Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jan 1875, p. 3

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042$ uwaw, 90d tHuS dg a vé 0815 9-- . 1 -- reEl -"Mm~ Yrss Gn$.llse ,tud t. puwlis M 1 eS U~utb.*0The. total solle.-P$A E F E . aligtetnonthe amonuaefix 2 M -B I B D. ,7~ A 3 F Z.iAF4FEV,,PREPARIN - ;FOR H to#61,aatedbmet k BEAIJTIPLLY IHLUSTEÂTED J pstent.Isaacdurlng thé. tonmonlli, 14t'R IN G Ai'u<ATpaý r-F Wa8,, bel 70mr h»dring r: la. , ffl -Ï , ý' dmda tf the snceei. Uod of the Vuy.v . W. IdIey Southu. 7ve.kly auvpapur et thsekilnd ia thi er! RfIMinl leu& tore hrs revtEgam,1 1*7EL»second ÂaeOcl mccmnnes 3sunny 4,18Ms. of Lake. Buprlo. tise r. vwaolfi14,. c teEo . Thoinhili, Yeoman, ia contente a thae .lateant m mt 294 aeaq; ln uaurv.yed lvtory.f la. tewdthe a~Uent.farfubfi lan, feIdtints, 0,.M'tzc~ri~ a,~ _ The are selliug goods atgeal aerptions of eauh lceahon. wzB'y m4RKBTB ov lanE", o ew nvent n in- On colonIsation roads, ap te lo10hNeMn mts1.o ooO ai_ of Novamiser, 1874, a large amount, of Chwsr. wn4à -,as , ro ~ i4avlrg a.;Uef wo* as~oe.sil~ 't.Beuit5goufn c drc -GREA TL Y RED-UOED PRBICIES. wer. inado; 109 miles of roada ropair- Ph ....the * fr wok u cd ; 10 miles of roads porwanently ré. Spulag Wmont....... 900 e9 plyiifrIiti. su pafred; 12 DcW bridge@ made, and 01:9Bukly.............. $110001Il10 adba ltajâSICA fa es Peau..............700,» 75eývOkoa.rnl. t -- - - - Blak y&Pea...* (w iOe a e-rain of név ilbn2 u oa ii.rev.Be ..............m aw il"jndentip 0*1 ........ ......... m 040 BrolvmIos, nstratingImprovoienmta MfiRnery, Dress Making and Tailoring 1fr. W.........f.....hi.....ition 1ayDiscoveriem, and Important Worku, pertAia. to order, -on short notice. a ntt lbrelava cf M.1.v e. pyePtou ............Oc 500Mlig. fMingMd Metlirgy Bcom 2 e, for Montréal West, clalmlag the Eggu............ »... 15e00 170. ofthtie atit progreq in ltheaplications Of LOWES& POWELL.. sen, lîter............. 20000 Steain, Steas En Beorlng, Ilmiway, Ship. seat. f Buter.........-.25 @ eu Cosl, per ton..........87 088 Enginerin, etliy =tsn~ The crow ofa 1705501buLong te bWood .............., 00@ 8 50 anHe". _______________________ Nev Zoaland, vill or without provica.- okpe w.......8@686 UEO âcaisEn1mer nv. lion, have been nsurdered by the ný ok e v....$-- AsE. uhnts nIerIva tifvou of the -Imau cf Sauta Cruz, in Ohinkens ............. 80 3 40o perpair tlgnfcturera, Chends,uLoyers of lhe SmthlsPacifie, and the. lavage., ~Dncks pur pr .........oggiOScin e, le aihrs lr en, viin hLASL N I SO K 0 ouragefi by their succesu, nexi ventur-* Turkeys, per lb.....os CIE,<TIFIC M A» I UefUl te them. nA S ItE TO K O ed to attack a Blritish mnuof.war. Géne, ................ 6a 70-. should havea&plase in everypamîilyLuarsry, Santa Cruz lu one of th. Queen Char. Apples, puer bs'hel ...... & wStudy, Office, endCountlnýg2Bonsi-in every lottëaie ,Iying isîveen thse Matli. Cheour............. 2e a 15e Os1cl. Iii -.7ý;,or-L r- W I I:Z coll111and Solcinon -Islands. Beef, hind quarter.... 50 A year'u nusuhers contain 832 Pages and 4,# Il.LJ I The Imtan îtensshlp City of Leu. foot, fore quarter....$4 $5 o Seaverai Hundrei Engravinga. asd don in ashoru on th. ceast of Irolnd. ______ of volumes are prèaerved for binding and c EPru'areference. Thse Practical receiputu are weil Tii N~ivvIocotroeredelctonCOCOA.-.GuiruL àADvortis ten times the subscripison price.-e Th *iirilecnrvrei lcinCasevoavzso.-The agreeshie character of Ternsa, $3.20 a year by man, tmclinig trial viii bc oarhenni the Svd pro%. th. preparation bas rendered il a general postage. Discount te Clubs. Speciai Mr. S Thse steamer Geoirgia lias ireeu bat favouritu. Made simply vith bailla vwater culur. and Specimeus sont froc. May ho or milk. Bach packot lu labeelÀsxEslhad of allNews Dealers. MO ' O VA. near Portlandu, ail thase an board boy. &-r' cCO., HomcooPatiicChenst, 48, m' A ' ever, belng saved. Throadsueedle.stroet, sud 170, Piccadily. P 1X T aconuection Ti.-eag frilurliece IWorki for Dietetic Proparationa, Enaton-PA E T .ihteSzx Th -hag fr iuo lcncs troad aud Casuden Town; Landou. TiPi- Asoenscis, Messrs. Muan & Ca. are Noecstle, 'N.-B., bia bon increasea a -_________Solictors of Amerc=andnSForeign Patents bundred per cent. ]REXIE1Y FUlE-We senS fre@, a andMhae th age ai hent pin . C Preidnt rat ia.aprovd uesiman inBroucislh-m, for Con. av e th ageuiouails rriage Factory, Brock-st., PréidntGrntlis aprvel hesimple aBrcitn , ue esAut self-cr , tions have heen MaSdef or Patents throngb bil for lie reausphion of specie pay. Scroînla, sud aay dites»of tise Tisroat or thi gney. ment., sund bai sent a apecial message Lung?"NeNous Dehitlty, Prematnre De. Patents are oltained on tise béat tertue. AH *T BV ta congres» suggestiig saitable leogs. cay, es, sud Ail disordors bronght on MOdelu of Now inventions sud sketches ex- Y ltn4Yyausisfui imprudence. amineS sud sdvice froc. A specis notice jeWHs Y lation. TUTTLE & Ca., 78 Nissan-st. N. Y. nmade ise SdxzuTIC Auszct 0of81aInl. Thue(Great Western flailvay Coinm. _______ventions PatenteS Ibranghis saAgency, bae gre t acadtecom r BE 5YMPTOMS 0F MENTAL DE-.i5tsnaosdeudnefhpatentec a TERY CHEAP. CALL& SEE TIIEM. biltrvler uin h Cret'ya TL Patobl h gaui n e nts re otton uoIlu partueor vhaie, te ima ivée to ri g urrntea fr t ay es iegaua agsprasattracted te tho invention by sacis îlmiav rivlegs bhas gvustd fr tsaiClseOM ver aid People. sud Are similar n otieSnd for Pamphlet, 110 pages, cou. 1874. te Ilham ndaced bY excesses sud 1usd habite, tainigI&V a aUdren for obtala Albeuee ar f lucb1111aud iteoudoncy jta te tise productionaof sag Patents. - M is teee w uoawih i tl teig ofthe bràin sud lnsaity . drssfrTbhPpeorcnciinGEN MAJOR ILL5 . tah e e awrd gia ort lleiyi bi t of vellikuowo that min gosol.1an o-Patente, MUNN & CO., 87 Park Eov N.Y tise oiagain formtc lavnbc abjet f:itally weaker whenthu ro ytern je Braicli Office, cor. F anS 7th Ste., Waah. MOI bK NOTICE TO THE#PBI1 despalci, tilaDuteis4luavugpcavried ,thnovasî lms îngtan, b. C. PBI sturing cf mine forts by sault. th oiiy o hebraîn depeadiag upon N-OTiioSBs£WEI UMUA pborlzed com!pcnnds-and thât thase *Tise underaigued begs te jutas-m cus;ten- N-ao-sTssr svzre aras ND aaOd. viicis are richst iluhpates reo. r. anS the public that bce bis renteS tise Usein,STATueSGovEas<uuuesTs.-Lou. vote lmont ipeedily voîkoued brnilupover BurltsOo anebvevstMi.rmMrE.aorfs don, Jan, .-Tisa London Globe saysa osud i tconstitutionalvigor. Dr.Wheoi. Brets caieaOGitenu for avugMrhB.sMaouteor *correspondeuce lu lu progrees beyceuen osCampounud Elixir of Phosphate.sud Ps-veatu the noir fs-,,m pentue yesrs' expertence latise business iu Causda, thovevnues uof LugionS andth a isi n~ine rnctih agaraintnýes a1 BurlttsO coiho tri-uts bystrict attention te business 'te Uied cantaltuselthonn aoent.iu u ive cuatomors ra good rua of Grishlng sud UuIlb. ta. u eaio &oM'relr nervo food. ProiesUn lcaioltby Orowtb. Chpug. Flour, Oaîmeal, Bran, Sharts ty la Brillai North Anserica vuieh I !»Sud c apped stufi of ail kiuds keph ou baud. Englsa clalmeut aliasneyer formnally ~ Burnett'e.o ocoaine -~Cishs for FRUind Srng Whcst, Pesa * nseedloe uinuen.NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. an U ohsd also oatmeal trous Ms-. Robert * Au Euglisb jury iately velavned a _____________ Burnett's /Ccoaine Bcri5 RuIà.Illofs, Clareoanut. Verdict of iaaaslaagblcr agaluta t aîg N0OT 1 C B. Louves nu aDtsugeeablu 05ev. ToOl ela5 itDitiuininteJMS DBS. boat es tala, Who, lu a violent gale, NB ret' Coan ie u> o uUf itribulo1lalie JAME ERS18N4 casI Oethis jswaer sund aflov SiX AÀumeeting of Mr. N. W. DrnIMveVgnoral cssais> i Dec 2SrS,1574tf'-52 veisela b. was towiug ho abifl for Comute., for tise Tovn of Wlitby, wili SubdaeaEefr5,story -Bsl. $ 7 5 ,0 '~ O SALE OR TO RENT. tbumbelvei. A collision resultedvici ho bolliAt hie Ca=nmltee Eooma ovor tise Burflett'6 Oocoalne 0 0 FOI' %- tIseildei f cilgoti traineonre. Chronmile ahfit-p on dy en u SgbuteI tahe ls.kI. IN VALUABLE 'GIFTS1 That excellent Dairy and Griuing Farma, eîusd lse lakngo lw vesel, s d i Offthaie, on s-yevenlngt e m. .Lot 15, lat cou. on thne Klngslon BosS, th «ho- hl iiepsr. All parties luivinig books, &c., viii plese untsoole mile West of Oshava, coniainlag 99 Acre. Advleeafromu Cape Townue hoeis 11h veutisseus. te bu dlstribuhed la Thouse viblg a gan D-is-y Paria viii do cf Decciuber repart a t rrificetornu, Y. GIBSON, Affrd thénenEtaLeusre. eltseî bfrpuclgorakg and tisat uupreeedoutedly disastroas Wbitby, Jan. w, 1875. Cisairmn. Burnt' V , e L . N E n Ohr ta v el vîtes-eS bysa runtg flooes revaileil hbroagisoat tise ceum- le________________Inot auAlebe Wmbu. sts-eam ai ail Seisons of tise year. sit REGULARIMONTHLY If i-ilS one haifoth ie urchase nie>' lv>'. May eaaelî vore vrecked sud ÀN E BD - Burnets GIFT 'le m%: rmainon tise Fim suit lb. pur-. Immense>' a o eue. TW -A T ocolneENTERPRISE /SME OS NoIc u va iaIaplctinvil A good Servant Girl te do generîl bouse, AMELTOS vos-k.e AImarlamestefodau gIrlo-as aursoteBurnett's Oocoalne To.lue dravu Mouday, Pub. 2sanS, z875.Ohva a. hi45 bu muSae te Kilinestnfor aoc à- Apy eO uNv ie~~~TWOGRAÀND CÀPITALSOP ORSALE ceroritLae laso&manyoe ~MES. JOSHUA IRDSN LoueyLîke atlya JCon.psu>, ho 1875. 4ON. Burnett's OccoaineF bud a sroadfro nuomae plut on lthe Vlb, R.o0b 87.mau iongest lu zact 85#000 0EB H IN CASH. 2,000 BUSHELS TURNIPS, Kington & Pombroie'î aY, via lie townshilp of SioOJP aX nAHngerforS LEIGII ROBES LOST. ONE, PRIZE za)EChn0 roMANGOLDS, te this treo-odepiisinluMadoc aud 'S .10iend 75 censa oti el. TWO PRIZES 1000 8h 4,00cli InOTS Mlarinera, and Ibuncuho thi. Georgian 110 REWARD 1 RRy DAVIS & SQN à LAWRENCE, FIVE -PRIZES ioJfC8h I- 4.00 eDRP TS BAY.. Stolen fs-cm 1he ileigis of the o . Pathhr 9 1Horse sud !Buggy, vith Siver- Apply & MG SON, EsYdea, P. P., Duffihus' Creek aItishe DrillO M~ , .mouaited Hamnss, wvas-l0. One fiue Wib OL» IILL.-A 3MoUtreal coubein- Shed, Whiîluy, an Salurday nfgis lenttwo Agens f or-DomninesCuetu.. Eceevood Piano vos- l 51 Dec, 28r5, 1874. ity soal eypoely odmotee leighrbbs--onu ai racoon skias vithtli stee u Csisvsls ________________ * pra-y ov popelyoon.ani lb cv-and frlngsvwith sed 'advihite; tise otise'4 i8m< SRNtTT &kCo, Scerc, 950es05?!ItITisme GaiS American Huat- culati011Onf nId f811h>, raged ono*doiiar a buffalo s-abs, linoS vilSbrava, anS biue -prolietou. mg Watches, vortis $126 escis 1 TuaLadies' bis, snd as their ,oder lus sckeulng, An j phifrtteirro-ovs-y -Gold Runiigajtches, vas-l $100 eacis i Iluir ppas-ucarêalsvemdmou 0 b' e.azdltho ladfas- Ms-. acos f a'I o anmdSSives- Lever Hsnting of tlieu sncareeiy bu loucheS vith. au, Chiot Constable, Wisitiy. SRATGIRL WANTED. W.2,flvoItrm20e180 - ont défilement, tiey-ongt te b.colleS o.1917.4 -Nnie t 45,750.Tcktruie taau uw nc laud.Tgré je an. - - ..PanteS, a good Servant Girl fer gamlt 500 chier clous of cav ctsvvoney, equoliy honsevork. -Appi>' t- Agents Wanted tlasolilTickets, te vhom; -0r oT I C E 1 811th> sud disreplbe b 3cn MES. C. DRAPER. Libural Prenumlaviibu paid. slin piesters Of lb. iratIsuea. Tisuse U liitby, Jau. 12, 1875. 8-2ius Sigl ickets 85i i sc eurigLcsssvtsnts ______________________Tvulv, Tickets $10; Tvont>'-flvo Tickets Cor prtottis e ouir oLnstWhite e bits of paper are faut l.llang ilu ho sir sc#W. cut -g n! iatrzs,~~ tien loftis. Town orfomibakro original ragm, anS lhey4*res répulsive 1ACirculaurh eîg d ses- lon lb anne-auliof maig sud anct o, ud ae te sieforlleS sudunucleauiy as them blggur brothers..M DgCJII woufth Radinan * Tue Egri cf BciebÀvvy fi nOV ou !i. * SAVE VOUR&CIESI triuln ii u on eas-n re-aglt dy f Pu-etio. nhvet1875. iled v a c o s i c e n h a r - i e l - -D . s e c y s I î t on s , AR-o i e - a i n i t b - 1- ' i-Uea due S itmem - - 1 fas-merlJ>'of Ils. London Timcg, foslierTmpgChambera, Toronoh. fWhitby, on. yalhv u e-ci lu cliargtag hlm wilb beiirg poÃ" Witb>', Jîn. 2Oh,1878. - tiWe day, davof as-astavienOur eo-m0SAATG lhe.1"greal Californ is dieionud s5iVlel t.r - * *, 27th ',o sersçejiv bea yatnlie TR NES, Iu lie course of tlhetrial t vM ternmS- A1 9'Ç uslOtai;m:,pr -eatlou ' liant Grant ualad b plaintif "6tisI u s- "ho" a peluiysu aaaae o l cula do viiat be likeS viti lise rmoue>'at *O",P-. nByos-das-- aav d10 oiWILLIAM THOM P 80O,,', a-tf cin iith i mi i -tisl ho.-bad tos. riced foscrlplive-Oataiogue,. SampenBnde blatbnmb." * Coufty o najo -PEDji= pGSn R=" w A en-I panonena0rfaenty' al - * GE9. LK$SLIE &508NS>,SSe-aSRsn. ao- vii ultaiiurJ s he OcéAfesn l raeu. Amolu ieWhilluy, IAM 1UlS, 1875. -. iaI Aopxeav uii-P8. 8t' *315-f,1ET» cetainat. nie a u, tie Crosaudu Cuie ilÀCmeeting , Cout the, B lui ise =aN TUES1Y, .JA: 2er- extensive Stock of' -, cf usaS lasbuded fa tieua, wheui OWN iWhIvriusMR!iuiet-qTBY, Ã"t odtaPlants - b d, jui nisiy rom uci dallrba pe UES A Y, JAOA R th n Sit , 5pr Ml- -May,- SMAdE, O R' 87 . «- ote lue2 -byiv87àh. ceti spnt &lngs-e C rtisee Co acil C b i tbCo . 1 aiion cf tis Ieê ai aitle n . s . . ..- ~ P ~ s »~m a . .e..s1 -ON TUEDA-YaAN. 26M 1@7,a LOCKHAS NEW FÂNCY TO Y'8 TOilE!1 -- é@4 Juet opeming Ont a largo ainTd varied Stock of the' Latest Novelties 1 IN FÂNCY GOODS-! CONSISTING 0F JE WLBY TOYS, Iffra &COY And ail descriptions of finst. class Goods suitable for H4oliday Prose nts,l il of which they will Bell at the lowest possible prices, for £W CASH 1 £'To save timo aid ocney, cali at Barrett & jockhart's Fancy Storel ppouite the. Ontari. Rote,, WHiTB"Y. -.44- BSchooi Books!1 Sèhool oks>!-.1 A funlsupply of B Thoo a Bocks of every kind, alvays on hand.- Office Stationory -2:Office Stationoryl Frofessional men( .»d meschants vil find il ho hheir advan4ae ho examine 1our stock of BStationery before purchasiuig olsevluere. Blank Books Blank Books -I Day Books, Journais, wa Lcdgeru, Cash Bocks, Pockut Memorandum Bcks, &.- large stock, , chcp and gond. Pooke t Books ! Pochet Books!1 A splendid stock on Musie1 Music 1 socýk 'of Sh'eet music. week We have nÏow on'hamd a weil selected * * -iJ- S. ROBERISON, B3ooks.ller, Nuvmduer, Stationus-, anS dealerlin Fane>' GeOd, k., (Beungis's OIS Stand,) Bs-ckStSreet, whitby. P-. S.-We pay special attention to thei ORGAN88 d- MELODEON OIWAN8. liffle PortHope- mail-..... aE. m Golag Nos-bisttep' Mail...1:5 i Cosuing Sauth lu Petemboro' anS Port: wraol..... 12: P. Consing Souths fn Mlied.....t9-Ma. m THE MUDGE & YARWOOD MTI CO., MANUFACTURE, THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN ORdÀN 1 Special notise is salled btth follovig Styles and prises: Style 5, in Wulnut Case, $140, iu Resonant Case, iil Carvinga, $180. Style 15, lu Walnnt Case, $150, in Besonant Case, with Carvingo, $170. Style 7, in Resonant Case, $175, in some Case, viti Corvings, $185. Style 9, in Resonant Case, $190, in same Case, viti -Carvings, $200, Ail made of Black Walnnt, pannelled, with revolving or slidig Lock- boards, coan ---ng -ail thse latest improvements, ncatly sud ebgnlfinished, according to prie. ALSO, YARWOOD'S "M1ELODEON ORGAN2" In handsome iRosewood Piano Cases, highly finislied Style 4, $150 ; Style 0, $1753; Style 8, $200. These Melodeon.Organs, Patented 1878, are manufactureS solely b>' ns, anS con ouI>' ie procureS from ns anS ou.r Agents. Trade Marks sud Cases Registered for our sole use. AUl Instruments varranted f-or Five years.- GET YOUR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. AT GOLDSMITH'S HALL.- FRED MUDI GE-1 Largest, B'est, and Cheapest Stock in the County! GOLD & SILVER WATOHEB AND -CHAINS Bright ana Colored Gold Setts. American:an& Engliali Plated BSetts. Gem Rings, Bracelets, &o., In' great variety. Work boxes, Des'Fks,,,Jnkstands, Jewel Cases, Vases, Puises, &o., &c., &o. Beautiful Articles for Presentation Eleotro-plated Cruets, Piokie Stan ds, Cake Baskets, Toast rackço, Mugs, Butter Coolers- and, Knives, Salt, Mustarci, Tea, Table, and Dessert Spoons, &o., Be8t Quality.' Intendingpu aers Willfind here a large and varied stock to select fro, ad csharticle guaranteed as represented,and will be sold at prices defying competition. À quantity of (Jhildron's Sleighs, varions styles, ver cheap. -a0 JAMES JOHNSTON, Practical Watéh.makée. Golduùmih's Hall, Whitby, Dao. 1à, 1874. 51 JUST RECEl VED AT THE OHI NA;TEA STORIE GXIBSON,& SPAIRVELL, m5 Hhd., crates, and Cases,. containing the Largest, Boa aud Choapest Assortment of China, GZa88- Ware, anzd J7ancy Goodf Of, aullis ever exhibite& in Wluitby! ima, ir Lorse as au&mi- er cnsies-. 17 -H. G. TAYLORt 17 Supt.-ofTran PUBLie NOTICE. By-Lau' No. 4, Sectioi 1», enadsg "Tisaýffe occupant or persan tapossessio ot an>'base, building, or lot. & .cus tise udevaik opposite bisamorber bouse, building, or lot, ta bu properi>' avepi sna cleaned vison necesaur>',aufaas -utisentes- udge, free troin obstruction b>' uov, dis-t, -or other iacumbranco.» .NOTICE in Sos-oly givea that tise save Byl1av vil bu vlgiB anti>'entas-eS from Ibis date. By as-dem, TACOBBRYAN, CIsiet Constable. Whitby, Dec. 8,,187L. 49 C H E P j T s- u d e s-sg ue a ta n o v la rec eip t ofa a - splendid stock oM filuer-owvli esso- uS lnmbes-; selliug ai $10 per tesossd foot. AUR kiads af Lumber for Cas-ponter aSd Housebnilig aI loest prices. Lumbur yard near veiihàpe, Wbilby P. P. E. Railva>'Ca. Witby, Nov. 4ti, 1874. * 1145 ILIts r, 0FE DÂY.-Agentsvwanl. ed o. AR classes of vas-kuug peopls, .r ihr youug or aid, nmber mos-e btt cents. Address, G. STINSON &Co0., 60 ' Partlaud, Maiue. ODRESTOIRD. AÂvkctiayauistul imprudence, cansing prematnre Secs>', nervous debilit>', etc.. haviag trIeS in sia eves->' Ino*a renieS bas tonAa siple alt-cure, visc-llie vfI ceudfr-e o eis afellovuw e-s-.Addro.u J. H.L BERVES, 78 Nassai truetN. T.,H. McMILLAN, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, AMW, Agoni for tis. ROYAL iSUBANCE COMPANY, OFFICE--Onms-lo Lom anS Savingu Campany's building, corner Ring sud Suas. co atreete,boava April 2t, 1874. 17 PEUBLIC NOTIE 1t TOWN OYF WHITBY, Anmy lufes-mallcgivan, Ilalvililud té tise*Selection and convictin a ny pe=so or Perm$ Who meyvantenly saSMWaie Break, Dania e, or -Deface any of thea Town Lampa os- Post viii b. e-Est de .us lseen Whlhby, Dac. 8d WM.u ordeàng of mis- 1 Wbitby, December 28rd, 1874.

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