Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1875, p. 2

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",'jgW5S (ouethww,.T. iWiWIQla to i referu.t " ~;D~#~ n COf6ftdIiO Incb oùffe<,L TeTi t eIstateo asking for reiRisin o!fn FMINCE. awi »idwould b. the samiine i Iaf the LBzeOnt (lo<k faejy Mr. Dozîovâsen t h eoto ONrYm Sireo pit4b. tue aan1 columitee, which recoin ONLY Us g PSR ANNUsommebnt, l osqo~n b urefeiren'Ce tu *nxoits expended on anended payment of soma sml aîl. Iow sss the m st à" always b obr, &a. ;fr u.lvdngL.Loum lookd bgh,- Tis wls uin a arbcounts. An accout of Sb.zriff Bey, Wbkbyt Thumdayq 1%.'181lgb. 18s7w5#do angau a n F reni Jas, Draper, sec-r.tary Schaol oci fr u-ivàn h onii WhUq Tsrda, 'e. 8,18e.luury te the uwu. One! Lb.th@firut- B..d, nluoaoing resolution of Sobeul polling deu ios aithe lesat elecien loqiie ypepeetad - Bourd, siug for a grist or ,ô v as rfre eL.Lv eiie e enqiras >'pepi.LtS i»sauc, Wheonoumotion of!ut, 'Blow, Lb. amount o o fL. ilthe e! slic.tLeva. mediat. sttiugw lbb, Would b., wàs voted Le Lbe credjt1th b eard. lut L. pettien fOf. b cbÎ11 of Parties lntlsbted te acdciuee ; ,aL40;,,rfl.iProlui. aouéü na ptft m&eJbobligsby wukxg.g ttl.Moht of balf or tbre Cents h»lbhedollar olloshp adavi censes;LbOercfIvil. thiramnt, Snshock their beai. 2The rat, inmtLe. mcf . Pir., cellecter, with-itate. -The report vsaotd l.rseoas e,,acceunta, sowmet fpeiiens in awérersfer'taxesaoped lo g of r ue ij ur « àl e- il do lar gas Oba w r eng im pression th it lbskd fer At Lb. lu t m etin g ! L b. TmDr A. p esN ted Lb. re o t f La suit, and expoue ns. inurr. tnes. taxsWil wu. prpeyascsaedbigh00,11,1161 31É,rreLbater ô! Lb. .atheon b.-t WC" ropoty 480sca 1h - RELaLb hespecilicennitte l th wlan Vas r.. thé ameh. sttld Loer.11w t Of eoub-ast nytlbng like ts ralue-of Ur. Ratels prlesnted Lihe report e1 questie Lbthe oaioTerpt 8,msoEU3 Course Lb. offet would bd, o then b.relief ceuirniuse, wbich recoin.su to mLaLL.on. ,he eportp Susrblr ae,8 haioea fbmonded paiment cf "anut ofDr. pltetvil r . y3 eiln 8ubeb.,ar raalde4~ raese ba, istad f cbng neari>' pu art for aftendano, On Mas. Wlun elici t ) MssLiàebe vo uLb swbserptlons e. Tm, UMCL: revbeôcets=L 0 nautgwould no jùe D %Oboit Maxn, and aise récornmend. tb. sole executrix o1 Lb. usLaLb, but au pal. uulao, 'z; : réceitwo cent lu Lbn ollar.It c te no PYme t rctndascn Mi s imne -mWS -nul - wll ecla 1" fr g.tb.n»sth mr.iiiee, t .anM]urgent sud recomrnnd.se Lab. mLte b coucsaLeWin lao il ' placed uue8 nPaulu n ugn otiser bauds vwhlch Colonel Walaco fi; taking, and case, To eprtvs dote. lce u b.ne e! Lb. oth n otci-b ~ ~»*&~, a& :pns. sd.d. ibiliLblawreqire, t llacog b.LZOENSEB. tert, witb instructions te take scb ----proporty of Lb. tewn at a more equit- Mr. Fboapson introducd£b-a c~> sb a'deuayebal b Th iti .în 0Agaenste ii lting bleui. able valuation. The. law requrîtesbat L9e regniate taveris and sbcp liecafis in premises. beu foi South Oitatig. tLb.lisse-s ot shaili bcod upon Lb. Lbe towua cf Whtby.Mv raper b»kngexplaineda Lâ Th 8tu iehvaue Te hlu cornitte, Ii Fairbanks ask.d the repoxt fulIl>' awed ail b.herom pettio 4&int tw etua -f aketuoal 6 ash ae. he change 'Vil, that the-ommito, rise repot po.mitt.liaitdoue, or vere able te do- T he P etBr o n aln sê Lb.* e r uli meln d ff ro c w a 0ev r t e ta z. g i-da, an d as it l ave t it a ai . i e e M r. B lo w isad tb a t h b. L b g hst th o>' v. ro u , se c ud sl tgwo-Qu be iufi paY .j- Th t is, 850ilong î t e sro s wcre coule petitiuo , lha undérêtood, er e ivi g t ee m ch pow er te Lb. s4aol tr omsIeu fMeut ils equitaffl-I ail are talied fair. lu r.eftirnc, te billiaird rosste twýoiio.g oe nased *!ills r4yotlfying document4,, illicil.vitLl1' aike-aa,, arnuai iiu eal i befere the couneil, and the 1l0cense r-meut that tbay procure Lb.heva wsoici. jàwjrSoý tht srreas crloitie in'bae toray tintwhili ue,,wiroon coin. tor's opiion on.th. motterlu asud.o rnitteo bad nelly th lt yetareed upen ny o'opnnonL. atradtn la iar o n, 1Lb t e asenaltosit es u 8 111 oe L er tlh o r pt - i ua l lyi t i. course. T h I JI lm lom a t r con ta co re Lih e c eunil co ld J dge for Lbm a lves Ilteatus. u I ai Lb penltyolesessare, bathr ti, it.beîme et a t pat . pccial Imeetng te ho lield h. whst as hat te do, ad not be drani o!fLthe Electien Aot aroln generakl termns, igla or a lew » figi. The great eun fr ecd c u oLin3to au expensive law snit. Il a c rried utle th t he va uston 'lho ranyor, m r.IlI r or snMitre,>v'P ilp said Lb, people expected quoeâ galst vBroa. . l L Learcved.tjstha Li, alutio înmbers agrecil with t euggstio,»More frons, th report tian hat L.y selfands4 Iaagn;crrpt praticesbhi- ;orer aIl, shah haijust and fair. Amu nd n:Itime by-law V.a ad vr s l a n l ia a e s; c a g a ihella m f r L es p ur o ufrarisa, s b ttr SO U T H %V A U D O S , X O LA D D I: < U. M r. H a rp e r e x p la in e d th a t n e tid in g oa eletaib> f aual ultoe,,sud ehargeal man coulai net b. ehoisen tilaunColoid l Ou motion etf1fr. l)u, ec P4d >'consb eucucofLbcMi couleand - ibli violatn tb. atsatute lu ever>' forna Wallssc. - L01 cudd ncoki e henr c MsanLittscouadoud end annr kusvi, totho laws tchni jMr. Camxmer<jn, Castlc Fox çwao appoint, no encre than LIme>-badl doue. sud munor uown o thé law' teobi. l'opaoablei nuL b. uposed to cona- cdcaratamker ofihLm ocke mand ladders i!r egsnrfrelt b ldo calities. Ur. Pereweil elaia s t bt eiImi aal poot rmLi i-of theoSouth Waird. aaM.r'l. F Mayuonr ad Mith s Lis-eg audet v. ~lowu laentLl~l 0 L. essor. - Timey gain snotling hi>. aliug t 4iiDO ABSOUT KOTIuee. comba's solicitor lit a public meeting as #et N ariwai aegive anud, cf so. Tii.>- ucecccd fa perlaps puttiamg Mt. Hatelà, 'relcuades] liy Mer. Fegu 1slort ime age, bliat a bondiolib seatbI@ rleu r B r e h mgatu s u eiio v sse ee n 0- lt a le e be i s r e u t ven w i i u Lie weeks by M is s Lis- c o u e s , u n i l l i e a e u tW l s i e c i n . L i a . o s l l c a l t e a u l n e aeu v c n ce01 0 d t i , r n n u t e s o f Lt e c o u r m é îl i a t t h e c o m b e a é u r i n g Lt h e m e us e . g t e L . t o w . 0 P lo t# vb I e 1 r tM v, lar e s i v e a < iot -11 9 o I ' e n h i a n s l s o u i a la re a ms cu w ly t u at % I r . im a r lin g 's i a c c mn a. H ie o u l a i a s k L b. M a y o r if Li a t* p e d g e pi.. aaeé,rte ia chrge b~ugmLcoeuptîlule b>- couceaiug Ltme trulli traxwaés put tLu Iducrelit ta in couice- was fultilled ? If so. Lier. vas na uéma mi * aaiat lm Se1k, b gveaaucair. n-i aisleaaing. lu gvng Lthe arnoamit uianuecOf lis reinoval anti not beiug vefrriug Lime mater tu Lhe oin soici- I déI1 ote legtos fte aitoo. finoethsi mr priuhr able t tLis corpcisîbon for m-id tas. tOi', (i 11denis LA Liaushowgatias eftbeoithber. cf inca, Iai i acepsrtlay Lime Tîan fllow-mmmlanlong disuqio, r. IKing ageed ii Le report, sd 6 h I i bp a e is L g o i me w b a er b > c a s . I e d ' e.a , w g -e t t e sas , L ai t w l a:i li la g t c d o v e r :8,11 h o u r . M r . K in g w a a i lli n g t e a v e Lt h e m a te r l un Lt h a I t i m i a s e if u e r b i a t eli b a e ù t oa y L n g im. e c P îî u i i e a u e m d t a t c r - id ' L s e t w h-iy th e t t o i m î iu n s io u ld b . ib a n d e o f t h e ow n lic it r . A , - 1k. oirap îa'atis ei ceutauac.paraiively few cf tiaeae Whooare kievu iill no ur dia Mr. Fasirlaanla c- M.Fruo sdeie ebise e,, na ba elsetiaflealthat ia scrutin>'t ae<s ucis ru ot e siveLime 11.3e cf rcuaiberimg Lmsain-.cuteaidemi tlit Lime comnittee hami net fl of te baloti, ijl ýf lsseung bs t hgagea n uts ,,m as 8 it 1io.oksd a- if tme'were en- doue ivimat Lie>- vre requesteai Le do, e! Lbit. baloniute aotut laeuièu bi smd tier tsso ufja sti-d 1 9. aavomug expiajasoleamilimutat aniUr. Ferguaon moeiu tht Lbe mat- Bc t e a ly, woin i" ea u i s e ertra y im m - je u g L m e a ,éaàr i m a r a te r e t iir m s . w a a , r >' ir4 la >; t h e p e p le w t m l tl s p L r b e re e -r e al b c k Lie c o r a in atte e e s , m a tt lu iéfor th u c. i vu iez',t j e is a T hoe op arties, o aa gt aro , y l b Le in l i e nc wa..pa ie v, w I my Lie taxe , %veore an ad t w n aolicite r for a tuler rep ort, th , PVOP rry dra t ttesiV lee mad ttat wn, ifficehnt. wilich as i-ted dow . maLerferth EIeteaaJulgemedecdo papely icut , ofla ifrio are MHarper thomglit mew aucbers 'T110Mayor explainoa that therrsoi lfr Fi-voi rlisvu retod, ai- smortssuossa men f rifraioaae1 1k.M. ehi alu't peL areoi onlue 6 no iffculy in gettiug me Li t e r I f p g r e u n a i c f s e c i iau b i a r a c - m o r b l aior d i W hl e a l r g , d a i t e y e t , a n a d w a u e d L e f u l iY e x p î a i n L e t h e a c'y , i L va s O n l y a m a t e r ef t i m e ; W i , 1 0 8 if a b t v L im e c a e ,l ai , e i i c a- v o s a e sie f a l c u as i e a t o n w e r e c o in - p li o p le t l a s r r e a i a a c u a t -r o a g t in g s . a n id lc u s e ll e a i a m d e r a t a c o u r g e i n _ j salt aaet ltî aitve>'litîscosieta- imoud tLilea.4Aitcg-tie>, Liere li. gead Thto diseussion Was salien part in by [mater, suob as aavccated b>- Mr. Blov. am Lio (rm te our. EecionJudeo emt fr idugin inthehoe tat ffecr memaaofLihe counuctl, aima iter B>- gong te lai, v. vere akiza stop vol tie fouaLie cur. EecionJ thle roasn o aagnt Lu o pe imit msclswaee f ertso motion vo miglt aitemward.éregret. st u ks en t u ct " 6 o b e e tai a s i o i a u e w e g h t L m a ,. u sot L m e a f W h i t b y % v a % l s t o n a ,I i% i s l e î . p l e m g e , i e a s p r e p r e m i L c a r r y i L o m it s a ; te~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t tehiaiejeiea ioi u> ut~remiet yar ii . vi-mlclbdIL wraxalegaI opinion that me town il no fnett seertIn eh ra iimod mue ils wîîmatanc'ir-. til'bauiv ce ac aaMseLicobewafioLra.iii al i n b s b r ae a u o a it e , li a tv î s i c l -i a n M a -. i u î h ea i n o a u i k d f o r i f o r m a t i o n c o u l a i n o t d e m a n a i t b . m o n e r i i i n e x t p r o % enearnO Fig ahDu . uiw bqr-lae. A large M y u i otîer logatees w e e vaitim u N . Amienm ba u ceudmte 1, btL1x mÀiic l<n i. moarx..nuiber f peoplae ijegeted t'ye tdaimi LiiLa tie. He assuretithe counel, t -~ ~ ~~~~~~u atnhieimrLa liaino ie Ievl. R.H. Tioratun, D. D., a gcrai.leï- mer s-ev-l;le rais heU 1)vLtheaigainu, Limit Liere vas no douht but that re e viole f.ln>'repvesémuta tLmefremic uoice Maun widaly laacaWîIi a ll rj ýjoupectecChic-f c1.sîaîllo bluoItL-Vhaib, LIee-nuil LLa.rov.cî of thce eustltneaoy. NOvar, bie fiands ia tb. cernmuuity, diet s li.0voiaimel -notifÀ*jc, ns] aunacor twe b' u cm-le t18. I Mr. Faild ls etat houcriat -0 - ii.Mseai;eudimiiefdLie Latrb. raIram I imovai ,hat th laet foro dlaim, anal we laroe ce veastan tof<cranlat an earlY l'oui- oncmi thîîî,elay arnll fore ÙIL. Nbm-c , %im b-]Iodw isi th tepr hiopiionwmedthe iras olto fovu t 6u Opinionatute .'eoutrary, ha.s Lbare Ha bai hl een ajiLing iuaiy Pafeir dmiyasatieg, anlFc4as Liaiet -fia acc. ans] aIlL42er utemrsfoaM.Bo r.W hee a ure ormu. Iunet euctenTii. Doctor #came aiLittiiacount:y as a Tise lMayor umiasltLie by-laiw, nut]i>rpr v Pi iaotiMrslo, tise v r -00 helatlounfo otantac maiear f a- te times itéa c, ' pciamt.d ont istîmidfecte. If a flue w-por t vas 1dptea. iai feres r- row i CO COr Od- afn, hurh iét e y ar s3a;mpis m1 ans] appealea, Ltae conNiction Th e cu ail adjou mnoal for oeue eek. reci -se far anosin.loa is ocaener-liasell si oaurcb ite r 1834 ; i athad ýr-y i.ld e qnhe, andi coSstaneurred ~wi, b s e t h l U ia g e s i n g l e e t , i e a r s , u a s , hie r tou l y t b co fr . asf î r m i i e r la i e ia m i a .l a bY t Ld o v ; h o , h e v f o r e , b a i l p o l i t e . - T a z x B B L E : t L o o x m .G L s s . ',- T h i g b a s e bh ecmnm Ifed ueabis spartgte iishorimol f shvawemelàie bas 1>- acauestes] Lh. offendin g parties by lageana nalq Lie eectioa. Hesud bs agnts, ie>' ji-ca sar laoi-eiver simuca. The. note te eitan timeimsidewaiike. If, bi-e okcesstng. ail cuvr, ereparicuarl gurde amont f brd ioneriig Oi* do c evr, tic comînei passeda lasolntioa six dafferent books, is for sale b>' Lie vote anl assr e rc ptia rîialarîy guabende o nt liaürd luiPeering voIe dn ilzimg itu enfrce tL ua, aet v.JmsMakoif asi l> anal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i th-flLmitir hudlcn b'Lm )eo, -pcayiaLe cari>-lhe wonld 10 L. sd ubila- Jrescan o fab-L. ais- d i viciation cf the aw. Thme> kuow o et erg cf Ila i misionAr ar>-e-er, wliras 0 noue-.bMv. Brown, itlaiscoutenaied ,lias gpeut. HoeLiavelleal oser a ver>- 'jle Mr. Faibtaid B amiai i tthLie by-iqwan id lg'Yrcmede yterg i $ extfntofwbat wias mueaveynw ant ilimgal, Bint iflcperative, éuîi-lg - ent clergymena o! Lhe localit> sud i-ar- "' wo bs *A f'ry ndbOPOlY cdit, et oh of latwa laaai a v tu n he mlarge extent of ei'ritom-y of theousdadiines Bans] 0sellrsviose certifi- lista v nb i s sè e a t f a h - y n l N l a e e , l s a u i V - r i r't he in e i in L v i m n l C ai - - n i ~Lnaa -k i . w a l v r i - c a e s a r e a t t a c h e a . T b l- v r k i . i l au s - q u a i turapvofi bieo, aiont f . are ve.ra aneug Lie tinethmu Canad: opanea mor spcif. slegtiee ae uffliently Preabebinm stations i main>-disctos;, dalLm y-law Le the fremîtagema of rated b>- 173 cugravings, iL la lai quarte tu auottttaUr ouicqs adhath hpins bfreiisda&hfarmuea's loti. IL lad beemi banal te ovpmuueio napbaner> sqbtaatiaeal1v"ceuIneu l Ite anl asbeoie lisIaO" sarl nowou Brocki. t atthe tewn'sa in pgne au ie aredpe, a udon i cf eeng main>- of Lîega bece ai. ae e-pense12 teh ay W aeresa ansd flOuriehin,. ccmgrtgations. Dr. le we-ehrta-<ena - 9L MUr. Faravel bas bhfi nled Imta Thoruton a bs astlt ebs imnithel- easiiv o fontg , iiecouldai ltogetlaer a muet deaslralle addition te er umuoatani r.cm.iLycfsu iefanil- lluar> e siar- basboll. re proe.mtng iis potition againqt Mv, iste wevk ai a elergyru, takou dua,-iusilvudrdton e but iiereoimet[e. advL. irr fer hueod el BrLlwn's eîcctiea cenîrar>- te-bis ovn aillais <cal>- >-earsv sidence in Wand u>- f-thea[Ses a ]]yromu-sL. tcwnship, an active anla enligýimtc-necl li- ol. tee ml adweoaIlbu bottleri- jalgment, and ilthat iL là,,iefereonu ie ct on, flea rcla tere Work o Vth 110 Cuse o an a frent. le nLime walks, iL vas dif- ACCaosL-TavMr. Eeodeick Boss, o! peare votreà h ci s Whob av e 6 p eO ula y asdune m ore, pei aps, tian an> otier posafi e 8 il ha -uu-st heJî t hi s o- et bisoft o inpe ineretLelves at take in thae wl> persen te i-aise Dhe elara0' hiantiehe c, ofbte ndwo 1' a uane ws tUca-cer'n( 'Ml lenclaicesouthwarails, L-t ime'ilsorin uo cf ets aal la hae garmatedhlm e' !Lm 02 Ie Schol'Liat duiiat. Ho en liat thsi eva w exppee; if ruglat baud cuL off, vlewrigauo agiint cnt ad jaiiaui iaa an hdefatigalale %wevr, ands psraidse bo would tae.cavse meaortim yard straveutter. IMe is doiug voîl nader vbie abgapros to ctshd ageduth@inilit>'. If neitimer Li ueor permenai exp9sured 'di>muet r1a>- fr-iL.LmaasialcvofD.Eswo. m Lbspeo uleLm ae ieElaction anYtliug vevete Le doue fer the . soc Mm-. ?i'; hîbpliogithLie sanow alaula l mdcl aso D.EswVd non inevst e ~ bc cleavealoff thoemidewalks;Ila. knew -MSIERxTvsatn aq or. e,8 Jualge *fiiimake short work o! the. edinetion or religions uer ste ouenins-beagepan Iau -er aiesplc enr. amlto& nc, lt hee eadiag of aith -st Of Lime town or ceunt>-, I beg Los h -n-oes i ie uoit,o îmwu soa te Cm Âaaeo Ais -o.r iaitn&Steîalneimt l.epes ta a teeauYour attentiontLe Limmpsésible asu2d.de1 ) m i a h thM i e c Leo io n v u te L b. C e Salt ti ieh. a n n u a i ee a rin g ee m-op o a-aii m . O ! co mr ae , t iri-e c o l i P a e s I ta te Lie r ea sla n rt lia re sU baie s] t eo naes a rk e m l a by.Iiaw toe erforco Lime CIl ,niig et aI l I main iu. TmePort Pei-ry Bailva>- al i-na~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~t ~nvac ieqete i ragi ae emake a-cou r i ping ialîorta. e-;tf.ets,, lut l. dis]Donetkn Lvua eavm e> aeosas ra i sa a Wrama, and becsase it vas net musce ions. ainteulig purciaier, viii do ho good pelic i-.-mlr. iL vouls] bai-ver>- ovn u, lliln a'esi mSI. x or> question 0o! xeautive respeusbilit>.-.0volta c'-.11l nal xirrfa i tsoeLb. expasive.pet.s o fLie nes e! t mh ex. Loreeau 0 tat thora voe a Atuafly, anda l [600(So mmv.] lMya. Harpr-i- agre ila Lb. the mairîts make-sorne effort te kaep iL open. The put>- Ré iatter of-fset, but'28 votai epposai te of 31r. Draper. Ho 1ûinsanceaiLm rvl a, tth uvmea iepu 6 le Geveriamont priopoition. lu other Piloa. PiATT ON Tî H o er.-je-0 cc-nig cf snuî ifr po muse, Ic a>- troil t, git 5 the o o.am 6. L i-sv oi-a, upc» Lim e gner*l qimtai Liahefesor Pratt yl mtendl lii> îisit t vîil ae ext lot tealig laalnover beenAllai Ibave1no deuhit were Lb. controller wrongfIl eveimnt nLmajenit>' ioulai have bocai wIitby ta lectua s oa51tbo noble animal pedetimaiaa;, ini cuasqane unii ia-Lm nwiovaîirciegnr eat 50 Io 20. Thc resuit, as elîasve sali, the! Morse, iniLie cous-e etfteai day, or as va-l left lis aimbu..If Llîare vas a aau s ad libersi ais] frem m'sisetg sloug sais] .1., ge far i atlsl'atory tht Lthe polie>- of hafortiglit-aus]o! vhici -duocntice by-lràw to keep ail ltiiiitIiai for Lie ronds. As iL la, Lhe nutural ba] !u> e eà Qeérinent vas Lima ripat polie>- viiÙlue givon. Tic P'-rofesseor bas ceiigLfr ea oivuî qmlLi>Li su-aL saa, as 0p<- ballet pi lut-i bg ee, aprve, f jyther»uttiu f te ÎgS Lim te Othair taxais on Losa ilotS. - mle wi rie e ises] tedoing busie i'sad oe, ai I ba bee apu-oval ! b> Lia i'piisLio o!Lgiet tchaater andal fr. Kinag Liougimt imat the aomuaiil lmhiy are compeileai Le go teaLiaat vii dircetioi ,et majerit>- o! Lie. reprcen"tàtivss o! hais tesîtimenbaîs frein Praiailerît Grant, bas]time paît-ai aupar-Aa a ly-iaw tûe -lQamaagi-, althouglu, nas man>-etfLier a aliega dontainei eo pooplse-and thabt- IL le scb #9sta Gonral Sherbl uannas]gentlemen of tLim -sei?'ai of isle principalstm an ma~s taLeadiadvaiaLge LeaLierselves, anthey - Liat tmi omend itlef (lai ibstever else bhe hiUglet tanding bath inluthe Umtetl satisieaite leave Lime mnattea itLIme reLoria- asl r u n nl ale v.umesat maa>-bLlaeking) Le Ltme Stiabes amI hils centri. eLv4eetse uminitt ce. hope oui- eaterprialu jniglura east -monts of anal imeam-Lnal conscieuce- efthL.é .Mv ergaison lireteLcto gmimst tLImna>- netlue aile ta ealamthb.umuuarshait mAna, C. .-Dyps-menat out rnaae ecletru Dr. Gannu'sadat-atage Lime>-bviy cra oa o Beovaans] otimer persas, valks, athen peerer the Lsd voatiok.17 ta Litman* i. Lth lal otcireumstsncePo monpeion àn her Street$ vere left L>e .ToYuai trul>', Lb. elecfi Noepapem- Postage. Tii aLoi-e vIli ,fîtm bLe sitbect erta edean their owiu off theansohvia. - >'. 17, 1875.IB. tioner vî - puiblicdebste in tho i-cama ofet . M. 1fr. Donevan salitiîst Mar. Draper .- . - -rejetea lu ~ca~.qmiineo('<Lie ?Li1~.» dessr-ei cros]it in gittiug the vis .L -A N a aompll@ sl crsu chnee.Lm .A, ~ ~ oeli O: uh eleamuemido aiklye epe egeL ta beauiîf>ng s61engthLbi and aual r- Papersas ot&LT. ébtwemiCanada aiahi L t. Tho affirmative is le ho leiai b>' cini-chi! u nmalyvile Liee cst va iug th man hair fecelb .the>- aOIe Itéa %Ltes Lir. viii Le ne postage Mr. J. S.'RobertnthLm e gaitiie b>- a mnac rtilla. seOeau. hs yém~aaI-srL p&> on noswspaperin fla fture on' tue Mr. W= Uâikor, afian ibichel Lbulamte Mr. Fairbanks tlontencleéltiat LIas7 Hla- Dresaiiag I. rtsgls esa iatLig- e.4do! Lb.lin.. undevpretleu llb bonopx ealti ar orgi e nrimone>' efo a la b ealtbyasid siatrarl.IL les acool. initiale e] Lie. as ~ hage eppat terlo.iU a re off vaîks for vealtby persans, sud un- iiig'#G-gtabeie]U gieeabie ana l eaô -oers, cmIl ,W rF moiýW ter wa AobrgotapatWptolhroi. klareJuchi>'fair tas aotimars for tlaefr convenleniea andl dresses tL ai, perfectly. saai vote] 2,ot-* o sa eatobpapier from a Iviteal to attend. IUit bsd-been Broek.sjt. that vas ciea- ..pc.in Th*lro<ial if bl - ot Lier. voulti bave been aun excse,- Dx.LLov), Of Oioe, sumrgin helb.Papers-v 1. ig*buta l&ayucroaseti é- UE13Euîmman - auytig in the but tLb:c vas noue lu the presont ia- arn>'-<uring tb. ver,- frern exposmure nué Iu meî tuionor>' ima,-at Ro"ulenea. (See tàne. Tiemc ould Le discrtiooued 1contraàtdcuut . sa sjiaQ aind- adAe a w iLh er ots wnglgrg.fe s.p 1, di-s i..ihâ S - hsre&ma later a4dressu a -ezm J - N - i' raoavate t,. ....sse.ir -- -- è i q wig i n e sov namea i ce or an> Oter aus,but as;tacosi orn e 0had te ILs waers. - ii. wuh Lb. tow'cf80uertaÇilugla00tai- ii ta> 11. - fomr theésaaid NicbolaW. Brbown, sttOtaeeCntinuns linoa vaneL le practicable te extanfi Lime rallia>- lina Mr. Ifoussa m mved ausmiaan AD. 187 -h- tbal. s- o£ Fbruai-, heducteal frohLbett l et ces»fu, ie conor s-of Lb. grunai frona Lb main linset Vancouver Island. uLvre opet mlot,4i i A .D .te187 . V t i c iv o h s l i U . tbr ....g Lb lin . tt e ~m no 't b f Lake O n V anucoÙve sIslan dl exploratio s ere - ipp eited .by sev m r nl a m e ml s Y o u ps, x v , s l l'ras t i a t il, N e P ig o n; W t b t il e re sul t iL b ée sm e m a d e h t ve Se y w o r N a rr e s a n ad M r. G o m d o n sA p p rte al h rlb u io thatnehesaero' teOfnakeal vote imaalt viti satisfaabory result.. - ofte arn n, J A ME S B E T H U -N E t a i 8j L v f l g l v t s P O le al L a k e S u p erio r, a d w oLi es ve r . su r- - W t i e p e t i . i o e su rve , I1h a P re m ie r rep lied g»n em ly . - » ToLi aoe amal~epnaeu. eSt thénala élctimaon ld -be s on" suai. aLLer teop t epigon Ba, thé have Lie houe rar.Lerepmeat Lb. con - 1-40 in tbe memning Lthe nembers vere T th b y A g d ent oi- . t - atL u l iectien ve f i éter té atPrincl~ ep. rim nv'.L a ndipg As u ca io as WI hIs o i rtl i n lu mia> report asled Ia n ud Lb.e am enai ent put. I I IX THECOURTO~EBOBAN]> aboula. ony petitieer à. the Lalocation vras nt couitireal satie- f Januar> lait. vsvtm oi y,10 ' X PÉ B A L . Ë É > O F B B O "s e 2 - a T o u> ' vit o te s i o d a Tii.aruin oosrvreI&eis f thLi aIvoe@bcag tLakeu uaeithe isur-eys er reneeal bu 78 l lt,' Tat, altogb Lb. informa. M-. ari-eviea mvec saaaid The Coexambuaetionopao!cLb. 87 r-Sd Ute ebLaiu a more eligible route. Six tien r.spectiog Lie Rock>' rMonntain ment te salaicertain adaI0lcavideas,. Bletin, orthé BootrsZisjitýdf t i lt ibWi appear thâa là auve*ueprtes ver. engagea aIaing* Zone la not Yet-sufllelentl>' complet. lta of cemmnca Llbowen Au>hb,<i Eetho o i lecaa itite SouthB idimg o!thecunt>' o! nmimer olai Le sléleato tii, votes% b pnsaos-dtao i. o-etblbi i. eLePcfe ee-Tceaa eteso i p-un Outnic, oldu thLe elevn cutate en oiinr uiLmi uedinthe fielai uring Lth, inter cf- alrenes bve, bover, Len onnaion Goverrment, vmabfelagdetelb! s udih e n i <ay s o f J a n u a r > , p o n s n c b d ,d itio n y o nir p e titi n e r v îi vlic ia fle .o b sta c le s m t i t , a th o n g h oc a a iv isio n , L b. v o te va s Lk e m a o n A. D 187. - - baes ajert>'cf Le vtes LLi.. slaiTresretes bave novienu rporea I lmidibl, se nt insuperable. the. erlasI mtieon as follcy, Ï_ns'y Thi, ptitin et Abrama Farewell, f ceten sIé11bab40 -- ut4.-TaLbme r .seal T-s 202my- 0 the to nship of B ail W Iith', in the 28. o r petito er'atate tha- - nM ls.. eou uas. fo e u e 4l h t 'exp lora.- - Y EAS-A re1iajç, 4 vyhwé. Ba in. B ar- conf narosu roi cf on- au oxamination cf Lb. sais] ballots 'mn. 11.Passîng ta the uortb et Lake tioniin prezrems.in Bhlitish Columbisa"on, Bam-the, Bechar!, Beïtmm, BiR, L bo , q i e a h w t a s f o l e s ti n e aobdin , ë s e v e u î e n t h b r r a -p ia o f N e p ig o n , f r e a n Lie S . . a n -. - i i ll e sA t i n f i e d à ao n v e > o f a lin s B la é c b u r , B l a i n " ..- Re o r d ei o n B . arme, Esquive, s ieve 15persanl lf bis PeUOtit n iLliiappoan Limat al.sc gleocf jLake Nipisising tae tiüh h ok onan-éinmxB-aBvr rolBo" a. u0 r m 1 ~ v s b l caLbnt br.. .o.. . ..u... . . 10 7 i m t ine - o k>euyh n min rgiond Tassa4 , r, ev n ,- Bae r,(S Brohns, B m up vs a cn!t ieqsala elction. ballts aboulai b. dealctel, fre tma- utob----------04 mcbrkigeetigieute cnsalir. nbulBi- a-p.(t.Jh),Bn 2.Tesais]letonw hilo o umber of votes poîid for Le aai N. Branoh ta Prince A-tur' Lain. - aLen, iii e mr lgbeLa n'<ubr-.Caraon (Ontai-o),Car- the eeventb sd eigateena t asc!W. Brown, anai yeux pftitioner ili ug-------------------..1>0yt nrevea. - aneel, CsLrgbC Ca~ sgan Jta n u ar', , A- D . 18 75 , the f rm e ry s . of t i n av e a m a j rit >'ciet hLe v ote s p oil- 1__Sm-i. T h at t IL es n w 'estab i bim a u chJom hn , C h rlto n . C h v a L C h u rch , Lb t>' e! no intinLb lter b Lie dan ie aa hcto. -- Total---------.... beyonatd cnobt Liat a faorablhe said cona- Coekluin, ceffin, Ceok, Cestigan, Cou- eda o f ahlinglte.h da h aaéeto- awieyes otouieigth a'CniihmClh ,Dwo d y o o l g .2 4 . T o ua- p atitio n ea- L ie r efo re l .p ra e o > O s ' v nt , c n ld m i g L i a , C a n u b a p n h n g a s n 8. Nohqao . Bown ofthetow asfouos -M. uslg t th noth f Lke ln.sa sviole, bas been feainlfmen De Comos, De-lerme. De- St. George., e! Witby, in Lb saiti cont>' of Ontar. That iL ma>- e eaterninel tht Lb, Nepigon--------------107 Ottawa toLe notien> side o! Lake Dgviaj Dennhu, Dmoni, Prris, pcthanuactrerandY'eleetion said veLum ofthLbsai N. W. IJaancli teaRBoa Rock or Nepigen 3pm-o.This resait le tse mer est-Fa t , nnFerbes, Fournier, Pre-. vre candidates t tii. siaid lection, Brcn ere sd ae voi], ana leiai Bsay, s point acessible Le afavetbeny, as uaerauenrsîn -etGlm-iiG-fbn is sd-tie Retumuing Officlà bsm- 'Un-] or petitioier ia>-h delires te bavF steeanoats--------------.......vo.....c.es0ea, egarding tima Pcv (hué-esGilmorie-dn, Gainale, Haagsv Nicohs . ro u s ad 'yanlreuue tat ion oethLie côaintry,man>' baviug cou- Hall1, arvooi. Heitno-boHat theturu rua>- Le. amendes!dly 1Total----------...î 15.,.40-m iéiaaLeveu impracticabie for rail- burton, Jette. Krr, Killana, Kimk L& eureite a-stto ha . acothengla etr my smne - va>'construction. flamme. Lairdl, Lajole, Landari-n, sait ou Nichol W. r aevuvs tb îthe>- - Agl . F"EEL. - Pssing ttemesouth ot Lakae--4ai. That il i ilb. possible te Io- Imangléia. Laurier. Macaionald (Corn. Rid inalà nalB>-risagns eo,, dur- EWELNepigan-------in ............... 13 aita uaalin, direct <rom the uom-tberly val), !mLacalaai(Glengarrv). Mlcen. igl andfte iesagts, ele, ur.ty lraucm té B.d Rock-----------.... ae of Lako Superior ta Lhe prairie noma-JI nvm-aes). Macaleagîl <(Elgin), y Extensive Fia-a lu Lindsay. ar-on ihu nsal> xasv ieknj Lmln, Mackaenzie of «lcrrpt pratiesl' itin the meau Total--------....1048 woks of conrtruction, atItLia-sa mne ime (M ontral). M alan an, Mf cflaanev, Me- Lug et tb.L term as defuineb>- the Coa- FULL PAIITICULARS OF LOSSEer. viLla remarçall liglit gradienLs l iai-c- Green-, Melnt'a-, MeIgaise. MeRs>- trovert.e] iscLion Act cf 1871, sud b>' 3. Passing toaLdisasuta cf Lake Iir-a-tiou efthLie imeisi--tvaffic. (flolchiter), Mé-Icalf4w, Milse, Mess, $Potion ene ofthLe Eetioaa Act of 1878, Linday>, Ont., Fb. 15. Nepion anal Luein a vi - 5t-' Tiît Lihmain lino rom OL. M nrav. N evia, Oliver. Paterson, Plle. ariereb>- Lbeélection and ti v einan hLie A very exteu ive ire ocaurred bler- ga ion on Lake Sup arior, at ,aia Lea ?M anitoima au' be locaLes] in miar, Pérmy, P atteli Pekavm,,Pouliot, s ial N ich olas W . B ro w n b a ve b co na,- th is no r in g , c m platel>- d etr ny in P rin ce A rt lu r's L a n aing, 4u an a v as t e ren d er n eess r - P uzer. B y ic a - l. B b ll r , Bo s e v o i a, a ud lie la s L c c o e in c a p a b le o f D o b on e > 'ç b lo c k , aic u p ie ti b >- R a i> & C -ith e m t aa r ai l a - - - - - - - - --.. ..'l a, e c n n tr n c mi n î o f a b m-mn ou t r e a cb R o s e ( D u rh a m ), % B o s ( Mf iiél di e s e x), R y - b eing elcte ai or re tun e t Lie sa ut -ha--goods as dd millinea->; H aîxi->-. s iltle n aivialha- w ate rs et L a ke Supirin a' m ai, Sctch .rc, iS n riv e, i l v -S un - életion . ier. an s] boot anal silo ,s sW èa; P arta . T ii. eni naeering fenfu es f Lim-s- , 6 th. T h at Lier . iii lia- n eo aiffi - emai, S idra er, S m itîb ( Pa- ), «S m ith 5. A ~t th e. asaaielection th . votes of vaîci-m aker an al jew eller; hlaic aian l. -o mtes are men -m-ally eîiailaam. A t th,îm 101Cr in fin min Z a cnm par tl ely - -as>- (W pptm iir a Ia ql i-lea. 'S tirbon. S t. divers eiectors vimo îad beau gauila> ty mi-ceries an-i iiqéors. The aLoi-la e amat, Lta, clevaimm of Lake Ni1ising i-'es'nte atroce imehéprairie ra-gion: imaf Ja-an. Tniaela-va-aiuTiiuu-esa T.linmp- co m yu p t p a-s t c e s" viti min tLi m e éa n in g L o v e l a n al C i is im nin in Lth e a dji in in g 73 0 f a-a-t nlo v c- i ae le va i c ha a l ; i lir- b ri a <i f thae la rg e riv a-v. viLli .nai (,H a h m i a nn l » T h a em sn n (W e a I n d ), fÎ Li a t L o v a n a s d e i n e al b >- Li e s a i t A c t, ao i-e s va s v e r > - m u ct- h a ua m tm e m . l ' iam u idrill lî, L a k - i ap -r io r bru 5 9 8 la e t . ir e r c a t- il o c a t io n . vi ii f er a i D n T a's la l v . T a - e v, V a i . W a lla ce (A l L art l, T ime C en tr et-erte ai E le ebbi n A ct et en g in o f the fi ae, wv l ih c m u en a, in iam - h e LI e so t L ak e,. Wiaai eg la 7 10 e -m i ug" a-p rn l n et Liiof t c est oet hL e v l ea- W a' lk ae , W oo d . a ise Y o n n e. T oal. 126. 184 suai section one oetIl The E laction bs>-&Co'sete 8.' tat ucoeLm aî iî ime niuanvi. Leass$30.000. -aahaiveLlîi es. Tvo îamtnxitg are aros, cia-tentI r1 miwvt. NAYS.-Applaibv Balv,lBnva-h,Browr U L f 8 7 1 . " a t n d b e f r e t h e s a t i v i l i h e f i o w i a î g i n F um a a ' c é s - M I s- . a il b r t w e e m m ti L a k e a t N i îi $ î î g a n md S a l a î-r . t 7 Lh . T i m t l I a . i a k a - s s ud r i v Fa v s o f 1 B e r c i , C i i n u ., C i m on , C u r r i c i . D e s - fle tio n ve r . p uile ai f r th aisa imi N . W . D o l me n>, Lw o laIek g , ra îne m i t 5 2 5 ,t0 0. io r ; o r a, l10 îailm-e t lea i e n o mL i- va-rt et tIi, p ra iri e r a-in n m ai>- )e a i v a n t<gg e . iîviin s , D nm v ilia- . D m a s. F a rn w ,v insuen er 13,03; etul ls,.ais-p Lsie NiiaÀa. 1m-ar--t rcmotlir ar niy usainbuthe introduction oa - s-.Fleh-r. Gaiimm, Gi, Hîazzart.U- 6 . A t Lie s aa i . e l e tio n . dCE - a- P ar - il e s t o r e o c u p ie ti b >- M r . L o v - c ii, D , 7 co i (- i ratis l à a c-a t i ,L- i a N - p g ai i e s a n a l un t .h e c n s t m u c tio ni o f t Ih e w n o a, H a r te s ai , J en e m (L e a- l s), K ir b i ons wtho vers not subjeti cf Her balaj- Ray 4:()o., civy-ioiulp,lesabout L8,uuio, 1,40J feet abumve Limai se-a. ]ieteearailwfvai'.nl~-cLnlir ite s-na My' hi> hirtm or' latui-ulizaticn veteal for imeures] for u,>ua John Haimîey, luese iarigbts thcre Se a: basin gainaral>- . 8!i. ictvihrset-t pirt Rn1bnMMiln aroMCi 7. t ae ais eecton ivrs erbots, ans sime.an-i avesumci, iuu. lei, iti fowir eqliali,ii, saiai cliatherailnr b initir, Le ci- nnMDua i(ree Rivra),Me. ns A i l erséeti Limerui per-aute, loçs pmineipaIlv in bîaii-mus. froun 101)foc-t lui1,209 fieet aibeve Lme lit mlismih caa nLi etr uaetithml.Mueitm Meutpiser,- re-on e yesrs veot ofortLe fslas] Nf-cbines, ia about ý500. J. A. Porti. aimotaumra un a- rint it d,-sceudl alopis om-afLie twm gîcr namutain cimaini Ntnnssa-aa, OrLon, Oniîna-t, Pissuaineauît, wetyon yas otd orte a îvN at Iluak nd cmii ban osslight, i.a;iown-aq 830 usa-t. Ahid umiiit irlai Britisi Columbia; butexea-pt inPlatt, Plufiui, Pope, Bolltalle, Roches. V Broya. Ia ýaetercrRou- 55;anei Sc, aom- a imnte cuverithLe ci-eud tes trao f Lke- imiamio wler ime lcalities Lia. Canaman Pacifiet-rRs (Prince Edvad), ouleau, 8.AtLie ai eebin ivrspe- os lrrclmn, iceeni eloabi a n am -IevilaOu f 1,58o fept <satainai. R'bo-ylbie na ieao on yiSelesoTmupun(a)@ n-vos ane eon ia utrs as :eectre, but vue ubail been ,b mm;Iiiaiîaa, S,0>.,oîa Ci. ihav-ea rae],muntcéius uetmi-aii l-m nw hanexain -al Tpér aha, Nm-ok, bie luohe l i mîaaI oss y roinoalaof goom i mggd commntry wviaci is i-eai fim Ltehe lîa.arae aiticity of Ws-gTot(t),Wrgt Pot0e. ployes at t-ebaimi eletion b-Li>M. W. WhratIaiani,. ral los lu oblat rpof-eai c ipL-ioa, exceplt beLmaen i.TîtLIaprciialt-o!s oa,50 i- N. W . tro vu m"anal isiagentsfor a dd LaeIcdj s alcn (u f 1,esc ri n ii(l un is rfrd tbmhng riw y c mm n»i a M e leeajar e t28 . lpurpose of frwarding the ss] oraiddag.Hohas jcieti antnte theaccliI iaithirlsunius oafemaal ahidaailabmry eamaiaîîu i, TmeHosesbjurethié2:0 a" l c " -' o e e wlicbi it, aias t m-c-mura, te-, ifan-luiitlotîlit>- Lii- 4iin ota e - c -e ia rnio-i, vaI> ii i ieM onia>-, F oi.15 Domise cvaisru roties] for Lia. ai] e-nearoy. toncIin- maaîigyatiin on ilie gm-tat lti inmits etfLima Dominion, is nu longair a Atter verie u-ue,-bou. Mv. -.o iefr e aimus wioriai nth e e a- m- II SfL-O .- brke ela coiruil;ar iLi, matter of doulut. IL ma>. indees], le Maikne sae t h iat . e n et L l. Bivr so y ai. Chi u e L 1S S H O L s F R I T I A M L O D .- b o e b i g cr s e ; a d a c o rd in g ly , n o îv a ccep te d s a ai c e rta in ty Lait , a . . is- e t iex p u lsio n o l fr m t e -e notL enteres] pon tLimoe r Iml ,Fehi13.-Alama' a suent C. mavy rk myrnte has luan foindapumenraliapoesueea.ouse, aniaieibuof Ili fi-cm hu ro- Iiaimtes tLi two t>clock Liais ino - a b ute lseal fua. bteam Liu ipasa mt a-rabai a in peai.rin faiatauves, vith- Lime precedeat ef thai Imperial Goveru- 't in respect -ef whmiaali tii,>- votel, b o e l s. A Lime excegption et a !short section ap. m ent lan Lime case of O'D euovau. o s Limefo ca sl-h N. W. Brownm. nniiCo's violesale pamut aîaal cil cstaulih--anal Ottawa is reportes] favorable. oroaýcbing Lije Pacifie collet, wviici1The prclamatin of etltiy vobd be 10. li-irs perons -vuoesaesment, inAldermamn Nichlson'% brick 2. TUE CENTRAL 1Olt PRitcR aPEGeOX. aOL- imu L nielmgh ncu] idmpnLm ale nlLm ein o e enterais] ponLthe, voters ists for-lock, lit Limiuationifomkead Mii-. Th> country- frein Masieita oti aca in Lme exceptiomal section ailludes] le, liiii epsin veîîd lue ase,& pon t,_ ketstr f-t . a a r suleil in he u tyg l , nu 1a vea-crage, siow i li te v vo k R ig t H u. Sir John 'M acdonaldi vai pert>- vicb Le>-dis] uo', at Lm itmtoa.t euthmei im uia stera laak f LimeRock>- Mumuainas Îreui1e lesscosti>- structuras than sueit iI icm-,vîmLm e cf thé. iasL final revision aud cor- o et Lii vsale block, viLla aie destrue- <s embraceai itmin tLimePrairie regiou. have been necssa-v ou mauy oethLimePremier- has mstaedliienîti purine. tien of Lime assessrnont roails i otia cuît.Tolr vsai etnen uvis a- at ei i ilw lu ew nperation in, Lhe Do- l'ar..BoveIl, umder Lima-cia'carustances, eh them aial respective lista evefret noticedliii Penaington's cellar by in tiais District. A g-naral recoasarois - satIlvai>li-s novtldrw isint Bi, passesteterouueo a. runken a naauies]Jeininges, wvî ancaias, hbeera, er-ai ff-demid, frei ,bd biaei ictlvnalitmia smt thi onus r ee.WSESno herDotofJnnr wqýn in fortheexplie PfRiel.tateILimait asors, tnants, . or occupants, vacauteavoumung ta geit lutoKe-ue's w chi oudap rthut t Lere willl- ean efficenot enineearng-vaffaiulima feMrLiespuhéo ofrir- am-ta> IL. Divers persans vio ere- nt, sads u lvesahby iagdlimai freinManitolua temeYeliow Eeami haenorrnie or thaipupoaiocon-thnesappropriafor vth le paea nto lai entites] Le vote, lecaus, Lime>-a hoe Lu Limaibuilding anal menedPas, a favorable enraace t Le cyLiuing tb ue aaes hi-ae iiBc> ietmie o ieiar reto clyn.TeifambenimeuciItcI Mountaims aadtihîaPacifie éioasta vitaTom-ont, harboar.- n e t a t Lie fLime f Le lu t fin a l ae- p a i g i e i f a m b e a a t v a s M euin ta in ra n g e . T ii, d if i c ît>- w im hic n eL netion ne t o m a k e e x a in au tio n in t ii. M r . B ro u s, mo ye d th e a p p o ltm e ut io u and] corrction oft hLe respective bun Lie paint shop burneal itis great prse ts itsef la Lie cmo eing oet hLime follo vmn e ctions :- _ -f a co.nm it±a-. te report upo n Lias pra- éasllent a-cls pon vh ach ae avotera' véh em mece, butfLie ire vas red ce tin river, wvi eai rnva in deep anal vide lt. Prom Lie N o vth Tho mup e , vaa sent svstem . f iniai-v drill, vith a if stcalegs'L, Liogt C htlfah, ouver1,ani n tîmrq alve caradw examinatinu.aolisIng -Riva-r Bina-, ta River Clearvater. tience viev Le ascertain if some improvemau et a were bsed. pasées th propery though that terè teudLaienlaurHache anre crRivereaFraiser. Vconlg temucetnbair aiffd otebe tlîct railhe.e Ha riiot veear Lime sai] N. w. tdange. Sualdeul>-, hiever, thefLiames the Prairie region bu iLs ga--neral testai-es, 2 HdchFr TndJR ivealFIa- - >W U . u mst o u n t h ie s eco n dti sto r >- nl a a b e mi- 1 iL m ai>-sa fel>- b e s er tesI L it a tit iL il î h m u tq c e a n te L a i e ea., s r es n e a theo u usee o f an s u p p o rt o u -, os] nier LL ,im oso usies ap. roo<> of .enie's salloon, and Lime onîY admit oethLimelinolaiiag Laken te an>- of Linauta cimain eLake C e net a Lime ore, c pf aéi e cOu . rduote votea' buts, but vimo availaule enti-ance upttai-s being block-.aime otier openiugs tiiroagi Lb. Bock>- atr. aTeeJnete ahe>-. tenali: imat utov a>ev e pufor sy. upnteasesant ad np vith boxes, Lb. fireman coul] Mountain ciaimunioas Lbe aieamemî thevd. Fmai ofteJauver aet org eaiport :iovof straieticu a siol dtom- a p w v î c i me h e sa i l is as e r s m et g e L a t Lie lu rn iu g p o rtio n f Lie v sa sle t oa luban dbo nu th e Y e llo v H e a d L , ile >-ofrigR vre .a r e o g e p rio n. h ée u - C ,nts n e i e ol ielu at aiv U ti:ytr i boet u bilding iii the violai o! Lhe second Pars for oeuoe mfavroable.Geg.io.T.p-sntvLeahcnimrd edree timci fr naes otluanud thirsaoies vore in alulaize. Tii,1In ai>-incae leugimena-tireport, I Ciiitin Crou nlste Toralai bos h ud soin. cI inefiet and.sexuasie sait on thois] histasdediversmoruing vas so fesa-faîl>'cols] Liat sai-bave diacaat.sed Lime possihiIit- cf asinz Ctl luietnaCouniP ass. i Lae n en, asovili awsLe su caaessiand oveu. lns vosoie s aperes uon osithLe firemnea er, obliges] t e r- tL ie irs fleing througim this régiona 5t. Prom ale nrtimri-llvhoug momnts of»G-et ritsu sd Lia Uitua Daere' iltbu pepetaesees] tira vitm ta-en limbe, andl Lie willo b>-iaht sramght steamers, for LIme par- - Lesladsssbutaane7a vipot, cse block vas coarnrem vitb bas, vîmile LimE pag~'eseaîmathheipotn e cauroas et the Lover Fraiser. States, bimal Lt imehenational tiongut e h t h e s a id i s a L s e r , b a s e s ] f o r i t e a - l r va s s t i l l b u n m -n i g . A p o r t i o n o e t Li m s a îu j e t c a l l e f o r ! t L s e -i u s c o u - . t -é .- Pr o m l o T a l e a n d B uG a r d n e I n e t t i e i o u s d r t o e j u e i e i i a > ents safficieut to entitie thora L of time lova 5er s -r, ceupies] b> R. sidevation. a- 7LimtheromOeau aMnta intie nlthe dmut. M.Mcezeoi ht vebeai ~ ~ t fe h at .W ry.Evas, seetimu, as save, but imea.8 iE WgTErN Ras nMOUXTAIN EOON. svsGieCsae onspt i o . m-.Mskub sl ii h Aote Li e sais lactiNdieropen. contents vere fludos] snd ruinat b>-y luteriur of Lime enauntv. Gva nat hls no ob-jecaions te Lie Atm te imeéletoL ierartfinlreezing. Ia s in timis regioriALiait graat iliffiral- SCia. Fa-nai Fort George va-steahy. coinnitte, lueiug -appointmi LbuitLime>' uni sudfcretimeofethLie lsssesinal ies nmuet lue loeebeifor-. IL is travore, Llrnnri Lime nexploreal veglon t e - unst aject of ueing bouat inuan>- &onze upn n crecvioniofthéissesin DEATH or BsmoHci OANa.-Kingston, If>- Lo g-aat ranges et montaius,Limé ciain cf moantaine alonz fle cosat. Ly aiay éconclusions Lime committe. naiglat tCrilsirpnine aperst vr* ah M.Ti bit ,.D.Hrs'Bc> iountaina pi-opa-r, wviei ara 9tb. Frm-c tLie Norta River Fraser report te L oue i-eactng Lime e>s. ver pssesei t poprt quli"m ain Cs15.Thmig iiopet HDrgson. Lia-et ain jeum-ne>-iagfromLIme e-ast. aicroas Lia, Rock>- aMountainesaihain blu>-mLofnetdviass tlîe Mialnter cfMilitla 'n wdfcoe L opeatta iiea lbe ii. ataIapîso n'anad vat is nova as me Cascadea- LimSmokv River Pasq. haiver properl> pointes ot iat Lia- es lieda, mgoing Le lthealtace . r RiSaitePcncenLm raresa voîutrelu .e e u psto e uk-a> ason anti cesses] i a' Lostioita-mLime ýOn sufRo vemaleseast.Batveen tLimintain ranges the tolloviaigsuv'y wurkb as b.eu in- proms of Limaitt tdo g binatai, eitli rsgn aneexe partimathuPcfi n hepaii edwadlni e >'seoftaas Luericlr s h gaictural ticous talueéfore lin thes]airs oethLie ciocase lmarre beenau sminis. an ela-rate] platauecurs, ava-raging sn'nratahavg.:_l ficirva htieemiengsg. sucvotalstfrictb saites] .a.rd b'A-lliIo ycm r o frein 3a000 Lii 4,000 tees andaIuprarialg t. Th-ilocation of the railwv- rom ais] l>- LhiGove-umeat, vas eensidering Lo , v t d f r t e a l a N . a u v a e h e m -a i n in Q n e b a u i l, O c tlp - , 1 9 1 , a i m e a i t m e s a a . a viti min Li m e l im i t e o u fL ii a e s e a o S p - o t T m u - m m i m r v m n s v e t t u AtLmMa. icjî ievt- nlvi oscmti isipulKne iih r an-susae> oalî l--Bi-c aoSibntvu sotm nc-lrt lc ieacii FUIt ari - icr.o eaciigLm so-.H Fr oe vmna Loî eLever Peaiuaroe ans]Raufren. - Wishigtu analti, Gna ret ..a aapropcrl rejeataby Gaeman> etLie Bbaya -and a rry-ontaieluasîs lOf tLie ci-ion of irMItra. ntipers lnthe ,s i-aoith ie ind els Ti, liclso Li onte-odcur Sau th iaiLe it>- etOttawa. - -tilu cae Of au>- iffieut>- rising igof fiebaltpaprs nthLe r u fpoiins anmdi Ler ~c--hit-ea Opeiand Kamloops, at-ace Thp e erai paries ave bon snt tbayeetLesper;Ll eo ut>-n' bcauring Oslthevsa Id .abet o! rovunshoe.gadetsc o2 etpi mi vlibiL ime(Iaof operation, sui thLe, vaivdiffilIt te bs reres] te a coaiaitte tunrgOAesai dtesaslDp- necstaqrv, and wit-re a g-eatlegtlîfof -xplratmea - viibéap Inel vûmc or esa eL )am-nimg er aeak ie sais]he nîos ti atcsra-'Assoct.t. unneîinziad oier h-iyvr i uciiruii i ls t 8lu season. of fu'ev tveY e ames] la tLim ers i veroaakcmlb> tho vIO.-ÂL Le aunuasi meeting f Le diffei-at, poiîta ii be exacte]. N e ent anyLl- aucutnca Ur ColnMdual(stEgn 'cor l acedacu vîbLis i'r' ant Reporters' A-sclateLmiA d-Iiin<o isvn- a enfrrn tewirr AuIxamea .- cevut"imt im nate'le tE lime l LI. ttaupti timr atemftohaaigmesaetmlfler<urt xuiue al olvai gf;-om Kamoop, Ithe I haithie ionor toe* bair,GoarmtteiadcIwIi,-s]b ,e. Lu yurptiloe t-iensuaing veur: rPa-esiaeatr 1%1r. Thomas; RbvirmTlmnpson: anti 7'maataii', La tubdol Mihaul ba en alitdnc imite rers u iit, nieu eetre-icetn; -vtiB- Ciedierc a isaaii - Turoe-lutsrvant, Lie-birpoihefra>leaitu luth scorauco - vith m eur.PvtVced, eui o-i el-eta iesu, neomiglu anaamit are pas. (Sigei) SANDFORD PLU MING, Lie-iihsaui poit-- f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~d Lia sadSaael htb.irtaeUaac eodVd iadoer, but ha greual je nt favour niiëri-. Limi te adjernaent e b oa i Enginer.iu.Cmio b tee ' udlteoe forvimîcl Isutei ap t abtoul ae bs one4fr inte arLRseamaTref able h. The canyos othLe tL ierst-ma f-e thtÎ~ a endnmRouge ataixv iblo er'U re y, C h arles B îl fo r , M a il ; S e te - orL n s] o v e r i a l Ciie i st an ce a n al vo u l ti A isg race fnb se e n o k pia c e r ce t - a d i tiL a s fin a lly d e ci ril u te a aIIô v L b.h e T h . v o t s ,e u t -# a g r e t ,- m a n > ' f a i > , M . i c m a i s o , 'G l o b e ; M r . E l . a l l f o r n u cs u a l > i e a i r > - w o k . 1 -, a t hL i a i f n e a l o u t ht i e l a t e S i r T h m ia s G o v e m n u e n t t e d e s I l a L imt e m a t e r . tors, 'Who otes] ton yor,pei. der, St. John «Tmlejrak,. Mr. _Byd A tu-at lie naierail fru MHoevBlakea Menluu Caste, Cunt>'Galay. - Tesa>,FLltb - av e w vou -ah >' u r e p erl>-1 G lo b , s ud MU r. B >a n , o iii d it ; .M as s r . S o n d , a c r s s h e C a sc a d e M o un ta in s, A n a ttém p t va s m ua Ie te ca rq Le v - H n ~* D .a> eiiai g O. Parkbnrst, Globe, -anald . Me n el, thiougim ai eries of Openinges toiLilloo L m ains e ai portion of gi-ennai st apsm n on. spart r. Cari- w ght lutroalaced thé ktth sais] eloeoiicu,bcueo, as obai Frce re, Trustesf Bnero- plateau a Central Brili Columbi, lu> reistotl, a uios anggeesgDr. Tpper, andY tte smadetei gal, the saaId balIltpapers as] lent Fua. th e Marbe Canyo uiLi losas vihrslelliItishea e nai, hiMe r mvleMe ferasort eate, a 1- msrial- a~son- Limna soe- ~ s-.-----l. Vaille> to Lime River, Northm Thonpson, liarobimas]te eailes] u. 1 iiat 3flrpae, PlunaL sd Gouigi teck par,-.- bher Lan ith e n am ber s an al , A N licmn r r c ix C m caau .- S u aaaay w h oet cOn eits it i Lie o r i n l t im deceu e s u m-ed accordin g 10 - L mO H Su ep t l a o te 8 w e n P 1 f L e D p u y R e t u n m an g O ff i . m o r i n g l a s t , L i e 1 1 v . M -. 'J e f f rýe , d u r - l i ns . T h o , d i s t a n c e l e 6 8 4 m i l P e , s d l i m e P r o t e s t a n t c r e m o n > . r » ~ mo t f i e c m U t e .te ! o t eback - t Ire cf, be ie b>t'eLi g hi serm on in Q u eea S tre t' W . M ., Lhis distance Lb. hiue pa ses over four a ijournw en t ok plau ., - - - o r o u l d b a e, d n i f i e a , u t ' o r O u r o h , r . v a g r p h i e 1 p i t u r . o e i ém m i t , l u e e v à t l n f r u i n , 6 1 0 o te - i v s r p o r a ] o e m - - ' - -t a stateslathâ thesala!ballotcondition of Song i m lahobas] 81847 feet above the sa-.Lith -ansvers na£'P9- ne m-a.u-iigLimai-an TMaof tePüü.-,aaa..rin 'i.

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