Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1875, p. 1

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TIIOM48 DOW, ThIisd Md ie» , aIbU4bed Oonip% t r ~pbat," lo4au bi o u I TBY À B NC yà Iur4for three ye-or l st ei IL B , TAYLO]R, 11.FAIRBANX8 in AOC*?. OM00, rock 5,Sit. C, %IDov IL, ONTAXIO PANRES ranomenta for oelart*ue a os. TUAL INSURANCE COI HEAD FFICE uBw, Or. .n - ofSOL!. C trotyChuisahue, Sehol tOhshe,.u44h B. FA O *rss LLOL55B.aee1fà p-a Ly 1en OOC)ce *DON, He1i~~40~ -. oali0ftie @yl US ! SES.PEQ2RPTEL _TER. ATES JW TG,&WA PAnWgL ~JAI.,V.DICWÀBTI CYURLES C. KELLER9, 8pin<a ccmodtin.BeIWine. __________ICITORBElm tn rél C. B GLS I L , BABIIqTR A 1Aý goIèroB N nTesn d h4vinî beauappcfnted 0045,~Luniiberari d usera.Smith 13 TZ, ATTOZY. AT. LAW, -DýV LUVMBE R YAR D NutPpble tc t tljolsh6,lblhtby &-Port Perriy afil. B io8k, kér sWhtby, OC),lwy _ta &nwhrbélekeepe osetantly on lind &liage and camplete stock ai Lumber ai ofail kilidsfor alle eMds ndrtiL- A. O »IDIILiIN Pnening adine, nd aflkinds.oiwork ex. ~Lat GTenwco h M~flian.) eèaitd prmptt teaicader. flIESTs, ATTOXY, SOLIO. GEO. CEAK xL'1r0tw rvbllc, Canveyancer, Cf. Whitby, May 27, 188 22-tf tue you Sireet, South of itomeOfie, THO8IA IIUIeON, F M FOR SALE. rrOWN OLEEK AN» TREASUJIER, Thot weil.known farm, lot 26, $rd cou, ai J2ý'Whtby.,Office.-Toa-n RaIL Hours, Whltby, known as froi oi 'oack_______ THE DONALDSON FARM, JANia VIIIE And a$ t Promten the occupation oMr, TN8PEOTOR OF PUBLIC SCROOLS N. t&s. Contai-s 190 acres; about 150 ..for th@ CQaslY ai OntarO. Addres- risare ; dwlllng, outbnildlnase.n atabl Ragln Pot CucuOntalo.offces; splendid arcliard oi8 acres in citent. 11. . <ttNS M.O,,JOHIN A. DONALDSQN, SUBGEON TO TUE COUNTY GAOL, S Byron'Street, WhIîby. Govt Emigration Office, - March 25, 1878. 13tl Toronto. OUTSg HOSPITAL LONDON E NG., fHIE ISOLATED E1511 thse oye R. O. H. , Oshawra, #Ontario . -CArD. - Fire IneUrd,7ceCa'>' cf C4nada. A.FRTEL .B., M C.P., l1uA OrczKngS.,on hrcTrot .Starr Medallst aud Unilversity Silver Mcd Odio.t, Graluatm t iTaratt University, C A P ITAL, -S 50 -0.o Meauber 0a1 the (Çolle«e ni wfh (vermen4snsn & suraageons aofPOntari aas i;epIfd Wt IVenn, $7,0 - Physicln, Surgeon anad Accoucheur. Il m-l admist au l lsses mitilout delsy, sud BIIOOICLIN, ONT. PaY' Over the cash AT ONCE. - - Hou. ALEL MicKENziE, m. P., Il. AU4IIProsideut. rDENTIST, (S>UCCIES MOIN MAUGEAN JO., sur ta W. K. Carcl.i aar tItVDental Roomgo-Dn4ast3treeî. t 'Oer v. .amean'sSt.rs.Nîtron,.r vERYI OzMdos admiailstered for the painies ex. A tratio n tethThe nnlerslgncd desire telnform hie frieseand patrons, htlela eei e ce o Y 9N là 11: m §Med bupluestt0old à= TL EETHI inserted ,a ti l î. WHITBY LI VER Y STABLES, 14tst rinip1(;ýtu1e art. as ébeA a t he chospeot, aand asnd as -h Haviag eacreased the nuasher anda lairt boat Teh Mld-ith Gold aal Ser'I ut thes. pind, and alo e.dded teansd isupravea licothe. ft itlnt patta, lyponca'ltes . o yn and alrhîies on the preai-1 local anasothela. Dental TiOamO-4a inCovr th' esby bOeag tO a oritIt sa et ans nov blok, aver Atkinson'e Drug Stareuble ptrongoe. st ota ra Riang Street, Oshia-,,. oa rilesuAN DIEVItIJLL, dN. 1.-Covered caaveyaacoesfor familles * BULDE ANDCONItACORand ladies, Prompt attcndauce, as harota- DUILER ÀD COTRACOBface,à taail ordure. DUNDAU ST, WZi£TISY. CrAUl or4tre proanpcly eciccuted *I A DRESSING AND 8HAVING *II Sloon, Brook et,, Whitby,_ JOuhN WOLPpDBK.Ct J1O A W lmOH N , C A RrE ,W hty Pool ORÇOc-Unlonvelil. 8e.o attedled on the shortet i;Ce nd on i-eaaaabloterms. Turne ûàan bc marnad4 dbilleprlntoed at ti * CamrsOffice for Mir. Carter. lEV#I FAIRBANKS. J. M CEN19ED AUCTIONEER F011 TRE *Onty '01Ontarioa, bogu ta rtura thauks for'"s liberal patronage heretafore bestowed tapon hlm, aad ta announce tIat ho io prppqired ta conduoet sales- ether in I!a'i C r (Jounty st reasonable rates. Ar- rangements for àïlue cou be made cther at the 01OXiortLE Offce, or at My aira Office, Brook strest, whulby. TrUNDBR MERCHANT, CARPENTER L.iani oînr, Groeu Street, Whtby. A large qu auuibs &Uai iknde ai lumber con- ettaîl o an sat. TJNIRTARING.-Fnoais fuls- aup. plied ant attendoti au short notice. Coffins kopt comusîatîs on lianti. A hearse ta hic. on lisbeal cornus. 0-DO'ELL, A T ME R LTY, Clark Division Court, Tp, Clork, Ceaaaalealaer ta 3ý-R., -LantiAgent, ttc., 4o., AtliturIs- Coutts-Oaaro. thmrlv2-ut. 2ni. 1872-,118 c- Ix4ý & flc - Paîs-IOleAst, Sticeçeono, Accoucher,,t&c., &tc Wlitliy, Slept. SUcli, 1874.4t T AtV Pl RlN Formsate or tu Lat. Apply la JUSlN BIADrz,1T fielooktu-le Vosur y 110)ia, i18tà. R OTAL HTL J ~~ 'l[s'bE .PROPRIETlOR. Lmrt.aaaa scumaaaauo Inan.Amp le anti tvell.fitioiaei a ail?,rl','ao ýfoc campiacclus IsLAB WOOD FOR SALE. Ths sulacnll>a bas or sale at hi$ MIII, near ti1o, a alastits- aifatar.foot SIii --Wood. A. B. CANPDELL. Ula, sept, 28,1878. 8 T.- HALL, - COMMISSION,- AND EýFERAL'AGENT, far tIse Canfieramtian Lue Aesooîla pItil sud acoanto made ont. j AP'PLE TREES, ABOU VT 40,000,' -as-Ts-ar-. HOME NURSERY, Freinta-o ta four s-cars ai agei4nbracing AU lise best Varmotles. SETH C. WILSON, Lot No. 3, 2ati Con. Picktering, an Eliptan Roaa, Dot Offis, Whiss-. W4STERN ASSURANCE COMPFANT IKEAD OFFICE, s-oCoNs-a. CAPITAL STOCK, - S'çoaom. JOSEPH HOLMÂN, BtO.OXLIN, 0NT, Aima Agent for tise CANAD& ABARMES' MUTUAL INSURANCE CoMpANy, 'H Iesa Ofice, Hàxus.sou; asud CITIZENS' INSURANîDE COMlp'y, Mautreal, PIre, Lufe Anal Guaates 1 Depas'Iment, CitPITAL, as 0a i2,OOO,0oo. BrOoali al.Dc. 2,15872. 12m49 FLOUE AND FRED. Tise unaierSgned liega ta inuiom tise >ub- lic t"ho has mot-oui isp lace ai business sea&osotIseut-st, aext ta C Scott@ batchan Oh?, miser. h. keeps oau isa h Ue betûloa Cash forc mcm produce. Whltliy, Jan. 2W, 1874. J. LOING. The subscribor desiires ta state that h. bas opebed a A HARNE2BB SHOP, in the premnd,., oppoite Ra'sIiitigh Amn- eruasn eiotel, Dandas-Sî.. Whithy, wherp lho ailkeep on band . pkscko oeryîhing îü hi&s lin@. of bai,ss, ansd wili *Coeili thse lowest pricq.-lHe bugs to solicii a share of public Patroage~. %Vhby 1ob*24 F1IANX TYLER,. 'D OMINION LMN. A BINHOTEL, so WvItT DY, ONT., -'*nhp«É1Ã"i<~ M4BO~i . . PUOETOR,ESt Thse Aion baslaenllaorogMrnis t-su s te Obige5tir npon himm ulate e4, andl tissiubl'WM find es-ps-s- secqmo- t' - 1tlcuareitise es*Mestto.1îHvIng nom gis-euap tise lia , ûed nfuture, to- d", -aal sàig n.God lbl Win", u-.4as peem~sa j~s~'- is »!,]Msiiaoye on liant. R D TRU N I RAMWAY H T L 0o pueA1bet, amaz ?l thé u ATRs ATTIN.W. L WILL " O'NEILL --PROPRIETOR.P sinca Alliet, sept. 2ib, 2lm,., > P* am e u t mkunsudise trainoansle.TALUABLE PEOPERTT VolaR TIése ubsrbear aore for> saletise1 Ç 0JXHOT .fgvsabeoety s-ytise Tama TELchad e~ellu nikLtt4e Itil alud otualsamanthése amer aof GÃŽP - ltOoKLaR, ONT l Peter St.,lathe-Sauts Ward. 345.POWEL PPlimiEoR. acre ailamd fenmetiandal ai ai- cultlvation conter We igtna MOtT-rtohseAtrcavxon.As-mX, fond ts-Noa W"r&. ocr nCe rmntis ortise neidence aifC.Dspe, B5ETEEN HOUS,, theRSoth Wariao20 oa.ti ff0L'%naslp ci Marms, Co. Nartht OU'NDÂS S-nxiT, vm-ns-. lancl, - A ean anti inalhpatable tille wmls Tise ndeigneal manla intiniatu lotis. lanl lishe above propcrt-. For fus-tsa pnblic,Ihat tise abavu prenieeshave b=enticulmnsappis- thUc a-uer. ps-mis fitteal up anal renovate thss-onat.RACSCL eri «ea. ibJais-1871. M CI L ts ee. J09BPH A. BANDEL. KN RTES WHITBY, ONTARIO, NIISSNG HOUSE, Importera Deslers anal Manufacturera CaOR. Es-araAND OEa esME-nadu of TORONTO, ONTARIO. LEA THER AND FINDIP JAS. T. JEEL Cash padfrMls ak, analLual Toronto, Ang. 12,1878. LProprletan.hed ha" BELTING MADE TO ORDEM nBS 5 FT MaiFAIY H S-. 17.SHORT NOTICE. lie sent bs mail, ire, ai ail chare, ta ns- one %entiing thein adaireesta 7ÃŽ4linoadmss- NT OLE Noir YoOk.NE TO R OBIEET JOHIN TARNOLD, OFFICIAL ASPIGNEE u1,OUSyq'O F ONTARIO. .FBEESITE! TOWN OF WHITBY. À lEEi SITE WILL BE GIVEN £.tu ans- Maanfacbnning Compans- building anletablishiment la tIsa toma. J3- HAMER GIREENWOOD, Wliitlis. Pela. 28, 1678. Mas-oc, Wltbs-. lE M O VAL. Tise nndccsIgiedas rrnuo-calhie BOOT & SHOE STORE ta the premnslead pjlulng chu Western Hatel, DiadanSts-oct, KWbls, miseeobeis now preparcal taerecate ail ordure fur Wark. A langeRsisal let stock o auad. Eepalnng clonns ana". JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Wbitbs-, Mas-S, 1871. 19 TUEE Liverpool and London and Globe IVOUILANCE coMiPAr-y. As-mnsaz.552T, 27,000,00. Lasspaid lundont-se eai tcs-fives-cars exceeti FORtTT MILLONXS 0F DOLLARS. Claims bs-Chtcagta Tire estimaleal at nean- ,Y $S,000,0O,ae bein"lqul d e "asfatas adjusteal mithant déduction. Seannils-, Prompt Ps-ment anal Liberelits-i lu smI montaifils Ldses§ax-e the pronut feztures ai Ihie mealthy Coina Headi Office, Can:L Jrancîui, Mauts-es. G. F. C. SMITH,- L. - Chef Agent for Dominion. F. AIRBANKS, Js., Aient aiWhitbs,Ont. JOHN- L. WATKIS, OFFICIkL ASBIGNEE, saMImîrs-SaUaDIVISION dOUas-, AUCTIONEER, &o., &c. OFFICE-In Port Pers-y, Ji LU'MBER & 8 The sabooniber J a1 hi lm lina kiutis 1ai luni ber a saurs ta orter. Utica, Aug. 2tis. GEORG I lekeigup tise matie o aandsa aovelties1in patîer NE-W PLAIDS TONS, TWI ENGLAND Tisese mil be soi orcler iii Lise nemi cliaseti ehseeies Ao ne- lot-ai a sck. Pries am Osisawa, Oct. 2W, la FOR1 SALE, GLEN MA, Repasai.b- ntsnen for irani T, JTirants- scars, anli fats iintereot,, ont caimImman na n onot& chas-i Pris-ste Funis ta Leuti. Appis- ta- J. E. FAREWELL, Solucit, - Brook St., Whs Mas- 251h, 1872. 21 B USI1-<S CANCZ. Tiseundensigueti allers for sale tha In l6es lun-bhicS lis business for tIhe anu tare af Agriacltural Ias-lemenbs, Wngg &h, ,ioat pros;en acrs-ed an nla b. Tata Whltbs-, together 'titis lis stock-li-ta mactlnea-y andiplant ai overs- descriptit Also bis twaeling isouse said lot. Tise p linon-n as s PsIRST-CLASS BUSINESS STA And! on mincis, I itli e ud an exan ttoa. an excelleut business la belug nom citi aua. IUc mili alec diaposof ni ipilent cil li varions Agri-iultaaImplemnte. T4 inaltatrlnne man wuts %mailicapital tia appantuaits- that seidons proascnut ueli. Desiring taretire icoin brasincsa on caunulai ili-isata te nderslgneal la pascal ta take Ibis stop. Terme mlllbe made to suit s campel Parts-. O41y a oema annt requireal ti anti anspl time gis-en focrlise balance JAMES CLATTON, - Brook St., Whil N.B.-The aboae aler mliiDot interj mitis the businenss hicis mlii Se carne sa aisi, eut! repain ra ptpls-erecalcal. Nov. 8,188 O FFICE TO LET. FRONT OFFICE. ne -nil CHRONICLE BUILDINi Wisitlis, Jane 2ati, 1874.- 6.00»-NEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NE W IEVELATION MN TE SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAKINi at Eigelov'a Blocke, pas- CORNWA LL'S SELP.kbITTING - WAIST & SHOULDER CHARi ne 24,1872, 20 Dresses fltted irom nioadus-ment sli HRI'NGLES FOR SALE. isthotChange 01a itali. - z For saie, waitisfifr instructions, at has onlatutaimaifornMaoe MISS 3MINTYRE'S Utica, tinte Cnrule's), aul ul shingles. Bilaniben DRESS-MAKiNO soasm, -ms-av. A. B. CA.MPBEL~L.- Agents manteal. LieraIludnucements1 Uic traite. Whitbs-, Aug. 18, 1874.2 Fr GURLEY I H ATS 1 RATS 1I reptitation- aoftise aid ca. -s- tise slectians lielise Wiuter Clotho. -Ail tise SILK AND FELT mu sud calot- il be founc ladag is MANUFACTURItD AN]> RENCý , BEAVERS, MEL- VATED AT HOME I REDS, WEST 0F M. O'LEAT &CO. bus- ta annouue )S CLOTHS, t&. tisat lb.s-have opencal business aI Oshaua -Manufatonsopposite tise "Vintizaaloi d IL tises-art! or matie taO fc-misoetises- manufacture Mats ai ast faillions. Clatis par. avers- desc-ription, anal lu tis elset stylo made up prompcls-. Ta-eutv-live pur cent undur Cils- pritcs. Gen-t' Uades-lotising i aysinoderato. lu MATS ]Rr-NOVATED - GE. GVRLET. equal tounewfr oerlI.. 8.74. 45 Oshama, Anguet IOt 1874. Is-8 s-ris- U E A MRICAN OTEL. JOR XMLS c1 rao orausasnus sa ÇIEOBGEBROWN, PBOPRIETOB. usaber mil e agone. Tsi hs-cagionte bcSss h u-s Tise Douulaiou Lia, consiste 01 fis-t. 29E4 Scanllugs, claie4, full.Iowisd, Cly-de built stenm- 2-inci Plank, slIs, ud a atudet ta~a a egnar Funclag Boars, Paus-ausa -P 14p10 ion rias, lot qults-, PýARE>S AGAIN REn Dl- Buj' Quebe to .lvenpool :15M lft.Square Timben, do. auti relava,2,9! . f i miacis m ls aicsuti ýf... S b« iru toas 2,. , , sec Upal reo-tathringsoup, au'if. t!lon ai gueste.;- Tise prsaent ponsa a espareti no pains -o' exe.aae la irbsla c-rs m piovamenî liatw Manttendtota is cmoba nti au-cience ai liii patrons. Tonantoý, Juls- lotia 14. 29 - (LefLas Ctents-na.) OSHAWA, ONTARIO._- ~lfl * t L: tbata l. iolloir Iran ring mn tindtois nLllUZi y 'hlului the rate, as wesa -he$pgWheoC g _t l lin sy * bi r 4*e ft, looks 'n e gi e *! a ,,a bf 4 eh ~ a um ~ f aMqulsn' - . g P a io1 lb.if . aI>ilt anal mün -ters !9.a. Âi, dop P= fi rtwoflbe no;i'e -- lis ~ " E A ~ IC W etiuilnsai b ting a roim zi, n:t i on ofIli t he-, eJî~~ s 14a ne 4 auden ulsle l tis Unieal tato. WeThu fl sgt byail o.,ýdànaa 01idelay, ia t nanrîz:ag the 1>911, >11 I teDo à u 'i t Md~ *ptn folloirtlg m, n thebe crcl, 2q hlla tean enee J bterd.Jae a i a idtenyýý nce fi irhc Is ta a - ti s te -e * a nal tie be ii resOU -t a g , ta s n it i. I e ,eM el e a ta estse ouutfk~iet ana Nia i Wbl. A varons esbitoum au augtisraiune e lntrË ni a ls slei -~ fiet n a f ac,.-tosx e er'o l s ta y io ip le vnt equited love, ai & a u a a T s e V r m n t S a t T i , èb n I ô s l t s e Fsfyo rt h P a i ai r a o m tdÏ 0h i e s e u t f u l a u ndu y Alsa,ýâ 'y Tie lluil tae ar ad rand8 11 ate e. re ti S oe slia il l bs tte ia u ingths o fwu , a j subay ni d . - . I eyerdo 1?'.buex li ti M r ie m s ge.l 187, 000 171,8,00 182, 0b 00 l i <s y-A avesfou b IbteM i i n 'y cl jI eae t afiaeM rnis, Dobr a ukig ise pa , ant i ariiag s allanal of*8>,lsembeto nôo osl msua Uen ire tor by a heacd.lobearhf ha e ilsh M. ,c r 'yeiithasbewnisnr&ae 4 deàldln an an. coglate i ta was-n ,ate rsofroni fallsng namn t, a suaie a'en WeoelIlmalo - ;anlenta slo ey su e ceop- M pies mc-auarl. li Oh. lI-.a'l i tt « rat au miaIli te airo t.ifui int lier.,aiib r. la 4tFine the, 'n I cliedgiiliegnegaü4oa, ~~~~~K. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - relceaypoton nr a dutbl ajr rloe niato canealan l an1ar e, usr t ee B "o, l ntheiCands srueti A uo cgin. 3. AR ICH.TFmed d - 1t toe IIsol atisenYnOMca aseina bygoue bue. ana tisaI ha as ci l a o -a in -bl, .Ia otIirouf--a noh. e o v.2,85 f ese ât "ç i-M ati aBez iy bca us icn-,etnth!be,,axiaslie#nti i ùae eg nm nafetIn ibieey - -_ ___ .__ ___ ____ _ ederthata d y's ackflcslng latonts by ath tsn I aa of ny pa ybng l b a-a aih -'L Â R T - m ,it d a o k - rts bclng b c i s ;y 301 5. W e sead m te u rlv s iun Y , tise a one n a4 d q il y nl ht am i a hve been a i v a i n s e h b i i nim n h a t , p a v d m i t I a l i m t o n h apeada l s t a e saxa h t i t o t s e h l l ' o o - d s-cl ne e l u a e i H a s i t , , t î h r ,,TheYrkINatarY 8UBGEON, ta se tend, ant pscaretbti ul t ,atibtst l iegaiosyl FÃ"two arif alions-s d6iet i langtati ve,=oseeag suco o ts tnt -mlèowigii i iaIgry uum dy.ude dubeslmny A lo, i DTh e I n s S' C RE E X, O N T. - nos a i i t isra p e an t i i eée i a e n ou h vo r n d a m here b ea t o F r t .o m r al h u s r a c n ot# iaur ie Ucved t, B. inIs foluncpiRe" , Mn ttrench?"-sutfli'rêtý cu nioo , n wh iis h a cfies-c -rduTe ai Uie n taeRia Vebecluary Cal.t Die.i Teege, T rta. fo Wl heSat;i hm ut amvisng of hughran ta. oè and it Mai mat. hats-rd!':eti i w Ist ant a jo es- taii Heai a l ico mreti tse I i an a n î. clion, I anasti my eif s rontiet i y a ni t pl ay ist. 2" ho -cas-aie ait iseie at! a iu"ast lm. tpae tairo n ica, o s aiuerse, nat.e- asMn.ofNiaisadIlyA.,oealonlly - ralsirasansa pray ur. Coins ,care anting a a i er.11 msei &'r.,oeil it iay caine and-er usoticr e. r en s oe:afc s rm s " ridea, Mn, hre;ieu, u . n ae v anLtunde reh , t-sait! aie- ,o 22 Hvor st an s e o t iras ta sountino os M e. 9tis le n Ah e o pnt - beecls-eyoin ! e t a le e a ti" ~a u s , w e Ia l d e st ei c r -ar cin-itheostmsmlyan hnt ipeA di va er, y b igar f s e s18 , f n i ena kl gse a ne - " s M- a.es assd a m su et 2" - a tilen mo la n ir a ell -s ong L Pattruo elegi rap linpraxabu ttuet ry iit trabinan ssrthne s, tsy untergs.;'aroimet eost a at by han es- of n thaue rub oe i y t ohtu. LEK. Orepl ce at Mpor isa Os. . eniss. geMa a yc Maroir, nase v ttonny metiilÏ,ach àlis. miutes ?P" ala-nd iktia snu , anti iu I mataJan 184 41 clon pati ape cf1a ilneenbealirsit. "othen aan y on cie, nd*e as ais hat tse a o b i e rviu g u ii Oshaa, or. ,1,878.4st elowhoe, ad prtlybecuse ý ou- migbilaar n xss ai lb. iiptd foitro haaffe actionift e t, o 1 idycontan rcinagis lat aa sy'sujackaugis. a ingWortroyal lis-rying II ise ieci on ait' wyap oft- HORiS EM E DI C N ES. a ita l n nt corat ses-lbâes ai io ring a e-rim vsputent! en sa tvli 'tis pasy vèlve-nis 1 1pfauLbaproiwa at isd ustyapn ai ustaditels tcetaomisi!ts eitae halllaw; bail I ofincnea tagil Lit TEINAR Sescriptions - d eneraandlybcoarning etievl topsMn.denh eausoi se lat oug de. fortwo an mal hut isa1 anmtsl ar Ail a tis licL Hane M .i-1sve pon bse t a ge. Al ofthesoug te sas-e me htOit a frpynds' isy.uneruld obleiltmcmil nohr aa 2-tf aIe UkFt ooîmtI n iSand aE, NT faral astaofaith ïscnmrz andebe ate 4& I0'e nt1very Copssm eni ry, ato. -Feno w tial Fours ry.pyt o ton odou tIihevile. whfo tbyyMr Lenh vCiryà blab i lic aflre £rad o f hare Oaiclndrinksernr cl I sot aea-Idiemsc mit t-'Haa theete fyto.faimvcui agTrot.upeonnaion cnt otpeia i fug riee,"n' dlgSta.nt ef big.I at icoa s-, a d ieratuist i een c Rain benN.rdth iplma ofthe atise, ptroleans elfsoded t t.vi a And b a y s t, 2" ausi, Vi-a thos el-adctthea niail of my bat sg. a N Piulur].an Ati Asoiaio h i dre uel air r15 vloeatighm oun Uies, foui " Antsoeeing etatIis ath c guefr, I ua-ei is n at pare. t rtaLL ieu cilos, CaOUSE, bsbMr.nutieo ca o g' s-s e aint!ati stilati- a loyerou last om nt d a va n ip et Llm $ un i &C , wERUSay c me neisouc Se., eanras a lu- faise at s bion Ser 96 1 amte Mr,- n e iwt core b t-Lao mit!ave a utmifaie sut!,b.s-tiail fea - t 22 Mrsseatclacas o & liiongia mee on4ý t e.eeh --oes s ckulaet f sao rs?" E shily B u s. telaiughad i ts es cae, cO Rsim lLIAn OaN . AUes-c cucas lut la he o iluhs Do 'Tse Mm. Bs-me e paea wis i'a, dcaats ile ilteac i larestlinsesarnmia Torntot selLt " e ni ,rofaî alyslagus. w ,bi. M jo ovr splo ai M-s x r s t n eg as piaut-iv 1 n1 N-B erfrisbed sd a npo pl eddt e.ici as gami 2' e aa Ness t nell en s-siet -ct!t aib r." a lai wii eo m ng a e A FIP' o- an"Oh! I airs nobady,' antiaIsera a icncat isa h shld of MyWlsut.- lIt a car- C O ficn oegaicer-. con.faC. an noin . gHaving owsp o setiluth afmaictic nicln ales o the a-odes- y a cig ar sat!e oet ct , an ti if r Jante 1874,bdlthiiy nlcebal sit. i cle cets Ifdse Mjof at! mdent aa tt i - un Mysp Conai cie.ces$m et as bothe cîoslgo lifservint!om, mte a h bans mple acaransodllan io aumaer lng, anl Oh, ary le ot! kint eture Ibut e Foy ih sae lpl tig a sta. HEions. eiboamdt se yc beltoia buty. a- nat it an for amment h i ingonstsasne, I ca-Giut ajse!o nt, 'Ie Tc o maii:o~ etcm nlsle i y oe on t i r a eox, ur the ro undet!e by ne dicafltheiea a ok î. ant beicitof main ccse i g a m ea, si dis aprtsona cona ntri tin ayei theatms e tio a Ie m ls." - Ibe ro a pie ain t di e c ian Ofm ag ei - -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~S N.ofesfr ots ylttro ac m ai ceas anti mélab ais c, Ie -fCa rn g AcSeer hilaocnet !u tatss agaaci nicitla.t-e. aaas HORnt gM mpi tEDICIEta. simiente te r 1hqtra. s ,wu, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s Hosbse t nifan ieseaesie a 1 a as a rigia ty ego fu Im dretion ai lb. ave ue, Saüt! ie lay an!t slist ; anti hie as ta iear fi a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Ce ouw cfcrg.aveloaaf-et i eedyigaretint hs reeaolut!hoimei s.rt a n.t i.vs-ya- Hcctlsa more f Aldsrpinofont.e RUsS o eL or bavel.sontebl ipstret.cirmsage.pllegriatiscotheeutl. - u-k, ass li me a ait a l raalMy 1 .ti ca j n 7,184. r n ietr. aCascqenu ythe su r as eeai s oa ms soetet srl aggsth y e u n o a tmahs-e ot! nit ee l. t tb he . . od ethnhbas.aae paet a saleasonauliimstrSaidi-HStables.eal nwnta aa a t __r j1 1 lse ira s yanlys"ox, intel hbIse riaitebt.-" e v t min ie bt el matet ai tise x le'No hargefor vascehn aviag n le btfare ain ffee, té"hIr enughfl and ret adec you, olti tremao and, tseoue, smaurealoopln, ii -~~~~~~~y Rfts oaa hty iebAuYpoito ttahais- bs-uaise a-as e tan ilam-rsadolya Muretaî si diclt'adusondas. rtlat nti OFFI IAL AS -G-E , est wn'ec is weet m oou h av eiteotoitt ou. Ind smaibes- h a I vase ahcgisi1et tis enss t"onis villagend gong' T cBaryoala sa urf ie aa -u as mper. illis e h onl.inhsears , agi a t~ionkefracg ubt k," it, oawte, i vuci Crnr lteieah Msisag ts, ns vny leatr"thunghcase anti m trDuck am, I orode houi-utI ag qzvetcesa lse 1 teeu te. mn is ,ade tse Onuty Ai ONT. Ailbusiessg nnisut i thr Mn. J. H m s do uhe fi et pas seon twhise at, I ,opha of bpa ioeeye s o youIV p enThuseti ischat rc e i e fy a rottepa«c . MIniss-ome.*" . aniny B-te dltiue f eaa t 1 r eakfia stc, ornte i let ue s uoth a Torn.o.Âs i oit- lsit a urs fua ali us, un hu ' he a uM s ajo nve nooice.of 13h. pcs-uiein lb. aroig Imhenie t >i ly re le pi IVisillfuisb an d 1h 174 es- me a msiismy"bx" maaicy atn?,Bim ,ao ndiluticti ta hoo t o u."st i aiS llussa l, ind ebo ud 'esu mu forww ti G.FYIRo T -N GAS M10T, a-iaté ea ckcoam."0f-flOhFisca m obos, nd oriashsrainuce th e yfaslly lat.a ua-I bia l or isbthoark, xclalsn ssg, e utniisnt t o khepoasgcoui? r .nc!ulosgl eaatTisa Ga.Cmiigeeaccmotaeooy. "Divi rs e . th el sUs-, 5 0 , o lng es l ut1'WndrMy aa's uaer kxd fiteoc , andeles ain ISSUItba ap e Rmmd0if or asm Iisqeds '1ish ou bil en"a Ie- h sd. t speoi ak'in i liaomisa. butst ai neoges, the - innich honl r "What'e yens-naine 2" I nked, Oas uxcl ie; fais-by ono rcre ; ut ute sol i' ia, ste nly ou t s-mei ,oa ilst g nem.o t ote ta - 6 1alwgosimags ies l'l, v alim e.th sab e o i&th e mo tree liWnHITBaTs, d Nrtn P, O T IIO Bly eFina uan, c r 'au r l Ufl 1bYti ois srvl ie's l h vne statons.- oulHav e y ben long va s a jor tisendisssenbll. piam elyappyAfe Wure. "Y a vc rde. cutaous- po e. nt iy li L modnu %mpeEoisRndsTté,o Beamosr? egnrwa ox, su--I' saiu u Anti mIs médial mecolu ettis'and feold a nir," tisogalooed it- d- Partiednun orfmiali vlse s, ani mu a' a , u m fluns- metius atiehn spu y te. c Sr e ci th.os-os adw i oua t li Gtan graia roms alyhpasaiend tise aidernslgu-oemans ' bs baaAmi." "M o teiectids-os te avnpuycandmigr flan irlihtyen doL bno acpae" a e i clsa l tise Majortolandtetirdama hteaeer" froccbat etaldaai ol a idauIlnsgnt tsuMns.is-s ooeiR Z. P. RUSA EL, orLlkaedl-san u -ois is e i e nt . es om pro<is- girplo"- t ,nscienùling pae sd iand ith a-b aie cam d Ia ' :01te staleMasan'sa, HaleSer ai a ,tetr yS..M.7bb, 1874. liaefias My ap ly Ia' aboi mua. s maslinp " av abruty.udsoa a araias ine tis o i ace mas-tfe t Hat l T. onI iho wglit aiy lait fralabers, -and bfar e m . 'il ch oir yan y a r ame sadblo te ph i Sasdceplcss as 16 ONtT hetia hi inte sko-te i alio-sores.a u ie ai apare tene, Maeteau hanvs iajaact s mahi .m eh re s bynd ber -- a ne th$ T6 L ND W it chsba apitdeign saihies peciud ava c ite ay u .r I o m e Ib Is cuti b ar. ii t hgan, ael-Sai vilslagep i AO areFICzaIttvA nAnoS- aluIG at lir "B expc a h o aonaga aqianWouas psae tatI Sba iet m aien ms ft ise lu es-11e i my islit s ,tonh" e Forsal, ereal omalas, ira Tr m vr e~lgisag rvlgeea nan M" qde-bercl utCho1abassa, Welhseue, i t iftei YOIofclos e, Ic Hnase, s u aqeBik ne . cr Ful At- -i P&ysr hc-' oadya svng mi to Tc - at and ' s k ot itis ao, isi, Pet toens apt a te. utothe masîr si aniu s s po e- eni is Tuilses.»yliedneiv e r ie s- s"ho in ain t ulIai ulls- i eUt Gvty a.1t. UN S ITH. l o ." .bx"w ail lednithé alladto Ma or lu stsens as te i pi ntean Maor b t u ta hitiyFol. 9h, 874 "rsecilÃŽ% aîew e eoti lse ajr My . ai ta e apr T es ra ei ta n aesar onged of D'y forts-- ,i1"1 s-lr ee worw ac epeds2"f l tal eps-o motois atlioled byaxainigb vi,Ïfcu Jtor." -a 005 ý C2 - UpGSM T H t dieIa thal moment I im a ineti t a n e, t t mnfcefoel a nô g oula Bnt s a inge. - SITho ,o A gotilmostos- ram Hase naliatai j rems maesûran aid l isio r- s cdla olneven taman'este. - - "Ifwy;n eae," ? an - lb.W aninnis iDrEtR OFluh.T astth ar'lmonrugi-td lmlu I havekbpauine hanore,"tho à ' - "A of&slgbl visaiorTreicho AU ALE. OSTO, AtleP. . ita nic lias lovF bt srel Mrl . Frecha- s e ufilng inse o lb. p Msj in,-" a 2ýMRIG IESS starntetibyiidiet Infuenc aOdsioopLiup a y;eytdepsat. Sqsr.M-. -*?" sulrrnddews 'act J..PA EWELWtit s-. c i m. Wy~s iaȔs >t gs-sl i i fsW, ads-oibe. i d( Mas eet±su- s abe tanrte qs Ocoe IIt B 74 ONsTA I l peak a i I e a e is 'saofis n nor nal n at boyemp l la osa ilu a ys in"thesn e.-Tzebslsavdtab-. To6n y.nia t enlo sung wt aie or- Yithedi, uatl2gbfcrws-dwa "l m Onharliaae , Ms-. Ps-ac S'li ai ! 'f is e ni rslut asu asataiMu t-e t. paym orr-- - ldhi uft$ i swert a l-idu>, Wl Jv Wel w Tsnits gu atdIs- ieil- ab Parss testiuIpcnF IIbl,,veho , ndmalas- u' m ie s uraoe m ey1"îthe theMabos e ssiSeesi- Po s-"mi .té 0aolpln l i e ilPes ieteud iut-, aI a e gbsbil mi. irt'esgh nvouia s-ily ant i nage g.mi "Sans-adà k Lme. utjsetauiciat atvern Inprovee riau ani wit I.adase M-o116%ih' néemore mev'NiPs-eOlyptiloCl keltn Toa 4wO'M- rncyur auipalp, .1 fac sale cheap. mh's 1thé naeetrgs-nièce, an' sm e-iis S. xlhe'l xeyg~srua.~~~ 8 Invelments matinluMunicipalDelen- qnare tsinjgs,ýatiyeuat- saie g ood I rdmtlypresoedetaMs. eamiela aer.'-.;- tares, Bank, anti oUier rarketati le 510a5k5. ta the paon, anW la-aaies Young mman --a littleti ;-facetilady. the plins-ie of 8 eetias-Emsay, yenaseni1l * For luxther pas-ticularsappîs-t ao tses'Wltlie Bas-ony, an' a nice. s-uds3aeaâl W, io uas-maoin lfueble ta, pQor French. H.emuaU n0- Jm A M E S HO L D EN , - a a n e ti y o an g là gj.' .g ô a n ti flic k enan dg to u e s I a t à ié m s e st a y , tuatd y o a n w 't lo t s m " % hi s a ~ î OR e~sBo~&c.1idSe.s-" - - pasiynee. I Sd h. banS ailIsMajor, onearba ena y, OTICE-OCrer tse De.- lnBuh e. mystery, I onglt. -This, -ait, taküssgg1hh5 robisti I'W tà f iniu l H. asclti e WeRoir 4e 15-lOl,17. Wbal aise mEmily a otherUnnsm?,, -ppstake fo uo vyil lfia -aeMY mvlee o, fIiut4eI1Ite -tqry Trotibi in esaau u itia ,,,u, range o aele mati a994,10 lia!- b.uilu. T. P. W H1TE miii,ý outhe 141h Oclaber, 1875, resunisc trol ai tise Major ile ho h *11 ilpar-al topas- ' tse lseaa,sBhe passt-a. iWAS pies-Isui tùa aisthlc--tbaM walàs élu appealéd for help, se. ismetiýame a-itlknoweapon aSceçn*th taeutrik lu & ~ ~ ~~~ç feùu--a od xplanationr suc! excuse 10 Mi-. Reiisclanti thé lifujos-, sut!I.prcpared to leave. 1Idii nat tesie L to tealier s-gala, sud yet thnsre a lainais-craving fanan.: gllapse ai lier. I wuras'esmng tsnaugb tha hall, mien a ioo-openoti andl 29 stoot i bfore uMc. n'e- eyelide wme yens- s-et, asuah. appea-edto ha-v. beu 'a-eplug IttanIs-. "I as gassgta laveÇ 1 epliet. "Do net thikisll ci me. 1.-1oma- ao xplulnnoir, bta hPd is nu may 1Mas- talt -on S. Icdo not ast ta aonilsjudgedaby ys-, "I assure 0s-ayu, Mis utia. -u lve affai- ra sc natter.ai oftatl indiffe- oce ta mïe.' lbwa me rmsl-Sitaneun, iusmssly, assd comnrmily. SBis aranit as if froin a "lwandt -iione .r6proneh a oo, a-hicS mv'asdes ied tc an uni i an gono. Tinïe, the oretroyr, taivravé ed 'v fasrly la rue, andtihea alom;ing Spring fanna ni. aceeptlng an invitation ta Ballyaoaughua s- s igh 1 huai nib eatit, andi iss-aing an uns-e- te-ad v- net-ar ta oeateer its fr-taI pas-talg Wli 411I scept lie isuviburîfon 2 WIelb las-ortisa les-e or Major Renam- ish?, Wn.o itla- tise suite oa i$remin- isceés ai tisa Ferty-niutsh clce Wàas iltht-ftisCapîcasisi of pai yinx doble timns- ?or mai ilfor- bhe pur- poue ai cýonaoflaliig -is Mns. Beaiiua NO. ineeting iosBadresa? - IisuncgiMdtLat tha -CLWuIsgeofaiair wouldprvbeecil a.iI Iuti lassa was-s-ft!by'lair bmieiere; bedes vwici Irmight l; ac shérs-gaad fan to meutlie- aaov-, c ic1 biiuna feeling impan lbe ibje0t: Oave boa.t oa i aIply seeking 1 titi lot s-each tlouaae until atlas- an Oo'ck, su4 having anlenea! by a 'ny, ione!mayself in Use Msjos-' san.- ici es-elSe aas aas.oa- My-as-rival. Ela mas engaget in un mmy stua, cal- aw-vssagmuma, 1 baccface laepoke - bitr figlit ul ife. aiti in a-litai %as- u isaeit him suûre than- one iver-.ta.laeJorgotteu andi vel-iseeteti Tuse Majr ra deighbed tu Sec Ume, )ut, tratie instincts of biat, bht alttisas pasdonfo afeuw minutes un- ho uiali lneh.e génie. Hie opponent loake t i me ver>- araeatly. Ilknsi bie face, but couit! at outil ta sail mleeI butai Seen', 4or" retbh1 ad eu seceuit at ail.HIfe aM dealing, ant i ursmivetaly My ey«I eu upan hie hanta. i'f ais instant I kno uow an.u .Thcy mccc the Sbanda oftiseMitinight* I aboul! bave récdogissealthson in tua anoibil. RÏas-a mussaithéualsa 1 tend Bat 1 s s - aia THIE M. fo sus- -i 51Vrs. ri» La

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