Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1875, p. 3

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Shriffs Offies, Wlfby, Fsb. 15tb, 1875, D ANINQGCLASSES 1 The ndrlignei, et the rsqui 1 awrn cnuareu for thes -ci insùtrue. befers Saturday. bv ~~mscio WM. CALVARLY,- At Thonapsoulas saMlr hop, ' Brook Street.r Feb. loth, 1875. EECUTOE'5 SALE VALýUABLJ«M PROpERY 911h lob. otQfau botel -1lvii I ImItient. SU U D-E-ýRLA N Te owstno - ý T> =uderslgnsdwilU rueel,.tenders for ae.B l . .BARBER. o --.'s the nediArchiteot, Oshawa.abu À nsv Brick Store, vs» situalstifor )>asi- Z Being U outo leave èa'âr1lu thj A Gri180",s t h . < R Wr- ERAMSAY. M. . &*yLn th G acre o u s e t thee T_', IthRna -PDZxSPring for gan ,(be ngadvised that the depression oi Ote114>2i, ' B 8  c h n r C >Y aé j, T tr ad e th e re lia it; Qw e r d P xic S o f . g o od a A n s è a b 1evhudrtiyad. f heuttbn. OCniwteà , CâneWillnow se lout the balance of ltyear's ùprain ~e bovet or -y-te--e--e-----------. ' " Engieh Goods at a 1.G. CONLIN, IIGTNXSrnW Ezttorestate of theé 7 L ON IE OZ ISO N F-TEN PER CENT. Adns b, Toronto p. O. <,".8 A frla and Its E:plorors. Wa he ad Cl ksV ryL . XC'TR NOTICE TO CREDI. A 01th lfO tr.vslts eusü , 1(éÈýVýy i inlac f bis dumeovér by Mr. H. oans, NoiWisbMob gv& nçuaceof1 sudn , gu [tMPrce W Great inducements to Cash Customers!1 Teetao ttheVlagetudean, JAMES -JOHNSTON, N*tt fR ny c n l ae0 h iyo ENRY HAIGIIT, Agent, P a tc l W 4 h m k r ina the Ccnnty et Ontario, general mereant Dn5n's Creek, Pickering p, . O Gldmth, aci3lWthmkr eeadare requlred t e.nti ,, the,; Pcb. 8, 1875. 's all. Whltby, Peb. 15, 1575. galai Henry Conuun, adtireaeed te box 898, OR SALE, Toropto Peut One., onor bloe thé firat dIn ni May uexî, anti that iinrediatoly a ccc EUSELS TURNIP afte.r fiat daté 1Iwîilprogeed tor distrihute 200 'EL -T R IS thé aseets <0f the aad Çotaîeor amngt the 1000 MAdéDS rarties éntible ttherete, haylng regard enly CDAR OSTS, os the Iclainas cfiwhleh Il have thon notice. 400C D R P SS Datedtis tiihOi day 0? Februsry, 1875. Apply la BO0SO0 M FflRIEN1)S 1 - JOHN G. CONLIN, NC IG&SN zCuto.Whltby. Pèla. 10th, 1875. tin.8 De, 28rd, 1874. 1-52 -o - JNSOLVENT ACT 0F 186. AN NUAL MEETING OF -THE Pa!tison's Chest and L tmg Proteotor&, Ini the matter of John lHamer 'L m TT)4. £ rýL woan Inesolvent. Gee-LM01 r81- onaervative Th.'e .ung .Llotector covers the Thor- The Ineolvent ha, mie an assignment ASSOCIATION. ax or Chest, bath front and back ; it is made of oz ic of hie estate te mie, andi thé craditers are n ic Intitiedte tan.eet at his place eI bu ine«s, TrScnAnelMeigOf inaterial passing over the ShouIlers and ftigu ls "The Clock Pacto ."in the Town oisWlT eecond rvaiecato in t i itn ls on hi- on o. to the napo of the necki, thus affording t h eprtr on tarie Oh ill OF .hIlt luOrgans the most effectuai protection fr-om colti, andi recom- aeLt etSDeAYc, p.m.atDAY 0F e sateCH B R O OK L IN, mending itself to the ordinary perception of ail thoughtfui ment of hie affaira, andi te apyoit an Assi- ON FliIDAY, lDth FEB., 1875, pros JOHN . WAKIS, et 1p.m., for til use Di e e leting offrn JNteL. WAKISn, Abiest FOR SALE BY J. H. GERME & CO. ?ortPery, Fb. 7th 187. 2n.8 osciaion.AllLi ral.Conservativesanar er' ery cb 7î, 85. 2n- ordially inviteti te attend. 0:0 JOHN McGILLIVRÂY, 1t GgWorth Rîîdng!-h iaÉnd Wî;tIh Egeeîg J. B. BICKELL, Secretar. TO DYE EASY AND HEAPPY, USE TEE AVE YUR EYSI .Président. SeAEYOUR BEigh * ~F eb.9th, 1675. 7H11A NDY- PACKAGE DYES 1 Pi5A*ous Pm nt Lonmoer-.Lon. doen. 7.b.-Ai sif pâât aine oléook lust night a Ilr. ooourred inathé fram. building on Dandus street oeonpled by Mr. Jamnes Dunds, s a grocery store anti dw@lllng, The frs was eaussd by' lbe occidental broakIng of à amaia lb. bande of Mis. I)undam..The dfames spres4 with mach Lariki sa¶idity, 0w. ing tte bigh wind preveilinog st thé liane, iaI somes of the chidren who wesI e bd op sttire bati 40 lump froua th. e Cond story wwnçow Wo escape. Ur. 1Dondon' son, aged le, while ssop. InOnlp Iis mnuer, wa. s vëey buru'. .4 about the h.ad anud nok. Another son, aired 7 ysrs, wbo wàs %aIsep when hf- fre b okeot, was barneti to dsatb. Hie remain. wore fount iafter the Are obarrasto ba erisp. Nothiag vas save4 froua tih.building, and' AI. though Mr. Dondon, had an insurares en th@ preaausesaud stock, hi. Jose. vii b. very heavy.' SbOCzNqG EAZLWAY ACCIDNTwrAND» Loss or Lirz.-L'Inleî Statioin, Peb. 14.-A $ad accidlent happetsd te tthe train to.day vhleh loft Biviere du Loup at seen tht.n morning. About nocia, s thas train vas pproaelaung Trois San.1 =oesbridgé, tbhe earpentero employeti ilia rpsirng the bridgé ve@nt aheail of tias englnué, holding a. recifgag vhleb th ligineéra weré unailie fosose on ne. connt cf the hlu.vy onew belng tlarewn up b~y the anew plougli. Knowiiag netina orff). wardinsz, thé enainoers never cecei the 'train, énti two en. gines wni) one baguage-enr were prei. Pl talte ver the Irîiti he heriver. rue ehuuineers and one ireman wéré kilieti. Ouly n. bccdy bats as yet heian ree-erpd. 'Tule chiers are énpposeid te tnouer liae engin.. i the bet cf lte river. No passenng'rs wcré unjtred. The >nones of tîLe> llod -are P. Fuer T. Temuple, andi M. Dussenul t. They weré ail résidents of.Piunt Lvis, Mf,%tLAroHfTEn,-Now Oreleanir, Fei). i .-Henry Duohér, foloureci) whli r retiannungironielinrela witli two friends, l Wes eOenlte-d ly a Partyv of unîoxicated 91 seldlfes whe followed Dnchnr into bie résidence near l'y, wlién thé latter seiz- y- éd a$umket andi tired killiîag Warren- Hicks of Company D, third Uniited -States lufantrY. SA» ApFen.-Pemnbertou, N. J., Fet,. 15-On Satuiýdayp M. about two &cl1oclç, 1 u .ie. u en -jE ee, a innlrd a nt Ibis Place, éfrnclt hie éon-n.iew, J'ore. Mulýl'nry, on thelalt)with a ~oirfyroînthe' affect cf wlieh bals. u ie eu rly ou Suulay cnrîitlg . Thar affraY in thenIglt te bave beau tuee réunit of a drunkén spre. Ati unquet wns held but ne irre lias been initie nu yet. À, fatal errer is saidti t have heen =ma the epetilion against Sir Jolaîî Macdonald by theo filin)g oet h e i in tlq wrenu court-; and ttiilis elaiirud that tiis' mistake dispoesc of thie whole mat. teér. A:tleégrani froua St. Éatenslaurg an., neOuUces tliat ta Khau cf Kiiva lias paiti the lastiust'lmenta cf the war jin. demniy la Russia. Thé poli atI Dublin University élect- ion closi on the 22ni1 uit. Mr'G!huon, Q. C., the uoînunee cf the Ccnseri'aîivéo, vas eleceti-, reoeiving 1.210 votes, ageunet 759 iven te Mr. Miller, Q. C., andi 588 to Mr. Trai. .Thé fren bridge reeutly but ovér bbce Otenabes River at Petenboro' lisV fallen 10 pièces. 9 Thé annunal pebafe crep cof thé UnitedtP State. la statdt o be 150,000,000 bùsh. i 0ls, Worthi about *100,OO000 Ota theét coîîuners. q yreaiag eur ISSu,- valéat PHYNIOLOGV ND ANVA'iODIV or tige SIO aln îd ver,%vorL-e,,î Icyej ha 0 cure Wcec,ak-'Vatery, 1 Ilaméeandt Oirlhîed myes, andl ail ieér ti hc e' tl ll'A-TP NO JMORS MuONEY DY A DZUqTIN ilUGE CtGrte.s <>o( TOUR Nogg ANVD 1)18 FJGtTRJVU TOUR FACE. pamphlet et' 10 a.agés Dfllt ié re.. Scaaayour aiures te us aise. Agents MWaned, 4,ents or tle.5 t 1 dygirue FatS prrars sent -fre. writ Iimedlately, ta !)R. J. BÂLL & 00, (lP. 0. Box 957.) No. 9i Libeuty St., lNswYork City, N!, y, JAMES MeACRIE, Balsani, Agent-fer lie County et ontarié. THEU BIBLE LOOKRN..LASS; A MIRROI? FOR ALL PEOPLE!1 REFLECTOR AND TEACHER OF THE SCRIPTURES 1 Ccnasisting et sixbooké in oeevolnune, viz: Bellp'anus Emblenis, Religions Aile. gene.,j Christian Plgrina, Christian Simili. tndes1 Saanday Beok ci Comfoiting andi Pleasing Literature, anti "Gray's Elegy' lnstrateti, BY John W. Barber anti cthers, siewing tho divéraities eithe Human Characlter anti ricoo7; #4.75, andi 8 00, accerding BIRTZS. tohbindiug. 'HALL,-At Lindsay. on DIII instant, JAMES MACHIE, the- wifeocf Mr. John- ÉalI, 1rmnely cf Agent ton thé townships ai tiii tons f adiuhte. ,Whitby ant i Pckering. luistuwu af tiBgiiir. -Tho fbove vork lin eau o at tram the M ÀAIR REED. Agent lu any style et bindlng as ardereti. BLANCIIAD-.CHALMER.- At Atires- JAE MCK, thse Royar hotel, Whiliy, ou Wednés- AES a P.O, Ot day evening, 1bu Pebmuary. by' Revd Ii'é. 101h, 1875."i Joahîna Praîer, B. A., Mr. John Ilan- -S elaîrd, fariner, to Miss Eln Chabanérs, botof VIiihy. THOUNTON-At the Mani;e, Oshia. wa, oia Thiirsiiay uaerning, 14h ln.î, lLav. Roblert H. Tiioruton, D. D., i teë flîtfiyear cf lus aags. a8CatEc.OPYICZ, Pub. 17ti>, 1875. 1falt-Wheat ........... V95 la fi ()0 hlpring Whéat ....80 90 La 80 93 liantey......... 1...... 41@ SIo ý4 1 Piié- - - --........7 0 t 0 75ô liack Eyu Pis ....8 0 (àSi& 'Theosuly reliahl ié . L btiutiton lu the1 Oatw ..............,. i-.. 18< <@42o country I liay- ..........14 à151 0 0 , 0 IPotateee ............... <PGuo (iOW Eggs -.............. ... e5o 17o IN VALUABLE GIErasc 1 Buiter...e.. à..........25 0o~ Caol, per ton ........ .$ 4 .08@ss la édutributc inl Weod .......... ....... 85w0a65 w il'rk, perewt ........... $ 8 8 50 L , D. S 1 N E S Chiokenu--------------... 0 40c euj 6/ E3I.NLj Dunes pen pr ............iOc 50 Tsirleys, pinlb ........IET cENTJERPRÏSE I (4680, ......... .........0w<@ 7u. Appie, par biauhel ...t... 0 f0û BE DRAWN MIINDAy, MARCH 29TH, 1875. c- Ci>eéiié........ ........... l2 e 3, 1 1Béef, hîi qiuir.$ ONsE GRAND CAPIPJL PZIZE c Ilfore quarter.... #48500w $ 000OO IN GOLD 1 EI"4M >e>~~ AiND NE PRIZE S5oo IN SILVER 1 Cciat'rae,..rreagéabie characiér cf FIVE PRIZES $1 oool fia préparation lias reudoeétiFl agênerai FIVE PRIZES 1500 l InCs fUN Ourn . --- ade silme1Y wfth bolng waie, JEN PRIZES S10C0J I i-0olp the llemi Jîtu 48 Tsuo l'rallity Caa'aiae~s andi MatcedC 11,piccclilY. an,,>, wiri Silver.Montrted l }arness, c Wqrks fer Dietctlo Proparattans, ilusion- Worth 01,500 ecr. roti and CQaridén Town#, Landau. Twa Buggies, Harsés, &o., Woirth 5600o, lelm s Fte ý e nti free, r Twc Piué.taned Rouw slaqýp anti tiaroe maf et sehture, far Con.iao851e0 Plnes weth1 outil on, 13re'nehittis, Atine, Catarri i :4i --'T, aceaanad any dlsameoftheii.Tirot ai Teriaizitlly Seauàllachines, voli>5#00 gJn .ervous De!altlîy, PrnnatiarsDo. saicl cay1, sass., aad idsgrders braught or ~,50Golti anti Silver Lever Huilng 0O by yetu u im uaprudenceo. Watbe .f1lu aIl) warih treini120 te #8W0. 'TUTTLE & Co., 79 Namoau-st. Nq. Y. GaiS Chainu, 8liver-waré, Jevubry, &oe. -' Nnnaubêr 6eGÃŽUI, 10,M0. Tices mt1îd "0' NÃ"T TROUB3LE YOURSELF TC ta ao4wo. Lj", a wathor Dr. Wieereoaont Agn. a to 11 iiTickeots, te wlaon F,1iý ý hshtsadCisays niay b, LagnsW W ssè'.tknl ôu r pesati Clal ae eeit '-aisPrsmîuaa wil be patLifax Popo i, feeneits iloessstry la i or Singie Tickets %2; Six Tik 810;$n -stc MutPlthe bona,,uscé sandnres, an( Twly. Ticets 82W; Tv.ntlve Tickets <l>.: 9tpre Mia nutritive t ,,,,.c l;6si 40, Uz£ý1 bAL'1 Toy are bettor th-au al ether kinds of Dye Stuif. Thousaaxds eau tes ortify, altar ycars of oxperience with tliem, that"tlic Iandy Package Dye or arc far superior to any other Dycs put up for domestic use. A Packcage lIRA VY DRA UGHT MA RES costing but 15 cents, will celer anucli more goods than amy 25-ccnl pack ANDHORES, age put up by otliers. Give thean a trial and yen wiil use oneothar. Fo, sale by PURE BRED SHEEP, GRADE 'JAS. Il. GERRIE &CO. CATTLE, &c. Whitby, Foi. 16, 1875. The untiersigneti basrecoieit un. lions frein cONFEDEBATION MAR. H. H. SPENCER, LIFE ASSbCIATION ! ai Doraet Faran, néan Erceklin, teesli by Publie Auction ou thé premisés, Lot 27, 7tti con. township ai Whiiby, on Headi Office--Temple Chambers, THUR8DA Y, lBth FER.,, 1875, T OR O NTO. the iollewing valuable stock, cousistiug ci sainof e i béat hreeding Canadian Dran5hît Pré.sident-Hion. W. P. Howland, C. B. Mare, anti Finies in thé ceunty ot Outarto ;Vc-rsan-o.w.MMseP also a loi of lie chaicest Shrapsh>ire dow'Vié.aidtCain Bnk.Cm. ear. "' andiSenthdcwn Si>eep in theîî. n sdetCaade Su numbér of whici> have taken prizes ata A.tary-.-J. B. Chearimna, M. A., ProfesserO thé leading taira lu Canada;, îogethermit> etMauhematace, Universiy Collège.j a lot af grade cwu and heifera, aIl frean Cimpe nt odmlk : sekAlo Combines Stock andi Mutiai tew ruplinéns: BOSES Plas ~TUE (flIE'T IREMEDY'FOR One chile HoaDran tGa ar,7 Pasof.Insurance - yéars cîti by ther , a prize iner Théme RMRgive s aurance ailcws vii iTiiLadDfrin. LlwetC " M TI ON One Heai'y Draught Bay Mare, 5 yéars ai ce;atithrLAE, eadsmbinét Ritle,WihCnb ue y by N etherby aprize w iu aer, w it : ia f ~t o e , w i h a j ~ c r d h ne i>avy ra n a muiohé on thé Board, which by charter tiiicy mrcsit to this stand-, ne e oa Wengtan, vwitoi> tea i'achnd p eic. rcparatioîî, as aî.îllbeen oéne tg»Bo mars, 6Y"Oyreld estha 9 pr n roi)avCcby the hiuýd-»eds of by Nithri h fitoCamabMe-Nt haey0 erCet.thre .te-Stiuîiolials rciè, ythe One i>eavy drangit lay Filly, 1 year oid PretScri ndriuCaI.p by R b i u n ,d m by Notherby. Ices, th é hl serv é b ig he l by Tru s. 0 ljOe< I t is a k i w aId, hy Scottands Gbry, m Ifeth. Thé Réserve may he usati by Pelac.i>alld îpysci nanyubc mth e nt eb. s aecriiytfora loan, withot wit~rw~~sci st otems Oneeavy drangi>t Iron Gray apring dîîyit or diatnrbing thé insurancé. iUc]ialC'pi'cparation evcî* j»- off 1974, by Neuierby, dam l'y Former. 'AIl clauses ai Polcy.ioldéa.s are aecnred Glory. byltae Asociaionihaving $250 efassets for tiro<lit't' foi- the relief anîd oune mery7 hansoedb ealpurpase Bay céak100 ot liahilîy te ihrni. -crpans mar,7an.anoidby Nui>èr>y. dam Ail Policles. whethér PaniicipatingonclI-cOf' al Lîîîîg opans Morgn. mpored.Neu.Participating, are aicnferfeitable ater illd is offci-cd to the'publie, Thé.. mare con be higlgaireaaaannd. tva premaluma have beu pali, an4ndbyhexprnc éd fer hréeding purpases as they havé 8 ant i 18À HOME COMPANY. Sti ytecprec 5 crassés ai the béai héavy tiraughi import 41Iva enemraihnté emiiin. l '1fry er. W ed stock lu Canada. À1 Iveitytsmaecwtî- he.omnin.l1 - .n OneéssUerior heavy drangi>t gnay Hersé, R. H. MýATSON, INSPECTO.R. rQ :)tcdt thliii 811501 it sel- One auperian heavy drauighî fBrown Colt, 1 Aeiwatiinnrsréidsit.<lf fll acfetapey yéar aid bi' Netherby. Apply te J. K. MACDONALD, eure~ iii t he niost severe One supénlan héavy draught Bay Colt, ct V. P. andi GeneraI Manger. ca1ses ot'Coîin-hq ]3ronchitis one two year aid Fibby, by Paich4n, dam HILiB. TAYLOR, Agent, Wi>tby. 54mcrop. fooig l,il apuare Morgan. _________ ~ ~ iu,~'îoîi~ Ol,3 susxp, "-'- Iittlii' 1.,.Asthma, Colds, Oneiérery lange Shsi>reHln am, 8 yéors ~. 7 ~ SoriV liaoat, Palinls Or Sorc.. old,winuer ef threePravinciailstprizé,. BurflOjj8 Cocoaine ie ý r leCist-iýSide, One 'venylargo Sharopshire Rani, 2 yeasu Pnvents the Ratrfrom Paing. .Id , aprise winuar eut leading Juoir aivu Con hcsait i.liîtj O nd. lae irpir aiIyér d, Burnett's Cocoaine C-*~* a lut pire winuer utt cadrig fair:in Pra7îaiaeatayn, tihLsa ugdos, &c. dryWsta uaad&a. ahn Eeyér urnett's Oocoaine d'> 1 suppasédto tbe wiih lanil, îinun.fi lottGraty nar sticky. "" laîdkae h as prize ai Provincial foir. SJuenefts Oocoalne bî;î11(, as is the Case with One pair at Shropshireées, 3 years.ahi, suppoeétite hé witi> iamb, prisé vin. Leavéaaalo Dtazer.atlo r. ltost 1r)hat jol libt itL liaree pair a ofchnops - E an s, urnet'iCocoaine iosnq Ld eaîc th all qxceileni, well wouied, anti promise Snbdùiesetaylur. ut cs, and allaIIus -irritatin te b. large, ail warrantéS pure bréd antid B retsO can l~-,<~;1-t trm morted Stock. u nettst s i .10 i- the cor paît bae ahways taken thé lot pie #tProa 'iStnut vualfains. - Burnett's Oocoailne one Souîidowa, 'Jtim, 1 Year olt;>a prise Afw h aest mft BUE ~W. FOWLE &BONS, -Brase, Masq. winétr nt lénding faira lu Canada. Bf 1t~tooje '.. nt ~Jrgitéadeirrurly Gno Sounihdown Rein lamb, a prise winnér 1trffsC caie .at teadiog foirn te Canada. l e nAi-cleWaah. I )épâur Southdown ies, il Yesrs <lti, aip. Burneff LEN'SLUlXG BALSAM. poué Jto uthwu , prisé winuers. oôàh -, ý poéed ta bc with lemb' prize wnnrs id, a arate au bre uple @moatr- 110 paair Sonthdnwn Ewé'lanbs.7 - sý Burnett's' Oocoaine b scuo~nnhi nicéii in ie C&TTLE.- ' dWeNevLtbThfl,, ne rémédy thal cala'siov Ã" or ne txcellent Milkng Caw, 0Syeà<iti - flSu nett!s- CoIdéL RUot.mrtia bs ax cleinDec 1874 Bc*at's ne r A nin- 0 Corx ne excellent-,%£ltlaiug Cow Coeiesexéetn.àýtan c , Cor-the calvéti i Déc., 174. o' 4yenrs îi Iega iiEot - I xué xetratatjono 'né Farw o sngs tb ihraw off ltihleZaor museu; n azr~atire s0reais , amitqfw s'M4i l'aur choies Gradéeliiers, 2 years cld from SeUle. irriteti 4ý.P5ntai goati nilklng stock, PM'DWv&esor -'1 grd hiér1ear from,lani IU AI- u Anue srnt e lraiéecn snat mInikiug at.- -.',- - - 1'rm 80 ne eaa béuin Whltby- matie Pon' Cuter, Oe m,# gfr e t B - Ai rai icI Ageahuf *Oeminimof çauda. 7j o Ieù H ,Z U N E T T O, 8S T04 I,. ýA' Y OUR TA&XES, b f J' 'f NEW F CY- ls or nvi1te any o- 'for their mne' 1 where they can' TO Y TOEIFoR WINTR'GOODS WILL1 BE ACCEI Juet opening out, a large and varied Stock, of the 1 1Late.91 Noveltie8s F.ANCY 'GOODS! CONSISTIN OP.F JEy WELR Y, 0J oYS &C.), &COce And class Gojds suitable for PRESENTS!. Ail of which they wiil sell at the lowest possible prices,t for g CASH!1 oe- To save time anti rnoney, cail at BsPrrett& Lockhart's> Fanc-y Store,' )ppsTe th BnaloKtl 'IR#I177 & STEART NEW JE WELLER Y STORE gREPAIR SH01'> The subscriber having rem 1o.vd to, anld fitted up the pre. mises formerly ceu p ed b yMa. J. WILM. Soy, 81s a Music and 3éwcllery Store, ~sPered to furnishg00da i hit; lino, includiug- £ Piano8, Orgaii8, Clocks,. Watclies, and Jeweilery, AT PAIR PRICE S AND ON EASY TEBMS 0Fp AyMENT REPAIRING in ail its branches doue with ncatiness andi despatoli, and satisfaction guarsutééd, anti at pricse b suit the finies. IU yen wish for au Or. gan, Cloek,- Watelt, or anythlng in my Une, don't forge the place-and if you Wish anuy cf tlem répaireti, b. sure andi eall, (andi if we cannot suit yon we wil not charge yen anything.) Farmers' produce taken in exchangé for goed. - t' lemneanber the> place- W. E 'NRVI. CeAPER LDTAND, EVER, DORNIO WRAR ROOFOR THE Il la uséti intéraoly andte xiésoja evéeiywhaer. Pries 25 cts. Pérzy Lvis,& Son, soie propxeru. BulIENS STILL A.LIVE t' 'AND BELLING "NORVII BOOTSÉ AtN SHER. W1 H L TAD, ON LT. , ARSERIN.G FOTE They are selling goods at greatly GJEATL Y RED UGED PRIGES. lmlinmery, Dress Making and Taioring ,to order, on short notice. LOWES &POWELL. "People are always asking where can we get good TEA ?" frV - -- -- wIy %srruery otore ? Ifnot, do go at once.- &e.>,Léa t - WILLIAM THOMPSolï S,. Cusigmers caua Select any quality and ûc iS. Mfy price they desire, from 25 cents to $1 50 per lb. 2 . Teas -and pure Liquors are our lead- in aticles. We have 'withaut exception some of the beat ÇHEC Oli _Rye anti pure Malt, that cau be-bought. LUMBEII 1 LUMIBEB I1IJ, WTE DEFY COMPETITION 1! -The nrined i o r 'edisof Ail 1indi e Lumber for Carpelerain We pyCash for ail Farmers'. pro&uce. osbgigtoetrcs * Lunber yard ineur vorihopa, Whitby& - P. P. Ei. Beilay Co. White Fish and Trout, at Toronto 10EMy NOYIMR S ORNSON Wholesale Frices. hty o.tb s. i; Poultry of ail kinlds;asGaeDfA .¶~0Y.-fe1bL;: C.JOHNSTON DEALER IN LUMBER, Cormmision Marchant, SI.ippiug -and For. wadn gent, ort Witb. B ULBS AND 5EEDS 1 Efegant IIfutrated Catalogue, IGTý. n C9LO1IED PLATES, maneeioanyadese tapon tihe receiptaof 10 conta. 1 BPEDS, BULBS,&C.,' PreshnatiRiablé, sért by mail to any pare of théeoiin CHIASE BEOTHERns BOWMAII, Taran2te, Ont. Dec. lti>, 1874. 5 VALISES ANDt TRIUNES, the easn, GveOs aail.L,--- 9,RGAN8 d MEL ODEON OIIGA NS.1 r - J: T3¶IN fa vu a ~w PH LAING. STEWART. 1 Whitby,- Féb. 9, Ï872». ,U,- mi 'Whitby, February ioth, 1875. SARATOGA, TRUNËB; all descriptions of grst. 1 JauuarY'18,:1875-. MI MISTI DOMINION T RA-D E

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