Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jan 1875, p. 4

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Section .1.4, -eeeegcf q mec wen ipçeq aiy, as rtu é eOuter g, tees fr= ahobtttstien hy sne-w, 4xt, oiner amrac. TIOlI la hsrehy givon liaI 1th. abcye .lIaw wlfl ho vlglantly enforcetiihm tits -Dy eider, bllby, Dec. 8, 1874. '49 ]DOMMNON PAR1lbIÂEBiT. PRIVATE B2ILLS. Paruies&inutilng teý maire application le 1'arlcamneut for private BDillei, etber for grantlng eroluelve prisieges, or conferrlug corporatcpowsr for cosumerclal-or,.ethor pr oef profit, or f or dolng anytli n frent terlghts rre c other parties, are hereby ndtigeie'thhl&iy are requireti by tii. mieî ofthe hwo Houses cf Parjamept (wiich are publiahet itafn il la the. Canada Gsetet#p «ive twe menthe' notice o!f. the.applicat on cllasly anti dis- tluotly pecilfylug l turt e Autiobjeëte) lu the. Canadu , - retfeî -êle a t nes'a- paper publisied inta 0iecountyor uùiicn cf conues affected, 5si ig Coiesicf tic. papors couwani te ii tsatilestcf aisi notices oteiPri-eteBiO ce of escli Honni., AUl petitionu 'for Private hBis muaete Srsented witiln the firat three weeks of esession. The. fes nw pakyable for a Private 1Bile two nundreti dollars. BOBEET LeMOINE, Clerk cf the Senate. ALFRED PATRICK, Olerir cf th" lieuse of Gommons. 2 REAL BEAR'S GRBEASE, Th a clegant prepiratton nameti fronut the Canada ilear, fron. which ils mont essentiel element- le obtaine4tià, a cieutiffo cons- pounicf Real Bear'â Grease, and tiher Iu- gredients, seno obineti as la relta for a greatlolngtii of lime, Iîle original fragranice aud purltya, Au atiressln'g for, the.Hair nohhlng cau b. more beautiutl oragreable. It in e. gautly porfuoseti, ad rentiers the Hair-sol t pliantanticoesy. It serveis tie Il hia~ pactilar richuesue anti cler, whlch la seces. gotta te a complt olet. It ltsthe. cleap. et, Mot hrmîes@, anti beàt Dressing iu the. worli. Selti by ail druggisto. Price, 50 cIs.a. Package. PEItUY DAVIS & SON., d9 Sole Proprietaru. rrÂBIPF OF PlIES TO DE TAICEN .1.l DYCONSTABILES, (Under Order lu Council, dlateSL 241h day cf July, 1874.) 1. Arrest ofeasci indivtiuel upon a warrant ............. ......$1 50 2. Servig sunsmona or subpen .... 0 25 8. Mleage le serve sommnons, euh. J ona, or warrant.-..........O010 4. uileage .yhen service cant i. Ufupn o un dilgenc.... O 10 5. cgetaking prsonr eognol, exclusive of Ïdisiuraements nec- esaarlly expentcinctheir cou. voyance....................O0 10 6. Altendiug Justices on summary * trtaIscroron ciaminallen ef psu. sonoes charget iwthh crime, for each day -necoasarily employeti lu euie or more casese, wien net .enagd moretisu four lheur.. 1 00 * 7. Do..du. whou engageti more than four heurs ...4............. 150 8. Âttendlng Aseizesi or Sessions, eaciiiay .................. 160 P. Milcage travelling ta attend As. aizesSesons; or before Justices (wYhmn public convoyance can bc talen, ouly reasonable dishursa. mente le h0llwd) O10 10. un~mnlngJuryfor- Corouerb' Inqueul, nluniîng attendiug et inquiet, anti mil services lu res- pect hhereof, if helti ou-came day as Jury snîimonleti........ 2 00 il. Attoutiing' éccisatii rument thiireof,tf netenggcd more han- fi ur honrie................. 1 00 12, Do. do. if engageS mûes hah fou:r Shouri ..........L........... 1 50 l1i. Serving suimuns or suliprana le attend before Coroner (eniject No 10.)....................o0 25 14. Mileage serving sane.s.........O0 10 -- 13 Eýxhuming bodiy uliter Coronse warrant .................... 2 0 16. Roe-hurylea saieo ......... 2 00 17. Servlng dftreas warrant, anti ra. turulng same .............. 1 50 18. Adlvertlslug under dietreas war- reut.;,,.....................I1 80 19. Traveiilng le suaite distreas, or te aeareh fur gondsato malstiutroas, Wlien ne goode are-founti.. il10 20. APp-aisemets, wqhtbsrly- es or more, 2ce-n the b.doulir, ou ha valu.ecft he gonds- 01 It'ssaleanicmlglu 21. C ro. f gc e 61. lu liouonnet proedéco9fgoods; 28...8 ü notices on' oontahle, - Cleir ft.Pae C. 0. Wilty, Nv. 7, 174. W-47 TORONT& -'NVIIsifRIE, ta', Kow subaerm Ib imer wMU W eslve thé ?mm r Pneu gratis foir the remaln. der of thpyoar. FPIEPESS PB ING Co., 19 London, Ontaxlo. "WEI3STEW' ýPATENT' BEWINGMACHINE lu poeltfrly th. neareet perection yet Ataià4d. by any- machine ta the world, Il fa- an ENTIBELY NEW MNENTION, Halgoetaway aI once a- gmat malny ýfïhf, dicullies ud nnoyan ces attendant enlthe use, of ollier machines. rrIE VRBSTER kamarel or SlmpliciLye beiug con- eltoti without lhe use ef noisy came, or- dogonsudatiruna ,se light,. anti 4e se e!aoy te, underatauti, tint ne lady iow- ever weak or nervous, or however un. acutomoti aie may b. lthe use of Machines, eau fuil te use il WITH BASE AND PLEASURE. Tih.sîshtie cf lie WEBSTER 19 50 conslructed liaI lie tension of lie un. der lireà. a bchianged ta an instant withoul nntireading lhe alîntîle. THE "WEBSTER" us the oniy ma- chine matie in Canada liaI exceeda iff finis, niteriai useti, sud construction lice. of American manufacture whule no Canatitan machiineo-,an approachis i. S~ Evry "ebete" lawarranled by lthe mnfcue fr8 years. MISS McINTYRE, AGENT; WHITBY, Where machines eau boc xamined. IZýÎPrcaaer8 tlorouglcly iotru-ct- ed ithe l use cf thse Machine. Machines tieliveredt t any atitrsu, AND EASY TERMS GIVEN FOR PÂYMENT uly 151h, 1874. 29-6m C RE AP1 LUMBERI! LUMBE 11 Tic undersignet isl now iu reccipt of a splendid ztock et fine cleared, well season- cdlumier; selling at $Io per thonsanti lest. Ail kintis of Lumber for Carpenter anti Heusebiiding at lowcst prieas. Lumber yard near worshiope, Whitby& P. P. E. Railway Ce. CHRISTOPHEE JOESON. Wiiby, Nov. 4h, 1874.11.45 0O 620 PER DAY.-Agents want. c d. Ailclasses.cofwrln people, aI elh1ir sex, Young or oltid0, mie more monoy at workleor us iu thir s p are me- ment", or al lie time tien at anytning aise, Parliculara fre.. Post card le S tales costs but two cents. Atidress, -G. STINSON &CO,_ 50 PortlanS, Haine. M ANHOOD RESTORBD. A vielli cf1 yonhhfni imprudence, causing premattre docay, nervous debli4, etc., isiviseg trieti in vain every known fmedy has fosint a simple self-cure, whici iie sl senS/ces to bis fellow anfenr. Adtircu J. H. ItEEVES, 78 Namescu strect, N. Y. Sept, 29th, 1874. (Jc I T. H. McM IL L AN, OFFICIAL Aise, Agent for lhc ROYAL INSURIANCE cCMPANy, PRcOVINCIAL z, URuNiccE CO. O1'PICE-Otitio Loan anti savisuga Compay building, cerner Ring anti Sim. cee atreeta, Oshawa. April 201h, 1874. 17 p UBLIC NOTICE 1 TOWN 0F WHITBY. A#y information gweén, that -will lead ta the. dtection anti conviction cf any persan or persona wio may wantenly anti mischis- Break, Damage, or Deface any of tic Town Lumps or Poisa %iu lilberully rewardec, sud the guilty p art dst wlth accertiing ta th@% nîmeat Rligrour eft1h.law. By ortier of Commit- tee an Pire andi Waler, MAJOR HARPERt, Chairman. Witisy, Do. SOh, 1874. 5 ENGLISH R EMEDY!1 DRÂT . WIEI MCE 'se-t4eOà wi~OU." 7Cr" ail NÇerVons DlA.es-eueih-as- an.i*-seqo -WT uarDebollty. Plot.tboi'n, 9etc., ~Msb1sietif-eptrs~*lltilu anyes, are puetiby-ever t~&~àillIltisel'tsf. if5tilanti ta Iise 9flp l ' i d-Antace Dik ouir ô uies hl~siia u i Seiu bii ppAngq sastisfaction ta-op scia rcmedtias anu nfau. nS~~~~ lf-et e crnwlitrOfrim is .acsa. * vr Catalogue. sSsrha Upse~y~a¶sdsei" LÉBLIE SONS, tls~ffc as a sequence cof 8ell Abuse, as Stock cf Boddlng Planuts V.- à a. Presusanore OIdAg, i.X~ anti luise; tf.0 0 essie uosam ba- let e . . ïeir ____________Co*.o, '~aans a -aey. # r devlantrin rotule pah'Of ulr.and' ove indulgence.- iV'D E,>Th Pez cfn s h st"0 WritiRi Deaks is complote, ¶lA I{GERRIE C o. "Fo t-One. Month Longer!1 W. J UIKIE Co. WILL - SWLL v - For oneMoh1nge!- CFMbM &J- 5 Cents, li Cent., 8 Cents, -anti 9 Cents a yard. Just Arrived, a Case of those Celebrated Linen Towels, ut Five Cents eudh ! ,1 AN IMMENSE ,STOCK 0F BLACK LUSTRES ! BLACK SILKS From 1ea yard. A vcry fair Alpac- Froni 60o ta $3 O0 a yard. oa ut 25o a yard. Fram 60e b $3 OU a yard. V/hile Lawu Hantikoroliefs front Sa salî. Table Linen 25o a yard. À4 Good Heavy Wrapping Skiawl for çtl.95. -1 Fine AUt Wool Dcouble Shawt jfor $3.7â. BROWN HOLLAND 12J CENTS A YARD t A Mammoth Stock of Manchester & Aberdeen WVinceys.' A heavy Wincy ase aa yard; a ecoureti Wincey aI i2lc, enid te b. worth 16c. A large lot ot Chocîret Winceýt Sîirtinge front 17c. OUR DRESS-1 GOODS DEPARTMENT Will be tounti large anti weli selecteti, containiisg -al lihe Nw sud. Fabiienail.- materials anti uhadea cf lb. seasan. Lace NeIt for Wiudlow Curiains ai 20e, 98c,.25r, 80p, 8e, aea, 50c. JuEil ar.rivýed, Two-Cases ot the,, Celitcd ConruwalJl Blankets, whÏci wlb-qlies than.,the heiton iunpo Blanketu kspt by cther ieuses. Pli ctdFasîcy Plnnela insgs-eat abmsdtince atd'lairf earlesblp' lôtos pices. tir-Thc Hosiery anti Glove DoparlutoutWl at Ubfotusti.compleoeiu every etre ant iquality i -- 1, ý- " - - A seîcdis tock ot Beadeti, Bail, sud Fant;y,, Tgiim*g Cloudesud F ancy W i,ol Gots h agot variety. , Aucdll.wo ld12. I:- J3 ust to hand, a splendlid assortiment of Grebe, Mi, anti Seal Sets, which wiIl be disposod oft airealcil low price. Gents' YýFuÉnishIng and Ready-Màde Clothin4 Department 1 îue à .i plendid uoiroféus-ud oaPolanti Pur Hale, new $iape anti poptiar priéca; aso a fresli arrivai ef cif 1h anai Pur Ca ps. t:ErUntior ~clIbng orB~y i-~l ~zea-,gA largeltcir cf Rcady.Made Clotbing t -~~~~~n SûI e'Jcki;anivercouls, whiciiwiit te sold, ai whieeale plices. A splmadidstock cf Boys, Clô-otsn u aud. mergostock et Clotho anti Tweeds ocn~iâltl~lbï id lI twf t lb. cr,-ÂropÈtnet. An o rtiers laken *11 b Boots andë- Sh'oes1 B 'ots and ShoesI Tne slanglier boa o sat, anti wiilnotieh Clai ~ onviceatËa 8hieads àthe lace 4 buy GQod.anti (leâp Boots anti Shoa. o lot ne THE RU 00KUT1~fY T 1Ë#PIrINrpwill lits 4uîi,Pa - Andý'i i dds 'f genelsFanllyGTrS:pi s-~trqdupe 1pri-à~ M ces&lchedper than niother house i'en PLEASE CALL- ~rThe,highe8t AND EXAMINE 1!.0 Cai prce paid for B3 A&~ i i s he4 BrCF Pa8 c The Largest Stock in Town., LAING & STEWART àR pctfully'invite the attention of the Ladies' ýof Whitby and neighborhdjod, to a few leading limes Of gooda they have purehasect' lately at extremely low prices, consisting of 1:E?1EJD a-bcxDs, In Serges, ýLustres,. Alpacas, Repps, aad Merinoes; in Wincàys-lain and Strippeilto Man- ties:; in: Cloth, Seul, and Fur, To Mlfeyi h Latest Styles, To Ladies'- and Misses'. Fur, Sets,--n German Minh-, Cooney, Fersian Lamb, Grebe, and reul' Mink with -Caps to match. GENTLi@EN ý are aiso specially invi- ten to inspect the verylarge stock of imported goods, com- prising Whitneys, Russian, Beavers, Multons, Black Doe- skins, and Black, Brown and Bine Broad Cloth. To Scotch aud Englîsh Tweeds. To Fancy Vestings in great variety. To Tweeds from thle best manufacturera ini Canada. To Englisi sud Canadian Under Clothing. To Hats sud Caps, sud Gents' Funishings, in tie newest de. signs sud styles. - Yours very respectfülly, 1Whitby, Novr. 25, 1874. LAING & STEWART.1 FALL AND? WINTER IMPORTATION, 0F [j;&WLJS SI~EA. Ras mnch pleasure in anuouncing to hie c u-siomers, and the public in general, that hie stock la now complets. An imnmense asorîmenl la select troin, noarly nil bought direct frosu tie manufacturera, ant i lii be aolti nt a amnil ad-. rance.ou cosI for Cash. Sa briigalong your raonoy anti save lie advance liaI ls la b. put:outfoxbati: anti donilful debto. CASH FOR BUTTER. The new and cheap Grolcery store Isouth of Ontario Bank Whîtby, Sept. lSth, 1874. 88 Fùrnituroe! Furniture!! S--000 Now is the time to buy good and cheap ýFurniture. Haviiig boughV. out. the. businesslately carried on by James H. Samo, wvýe take this oppoi unity of inviting his many friends to give us a caUl, and we can assure ail that we are prepared to do as weil by them in the future, as Mr. Samo lias done ini the past. TILL, & JOHNSTON. -00- Orders by mail promptly attended to. UNDERTAKING.-The only fii<st-- class Establishment in the County where funerais are fui-- ly supplied. Whitby, October Li, 1878. TILL & JOHlNSTON. MESSRS. TOMS & NEWIPORT, Beg to unform the public gene±.aily, thatï-hey.-have opened a New Carniage Factory,- on Dundas ýStreet, TWO DOORS WE$",T of-the POST OFFICE. Where the are, now prepared- té- eecte ail work in the Carnage Making Lino, ounithe shoriestinotice, andi made of tic best mn. ierial, aud. firsi.clsa w'orkmanship. ALL WORK WARRANT EDý. REPAIBING DOI'7E WIT'H NEÀTNESS AND DESPATCH. 1Whiitby, July 201h, 1874. s1-lyl J0HNS*Tý'N*' SELF-RAKiNfl:,G1 RÈAPER AWARDED 'TH E, -FI RSI .P RIZE! At the .Provincia1 Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870.ý We off er to our customers for the cooein1â'-ý.H'rèt w dis tinet Machines, wbich -in-style and*..COUStrMtio9,emba the lta xdôt useful improve'm'ntÈ ofthe day., JOIINISTON'S SNGLE SELF-1AKNG EAEM THE '-"]ING 0F ReÂPEàS."# The. universal success. of this- Machine, ýboth'in cdlosely'ebntest- ed trials and in the. banda of t 'é ferMeora, 'Warrant. us in saying that. as-âs e if-.al- ing Reaping ;itiehine, lt b«, more tûood ýpoints and 1cM defét.;aùd bas'iù net with more succes snd lesa failure, than heetoài for fited o the publ'i'.- CAYUGA: JUNIOR MOWE-RI ne were awarded ýtheFirst Pige nd, «Diploma,at the Prcvin, triai Exhibition, beid- in Toronto, 15'TQ,in comtpetiition witb al the leading Macihinie maacurtd. the Prov'ioce;- and:with qou;. recent, irovôemeënts, we unhesital- >ni claenge inveqtigàtion andi comparicon witb inýéti uïMactiea, .ae iastiafled that acivsti gaion wiil convinrei every unprejudiced-mind. that we noi tî -Mbat lire ôFariner 'for 1872, 1built in-the, Dàainiéh. "Sd for deacriptive catalogues. BROWN*& P1 T N. DRY 'GOOD8 AWND GROOER18 The undersi*gned.is.,nlOW r vig LAGE STOCK Oe-R- (OI$ C 1119,ing >; Dress _01- grea v ane ad oft1iiest tashio4rn i'W t4e,Tçeeda, and a fuiR ntocof. EFBtE8ff-, FfMILY GBaOCERBIS, SNeéct do to Goldsmiths' Hall, - -- estr---r the!gooda and'it fpes iRepairs neatly and promptly iexecuted. TH::-E QLD' FEESTA B L IEBD, -WM. TILL, SAND, 1 ,13-.] - -PROPITR NwBed-:room Sets, New; Diig-omés And a lar ge stoïckof(Jnea nd Wood seat' Chairs, Tables,BuasoaLo ge estd, Cupboards. Hgir,-Cloth, itnd- Damask Loinges, .Cotlicheis,, &c., &c. A fine stock of NwGitWimdQw Comces, 'cheap., The largest and.-cheapest-stock of Pïictrs4vr rtfh in town, al of whidhhle: ofers ut prices that*wili notfail.1t suit the timnes. I;e The Uindlersilgned wishes to stateto -hiëI-old custm-jý ers sudt1h. publicgenerally, tint ieis tebe-feundti-4"Ã"ÉD7STÀN; sud he neither bougit oui, nor sold oui, sud iinno w&y Lc onnétcie wilh» any other establishineut in town. I~.lldertaikig as. usual.-A - arg. Stocék of -Ready- mades Coffinsà conétantly kept*>ou hani, sud: trimmiedlteorder to suit cus- tomera, on short noticei Funorals fMly supplied witi.,,everytbig. SWhitby, Octeber 15, 1878. ~'j. WINTE-R* OLOTHIM3. Cent Funishrugstore-! JOHIlN F EIR-G:JJSONl. ,Merchant Tai/or, Draperý 10,,-ô DUNDAS STR EET,ý WHIT&Y ANew and well selected- stocksuita-ý -bl fo th Seson, including hea'vy OvercoatingScotch,. English, and Canadian Tweeds. A' large stock of -Hats,Ca ; Ties, Collars, &o., and a very large stock of Fur Gôods. ~r -ashonabe Tilorng n ai 91 branches. Stylish and perfect 'fitting ganinenýt' g'ùaantýeed. Whitby, Octobér 2lsi, 1874 t 484y LIST 0F' AICTIONEERS Licèr k d80 W'f Onitarioi, North Riding of O ioad 4Muiipalities in the latter;- J. L.aiiX.Yr k~.cuo..... .... .December 1s",1 87t. Johu~uuuliIu ' ~8uitullieEcai.........anuary 81, 1875;,- iZ.FaIrbanks, Jr. IWlnb .....North& Southridng 81, 1875..- '2H,' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vrc O'él loro 4 ai n1 875. tZ -~e0 ~ Ese~1sihy ent Biing July 28,1875., * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ il 22Bow'.,.éhlg 0,1875. V .. ... doioi ......-.categbn- . iioa 14, 1875. d Boss..p Brook 18......... 1 Prt erli. - t Nmi iding IL, For ...... Octolher-,-i587. 2D ~ ~ do, i e ,. - Se. et2, 1875. Zes Wlty .... - dns. ...._175 de.....Uliridge....... 6 1876, Beavrton Ma.- .~ 7 87K, ..... os. . . .U h i ï . ouh Ontio..... e,2 1875 D . CarS... do. ......14.96- s' itnt L;~ G190. TULE. Freux wioro cvery ifr a gon y.é pbtaied. Wiiilbyrýsept. l9th, 1874. 89, ýAtodXMSteonth u branchot paierm.WiUi. b. sold cbeap.- Paries. Swillbe eêïcnlurgeti. tipplto- i. H.MEB GMIENWOOD,- Wbit;y, May î4th, 1878. 20- TilE BROWNAc ATRO MAN~UFACTURING COMPABY, Op WHITBY. 2,400 SHARES 0F 550 BACH. Tih. aboya Compay is iicourue -flor- mation for.lb. purjoe cf purchasing'.the BeaiEstate, Buildings, Maechnery, Plant, anti goodzwm i thfel zmnunfacturing met-- nes cf the Brown-&: Paterson Agricultral' Works, in lhe Town cf Whitby. lii thi-înew .Ccmpany, Ceaer. Brown Fatronhv ubicribed #pWOoOtck, safi, che suacrptins aveàiradybeen oh- tained aneuuting le $25,000, msking a ltisl: newý anbseribed cf fP8,000. ',Ilta in teudeti te increate ibhisWm# -té 1120,000, ini order le provia mene fr inress'gtle business to double: tii.amount bitherto. en, sn cnagn i apcity f the. preenlW erca :ythe erec.ion cf additionsi bùildings, pur.. chaEig atidullonal macbinery, andi aisoeon. abiing the, newilcmpany le arrcontiieir whole business onua strictly c=b uais,.u-n order*to show héeisrcfiablebI eselrea4, maide'lor the new Coémpny,lt ta cnn] e.d- edti t it tat lu èl7ieven -years' business ciperationa-from annsy,186e,.le jamuarv- 187..Mesur. Brown & Paltersen havebeen enabletihypeftu ree,iis, etealrge- samoursl cfSt, kabeve.m tioued aahaving beeu auhecriboti by tum ithé .ne omr- pàny. i.property lbas been -vaineà initier the ireton ani supervu*iou cf 1'Messrs. J. the. Provittoual BérdaI 14, ë .-b establisbnient hbau beeJaa e, sslouknf lie:uewCompany stuc. l7tb ebrylest, -lhe lirat day cf ils organzat.i-ie po lits cf the. business domnimencing frenila date. hure fr hbarleriu lhe usulfiii, andi the. e±pfratldn cf- lie lime slated hySgtghiiIe <fiv. Sr six Weekàh>a pe rai meeting cf lhe Siur-eolders It eld, ou notice, forth. .T 1pse f electingra permanent Board, cf Subscrlpii oucf stoc in -theb. ziertak- lug sera meut',roapectfly solciled-. The valueof hht loyte w avngdis idnl. v e ealo., may ieerega bauinf n doubf;'tahue the great » dva$agep1 usle- lb.: locrinan nlrgeenlcf hefavorahly known Worka ofXeses. Brown & Pafterson must aI once comuend thhensselve.- Parties desiring ýtù-ie be*odk ar2 requestei lsenls mmrndmpr ot al an MalyWdy staling theuumheroc liii.,e N. W.' BROWN, IR. J. TÂRNOLD, .Preident. Secretary.- Whilb y, 281h: Februay,1878. 10ff henit-ol OPMA miB cf Self-Oses quacker,u ors are in'i enliser.- P.0C P O.T:g ASS IGNEEIBALES- 0F FACTORY COTýTON,Iý J 1 1

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