Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1875, p. 2

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VLY et 5 PR ANM ;by,Tuza, 'b 25, 1875. - PAY UP!1 xtiew Iuaebtod ta thinae li.wîu ioblige by nàklug asoettiement of aceunts.Bre saotns overdue, wil cortaly bpse ut, suil expeasolinca rred, unlies uiae Lai sttled bfr isfrta Énboarlfers aie s'elied Ii a u sîsbseptlon la 5Tes Caazcz, arste payable lu.aairsue,,Tho.uisi- air cull reislva ais iurther iltu..#-thue se- ouats cr111b. plioot] lu ahhr banale -for ptiieehlouî, and expoisees ,admise]. The Su¶sth Osttenlo' lecîlon Petiion. Au cr111 b. eeezsIbo isareport ai proe- eediug ngail tuircoluanus,lice friendi of 1fr. N. W. Br-owsu, X. 1P. Il., have -<elied tupon comtilbuting 1l,Ute> la- - crd the exjfmens ifdefondling île -seat fo an els uirilTise general opinion appearslia prét-eta iaMr. Farekoll.bas anade anucber tuistako, auni liailie pétition against Mr-. Brass-ata ratura - li a vei-y ihiadisui pt-oceeding. Se isay inasy cf hiesup- pot-toesILice laie e st. Mr. Broswn, - t wâ- - I knoco, trasm tnestl-o jsi-y alan. Mli id nuitput-mit hlifslî -tu bu bronglat forwut-rîli eueitiiiy La lie iortninu(n. On the coutlsty, lieide- attirail hieo cuidenco là% Hi-. Mowah, a pprai<d i 01lesgenersi polie>', sud * tooi tedy ta give tse geai daof us -govreumeul an lionoIîsupport. Under saiic li-auzthéce-aîlbélection beuig tieffr ou, islai aiuwebAil Admit it ta 'have bc.sn-i-, F at-esel migh have 84stoai5l lumei whthar i. cas û olng s f-eualy Inca ta le Cor- eranent, or strinag lis Part-y, lu puhiug foWrd àt-ioa it-Iueopetitionla t-ii tics -eleotilo. The doua-e a. lskiis ort~aiuiy neal liai oalcuted te gaIa fri-endsor alméents for aiLier, lUe.Farecel', lisnuaaioa »w<in itilolig huudr, sud uoc lis dleal appenais to have blinded -ir anisd m=de iim indifférant là futur. eansaqueumies. TicsPat-ty m' unld e=- ly repudiate liùs action h is illtet-,C and mI ahelacr hioneives, b>' longer fol- a oiocrg bis iead, tui Le ingtita 1 futthon iumi4htion. The. Mayoral:y. lu cousequeùouo ith e ciguation of Ur, Gresucrootl, a nic ehetionu cllU btela Lheuhlàfar' lis.nauyoraliy oai WVhi'. Tbise mnes at sevrtal gent.e- men are msnuLonceiase probablo candi- t dates for tic vacant offic. Auioagst - allers Mr. eSuiti(Ut-. Gteenwooilst uppanon aitishe labe élection), Mi-.I Chiesten Drapar, 1fr. Halsien, 1fr. Fao. c InaSA (ibson, Mn. J. B. Powell, said Mn;a <Jialdes lig. Noueai tue gentleusen uuca cvre(thticoffice, nuer(1<le c-o Iliase amy oft tientould - be cilling tho euter a contes& fer lie hior. Mn. 8mInli, ce ai-ebalai, refuies ltu conte t lava-ai-i agalo, ami ça a Llie- lte I naies ai tse oticr teen- gzutituaca i i bsuiailteai citicent their-acwu wiei e os- consent,. bi-. Draper -(Who, WCen. t, gret tu leicru, las izsuii sesiottmiy tudie. C posei-«for nsema <aya paI,> liai eiuit i molieltai t a it lia cilIe by gentîleamen 0 whoi hie a ta uuaauy grondtic h naayoraly abotlai mail tiI year go out.i aide ILhescaimicers oi the'conuncil. Mn. ' Gibeon dieeinsi iisuug a caudidaite ai Mies municipal éections, aithougi lis siedilqu uigtie LW-slita have Leiu asseuredansd naî h. Ia agsin i utgeai by his lt-butas taoms fat-cardti l hlie -vacant chair. Tiare le pionty ofin&-rae, toraiCtouni ch ho suak. a goci d chiies, sud ira bello#s tiat evenullv limat cholu isie r111611on eibicon 1r. Drapoer or Un. Gibsan, but ce do-nul appreheu aii s i any cassethiers clt Le s conent. Wu deeply regisI tIsh ne a cnvita si lame.li teHi-. (*roiieau's resigum. E lion, and ceat-e sut- e swiil ii sym i jîstuihil iti iu Iis il ulienceb> thie elias cuenuuuniy. 1Ru hai omieri ttpon lis luiriligna ci offficia',-lle hasul ssii hhae hecvf it titifuIly aud1 ccii, uni lia~it i ic ef the fore- monts sud ul u nîcpraltcitizous-oi tise tocu ai WhiLby. t ceuul LZ ont j i of place ihuretuenter jute flis -csn chIieli lu-vo lumagdeeiie paelubnay irnanadlate i pose acsyamuiýtua -Iic Tise PEitaOFBsmia.-In culer la t takie -the puai oribeihe lu AUl sait.01 Citurchm.cre efficient, 'lbis ipuposut, Y, Mas soace.es Possible, ta' place Ica MarisT about210 ib., ami coit about 81 areeal lte note G ; lh. M 'elgis about 1100 hbsel, re- s'th note A, sud coul-ý about te Ihould au>' pe»sondesin f) 0 ~dpatto blnd, ltaI- privuoigecr11 be gansléd, wdtise bal lsarabuy *Q wamy irons tian e tine direct."1 Tiim posezs-he dnty ai campulsea prepaymnaupon publeiors: Tics e foot ai the Change WhilWbeta Iirow--tli whole 0ai ftic burdencupon lie publlsh er, ýVhHolle sssnlng liehe ai reven:Ul ta lb. Fout Offie Depatimn ot. Un4le lise present Arrangement, tmubeo psy the postage, sud bsing oniy s lriff to- o eidluay, the amnnt isn i isît, wille lice Departmint gets th lionefit af lb. larger revenu,. Mes pnilebee coulaI therdefoprer lia iii. ad arrangement were left unudis tut-bcd.-0f course we oun have no ai jection'ta "the resinotion aottîplatai cuider the new set, alhlouýi. tin;t icl nat been dmanuded. But, in lh. wa3 prapaodi, instead ai boing, a b'cccil will prove an aluai iojîiry ta thoc mar lmuediately.jnioesled. Tis ii ual, w. are stire, wlîal tho Pesimantes. Oati-si desires.'ITle proeont arrange. mient, nMay, aud no donît <lacs eta addiional trouble upmu poaLmastera, snd daubilese ibis bas set-yod ta influ. ence lice Fastmastir.Geueral fl tic preparaiion ai his Bll. Dut in thie, as ln. al l iaci- bses, thse ganerai geai th ouid not, sac subînit, bo subordinat,, ta official eon vicienàce. Tic. otier chianges pruoosainluthe -rate of letters, "dropped* iaewspspers, nuil thse general festures ai lhe Billare wsil eslenlmtedl ta bondit the, public, sud bring tic, postal service cf tics Do- mninion mnbobtter ct-ier. Por tlic thei Paslmastmn.General bas Our licarty thianks, ialie will have, and closervci tiiaasp of tlice aninnnity ah large wicec tihe great goad h. is mecolicîiiisiu COUtu m betottr -îndrstoad sund ac- kuatvli.dged. The. Camapbell Scandai. I3roois, ici. 22,18$73, Tu éle ir idito, of the, Iiitby Clcromcir. Wlsat la§ Lecou.-s cf tie greait Campbcell Scandlai case? 1 hàve cars. iuiiy wathied yonr cosma since lice cas wais arguedisibeore Vie@-Clianceiior Blaie, nearly hwelve- müntbe cgc, for tice aneuncoîinont aiftise decisioisociti. court, but have fôuudnizoue reparteai. PIeuse tell un if lice case hanbeu Sot- led or wlcat e Four ab't sei-vant, AN ENQUIRE.R. Our correspondont " AiEnqui-or" le One, umongst many 'otheril Who have sclud for information cii tue subjoct. Esle isinfernusil liaI lice nfrtunalo massl allîîded, lu i-hie bItter lias nul been yot seehild. Il still drags ils slow length tircugitho courts. A decisian was ta have bee n proînuceed lasI Nov. ember or omniier, wo boliers, by tihe Vice.Cliancollor, but conie in the case were ualreadyfotai-ie argumetit. Since thon, il las been dilly-dallieil with front ureek ho week ; wiîcn counsel at on. sida la neady the other js eand again there in aller lusisicas wlîiclahas a -r ulaitu ta be hîsarîl before lice court ; and go un. "'Thes aw's delay", liai pansed inIa a proveri, sud je a repreacli. As isigt Le expecled, the auxiety aud lhe weary waiting are uloing ticeir work.- ifrs. Catoapbeil in wasling away, was are ahl Bo1 i-er lrue-heareîl brofller lier nriolhser lias lacver icemi cre ince lthe L-ial; licr fatisur <ic] suddleuly freinlice etss cf ltme cc tu hie systena., anîd lie tinte may coute wheu nlane aI' Lice original litigante wvill le leit t'a bas-n lie decielon cf tue court. "lTcs faul of tme day lecr1 Imhte ccitniei," is fLima oue rellly we have raeelved *wicen ask. ng for infasinmsioîî ou tîma cubject. Thist in ail w. eau tellccir coîrespanul- ont. If suli bu lihe case, sud LiaI il je loue wilftiiy, or tbrougi negleat, the c-t sicauid cectaiîîly -interpose ils anliority ho briug tlice aier le an ssue, and naL pst-mil il La Lic delermîn- ed in limas by Lice able tu huld oui wili the longesi purse. Dominion - Palilament. leos is allering upWards of $20,000 roi-ti vidry goadd, ready.mado clii.- Ig, boots sud almoce, &e., nt uniceard cf as, prices, nt Idestcora in Otshawa. All musîbe cleared eut, mad naw le lie Lme te gel geai bargains. Ris spriug asporlations have beau engaged te air. rive dlirclby tice iraI ai Marc]i. 8Haca'Nc MATC--%, eiceing match fr 8100 a sude, ieLwc.n Mr. WarT, of aot-ansd_-Mssers. Lawler anil Tweedis of Whitby, in advertisei ta' oone off ah Dreokiu, on Fniday; flfty nacv.blra oaci. WurvSrzA ac ricusN'.b.-Aî te aunnumi meeting aillhe memiers of ths Steans Fire Company, lice iallowing fficsrs wero elscled for thec ut-teut yest: E . B. Clejtrwater, Captait; !icomas Tante, lot Lieutenant; Sanmuel Brown, 2nd Lieutenant; W. J. Gibson, ecrelary; M1. 0'Donovan, Treusurer, Mvaa'as Nàvu ToiAÂco.-Tiu pt-oprl. st-s gauticu purclissers agminel nunêr. nes imitations sen, u inshemarkcet ai Jizsvgauî' at a large discaunt at Uelsi. naith'g Ral. '[Seo 'Ur. Johuelan'. ,ru. cse fou i sîe PIinil14iilton se I#~qbv wa eouoI~44vol osigc 01ithe CountY where he sidi or b L is domsicie, and lice effee 27 sueh assigninent ie ta vest in tcs iae et. Apsigne. aIl rigbt, titi$, sud interee ýj &Il proporty, rail and persanal, oait: lnsolvent orfiu«eedïtoro,"mbjeit tat ërder.oia oCourt or JUdgeý; snd, up Le sucli orderIsud befmar ny1 meetig lr ereditors, b.ms. institut. any cansi ors va toryprcese neeesaryfor Ieprête ils taanoi theastate, or eiI or dispoee sury part oai t Ilit MIybe oasparie, it a0lenature. i' The Ineolvent is reI wd ithin ti ut days oi the date oa i hssegment, gtten lsaithe issu ai the writ attachinent, ta fnrnish he.assigu ~'witics correct .statement ai hie ause ad diatoyter an assi uet h eu(qma, or in aseà"aif attgehmeul aller lice delay within wàich the stîsei aY ment May Le eontestdthe. Otice It Asetgnee mustet ii a meeting ai tl o creditors ib' arder ofasJudge. Nati tu iofite meeting je ta be pnbiisbed in i usaul fim by advertîsemnt, and1 lr notico ta the Creditarg. '- Ticere le ta b. an assigue, or savaet Wl persans ta net as aseignos or jail ass mignoeini cadieounC yor dsrc L. ich the court ie held. AssIgnees tu gi-ve sonr.ity ai 12,10*) àe canies where the population doe nd sa exceed a liudred thoussnd, and 06,0( )a where lice population is aver a hundre ?d thuueand, or encli furticer securitya tice Jucige .uay order on petitian ai creditor. le (Creditors Maay, ult the finit tuectinl s,apoint an aseiguce. other Ibm Ià ae cff i a sige, whio is requ il ta gii soeurity ta the amoniit flxed by tl croditors. Croditurs accay, aftr ltce liraI Mccl et ug. duteruine where subsequent me.l ilnga iaay beciceld ; but, unise-licey aJ ysû, meetings are ta b. heliiaI lthe cdii ai o the aq5iguco. Ilimpectors may Il U g upicted by the ceiditora, vor, on ticî g ailure ta do -;0, by a court or Jnagc, a the <binant ofan mua aiguea eai r ditor. * Iny Cïa(diti)r n014hclînu Lcceo $3100, diisatisfled with tlhe action of thu jcreditorli, inépector, t"r u.meiliguc. ma, apply to the Court tu roeiî~ a recui tien or orders. Tice insolveucy ofun ie rit-rabier ofi fi rm a perate(s ait 11.olution of eartror Tlcq asgaiuo sicmll le csiiiltd to Commssion cf flve pin, cent. whei arcaunit realizeIII doùs not exceeI 64ui0 Itwe and a haîf, frornt $400 te $1,000 releuead a q'.srtLr wheit-L excuds $1, 000. Criuditori; May aI any -meetini croase the rate af remunca'ation. Assigucees îu'e aiea entitied ta fiv( dollars for every ineeting of isetor or creIos and ten cents per oif Tii ,Oeignee le required te deposi ail mnnys belong'ng ta -ice estate ir soma chartered bauk, wheuever tic s umt amonts ta $100, snch deposlt te bc mnade tn the credit cf thie astate and nat of the assignec. The interest se. cruing on the deposmit iqta beiong ta thei astate. A discha-ge may be refneI by thce Jîcdge if the estate do nat realize thirty. tcree cents in the dollar. Ravina muede collection cf the debto, the asýignee waay, if debts reixiain wiîici twonld cost more tluan tiîey are worti Le calict, report the- came ta the< creditors, aîîd wi tia cir cýonseat citait un oraer cf lthe Judga ta sdi staine b public auctian. A creditor deirinq proceedingse te bc LLaken for tii. benefit of lhe estate wiîici thco aseignee refuses or negiecte ta tain Mnay apply toe iange for an order auliîorIzuug uitatetake cucli aroced ings n lu lienaine cf the iassignie, but ait hie own risk, ail ueuy betiefit derived Lierefroui scli heiong te the creditai tuainig il. li the clauses proviting for diefribu tia;c of drvidenjiSýt jie enactild tijat; if Ft tappeura tae ati sigu.e, on esaniaction 1 fth tI licocfthe inisolvent or aller- wire, fiant tlive are erreditoeîc who have no' taken proceicigs te entitie tlîcrn te lbe coliecated, il chai! bu his duly to re8erve dividende for sueh credilars sa- cording te te pature of thir dlaia ala- dte nclify thiniof Suc I sre Divideudif nnehsicned milthe tintei aliscliarge'are tu reumaîls on depasittin the bank fur tlîroe years. aud thoenta be paid te the Govermnent cf Canada, and, if afterwadsclainted, idial hca a toe le iascentled, witis intereel ai four, per cent. The law cf set-off lIsila;îply te ail dlaims in iutiaivency. Prov isio lmrade for an aplpeal frani the decision cf the JndIge-in Quebec la the Cout o f ieview, and iu Ontario te Town Clork, %VIiiby. Mfy Der Sir: Circumetances aver whica I have no cantrol renders il neceseary that 1 siculd tender la the connei ny resignation as Mayar. I shail retsin office only ti11 spccessar b. .appointed. Rindly coimuniea4 muy resignatian ta the. eounmil, and oblige, Very sineerely yours, Ir. RAMER GREENWOOD, Mfajer. M1r. Ticompson moved thc cnneil re. nome comnittee on thse license by4law. At thr. suggestion of the Tow.n Solici- tur, tice by-law introduced aI 1he. lit meeting was witlcdràwn, And a new iy-Iaw, moee arefûlly drawn np, sub- stituted. Certificatesfor lieenses were grsuled-.-an.Piogie, Royal hôtel; AUan Cameron, National; Jas. A. Bandeil, Western; Peter Wskem, On. tario; Samuel Ray, Brilli American ; Wuc.O'lneil, rand ltmuk;- -, Al. Lion ; - ' Commercial. A petition of Audrew Maseau for a certificate for licenee for tih. Ontario I3Ioek, (nuaer ani-section 5 of the.lAt, ual" rec~irig ail the necesary aeommvôdtioufor hablo,) waeraid. Shrong abhjcitione wers taken iMaser&. Ferguson, Pluilp, Hatoh, mnd it1oým-; but ticepaye'oa lb. petition Wsgrantedaunsad'visiona- Yead-Meeri. Fairbanks, King, Dono. as- Mr. 4H astateaI tisaIefforts Wei falJ b.ing ioe to elear lie railiwsy l osTii lIlyCo. bai pleesi san airena n, WhseîedAohave ro la 1f r. Fairbankse oncp isnetao i.e milcaler lines rnnning narti ,effo die sere mamie té clar. lice t-scet a nc )o but boesnotiigswcarely swuasdon er- leue ta clear l the l kwble ltce bluets se. lng stlce is liai juil enounlera af contlnued, as lise suas, vas no tom~ h. eàesioff tissu il fMae up .tlle trow onr Mr. Blow, ticamglil lb.Company wax or uow.unakiug efforts ta have lise t-sc of éleared ; h. lca bcaud tiey cere geLA ses Wn s suasplongli froua lb. Gras ots Tnk. - In reply ta Mr. Haîci, ms 1fr. Fairbanks stated tisaimnulis ul, been aicrork on lie gravel rond, wh.e es cru now cimar. la Mr. Blowc canplsineda& olb.hsna- beo being etili on lb. sisolek tthélsebey. ice Mr. Fairbanks gave natice afià s lie lac te regulale lice remoal of sua' Ly frouisidowalks, sud tb. mslher dopped Ton a ewoa SSowNÂTIOX. ni Unc motion aif1Mr. Fergnean, seond lut ad by M r. H at h, tl s g ai n o lu wa5s acepled, sud lise reeve instruee aIt tissus a witfarthie sectian aifanayo- on Tii.connUiladjournsd. id sa The Supreme Court Bill. a Tis important measuufe, proumis d i g, thieSpeech, centaine claus~ese lthalb e te lawing offet: he Il previies for lIheetablishcment a a Court oi Comun Lsw sud Equit, t. for lice Dominion ai Canada, clae t.shahd bu called 1th. Supreine Centto le Canada, anad a Court of Excicequer, t e be called lie Excequer cf Canaila,LcLl bc Courte to le Counts cifiRecord. dr There arc tu Lev -sven ,iudges. Tic lil JChief Justice mliet le a member of ocm cill te Supanior Cent thiie Dontiniai or a hart-ist- cof iteen years' stanmding ig TIc others ust l e cituier judg-ei cf 1hi le Sipariur Courts or laristers of ter iy yemrs' standing. t. 'rhe juges cf ltce licpreine Court art te have precedleuce ever al lihe chIei ajudgca of lice Dorainicît exceptthlice ii r.Justices cf auy of lthe Provinces, and lice Cinaelior oi Ontar-io, aud as lie a twee:s lhîeanelves acardiug ho souiai-ity of cfappeinîment. Tic. jîcages wil huidt Li.ifcfices dur. ig gavai behavior,an only Le remnov. able on an Adainese frein bath Hanses. A provision is ruade for lise stîperan- . nustion cf the jiidges after fiilsen yemrs% sei-r;c, or un case ai pisysacaliniiity, ýo te thecitent af two-thirds aifliseir sal ,. aries. Tics Chief Justice is la Le sworn Pr in by lice Gorernor-Goeral, sud lia ~mlnejdge bytic Chief Justic.N it ,iuds ma ielay tier office. Tics _ Curl la ta soita ohear appeais ah Cta. wu ut a lasl lwice lunlice year, in Jan- m at-y aud âmen.rcspectively, sud ta con- d i ue in session ucihil thie business is : disposeai cf, but may adjouru fi-cm ime *te limes, due notice beisg gis'en in thc Ccanada Gazette. Ith l ars an ap- apelaI. jurisdiction in ah malters af Civil sud ciminal jurisdlclion Liraugi. ont lte Domainion. Appcsls wiil lie in civil cate involving a sumn, as-vaine af htic. malter in dispute, te tics amount of h 61,000, as well as in certain otber cases especilicai in tiecAAt. The proceedinge afor bringing-a case Lefore lie Supreme rCourt are ho Le as nemriy as possible the santo us in Ile case ai special ver. dict, sud tic. Court may iras, &my in. i rnce frointhle slatemeiats cf fact in thlie special case wliic hi.h Court ap- r psaled froanogiclta l ave drawn. Appeals taelte Supreme Court wiii lie in cêse cf a t-ie ta enter a nonsuil u rpou points rsset-ved, or in case aifama- l ion for a nec trial an Lie groung, of crreng- ruliig, bui oniy if lhe court Le. iow Le net unaaiutins or if icave Lc tgiven by the Court cf appeai. Anump- i Ieai will aiea lie in dabes cf ejeclIrent. Nu ippeal, hcwevr, %vill bu alloeea e ftc-r tle expîralmon of twenty days, un- 2legse lie Court appealci fretu exteude lithe tinte. Apîle? ane ta b. allewed -in casscf proceediug union writ of 4lhabeas corpus where tice prisonet- le remanded ci- shere ltae wril Le t-efuea, L ut mat chisrwiae; or in praceadinge a upon a wrih cf maudamus; c1 in cases wiare municipal by-laws have beau qnashed, or lice nuls la quasi Las been 1 reinseai. Prcceedinge lun errar ans pro- t vsded for lu ciminai cases froin the Court ai Qneon's Beuci in Quebec, Lut lu ather cases Ct-cmthie same Court, acting lilstr appelishe juriedietion, ltse proceediugs ar e e L y appeai. In au senlas ai clauses tce -mode sud ai-vice cfis Privy Counel, ley befot-. lie Suprecua Court a speciai case sas t lis. constiitionaliy oiany Bill passed ailier by tha Paliameot ai Canada et- auy ans ai lie Legisialures ai the sev. erut Provinces. Caunsel m*y appear lu snob cases, sud 'lhs ýopinion oai Lh. Court is ta bbetified La the Gavernor in. ouncil. Tic. Governor.General maie aosii. mitlo thie Supreme-eoat iàmyqne tion taueiing te "nlr* tation iilieBrit- ish Net-ic Ameni, Ast or ai amy lresLy cith a foreiga BIaIs .Subjec o t loenoessery legisiation iaing paoseai by any ans di lb. Provin- cial Lsgllaurth e Supreme Court may have jurlediction in cases ai a dis. pute b.tween a Province and tise Do- minion, or b.lween seiy Ico or more ai tice Provinces, or oaiscuits lu crwleihthle vaiidily ai any Prôvicclaor Dominion Act is queuiioned, or crhen on caustilu- tianal groundes y natter in referrei by aue.oaIbhi euisting Courts. 'This Ereeqýt Court bals jurisile lion lu t-eonuseseat-orsncb us cronlî b. taksn by lis.Court oa'ifExecequet- in Englani on ile reveuue side. Tis Cort 'm'Il lio have concurrent jrdctian ilh lice Poica ourts an sui e of a civil nature aI camman lacr equ* , in wisich the Crorn in thi.Do- zoinian:ai Camsda is plaintiff or petit- Ti.estis là corueMb ofaoeinie- diately aller l bu lpased sas respecte tics appointnoiitajud0es sud offil-ý est-, utosjudicilfunotians r111bol izeredud4only after proclamation b, lte ioverà ,in (otsil e, *toliq t.six previaus yu l sineat -s a Wt ,d' treatycrabra ýta a close ck years a natrilia n 00# ene2 varions negii fon orthis e 0r~a rnlte rarsty bibe nttta,£ l k efltise <presentissi n ai lt. ýnés- t- lion andi nlo a-r, dusn ap~sn Id b.ocroulaI refertathei wieis. ,Thse hon. gentlemanPs'ocedei tu déscib. brlelte osvuretanegotistions of 186 bd 186,1869and 1870; sso htulise JWsi. Siîuglon Tt-eaty sud aIhers liaI mn&eeded il, sud ruai extrade fi-rn 1h. re:- w'ports ln regri ota lsz. H M a a eît-acl froina% spechaof ir A.f. Gali in l referenceté lise effeci aif lis Waah. wingtou Trsaty on lluz neèotian boteiesuCanada sud IetJ i dStatee, andaone froma Speech froua.Sit- J. A. Midonati onlth anie t. Mr. SBracn sa inedib. n* lW"ic lb. piratent G- t-na an o d the. t laIe negallatione, suded. hem )d fram'lthéchargeaofacfor id n lice r.Mahter. H. rdth éli0a cordai tise nagolialion ta show 0ic"dg siae attitude ncainhained by Go ut. 1fr. Brown tien exp *ialice of a lie segattiiaus, sud ra i les 22 in aud 28 ciflth Wshing4CuTres pt-a- . viding for au at-bihrat 5 hsa1h valu, aiflice St. Lacrece osie sa tlie apposulmaut0 aafin t ta coud its of praceedinge ou b i of tice B ith yGovet-umeul. Ho erred tea .aV-. Lu a from ntEgiaud o r. Roiey as t t ifagent, and tais c oin uggasti'7 a o tah$1 Washingla Goyrnmeut tics Luhis preposi at-Lit * nIcheu Lde mtg ealinma tealy ofcon ee- rscîpýrocîly t Le Hlaving explainei 'lice stop, hukon for ka Ilîn formai negalialioui, Mr fBrowu trac. c ei tle proeceadingslit-ugji lera eReer-t 1.al stages. Ha rsferrmll taluhecnt-encens Mends as ho lie ccdimercial position ai i CanadlaLisait profailed iin ltse Uuitl Shatex, and lathie anenoranilnm wieiu lail beau preparei lu retors Iluse iha. t-Pressions. - Hoe suntnedl up iu bt-F-f tei fsalilent pJoints estmtlifiied iii tuat docni-e imeuttlu lte value of ties- Canadien t lresly Lu Lie Vnited State,lu thie great l- y siucecs of Lice lromîl cf 18,54, mad te tue casctilnci promperiîy of the Dominiuon J since ils rappal. Ho refferraci t le ilu-- g mues c f ltait teinraint u lIna minde cf preininent public men as ibone- i fieaI,, ad to lte favennabie atteuiiti ta t the suijacts secursîl Ly il fronithle leadl-n ing jcunals cille Unitedi States. Hen refent-si iudiguantiy la Ltse charga ltI ila beau made liai aney bai been l iused lu eblsiuiug tues expression, sud s > daciarsi liat nos oua penny badl beeunal Bspeul or askeai or promised lu amy sucic s menet-.IndeedAime iscl was Liai tefie -entine cxpenditurý lu coniceien cith I t h. nagollaliane amnountea te a litîle P more' than fourt- tccsani dollars, cas t *an abainiant answsr la lia dltarge. Thea s futlier procaiuge eudig in lia ma- ti t uring o c Il tigc reaty wcreenexlt s ecneidered4 sud ils transmission ta lh. P Sssiate for adrica usaienlunately euly w Ica <laye befone use adjourumaul ai tl Congnsss, when cansideraticu cf il luini detail cas impossible. Mn. Brocu tien tE pt-oceeded 1 couchder seriatim Lie dii- fr feront itemis cf lie draft trealy. sud le showeiliat liey wene jusi and saivanl- ia ageons ta bath partiec, sud caieniateai o ho give s greal impatue ta Lthe varions V industries af bolli cuntnie. Ha rsisrn- tb Lei ai great lengthi th ie mamafaclurci R articles ineindeai in the arrangement, hb and iereibly defenedti e introductionu i int il. He reioetd ta tables siowing pi lice varions linautit-le liaI coniilia S -affecti by il, sud lice rty mal uta- to ber of pensons eontparalirely cria coulai sh bce îujunoîsh affected. He read front p lia official relut-ns oi 1873 74 thIa aussi- iz ied féeigu exporte aiflice Dominion ap fat-liai year, sudd <t-eattention, to lice st tueignitlcant amunut ccntibuted'.oit il t ~> lyite ntanuilaclurntginteresI. JTe el t-ed in eamvaiuiut îe great l ueth of tics icreigu exporte COnStitUtedle Ly lice agniculural, said limier, ancf. es mimerai inhereels, chiei enielod u protection, and iemnrred le lice pt-e- AM tension liast selas a preponierance of Il tis people sicould La compeliei ta puy il. large dtihis on tie mpîcrueuts uni vu mult-ril i ilduehny sud on Lice ceai- il mon nacessaries ai life ta mainlain a ai fes, favoursi industries in existence. ftÈ The ion. gentleman tien taok np 1h. (L abjections liaI hai beau maie t hes ai draft lreahy,eorumeudiug citi the de charges of discrimination againet Great no Buritain, claicih.oIiorougihy deucolisi. vo ed. He tien took up the memot-lal ai as tise Bout-iofiTrade and referreai serî-aim Il ta lise objections licey bai iormulatei, ly mieîing esci hsoni fuliy uni direct- thi ly. H e tien t-eierred ta lte recent go action cf lis Unitedi States Senate on As 4-ke daft -4-.A4 "-eysait isreu- b a. will handly lb. forgotlan. But bLe hcluni as il migict, il cas ual for lie peopleofcitic Canada ta selon b, influcnced iy auy eah snob anticipation. Ticey icai siocc out iiefr sbiliLy ta open nec marukets ion for hemselves ciao lice Auseriesu market et- crs. losi agains thera, ami thec ear in pat for thsm cas ta folioc up the son poliey on whici lbey icai enîarei li 1 redoublai onergy aud perseveraue.- At Loi lhe Amenicane loai theit- industries -ciS cihu custotms' duhiep us tiey cio.,e; b. lic it tic. fit-m olicy ci Canada ta remcve lic everybat-sonin îLe cray ai commercial et-i extension, ta nepeal all inhiei au rac mu atraanarticles usai lumanuise. Lai turlusg, ami on lice casumon mecessiios (ci ofdaaly lufe, uni ta replie.elice revenue crs l, if needei, by s ciser and- cheaper aud system ai lutxation ; laI themasek ta Dne iet-shop tisir great uational inuiustriee, sa-( amni e0peeiaiytiteagricunraslipig i *iicng, m"nerasd lumber industries; ii lai ther open up nec m al adapte a a ta hieirtraffl, sud l1.1th. Canuidisu telf fiag Le found laing on everyses. tele Mr. Barlani Et-laaisn, an aid Hud- Bs son ByCampsuy affluer, cita diéi sg h -otope, isleit ubot .180,000 ta the Toranto Genal Raspital. oe About.ve- el-ihn.XII bu -P is., e bn ,.uae, co a i iboy sIIer-8set-nîn Brawn, Atli Johnston.John Cuihberi, Ti.Butta AnUàNi Kay, Wm, Cerrulier, B Riabartdgozn5Geo.,,Leug, Jahn, Sielgi NeIsan Ciapuasu, A. Boane, - Boan Wm. Major, Goo.,Mckingboittom, Pici. ;ri gJ. B. Biell5Goa'. ogslan, W Halria. Sm tepianion,- Ed. UcBrieu Thos, MlBien, Wnc. Bailey, C. Hoit Won. Butàu, Wm. Got-nan, S. B. We kett, C. StepiceusnJoitn Tismpso H.,H. Spencer, C. A. AU«»m,. Geaig Roberts, Gea. Biekeli, Ge..Joues,,- tornship, WhitL; Sqnlre Doolittie WEZ. saisu, JaOnMotolereli l, Bobineau, J. C. Fox,. Alisu n ie, Wn BrOcrnJoiu Hocden, JoisnSuitisEs Whitby, sud many ather. chois namoi creretuknocu ta aur reporter. Mfr. J. B. Biekeilt reeve ai Whhbj towrnship, inapening the meeting crs roeesiils à la H fe ew p-sseaitlb. gt-eai pfe=a.u e hf1t ir metnso niany ticere lical day, n saisi io isit aemuedib tat, ha lihe roui] nalLbeen in snob a bse state, tise a. tendiance couli bave been fa- grestat, sud msuy aIliers croulai aiea bava Le.m prosenî. H. rosithe bill cailing lhe meeting, lta chiaihah ýpointemi ouI lis objeotion liaI il only caloi for a meet- ing cf the maebrs of lice Association, critreu il;crus intéeisito invite ail Liberal.Couserrativsta Le p-. sent. Re eautai lice objecte of tle meeting, chiacrewre ta eleet afflere foi thi. year, unidt-ausasI ay busineae thal migil came Leicre them. The rprsof tisa secratary sud Ireasursz ion $ Li ayean cenli Le laid before lient. Ho altudeai ta lie uncourage- eaut lime Assaciation beai received i eu suceese liaI alleuded tLieir exerins th lce seoleclicu; lae balîeveditildia tl Party gocelta muet dihait-orsi ti~ as il epuruci liein on ta con b e r. Et (Mr. Biekel> licen refet-re te e ailtelliplhmt cres being maie t uscal Ht-. Brown, cimicli. lie beliaved, crouil pi-c-a futile. (Hear, ha.> H di] nt belilar ticere cenil le a purer elecliin tian lthe late ome in Scella On- taurio, <cheersu, sud lie liadiffdlit Lgmarne of thie dcmarges aliegeA- againct IHt- Browu's Liienda ce-e ultcrly ground. less. <Chuters.> Ho econclu-led by san; gueshing lical MNr. Gibbs, Mn. Brown, iaid chergentlemnte aidareusq Lie mtac ing. Hon. T. ". Cl) iwi i ilgai-o ltirc met-e ticuueil pleasune ta see sa aieuy present-fan marc Ilan lac cx pacled, wcm; la Lice badlruais. But, g. cas sure, liaI those preseul imud tîsir hoante lua tls cause;a;nsdt-end, arnidgtF cîcers, a lter frein a geulle- mnn Pickernug, an cii man, wici saci thaI tle critor cas only pt-e- vcnted froru bain; present by being prcstrated on a bcd of aickîaece, Lut lhaI île sympatics ce-e citb Liceu nasl hatlily.-Mri. Gibbe refera-ci La la. advaittagas cilice Association, and] the gocai cetk il caàdo<lna for the Par-ty. A year aga, bc sii, ibay met with s defeaL, andi, iakiîîg s aC afroa thein opponentllbocks, a elnang ct-gan i-ilion wesfatrusai, cith chat t-suil hey uIt-cey knecv. Tiey had loara<J fo nadvet-siîy, craIthoy coniai mot ern front proaperihy. He couagraîni. lateai lianton cimet they liai danc, ln une short year reversiug a majorily af 150 ugainel tient ta s fuir mujority lu iceir fayo. t-. heuenet anly in thie lidiuag the gooi cet-k cas doua1jut the greal heant ai-Lice ccuntry cur La- ginnimg fo Lest lu uniscu cili Ïheir uincipas, amidruenlicucil Landau sud Southc Huron citera ConservaLire vie- arias icai recenlly beau con.It lioeed liaI 1he Liborsi-Conservative pmrty cite net a dosai, Lut a live ongun- malion. Refenlmng te lia proet against Mn. Brccn's elaciion, ie lalsi hie belief, liaI if il dii succeai- ani it dii not taes uue ta n pset an ieletion mac-Ht-I. Èrow uaiila hve lac cympetty of mamy cf lus cppo- uIns, sud couli Le tnitmpltaully t-e- électeil by a langer majorily. ICiceere.) lqurgemiltic. usiag Lthe pecer oi tisa MIociation ta pt-avent Mfr. Broca los- gn lice seat unidHt-. Faraeel taking Thcre cas no use oi Mn. Farewell coidin; lthe electiou, for 1h cas icublini 'If gt' mn c ould b.cicosen ta tamail= agil xiextremely more douait- il ta sisle fl5"if h eteechosen. ýLaugitt-.) -Viras, holiecahugii, s it-ubiuy oai l*%Mrt. Fureweoll cas lpsuiimg upon, undvih hul, iha cas aIt afraid cf tice rosuft. W lii 84 mtes aif absat-t liaI Mn. Farewell 'euhbhat-. ta show cera ian sd licou iey cauld luke off Ladl votes allet-nate- r il he isliste ceaexhuustoi, sud tan ciocrer liailiche mujority cf tise od -votas coulai Le declarsi eiectcd. is le huai alt-eady ssid, ho cas ual raid of tle resull. He beiiereil hial io ?iirer oloclion tien lie lasi one itnency coulai lueredesmeai. Tirangi. alliae cauntesLhha cinover lest heurt, )r hoce alaiays met ciran support- rs vet-yciethg, hoadamilted, Lsanie cet-mers lhoy cet-e prelhy at-ce- (Leugiter.) [A voice-Dtuburton ani Alloua.] a Chat-amont, Ico, ut firsi lthe uihbeat ,,as entIà,..butt-raused. Ho bankai arin front lie battainof ai li hert far cir efforts ou uis beiuif;'yhie care. a, lis speakers,,.aucouget wiomi. ust, espeoisily liant bis friands Mnf. tke, ( anresd 1Mr. Bickeli, ceea.). Tite atter gentleman's ame ae muentimacus a probable cendidiae, Adi il castaeil liai ho -cantai lb. ominaticu iaimeL.M1r. Biekeil huaI id Ihai h. couli ieartily support i-sud ise id. Re alcaya fonu i-frind, Mn. BiekeILah bis post, sud Uice (Mfr. Broc2 a) It o 9caRha egpi iauniM1r. Biakeillsiibis Leraealrys c0 0.th 4t "ha ecusé mu", sud1r Biceal aiii-comse. Mn. ýracre -fert-ei ta ths protesi entersi gain is relu-,and ehateai tIifi at-e cas ta be--auohcet-electin, chal- et- candidate cas brougitt u-3£nr. ai-sei, 1Mr. Croaki, oracsybodyehis chaever'poswlon craeielegatei im,j ELB)wietiu1r a. *piidtat-creaIt,j ir and it diei ppear lbat alîhonglu Mr. c,4 Fat-ecel cru pressel cien lhe la.crwca B. mie ite cruseuuilrely igwuat.'ai Il. t, »Oan,stscesringiu De ba-rel :n sg tuofficrs o Snda, va k- ont aitor ail ta b. au Macuiay aiarag., 9'. And again, us la hie (tisBiotif)ý c, oisanging a polliug place antheàdayf t, eluction, licougi Ilifphaulil bat-e ILun, s- doue lea dairs efore; but il ca s sice 1, liaI, il crus a Asputy-rt-esrning afficar, go sud--nt the. retat-nlig afficer, Ithât - hage I, itis le b. laillocud à, iatdo. Anisa0 on, ýdownlite ligt )hbo achargos, ail care knooksd froni unier- s. ii. All msnsr aicharges- cre ni 'Maie agisimlt-. Brocrnc btb.>wasi <s cet-tain liaI oui- metl aidaoue ulngta*vohi ltae electian. But ho )Y cran nalilep1regeliittiarecrwu as suobhircouteau; b.hcrus sut-oe a uc- 1114. C'eu, for, b. b.1le1r.d, ailModerato mms in croulai support 1fr. Bt-ocra. Ho cou. id trsed tise cansieraicnshecca 4y lb.m ls ta 1fr. Carneüët-a hie coursenoc ,t. bbin3g put-suai cy their appanusts.- r, Uncier Ibese circuimstances lho cas ual n ait-aid of anatha couteet, as unany ai -e hie opponents crouici ieutly support te Mr. Bt-cwn. (Cheern.) t- 1fr. W. H. Gibs, having been, nlisai i, upon, siItsti.hy bail eari sucugi te speeches, sud pet-b.s it couli Le a-botter ta, commence business. Tise ie baL fougilthi, luit baIla facrly ami ut- cou il iouesly. Tiare cas mc fear of se amsoating 1fr. Broca, il being morslly te impossible ta carry on an election more Dr conestly than1Mr. Brown lai carrici re on the lest ome. And, spealking for is i- section, ho ala c ofinai e ~t lIaI ýy coud iial tic.électlion. Mr. GibLs is spoke a.i came lengi aqis b lie ecci Al acccmpiisîoii, mmd wdli icpciuimessa cf - future succes.se. kMr. W. F. dowa., t-eca cof Osiaai, i cae next emlleai. He nepealtiteconcu- » grail-niaicuaui cf pre-ions speakers ou Li te lange alteCmianeCz. fIl e -fmmnîed ta c Lue piIjcipies cf lise Liieral.Coua-crtt- nr tivs,-of wcital,leosai, luonli i- féeiluprua-ani coriateledtmait tlmy ýt were actualcîl l'y iglier mni mure pal- -- re-tic mnotivae tiia en ct-etiâeit-oppen- 1entse. W iaan lupower th4-y liai mcc -albuse it, amidcnluastei the tcsiy iyeans t-nia of lima Canservaltive pei-my, to lué shorIet culecf thiteir napputint-t the luiiulens dusirng îlte lad fi-c Li moittîs; lie largeiy incretsodet- epeu. o llures; tle dismissai cf aid servants, &c &e. oalso dcccv attantion t he a ug. lel nif commnercial ani] mgrieatluril lu-E I terets by lice Goverumntn, uni the 'cautempt cwitl dieuliiheBoards cf «Traie e rs Incated ly tlmeit- orgmwius. I Han. Me. Gis suggLite tgiLat gem-t t lemnen front Pickering ani East Wiuit- gby le houri,thue otler mumicipalice ,t larlu; been representeal. Louai celle a cet-eruade for Mn. John «Miller, ciao,- Dliocever, mîcchimedl c1making. 1 Mr. Arîtur- Jaicston siii lic cisbei e lie bai eomethug La say, -as le t ocrer fait belbet- aile ho Say il.t Ha Clt as if hoiet-c eelece i ut- - self,-eni hie nain asnue camentiona- t sd ms a candidate, ail amyrnes; anil 1 liai cas muer enougli. (Lenglilor.) Hes t weul au ta Say hhat lis bai neyer- felI . iiscou-aujed, ami liai. ahesys leped fer i succoîs. He aiiuulei te île defeat aif f ir n.Gibbs lu '74, ami lhiceuans usci - La tecompats il. But liat defeah hai 3been reversai soomen than amy oua ex- - peceau, (iccra), ami if tise opportun-t .ity contes, ce enu cm aigein. r [A. roice-And aigaifu. (Cuiocrs.>J 1Ami agalu. (Laughlenl. Ho alm'ael a cicici te have anoticen eleeticu, as lie ' caü nomeaoucf lhe resul. f Mn. Wru. Smih (E. W.) thougict il I uuu.cecsany for hlm ho say iuuylicing, miter bic sepeeches uicsy lad hea-mE He 9 fl pt-oui aven thele s électiom,, and,v alîough hice euhi Le sonrt-laseHt-. 0 îBrown unsesteai, lie cas certain tiai i lIsait iaL gentlemen coulai Le t-mum- 1 piauuhi#, rne-eleclcd. So fat- as East WViiby 'cas councerea-il cas eaud that iL cas Lice caret hala lunlice -Bu-.t] lu;, sud ho cas sert-y for il, (laugiie-) -il cccii do boutter titan ever. Caile cet-e maie for 1Mr. John Mall-a et-elU, cico deelluai speallug; hlie uli omiysauy liaI le represenlai Hatny, uni thati lke 1h, jackss in lIa race, il caaleays boîti. (Leugister.) Mr. O'Domovun ssiditi spoke cel fer lice cmuse la ses the lange uuber pt-es. eut, natcibistaiaing lice Lai shate ci tha rouis. Il siaw.i lt litey cens mol dseseai. (Ciceers.) He preausedilj licat hhey cure pressuai au business, said te decie Ibat, if 1Mr. Braowncras un- sesîsi, cas ho ta e creeteai, sa ho crouli mal delsin'lth. IMn. Brownufi crme umseaec, ihetrusiel e oouli' again Le lise candidate, l inicic casa lis ma.janiiy canld Le la1>inseed oa it 83. ICbcnr.) -t- -1Mr. J. C. Fox (Est Wlailby> beggei 1 M1,0 li tcsifrntsnpcuking; len - Mot-si iy Mr. John Millet-, seconded x Ly Mn. W. F. Cocran, liaI Ilis Associ- A ahion bavinn; bart-mi theueeleclion , o f Mr. N. W. Brown le Leing pratstali. l cll uae ils nice eavors tc secune cel lie retemlion cillae seat fur lir. Bt-cen, it, ami requesi sl he Branch Associations et- ta ecantribute Lthe uecaseary icaens ho oaf scomplisi LiaI objeel. 1 Hon. T. N. Gibis gave figures s ta lice probable ceaI aifLice proleel. Tie M malter liai been discusseai by tice ex- cel eculive ciLice Association, ami il cas P decided -toasualPiekerng for 80 pet- c cent., Oshaca, 25 pet- ceul., ami tle ua- tacu of Wiily ami townsips cf Whit- ine by saiEps WhiILy for 15 pet- cent. tai eauc. 1Mr. Brown hai puail licte ehec. tion expopses linmisf, sud bai rafused ul A"cieauce, sud la tiaugil iLul hi jo findis siuha do fur hlm riaI 1fr. -FsreveI'S frieud e e. oing ou LiaI gontleman'. beicahi - Ha coula inmarc tia 1,0 L-e staisdin the ratio S saalua. col Mr-. Auigus eRay secouiled tice mo. er'f tion. whluîh Siter i..s 14snabut6os . u Z.Ulvw 7m u ua i U il nA argLteasut-ar - erlda A larg.o thmet-ssctioneut-oefus ebei ci ie st acialioo li fu boing placed fouthe1.0-75. i crofhe Cunland 25oilfor lie put-ao. a lb Cesintra, sd2efrleBadt a Mrti. Mtesf-oggse M o stheb-ll sggetd lioe p-l ofg ai lte y.lww ud ansdilutioa ad etiesoaimnier on proutine lsai cnesa"zticsalmalterou rattn es fortie he Qoeü,Mr. rti mliMr.isr sud ahere. Pckmcissg Coucilý Salu-day , 1.iBti Pal., 1875, Thte PilckeringCOounclmt putsunt ta pdjournmnenft; msmberi aill preaenl. Petitians proentei from setai inn. keepers uiklnig for ceriflealsi-ta ensile licea la obtain licunses ta ssII. spiritu- aùe liquors; ai ratepaymof aiUnion Sceel section-Na . -1, prayicsg for lie pssiugofah sby-lacr go authoriz lb.he-W euiag ai dabentures taet-aise a sufficieul sUai fathei.put-chaseoaiàascioal aile, uni tic et-action ofaisaecihabnseihoe- aon; alulsa etaipetitiocîs askiug forsid ta indigent pet-sons. The standing comiitea on- petitione reccommeniui Ibat asid i. grinleata tbe follacimg indigent, parties te lie antonut set oppaSIte lt- wrespective nans es, Mure. Keust 61 pe- ceI, franc Jan. loIt t June lat, James Lagi. cani- nalasioner; Sione- iamiîly, 81 porcweck, front Jan. lot le June lat, John Odily, cous.; Mier. MeKlec, $1 per cesk, Jali Macual, coin.; amidlimaI a furhcr sunt of àocts. per ceI, La grantei le Johan leMllan, andtit S. K. Brocn Le comntuissioemet-inseld f James Logie. on Motion cf Mn. Grecen, tie folloc- ng acounl e ea cnet a ho palul»: JanesRocss 2 ion use of Tempername HRau I Municipal ciectionu; Wm. Taie, fîu ueofiOrangeo Hall, at Municipal elec-tîcu, e2.50 ; Robert Jackson, for t-e- pairin; t-cad scraper, 01.48; ta Dr. Fetriie, 1cir anedical altendene OnMHa. T. Ibogerson, 019.50; ta Lacis Bent- icy, fer gootik CsuppliAi) taMec owSmith, $52; ta ]lnrllio]Jdcn ai 'Wailkey, for M>ikciin;romai scr-aper, $9Q; 10 P. B. Hoover, anunt ocuerpaid by bisui for staîitlo helen, $2.25. _TIse shanTuing comiilîo on petihione ,rccomuicndei taLthlice cve ai.ýd cdent be autioit-ci ta grant certiflcam'4e8 ta th. fehhulwiug parties le ensile Lien.' te oblalu liceuses:- Jabot- Factirap, Cc&'5s- W. Malices, George Houderson, Mr.- 3. Sterling, Bd. Derttaba, Jante. Coop- et-, Rug-i Grahama, Tanas J. Laokey- Robent Secker, S. B. Webb, ami John Cutibeci, asud misa te John- Bailey us soon sie e.liceuse huapector reporte humn le have -lihe u.ceasa-y accommo.o dations. Theo accounts cf N. G. Reynolds, Esq. sud cillhe Deapmcy Retutnimg afficers, ce-e laid aven tih naît meeting cf hie couneil. Theca eniors' report of thedat-po- ation accounîe ion 1874, cas anîruittei te the coumdil. Mr. Maicuab morceslcal Lice acccunle cilice corporation,.s er-senîed Lby tle Audlbor'e repont La mac finally îuditei sd oi cemueà iy h c nn!il. .1ur. Maienai mot-es tbat tic reeve gruml au ordar on thu treasu-er in fmi' vear ai Jantes Lagie and Thomtas Dnn fouithe sum cif 68 euch, for set-vices pet-formai as Auditurs. Mn. Broca mot-es liaI lice reere grt-mun ct-danon lb. Ineasu-er lu fa- vr of Daniel M. Decker, for the aui of $20, bain; siulsry for services renier- id as licous. inspecteur fcr Ithe yar [874. 1fr. Brownruerez liai lheeclarkLt e autiorieed ta pncase lire copie& ai the lti edulion of R. A. Har-ison's Mlunicipal M auai for hie use cf tle norubers of tue councl cf tue cet-po-- ilion of Pice-ing. Mr. Hloorar maves liaI thue couancil la nec adjounu tiil Salu-day, 131h -.---0 Mura Council. Tocn Rail F.i. 131h 1875. Council met on lthe 131h Febrnary Tlie Beeve ami Mr. Harmihy absent. Mr-. Seager, Depnly-Reave, inuthe chair. Minutesaiflice let, meeting rouai ami comlrmad. -'Comninications redoit-si £roui A. Rugel.REsq., Pt-esideuh M. R. B., relative ta subbmitting s Lounneisy. la, iront Expositor ami Pumoket. Tise lu-te for lic. Calecior ho mate a Limai -elmuru ci hie Roll cas extended tla lia est of Mat-cl.,Cheques cere graneai for lice faîccrmn; suounte:. C.BE. Hew- ilt, services as Beturnin; efficer, Mmcmi- cipal élection, 04; Jas. Fredl, de, $4; lnus McDonmld, aelclimg Juncte lu 874, 54; Cot-uclinsi Boyle, Wood fer Town lil, $1.874 ; Globe Pîluatun; Co., balanco of accont for aivetisin, $1.D2i-, D. Campbll, an uidgent, $10<; %Vitlomc Lee, an indigent, $5; Turushees -f Schluc Section .1, non resideul ltax, .10; Soc. l9, do., 537-40; sec. 7 sud 9, s, seut:c. 8, $114.011; sec. -1, do, .18.25; sec. 1, do, 523,80. A reaelu-, [ou iras pat-,se-lil lucwin; tîse ceunclillons r-Lîle-t- day and i ileage ior ncidiuay'e urcimîleuc-. The Clark cas imetu-uctci to motif>' tie Coàn>'Trueasuter la cadi. i-I mil taxes ageainst nj 14 lu con. B. Niccîrs. Seaigaur McPhee, ami MeRndi 'et-c appointea a nemi ami bridge coin- mittac fan '75. A notice cas reciveiI 'mmc Mrt. O. Dnýý-la, caihing cmnltaecoun- 'il tc prococa aI ccto cehleel a pt- uissot-y mole payable ta the cot-poa- ion amui sigene-i îy luit (Doyle). Set-en t1ipbilieine far tace-n hicicnscs ami oua -r store licence, ce- a hndai in. A j.-lav appoin; Municipal oflicars, ii fixing timeir salaries, cas pesesi. nte, as passaditil several radimîge. bydlec fer tLe puarpose of dividing lo6l seetion Ne a inmb Ica sections us inLnodnced, andilie cessary nati- -s ot-ueureai le Le pctei prepuratrylW as intat pasing. Tic. Cleur 'crus an- trucel le motif>' Mr. MeLean la eleer f the, tinsber puncaieai by hisn iu 871, cmnic thethconcession, uni ta: psy à due ouaesuhe ia. uicipaity. Ir. .,Henhineucas ailocreda liLiche oricaod ini 4h coucession, roui, op. Oelte lai, exceplia; lie pine haré, lu unsideuratien ai lie clearing the road mi fihing tihabrasi. Thse Clut-it cru 2slunt-eai taanotify lice Treusurer te àke immédiate steps ta colleel tie romieor n e ueéliecorporation by f aie.. Tion e& ,Dayluý' Couneil tai. inrneai laMat-ci iSti.. Dui. WxsnAa's Wna CHEaRRY BA. &x.-This Babsuinie cmpound bu lis. ame a home fliîre. Lot aill ho sui- r, sud have ini vain altempted ta cure ai- cougie, calais, broneblal or pul- L- UIt ta introdus masters. pou --Ou maILa by 1fr. Halu aud Peler]M tiii, .,isnvm' The couneil sijurned, ta nmelon lthe firsi Moniay in April next, antlé5,a'elocl, a. m. - Mes Maaros'aEvMENt-IN - MM-S GMAt-SIANaui. CAEs.-On FridaY 1-s Monitan*. ca eiand testffied-<'I aux lb. dis aof Francs D. Moullan, sud resdinl 59 Bummn t-est, I have been in PlymouLth chu-ch as a comuinicant sice- 1858. 1fr, Beecher visitei lihe hause a luïours aht 1h. day, sanitimes a oftan ustco or tires limes a -day la confer duc M. Maulton andmi uieas hae speke ta me; tLe firt-stliie b. spolie tate eI hink cas in lice spling ai 1871. In th.e ptingî 871had the fiticen- versation cit Mur. Beecicer about s iificuhty; lie asled ime if h huai beard cillhe great sotrowJlu is liCe ILrepliai- liaI Pt-ank bil i 51-ime tcs - stery ùnd lie said lie cas glai liai hergcrU-one, ecînan cita donties coulai talkau the aubjacl sadi cio migil give bilm sym- paîl>'. He uase tIi. condition cf Ht-. Tiltan's minai, sud if lie cas angry or couli hLe l epi quiet. lu June, 1878, Mt-. Becic aud s convarsation wîth me, in claici laeexpressea isi.feur tice lice lelter cf confession comM b. pubiliccd. R, saidaI tlTheodore cas 'a man net la h atLd. I aivie im.u ta go ho hie cicurci fat- coufort andli> upon liis-ccngnegatiom. Hoelicreatenei te talc uis.liCe mm idi ler. cruno use iu ilivUt-n; auy languit ItIchiin lthaI Frank wouldialcrays hb.as ilni la hns, ami hie sii tlie i. as micaus ,rtaid cf T.Itan breakin; eut ciii lie w,A iestony. HIdlom eurt- unmci hoa=-. 1 sac ut on thc foiecrtug <ir>. Ha r setuh dewcaetLuI more noe fui. H alecys spole ta rue cifMt- Tiitan, ri.L-dhiegreal love'lorier. Ha estei me t, have gteel respect. for bher emai speak k~iidy la han, I limmice-- ation cuti Mi"ý-.Tiltan in wcichci ai sea me taeiima're in him and go Lack ta lins tctic. Cctirdch s ho -eus noht-re- posble for-ch. mLmItte-, Lut liaIsic$h (Ht-Tilton) cas. I saaid 1 coulA nover go hack ltics Cinach as -I liai loal-all faiLilh m a mhir conversation ciii icer l acbishesaid if maltere came out sice cani sac rifias ban Insiani t-atieî- han Ht-. 13aachcr sud h.t- alaiten. Itld.Mrt. Db.acIer liaI Ma.Tiltan cas sayiasg se e c'l mcbilv. dihMn. Tilton, sud lia tau ucelattîlllier telaive cili Tieodot-. sud sakI. hbouse happy for'him. li-e. BTontldmre ie coual eUlve di Mur. Tilîonbecausee he cruscontiu- aiiy refering lale tE i . h aacoin- milîcil. A ieler frouai 1r Moultan, <aIeA lot Jans, 1873, cas resd b>' 1r. Fullettn maid placeinu videuce - 1 The ciuese tien ceulinuci :-Wite I tld Ht-. Beacer usat Mure. Tilton eaud sicacas le bleine, ie replisi hat lise sincru bis and netEizabetati. I cas verymmcli opposaila, Mrs. Wood- cuil coamImg la lb. -bouse, but ail parties ssid hctLt cru boutlteaeeptise' LrvczLrTuss ne Màmsa-A Jouacisrer EÂMVn.r Fnexz-Ialsosr. T-ION Â55A1N5T Camrv Jusi.CcaWaOD- Lt-rcs.-Sl. Paul, Minai., FeL. 18.-A apaclal desputcliof ailst et-s fri Fort -Gai-ty, Saeta Mr. ulai, edilor aoflte Prce Prois, eus hofore Ciief-Justice cood tcdasy l.tise Court ai Quecn'e Banait for contemplaif Court for pubiaiing <trtut-es an. Juage Woa action lu Dr. Scitulîz' pstjury case. Luxton refusai la retraet or spologlze, cmii cisars uni applause front a lange assemblage lu - tis court roons. 'Luxton crus iuai-82,000, an&L ha cas ci-ceneai ta la imprisameintil' il cas pmid. The fine crumeri up by subsonipticu imuiedlateiy, aann suat- cle in ILis cvanmngs lticio Prose may- ct-este asmtehiu-cisc to-mai-toc., Schuiltz leillfor Ottmaaltiii Morg amid a etarin cif groens-aunaihisses. Indignation ageiusl -Chief-Jutic- Wood is luct-easing napidlyc-ý -Lep*neois ai-; ceaiin lime jail Iard Tn -Huamey HÂmm-HIow mmii>'Pet- sens abusa Lis , dêlieate ami beauxthful oruamneul,iy Luit-in; il citi aleàolo caies sud -pbastm-img il ciit greaso,- clicihueasne affil>' fan the Ïkin, uni is net absorbai.- But-meIt'e Cocoulue, a a componai0o Cocos-nul -ail, ete., le univahbsi as a dirassing'for tics iair-, le readihy absorbai,etadi le pcuhiani>' alaplea'i t h varions conditions, pre. vauin; ils fuclin; off ami prernating ils hcalhiy gracli. - NoeTro-aouiWÀRAxery enu be given fan lice mart-lIa iacongli mou. cime tiare ce offer.- We su>' tea il cho cmsli ho use Âlsen's Lung EBalsant, tizil niss il Rives emhire satisfactien tha>' ussy rplu-m tue bottle ta us miter thcy hbaro etas l48ioul:à nai Lic.mona>' cin buchsberflly reiuuaied. Tis sanie -c*rat>' bas beau offeoidfrcm lte ay ce offersi lie Baisent irai for-sale sud ta Ibis liane-lte ira baille 'bas mot 'been relt-meauni ce hava reaulveai nothing but pt-aie la is fat-or- front lias. wio bar. used il. Juige Joues, af Bt-aut, bas-curitien a lelter pointing ont lia dut>' ai sues- sors loas.s pt-operty atItsu -e t-aine, aui designsbiug tice penalties foar doing otua-rige. Ha calis attention tae - fac'lti tlands'in Middlesox at-oil man>' casas asaesed laa las,. 1 - -Ounsand aiter the laI ai May, 1875, lie cable tariff cil Le4roiuedai lafiily cents aswori franc Canada to he United King. dam ami France, sud lise cet-ilaystom of cbaiging messages cli b. extendeai te lise continent ai Europe. lui eh rý-. 1-'ý 1-1, 1

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