Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1875, p. 4

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0't.m. 1MIx.d.,,.dm0p.sa àa to Putierboti' Lakued. 451Lx...5.5 P'in vth frosa Orifia to LUndma ut Port Hope. Mlp.n. Ar Pt Hope &ODPm atla fron Lakeftei& 180 a.-. Mi.8mSiOw z, Troy; havfig board tiat ef th. gu as v Om 7 ug, oock I* iilag U#10i asd heM as m«.'ý s.p Ma swua *bout.gqdg er Dat" lie noca 5'0415!d a r irs: 1ie-e have Oic! la iooldag to. -~ny t0 17 La Blle sè'treot, aur!n t of Siankeeeere, eupropdl u au.swseqe ~ ae~ino public soo&ppreeiàtlng Usepiturs àso & l Wgh fire, fL*as bugt in for tffty 4eAre s-uc Ràiùg miqte agart"' ealler! a Iroklin mother to her boy, Wh w u va foJh sIre-t. ",-. x o alLes--UsaI ogar ?" e(asvd Ue'yontfi in a 1îYansd imudent L1 o.:but&juil $bnblPpeuàdbto.aeejeislfler cous- in pbW1 dIitt'ndh adv.ry re- s4ghit tavey. Ai'smpout6uL decialou lies juil' bieu given fnA aNew York court aâffctiug tise lablityoci railway cumpaules for rob- betisolýMMiîttlodu tlsir tains. -'the judgmest slfrmu tise hiéli oy f -UI seuo eapauiîi for robietscmiitted un ysunugrl brtlhson tbtfr trains. 'flue "il moJge tissusmore cautions bow tIsey pertnit-k»»wn bisekieg4 tg travol ~and oprxti oves- blîi nis. 66Yon ouglis te remember," osiaîr niother tW,-eer dsappoluted -son, "etiut iveot art-hetiseoescf advenâty." , '"No donit," gsprnble41 the, bvy "but thoy'ri Ttilfisuai that a revolvlag vegetabie dieu il thse iateet & doitio ivention, snd a very oeouoww ol ue ._nil' st bu, for ne raatIer bow tile tho diah -con- Wae e9 alwayes-e te go ýround." In Pssoee tisey isl grpir sia littie dent froua i . rso cfef," vwich. eis corîalaly vesy poitici. But wheo you anIl& iit~ltl duselfreitihe rosa !of life", lu peur butter bthe poetry vauiheoAta once. !iow hareolus achance for tihe laifs %o tak. th. platissrm. .An Mlinois man. bas luit marnier! hlsstep-mother5 SiLX nsoutha after hie i aîiss'a dets - AXuanzoVptS.-Ayuog apprenticesLe the iuho.'-meking l-b ak is masterwhat aesswes- ieaboulai give La tise olL.sepe"td tjussiou,.. "Doem yensi master wkattbis shisa?,'"Anwar, Thomag,!'taai thse master, "hast -twar- ttoa't, 1111tSua0thaesssgsd fôtrno g À. wl4d w »t wpifq'bttUlîMlyaLthe loge ofbMjfebu dsda £rtud la ,ed4 te ousoblers~"eeo"usdee -let me havbame ry 'o«t ni ha ubat eailstlgmreaot1. 1"Whea us ecola! Wind> bic,', haIre ave olyour noue thatu IL dbisn'$ jgît fres., tsud wrap up pur tees lu Warin woolenhoue." 'Tboaâbpvee alPPese eau wafttea ln prse., yomje eue visa knows Lia e "q 9014 aire.- Thoe Io apbrsulogla % Whuoac eu WaUtLb iontens& of aàbu-nul by ex. sminun its hua uL. 1 mke ex. À ftnziffl iseoliecourt vas skeaitisé q'?,000094 aLlpr$-snd.so isod on tle iele."o5fli hnetly - r- go-d saop; atick i Lbstaige i.of e s14chinU-eime àts I. ts crsrto tpauemetl bn;s ietqpapodu. u, fisst heI on u ks, 1:pet iii b.MeJtis anaaur0ilta4la heorl, byplèelon dif lo ud ioctoean ÉrT h t &wlaIes pYeuW'me1 "Vieil tlrirtes d loc ut itlt9' tuteàegadwtbi«totise 'R mr lAughed sites- tise 4é o elsn.c ta ssp endaid4a ' iai ld he M1wii upC tITram TM V 'OP? PES 'lO BE TAKBN id nly, >-> - âmue d emmens, b. 0e or warmt 01 4. wbm rv.ecaatb. - poof&"cl.,dilligence.... 010 M socbard with cim,0 o *Aoh day n.ceaugly omploc ln ime or more cmeu, wb*il~e engagod more tLia four dours>e IlGO 7. Do. oto. wb.n, .ngaged moro Iban - fohur ..... . r...... 150 0. ÂtL4nding Asarnu~e or Sessioni, ereuh ... d-;... .....150 19. Ougp~vlug t0 attend A&. eueponsp:oilefbx4elu2tkces (wh npublIc couvevancÏie au b. taken, only roaaouable diobtre. mento to bo allowcd). O 10 10. mumningJur forCorners' Inqeitlncld gattending et h.qu2gt, QsUd .11 srrvicee in res- poî ioeo4f 'l.o ame day Il. Ütt lfn e e4' djiitoun amont thiereof. Ifetalengagea more than fi r brs ...... .. ....100 12. Do. do. if engagei1-nlore than four Dl Servlng enmoscs or mubpoena te aàttend before Coroner '(iubject NolO1.)................... 025 1.Mileage rnarving saie ........... 10 1F zhuining l.ody nter Coroucrea warrant .................... 2 00 14. fle.lmrying "mea........200O 17. Berçing dlstrc.ta warrant, sud re. turnmlg aiflo...............ri o 18. Advertleing under diâtrees miar- raut ................ ........i160 19. Travelling ta-inke distrefia, or to searci: furgondmto maIre iitreai, whiin ne o odeare found .. 10 20. Appralsetrint4, whethcr 1y mm or more, 2 conta in the doL, on the value of the goodu. 21. Catalogine made And Commiqsion, an eier f m oc,5 t.in the , o netpIljluc ofgootle. 22' Executlng mearcla warrant....150 28. « grrlng notice. on ennatableo, wben pronslly mcrvad,.... 060 Plnh byorder, M. J,. M.&CDONELL, Clark of the Peoce, C. 0. Whitby, Nov. 17 1874. in-47-, T" PATENT- SEWING MACHINE la positivcly the nezvsrst perfection yal attaxned by suy machine lu the world. XI le au ENTTRELY NEW INVENTION,- Having swept âasy ut once a great IùAny cof tbe difficulticis and anraoyaueea attendant on theue cf othar imacrhinaes. THE'%rE BS T ER la à marvol- of aimplicity, being con- otrncted vithoutt he Use of noisy Cram@, or ogef, sud rus sne light, Aud i» go eaa> to unLderstand, thât n'à lady how- ever twek or nervouo, or however Uni aoouatoxmed ah. ray b. te thée.-of machineF, cao fâil te'use it 'W1TH EAJE AND PLEASIRE. 'la.. ehuttie cf lte b£rzgra11fa8 eolistýtd that tise tension cof the u. der tý»iaretn ubeýebaogedîjuan instaut:, withfut unlhroading tho ahluttie;' TRE "WEBSTER" is thse cnly me. ébi mcleinuCanadathat exceade la frits ,'mst«W aiuser!, sLd construction bihs 0cfAlwerican manufacture while 'ucnadia machinae au approach il. 9~EÈ'Very " Webâter" le warrantud by tIýe manufacturers for i; yeare0. MISS McINTYRE,i AGENT, WHITBY, Where anac Éines eau be ûxuniiued. ed l thtie use of/the machine. Machines deliveraci te ay ddre,, AND EASY TERMS GIVEN FOR - cly 151h, 1874.2-m Er$GLISH'REMEDY 1 Cà>DR. n th. 19 uIt, frasascut wu 77 years f age. iin E8I' -Ç MEXUICIN8 ~q,~uto~toa ces- a oseuDisoens'., sncb se f r T oretmDeUilts-. I':o*lt tenetc., auu un nw aYCssetre rdcei by over 'lt e s' ls-g etoeremb,,ti Weekneo,,I"per- lb~~n ofiloediuseasesek * 50 rngxrumb- $Uep slnd sud a- sp à, pi visitish,eau aeare lint-can db7 s sutli~~l<>4 ~ -4à~atlg fspintise pals cf nature and oves- Dtl a>ba , neLMBe. FUII 0- -14 - IreCI, f17 teyeverf one. Spe-0oMUdicila solS bye&U Dsvg- dit fi Fa rbee, Jr. Whîby .... ......B ton iàOndro. .. J LIST 0F PEDLERS FOR THE CO. ONTARIO. EdwrdMoG... o.......1 ot....... arisa mue 18S. W, fcudouCoWhitby ..........do1 ltha a j. Marau,...Cenlagon On Poo, 3.nty. B211 M. Wl!. LýMIG, Co. Treaurer. W1~REROOIS ARE PREPARI1NG-t FOR THE TR~D~ES They are selliug goodls at greatly 6tREA TL'Y RED UGJH?-PRICES. -o---- MVillinery, Dress Mlaking and Tailoring to ordler, ou short noticge. GIVE YOIR SONS.A CHANCE! A PIRACTICAL EDUICÂTION TEE DÉM.&ND OP TEE ÂGE .1 We wish Lu plaue aàcoY 01 Our C LEzE .C IR C UL A R In the bauds cf avcry Young Man in* Canada, IL contates Two Valuable Lectures to Young Men By llobt. Wilkes, Esq, M.P., and Geo. Ruine, Esq., Man. Toronto Bank, Be-qidea cilUr euful Information pertaining to Practical Educcati&n. We. thse "sdersigoei. alter lia'ring axamined th. business forme adopted by thse British Aaeienn Cc.,nmercial ColIcge, ao a eynopais of the course.cf instruction, have pleasure' in stathli that we belie-rt it adndmrably-adaptedl to meet thse requcremente cf chose contem- plaing buGina-ss purbuits. and, jndging fioul what Ve know cf the-gentlemen connected . tu t4c Inutitution %a- ha-. L.n hesitation in censmrnding ilt t those auxious te secure the necesqarv basie for sthe highest ocIa.cecs-dmercial attaiaments: lion. Alex. Mackenzie, Premier cf 0ongd&,; Hou. Wm. MeMastor, Frauident Canadien Blankr cf Commuerce; lion. John Crawford,,l.iqut-Governor of Ontario; W. H. Rowland, Presidçnt Dominion Board cf Trai.; ]%Pu. J46s-impson, PresidentpuOnio Esuf; Ue Thoa. N. Gibbs, Oshawa; Wxis. Gooderban,, Esq., Prauident Bankr of,Toa'ntoe;à..Austin,; E sq., PreFident Dominié-n Bankr; Hon. J. ZU-rlar& Osmeron. Preuid@nt PÏnvincial lmaux- suce Ce.; lion. John MeMurrich, Fros, Dpmîusan uTelegraph Co.; P. Haidane, Esq., Gen. oral Manager WsenIerueCo.; Jçiao ?4eugha;4 B_"., Manager Isolated Bisk lueur.- suce Co.; HugIs Scott, Eaq., Gen. MangeQuqeen C$y ! r 'surance Co.; Dun, Wimau Co., Mercantile Ageuoy; -as.Yc &L1.c-s3;dam Oliver, M. P., IngeselU. Our friendsa ssong th e marchante are>eptel ýtcocnumerone te mention, sud va cun only refer orpatrgne-to thse îading :bu.ffa ejrn hcgotmaytv a iyl Ontario. For tormu,.Spsciiene oi,?omsumssbi, 9e, adraq- eeytmad iyi 4 DL!&TIROUT,' Toronto. "Peopeare. alwyy -sIng wheri Have theY, -trieda Woo' 4all's Old C, t rryGrôcear y 98teor e ?-fnt5do se at onice. ,ecan /OUfoun price* they désire,.frein25,centstl $1 50 per 1h. Teas and pure-Lqursaeôr ed ing articles. We have without ercception some of -the best Ol Jye and pure Malt, that -eau P.e bought. WTE DEFY COmgEL3LQ. XVe pay cash for ail Faimers' produce. White- Fish and Trout, at 'Toronto \Vliolesaglo ]?ices. Po.ultry of ail 4d.nds; also, Game of the season. Give us a eaUl. J. WOODALL, ORGA NS8 MEL ODPEON OIIGANS. THE.MIJDGE& YARWOOD- MFG CO., MA-NUFACTUR E TEE CELEBRÂTED AàEBICAN -OBGA.N i Spocini notice I. Ca iîlhfolloving Styles and prices: Stye I, j, WoluutCce, 1~0~nEelc~untCas, wtbCarngs, $160. S nl 5 in-Wtiiliij9c 11 *i -je*eut Case, with, Carviags, $170. $1e7,,in Resonant -Oee i_$1 alp ae. C - 4 C S 9,l inlaResonant Cesý, $19 ,0, i lbai 0e "mad of 31ck, Mrt Ussisel, kilh ne vMlv9or siigLock- b-rd - o'lenninl lith'd 6te -t di4" ALSO, finished. F0!_ One,, Month Longer! H Ic ol -BA;b3 .A R G1W S The~ ,Lairgest St-mk iTowni Farnitur e-!ý,Funtr! Now is -the time to buy good1 and cheap FurnýWt1i. HEavngn"g li uiibbsi slatly 'cari4ed. on by Jams . m, e tà-kethis opportuinity of inviting his miany friends to give lis a cail, and we can- assurfe ail that we,ýare, prepared ta do as weil by- them in -the. futuàre, M 1r. Samo bai doue lu tho past.ý TILL & JOHNSTON. Orders -ýby.,mail ,prmptly attended to. IJNDEIRTAMNX.G.-The only f-rst clasoa@Estnliinent in the Cointy whee funeiaIs are.fui.- ,y suppLiedi TILL & JOHNSTON. ,Wbitby, October laI, 1878. 40.1, CARRIACES &1-18 QW MESSIRS. .TOMS,& NEWPORT, Beg to inform the publie generaily, that theyhave openec- a New Caryjage Factory, ou JDuùdeeStret, TWO DOORS WEST of the POET, OFFICE., Where the are now prepared to, execute ail work in the Carriage -Makimrg, ué, on the, shorteet nôtice, and madle cf the best ma. teri, and flrst.class workmanship. ALL- WORK WAReRANTED. REPAIBING DOUE WITH NEÂTNESS AND, DESZATOIL- wWiýy. U2t, 4 1 874Ât. 5lIy JOHIlN S Tl:ON'S SE F~R~K4 ~RE A PEýr AWARDED THE FIRST PRZE -1 - At the Provincial Exhibiwi$uo'no n-80 Weioffer te cour customners- fer thei coming - IHarvest, two -dis- tincý Machines, which- in style sin4clonstructiiiw. embrace the latest.- nd .;most îîseful impr mnê~Gh- dmy. JOU TB- N$6fOW8' oI-3G. SFLF-RA IiGRAP The uieslsceso thia. Machine, both in closely contest- er! trials aidiathe -bandei of th. taiera, ,wairiant ug in eayisug that, ut a ScIf.Rak- ing Eepn acie t a ure gcod points: sd leps dalects.e. n.tI ls met witti more socs ~ uetle. is eeofe fred to tbe public. CAYUGA' JUNIOR, MOWER Wewere awardod the- First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcviu 'iai Exhibitioni held ies-Toronto, 1870.in cempitition-wiis,asljbe Ina4ding Mitchinea snannfsctored in théa Province ; and wlitb Our recent, improvementsvu Unlieitat- ingly clissleti» inveàigation and ceusparsroas withcomepaii, Macinsver astafid ssstuel inestigmtion -willccnvine every isnprejudacd miikd, -at vs-ý ofler>'tise bW l.to-theasb-in-5 builithe>î WDuniniçoess. eenýc for 4descipti"v! :talg:es. D-IY GQ0Ds AN*1GB -Ç IrkaJ C sjting of."-D -eéSs odi r A ch~cepf 81Jrtmnaë-tof Gandian--and- c eë 1r -qoedt, iM4d9ra_;ffiir e'Q-_,X_ G e n iê Ë .nis1i n g i&c.B E .-a ïs Y --0 <' a GUI N &<-S 0f allkid"' overý'exbibited in WhItbyl1 -china eetfri lOe > Cbina3fatto4-Oipas-auoers froin150. te $1.50 eah., E N FNDLESS ,VÂUIMTY . llANCY TOILET SETrS-,- FROM> 'Si TO 1S13tg,ÉàER- TT. Ladies,,a . .l h a v hving beenPurexaed eseyfrChrietniaa preseats, they ivll ho sold-cheapand withouit zrefaré. P1ee ci"-,à"an exalýminefer .Yessrseiývesbrife. purc1às-siagelehere; : I.~"Alson hzai a fil-essetmet eoice Tons, Family(rceis Fi-uitsý and Spices cf al lada, Eui às, Bacon, Lard, Butteér, ýAp)pleo, Pote-- teoes, &C. OYSTER$, bcst brand, -always on laand. SWlfltby, Dec; lSth, 1874. GIBSON & SPARVELL'S. BOOTS ANDHOS Splendid -Stock lfor, FaI Wite AÂT THIE BOOT AND SHOE sTORE Ê' J O'HN S AUN D.E RS,i ëý-Next door to Goldsmiths' Hall., BROOK STREET, WHITBY.: A large and superior'stock- ot well- ruae ade~, -ets, isses~ and Chlde ,s Boots and Shoes. The stock comprises the best work, and will- be- 'gound clieap and duràb1è-ý Satisfaction guaranted eus-, tomers wil1lind it te their interest to eaU and examnine theg,,oods and list of prices. IRepairs neatly and promàptly executed. Whitby, Sept. 1l5th, 1874..-3 TF IE OLD' ST, 4ND, eST AB L[.SH.-EDI&3. TILL., pRQelý'l-UÀTQI-. New -Parlor Sets,.- Naew]3d-ro'oiSets;.- New DiUng-romSes Andealarge stock of Cane and -Wooôdý seat Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, S ofas,Lo geBsea, (Jupboards. IFlair, Cloth, aud Daniaslç Longesi-Co~uhs &c., &c. A fine stock of New Gilt Window Comnices, cheaip., The largest and cheapest stock of Piétnres evýer brouùght in to-wn al-of wliioh he offers at prices tliat will-,notfaiI -te suit the times. 1 Thle und&rsigned wishes to state to his old custom- crs and tise public generally, that be is to be foundat the ,OL D STAND,". anad haqneither bcs-sght out, nor sold eut, sud is ins ne wey connectéd iÏwith asy Cher establishmenct in tewn. 1 Undertaking as iisual.-A Large Stock of Ready- madle Ceinls, constantly kept on hnnd, and irismcd te order te suit eus- tomers, on sihort notice. FuneraIs fully supplier! with cverytlung. Whitby, October 15, 1873.- WiIN TE R OL-OTI-i ,l ,N:G , --000-- JOEH'N FR-USON x Mrohant Tai/orî:, Draper, -, DUNDÂS STR ErgT, -WHIýThY. New. a for thé' Sel Lglish, sud - .m. RAT" OP PA8BA E-- RnmwI!!- REDUYCED. - L"er= .ratea fin- Quebec teLispL LVrond ýne 1hswUCbiifda- faeketm,-,Quebec te Livsrpool, lieaÙ "or Glasgev-$80. Prepsid passage etMý--- caes,-7ýverpclD. Glrt3asgw tieQxto.i Promviscn evry - Agent. Fromwho e-eryinformation may be_ obtated. Wltby, Sept. iDOs, 1874. 89t - THE BROWN if PATTERSON OF WEI2'B Y. capItita -$120,000Q - 2,400'SHAR-ES 0F $50 EACH. Tise aioeCmerl-scourse as!fer- ohtitasasafor the* i.rpnswe cd! nri-basit.g thse usaiEsîte, oiliaçm >ldat iesy, Plont,:- nesnltl~ Brva& Pettersen AgricWural Wormc. ljai tiM 51o- C5ibiiy. laue sse ntia re 8. 1, s-lia - nov sticribd f-5, C. wo-intes. c-isaingaddtesasl nscsnr sud siteni.- alslino lte nov Ccmpa>nv .tq* carry on (soir wSole Syupie ins. ua i -l .e is si. ru useS. feorîhe iuev Conspany, i ce o-ly 'need edl t atetisaI*,-in oeen -s-ves - usfiesu- oT*teionF-ff- o nes-y, iéF2-, le 3J' uea-iv 1873-Mes-srs. Brown, & Petierron isa-ei:eeu ensbled, bv profIte reelig.ed, te talrellie Iorg-a smnenut <istook so'sn atiuds lu-ing becut subseribed-b-rtisent inil te ne-e- Ccm- pst.Tise ps-erty l'ies 5'eeu ei n ier tise ~ ~ ~ ~ m oietosdspriis f lIsser.J. S. M -Wihlcox Rsud John Tiscsnîroý, IWeC o- thse ProvissàoalPoerd, et F 64,2f3.68-Tls eetabliis7nst> 'bas been in tise Peeeeaion cf tise nov Ccrtnpt.ny since 17th Februiery la.t -tse li-st dy of iti ognzto-ieyrs flits of the buineas coussueucins- trom Ï-hat Application iss beear nrde Ite eLegiela. torc for a Charter in.tise usel tenu, sud lise expiration ocftis e as-sttd by Statute (fl-c. sir six Weei) a s-éerai meéeting eft tia. Shmeeilders yuJl Se SelS, cn notice, for the ]Urpose cf elietins- s perm anent Board' o! sueéonad Officessof!tiseCmay l>i re iso to ck inthe undrtir. teg are meut regspectfufly mollaited. Tise value o! tisa tock as 0 pÏyinig dividendi. veti nt nay Se regardSs engSyn dcul i -vMS 5egt edvantoges te - lthe- Tcvo! àWiitbysud P&Ccuuty. Cf Ontario i-u. Beeniiz a u n la=e et of tiseiacorably kuo*u Works o!osea BI*c Psexo must et once cmensned tieseulves. --- -- Paitiem desiriugtdeuiscrî-be lot'stock ar- sequased te enclose naereorândumS!, per pots st anoarly day.at lngtsnmiu !alte N.W. BIROWN, B; J, YA1INOLD, Presideab. Whibby, 281h Febsrsssy, 1878. lObf ers lirea ascitot. dl well seli Tise. DOMINION SPRIlNýG 1 =M!ý

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