Iouis., 'r4low sel r th« SEund b Tho Late Loçaioeates. Mr. FsaUs partisans on e tvyg tbat thé frue cm. Tlacy blasa. 1f.fidsaoc$efrbsds sh P. Whte for the reaWt- l ksd- tiIs io> th. most lnjuat n Oo dvitsiospsd7,Uatheauo. Mr. Osszrs on lest ur b.aà mijoiity of 128. In dIvisf7u8su, 9cov.ulug th "mea ~terioyau à sud 7 dld lést yaar, Mr. ofcoaly 10 vIota. Th e .onS . cir.teigbacst4 modiWty,and 1fr. Panieil ouly il-1weà @'b. eatern no. tion.f icergdoun# wolpropor. section did Mr. Parewcf would havi beea eistd. Thé slu lb.théwestern prtion wuaabot12 per cent. on, the ~on. Mr. Oaznron' a orlty, baS Il ouiy beea et the rate inlu.esatera sec. tion, Mfr. Farewell would have bad b8 lusJorllY luateaâ ofi 11, whlob would have elcoced hlm. REat Wbltby. wberc Mfr. Farewell bos lived for elmoat li wbole of bislife gave 1r. Canieron 68O, majorlty, sud Mfr. Farewell ouly 47--a loge of 18 voles, or 22 Por cent, on 1fr. Osmercniajorlty,. Iad the 'Ion0lu West Pickerng béenat the sanie rate as luir. sawel wouMr.oniy elof ula baemajor00 whnshted of109. 'Westb tougave tHo . MaGlbsolmCamr. 1fr Bjrow .T aaeMt.rFaracalluian le other aymohe onesu mDer entlM W e ls IPkering was 15 theceatel Idr as ewl olVbsb etcnt.,oflu"wes WblQtyove 50 er cent., hWln ht tOwe patyvoîd was heMr. ibettor u Mm Mer!thjrowny1.o ld he benu orfiedth* oue in sceton. Ha ssIn Estlserln douer onltrthauinWest Witby, lit.50 Brwu s majoiynldb theavbîcaVte as it 8.ttr in Mr. whssudn e is ito bi aeo teo 0at1 Rabte would hoe bhen nom- - - wamu1ng-ôt #se anger, -sund ho" 1fr. reeU abu0ines etireet lU respa Piridg lu na bot ftetonWest bave bseatyaten nit aned 50 sd oas l e s to iokesigfore . ofthis la iq d e Toroto Nin',perit ou l rWteLe p lue case: 'eeu ntml esrnedoftlejfit the P failywof kuow riig w la u bnorsctnof he onnIr b l, l commuing oLtUe stentnce ou Lpne. Ho wllasoindoWestî lu ooscîng eo ree ote M incrs,1yaeec"In xrchume o bugme! te bEni.leydid nol do rand lu ced tngrabtibude of feIIrla the Govmat elone, ofhecontrya ici rebellon ofeîenDominion GoInnemcHa i toRiIbt in. baus ofuticgt elwere rcaQ li fctercd. H ae idflo dorIgL of the ?mingte eoftmrsm bu or ibi hov ienofMluyselacstituieOnlarl elonwa overtz.luoIbis busdo ins a inutlndrte blcue ett thefi bande t Iojste cuon test, alr elI, re to n nwbo most devs Uich mestis of bmhenaDoin eoe.' e Ex-piJudhge icof ey eu diod sud co nieuut t.e imuysterdth ao elion ooe. ntis bs us DEÂTHS. I3YRNE-I 7 Upper Baker street, B etsPark,-London, Eeand, on the 12th ultlio, Francis . Byine, only brother of the lIe Bey. Jas. T. Byrne, of ifctown. WHITBY MAîr.ETS. CXXNIioroXOpnxcu, Feb. Ord, 1875. V~au Whsaî,...........0950 81 00 Spcng WheAt_ý....80 90 @ 80 98 Barley ...ei......... 61 i1 .eu..... .. 70e @ 75o Bllack ByslPeuc,......801 Ulye .........;......580 a80C Oeii ............... M' 420 B-7-....... ......... 414 @15 Potatoce. ........... me a60 Eggà ................ 100 @17e Butter............... 2500800 C-0al, per ton .........7 @088 Wood ... 1...... .... ...500 05 w Pork, par o-w........08 8850 Chlckens .............0400 per pair Dueks perýpr .......... 50c8 Turkeys, part b.....1 00 dc@Ore ................ 60 70. Apple%, per'bashel .......wo Chaua.e ............12 15 Beof, hind quarter....85 @085 lleef, fore quarter.....4 008 o 0oorsvx.-Tpie agrouable oharacter-of this proparatlon bus rendered it s genend, faveurie. made irnly wlth boumsâ wateo- or uiiJk. 'Bach packet is lable( JtMES BPsZ'o k Co., ilomoopatbleO Lemisi, 48, ThLreadneedle.stredt, and-170, Plccadily. Warka fü: Dlstetio Preparatjous, Enston- road and Caniden Ton, London. IRBE D Y v R aI-we bern fres, a simpl4e sundmre means of1if-cure, for Con- la, rosobltt, -Asthma; 'Calarrh O= ,and iuy dlssof '1he T~4o sy am ud &U dWsrders bronght on by youthN Imhprudence. TUT!TLE & Co., 78 Nassau-st. N. Y - T H1453 EEN WELL SAMD TRÂT b ce re ta grandp atroitvlF te1 b rin&botmans amelloratlon ame si- iwà o iiltheuiselves te tsthïei to th elc fe Steorna- 1 W suancie- sactsj lsw goveruizi the, hunisu systeni thbýJOBra sud, theSto are, 1*0 Ou.euperlor hcsvy du*uguBt rown. colt,-1 ysar éoiby Rathcmrq. 1 eobim "tat ayColt, of soaPure Morga. - On.vcr-y large sUropuhIr.&a> Yom of,i1umwe tbrePovlnolalst Primc. I On vsy lrgsShropshire M EamSjc oi,.p ise nuer et leadlng fma 0 qP Qivsq lais.ShroP&sl'lRc a=, yeeroCid, aipru ise vht à utlesIng faims lu IOnc"ir cf Sbgcpbir.Ewoe, O yesms cli, « sppced teob. witIb , wigier ol1st One a t 9ro l elal faim. OU . - - psblrcewc,8puso îý Le vï@ itU lmmU, pIv isé n. Thbmepair of oholce Shiopabire Ewe Iambe, AUl exellaul, Mwsflaolce!, sud Promise te be large, ail warmtuld pure bied aud Oua choie Sown .Ram, a yesr oie!, hu always takan the li prias et Pro- P One Sculbtown Esm, 1 year old, s prizs F wluncre aI cdlng faire in Canad. Ose Southdown Rami lamb, s prize wlnnsr aitlsa4dlng fains iu canada. Oepair Soutbdowu muesi 2ysars olS, sup- posed »be wfth lamb, prise vinuers. 6,One pair Southdown eues, de aie!, snp- a pose taobe wilh ismb, prias wulun. on Ospair, 8ouludown Bye lsmbs. OATTLE. 8One ecelent Mllidngr Cou, 6 yearaoie!d, cslved InDu. 1SM. O.0ezceul MlIklng Cou, 4 year oie!, calve in lue., 21874. On. Farrow Cou.' FPour choies Grade Bliers, 2 yeams nid from 1 good illklng stock. Tua grade helîcrs, 1 year oie!, tram good muiklng stock. One oeil beam Whitby made plon~i Oshawa rUade Courticels ploug ; 1 Gangplough;lalrWoodeuanrows; 1 pair Mlgt ood, Henrous; 1 Straw Cutter, one pair of liglt Bob SlclgU. As Mfr. Spencer la givlug up one ai bis farme, and mueI dispose of e lot aI bis stock aud implements tUlaI Us dos uatme- qulire "pon the fsrm Uc now uorks, - anl tUe save muet bc soie! ulhout reserve. ERMas 0F SALE :-Ani sumo ofaIo1 sud;uniler, eash, over tUaI emaunt, 10 meonthe credit ou appravea Zomml Notes, Uearing lutersîl freni date if ual paie! uhen due. ilgUt per cent alloueS for casU, Sale te commence et noan. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Aucetioneer. Whltby, FeU. Ste!, 1874. 6 ,"yHIT Y k PORT PERRY - -I Extension - Railway CORDWOOfl WANTED 1 1,000 COUDS 000» BARD WOOD, 500 COBDS 000» MIXED WOOD, To Uc Seliverse! lunCompanyls Yard, et part Perry. Far prices eue! conditions appiy ta L. J. avis, Agent, Port Ferry, ariao JAMES HOLDEN, Mangiug Director. WhltUy, Pcb. Que!, 1875. 6 TE IEDZRG WANTED. Tenders ulli-Uc rcctid up ta SATUUDAY, 27TIl FEB'BY, INST., for plus luniLer au follows. 401Mfuet, pienk, 10 ta 12 Loches %ide, anS iluches thlek, 12 fort la lenet, te Us saimu pamailel. 10M. feet 8 ic lk 2ice ie eu& 12 let long. panIlehsii, 20 M. fort, 4xt Scanting, ail ta be gaad, iumbe Ane! ta te deliverse! etlhe eI&,lWty, Uy tUe jet day aI May next. C.-DRAPEIR, Chairman Strtisnue!Imptav. WVhitby, FsU. 8, 1876. - 8lu.8 s IKATING UERADE' TUe Club Uavng ecouteS au a Masquer- s&de, bu yRIBAY, 12TU FEB'RY, (ieather that they are comiug out lu fuil- fsucy COS- tume, anti as every effort wiii be put. forth la maike lUe affs4r a success, amgod tume muy te expected. Baud in atteudace. -Admission 20 osute, et lUe door. WUiIUy, FeU. Ste!,6 Llvmo4STONB'S LIFE WoRx, Africa anud Its Explorers. A narrative ai tUséIle travels experioe anit achlcysmnents ai lS. DavldLlvl n".u, including hi$ disooveryb n .1 tn ify.0lses sAud 1% ongmvinge. Price îug. *oÃ5 ACrng stylo of bine! HMB AIGHT, Agent, aDufin'. Creele, Pickerng P. O. FeU. 8,187.6 WANTED IMIIEIATEDY, - A. SCHOOL 2'EA CHER, MUaI' DE A PROTEBIZANTP Ste! CIfn Certificats. Write, sttn g sud ealary requirce!, 1t - g g Trustes. Union, S. S. No. 1, Fe, D185 alon eut Rame, Sbrigmt. AY'iCTiON ýSALE- -or OUTTERS, -CARRIAGES, do, AT MO'DONOVAN'8 CARRIAGE WACORnV- PAT~ - Kss~ crsgsacrsiiy. AND SAVE- COSTS.- All taai es , u au d Lixneatsly ul Uc collectaitý as tUe lau directs-sud tUat la short uane!"itil. Collecter. WUitUy, Jeu. 20, 1875., LIFE - ASSOCIATION 1 lieus- Office--Tomple Chamhers, T 0OB 0ON T'0. Presdelit-Hon. W. P. Howlsue!, C. B. Vice-Presidenl-Hon. Wra. McMaster, Pre- sidept Çauadian' Bank Commierce. Actury-.?B Chrrimsn, M. A., Professor Combiues Stock and Mutual Plans of Insurance, TUe Poma ngle lasurance et lows cast; euathe LATR combinse! iith tUe formzer, aflords, -sds Moderate Ratees, Sefety, Careful Management, imith a iopre- sntetion ou tUe Board, uhich Uy charter muet b. épnipasecil 1.oflioy-Holders su4 Stockholsi uda lcUiption laprolits te Not Les thun 90 pet Cent. thereof. 'Perfect' Secnrity under its Clane Il. P'ai. joies, 1h. uhbole Reesrve being hele! by TruÀ. tees, Lçvcited in Goverument securities. Lt or dists bin lUe insursuce.g Ail classs af Palicy-holcfers arm secured by the Association haviug §250 ai caseIs for ecd #100 of liability ta theni. .Ail Policies, whether Partipating or Nou-Participatxng, are nonforfeifable aller timo premiums have been paie!, 1 3I A HOME COMPANY. Ai Inuestmenta made wuithjn f 7&eDominion. Il. B. MATSON, INSPECTOR. gau'Ageuts wanted in uurescrved districts, Appiy te J. K. MACDONALD, V.P. eue! General Manaer. H. B. TAYLOR, Age'nt. WU1îi 5-Ih T O 5AW-MILL OWNER5. Wauled esteblishe!, on lie linsaf tUe Victoria Railway, Betweeu Bettio's Bridge (Somervule,) and Baliburton, THEHE PORTABLE SAW.MILLS For tUe su7ply of niateriai te 'ho Victoria Railwey Compsuy. Parties rnoving Sau- mille ta thUe nso failwmywMiiiraceive pre- feresceoaIcoulmacîs for timber. 1 Excebleul opparlunitiy for small etfablish- muela. Appiy ta- *G. LAIDLAW, Presideut, V. R. Co., Toronto. Jan. 251h, 1875. "-in T HE.]3EST PAPER. TRY IT. POSTAGE FBEE. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. TUe Scrinno A-iEmcAx noin luils 301h year, euio>.s lie -idest circulation aI auj ueekiy neuspeper allihe kîinLutUe imori - A usu volume commnesc Januery 4, 1875. Ils contents embrace the latest sud moet itoresting information pertining te the Industrial, Mocianical, mae! Scisulidoc Pro- =188s oI tUe Wold; Bescriptions, iil Beaul iEngravin s fNwIiysutions, Noer Implemente, liw Fracasses, eud! mi- pnoved Industrie, cf all kinde; Testai Notos, Recipîs Suggestions anti Alivico, Uy Pradtical Wnlters, for Workrmeu and Em- ployera, lu allimhe varions atts. TUe ScRrsrrrxc AImmmnîC&eniS lethepeet eue! bcd illustred wely piper published.1 Every nnmbcr <ontaiine frin 10 loI15 orign- el enuravingeaI new macbnctyane!novel inventions. Exostvr.aos, lllustrating Improvemonts, Discovonlcu, and i rporlmul Wonbcs, pertamn. Lng ta civil mut Mrcltanical Engineering, Milling, Mining sud Metallnrgy; Records of the lalest progrese u inte aplicatlone of Stoam S team1- 'ng? 1taimVyaShip. IE';ý91fagnelisn, Lidg ifiHeat. -FAncrise, Mechenica, Engineers, Inven. tons, Manufecturens, Chemiste, Lomera af Mcence, Tpachors, Clergymen, Lauyers, sud People of aI1 Professions, ii fde!tUe Sczz*;<znc A,,iacAquseunlta theni. Il simouil have a place Lu evsty FimiyLibray, .9tudy, Office, and Clounting Boom; in every I-iesLg Boom, CollU ' cdmeo ScUooi. -eo cdmo 'A year's numbers conten s92 fpagnde Sevetal Hundred Rngravngs.hea~ ,of volumes are preservedfor -biiSlg andi ~referexae. The practicai ecipa rrel wortýi ten limes the eubscniption' pri ce.- Terme, M1.90 e year b1y mail, imcludling postage Discountlte Clubs. Special cir- culorasud, Speinieus soul froe. May Le bai af ail News Dealera. PATENTS,. h h sb. ?M, AxzllrAlx Messrs. auna k&-Coaur Sobleltars of AmsOric&andsuForeign Patents,- enf hae.the langesI establialhment lan, tUa irorldMore thau ility thousune! upplica. tlions R avo eau enMRd0f or patents'throug thelageuey.. 1 -w Peteuts are Ottaiucidon - theUeUst-ternis, Modela et lÇew Iuveutlons-andakélies ex- maie in the . XM ý - ventions Paltt_- thro ngLj 0aiUis--un.s AR E PREP*RING -FOR 'T z SPI NG iRAE, LOCKHRTSý They are Belling gô0dý at great1Y- NEW . FÀNCY' GREATLY, REDUORD P GE. -' T'OY 8TORE! MillinerY, Dress.Makn and Tailo]riý to Q oreron, short xnotice. SPLENDID STOCK OP, Just opening out, alagead '1'BJ ?..s rvaried Stock of the M. O' ON VA 'SLate8it Noveltie8! l Carniage Factory, Brock-stý,, I N W H 1 T B Y. VERY CHEAP. CALL & SEE TH1ÊM. FNYGOS mai NOTICE TOTHE 4PUBLIC I The undéersignd begetO inform custoni CONSISTING OP - ers snd tUe~b UIhe ha ete U above rist i ran, Mr.E2. Major fora of yers. Hving seventeen P=inbê uCaa, tnsts by strict attention, ta business t M- e ontomers a good rmn of Gristila and Chop . g. lu,,Oatmeal, Bran, S arts an( ope ln f ail kindaI kept on ha. T177.,s Cash for Fali anS Sring Whest, Peas cBTd GItFTanaa aifrn Mr.-Rbr TUe only rellable uift Distibution n th JAMES ANDERSON. country I1 Deo. 28ra, 1874. tPe-SI $7 5,O O OC C) FOR SALETOYjg; IN VALUABLE GIFTS!1 2,0W0 BUSH1ELS TURNIPS, to e dstibueoono000 do MANGOLDS, ta b ditriute n~4,000 CEDAR POSTS. L D. SI1N E'8 Apply to 1799t REGULAR MONTHLY EOHRN O G u E T E N T E P R L S E , ! D e c , 2 8 r d , 1 8 7 4 . t ! 4 2 ( To be drawu Monday, Fcb, aune!, z875. TWO GRAND CAPITALS 0P $51000 00 EACH IN CASH. 500 e _ZEsoo. And aIl descriptions of flrst- TWO PRIZES $59 EaohInCs1 FIVE PRIZES S1lOO rsgr - os u ugWit ivr 5.PTIC EEOET5- class Goods suitable for mounted Henes, wort M0. One fine CEY Bosewood Piano Worth #550 1 Whitby, wil holditheir lint Baflsnd Sup. TUree Gold llatches and Chains, Worth Fer at the $M0 esaoU1 Three Gole! AneianH R 'uHal, iug Watches, Worth $12 eau 1Ten Ladies',.Townll hty Go1d Huuting Wtohes,, Worth 8100 eeu! t1,000 ol!dand Silver Lever Hunting 0ON Watohes, (u ail) worth Irom00 told han ilver-vam, e, ?i=. MONDA Y, FEB'RY Btli, 187,51, PRESENTS 1 dife,77005Tikes00.ied Calvsry's Quadrille Baud will Ucin ast. Aýgnts Wanted te sel Tickets, te whoxu; tendance. Tickets, 81 5w, Lberi reln wifbe e.JEREIAH OL Si.gleTickets 81 ; Sixickets 5 emay Twelge1Tickets 810; Twenty-flve Tiokes Wity, 01hJauar, 175 f jecutanig a:,u11 list of yrizesf rin, Za ALER OUE, U0f which uueymwil sBellat other rformain areesce te tUe Dis. V tribution, will Uc senttcb uj n-o ordering PORT FERylt, ONT., #hemi, Ail letters muet be a dîresed te the lowest possible pu1ces, OiE1ce, Excelsior Building,t L. D. SnRE, T. B. WALHEB, PROPRIETOB. Cor.BEae& LongworthlBoxfd2, Cincmn ______________ Dec. 251h, 1874. 1neti, woâ&rth forna" em. Burnett's Oocoalne-L ---- - ..- - - 4rtbr ýirty-Iv6éyersPtis4$ it j ailE tfT» nc 50 ed 75 cocauspar SOM&ia ifse te fromiipaed a m 4h gbi ZPOOiA mERRYDAVIS & SUN -& f te tiet g, sltblty PhysdIei The MOKYflEAL, P. < a m reýtý psration for the cxtu.e Ioo~& h b~ Mugie ! Mugie! J. S. ROBERT& --Bookseller, Newiidoiler, Stationer, and dealer lui Pauoy (Bengough's Old, Stand,) Brok 811 P.' S.-We pay -special attention to flthe orderit celinùeons ]Books, Music, L&c., L&c. -VOIM Meinitranduni Bool iPooket Books! Ai We have now on hai MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED AMBICAN O)BGA1i S3pecial notice b cealed'to the following Styls ana priées: Style 5, - in -Wilnut case, $140, iu Resonant Case, imith Carvlugs, $180, Style 15Y in Walnurt Case, $160, iu Resonant Case, 'with Carvings, $170., Style 7, iu Resonant Case, $175, iu sanie Case, with, Carvings, $185. Style 9,inu Resonant ÇCase, .$190-insoanie Case, -with Carvings, $200; Anl mae Of Blaclo Walnut, pannele, with revolving or sliding Lock- boards, contaiing all tbc'latest improvements, ueatly andl finishea, accordiug ta price. ALSO, YrARWOOD'S '«MELODEON OIRGAN." In handsome Rosewood *Piano Cases, highly ftnislied. Style 4'; $150 ; Styla 6, $175 ; Style -Si $200. These Melodeon-Organs, Patecnted-1878 ,arenanufactureds-idlely, by;us, and eau only be p-rocured from us and our Agents. Trade Marks and Cases Registered for ut sole use. Ail Instruments wairanted for Five yeas.- 17 SupI. of cd MEL ODEON.OIWA NS, LS ADIED Elegant Illuà trated - Catai EIGHT COLOBED PLA - nailei taoeny tdiieres upan the n 10 cents. SEEDS, -BULBS,&c - Fr* eue!Reliabie,qeout-,y m=a t "FOA5E BROTHIERS BOWI - Dec. 19tU, 18714: GET YOUR HOLIDAY PRESE-NTS AT GOLDSMITH'S HALL, Largest, Best, and Cheapest stock in the County! GOLD & SILVER WATOHES AND 0CHAINS Brighit and Colored Gold Setts. American and English ?lated Setts. Gem Rings, Bracelets,' &à ., in great variety. Work boxes, Deà ks, Inkstands, Jéwel Cases, Vases, Purses, &o., &. c Beaud"1*fzd Articles f6r PrésentationI Electro-plated Cruets, Piokie Stands, cake Baskets, Toast racks, Mugs, Butter Coolers and .. Kni-ves,* Salt, Mustari, Tea, -Table, an& Dessert Spoouls, &c., Býest, Quality. Intending purchasers will find here a large anma varied stock toselect from, and each article guaranteed as represented,and will be solci at prices efying coipetition. 0cm- A quantity of Chldren's Sleighs, variotns'styles, vry cheap. .ÇO JAMESca JOHNtONaký JUST RECEl VED'-4AT'THE WHJTBY -CHI-NA TEA STORE'! BY, GIBISON, & SP'ARVtLJ4L LEATHEBR VALISES - ,WILLIAM THO MPSON-S, Sadier and IHarilss alet, 1unoCK-ar.,wnr. gjuus 24, 17.21 L.UMB-ER! LUMBER 1i! TUeundersigned La nowir ecept of a splendid stock ai fine cléanSrebi el seesgon- ed luniben;slliug et 810 per tUousaue! let. AInlsof aILumber f or Cerpenter -sud Hrouaebuilding aI loimeat pnicea. Luniber yarc-eLuam irshapA, WULiUby& P.P.E Eiway Ca. CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON. Whitby, Nov. 4tU, 1874. 1-5 TO 0$20 PER BAT.-Agents want- UMisLA1classes af womldng people, o f ituer sex yauug or oie!, maIe mars- money ut uotk for us la their spare mo- ments, or al tUe lima than at anytling alec, Partieulsa free. Post came! ta States coutsi butaone cout. Addresa, G. STINSON & -CC., 60 Portlandt, Mains. j.JAYiHOOD RESTORED - A victim of youtUful imprudence, causing-- premature itecays- uer,ýous dshllily, etc., having-tried la Valin eveny inown reniait7 has faune! a simple self-ctura, uhich hsounR sc.uafree ta hie fellow sufferers. Addree,, J. H. REEVES, 78 Nananu street, N. Y. T. H. McMILI OFFICIAL ASS Also, Agent fort IIOYAL INSURtANCE PROVINCIAL INSURAJI OFPICE-.-Ontario Loan- Cornpanrs building, cornerE April 20h, 1874. 35 Hhds., Crates, and cases-, c and Cheapest A PRL the L FRED MUDGE.- 1 THE MUD( -ý Agn Wlà ýtby, December 28rd, 1874. Goldomith's Iran, Whitby, Dec. 15, 1874.