o 'h imbdr*tLinh Inondation Of Pursjonal character as notiig Lbat lie bas not huard scores o! Farevell, aud Lbat Lb. p1.asm,. ini sop- pr0per *0 retire - Tii electora saboulad Wou., IL fI bot nov enougii *0 g" i isàobefor-iu the speeches e! lest portig hlm vas enbanced iin conse..remember thatthLe. mn Lby ,elected,c galaa uence of Lispuat faiLiiful services w ould b.a acepted aes a type of -tb.m.1 fiaeso eli, inaOdt, o eu Li ria eret M.oa ? Siion ldthenmer ot eeho t Hanse o! Âssembly.* Mr. Farevell selves. Suppose 82 men sent toe b agencis, In rero s cur - elmii>u. soinsamit p u teii.numis o!fsee h ad, ho said, Lonestly carried ont isi.Hous., or 42 vlti sncb records as that 13~Vi7 ote a aexr tie i.privîlege mkra vl st L.Lm !speak- pledges; Le had not saicionc tbing cf Mr. Faiewell? IL was astoninding cf cpuitng au blivorthy candidate ing, At Our Political noinations ? TM.vie n-emataoie.Ho Ladl sup- Lyamni i ae asposition, vîtiiont aubjecting binisoîf te th paty proent mode of iiaking nominations poted a goodý goverumeni that gave could geL up sud talk aotM.Bki Ux~derîuuîsrmmîu. countryi. good measures, and by bis suad the the honor o! other gentlemen bau. ndrsncb clronmstau,.., tLb. --..inaalyis mot -..y arcical,.. valuable assistance and suggestionùs- Mir. Farewell badl.recorded Lb. verdict11 candida-te selected is likoly tu be the 15 an intolerable nuisance ; binders the esp)eciaUy-witb regard *0 the Municipal of! ,liihest courte lu this country sud, a la lcieo Li onstitmîency be repro. the legitimat. proceedingi et' the 00. Loan Fuud, Laailasistodlunmoldiug cf the nation against hum, and iL vas t gens. O fr a Soth ntaio a cn. asonanddepive pepleof he Lb. helégislation of the country. Mr'. astoundiug to flnd snob a man cominge serna t.. je raites lpoe nto décton. aiport prvs epeo e >.Farewell was <able te take Lis place lu forvardl asking for the suffrages o!fLb.e - - cor edIL e q it -a icc of dec pti n ntnity f eari4ugt ile sentim ent$ f Lth e House as a speaker baside Amy ré. electors Of Southa O ntario, or o ! any Lu t'y a'd Persuade the electors that the liona fide candidates frein Lb. huet. presontatîve, but bis great forte was in constitzlncY. there ig anY " great principe"I-or lun ings, and vhat their movers snd sec. doing the work on committees.- Osha. Mr'. John Cowan visiied to correctt -tact, ammY politicul prmnciploe t aii-.n. endors. bave te say in their behlaf. wa Ladl been veli canvassed, sud Le eue misapprehleusion. It was stated t; volviiiiu he ontst.Thoe i rell Crtanlya lng trig 0-1 i .believed Mr. Farewell would poil a by a supporteor of Mr. Farewell, that a y veve l ficcotet.Tioe s eaîy etany aln srn f iresome larger vote tiiere th ie* b.dmd at themin may hoe a good manufacturer aud ti nothlîit ut ake upomi wlicii party aides speecii.zakers dosesuot serve to make lasL clection. Yet be unablo teuiiake laws as n lau'. a, cati l. takeu-and party aides vil» onîy a candidate more acceptable. And for Mr. S. K. Bron euyreleo e.Tlat was a nistake. Mr. Brown ci eay otaken by mnuo! oxtrome pie. nearly Lie saine reason that Jemmy Pickeriug, said Lie snppor±ed Mr. Fare. was a Auccessful manufacturer; lie judce oinon wmoar mnable o fiae Patter under.Laod sud coudemnled veli because lieviii a faithful, bard- aego nccsmdrcapers, sud ae themiselves froîn tho trammels of past "arsrthery" lu Ireland, vonld vo dis working servant, sud supportodl good vas goig La cut a good swath il, ttus s4 'Oovcrnmsent. H. mdai perforied lhie couitebt. They would do their ghare ta ju Usseoiationls-- Thoe. lu mieLaven Lb. .ry countenance the grewiug evil of irres. duties ably aud faithfully, ud it vnuld lîelp hlm lu Oshawa, wlîre they were hi O! Mlnisterialist sud Opposiiouiat te, pousible- spoutiug lu Canada. The hoe ungrateîuîî ciftiieru now Laetiirov Most ellecîively organizeid. (Vitby, N1V b.O raîsolo go l'pou in South Oùtaric, AmericAn habit of îpeecia.maiiing. lu hlm te eue side. He ridiculeil Mr. where Mr. Brown hadl lie property, th for both the candidates corne forward sud ont o! season, is faut growiug upon Biownus proensions as au indepen. and liad bilit up a large business, ouglit se as Appotor oftheaoveninnt.It s, ndlent candidate, and tauntoîl hum awith ta 'lu iLs sharo. They bail toc uuany Ri os upororso!tu Gvermnnt Itns sd ffthe présent race o! taikers bc biug bscked mp' by Mr.- Gibbs, ayhc lawyersinlutiie House, Who Only assist. cu l ucnothat oua la18aAtîied supporter, not discouraged vo shall soon came to lad oxcnsed thé pacifia scandai' bnsi edalinîmakiug lavs eLoadvautage ha sud ii.aLlai'n uitricdimn. But, thaL pags, in vhîich a Yaukeo observeid uOes.thnlu les M. ean vas proceed. La after ail,-tli. Mater resgolveà itsel! into La Lb. crovd et an execution, "lBrothmar Mr. W. V. Coaan, reeve ci Oshawa, iu te shov that a good bnnkruptcy Li 0 sepport daM. Brown as an indegen. lav vas wsnted wbeu " ima, np" was wn one o! Persona' cîoce, And té Lb. emwatO Cran. baving Yct <oui minutes Ilefore dntcdiae , sudwas ure tat o e il n i ii otk ct that May lbc farmed Of tlw peroonailihe'..turued oft, vili favor us-witiî a few vsnt aniaeector p re ths a r et fi. S. J. Holden -dvcfodth i houe1r and reliabllity cf Lb. Lwo geunie. remarks on Lb. new tariff." beliève Mr. Brown ta bc an honorable clamg of 'Mi. Faiewe"I, said that lie in, men her, théeleIctoro..It je not Oui Most of oui' needîcas spesch.niakiug upright sud reluàble in. Thâ at was a gond sud faithful servan t asd sai intetionte drïa apont - hat hey auted, a reliablema insul that botb parties vho aprcved f Lb.- an, Ie ti nt a d liaioterrespective is 10su lu Lb intereet of those viii>fiston hom they coild repose confidence, M owat Gov rnme u a oul djfoin lu gel met.Bath have long beeu knovn than o! hlm that alks. put iL clown. wbo wauld look a er Lbe collection ecting hlm. IL ili became Mr.. Gibbs mi' te ",'>st people u inihe liding. And an-m----....sd oxpeuditure" o! Lb. revenue La brigu y oai matters against ahr fui any fuither In1formation, v. reici WsVIUTr & EÂST WuîrBr UNION Aci. in A satisfactoi.y manner. That Mi. Farewell, viioso record was as Bar was wht the overuent wa for.clear as tiîat of any a. h nomInaeproft heIonn ttearULU"SOIT-ANULME.And IL wss for that tiîey v anted a Mi. Diokie claîmed that Oshawa wei n SiatO o cbiatoly giveu in other mMe-,-Tuie annuai meeting of the WiLtby strcng Opposition. Tbey did not vaut voulfi reduce flb, mnjority o!fi150 lait Pal ec1lmns. 1*rrains for nu enîy Leo r- & East WLitby' Union Agricaînural aminu vbc vuld follov blindly Lb. yoar te 100, sud supported Mr. Fare. ws, pres lbhope thAt everY Voter vili Society vas hl& at Lth. Globe liote, leadiug o! suy man, buta anu vo Mrl. T Ccd viionidrç cast hi#. ballot iionestiy sud Intelligent. Brolin, ou Saturay laut, otii iust' - vauld asslat in sbaping sud inducing gooy gai :Rood mesaures. IL vas admitted that private character essential ta a publieLai iy for Lime "beit man8," thaL, not narrcv Owing te, Lb. bitter caiduesu of Lb. day, Mi. Brown vonid do that; but, ho ak. Mn, sud said Iliat there vas a wun hi Party' prejudicea, but the good o! tiie tise.wvu mot se largo u attendac uc a i e, vas Mi. Farewell a proper in to upon Mi. Farewell. a WOiicmle oouulty, viii b. kept in viev, usial. Ti auditois' repart siiowed a. h. soenetrusted ? Mi. Farewell wa Mi. Biokell agsin veut over Lb. Goi mimd abya ilthatactva riads f baanc o!$1814 Lb bads f t otua; ho e vaanu condemned b>' the votes cf Mi. Farewell in Lime maLter e!fLime a'",âbOO 01, tat ctie &onduof alace o $10.1 inthe and ofthecourts o! thiscountry', sud by tlhaàrgiî- the Agilunai College, Lue takiug cf Lime emcb candidate viii bear in mmnd that treasurer. Tii. !chiowing ofliceis for est tribunal lu Engîaud. Ta gond sucb the îailvay monoy from the mmnici- wa' tlîey Are lhkely te defq4t their ovu ends Lhe current year voie eiected: a mn as Abrahamn Farewell again tce, palities, against paymeuts o! Crov cli by the exorcise of an>', undus ma." i'iosidcnt--D. Hllday, Jr.; reproseut them, veuid ho La placesa vitnesses, sud for increasofo!saisi>' La got ------ ~~Vice-Preoident. W. Farewel; sini upon the Biding. As La vuatnbailftdfcas e Poplatoncf he ow. Scîtar-Jou ills;been said b7 r M. Carmicbsel rospecting Mr. W. H. Gibbs explaiued Mi. did -Treasurer-Jobu S. Steel; Oshawa, tinMt gentleman vouid find Favil action on Lb.Protogn in , butgra 'lhe population ai Lb. tovu OfiWbîtby, Direcors-For East Whitby-Levis himseif vary mncb mistakien ou the day inreprtaccusferadsb vt ignin Lb.ori according ta Lb. cansue receuti>' taken Coryeli, David Lick, J. C. Fox, B.of palling.. The meetings lu Oshawaeat sdatAta oig gis o voi eetwe or tbrae Laoune unfavor of IL t nstnceof .heGaverumont, ont hy aider of Lue Board o! Educaticu, lu Povers ; for WVithY tOwusiP-8amuel Mi. Browansd Lia. toue vas neyer conteuded that Mr. Farewell as a pub. didi 8.21,an ncsas e nsîl' 00 uiugDawes, Chas. Westlake, John Kerr, botter as iudicating suaaess. Oshaa lic inu ad stultified Limseif, sud that Scui Lb. past year. The population fi Sp.James Milne. vcnid prove by iLs njrity lie i h elect er aing M.Fivi~ u.cn portioned lu the Wards ae foliovs: Audtor.-Jaiin RaLcliffe and B. T. M.Boutha LLdn jsas !lccro u circe envbfr 5 Norh Wrd,1,83; ento Wrd,1. ameu.ab. ovu of Wiiitby or cf a Whitby !hemn, vcuid be stultifying theinselves donc in ie-olecting Llm-viicbholiebolieved coni North Wordike83;,CntevoWordvII. man.tby, vauld otdc. t 192; South IVard, 686. Tii, greatest *Galp"~ is nov issued froum iLs nov said that he vould onîy reiterate a part r oiiifiigt br elf n enaeas-hs tie piaelu boCenreoffce, No. 2, TemntoSt., Toronto, o!fvîmat the seconder cf Mr. Fareellhio vindseakug ofair., aid hatlii o-tnoe Wsrd, vblah shows au advauce o! 181,unuder Lhe ésale management o!Mesrs. Ladl said lu favar cf Mr. Brown, trans. hl novu !M.Frvl' i.n lu he orii or Lb eares.beig BngnghBrs. Lemsn flens fofering hi. remarks te Mi. Brownuin- poneuts lmsd been ta asperse bis chiar-more i>h' ot W 8h8,cas Ou Bnog ro.Temnyfinso stend o! Mi. Farewell. Mr. Brown acter. That Mi. Farewel lbadi ecoiv- finis] andlu b. onh WîdGrp in Lis localit>' vi» ho plesed te vas hotu au indépendeut nman sud an ed on' andomist i ch ofrico a n a h 80. Tii. umbar o! childien o! schoci learu o!fis uccose. honorable mman. H. couldas> o! Mr. Wmdtati Lsahratevant i atge fa 847, sud un1der seheol age, 487. B Jrown viat Mi. Fsrewell's seconde; bsd 1mev iL was go before. o h ImpuavzD.-1rLe Londan Ere Pren, canld not say cf Lis candidate. Mr. Mi. W. P. Covan put iL te Reorin. doleg "Th Ntioal."Retacio. Humltn Tme, ttaa îma, ely.Farevels course Lad uaLthenu er'ta say>W""" or tbey could consist. Gain The ae ongi ' Lii otratontcHavil n TeieserttawdOa va c# Bll.strsight!orwsid course. Ho vas but a ently edoresoMeail.acof Ltme Movat piess ~nsevin~La o te ovrunet u averu-.Dmunt ? H. asked, amidît man- san National-"1 Jimuel Iriggs's" paper- dOd~ar-ail ahi>' candutilDawev. the Hane- [A vaice, a voting ma fsain o isnveto i ot againît Hon. George Brown, sorne papers-ar. printed vwith nov ypo, ciinel yos, a voting Machine. MiMr. vawt vas uaL Lihe more toal af George mn that te infom-â--i'on . an -7 Uclu"e, nw new ypej hicli - uo mib-itrice wno endeimft tiiemewent fer L e>'hedis-. Tariese nia&the ifo rioes W bovneatp, lîci gve ipaiudn him. ~~ în~ clusnged Lhmefr duties prapori>'. Dr. Mf mnado theasaidte saine appearance. -The Propased for.bcmpohm. Mr. Wm. Dickie lunLime courue a! a thatI, (ase sd ha g va uteiyMr, A. P. Canieran raid lie vas few fuither romanks mado by bina, the pal Wean htthÃ" ie soy mu lie-maien cf s Farmor's Cxjrauge iu Essat pîcnd te came farward as a snp citer hreM.Lakwi bnguel ttlc giigt nd nais ealws VjtYbas boon pastpoued iii after Lb. a! Mi. Brown, tiat Mi. Faieeol vas M Da vL en h ra tissue o!f alsebehod impoged upo ns tos .- novoubalfrL.nt to ho reled upan, sud thatlie hald abie, sud Mi. Bonwtvuigth ra j hu h l to etg f rt geOt0@ Anwtwnhl o h nba edb>'theReformr-catspaw o! J. B. Bickell aud Lh. Gibbs La thé palliata iL;, a v ha armivdaL' Liis township o! Uzxbridg, is pioposed. - tho 'leading organ cf bis Par et>' H .F.Cwntune r ic-teG covcin efeel it tabc onlin jnst ta Tii, sale o! the 'Mafyfield bard aites vas sure 1fr. Browu voulu L el O e rW. F. Covgan aupint frMi.eDick. LimeG roie mciiaa g0Y as veuf b.ex. place ta day at the faim cf Lb.eIfessrs. and that Oshawaaul id him a1ofiebf oleciuoacautmsfOsLiaLionis aeckuidger tat tiremtranctioWen osud . -th uconvention o! sa llin ajon'ty. va, sud vitli baving beau loft ont lu Saudfi- apkoly h ât t o r out a Mr.andthe South Ontario Sunda>' SahoolÀAs. Latakep. on Gb v as surprisod at the LI celd he b.part>'. Hode!euded trol of! Ba o r ime t or gini a r . neainluanmme a aeplc t akesnM. b a ftha speakers M.Lr -Y oMi L ansd refeired te the comnpli. a hall Brownfor te oriinatin andpropaa. soiatio la anolIJédaraeveillacepe agonat Mchar-welmont hslat b>'- Motutrealy Muerchants atns a L ee su Ien ci sa-vanton a scandai, and ve Bîcoklil on Tteday, Feh. 2ud. - acter. Ho feit pained at Lb.- remarks Lb. Dominion Board o! trade- Ho dis- veli al] fcel Lthe deepeut regret for the injuir>' Mr. Slade's faim stock vili b, scld b>' e! Mi. Covan, te vbcm ine Lad given likd the us. cf persospeions as s'Li sd auoac e n> ae asdsction ouTedy 6h.-andyaredit for batLer sens., upantLins bead. muclaas au>' man, but IL vas the aLlier -TariE on ueda, 6t. SaurayThe question hefore the electerus pr>'vho voie firot ta ludulge iu muest vi "Tuozsposw& SisÂLpzcz" . and Suindo>' last vera Lb. celde8t dAYS net Lb. pesnal charactore cfMosirs.t aon sd provois LhIu opponents. parties. o!f the season, tho Lbeîmomnte, mark. Brown sud Faraeel; iL vas Lh. ques. And he ciaimed tbat Lb. Liborai-Can. rustedl Cmismmntx's IeU TrIONÀz L A T ing 7 0 helov zero. ion o! the Opposition cr thé G bv<îk eivatinu, minufor min, at the' lesat pendeni GurDs or Janary,185, basbeen e. -ee - ment Ivoul theytuin thain aeru. e qulo! tb'ms. psd'othm hecu Grnufr auay 17, a he r- MxacliUS' INsTITUr.-One hun upan Mr. Movat ? Would tLb.>'r Lb.Thisuas epposlued, ethe mi. of beocor aie.A usnà, ths guide i. ,»uteOpstO 2 wor4 I cotens bb~ u-ded nwvolumes have heensadded L i DtaIISI sdti.evs neminator.sudscondens viiodesired hi. ovin worty prusa, i couout boig i- Mr D.Rinkon aid thre ws àte speai sund iL being thon Liii,é. donald vaiabi - e tavelo.. y.La-be, bhéai>' 7of Lb, Institute..The eider Lâme vben Reformner. vers in a sinali loe fie tae et il $ tattheiunln tm. f blas beeu flu tbrongh Mi. J. S. Bob. ~inovty ; th<'vr o h ao.thaL Lho venin divide theremnldî~La how eonà booisthe rakc., tcf thfsthevu, init>', popularsud poerl'I, bth st Ot. theLime, up te fine o'lock, b>' allevfummaîopv Wbltby ratlvay fa not glven, aithough *mu Sif.ooyadL.teva sud Troto. IL vas Lbher dut>'in l he n mur e"élr Lo Me.sp Pare. a fair sp..la1.* orIL mnnrreui M. irve, s spprtr eh kBivn ad Lbue n4sujtes ta Mir Fa von, u laor',science,- blogrpir>'o! Lb. Govuon. oacirof Lb, otb.u, seveuteeneadidates. Ssudie] Taz MUD>Cu &YAIWOOD M'v'coCO.- gud fiction vell ssloctrd. Heu. T. N. Gibbe, vho vas recaive'd Mr. Farovell baving bion it eaul- cause f. vltb chearu, sain that Iitii -became tLia d upon, came ferward auidst abeere. viien 1 Th~e g.ueral annual meeting cf Lb. SixomiaMETNG im.o!fLiie Board o! gentlemen vimo had juiL spoken foi Mi. Helaummeneed b>' u5yimg Lii5 the>' formeri uhblelw4.s o! thi. -<Companon>' u d- Trade it Bs" Htel an Fr& ida'uter. Faravell te Lakaamp Lime indignant roi. ver. engaged in lcoklng atter mattem-s mont d v*vtié.4 for Wedneeday evenlng, 27tb noon att8s'aloi . at Lb. introduction cf peisonai matters. lenvimich Lb>' ail teck-deep luteroît, cunitr-y, janaq, imat. The>' oegiit nuat compiain tiat' their as vire also their biends hrongiiemt aa tLb --mozmari'Cmurîoe.Mr. Deilin, evu teal@shuould Le eusedl in ,turn Lb. conutry>juiL then. Tbey voie net materî cadlat, as e . .against themuselves. !IL vas su vel Lier. Lfoi the-perpose o! blackening one alie.1 SiotT Tum. ELICTZÃ"oX-Mr. Goernent ddaoh h0 t enough fer rMm.'B. K. Brevu, viio seotiier's character, but te disease ssid, v& Goorge Blke, Northi Word; Mseure. ed b7 a majorit>' cf 71 ever Mi. Rysu, beasted cf bing the. fiat - de put>' roev, vhat Looli plac. lu the Legislature, sud ment po .V.la nciB. MoPberson, Centre Opposition. -o! Pickering, te gay Lbatlib. (Mr. Gibbs) Lb. questions hiol>yte arise bereaiter. Lb. petl WAPI; i *»ames CamevôûC, South Lad assiated lu Lb. Pacif c scandai, sud, According teasnomeo! his Opponents, ltiendsj élielb 01&aim Musc.-Ur. . S. Bohrsion adver- thon vb.u Lb.heetv as sent bsek to Mr. Farewell's eharacter was 4ery b.d Lande tt wadtises thatlie bas justL opened, a vl laI" exemption frein tha introduction indeed, but viit respect t that, h. five li . Crlctmi. q~s#d uoeko! bse mue, bie ýo! personal mattér.. The>' iuit take (Mn' F.> vonld noL oenaeto ustiafy lindred >n.U "ýtg h d eUbwe'hàU - v"ou ta>the advantapas o! ousi i 31I1 u _ j _ Lbe.n g,1,,aJ< for the G aumOni1ent WoùAnotthLie Fareweillcouid net bave beeju &a' Censervat,igsbava àargirtLe a«Y, Mv. or lu tbe interest - et Lia -comstitu Broil15 as o wvbasent You thers, Mr. Fareweilliead gvesi" he adi Yenumlo 'toe wit 0= part>'?And four MambArs of tbe Ga: duenoe under Lb. ciroumaances MvBrown Lis intention ta mohie Li-_s vomuld b. vanùtinig l luu I't> if h. dcl but Mri. Fàz'eeie ou&amend&b rieniturar eColléea;Whou ho dut look vbataà calamit>'iL vould liel1Ho ation. l at maLer bhi an4v.fre b.iepui oe b righ t - i e m .s La n d u n r n b.v» s ai fi e a th e vighb an g n tp ers !h Lb tha ýte Lvei hveoen ipab.<i =Pde. If àe(Mr. B.) versiniei Lin a carryie motion agalnst Lb.he 9 v onld have seted diNfrenty, Goveusiment. MAtte .removal <rom h'ave boiked miter Lb. intereosaof 8 lmico, Lbhat plme vas vboily imuit. 'Onlario and iaganat an>' table for Lb. puipose, dsudilths Gave=,ru-ta lnet del fa'rlfyvlth ti ment vould ave ilen vanting lu tiir terests. Mr. Brava uixt reerre det>' if tii.>' -Lad nt hocated iLluinsaMr@ Farvsil's vote against tire more uitsble place. Mr. Farewell ds- met. of iti ss n ri i a rbed Lii. vesuit o! Lb. analysis that luitaucing tLb. Lard.Lip oe!1 hringu* hma heen madle of tii.osel snd vent man d<lava aheb. a>'fin a c a aven- the piocsedlugs thast Ld ai aen WLithy vlthout psyment torIdba i e ntéRos etetectiob f alnd oteddtwitsern oug ment miotlin vais lu taveur o! Giielph. ceaue&.Reocont.nded that Mr.F Ris amniedment lu laver e! Lb. Whitb>' weil Lsd 1ne* given au indemieudeut, sit. vis the lsst La ho vatemi upon. mn Lihe Legisltreconce; that he lTLaie vas a long débats, afler vhich Le Lad votecI sgaiigt Lime Go.tv ,ha Speaieîrose, saiA lu Lb. ususi va>', but ana cf those Llmes vas ,on Le quesian vas upen tir. ameudmeut, maLter cf tLe. Geogan Bs>'Ci aud immedita>' declaremi tbe amend. viaica vas noL a Goint. question, ani mouL last. -il dia, net maire a cent's différence a A inaice-Why diai yen not call fci that occasion te thoeGeint. boy te yess and usys?2 gentleman voteA. In conclusion He had heen accusai] cf uaL prosiilg dii] 1t1 due>'thatLe Ladil een brot th maLter Le a vote. Ho did se. Tii, ont b>' the Libeiai.Couserintiestl -oas sud usys vas simp>' s record _o! vas ne danger cf r-Le Clear GriLs bha th vote,*an]lbe diai uaL call for >'s îng mimut nt uthuoi convention. cud usys becaus lhe knev he o ula net refouem Lo bis addioss. for Liese ar>'Lie vota agaluat Lime Goverument. monts, sud te bis statomeet macle Svoice-You dia uaL Lry.] Ho balli'- foie Lime BrooklUn convention LImat i Lb. great iuuiko! tLe neLing vas voulu uLDot iephedged-ss Mi. Foieç ;tisfied Nvitli the expisuation lue bad liad boon Leaoppose Lhe Geint, goal net glivcu. Ho vouid rail content if bad-IaL ho voni c fre La aupr li friendoi; e satisfied. As tLe Iooud imeaseres vimouever sud b>' vhd [luith>' sud Part Per>' Bailrad sud soever bronglît foivard. If «eiected me mamie>' clamed b>'thLim nuicipalities. vouid serve sud porfom bis duty rndfield Macdolsd lad pasemitbeui.he et o! bis ubilit>', sud wien qi aimwa>'Ac-t iu sncb a wa>'a La shut Lions o! difficnhlty arase o u on ice, ut LIe road, because, as b. (Mri. F) back sud Laie te opinions o!flime peo md board Mi. Paxton vould coL sgroo o! the Bldiug in mass ineeting LimerE asuppmort hlm. The roami came vitmin befare bie ahoulci vote, sud hleffin oi puiviev o! Lb. set ; Lb. oui>' hing believmi that ho wvec i .eheecteda mus thet the contîsat bl been lot a ibat Mm-. Fam-ewell vulm net La si vw days too suon. But the Beform back again. rvainiunt passed an set biging il Tho carlnidates viehoerPOPa su ad se as ta give the moadilwo thon- for Lte purposa of makimg speech d dollars a mile. But 1fr. Biakell sud ta nham thona minutes eacb wi cI alliera conteuded that Lb.>' sboula aliotteil ver, noît called upon in Lui et, besides, onoeLiiausand dolliars per - Mm-. Carilael occupiemi bis Lhr Ie for theur mnicipslities vhmicim Liad mienutes in simowieg tue inconsiste Iead>' given houses ta Lb. îoad, the o! Mi. Brave'. positiau as an indepe nme as vas given ta icipalibtes dent candidate. lt alasidemi ethmer rsa. BeL thon. Hou. Mr. Gibbs sali] lh e bail juat a ai uo otiror rosi] placed in Lb. saine question ta put La Mi. Farewell, si sitian us Lb. Whimby andi P. P. Btail. accarding Lathe va>' Le ausvered th -y. Badsthbongbaler municipalities il vould determine ie course. Ho as Pteotiig ont cf Lie Railva>' fnnd, ecI Mi. Fareweillta sa>', vietior, as bat tLe>' got vas ont cf Lthe Municipal represeniativs o! the people o! i] >an Pond, sud oct o! noue aLler. The Btding, hue considened Lhe' cours. oie question was-Ongmt Lime rosi te la pursued villi respect tae I roe gat $2,000, per tuile, ai ongît tLb. sudsspec'ulation vas s j neL on. ? nomrment giv. $1,000, per mile, Le Mr-. Farewell. I do ceuside- i emunicipaliîies sud give uothiug te course I pursuod lu that motter, vas eBailva>'? B>' ane course Lh, Bail. rigian d pioper cours. for an>'big] k' >Company' got 840,000 ; b>' Lbminded sud bonorableaminute pursi oer, Ltme mueicipYalitios v auli] Lave Fartiter, I a> that anycue that gaya t 20,000, sud tuhe rasavould Lana tire coutra>' doo net undersam tl mained nfinisied. WVb>, Lie asked, facts a! LIe case. the Lave cf Wiiitby give ils $60,000 Mi. Gihs-I nov ask Mi. Farewe te geL the roa? AndI LiaI vas a whetbeî, if Lthe occasion araso e vano id sud piecky Liiing cf Wiuithy te de Lb. saute tbiug again?2 andm on tlat accont it vas pointed Mr', Farevl.-I aswavr thisL as a pluakY littie Lown. And vis>' onid do se again. L1 thevowships cf Whithy, Beach sud Mm-. Gibbs Laped tbaL Mi. Farewell igog glu',LIeu niono>'? IL iras Le- assiers veulmi be reported te the caur es LIe>'vantemi the rosai Lnilt. TLoy try. Tiiose ansvers, sud Lime courn irwat aoter naunicipalitioa had Laken hy Mm-. Fareweill honicI decid le, Lb.>' voe naxians te open np the Lime eleablon. He (Mi. Gibbs) teoirth atm-y sud obtain commuicaLion Le- grateia thaL every man vas au Lonci mu thie front and bock townships. ahi. mn until Le vas fanmi thervisE àif Lb. gevencument bami not adopt.d The eorts a! the oouutn>'-Lvaonotc rouis. the>' dicI, iii.>' oulmi have tIreo o! Lbem-Lad deciaa-ed Lhee C railva>' te-day, for il teck much Lands specuisticu te b. a svindie.1 re tuan tiie fart>' thonsaud dallais te bail Ibeen beli that the traussatio eh Lb. ia,. Healsso referemi tean Lb. fsce e! il vas a fraud. B, petîtuona froin tbe caunt>' colncil Eth igiiest tribunal lu Eugland il hb; Lhe other municipalities lu faor heen dechared a fraud-tho vorclsa eo grant La Lb. roa, sud Le Lb. the Lord Higa Chancelair cf Englani %stioe froint Witby t L avu te i, eiug, à'Il vas'impossible Le coucein minnmeut, icI delegation ex. s transaction, on the face of il a mou4 oed thenaselves eatisfied viti theb.stupendols trouA thon that cf wuic mance a! Mr. Movat LbaL aane vanid Mr. Farewelllbail beema gult>'.' siken te expeni] the Goineinmuent Dm-. MoGii voam>' cundemnemi ti s>' upan Lime roa, and] that tise course Laken b>' Mi. Gibbs lu trying tc i>' vocid not ho paid unt» the roalmaligu Mi. PaieveYs charistter. Tii completed. Iu conclusion, 1fr. viole maLter vas sti» in lav, sud ut. vo»l saicI tîsL ail lie vanted vas t» oa final declalon vas glinen, Lb.; Lo tremovo Lthe oliier objections cnght uaL Ltg pronounco upon. il. Tii igbt ugainst Lin. H. gane the ad'.-otage taken b>' Mr. Gibbs e! Li ernent Lis support Lecanse Lb. maLter, vos laet scandaleus, anA un. nires o!fLia. Government vere anal veiLla>'tLb.position c! Lie lionoablei Lime y eglit ta ha aupported. If gentlomnu. The Dacter coeclui]ed ie nuez lie senold le the futureaias ieLime b>' carinig Mn. Brova'e politi. past support the Gaverumeet sa cal courue La that e! s chamneleon in as Lime>'dia i ngit. character, sud declsreiL La ho tentées- r- Brovu, ira upon comieg for- hie. v as aise receivemi vita bcd Di. Guce iu nepi>' ssid that doctori s, salA ttiat foui yoars ago Mr. somoîlmes differed, sud h.lieihl>' di!- <'cli lad been selçetcd ie s cou- fered iu opinion frora bis frieud Dr. mun Lb. samo as lue 1usd boon nain, MaGiIl. Hoeliai] moinre i. Brown- mu Dr. 1fcGil hail been, four yesrs frein fana>', admuîoed hum au a inout - tIat. Dr. MeGill aI Limat Limne tnsi3!ulil d succeami cItizn e! hi nt men to Parliament, Gd elp coden coming, foivard, said Le>' u t i > ' i W . » , M . ~ ' r a v eW n ldon o t e x p e ot : -M n c h e so fe c nt te Pailiain ;v pO - fromin min utIres minutes. IL vas ouen@ 'ii -- same"tialg ehkahat Jsia Billlges aic Gou'inm~ -- LsL ev,.' ! Li. ou r>ing te geL a number S the countr -au' -anA -ooL t toa snember 6 LooL,' (Lsughter) ibhile eigit censtitue=res te 'cram, bal! an laaur'sspeeach into !eganteA in Lbhe us. W u. t Liii minutes. In Seuh nt r biole b tLiig i Mr., Farevell te 'dos? Lad a great mou>' contesta durng the 'ree'a part>' voLci] ut Le past seven or ight yàÙ. Thero vas Ild Macdousid Geverninent Le. ne botter cauvaaaed -.46sLituency lu ho>' mre a Commbination but Canad. And yuL vLbatrsut at buit? Lii.> giv1u tiienseives L>T ii. » rianit cf Lb. complèeanliilatiou a cambination vit ce cf the bjlbe Refoeao!,Liieiroppaneuts. lyei.lu.ho.vo Tories ine i, A vélce-Tme> are living yet.J Yes, Y, Mr-. Scott. Mir. Fareel lshd but the>d<are net comae out aed ovu le eleoLors; about thàl BXilwa thaelves. Tii.> expected becanse1 gom a tnmes, but nova; tirac there vejse sain derences amonget SsnlfielaIe binheLia PoaiLý Reformera tiienislvis that Li eliau- sa mien>lg innvg Lb.h Goern- d"te moulA b. succesaful. 'But tLboy rer oee 1 agaan anipunt o! voula fludaooit their mistake. IL vas lfends. But 1Mr. Faievela like luterfering lu Lb. qnavrel b.tveen net onl>' teelç lto Lisir own nunsud vif,. If Refermer. Lad di!- thecontrol of!tLb.onemi llion iferences thaL vas the'tî ova buslis SLi. ted for-thé grcntnaiFamléaivaoopa1- dC Is smy m a d e a s s r i , t e d g e n t l e m e n e f o r . a g e o ! C a n mi l m g o n o n i . s ~ e ~ ~ v suDt e. Lem n fo l l g théir laders, hom esd ay luJ aIm - av êno . wvol d net asuO v Lb-t em sel e o b b a n Diflet, L.>Ld deconneed for thre - mre ci.-Thaob ove i 'oWliIas pauàeat'a boie'Iythe Utbrigs people vho Lice off <tc, bnimn m riat mtt. H.meeting'halAa t Port ?evîy'on tLb.>l7thQl P? came othere teo obtruet tia exten.. Lm net; d nt t ~ f ig, t timt Mr. Fareel Decem ier. Pe ms ant thereta Lihe dele. in.n' if Lb. s bcmild b. tta ked or m a ter . st ilbe . g aes m et at C anniugt mon Lb.n bove ge er o th1 etl e en f l onuu sex., plae fore the la , s'idsaid b.laboulabe l aM mentioneddaey. The meeitng - s r- 7m dUeir e a 0 tè u seoà u 4pr. skuuoatut r ound uL n, a yz ">' D9, ntn~M. C' aspic' -The meeting vas thn adieux for ~1vsdthat coud ouly be *vien Lb. maLtter 'q., reeve of Brock, chairinan, sud a ah rt- - _ >'B- ýàýÙYdecideil efore Lb. court. Re W. H. Higgins, o! TED Wmrar On0 PÙ5 ïeamnoed Lb. course o>f Lie amesake, C-EOXOL, 8ecryr3. O h ravmligë he deuegte 'adMr. M. C. Camron, vbom le Vas Thore vas quit. a large attendanceadfUdsuso ftewoeqeto soY>toOwmaanaenUfo te foutsiders f>'on Lb. village a.nd nih upoi ionra te flbg rumeu Govt.ne and thservallve boibened, lo n- 3ed r, upoîrthe ie of H o . M r. fa.- other point. The Toronto & N i i ing t d ptd a t a ed te KRUelli-he danghter of à Chie! Justice Bailv>'Company' van a spoiatran P s'- f L b. o u tr > - .h o m h . en d eav o iied a n d i a.ed fre ep assé s t e a on - mb er o f l . ?oeIr o'8mtie e reuué nfÂtglu mn rm xbridge vbo attened MGov y M. th ur, ecod Onne acas te fe asmed 6< sn'cb îe heL, ovu o! WLitby Lirere voeepresent mn iis t hi ime, dueL sund Le appealed tu ever>' vqnon Meurs. J. Ham ».Ferry sud Choute>'r heii ÇNPI uiamr it l u C a n a d a ' t e " p u t ! d e v u L b . s a n d r e r . D a p e r ; f r o i n a m , L b . r e e v e , M r . c iv il o e r s o . -î - M c e r m t t ; f i n m T h r a h , M e u r s , t a " 5n m 5= ý - B i o k , f 1 » f oM r ts , a e- M . W . If. G ibb s said t bt n >'oh &m e C has. obin eau an A C has. G a llow ay ; 4 ,00 OT Liroah , 2 O o0 0 R a ns,# $ioooo t v o e t th a t a s i l ut L b. m a te r r e e r r e d ils b y ' fo m B i c k , M e s sr s . * G hil e s p i a su âc tt L .1 0 0 0 0 ; t L b iit h e m n i e p a litie 5 ao f ced M., aeo rse vL v MKi, Brethour- ase Mr. olden, M-0b ot ei' cnÀioWmLi v c , W h o ad & th e in d e ln e >' t e folt i a. e D iie to r ' ai t iie W iitb y & a 'a n s d T o * n Ã"of W h itby b e a sk d o ' co n - Lb. vman vom ha ltended te uaire is Raila>'. sd Mr. Mulock, SaIi r oi tribute te Lb.' extet of 810o,00, in n a l i f , a n d h r d a g h t e r . p o t h o o n i ' t h e o a > .s u a i m a n e r a s e s u c l i m u n i e p a l i t i e s idansd keep ticin luhii institution at the. Tha chairiman havingraa Lb resolu- ina> deem xpdient, makings-in ail UU bi xes.-Behver>'osof o udr hchtemeeting 8225,000, the sameunt asked by Lb. t e cKeller, hoa 4sidi iatnk ith same. vened - - Rail a >' Co. for Lthe construction -O ! r Lie He ccndeèmnod Lb. intri g going ou Mr.,Peu> proposeseastaoxe iteLeir Roilva>' te Wasbago. u g I e t e e n t h e i- D o m n i n s u h e i L o c a l L i e a u e o f b u s i n e s s , t h s t f o r a t i m , M v e d b > ' M r . P r i ', s e c o n d e d b > ' b o e G o i n r n e n t s s d p i n t e d t e h a t v a s t h e m e e t i n g b e a n o p e n o n e s e a s t o ) M i . R o h m u s n , L s t t h " , d e e g a t e s p r o . ri gin p a i n l u Eat T r nt , sd. give gentlem en présent vo ere n t sent, it ii pow er t e sadd t e, their m ni- Rechargea, that evorything .h present regulari>' appointed doelogatho-n opor bei, Le 'a Standing. Exécutive Commit. sunti- mou lu pever protestedà againit WvouienLuit>' o! expreslng tieïi vievs. And tee te carry ont tire above resclution- hob- lu opposition Lb.>' nov vent for. Lii. av*n enare a i iee the number not te, exceed tvo froin L o M . C a l v i C a m p e l l a d m i r i t d L b . f U m b r i d g e s a i d l i e d e s i e d t e m a i e e c b m u i c p l i > f a o b e t e g n t vW a ll in g e n a it >'o ! L b . O p p o s itio n f r b ri g i g s o e m a r m sk s l u e x p l o a t i a n s d c o r - a L nu s . LI or tmp sido issues vien Lhb o. a co ther rection af statem ents o! prceeding Moved b>' Mr. C. D aper, secnded 'P ort f uL t e d fin d . T h e r osi q u estio n , lie p u b lis ied a t ii.p r v i e s m eetin g - L eld - M r. C h as. R o b in so au t a v n t i ,on2- Gaui, vas thmat tLe MOvwat Government at Port Per>'. He aiso vauted tbat meetiniz adjaun, IL stands, adjournedl v i as on trial sd li. sked t iim viether t at U xbridge boul d, be represe ted n til ben s ay f t e eek o ait Lb. t a tim ei ould sustain that gover umnent upon the d legation sd îanded lu Le m eeting o ! tip C amnt >' Co n cil, thon [nos- or the Opposition-ci rather Lie- ghcst fclloiavg letter, viaicii. Le ssked the ta meot at.WLmLtby, sud tiaL the cLair. om O o ! su p p ositis u led b >' M r. I!. C . ch a irm a n t e ren d L th e m eetin g - in suo t s m eetin g - x th wj o ni sd PIpe Camere , Who liedno polia' nsd as Toronto, 5tL Jan. 1875 . placeof ôldig aia meeti g.-Car-red. eau~aj ou>Tahesiuhle oy iomeeting tbon adjaureed. lal>' lfr. W. F. Covan in e wleae To the Chai-mei cf lthe Raim-oad - sud 'yards condemnèf tîmo ats o! the Goin. Meeting tb be heiti aI Cannington, Conty Jndge's C iminai Court. m ent2L e r m e n t, x p re s .d h i s a sto n is m e t a t 6 th mJ n u a i -, 1 8 7 5 .- R e f o i n e r s i n a p p o v i n g o ! t h e n a- u n d D E &a : S a, - S t s t n e n t s v r e m a d e s t B a n R E z m e u c îR c aJ u D G E B U n U m i n . -sefi varmi>' do!ended Mi. M. C. Cameron. a Itaiiiaad meeting lî,ld at Port Peir>' bes, Mi. BiclielI again brougiat Mi. Pare- on uloe 17Lb cf Dec. ~last vblcii ver. Wednesday, Jan. 18tb 1i875. 'oe eiL bmm po livaiouvote,and dmgn eIi ai s' u oe Tihe Queem vs. GeorgeiMcCormacie. r . den ed La L M r. Farewellboa suue ed uaL lu accord nce vii t acts, as I think -Larcen >. The 'larc n >' chargea lun Ir e Lie ch arges m de ag a ict h m . Lt e enc ieed m em oran du m il s ie w, th u casa thea s b. a ling -o ! 82 fr in 2<3> Mi. James Haiden vogrttid thi. -b>'vhici IL ili ho sien that neail>' 800, Heur>' T. Walteofe!Tiianah, ou Lb. ?e - trduction f peronal ma ters, Spolio 000 busels f Grain sud 56 Car iais 6tb lst. The prisoner as arested o n- iu fmvci cf Lh. Movat Gc'veininu,aud o! Liv. Stock haine heen con-led frein. Lb. charge, pleaded guilt>' beforse tira On a coaninDnt nd rstnd o y M r. Bickel, Can ulgton - sd Sunderland alnc Count>' Judge, sd a sntenced Le S iud *bile exp essing himsol in favor o ! M . d er theLb thro 'ears Lhe road as four nonths lu the Centrai Prison. ;at Movat, coula oppose Mri. Farewell. He been lueleratian, sud everytblng Las sk- deonmced Lime sipeisianr, cf persanal bonu doue te faster sud encourage trade nestioiAl 3 S ciasiacter, Baia that vbeu Mr. White o! ever>' discripLion slaug Liais lino -o!f neetn OAl thé ra u i s persona - c aracter ad sîse R ail a >, sd the o ui>' c am plaint this T he agent . f ai Le 'P ola r sd T ropi - Lie beau assailed, saianhabe lieec Mr. Campan>' bas toniske 10 thst tLb thero a eis aejuLc ecdcu il F a r e ve l t a h a a n io n e st 'm in , a n d M r . ja n e b u s in e ss u ffici a t o re e p Lme c l W r d -a e j u t c m e c d c n Gibbs aiso te be su bonesttminu; hb.englues sud railing stock fuil>' employ. inig WbitL>', Liay soadlu shoava he ou nin uin cown tLb perÃŽonal chai- ed. ovor six hundrad copies o!fLiais valuable ' acter f an>'mns. Ho quotd Lb. eli Tii rate o Freigit charged- ou this va. IL la a o bst at ssld oui>' g h - k o vnU ln os f S iak esp eï e lu t ie p is>' B o n cl a idrag e q u ite a s lo a s on e th e î b >' s b sc rp tio an a su d u t v o r ne. o! Hamet- the Midlsd, Norter, or Grand Trun rstOi oa-_ "- lWhmo tas My, Pure, stesis Liashtim ailva>'s for thesine distance, o.rs viii snsil Lbemselines o! tLo proseut th smetlinTbere bas beeunon paitialit>' shevu Oppomuit>' cf pîocuring s cap>'. The 'Tiras mine, 'Lis huie, and bas beu Lime @lav-e Lo an>'oce shippor aver another ou Luis !alloving are -a fev ont cf oaci 8000 e»U te Lîausand. lino. tsîoil hthv enrcie Il But h. that filches fiain me nu>' ood naine, Ther, bas Leen perfect fie. trade luin loilsta aehenîcie Robs me af that, mmii net enrichmes lium, Cordwaod ou the vbolo in. and tiiere frOrn Lb, Lest judges -o! LôOks lu Cans- îAnd maires me poaci imdeed.' i. pleut>' c! pillng graund fiee o! dainmuforio! this vailc: Ho couclnded b>' sa>'lng that Witb> chbarge. HIEExcolleucy says fiain cuior>' lu. l's vas botter off vitb the Lad ies' Coilege Fiee Grain Starehouses are provid. spoctian, "Thé Polar sud Tropical in LahoniL vonîd have Leen t tiaLa. Ai-e: d at ail stations lucludimg Woadvill,, Woildi" appear caleulatea to tulfil tima as ultural Faim, aud de!endedrM. Fi-Canuington sud Sunderland. objects far vLlcb il Las bien publlsiiod, id veil's action in reference te a.WtbY Thore issunsample suppi>' of catlLI viz - To ext.nd lu Ca aa nwog Mo & o n rydenreerrd e Ly.n-cars ou this Raila>', and vuthin Lie aofLiiosa cauntries o! vbîch tero as go Dr- r. ohnDryen eforedto he n. ast tvo >'ears 418 cari bacs cf LIno little generaly n owu. se questioashi>'plain isne Lefoeothe, Stock have heeu abippod sud con-led I Lava Lbh oaito el Sa, 5 of~ eletars-The Gcvornmnt under theinsl perfect safet>', notwithstauding theo Tour oLd't Siervant - >11lodesbl c M. ova, r heOppo- assertion macle, that this railvaycould H. C. FLETCHE1S, IL sition. He cansidered Lhe governinent uaL do Lii.business pioperi>'. Gov.-General'i Secrotar>'. on deserved the Supporit cf the comuntry,: The rates cf Freight on, Grain ana su a d m fie fs heew r rn i lou a m Scarboro Jueu lmita poit. E nucÂneIN Of c adpl susakad shculd Le parties lu enatvard are the s"Me as floreWhi-y Toronte, lune 20, 1874. of Provincial politici. Miasd thora is 1no charge fortrLansiiip. j.- W. ýLpam, Eseg.Pubi7mei Guelph: id Mr. A- P. Camoron sepportod Mr-mont. s- VeBrown sasthe voiking mi nsusd me. The charges lu Tarante 1cr unloadi S ir,-"Tho PePlai, sud Tropical r f. Ino G andiaep. iîdMi ar.string sundumipping grain are s fog-Wrlds a discri tino fdn sd natre clas' candidate.cfnltslanLePaisr au& qtrlulegieus f lovi viz Bal.>' 2J~cens su thee L b eh, tWo vlumes lu neeibac. vo nsd Lii. govoremeet, as Aid aiea 3 cents, tbis pue, ts Lfree on Loard theing hs uacute h xellu .eMr. S. J. Holden. vesol. loa con fte xeii LO Mi. John Miller, the lust caudidate Iu conclusion I vauid Leg t Saoll Liie Aratio explorers.foin Lb.e dis Lb u t e i , declin ed dd ressing th e th at Liie D irect rs o t is ailw a >' ave co r yi of' c le a n d , cner a -th o n su d Ahi he anddats Lien vit dre , fmituful>'end aveed o dsciarg Lb e>' rs5ago, te H Àll's l at expédition lu Al te anidts he wthretrust committed La -LIhenssud te the LL oten orld, tegether viLtiroh "Y vitm the.exception o! Mosure. Farewelilesét cf theur ahilit>' hain, stilineu tomiderful discoveries c!o gsi, iv & Brown, for vLan a POil vos de« moka ample returu Le ail the Munici. ingatene, Wallaceoa d tier distlnguiisir. -manuded.politis giviug heusea. The road bas ad t'anellrs lu the tropical counties. a s - a g e n fo r f . B u o l era s , n e , b e a u k e p t in f ur t- d a ms c o n d itio n a n d B s uD r ~ - . H a r t ig . s e L L r f '- T h e S o s aa rge tJohn r uarw n voors l hs y aiiatfed00 b s e u -ex a d I s Living W o ders,' sd '6T he and M . Th m as ck, a entLii . e sr in ne a i ls î 0.000 Las aLeen e . H arm ones of Nature,' dited itir a- - su Mm. Tama Ea, aent or i. encad u nv rals o!vhiii rr.ditical chapters b>'Dr. A.H[. Gueue, nFarewell-colora, Bed. steel, in aider te give lucieased iing Lbvioe1 ebilsdvLi - The Beturuing Officer thon rend, accomedation, although - so.fàarthetLb, î slenidl'ebeiul a ita oineiLb.eusines o! the pollilng p laces, Shaielolderg -baions nt receivedcLan>' near>' vwo ude eui luta sud Lb. proceedings teimninateil with dividend ou their Stock amouuting ta tiOn8, Lina te nature, !uiulshod b art-. cheers for Lhe Qneen. ferrLb.elletuimug neari>' $200,000. Six passenger tramns PeilisbeA GneJpLW.Ont. - O fficer, sd »-thLia na didates' pass dail >' Liaiugh B rock st pping at n b>'eJ.hW.oLt. The Townu bal vas quit. sufleleut te Sunderland sud Canningtou suid a Is havengtb a , asrte lpay.nt S acco nanodati a l p ese t--th a num ber at videnceo f th o M anagem ent à , aud co n lg * thaintg eahpi an>' time being nu greater than Le- dto f 1thPa IToa Ibe-bve1. pontok oe tha fulilvat1 ldca Marris, Anmie E "MiBrmnanothor. dehegate from-uinnsig iL vitii gm-et luterest. lFronrits Pardon, Ainuia WhiLby Tp. Andersou-SL xilgadncthé>b uildirE of inoçits md useftdeias L Oht te coin. Paioe, Ide, S. WiitbiH Scott, M ar y . ry L e m ain ie froin a point at, or - n ar mna a rea4Y>'sa e sud obtain a ide ,Smuith, ilcitm yr >'tle, b>' a>' o!f Uxbridge. Froin <ucUlstieu. I1 slncerel>' hope tfiat >'>ms SithL, Lizzle PortWimitby,Jchnq-St, theuce, lia proposed thst a tu eterpriraelvieet vith financiai sec_ Thosone, MAuneenrî-SL. should helaimi dovu on Lb. Nipiesng ceBassd encourage yOn te pieceed Webser, ary Whýty1rsck as for as Wooulvilie Juncîlon, 1ut the Pu blication of other vorka o! Westoatt, Eveln PoitWhILby.omu-SL. therel couneat viLli Lb. -Mlclland for tIe iiterai>' ond selentif c vain. Wicks, Mary A. -WhitLy, H uiten at ! m sujf IiOnen da 8r Wick, Amis M.6., n te pr f h lik7 ad f eaidarSr îi Mary i ',tbiaren don Uxbricl ý*ouid go. lu Youra4iîtifally, - - tam~~~fo a couu3ty -, t for Lb. extenalan. * JB .Mcirmu not b i hat tii. extension El ct d Le Ac l nu ti r. 4m 'P ort P eu>' vould prom ote Lb.e lu- - I bave liad a copy of the Polar and - G. O. I. Ler t. et Lb. proprietors oftire WLitii>' #Tropical Woiinu for some veos nder BroutSenti-Hlardy-.......10- 0. & pt Penny r6ad. Thse Nipissng mnspection, anA can éfely sand Lesrtily - ........... . - 1O zaa 0 nepa>'ing Aviendî, sud h. cornsnend- the.volume, IL ila awovk- Oxfordi Northa-M 1 0.i O f Sduift elieve ýthat tire Whitî»'rouI aboya Lire average lu vortb, sud yul WelluteCe ie ..1 OO aspsl-0nv.aiupi>' epay Lbe outls>' of is cost. Wailummgtôn So ët... 1 O O M. Hoeh, an txbidge lawyi, ap. The Pcro ae bv > ieoa 'York' Wea-PLeno .i 0 Opesrd ferr Lb. Nipi.sing¶ and lu coing in5s5erfor subucrihena cdv, s gqood and R en frek S o th - B on field -I . . O: î O0 0 s, en t on t m iroir t e ai.sh ow eliable id es of th e o ijL . P a x r, ty po .- -W atei fo S e t i- Fem In g -.... . 1 O L Ltat L b. tow n sh ip of B ro k ol A h. g ap y an d illus tra ton Aa e l x l- .............---------O 0 doing an injustice te Uxbridge, hy oite-nL- grni~abonus for Lb. exteusiccu of E -i .HAPR 8 1O L.the ty & Port Bsilvav. - -- Port Hope. R e srgumeil thaL Uxb - ge O' te - y MnIser 8aturda>' iug tLb. second &anver- onmntecl-tlmat flybwa - hiiala ~,-Whietb. a. 1e »7r,

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