Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1875, p. 3

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w,,,,npo,t oui ovn iodm.Mi.Tà ha. al.y ,tnrnadz9oM awut'tOt Eo l ea Yrnb eumn wl ', a st loweî Prlçeu Ijiana4y othîet.li -ment, an a. vo6 intend a stffly ce business we defy competltlon. . goodu warranled 10 b. a. ropregent* N.- B.-AUII indi Of vatohes,< docks ai >Jewelle »y reptmana 'uade tb orde with neatnésuanru ptîonysu.and vu îaote. 01v. ne cal, mend suai stckan risef1oer pühaging eo& Juage Neilso, Who in now plosui la a native Oanadian, befti asotuMil late Dr. ,Neiilônt cf Zarnsto*u. Th Judge vas borma nd.duoated vithin <5on ies.of RNepauoe, in vhlclh tou hie carrl.d on business -for smre year, "IO1d Proba" hua'uuh tosoaygàbf th es r juat D wý*fflPt Ibat it rougb on ibeumAtios MA.BRIE D. WOLPENDEN - SUITE. Bîookhi, on the 10th of Decembeif i the Be". Mr. Bell, Mr. Blchard-Wc feuden. t6-M1su Sarah i th, bothi DEATHS, SMIH.-ÂI Oshawa, ou the 24t i"t., Mr.: Bobert e8itoi I erchan aod 51lyéers. The f<noerai viii talc. place froi hý late residence toibi pace of intormeoi Uno ôuraid hoona, on Fri.lay 26t jouIt.- st Ivo, p. M. WHIT.BY MÂRKRTS. CHEonIeO criz, Feb. 24th, 1876. 'VUwhsat ..... ........o0 95 Si o0 ý8pring Wbest...... 009080 93 Barley ...............*0i1@lu Peau ...............0C @750 Èlack Bye Peau ......800 @B8U Bye .................855e600 Ot ..................8c0 42C Hay.................. 614 c15- Po .t..............oce Eggs ............... 15e @47o Butter ................25o a .Oc Coal, par &ph ....... ...57 à $8 Wood ................*00 1s50 Pork, pur owt ..........88 s e.$8305 Chickeus ... ;...........80 @540ce p& Ducke pea r.i........... oOc at0 Turkeys, patrlb.....1lue Gesse .................. 60 @ 70._ Apples, par hushal ....... wou Chese.............. ..12e0510e Bosf, hlnd quarter....55 @ 86 Basf, fors quarter.... 04005 880 toi, 'std , somnom,,g-"By a thorongh 'dnoowldgset the natural lea which goveru the operationu of digestion and nutrition, aud b, c ceroeoul application of the fins propertiei 0f vefl.ualoctad cocos, Mr. Eppa has provlded or breakfast tables wlth a dalicately fiavored bavorage, wlileh May Aeus us many hecvy,.doctors' buis." It lu b hjdciu n o uhartice fbde up until strong enooogh tu rescstevery tan. dancy ta disése.. undreds of subtle maie. dieu are floatlng &round un, teady to cttack wbsrever thora lu aW-%eek point. We mey escape mcny> a fatal shaft by keeping our- salves well fortitlad wlth pure blood aud a properly' nourlubed frame."-CfiiService RDNIIDY YRIIE-We sand ies, a simople and cure measos elf-cure, for Con. ontion, Bronchitis, Asthme, Càarrh, Scrolula, snd.any disese.of the Threct or Lungu. Nervous Debilitity, Premetara Do. cy, eakueso, aundcl 8isoorders branght on by youthful imprudence. TtJTTLE &o Co., 78 Nessau-ut. N. Y. D '11.W= IILEIVs CO!SI1OUmND X. L IB 0f Plies phatas and Caisay-a chumiesi tood cund nutritive -Ioule. Tis elegunt aud agreeable proauation. le par. fetliy rlichîs i n ail casas uf nervou pros. trutIon and <aurai de 1ty,, rmigfrom metlor phyeltoa1 xerrwcting ,iiesneu dependiug -upon indigestioýn,mc.sli- tien of tond and Impoverishod blood. It lu eompouod ooly of ifigredionts thet enter loto theofrmation cf the systeni, and bolng pure. lyphyuiolobel linîs action, mey ho taken sa aly undor sU circumstences, as it builda QP the constitution rcdically and permanent. lo i th. siemannor u a r dally food. ALESLUNG BALSAM. ,lu warrantait ta break up the meat trou. blosoma Gongh iu su incrediblu short lime. Thora lu ne remody that can show niera evidonce et roci menit than -this DÀLBAie, for cnrlng CoXOtcsuieO.re, CaUoIRs, CoLos, AcTUnuc, 1CROUP, &C. It excites expactoration, and causas theo longs te throw off the phlagm or muscus; Ahan- e fe acoions 'and pursiies <he bloi ouls the irritated parts; giveu strsugth le the digestive organs ; bringu the Iluer te ils preper.ac"on, anui npartu strength tu the whjoe systaun. 111la introduceui ta the suffering publie, afttr lse mai11.feu the positive cure et cadi disoeos have bain fully tosteS. The form- ula tram'vhich 111Je Zppred lu roford te by the leaing ndia journals as bing equci te anyy raesaption thet cen b. mnale' lu or uch mesesby themoadical tseulty. - Roby all Druggists. Pricesfi per Dot- PEBET DAVIS d& SON, Agents, Meutreel. Vab, th, 1875, 7 WVEW AUVERTISEXKENTS. ~AUTION1 MYIRTLE NAVY. NONE I18 GENUINE UNLESS STAMPED T.&r 2"U AENiMEROUS DIMTÂTION<5 ON TBE DIIRT. Feb. 24, 1875. 1 STO IIENT. À mmall Farmte t relit, siitooted withln tryrSetheVillage af Ashborn, noarly .Asforee cd Heauy Drauglit, weil. braS lirod Mare. ï:ppl lo-- Peb. sthi, 58 .,1SMITHL Aiburn, fa, o. Ç OWSIFPCB SALE!1 The saubscribor bas rocivedinaîuruetions Liom a dy, vhe bas ne roono te ksap thana, le offer by private ua l.,sghtcoews villa ~cfsl spelo bcus.Timevillb. givon un gpouui apr.Applicaton sboud be sesd.belgclhe7tmb ehoxt te the un- Is~ipi, Iponvam, fmathor p"qllcair SSèa~m Pianîng Mill SV=IAGE OP OLARENONT' SCOJJNTY 0F ONTARIO. lis uan - a-O«e&c té ourt la f ibeld byPublie Aen i lhhop QuhIoneoe. IL DuatellEq., Mase o- o iaselS Court et W.htby, l'y lb. saiS or- Master, At a H~~ntpi3,Of si, Fr/day, he l2t heMar i,m75 la ne@Parc el,1.Central'ana Southeru aspart àtVMlago loi No. 27 inthesald Village i Cret lasnut, anS beiug a psrt oflotnuno- 6. br o~~tu, l lb nith concesilono f thé a N ad ut h sbipc lksrlng, containingTwe- ad Boodes &maeTv»y Porches et land ceacri- ,* bedbynmtosMd,'bclindin a mrt thereeftram eue Charles Watt, )Mita du te John Porter, which wlU ho produced et lh. lbe sale. sb *Upon-thé saiS proerty -ore' reoted tjj Building.censating of a PlanngMiE, e.worked by "shaaunS two trama ell hoousin aefsir staeof et .air. id TheselS Mil l situaeo in the mlSst o a er, very fue aniut. e tract ef country, anS r. les goedbnsinu.sl'oiit vbra elarq neand nomuoerallue bosinese coulad oon c.the planlug anS mennfealnring etfInubar. S T ha Propery in vel tanceS and plenti. 1& ful oaysuppled thtelr for euh pourpoues, su an e aasly accessible te aU parts& cf tha country by gond ronde. The porchaser vlUboý redcSat the mg tlme of ualate a oat h eaoo ou, bis Solicitor a aeoit of lin-per oént.o hic ho- purchasmeneoianSas muelimore et bis he imrcOaws mouey au vin vitu thelu eposit aW mokatrty par cent. vithin eue menth tbereafter 'ithout intarest, anS the balance vn JÉ &0 eqoal annuel inetuinoonte wllh inter. '-e#l.hmcreuorly, et olgbl percent. per annmue, te oo secureil by mortËggaupoxthe salutpreiseas, said mertgcga te ceutain e couinant te insuro for 80 for the benifil - Th V."r ill oly',be rqulred te fur. -nish a COpu oft ha Bsgiutrur'u AlilreA t o tille te li.saiS lundisuitd remmues, anS villonetl reduce documenta, uer Atcopiofdeuo o=nsnetinheps -sesiou. iie eu Y. Ths p remises wllslsaubject to a ro- of serveil bld fixeS by the Master. The. char cendillont ef sel. are lhe e luintg conditons ct sala cf the saoin Couri Portier particularo cuit ceuditione et ;th saleay ey hbhit attthe Lew Officies otJ. t, Ksith Çordeu, zsq, Veudor's Bicitor/And A. G. McMllan, 2Beq., oet Ie Tevu otWhlt. lus by, Messrs. Crowthier &c Tilt et the ciîy et i Troute, eud tram the saiS Monter. 1,DataS the 191h day et February, 1875. 1hSigneS- GEO. H. DABTNELL, B J. KEITR GORDON, master. Vender's Selicitor, Whutby. g J NSOLvEN.T ACT 0F 1869. ii tue !vlatter, of .7olîni-laiier Grcciwood, an Insolvent. IMPORTANT SALE OF 13ANKRUPT STOCK BT TENDER. Toutouswll be recels-ad by tie uuader- Ssignait util nOan et Tssduy, tise Oth Day qf March îasxit, et se muchinlutlisdollar fou. the puChasoet lia CauSed Claek Factary iu the Town et Wiitby, cansistlug et Engoues, Boilers, mas- chiniste' tools, plant, patterns, abont 200 docks com1lete, a largo numbar lucomploto, office turnitura, -&c., &c., amountiug tu a- bout 526,010.00. The acpove propauty le vwell worthy ofitni- spectionhy intendiujç purciacors, being 010w anS lu splendid ruung aider. The pueperty, together wlth stack liat,can ho soeau b7 pplying ho Mu. G. T.* Hell, o1s the purmisos, vieus eters viii b. roceoved as ab)oyae tatod. No tendese eceesa lly accepteS. JOH1N L. WIATKIS, Ien mAssignea. Port t'erry, Fai. 171h, 1875. 9-21 U. S-9 ON1876. d A Loscal Agent soit Subsculption Solicitors vantatfou tise CENTENNIAL JOURNAL, In Withy aud lii saci City, Town, aud Couuty lu Otano. A permanent situastion ah 515,p or woek, and 40 conts lper nameadaleai. AÉdies- IL. DAVIS, Maniager, 621 Cihestuul Street, Piladelphie, Pa. Fi# Prospectus, Journal, &c., enclose 25c. Foi. 241h, 1875. 9 -2i W 7ALKER iIOUSE, Uni PERR-YONT., T. B. WALK<Lh - PROPIE Tiu)l amo i the B1ood 4 MAKES THE WEAK STRONOs Vise Peruoian Slrup., a P,'etet- rcd Solution of tise Protoc-id o f Irat, s s cotbiedas ta lice , the raractr of a ilnc-èt, as easfly digcsied and atSiIi&Jla sfviei the blood <as thse stii)ep't food. It litercasethse qitatlty of .Naturel& Oinvi- it alizinq Agient, Iro,î inthse ?lood, <oul cures 4"a twîsauîd ills "lrsilitly bV Ton-ingtir, slvgorat.e(efing c 7, itallzlog t lee Sitc i. iec- riched a'eîod vitirlized blood per- iieeetey cveîry art of the bodly, repaiE» g daitages tend castc, scarching outi »îrbid , sccîe- (litns, aaldleaVijtn uysi foi- discase to lecil «pon, Til s l is hesecret of tihe wou- dc,'feil -lcces of (lois rcmedy j». curilag Dyspersîts, LiveiorCono- Plainit, Drcpsy, Clîronic Dior- Chills andl Fevers, lltirnor,, Léoss of Coîistllsotioonl Vigor, flicJses sof fle I(khecsatIld 13îacdcr, lrnale o Caplaluts, anid ail dilsecuSs soPÉriifing i a bail site of tite btood, or- ac- coupu dbit dcbilit 1 ci- ci loiw statf ocff he stieteuz. .Uciny Irec froîîo .dlcoleo4 lunany foria, ifs Cncrgsiîeg cts arc, not fol-. lowved by ccrrcspouding reac- fi,9i1, but aie~ permanent, infu- elitg6frcoaqti, vigor. <cand ncwu ifgnoalparts of the clistein, ande bulilditg cep ait Il'o»& Cou. sfifufioit. Thousacsdehave l cclanged by tic s-0 o f fils rie dy, froinL îveale, siiel11, sneffering ci-a- turcs, Io strong, ficail'ey, andi happy imca and 1womengad invalîds cannot reasonably lies- ifate fg giveJId a trial, Sec tisat cadli bottle lis pERIJ. VIAN SYRUP blowo-i&fiogi7as. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Propeieters, Nao. 1ilton es Plac, Boston.- SoLo OUT i)auacîu" rs zucLLI. E XCUTR'SNOTICE TO CJREDI. TotiiB Eo-h. ie uprunse MONDA Y, MARC/I 15th, 187e%, sillthéuooor of Iooo, ooon, of wMch a&U Qrouri, ofIlu>cae4 u -othere Concrn twllaueuotice anat om bhmele caordiugly. * .NELSON CG. 3ZYNOLDS, 9 ber lps Oflce, a . - Whhty, Peb. 1, 875. VALUABLE PROPERTY SU N DER LAN D. the porcheseofethl. e OwIiog property in, A nov Bik Store, volt situeted, for busi A Grain Warehouma t the T.& N. 80L acrs tletpsrtly cleareit, ithin e tew hundruit yards o esain The loweîer any tender net necassaerily acceptaS. J.CNLN Exeonte fe sLiate- of lhe lae ory Cofliù. Aa1dreo bux 898, Taronto . . 41n8 F B SALE OR TO BENT My raveÉà Stnd, Situateut on the 2Nm CON. 0F BAC wtbuver anacr ofLand. Tbi lerSenI7 eus e ot, aud lb. Cîcherd Wil pay tva locf tha ranI. Paob. 101h, 1870). CU AYNAriE. L OST, A Note of hand madehy ThomsaA. Vi. ontine, cf Beach lu tevor et lb. undorulgu. aS, daeSUn )v.1874, asdpayebla hms dys ut r dt, o#107.47k. AU parties are cni t eog purcbaalug or nagociat. JOSEPH TYLER. asiburn, Feb. 15, 1876. 8 NSOLVENT ACT 0F 1869. In t Matai of James MeKi laek- s y an- Ineolveot. -The Ius ont hec an asigumnent of bis estate me, a ha crasitors are notifiaS teappa t sano et -bis place et business, on Mon the 22nit day uit Fab- ruary,t873l, at t oclu fiathc afttanon, hordov et ente as aRairo, anS te appoin.t ansgneea. E. MAJO Interini igose. G .ajor, Feb. 5th, 1873. 7 Seal tenders eitdresbed te e unter sigosei v ho receivoit up ta 27th Pcb. muary, incl ve, for lis O o n uhotel boudfiin.' lu 1hownue ly fou Mu. 3e,. A. ldan3sl. Drawing its a ations onay hbc een t tse Wstern Whby, aet the rienocaeofthlbc OsChawa, oan d aterthe 181't t.hi a Tie loe rUuytends t nacesearily accepteS lytnl A-Gi wîrth Rlaihg!--â iuiiînd wÈrh &king SAVE YOUR EYESI fluetoré your igliti !RROW AIVÂI m pur iPEOTCL 13y readlng ur llme- A ND AIVArODIV cf the hov elou e Eper ecd Visicu n si Overworkesi My05 hoy t. cure 'cenk, Watee.y, uinlamoea Wsi lWar-SigOatesi yee, andsiai, other Dia- .a.s of-the Xeys. WÂSTE NO MOUEi MONST BF A WJlING HUGE GLÂ&ÇEJ< 04V TOUR NOSE AN))DI. FIG UliIG FOUR FACE pamphlet cf 100 irLe sDialiesi Frac. bensi yaur adsacr Agents Wanted, Qeata orladies.$55 le$10ea dsy gusrusleu Full perticulars saut freu. vriue iaaeudialeli, te DR. J. BAUL & 00., <P. o.- liez 937-? Na 81 Liberty St., NewwYork Cty, X. YT. JAMES MACKIE, ilalsani, Agent for thie Couuty et Ontario, TjH E BIBLE LOOKI.NG-GLAS; A M/R/WR FOR ALL PEOPLE I REFLECTOR AND TEACHER OF THE $CRIPTURES! Consibting oetPsxbooks iu nue volume, vii: Realigious Embiemu, ne.i*oue Aile. gerios, Christian Piligi, Christocu Simili- tilSee, Sunday Book ot Camtertlug anS Pllastaniterureu "ry'u Elegy'" By John W. Barber euS others, shsviug lhe ivaritieet tis Human Ch a nad qualities of thliaHunoan Hat. Prica $57; 84.75, and $6 00, aceording te bindîug.- JAMES MACRIE. Agent fer lihevnships et VnWhlby anS Pickering. Theabv chur vrk cen ha had tram the Agent lu auy tstyle et biudiog as oreJoai. Addues- Fah. lti, 1875. JAMES MACE, Balcano P. O., Ont Te only ralialale 11f t Distribution lu tie countryi IN VAUBEGIFTS! la ha dhstibuted inl L. D. SI1N E'S GIFÎT ENTERPRISE I TO BE DRAWN MONDAY, MARDH 29TH, 1875, OINE GRAND CAPITA&L FRIZE $105000 IN GOLD1 ON£ PRIZE Sç,ooo IN SILVER!1 FIVE PRIZES $1000) FIVE PRIZES 500 Eac nCs TEN PRIZES ï chInCah Tva Fsmily Cao-ri s c;anS Matcboit Halrs, with Sitvnlunteit Horuese, Worh $1,5W0 asci. Tvo Buggies, Herse., dce., Worth 5600 eaci 1 Tva Flue-lonsit itosewooa Pianos, vorth 05500 oaci 1 Ton Pamily Sewing Machines, vorth #100o tEr,00 GoiS and Silver Lever Huuting Walehes, (iusll) vorth tra 520 tea$00. GaiS ChMains, Silvan-vore, Javela-y, dca. Xumbor et Gifle, 1,500. Ticets liniled te 50,000. Agente Wanted ta ssII Tickets, leavieen Liberut Preminnis viii hapalS. Sin le Tickets 82 ; Six Tickets 810; Tvle Ticets 820; Twauty-five Tickets Circulera bontann a foIS list of jnizs, a desori lion et1h. ianuer ef Sraveag, -anS alber onaulu-in eeAnuc, tth lI)s lo-ibolian, viii ho sent te o yee r . n lheno, Allletbeo-mulbeatrsed to OfisExcelsior Building, 1IL. 1, EUI Cha, ac hLOI~Wr1 ~x~pletA. 8E tfl $ 2 , -.. 0 GOD 'READY-MADE CLOTHING, To bc cleared ou't at prices that .wil satîsfy oui customers that the present is the moat genuine sacrifice sale that lias been offered te the É public fa or etie. - '0- - Thereatoepart of the stock must be dispesed of' iù oidei -te fiiake room for a arge stock ocf direct importa-' * tiens wbich'l expéot, to arrive l hieueéby - the First of* Mardi next. siw Souxe goods, gt redueedýpricew, somie 'at ost,; and a geod many under cost! It is better to seli, some goode -a, shgde under -st than to huit thein oveîr until next fal l t get e emal 'advaîoce. Note i-rices anad ud, rigsf for ToLIr8BIVBB1. A veuy fir Wlucay ah Sctis a yard. Pubias for 10e e yard, vorthIa 10. Jbn extra Hcavy Wincey at15e sanie as sold A epleudit lot et uteel-ribbei AiIs U.um for 28c. brellas for 90e, geod valua for M10 A upiendid Abedeeno Wineey et 22e vertb Mens ail-vuiol heevy ribbed Undonuhirt4 fer A Black Lustre et 15c a yard, said.t. libh A spleudid lotoet Cickeit Wiucey Shirtinig worth 20c. et 25e, saidtotebhageed velue for 85e. A eo-y fine Lustre at 25e saidteh bc good Ceil eauly undscunie semaet the boit 'vaine valua for abc. as tib is thie cloeing sale eft1h. seacen, Au extra good Alpaca fu85e saine assalit anS va may net have a chance ho <iv. for 500e. aur cuctoresench a treet for seime A eplondid assertment et Paucy Drosas thua. aga.. <loeSs on hanS vbich vItbho oSereaSa elet Flanuelu et î0e a yard, cuoa u salit suci pricesasauto sallsty the nicet teubt- fouer (a gocet baugan.) fuiliaI Shsis ae genuiele cheap sale. Facîouy cottens ho hoc olSisgsu tian manu- Beaultul FigureS Do-esc Goode ton 20e a taeturai'e p rides. yard, conâidared extra goodi value for 25e. Steauolms 40 luches wiite, for 10c. - Extra Heavy Serges ab 27o cama as colS White andt ColoreS liai Spreas et a goest for 371c. reituction on former pudes. A v.ery nice' pciortmenl ot Home Spun Blankeha vii hoc olt lacs than. lie pries ot Twill: at 83c, regular prices50c a yard. tie Rav Wool et came weigt. Japanece Silice et 48c, voti 65c. Men's Driviug <loves anS Mine lun great Extra fine Il 70c, Il e. abondance, ut uemarkehly low pniea.' AUl are repectfally invitai tho examine the Mens Muilera trom 2&e up stock suitdhac ahiefieait iIhle above Meu's Cardigan Jackeîs, 81.23, $1.75, $2. tatemenlo are correct. Clati sud Pur Caps lacs this doat. A enoali lot et Chidren's Fancy Haniticr- A verynie.eassorment et Mens aîet sud chiel s at2c.Fuir Ha.edoozueitte the came tata. White Lsuwn Haudkeuciieiefs ut le each. Thorearsuetior linos toc, numarous tb men- Fancy Wool Clousîs et 121c oaci. tion. equslly as low as the aboya wbtch A Eeavy Uanion Tweed et 80e a yard, va have raureukown turing thie sala. Double FoiSdlack Whitney at 45c a yardl. An extra ieavy flonvur Overcokit et 1-19- Table Linons, 25e, 80c, 3c, aIl reitueed priea. Worthi-,;. Towals utISecoaci. Pas Jackets sut cosl. AUl Linen tlollar TowelUingat9e, voril 122'e. Unden Costgat cw~holesulso prices. Brown Hollande tram 10e upva.uis. PanhsanduitVesta s wil ba saltegs i e i Priiits fou 8e a yard, WorthIle. po-îee ef clti. -BOOTS AND SIHOES-The stock is large and well assoi-teit, eud will hoccaret ont et priées aufflciently low lu satisfy tho publie that I arn houn not to ho undersolit. GIROCEIRIÈS, GIROCElIJES, are just below par. The stock is completo lu every lino gonerully kept ini a grce s tore. Goots ail new and freui, anit prices as low as the lowest- 1:ýrFarers proittce teken in axehange Gooda. AIl Gootls noaniedin plein figures, uni t utietly One Pulue 1 Oshawa, Feb. 24th, 1875. JAMES SHEA, Late RAOOETT SZA AI TRACT STATEUE THE T ** ASURER'SACCOUNT I \IH E J CORPOR TION 0F PJCKE JNG, BLECEIPT!3. DISB IWEMENTS, To balance from 1878 ....... 8 86 By apprc oua ounroade Te balance of taxes, 1878. 1411 bro as ...... ......... 9 5794 18 To taxes, 1874........12665 5. By ro of indigent paroona 827 94 To tavern licences......... 455 00 y s o trustees rates,... 1575 10 To onnnic .......f.nd 424 60 n-reident uchool tex.. 12 84 To non-rasident landi ta-... 151 09 B ppropriation of munici. To receivad from Ontario pehilies fond ........... 402 00 To Bank ................. 1937 75 y onty rateu ........... 5o88 00: eo clool meuey from Co. By pa d Otario Bank ...2000 0 Tresunrer, ovorpuit ini Dy sa es..e................. 876 84 1871....... ...... .......4 10 Byel auf«i damages .... 84 25 To cash collectait, rants of By shue ille y 89 town hlnl............... 8 00 By mesure e, town haill... 12 50 To fines......... ............... 40 00 By priin advertising, endtAn %lullo ry, &c ..........1lo3 98 Ai By aundrieu..................... il 0 To balance............. ......16w0 4 l $17519 66 817519 66 Wu e y that the above is a correct stra:ct of the Recel s nd Disbursements of the Corporatio of Pieker- Mng e year 18 74. P THOMAS DUNN, AuPrs JAMES LOGIE, Auo. C ONFEDEIIATION LIFE ASSOCIAT ION Head Office--Temple Chambers, Fuciient-HEon. W. F. Howianli, C. B. Vice-Prciednt-Heu. Wmn. MeMaster, Pue- ient Canaian Bank Commerce. Acuary-J. B. Ciero-iman, M. A., Professer et Mehiematice, tUniver-sity Collage. Coibines Stock and Mutual Plans of Insurance. The rosutra <lues lusurance aI loveet cash suit the LATTZB, coucineait iihie formar, affords, hosiites Madanrate Bales, Safaly, Caretui Managoment, viti a napue- sentatian outhie Boarud, vhici by charter muet ho composeS ef Policy-H1olSarsaa Steekhiuars, anit a partieipation lu profils te Not Lass then 90 pa Cent. thereof. Perfect Secnoiity under ils lass Il. Pal. tries, lie vbole Raser,. balug oald hyTruc- tees,inVesteauinl Goientouitles.-- Tii. Beserva may ha uaed by Polie -holdaus as eecuity ton a lban, vothout vithdravlug 'dl o-iturbMnthei. lurance. Aulcase t -fýPolicy.holdersare ceoe bY Ibe Acoclenatoe-aving 250 et essaIs fou oaci 8100 cf liabîlily te hem.' AlPolicles, viethpr .Psrticipating au Non.Parficipstmng, are aceforfeifabla alter bye premiumu have hon paiit, * 1 A' HOME 'COMPANY. zZIiAU<aarf 1 niaut&Ote cot Me fia.Dominion. B. H. MATSON, INSPECTOR.- ISrAgaults vantainlu u ryea vodislo-ieh. ApplY te J. I. MACDONALD, V. P. anS Ganeral Manager. H. B. TAYLOR, AgonI, Whilby. . 5Sm F OR SALE 2,000 RBUSHELS TUENIPS, Apply le - Bur1ettls Cocoaine rrcvent-i l'e hmi o;a mFsstsgn. Burnett's Oocoaine Protn-5cs L4 , ieey Ouowtb. Burne-t-o'Is ocoaine Buret~sOocoal.ie 8Uifl~WSCocoaine g1.,dos italraetouy Haïr. Burrett's Gocoaine <,hul'ls Oritated Sesli,-Sicin. Burnett's Oocoaine Affars tittli tcist Lustre. Burneftts Oocoaine Slâ net an Alcobolie Wu. Burnett's Cocoalne 4, KfIls Iaudruff. Burnett's Oocoaine Givps Ntw Lite toe usRelu. Bir-nett1s Cocoaine 50 si 75 cents per BaIlle. MtRy DAVIS & 8019.& LAWAENOE W.ONTREAL., P. Q. Alients forDoaminion of Casais. JO6EPH BURNETT &W.e, SOTON OBaT. RAMSAY, L M. IDINBURGH, PHYTSIGIAN, guaexON -E ana Aocoueiheur, anS Coroner fer the Countiasof arboancui Sim-oe. Offie on Gomiwalar-Bt., ClE. - 7 L VNSTONE'S LIPS WOBX, Africa and Ite Explorera, aui au nod 1 0' 1 svingstoPd" tu1ui 5 st~,ue~ yle 01b. itn. 'ig luISN1tY HIGRT, In~ -I BKRIRETT NEW FANCY TOY 8 TOilE ~wi 1A.WLse, ,MILLINER -Beady-Made O1-Cothing McPersu'sioeiWhîtby, Feb. 15, 187b. yCheaPsf~ GOLDSMITI{S HALL. ixrsaou~~r SALBJ! Bein- abut 4o, leave early in the "Prn frEgand, (being ad-vised that the dbpuesîio4u cf track there liasloweued the prices ef goods *cônsider44Ably will now, sell out the balance of last year's importations - of English'Goods lit'a DISCOUNT 0F TEN PER- CENT.' Watoches . and Clocks, Very Lýow-. Ir Great iducements to Cash Custoincys! - JAMES JOH-NSTON, Practical Watc h-iaker. 1Just eeing eut, a large and 1 Geldsmiti'n Hall. WiIby, Fi. 1r5, 187i5. varied Stock of the Latest Novelties8fIl FA.NCY GOODS! CONSISTINO OF WELR Y, TOYAse &co, d&C05 a11 descriptions cf flrst- Lss Goeds tiuitable for tESENTS *AUl of -whiCl tliey ivill sell at tic lewest possible prices, for LW CASH ! gW' To save time and money, cail at Bauuett& Lockliart's Fanoy Store, Opposite thep Otuio Hotol, wHaITB Y. PHOTOGRAPHIS The .Photoguapli buoies carried on as uiiua4, and aul ouders executed çoi4theà short-ý, etJ tice. ---I 'VVHIT B Y COliDWCý Teb Di NOTICE TO TiH ues anSdlb.epblic lOcal aboya Oriat mi.erfroo term bf yesRu.RAYÉ ~er~x ee in lias ana oaieus.oatiaewafttn.e echnfafor- cale, and alose aetmeil freni Mr. Soent Euul',Claremennlu. - -De. 2oird, 18o4, f-1 3URNS STILI, ALIYBil A,D izLLixNG PHARMACY. BOOTS AND-SH OES CHEAPER TH4AN EIVERt BOSOM FRIENDS Pattison's Chest and Lung Protectors. I - i' T THE CL]) STAND, liitC3K-STI, WHITEY, ONT. Whuub>, Sept. 16, 1874. The. Lung Protector covers the Tlior IBLS »SEDI ai or Cliest, betli front and back ; it is made of-one pCe EIeoant lllustrat ed Catalogue,- of material passing oveî- tic Shoulders and fitting up close coraiau t? the nape ef the ncck, thus affording to the respiratoryEGH O RE-PLT, ougans the mest effectuai protection froin cold, and xecom)-msîiteuyedoupo iarcipo mending itself to tie ordinary perception of ail thoughtfful - 10 cents., persens. SEEDS, BULBS,&*c.,- FOR SALE BY J. H. GERRIE & CO. OheDmi= . CHASE BUOT]IER'S & - OWMAN, roronto, Cul. IA:DE EASY AN» HlAPPY, (su rlïL z. îsîh, 1874. 52c ~H AN DY' PACKAGE DYES 1-îsEANDsss They ai-e better tisanai allier kinits of Dye Stuif. TLousands cuasicij- 1 tify_,_afteu years of ciperieuce with them, that the Httuit Packiage Dyes i LEATH411 VALISES are fer superior 10 sony other Dyee put ùp foi doonostie nue. A Package.,! - costing but 15 cents. vil color much more gooda thon any 2ù-cent peck- age put up by others.: Givas theui a to-lanit you,%iii use lio other. Foi-r saXo ~ ~~ AS H . GERPtIE WC. IATATB K 'Whitby, Feb. 16, 1$7i5. 8 .,dct- WILLIAM T E 0M P 8 0-NS, Sivuer a"S HarftsaMaliex. WHE RE TO BU Y 1 nccuWHiTRrm.- roa24, 1874. Albumns! Mbîns! Albuîu8 A splendidl stock-, tia 1and good. jLUMJ]E1< L uMAJER ! Bibles ! Bibles! Bibles ! Famlv, PoCkei' and Rtefe-r- eoiee Bibles, e large asrtmeflt to elhooso'frono. School Books! Sehûol Books ! chorarii, Teuelîurs, Trustees, une and ail, know - wlere lo u oy loir Sehool books. Stationery! Stationeii! Note Paper, Dinvelopes, Fools- cap, Pans. Pendel, Inkis, every article in a stationier's Une,. et city»prices. Fancy Note Paper ! Faiwy Note Paper !-A beautiful as-- sortment end ail the laest styles, eliways -on hand. J. S. ROBERTSON, Bookeellar. Nawsdoaier, Stationor, and dealer in Fancy Geedu, &C'. (Bengotogh's Old Stand,) Brook Street, Whîtby. p. 8.-We pay special attention to the rdering cf nfs'- cellaneoue Books, Muic, &c., &c. OF OJrTERJS M. 0.'DO0NO0V AN'S Carnage. Factory, Brk-s, WITB Y. V]ERY CHEAP. CALL & SBE THEM.ý NEW JýEWeLtER'Y, $TORE*t REPA IR SHOPI ýThesubscriber-h.ixgremoved to, jind littedup the, pre- nisels formerly oectiÉded b n . Wmnvacoz;, meue.Music aund Iewellery Store, le pîfpmrd 0t' fnr"oeagood labis lins, lncludinq .v D5 Pianos, Orga.nsClocks, Watcles;an Jeeey AT PAIR PBICES AND ON EASY TEIIMS OF PÂYMENT. -Ti UPÂBING ~in, 2 1ita branchas douet, h'natnes addogpMh, d we goareaussa andaet prices le unit ic atimea.-If 'Wlh-of aaithng la my lino, don't forge t] bh. d, casrset ila, (aud if va en e;Voduclakào iooecban«e for.goda, e ie iaw Bo* t Wip tby, - Tusunerigedisnovinraeit f Ai Ukincit cf -Luarfor Carpentaer sud Hlouscbaild*ngt lwerices. Lumbr yrd serworshopm, Whicby OHRISTOP1{EIIJ0141'liOK. Wliitbv, Nor. -41b, 1874. tt-4.3 '"O501'f >Y-A ants want- a5e. Ailclases cf werlcing people. et aither s=x onng or ca, make Mor" moe at vori 15e r ns libeir aEZ m- moto Etme tiun e 7îugsI. ri ulsare.Post car atms ,coes butoua coul. Aditreus, 80 . Portlandt, Main. T. H. MrMILLAN, OFFICIAIL~ SINE Lue, Agent for tii. ROôYAL INSUBAI<CE CCMPAIY-, * V1OViCIÂt IRSIJIA CO. OPFIOE,-OnLt&io Loan and a,.a'a Gampeny's buildin& corner -Ring cnt Sie. 008 utrocts, Oshawa. Apnil 20M, 1874- 17 LIST OP-TUE DIVSION COURTS C0IUNTY 0F ONTARIO, PCB TEE TEAR 1875. -1 ~rec~'..jI l~ i TbOo-~i..~ i rï- I WlsitbyJin.hu A SPLENDID -STOCK G 40OE~jl~. ~ le1b, 151h, 874 - à à Air lý

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