Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1875, p. 4

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sota -l ts sa-auus oors uthe iutom widoii lid h4unled edge of the ~RM'è*. À aMaU id -m'l-usaelpeely-amd , coins Idhh. ilia hë wi sti at Ballyvolaugh-sqmui, weI-- o &W utl aMyi e!wk afterxuait. ~%~4~ ~l~iFreush. --yUV utrndsCMuo She sMost b. peau-s unu&soBbc s ik 1 thle French,asd th uenoipa botter Ihan an y otiier pooplé o oat,, of tb. eautii;because - li. F±taeè bave 4aue exrdîiqay lnatinct rleu-he sud if they tlid thaï Ie ~ooig !,pend nmur s th 4y- dàiti. esty thl)jàlanue thb. malterby oasmn leus; 4ud the.Frcûçiswan iIý» pkguoul of bin~g méat clv o4e 4*1 4âi seor wheu h. Las boen hwrpûel Iaim ft l ery day ; adi auut-llco bu ha5 noeMr -.4 et aL f' 1 .ep eonakd.eu-scle auîou(n$ of -n4f oAat dec bu tUhe logofs a od tIinor, hlb la of Mot ; thse loice to bis vile, who muel wCrlie'r geve Aiôtbts. longer; evenrhdnýi wmn4t go, eut. the nationa capital, 1I ean, la n&t destu-cyed-.' The paver t 1making l ine.tu-4toyd;- sud, vien a nation like the Yu-eiieb eau do liaI, tliey-will endure great -destruction cf veath whielî in allier nations venul bave Iprodiood ,crises aud- ail sorte oi calaities, becase tiîey meet il by dinified consumptiou. They say, l'Il va maice legs, ve vilconsume legs, sud thon uLneonoionsly they observe Iboe greet 1mw cf politisai coonomy: 4 Wisaeryou do, lbay lIheenataional empital uudialurbsd.' 011the 178,856 mon couipoing lb.e British Begulir Army, 10,728 esunot reAd Por Wite. The Prusaisau draft ai 1878.-fer'- liesamy of lte erman ËMpire numboed 88,888 yonng mon, of vilotu8,824 lid a dn dation what- ever, The reerulla 'fôr lté 'Auctro. HtanÈeu-Ian Amy nnnubered 91l,581 yougmen, cfwvicin51,514 vere nea- ails ta read sud write,6- -Tli, nse Britisiu'seldier in aveu-y senleen, eue I'u-uleu soldier lu every tweuty-live, aaid ôOé';4tr1*asn oldibr-in orcry leva, lu entireig ol,no,,ti, cf ,tclelëtinofa Darfour-bas j ual been snuexed ta Jgypt, sud the. Risedive ia nov look- ing fou- more warîda -ta couquer. 'Ies nev Province ie fertile.lu tropical pro. ductions, sud has a large sud valuable iuiaud co1mmerce. Ils inliabitants are. a mixture of ýArabansd- négréee. The Sultan bas hIbhobeben cupueme, des.- polIe, eu-ul,but devoted toibhe religion et Mfohaxu i 1mo1f0i. Tii.ý propcse<I Coutennial Celebra. lion st Phlsdelphia begins bp assume - v<ry ignlllcent proportions. Tii. ver- iotns conimlllec au-elunalive paptaion, - ud hlie importent elesions af aecam. modatilon sud trasnsportation for sncb a voai ïitsaulîlotofpeople as may b. ex- pofl thât laIgroissInational occasion a»d'reoiviug due attention. T1%e pool MeoLaqlan bas been lhe rolpient cf ma&-el attention frein bis finonda Iu Setland ounlte occasion af a uecesi viil lise Olt sud.- "Give ns à coppos-, yor houer," criedl ais isi etAnsb af ten yeos, recent. iy.-Il"Be off viti yen 1" ueplied the gentlemhan ; I have ne, change."- *1Please, ir," cculinued lbheuchia inl lb. siîue axal vola., "-'do give ns a hall-penny ; I'volobt busd1 an heur i-nu-, anog afler yer î- djohn, stop yuur cryiiîg," maîd u n enragsd Itier la hie sou, who hai kept np an inlolcrhble yell for lte lest dv minutes. IlStop, I Bay" do yeni heair V" ig l u -patdtihIb-- ri alle e miue s lsboy s 1 c-y'g.' Ye don'1lasuppose:I eciokoafin e- min. 't peclierity of Law books le that ne onebui, e lawysýr eva-àu-El:daibeçga. Ail olior books have readersotald ite - laes fér whiam tieytan-e i!peially -Wvu-il mon aei ëve, tinte i ieas amateur - &fibti ig4, yu- mt thsolpgianae, but na-ecn.O:y«9r hesea1 cf 4,13amateur lîîwye, -- - Glu-is dol tlociok itiudnà tîssansny 16tieeoeif theIlYonug Iellawi" eu-e valeiting- tt-e;-t îsa -ave -o eer - ia,- Iu -new, inventionu. Il ce»i- siet tà d ilsirudlodn lslté clu-o a ahall d6llar. llvas.y - once iiia while u- s%'GIat iht ' e uiisad e A ovat-be ceitool tieu- lun0shawa, recently replissi ta aàquestion iy oeeof t examinera: " Do yen linis lte would la reunci. or dat 2" by sayiug: IlWell, $saineoo ei;tixtzsoe sway sud y oul - ru papers, andtiheitspipera tbropgit,,as snnch oallie neighbou-bcod se you -eau "Ope te silsýact le yen iy any mau-ked 2etivnagea yen eau eoxtendti 10 lie comastb. iuy.- Thi.e apôrting insu of New Y-k are saisl ta hmvcsslr«edy tsked hboasaci revardeansd gà1e al pa'f dclw1hacrding ta lb.he iuuc 0. 1itralieaw. By ordsreci louenit. Whltby, Déec. th, 1674. (tijmder Ordar lu Comucl, dateit 241h day et 191y, 1874.1 Q.J&ee ouscilt dkidnil upan a --~car'cu-n ..-.. ~.. 0 4- &g Ve serprof idu cangot be- cipWo fdédillgenc. .!. O 10 r 1= etaklng pxisoners to gsou, exluslveof dîslbur.aneuts nec- -veyzMe------------0-10 4. ýAtsaIs Justices on -sum=M trio eor on exsulnstlaui of pri Dsas e' harged vlth crime, lor ---i#&h ds7 necoesarlly eamployed lu e11e or more cases, vIssa net en118 edmors than four heurs.. i1~ teuheurs------------------...i .s6 8AtteUdinu Assi2es or Sesso, each day----------5 9. ilsage tavelngta attend As- lzes,Sesîluns or before Justices - (Whou public conveyance ce ab taonu, only reseable diaburse- Mnut haaIlod).,.,.ý...o 10 10. -$ummnl Jusp' for Coroners' Inquest, miclndeng attendîng aI iuqu.-st, aud- aiU services lu Yeu- peet thereof, if held on saine day as Jur sumnioned ............ 2 00 Il. Attendn each ad lu 4ruienît t-hereof, infue sgagecl Murathsu fiarutus------------------...1 00 12. De. o. il eugaged more Ibsu four hours........................ i 60 18.. Sgsummions or fsubpocenua to - ttidbelore Coroner (ubet No. 10.)----------------» ... 02 14. %filesg. serving saine ..........010 -15 Exhunilg body undur Corouers warrant..................... 20 16. Re-bierying saine..............20OU 17. Servlng ditreas warrant, sud re. tunîîng saine---------------.. 1 16. Advertiming under distres ar- it.4i...................... 150 19. Travelling t niaise distres, or te seuch fur gooda to make distress, viien nu- goods at-s fouud .. 10 20. Apptasesments, whsther bhy une or more, 2 cents in the dollar, on th. value of thes gouda. SI. Catalogue sale -auc conmission, snd dpliverY cf gaeitâ, 5 cta. lu the 0, on net produce of goode. 23. Ereciaelug seau-ch Warrant ...1 50r 23. Baring noticesonouconstables, when pernonzuy seuved -O..... 050 Poblished by erder, H. J. MACDONELL, Cltri of th. Penice, C. 0. Whitby, Nov. 17,1874. iu-47 rTE "WEBSTER"" ' r T Tr E WN O M ACH IN E teneereat pcrfecion yet aUttbtTi 1-3y ny machine iu the world. It ilaua ENTIRELY NEW INVENTION, Having mvept âway et onc a great mauy c f thu difficultie ad nnnauces attendant on the iute cf other machines. THE WEBSTERt le.a a ervol of simplieity, baiug con- etruneed vithoul liteue ofstisy came, or cage, aud rune go0 ligbt, anti is se esy loUundcersaad, ltat -nalady itow- çver weak ou- nerveas, ou- howver un- etcnslomed cte Masy lie tte utsn cof maislne, eau hall te useoil WITH L ASE AND PLEASUilE. TlisAshutîleof lte 'vS-ia s &0e a coustabunte t hett le.tension cf ltse un- din lt-end eau-bs chaugea lu an instant vithout nnIlnueadlug Ilh. hUttlo. THE "%VEBSTÉREu- ais e calyma ehine ruade lu Canada Ihât exceedein finshnaerial useci, fsud coniaîrsetian lie. c Asîs-canmanufacture while ssii Canadian machine eau approach il. -t'Eveu-y IlWette-" iii wauranbea by the mnufacînu-ers for ayeare. MISS- McINTYRE, AGENT, WI-iITBY, Wherotchsiines cau be etamuued. tik>"PureIcearrs the uougicy iî-t, cr1 lin the ua o f the Machine. Maehines dcliivered toa ny sddrssu, AND EASY TEilMS GIVEN FOR uly lath, 1874. 29-&U EN~ISHREMEDY!1 DR. G BAY'3 =uo gsqesei 8Ju ýP I M~ICINE à.hieU& ïiw.Jhlief thatd= 0 'espcih 'iommnde asai andil d-ai Wsaen .4paurt e .'s orrbsu,Irp anuysd ail disee uOPqlW tmêm-Dse D *, iAus IZARRT SQVàLiCj,£it-aa ,iccàmmnodatdbn fo« tb. trarel. In al»'. Suites of apartinlàe ta à ~ ~ d .î ii e~to tis tudy and mny yeaai ct evenceti -The fulinéii salciby 61a lg pae ffgo, or ul± ýaekgeS for ,o a ynio sitfb 'y. -LIST 0P Zda*ud. r*nk .... o fs dn Imse Lehmp-... Wllity Whltby, N~ov. 1874. i~t~ îaiu~November 8, 1 Nru-h Rdln 8, lu BroJL. 1 ......... 1 51h, Il De,111, i .. Feb. lot, i 8aut~ Ontrlo eb. icI, 1879 .o . . . . ..-- - - - - 9 1 1 e M a y , 1 8 7 1 d .. . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 h ay ,s11870 Uo............. 4h -Tuy1875, -Oaherse - ij;'r u,i18 SLÂING, Co. Treaem t. t A SLENIDSTOCK 0P Caria-ge Faetory, B ock-st., WH ITB Y. VEluY (YEAP.- CALL & SUE THEM. .875. 876. 875. 875. - L B75. 575. B78~ '6. 5- "I ra. '5 rs. r'. rer. 46 1f4 "1 GIVE YOUR SONS A CHANCE À PBAOTICAL EDUCATION THE DE MAND 0F THE AGEi We im1eh ln place a copy ai o.Ur COLLEGE CIRCULAR In the. banda af svery Young Mon in Canada. It. contains Two Valuable. Lectures to Young Me By eobt. Wilkes, Esq, M.P., andi Geo. Haazua, Esq.,I Mani.-Toronto Bax Deâtides otlcer useful Informai jien pertaining la Practicai Education. In We, lias nnderaigned. aller havlng exumined the business fou-mu adopted by thes Britiel' American Commercial Coliege, 91se a synopsis et tih. course of instruction, have pieseur.. te statîug thast we helieve it admiraitly adapted to meet lteeu-cqiremenbs et thosa cunteux- platine bealéeis pursuita, and, judgig freen vitl e kuov of bbc gentlemnen cennectee vaitlias Institution we lisve no hes tion n uce mendnt*to thea. a nricus ,:-su- tise uecocsary basisieu- tise bigbiekt claets-emrdiatofmnà Hon. Alex. Mackenzte, Premier-of Canada: Hon. Wm. MeMaster, Pu-eident Can,.dian Blank of Cnumerce; Heop. John Crawford, L.isut-Governor of Outaro; W. H. Howland Prosident Dominion Board oi Tuale; Hou. Juhn Simpson, Pu-eident Ontario Banks; Hou- 'fles.N. ibb, Ohav; W. Godeitas, aq. Praidnt anl etToronto; J. Austin. Eeq. Prsîdnt ominon ank Ho. J.~llyar Caeron PuesientProvincial Insur- anc Ce; Hu. ohnMcMrriitPro. Dminon eleu-aia e.;P. aldane. Esq. Gsu oralMangerWestrn nananc Ca;Joh Mmgha, E.q.,MangerIsolatecl Riis lueur. aste C.; ugi SeIlEsq, Gn. anaer uce Ciy Pre nsuane Co.,.Dun, Wima & C., ercntie Agany; as.Tone, .P. fIit;Adai Over M.P.,.Ingerseil. Onu tutene mou tie mu-hans ae ntielybonnuierus e ention, audvs co otiy rte on- atrns e iselodla bsines 8nst n-ouet every towvuand ciby lu anriaj. For terns, Spocimena of Penîoauîlii C., addreue- 4 ODELL & TIIOUT, Toronto. FALL AIND WINTERI IMPOIRTAITION 0F Has ueh Ieasure in annoincung JO ht 'eoustonmers, and the pUblic ini genera, tht bis stock la nov complet,. An immnense essortment ta select from, uearl11 albonglit directiroim the menuf%,cýuurs, and viii b. sold at ssail aad- venue ou coat foi' Caseh. 8a bring alcng yobiu monoy sud gave lb.e advaaice f bat baq ta bo put oh for bad end doubtful debta. BALES 0F FAC'TORY COTTON, fi Cents, 71 c<ents, 8 Centa. and 0 cents a yard. Just Ai-rivod; a Case of those Celebrated Linen Towels, - at Fi-ve Cents ca-ch . AN IIIME'ZLSTOCR OP Prom 15C e yarcl. \A veu-y IaîuAlpto. Fs-cm 000e le$8'00) a yard. es at,25o a yard. Frein 600 la 98 0<) a yard. White Lawn Hilhlerc-hiefs frioeclacci. Table Linon 25e a yard. A od +eary J'rcpping Shal for .95 Ail 1éWool Double Slzl.for $8.75. BROWN IIOLLAND 12.1 CENTS A YARD A Fine A MaMmroth Stock of Manchester& Aberdeen Winceys. A hoavvy WîDeey et 8Sea Yard; a scoîîred Wvincey etý 12ic, .&id iû #9 worth 16c. A large lot of Cliocked Wiapey Shirtiagi fi-cm 17e. O0UR DRSS GQOOS DEPARTMENT Wi11 bc foundi large and i vol eeleeledcctnîjing ail the' Nov aud Peebionable iulIerllsidP8Os Of 1the sesn. Lace Noti for Winidow CurLàiýiS aVÃ"ô2ç, 2o, 5er 0e, a80, andi 50c. Just arrivedl, Two Cases of--the Celebrated Cornwail Blaukets, which yulbe oldlea Ibu tq lalfolln ipDrted Blanket p ip-«,by oher hanses. Plin and Faccijk-'awen&l. isgroal abaiidan cr',nd ai remtaýý- low ,pýseS. 12E' The HQSiery and (*1e ev.Ppapx îwf efudcompoe-i evéry sire and gualityt - -p1I i Asp1enu(IÏ stock cf Beadeti, Bal, a"d' 4ncy Triuninns. Clends ana Fan<cy WooI Gooas ira grcst variety. A.l-vooj Claudi l2jc. ens;k ~pua, ~4~o~ Sortment of Gt,6,Mn~ n~Sa Sets, whieJh wjU* o ~ y~gkM e o! 4n58 JUS ari~à, e1sutId toltcfMeurs d Boys' FeU sund pur Hlais ne shapes -aud popularzpices -, alge a freali arrivai ofýCIoth and Par-a. Ic' nder lthnfo oinsiue l izs 1i , - A Iaýge stock of Beady.Made Clotbing in $nits, Poa ;ackets, aud Oucirceata, whiele tvffi b. aold st *vlsolasj." A. ùpéd ta f osCshgnbu.-A lamgestock cf Clhou udTweeds r get;ykgtog andfory 111, 0lrlrdp$rtment. Any eirders takean Wini b godftgareteed or ne sale. 4~eS!,ý -1uherb omnnact riinô£ finis?, U'tàl [uaraue oouvlneed that -o je Z doIi erm )1 fotto éikd ld y motto la, "Act b 'ariug ta taee.Comeýansd get baugane. TUE GRCERYI'&RÂR'MÈ3NT :' bI . feunïd <on- plee fAoveuy brnoh., ý, Pend-sockolWnewTes jmet recaived. Farznera Pu-due, ucieButtër, Eg, Lar;Ïd, ' _-;é,*, sei4 e~he - ents' Best Fur Caps a 'Good8 F.r n, Morth Longer 'w. J. HICICIE & 00. WIiL ~I4i ~OODS k r 3 r~ ~ç-1 -For one Month longer 1 I I The, Largest S.$tock in Town. -'q 9. urnït.ure! Funture! Now is the time to bu good and cheu Furniture. Having bought eut the business lately cari on by James H. Samo, we take this opportunity of invit. Eus many friends to, give us a cail, and we ean assure bhat we are prepared to do as weil by theni in the, futul as Mr. Sa-mo lias donc in the past. TILL & JOHNSTOI Ordes by mail prmptly attended to. UNDEiRTAKJNG.-Tlie'o nly fiýrst- olass Estabisinnent ini the County wihere fuierals are fui. Iy supplied. ire ýN c 1: I. Vhitby, Oclober lai, 1878. 4f TILL & JOHNSTON, 1-1 QARRJ~8&çLJ9ç~s, E ~1 v MESls.TOMS & NEWPORT, 3eg to inform the public generaily, that they have openc a Nw Çrrige aotry, on Dundas"-Stréet, rW0 OORS WEST of the PQET OFFICI ffbere the are now p 1repared to exeottaial work in t] ariago Mfaking Line, ou th. sharteat notice, anlfadofhebr ALL W0IRK WAIRRANTBD. E E a. REPAIBING DONE WITH NE&TNESS8 AND DESPATCH. w çJOH N S T O'S ly ELF-,RAK'G ~EPER AWARDED THE ÈFIR8T PRIftZE I At the Provincial'Exhibitioni T'oronto, i à *170. We oller t-o our custoiners for the coming hiarvest, two dis- tinct , Machines. which in styIte -atI& conistructionl, 'brace the latest and most useful impu6nveiùe"- ts-'f ih' à4 -,'y: .jw-iNS'VON'S SI NG'lI:, SELF-1 1G FAE THE ". RING 0F REAPEI8." The uiiversal suc-Cuss of tItis Machine, outin closely cuoitest- sd tladindluthe handa cf the lau-insus, wurau nsfsaying 9bat,-@is s Self-Rais- si g R e p i n g ,l i sc h l u , t b a s m o r e g o d p o i n t s ,a n d l- e d f e . a s d b s î t v ti l mo r e u c e -e s a n d l e s fa iu i r e , t i a n h r e t af c r ,; tff e e c i , t h o p b l c g-o were awarded the First Prize aind Diploina, at the Prci Fil xhibition, held in Toronto, 1870.in competitîi i lhalteidigajln. oeat)dfggtureg la tbu Province ; and witb ont recelit poviet wuhat ugl~ alenge inve4tigation and comparifron wvitilicçgpptir.g ~ehne, r sstsfld tatschinvestigation viii convince cvery -prejriîd rd , t"4hat we 0~e thii best haver ta the Fermer fur l1872, buit in-tho Dcnnin IW'Send foresripti-ve taou. BIROWN & PATTERZON. OIi' Y 00008 AiID G?ÇEIS ie undersigned IEAIRGE STOCK a n I lYl ïg no. Y 'r ees Gao4ds, great aotiiËùt'of 0, nâia'n and q4 Futaishing JWJ1~-,GR OCERIEjS, fflsx r&w a r .d Sgars, f~. rai.. >YISTBS, best brand, alw&ya onlnd - -. RI SON &SPAIWHJ Whitby, Decc. 151h, 1874. Are Q hwn fttllimes in-FaU -f LWNTËÉTý The Latest Sty,ýles, in Millinery. ICLOTING VE-P-ARTM-VENT- nJoRplete,.wffth the. mor-fst oaý T W E _E ROAD CL T s &. c FRESH FAMJLY GPROCERIE -The flighest Market Pic ~4 Paid'for BUTER McPhersoni's3 Block, 'W'hitby, Nov. 5, 1874. 45 BOOTS AN D SHOS - - aORO. YUIBE. Frein whem every informaik .4sn abtain2ed. - ý*itby, Sept. l9th, 1874. 80 EA o MMIISitecuthe fEast trench ai Lyn:le' Crelanexcellent -locatilï,-fou- a ~aeruslMa.WIII e -80d icheap. Ppu-lla eneuu-aged. App1v.-r- J."HAMÈ11 GEENWOOD, - Mayor. WbiIby, May 141h, 187. -- POSPECTUS. THE BROWN, d pAITERSOA? MA 1UFACTU1IIIZG COMPÂNT, O F WHI'B Y. o.~p~aiu VUCi~ /U I LiI Z -mallien f-lI e purpe o f pnîC-Iîsixg the. lpeu] Estate, plidi'y M , e-t'Plaint, aud irond-vil ni lite 'sinnfsctuiig irsi- AT THE nese of tt Iuowu &, Paîtérson 'Ag ncitilr- Wors. s tcTownuof Wlitîhv-ç E etue ne-w C'nss',!'esusBup-e-n& A ~ I APatler-on bave enberiecl f 80.0o nOstl, sad CH EA~P .&,F:A SH, ONMA B L Eatda~eîsgbtli~0 illp oa aliter sbscu-liou if s-r t l ,,sv-4sra.ýb. B00rP AND) SHOE STORE 0F tesum'itrnlbe 5. ll a Crée de pro-ii,- msans for snc-u-ti,-c:s'theite buineks, - te sllbl e iemlittbtitrf-o domo-, snd J OHFN S AUT N-D E-R S PIrigteCprt i12 y h e eutrtAoft ciiseI~nligpur. il ng ie u9wc Ãœ".sv t crn' on itu ~y N ext door to u-oldsm itlis' -H all, wice 'n' e illeanne on s clp-ti dJÇlI>ai. lu ieefor lte uev <'ou'genv-, il le 0ly uedZ BROC K STR EET, VH ITBY. cPd te stste lln-ital iivss en pn s-i-sness A large nd supei' sto.ck tw l- ltpoI" --Ca-ft- ale>esg arge O bIleeniubtrrilid b- tus-r ni l Ile ew Coni- nade Ladies', Gents', Mivisses' and Gihildren's Boots and rpany. Mies-pt-ors-ny bl'e i-es u-c uicu- Shoes. The stck com rises ~ie ,nd winl be te dirpeicu sud s-n'esisi-n ni M Ft-t-s.J_ -Shes.Thestok ompise th'-bes-t work - e . 31 Wienx snd John TI-p'o t-o utw o foùu d cheap and durable. Satisfactîon gnaantèed. 'Cus- tlie PrnvinD-io n F -r a I 6al: .6.T establialelitnt ha. tits n te poseas-s.c f t a m'e r s w ifl f ln d it t t e ir i t s - o c - .a n d e x a m in e ite e Cn tp n y a n s 7 i F - u n t y l s the goods and ]Est of prices:' - - - o:f thel busiiones anirutmin-tite ro- Repairs neatiy and promptiy executed. date. PPY Apniratienits e rntrale te te -Legi&ls- Wlitbyr, Sept. 151h, 1874. . 88 tn-fu-, aICitarter lu litbe ns-ns]l oumansd flte expixti ncf rte flue E-tIs-lb: Stetute (if7. Ir six Weel r efer-l meetIng of thse SI-l: 'effldsu-s vii le l-elëd, ce motice, tfs-Ite W ~ Y J R I 9 ' T T 3 9 ~reg easofelecting a ' u- m suieutl P osr& ai -~~~~~~~~ - ý-p- - r- Drces sut l 1ers ut theýCcuupouy. Sülbscription c stnck l inte underlr k. iniz-a-=ost «"epectfelly salicitced. e -~~ ~ ~ .,~~ velus ot-the stock, s-s-Pangivdu- -'H J),ST N vos ment, inay-ba regsrded as baiiig beyaud - oubt ;'while lte great edsnitsgss-te tise Towieof WiIand Cauna»' of -ntinie -in î'E -- A L .8 H -E ôùW euls f es s.rownl Pàttu-an nutataonce cemnsend thussves. - WM. TILL, - PROPR WT Q uo te nlisu»u-um, eo-t - - hheyishboli"e allotted. - -- N. W. BROWN, New Parlor- Sets, 4 ANL1 Peiil -~. Sets.dro m SetWhty ca.uu a -Large supeli 01ui uane and W ood seat Chairs, Tables, Burea Sb&as, Lounges, Bessteadas, Cuphoards. flair, Cloth,and Daxnask Lorunges - Coulches, &,&.A fluastock Qf Néè Gilt WinOew-C r effcheap.- -The large9t and oheapest stock cf ýPcties ever hoûiglit itown, ail of which ho offers at pricë-esthat- iil not fail to suit the tues. -- > "ý- T h é: m xdersigned-wishes te state to ,is , 014 custom - eu-a int tho public genei-ay, taihe l ta bu fund at lt "L T.N; and has neither beugbt céul, uneOr moitnet, ant i lnaOway camuect-a& vit auy other establishmient in towu. 8"-eeUndertaking as usual.-A Large Stock of--,Reacly- madie Coffins canslantîy kept ounbuad, and trimmaetï6ta rder lu >7suit anus- texuers, -an ehart notice. Funerals fuily aupplieti villi everyflhin.- Wh iitby, October 1&, 1678. VV .fNtT R O LOïH I N G-edAer r's J'. WINT -Pm CLO H;' ýOFMANIHOCD). etc., snpp)yng the meaft e l I C u r e - W i t n o e i. L o C n rI E d hi ef fer ndrging cner~1 -ers are mnvied to addreas, poibt-paiti, tlb. Àueior. Cents F1 Fr shn g Store! - ANE AYAR TillE TA&ILE No DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A New. a' Me- for the Seâ, 1 1 -tN 111IENSE STOCK OF BLACK LUSTRES! hitby, Ociober 15, 1878. 1. 1,Çnt.anriid Ç)inf)-L, -Pin Z-e-j 11 A, LA / &. L* ý - 1 1 1 1 1 r- 1 l 1 1 1. 1 A 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 ÇVMtby, October ist, 1878. nÙtby, Jaly 29th, 1874. 81-'.

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